Custom Space Hulk House Rules Version 2. March 2009 Imperial Space Marines Cost Unit Type Requirements 1 Power Armor * Marine squads have 13 points. 2 Power Armor Heavy/Special Weapon Heavy/Special * Each squad must have 1 leader. 2 Power Armor Sergeant Leader No more, no less. 2 Terminator Standard / Special * Up to one heavy weapon. 2 Power Armor Chaplain * Power armor squads may have 2 Power Armor Apothecary one heavy and one special weapon. 3 Terminator Sergeant Leader 3 Power Armor Librarian Leader Wave System 3 Power Armor Captain Leader 5 points for others= 1 point a round. 4 Terminator Heavy Weapon Heavy Weapon No more than 1 leader an 1 heavy 4 Terminator Chaplain weapon per 13 points. If the leader 5 Terminator Captain Leader or heavy weapon dies, a replacement 5 Terminator Librarian Leader can be brought in. Power armor squad can have 1 Necron special and 1 heavy if fielding a Cost Unit Wave System power armor leader. 1 Scarab Swarm 5 points for others= Leftover points spent at entry points. 2 Necron Warrior 1 point a round. Must lurk if enemy within 3. 3 Flayed One Leftover points spent Can save up to a full round's points 4 Immortal at entry points, lurking. for later use. 6 Pariah Lurk if enemy within 3. No reloads for heavy weapons. 10 Necron Lord (Maximum one) Can save up to a full round's points for later. Gray Knights use special rules. Genestealer Cult Chaos Space Marine Build Costs Cost Unit Wave System 1 Power Armor 1 Genestealer 10 per blip per round. 2 Terminator Armor 1 Hybrid with bolter 3 for a starting blip. +1 Warp Touched (1d3 CP) 2 Hybrid psycher unarmed Extra points can be +1 Warp Gifted (1d6 CP) 2 Hybrid autocannon spent at entry points, +1 Leadership 3 Hybrid missile launcher must lurk. +2 Heavy or Special Weapon 4 Hybrid flamer Lurk within 6. +2 Sorcerer 5 Magus (5 blip only, maximum one) +1 Force Commander or Special 6 Patriarch (6 blip only, maximum one) Wave rules same as Imperials. Tyranids Cost Unit Wave System 1 Genestealer, Hormagaunt, Termagant, Ripper Swarm, Gargoyle Same as Genestealer Cult. 5 Zoanthrope 6 Biovore, Brood Lord A Special Note on Command Points No figure may spend more than 10 APs.

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Custom Space Hulk House Rules Version 2. March 2009

Imperial Space Marines Cost Unit Type Requirements

1 Power Armor * Marine squads have 13 points. 2 Power Armor Heavy/Special

Weapon Heavy/Special * Each squad must have 1 leader. 2 Power Armor Sergeant Leader No more, no less. 2 Terminator Standard / Special * Up to one heavy weapon. 2 Power Armor Chaplain * Power armor squads may have 2 Power Armor Apothecary one heavy and one special weapon. 3 Terminator Sergeant Leader 3 Power Armor Librarian Leader Wave System 3 Power Armor Captain Leader 5 points for others= 1 point a round. 4 Terminator Heavy Weapon Heavy Weapon No more than 1 leader an 1 heavy 4 Terminator Chaplain weapon per 13 points. If the leader 5 Terminator Captain Leader or heavy weapon dies, a replacement 5 Terminator Librarian Leader can be brought in.

Power armor squad can have 1 Necron special and 1 heavy if fielding a

Cost Unit Wave System power armor leader. 1 Scarab Swarm 5 points for others= Leftover points spent at entry points. 2 Necron Warrior 1 point a round. Must lurk if enemy within 3. 3 Flayed One Leftover points spent Can save up to a full round's points 4 Immortal at entry points, lurking. for later use. 6 Pariah Lurk if enemy within 3. No reloads for heavy weapons.

10 Necron Lord (Maximum one) Can save up to a full round's points for later. Gray Knights use special rules. Genestealer Cult Chaos Space Marine Build Costs Cost Unit Wave System 1 Power Armor

1 Genestealer 10 per blip per round. 2 Terminator Armor 1 Hybrid with bolter 3 for a starting blip. +1 Warp Touched (1d3 CP) 2 Hybrid psycher unarmed Extra points can be +1 Warp Gifted (1d6 CP) 2 Hybrid autocannon spent at entry points, +1 Leadership 3 Hybrid missile launcher must lurk. +2 Heavy or Special Weapon 4 Hybrid flamer Lurk within 6. +2 Sorcerer 5 Magus (5 blip only, maximum one) +1 Force Commander or Special 6 Patriarch (6 blip only, maximum one) Wave rules same as Imperials. Tyranids

Cost Unit Wave System

1 Genestealer, Hormagaunt, Termagant, Ripper Swarm, Gargoyle

Same as Genestealer Cult.

5 Zoanthrope 6 Biovore, Brood Lord

A Special Note on Command Points No figure may spend more than 10 APs.

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Custom Space Hulk House Rules Version 2. March 2009

Imperial Space Marines Space Marines, in the service of their God-Emperor, focus on teamwork and inspired leadership. Space Marine Terminator Captain (Leader) o Uses Storm Bolter rules. o Power Sword. +1 close combat on facing square. Parry. Optional forced reroll of opponent’s highest

die in hand to hand if the opponent is on the facing square. o +2 CPs for Marine Terminators per captain on the board when CPs are rolled. o +1 to defend in Mind War. Up to 2 CPs can be reserved to use in defense. o Grenade Launcher has normal line of sight, range 12 squares. 1 AP, can move & fire.

