The Place For Real News FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2012 WWW.THEDAILYSOUND.COM FREE VOLUME 7 ISSUE 108 GOLD All Time High Turn Your GOLD into CASH BARRY’S GOLD 4141 State Street (In El Mercado Plaza) Open 7 Days a Week! (805) 967-6400 www.barrysgold.com License #42001051 rn n u Y r r o our u Y urn Y Yo Yo Yo T T T T G D O L o i o n A o AS A H A ASH AS C C oC t t t GOLD int BA AR RR BA Y BA Y’ AR ’S Y S Y GO Y’ OL LD G LD GOL .com OLD sgold y .barr w w w (805) 967-6400 eek! W sa y a pen 7 D O ado Plaza) c l Mer (In E eet tr eS t ta 4141 S Y’S GOLD R RR R BARR RY RY RY RY FIND US ON FACEBOOK Facebook.com/ TheDailySound FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SBDailySound Patchy AM Fog 74° 19th District State Senate Race DAILY SOUND DEBATE RAGES AT CITY MEETING OVER HIGHWAY 101 OVERHAUL By NICK C. TONKIN, Page 3 TWO ON ONE Hodge, Stoker team up on Jackson at debate , By Joshua Molina, Page 2 Developer Mark Lee dumps another $100K into Measure Y Page 6 JACKPOT $$$$$$$$

Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

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Hodge, Stoker team up on Hannah-Beth Jackson and senate debate on Thursday night

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19th District State Senate Race




TWO ON ONEHodge, Stoker team up on Jackson at debate, By Joshua Molina, Page 2

DeveloperMark Leedumpsanother$100K intoMeasure YPage 6


Page 2: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

2 Friday, June 1 2012 Daily Sound


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Call Sam NOW 805.564.1093 Senate candidates

battle in final daysHannah-Beth Jackson, Mike Stoker and Jason Hodge are battling for the 19th District State Senate seat.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

Just five days before theprimary, Republican MikeStoker and Democrat JasonHodge went on the attackagainst Democrat Hannah-Beth Jackson at a Thursdaynight debate at Fess Parker’sDouble Tree Resort on SantaBarbara’s waterfront.The candidates are vying

for the 19th District StateSenate seat in an open pri-mary, where the top two fin-ishers regardless of partyaffiliation will battle for theseat in November.Journalist Jerry Roberts,

former managing editor of theSan Francisco Chronicle,

moderated the business-focused debate sponsored bythe Milpas CommunityAssociation. About 75 peopleattended.Stoker and Hodge acted

more like old buddies thanrivals for the seat, so much sothat Roberts at one pointjoked that they were practi-cally singing “Kumbaya”together.Stoker took on Jackson

early.“Ms. Jackson has never

seen a tax proposal she didn’tsupport,” Stoker said.Later Hodge said the seeds

of California’s financial crisiswere planted when Jacksonwas serving in the stateAssembly from 1998 to 2004.

Jackson mostly stuck toher talking points, such as“California is the state thatinvents the future.”The candidates answered a

wide range of questions fromwhat California could do toreinvigorate the business cli-mate and how to stop the mid-dle-class exodus to whetherthe candidates supportedProp. 29, a $1 tax on ciga-rettes, and their views on pen-sion reform.Political observers expect

that Jackson and Stoker willmake it through the June pri-mary and challenge eachother in November. Hodge, aVentura County firefighterand member of the OxnardHarbor Commission has

spent most of his time cam-paigning in Ventura Countyand North Santa BarbaraCounty. Jackson is largelyrelying on her name recogni-tion to give her the edge overHodge. As the onlyRepublican in the race, Stokeris consider a lock to be in thetop two.Stoker seemed uncon-

cerned with Hodge, so muchso that he said that if he does-n’t win next week that hewould endorse Hodgebecause “he gets it,” and thatthey agree that Californiaover-regulates its businesses.“That’s pretty appalling

that all these green jobs are


See SENATE, page 6

Jackson, Hodge, Stoker head into Tuesday primary

Page 3: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

Daily Sound Friday, June 1 2012 3





Highway 101 EIR‘scares’ panel

The controversy over thefate of the CabrilloBoulevard/Highway 101interchange shows few signsof cooling down for the sum-mer.The Santa Barbara City

Planning Commission gave afrosty response to Caltrans’draft Environmental ImpactReport on the project.Commissioners felt there’dbeen very little detail on thelocal impacts to the commu-nity in the report.“I think it’s what we’re not

seeing scares me the most,”Commissioner Bruce Bartlettsaid.As the number of com-

muters between SantaBarbara and other areas ispredicted to increase over theyears, Caltrans has put in

plans to create a third HighOccupancy Vehicle(HOV)Lane, more commonly knownas a carpool or diamond lane.The project has come

under fire from locals whohave concerns regarding theelimination of left hand offramps in the Montecito areaand how that could affect theneighboring Coast VillageRoad. Though considered partof Montecito, Coast VillageRoad is within the SantaBarbara City boundaries andfalls under the purview of theSanta Barbara PlanningCommission.Caltrans released its draft

EIR earlier in the year. Inearly May, it decided toexpand the public commentperiod from May 25th to July9th. A final EIR must addressquestions raised during thepublic comment period.

