lias signed a contract to summer. Kirk coached the squad a year ago and man- Eldora team a part of last coach S OAREER ENDS; FOUND IN IOWA RIVER High Class Vaudeville an inspection. Mr. Dlll TJIUR8DAY, FRIDAY, that the water had so af- AND SUNDAY. e body that in all probabUi- March 10, 11, 1Z, 18. uld be Impossible to preserve the exception of the head WEST " DENTON condition and be mounted and placed .in the HALSEN BROS. erst- 'lbe Original DauclDg 8ebool "Jimmy." Burch's regret when told of his charge's fate. "Well. he was o' use anyhow" Is the way It. The venerable mower of Iowa field also admitted MonologuiR 2000 Feet of Real Hcm.c Prices 1()'20 0.11 had some slight fear that =============1 deaths. would return t? the scenes of bis bearhood event. says Jimmy. a will be needed at Baconlan (J)ob Notice. Baconian !Will meet in the building tonight at 7: 30. C. Williams will read the of the evening on "Rythm." The Real Classy Hats Come From illner's opinion of City's best new styles d ... we and new dKNOX new BEACON "hit is our at $1.90 equal produced newSTAR wear? and you'll patterns and S",ea5Y price .50 •.. Don-t WILLNER IRTS at $1 T STORES De .• Moine .. Iowa Or" TlD: PLAOE '1'0 BUY Your TEXT BQOKS and SUPPLIm for ' rJ1 0011_ UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ON THE OORNU Waterman Fountain PeDI Posters and NettiDa'for Room Decoration OUR PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT rOLDRE \J Wed., 1 March , MORT H. SINGER Announces U The Goddess Of Liberty" ..• with ... Sallie Fisher and Georte Parsons The Original All Star Cast Chorus and Production Biggest and Best Musical Playing Iowa City in Ten Prices-Lower Floor $1.50, cony $1, Gallery SOC Seat Sale,Monday Noon. - No Free List- IT IS A PLEASURE TO STUDY Where Electric or Gas Light- in g i 8 Used Iowa City & Electric Co, PUBLISHED BY THW U ' IVERHITv OF VOL II . IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 14, 1910 HISTORY CONffRfNC( TO Bf LfD BY JAMES MANY AUTHORITIES TO MEET HERE IN PARADE A OF ST. PATIUCJ{'S PI OGHAM. ]<;nl,,.ine-el Plllll for Big how Thurs- day-Vaudeville Progranl. Floats elaborately decorated. LAST ATCH TO IOWA; VETERINARIANS BfATfN H \Wlml"E SHAJU'SH OTERS EAS lLY \'JCTOruO 's, Rooming House Probl m 1\101 be Solved Next Year. Street car facilities enabllng fac- ulty members and stud nts to con- ... 109 BASfBALL DAYS HfRt; fANS ARf OPTIMISTIC OOAOH GREE WILL ARRlVE TO· !IORROW. XortJlwe tel'll "Rube Band." classes garbed in var- ' niversity ffistolians ious shades of green. etc .• will fea- '. \ 'e te1'inal'Y liege Make Low HabT Vetel'lUl in 'Venlently live in the outskirts ot booJ-Somc MAy Will Head Discussion of Im. portant Questions. lure the monster parade to be held Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock by One of the interesting the college ot applied science stu- features dent In their first annual elebration feature& planued olor tit program of ot St. Day. ScoI'e-Lceper Again Leads HIt\ key RUlemen. Iowa I'I1lemen won their last match ;·'rlday. defeating the U. S. Veterl- the Mississippi Valley Historical as- Th bl d '11 ... thro h lIary college. Th Hawk y s made n e g para e WI marcu ug sociatioll meetings at Iowa City in total of 1774. slightly below the av- the priucipal streets of the city ac- May Is a conference of history teach- (;rage. while their opponents barely companied by the university banll Iowa City are pos Ibl next year a - cording to a plan which is being car· ried into ex cution by an Iowa City realty firm. Arrangements have been made to finance a stre t railway system Ib tty the coming summer U Ighty lots are so ld In the Rundell a' ers. The conference will be in charge clcared the 1600 mark. and the entire engineering colleg$. djt1on. At the present time about slx- The new ranges weI' used for the of Jam s Alton James, professor of FolIowlug this there will be appro J ty of the lots h \'e b n di posed Qf flrst time In this match and th ir priate exercises at which the seniors and th promoters ar so nergetlcal- Not Oome Out- Drertain lUi to Twirling Stan. (By D. A.> With tb coming ot th first roblA and the begInning of spring bouse- cleanIng has com th awnkenlvg of I tile ble:lcherite. From th various trainIng mp of th big I aguers In th vet ran and the phenolll are tlylng history in Northwestern univer sity and cbairman of the Committee of Eight of the Ameri-can Historical as- 1 newneF6 probably accounts In a meas- 'viII be "dubbed" Knlghts,of t. Pat- ly pushing the sale that 1')' wll'1 and the fur D In ,(>ry city ha roseat vls- ems probabl b for th tim limit rick by th repr entatlv s of the or- ur for the lowness of the core. eneiation. The r port of this commit- der at the University of Missouri The high man In this shoot was L. ions of of p nnnnts cinched by the tee on "The Study ot _HIstory in the it. Leeper wIth 1 7. clos Iy follow j - where lhe annual celebratiOn has b • If the proposition Is succe 'stu l it rOt f til cf J L: Jy. Schools." has just been rome traditional. lJY Shepard and J. S. Le per. With "III have a dlr ct baring on tb( !('anw 111 , n !ther player nor pUbllshp,d (in 19,10) and makes a the exception of lhe lhlrd and fourth hn l (' b n IJIt' h I' ltl rorm- In the. nlng com s the climax ot rooming h04S proposition. Students book or nearly one hundred flrty matches L. R. Leeper has been Iowa·... ('r "orklng out In th gym. the latter the day's fun. In the natur!\.l ience will have a chance to live at a gr at- pages .. side from Professor James I J. III blar performer throughollt. "L per er distance from th I It gntherlng the dOp on the coming alld torium n big vaudeville show w e un vel's y lhe members of th .. committee of Is an excellent performer." said LI lit be put on by the combined bistrionic \\ Ilhout taking long walks were: Henry E. Bourne of ta l ent of the "peppery" engineers. :\Jummn when commenting on the tim s eacb day. for the str t CRr \I'esterll Reserve University.' Eugene ason's work. "He Is. III fa t. abov \dmisslon to this unlqu entertaitl- vice wlJl tnk them to th c nter of C. Brool(s of Trinity 011 ge; Wilbur ment will be abso lut ely free. an- the averag • and I would Ilk to s (' the city from the ouUylng points In b'. Gordy. sup rintendent of schools 1I0unce the managers. For !leleral him enter me of llle big shoots. cs- five to ten minute!!. Professors can at Springfield. Massachusetts; Mabel weeks the blackface artist E.. th mOll- pe In ll y tbe slal me t. I bell he have suburban homes and y t be abl Hill of the Normal School at Lowell. ologulsts. the "ciog" dancers, th Jullus Sachs of the sleight of hand wizards. and the acro- could win." Following Teact\ers' College New York' shoot: : bats of this department have been henry W. Thurston. chief probation bUSily rehearsing for the program of 1.. R. Leeper Standing Prone Total 94 93 187 10 lUe t their 8 0' 'lock class s wit oul Inconveni n e. Desirabl r sld'n e for fnmlll 1110' log here to ducate lh Ir Child- ren will be more aslly aCqUIl' eJ ha ben m tel'; but n l' lu ns nex t wok. A survey of ma- rI al now In eight e ms to justlly 1 1. \11' thnt Iowa will be there Il l' th rc:\boutR wh n lhe curtain goes down In tht ld l! or June. The pit bing problm just now pr ufficer of Chicago. formerly of Cook acts. which It is claimed would put ('ounty ormal School; and J. H. any of tbe Orpheum "top