Editor: Micky Nortman [email protected] 940-328-5177 Pilot Point Council 2045, Chartered October 19, 1919 MSGR Paul Charcut Assembly 2042 Volume 20, Issue 12 June 2018 Council website: www.stthomaspilotpoint.org/kof2045-council Assembly website: stthomaspilotpoint.org/kofc2042-assembly Texas State website: www.kofc.org Grand Knight’s Message June 2018 Shepherd’s Storehouse Last month, the Knights of Columbus Council 2045 presented $1,328 to Luther Slay of Shep- herd’s Storehouse in Pilot Point. This donation was made possible through the generosity of the parishioners of St Thomas Aquinas who contributed to this fundraiser as part of their Lenten ‘Almsgiving’. The Knights of Columbus wish to thank all those who participated in this worthy cause. This year, Robert Wright was Chairman of the Shepherd’s Storehouse fund- raiser, with assistance from Bill Pietrosky (see pictures from the presentation). Religious Persecution I have written about this subject before but I believe it is worth repeating, so please indulge me. In the United States we all enjoy basic rights that, although given to us by God, have been codified in the Constitution and in the Amendments to the Constitution. That is not the case in other parts of the world. From www.ACLJ.org; Pastor Andrew Brunson has been imprisoned In Turkey for over 18 months, and caught in the government’s political ploy to silence Chris- tians within its borders. He is being held as a political prisoner. He has been charged with “Christianization.” He has committed no crime. This was further proved just days ago when Turkey’s President Erdogan confirmed that Pastor Andrew Brunson’s detention, trial, and per- secution is not about justice but politics – demanding the U.S. arrest and extradite Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. In an interview he said, “The U.S. should look at the steps it has taken and comply with the extradition treaty if it wants American pastor Brunson.” These state- ments echo those he made in September 2017, “The U.S. wants a pastor from us. You have a pastor of your own; you give him to us, then we return pastor to you.” We recently reported to you how over the course of 11 grueling hours, 7 witnesses for the prosecution (2 se- cret and 5 open – 2 of whom were prisoners and only 1 of whom had ever actually even met Pastor Andrew) were allowed to give testi- mony against him. When the Pastor’s Turkish attorney pointed out that one of these men had been convicted on 14 counts of fraud, the lead judge claimed he didn’t see how the fact was relevant. In fact, the judge said that all the prosecution witnesses’ statements would be taken as fact. But when Pastor Andrew’s Turkish attorney then submitted his own list of witnesses for the defense, the head judge declared that anyone who was a suspect would not be allowed to testify. Even worse he disregarded the remaining witnesses for the pastor, stating that they wouldn't have anything relevant to say. In light of recent events in Turkey, I believe the Sixth Amendment (1791) deserves a brief review. Obviously, Turkey has no Sixth Amendment. It is relevant here only as a reminder of what we DO have in the United States and to contrast what other countries do NOT have. It states: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be in- formed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtain- ing witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. In the United States when we are accused of a crime we have the rights guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment among others. In Tur- key, it seems that citizens have whatever rights the ‘president’ and the ‘judges’ say they have at the time. It is inconceivable to us that anyone would be treated the way Andrew Brunson has been treated, especially when one considers the ‘crime’. Also keep in mind that Turkey is a NATO ally and the Incirlik Air Base is in Adana, Turkey. Incirlik Air Base has a U.S. Air Force complement of about five thousand airmen. Have you ever heard the saying ‘With friends like that, who needs enemies?’ So, what’s my point? There is an American citizen in prison in Turkey for more than 18 months (and counting) charged with ‘Christianization’! I’m sure that all of us are convinced that nothing like that could ever happen here right? Well, I never thought that going to high school or attending the Sunday service of your choice could be dangerous, even deadly. But today, it can be. So what happened? (Continued on next page)

Council website: ... Life 2018-06... · Editor: Micky Nortman [email protected] 940-328-5177 Pilot Point Council 2045, Chartered October 19, 1919 MSGR Paul Charcut Assembly 2042

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Page 1: Council website: ... Life 2018-06... · Editor: Micky Nortman mickynortman@gmail.com 940-328-5177 Pilot Point Council 2045, Chartered October 19, 1919 MSGR Paul Charcut Assembly 2042

Editor: Micky Nortman [email protected] 940-328-5177

Pilot Point Council 2045, Chartered October 19, 1919

MSGR Paul Charcut Assembly 2042

Volume 20, Issue 12

June 2018

Council website: www.stthomaspilotpoint.org/kof2045-council

Assembly website: stthomaspilotpoint.org/kofc2042-assembly

Texas State website: www.kofc.org

Grand Knight’s Message June 2018

Shepherd’s Storehouse Last month, the Knights of Columbus Council 2045 presented $1,328 to Luther Slay of Shep-herd’s Storehouse in Pilot Point. This donation was made possible through the generosity of the parishioners of St Thomas Aquinas who contributed to this fundraiser as part of their Lenten ‘Almsgiving’. The Knights of Columbus wish to thank all those who participated in this worthy cause. This year, Robert Wright was Chairman of the Shepherd’s Storehouse fund-raiser, with assistance from Bill Pietrosky (see pictures from the presentation).

