JANUAJRY J, 1901. Council Chamb.er,.. Monday, January 7, 1901. Regular session. Called to order by the clerk. In ab- sence of Pres. Seabolt. Aid. Coon was elected president pro tern. Roll call: Present—Aid. Hamilton, Koch. Rohde, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Jenney, Bliton, Fischer,—9. Absent— Aid. Richards, Schlenker, Kearns, Grose, Weeks—5. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. To the honorable Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen—I desire to announce the following appointment and respect- fully ask the confirmation of the same. For member of the board of public works, AVilliam H. Mclntyre. GOTTLOB LUICK, Mayor. By Aid. Brown: That Mr. Mclntyre be confirmed. Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Hamilton, Koch, Rohde, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Jenney, Bliton, Fischer—9. ' Nays—None. A petition of Mattie R. Newman for damages sustained on a defective side- walk, asking $10,000 damages, was read and referred to finance committee and city attorney. Enter Aid. Schlenker and Richards. FINANCE. Ann Arbor, Jan. 5, 1901. To the Common Council: Gentlemen—Your Committee on Fi- nance have had the following bills under consideration and would rec- ommend their allowance and that war- rants be drawn for the same. Respectfully submitted, F. M. HAMILTON, ARTHUR BROWN, EMMETT COON, Finance Committee. CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary . . .... ^^ .i.;_ $83 34 E. B. Norris, salary .,.,. 50 00 Oscar D. Luick, salary ; 8 34 J. E. Harlilns, salary 83 34 E. W. Groves, salary 100 00 M. E. Easterly, salary 20 00 Marvin Davenport, salary . ... 6 25 Mrs. C. A. Green, rent 29 17 B. L. Seyler, expense to De- troit on official business .... F. Stofflet &Son, supplies C. E. Godfrey, cartage Martin Haller, repairs Henry C. Wilmot, posting tax notices C. H. Kittridge, supplies .... Christian Brown, witness fees Willis Clark, witness fees .... Charles Esslinger, witness fees H. P. Danforth, services as Yellows Commissioner .... Martin Schaller, supplies . .. . Mich. Tel. Co., telephoning. .. , Lawrence & Butterfield, trials of Wetherbee & Corey cases Schumacher & Miller, medic. Michael Staebler, coal Seth Randall, bill of costs . .. . Nicholas Miller, removing ashes from basement A. A. Gas Co., gas used in city offices, tower and coun- cil room American House, dinner at election J. L. Skinner, binding assess- ment rolls Sheehan & Co., supplies Goodale & Co., supplies Sid W. Millard, printing . .. . Harris Ball, attending house during quarantine Louis Rohde, coal J. Q. A. Sessions, insurance.. Zion's Hall, rent F. A. Stivers, costs in alley in opening case Hansfreund und Post, printing Eberbach Pharmacy, soda ash Lawrence & Butterfield, costs in alley opening case 26 10 A. A. Electric Co., lighting, etc 627 30 Carl T. Storm, costs in alley opening case 26 10 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 1 1 14 2 275 1 36 25 25 00 75 20 00 70 10 10 10 00 00 35 00 10 75 00 1 50 45 63 13 00 3 2 1 00 80 35 14 00 13 16 45 28 27 10 50 38 00 50 20 80 1 02

CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ^^ .i.; $83 34 E

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Page 1: CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ^^ .i.; $83 34 E


Council Chamb.er,.. Monday, January 7, 1901.

Regular session. Called to order by the clerk. In ab­

sence of Pres. Seabolt. Aid. Coon was elected president pro

tern. Roll call: Present—Aid. Hamilton,

Koch. Rohde, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Jenney, Bliton, Fischer,—9.

Absent— Aid. Richards, Schlenker, Kearns, Grose, Weeks—5.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.


To the honorable Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor:

Gentlemen—I desire to announce the following appointment and respect­fully ask the confirmation of the same. For member of the board of public works, AVilliam H. Mclntyre.


By Aid. Brown: That Mr. Mclntyre be confirmed. Adopted as follows:

Yeas—Aid. Hamilton, Koch, Rohde, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Jenney, Bliton, Fischer—9. '

Nays—None. A petition of Mattie R. Newman for

damages sustained on a defective side­walk, asking $10,000 damages, was read and referred to finance committee and city attorney.

Enter Aid. Schlenker and Richards.

FINANCE. Ann Arbor, Jan. 5, 1901.

To the Common Council: Gentlemen—Your Committee on Fi­

nance have had the following bills under consideration and would rec­ommend their allowance and that war­rants be drawn for the same.

Respectfully submitted, F. M. HAMILTON, ARTHUR BROWN, EMMETT COON,

Finance Committee.

CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ....^^ . i . ;_ $83 34 E. B. Norris, salary . , . , . 50 00 Oscar D. Luick, salary ; 8 34 J. E. Harlilns, salary 83 34 E. W. Groves, salary 100 00 M. E. Easterly, salary 20 00 Marvin Davenport, salary. . . . 6 25 Mrs. C. A. Green, rent 29 17 B. L. Seyler, expense to De­

troit on official bus iness . . . . F. Stofflet &Son, supplies C. E. Godfrey, cartage Martin Haller, repairs Henry C. Wilmot, posting tax

notices C. H. Kittridge, supplies . . . . Christian Brown, witness fees Willis Clark, witness fees . . . . Charles Esslinger, witness fees H. P. Danforth, services as

Yellows Commissioner . . . . Martin Schaller, supplies. . . . Mich. Tel. Co., telephoning. .. , Lawrence & Butterfield, trials

of Wetherbee & Corey cases Schumacher & Miller, med ic . Michael Staebler, coal Seth Randall, bill of costs. . . . Nicholas Miller, removing

ashes from basement A. A. Gas Co., gas used in

city offices, tower and coun­cil room

American House, dinner at election

J. L. Skinner, binding assess­ment rolls

Sheehan & Co., supplies Goodale & Co., supplies Sid W. Millard, printing. . . . Harris Ball, attending house

during quarantine Louis Rohde, coal J. Q. A. Sessions, insurance.. Zion's Hall, rent F. A. Stivers, costs in alley in

opening case Hansfreund und Post, printing Eberbach Pharmacy, soda ash Lawrence & Butterfield, costs

in alley opening case 26 10 A. A. Electric Co., lighting, etc 627 30 Carl T. Storm, costs in alley

opening case 26 10

1 1 1 1

2 8 1 1 1

14 2

275 1 36 25

25 00 75 20

00 70 10 10 10

00 00 35

00 10 75 00

1 50

45 63

13 00

3 2 1

00 80 35

14 00

13 16 45 28

27 10

50 38 00 50

20 80

1 02

Page 2: CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ^^ .i.; $83 34 E

> ^ C O U N C I L P R O C E E D I N G S ,

Oscar D. Luick, clerk hire for 189& and 1900 155 00

A. A. P r in t i ng Co., p r in t ing . . 36 75 Fred C. Weinberg, labor, e t c . . 52 50 W a s h t e n a w Evening Times,

pr int ing 141 27 Abbot t Voting Machine Co.,

first paymen t on vot macli ine 1000 00 Kar l E. Gauss , binding t ax re­

ceipts A. A. Argus , pr in t ing F . & M. Bank, int. on accts.


7 95 81

2 79

• -̂ $3054 09 S T R E E T F U N D .

D. J. Ross, sa lary $66 67 C. M. Thompson, s idewalks on

corners 14 73 B a r n a r d Mast , t a r w a l k s . . . . 160 97 Bailey & Edmunds , supplies

and repairs 8 69 A. A. Stone Co., labor and sup­

plies 78 62 Harvey & Lane, supplies and

labor 9 19 Louis Rohde, supplies 87 51 A. A. Cas Co., 2 loads of cin­

ders 40 George W. Seybold, supplies

and repairs 19 80 W. J. Randal l & Co., work

done on 14th s t 50 40

John McHugh Godlieb Mau lba tch . . . Godlieb M a u l b a t c h . . . Godlieb M a u l b a t c h . . . Pe t e r Hanson Pe te r Hanson Pe te r Hanson Pe te r Hanson Fred Luebke Fred Luebke Fred Luebke George Ziefle George Ziefle John J a h n k John J a l m k Mathew Leoppold . . MatheAV Leopold Charles J anowsk i . . Char les J anowsk i . . Char les J a n o w s k i . . Charles J anowsk i . . Godfried Gokenbaeh

Gokenbach Gokenbaeh Gokenbach Gokenbach

> • • - . , - , 1 , - . . •

F. & M. Bank, accounts as­signed a s follows:

F red J. B ie rman . . $5 50 Fred J . Bierman 23 20 Ti tus Hutze l 24 00 E d w a r d Eberbach . . 48 70 John Koch 3 90 L. D. Grose 4 05 John V. Sheehan 8 25 B. A. Saddler 6 00 E d w a r d Barne t t e . . 90 John Ff is terer 12 30 John Robinson . . . . 3 90 John Ki t t le 8 10 John Ki t t le 9 30 John Ki t t le 5 40 Thomas H a n n o n . . . . 1 35 Thomas Hanon 3 15 Thomas Hannon . . . . 4 35 John McHugh 2 70