liners" t6 Sh pard J. S_ Leeper 9 97 1 G 9 96 l8G 4 &0 17{ senls som uucertaintl s. Thero are Thes locations when lh str et all Van Sickle. supel'lntendeut of schools of Baltimore. Maryland. In the light of his chairmanship \lehnla shame. Klein Many middle west institutiops Minnich Drulns have a custom that every college Corso 011 this national committee. the di- have a day on which to put on Its Williams reetlon Of tbe conference at Iowa City "stunt." To establish a similar tra- Baird 1 !)ii 176 82 94 ]76 7 95 173 2 !l 'l. 71 4 87 171 79 91 170 1774 are running will be as choice as loq; are now wblch are selling fOI' doublb I th prices of lhe outlying sites. Gl lub a.t Sana.torium. by Professor James will give to it dWon at Iowa is the aim of the col- Tolal 42 932 1774 ThIs afternoon the University of enough good heav rs In school to complete one of the best twirling sta1fs in the wesl but tbe status of rome of the stare Is giving those In I charge of the team somethIng to think about. Of course. CaptaIn Bur- rell wlll be there as usual. and I!. peculiar importance and interest. lege of applied science. L. R. Leeper led for the season with Iowa Glee club will go on the Inter- He has been long interested in the ieachlng ot Wstory not only in col- an average of 182 2-9 and Is there· urban to Oakdale to give a concer "Dim's" ability as a. polished de- fore entitled to the medal pres nted for the benefit of the patients In the ceiver Is well known. Hanlon. a Delta Gamma Banquet. member of the stal! for the past two leges bllt in secondary Bchools. lie The twenty-fourth annual banquet by Lleut. M. C. l\lumma and a year's state tuberculosis hoapltal. Tonight is the joint author. with Albert H. of the Tau chapter of the Delta Garo- subscription to "The Arms and the the club will give the following pro· Sanford. of a widely used text book Man" awarded by tbat magazine tl) gram In the Methodist church al th .. rna sorority was held last evening at r on "Government in State and Na- the highest man of each tam. C. E. regular servic s: the Burkley Imperial hotel. 1I11ss Sotlly now the Llgbt of Day- years. is just now working out under Delaney. and threatens to forsake the diamond lor th cinder track. wher the silent coach thinks he wl1l Edith B t · tit Klein finished a point beblnd. Le ter tiOD." lind 111 conjunction with tbe a lthor bas just published a urge. ac 109 as tons m s re"l, I called for the following toasts: Shepard has run Kl ein a close race Parks. school text on the history of the The Ideal Fraternity Splrit-Flo1'>- throughout til season and finlsbeR On hln . St ve O'Brlen I h re, too, and lSwe t1y Solemn Though t J will probably b seen wearing an Iowa uniform thIs sp ring. The h avy United Stales. cnce Mayer; Our Responsibillty- !Jut 1-9 of a point behind his rival. Ambroise. welghl twirler Is one of the best ever I am Alpha and Om ga-Stainer. From 1893 to 1897 Professor Ruth Magowan; The other men fini sh In the tollow- Rushing-Elsie s en here. as witneBB tbe olfer he r - . Lead Kindly Light-Dudley Buck'. James bad charg e of the departm ent Lyo n; Delta Gamma Frlend shl ps- Ing orde\': Bruins. 179.5; Baird, 179; of history of Cornell college at Mt. Esthe\' Swisher. WilUams. t 7 1-3; orso. 177 7-9; ('eived from St. Louis. However there The annual hom concert ot th Vernon. Iowa. and so Is well known ' Wehman. 177 2-3; 1\Ilnnlch. ) 77 5-9; Tile fo1)owjng ollt of town peoPI , is some fear that he will be com- (' Iub will be given Tuesday evening I)elled to for go the diamond this among lown e ucators. While in were guests: Verna Auraker of J. S. Leeper, 174. he interested himself in re- Lisbon. !\fiss Margaret Marshall of , lfarcb In Iowa history and a mono- Des Moilles. )\1rl'\. Lester Loyal of Shoot-off ot Tie. graph by him on the "Constitution West Liberty. l\fe&dames McConnell. On Wednesday wlll probably come in the uU:l ltorlum at :15 p. m. Party nt AmIOt)'. . fany and varied costumes mar k- spring In order to prepare for tbe state board wblch looms acrOBB tbe pathway of all senior medics. Another star pitcher who may not and Admission of Iowa Into tbe Un- Dyers. Po\Vell. Spangler and Rob- th e shoot-off of the triple tie between ed one of tb unique social e.ents be available is West. of basketball Iewa. Columbia University. and Wasb the season when the Hesperlans eDo . Ion" appears in the "John Hopkins rins of Cedar Rapids . fOlverslly Studiell" for 1900 .. fame. whose career as a basket-tos· iI:.gton state college In the national tertalned the Zetagathlans at a ma ser was cut sbort at the time ot the The program for the conference )Iumm!l at Assembly Wedne dav. l 'i Oe shoot. That Iowa has a good Ilue rade party in the univerSity la I semester exams. While a member of Of hi story teacbers is as yet only Lieut. Morton C. lumma. com- chance to win ie shown by tbe com- night. Gentlemen and ladles of the freshman team last year. W t IIartially made lip. Among the speak- mandant of tbe university regiment. meut of "The Arms and The Man;" olden tyme" mingled with clown amused himselt by pitching no-hit era will be l'rofessor Andrew C. l\\c- wllI address the assemhly next Wed- 'The real lies b tween Iowa other more modern characters. an La . f games against the varsity. and the ughlln of Chicago university . nesday morning at 10 o·clock. ThIs and Wasblngton. with both scbools the question of "Who's Who?" "'a only question DOW is as to wbether There wlII be papers II.n discussions I,; one of the series of inaugural h:ovlng an even chance at the tlUe." uppermost until 9: 30, wbich be can fix up his scholastic deflcien· tn tb'e problems that confront his- Rpeeches to be made this year by Dew Some time next week will was set for unmasking. Supper '" tory teacners-what shall be taught. c1es. Hermance. a former Cornell beads of departments. the Intercollegiate meet. This Is the then eerved aad the reet of the even- wben shall it be taught. and how I 6tar. wlU also be a candidate for the rea.lly big shoot of the year with over ing Ipent In dandng. I shall it tauboht. ' slab position. Behind the bat "SOD" eo Humanist Notice. twenty colleges and universities en- . 1'be Yf\r1etl€)8 . o! states and ' l.ocall- Hook Is left from last year, and , The Humanist society will meet at teredo Some strong schools which are L. A. SenIor NoUce. ' 112, represented In. the conference I I seems to have the call, jUlt DOW. , . .. . . the home of Professor C. B. WlIsoD not in the League w!II Members of the senior c1allS In e t at Iowa City \V1ll ma_ it 8 valuabl(' . Noble, the c)all&Y baok.top tor . last ,. Monday evening. Profes90r Stephen shoot In this meet but It Is expected ested in the try-outa for tbe ee I cleinng b use tor ideas on 'Ill) aub- · . .. ,I, .).:> - .. ,ye ar's fresbmen, Is Dot eliglblll, nor . " H. fhislt' ,wtl1 , rea a a papt!r ol!' . ·JVol- that the Hawkeye.rU1emen with their play ate requested. by &. tOlnnll tee JIlts rela ng to lhe tea,cbln, of hls- Is Roaaberry -bo spent bls tour 'alre" and Mr. BraUD will .. va a loog serle" of lIlatch Ihoots, wiII be &l&bmit tha1r aamaa.QA re ..... ." tory and It ' Is . thought that many 'lort on "Shakespeare and tbe Oel'o able to make a etrong bid for the Tuesday. Marcb 15. to Jessie Payn(' years on duty at Cornell. (Continued on page four) man Romantic Schoo!." leadership. or Carl Riepe. (Continued 00 page two)

Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-03-14dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-03-14.pdf · 2012. 9. 5. · ~Iassachu!ietts; Jullus Sachs of the sleight of hand wizards. and the

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Page 1: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-03-14dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-03-14.pdf · 2012. 9. 5. · ~Iassachu!ietts; Jullus Sachs of the sleight of hand wizards. and the

lias signed a contract to

summer. Kirk coached the

squad a year ago and man­

Eldora team a part of last




High Class

Vaudeville an inspection. Mr. Dlll TJIUR8DAY, FRIDAY,

that the water had so af- AND SUNDAY.

e body that in all probabUi- March 10, 11, 1Z, 18.

uld be Impossible to preserve

the exception of the head WEST " DENTON

condition and

be mounted and placed .in the HALSEN BROS.

erst- 'lbe Original DauclDg 8ebool "Jimmy." Burch's

regret when told of his

charge's fate. "Well. he was

o' use anyhow" Is the way

It. The venerable mower of

Iowa field also admitted


2000 Feet of Real Hcm.c

Prices 1()'20 0.11

had some slight fear that =============1

deaths. would return t? the scenes of bis bearhood

event. says Jimmy. a

will be needed at

Baconlan (J)ob Notice.

Baconian !Will meet in the

building tonight at 7: 30.

C. Williams will read the

of the evening on "Rythm."

The Real

Classy Hats Come From illner's

opinion of City's best

new styles d ... we

and new dKNOX new BEACON

"hit is our at $1.90 equal produced

newSTAR Sprin~ wear? and you'll patterns and S",ea5Y price

.50 •.. Don-t WILLNER

IRTS at $1

T STORES De .• Moine ..

Iowa Or"




for 'rJ1 0011_


ON THE OORNU Waterman Fountain PeDI Posters and NettiDa'for

Room Decoration


rOLDRE \J THEATR.~ Wed., 1 March ,

MORT H. SINGER Announces

U The Goddess Of Liberty"

..• with ... Sallie Fisher and Georte

Parsons The Original All Star Cast

Chorus and Production

Biggest and Best Musical Playing Iowa City in Ten

Prices-Lower Floor $1.50, cony $1, Gallery SOC

Seat Sale,Monday Noon. - No Free List-


Where Electric or Gas Light­in g i 8 Used

Iowa City & Electric Co,








]<;nl,,.ine-el Plllll for Big how Thurs­

day-Vaudeville Progranl.

Floats elaborately decorated.



lLY \'JCTOruO 's,


Rooming House Probl m 1\101 be

Solved Next Year.

Street car facilities enabllng fac­

ulty members and stud nts to con-

... 109




XortJlwe tel'll "Rube Band." classes garbed in var­

'niversity ffistolians ious shades of green. etc .• will fea- '. \ 'ete1'inal'Y liege Make Low HabT Vetel'lUl in

'Venlently live in the outskirts ot booJ-Somc MAy Will Head Discussion of Im.

portant Questions. lure the monster parade to be held

Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock by

One of the interesting the college ot applied science stu­

features dent In their first annual elebration

feature& planued olor tit program of ot St. patrick'~ Day.

ScoI'e-Lceper Again Leads

HIt\ key RUlemen.

Iowa I'I1lemen won their last match

;·'rlday. defeating the U. S. Veterl-

the Mississippi Valley Historical as-Th bl d '11 ... thro h lIary college. Th Hawk y s made n e g para e WI marcu ug

sociatioll meetings at Iowa City in total of 1774. slightly below the av-the priucipal streets of the city ac-

May Is a conference of history teach- (;rage. while their opponents barely companied by the university banll

Iowa City are pos Ibl next year a -

cording to a plan which is being car·

ried into ex cution by an Iowa City

realty firm.

Arrangements have been made to

finance a stre t railway system Ib

tty the coming summer U Ighty lots are so ld In the Rundell a'

ers. The conference will be in charge clcared the 1600 mark. and the entire engineering colleg$. djt1on. At the present time about slx­

The new ranges weI' used for the of Jam s Alton James, professor of FolIowlug this there will be approJ ty of the lots h \'e b n di posed Qf

flrst time In this match and th ir priate exercises at which the seniors and th promoters ar so nergetlcal-

Not Oome Out- Drertain lUi

to Twirling Stan.

(By D. A.>

With tb coming ot th first roblA

and the begInning of spring bouse­

cleanIng has com th awnkenlvg of I

tile ble:lcherite. From th various

trainIng mp of th big I aguers In

th vet ran and the

phenolll are tlylng history in Northwestern university

and cbairman of the Committee of

Eight of the Ameri-can Historical as-

1 newneF6 probably accounts In a meas-'vi II be "dubbed" Knlghts,of t. Pat- ly pushing the sale that

1')' wll'1 • and the

fur D In ,(>ry city ha \C~ roseat vls­ems probabl b for th tim limit rick by th repr entatlv s of the or-

ur for the lowness of the core.

eneiation. The r port of this commit-der at the University of Missouri

The high man In this shoot was L. ions of of p nnnnts cinched by the

tee on "The Study ot _HIstory in the it. Leeper wIth 1 7. clos Iy follow j - where lhe annual celebratiOn has b • If the proposition Is succe 'stu l it

rOt f til cf J L: Jy.

J!Jlemen~ary Schools." has just been rome traditional.

lJY Shepard and J. S. Le per. With "III have a dlr ct baring on tb(

!('anw 111 , n !ther player •


pUbllshp,d (in 19,10) and makes a the exception of lhe lhlrd and fourth 'n~ hn l (' b n IJIt' h I' ltl rorm-In the. e~ nlng com s the climax ot rooming h04S proposition. Students

book or nearly one hundred flrty matches L. R. Leeper has been Iowa·... ('r "orklng out In th gym. the latter the day's fun. In the natur!\.l ience will have a chance to live at a gr at-

pages .. side from Professor James I J. III blar performer throughollt. "L per er distance from th I It gntherlng the dOp on the coming alld torium n big vaudeville show w e un vel's y lhe members of th .. committee of Is an excellent performer." said LI lit

be put on by the combined bistrionic \\ Ilhout taking long walks ~Ight were: Henry E. Bourne of ta lent of the "peppery" engineers. :\Jummn when commenting on the tim s eacb day. for the str t CRr

\I'esterll Reserve University.' Eugene ason's work. "He Is. III fa t. abov \dmisslon to this unlqu entertaitl- vice wlJl tnk them to th c nter of C. Brool(s of Trinity 011 ge; Wilbur ment will be absolutely free. an- the averag • and I would Ilk to s (' the city from the ouUylng points In

b'. Gordy. sup rintendent of schools 1I0unce the managers. For !leleral him enter ~ me of llle big shoots. cs- five to ten minute!!. Professors can

at Springfield. Massachusetts; Mabel weeks the blackface artistE.. th mOll- pe Inll y tbe slal me t. I bell ~e he have suburban homes and y t be abl

Hill of the Normal School at Lowell. ologulsts. the "ciog" dancers, th

~Iassachu!ietts; Jullus Sachs of the sleight of hand wizards. and the acro-

could win."


Teact\ers' College New York' shoot: • : bats of this department have been henry W. Thurston. chief probation bUSily rehearsing for the program of

1.. R. Leeper Standing Prone Total

94 93 187

10 lUe t their 8 0' 'lock class s wit

oul Inconveni n e.

Desirabl r sld'n e for fnmlll

1110' log here to ducate lh Ir Child­

ren will be more aslly aCqUIl'eJ

ha ben

m tel'; but

nl' lun s nex t wok. A survey of ma-

rIa l now In eight e ms to justlly

11. • \11' dl ~ llon thnt Iowa will be there

Il l' th rc:\boutR wh n lhe curtain goes

down In tht ld l! or June.

The pit bing problm just now pr ufficer of Chicago. formerly of Cook acts. which It is claimed would put

('ounty ormal School; and J. H. any of tbe Orpheum "top liners" t6

Sh pard J. S_ Leeper

9 97 1 G 9 96 l8G 4 &0 17{

senls som uucertaintl s. Thero are Thes locations when lh str et all

Van Sickle. supel'lntendeut of schools

of Baltimore. Maryland.

In the light of his chairmanship

\lehnla shame. Klein

Many middle west institutiops Minnich Drulns

have a custom that every college Corso 011 this national committee. the di- have a day on which to put on Its Williams

reetlon Of tbe conference at Iowa City "stunt." To establish a similar tra- Baird

1 !)ii 176 82 94 ]76 7 95 173

2 !l 'l. 71 4 87 171

79 91 170 1774

are running will be as choice as loq;

are now wblch are selling fOI' doublb I

th prices of lhe outlying sites.