But after hearing Caltransproject manager Scott Eadesgive his presentation, thecommissioners complainedthat they didn’t have enoughdetails in the report to ask theright questions.Commissioner Mike Jordansaid it had been one of theleast organized reports he’dseen as a planning commis-sioner.“I think I’ve seen about a

half-dozen EIRs in two yearsup here and this is by far themost frustrating and unwieldyone to work with,” Jordansaid.The issues for the city

focus on the five possibleconfigurations for theCabrillo Boulevard exitsknown as F, F-modified, J, M,and M-modified. All elimi-nate the left hand ramps.


See 101, page 7

Page 4: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

4 Friday, June 1 2012 Daily Sound



Google shakes up online buyingGoogle Inc unveiled major changes to its shopping business

on Thursday that will likely prove controversial in the e-com-merce world.Starting in the fall, product search results for users in the

United States will be influenced by how much retailers andadvertisers pay, a company executive said. In the past, productsearch results were based mainly on relevance and the programwas free.Google, the world's most popular Internet search engine, will

rename its service Google Shopping from the current GoogleProduct Search."We are starting to transition Google Product Search in the

U.S. to a purely commercial model," said Sameer Samat, vicepresident of product management at Google Shopping. "Thiswill give merchants greater control over where their productsappear on Google Shopping."Google has been in the product listing and search business

for about a decade. During that time, it has provided merchantswith free access to shoppers. The company made money by run-ning paid product search ads along with the organic, or unpaid,product listings, according to Eric Best, CEO of Mercent, whichhelps retailers sell through Google and other e-commerce web-sites such as Amazon.com Inc and eBay Inc."Today, that model goes away," Best said. "It's a very big



TodayWeʼll start out the day with areas of fog and low clouds bythe coast followed by hazy sunshine for the afternoonhours. Daytime highs will be slightly cooler today as highpressure gives way to a building trough of low pressure,the same trough that will influence our weather with fur-ther cooling through early next week.

AMFog,PM Sun56/69°

Patchy fog,mild


Mild, Breezy58/70°


TuesdaySundaySaturday Monday

Private payroll growth picked up only slightly in May andclaims for jobless benefits rose last week, suggesting the U.S.labor market recovery was losing steam after a strong perform-ance early in the year.Other data on Thursday showed factory activity in the Midwest

slowed considerably in May and economic growth in the firstquarter was a bit softer than initially estimated.Economists said the reports reflected business anxiety amid an

uncertain global economic outlook as the euro zone's debt crisisescalates and China's economy slows."The economy is growing at an anemic pace and the job mar-

ket is showing some signs of hesitation in the pace of hiring. Thereis a lot to worry about," said Paul Edelstein, an economist at IHSGlobal Insight in Lexington, Massachusetts.Private employers created 133,000 jobs in May, payrolls

processor ADP said. That was only a slight step up from April'stepid increase of 113,000 and below economists' expectations fora gain of 148,000.The report comes ahead of the government's closely watched

employment report for May on Friday, which is expected to shownonfarm payrolls increased 150,000, up from a paltry 115,000 inApril.

Job recovery slows down

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What I learned inkindergarten this yearAuthor's Note: Even

though my son is halfwaythrough junior high thesedays, it seems like only yester-day he was scampering off tokindergarten. Every year feelslike a big leap year, but thatyear was still the biggest leapso far, and this is still one ofmy all-time favorite columns.

The tears started when Ibegan to compose a thankyou letter to my son’steacher. Trying to put downon paper all of the amazingthings he had learned inkindergarten – about the“bossy E,” who was simplysilent when I went to school;about raising your hand toget attention, rather thanshouting or pulling on shirt-sleeves; about using sign lan-guage when you need to goto the bathroom; about takingturns and waiting patiently;that gray wolves mate for lifeand that little acorns growinto great big oaks – provedan impossible task. I justkept smearing the ink withmy big, sloppy, sentimentalmommy tears.Kindergarten is such a big

year in so many ways. Sure,

we felt the influ-ence of the out-side world in pre-school, like whenKoss thought itwas odd that hisfather and I didn’thave tattoos, likeall of his 20-something teach-ers. Or when hepicked up phraseslike, “Let’sskedaddle,” or“Excuse me, sir,”that he would never haveheard at home.But kindergarten was dif-

ferent. Even I could remem-ber kindergarten, whichmeant so would Koss, andany mistakes that we madehere would go on his, gasp… permanent record! Therewere goals, standards, expec-tations, even report cards.At Back to School Night,

when Ms. Geritz told us thatevery one of the studentswould be reading by the endof the year, I just about fellout of my teeny, tiny, fakewood chair. They were justbabies, many of them cling-ing to mom and dad for afew precious moments before

running off onto theplayground, withsome stray glancesback for reassurance.Every milestoneKoss encounters feelslike a mixed blessing,as I give another bitof him away to theuniverse. As much asI want him to beindependent, I dreadit too.Someone recently

asked me when Imost rejoiced, when he gotout of diapers or when hecould strap himself into a carseat, which he will soon straphimself out of permanentlywhen he turns 6 next month.Koss can hardly wait. He’llprobably wake up at mid-night to throw it out of thecar.As for me, well sure,

ditching the diapers didinspire a little happy dance,but even the most celebratorymilestones make me feel alittle sad. Call me crazy, but Imissed those 2 a.m. cuddleswhen he began sleepingthrough the night.In kindergarten, each child

greeted Ms. Geritz with a

hug. That’s what I’ll proba-bly miss the most. For thesimple sweetness and alsofor the deeper symbolism.These children adore theirteacher. For right now she isschool to them. I wish Icould bottle that love oflearning, that openness to allof life’s possibilities and putit in a time capsule tobequeath to them whenthey’re 13 or 11 or 9 orwhenever that seeminglyunavoidable teenage ‘tudestarts.I’m a little bit comforted

when I see Ms. Geritz’s paststudents -- 1st and 2ndgraders and even some 6thgraders -- stop by and giveher hugs. She’s a part ofthem now and she alwayswill be.I’ll never forget the deject-

ed look on Koss’s face whenI explained to him that notonly would he have a differ-ent teacher for first grade,but that there would be somedifferent students too. Hereally liked his classmates.So did I. While neither oneof us found a new best


