CURRICULUM VITAE PROF. PINI PRATO Direttore del Dipartimento di Odontostomatologia della Facoltà di Medicina dell’ Università degli Studi di Firenze(2008-2011) Direttore della Struttura Dipartimentale dell’Azienda Ospedaliero- Universitaria Careggi – Firenze(2000-2011) Professore di Parodontologia nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Odontostomatologia e Protesi Dentale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze; Past President della Società Italiana di Parodontologia; Consulente / reviewer nei Board di numerose Riviste Scientifiche Internazionali di Parodontologia; Autore di oltre 300 articoli di ricerca su le più prestigiose riviste scientifiche internazionali e di numerosi libri di testo. CURRICULUM RELATORI

CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

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Page 1: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical


Direttore del Dipartimento di Odontostomatologia della Facoltà di Medicina dell’ Università degli

Studi di Firenze(2008-2011)

Direttore della Struttura Dipartimentale dell’Azienda Ospedaliero- Universitaria Careggi –


Professore di Parodontologia nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale di Odontostomatologia e Protesi

Dentale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze;

Past President della Società Italiana di Parodontologia;

Consulente / reviewer nei Board di numerose Riviste Scientifiche Internazionali di Parodontologia;

Autore di oltre 300 articoli di ricerca su le più prestigiose riviste scientifiche internazionali e di

numerosi libri di testo.


Page 2: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical
Page 3: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical
Page 4: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical
Page 5: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical
Page 6: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

�1. Dati�personali:�

��- Nome� � Filippo�- Cognome� � Graziani�- Indirizzo� U.O.�Odontostomatologia e Chirurgia del cavo�orale Ospedale S.�Chiara, Pisa�- Codice�Fiscale� GRZ�FPP�74R�07G�702W� �- Recapiti�telefonici��050��992939�- Indirizzi�e�mail� [email protected]�- Qualifica� � Professore�Aggregato�Ricercatore�Universitario,�Università�di�Pisa���

2. Breve�Curriculum���Filippo�Graziani��Titoli:�� Laureato�con�lode�in�Odontoiatria�e�Protesi�Dentaria�presso�l’Università�di�Pisa.�� Dottore�di�ricerca�in�Chirurgia�Oro�maxillo�facciale.��� Specialista�con�lode�in�Chirurgia�Odontostomatologica.��� Specializzato�(Mastership�in�Clinical�Dentistry�–�Periodontology)�in�Parodontologia�presso�l’University�College�di�Londra�all’istituto�Eastman.��� Master�in�Sperimentazione�Clinica�dei�Farmaci��Ricerca�e�Pubblicistica:�� E’�autore�e�co�autore�di�di�più�di�40�pubblicazioni�internazionali�in�Parodontologia�e�Chirurgia�Orale.�� E’�referee�di�numerose�riviste�scientifiche�� E’�membro�dell’editorial�board�del�Journal�of�Clinical�Periodontology.�� H�factor:�10�� Ha�ottenuto�finanziamenti�di�ricerca�per�880.000�Euro.���Società�Scientifiche:�� E’�past�Segretario/�Tesoriere�della�Società�Italiana�di�Chirurgia�Odontostomatologica.��� Socio�attivo�della�Società�Italiana�di�Parodontologia�e�della�Società�Italiana�di�Chirurgia�Odontostomatologica.��Clinica:�� Coordina�il�percorso�diagnostico�terapeutico�in�”�Parodontologia,�Alitosi�e�Medicina�Parodontale”�dell’Azienda�Ospedaliero�Universitaria�Pisana�� La�sua�attività�clinica�è�finalizzata�alla�Parodontologia.��Posizioni:�� E’�ricercatore�universitario�confermato�e�Professore�Aggregato�nella�Facoltà�di�Medicina�e�Chirurgia�dell’Università�di�Pisa.�� Honorary�Clinical�Lecturer�in�Parodontologia�presso�l’University�College�di�Londra.�� Rappresentante�dei�ricercatori�presso�il�collegio�dei�docenti�di�Odontoiatria.�� Responsabile�scientifico�del�progetto�“Periodontal�disease�as�emergent�systemic�disease”�del�ministero�della�salute.�

Page 7: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

Short CV

Dr. Tord Berglundh graduated (LDS) 1978 in Gothenburg and received his certificate as specialist in Periodontics in 1992,

the degree of Odont. Dr. (PhD) in 1993, the Docent (Associate professor) degree in 1994 and the Professor degree in 2002

from the Department of Periodontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, where he has served since


Presently, Dr. Berglundh is Professor at the Department of Periodontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy at University of

Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research

and Journal of Clinical Periodontology and serves as a referee in several other journals. He is also Associate Editor of the

textbook Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry.

