Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities

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  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    13 December 2007

    U.S. Cities Reflect Cultural Diversity, Artistic Ingenuity

    Regional differences add character to U.S. metropolitan centers


    This view of the Seattle !ashington s"#line shows the Space $eedle %left& b'ilt for the

    1()2 Seattle !orld*s +air.

    ,an# ma-or cities in the United States have been infl'ential in shaping the nations

    c'lt'ral life and an ethnicall# diverse pop'lation has contrib'ted immeas'rabl# to U.S.

    achievements in literat're the performing arts architect're and c'isine. +ind o't more

    abo't the vigor and variet# of /mericas artistic heritage.


    Seattle nic"named the merald it# is the largest cit# in the acific $orthwest region of

    the United States. 4n 2005 anal#sts rated Seattle as the most literate cit# in /merica and

    s'rve# data from 2002 indicated that Seattle had the most ed'cated pop'lation in theUnited States.

    The cit# a significant regional center for the performing arts is home to the Seattle

    S#mphon# 6rchestra the Seattle 6pera and the acific $orthwest allet. The 8perience

    ,'sic ro-ect ho'sed in a b'ilding designed b# famed architect +ran" 9ehr# bills itselfas a :participator# m'se'm of m'sic.; Seattle is the birthplace of gr'nge m'sic.

    Seattle is also famo's for its live theatre ven'es and has man# important m'se'ms and art

    galleries s'ch as the

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    San +rancisco part of the scenic San +rancisco a# area where 7.2 million people live

    has a cosmopolitan ethnicall# diverse pop'lation. 4ts neighborhoods reflect that

    diversit#> hinatown established in 1(0)? the ,ission District which is home to man#immigrants from ,e8ico and entral /merica? and

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    nown as a m'ltic'lt'ral cit# and arts center Santa +e is home to n'mero's artists man#

    of whom have capt'red the cit#s bea'tif'l landscape on canvas. 6ne famo's $ew

    ,e8ico artist 9eorgia 6eefe lived for a time in Santa +e and the cit#s 9eorgia6eefe ,'se'm e8hibits her wor" and that of artists with similar themes. an#on Road

    has the cit#s highest concentration of art galleries showcasing contemporar#

    So'thwestern /merican 4ndian and e8perimental art.

    !riters traditionall# have floc"ed to Santa +e incl'ding ormac ,carth# and !al"ererc#. ,'sic and opera are well represented in the cit#. The Santa +e 6pera is one of the

    nations most esteemed regional opera companies and its season overlaps with the

     performance sched'le of the Santa +e hamber ,'sic +estival. Santa +e also has man#world@class m'se'ms s'ch as the $ew ,e8ico ,'se'm of /rt the 4nstit'te of /merican

    4ndian /rts ,'se'm the

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    The cit# has an impressive live m'sic scene and boasts more m'sic ven'es per capita

    than an# other U.S. cit#. Austin City Limits the longest@r'nning concert m'sic program

    on /merican television is videotaped on the Universit# of Te8as at /'stin camp's. The/'stin it# imits ,'sic +estival is held ann'all# at Hil"er ar" in /'stin and the cit#s

    Urban ,'sic +estival is held ever# #ear in /pril as is the /'stin Reggae +estival. /'stin

    also hosts the ann'al /'stin +ilm +estival and stages an ann'al filmIm'sicIm'ltimediafestival called So'th b# So'thwest.

    allet /'stin is the fo'rth@largest ballet compan# in the United States. The /'stin #ric

    6pera is widel# admired and the cit# also has a strong theater c'lt're.

     $! 6R/$S

     $ew 6rleans @@ nic"named the :ig as#; @@ is a ma-or U.S. port cit# and the largest cit#in o'isiana. 6ne of the oldest cities in the United States $ew 6rleans is "nown for its

    m'ltic'lt'ral heritage its m'sic and its c'isine.

     $ew 6rleans has a n'mber of distinctive neighborhoods. The +rench J'arter feat'res

    reole townho'ses with l'sh co'rt#ards and intricate iron scrollwor" and other areas boast 1(th@cent'r# mansions in the 9ree" Revival olonial and Eictorian st#les among

    other t#pes of residential architect're. The cit#s elegant and ornate atholic cemeteries

    are another draw for visitors.

    ,a-or attractions incl'de $ew 6rleans famo's o'rbon Street in the +rench J'arter"nown for its vibrant nightlife? St. harles /ven'e %home of T'lane and o#ola

    'niversities&? Aac"son SB'are? St. o'is athedral? the +rench ,ar"et? and -a==

     performances at reservation

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    St. o'is is home to the world@renowned St. o'is S#mphon# 6rchestra fo'nded in

    1FF0. The cit# also hosts ann'all# the 6pera Theatre of Saint o'is and the St. o'is

    4nternational +ilm +estival one of the top regional film festivals in the United States. Thecit# has a long association with great ragtime -a== and bl'es m'sic. 4ts theater district

    incl'des the +o8 Theatre one of the largest live professional theaters in the co'ntr#.

    its s"#line is among the worlds tallest with s"#scrapers that incl'de the

    Sears Tower %the tallest b'ilding in the !estern

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


     $ashville the capital of the U.S. state of Tennessee is a ma-or h'b for the co'ntr# m'sic


    The 9rand 6le 6pr# a wee"l# co'ntr# m'sic radio program feat'ring live concerts wasestablished in $ashville in 1(25. The 6pr# combined with $ashvilles thriving

     p'blishing ind'str# helped the cit# position itself as :,'sic it# US/.; Strongl#identified with co'ntr# m'sic $ashville is a ma-or m'sic recording and prod'ction

    center and is home to the o'ntr# ,'sic the Aohn +. enned# enter for the erforming /rts which is home to the

    !ashington $ational 6pera the $ational S#mphon# 6rchestra and the !ashington

    allet? the +olger Theater an intimate setting for Sha"espearean and contemporar# pla#s?

    and /rena Stage a theater compan# that e8cels at fostering new wor"s and prod'cingintrig'ing revivals of classic repertor#.