$496 98

Godfried Godfried Godfried Godfried Christ La rmee . . . Christ La rmee . . . Chris t La rmee . . . Chris t La rmee . . . Chris t La rmee . . . Michael Wil l iams Michael Wil l iams Michael Wil l iams

Michael Wil l iams Michael Wil l iams W m . Kre t low . . . Christ Bonnine . , Michael H e a r y . , Michael H e a r y . . . Ba rna rd Mas t . . . Ba rna rd Mas t . . . B a r n a r d Mast . . . Michael Hession . Michael Hession . Michael Hess ion . Chester D u n n . . . Chester Dunn . . . George Schibly . J a m e s Mason . . . J a m e s Mason • . . J a m e s Mason . . . J a m e s Mason . . , J a m e s Mason . . .

I W m . Fle tcher . .

4 80 8 40 7 80-1 95 1 35 7 80 8 10 2 55 7 80 8 10 3 45 2 70 2 40 2 70 2 33 2 70 2 40 1 35 7 50 8 10 4 80 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10

1 65 3 00 7 50 2 70 4 00 5 00 14 00 1 35 7 80 8 10 14 25 3 90 6 90 6 75 13 50 13 50 13 50 11 ?5 8 m V"

Page 3: CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ^^ .i.; $83 34 E

Wm. Fle tcher 6 13 Edward Hill 4 65 E d w a r d Hill 1 05 E d w a r d Hill 6 45 John Slater 12 00 John Slater 5 10 John Slater 4 SO George Stoll 6 00 George Stoll 10 00 W. H. Richmond 19 50 W. H. Richmond 15 50 W. H. Richmond . . . 29 25 W. H. Richmond 1 25 W. H. Richmond. . 6 05

J A N U A R Y 7, 1901 . ^ ^ r ^

P O L I C E FUND. W m . Gerstner, sa lary $75 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Geo. Isbel, sa lary 50 00 John O'Mara, sa lary 50 00 John Armbrus ter , salary 50 00 W m . Gerstner , s tat ionery , 78 F. Ferguson, special pol ice . , 1 00 W m . Covert, special police. . . , 4 00 Fred Norris, special police. . . . . ,3 00 Mich. Tel. Co., t e lephoning . . 1 60

$670 59

Total $1167 57

F I R E D E P A R T M E N T F U N D .

Fred Sipley, sa lary C. A. E d w a r d s , sa lary Henry McLaren, sa lary Max Whit l inger , sa lary Albert Wes t Eugene Will iams, sa la ry . . . . H e r m a n Kirn, salary Samuel McLaren, sa la ry . . . . Charles Andrews, sa la ry . . . . Charles Carroll, sa lary Ed. Hill, sa lary Geo. Hoelzle, salary Ralph Edwards , sa lary Fred Nordman, salary Carl Schneirle, salary Mrs, Ream, wash ing John Heinzmann, b ran and oil

cal^e meal F red Sipley, freight and ex­

press charges Schumacher & Miller, med . . Walker & Co., pa int ing and

repair ing . Gu t t a Pe rcha and Rubber

Mfg. Co., rubber coats P a t Gibney, hay Louis Rohde, coal Anton Teufel, supplies and

repairs Goodale & Co., supplies Geo. W. Seybold, shoeing and

repair ing A. A. Gas Co., gas used and supplies

$60 00 55 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 25 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 6 00

10 85

82 3 10

$285 38 POOR FUND.

Fred Sipley, sa lary $10 00 J a m e s Boyle, groceries 3 00 John Goetz & Son 9 18 John Goetz, jr., groceries. . . . • 6 91 Gl. Hoeffer, groceries 2 00 A. Kearney, groceries 4 50 A. G. Koch, groceries 5 57 W. F . Lodholz, groceries. . . . 6 80 Geo. Miller, shoes 1 50 Parsons & Co., g r o c e r i e s . . . . 5 86 Louis Rohde, coal 5 50 H e n r y Richards , coal 3 25 Caspar Rinsey, groceries . . . . 5 35 Rinsey & Seabolt, groceries. . 7 00 M. Seabolt, groceries 80 George Spathelf, meat 1 00 Bruno St. James , clothing. . . . 3 63 C. Vogel. mea t 65 John Wahr , shoes 2 00 George Weeks, coal 16 25 L. C. Weinmann , meat 1 38 C. Zeurn. mea t 73 A. Ryan, wood 96 09


24 42 17






00 35 55

50 91




$198 95 W A T E R F U N D .

