Cuban Missile Crisis script INTRO On April 1 st 1956 Fidel Castro led a revelation against the corrupt government of Cuba. He was successful and assumed his role as cubes new leader, then created a new communist government. By 1962 the CIA had attempted to assonate Castro on 3 separate occasions and even hired Cuban exiles to lead an invasion know as “the bay of pig” which was unsuccessful, fear of a U.S. Invasion was great. The Soviet Union (being an allied) took advantage of Cuba’s problem and put nuclear missiles on the island, only 90 miles from Florida, and in striking range of every major city in the U.S. possibly killing millions and starting a nuclear war. This would come to be known as the Cuban missile crisis on the edge of world war 3 Scene 1, April 10 th 1961 (Castro talks with soviets) Castro –James/ Russian diplomat- Frank/ Castro’s assistant - Austin Castro’s assistant: Mr. Castro, the Russian diplomat is here Diplomat: Mr. Castro Castro: Hello my friend Diplomat: I have a proposal, a solution to all your problems Castro: unless this “proposal” keeps the Americans from killing me I don’t see what solution this is. Diplomat: Just hear me out; it might even keep the Americans from invading. Our proposal is that’s we put IRBM’s... nuclear missiles on the island. Castro: I don’t like this idea, besides how will you benefit from it? Diplomat: the Americans have placed their missiles in Turkey and Italy, 30 minutes from Moscow. Also think about your options. Castro: I don’t see what other choices I have, I approve, and the palm trees should keep them hidden from the planes.

Cuban Missile Crisis Script

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Cuban Missile Crisis script


On April 1st 1956 Fidel Castro led a revelation against the corrupt government of Cuba. He was successful and assumed his role as cubes new leader, then created a new communist government. By 1962 the CIA had attempted to assonate Castro on 3 separate occasions and even hired Cuban exiles to lead an invasion know as “the bay of pig” which was unsuccessful, fear of a U.S. Invasion was great. The Soviet Union (being an allied) took advantage of Cuba’s problem and put nuclear missiles on the island, only 90 miles from Florida, and in striking range of every major city in the U.S. possibly killing millions and starting a nuclear war. This would come to be known as the Cuban missile crisis on the edge of world war 3

Scene 1, April 10th 1961 (Castro talks with soviets) Castro –James/ Russian diplomat- Frank/ Castro’s assistant - Austin Castro’s assistant: Mr. Castro, the Russian diplomat is hereDiplomat: Mr. Castro Castro: Hello my friendDiplomat: I have a proposal, a solution to all your problemsCastro: unless this “proposal” keeps the Americans from killing me I don’t see what solution this is.Diplomat: Just hear me out; it might even keep the Americans from invading. Our proposal is that’s we put IRBM’s... nuclear missiles on the island.Castro: I don’t like this idea, besides how will you benefit from it?Diplomat: the Americans have placed their missiles in Turkey and Italy, 30 minutes from Moscow. Also think about your options. Castro: I don’t see what other choices I have, I approve, and the palm trees should keep them hidden from the planes.

Scene 2, August 1962 (CIA director John McCone writes letter to Kennedy) McCone-BradDear Mr. Kennedy the possibility of nuclear weapons close to home shouldn’t be ignored. Cuba poses a possible response point for our placement of missiles in Turkey. The opportunity in my opinion is too big for the Russians to pass up, and the Cubans would be more than happy to let them do it.

Scene 3, August 31, (Senator Kenton speaks at capitol building) Kenton- JamesSo today, Mr. Kennedy I urge you to take action, there is now too much evidence to ignore, more soviet ships are arriving in Cuba, their cargo is too suspicious, they claim it’s for Cuba’s defense but what do they have to gain? They obviously have their own plans for Cuba and the placement of nuclear missiles seems to be likely.

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Cut scene, October 14th- 16th (multiple clips of crisis are shown while narration is played)On October, 14 President Kennedy authorized a U-2 recon mission over western Cuba. The Lockheed U-2 was a spy plane used during a majority of the 50s and 60s until being replaced by Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird; it can reach altitudes of over 70,000 feet (sub orbital). On October 15th the pictures were reviewed only to confirm their worst fears. Medium Ranged Ballistic Missile sites were being built it San Cristobel. When Kennedy hears the news and orders a meeting with his 12 most important advisors, this group would later become known as EX COMM or executive comity of the national security council.

