Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning

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  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning



    Convert PowerPointTraining to Effectivee-Learning through

    Authoring Guide

    Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.


  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 1Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.

    Co m p a n y Co n f i d e nt i a l 1

    Conver t to Ef fec t ive e -Lea r n ing th r ough Au t ho r i ng


    Mar ia Legge t t


    Wh y U se P ow e r Po i n t f o re Le a r n i n g D e v el o p m e n t ?



    Sof tw are too l t ha t a lmost eve ryone has

    Easy to use; shor t learn in g curve

    Work s wel l in speci f ic business environm ents andcond i t ions

    Shor te r deve lopment t imes

    Many companies a lready have content in som e kind ofPowerPoint presentat ion

    Nov ice ID and SMEs can he lp in convers ion w i th thelatest PowerPoint to e-Learn ing tools.

    W hy Use Pow erPo in t?

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 2Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    Wh y doesn t Pow e rPo in t w o rkw e l l w h e n c on v e r t e d t o

    e -Learn ing?



    Too mu ch tex t on the s l ide l i t t l e in te rac t ion eReading!

    Format t ing doesn t w ork fo r e -Learn ing





    Di f fe ren t layou ts w i th in PowerPo in t p resen ta t ion noconsistency!

    Possib le Reason s


    PowerPo in t i s an easy and conven ien t too l f o r l i ve p resen ta t ions . I t w as NOT in tended to be a too l fo r bu i ld ing cou rses.

    Bot tom L ine

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 3Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    The Good, the Bad, & the UGLY

    The Good, the Bad & the UGLY


    Exam ple 1


    Exam ple 2

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 4Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    Exam ple 3


    Exam ple 4


    Exam ple 5

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 5Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    Exam ple 6


    What shou ld be s tandard ized in o rde r toexped i te deve lopment and c rea te

    e f fec t i ve t ra in in g?



    Prov ide w r i t ing and ins t r uc t iona l gu idance fo r you rsub jec t ma t te r exper ts .

    Helps establ ish standards in w r i t in g sty le andgramm ar espec ia l ly key when mu l t ip le SMEs areinvo lved in a deve lopment p ro jec t .

    Usefu l f o r lea rn ing and deve lopment g roup to ma in ta instandards and consistency.

    Dem o 1 : Au th o r i ng Gu ide

    Handout: AGC08-811-Leggett-A.doc

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 6Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    Engage your pa r t i c ipan ts inc lude act i v i t ies andint eract ions at least every 4 to 5 s l ides.

    Use scenar ios or stor ies to evoke emot ion wi th yourpa r t i c ipan ts and he lp them re la te the con ten t t o the i row n exper iences.

    I n t e r a c t i v i t y


    Establ ish set font , co lors, and layout for th ep resen ta t ion .

    Can be used to gu ide SMEs w i th the ins t r uc t iona ldes ign o f the i r con ten t .

    Place prompts in the presentat ion for object ives, step-by-step examples, scenar ios/ stor ies and quest ions.

    Demo 2 : Pow erPo in t DesignTempla te

    Handout: AGC08-811-Leggett-B.ppt


    Click the Paint Bucket > Choose Fil l Effects

    Color Grad ient Set t in gs

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 7Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    Turn o f f t he snap to op t ionunder Gr id and Guides o n t h eD r a w m e nu .

    Use the TAB key to cycleth rough the ob jec ts on thesl ide to se lect the desiredob jec t .

    Al ign Graph ics on th e Sl ide


    Use the Order m e n u o n t h eDraw menu to move i t ems tothe f r on t o r back .

    Use the Al ign or D ist r ibutemenu to a l ign ob jec ts .

    T I P !Click one i tem and ho ld the SHIFTkey and to se lec t o thero b je c ts to a l i g n m u l t i p le o b je c ts .

    O rder i ng O b jec t s


    Demo 3 : Des ign Guide

    Prov ide ins t r uc t ions fo r SMEs fo r us ing th e PowerPoin ttemp la te .

    Guide is a take-aw ay and reference document forSMEs and o the r use rs .

    Handout: AGC08-811-Leggett-C.doc

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 8Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    Demo 4 : Photoshop Graph icTempla te

    Provide a consistent look and feel for graphics.

    Quickly create graphics and bui ld a graphics l ibraryusing layers in Photoshop.

