Contracting for Service

Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

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Page 1: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

Contracting for Service

Page 2: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations


Background on Carleton University

Cleaning Services

Campus Bookstore

Capital Program/Project Management

Facility Operations and Maintenance

Page 3: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

Carleton University

• Founded in 1942 and is situated on 62hectares of land

• A total of 3,700,006 gross square feet ofbuilding space

• There is 5 km of underground tunnels that link34 buildings

• Total student population is 22,533• Total faculty and staff is 3,402

Page 4: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

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Page 5: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

Organization Chart

M a na g erC o n s truc tio n S e rv ices

M a na g erS p a ce A d m in istra tion

M a na g erT e ch n ica l S e rv ices

M a na g erA d m in istra tive S e rv ices

P ro jec t M a n ag e m e ntC o n tra c ted

M a na g erM a in te n a nce S erv ices

D a rryl B o yceD ire c to r, D e p t. o f P h ys ica l P la n t

Page 6: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

Organization Chart - Maintenance Services

P ro pe rty M a na g e m e ntO ffice r

S u p erv iso rA rch ite c tu ra l a n d G rou n ds

S u p erv iso rC u s to d ia l a n d A n c illa ry

S u p erv iso rE le c trica l a nd

M e cha n ica l

M a na g erM a in te n a nce S erv ices

Page 7: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

Custodial Services:

• 12 in-house custodians clean residencesduring the day shift Monday – Friday

• The cleaning of the academic, research,administrative, and athletics buildings isoutsourced to Sodexho:

70 cleaners and 10 lead hands 1 night and 1 day supervisor 1 day manager and 1 Unit Director

Page 8: Contracting for Service. OUTLINE Background on Carleton University Cleaning Services Campus Bookstore Capital Program/Project Management Facility Operations

Custodial Services - Schedule:

• Cleaning takes place on three different shifts as per theschedule outlined below:

Night (Sunday to Thursday 10:30 – 7:00 a.m.) Day (Monday to Friday 7:00 – 3:30 p.m. Evening (Monday to Friday 3:30 – 10:30 p.m.)

• The majority of cleaning takes place on the night shift

• Some areas are also cleaned on weekends and/or onstatutory holidays

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Carleton University monitors customer satisfactionin a number of ways:

• The Office of the Vice-President (Financeand Adminstration has sent out an annualSatisfaction Survey to all faculty and staff

• In conjunction with Sodexho, the Departmentof Physical Plant also sends out an annualCustodial Services Survey to all faculty andstaff, the survey is distributed by thecleaners

• The Director of Physical Plant meets witheach Faculty and Department on an annualbasis

Customer Satisfaction:

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Quality Control:

• Quality is monitored by informal inspectionsperformed by the Custodial Supervisor who walksaround the campus on a regular basis and reportsdeficiencies to Sodexho

• Sodexho performs quality control by informal dailyinspections conducted by the Unit Director andthe Manager. This is a constant process not donein conjunction with the Custodial Supervisor

• Formal Rounds are arranged ahead of time withthe District Manager and do not typically includethe client. The goal is to schedule these on amonthly basis

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Area being cleaned by Sodexho and FTE

Type of Building GSF (grosssquare feet)*

Total CustodianFTEs*

Total for Research Bldgs 720,789 22

Total foracademic/administrativeBldgs (incl.Sports/entertainmentfacilities)

1,690,528 51

Totals 2,411,317 73

Totals for Classroom Area 123,402 4.5Totals for Office Area 385,362 14Totals for Lab Area 297,843 11

Totals 806,607 29.5

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COST OF CLEANING SERVICE:In House Custodial Costs:

Rate of pay $16.00

Benefits @ 22% 3.62

Lost time @ 20% 3.82

TOTAL $23.64 per hour

Contracted Cleaning:Total cost per FTE $13.72 per hour

Cost of Contractor Cleaning:$ .72 per gross square ft.

$ .89 per net square ft.

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Cleaning Services


• With contracted staff paid at the lower end of the

pay scale you can experience high turnover

• The quality of the staff at the front line can be

lower than in-house

• Need good contract administration and

ownership of the problems

• Operating with a mix of in-house and contractor

staff in some areas can lead to finger pointing

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Cleaning Services Continued


• Large budget savings

• Work generally not affected by short length

absences of staff

• Brings current best practice to the campus on an

ongoing basis

• Large organization to draw on during a special


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Bookstore - BackgroundMay 1998

• The Bookstore, which included a separate ComputerStore, had just reported a loss for the third year in arow.

