TODAY’S WEATHER AM Fog, PM Sun 67° Sunrise: 7:16 a.m. Sunset: 6:08 p.m. NASDAQ: 2,737.15 -1.48 DOW: 12,231.11 +22.56 805-564-6001 www.THEDAILYSOUND.COM VOLUME 6 ISSUE 210 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 01, 2011 Surf Report Wind: Var 10 kts. Swell: Mixed 2-4 ft. Temp: 63° F Tide: High: 11:23 a.m. Low: 6:48 p.m. High: 1:32 a.m. Low: 5:53 a.m. It’s your town ... this is your paper TM POLITICS HOTDOGS In Santa Barbara Harbor At The Boat Launch Mini Mart 805-962-5898 $12 for $25 worth of food & beverage TODAY’S DEAL ds.axxessdailydeals.com Y’S D A AY OD T DEAL 9,220 BALLOTS IN AS OF OCT. 31 ELECTION DAY IS NOV. 8 Trick Treat or S S t t o o r r y y a a n n d d m mo o r r e e p p h h o ot t o o s s p p a a g ge e 2 2 & & 3 3 Incumbents pull ahead in fundraising PAGE 5 PHOTOS: THE SANTA BARBARA CONCOUSE D’ELEGANCE AT THE POLO AND RAQUET CLUB, PAGE 10 FOOD: OWNERS DERRICK AND CHRIS MELTON HAVE MOVED THEIR MIMOSA RESTAURANT TO STATE STREET, PAGE 4

Daily Sound 11.01.11

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AMFog, PM Sun67°

Sunrise: 7:16 a.m.Sunset: 6:08 p.m.

NASDAQ: 2,737.15 -1.48 DOW: 12,231.11 +22.56 805-564-6001 www.THEDAILYSOUND.COM VOLUME 6 ISSUE 210


Surf ReportWind: Var 10 kts.Swell: Mixed 2-4 ft. Temp: 63° F

Tide: High: 11:23 a.m. Low: 6:48 p.m.High: 1:32 a.m. Low: 5:53 a.m. It’s your town ... this is your paper TM


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$12 for $25worth of food & beverage







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Incumbentspull ahead infundraisingPAGE 5



2 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound

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For information, call 967-8287 or see www.sbmasterchorale.org This project is funded in part by the Organizational Development Grant Program using funds provided

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Daily Sound • 3.25" X 4" • 11/1 & 11/4/11

Milton Lopez, 4, drives his police car down Milpas for trick or treating yesterday. The inaugural Milpas Trick or Treat was put on by the MilpasCommunity Association. On the front page, Balloons marked stores along Milpas that were giving out candy. Front, Anthony Pacheco, 3, left,Melanie Arriaga, 4, back Brittany Pacheco, 10, carry their bags into a store.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

Milpas Streets joinsHalloween bandwagon


With schools giving students the daythe off, the Milpas corridor is competingwith Halloween stalwarts Coast VillageRoad and Downtown Santa Barbara to bethe new hot spot for trick-or-treaters.For the first time, businesses along

Milpas Street are bringing Halloween tothe Eastside. Participating shops, restau-rants, and even a gas station, are flyingblack and orange balloons to signal fam-ilies that goodies are available inside forthe price of a costume and a “Trick-or-Trick!”Groups of children dressed in every-

thing from Grim Reaper robes to pint-sized police uniforms(one kid cop even

patrolled the sidewalk in his miniaturesquad car). Businesses are serving upeverything from the traditional lollipopsand fun-size Snickers bars to doughnutholes and soft serve ice cream.To maximize safety for the event, the

Milpas Community Association organ-ized crossing guards to handle some ofMilpas Street’s more notorious intersec-tions and the 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. timeslotensures plenty of daylight.Families are giving the event a giant

thumbs up. Between handling her pump-kin-costumed grandson Miguel, Milpasarea resident Maggie Medina, can’t

praise it enough. Every year she and herchildren and grandchildren go trick-or-treating together.Their usual haunt is downtown, but

when Medina heard about the Milpasevent right around the corner, shebrought the family along and has beenthrilled with the results.“I’ve been making comments every-

where!” Medina said. “This is the bestthing you could have done!”Jessica Valerio, one of Medina’s

daughters, also likes the idea. A Goletaresident, Valerio said she and her son

See HALLOWEEN, next page

Locals impressed with efforts

Daily Sound Tuesday, November 01, 2011 3


In the last ten years, public safety in Santa Barbara

has steadily declined. During the same span,

the number of Police and Firefighters has decreased

substantially. It is for this reason,

Santa Barbara Police Officers Association and

Santa Barbara City Firefighters Association

urge you to elect these three city council candidates.










Paid for by Santa Barbara Police Officers Association SBPOA PAC FPPC # 901783 and Santa Barbara City Firefighters Association SB Fire Fighters Association PAC FPPC # 1257416


Above, Paola Garcia, 9, and Favian Padron, 8, go into Scolaris on Milpas to trick or treat. Below, Kidsdressed up for Halloween head down Milpas to get candy.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

Ivan (another one of Milpas’ one-night cops)usually keeps closer to home, venturing no fur-ther than State Street.“We try to stay away from this area because

it is known for a lot of the gangs,” Valerio said.But she’s been impressed with the efforts the

community’s gone through, noting the trafficguards. She hopes the event is popular enoughto become a tradition rather than a one-off.“It’s amazing, I love it,” Valerio said.Valerio may be in luck. Businesses say the

turnout has been good.Araceli Penaloza, who runs Joyeria Latina

Americana, said with only 45 minutes in the

event, the jeweler has seen about 50 kids comeby. She says it’s fun having children stoppingby, and her own daughter, Jenny, is having funpassing out treats.“I hope they keep doing it every year,”

Penaloza said. “Usually, around Milpas there’sno kids at this time.”


‘I hope they keep doing itevery year. Usually,around Milpas there’s nokids at this time.’

Araceli Penaloza, Milpas merchant

4 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound

AM Fog, PM Sun67°

TodayDense fog across the South Coast this morning willclear to the beaches by the afternoon hours. Thispattern will produce some additional cooling, withwidespread 60s in todayʼs forecast. A big warm-up isexpected tomorrow followed by a cool and unsettledend to the work week.

Breezy & Cool


Sunny &Warmer52/79°

Partly Cloudy,Cooler50/69°


SaturdayThursdayWednesday Friday

NEWS IN BRIEFOnline tax revenue gains far offAmerica’s state governments won’t see many revenue gains any

time soon if they triumph in battles to tax sales by out-of-stateInternet retailers, a leading Wall Street credit-ratings group said onMonday.Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services said that state governments

were increasingly targeting Internet sales outside their borders butstill faced legal hurdles and were unlikely to see much top-linebenefit soon.“At this time, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services does not

think that the amount of revenue states are foregoing by not col-lecting tax on Internet sales is significant enough to influence stateor local ratings,” S&P analyst David Hitchcock said in a report.“Nevertheless, Internet commerce is growing faster than overallretail sales, and if trends continue the loss of tax revenue couldbecome significant.”