Gl lub a.t Sana.torium.

by Professor James will give to it dWon at Iowa is the aim of the col- Tolal 42 932 1774 ThIs afternoon the University of

enough good heav rs In school to

complete one of the best twirling

sta1fs in the wesl but tbe status of

rome of the stare Is giving those In I

charge of the team somethIng to

think about. Of course. CaptaIn Bur­

rell wlll be there as usual. and I!. peculiar importance and interest. lege of applied science. L. R. Leeper led for the season with Iowa Glee club will go on the Inter­

He has been long interested in the

ieachlng ot Wstory not only in col-

an average of 182 2-9 and Is there· urban to Oakdale to give a concer "Dim's" ability as a. polished de­

fore entitled to the medal pres nted for the benefit of the patients In the ceiver Is well known. Hanlon. a Delta Gamma Banquet. member of the stal! for the past two

leges bllt in secondary Bchools. lie The twenty-fourth annual banquet by Lleut. M. C. l\lumma and a year's state tuberculosis hoapltal. Tonight

is the joint author. with Albert H. of the Tau chapter of the Delta Garo- subscription to "The Arms and the the club will give the following pro·

Sanford. of a widely used text book Man" awarded by tbat magazine tl) gram In the Methodist church al th .. rna sorority was held last evening at r on "Government in State and Na- the highest man of each tam. C. E. regular servic s: the Burkley Imperial hotel. 1I11ss

Sotlly now the Llgbt of Day-

years. is just now working out under

Delaney. and threatens to forsake

the diamond lor th cinder track.

wher the silent coach thinks he wl1l Edith B t

· tit Klein finished a poin t beblnd. Le ter tiOD." lind 111 conjunction with tbe

~me a lthor bas just published a • urge. ac 109 as tons m s re"l, I

called for the following toasts: Shepard has run Kl ein a close race Parks.

school text on the history of the The Ideal Fraternity Splrit-Flo1'>- throughout til season and finlsbeR On

hln . St ve O'Brlen I h re, too, and

lSwe t1y Solemn Though tJ will probably b seen wearing an Iowa uniform thIs spring. The h avy

United Stales. cnce Mayer; Our Responsibillty- !Jut 1-9 of a point behind his rival. Ambroise. welghl twirler Is one of the best ever

I am Alpha and Om ga-Stainer. From 1893 to 1897 Professor Ruth Magowan; The other men fini sh In the tollow­Rushing-Elsie s en here. as witneBB tbe olfer he r -

.Lead Kindly Light-Dudley Buck'. James bad charge of the department Lyon ; Delta Gamma Frlendshl ps- Ing orde\': Bruins. 179.5 ; Baird, 179;

of history of Cornell college at Mt. Esthe\' Swisher. WilUams. t 7 1-3; orso. 177 7-9; ('eived from St. Louis. However there

The annual hom concert ot th

Vernon. Iowa. and so Is well known ' Wehman. 177 2-3; 1\Ilnnlch. ) 77 5-9; Tile fo1)owjng ollt of town peoPI , is some fear that he will be com­

(' Iub will be given Tuesday evening I)elled to for go the diamond this

among lown e ucators. While in were guests: ~liss Verna Auraker of J. S. Leeper, 174.

l~'a he interested himself in re- Lisbon. !\fiss Margaret Marshall of , lfarcb In Iowa history and a mono- Des Moilles. )\1rl'\. Lester Loyal of Shoot-off ot Tie.

graph by him on the "Constitution West Liberty. l\fe&dames McConnell. On Wednesday wlll probably come

in the uU:l ltorlum at :15 p. m.

~fa'querl1d(' Party nt AmIOt)'.

. fany and varied costumes mark-

spring In order to prepare for tbe

state board wblch looms acrOBB tbe

pathway of all senior medics.

Another star pitcher who may not and Admission of Iowa Into tbe Un- Dyers. Po\Vell. Spangler and Rob- the shoot-off of the triple tie between ed one of tb unique social e.ents

be available is West. of basketball Iewa. Columbia University. and Wasb the season when the Hesperlans eDo . Ion" appears in the "John Hopkins ri ns of Cedar Rapids.

fOlverslly Studiell" for 1900 .. fame. whose career as a basket-tos·

iI:.gton state college In the national tertalned the Zetagathlans at a ma ser was cut sbort at the time ot the

The program for the conference )Iumm!l at Assembly Wedne dav. l'i Oe shoot. That Iowa has a good Ilue rade party in the univerSity la I semester exams. While a member of

Of history teacbers is as yet only Lieut. Morton C. lumma. com- chance to win ie shown by tbe com- night. Gentlemen and ladles of "y~ the freshman team last year. W t

IIartially made lip. Among the speak- mandant of tbe university regiment. meut of "The Arms and The Man;" olden tyme" mingled with clown amused himselt by pitching no-hit

era will be l'rofessor Andrew C. l\\c- wllI address the assemhly next Wed- 'The real ~ontee.t lies b tween Iowa other more modern characters. an La . f games against the varsity. and the

ughlln of Chicago university. nesday morning at 10 o·clock. ThIs and Wasblngton. with both scbools the question of "Who's Who?" "'a only question DOW is as to wbether

There wlII be papers II.n discussion s I,; one of the series of inaugural h:ovlng an even chance at the tlUe." uppermost until 9: 30, wbich be can fix up his scholastic deflcien·

tn tb'e problems that confront his- Rpeeches to be made this year by Dew Some time next week will ~ome was set for unmasking. Supper '" tory teacners-what shall be taught. c1es. Hermance. a former Cornell

beads of departments. the Intercollegiate meet. This Is the then eerved aad the reet of the even-wben shall it be taught. and how I 6tar. wlU also be a candidate for the

rea.lly big shoot of the year with over ing Ipent In dandng. I shall it b~. tauboht. ' slab position. Behind the bat "SOD"

eo Humanist Notice. twenty colleges and universities en-. 1'be Yf\r1etl€)8 .o! states and ' l.ocall- Hook Is left from last year, and

, The Humanist society will meet at teredo Some strong schools which are L. A. SenIor NoUce. ' • 112, represented In. the conference I I seems to have the call, jUlt DOW.

, . .. . . the home of Professor C. B. WlIsoD not in the Inte~lleglate League w!II Members of the senior c1allS In e

t at Iowa City \V1ll ma_ it 8 valuabl(' . Noble, the c)all&Y baok.top tor . last ,. Monday evening. Profes90r Stephen shoot In this meet but It Is expected ested in the try-outa for tbe ee I

cleinng b use tor ideas on 'Ill) aub- · . .. ,I, .).:> • -.. ,year's fresbmen, Is Dot eliglblll, nor . " H. fhislt',wtl1 , rea a a papt!r ol!' . ·JVol- that the Hawkeye.rU1emen with their play ate requested. by &. tOlnnll tee JIlts rela ng to lhe tea,cbln, of hls- Is Roaaberry -bo spent bls tour

'alre" and Mr. BraUD will .. va a loog serle" of lIlatch Ihoots, wiII be &l&bmit tha1r aamaa.QA ~ re ..... ." tory and It ' Is . thought that many

• 'lort on "Shakespeare and tbe Oel'o able to make a etrong bid for the Tuesday. Marcb 15. to Jessie Payn(' years on duty at Cornell.

(Continued on page four) man Romantic Schoo!." leadership. or Carl Riepe. (Continued 00 page two)

Page 2: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-03-14dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-03-14.pdf · 2012. 9. 5. · ~Iassachu!ietts; Jullus Sachs of the sleight of hand wizards. and the


Ey.,.,. moral., uc.pt Saturea,. and MondaYI. Of the Vld.tt.R.,. .... er the forty-ant ,.ar aad of til. I. V. I. QuMl the .1,llteellth ,ear.

Editor-In-Chief HIlRl3ERT M. HARWOOD

Th. staa: D .. k Edltol'll

Monday ........ LloJd Q. Noraaa Tuesday ......•... Fruk 1'. aw ..

station. Thompson, utllity man l&8t

year, Is another probability. "Tom­

my" is & hitter from the htlls, and

with some Improvement In fielding

would be a valuable man.

JONNSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Ca,ital •. , .. ,.......... UII.'OO BurpJua A: UadtTlded ProlltaUII,OOO

Tranl.n' checb for uJe. Good u cuh; IlO Id.ntificatioll requIred.

reur per cut tutereet pald oa Um. d.poelu.

ClTlDN8' 8A. VINGS TB171!Jl' 00. -1111.11111"1"1' Jr '1··1 I I I I 11'1"1.11"1,.1- BANKBR8 : AltIUSBDNTS ~ 0qtiaI ................. ...... + . + A I8neral bankln' bullu .. traD-

'1.11 .. 1111111111.11' -&-1'.1 •• 1 1'.11'1-1-1 •• 1"1 •• 1' acte4. 11' 8. CJta&GD I&.