A. A. W a t e r Co., wa te r used dur ing the last six months . .$3339 47

DOG L I C E N S E F U N D . E m m e t t McMahon, burying

one cat $ 50

G E N E R A L S E W E R F U N D . Schneider Bros., sewer a t J .

H. Nickels $8 00

R E C A P I T U L A T I O N .

Contingent fund u*. $3054 09 Street F u n d 1167 5Y Fire Depar tment F u n d 950 24

Page 4: CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ^^ .i.; $83 34 E


Police Fund 285 38 Poor Fund .-̂ ^̂ -*:'.. . 198 95 Water Fund . . . . . . . . ;....u.; 3339 47 Dog License Fund ,,,,»,. ,ft:*̂ U'>.> ̂ -^'^ ' 50 General Sewer Fund '.,>j,r̂ ... "L'..:. ' 8 00

$9004 20 Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Hamilton, Richards,

Koch, Sehlenker, Rohde, Vandawar-ker, Brown, Coon, Jenney, Bliton, Fischer—11.

Nays—None. Aid. Brown presented by title an or­

dinance for an electric R. R. in favor of Thomas Muir and Patrick M. Kinsella.

By Aid. Bliton: Resolved, That the chairman of the

Street Committee and City Engineer confer with M. C. R. R.| relative to grades caused by the construction of their new bridge, etc.—Carried.

By Aid. Brown: Resolved, That the Michigan Tele­

phone Co. be requested to remove the State telephones now in use by the city and replace same with Bell 'phones, provided that the Michigan Telephone Co. will allow the city 10 'phones free of cost, and the balance of the 'phones used by the city for one-half of the regular rates charged by said company in the city.

Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid. Hamilton, Richards,

Rohde, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Jenney, Bliton, Fischer—9.

Nays—Aid. Koch and Sehlenker—2. By Aid. Brown: Resolved, That a committee of five,

including aldermen, the mayor and city engineer, be appointed to report on the advisability of building a city building.

Mayor, engineer, Brown, Hamilton, Koch, Bliton and Jenney.—Caried.

By Aid. Hamilton: Resolved, That the City Physician

and Health Officer be directed to vac­cinate all poor people when called upon, and charge same to city at the rate of 25c per vaccination.

Adopted as follows: Yeas—Aid Hamilton, Richards, Koch,

Sehlenker, Rohde, Vandawarker, Brown, Coon, Jenney, Bliton. Fis(j,h^ —11. •'";•; \_ .,.'.\ [̂'i'\r

Nays—None. "'.!'' ' / ' - ' '


TREASURER'S REPORT for month ending Dec. 31, 1900.


$61 00

9 39

33210 11

9031 24

120 00

Disb. Fire Fund—

Goodale & Co., for team horses . . School Dis. No. 15

Tax collected dur­ing Dec, 1900 . . School Dis. No. 1-

Tax collected dur­ing Dec, 1900 . . Uncollected City

T a x -Tax collected dur­

ing Dec, 1900 . . Contingent Fund-

Rohde, L., for rent of city lot to Jan

1901 Washtenaw Co.

Treasure r -Tax collected dur­

ing Dec.'OO, state County

Bridge, Culvert & Crosswlk fnd . . .

Contingent fund . . City Cemeterm fnd, Dog License fund. . Fire Fund Poor fund Police fund Street fund Water fund Main Sewer appro.

bonds retired. . . . Int. paid

Total $62329 47 $9108 06 Total amt. on

hand last rept 7924 72 Bal. on hand . . 61146 13

14779 29 5118 44

$385 66 2272 71

4 50 1600 12 183 30 552 40 1206 37

3 00

2000 00 900 00

Totals $70254 19 $70254 19

Page 5: CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ^^ .i.; $83 34 E

J A N U A R Y 7, 1 9 0 1 . ^ 7

. C O N D I T I O N O F CITY F U N D S . On H a n d . Ovdrwn.

Bridge, Culver t & Crosswlk fund. .$10870 15

Contingent fund. . $0402 66 (Mty Cemetery fnd. 224 29 Dog License fnd. 343 75 State Dog T a x fnd 516 25 Delinquent T a x . . 2270 76 Fire fund $3494 24 Poor fund 1437 48

401 38

9 39

Police fund . . . . Street fund School Dis. No. 1 . . 33210 11 School Dis. No. 15 Uncol City T a x f. Wate r fund . . . . Excess of rolls . . Uncoil. Sidewk t ax Reject. T a x uncol. St opening fund

Oath. St.) State & Co. t a x . . Tax acct. Pav ing

Dis. No. 1 Tax acct. Pav ing

Dis. No. 1 Tax acct. Pav ing

Dis. No. 1 1250 00

8973 26

4920 57 748 557

29 1

1122 19897



64 10 61 26

00 73



Totals $83713 38 $22567 25 Bal. on hand 61146 13

Totals $83713 38 $83713 38


From Ann Arbor U. R. Co. for deed of right-of Avay for s e w e r -

Tax. Acct. Latera l Sewer No. 1. . . .