    Reuse graphics for other pr o jects.

    Handout: AGC08-811-Leggett-D.psd


    Avoid cl ipar t

    Use good stock phot os

    www.pho tos .com

    www. is tockpho tos .com

    www.corb is . com

    www. jup i te r

    Avo id sensory ove r load w i th too m any g raph ics,an ima t ions o r t r ans i t ions.



    Dem o 5 : Aud io Gu ide

    He lp SMEs and o the r vo ice ove r t a len t use e f fect i vetechniques for record ing audio.

    Use audio scr ip ts.

    Sl ide tex t shou ld r e in fo r ce the aud io na r ra t ion no trepea t i t .

    Handout: AGC08-811-Leggett-E.doc

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning


    April 14-17, 2008Orlando, FL

    Page 9Session 811 Conver t Pow erPo in t T ra in ing t o E f fect i ve e -Learn ingth r o u g h Au th o r i n g Gu i d e Mar ia Legget t , Te x t r on I n c.


    Demo 6 : W rap- Up Check l i s t

    Conf i rm that SMEs have used proper steps to develop,des ign con ten t .

    Ver i f y tha t i t em s haven t been m issed o r sk ipped.

    Provide sign-of f by t he SME for th e cont ent .

    Handout: AGC08-811-Leggett-F.doc


    Mar ia Legget t

    m legge t t@tex t r on .com

    Co n t a ct I n f o r m a t i o n

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning



    Au t ho r i ng Gu ide

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning



    Table o f Cont ent s

    Introduction ....................................................................................................3Writing Style ...................................................................................................3

    Abbreviations................................................................................................3Acronyms.....................................................................................................3Apostrophe...................................................................................................4Capitalization................................................................................................4Colon...........................................................................................................5Grammar/Usage............................................................................................6Lowercase Words ..........................................................................................7Terminology .................................................................................................7Use of Numbers ............................................................................................8Bold Text......................................................................................................8Italic Text.....................................................................................................8Punctuation ..................................................................................................8

    Commas....................................................................................................9Apostrophes...............................................................................................9Bulleted Lists .............................................................................................9Objectives .................................................................................................9

    Spelling......................................................................................................10Online Resources.........................................................................................11

    Instructional Strategies...................................................................................12Writing Learning Objectives ..........................................................................12MEASURABLE ACTION VERBS .......................................................................13KNOWLEDGE ..............................................................................................13


    Stimulate Recall ..........................................................................................14Maximizing Understanding and Retention .......................................................14Ways to Make Learning Visual.......................................................................14Building Interest in the Training ....................................................................14Writing Strategies........................................................................................15

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning



    I n t r o d u c t i o n

    This guide covers both writing and instructional strategies for developing yourcontent.

    In writing text for presentations, it is important to keep it short. Avoid excessivetext by using short sentences and keeping content relative to the topic. This willhelp keep your students interest throughout the course.

    To ensure that the writing helps instead of hinders students, practice the KI SSformula. Keep I t Simple and Straightforward.

    Designing a successful online course is more than a simple conversion of materials toa Web-ready format. It requires a set of structures, technique, and methods that willensure a smooth process of development and delivery. This guide will provide youwith effective instructional methods to utilize in both in constructing your coursecontent.

    Wr i t i ng Sty le Keep it simple. Avoid run-on sentences. When your sentence starts to get

    long and confusing, consider creating a new sentence.

    Avoid dense paragraphs. Use bulleted lists, charts, tables, and illustrationswhere appropriate.

    Use the present tense it keeps things shorter. Address the user. Use personal pronouns for example, you.

    Abbrev i a t i ons An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word.

    Generally, avoid abbreviations in technical writing. Define an abbreviation in its first use. Do not abbreviate the names of states unless used with zip codes in


    Write out Latin abbreviations in text. Refer to the following table:I ns tead o f Use

    e.g. For example

    i.e. That is

    A c r o n y m s An acronym consists of the initial letters of a name or a series of words.

    In using acronyms, define the full word the first time used, followed by theacronym in parenthesis. After initial introduction of the full definition, the

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    acronym can be used instead.

    Example : Textron Six Sigma (TSS). Once introduced, the acronym may beused alone. Capitalize the first letter of each word used in an acronym.