Wednesday ...... P. N. Haulh~ Song Hits jn The Goddess of Liberty Thursday .......... Karl D. LoOi t t =======:=====

Q h Ever since the first produc Ion 0 Saturd'lY ........ . K. T omJ*). Alaoclate Edtton "The Goddess of Liberty", the sur-

P. E. Van NOltrand Paul S. CoIlJer John A. Fullerton Walter Card.n passing comedy with music which T. H. Tapping Chester A. Core, Mr. Mort H. Singer will present at

Fred M. Pownall. Women Edlton the Coldren theatre next Wednee-

India Goodman Audrie Allpau,h clay, In Chicago where it ran for more Reporten

George A. Rice Paul Mather than 300 continuous performances

H. C. Langland Frank Jones to an enormous business, the songa

C. O. Sjulln M. D. Roller which are to be heard have been

"Of all that Is good, Iowa atrordl supg, played and whistled all over tbe bett. " the country, and they promise to

DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHIN9 CO .• JIve a great deal longer than the PubUlhen (Incorporated) ' trashy sort of music which has no

ROBERT B. PIKE, BuBinus Mer. body to It. Among the songs which

Eutered as leconlf-elasll mati mat­ter, November 12, nu, at the POlt­ollee at Iowa OIly, Iowa, under the act .t conerul of March 3, 1179. .

r.r Year, palt!. before NOT. n, ".11 Per Year, paid after NOT. 16, ".71 Per Beaelter ...... ........ U.U r.r Mellth •........•.••••• .11 Per SI.,le Cop, , ... , ... ,... ..1

will be heard here for the first time

on any stage, although they are not

a. little familiar to those who keep up

with things musical, are "If all

Moons were Honeymoons," "The

Haunted Pool," "Here's- to the Last

Girl," "Don't Choose a Gibson Girl,"

"Lonely," "The Goddess of Liberty," Ollee-U Eut Wuhln(toll Street, Both Phones "Where are They Now?" " Taxi ,

(Under Name of Iowa City ClUlen) Taxi," "Hall Diana," "Keep Me

AIlnouncementi and Ilotieea Ihould bt In the Iown omce by e o'clock to Insure publication.

Ceples for I&le and lubaeriptioDI taken at the Iowan omce, Iowa Book Store, Wieneke's Arcade book Ito~.


On next Tuesday evening the Uni­

versity Glee club will give the first

concert in the auditorium. There Is a

duty devolving upon the general stu­

<lent body to put forth an especial ef­

fort to give the club a. respectable

"boost" at its Initial appearance.

When one remembers that the suc­

cess to attend the club In Its out-o!­

town concert is largely dependant

upon the support given here at home,

there can be uttle doubt that an at­

tendance worthy ot the event wllI be

Young In Your Heart," " Oskee Wow­

wow," "Let's Pretend You Love Me,"

"The Life Guards" and "Tummy

Tummy Tum,"

UP-TO·DATE TAILORING forthcoming. Everyone has some real is a feature ot our Easter garment

bation of what a glee club may be maldDg for men. ,.We clothe you In made to mean in advertising and the style )'OU WaDt, not tu the fubion

made up tu the factory laat faU. . ..... furthering the best interests of the


Steam Laundry

-Domestic or

Gloss Work

-c. J. TOMS

IOWA AVENUE New Location.


A. G. Spalding & Bros. are the IarpIt manufacturers In the ...... .,

Official Equipment FOR

AU Athletic Sports and Pastimes

REICHARDT o THE CONFECTIONER Palmetto Chocolates our speci­alty. All Candies Home-made. Ice Cream made in all saapee and furnished for Parties and Receptions.


The Iowa Electric Shoe Repairing Co.

108 South Dubuque It. We Guan.otee Ftnt 0laIe Work at

Lo ... PrIcee aa.o

Bu, and Sell 8ec:oDd lIaIIld 0I0t.bJDC.

I -

JOHN R. THOMAS Deal.r tu all klDd. ot

Coal, Coke, Wood, Flour and Feed •.. Coal ,arda and Feed Mill Cor. Wuh­

Inrtoll and Van Bur .. Sta. JohnlOa Oeuatr T.lephoae .. "

lewa Tel.,Il ... UI-R


univel'llltJ. 110 we need only call at- Order Your FAaater Suit A. G. SPALDING & BROS. BIIl- I think Miss Daisy Is just as

tention to the concert in order to

Insure the proper support.


"'1 Wabash Avp.Due, OhfcalO, Dl pretty &S she can be. Jack..-Sure; most girls are. They no longer speak of San Fran­

cisco as ,the "Paris of America;" they now speak of Paris BS the "San

J I I I I I 1"1' I +++++H+If ; BUSINESS DIUO!OI1 ~ '1"1,,1 I 1,,1 I I I ++++++++M


DIUJ. DaAlf .. IIOIL8 PractiCf' Umlted to ..... If ..

ilJe. Ear, No. od ftJIIL Botta ·phoDel.

DB. i'RAJI)[ L. InQ Eye, Ear, NON ud ThnI&

Ollce OTer NoTak·. Drq ... Both ·Pholl ..

DB. W. H. DONOVD Ph,llolan and Sul'(eOa 117 1-2 8, Dubuqu ••

Ollce OTer Wl1klDlOn'l Qrooerr 'Phonel: Bell lOll, J. C. 147. _

calli anlwered trom oalOl.

DB. AUGUSTUS 8INNDQ Dlleues ot the Bye. Ear, HeM 1M

Threat Omoe with Dr. MuJUn 11 1-1 8. CJII.

ton St. Both 'Phon ..

OHARLIDS 8. GRANT, II. D­Omce 1'1 l-a S. ~ I&.

OTer Stach'. Shoe Stort Belldeace _ SUJUIH ..

Ollce 'phon __ Bell IIOR. J. C. .It Ruld.nee 'phon __ Bell i7l1. 1.0.


DB. W. L BYWAmB J>beuee of

Ere, EU', Noee ad 'l1IroI& No.8 N. CIa. k.


DRS. WAiBBUMot W~ B. E. WaeIlbuJ'll, D. O. E,.l,. S. W .. Uura, D. O.

Ollce ... ...md ..... 101 •• LIu II., Iowa Cltr, Iowa. Both 'r.-


JOHN VOSll, D. D ... The Student'l DeJatJIt

16 1-2 South Dubuque 8L Both 'Phon88 Iowa Oltr, lnI


RALPH L&W'l'ON Teacher of Plano. Or......

Theory of Music. AvallUle tor Concerts, Recitals and Mull. STUDIO 10 1-2 W ASBlNaroJlL


MUllc Studlo 21 North Dubuque Street

"'111 receive pupils In Pi&llotortt, Irgan and Theory. Studio bonn'

II. /D. to 12 m. Aftern. on lIoun 'D7 appOintment. J. C. Phonl' nu Iltao dlo. 1i2l Realdl!n('e.


Pupil of Chu. W. Clark &lid a. Hamlin. Concerti. Reeitall, VOOIIIt ItrucUoa. Studio, 1U South a... St. J. C. PhODe 613.


(Continued trom page one)

Hemingway, the lengthy guardian

of the first sack, Is sUII in school,

but does not Int.nd to try for the

team, as he is busy preparing to be-

tOW 10 that we can promise it In time. Step In aDd be measured. Select the cloth and Choose the style you best prefer. We guarantee a awt perfect In At aDd ftnish and far superior hi o\'el')' way to ordinary garments . • The cost will be about what JOu paf for the common kind anyway.

We no OIeanJng, Pre ling and Repairing Also

Francisco of Franee." I hear that ~-SA-L-E-A-ND--R-E-NT-:--Larp--JIII-:~

Mr. Paulhan, the noted aeronaut, was oity relldencel, vacant Iota. ... a. rope walker before he became an tarml. Allo ItOCka ot mlrclludllt.

come an attorney in June. Hansen


203 College, Cor. Dubuque

ot last year's novices Is working hard We also do cleaning, pressing, re-

for the plac~ anct may land It, though pairIng.