Frag Grenades have normal line of sight and hit their target and all adjacent models (including doors and allies) with a bolter hit equivalent. (1d6, kill on a 6)

o Krak. Only hits one target, kills on 3-6. 10 shots. Terminator Librarian (Leader) o +1 to close combat on facing square. Can spend CPs to boost hand to hand roll total in facing square. o Uses Storm Bolter rules. o Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. o At the beginning of the round, roll 1d6 for Psycher points. They are used as CP for Librarian only.

o The Librarian cannot use other CPs. o Points not spent during the Marine turn can be used during the opponent turn for bonuses or

reactions, but not to take independent action. o Dull Mind and other CP theft takes reserve points before penalizing the next round.

o For power list and descriptions, see the “Space Hulk Summary: Psychic” sheet. Assault Cannon Terminator (Heavy Weapon) o 10 shots, 2 reloads (4 APs to reload) o Burst fire. 1 AP.

o Uses rules for Storm Bolter fire for APs, can move and shoot. o 3d6, 5 or 6 kills. o Sustained fire is 4 for first, 3 for 2nd on.

o Overwatch. 2 AP. o As burst. Track ammo.

o Full Auto. 2 AP. 5 shots. o Attack hits all targets in line of sight, including targets revealed by destroying cover target. Roll

for them 1 at a time, in contiguous order chosen by Marine. o Malfunction.

o Roll triples (target may still be destroyed) any time after the gun has been reloaded. o Assault Cannon Terminator destroyed. o Every adjacent model, including allies and doors, takes 1 “bolter hit.” o Cannot be jammed by enemy psycher.

Lightning Claws Terminator o +1 to close combat rolls in all directions.

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o Special combat on facing square. o Roll 2 dice and choose the higher. o Parry: optional, foe reroll 1 die. o Attack is +2. o If the LCT loses when attacking, then the model must stop, and no more APs or CPs can be spent

for that model for that round, but the model lives. o No ranged attack. Cyclone Terminator (Heavy Weapon) o Uses Storm Bolter Rules. (Can go on overwatch with storm bolter, but not missile launcher.) o -1 in Hand to Hand (no Power Fist). o Can fire Guided Missiles.

o Launcher has unlimited ammo. o Launcher costs 1 AP to activate, but cannot fire while moving or turning. o Missile type is chosen before firing. Crack Missiles have normal line of sight and kill on a 3-6. (10 ammunition) Frag Missiles have normal line of sight and hit their target and all adjacent models

(doors, enemies, friends) with a bolter hit, or destroyed on a 6. Plasma Missiles act as a single heavy flamer hit with two chips. Only 2, no reloads.

Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield Terminator o Can parry on facing square and left square, has the option of making foe reroll 1 die. Or survives a hit

from an enemy ranged weapon from those directions on a roll of 6. o On facing square, +2 to close assault. o No ranged attack. o Self Destruct. This can be done at the cost of 1 AP or instead of defending when attacked in hand to

hand. The terminator, as well as everything on adjacent square (except bulkheads) is destroyed. Terminator Chaplain o No more than 1 chaplain (any armor), unless there are multiple captains, then not more than 1 per

captain. 1 without captain okay. o Armed with storm bolter, terminator suit. o +2 to hand to hand on facing square. Can spend CP to boost total for combat on facing square. o +1 resisting mind war. o Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. o Fanaticism. 1d6 CP to use himself or share with any figure that can see him, that he can see, or that is

within 6 squares. This can also be spent to defend in Mind War. Cannot use other CP pools. Cannot donate to Librarians.

Sentry Guns o Counts as a bolter on overwatch, range 12.

o Can be destroyed, but not knocked off overwatch by combat or psychic attacks. o Will not shoot friendly units. o No hand to hand capability, but can shoot attackers because of overwatch even when

attacked. o Any marine within 10 squares can spend 2 APs to take remote control.

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o Can spend 1 AP to shoot, sustained fire counts, unlimited range. o Can change gun’s facing for 1 AP.

o Can be destroyed as a power armor marine by shooting, and with a 3+ in hand to hand. o Not vulnerable to mind war.

o A marine can assemble or disassemble a cannon with 4 APs, to carry it. o When carrying cannon, cannot shoot or do specialty hand to hand.

Power Armor Marines o Bolters use same AP rules as Storm Bolters.

o Only roll 1 die instead of 2. o Cannot jam. o 2 AP to go on overwatch.

o Turn 90o for free. o Can turn and fire, or move and turn, or move and fire, but not move and turn and fire.

o -2 in hand to hand rolls. o +1 to shooting attacks to kill them. o 1d3 Command Points for power armor use, not interchangeable with any other CPs. Power Armor Sergeant (Leader) o Move, armor, and shooting as a power armor Marine. o Power armor marines get 1d6 CPs instead of 1d3 while a power armor sergeant is in play.

o Sergeant is -1 in hand to hand on a facing square. No parry unless he has a sword. Power Armor Flamer (Special Weapon) o Move as power armor marine. o -2 in hand to hand rolls. o +1 to shooting attacks to kill them.

o Counts as a heavy weapon, can be taken with another heavy weapon in a full power armor squad. o Flamer gets 10 shots and 1 reload. o Works the same as a heavy flamer for blocking passage. o Kills on a 4-6. o Costs 2 APs to activate.

Power Armor (Heavy Weapon) o -2 in hand to hand rolls. o +1 to shooting attacks to kill them. o Takes a heavy weapon slot, can only be taken with flamer in full power armor squad. o Movement is slowed; costs 1 AP to turn.

Missile Launcher. Launcher has unlimited ammo. o Launcher costs 1 AP to activate, but cannot move and fire, turn and fire, or overwatch. o Missile type can be chosen before firing. Crack Missiles have normal line of sight and kill on a 3-6. Frag Missiles have normal line of sight and hit their target and all adjacent models (including

doors and allies) with a bolter hit, or destroyed on a 6. Plasma Missiles act as a single heavy flamer hit with two chips. Only 2, no reloads.

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Heavy Bolter. Has unlimited ammo. o Costs 1 AP to fire. o Roll 1d6. Kills on a 5 or 6. Cannot move and fire or turn and fire. Can overwatch, never jams. Lascannon. Has unlimited ammo. o Costs 2 AP to fire. o The first target in a straight or diagonal line in LOF is killed on a 3-6. If killed, the next in line

dies on 4-6. Then 5-6, then 6. Power Armor Captain (Leader) • -1 hand to hand penalty on facing square. -2 on other facings. Can parry if he has a sword. • Uses power armor movement, armor, and shooting rules. • No grenades. • +2 Terminator CP or +1 Terminator CP and 1d6 scout CP or 1d6+1 scout CP. This can change each

round. Must be declared before any CP are rolled. • +1 defending in psychic combat. Can use up to 2 reserved CPs to bolster defense. Power Armor Librarian (Leader) o -1 to close combat on facing square. -2 other facings. Can spend CPs to add to roll in facing square. o Uses power armor movement, armor, and shooting rules. o Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. o At the beginning of the round, roll 1d6 for Psycher points. They are used as CP for Librarian only.

