Contemporary Problems YSDN3102 Readings 2005

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  • 7/29/2019 Contemporary Problems YSDN3102 Readings 2005


    York University /Sheridan Institute - Honours Bachelor of Design Program

    FA/YSDN 3102 3.0 Contemporary Problems in Design Fall Term 2005

    FA/YSDN 3102 3.0 Contemporary Problems in Design Fall Term 2005 1

    This course requires that you dedicate time outside ofclass to read articles for each weeks classes.

    These citations can be used as starting points for your

    research papers and give a deeper understanding of the



    Sept. 14 Reproduction and Meaning

    Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. (London : BBC/Penguin

    Books.1983): 7-45.

    Walter Benjamin, Work of Art in the Age of

    Mechanical Reproduction in Guins, Raiford and

    Omayra Zaragoza Cruz. Popular Culture A Reader.

    (London, Sage Publications, 2005): 96-106

    Sept. 21 Human Centered Design

    Norman, Donald. The Design of Everyday Things. (New

    York : Basic Books (Perseus), 2002): 1-33.

    Margolin, Victor. The Politics of The Articial. The

    Politics of The Articial: Essays on Design and Design

    Studies. (Chicago : The University of Chicago Press,

    2002): 106-123.

    Sept. 28 Sustainability

    McDonough, William and Michael . Cradle to cradle :

    remaking the way we make things. (New York : North

    Point Press, 2002): 17-44.

    Papanek, Victor. The Green Imperative: Natural Design

    for the Real World. (New York : Thames and Hudson,

    1995): 49-74.

    Oct. 19 Natural Capitalism

    Karl Marx. Commodity Fetishism. In Capital, Vol. 1.

    Trans. Ben Fowkes. (New York: Vintage, 1977): 163


    David Smith, Phil Evans. Kapital for Beginners. (New

    York: Pantheon, 2001): 30 43.

    Nov. 2 Consumption Theory

    Baudrillard, Jean. Part 2: The Theory of Consumption

    The Social Logic of Consumption. The Consumer Society:

    Myths and Structures. (London : Sage Publications,1999):


    Foster, Hal. Design and Crime. (London : Verso, 2002):


    Nov. 9 The Ethics of Aesthetics

    Thomas McEvilley, What is at Stake in the Culture Wars?

    In Richard Roth and Susan King Roth, Beauty is Nowhere

    (Amsterdam: G+B Arts, 1998): 17 36.

    Dick Hebdige, The Bottom Line on Planet One: Squaring

    up to The Face. In Jessica Evans, Stuart Hall, eds., Visual

    Culture: The Reader. (London: Sage, 1999): 99 124.

    Nov. 16 Advertising and Branding

    Klein, Naomi. No logo: no space, no choice, no jobs: taking

    aim at the brand bullies. (Toronto : A.A. Knopf Canada,

    2000): 2-26.

    Baudrillard, Jean. The System of Objects. Trans. James

    Benedict. (London : Verso,1999): 164-178.

    Nov. 23 Objects of Desire: Shopping

    Leong, Sze Tsung. And then there was shopping In

    Chinua, Inaba, Koolhaas, Leong, eds., Harvard Design

    School Guide to Shopping. (Kln: Taschen, 2001): 129


    Chinua, Inaba, Koolhaas, Leong. Scope. In Harvard

    Design School Guide to Shopping. (Kln: Taschen, 2001):

    51 71.

    Nov. 30 The Economics of World Redesign

    Bruce Mau. Urban Economies. In Massive Change (NewYork: Phaidon, 2004): 30 45.

    Mark Kingwell et al. Reimagining the Waterfront. Toronto

    Life 36 no. 9 (June 2002): 81 101.

    David Reinfurt, I Was Thinking the Other Day about One

    Possible Scenario for a Collective Future. In Steven

    Heller and Vronique Vienne, Citizen Designer (New York:

    Allworth Press, 2003): 159 174.

    Readings and Bibliography

  • 7/29/2019 Contemporary Problems YSDN3102 Readings 2005


    York University /Sheridan Institute - Honours Bachelor of Design Program

    FA/YSDN 3102 3.0 Contemporary Problems in Design Fall Term 2005

    FA/YSDN 3102 3.0 Contemporary Problems in Design Fall Term 2005 2


    Alfred, Gerald J., Charles T. Brusaw & Walter E. Oliu.

    Handbook of Technical Writing. 6th Ed. (Boston and

    New York : Bedford/St. Martins, 2000).

    Barthes, Roland. The Semiotic Challenge. (University

    of Berkeley : California Press, 1994).

    Baudrillard, Jean. The Consumer Society: Myths and

    Structures. (London : Sage Publications. 1999).

    Berger, John. Ways of Seeing. (London : British

    Broadcasting Corporation and Penguin Books, [1990],


    Brown, Stuart, Diane Collinson and Robert Wilkinson.

    One Hundred Twentieth-Century Philosophers. (London

    : Routledge, 1998).

    Buchanan, Richard and Victor Margolin., ed. The Idea of

    Design. (Cambridge, MA. : MIT Press, 1996).