See LESLIE, page 10

Page 5: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

Daily Sound Friday, June 1 2012 5




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Did you know that losingweight could be as easy as 5thgrade math?Complicated diet schemes

really aren’t necessary onceyou learn the basics of “calo-rie math”.How many calories does

your body need?A calorie is a unit of ener-

gy. Each of us needs a differ-ent number of daily caloriesdepending on our physicalbuild, metabolic rate andactivity level.Calorie math is simple.A person who eats more

calories than they use willgain weight. A person whoconsumes the same number ofcalories as they burn, willmaintain their weight and aperson who ingests fewercalories than their body uses,will lose weight.

Putting “calorie math” touseFact #1: One pound of

weight equals 3,500 calories.Doing the math, a person

who eats 500 calories less perday can lose about a pound in7 days. By eating 250 calo-ries less per day, one wouldlose a pound about every twoweeks or 26 pounds in a year!Fact #2: Running a mile

burns about 100 calories.A person who keeps their

calorie intake stable, butwants to “run off” a pound aweek would have to run 35miles per week or about 5miles a day! That is ambi-

tious for even anavid runner.Using these for-

mulas, it is easy tocreate a personalizedweight loss plan.Small, sustainablechanges can add upto big results overtime.It also becomes

clear that “not eatingit in the first place”is probably easierthan trying to “run itoff” later. Cuttingout calories is amuch more effective weightcontrol method than just exer-cise alone.Combining calorie reduc-

tion with modest exercise isthe generally healthiestapproach for most people.

The Dr. Dan planGet to know yourself bet-

ter. Visit a nutritionist or awebsite such aswww.nutritiondata.com tocalculate your Body MassIndex (BMI) and your dailynutritional needs.Start paying better atten-

tion to what and how muchyou are eating on a dailybasis.Next, think about what

small changes you can makein your daily eating habits.If you wish to lose weight,

make plans to eliminate about250 calories a day from yourdiet. Plan on eating threemeals and two protein rich

snacks throughoutthe day.Cutting out 250 calories

may be as easy as not drink-ing a 110-calorie can of sodaand leaving a few bites offood on your plate at eachmeal.Start adding some light

exercise into your daily rou-tine for motivation and hearthealth. It is always a goodidea to discuss the appropri-ateness of your exercise rou-tine with your health careprovider.The key to lasting nutri-

tional success is to makesmall changes that you canmaintain. After six months, itis reasonable to see a 10-15pound weight loss, whichmay motivate you to exercisea little more, eat a littlehealthier and treat yourself tosome new clothes.

Summing it upHealthy weight loss and

maintenance can be achievedthrough a balance of smarteating, regular exercise andbasic arithmetic.In my experience, the best

nutritional plans includeusing common sense andmoderation. Fad diets or dra-matic changes are generallynot sustainable. Skippingmeals often leads to over eat-ing later in the day.Managing your weight

doesn’t mean that you have todeprive yourself. Using Dr.Dan’s calorie math you canmake small changes and seebig results.

Dr. Dan Brennan is aboard certified pediatricianwho is proud that his threeboys enjoy eating their fruitsand vegetables. His columncan be found on the first andthird Fridays of the month inthe Daily Sound. To contactDr. Brennan, please call 563-6211 or visitwww.SBPediatrics.com.

Small changes equal bigresults using calorie math


PEDIATRICSIN PARADISE It also becomes clear that

“not eating it in the firstplace” is probably easierthan trying to “run it off”later. Cutting out calories isa much more effectiveweight control method thanjust exercise alone.

Page 6: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

6 Friday, June 1 2012 Daily Sound


going to Texas,” Stoker said.Stoker and Hodge at the beginning of

Thursday’s forum also made a point toacknowledge former AssemblymanPedro Nava, who sat in the front rowdirectly in front of Hodge for the begin-ning of the forum. Nava has feuded polit-ically with Jackson for years. Hodgetook a backhanded jab at current assem-blyman Das Williams.“Since he left office, I see him more

than any other currentAssemblymember,” Hodge said.Stoker later said Nava was a great

example of a Democrat who worked inbipartisan way to get things done inSacramento.It all fell within their narrative of

painting Jackson as an environmentalideologue, and out-of-touch Democrat,who was part of the reason whyCalifornia got into its current fiscal mess.Stoker said California needs to allow

slant oil drilling to help build the econo-my.“We don’t need new platforms,”

Stoker said. “We can do a lot of thisexploration and development with slantoil drilling.”Jackson fired back with “we’ve got to

get rid of our dependence on fossil fuels.