Murphy of football and basketball re­

nown is a first-sacker of class, and

will push "Hennery Dan" hard If he

tries out. Ex-captain Stewart has beld

second for two years and looks good

for the place again. Bryant will be

out again tor the short field position

and Is expected to Improve D1S last

year's game. Koh l Is gone trom thlrd

but there are acceptable candidates

for his place. Schmidt Is good, as Is

Wright, and a numlier of unherald­

e<l stars can be relied upon to appear.

,'rhe only veteran left In the outfield

Is MacGregor, McGuire and Bechtel

baving graduated. McWhortor of the

1 HZ team wlll be out, an~ the ~Itch­

en wJll need to Improve theW aim

tt they expect to deny the mtdl~ hl.

Illua) quota of fr@e trips to the tnltla)


~-L.~At Collars =' :l for :l5c

The matchless close-meeting collar. Sets on the neck ex· actly as illustrated.

Have UNOCORD endleu buttonhole •••• eaay.to. button and unbutton··. they don't tw ma.t.

'"'or Ma .. bJ MAX MAYBR.

..... IoatIa QIatoa Ie.


!Uld /he Ara-Notch


1S,,2 (tW15 •. Cluett. PeabodylltCo .. MaUra ARROW CUFFS 15 centa • pm

aviator. Going up in the air was sec-ond nature to Ihlm- he started ,in at the early age ot seven. I wonder It he ever met our Geo. Francis Train. There wa san aviator for you-one ot the old-timers who made all ,the records In aviation before the war, and for some years after It. And yet it Is surprising how many tolks are worrying over the question, "Who

Oedar RaDids and Iowa City owns the air?" Since fiylng machines

Bail .. ,

• Hourly Trains Da.Uy





J and wireless telegraphy have com .. to stay this Is a very vi tal question and ODe that wlll Ihave to be sub­mitted to the courts ot last resort. Meanwhile It you are In doubt about the right weight In spring underwear or you want to see lhe latest crimps In new shirts for Easter, you can come to us and get a quick decision and one that will cause you no after­etrects In the worry line.

The new shirt patterns tor spring are beyond the dreama of Look them over.



c. M. RENO 110 1-2 Wuhl/IItOIl


----------------------------------------TIIB ONGINAL


F. W. HOHMANN, AI-. 628 N. Dubuque St., Iowa Cltr, 10ft

.... CJIr .LocJp 110. " A. 1' ... A. II. ++++++ 1.1.. Record .. W. II. t IrIOI Moore, Sec. 0011

SpecIal Tuesday, March 16, 1: 30 p. m. and 7:30 p, m. 3rd degree. +1'++++-

8peclal Thursday, March 17, 7 p. March 16. .., Ird degree. JIplar ... UQ. Ircllload., of ... ..... +111111111 111"1111 JuI + . + ~ BUSINESS LOOALS :I: ... I I I I 1 I 1'1 -I-I •• oJ -I 1·1·. -I

101M Olty State Bank, acrou Itreet

trom Interurban ltation, tf

Phon. MurphY'1 nvel7 ror .w.n


Go to the Iowa CUy Btate Bull

rlth Jour account.

Mulfc for danc .. , receptionl alld

~tb.r occallonl. Violin, Plano alld

.reh_tra. 1'. R. lpeTac.k, 710

Church .treat. B.ll PhODe. tf

Inln Gnham'l PutorlUJD olub.

GOOd I8mea. ReDoubl. JrloeL

PlIDOI for .1. and rut. 1'. a. Ip'lacel, 730 Church S\ U

Han your elotla.. ,renee at Or.

'.m'. panltorium.

stud.au waati., buk aceoJDa ..

.... 0.. lheuld Ie to lOW A CITY

rUTI! BANK, U.der OD"" Be11l8.

Supper served at the Presbyterian

church tonight, 6:30 on; 36 cents.

FOR RENT:-'J1wo front rooms.

lIodem. 621 N. Linn St, 3-17

FOR SALE:-Good second-hand

wilier overcoat and suit of cloth ...

Colt ,75 when new. Address inqu1rlell

to R, care DaUy Iowan. tf

Without doubt get your meals at the

OIYDlpian M~ly for the fastid­

ious people.

Regular meals Only 25 and 30


In N. S.

North Cea

leu PI!)'



.larch U,


March 25-6,

of the Am



Spring a ....... -0

T HE NEW STYL and most ad

cloth, fresh from t world, are here those who demand part an exclusive elsewhere in ... ",,"',.., cream of the pro ers in America. and see it. few to ranlle of styles man's ideas. and wide, so as to meet fine and medium priced. A broad


Page 3: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-03-14dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-03-14.pdf · 2012. 9. 5. · ~Iassachu!ietts; Jullus Sachs of the sleight of hand wizards. and the

rICHARDT 1"1"1 I I I 1"1' I ++++ III II, + .


E CONFECTIONER :to Chocolates our sped. All Candies Home-made. ~ made in all slaapes ~.rnished for Parties and rons.


Iowa Electric

South Dubuque It. Ftm Olue WoI'It at

Lo ... PrIeM ....

R. THOMAS Coke, Flour and

'1,,1 I I 1·1' I I 1 oH+++Ho+++ PBYSIOIdS.

DRS. DUlf a BOIL8 PnctiCf' llmlted to ..... If •

lIIJe. Bar, NOM .. d 'ftJ'III. Botil 'phoDel.

DB. I'RAJIK L. InQ lDJe, Bar, NOM and TImIa

Of!lce onr No.,u'l Drq .... Both 'Pho ...

DR. W. H. DONOVD Phyldclan and Burpoa 117 1-2 8. Dubuque.

Of!lce over WIlk1D1On'I ONOlrJ 'Phonel: BeU lOll, J. C. 147. _

caUl anl"ered tram 0111 ..

DB. AUGUSTUS BINMIO DlIeas91 of the Bye. JIIar. N .....

Threat Omoe with Dr. Mullln 12 1·1 8. <JIa.

ton Bt. Both ·Pbon ..

0HARLB8 S. GRANT, .. D. Ollie. 1'1 1·8 S. Dab ..... k.

Onr Stach'l Bho. 8t.cm lIeIIIc1eace .. SIUDIIIH II.

Of!lc. ·phon __ B.U lIoa. J. c. Itt aMldence 'phon __ Bell iUI. I. 0.



BJe, Ear, Noee aDd '11IroM No.8 H. OIfIat.oa k


DRS. WAiBBURlfa WAIIIIII B. B. Wuhbul'll, D. O. Bveln 8. Wullbura, D. O.

Olllce .. ' nlfd ..... 1018. LIla It.. lo"a CU.J, 10"" Both 'ftall

and Feed Mill Cor. Wuh· ----------­and Van Bure. Sta. Ceuat,J Telepho.. oUT

Tel.,Il ... 411-R


lORN VOMl, D. D. L The Student'l Dentllt

111 1-2 South Dubuqui It. Both ·Phon.. Io"a Oltr, I01Il


RALPH LA. W'l'ON Teacher at PI.&no, Or......

Theory ot Music. AvatlMll tor Concerts. Recitals and MIlII_ STUDIO 19 1·2 WA.8BIXaroJ II.


Muuc Studio 2) North Dubuque Street

"'111 receive PUpJlB In Plu%ltl. Irgan and Theory. StudiO bonn t

R. ID. to 12 m .• Utern. on 1I0un b7 appointment. J. C. Phonl' 4tU IItIo dio. 1i21 R9IldfJnre.


Pupil of Chat. W. Clark ad Ott. Hamlin. Concerti. Recltall, VOOIIIt

; most girls are. ItrucUon. StudiO. 1U Soutll C\IIIIII St. J. C. Phone 6U. no longer speak ot San Fran- _________ _


SALE AND RBNT:-Larp JIll. the noted aeronaut. was city relldences. vacant loti, ...

walker before he became an tarml. Alia Itocb of m.rcb ....

c. M. RENO met our Geo. Francis TraIn. 110 1·2 WuhlllltOll

san aviator for you-one ----IN-S-UBAN--OE---­

old-timers who made all the In aviation before the war. -----------some years after it. And yet TIIB ORIGINAL

I r mrJ 8 III 2 bow many tolks are BANKERS' LIFE A88OOI!'l'IOJ De. Moln ... Iowa

over the question, "Who F. W. HOHMANN, ApM, air?" Since fiylng machines 628 N. Dubuque St .• Iowa CItJ.I ....

telegraphy have com .. thIs Is a very vItal question

that wJll Ihave to be sub·

shirts tor Easter. you can us and get a quIck decision that will cause you no after-

the worry line.

over. MUoo8Y,



.... 0Ir Lodp 110. 4, A.. 1'. a A.. IlL -I+Jo I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It I. L. Ilecorda, W. II. + + .,... lloor., Sec. + OOIlIRG IVBB'lS +

SpecIal Tuesday, March Ifi. 1: 30 + + p. m. an4 7:30 p. m. 3rd degree. +1.++++ III •••••• III I

Special Thureday. March 17. 7 p. March U. JlU'1 Gl .. Club concert a .• 3rd degree. THE WORLD'S GREATEST VIOLINIST JIplar • ..uaa. Ird Jloada.y of eaoII In N. S. Auditorium.