Serial killer found guiltyA former construction worker and convicted sexual predator

was found guilty on Monday of nine murders in a crime spreethat stunned the nation’s sixth-largest city.Prosecutors are seeking the death sentence in the next phase

of the trial of Mark Goudeau, 47, dubbed the “Baseline Killer”by authorities because it is the name of a major south Phoenixstreet along which many of his initial crimes were clustered.All nine of the people he is convicted of killing -- eight

women and one man -- died from a single gunshot to the head.Prosecutors said Goudeau was responsible for 13 separate

attacks on a total of 33 people during a 13-month stretch begin-ning in August of 2005.A Phoenix jury of six women and six men deliberated for a

week before returning guilty verdicts for the nine murder countsand 58 other charges, including sexual assault, kidnapping,armed robbery and child molestation.

Self-injection scenario blastedAn expert defense witness suggested on Monday that Michael

Jackson could have risen from his bed, picked up a syringe left byhis doctor and given himself a fatal dose of a powerful anestheticin 2009.But the testimony by Dr. Paul White in the trial of Dr. Conrad

Murray was ridiculed by prosecutors in an aggressive cross-exam-ination of the key witness for the defense.As the trial, now in its sixth week, began drawing to a close,

Murray told the judge he was still considering testifying in his owndefense, despite previous assurances by his lawyers that they didnot plan to call him.“I have not made a decision,” Murray said. “... It depends on

how the case progresses.”


Mimosa opening on StateCHEF DERRICK Melton, who

co-owns Mimosa restaurant withhis wife (and Pastry Chef) Chris,

reopens the 29 year-old eatery this weekat 714 State St., the former home ofChino’s Rock & Tacos and Piranha.

Melton closed his2700 De La Vina Stlocation last week.Mimosa is trans-

planting his exist-ing French casualcuisine menu to thenew State St. loca-tion. Over the nextcouple of weeksthey will be makinga change that willbe typical ofMimosa’s wintermenu. In addition

to offering the classics Melton says“Over the next year we’ll start gradual-ly lightening up the menu a little bit,making it more approachable to thedowntown crowd.” He added “We willbe throwing a little creativity into it.We’re playing with a little bit ofFrench colonial mentality and attitude.Over the course of the next year youcan expect to see some South EastAsian influence in the menu, Africaninfluence, and so on.”Mimosa will be offering an afternoon

happy hour at the bar, though the restau-rant will definitely be the focus. The

have added couches to the restaurantwhere you can enjoy drinks or wait fora table to open. The mezzanine area inthe rear of the restaurant is available for

Co-owner and Chef Derrick Melton inside his new Mimosa restaurant at 714 State St.Photo by John Dickson


SantaBarbara.comRestaurant Guide


See DICKSON, page 16

Daily Sound Tuesday, November 01, 2011 5

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The financial tide has turned.Incumbents Michael Self, Dale

Francisco and Randy Rowse have raisedthe most money in the last month of theSanta Barbara City Council campaign.Self, Francisco and Rowse have more

than doubled the Democratic Party-backed slate of candidates, Iya Falcone,Cathy Murillo and Deborah Schwartz,during the filing period from Sept. 25 toOct. 22.Rowse has the most money in the

bank, with $38,210. Self is second with$32,597 and Francisco has $24, 767ready to spend.With less than a week to go before

Election Day on Nov. 8, the cash-on-hand likely means that voters will bebombarded with television and radio adsfeaturing the three incumbents.“I raised a lot more than I thought I

would,” said Rowse, the owner of TheParadise Café. “It feels pretty good.”Rowse, who was appointed to the City

Council last December when DasWilliams was elected to the stateAssembly, said he’s been surprised to seeso many checks arriving in the mail.“I guess it is going pretty well,” said

Rowse, who has raised $75,000 so far inthe campaign.Self, who was elected in 2009, raised

$30,000 from Sept. 25 to Oct. 22; Shehas raised $72,218, including a $12,000loan to herself, overall.“People appreciate what we are doing

for them,” Self said. “People havestepped up because they like what isgoing on.”Self also said that the incumbents’

refusal to take money from unions mayalso be resonating.“Had we gone for or acceped union

money, we wouldn’t have raised asmuch,” Self said. “People appreciate thatwe represent the people.”The councilwoman also said her sup-

port crosses over to people of all politicalpersuasions“We are not just a conservative slate,”

Self said. “I have a lot of people who stillhave Obama stickers on their car who aregiving me money and offering me coffeeIt is very heartwarming.”Francisco has $26,000 in the bank to

Incumbents surge in final days of Santa Barbara City Council campaign

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli


$25,000 $38,200






See MONEY, page 8

6 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound


More and more, we tend toward activities, including multitasking, overextending and responding endlessly to stimuli, which ultimately deplete us. �is retreat will provide

balance. We’ll gather in a place of peace and beauty and practice Meditation—sitting, walking, and mindful eating—in an atmosphere of deep and re�ective quiet. �erese will o�er teachings on ways that living in mindfulness can nourish us and open the ways to deeper understanding.

CENTERED LIVING IN THE PROFOUND PRESENTCultivating the Mind of Love with �erese Fitzgerald

Ojai, CaliforniaNovember 5 & November 6, 2011

�erese Fitzgerald received Dhar-macharya ordination by �ich Nhat Hanh (tick-not-han) in 1994. She received her Soto Zen priest ordina-tion by Richard Baker-Roshi in 1986. She is co-founder of the Community of Mindful Living, which developed �ich Nhat Hanh’s teaching and Vietnamese social work based in the United States. Together with Maxine Hong Kingston, �erese helped start the Veterans’ Writing Group. She now lives on Maui, where she works as a meditation teacher and Co-di-rector of Ala Kukui/Hana Retreat.

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Police Department and its administrationhave become a sad and serious, joke. Apossible in house theft of $720,000,00 intraffic fines, claims of wrongful andfraudulent D.U.I. arrests, and theDeNuzio Incident. Do our citizens haveto be protected from the police? TheChief of Police seeking employmentwith another city. The City CouncilMembers, need to go on public record asto their, respective, confidence in ChiefCam Sanchez, as well as the policedepartment.

H.T. Bryan Santa Barbara


Letter To The Editor, October 25, 2011,re Dale Francisco, wherein it is statedDale Francisco “has launched an all-out-assault on the Police OfficersAssociation’s public safety claims inrecent TV and Print ads....” the unionleaders say “Francisco is still smartingover not getting the union’s endorse-ment....”Dale Francisco is a man of high

integrity and is not ranting against ourSanta Barbara Police Officers! The com-plaint is against the union, NOT thepolice officers. The union is complain-ing because for some ethereal reason theunion is absolutely adamant their influ-ence is used in Santa Barbara. Three ofthe opposing candidates have received a$7,500 donation, EACH, from the SantaBarbara union as published in the DaailySound.A friend of mine is a member of a

union OUT OF STATE with no member-ship activity in California nor Santa

Barbara, whose telephone number iscompletely unlisted. This personreceived a telephone call from a SantaBarbara Union Representative whostrongly recommended votes for thoseparticular three candidates.Does the union entente have a nation-

al data base with all union membership

listing? Why would any union outsideSanta Barbara be so concerned with aSanta Barbara election?Please urge your readers to research

the interest and involvement of theunions.

Anne RobertsSanta Barbara


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Comments from our online communityEXESSIVE FORCE?