We need to transfer from dependence onfossil fuels to renewable energies.”All three candidates at various points

received ovations from the crowd, most-ly made up of the business communityand activists from each campaign.Jackson said that she was best poised

to go to Sacramento. She wants to rein-vest in colleges and universities, creategreen jobs and develop programs thattarget at-risk children in the first grade— before they end up in the prison sys-tem.“The prison system in California is a

mess,” Jackson said. “We need toaddress the issues of crime at the earliestpossible stage.”Even that was a point of contention

between Stoker and Jackson.“I’m not sold on the first-grade inter-

vention being the first line of defense inthis,” Stoker said.Stoker said he would urge state gov-

ernment to dramatically cut its work-force like the private sector has. Stokersupports a two-tier pension system;Jackson does not.Hodge said California must create

new jobs quickly, because job growthwill take care of much of the state’sfinancial problems.The latest campaign finance reports

show that Jackson raised $218,024 in thelast quarter and has a total of $491,764 in

contributions. She has $158,975 cash onhand.Hodge raised $195,013 during the last

reporting period, for a total of $338,416.He has $132,246 in the bank.Jackson has made hay of the fact that

about 75 percent of Hodge’s moneycomes from the Bay Area andSacramento special interest groups.Hodge’s wife is Fiona Ma, a theAssembly Speaker Pro Tempore.At the end of Thursday’s debate,

Hodge seemed unaffected by sugges-tions that he doesn’t have support in thedistrict. After Jackson left the event earlybecause she had an engagement inOxnard, Hodge seemed proud of theamount of money he has raised..“I apologize to anyone who likes

‘Dancing With The Stars,’” Hodge said.“I bought the whole show last week.”

SENATEFROM PAGE 2 “I apologize to anyone

who likes ‘DancingWith The Stars,’”Hodge said. “I boughtthe whole show lastweek.”


Page 7: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

Daily Sound Friday, June 1 2012 7





Drop in – “ AND…

Developer pours another$100K into Measure Y

Some add new ramps or divert traffic to otherstreets, and adjust the train tracks to makeroom for future commuter rail.Rob Dayton, principal transportation plan-

ner for the city, said that F-modified appearedto be the best option for the city as it allowed asecond northbound off ramp, keeping trafficfrom spilling onto Coast Village Road.“F-modified is probably where we’re going

to end up,” Dayton said.However Dayton said staff felt the EIR left

many questions unanswered, such as effects onthe bird refuge, visual impacts to city views,and potential conflicts with city plans.Some members of the public agreed. Bob

Short, representing the influential MontecitoAssociation, said the report didn’t meet CEQAguidelines and gave a Power Point presenta-tion listing interchange alternatives that hadn’tbeen considered, studies not mentioned, andother details.

Short said the Association had found thereport so lacking that it couldn’t endorse anyof the construction options.“We do not even make a recommendation at

this time because there’s too much missinginformation, we feel, to intelligently makeone,” Short said.Commissioners also pushed for another

hearing. Under normal procedures, the finalEIR would not go to the commission and thenext time the commissioner saw the projectswould be after an alternative had been chosen.Commissioner Deborah Schwartz felt that

the project is too important for the commissionto have just one opportunity to weigh in. “Wecannot get to a point where it’s two-thirdsbaked and our comments are really just,‘Thank you for sharing,’” Schwartz said.After consulting with staff, the commission-

ers pushed to have another meeting. After con-sulting with Caltrans officials and city staff thecommission agreed to meet again on June 14thfor another hearing to focus on the five alterna-tives.


With the election less thana week away, the Measure Ycampaign got a fresh infusionof $100,000 in its coffersfrom developer Mark Lee.Campaign contribution

papers show Lee’s company,Peak-Las Positas, gave themoney Wednesday, bringingthe total contribution to the“Yes” campaign to $250,000,all from Lee. Calls to Leewere not immediatelyreturned.Most of the money spent so

far has gone to political con-sultants, direct mail postage,printing and graphics, andmarketing experts.By contrast, the No on Y

campaign holds roughly$27,000 in funds. SantaBarbara City Council memberCathy Murillo, an ardentopponent of the measure,called Lee’s latest donation,“unbelievable” but said theNo campaign would be work-ing hard to get its message outto the public.“We hope the voters find

the facts on this issue despitethe huge amount of moneybeing spent by the ‘Yes on Y’campaign,” Murillo said.Passing the measure would

allow a bridge to be built overArroyo Burro Creek on LasPositas to provide vehicularaccess to the plannedVeronica Spring Meadows, a25-unit housing project in the

Las Positas valley.Though Lee owns the

property the houses will beconstructed on, the bridgeimpinges on public parklandand can only be approvedwith a vote from the public.The measure has stoked

some fierce fighting as itssupporters claim it will allow1,800 square feet of creekrestoration, a six acre park,and safe bicycle and pedestri-an access to Arroyo BurroBeach.Its opponents claim that it’s

just a giveaway to the devel-oper, does much more dam-age to the creek than therestoration can fix, and sets abad precedent for giving awaypublic land.


Page 8: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1


8 Friday, June 1 2012 Daily Sound



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California law requires thatcontractors taking jobs that total$500 or more (labor and/ormaterials) be licensed by the

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contractors taking jobs that totalless than $500 must state in theiradvertisements that they are notlicensed by the Contractors State

License Board.


General ContractorWood decks. Stairs & railings.

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Saltwater fishing tackle, reels, rods wanted.Penn reels, working or not, Tom 684-7127.