• Total losses to date were $1.3m on annual sales ofless than $8.5M

• Another $500K in inventory write-offs were notincluded in the above losses

• We employed 2 Managers and two AssistantManagers as well as 16 full-time staff.

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Bookstore - Concerns

• Margins on Textbooks varied from 20-28%.

• Coursepack copyright clearance was not always

completed correctly.

• Textbook ordering was a concern as books were not

always on the shelves at the start of each term.

• The store was in need of renovation

• Student line-ups were up to 45 minutes.

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Bookstore - Outsourcing

• In August 1998 an RFP was issued for themanagement of the Bookstore

• Three responses were received.

• A contractor was selected and the management ofthe Bookstore was transferred in November 1998.

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Bookstore - ResultsWhat happened next……..

• The 4 management positions were replaced by onecontract management person.

• Over the next year seven unionized employees weredeclared redundant, promoted or resigned.

• The staff has been reduced to 12 FTE Carletonemployees, an assistant manager and a Manager.

• The main store was renovated. A year later theComputer Store was renovated. The contractor paidfor both renovations.

• Textbook margins were standardized

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Bookstore - Results Continued• A commission cheque is now received each quarter.

• The accumulated deficit was paid off in 6 years

• Customer service improved greatly.

• Sales have increased each year.

• An Advisory Committee meets 3-4 times per year toprovide feedback on performance.

• The store is managed by a professional company thatacts as a guest.

• A Win-Win result.

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Project Management Staffing & Costs

In-house staff:

• We have one manager, 3 co-ordinators and one CAD operator

• Standard charge for project management on ancillary or major projects is 10% with design and 4% with contracted design.

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Project Management Staffing & Costs

Contracted Project Management:

• We are supported by a senior Project Director (the company president) 2 - 4 on site staff and company office of 15.

• The first major set of projects totaling 68 million was completed for a cost of 1% of total budget.

• The value of the project implemented through this concept has grown to 150 million with an average fee of 1.3%.

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Value of Projects in MillionsAnnual Volume Major Project

1998/99 6 0

1999/00 10 3

2000/01 25 19

2001/02 56 50

2002/03 51 41

2003/04 20 12

2004/05 44 36

2005/06 40 – 50 35

Total 267 196

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• In-house trades – plumbers, electricians, sheet metal,controls, steam fitters, carpenters, maintenancemechanics

• Engaged Consultant to work with Carleton to prepareRFP documents

• 2001 – contracted Facility Maintenance Services for 2buildings – Leeds Residence (new 400 bedresidence) and Nesbitt (rehabilitated research facility– offices, labs)

• 4 new buildings have been added to portfolio over thepast 3 years – Azrieli Theatre and Classroombuildings (theatres, classrooms, offices), NWRC(research facility – offices & labs) & Prescott (400 bedresidence)

Background of Maintenance & Operations:

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Contracts FM – comprehensive mechanical, electrical,

preventative mainetnance & service

Custodial – scheduled cleaning in offices,classrooms, theatres, labs, residences (publicareas)

Excluded work (HV electrical, HP steam,Building Automation, locksmith, elevators,annual fire equipment inspection)

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Facility Sq. Ft. 2004/05 Cost $/Sq. Ft.

Leeds House 169,135 $ 91,582 0.54

Nesbitt 68,033 $120,965 1.78

Azrieli Theatre

& Pavilion 87,296 $161,706 1.85

NWRC 60,000 $173,588 2.89

Prescott 135,000 $ 67,183 0.50

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Cost of Maintenance ServicesIn-House Operation:

Average trades rate of pay $23.00Benefits @ 22% 6.06Average lost time @ 20% 5.81TOTAL cost without overhead 34.87 per/hr.

Contracted Maintenance and Operation:

Contract Value/number of FTE’s $49.30 per/hr.

This service includes overhead, emergency response,etc.

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Maintenance & Operations ServiceProblems

• On site trade availability is limited which can increase

response time

• In-house trades staff have resisted the operation of

the contracted facilities

• Establishing responsibility for building services versus

main campus systems

• Perception that contractor will cut corners

• Need a responsible university person to manage the


• Need a detail specification to cover scope of work.

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Maintenance & Operation Services


• Contractor has more depth of trades available both internal and through sub-contractors

• At times our in-house trades are not available and the contractor can be used to respond to urgent off hours service requests

• A responding trade will do small amounts of related/non trade work such as clean-up.

• Provides on site benchmarking for Maintenance Services