Religious Persecution I have written about this subject before but I believe it is worth repeating, so please indulge me. In the United States we all enjoy basic rights that, although given to us by God, have been codified in the Constitution and in the Amendments to the Constitution. That is not the case in other parts of the world.

From www.ACLJ.org; Pastor Andrew Brunson has been imprisoned In Turkey for over 18 months, and caught in the government’s political ploy to silence Chris-tians within its borders. He is being held as a political prisoner. He has been charged with “Christianization.” He has committed no crime. This was further proved just days ago when Turkey’s President Erdogan confirmed that Pastor Andrew Brunson’s detention, trial, and per-secution is not about justice but politics – demanding the U.S. arrest and extradite Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. In an interview he said, “The U.S. should look at the steps it has taken and comply with the extradition treaty if it wants American pastor Brunson.” These state-ments echo those he made in September 2017, “The U.S. wants a pastor from us. You have a pastor of your own; you give him to us, then we return pastor to you.” We recently reported to you how over the course of 11 grueling hours, 7 witnesses for the prosecution (2 se-cret and 5 open – 2 of whom were prisoners and only 1 of whom had ever actually even met Pastor Andrew) were allowed to give testi-mony against him. When the Pastor’s Turkish attorney pointed out that one of these men had been convicted on 14 counts of fraud, the lead judge claimed he didn’t see how the fact was relevant. In fact, the judge said that all the prosecution witnesses’ statements would be taken as fact. But when Pastor Andrew’s Turkish attorney then submitted his own list of witnesses for the defense, the head judge declared that anyone who was a suspect would not be allowed to testify. Even worse he disregarded the remaining witnesses for the pastor, stating that they wouldn't have anything relevant to say.

In light of recent events in Turkey, I believe the Sixth Amendment (1791) deserves a brief review. Obviously, Turkey has no Sixth Amendment. It is relevant here only as a reminder of what we DO have in the United States and to contrast what other countries do NOT have. It states: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be in-formed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtain-ing witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

In the United States when we are accused of a crime we have the rights guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment among others. In Tur-key, it seems that citizens have whatever rights the ‘president’ and the ‘judges’ say they have at the time. It is inconceivable to us that anyone would be treated the way Andrew Brunson has been treated, especially when one considers the ‘crime’. Also keep in mind that Turkey is a NATO ally and the Incirlik Air Base is in Adana, Turkey. Incirlik Air Base has a U.S. Air Force complement of about five thousand airmen. Have you ever heard the saying ‘With friends like that, who needs enemies?’

So, what’s my point? There is an American citizen in prison in Turkey for more than 18 months (and counting) charged with ‘Christianization’! I’m sure that all of us are convinced that nothing like that could ever happen here right? Well, I never thought that going to high school or attending the Sunday service of your choice could be dangerous, even deadly. But today, it can be. So what happened? (Continued on next page)

Page 2: Council website: ... Life 2018-06... · Editor: Micky Nortman mickynortman@gmail.com 940-328-5177 Pilot Point Council 2045, Chartered October 19, 1919 MSGR Paul Charcut Assembly 2042

The Assembly Color Corps recited the Patriotic Rosary on Sunday April 29th before the 11:00 am Mass. We had 7 Color Corps knights turn out for the Rosary. We continue to encourage other knights to turn out and help recite the rosary on the 5th Sunday Rosary event.

Left: Due to inclement weather conditions the National Day of Prayer Service was held in the Pilot Point City Hall Building on Thursday May 3, 2018 at 11:45 am instead of the town square. The local Pilot Point Pastor group conducted the service. We are truly blessed and fortunate to have the City of Pilot Point offer their City Hall-Chamber Room for the Prayer Service. Sir Knights Ray Savard, Marty McDermed and Father Tom Kennedy attended the prayer service. There were about 50 people in attendance.

Right: On Sunday May 6, 2018, we enjoyed a Dinner/Social at the Trail Dust Steakhouse in Sanger, TX. Twenty-six Assembly Sir Knights and Lady Knights attended the dinner. Father Tom Kennedy found some time in his busy schedule to join us for dinner. Thank you, Father Tom, for being there. We are planning on having a dinner/social every other month throughout the fra-ternal year. Good chance to get out with brother Sir Knights and Lady Knights, explore new restaurants in the area and have some fun. Please feel free to offer any restaurant suggestions for our future outings.