Scene 4, October 16th (1st EX COMM meeting) John Kennedy- John/Robert Kennedy-Frank/ Man 1-Austin/ Man 2- James/ Man 3- Brad/John: Ok, I’m sure all of you have heard about what we’ve discovered in Cuba last night. For the time being I want this discovery to remain secret, anything said in this room stays here alright? We need to browse our possible solutions, preferably the ones that won’t end up starting world war 3, any suggestions? (Silence)Robert: Well we could invade but we all know the consciences of that, it’d start an all out war.John: we’ll list it anyways, what else?Man 1: Airstrikes! We can take ‘em all out!John: Calm down general, that’s an idea.Man 2: An airstrike couldn’t destroy all the missiles sites at once, not to mention the SAMs down there.Robert: Come on we can come up with some more ideas.Man 3: We could do nothing, I mean it’s not like they’ll use the nukes they’re not that stupid.John: ok, that’s not a bad idea, any other options?Man 1: let’s nuke ‘em!Robert: Are you serious? (Caption appears reading “2 hours of argument later”)Man 2: I’m out of ideasRobert: I have an idea…John: what is it?Robert: We can make a naval blockade, search each ship. If they have nukes we send them back, plus less chance of the soviets retaliating.John: That’s on the list. That’s enough for today; I have to get ready for my campaign speech.

Scene 5, October 17th (Kennedy arrives at airport after campaign speech) John K.-John/ Robert K. – Frank/ Advisor Sorensen-James John K: (walks down staircase and solutes solder-Brad) what happened while I was out today?Sorensen: EXCOMM argued for 2 hours, everyone thinks we should do an airstrike on the missile sites. Robert K: I’m still skeptical about this airstrike stuff, we’d kill Russians which would obviously make Khrushchev mad, and they could take out all the sites.John K. We still have time; we need to think it over.Sorensen: we did another recon flight, our U-2 spotted IRBMs, interregional ballistic missiles, twice the range of the last ones we saw.

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John k: it’s getting worse than I thought, I’m going to meet with the ambassador, see what he knows.

Scene 6, October 18th (Kennedy meets with Russian ambassador) John K. - John/ Ambassador Gromyko- Brad/Gromyko: Hello Mr. .Kennedy, I was told you wanted to see me.John K: Yes, just for talk nothing more.Gromyko: Well, what about?John K: anything really, I was just bored.Gromyko: Ok…John K. So do you like salsa?(Caption appears on screen reading “2 hours later”)Gromyko: (laughing), yes I just adore tuna ha …John: Ya so speaking of tuna… what do you know about the weapons being shipped to Cuba.Gromyko: Well anything being shipped down there is solely for Cuba’s defense, nothing more.John K: Oh ok, ok, would you care for dinner?

Scene 7(2nd EX COMM meeting) John Kennedy- John/Robert Kennedy-Frank/ Man 1-Austin/ Man 2- James/ Man 3- Brad/ John K: Ok, let’s decide on what plan we’ll implement. Keep in mind gentlemen, one wrong move could end up killing millionsRobert K: Let’s begin shall we.John K: ok. 1st… airstrikeRobert K: Well 1st it would kill soviets, and wouldn’t take out all the missile sitesMan 2: It also would get some of our guys killed. There’s surface to air missiles sites all over Cuba.John K: ok: airstrikes are off the list. Next option is to do nothingRobert K: it’s an option, but it’s not the best one. Instead of wasting our time on it lets move on.John K: ok, next … all out invasion of Cuba.Man 1: I vote yes.Man 2: Krushuv said if we invade they’d start a world war.Man 3: We don’t need to invade, there are better optionsMan 1: like?Man 3: Options that don’t involve getting people killed.John K: Diplomatic pressureRobert K: I don’t see how we could pull that off.Man 2: The guys over at the pentagon could help us out. Man 1: I don’t think that’d work.John K: Our last option is a naval blockade, if that doesn’t work we’ll have to go through the last one and see which one would work the best. Robert K: It’s a complicated plan and there are a lot of factors that we will have to sort out.John K: The general idea sounds better than the rest.Man 2: We can position a multitude of ships on the east side of Cuba.Robert K: We shouldn’t arm them, but in case they attack we’ll need some sort of defense.