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Positions for Democraticand Progressive groups.Telefund, S.B.ʼs ONLYprogressive fundraising

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Page 9: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: TECFENMEDICAL 5385 Hollister Ave., No. 216Goleta, CA 93111County of SantaBarbara; Soft Logic, Inc.(SAME) Thisbusiness is conducted by aCorporation(Signed:) GeneEkonomi.This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on MAY 30, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0001589. Published JUN 01, 08,15,22 2012

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:ABRAHAMSALES ASSOCIATES 494 Valdez AveGoleta, CA 93117County of SantaBarbara; Hani Ibrahim Halim(SAME) Thisbusiness is conducted by anIndividual(Signed:) Hani IbrahimHalim.This statement was filed with theCounty Clerk of Santa Barbara Countyon APR 18, 2012. This statement expiresfive years from the date it was filed inthe Office of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0001181. Published MAY 18, 25,JUN 01, 08 2012




The Secretary of the Staff Hearing Officer has set a public hearing for Wednesday, June 13, 2012beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the David Gebhard Public Meeting Room, 630 Garden Street.

On Thursday, June 7, 2012, an Agenda with all items to be heard on Wednesday, June 13, 2012,will be available at 630 Garden Street. Agendas Minutes and Staff Reports are also accessibleonline at www.SantaBarbaraCa.gov/sho. Online Staff Reports may not include some exhibits.

You are invited to attend this hearing and address your verbal comments to the Staff Hearing Officer.Written comments are also welcome up to the time of the hearing, and should be addressed to:Staff Hearing Officer Secretary, P.O. Box 1990, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1990. If you have anyquestions, wish to know more about this application, or wish to review the plans, please contactour office, at (805) 564-5470. Continuanceswill not be granted unless there are exceptional circumstances.

If you challenge the project approval or environmental document in court, you may be limited toraising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice,or in written correspondence delivered to the Staff Hearing Officer at, or prior to the public hearing.

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special assistance to gain access to, comment at, or participate in this meeting, pleasecontact the Planning Division at 805-564-5470. If possible, notification at least 48 hours prior tothe meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements in most cases.


The 10,195 square-foot site is currently developed with a one-story single family residence andattached 377 square-foot garage. A permitted addition/remodel project is currently underway onthe site. The discretionary application required for this project is a Modification to enlarge thesize of the front door and to install three bay windows within the 30-foot front setback(SBMC §28.15.060 and §28.92.110).

The Environmental Analyst has determined that the project is exempt from further environmentalreview pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15301 (ExistingFacilities) and 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations).


The proposed project includes the "as-built" conversion of a 112 square-foot storage room to habitablespace. No exterior changes or additional floor area is requested. The 14,700 square-foot lot iscurrently developed with an existing 1,499 square-foot single family residence with an attached375 square-foot garage and the subject storage room. The discretionary application required forthis project is a Modification to allow the conversion of a storage room to habitable space withinthe 25’ front setback (SBMC § 28.15.060 and §28.92.110).

The Environmental Analyst has determined that the project is exempt from further environmentalreview pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Sections 15301 (ExistingFacilities) and 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations).



Goleta City Hall – Council Chambers130 Cremona Drive, Suite B

Goleta, CA 93117June 12, 2012; 3:00 P.M.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tthat the Design Review Board of the City of Goleta will conducta public hearing on the date set forth above to consider the following:

Conceptual/Preliminary/Final1. 08-126-DRB; Happy Harry’s Freestanding Monument Sign; 7020 Calle Real;(APN 077-155-003): A request for Conceptual/Preliminary/Final review of a 30-square footfreestanding monument sign for Happy Harry’s.

Conceptual/Preliminary1. 12-080-DRB; CVS Shopping Center Façade Improvement; 5801-5875 CalleReal (APN 069-110-096): A request for Conceptual/Preliminary review of storefrontimprovements and under canopy lighting for an existing retail commercial building.

Conceptual1. 12-072-DRB; 5880 Calle Real Overall Sign Plan Amendment; 5880 Calle Real(APN 069-110-082):A request for Conceptual review of an Overall Sign Plan for a commercialproperty.2. 12-079-DRB; CVS Shopping Center Overall Sign PlanAmendment; 5801-5875Calle Real (APN 069-110-096): A request for Conceptual review of an Overall Sign Plan fora commercial property.

PUBLIC COMMENT: All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing andto present written and/or oral comments.All letters should be addressed to Planning and EnvironmentalServices, 130 Cremona Drive, Suite B, Goleta, CA93117. Letters must be received by Planningand Environmental Services on or before the date of the hearing or can be submitted at thehearing.

Any person may attend the hearing and speak in favor or against a project. If you challengethe Design Review Board’s action on this project, you may be limited to only those issues youor someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondencedelivered to the Design Review Board on or before the date of the hearing (Government CodeSection 65009 [b] [2]).

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: The items in this notice are new items. The DRB agendamay also include items continued from prior meetings. All persons wanting to review anyapplications may do so by contacting Planning and Environmental Services, 130 CremonaDrive, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117 or by calling (805) 961-7543. The Agenda, staff reports andproject plans are available on the City of Goleta’s website at www.cityofgoleta.org.

NOTE: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistanceto participate in this hearing, please contact the Planning and Environmental ServicesAdministrativeAssistant at (805) 961-7540. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the hearing will enable Citystaff to make reasonable arrangements.