    Note : For Textron Six Sigma modules, each module is considered a stand-

    alone unit of training. Therefore, terminology should be introduced in the fullword (acronym) standard for every module.

    Using the articles a or an before an acronym depends on its pronunciation.If the initial sound is a vowel sound, use an; if a consonant sound, use a.

    Do no t use apostrophes to indicate plurals with acronyms. Do no t use periods in acronyms.

    Example : PCs not PCs or P.C.s

    A p o s t r o p h e

    Use an apostrophe to indicate possession.

    Although an apostrophe is also used to indicate a contraction (for example,dont), avoid using contractions in formal writing.

    I t s is only used to indicate a contraction of it is. I t s is the proper wayto indicate possession.

    Capi ta l i za t ion Use capitalization consistently and in accordance with your intended meaning.Capitalizing a word can often change the meaning of the word especially in technicalwriting where capitalizing a word can denote a specific system feature orfunctionality.

    Use all caps only for acronyms.Example : GRIS, GDS

    Cap i ta l i ze the f i r s t l e t te r o f th e fo l l ow ing :

    The first word in a sentence Each principle word in a title or heading Screen/field names Names of job aids, study guides, references Bulleted list items The words Building, Room, Figure, Tableor similar words when used with a


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    Proper nouns, such as names of people, places and things Trade names and manufacturers names Each word in an official job department or organizational unit name

    Names of nationalities and languages Points of the compass when referring to a region Each word in official job titles and functional titles if used immediately before

    a persons name. E.g. Textron Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lewis B.Campbell

    No te : Short articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are not principal words intitles and should be lowercase.

    after as for into or under

    among at from of over with

    an but if on than

    and by in onto the

    Capitalize the first letter of longer prepositions, such as between, during andwithout.

    ColonUse a colon to indicate a series in a sentence. Place a single space after the colonand before the beginning of a series.

    Example : The Six Sigma DMAIC methodology consists of five phases: Define,Measure, Analyze, Improve and control.

    Use a colon at the end of a complete introductory sentence preceding a list. Becareful to avoid placing a colon after a verb.

    Avo id : The Six Sigma DMAIC methodology includes: Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

    Do not use a colon to separate a preposition and its object or a verb and its object asseen in the incorrect example above.

    Correct : The Six Sigma DMAIC methodology includes the following: Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

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    Gr a m m a r / U sa g e When you have two independent clauses (i.e., two subjects and two verbs) considerthese two options.

    Separate them by a coordinating conjunction.Example :

    Learners may choose to take lessons in any order, or they can mixthem up.

    Create two sentences.Example : Learners may choose to take lessons in order. They can also mixthem up.

    Use present tense where possible. Avoid future tense.

    Do: When you click the icon, the window displays.Avo id : When you click the icon, the window will display.

    Do: We use Global Data Standards.

    Avo id : We will use Global Data Standards.

    Use active verbs (e.g., "request") instead of passive verbs (e.g., "are requested").

    Use the "who does it" test. If the user doesn't do it (implied "you"), then saywho does.

    Do: BPCS validates the item number and enters the item description.Avo id : The item number is validated and the description is entered.

    Make sure a possessive pronoun or subject agrees with its antecedent.

    Do: The user (sing.) reads his/her (sing.) email.Do: Users (plural) read their (plural) email.Avo id : The user (sing.) reads their (plural) email.

    Dont confuse its (possessive pronoun) and its (contraction for it is).

    Example : It's a shame that the chick fell out of its nest.

    Use parallel structure, especially in bulleted lists.

    Example :

    This lesson teaches you about: Using icons Displaying lists Entering dataAvo id :This lesson teaches you about: Icon usage Displaying lists Data entry

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    Low ercase Wor ds Use lowercase for the following:

    Unofficial job titles in text Incomplete or unofficial names of documents or forms Generic system or hardware names in technical writing Chemical element namesExamples: word processing program; I saw the president.

    Term i no l ogy Be consistent in the use of terminology.

    Avoid jargon and slang whenever possible. When special terms orabbreviations are used, identify their meaning at first usage.

    Always use Textron University. Do not abbreviate Textron University as TU,TXTU or Textron U.

    Avoid hyphenating words like online, and pulldown when used asadjectives.

    Examples: online tutorial, pulldown menu

    NOTE: Textron does not have a standard for e-learning but this spelling is themost common.

