CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018

CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018

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Page 1: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018

CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN

CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable

Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018

Page 2: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018

Lessons learned & Opportunities for

collaboration For the CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative based on the operational

model and experience of the CTCN

Page 3: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018


CTCN: Anchored in the UNFCCC

UNFCCC Technology Mechanism

• Operational body; collaboration with TEC (policy)

• Outcome of 10+ years of negotiations among 190+ countries

• Links to Financial Mechanism (GCF/GEF)

Governed by Advisory Board

• Equal representation developed/developing, + NGO constituencies

• Reports to UNFCCC Conference of Parties

Co-hosted by UN Environment + UNIDO

• Founded alongside 12 partners

Page 4: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018


CTCN: Match needs with expertise

Negotiated mandate

• Match developing country needs with climate technology solutions

• Build capacity, deploy climate technologies, enable financing and

knowledge sharing

• 13-year (5+4+4) mandate, $50M budget, 5-year Programme of Work

Network of Networks

• 160 country climate technology focal points

• 400+ Network members

• Build on existing expertise + relationships

Page 5: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018

CTCN service areas and core sectors

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Page 7: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018


How it works

Interested parties in

developing countries contact their national focal point (National

Designated Entity (NDE)) to request climate

technology assistance.

The NDE confirms

the alignment of the request with its national climate

priorities and passes it along to the CTCN.

The CTCN collaborates

with the NDE and applicants to develop a tailored technology

transfer plan.

The Climate Technology

Centre selects a Consortium or Network member to implement

the technology solution.

Page 8: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018




Page 9: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018


Page 10: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018


Opportunities for Collaboration

Technical Assistance builds enabling environments, supports tech transfer

• TA is the primary service offering of the CTCN

• Scaling up via UNFCCC Financial Mechanism

• CEE and Central Asia: only 3% of CTCN requests originated

Networks, partnership and collaboration are essential

• Focus on Sustainable Development Goals facilitates new partnerships

• Supports donor focus on co-benefits, work across Conventions

• Country-driven nature of CTCN key to success

• Ensures alignment with national objectives

Page 11: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018


CTCN technical assistance related to biodiversity & EbA

Design of a knowledge management system for tropical forests management and

ecosystem services in Costa Rica

City Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Identification of Ecosystem-based Adaptation

Intervention in Laos

Design of Biodiversity Monitoring Network in the context of Climate Change in Chile

Development of a methodological framework for incorporating ecosystem-based adaptation

in the process of planning and management of protected areas in Peru

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Page 13: CTCN presentation - CBD · CTCN presentation Sandra Bry, Adaptation Coordinator, CTCN CBD Bio-Bridge Initiative Regional Roundtable Minsk, Belarus, 28 February 2018


Our Work

Decision-making tools and/or information provision

Sectoral roadmaps and strategies

Recommendations for law, policy and regulations

Financing facilitation

Private sector engagement and market creation

Research and development of technologies

Feasibility of technology

Piloting and deployment of technologies in local conditions

Technology identification and prioritisation