Publish: Santa Barbara Daily Sound, June 1, 2012




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Page 10: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

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friend, we did meet a lot of nice people and Iknow that most of them will remain in ourlives for a very long time.But we’ll never be in kindergarten again

and I can’t help but wish I had spent a littlemore time volunteering in the classroom.Maybe baked a cookie or two, instead ofalways buying them. Maybe re-learn how tobake, so that I could actually mean it when Isay that. Although, I know that I would stillfeel guilty even if I had never missed a volun-teer opportunity and had been a MarthaStewart lunatic about making perfect goodiesfor every event. Koss would rather have Oreos anyway, I

reminded myself, as I un-packaged the cookiesafter the end-of-the-year play.

Whether it was their first child to

enter kindergarten or their last, all of the par-ents marveled that their babies had finallyreached this stage, reading well enough tomemorize lines and stand poised in front of theaudience waiting their turn to perform.For the finale, when the children signed and

sang along to Louis Armstrong’s “What aWonderful World,” there wasn’t a dry eye inhouse.Then Ms. Geritz gave them each a memory

book with a poem that said they would take apiece of them with her wherever they went. Sorry if my big, sloppy, sentimental

mommy tears smudged your paper. I’m sureI’ll get over it by the fall.

Share your own sentimental moments (orwhatever you'd like) [email protected]. For morecolumns visit www.LeslieDinaberg.com.


Page 11: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

Daily Sound Friday, June 1 2012 11

Sudoku #2

Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 6

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

9 8 2 43 5 9

2 6 71 6 2 3 49 7 6 23 4 9 5 7

6 7 52 1 44 3 8 7

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

© 2005 KrazyDad.com


Answers Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 6

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #18 9 4 6 33 9 6 7 2 1 85 1 3 8 2

5 9 41 8 3 5 7 2 9 4 6

8 5 13 6 7 2 8

2 4 5 8 6 3 16 1 3 9 5

2 7 5 1

5 4

4 6 7 9

7 6 1 3 8 2

2 6 4 9 3 7

4 5 1 9

9 7

8 2 4 7

Sudoku #26 7 5 1 37 4 1 6 2 8

5 1 8 3 4 99 7 5 8

5 3 4 8 18 1 6 2

4 1 8 9 2 38 3 7 5 9 65 2 9 6 1

9 8 2 4

3 5 9

2 6 7

1 6 2 3 4

9 7 6 2

3 4 9 5 7

6 7 5

2 1 4

4 3 8 7

Sudoku #36 1 5 9

9 2 8 6 7 3 4 15 4 6 8

6 2 7 88 3 7 9 1 5 6

9 7 8 3 12 5 3 6

4 3 5 6 7 8 9 29 1 2 5

4 7 8 2 3


3 1 9 2 7

1 3 5 4 9

4 2

5 2 6 4

8 4 9 1 7


7 6 8 3 4

Sudoku #44 9 6 25 6 2 9 4

8 7 9 4 61 6 7 3 5 28 2 5 4 7 1 3

3 9 1 2 4 88 4 1 3 9

3 2 6 4 74 2 5 6

1 3 7 8 5

3 8 1 7

2 5 3 1

4 8 9

6 9

7 5 6

6 7 5 2

5 9 8 1

9 1 3 7 8

Sudoku #59 5 2

8 1 3 2 72 7 1 4 6 5 9 81 9 2 4

8 6 9 2 15 3 9 7

6 9 8 2 7 5 4 14 9 5 1 3

5 1 3

3 6 4 7 8 1

9 5 6 4


3 7 8 6 5

7 5 4 3

4 2 6 1 8


8 7 2 6

2 4 6 7 8 9

Sudoku #64 9 77 2 6 1 95 1 8 3 9 4 28 6 1 4 7 5 3

27 4 3 5 9 6 15 3 4 7 2 8 94 8 6 1 3

1 7 5

3 8 6 2 1 5

5 4 3 8

7 6

9 2

3 9 5 1 6 8 7 4

2 8

6 1

9 7 2 5

8 2 6 9 3 4

Sudoku #77 3 5 9 11 6 3 8

5 4 7 6 8 18 7 9 5 2 6

4 8 75 4 3 2 8 9

4 3 1 5 9 61 6 7 4

8 7 4 1 2

8 4 2 6

9 2 4 5 7

2 3 9

1 4 3

3 2 9 6 1 5

6 1 7

2 7 8

5 8 2 9 3

9 6 3 5

Sudoku #86 2 7 9 8 5

5 4 9 84 5 3 2 6

8 1 7 35 6 3 2 4 9 8 7 1

7 8 6 91 9 4 7 2

7 8 9 12 8 6 1 4 7

3 1 4

7 1 6 2 3

9 8 1 7

4 9 5 6 2

2 1 3 5 4

6 5 3 8

4 3 2 6 5

3 5 9


Answers Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 6

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #15 1 8 7 6 2 98 6 7 2 5 39 4 3 1 7 6 82 8 3 9 1 41 2 6 4 5