    Watch for these confusing abbreviations: "e.g.," ("for example") and "i.e.,"("in other words").

    Example : In case of a hurricane, clear the decks (i.e., go to your room).When the weather is agreeable, there are activities for everyone (e.g.,swimming, bowling, shuffle board).

    Use the following terminology related to the training:Use appropriate media references: (e.g., CBT, Instructor-ledOnline Help, WBT)

    Use nouns for lesson and module titles.Example : Value Stream Mapping or Process Maps

    Refer to the audience in a general context as students (not learners).When referring to the readers, use y ou .

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    Use o f Num bers Write out numbers as words in the text when numbers are less than 10.

    Example : Two hunters stayed in the forest while the other 10 crossed thesavanna.

    Hyphenate numbers above 10 if you need to spell them out. Do not use commas toseparate words that are part of one number.

    Example : Forty-seven, eight-one, ninety-nineExample : Two thousand three hundred four-six (i.e. 2,346)

    Always spell out a number if it begins a sentence.

    Example : Thirty-three people ate dinner.

    Bo ld Tex t Use bold face type for:

    Headings for topics Headings for tables Headings (captions) on graphics Any important item that needs to be emphasized

    Avoid overusing bold type. If you use bold too frequently, the phrases in bold willcompete with one another for the students attention. Theyll end up payingattention to nothing.

    I t a l i c Tex t Only use italic in these instances:

    To indicate the titles of published works, such as books, albums, TV showsand movies.

    NOTE: Use quotation marks for periodical articles or reference materials.

    To indicate words from other languages that have not been incorporated intoEnglish

    NOTE: Bold is better than italic to catch the readers attention. Research has shownthat italic type is actually harder to read than regular type. The text may become

    lost on the page.

    Punc t ua t i on Apply the following standards in your use of punctuation.

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    Com m as

    Use commas to separate items in a series. A comma should not be used before theconjunction and/or, unless additional conjunctions are needed.

    Example : We love turnips, endive and tomatoes.Example : We love turnips and tomatoes, apples and pears, and cheddarand Swiss cheeses.

    Use a comma before the conjunction in a series of phrases.

    Example : We went to the mall to buy shoes, to the grocery to pick upsteaks, and to the dry cleaner to pick up my suit.

    Commas can be used before prepositions (e.g. but, then and so), but shouldnot appear after these words.

    Example : Then they rode through the palace gates, but that didnt savethem from the bandits.

    A pos t rophes

    Use an apostrophe to indicate possession.

    Use just an s to indicate plurals of abbreviations. Do not use s.Example : User IDs not User ID's.

    Use just an s to indicate years. Example: the 1970s, not 1970s.DO: music of the 60sDONT: music of the 60s

    Bul le ted L is t s

    Use a bulleted list for a non-sequential list of items. (Use a numbered list for a listthat follows a definite sequence.) Use the following standards when creating bulletedlists.

    At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Create a spaghetti diagram Explain the purpose of the fishbone

    Use punctuation at the end of a bulleted item, only when it is a complete sentence.

    Use parallel sentence structure.

    Avoid using commas or the words "or" or "and" at the end of bulleted items.

    Objec t i ves

    Use parallel wording for objectives Use no more than five objectives (if possible shorter is better)

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    Spel l ing

    Advise, advice Advice (n.) - counsel, guidanceAdvise (v.) - to offer advice

    Example : I advise you to follow thesestandards. Her advice was strictlyfollowed.

    Af fec t , e f fec t Affect (v.) - to influence, to changeEffect (v.) - to bring about, accomplishEffect (n.) - a result

    Example : The young hoped his pleawould affect his teacher enough to effecta better grade on his report card, whichcould have a lasting effect on his abilityto get into college.

    Co mp l e me n t , co mp l i m e n t Complement (n. or v.) denotescompleteness or the process ofsupplementing somethingCompliment (n. or v.) denotes praise

    Example : The woman received manycompliments on her hat, whichcomplemented her dress.

    A l th o u g h , w h i l e While implies time. Only use the wordwhen you mean to imply a timesequence. Otherwise, use although.

    Example : While students are workingon their projects, they also should meetwith their Black Belt Mentor.