The Librarian cannot use other CPs. o Uses Terminator Librarian powers. For power list and descriptions, see the “Space Hulk Summary:

Psychic” sheet. Power Armor Chaplain o No penalty to hand to hand on facing square, -1 from sides or rear. o +1 resisting mind war. o Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. o Fanaticism. 1d3 CP to use himself or share with any figure that can see him, that he can see, or that is

within 6 squares. This can also be spent to increase his hand to hand rolls, or to defend in Mind War. Cannot use other CP pools. Cannot donate to Librarians.

Power Armor Apothecary o Move, armor, and shooting as a power armor Marine. o Healing. If an ally is killed on the apothecary’s facing square, then the apothecary can spend

command points to get 1 die each. On a roll of a 6, the ally survives. This does not require an AP or activation of the apothecary.

o Tactical Coordination. The apothecary can spend 2 APs to convert APs to CPs for a CP pool, either terminators or power armor.

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Terminator Gray Knights o They cannot be mixed in other squads. Their squad costs 26 points, replacing 2 squads. They have 1

sergeant and 1 heavy flamer, no substitutions. o Movement and use of storm bolter are the same as regular Terminator Marines. o Each Knight contributes 1 psycher point for the squad’s use. The Sergeant contributes 2. Knights

cannot use other CPs or psycher points from other sources, except Chaplain CPs. o Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. o Each member counts as a Librarian with the following powers.

o Aura, Machine Spirits, Sight, Might, Reinforce, Dull Mind, Slow Body, Batter, Shield Mind. o Nemesis Force weapons are +1 on facing and right square. o If a Knight ties or loses hand to hand, the Knight gets one shot, without possibility of jamming. If that

shot hits, the attacker dies and the Knight lives. (The flamer cannot do this.) o Knights are +1 in mind war, and can spend additional psycher points to boost totals. o Knight psycher points cannot be reduced by enemy psychers or fear. o They can spend 2 APs and convert other APs to psycher points at the cost of 1 each. (4 actions can

spend 2 to activate, contribute 2.) Power Armor Gray Knights o They cannot be mixed in other squads. Their squad costs 26 points, replacing 2 squads. They have 1

sergeant and 2 heavy or special weapons, no substitutions. o Movement and use of bolter are the same as regular power armor. o 2 Knights contribute 1 psycher point for the squad’s use. The Sergeant contributes 1. Knights cannot

use other CPs or psycher points from other sources, except Chaplain CPs. o Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. o Each member counts as a Librarian with the following powers.

o Aura, Machine Spirits, Sight, Might, Reinforce, Dull Mind, Slow Body, Batter, Shield Mind. o Nemesis Force weapons are +1 on facing and right square, so they are only -1.-2 otherwise. o If a Knight ties or loses hand to hand, the Knight gets one shot, without possibility of jamming. If that

shot hits, the attacker dies and the Knight lives. (Heavy and special weapons cannot do this.) o Knights are +1 in mind war, and can spend additional psycher points to boost totals. o Knight psycher points cannot be reduced by enemy psychers or fear. o They can spend 3 APs and convert other APs to psycher points at the cost of 1 each. (4 actions, spend

3 to activate, contribute 1.)

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NEW EXPERIMENTAL TROOPS Scouts • Vulnerable. Incoming shooting attacks are +2 to kill them. They are -3 in hand to hand. • Agile. They can change facing for free any time they act; they can move, turn, and fire, for example. • React. Always count as facing a foe in hand to hand; they turn immediately. • Scouting. If a scout is between a potential threat area and other allies, or in a threat area, the scout

generates 1 CP that can be used by scouts, power armor, or terminator armor, but not librarians, chaplains, or apothecaries.

• Tactical. Scouts can use command points generated by terminators, power armor, or chaplains. Fangs. These scouts focus on hand to hand. They suffer from berserk rages from dark dreams of blood, and are usually fielded with a chaplain or as personal scouts for a captain’s command squad. (13=sergeant 2, heavy bolter 2, scouts 3, power armor captain 3, power armor librarian 3) • Dodge. Their light armor allows them to dodge killing blows in hand to hand only; if they roll a 6,

they survive. • Swords. They can parry an enemy in hand to hand, forcing a reroll of the highest die if they choose to. • Pistols. They can go on overwatch, but even when shooting, max range is 10. • Heavy Bolter. Cannot turn and fire or move and fire. Kill on a 5 or 6, can go on overwatch, does not

jam. Costs 1 to turn 90. Cannot Dodge, not Agile, does not React. • Sergeant. Has plasma pistol, helps in hand-to-hand by giving +1 bonus. Also, can either generate 1

CP for a pool like other scouts, or regardless of position, generate 1d3 CPs for scouts only. Shadows. These scouts focus on clearing the way for other troops. They try to outrun foes, or focus firepower on them at close range. They frequently partner with Fangs for a 13 point squad. • Shotgun. These weapons only have a 10 range, rolling 1d to kill on a 6. At a range of 3 squares or

less, the shotgun puts out 2d, either putting both on one target, or one on a target and one on an adjacent visible target in the shotgun’s 90* fire arc. Can go on overwatch, and the 2d rule works on overwatch, but shotguns roll the jam die on overwatch.

• Sergeant. Has a sniper rifle, with unlimited range. It does 1d6+1. It cannot go on overwatch. Also, can generate 1 CP for a pool like other scouts, or regardless of position, generate 1d3 CPs for scouts only.

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Genestealer Cult Genestealers get 6 AP and turn 90* for free. They have no ranged attack. In hand to hand, they roll 3 dice and choose the highest. Hybrids get 4 APs and move like genestealers. They are -2 in hand to hand on 1d6. When shot at, they are 1 easier to kill; bolter fire kills on a 5 or 6, sustained a 4-6. How does a hybrid enter play? • A hybrid can be any blip, including a zero. • When flipping one blip for hybrids, other blips can be flipped and added to the total. Reinforcements

can be used this way. o A 1 blip, a 3 blip across the board, and a 2 blip in the round’s reinforcements can all be

flipped to convert 6 hybrid points on the 1 blip. • A blip flipped to bring in hybrids cannot use its points in any other way; hybrids and stealers cannot

be revealed, and hybrids and command points cannot be taken from one reveal. • There is no limit to how many blips can be spent to convert a blip to one or more hybrids. What do blips buy? • Blips can buy weapons. A hybrid may only have one weapon.

o 1 for a bolter. o 2 for an autocannon. (cost 1 AP to turn 90*)

As a storm bolter, but no overwatch and no jam. o 3 for a missile launcher.

