Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

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Page 1: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Cyfranogiad DisgyblionPupil Participation

Jane Harries

Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru

Welsh Assembly Government

Page 2: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Amcanion / Aims

Helpu pobl broffesiynol allweddol i ddatblygu’r ymwybyddiaeth, y wybodaeth a’r sgiliau perthnasol er mwyn hyrwyddo cyfranogiad disgyblion yn effeithiol a chyflwyno sesiynau hyfforddi mewn cyd-destun addysgol.

To help key professionals to develop the relevant awareness, knowledge and skills so that they can effectively promote pupil participation and deliver training sessions in educational settings.

Page 3: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Bydd Cyfranogwyr …Participants will ….

• Yn deall beth yw cyfranogiad disgyblion cyfannol

• Yn cael cipolwg dros y cyd-destun o ran polisi a chefndir

• Adolygu’r manteision sy’n deillio o gyfranogiad disgyblion ystyrlawn

• Ennill gwybodaeth, sgiliau a thechnegau er mwyn hyrwyddo sesiynau hyfforddi mewn ysgolion.

• Understand what holistic pupil participation is

• Have an overview of the background and policy context

• Review the benefits of involving pupils in meaningful participation

• Acquire knowledge, skills and techniques to facilitate training sessions in schools.

Page 4: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Lefalau Cyfranogiad Levels of Participation

Rhyngwladol / International Cenedlaethol

/ National


Lleol / Local


Ysgolion/ Schools

Page 5: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Erthygl 12 CCUHPUNCRC Article 12

“the child who is capable of forming his or her own views has the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child.”

“mae’r plentyn sydd yn medru ffurfio ei farn (barn) ei hun â’r hawl i fynegi’r barn honno yn rhydd ym mhob mater sydd yn effeithio ar y plentyn.”

Page 6: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Beth yw Cyfranogiad?What is Participation?

‘Mae cyfranogiad yn golygu bod hawl gen i i fod yn rhan o wneud penderfyniadau, cynllunio ac adolygu unrhyw bolisi a all effeithio arna’ i. Cael llais, cael dewis.’

‘Dyfyniad’ Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru

‘Participation means that it is my right to be involved in making decisions, planning and reviewing an action that might affect me. Having a voice, having a choice.’

Welsh Assembly Government ‘sound bite’

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Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Polisïau AllweddolKey Policies

• Erthygl 12 – CCUHP• Y Wlad sy’n dysgu (2001 &

2006)• Ymestyn yr Hawliau (2002)• Gweithredu’r Hawliau (2004) –

y 7 Amcan Craidd• Rheoliadau Cynghorau Ysgol

(2005) • Canllawiau Cynghorau Ysgol

(2006)• Safonau Cyfranogiad


• Article 12 – UNCRC• The Learning Country (2001 &

2006)• Extending Entitlement (2002)• Rights to Action (2004) – 7

Core Aims• School Councils Regulations

(2005) • School Councils Guidance

(2006)• National Participation

Standards (2007)

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Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Strwythyrau Allweddol /Key Structures


Prosiect Cyfranogiad LlCC/WAG Participation


Consortiwm ac Uned Cyfranogiad/Participation

Consortium & Unit

Y Ddraig FfynciFunky Dragon

Ysgolion / SchoolsPartneriaethau LleolLocal Partnerships

Fforymau IeuenctidYouth Forums

Page 9: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

National Children and Young People’s Participation Standards• Gwybodaeth• Eich Dewis chi yw hi• Dim Gwahaniaethu• Parch• Rydych chi ar eich Ennill

hefyd• Adborth• Gwella’n Ffordd o Weithio

• Information• It’s your Choice• No Discrimination• Respect• You get Something out of

it• Feedback• Improving how we Work

Page 10: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Cyfranogiad Disgyblion CyfannolHolistic Pupil Participation

Page 11: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Modelau Cyfranogiad /Models of Participation

8: Penderfynu ar y cyd / Shared decision-making

7: Pobl ifainc yn arwain / Young people lead

6: Oedolion yn arwain / Adults initiate

5: Ymgynghori / Consulted

4: Pennu cyfrifoldebau / Assigned

3: Tocenistaidd / Tokenistic

2: Addurniad / Decoration

1: Manipiwleiddio / Manipulation

Ysgol Hart / Hart’s Ladder

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Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Rhai Manteision CyfranogiadSome Benefits of Participation