    Easy and o ther va lue w ords Avoid describing topics as simple, easy,or clear. Although these words maysound like they will pacify nervousreaders, some readers may find thetopics or activities difficult or unclear.Readers, who find something to bedifficult, after being told it should beeasy, are discouraged.

    I t s , it s Only use the apostrophe for thecontraction of it is. For the possessiveform of its, do not use an apostrophe.

    She, he, th ey To avoid sounding sexist, use the thirdperson plural use they instead of he orshe.

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    User Use students instead of users.

    Since, because Since implies time. Only use the wordwhen you mean to imply a timesequence. Otherwise, use because.

    Which , tha t That introduces information directly-related to the subject to complete asentence or thought. Which introducesan additional thought or additionalinformation that is not essential to thereader or the focus of the sentence.

    Example :The book, which is known asthe Six Sigma Bible, is a great resource.

    W eb Capitalize the W.

    W e b s i t e Web site should be written as twoseparate words with the S in site beinglowercase.

    The Net Capitalize T and N - synonymous with theInternet.

    se tup , se t up One word if a noun, two words if used asverb.

    h a rd d r i ve Spelled as two words

    Onl i ne Resour ces

    Onl ine Ci ta t ion Machine in information and it will properly format your citation in either MLA or APA.

    Chicago Manu al o f Sty le

    Associa te Press Sty le Reference

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    I ns t r uc t i ona l St ra teg ies

    Wr i t i ng Learn i ng Ob j ec t i ves

    Objectives have two distinguishable elements:

    1 . Cond i t i on : Under what conditions do you want the learner to be able to doit? At the end of this lesson you will be able to

    The first element of the sentence clearly describes the circumstance under

    which the task will be performed.

    2 . Act ion : What should the learner be able to do? compile lists of 20 types of tools

    The second element is where you want to focus because it tells the student

    what skills, knowledge, actions, and/or attitudes they will learn. You should

    always begin with an action verb that is as specific and observable as


    When you start developing your objectives, you will have the tendency to use

    verbs such as understand or learn. These are vague ve rbs and you should

    never use them in your objectives. Instead, use act ion ve rbs that are

    measurable and specific. They will help an objective be stated clearly enough that

    two different instructors would be able to assess students using the same criteriaand get the same results. Refer to the chart below for appropriate action verbs

    when writing your objectives.

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    These verbs referto learninginformation (facts,definitions,concepts, etc.) anddevelopingthinking andlearning abilities.

    recognize analyze describe plan label apply evaluate

    categorize calculate interpret name explain list predict




    These verbs referto performing anactivity andcarrying outactions. Theyclearly describe theaction you wantyour learners toperform.

    measure perform develop construct apply use

    arrange demonstrate illustrate practice solve locate




    This objectiverefers to thelearning of newattitudes or beliefs.

    agree avoid support

    participate cooperate praise




    Separates wholeinto parts untilrelationshipsamong elements isclear.

    classify differentiate experiment distinguish

    analyze calculate compare contrast relate


    relate appraise test translate interpret

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning



    St im u la t e Reca ll Before presenting new information to students, attempt to associate the materialwith prior knowledge that the students might have on the topic. It's easier forlearners to encode and store information in long-term memory when there are linksto personal experience and knowledge. Moreover, by identifying similarities anddifferences between existing knowledge and the knowledge to be-learned, studentsmore quickly grasp relevant information.

    A simple way to stimulate recall is to:

    Build upon an understanding of previously introduced concepts Use a lot of examples Use analogies or stories about your personal experiences

    M ax i m i z i ng Unde rs t and i ng and Re t en t i on Headl ines. Reduce the major points in the training material to key words

    that act as verbal subheadings, bullet points, or memory aids.

    Exam ples and ana log ies . Provide real-life illustrations of the ideas in thelecture and, if possible, create a comparison between your material and theknowledge and experience that the students already have.

    Visua l backu p . Use charts, brief handouts, and demonstrations that enablestudents to see as well as hear what you are saying.

    Way s to Make Learn in g V isua l Diagrams, charts, maps, or pictures Stories Demonstration Examples or real work or events

    B u il d i n g I n t e r e s t i n t h e Tr a i n in g Lead-o f f s to ry o r i n te res t ing v i sua l . Provide a relevant anecdote, story,

    cartoon, quotation, or graphic that captures the audiences attention.