Sounds like it is time to cleanup the SBPD starting with thesource of the issue beingSanchez. If your going to

blow off eye witness accounts and yourwatching it on a dash cam with a sta-tionary single view where over a minuteof it is not seen. Both the Chief and thisofficer need to be relieved of their jobsASAP. Step up to the plate Miss Mayorand handle this situation before it getsout of control. No one drunk or notshould be treated like this. I personallytake the eye witness accounts muchmore then a video of it especially afterworking as a video editor for 15 years.

John ElliottCloverdale, OR

I am amazed that this is aissue. Denunzio apparentlywas drinking and driving,

resisting arrest, violating the condi-tions of his parole and thank God didnot kill someone while he was driving.If you fight with the police you can gethurt. Papalucas must think the SBPDcan break out the guitars and playkumbaya until criminals surrender-time for some fresh air!

Rudy RuskinSanta Barbara

Daily Sound Tuesday, November 01, 2011 7





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for over 36 yearsWalter R. LarsenAttorney at Law805 965-4401

At a park last week, I hap-pened to overhear a group ofsenior women sharing storiesabout their childhoods. Theyhad grown up in the 1930s and1940s and were reflecting onthe economic conditions theyhad experienced as children.There were stories about hand-me-down clothing, vegetablegardens, one pair of shoes andmaybe two dresses per year.The group heartily agreed

with the woman who said thatshe didn’t realize she was poor until sheentered junior high school and discov-ered that some kids had more than onepair of shoes and two changes of cloth-ing. She told of the time she stayed

overnight at a schoolmate’s house, andwas amazed to have a breakfast thatincluded eggs and butter. At her house,breakfast was usually very meager,sometimes little more than coffee andcrackers.Today, in the streets across America

there is sharp focus on disproportionatewealth—condemned as an “imbalance”.As the standard of living for manyAmericans has precipitously declined inrecent years, and the nation remainsmired in economic malaise, there is agrowing, acute, awareness that the fewhave so much more than the many.But, that situation has existed every-

where throughout human history, and noeconomic or political system, imposedor accepted, has been successful in real-izing economic egalitarianism. Unlessor until human nature evolves past com-petitive self-interest, there will alwaysbe varying levels of status, wealth, andprivilege. Furthermore, wealth imbalance and

poverty are relative and subjective.When does anyone have too much rela-tive to someone else? Who determineswhat wealth “balance” is and how is itobjectively calculated? Those old

women in the park didn’tthink they were poor untilthey saw greater affluence.The real issue is not who

has what, but how it isacquired. The real issue is fairopportunity for everyone toattain the standard of livingthey desire. The complaint inthe streets today is thatAmerica no longer has a fairplaying field. Opportunity andjustice are for those who canafford it because government

is owned by the established elite. That complaint is arguably valid. In

the years leading up to the 2007 col-lapse of the mortgage market that pre-cipitated the worst global economiccalamity since the Great Depression, thefinancial industry successfully lobbiedstate and federal legislatures to defeatregulatory measures that would havecurtailed the reckless lending practicesthat induced the collapse. Between 2000 and 2006, only 5 per-

cent of the 19 major Congressional billsaimed at tightening financial regulationspassed. The money spent on lobbying by the

financial institutions most affected bysuch regulation is clearly associatedwith the outcome of those bills. Theintensity of lobbying efforts is directlycorrelated to the legislators votingagainst regulation and for deregulation. While the disproportionate influence

of the 1% on government is undeniable,the 99% should keep in mind that nosystem of justice or economics canguarantee that everyone will realizetheir dreams. Just as some horses runfaster than others, there will always bewinners and also-rans. But, after 50 years of economic

progress, Americans in general havecome to expect perpetually increasingaffluence. What is really unnervingmany of the 99% is that the standard ofliving for most Americans may have

peaked and will slip to some lowerlevel. It may. However, austerity is also rel-

ative and doesn’t necessarily meanenduring misery, but it may mean recali-brating expectations and practicing rea-sonable frugality. Narcissistic statusseeking is not limited to the rich.Among the 99% are people whose aspi-rational acquisitiveness exceeded theirfinancial means and contributed to thecurrent economic disaster. Smallerhomes, older cars, and fewer luxuriesmight be hard adjustments for thosewho have had more, or expect to have itall now, but not for those who appreci-ate what they have while they strive formore.The striving is what is important for a

healthy, vibrant economy and a relative-ly content nation. Entrepreneurialendeavor, invention, and creativity arediminished and discouraged whereopportunity is limited. In collusion withelected officials, agents of selfish greedhave altered the course of governmentand manipulated policymakers to tilt theeconomic playing field in favor of thefew.The task at hand is recreating condi-

tions that allow for anyone who aspiresto achieve a better life the fair chance todo so. That task starts with cleaning upgovernment, the referee that shouldensure that all players have a fair shot atPark Place.Fairness requires ethical, effective

government focused on impartiallyapplying sensible rules with minimalinterference on personal freedom. Itmeans keeping the weasels out of thechicken coop. Campaign contributionsand influence peddling must be reinedin. Government should be elected notpurchased.

Randy Alcorn’s Right on Target col-umn appears every other Tuesday in theDaily Sound. E-mail him [email protected].


A fair shot at Park Place

8 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound


Annual Election Period is 10-15-11 to 12-7-11



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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at the General Municipal Election to beheld in the City of Santa Barbara on Tuesday, November 8, 2011,

1. there shall be 5 Drop-Off Centers.2. that the Drop-Off Centers shall be the places designated below and

the language(s) other than English in which assistance will beprovided.

The drop-off centers will be open on Saturday, November 5th, between8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and on Tuesday, November 8th, between 7:00a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

_______________________ Dated: October 21, 2011Cynthia M. RodriguezCity Clerk Services Manager

A.Drop-Off Center Description: Braille Institute (Auditorium)Drop-Off Center Address: 2031 De La Vina Street,

Santa Barbara, 93105Accessible to Handicapped: YesAssistance will be provided in: Spanish

Drop-Off Center Description: Santa Barbara Municipal TennisCenter (Lobby)

Drop-Off Center Address: 1414 Park Place, Santa Barbara,93103

Accessible to Handicapped: YesAssistance will be provided in: Spanish

Drop-Off Center Description: Grace Lutheran Church(Fellowship Hall)

Drop-Off Center Address: 3869 State Street, Santa Barbara,93105

Accessible to Handicapped: YesAssistance will be provided in: Spanish

Drop-Off Center Description: Pilgrim Terrace (Activity Center)Drop-Off Center Address: 649 Pilgrim Terrace Drive,

Santa Barbara, 93101Accessible to Handicapped: YesAssistance will be provided in: Spanish

Drop-Off Center Description: City of Santa Barbara, City Hall(Lobby)

Drop-Off Center Address: 735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara,93101

Accessible to Handicapped: YesAssistance will be provided in: Spanish

spend during the last week of the cam-paign. “It shows I have a lot of support from

the community,” Francisco said. “I havebeen on the council for four years.People who are paying attention to cityaffairs know where I stand on things. Ihave a lot of support from people from alot of different political persuasions. Ihave really tried to focus on city issuesand stay away from everything else.”Francisco has raised the least of all the

incumbents, with $67,339.The rate of fundraising among the

Democrats has slowed.Schwartz raised $13,322 during this

period. Still, she appears to be the mostpotent threat to the conservative incum-bents. She has raised $92,500 overall,including $20,000 in non-monetarydonations. Schwartz also has about$36,705 in the bank.Falcone, who already served two

terms on the City Council, raised$14,485 during the most recent filingperiod, for a total of $78,622 overall.She has $22,712 read y to spend.Murillo raised $12,105 from Sept. 25

to Oct. 22, and has raised $75,570 total,including $15,000 in non-monetary con-tributions.She has $20,000 left to spend.In perhaps the biggest surprise, candi-

date Sharon Byrne raised only $4,800during the last filing period. For theentire campaign, Byrne, the executivedirector of the Milpas CommunityAssociation, has raised $27,864 –$12,441 of which came through non-monetary donations.This is the second vote-by-mail ballot

election in Santa Barbara. Voters can alsocast ballots on Election Day at fivepolling centers in town.