5 6 8 7 2 33 2 4 6 1 5 7

8 5 7 3 1 47 9 4 5 3 8 2

3 4

9 4 1

2 5

7 5 6

3 9 8 7

4 1 9

8 9

6 2 9

1 6

Sudoku #22 4 1 9 6 3 5

9 5 4 3 8 2 11 3 7 9 66 3 7 4 5 9 8

2 9 5 8 15 8 9 6 3 2 43 1 4 8 57 5 6 3 8 9 2

4 8 7 1 5 6 3

8 7

6 7

5 8 2 4

1 2

4 7 6 3

1 7

9 6 2 7

4 1

2 9

Sudoku #35 2 1 3 7 67 6 5 8 94 9 2 7 6 1 5 31 7 8 9 2 33 5 1 6 8 4 2

4 3 5 8 1 99 3 7 4 1 2 5 6

5 9 7 4 11 4 3 9 2 7

4 9 8

3 1 2 4


4 6 5

9 7

2 6 7


8 2 6 3

6 8 5

Sudoku #48 5 3 6 7 1 4 92 9 3 7 87 4 2 6 1

2 4 1 6 9 5 71 6 4 5 2 8 39 7 5 2 3 8 14 3 6 9 56 2 8 1 45 7 3 8 4 6 1 2


1 6 5 4

9 8 3 5

3 8

9 7

4 6

1 7 2 8

9 5 7 3


Sudoku #51 9 6 3 8 4

2 3 5 4 1 76 3 4 7 8 5 2 91 5 2 3 4

4 8 6 7 5 2 36 1 8 9 5

7 1 5 4 2 9 6 32 6 1 9 3 7

8 9 3 5 7 4

5 7 2

8 9 6


7 9 6 8

9 1

3 2 4 7


4 8 5

6 1 2

Sudoku #68 4 3 9 2 62 4 7 1 5 9 81 9 6 8 37 8 4 1 2 3 95 3 9 6 7 2 1

2 7 5 9 8 4 37 1 6 5 9

9 2 1 5 3 8 43 6 4 7 8 2

7 5 1

6 3

5 2 4 7

6 5

8 4

6 1

4 8 2 3

6 7

5 9 1

Sudoku #76 5 9 3 7 4 21 3 7 8 9 54 6 5 7 8 3 12 4 7 1 99 6 3 8 2 4 77 4 9 6 88 9 2 4 3 1 65 7 8 1 2 33 6 1 2 7 9 4

8 1

2 4 6

2 9

8 6 3 5

5 1

1 3 5 2

5 7

4 9 6

5 8

Sudoku #87 1 8 4 3 9 25 6 9 7 2 3 8

2 4 6 9 8 53 1 9 8 7 6

1 7 4 2 39 8 6 2 3 5

3 5 2 1 6 42 4 9 7 3 8 16 1 8 4 7 2 5

5 6

1 4

3 1 7

4 2 5

5 8 6 9

7 1 4

8 7 9

5 6

9 3

To solve, every number 1-9must appear in each of thenine vertical columns, each ofthe nine horizontal rows andeach of the nine 3x3 box. Nonumber can occur more thanonce in any row, column orbox.

SUDOKUSudoku #2

Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 6

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

8 76 7

5 8 2 41 2

4 7 6 31 7

9 6 2 74 1

2 9

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

© 2005 KrazyDad.com

For great places to eat, see the Daily Sound’s

Dining Guideevery Thursday!

For advertising rates, please call (805) 564-6001 or email [email protected]

“UNENDING SOLVING” by Carlton Dover


alternatives 5 Almost boil 10 Woofer

output 14 A drop in

the bucket, perhaps

15 A bit more than a walk-on

16 Mr. Kazan 17 Nonsupporter 18 “Come ___?” 19 Patronize

Alamo 20 What little

boys seem to have

23 Add vinai-grette to

24 In search of 25 Correction-

al institu-tions, slangily

28 Formal treaty 30 Nautically

sheltered 31 Bouillabaisse

base 33 Bro’s foe, at

times 36 Inventor’s

impossible goal

40 Primo-geniture beneficiary

41 Coalesce 42 Digging, so

to speak 43 Umpteen 44 City on the

Vistula River 46 Arm bones 49 Back of the

book? 51 1978 Andy

Gibb hit (with

“An”) 57 Series of

engagements 58 Undercover

item 59 “... deliver us

from ___” 60 “Copa-

cabana” antagonist

61 “It follows that ...”

62 ___ serif (plain type style)

63 River divid-ing Germany and Poland

64 Banana oil, for one

65 Acerbic fruit DOWN 1 Be

loose-lipped 2 Funnyman

Jay 3 Russian pop

duo 4 Like beauty,

so they say 5 What boxers

are on before fights

6 Pound divisions

7 Gather for oneself

8 “Aloha” accompani-ments

9 Cooked through

10 Grief-stricken 11 Red state? 12 Barely burn 13 Sylvan

dweller of mythology

21 Alcohol-free

22 Acapulco appetizer

25 Semisolid foods

26 Topping in a tub

27 Jerome who composed “Show Boat”

28 Ukrainian’s neighbor

29 Place for a night deposit

31 Hide, dog-style

32 Second-rate newspaper

33 Becomes eligible for repentance

34 Tiniest shred 35 Angel-mak-

ing stuff 37 Letters that

can arrive at any time

38 One of a score’s two

39 Indefatigable 43 “Snow

White” fair-ness judge

44 Postwar chill (with “nuclear”)

45 Film director Lee

46 “It’s b-a-a-c-k!” fashion

47 Circumvent 48 Ace plus one 49 Artery

implant 50 Gun, in

police dramas

52 “A Hard Road to Glory” athlete-author

53 Prinze Jr. film “___ All That”

54 Shaped like a face

55 Italian wine 56 “If all ___

fails ...”