Launcher has unlimited ammo. Launcher costs 1 AP to activate, but cannot move and fire or turn and fire. Costs 1 AP to turn. Missile type can be chosen before firing. Crack Missiles kill on a 3-6. Frag Missiles hit their target and all adjacent models (including doors and allies) with

a bolter hit, or destroyed on a 6. Plasma Missiles act as a single heavy flamer hit with two chips. Kill on 2-6. Only 2,

no reloads. o 4 for a flamer (not heavy flamer).

Flamer gets 10 ammo chits and 1 reload. Works the same for blocking passage. Fire kills on 4-6. Costs 2 APs to activate.

o 2 for close combat specialist. +1 for training, +1 for power fist, +1 for power sword, so it is +1 on 1d6 and can

parry. • Blips can make hybrids psionic when they are converted (not later).

o 2 for psycher. o 5 for magus. (Must be the 5 blip.) There can be 1 at a time, only if the scenario permits it.

o For psychic power list and descriptions, see the “Space Hulk Summary: Psychic” sheet. How do you get Stealer Command Points?

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• Zero blips can represent psychic energy as long as at least one hybrid psycher (including the patriarch and magus) is on the board. Flipping one over grants 1d6. This does not count as converting a blip for CPs, as it is the purpose of the blip.

• Convert Stealer blips. A hybrid can get up to 3 CPs by flipping a blip with 1-3. A magus can get up to 6 CPs by flipping a blip with 1-6. Only one blip can be used this way in a round; each psycher or magus cannot flip one.

• Patriarch. If the Patriarch is on the board, the stealers get an automatic 2 CP per round. The Patriarch can also generate more CPs. Patriarch CPs cannot be used to augment hybrids at generation.

Patriarch This figure cannot be brought into play unless the mission calls for a patriarch; they do not generally engage in an assault, they stay back and guide the Stealers and let the Marines punch through the defenses and try to assassinate them. • Patriarchs have 6 APs if they can move. Some are so old and powerful that they are restricted to one

square, but they have 9 APs. This are only available in scenarios that call for them. • They are the same to kill as a Genestealer. • They roll 4 dice in close combat, with +3 to the highest, optionally reinforced by CPs. Bonus is +2

from the sides, +1 from behind. • They have the psychic powers of a Magus. • They can spend 2 APs and convert other APs to CPs at the cost of 1 each. (A motionless Patriarch

could spend 2 to activate this, and spend 7 more for 7 CPs.) • If the Patriarch does not begin the mission on the map, then only a 6 blip can be converted to be a

Patriarch. The patriarch’s death generally means the end of the game. If it does not, then all Stealer forces have their APs reduced by 2 for the rest of the game.

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Custom Space Hulk House Rules Version 2. March 2009

Tyranids Hive Mind. Tyranids get 1 CP a round for each blip per round (or 10 points of starting forces). No model can use more than 10 AP in a round, though more can be used as bonus in hand to hand, Mind War, etc. Any Tyranid can use CPs to defend in Mind War. When a blip is converted, all creatures in the blip must be the same type, though termagants may be armed differently. When converting a blip, blips from other areas on the board can be pulled in to increase its number. Max 6. 0 blips. Nothing. If the brood lord is in play, infiltrated troops. If the zoanthrope, 1d6 command points. If the biovore, 1d6 extra mines. If multiple, tyranid choice. If converted by the opponent, nothing. Termagants (1) • 6 action points. • Turn 90o for free. • 1d6-2 in hand to hand. • 1 easier to kill as shooting target. • Termagants can carry fleshborerers, spike rifles, or strangleweb. Fleshborerers • 10 range. 1 AP to fire. Can turn and fire, but not move and fire. • Kill on 6 on 1d6. • Sustained fire builds until a 2 is needed. Spike Rifles • 15 range. 1 AP to fire. Can turn and fire, but not move and fire. • Kill on a 3+. • Only fire once per round. Strangleweb • 10 range. 2 AP to fire. • When the target is shot, roll 1d6.

o 1. Miss the target. o 2-3. The target must spend 2 AP to tear free before being able to act again. o 4-5. The target must spend 4 AP to tear free before being able to act again. o 6. The target is crushed and dies.

Hormagaunts (1) • 6 action points. • Turn 90o for free. • 3d6-1 in hand to hand. • 1 easier to kill as shooting target. • Pounce. Pouncing counts as moving one square, and instead the hormagaunt can pounce up to 3

squares in a straight or diagonal line if the hormagaunt has LOF. o The pounce triggers overwatch once, for those with LOF to the landing square.

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o If the hormagaunt lands facing a target in normal attack position, the hormagaunt attacks for free. (It could move five squares, jump over two, land in the third and attack for its six.)

o Each square leaped over reduces the Hormagaunt by 1 die and grants the Hormagaunt +1 on the roll.

o The hormagaunt can only pounce once per round. o The pounce must either end in hand to hand, or a minimum of 3 squares from the nearest

target. Pounce 1 square, so over 0, but get to move and attack in hand to hand as 1 AP. Pounce 2 squares, so over 1, is -1 dice and +1, so 2d6 for combat. Pounce 3 squares, so over 2, is -2 dice and +2, so the Hormagaunt rolls 1d6+1.

Gargoyles (2) • 6 action points. • Turn 90o for free. • 1d6-4 in hand to hand. • 1 easier to kill as shooting target. • Flying. The gargoyle can move through squares with other models, friend or foe, at double the cost. • Flamespurt. The gargoyle has a symbiote flamer that counts as a light flamer.

o It can use up to 4 flames a round. It can carry up to 8 flames. o It regenerates 1 flame a round.

Genestealers (1) Same. Biovore (Scenario only, 6. Cannot convert blips to get it; too big.) • 3 Action Points a round. Even with CPs, maximum 5. • Turn 90o for 1 point. Move sideways for 2 points. • No bonus or penalty for hand to hand. 1d. • Huge. The bivore is much more massive than other tyranids.

o Takes up 4 squares. o Movement is calculated from a corner square; must be able to fit entire base each time the

biovore moves, cannot squeeze through small corridors briefly. o LOS and LOF for the biovore calculated from either of the front 2 squares. For those shooting

the biovore, seeing any square of the base allows shooting the entire creature. o The biovore has 3 wounds.