With one week left in the election, Randy Rowse, above, and Deborah Schwartz, below, havethe most cash on hand of all the City Council candidates.

DAILY SOUND / Victor Maccharoli

Daily Sound Tuesday, November 01, 2011 9


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Authorities arrestman in arson attemp


arrested a Solvang man Saturday forallegedly trying to start a fire alongHighway 101 near Nojoqui GradeSaturday.Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s

arrested 49-year-old Warren ClaytonBerry for arson.A witness allegedly noticed a white Volvo

wagon parked alongside the southbound lanesjust before 1:30 p.m. on Saturday.The witness a saw a burning object fly out

of the passenger side window.Five minutes after the witness noti-

fied authorities, a Sheriff’s deputy sawthe Volvo on Highway 101 near theTajiguas area and began following thevehicle. The car pulled off the 101 nearEl Capitan State Beach.Sheriff’s officers, along with two

California Highway Patrol officers anda park ranger stopped Berry at the entrance toEl Capitan. After a brief investigation, deputiesarrested Berry, the only person in the Volvo,for arson and throwing a lighted substancefrom a vehicle. Bail is set at $75,000.


Zoo penguin gets new shoeThe Santa Barbara Zoo penguin who wears

a custom-made shoe on his right foot now hassome new Halloween foot-ware.Lucky now has an orange and black shoe

with a “Jack o’ Lantern face inside Teva’s handlogo.Adventure shoe company Teva made the

shoe for the Humboldt penguin, whose leg didnot develop normally.“We couldn’t be happier to watch as Lucky

adjusts to his healthier and happier life with hisnew shoe,” said Teva’s public relations manag-er Jaime Eschette. “It’s only fitting to celebratewith his first Halloween shoe to get him in thespirit for the holidays.” Teva is also planning to make other shoes

for Lucky based on holiday themes.“These shoes may have saved Lucky’s life,”

said Zoo CEO Rich Block. “Now he can, jumpand swim like any other penguin, albeit a verystylish one. He’s become a favorite of ourguests and our staff.” Humboldt penguins are threatened in their

native habitat along the Pacific Coast of SouthAmerica from Peru to Chile, where their pop-ulations are in serious decline. The Zoo openedthe Crawford Family Penguin House in June2006 and now houses 18 individuals.

— Daily Sound staff report Lucky proudly wears his new Halloween shoe.Courtesy photo

10 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound


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The 25th annual Concours d’ Elegance,held at the Santa Barbara Polo and RacquetClub last weekend featured oddities, rari-ties, and classics ranging from a fullyrestored 1950’s Greyhound bus to thePrince of Persia’s 1938 Bugatti. Peter Mullin’s 1939 Delahaye took the

show’s grand prize.The Saturday and Sunday event drew

thousands of car lovers from all overCalifornia.

Daily Sound Tuesday, November 01, 2011 11


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Above, the grand prize winner — 165 Figoni Falaschi — Made in 1939 By Delahaye owned by Peter Mullin.DAILY SOUND / Gary Lambert

12 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The followingperson(s) is/are doing business as:ASSOCIATED HAND SURGEONS at2323 De La Vina Ste 201 SantaBarbara, CA 93105 County of SantaBarbara; Michael J BehrmanM.D.(843 Park Hill Lane SantaBarbara, CA 93108), Gary PCrawford MD(1448 Jesusita Ln SantaBarbara, CA 93105), Mark TMontgomery MD(630 Randall RdSanta Barbara, CA 93108), Robert MRuth MD(5265 Paseo Cameo SantaBarbara, CA 93111) This business isconducted by a GeneralPartnership(Signed:)Mark MontgomeryThis statement was filed with the CountyClerk of Santa Barbara County on OCT26, 2011. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) Miriam Leon. FBN Number:2011-0003166. PUBLISHED NOV 01,08, 15, 22 2011

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The followingperson(s) is/are doing business as: DELA VINA SURGICENTER at 2323 DeLa Vina Ste 103 Santa Barbara, CA93105 County of Santa Barbara;Michael J Behrman M.D.(843 Park HillLane Santa Barbara, CA 93108), GaryP Crawford MD(1448 Jesusita Ln SantaBarbara, CA 93105), Joseph TGarofalo DPM(3959 Laguna BlancaDr Santa Barbara, CA 93111),Michael Merrin MD(921 Weldon RdSanta Barbara, CA 93109), Mark TMontgomery MD(630 Randall RdSanta Barbara, CA 93108),Christopher S Proctor MD(465 LasPalmas Dr Santa Barbara, CA93111), Robert M Ruth MD(5265 PaseoCameo Santa Barbara, CA 93111) Thisbusiness is conducted by a GeneralPartnership(Signed:)Mark MontgomeryThis statement was filed with the CountyClerk of Santa Barbara County on OCT26, 2011. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) Miriam Leon. FBN Number:2011-0003163. PUBLISHED NOV 01,08, 15, 22 2011

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The followingperson(s) is/are doing business as:SUNDOWNER DRAPERIES at 340Old Mill Rd. #8 Santa Barbara, CA93110 County of Santa Barbara; DarrelGhan, Martha Ghan(SAME), Thisbusiness is conducted by a Husbandand Wife(Signed:) This statement wasfiled with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on OCT 03, 2011. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL) JanetHansen. FBN Number: 2011-0002941. PUBLISHED OCT 25, NOV01, 08, 15 2011

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The followingperson(s) is/are doing business as:REDBONE PAINTBALL at 3853Pemm Place Santa Barbara, CA 93110County of Santa Barbara; JeffChaffin(SAME), This business isconducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Jeff Chaffin Thisstatement was filed with the CountyClerk of Santa Barbara County on SEP30, 2011. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) Catherine C Daly. FBNNumber: 2011-0002934. PUBLISHEDOCT 18, 25, NOV 01, 08 2011

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The followingperson(s) is/are doing business as: THEZIA CAFE, ZIA CAFE at 532 StateSt.. Santa Barbara, CA 93101County of Santa Barbara; MariaElena Campos(871 Deer Path Rd.Montecito, CA 93108), This businessis conducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Maria ElenaCampos This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on OCT 07, 2011. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL) JanetHansenr. FBN Number: 2011-0002995. PUBLISHED OCT 11, 18,25, NOV 01 2011

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The followingperson(s) is/are doing business as:

FEATHER YOUR NEST, ZEBIRDDESIGN & CONSIGN at 755 RomeroCyn Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93108County of Santa Barbara; DeborahAnne Beaudet(SAME), This businessis conducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Deborah AnneBeaudet This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on OCT 07, 2011. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk (SEAL)Melissa Mercer. FBN Number: 2011-0002992. PUBLISHED OCT 11, 18,25, NOV 01 2011

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The followingperson(s) is/are doing business as: RBPAINTING COMPANY at 396 LasAlturas Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93103County of Santa Barbara; RobertBlymyer(SAME), This business isconducted by anIndividual(Signed:)Robert BlymyerThis statement was filed with the CountyClerk of Santa Barbara County on SEP12, 2011. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I herebycertify that this is a correct copy of theoriginal statement on file in my office.Joseph E. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL) Catherine C Daly. FBNNumber: 2011-0002697. PUBLISHEDOCT 11, 18, 25, NOV 01 2011


ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NUMBER 1382566Petitioner or Attorney:Katherine Draper Quirk and WilliamE. Quirk IIITO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:Katherine Draper Quirk and WilliamE. Quirk III filed a petition with this courtfor a decree changing names as follows: Present Name: Donovan EdwardDraper-Quirk Proposed Name:Donovan Edward Draper Quirk THECOURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter appearbefore this court at the hearingindicated below to show cause, if any,why the petition for change of nameshould not be granted. Any personobjecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a writtenobjection that includes the reasons forthe objection at least two court daysbefore the matter is scheduled to beheard and must appear at the hearingto show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no writtenobjection is timely filed, the court maygrant the petition without a hearing.

NOTICE OF HEARINGDATE: December 8, 2011 TIME:9:30 a.m. DEPT: 6THE ADDRESS OF THE COURT IS:SUPERIOR COURT OFCALIFORNIACounty of Santa Barbara1100 Anacapa StreetSanta Barbara, CA 93101A copy of this Order to Show Causeshall be published at least once eachweek for four successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing on the petitionin the following newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in this countySanta Barbara Daily Sound. DATE: 09/02/2011 April Garcia, Deputy Clerk

Denise de BellefeuillelJUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR

COURT PUBLISHED OCT 18, 25, NOV 01,08 2010.


CASE NUMBER: (Numerodel Caso) 1381415


YOU ARE BEING SUED BYPLAINTIFF (LO ESTADEMANDANDO ELDEMANDANTE): JESSICASEPULVEDA, ROXANNAGAMBOA GARCIA You have 30 CALENDARDAYS after this summons andlegal papers are served on youto file a written response at thiscourt and have a copy servedon the plaintiff. A letter orphone call will not protect you.Your written response must bein proper legal form if you wantthe court to hear your case.There may be a court form thatyou can use for your response.You can find these court formsand more information at the

California Courts Online Self-Help Center(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp),your county law library, or thecourthouse nearest you. If youcannot pay the filing fee, ask thecourt clerk for a fee waiver form.If you do not file your responseon time, you may lose the caseby default, and your wages,money, and property may betaken without further warningfrom the court.

There are other legalrequirements. You may want tocall an attorney right away. If youdo not know an attorney, youmay call an attorney referralservice. If you cannot afford anattorney, you may be eligible forfree legal services from anonprofit legal servicesprogram. You can locate thesenonprofit groups at theCalifornia Legal Services Website (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org),the California Courts Online Self-Help Center(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp),or by contacting your local courtor county bar association.

NOTE: The Court has astatutory lien for waived fees andcosts on any settlement orarbitration award of $10,000 ormore in a civil case. Thecourt’s lien must be paid beforethe court will dismiss the case.!Aviso! Lo han demandado. Sino responde dentro de 30dias, la corte puede decidir ensu contra sin escuchar suversion. Lea la informacion acontinuacion.

Tiene 30 DIAS DECALENDARIO después deque le entreguen esta citacióny papeles legales parapresentar una repuesta porescrito esta corte y hacer quese entregue una copia aldemandante. Una carta o unallamada telefónica no loprotegen. Su repuesta porescrito tiene que estar enformato legal correcto si deseaque procesen su caso en lacorte. Es posible que haya unformulario que usted pueda usarpara su respuesta. Puedeencontrar estos formularios dela corte y mas información enel Centro de Ayuda de las Cortesde California(www.sucorte.ca.gov), en labiblioteca de leyes de sucondado o en la corte que lequede más cerca. Si no puedepagar la cuota depresentación, pida al secretariode la corte que le dé unformulario de exención depago de cuotas. Si no presentasu respuesta a tiempo, puedeperder el caso porincumplimiento y la corte le podráquitar su sueldo, dinero ybienes sin mas advertencia.

Hay otros requisitos legales. Esrecomendable que llame a unabogado inmediatamente. Si noconoce a un abogado, puedellamar a un servicio deremisión a abogados. Si nopuede pagar a un abogado, esposible que cumpla con losrequisitos para obtenerservicios legales gratuitos de unprograma de servicios legalessin fines de lucro. Puedeencontrar estos grupos sinfines de lucro en el sitio web deCalifornia Legal Services,(www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), enel Centro de Ayuda de las Cortesde California,(www.sucorte.ca.gov) oponiéndose en contacto con lacorte o el colegio de abogadoslocales.

AVISO: Por ley, la corte tienederecho a reclamar las cuotasy los costos exentos porimponer un gravamen sobrecualquier recuperacion de$10,000 o mas de valorrecibida mediante un acuerdoo una concesion de arbitraje en

un caso de derecho civil. Tieneque pagar el gravamen de lacorte antes de que la corte puedadesechar el caso.

The name and address of thecourt is: (El nombre y direcciónde la corte es): SUPERIOR COURT OFCALIFORNIA, COUNTY OFSANTA BARBARA, 1100Anacapa Street, SantaBarbara, CA 93101

The name, address, andtelephone number of plaintiff’sattorney, or plaintiff without anattorney, is: (El nombre, ladirección y el número deteléfono del adogado deldemandante, o deldemandante que no tieneabogado, es):BRIAN K. O’CONNER, ESQ.1012 STATE ST., 2nd FloorSanta Barbara, CA 93101

Date (Fecha): JUN 15, 2011


Executive Officer


by Joseph Garnica, DeputyClerk

(Adjunto) SEAL

Published Santa BarbaraDaily Sound OCT 25, NOV01, 08, 15, 2011.


CASE NUMBER: (Numerodel Caso) 1378376


YOU ARE BEING SUED BYPLAINTIFF (LO ESTADEMANDANDO ELDEMANDANTE): VICTORCABATUANYou have 30 CALENDARDAYS after this summons andlegal papers are served on youto file a written response at thiscourt and have a copy servedon the plaintiff. A letter orphone call will not protect you.Your written response must bein proper legal form if you wantthe court to hear your case.There may be a court form thatyou can use for your response.You can find these court formsand more information at theCalifornia Courts Online Self-Help Center(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp),your county law library, or thecourthouse nearest you. If youcannot pay the filing fee, ask thecourt clerk for a fee waiver form.If you do not file your responseon time, you may lose the caseby default, and your wages,money, and property may betaken without further warningfrom the court.