Dr. Berglundh has produced more than 170 scientific publications within the field of dental implants, periodontology,

immunology, genetics, tissue integration and regeneration. The studies on implants have included the use of different

implant systems, compromised sites and diagnosis/treatment of peri-implantitis lesions. Interactions between periodontitis

and peri-implantitis represent one of the major fields of research and include translational systems of combinations of

molecular biology techniques, experimental models and clinical trials.

Page 8: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

C.V. Lorenzo Vanini

E’ socio attivo della Accademia Italiana di Conservativa e della Società Italiana di Odontoiatria Conservatrice . Titolare dell’ insegnamento integrativo " Il Colore in Odontoiatria Ricostruttiva" nel Corso di Odontoiatria Conservativa presso l’ Università degli Studi di Chieti, Visiting Professor in Odontoiatria Restauratrice Estetica presso l’Universita’ De La Mediterranee di Marsiglia, svolge attività di ricerca sui materiali compositi in Italia e in Germania. E’ autore di numerose pubblicazioni scientifiche, coautore del manuale-atlante “Nuovi Concetti Estetici nell’uso dei materiali compositi” edito nel 1995 dagli “Amici di Brugg”, coautore del manuale-atlante “Il restauro conservativo dei denti posteriori 2” edito nel 2000 dagli “Amici di Brugg” e coautore del trattato in due volumi “Il restauro conservativo dei denti anteriori “ edito da Acme Viterbo nel 2003, autore del Sistema Integrato Multimediale “ I restauri diretti in composito nei denti anteriori” di UTET e di capitoli in diversi libri di conservativa e traumatologia in Italia e all’estero. Relatore in congressi di fama internazionale, tiene corsi privati di perfezionamento in odontoiatria ricostruttiva estetica, presso il Centro Corsi in San Fedele Intelvi (Como). Esercita la libera professione a Chiasso (Svizzera) dedicandosi in particolare alla conservativa, alla protesi e all’odontoiatria neuromuscolare.


Page 9: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

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Page 10: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical


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Pagina 2 - Curriculum vitae di [ COGNOME, gnome ]�

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Page 11: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical
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e-mail: [email protected] web: www.implantologiaitalia.com

CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Tiziano Testori, laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia nel 1981 presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano, specializzato in Odontostomatologia nel 1984 ed Ortognatodonzia nel 1986 presso lo stesso ateneo. Fellowship in chirurgia orale ed implantare presso University of Miami, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Implant Dentistry (Direttore Prof. R. E. Marx), Miami, FL, USA. Responsabile del Reparto di Implantologia e Riabilitazione Orale presso la Clinica Odontoiatrica (Direttore Prof. R. L. Weinstein), I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Università degli Studi di Milano. Professore a contratto, Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria, Università degli Studi di Milano. Docente al Corso Elettivo (Direttore: prof. A.B. Giannì) “Terapia riabilitativa e ricostruttiva dei mascellari: quale collaborazione oggi tra ortodontista e implantoprotesista e chirurgo maxillo-facciale nella pratica clinica”, Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria, Università degli Studi di Milano. Visiting Professor New York University, College of Dentistry (Direttore Prof. D. P. Tarnow), New York, NY, USA. Autore di 200 articoli scientifici. Autore con il Prof. R.L. Weinstein ed il Prof. S. Wallace del libro “La chirurgia del seno mascellare e le alternative terapeutiche” Ed. Acme 2005, tradotto in lingua inglese “Sinus Lift Surgery and alternatives in treatment” Ed. Quintessence Publishing Co, Berlino, 2009. Autore con il Dr. F. Galli ed il Dr. M. Del Fabbro del libro “Il Carico Immediato: la nuova era dell’Implantologia” Ed. ACME Italy 2009. Membro dell’Editorial Board di The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (IJOMI), edizione Quintessence Publishing Co, Inc, Illinois (USA). Membro dell’”European Journal of Oral Implantology”, Quintessence Publishing Co, London, UK. Responsabile della Sezione di Implantologia di “Annals of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery”, OA Publishing London, UK. Past-President (2007-2008) della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Orale ed Implantologia (SICOI).