• Launcher. The biovore has internal spore mines. It costs 1 AP to launch a mine. o It costs 1 for each spore mine in the biovore; flip blips to get these points. o No more than 3 can be fired in 1 round. More can be loaded by spending points, up to 6. o The biovore has a range of 12. o Unless the scenario says otherwise, if the biovore is placed before the scenario begins then

1d6 spore mines can be put on the map, minimum 10 squares from enemy deployment. • Mines. The mines float, detonating automatically no matter whose turn when an enemy is on an

adjacent square. They are 1 easier to shoot. o When a mine is destroyed from a distance, only the bioplasma still detonates. o The biovore can fire 3 types of mine. Mines are numbered, and the Tyranid player must keep

a list of the mines on the board, and what kind they are. The enemy can spend 1 AP with LOS on the mine to determine its type. Psychers can reveal type with Sight. Acid. All adjacent squares take a 1d6+1 hit. Bioplasma. All adjacent squares take 2 light flamer hits. Spurt. A single target dies on anything but a 1.

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o The mines may move 1d3 each at the end of the Tyranid turn. Mines have no facing. They cannot open doors, and doors do not provoke detonation. Enemy psychers can use Batter and Slow Body on mines. Tyranids can spend CP to move the mines up to a total of 5.

Zoanthrope (5) The zoanthrope can be taken only where the scenario calls for it. If it does not start on the board, only converting a 5 blip will get the zoanthrope. • 6 action points. • Turn 90o for free. • 1d6 in hand to hand. • Psychic Shield. The zoanthrope can use Aura for 2 AP each use, unlimited times. • Intensify Hive Mind. Activate with 2 AP, convert up to 4 AP to Tyranid CP. • Warp Bolt. 1 AP. Unlimited range, LOF. Kills on a 5 or 6. Additional APs can be spent when firing;

each one makes it 1 easier to kill. Spending 5 APs means an automatic kill. The first point counts towards the limit of 10 AP a round, but APs to boost its deadliness do not.

• Massive Will. Cannot be killed by mind war. Brood Lord (6) The brood lord can be taken only where the scenario calls for it. If it does not start on the board, only converting a 6 blip will get the brood lord. • 9 action points. • Turn 90o for free. • 3d6 +1 in hand to hand. • Psychic Shield. The brood lord can use Aura for 2 AP once per round. • Massive Will. Cannot be killed by mind war. • Mighty. Can add CPs in as a hand to hand bonus. • Intensify Hive Mind. Activate with 2 AP, convert up to 4 AP to Tyranid CP. • Shell Game. If the brood lord takes no other action and is out of all enemies’ sight, it can spend 3 AP

to split into 3 touching numbered blips. The tyranid player writes down which number represents the actual brood lord.

o The blips can move normally, and are revealed normally. Two of the blips are 0 blips, and one of them is the actual brood lord.

o Blips have 6 APs and behave as normal genestealer blips. The blip with the brood lord represents a brood lord, not 5 points, and it cannot be converted for any other purpose. When the brood lord is revealed, the other 0 blips from shell game go away.

o An infiltrated brood lord cannot use psychic shield or intensify hive mind. Ripper Swarm (1) • Can only convert from a 1 blip. • 6 action points. • Turn 90o for free. • Squirm. 1d6-3 in hand to hand. Cumulative hand to hand, +1 each time. • Quick. Those on overwatch do not get the first shot they would normally get, shooting on the second

opportunity. • Dodge. Any time a ripper swarm is killed, roll 1d6. On a 6, they are not killed after all. This does not

work against fire.

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• Bolster. If a door is on a swarm’s facing adjacent square, and the Tyranid player declares the door is bolstered at any time before an action is spent to open the door, it cannot be opened, only destroyed.

• Devour. Inanimate objects like doors, downed necron, appropriate mission objective pieces, etc. take 1 point of damage from an adjacent facing ripper swarm during the first other player’s turn, if the Tyranid player declares the damage. If the swarm is on an object, that object can take the damage.

• Mindless. Immune to mind war, unable to use CPs. • Hide. Each 2 actions spent is -1 to hit a ripper swarm; the swarm digs in the ground, walls, ceiling,

taking advantage of every scrap of cover. It takes 1 action to wriggle out of hiding.

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Chaos Space Marines • Warp Touched. All Chaos troops get 1d3 Command Points. This adds 1 to the troop’s cost,

compared to an Imperial Space Marine. • Warp Gifted. These troops get 1d6 CP each. This adds another 1 to the troop’s cost. • Fearless. All Chaos Space Marines are Fearless (can walk into fire, take damage normally.) Chaos Command Points • The troop’s CP may be rolled one of three times. CP may not be rolled after the troop has been

activated and another troop is activated in the same turn. o Upon activating the Chaos troop. o At some point during the Chaos troop’s turn. o When the troop could benefit from CPs but has not yet gone in the overall round, such as

resisting a psychic attack or in hand-to-hand. • CPs can be used for a variety of things during a model’s turn—if 3 were rolled, then 1 could be used

to move, 1 to improve a plasma weapon, and 1 to boost hand to hand if the model has brutal weapon. • If the model’s CPs are suppressed, but there is the possibility that the model could still get CPs, the

Chaos player may roll for them. If the roll is higher than the suppression, then the leftovers may be used normally.

• All Chaos troops who get command points can spend 2 for Aura, up to 3 times. Chaos Leadership (Costs 1) A troop can be made a champion for +1 cost, adding the Leadership suite. No limit to how many troops can be champions. Force Commander (Costs 1) Must have Warp Gifted and Chaos Leadership to be Force Commander (or a special character) and there can only be 1 per force unless the other players consent to allow more than one. Chaos Heavy Weapons Upgrading a troop with a heavy or special weapon is +2 cost. Leadership can carry heavy or special weapons; most do. No limit to how many troops can carry special or heavy weapons. • Warp Heavy Flamer. Unlimited ammo, heavy flamer, 1d6 ammo every round, rolled upon activation,

or 2d6 for the cost of a 1d3 CP roll. Warp Gifted individuals go from 1d6 to 1d3, warp touched get no command points, if using this option. Choose before rolling. Works as Imperial heavy flamer for costs to fire, effects of fire, LOS, range, etc. Ammo cannot be saved for next round; unused is lost.