There are other legalrequirements. You may want tocall an attorney right away. If youdo not know an attorney, youmay call an attorney referralservice. If you cannot afford anattorney, you may be eligible forfree legal services from anonprofit legal servicesprogram. You can locate thesenonprofit groups at theCalifornia Legal Services Website (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org),the California Courts Online Self-Help Center(www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp),or by contacting your local courtor county bar association.

NOTE: The Court has astatutory lien for waived fees andcosts on any settlement orarbitration award of $10,000 ormore in a civil case. Thecourt’s lien must be paid beforethe court will dismiss the case.

!Aviso! Lo han demandado. Sino responde dentro de 30dias, la corte puede decidir ensu contra sin escuchar suversion. Lea la informacion acontinuacion.

Tiene 30 DIAS DECALENDARIO después deque le entreguen esta citacióny papeles legales parapresentar una repuesta porescrito esta corte y hacer quese entregue una copia aldemandante. Una carta o unallamada telefónica no loprotegen. Su repuesta porescrito tiene que estar enformato legal correcto si deseaque procesen su caso en lacorte. Es posible que haya unformulario que usted pueda usarpara su respuesta. Puedeencontrar estos formularios dela corte y mas información enel Centro de Ayuda de las Cortesde California(www.sucorte.ca.gov), en labiblioteca de leyes de sucondado o en la corte que lequede más cerca. Si no puedepagar la cuota depresentación, pida al secretariode la corte que le dé unformulario de exención depago de cuotas. Si no presentasu respuesta a tiempo, puedeperder el caso porincumplimiento y la corte le podráquitar su sueldo, dinero ybienes sin mas advertencia.

Hay otros requisitos legales. Esrecomendable que llame a unabogado inmediatamente. Si noconoce a un abogado, puedellamar a un servicio deremisión a abogados. Si nopuede pagar a un abogado, esposible que cumpla con losrequisitos para obtenerservicios legales gratuitos de unprograma de servicios legalessin fines de lucro. Puedeencontrar estos grupos sinfines de lucro en el sitio web deCalifornia Legal Services,(www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), enel Centro de Ayuda de las Cortesde California,(www.sucorte.ca.gov) oponiéndose en contacto con lacorte o el colegio de abogadoslocales.

AVISO: Por ley, la corte tienederecho a reclamar las cuotasy los costos exentos porimponer un gravamen sobrecualquier recuperacion de$10,000 o mas de valorrecibida mediante un acuerdoo una concesion de arbitraje enun caso de derecho civil. Tieneque pagar el gravamen de lacorte antes de que la corte puedadesechar el caso.

The name and address of thecourt is: (El nombre y direcciónde la corte es): SUPERIOR COURT OFCALIFORNIA, COUNTY OFSANTA BARBARA, 312-CEAST COOK STREET, SANTAMARIA, CA 93456(COOKDIVISION)

The name, address, andtelephone number of plaintiff’sattorney, or plaintiff without anattorney, is: (El nombre, ladirección y el número deteléfono del adogado deldemandante, o deldemandante que no tieneabogado, es):BRIAN K. O’CONNER, ESQ.1012 STATE ST., 2nd FloorSanta Barbara, CA 93101

Date (Fecha): JUN 01, 2011


Executive Officer


by K. King, Deputy Clerk (Adjunto)


Published Santa BarbaraDaily Sound OCT 25, NOV01, 08, 15, 2011.

Daily Sound Tuesday, November 01, 2011 13


2x6.9ORDINANCE NO. 5569


The above captioned ordinance was adopted at a regular meetingof the Santa Barbara City Council held on October 25, 2011.The publication of this ordinance ismade pursuant to the provisionsof Section 512 of the Santa Barbara City Charter as amended,and the original ordinance in its entirety may be obtained atthe City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Santa Barbara, California.


/s/____________________________Cynthia M. Rodriguez, CMCCity Clerk Services Manager





I HEREBYCERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was introducedon October 11, 2011, and was adopted by the Council of theCity of Santa Barbara at a meeting held on October 25, 2011,by the following roll call vote:

AYES: Councilmembers Dale Francisco, FrankHotchkiss, Grant House, Randy Rowse, Michael Self, BendyWhite; Mayor Helene Schneider

NOES: None



INWITNESSWHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixedthe official seal of the City of Santa Barbara on October 25,2011.

/s/_________________________Cynthia M. RodriguezCity Clerk Services Manager

I HEREBYAPPROVE the foregoing ordinance on October 25,2011.

/s/_________________________Helene SchneiderMayor

14 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound



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A man looks at fallen tree that is seen hanging on electrical wires, two days after an early snowfall in Weston,Massachusetts yesterday.


Rare storm leaves 13 deadBOSTON (Reuters) - Devastation from a

rare and deadly October snowstorm lingered inthe Northeast where 1.6 million homes werestill without power on Monday, schools wereclosed and downed trees and powerlinessnarled traffic.The storm that raged from West Virginia to

Maine from Saturday until late Sunday wasblamed for at least 13 deaths, most on slipperyroads.Halloween fun was postponed. Ghoul and

goblin decorations were blanketed with recordsnowfall for October in many places, such as

See STORM, page 16

Daily Sound Tuesday, November 01, 2011 15

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Answers Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 3