Page 13: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

Carl E. Misch is Clinical Professor and Director, Oral Implantology at Temple University, Philadelphia. Dr. Misch serves on the Board of Trustees at the University of Detroit Mercy where he is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics. He is Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan, School of Dentistry in the Department of

Periodontics/Geriatrics and Adjunct Professor at the School of Engineering in the Department of Biomechanics, at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He was the Director of the Oral Implantology Residency Program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine from 1989 to 1996. Dr. Misch has maintained a private practice restricted to implant surgery (bone grafting and implant placement) and related prosthetics for more than 30 years. He currently practices in Beverly Hills, Michigan.

Dr. Misch graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1973 from the University of Detroit Dental School, then went on to receive his Prosthodontic Certificate, Implantology Certificate and Masters Degree in Dental Science from the University of Pittsburgh. The University of Yeditepe in Istanbul, Turkey and Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest, Romania each awarded Dr. Misch a Ph.D. (honoris causa). He holds several other post-graduate honors including twelve fellowships in dentistry, including the American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, Royal Society of Medicine, American Association of Hospital Dentistry and the Academy of Dentistry International.

Dr. Misch holds Diplomate status at the American Board of Oral Implantology / Implant Dentistry and served as Board President and member of the examining committee. He has also served as President of several implant organizations including the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, American Academy of Implant Dentistry, Academy of Implants and Transplants and the American College of Oral Implantologists. He is currently Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors of International Congress of Oral Implantologists, which, has more than 90 countries represented, and is the world’s largest implant organization.

In 1984, Dr. Carl Misch founded the Misch International Implant Institute (MIII) a one year continuum for implant education. The MIII which now has locations in Florida and Nevada. Over the years, the MIII has been present in Brazil, Canada, France Italy, Japan, Korea, Monaco, Spain, and the United Kingdom. This program has (or is currently) the primary implant education forum for six dental school specialty residencies. As Director, he has trained more than 4,500 doctors in a hands-on, yearly forum of education in implant dentistry. Programs are offered in both the surgical and prosthetic aspects of care. Dr. Misch has more than ten patents related to implant dentistry and is co-inventor of the BioHorizons® Maestro™ Dental Implant System.

Dr. Misch has written three editions of Contemporary Implant Dentistry (Elsevier), which has become the most popular, book in dentistry and has been translated into 9 languages, including, Japanese, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Italian and Korean. He has also written Dental Implant Prosthetics (Elsevier). He has published over 250 articles and has repeatedly lectured in every state in the United States as well as in 47 countries throughout the world.

Page 14: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

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Page 16: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

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Page 17: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

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Page 18: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical

Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti Laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia 1979 con lode, specialità in Odontostomatologia, Università degli Studi di Genova.

Inventore della Chirurgia Ossea Piezoelettrica, ideatore delle Tecniche di Preparazione Ultrasonica del Sito Implantare, Microchirurgia Ortodontica e Wedge Implants.

Esercita l’attività educativa a livello internazionale.

Intensa attività di ricerca scientifica e tecnologia clinica in chirurgia ossea, sia in odontoiatria che in otorino-ortopedia e neurochirurgia.

Fondatore, Presidente Onorario della International Piezosurgey Academy (IPA)

Honorary Professor at Eastman Dental Institute of London.

Socio Attivo: SIdP, AO, AAP, ICOI.

Autore di una nuova Classificazione Ossea Chirurgica.

Autore del 1° volume di Chirurgia Ossea Piezoelettrica, di numerosi articoli scientifici sulle nuove tecniche chirurgiche pubblicati su riviste primarie internazionali e di 6 capitoli in libri internazionali.

Esercita la libera professione a Genova.

Page 19: CURRICULUM RELATORI 2013_CV.pdf · Gothenburg and the Head of the Periodontal Research Laboratory. He is Associate Editor of Clinical Oral Implants Research and Journal of Clinical


Sascha A. Jovanovic, D.D.S., M.S. Academic Chair - gIDE Institute Course Director – UCLA CDE

Past President - EAO Los Angeles, CA 90064


Sascha A. Jovanovic was formally trained in Periodontics at UCLA School of Dentistry, in Implant Dentistry at Loma Linda University and in Prosthodontics at University of Aachen, Germany and holds a Master of Sciences degree in Oral Biology from UCLA.

Since 1990 he resides in Los Angeles and restricts his patient and research work for 23+ years to dental implant therapy and bone & soft tissue reconstruction, is Course Director in Implant Dentistry at UCLA Continuing Dental Education, is Academic Chair and Founder of gIDE Institute (www.gidedental.com).

He is the past-president of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO).

He teaches implant dentistry worldwide and has published 65 articles and book chapters.