• Missile Launcher/Cyclone. 1 CP for krak, 2 CP for plasma. Frag for free. Still costs 1 AP to fire, adding special ammo costs CP instead of AP. Works as Imperial gear otherwise.

• Warp Cannon. 2d6, kill on a 6. Can add CPs to lower kill number. Costs 1 to fire. Can move and fire, can go on overwatch. Cannot add CPs while moving and firing, but if they are added before moving or before going on overwatch, the benefit lasts until the model is activated next round. (Same for power armor, but cannot move and fire.)

• Combi-weapon. Bolter/plasma. Without CPs, counts as a non-jamming storm bolter. Can be used as a plasma weapon.

• Heavy Bolter. Cannot turn and fire or move and fire. Kill on a 5 or 6, does not jam. • Lascannon. 1d6+2 damage, spend 1 CP to hit the next target in a direct line if the first falls.

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• Plasma weapons (meltagun and plasma gun) have unlimited ammo in the hands of a chaos space marine. They count as a regular bolter—unlimited LOS range, 1d6 kills on a 6, sustained fire on a 5-6. However, CPs can be spent to make them deadlier. Can move and fire, but not add CP while moving and firing. Do not pay to turn. They must pay 1 to shoot, and add CPs for plasma effects.

Command Points Light Flamer Heavy Flamer Burst Plasma weapons can only do light, heavy, or burst in an action. With 5 CPs, the weapon could spend 1 action to shoot 2 heavy flamer tokens (4 CP), and 1 action to shoot 1 light flamer token (1 CP). The chaos warrior would have 2 AP left.

1 1 token (hits target and all adjacent) 2 2 tokens 1 token

3 3 tokens Light Flamer burst 4 4 tokens 2 tokens

5 5 tokens 6 6 tokens 3 tokens Heavy burst

Each troop is either Ruthless or Berserk. Leadership and Force Commander can then be purchased, making that troop more expensive and more dangerous. Ruthless • Overwatch • Sustained Fire

Berserk • Charge • Distracted • Instinctive Melee • Fury

Leadership (+1 cost) • Ruthless or Berserk • Combat Master • Insane • Brutal Weapons

Force Commander (+1) • Ruthless or Berserk • Leadership • Manipulate Warp • Favored of Chaos

Ruthless Suite • Overwatch. Same as Imperial Space Marines. • Sustained Fire. Same as Imperial Space Marines. Berserk Suite • Charge. Can move and attack in hand to hand instead of moving and turning or moving and firing. • Distracted. Cannot go on overwatch. No sustained fire bonus. • Instinctive Melee. Berserkers with a melee weapon can either get +1 to the roll or a parry. They may

choose after rolling in combat. This applies to mutation weapons, chain axes, chain swords, power fists, etc. This bonus applies on the weapon side and the front.

• Fury. Berserkers can trade 1d3 CP potential to roll 2 dice in hand to hand for a round. (That means no CP roll for a warp touched figure, or 1d3 for a Warp Gifted figure.)

Leadership Suite (Costs 1) • Combat Master. +1 to melee roll or a parry. This stacks with Instinctive Melee, doubling it or

gaining both advantages, player choice. A character could parry twice, get +1 and parry, or get +2. • Insane. +1 to Mind War. • Brutal Weapons. Melee weapons grant +1 to facing square and weapon side. CPs can be spent to

boost melee totals. Stacks with Instinctive Melee and Combat Master. Force Commander Suite (Costs 1) • Manipulate Warp. Can give CPs to other forces within 10 or take their CP. This can be done any

time during the Chaos turn. • Favored of Chaos. Aura only costs 1 CP, maximum 3. Sorcerer powers. (Costs 2) • Warp Flux. 4 AP. Roll 1d6 additional CP. • Warp Gift. 1 AP. CPs can be gifted to other Chaos models within 5 squares. • Teleportation. 1 AP. Move 1 square per AP or CP spent, through hallways, ignoring obstacles.

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• Warpfire Gust. 2 AP. 1 square within 5 is hit with 2 light flamer hits. • Warpfire Eruption. 4 AP. 1 square within 5 is hit with 2 heavy flamer hits. • Warpfire Weaponry. 2 AP. Roll CP, use that as bonuses that must be declared before rolling for

hand to hand or shooting attacks. Each bonus lasts for a single attack. • Aura. 2 AP. Ignore 1 death. • Obfuscate. 2 AP. Counts as invisible until it attacks. Costs double against Librarians and Chaplains.

Can be cast on self or any adjacent troop. Khorne Berserkers in Power Armor (Berserker) • 4 APs. • Do not pay to turn 90. • Pistol. They have a shooting range of 10. Plasma pistols and bolt pistols count as a bolter with shorter


Costs Power Armor (1) Terminator Armor (2) Warp Touched (+1) Warp Gifted (+1) Leadership (+1) Heavy or Special Weapon (+2) Sorcerer (+2) Force Commander or Special (+1)

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Necron Warriors (2 points) • 4 action points a round. • Turn 90* for free. Standard move costs. • Cannot move and shoot. Can turn and shoot. • Shooting: roll 1d6+1. Standard kills needed.

o Implacable. Sustained fire builds up until they need a 2 to kill. • Hand to Hand: roll 1d6+1. Bonus to front and sides. • Hateful. +1 defending Mind War. • Inorganic. +1 defending flame attacks. • Fear: Suppress 1d6 command points for the other side. Roll at the end of the turn, split the results as desired. • Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. • Internal Repairs. The equivalent of one kill knocks the warrior down. The model is replaced by a nickel.

o A double kill, or continued shooting at the downed necron, can remove the token. o The same round, the necron player can attempt to regenerate that model. A roll of 6, the model rises again

good as new. It cannot act until the next player’s turn; if it raises on the necron turn, it must wait until the next round to go.

o On a later round, the model rises on a 5 or 6. Must wait to act, as above. o If the model rises under an enemy model, the enemy model can automatically move to an adjacent square,

any facing. This disrupts overwatch. o If the model rises under an enemy model during the enemy turn, the enemy model can automatically kill

the necron, scattering the pieces so the token is removed. That takes the enemy’s entire turn, and not even CPs can move the model that round.

o The necron player can attempt to raise models during the opposing player’s turn. A 6 is needed. Only one attempt per full round (necron and other player turn) can be made to raise a model.

o For hand to hand, destroying a downed necron is the same as destroying a door. o Failed attempts to rise do not penalize the downed necron or remove the token. o A downed necron counts as a new target for sustained fire.

