Courtesy of KMM There were 27 respondents to answer the “Courtesy in KMM” survey. Out of27 respondents, 11 were male and 16 were female. Majority of them are module 1, one year course students. After the questionnaires were distributed, they were collected and the data was tabulated. Below are the results of the analysis. According to the Figure 1, majority of the respondents display a good practice of the social etiquette. In the class, only 3.7% of the students litter and sleep and 74% of them never litter and 29.6% never sleep in the class. 12 out of 27 respondents play their mobile phones in class. In the aspect of saving electricity and cleaning up the whiteboard, occasionally, they share the same percentage of students, 25.9% but most of them seldom help to clean up the whiteboard which achieved 51.9%. Majority of KMM students occasionally eat in the class and be punctual to class that achieved 51.9% and 44.4% respectively whereas none of them come late to the class. In the aspect of apologizing to lecturer when coming late to class and paying attention during the lecture occasionally achieved 40.7%. In the cafeteria, 59.3% of them queue up when buying food and thank the cashier after payment and only a few of them never queue up and thank the cashier after payment as 11.1% and 7.4% achieved respectively. Furthermore, 10 out of 27 respondents are willing to offer their seat to needy people and only 1 out of 27 of them never offer their seat. Majority of the respondents seldom pick up the litter and throw it into the bin. 59.3% of the students occasionally greet people and none of them ignore the people they met. In the library, 55.6% of the students seldom make noise whereas 3.7% of them always make noise.

Courtesy of kmm

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Page 1: Courtesy of kmm

Courtesy of KMMThere were 27 respondents to answer the “Courtesy in KMM” survey. Out of27

respondents, 11 were male and 16 were female. Majority of them are module 1, one year course students. After the questionnaires were distributed, they were collected and the data was tabulated. Below are the results of the analysis.

According to the Figure 1, majority of the respondents display a good practice of the social etiquette. In the class, only 3.7% of the students litter and sleep and 74% of them never litter and 29.6% never sleep in the class. 12 out of 27 respondents play their mobile phones in class. In the aspect of saving electricity and cleaning up the whiteboard, occasionally, they share the same percentage of students, 25.9% but most of them seldom help to clean up the whiteboard which achieved 51.9%. Majority of KMM students occasionally eat in the class and be punctual to class that achieved 51.9% and 44.4% respectively whereas none of them come late to the class. In the aspect of apologizing to lecturer when coming late to class and paying attention during the lecture occasionally achieved 40.7%.

In the cafeteria, 59.3% of them queue up when buying food and thank the cashier after payment and only a few of them never queue up and thank the cashier after payment as 11.1% and 7.4% achieved respectively.

Furthermore, 10 out of 27 respondents are willing to offer their seat to needy people and only 1 out of 27 of them never offer their seat. Majority of the respondents seldom pick up the litter and throw it into the bin. 59.3% of the students occasionally greet people and none of them ignore the people they met. In the library, 55.6% of the students seldom make noise whereas 3.7% of them always make noise.