    I n i t i a l ca se p ro b le m. Present a problem around which the training will bestructured.

    I l l u m i n a t i n g a c t i v i t i es . Throughout the presentation, intersperse briefactivities that illuminate the points you are making.

    Stu d e n t r e v i e w . Review the contents of the material periodically through thetraining such as giving students a self-scoring review test.

    Test q uest ion . Ask a question so students will begin to think about the topicand will be motivated to listen.

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    Wr i t i ng St r a t eg i es

    1. Aud ienceMake sure that your content focuses on and addresses the appropriate

    audience. To be effective, text must be written with the audience in mind

    and language must address the appropriate audience.

    2. Object i ve When you write the content for each topic, you should a l wa ys make sure

    that the content reflects and is clearly related to the specific objective.

    You should consider including only information that will enable the

    students to accomplish the objective.

    3 . Leng th Always present the content in small chunks. It is much easier for

    students to incrementally complete content that is divided into small

    chunks. Additionally, write short sentences with simple wording that get

    to the point.

    4 . Var ie tyProvide a variety of formats keeps the students interested, helps clarify

    the presented material, and is the best predictor for students success.

  • 8/2/2019 Convert PowerPoint to Effective eLearning



    Pow erPo in t Design Tem p la t e

    The Design Guide consists of a PowerPoint template file called AGC08-811-Legge t t -B .pp t

    This template has been designed to quickly begin creating presentationmaterials for courses in PowerPoint using the company colorscheme and graphic templates.

    Template DesignThe AGC08-811-Legget t -B.ppt contains the course template slides. ThisPowerPoint presentation provides the structure and graphics for building instructionalpresentation course materials. Use the slides and graphics as needed and delete therest. Replace the text and graphic placeholders with your content.

    ColorsThe colors in the PPT template are the company primary colors as well as secondarycomplementary colors.

    Secondary Colors Primary Colors

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    Gradient Fill Options

    To add depth to an object, use the gradientsettings. Select the Pa in t Bucke t on theD r a w i n g toolbar and choose Fi l l Effects.

    FontsThe font family for thepresentation is Verdana.

    Title: Size 32 boldSubtitle: Size 24 boldBullet 1: Size 22 boldSub-Bullet 1: Size 20 boldSub-Bullet 2: Size 18 bold

    Template OrganizationThe slides in the template are grouped by function. The first set of slides is theinstructional design templates that should be used for every course. For graphicsand visuals, the table and chart section has examples of different charts and tablesthat can be used to visually display information. When highlighting specific detailsor concepts, the information box templates can be used to create call out importantinformation.

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    Instructional Design TemplatesCour se T i t le

    The course title slide identifies thecourse.

    Replace the title placeholder withthe official name of the course.

    The course subtitle placeholder isused to elaborate on the title.The subtitle should not be morethan 3 lines.

    Course Object ives

    The course objectives slide tellslearners in detail what will becovered during this course andwhat they will learn.

    Objectives should be written asSMART objectives beginning withaction verbs.


    By the end of this course you will

    be able to:

    Descr ibe the differentbusiness units in order toexplain their impact to theEnterprise

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    Top ic t i t l e

    If the course covers severaltopics, the title slide can be usedto mark the start of a section withthe topic title.

    Keep the topic title short and usea subtitle if need to elaborate onthe title.

    Note : If the actual content of thetopic is only a few slides, a topictitle slide may not be necessary.


    Use the quote slide to include any

    quote that relate to the coursematerial. Include the speakerand date if available.

    Quotes are a great way togenerate discussion around thetopic.

    Quest ion and Answ er S l ides

    Questions are another way togenerate discussion and getstudents thinking about a topic orconcept. The answer slide can bedisplayed after the question slideor be available in the Appendix soas not to easily give away theanswer.

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    Check l i s t Tem p la te

    Use this template when you have

    a list of items to cover. Each itemcomes in one at a time with theanimation scheme and can be setto timed sequence or mouseadvance.

    Too l / Co n cep t I n t r o d u c t i o n

    This introduction slide is used togive a high-level overview of aparticular tool or concept that isimportant to the topic and issomething students mustremember.

    Use the important box to highlightparticular information about thetool or concept.

    Include a relevant graphic tovisually show learners what thetool/concept looks like. The visualis further detailed out in theTool/Concept Overview slide.