Necron Scarab Swarms (1 point)

• 6 action points a round. • They have no facing. • They cannot shoot. • They cannot be targeted for mind war. • In hand to hand, they roll 1d6-4. • Swarms can be shot apart on a 5 or 6. • If shot apart or knocked down in hand to hand, swarms reform at the end of the next necron round,

automatically. o If they are knocked apart during the necron’s turn, the end of the following necron turn they reform. o If downed by incendiary attack (flamer, heavy flamer, plasma) they are destroyed. o Use a penny to represent downed swarms.

• Inorganic. +1 defending flame attacks. • Landing. At the beginning and ending of the necron turn, the swarms can be declared to be landed or airborn.

o Put the model on its side. o Landed swarms do not block line of sight. o They automatically lose hand to hand. o They can only be shot at within 4 squares. o Movement in this state costs double. o Incendiary attacks work normally.

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Necron Lord (10 points) • 6 action points a round. • Moves and shoots like a necron warrior. Also, hateful, implacable, and inorganic. • Hand to Hand: roll 1d6+2. Bonus on front and side squares. • Loathing. 2 APs. The necron lord chooses one command point pool and negates it. 1 per round. • Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. • Incorruptible. If the necron lord is knocked down, it rises again at the end of 1d3 turns.

o A successful kill on the token delays the rising by 1 round, up to 6. o A model standing on the raising lord is moved to an adjacent square, any facing, chosen by model’s player.

Disrupts overwatch. o Cannot move until the next turn. o Can only be destroyed with scenario rules. o Use a special coin to represent the lord.

• Resurrection Orb. 2 APs. All necrons within 8 squares of the necron lord can be raised, but they cannot act until the next turn. 1 per round max.

• Teleport. 4 APs to move up to 8 squares away. Only once per round. Land with any facing. • Wireless network. Can give some of its action points to other necrons within 8 squares.

Necron Flayed Ones (3)

• 4 action points a round. • Turn 90* for free. Standard move costs. • Hand to Hand: roll 2d6 +2, choose higher. 1d6 and no bonus from rear. • Hateful. +1 defending Mind War. • Terrifying: Each Flayed One in play reduces 1 point from the enemy’s command points, to be assigned at the

end of the necron turn. • Internal Repairs. The equivalent of one kill knocks the warrior down. The model is replaced by a dime. (Details

as necron warrior.) • Inorganic. +1 defending flame attacks. • Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal.

Necron Pariah (6)

• 6 action points a round. • Turn 90* for free. Standard move costs. • Hand to Hand: roll 1d6 +2, no bonus from rear. • Shooting: roll 1d6+1. Standard kills needed.

o Implacable. Sustained fire builds up until they need a 2 to kill. • Intensely Hateful. +2 defending Mind War. • Psychically Repulsive: Any enemy psycher within 8 squares loses 1d6 CP. These are removed from their

current reserve first, and the rest are taken from the next round. This activates whether psychers begin close to the pariah or moves into their range.

o This works on librarians, hybrid psychers, magus, patriarch, chaos sorcerers, and zoanthropes. It does not work on participants in a hive mind, chaplains, apothecaries, captains, etc.

• Inorganic. +1 defending flame attacks. • Fearless. Can walk into flame walls, taking damage as normal. • Wireless network. Can give some of its action points to other necrons within 8 squares.

Necron Immortal (4 points) • 4 action points a round. • Turn 90* for 1 AP. Standard move costs.

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• Cannot move and shoot. Can turn and shoot. • Shooting: roll 2d+2. Standard kills needed. • Hand to Hand: roll 1d6+1. Bonus front and sides. • Hateful. Inorganic. Fearless. Internal Repairs. Implacable. Deployment Costs Necron rarely attack with small groups; usually, they are either defending with a vast army, or mounting an overwhelming attack. Points have been provided for matching a finite force against another force, but usually they will use the wave system of reinforcements, like the genestealer player. Their strange living metal bodies put out interference for scanning machines, and the hive mind of the genestealer forces cannot easily sort through the hateful static of their thoughts to pinpoint their movements. The necron player then uses a blip system if desired, with lettered or numbered blips. Track points on paper, and deployment in each blip. Blips can be revealed same as Genestealer Cult rules. Entry point use is defined by scenario rules as normal; can it be sealed? Restrictions to which troop types can be purchased, and where they can enter? Generally, 5 points for other players equals 1 point a round for the necron player. Any leftover points can be spent on starting forces at entry points, lurking until the necron turn. Example. The Space Marines have 3 squads, totaling 39 points. The necron player would get 7 points a round (35) and 4 points to spend lurking in entry points at the beginning of the game (total 39). o Blips have no facing. o They get 4 APs. o They can benefit from Wireless Network. o They can be revealed using the same rules as genestealer blips. o No more than 8 points per blip. o No more than 4 blips per round. o Zero blips cannot be used. o If the blips call for figures the player does not have, those points are forfeit. o Points can be saved for future rounds, up to 1 full round of points. o Necron forces must lurk if enemies are within 3 squares.

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AP Cost

Description Range Librarian Hybrid Magus


Aura 2 2 1

* Can be used up to 2 times per round. * Saves the model from a single death. * Psycher only, cannot be shared. * Lasts until the beginning of that psycher's next turn. Self

Barrier 3 3 2

* Creates the psychic equivalent of a door within 5 squares. * This can be done on any unoccupied square. * The barrier fades at the beginning of the psycher's next turn. 5

Batter 4 or 6 4 or

6 3 or 5

* 4 turn any player's model 90*. * 6 can move the model 1 square any direction, normal movement rules apply. * If moved into overwatch, normal shooting applies. * Models on overwatch who are moved lose overwatch unless protected by Shield Mind. 10

Dull Mind 2+ 2+ 1+

* Each point spent after the cost reduces one enemy command point pool by 1 point. * Points reserved from that player's last turn are reduced first. * Points after the initial cost do not count towards the 10 AP max. Map

Machine Spirits 2 x x

* Spend 2 reserved points to ignore 1 overwatch jam. * Psycher only, cannot be shared. Self

Malfunction x x 2 * Force a storm bolter jam on a storm bolter. * Can only be used on weapons that are on overwatch.