II8IIt1a. North Central Bl'&DCh or the Amer-

till •• I I I I I I 1"1 I I I I • + . + + BUSINESS LOOALS + + + til I lui I '1' 1"1 I 1"10 I ·1· 1"1 I I

10&Il PlTchololical UIOClation and

the W"8I'Il Phllosophlcal auo­


IOWA CITY, MARCH 24 PeofJ'~ from many 3t1"OUfJdln g citle.r alreadyalilnM fl)r re3erllIJtloIU

larch U. Frltl Krell)er, vIolinIst at

10111& City State Bank. acro .. Itr .. t Auditorium.

(rOm Interurban ltatlon. tt March 26·6. North Central Branch

Phonl MurphY'1 nvefT lOr IwtIl


Go to the Iowa (,"'tty State Bank

rltb Jour account.

MUllc tor dane.. receptionl and

~th.r occaDonl. Vlolln. Plano and

.reh.tra. F. R. Spevacet. 710

Cllureh Itreat. Bell Phone. U

Jnln Gt'aham'l Putorlaa olub.

ot the American Psychological as­

loc'latlon and the Western Philo­

sophical association.

Iowa Schools Lotte.

Ottumwa and Waterloo high

schools, the two Iowa entries In the

UnIversity of Wjsconsln's tourna­

ment to determine the Intel'8Cholastic

baseball championshIp of the middle

west. have both been defeated. Wat· GOOd .. mce. Reuo •• ble JrIoeL erloo lost the dret contelt. an over­

PI.nOl for .11 and NIlt. W'. L time contest. to the Sterling 111 .• high ,,,,vacll, 730 Church S\ U school. which has sInce reached the

Han your clotllea ,reuec at 0.... finals. Ottumwa succeeded fn reach·

,.m·. panltorlum. Ing the seml-dnale by deteatlng Mar-

Stud •• ta "utl., but acco •• ~ quette and DetroIt, but WIUI beaten In

.... 0 .. IlleuI' Ie to IOWA. CITY turn by Appleton. WII .• 20 to 14.

rUTI! BANK, u.der Opera HoUle. ThIs leaves the Utle to be played tor

Supper served at the Prelbyterlan by Appleton and Sterling.

chureh tonight, 5:30 on; 35 cents. ============ FOR RENT:-'l1wo tront rooms.

lIodern. 521 N. Linn St. 3-17

FOR SALE: -Oood second·hand

wIIter overcoat and sult or clothes.

COlt $75 when new. Address Inqu1rle~

to R. care Dally Iowan. tr

Without doubt get your meals at the


Wed., 16 March

MORT H. SINGER Announces

"The Goddess .Of Liberty"

..• with ... Sallie Fisher and Geor"e



Seat Sale at Wieneke's, 8 South Clinton Street, Tuesday, March 22nd


Dental and Surgical Supplies 116 Iowa Avenue

THE ALL IOWA HOUSE and Complete ~-------.--..;.

U.e of

GROCERIES ~be Brt Sbop FINI PHOTOS.llm 0'11'18

OIYnIpian MoStly for the fastid­

ious people.

Regular meals Only 25 and 30


The Original All Star Cast U IOU appreciate Ql1A.L1Tr aDd ~ U ~ , com b b Chorus and Production OOUBftlOU8 TRBATDNT, we an ALI ~ \If

Biggest and Best Musical Comedy pam1lYe tba& we eaa ,1_ re .. Pree ________________________ .....

Playing Iowa City in Ten Years dell.,., to all parta of the .,. JIot.b I Prices-Lower Floor $1.50, Bal- 'PboML e ucI • Ioatll .,....... ... ===============~======~~

cony $1, Gallery SOc. Seat Sale Monday Noon.

- No Free List -Geo. D. Barth

Spring and Summer ....... -.Opening R 2 2

F • THE NEW STYLES. representinll the latest

and most advanced types in fashionable cloth. fresh from the best woolen mills in the world, are here and ready for inspeetion of those who demand quality. It is for the most part an exclusive line and ' not to be found elsewhere in town. Carefully chosen, the cream of the products of the cleverest deaint­ers in America. We enjoy showin" it. Come and see it. few to equal it in the country. A ran"e of styles wide enou"h to meet every man's ideas. and a ran"e of prices equally wide, so as to meet all purses, too. High.cllss, fine and medium line of "oods. moderately priced. A broad welcome to visitors.

• • • •

JOSEPH SLAV A T A. Tailor I ' '.

10'1 S. Clinton Street ..


HelU'f Sabin, B1brtdp H. 8eIJIa. Preat. Sec. t: Tr--.

Has been particularly luccelltul In aecurlng good pollftlonl u teub .. for Iowa Itudenu and graduatea. Coven the entlr. North,..." ... registration . lasts tor two yean. Write for tulllnformaUua. ManhattaD BIde. Del Motaee. ....

++ I II JnI I 1,,1,,1"1 1'1 I 11'+*+ N II I I 1 JoI I I III 1++

Iowa <.ttt~ Bcabeml' Prepllt .. Studeota for State UDlvenit)' 'CIm. !t. 'IIltllts Floe opportunity to make up cW ..... deI Prtnctpal

++,.-•• I • I I I I InI I I • 1·++++ I I I I I 1 •• J I 1 • 1 I I 1++

MAKE IT SEEM JUNE And you can get a foretaste 01 J uoe aod her beaat) lit this or any other seasoo it you let us make you a bou· quet from our ~reenhouse. The choicest cuttiogs of Carnations and Roses, and all seasonable P R INC E rareties. OFFleR-lll IOWA AVlC~.


-1-+·1·1 1 I 1 1 Jnl I I II •. 1'1 ++++ 1'1 I • I I • 1 I I I I I I I ++ FOR SALE:-Typewriters-Ribbons and Oil-Shorthand Boob

Typewriting Boou-COmmercial Books. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT AT


++ I, I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I ++++ I • I I I· I I I I I I 1 I I I ++

~I'ectal .ate. to Iroul" at

Cownsends Studio

Page 4: Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1910-03-14dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1910/di1910-03-14.pdf · 2012. 9. 5. · ~Iassachu!ietts; Jullus Sachs of the sleight of hand wizards. and the

~·1IsS Bessie Ken is spending SUIl­

~,y at her hOlUe In )[arengo.

MIEA! Bessie Pierce is unable to at­

,end classes on account of lllness.

Senior modlcs danced Saturday

~vt-nlng In \Voodman hall.

CecU Morehouse M. '13, sustained

a sprained ankle Tbursday.

Miss Claire N Iman spent Satur­

clay shopping in Cedar Rapids.

E. A. McLun, Dent '10, leaves to-

•• • •• For Good Looks

... USE .•.


. . ~:U inter-fra.ternity dance w~s

held Friday night at the Majestic

with Dr. and Mrs. Fitzell as chaper-

Y. M. C. A. held open house yes-

I Greasless Preoxide terday afternoon with Misses Louise

CO LD CREAM Krenzbud, Anna Densler as aSBoc1a-

25 CENTS tion hostesses.

W H E T S TON E ' S Miss Adelaide Black is enjoying a VIsit from ber cousin, Miss Aimee

"The Nyall'sts" Cornell and her sister Miss Edna _______________ ••••• _'._ •• 111 _____ • Black of Knoxville.