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    Too l / Concep t Overv iew

    The tool overview slide is used inconjunction with the toolintroduction slide to visuallydemonstrate steps or features of

    the tool/concept.

    Provide a graphic of thetool/concept with a drop-shadowbackground and use the blueinformation boxes and arrows topoint and specific features.

    Use the light blue box with blueborder to highlight an area.

    Use the blue text box to providedetail information and the arrow

    to point out the specific area.

    Animation details are provided onthe slide template.Scen a r i o / Exa m p l e

    This slide is used to detail ascenario or example. This slidecomplements the tool/conceptintroduction and overview slidesas an on-the-job example of atool or concept to illustrate its


    Include relevant graphics tovisualize the scenario/example.

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    Step Tem p la te 1

    This template is used to outlinesteps for a tool, process, orconcept. This is a high-leveloverview of the steps. In-depth

    detail of each step is to beprovided in the individual stepslides.

    Step Tem p la te 2

    This step template is for stepsummaries that are shorter inlength.

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    Ac t i v it y Tem p l a te

    This template slide is for classactivities. Specify instructionsand time allotted for the activity.If there are additional files

    required, specify those in the bluebox at the bottom. Delete thisbox if no additional files arerequired.

    Tips and Lessons Learn ed

    Use this slide to summarize any

    tips, lesson learned or pitfallsrelating to the course topic.

    Sum m ary Sl ide

    Summarize the module objectivesagain to recap the course materialand review.

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    Use the resource slide to providelearners with additionalinformation to continue learningabout the course topic.

    Additional items to consider forresources: Job-aids Discussion forums Blogs Knowledge bases WebinarsTo insert hyperlinks to Web sites:

    1.Select the text you want as alink.

    2.Select I n s e r t > Hyper l i nk 3.Enter the Web address in

    field. (Be sure to include thecomplete address startingwith http://)

    4.Click OK.

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    1 0

    Graphic TemplatesThe following templates are graphic templates to visually present information.

    Tables and Graph s

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    1 1

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    1 2

    I n f o r m a t i o n B ox e s

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    1 3

    A r row s and L ines

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    1 4

    I n f o rm a t i on Flow

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    1 5

    AnimationsSeveral slides and graphic have animations with them. These animations are set toeither a timed sequenced or can be advanced with the mouse. In order to keep theconsistency within the template and not to overwhelm people with many animationschemes, keep the animation styles to a minimum. Within this presentation, theanimation styles are:

    Dissolve Fade in Faded zoom Boxed in Wipe CircleTypically text and information boxes use the dissolve animation style. Forinformation call-out boxes and arrows, the boxed in and wipe styles are used. Whenpointing out a specific area within a graphic such as a section of a survey, use thefaded zoom.

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    Aud io Record ing Best Prac t i ces

    Audio Scr ip t1. Write a slide-by-slide script for the presentation. You have to deliver audio

    that is polished and engaging in order to keep the attention of the audience. 2. Practice the script aloud.3. Have someone listen to the recorded presentation or read the script aloud to

    a colleague and have them provide feedback.

    Presen t ing L ists o r Chun ks o f I n fo r m at ion1. When possible, announce what you are going to talk about before you talk

    about it. For example, Now lets take a closer look at the manufacturingindustry.

    2. When possible, if about to list a number of items, announce first. Forexample, There are three basic tools. They are: x, y, and z.

    3. If you are going to detail a list, first name them (see above). Then in nextsentence, go into more detail.

    4. Pause before each bullet, when listing things.5. Begin a list by saying how many items is part of the list. When you get to the

    last one, it is helpful to say and the final item... For example, theaccounting equation consists of three variables. The first variable is assets.The second variable is the liabilities. The final of the three variables in theaccounting equation is stockholders equity.

    6. Try to keep lists to five items or less.Trans i t i ons and Sum m ar ies

    1. Introduce a slide with a transition from previous section/slide For example.So far we have discussed the basic tools of Six Sigma. Now lets look at theCause & Effect Diagram in more detail.

    2. Keep audio about 1-2 minutes per slide.3. If you are mentioning a topic in brief that you will go into more detail later inthe topic overview, mention that fact. For example, we will go into more

    detail about the Value Stream Map later in this lesson. For now lets focus onthe value streams.