The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth Ordination Mass of Jonathan Michael Demma and Maurice Lawrence Moon was held on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at 10:00 am at St. Patrick Cathedral in Fort Worth. God Bless our new priests. A special thanks to Father Tom Kennedy for past five years at St Thomas Aquinas and his support and guid-ance with Knights of Columbus – Assembly 2042. Best wishes with Father’s new assignment.

Hope to see everyone at our June Assembly Meeting on Thursday June 7,2018, 6:45 PM at the KC Hall.

Marty McDermed Faithful Navigator Assembly #2042


Grand Knight continued: I am sure that there is not one single answer, but I also believe that one answer is that we have removed God from our schools, the workplace and our country in general. As for a Christian pastor in Turkey, we can’t mention our God in school, or in public, in prayer before a football game (in some places), in conversation with a co-worker, and the list goes on. There have even been law suits filed in an attempt to remove ‘In God We Trust’ from the dollar bill, and to remove ‘Under God’ from the pledge of allegiance. Did you ever think that you would see that happen in the United States? I did not. The point is: What is happening for one American citizen in Turkey is bad enough, but it is starting to happen here.

What can we do? “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”. – Edmund Burke, Charles Aked or John Kennedy (the origin of the quote is unclear, but I wish I had said it).

For Andrew Brunson: Call or write your Senator or Congressman and ask them to apply pressure on Turkey wherever possible for the release of Pastor Andrew Brunson. Tell your friends to do the same. You can visit the ACLJ website at www.ACLJ.org to learn more. You can also electronically sign the petition for the release of Pastor Brunson there. If you want to support those who are fighting for the release of Andrew Brunson, you can also donate at the website. If not the ACLJ website, I’m sure there are others out there.

For Persecuted Christians Worldwide: Same drill, call or write your Senator or Congressman, tell your family and friends to do the same, or visit the IDC website at www.indefenseofchristians.org to learn more. You can also donate to IDC at their website. Pray.

Richard Janeski – Grand Knight Note: I am not endorsing any particular organization or website here, and I am not telling you how you should spend your money (there are plenty of elected officials out there that have that covered). What I am endorsing is spreading the word and an increase in everyone’s awareness.

Page 3: Council website: ... Life 2018-06... · Editor: Micky Nortman mickynortman@gmail.com 940-328-5177 Pilot Point Council 2045, Chartered October 19, 1919 MSGR Paul Charcut Assembly 2042

USE this link for more Information:



June 3 - Corpus Christi Sunday June 7 - Council & Assembly Meetings June 9 - BBQ (see detail below) June 14 - Flag Day June 17 - Father’s Day Jun 21 - Assembly Officer Installation & Mass, Muenster, TX, after 5 PM Mass at KC Hall

June 24 - Nativity of St. John the Baptist

A Founding Notion: Protecting the Breadwinner’s Income

While jobs may be safer in 2018, accidents, injuries, and illnesses that can impact your ability to work still happen. Most, in fact, do not happen on the jobsite or place of employment. Did you know that a 2011 study revealed that more than 95 percent of the long-term disability claims on file were not work related? The Knights have always sought to protect members’ families from the “loss” of a breadwinner. I’m sure you know all about Father McGivney’s vision for our insurance program. But you may not know that Father McGivney also wanted to find a way to help members who couldn’t work because of an illness. After all, the “loss” of the breadwinner does not have to mean that person’s death; it can also mean the loss of the breadwinner’s income. Consider that loss for a moment. How would your family fare if a source of income suddenly stopped? Could a dual-income family manage on one income? What about young families with a working father and a mother who cares for the children? What if his in-come halted due to an accident or illness? I’ve heard some people say they have coverage at work, but too many aren’t sure what this coverage entails, how much income it would provide or for how long. Having this protection counts for something, certainly, but it isn’t “yours”; it’s provided by the com-pany for which you work at their discretion. It could be eliminated tomorrow. That’s where a personally-owned disability income insurance product, like Income Armor, comes into play. It can offer valuable income replacement in the event of an injury or illness. If you have a job, you must know about this coverage. Art Kelly 469-951-7398 [email protected]
















Page 4: Council website: ... Life 2018-06... · Editor: Micky Nortman mickynortman@gmail.com 940-328-5177 Pilot Point Council 2045, Chartered October 19, 1919 MSGR Paul Charcut Assembly 2042

Knights of Columbus Pilot Point Council #2045 221 North Prairie St. P.O. Box 1151 Pilot Point, TX 76258





Council 2045

Next meeting June 7, 7:30 PM

4th Degree Assembly 2042

Next meeting, June 7, 6:45 PM


Art Kelly 469-951-7398 - mobile

[email protected] - email


Knights of Columbus Hall is available for your:

Wedding reception, Birthday Party,

Dances, Anniversary Celebration,

Reunions, or Corporate Functions.

Full Kitchen. Alcohol available.

Contact Floyd at: (940) 686-5381