Welcome Cultivate Resilience and Adaptability for Work and Life with Dr. Alexina Mehta

Cultivate Resilience and Adaptability - UN GENEVA

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WelcomeCultivate Resilience and Adaptability

for Work and Lifewith Dr. Alexina Mehta

Dr. Alexina Mehta

• Naturopathic physician based in Vancouver, Canada. Background in healthcare, holistic medicine and psychology.

• She has been speaking globally on the topics of health, wellness and stress management for 18 years, in various organisational settings, universities and colleges, and among specific community groups.

Session Objectives

1. Understand the science of Resilience and Adaptability, and how to strengthen these two traits.

2. Understand the Pillars of Resilience, and come away with tools to build this resilience and support self-care and wellbeing.


Ms. Mary Bridget Leahy

Staff Counsellor’s Office, HRMS at UN Geneva

Ms. Roza van der Heide

Staff Counsellor’s Office, HRMS at UN Geneva

Dr. Alexina Mehta Naturopathic physician based in Vancouver, Canada

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The Staff Counsellor’ Office


[email protected]

Mary Leahy

Staff Counsellor

Roza van der Heide

Associate Staff Counsellor

Sharmila Enzler

Staff Counsellor’s Office Assistant

UNOG Staff Counsellor’s [email protected]

Cultivate Resilience

and Adaptability for


The Neurobiology of Adaptability and Resilience

Definition of adaptability:

The ability to be creative and flexible in the face of new situations.

The capacity to cope with and capitalize on change, and the ability to recover when unforeseen events alter life plans.

The essence of adaptability is finding ways to respond to the unpredictable, the different, uncertain, and novel by swapping old ways for workarounds or improvements.

What happens in the brain during a stressful event

General Adaptation Syndrome

Adaptation Happens in the space between Stimulus and Response

Human Beings Are Designed to Adapt

Behaviors that Increase Adaptability

1. Be flexible

2. Have a meaningful goal

3. Be creative

4. Reappraise change

5. Be open

6. Focus on cooperation

7. Practice patience

8. See adapting as problem


Strategies to Help You Adapt

Mental framing

Mental Rehearsal

The Resilience

Center of the Brain

The Science of Hope and the Effect on Resilience

Hope involves belief and expectation

Hope can be measured reliably

Various traditions have identified hope as a virtue

Hope is a strong predictor of psychological, educational, interpersonal, and health outcomes

The development of the science of hope coincided with the work examining the benefits of self efficacy, optimism and resilience

Transforming to a Resilient Mindset

Shifting from mechanical, reflexive thinking to active, response-

oriented thinking in four key categories:

1. Improvement oriented

2. Positive Impact

3. Greater vision

4. Forward action

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Inspiration and lessons from those who have Survived Great Challenges:

Victor Frankl

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Nelson Mandela

Survivors of Illnesses

What are the common traits?

The Pillars of Resilience:

Self awareness



Beneficial relationships

Purpose and Impact

Exercises and Takeways:

A list of simple and effective ways

to build resilience

Comprehensive self-care tips to

support well-being from around

the world.

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Q & A

Episode 37: Conversation – Philosopher and Professor Souleymane Diagne on achieving our humanity together.

Episode 17: Jayathma Wickramanayake on leadership,youth & multilateralism.

Episode 34: Conversation – Dr. John Pace and the role of civil society in the fabric of human rights

Episode 30: Conversation – Corinne Momal – Vanian, new Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation

Thank you for joining! Cultivate Resilience and Adaptability for Work and Life

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Visit commons.ungeneva.org/events for upcoming sessions events and connection details.