Edited by Timothy E. Parker August 08, 2008

Universal Crossword

© 2008 Universal Press Syndicatewww.upuzzles.com





r ed


rial q







ine A







HOROSCOPES by Eugenia LastHappy Birthday: You'll

get ahead if you promote yourtalents. Utilize your skillsuniquely and the payoff willbe sensational. Put moreeffort into settlements, legali-ties, contracts and invest-ments and you will get thereturn you are looking for.Speak up and be bold. Addyour own personal touch.Your numbers are 9, 14, 17,21, 36, 39, 45.

ARIES (March 21-April19): Partnerships are high-lighted. Whether it's someoneyou work with or someoneyou love, you can get a betterunderstanding of the directionyou are taking together.Changes to the way you earnyour living will involve hardwork and high returns. 3 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May20): Not everyone will haveyour best interests at heart.Take care of your work, refus-ing to leave anything in thehands of someone who maynot give the same attention todetail you would. Put in extrahours if necessary. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June20): Jump into the spotlight.Take any opportunity to dis-cuss your plans and present

what you have to offer. Yourkeen sense of what works willseparate you from anyone try-ing to outsmart you. Love isin the stars. 5 stars

CANCER (June 21-July22): Divulging secret infor-mation will lead to bad feel-ings. Make sure you don'tgive anyone the wrongimpression or lead someoneon who may have a personalinterest in you. Take care ofwhat needs to be done with-out nagging or complaining. 2stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):You are in control, so don'tgive in to demands. You setthe rules and lay out the gameplan. Romance or socializingshould be planned for theevening hours. A creativetwist to the way you do thingswill bring added interest. 2stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22): Observation will be yourgreatest resource. Keepingyour thoughts and plans toyourself will help you avoidopposition. A creativeapproach to a job you take onwill lead to a chance to devel-op a talent you enjoy using. 3stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22): You will surprise every-one with your enthusiasm andyour original ideas. Social ornetworking events will allowyou to win the support of peo-ple who can contribute toyour advancement. Love,travel and adventure are high-lighted. 3 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21): Stick close to home or tothe people you know andtrust. Back away from anyonetrying to convince you tospend money on somethingyou aren't sure you need orwant. Give your creativityand imagination license todevelop something new. 3stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): If you are anythingbut fair, you will meet withopposition. If you aren't care-ful, problems will developwhile traveling or dealingwith people who have differ-ent beliefs. Stick close tohome and to those who shareyour ideals. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don't leave any-thing undone. Clear yourmind so you can enjoy your

downtime. The ideas youshare and the support you getfrom friends or family willlead to an interesting newproject. A financial deal mayneed a little push. 4 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A contract, settle-ment or investment willchange your future. Don't leta poor relationship withsomeone ruin your day. Focuson the people you most enjoyspending time with and walkaway from anyone who triesto manipulate you. 5 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March20): Stick to the truth. Dowhatever it takes to get alongwith friends and family.Aggressive behavior must notbe tolerated. Take on a chal-lenge that will help youdefuse any pent-up anger ornervousness you are feeling.3 stars

Birthday Baby: You aregifted, original and persistent.You pursue your goalsaggressively.

Page 12: Daily Sound, Friday, June 1

NEWS12 Friday, June 1 2012 Daily Sound

Edwards not guiltyin campaign trial(Reuters) Former Senator

John Edwards' affair and childout of wedlock derailed apolitical rise that put him onthe Democrats' 2004 WhiteHouse ticket, but the one-timetrial lawyer held his head highon Thursday after a NorthCarolina jury delivered hismost personal victory yet.Twelve jurors in the state

Edwards represented in theU.S. Senate from 1999 to2005 acquitted him on onecount of accepting illegalcampaign contributions givenduring his bid for theDemocratic presidential nom-ination four years ago.U.S. District Judge

Catherine Eagles declared amistrial on five other countsbecause the jury was dead-locked about whetherEdwards, 58, took moneyfrom two wealthy donors tokeep voters from learning he

was cheating on his cancer-stricken wife, Elizabeth, witha campaign videographer.The jury's decision on the

ninth day of deliberationscapped a nearly six-week-long trial that included sala-cious testimony more befit-ting of a soap opera than acampaign for the country'shighest political office.Jurors heard about tawdry

affair details, furtive phonecalls and secret donor checkswritten under the guise ofbuying furniture, as formercampaign workers and sup-porters painted an unflatteringportrait of Edwards.The trial's outcome marked

yet another dramatic turn ofevents for the two-time presi-dential hopeful who beat aRepublican incumbent sena-tor in his first political raceand became the Democrats'vice presidential nominee just

six years later.As the jury's verdict was

read, Edwards, who did nottestify during the trial andfaced possible fines andprison time if convicted,slumped back in his seat inrelief.Later, standing in front of

the federal courthouse inGreensboro, he maintainedhis innocence and choked upas he spoke of his affectionfor the 4-year-old daughter hefathered with then-mistressRielle Hunter."While I do not believe I

did anything illegal, or everthought I was doing anythingillegal, I did an awful, awfullot that was wrong, and thereis no one else responsible formy sins," he said, flanked byhis parents and 30-year-olddaughter, Cate, who stood byhim throughout the proceed-ings.