LOS or 10

Might ? ? ? * Can add points to close combat roll for attack or defense, any facing. Self

Mind War 2 2 1

* Initiated on a target within LOS or 5 squares (10 for magus and patriarch) * Both sides roll 1d6. * In a tie, nothing happens. Otherwise, the loser is destroyed. * +1 bonus for attacking without the target seeing the attacker. * Librarians, Magi, Patriarchs, and necron are +1. * Hybrids can flip one blip to adjust the score, extra points are lost. * Psychers can pull on CPs available to them to adjust the score.

LOS or

5 or 10

Obfuscate x 2 1 * Each time it is cast it doubles the cost to reveal a blip. * It can be cast twice per blip. 10

Open 2(+) 2(+) 1(+)

* Open a door within 10 squares through corridor. * Cost rises by 2 to open a Reinforced door. * Bulkheads are immune. 10

Reinforce 2 2 1

* Make an existing door or Barrier within 10 squares unable to open until the beginning of the psycher's next turn. * The door can still be destroyed normally. 10

Shield Mind 2 2 1

* Any friendly model, including self, can receive a +1 defensive bonus for mind war. * If the model would have won, no effect. If the model would have lost without the bonus, the model survives. * Up to 3 points of shielding can protect 1 model at a time. The bonus is gone at the beginning of the psycher's next turn. 10

Sight 2 2 1 * Reveal a bip within 15 squares. * The model's player orients the revealed models. 15

Slow Body 2+ 2+ 1+ * Each point spent after the cost reduces one enemy model's Aps by one. 10

Teleport 3+ x 2+ * Each additional point spent moves 1 square through corridor, ignoring facing or obstacles. Rematerialize with any facing. ?


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Total so far Spent Saved Max

Necron Warrior: 2 Scarab Swarm: 1 Flayed One: 3 Immortal: 4 Pariah: 6 Necron Lord: 10


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Name Type Owners Range Function OverW? Ammo Reloads M&F?

Assault Cannon Heavy Terminator 12+

* 3d6. 5 or 6 kills. * After reloading, rolling triples causes this model to explode and inflict a bolter hit on all adjacent models. * Fully automatic fire costs 5 ammo and 2 Aps, get one shot at every enemy in LOS, including those revealed by shooting. Yes 10 1 to 3 Yes

Autocannon Heavy Stealer 12+ * As Stormbolter, except costs 1 to turn 90* No Yes

Flamer, Heavy Heavy Terminator 12

* Costs 2 AP to activate. * Can lay flame any square in LOF and in range. Further flame can be added for free on contiguous squares. * Kills on anything but a 1. * Putting 2 chips down means one burns off at the end of that round, the other at the beginning of the next marine turn. No 12 1 No

Frag Missile Heavy Marine, Stealer LOS * Target, and all adjacent models, each roll and die on a 6. No No

Heavy Gauss Gun Heavy Necron LOS *2d6+2, standard kills needed. No Turn Krak Missile Heavy Marine, Stealer LOS * Target dies on a 3-6. No No Plasma Missile Heavy Marine, Stealer LOS * Counts as a single heavy flamer double hit. No 2 No No

Crozius Melee Marine Chaplain Facing

* +1, and can add Chaplain CP as bonus at will. * No bonus from sides or rear. No No

Flaying Claws Melee Necron Flayed Ones Facing

* 2d6+2, choose the higher, facing and sides. * No bonus from the rear. No No

Force Weapon Melee Marine Librarian Facing

* +1, and can add Librarian CP as bonus at will. * No bonus from the rear. No No

Genestealer Claws Melee Genestealers Facing * Roll 3d6 and keep highest, any facing. No No

Lightning Claws Melee Terminator Facing

* 2d6+2, choose the higher, facing. * +1 from sides and rear, 1d6. * Can parry front or sides, forcing opponent to reroll 1 die if desired. * If loses while attacking, is stopped, no more AP or CP can be spent that round, but lives. No No

Nemesis Weapon Melee Marine Gray Knight Facing

* +1 on facing square, no bonus from sides or rear. * If losing hand to hand, gets one shot, and winning means the attacker dies and the Knight lives. No No


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PowerArmor/Hybrid Melee Marine, Stealer Facing Hand to hand -2. Shooting at them is +1 to kill. No No Power Fist Melee Marine Facing Standard hand to hand. No No

Power Sword Melee Marine Facing

* +1 on facing square. * Can parry, forcing opponent to reroll 1 die if desired. * No bonus from sides or rear. No No

Thunder Hammer/ Storm Shield Melee Terminator

Facing, defend right

* +2 on facing square. * No bonus from the right or the rear. * Can parry, forcing opponent to reroll 1 die if desired, from front or left facing. * Survives hit from enemy ranged weapon from front or left facing if rolls a 6. * Can self-destruct, cost 1 AP or instead of defending in hand to hand. Destroys terminator and everything on adjacent squares unless protected by bulkhead. No No

Flamer Special Marine, Stealer 12 * As heavy flamer, but less ammo and kills on 4-6. No 10 1 No

Frag Grenade Special Terminator Captains 12 * Target and all adjacent roll, die on a 6. No Yes

Gauss Staff Special Necron Command LOS/Facing * 1d6+2 in hand to hand, 1d6+1 shooting. Kill on a 6. No No

Krak Grenade Special Terminator Captains 12 * Kills target on 3-6. No 10 No Yes

Sentry Guns Special Marine, Stealer 12+ * Shoots like a bolter, automatic overwatch. See special rules. Yes No

Bolter Standard Marine, Stealer 12+ * 1d6, kill on a 6. Yes Yes Gauss Cannon Standard Necron LOS/Facing * 1d6+1, kill on a 6. No No

Storm Bolter Standard Terminator 12+ * 2d6, kill on a 6. Can jam on overwatch, 1 to clear next round. Yes Yes

(12+ means overwatch of 12, LOS otherwise.) (LOS means "Line of Sight") (Cyclone Terminators have 10 krak missiles, infinite frag and 2 plasma with no reloads.) (Missile launchers have 2 plasma missiles and infinite frag and krak.)