     $! G6R 

     $ew Gor" it# the largest U.S. cit# is a world center of commerce and finance and a

    global infl'ence in media entertainment and fashion.

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


     $ew Gor"s ,etropolitan ,'se'm of /rt is among the worlds largest and finest art

    m'se'ms with collections spanning 5000 #ears of world c'lt're. The cit# has more than

    2000 arts and c'lt'ral organi=ations and more than 500 independent art galleries. 4tsarchitect're is dominated b# s"#scrapers incl'ding the hr#sler 'ilding and the mpire

    State 'ilding both masterpieces of /rt Deco design.

    The cit#s 3( largest theaters are "nown collectivel# as :roadwa#.; 4ts incoln enter

    for the erforming /rts hosts the world@famo's ,etropolitan 6pera the $ew Gor" it#6pera the $ew Gor" hilharmonic the $ew Gor" it# allet the A'illiard School and

    other disting'ished entities. ,an# ma-or /merican c'lt'ral movements s'ch as the

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    The Stat'e of ibert# and !hite

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    oston ommon


    !hile $ew Gor" is defined b# its s"#line oston is disting'ished b# its vibrant

    neighborhoods. +rom the fashionable Ba!k Bay to oldest Bea!on Hill  to colorf'l

    Chinato"n to historic North #nd  N all neighborhoods of oston has its own personalit#and distinct appeal. / stroll aro'nd this old cit# is li"e reading an /merican histor#

    te8tboo". +ollow the red line mar"ing the +reedom Trail and come across Boston

    Common the Old North Chur!h Paul $evere%s house and Bunker Hill . ach stop

    represents a chapter in /merican histor#. eing c'lt'ral and commercial h'b of $ewngland oston absorbed all best from the region incl'ding best food s'ch as ,aine

    lobster and $ew ngland clam chowder. Tr# them when in oston the# are best #o' can

    find in all co'ntr#.

    • oston

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    • ,iami

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    Walt Disney World Top 7 Must Sees


    6rlando being home to the largest am'sement par" in the world has to be on a list of

    m'st@visit in /merica. &alt *isney &orld  is the most visited recreational resort in theworld and dont be mista"en it is not onl# for children ad'lts have plent# of f'n in

     *isney &orld  as well. esides famo's &alt *isney &orld $esort  ,niversal Orlando

     $esort  and Sea&orld  6rlando offers plent# of different entertainment great dining and

    even m'se'ms N the most comprehensive collection of Tiffan# art is in Charles Hosmer Morse Museum in 6rlando.

    • 6rlando

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    • a Aolla alifornia

    Eisitor information incl'ding hotelsvacation rentals weather maps attractions

    activities weather 

    os /ngeles

    Los !ngeles

     Holly"ood  and Beverly Hills Malibu and Sunset Boulevard  N these places have to be onm'st@visit in /merica list and all of them are in os /ngeles. !ho wo'ldnt li"e to ta"e

    a ride down Sunset Boulevard  in a convertible or watch s'nset on Malibu bea!h with a

    glass of alifornia inotO 4f #o've never done it #o' sho'ldP esides famo's attractionsand intensive nightlife os /ngeles has great s'rro'ndings to e8plore. A'st ta"e a road

    trip to Santa arbara and #o'll witness a breathta"ing bea't# of So'th alifornia.

    • The 6fficial Eisitors Site for os /ngeles

    9'ide to os /ngeles hotels os /ngeles attractions resta'rants event ven'esos /ngeles transportation and maps

    • os /ngeles l'bs and ars 9'ide

    omprehensive lists of dining and entertainment e8periences in os /ngeles and

    s'rro'nding areas

    Seattle S"#line and the Space $eedle

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities



    4f #o' thin" that Seattle is onl# abo't rain #o' are absol'tel# wrong. The merald it# is

    a real green gem with a wealth of evergreen trees thro'gho't and breathta"ing views ofthe ascade mo'ntains to the east and the 6l#mpic mo'ntains to the west. Mt- $ainier  

    loo"s down on Seattle from its ma-estic heights. Driving thro'gh Seattle on a clear da#has been compared to floating on a clo'd in an emerald s"#. 9o to the top of the S.a!e

     Needle and en-o# a panoramic view of the cit# have a l'nch at a sidewal" cafL in PikeStreet Market  and embrace best of what Seattle can offer N splendid views and great

    freshest seafood.

    • Seattle

  • 8/9/2019 Cultural Diversity of Us Major Cities


    !hat cit# in /merica in G6UR m'st@visit listO lease share with 's #o'r plans and #o'r

    travel e8periences in the United States.