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #16 1 3 9 8

1 7 5 6 2 42 9 1 5 3

5 3 9 86 4 5 8 7

2 7 5 6 93 9 4 5 62 7 5 8 3 6

1 8 4 7 2

5 2 4 7

3 9 8

4 8 7 6

7 2 6 4 1

9 1 3 2

8 4 3 1

2 7 1 8

1 4 9

6 9 3 5

Sudoku #23 4 2 1 8 5 7

1 5 9 3 45 78 7 2 3 41 4 3 9 7 6 86 2 8 9 1

2 31 8 9 4 6

4 6 2 8 3 7 1

9 6

2 7 8 6

8 6 4 3 1 9 2

9 1 6 5

5 2

3 4 5 7

7 5 9 1 6 4 8

3 7 2 5

5 9

Sudoku #33 9 2 6 4

5 4 9 3 84 6 8 3 1 22 7 9 1 45 9 8

5 3 7 9 18 9 2 6 3 53 5 4 7 1

6 3 4 7 9

7 8 1 5

1 7 2 6

5 9 7

8 5 6 3

1 3 6 7 2 4

8 4 6 2

7 4 1

9 6 8 2

2 1 8 5

Sudoku #41 6 5 4 7 9

5 6 4 19 1 7 8 3

6 9 2 84 8 7 6 19 1 5 2

6 5 3 2 83 2 8 94 1 7 8 5 2

3 8 2

8 7 2 9 3

4 2 6 5

5 1 3 7 4

2 3 9 5

7 8 4 3 6

7 9 4 1

4 5 1 6 7

9 6 3

Sudoku #53 8 2 95 4 6 8 3 7

9 7 2 32 8 1 5 4 7

9 3 7 2 87 1 4 8 3 2

7 1 6 47 1 5 9 2 8

6 7 1 3

5 6 7 1 4

9 1 2

1 4 5 8 6

3 6 9

4 5 6 1

6 9 5

8 2 3 9 5

4 6 3

9 5 2 8 4

Sudoku #65 7 4 8 1 9

8 6 3 93 9 1 7 6 8 2

6 7 2 17 8 5 9 6 31 3 9 46 3 2 4 1 8 5

3 5 2 65 8 9 2 3 1

2 6 3

1 2 5 4 7

4 5

4 9 8 3 5

2 1 4

2 5 6 7 8

7 9

9 1 4 8 7

7 6 4

Sudoku #76 5 9 2

4 8 6 1 51 9 4 7 3 8

3 1 7 9 49 1 7

4 6 3 8 11 2 7 6 5 47 6 9 1 89 8 3 7

3 7 1 8 4

2 9 3 7

5 2 6

5 8 6 2

8 2 5 4 3 6

7 9 2 5

3 8 9

5 4 2 3

4 5 1 2 6

Sudoku #87 1 3 5 4 2 9

3 4 9 8 6 19 1 4 62 3 5 6 4 8

8 51 6 9 7 3 28 7 2 5

6 2 5 9 1 35 2 9 8 1 3 6

6 8

2 5 7

5 7 2 3 8

7 1 9

7 9 3 2 4 6 1

4 5 8

1 3 6 4 9

4 7 8

7 4


Answers Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 3

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #19 8 1 2 7 4 62 5 1 3 7 4 87 4 6 1 93 7 6 2 9 1 4

9 2 3 8 54 5 6 1 9 7 28 9 6 3 55 2 7 3 4 6 1

3 8 5 1 2 9 7

5 3

6 9

3 8 5 2

8 5

1 4 7 6

8 3

1 7 2 4

9 8

6 4

Sudoku #28 1 3 6 4 7

9 2 7 1 8 6 5 36 4 5 7 9 2 8

7 6 9 18 3 9 2 4 5 6

6 9 5 33 5 6 1 2 7 97 4 6 3 5 2 8 11 2 4 8 3 6

5 2 9


3 1

2 5 8 3 4

1 7

4 7 1 8 2

8 4


9 7 5

Sudoku #33 7 4 6 95 8 2 9 1 3 4

4 1 9 7 6 2 87 2 3 9 1 8 6

6 5 2 7 98 6 3 4 1 2 7

3 2 1 8 5 4 65 9 7 6 3 8 1

6 1 5 3 7

2 8 5 1

6 7

3 5

4 5

1 4 8 3

9 5

7 9

4 2

8 4 2 9

Sudoku #49 8 4 7 1 2 6

7 6 5 41 2 9 8 6 7 5 37 9 5 2 1

3 6 4 2 7 1 5 9 81 5 6 3 49 4 7 8 5 3 6 1

3 4 9 52 5 1 7 6 8 3

5 3

3 1 2 8 9


8 4 3 6

2 9 8 7


6 8 1 2 7

9 4

Sudoku #57 3 1 6 4 2 89 8 5 1 3 4 7

5 7 2 3 12 8 9 5 7 6

6 7 4 5 2 1 95 8 9 6 7 32 1 4 5 73 4 1 9 7 6 8

9 7 2 3 1 5 4

9 5

2 6

4 6 8 9

1 4 3

3 8

1 4 2

6 8 9 3

5 2

8 6

Sudoku #67 5 1 9 2 8 63 9 4 8 1 6 2

8 5 7 1 46 8 1 4 5 24 9 5 7 2 3 65 2 8 9 4 79 7 2 6 3

3 4 9 5 6 7 16 5 3 8 2 4 9

4 3

7 5

2 6 3 9

7 3 9

1 8

3 6 1

4 1 5 8

8 2

1 7

Sudoku #71 8 9 2 45 4 8 2 1 3 67 6 2 3 4 9 5

5 4 1 6 2 7 86 9 7 5 4

3 7 1 8 2 5 62 5 9 8 6 4 14 1 2 3 6 9 76 9 8 5 2

3 6 5 7

9 7

1 8

9 3

8 2 1 3

4 9

3 7

5 8

7 1 4 3

Sudoku #83 9 4 6 5 1 2 8

5 1 2 7 8 3 68 6 3 7

9 2 7 4 69 2 7 8 4 6 3 5 14 6 5 1 36 9 2 5

3 2 7 4 8 6 92 7 8 6 5 9 4 1


9 4

4 9 2 1 5

3 8 1 5

7 9 8 2

4 3 1 8 7

1 5


To solve, every number 1-9must appear in each of thenine vertical columns, each ofthe nine horizontal rows andeach of the nine 3x3 box. Nonumber can occur more thanonce in any row, column orbox.

SUDOKUSudoku #3

Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 3

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

2 8 5 16 7

3 54 5

1 4 8 39 5

7 94 2

8 4 2 9

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

© 2005 KrazyDad.com

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“SOLVING THE YANKEES” by Andrew Collins

ACROSS1 Private

student6 Tunnel of

love vehicle10 Dover fish14 “My love ___


15 “On top ofthat”

16 Has amortgage,e.g.

17 Wield one’sinfluence in apuppetshow?

20 Its fruit is anacorn

21 Horn ofplenty?

22 Start of theLord’s Prayer

23 Exit quickly25 Secret

Chinesesociety, inthe U.S.

27 Conicalquarters

31 Procrastinate34 Relative of

the zebra36 Genesis

construction37 Tizzy38 Don’s

followers39 Black-and-

white driver41 1/1000 of an

inch43 Scottish

refusal44 “Famous’’

cookie brand46 “Kilroy ___

here’’48 Fluffy

dessert50 Do more

than threatento sue

53 Bit ofbuffoonery

54 EastEuropeannative

55 Fuzzytextures

58 Guinea pig,often

60 Nauticalaffirmatives

62 ___ Maria(coffeeliqueur)

63 One way toprepare forbed

68 Big source ofcorn

69 Mars’ Greekcounterpart

70 “A LessonFrom ___’’

71 Refute72 Get one’s

feet wet73 Songwriter

NewmanDOWN1 “That’s just

the ___ theiceberg’’

2 Typical3 Discussed4 Course for


5 Toward therising sun

6 Type of shoot7 David

Mamet play8 Sure-footed

work animal9 Oz canine

10 Socialgatherings

11 Have controlof

12 Journey

segment13 Slalom

section18 Gotten too

big for19 Babe’s name24 Work

measure26 Disinfectant’s

target28 Madison


29 Walt Disney’smiddle name

30 First name inmascara

32 NRCforerunner

33 Read throughquickly

34 City nearBoys Town,Neb.

35 “___ is anisland’’

40 Buttersquares

42 CroonerRawls

45 Sloping

structure forship-building

47 Comforted49 Still-life

subject51 “Law &

Order: SVU’’co-star

52 Roan on therange

56 Yearneddeeply

57 Mouthy59 Winter-to-


61 Critic’s unit63 Accom-

plished64 Landmark

case name65 Botanical

beard66 Historical


67 Chicken-kingconnection


Edited by Timothy E. Parker March 10, 2008

Universal Crossword

© 2008 Universal Press Syndicatewww.upuzzles.com



: F








ct N


e A










CELEBRITIES BORN ON THISDAY: Piper Perabo, 35; MikeO’Malley, 45; Dermot Mulroney, 48;Peter Jackson, 50.