    Buchanan, Richard and Victor Margolin., ed.

    Discovering Design. (Chicago : The University of

    Chicago Press. 1995).

    Chung, Judy Chuihua, Jeffrey Inaba, Rem Koolhaas and

    Sze Tsung Leong eds. Project on the City 2: Harvard

    Design School Guide to Shopping. (Koln : Taschen,


    Collinson, Diane. Fifty Major Philosophers: A Reference

    Guide. (London : Routledge, 1987).

    Foster, Hal. Recodings. Art, Spectacle, Cultural

    Politics. (New York : The New Press, 1985).

    Foster, Hal. Design and Crime. (London : Verso, 2002).

    Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research

    Papers, 6th Edition. (New York : The Modern Language

    Association of America, 2003).

    Guins, Raiford and Omayra Zaragoza Cruz. Popular

    Culture A Reader. (London, Sage Publications, 2005).

    Hawken, Paul, Amory Lovins and L. Hunter Lovins,

    Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial

    Revolution. (Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1999).

    Hawken, Paul. The Ecology of Commerce: A

    Declaration of Sustainability. (New York : HarperBusiness

    Publishers, 1994).

    Horn, Robert E. Visual Language: Global

    Communication for the 21st Century. (Banbridge Island,

    Washington : MacroVU, Inc., 1998).

    Klein, Naomi. No logo: no space, no choice, no jobs: taking

    aim at the brand bullies. (Toronto : A.A. Knopf Canada,

    2000. 2-26).

    Knobil, Marcel. ed. Cool Brand Leaders: An Insight into

    Britains Coolest Brands 2002. (London : Superbrands,


    LeGates, Richard T and Frederic Stout. The City Reader.

    2nd. ed. (London : Routledge, 1996, 2000).

    Marx, Karl. Capital, Vol. 1. Trans. Ben Fowkes. (New York:

    Vintage, 1977): 163 165

    Margolin, Victor. The Politics of The Articial: Essays on

    Design and Design Studies. (Chicago : The University of

    Chicago Press. 2002).

    Margolin, Victor. ed. Design Discourse. (Chicago : The

    University of Chicago Press, 1989).

    MacCracken, Grant. Culture and Consumption: New

    Approaches to the Symbolic Character of Consumer

    Goods and Activities. (Bloomington : Indiana UniversityPress, 1988).

    McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics. (New York :

    Kitchen Sink Press (HarperPerennial), 1993).

    McDonough, William and Michael . Cradle to cradle :

    remaking the way we make things. (New York : North

    Point Press, 2002).

    McLuhan, Marshall, Media Hot and Cold, from

    Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, 1964

    McLuhan, Marshall and Eric, Laws of Media: The New

    Science, (Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1988).

    Messenger, William E. and Jan de Bruyn. The Canadian

    Writers Handbook. 2nd ed. (Scarborough, Ont. : Prentice-

    Hall, 1986).

  • 7/29/2019 Contemporary Problems YSDN3102 Readings 2005


    York University /Sheridan Institute - Honours Bachelor of Design Program

    FA/YSDN 3102 3.0 Contemporary Problems in Design Fall Term 2005

    FA/YSDN 3102 3.0 Contemporary Problems in Design Fall Term 2005 3

    Norman, Donald A.. The Psychology of Everyday

    Things. (New York : Basic Books, 1988).

    Papanek, Victor. The Green Imperative: Natural Design

    for the Real World. (New York : Thames and Hudson,


    Pye, David. The nature and aesthetics of design.

    London : Herbert Press, 1988, 1978.

    Richard Roth, Richard and Susan King Roth, Beauty is

    Nowhere. (Amsterdam, G+B Arts, 1998).

    Smith, David and Phil Evans. Kapital for Beginners.

    (New York: Pantheon, 2001): 30 43.

    Strunk, William Jr., E.B. White and Roger Angell. The

    Elements of Style, 4th ed. (Boston : Allyn and Bacon,


    Sturkin, Marita and Lisa Cartwright. Practices of

    Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture. Oxford :

    Oxford University Press, 2001.

    Underhill, Paco. Why We Buy: The Science of

    Shopping. (New York : Simon & Schuster, 1999).

    Vicente, Kim J. The human factor : revolutionizing the

    way people live with technology. (Toronto : A.A. Knopf

    Canada, 2003).


    Design Issues. Cambridge: MIT Press.

    Design Studies. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science.

    Eye Magazine. London : Quantum House.

    Frame. Amsterdam : Peter Huiberts.

    Metropolis. New York : Bellerophon Publications Inc.

    Print. Rockville, MD. : RC Publications.

    Visible Language. Cleveland : MIT Press.

    Print. Rockville, MD. : RC Publications.

    Visible Language. Cleveland : MIT Press.

  • 7/29/2019 Contemporary Problems YSDN3102 Readings 2005


    York University /Sheridan Institute - Honours Bachelor of Design Program

    FA/YSDN 3102 3.0 Contemporary Problems in Design Fall Term 2005

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