Miss Carrie Smitb, L. A., '09, who

day tor Dattle reek, Mich. Miss Elizabeth Van Brusools ot the guest of Miss Dorothy Franke is taking a special course in domes-

Miss Ca\l!e Weider is spending :m. Pleasant is vIsiting Miss Jessie For several days left yesterd&)' fol' tir: science, is visiting her sisters, Mrs I

Sunday at her bome in Oasis. Swiggard. her home in Williamsburg. Ensign and Mrs. Newcombe.

M'ss Meta Ranel' Is spending SI;n- Robert Dick of Cedar Falls is The Wexs club entertained at a

day at her home In Mareng'l spending the week-end with Kenneth !lance Friday night in Redman ball. Seniors Want 1\10l'() Songs.

Mr. Leo Kelley, L. '11, is confined Co lgrove. MI'. and Mrs. Schrader cllaperoned. Following is a senior class notice:

to bols room with illness. Mi ss Pearl cross, L. A. '08, wbo Is 1\JI'. Carl Kirkpatrick Is spending "Doubtless there are members of the

Lhe week-end at his bome In Water- !Jenior liberal arts class who are com-

THEA TR High Class Refined



March 10, 11, 12, lS.


Oomedy SInging Skit


The O.;ginal Dancing School



2000 Feet of Real MovtDg PldIN!. Miss Iowa Marshall, L. A. '10, has teaching at Mediapolis is spending

be n unable to atten.d classes all the week-end in Iowa City. 100. posing class songs, but judging from 8 Shows Dally, 8:00.7:43-9:00 P.l

week because of illness. The Misses Ula and Amy Purvis Delta Tau Delta entertained last t.he small number of songs coming in, PrIces 10·20 Cenfl

Miss Myrtie 1\1oore, accompanied are being visited by their moLher ~vening at tbe chapter bouse. Dr. some are evidently waiting until the ++++++++++++++++++t THE PLACE TO BUY


by her mother, is spending a few from V~-eH Liberty. and Mrs. R. H . Volland chaperoned. lost mdnute to turn In their compo-

days In Chicago. 1\115ses Anna Denzlt'r and Lonla W. S. Johnston, L. '10, spent Sat- sitlons. The committee urgently de-

Miss Mary Johnson has been con- Krenz are hosteseses at Y. W. C. A. urday anel Sunday visiting fri ends sires that all those wrIting songs or


fined to bel' room thill w ek with oven h01.l Saturday '1fternoon . ill Cedar Rapids. intending to write, bring them in to

the grlpv . Irs. Myra Lyon Dyers of Cedal' Robert W. Bailey of Des Moines the Dally Iowan office as much before

Misses Ruth Mortland and Blancbe 1 apida is visiting her parents, MI'. was a visitor at tbe Phi Delta Theta March 16 as possible and not latel' "I for all C~lleies

o(lorsuch spent the week-end at Ana- and' Mrs. Louis E. Lyon. bouse yesterday. than tb t date."


moea. Mrs J. D. Lewis who has been Miss Carrie Smith, L.A. '09, who Is



1<'01' sale by: OUR SPECIALTIES: Athelia Cigar Store,. New York Baking 00., L. W. Porch.

PuritT Ohocolates, Wlndaor Pure Sugar Stick, U-Oaa·E&t-Bm Kiases Windsor Ptire Butter Seotch.


IJest results, send your work to

1)ar~ ate'dght and we ate equipped tt> !!andte your laundry in a manner that can not help but be satisfactory.

OWENS & GRAHAM 211·2lS IOWi:l AverlUe

Winter Styles In

Artistic footwear The Colle"e Pattern

A curnbination of Beauty, Excellence apd Style at prices you can afford to pay


MORTON'S , Corner Clinton and Washin"ton Streets


STUDENTS SU"PPllES TeJEJ Boob f. aU ~u.. .. Faacy ~ode.

.. 'LarJrelft Stock, Lowe. Ptlcee 1

fblfii it.s · u~.. I

~~ : t~:

-----++4 III II 1,,111"1-1111'1 I 1++++ III 1 11'11:1 •• '1'1111" ++

attending the Stat~ Teacher's College "'---"~---"''''''1111111! I the guest of her sister, Mrs. F . C.


u Sigma Nll entertained at:l.

ciance Friday evening in their chap-

Unitarian Church Cor. Gilbert and Iowa Ave.

Rev. S. S. Loring, Minister.


~(arcb 13. E.olution and Tthlcs. ~larch 20. The Place of Jesus In


8mdy Class at 10


Wlth paper on The Philosophy of

Stevenson by Miss Joanna Kyle. •


Where Electric or Gas Light­ing is Used

Iowa City Gas & Electric Co.

ON THE CORm Waterman Fountain Pens

Posters and N ettiM for Room Decoration




TO BE LED BI am (Continued from page one)

teacbers of bi story will make a pn.

grimmage to Iowa City to bear the

discussions and to meet those of

thell' fellow-workers from this aaj

other states whom the contereDII

will attract. The meetings occur (I

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,

1Ilay 25, 26, and 27.

Easter As I G N of Easter is a welcome one always because ~

heralds the comtng of a new season. The most sipifi. cant ~ign of Easter for the men of this community is the

showing of New Suits whith it' now ready at the Max Mayer Clothing House.


Knspp-Felt Stelsons

Suit~·­(:ollege Brand Stein-Bloch

Top-coats--Gravenettes Drus Coats

Shirts·-· Manhattan Lenox



Yes, your suit is here. You ' IDlY

come with $15, $16.50, or up to $25, but you will be able to find your fit, Our stock is so complete with In

assortment of SUITS for THIS SEASON and every suit is direct from the tit ~est and best eastern Tailoring h.­that ) ou will not be disapointed' making a selection. It will be to ,our advantage to look these 200ds over soon.



Natural Science Auditorium

Tonight 8:15




Arrangements LIre Rapidly llelng

~Jade for Big Event in Univel'­

slty Armory on MlIrch 30.

With the announcement yesterday

by Dean W. J . Teeters of the Col­

lege of P.harmacy, of the cOl1lm lt­

tees to have charge of the work for

the big university dinner March 30 .

active work for tbe big event has

commenced . Some idea of tbe im­

mensity of the task of pr~parlng for

It Is sbown by the four hundred



plates guaranteed to the ladles of tonight

the Improvement League who w!II

caler for the dinner . Tbis number

possibly will be swelled to five 'bun­

dred . Tables will be crowded Into ~o IJ~ l!r.

the armory, a temporary kitch h' lirudsha\\

will be bunt, and a system Is being

devised to adequately take care of

the hungry students.

The com mittees who are working

to make tbe affair a success are:

On after-dinner speakers and mus­

ic, Herbert lIoar, E. C. Robbins, O.

C. Priester.

On arrangemenL of tables anti

~eatlng by classes, C. H. Crowe, R .

D. Tllfany and Steve O'Brien .

The dinner wlll be held at 6: 00

p. m. at the armory. The inlUal din­

ner held In 1908 was a success as

was the one last year and with the

ro-operation of the Greater Univer­

Sity committee, the university sen­

ale and tbe vadous student bodies,

the dinner this year will be the best

yet held. Seven soror1ties and fra­

ternities have agreed to dispenso

with their evening dinner and at­

tend the university dinner.

The spirit of the diners will be

democratic. Instead of sitting to­

gether In little cliques, the seating

Koven .



W\ll Ri will be by classes. Students from track team

many kinds ot student organizations er In the

may make short after-dinner speech- been

es If a suggestion received by the

Greater University committee Is car­

ried out.

General Invitation to Free Show.

InVitations were yesterday Issued

to the deans and facultles of the col- Ished seconr

leges of the university for tbe fJ'e~ fer nce mee

vaudeville entertainment whlcb Is to won second

be given by the studt-nts of the col- '1 classy He

lege of applied science in tbe auditor- made In the

ium Thursday evening in celebration In 1907 \Vh

ot St. Patrick's Day. Managers of the in 4: 36 2-5.

"stunts" are anxious that the stu- Riley is t

dents of the other departments un- line ot form,

derstand that the show Is to be ab- er acted as

aolu tely free and that tbe public Is Moines scho

cordially Invited. Tbe best talent Ing Scarlet

among the engineers bas been secur- ccaches tor I

ed tor the acls. Dean W. G. Raymond Rllpy vlsll

bas allowed the stllrlents In his de- ':I 1 ~ma Alpha

partment a holiday tor the St. Pat- lay. He \\'11

rick rcillbration . tbls mornln!