Perthynas gwell / Better


Cynhwysiant / Inclusion

Lles i’r Gymuned/Benefits toCommunity Sgiliau /



Dysgu gwell / Improved Learning

Ysgogiad / Motivation

Hunan-barch/ Self-esteem


Page 13: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Y Fframwaith ABChThe PSE Framework

Cyfnod Allweddol 2Children should have

opportunities • to participate in school life

and to understand:• their rights, e.g. the UN

Convention on the Rights of the Child, and responsibilities

• the importance of democratic decision-making

Key stage 2Dylai plant gael cyfle i• Gyfranogi ym mywyd yr ysgol

Ac i ddeall:• Eu hawliau, e.e. Confensiwn y

CU ar Hawliau Plant, a’u chyfrifoldebau

• Pwysigrwydd gwneud penderfyniadau yn ddemocrataidd

Page 14: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Y Fframwaith ABCh (2)The PSE Framework

Cyfnod Allweddol 3Cyfleoedd• i gyfranogi yng nghymuned yr ysgol ac

yn ehangach

ac i ddeall:• eu hawliau• eu cyfrifoldebau yn ddinesyddion ifainc

yng Nghymru• Sut y caiff cynrychiolwyr – e.g.

Cynghorau Ysgol, Fforymau Ieuenctid, ACau, ASau, ASEau – eu hethol a deall eu rôl

• Sut y gall pobl ifainc gael llais a dylanwadu ar benderfyniadau

Key stage 3Opportunities • to participate in school and the wider


and to understand:• their rights and entitlements • their responsibilities as young citizens in

Wales• how representatives, e.g. School

Councils,Youth Forums, Funky Dragon, Councillors, AMs, MPs, MEPs, are elected and understand their roles

• how young people can have their views listened to and influence


Page 15: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion / School Effectiveness Framework

LeadershipChildren and Young People


Working with Others



& Support


& Accountability

Curriculum & teaching



Local Authorities


Page 16: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Cyfranogiad ac Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion/ Participation and School Effectiveness

“All schools in Wales are now required to have in place effective school councils. These should be used to actively engage children and young people in the planning and management of their learning environment, thus giving them an explicit stake in the learning process. Children and young people’s participation in wider aspects of learning needs to build on the work of school councils to secure real engagement in the learning process.”

(School Effectiveness Framework WAG 2008)

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Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Cyfranogiad ac ArolygaethParticipation and Inspection

Dylai cyfranogiad fod yn rhan hanfodol o ddiwylliant dysgu sefydliad. Yn greiddiol y mae cyfranogiad yn ymwneud â’r berthynas gynhyrchiol rhwng yr athro a’r dysgwr.

Estyn, Chwefror 2009

Participation should be an essential part of the learning culture of an organisation and has, at its heart, the productive relationship between teacher and learner.

Estyn, February 2009

Page 18: Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales Cyfranogiad Disgyblion Pupil Participation Jane Harries Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru Welsh Assembly Government

Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Cyfranogiad ac Arolygaeth (2)Participation and Inspection

Dylai arolygwyr Estyn:• Gymryd barn dysgwyr i mewn i

ystyriaeth wrth ddod i gasgliad am bob ysgol

• Farnu i ba raddau y mae athrawon yn galluogi dysgwyr i lywio eu dysgu eu hun

• Werthuso a ydy proses hunan-arfarnu’r ysgol yn ystyried barn dysgwyr yn ddigonol

• Ddarganfod a ydy dysgwyr yn cymryd rhan weithredol ym mywyd

a gwaith yr ysgol

Estyn requires inspectors to:• take account of the views of

learners in making judgements about each school

• judge the extent to which teachers enable learners to steer their own learning

• evaluate whether the school’s self-evaluation takes enough account of learners’ views

• find out whether learners take an active part in the life and work

of the school.

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Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru

School Councils Wales

Manylion Cysylltu Contact Details

Jane Harries

[email protected]

029 2082 6002

Laurence Howells

[email protected]

029 2080 1771

Gwefan Cynghorau Ysgol Cymru School Councils Wales website