    Pace, Tone and Phr asing1. Speak slowly and clearly.2. Pause at the end of each sentence.3. If possible, stand. Your voice will carry further.4. Smile while talking. You will sound friendlier.5. Keep sentences shorter than you would in an personal face-to-face speaking

    situation. Long sentences are harder to follow than short.6. When possible, avoid contractions, (such as dont couldnt, Im) harder to

    understand in audio clip than do not, could not, I am.7. In your script, bold key words that you would naturally stress while speaking.

    For example, There are t h re e basic tools.8. At the end of each clip, maintain your tone of voice, as opposed to your voice

    dropping off or getting quiet.9. Vary your tone of voice/intonation to impact your audiences understanding of

    the material and to make an emotional connection.10.Good presentation audio is created by communicating energy, enthusiasm

    and knowledge of the content.

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    Aud io Record ing Gu ide

    Audio Scr ip t1. Write a slide-by-slide script for the presentation. You have to deliver audio

    that is polished and engaging in order to keep the attention of the audience. 2. Practice the script aloud.3. Have someone listen to the recorded presentation or read the script aloud to

    a colleague and have them provide feedback.

    Presen t ing L ists o r Chun ks o f I n fo r m at ion1. When possible, announce what you are going to talk about before you talk

    about it. For example, Now lets take a closer look at the manufacturingindustry.

    2. When possible, if about to list a number of items, announce first. Forexample, There are three basic tools. They are: x, y, and z.

    3. If you are going to detail a list, first name them (see above). Then in nextsentence, go into more detail.

    4. Pause before each bullet, when listing things.5. Begin a list by saying how many items is part of the list. When you get to the

    last one, it is helpful to say and the final item... For example, theaccounting equation consists of three variables. The first variable is assets.The second variable is the liabilities. The final of the three variables in theaccounting equation is stockholders equity.

    6. Try to keep lists to five items or less.Trans i t i ons and Sum m ar ies

    1. Introduce a slide with a transition from previous section/slide For example.So far we have discussed the basic tools of Six Sigma. Now lets look at theCause & Effect Diagram in more detail.

    2. Keep audio about 1-2 minutes per slide.3. If you are mentioning a topic in brief that you will go into more detail later inthe topic overview, mention that fact. For example, we will go into more

    detail about the Value Stream Map later in this lesson. For now lets focus onthe value streams.

    Pace, Tone and Phr asing1. Speak slowly and clearly.2. Pause at the end of each sentence.3. If possible, stand. Your voice will carry further.4. Smile while talking. You will sound friendlier.5. Keep sentences shorter than you would in an personal face-to-face speaking

    situation. Long sentences are harder to follow than short.6. When possible, avoid contractions, (such as dont couldnt, Im) harder to

    understand in audio clip than do not, could not, I am.7. In your script, bold key words that you would naturally stress while speaking.

    For example, There are t h re e basic tools.8. At the end of each clip, maintain your tone of voice, as opposed to your voice

    dropping off or getting quiet.9. Vary your tone of voice/intonation to impact your audiences understanding of

    the material and to make an emotional connection.10.Good presentation audio is created by communicating energy, enthusiasm

    and knowledge of the content.

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    Wr ap-Up Check l is t

    The Lesson

    Does the lesson grab students and make them want to continue through the course? Y N

    Is each lesson concise, focused, and well organized? Y N

    Are the objectives of each lesson clearly stated? Y N

    Does the lesson include a self-assessment quiz or assignment to help reinforce what

    students learn in the lesson? Y N

    Are paragraphs succinct, limited to a few sentences? Y N

    Are graphics used for ideas that are best expressed visually? Y N

    Is the content written at the learners language level? Y N

    Do the graphics enhance, not detract from, the content? Y N


    Do all objectives for the course have assessment procedures? Y N

    Do all assessments procedures relate to specific objectives? Y N

    Has mastery for each objective been defined? Y N

    Quiz Questions

    Are the quiz questions clear and not ambiguous? Y N

    Are the quiz questions grammatically correct?Y N

    Is there a correct answer provided for each quiz question? Y N

    Has ambiguity in the quiz question been avoided? Y N

    Do all quiz questions relate to specific objectives? Y N

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    Module Correc t ionsPlease list slide numbers and corrections to be made in the table below.

    Sl ide # Change Descr ip t ion