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Man 1: Air patrols would cut back on the amount of ships we need.Man 3: the blockade would stop the construction of the missile sites, but they’re still a bunch of nukes on the island.John K: we can sort something out with Krushuv later.

Cut scene 2, October 22nd -25th (video clips are shown of blockade while narration is played)One October 22 congenital leaders gathered at the white house, they are shown hard evidence of the nuclear threat in cube, later that night Kennedy would address the nation in a speech aired on national Television. At 12:00AM the U.S. military was set at defense redness level 3, or DEFCON 3 and later DEFCON 2 the highest in American history to prepare for how ever the soviets would respond to the blockade. On the morning of October 23rd Kennedy ordered six crusader jets to do a low level recon mission on the Russian cargo ships. This time soviet bombers were found covered up on the decks, making the situation even worse. Later that day the blockade was approved by the organization of American states. And by the end of the day the blockade had been set up, almost all ships caring questionable cargo turned around. Another U-2 recon mission showed no halt in the construction of the sites, the workers even tried to camouflage them. At the end of the day a letter Russian president Nikita Khrushchev arrives commenting on the threat to the peace of peoples. JK decides to bring the blockade line from 800 miles to 500 miles. The next day Kennedy wrote a response blaming krushuv for the crisis. At this point it was clear that the blockade would keep the Russians from putting more missiles on the island, the remaining missiles still posed a serious threat. Robert Kennedy held another EX-COMM meeting to discuss a possible trade, the American missiles in turkey, for the Russian missiles in Cuba.

Scene 8(3rd EXCOMM meeting) John Kennedy- John/Robert Kennedy-Frank/ Man 1-Austin/ Man 2- James/ Man 3- Brad/ Robert K: John wasn’t able to make it today; we need to discuss a possible ultimatum to this standoff. We’ve stopped anymore missiles from reaching Cuba, now we need to get the missiles already there, off the island. The only choice we have is to make a trade for our missiles in turkey, for their missiles in Cuba, and if Mr. Krushuv sends us a better offer, I’ll have to crawl on my hands and knees to my child hood church in Massachusetts to thank god.Man 1: we can’t move that thing, that’s our only retaliation plan if Russia nukes us.Man 3: We have long range missiles that can be fired from New Mexico and reach Moscow in 2 hours, plus we have submarines all over the globe with nuclear tipped torpedoes. As a general I think you would know this…Man 2: we have no other choices say we send the offer and see what they say.Robert K: I agree but what if… (man walks into room with letter and says” A letter from the Russians”)Robert K: (opens letter and begins to read) Dear Mr. PresidentI’d like to skip the Intro and get to my point, the blockade you have presented us with is completely unnecessary. You can’t force us to give up are arms in Cuba but I do have a possible trade, if you publicly pledge not to invade Cuba EVER then I will remove my arms from the island. Does this sound fair? –Krushuv

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Man 2: looks like you’ll have to crawl on your hands and knees now…Robert K: forget this, I got to get John(Caption appears reading “later in the day”)John K: (reading last 5 words) wow, this will be easier then I though… (Man walks into room and hands john a letter and says “new letter” begins reading letter)Dear Mr. PresidentI have a new proposal, I went over my last letter and I have changed my demands, now I want you to remove your missiles from turkey for my missiles in Cuba. John K: I knew this would happen.Robert K: we could agree to the last one and say we never got this one.John K: No, they’re not that stupid.Robert K: If it’s our only choice, we’ll have to agree.John K: Let’s write the letter.

End scene(Multiple images/ video clips from the crisis are show while narration is played) The Cuban Missile ended on October 29th, 1962, at 9:00 AM, Krushuv publicly announced that he would remove his missiles from Cuba though Kennedy’s agreement to remove his missiles from turkey remained secret. The results and opinions of the crisis’s conclusion were mixed. Most thought the crisis could’ve been solved more peacefully, Krushuv would ultimately loose his power in Russia because of the outcome of the crisis. Never the less, nuclear war was avoided.

The end