Happy Birthday: Communicationwill help you excel. Be precise andask for what you want. Anger will getyou nowhere, but smart, honestnegotiation will do the trick.Consistency will determine how seri-ously others take you and if yourpartnerships have the potential todevelop or diminish. This is a year ofgive-and-take. Your numbers are 7,10, 19, 22, 26, 39, 47.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’tlet your emotions limit you. Problemswith partnerships will arise if you feelinadequate or displaced. Don’t dwellon the negative. Fix whatever isn’tworking for you and prepare to moveforward. It’s mind over matter thatcounts. 2 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Lookfor an opportunity and you will findone. Online research will bring theanswer you need to change whatisn’t working for you. Love is high-lighted, and romance will enhance arelationship with someone you cher-ish. 5 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Noteveryone you work with or deal withwhile looking for work will be honestwith you. Don’t take anything forgranted. Make sure others deliverwhat’s being offered or promised inwriting. A money issue must be recti-fied before it damages a relationship.3 stars

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Don’tput limitations on yourself. Speak upand you will get the feedback yourequire to advance. Update yourskills and your image. Keeping upwith the times will connect you topeople in the know and help youmove upward. 3 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don’t befooled by what others do or say. Acton your own findings rather thanwhat someone else suggests.Deception revolving around moneyand what you can or cannot afford isapparent. It’s important that you stickto your budget. 3 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Takeaction and grab what you want. Thisis not the time to be shy or hesitant.A chance to do something for otherswill lead to personal success. Love ison the rise, and prosperity is beckon-ing. 5 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):Laziness will be your downfall. Doeverything you can before someonecomplains. Experience will help now,especially where financial and per-sonal matters are concerned. Youcan’t buy love, nor should you expectanyone to pay for your love. 2 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Talkswill lead to solutions. An opportunitywill be the result of an understandingyou come to with someone you areconsidering or with whom you arealready partnered. It’s critical that youshare your intentions fully to ensureyou aren’t wasting time. 4 stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):Don’t take anything or anyone forgranted. Make subtle changes athome that better fit your lifestyle. Noteveryone will be happy with yourchoices, but it’s important that youfollow your heart and let everythingelse unfold naturally. 3 stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Alittle effort will go a long way. Focus onwhat you can do to bring good fortuneinto your home and your domestic life.Make a choice that allows you greaterfinancial freedom. Offer a service thatwill help pay the bills. 3 stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):Don’t be blinded by what someoneinsinuates. You have to base yourdecisions on truth and fact. Don’ttravel far from home or let anyonecost you financially or emotionally.Stick to your own agenda and youwill succeed. 3 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Takethe past into account when makinglegal, financial or emotional decisions.Too much of anything will cause con-fusion. Helping others will bring yougood fortune. Don’t limit what you cando because of someone who is bur-densome or restrictive. 4 stars

Birthday Baby: You are seriousand determined. You always strivefor success.

Eugenia’s websites -- eugenialast.com for confidential con-sultations, eugenialast.com/blog/ forEugenia’s blog and join Eugenia ontwitter/facebook/linkedin.)

16 Tuesday, November 01, 2011 Daily Sound




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32 inches measured in the westernMassachusetts town of Peru, accordingto the National Weather Service.Theo Brinkerhoff, 4, who planned to

dress as a ghost on Monday but wasforced to wear a heavy sweater and snowboots under his costume to keep warm,

refused to believe it was the bewitchingautumn holiday.“It’s not Halloween, because it’s still

winter,” he said while visiting grandpar-ents in Amherst, Massachusetts, a townstill mostly in the dark.Many roads were still barricaded to

steer traffic away from downed trees andpower lines. Utility officials said thestorm caused more tree damage than

most winter storms because leaves hadnot yet fallen so trees caught far moresnow than usual.“It was like wet cement that just

adhered to trees, branches, leavesand power lines,” said DavidGraves, spokesman for utilityNational Grid.“That’s what really caused the dam-

age, the weight of that snow,” he said.


seating, for larger parties and monthlybanquets.Restaurant hours are 11:30am –

10pm Sun-Wed, 11:30am-midnightThu-Sat. For more information call 805-963-2272 or visit mimosasantabar-bara.com.

RECIPES BAKERY: A new bakerynamed “Recipes Bakery & GiftBaskets” is coming to 604 SantaBarbara St. They will offer organic all-natural baked goods & chocolates,Australian-style coffees, a variety ofsweet rolls, and more. I am told theyhope to open at the end of November.For more information call 805-965-3335or visit myhomerecipes.com.

NARDONNE’S UPDATE: BenDougherty, owner of Nardonne’s LaFamiglia Pizzeria coming to 17 W.Ortega St., tells me that ADA compli-ance issues have delayed the start ofconstruction of his new eatery. Hehopes to receive a building permit soon.

PACIFIC CREPES UPDATE: Thisjust in from French Festival founderSteve Hoegerman: “Bonjour John, Myfriends at Pacific Crepes [705 AnacapaSt] are changing their hours. PacificCrepe’s new hours are: Fridays 8am to

11pm, Saturdays 8am to 11pm, andSundays 8am to 9pm. They will be openONLY those three days. They’ll now beopen nonstop for breakfast, lunch ordinner, serving up authentic Frenchsoups, salads, and of course theirfamous crepes. Yvan, the owner, is fromBrittany, so this is the real deal. Lunchand dinner specialties include a starter,entree, and dessert. Try a crepe suzetteor crepe flambee. Many vegetarianchoices. Le Cercle Francais, the freeFrench Conversation Group, will nowmeet there Sundays at 5:30. Their web-site is pacificcrepe.com. Bon appetit!”

NEW FOOD TRUCK: “The NewBlack BBQ” will be starting service inSanta Barbara this week. Here is apress-released I received about it:“The New Black is holding its soft

opening night Thursday, November 3rdat the corner of State & Haley St indowntown Santa Barbara from 11pm-2:30am. We are a gourmet food truckwith a ‘Progressive American Barbeque’theme, which translates to outstandingbarbeque sandwiches and sides. Ourmenu features Kobe Brisket, KurobutaPulled Pork, and Jidori Chicken.Accompanying our sandwiches arebaked beans, coleslaw, and potato salad.And for drinks, we have specialty sodasin glass bottles. Our weekly schedule will be

Thursday through Monday throughout

the county, with stops in Santa Barbara,Isla Vista, and Carpinteria. We’vealready had lots of feedback and sug-gestions on locations, so we plan to addmore in the next few months. But fornow, here’s what the Nov 3-7 weekendlooks like:

� Thursday, Nov 3: State & HaleySt, 11pm-2:30am

� Friday, Nov 4: 924Embarcadero Del Norte, Isla Vista,11pm-2:30am

� Saturday, Nov 5: State & HaleySt, 11pm-2:30am

� Sunday, Nov 6: Island BrewingCo, Carpinteria, 2pm-6pm

� Monday, Nov 7: The Cliff Room,5pm-10pm“The New Black owners and opera-

tors are Chris Sullivan and NickBarainca. Sullivan is a recent UCSBgraduate and Santa Barbara resident.Barainca is Chef of the Coral Casino atThe Four Seasons Biltmore. The rig andTNB news can be tracked by followingus on Twitter (@thenewblackbbq),Facebook, or thenewblackbbq.com. Socome check out The New Black thisweekend and get ready because we’reabout to take the SB food truck sceneby storm!”

John Dickson’s column appears everyTuesday in the Daily Sound. E-mailyour restaurant news tips [email protected]