Tax acct. La te ra l Sewer No. 5. . . .

Tax acct. Latera l Sewer No. 6 . . . .

Tax acct. Latera l Sewer No. 7. . , .

Main Server Fund

F U N D . Reepts . Diftb.

$1 00

228 29

419 30

72 07

. T o t a l s : . . ' ! ' . . . . $720 75 ; 'Bal . overdraft . . 14589 44 pTot>, ,amt. over­

draf t las t report

$179 30

$179 30

$15130 83

39 90

J59 80

\ 4 .' $27 28

729 59

Totals $15310 19 $15310 19

C O N D I T I O N O F S E W E R F U N D . Dr. Cr.

Main Sewer fnd. .$19452 44 Lab. Acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 1 . . . . Tax acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 1 Lab. Acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 2. . . . Tax acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 2 Lab. Acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 3 . . . . Tax acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 3 Lab. Acct. La te ra l

Sewer 4 Tax acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 4, . . . Lab. Acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 5 . . . . Tax acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 5. . . . Lab . Acct. La te ra l

Server No. 6 . . Tax acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 0. . . . Lab. Acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 7. . . . Tax acct. La te ra l

Sewer No. 7. . . . Del inquent S. Tax Lab. Acct. Latera l

Sewer No. 8.. . . . Tax acct. Latera l ...T^^ s T-

Sewer No. 8 290 04

5805 82

836 21

1375 24

5210 09

947 20





264 .181





68 48

8 96

Totals $27678 37 $13088 93 Overdraf t . ;,. -p. 14589 44

Totals $27078 37 $27678 37

• '

Tax Acct. Dis. No.

Tax Acct. Dis. No.

Tax Acct. Dis. No.

Labor Act Dis. No.

Labor Act Dis. No.


Pav ing 1 Pav ing 2 P a v i n g 3 . Pav ing ._

0 tt •

P a v i n g 4

F U N D . Reepts

. - i •

$419 58

356 24

315 08 ,

f4i'y\ t^z '• •

il'il:.u.^:i JJi i-

Disb. ; • '

hxA ?a -ir^F'^^j^

K'! f l UiyB

H- f^iisa:^

j'K ,)'i»'>•.-<'•: 1 '

$613 35

162 12

Totals $1091 50 $775 47

Page 6: CONTINGENT FUND. E. L. Seyler, salary. . ^^ .i.; $83 34 E

ii CouNci i - P R O C E E D I N G S .

Tot. amt . over- - ' • ' ' ' : " -draf t las t report 27231 9G Bal. overdraf t . ..$2G915 93

i>/ . — _ _

^ Totals $28007 43 $28007 43

C O N D I T I O N O F P A V I N G F U N D . Dr.

Labor Act. P a v i n g Dist. No. 1 ^ I. . ' -

Tax Acct. P a v i n g Dist. No. 1 $4808 14

Labor Act. P a v i n g • • Dist. No. 2

Tax Acct. Pav ing * Dist. No. 2 1332 81

Labor Act. P a v i n g Dist. No. 3 •• ' '

Tax Acct. Pav ing Dist . No. 3

Labor Act. Pav ing Dist. No. 4 26264 31


$2162 14

897 55

518 65

1910 99

Totals $32405 26 $5489 33 Overdraf t 26915 93

Totals $32405 26 $32405 26 Respectfully submit ted,


Ann Arbor, Mich., J an . 2, 1901. This certifies t h a t Oscar D. Luick,

Treasu re r of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich., has on deposit in the F a r m e r s & Mechanics ' Bank, the sum of nine­teen thousand eight hundred fifty one and 86-100 dollars.

Signed, "' '" :•' • F A R M E R S & MECHANICS '

BANK. By F . H . B E L S E R , Cashier.

The City Marshal ' s report received and ordered filed.

Jud ge Duffy's report received and or­dered filed.

Judge Doty 's report received and or­dered filed. '

N. Garl inghouse 's report of Fa i r View Cemetery received and filed.

Judge John L. Duffy tendered his resignation as jus t ice of t he peace for the City of Ann Arbor, which w a s ac­cepted.

Cisty Clerk 's I'eport received and ordered filed.

On motion the Council adourned. JAS. E. H A R K I N S , Clerk.

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