Creation and Uncreation

Creation and Uncreation-Stewardship

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A powerpoint presentation prepared as lecture material in Theology 1

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Creation and Uncreation1PRAYER Psalm 8 (3 mins)

Questions to Answer:Who created the world?In which book of the Bible can we find the Story of the creation?How do we read the Story, literal or symbolic? Why?According to Genesis, how many days did it take God to create the world and all of the creations in it?Which is considered the most important of the Creation? Explain.Genesis 1:1-31Read together (2 min)

1In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth,2the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.3Then God said, Let there be light; and there was light.4And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.5God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.6And God said, Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters. 7So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so. 8God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.9And God said, Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it was so. 10God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. 11Then God said, Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it. And it was so. 12The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. 13And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.14And God said, Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, 15and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth. And it was so. 16God made the two great lightsthe greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the nightand the stars. 17God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth, 18to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.19And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.20And God said, Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky. 21So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. 22God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth. 23And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.24And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind. And it was so. 25God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good.26Then God said, Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.27So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. 28God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.29God said, See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. 30And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food. And it was so.31God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.ACTIVITY 3Divide yourselves into 7 groups. (Class size 7 = ___ )Prepare a piece of paper.Write the Group Number, Course-Section, Date and the name of the members.Get ready to answer the questions on your paper by group:

The Creation of GodDay 1: ____________, ___________Day 2: ____________, ___________Day 3: ____________, ___________Day 4: ____________, ___________Day 5: ____________, ___________Day 6: ____________, ___________ Questions to Answer:Did God create everything all at once? Explain. What do you think is the meaning of seven days in the Creation story?Why do you think God created the world and everything in it? What is the purpose of the Creation? What is the role of man (humans) in Gods creation? The Story of CreationFirst Seven Days of Creation 1

Genesis Creation StorySeven DaysThe Number Seven, the numerical symbol of Fullness, Completion, and Perfection, is a prime example of this consistency, as illustrated by this entry from the Tyndale Bible Dictionary (emphasis added): In Scripture, seven symbolizes completeness or perfection. On the seventh day God rested from his labors and creation is finished (Gn 2:2). Pharaoh in his dream saw seven cattle coming from the Nile (41:2). Samsons sacred Nazirite locks were braided in seven plaits (Jgs 16:13). Seven devils left Mary of Magdala, signifying the totality of her previous possession by Satan (Lk 8:2); "seven other devils" will enter the purified but vacant life of a person (Mt 12:45). However, on the positive side, there were the seven spirits of God (Rv 3:1). In the seventh year the Hebrew slave was to be freed (Ex 21:2), having completed his time of captivity and service. Every seventh year was a sabbatical year (Lv 25:4). Seven times seven reiterates the sense of completeness. In the Year of Jubilee (at the completion of 7 x 7 years = the 50th year), all land is freed and returns to the original owners (Lv 25:10). Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks, is seven times seven days after Passover. With this understanding, we can now see the Number Seven as a fourth independent symbol declaring of the completion and perfection of the whole Bible

Answer the following: (15 min)Did God create everything all at once? What do you think is the meaning of seven days?Why do you think God created the world and everything in it? What is the purpose of the Creation? What is the place or role of man (humans) in Gods creation? The Uncreation Story (20 min)Read the Uncreation StoryViewing of Creation StoryViewing of the Uncreation StoryUncreation Story 2Write your reaction to the story (Individual)

27Sharing by Group and then prepare a common answer as a group. Assign a recorder of the input from the members.Write your answer in a pad paper and in a Manila paper.Presentation in front of the Class

Church Teachings: YOU CATThe creation account is not a scientific model for explaining the beginning of the world. God created the world is a theological statement that is concerned with the relation of the world to God. God willed the world; he sustains it and will perfect it. Being created is a lasting quality in things and an fundamental truth about them.Why did God create the world?There is no other reason for creation than LOVE. In it Gods glory and honor appears. To praise God,therefore, does not mean applauding the Creator. After all, man is not a spectator to the work of creation. For him,praising God means being grateful for his own existence together with all creation.

436 How should we treat the environment?

We fulfill Gods commission with regard to creation when we care for the earth, with its biological laws, its variety of species, its natural beauty, and its dwindling resources, as a living space and preserve it, so that future generations also can live well on earth. [2415]

In the book of GENESIS, God says, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and havedominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth (Gen 1:28). Having dominion over the earth does not mean having an absolute right to dispose arbitrarily of animate and inanimate nature, animals, and plants. Because man is created in Gods image, he should care for Gods creation as a shepherd and steward. For the first book of the Bible also says, The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it (Gen 2:15).Does Creation in Conflict with Evolution?No. Evolution presupposes the existence of something that can develop. It says nothing as to where this something comes from.

Did create the world in six days?No. The symbol of the work week, which is crowned by a day of rest (Gen 1:1-2:3), is an expression of how good, beautiful, and wisely ordered creation is. CREATIONISM: the idea that God himself by his direct action created the world all at once, as if the book of Genesis is an eyewitness account. They take the biblical data literally. Peace and Ecology (For BSND)Read together the 4 environmental principles assigned to you (the one corresponding to your group number)As a group, decide what is the underlying message in that principle.Decide together how you can creatively present the message of the given principle. Bring the needed materials on Wednesday and be ready to work on it as a group. Youll have 10 minutes to prepare before the presentation.Peace and EcologyInstructions: (Theo 1)

You will be assigned specific Environmental Principle accordingly.Read together the Environmental Principle assigned to you and identify the core message of the given principle.Together, decide on how you can creatively present and communicate to the class the environmental principle given to your group. You will be provided materials (manila paper and pen) for your presentation. Manila paper costs 5 pesos per piece while the handout is free. You will have to photocopy the handout Peace and Ecology to be distributed to your group members.The teacher will go to your group from time to time to see your work. You may ask him questions for clarifications any time.Youll be given 45 minutes to complete the entire presentation.

Once the work is done, youll be given 5 minutes to present your output in the class. You will be the teacher of your own class on the particular topic. Criteria for scoring the activity output will be providedA quiz will be given later to verify learning.

Criteria for ScoringAbility to communicate the Principle 30%The ideas are organized 20%Use of design elements 20%(form, shape, line, colour, balance and shape)Appropriate captions 15%Overall appearance 15%Total 100%