Southside High School

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SouthsideHigh School

Student Handbook

2014 - 2015

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Welcome to the 2014-2015 school term and what promises to be a motivating and productive year. The faculty and staff of Southside High School are dedicated to seeing that every student who puts forth an effort will receive the highest quality education possible. This handbook has been designed to provide some of the information necessary for a successful high school experience. Please take time to review the handbook as well as the Dallas County Discipline Plan for Safe Schools, discuss them, and then follow the rules and procedures contained inside. We encourage parents and guardians to become involved in our school and your child’s education. The administration has an open-door policy. We encourage your input, ideas, and suggestions.


We believe that every student can learn and succeed. We seek to create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles.


Southside High School promotes a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment. We strive to have our parents, teachers, and community members actively involved in educating our students to develop skills, values, and integrity that will prepare them for the 21st Century.


It is the policy of the Dallas County Board of Education and Southside High School not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, disability, religion, creed, national origin, or age. If you have reason to believe that you have been discriminated against, you may contact the Superintendent’s Office at (334) 875-3440 or at the following address: P.O. Box 1056, Selma, Alabama 36702-1056.


Southside High School complies with non-discrimination regulations under Title VI and Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Educational Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is the official policy of the Alabama State Department of Education, Dallas County Board of Education, and Southside High School that no person in Alabama shall, on grounds of race, color, handicap, sex, religion, creed, or national origin be excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program, activity, or employment.


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Visitors and parents arriving after 7:45 A.M. who will leave before 3:00 P.M., may park in the front of the main office. All visitors and parents must sign in at the front office and receive a visitor’s pass.


Reasonable fees may be charged for courses that are not required by the state course of study for graduation for grades 9-12. Fees will be designated on course syllabus provided by the teacher.


The library is open to students from 7:55 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Library visitors are expected to be quiet, limit their movements, use good manners and not have food, drink or chewing gum while in the library. Students may check out books for a period of 2 weeks. If books are damaged or lost, students will be expected to pay for replacements. Internet connection is located in the library. Students are allowed to do academic research on the Internet as needed. Other computers are also available for students to do word processing or use other software as available.

Parents/guardians of students at Southside High School are required to sign a consent form each year giving permission for the student to use the internet. A student without the signed permission form will not be allowed to utilize the internet in the library or any classroom. The school system has a procedure in place to block inappropriate websites; however, any violation of this policy will be handled according to the Dallas County Code of Conduct.


Textbooks are provided by the State of Alabama. Students and/or parents are responsible for the proper care and safeguarding of these books when checked out to the student. Students and/or parents are required to pay for the loss or damage in excess of that which would result from the normal use of the textbooks. Students who owe for lost textbooks will not be issued new textbooks until the student has made payment for the lost ones. Failure to pay the school for loss or damaged textbooks will result in non-issuance of other textbooks to the respective student.


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The telephones in the office are for business use only and are not to be used by students except in case of an emergency or as directed by an administrator or designee. Students must make their request to use the telephone to their classroom teacher and obtain an office pass from the teacher before coming to the office. Teachers are expected to determine if the request is for a valid reason and make a decision based on such. Students will not be called to the office to receive a call unless there is an emergency and administrative approval has been granted.


If it is necessary for a student to take medication at school, the medication must be checked in at the office. Arrangements will be made for the student to take medication at the office. A permission form must be completed by the parent/guardian. All medication must be in the provided in the container that identifies the physician and the dosage to be administered (the original prescription bottle).



Students EAT FREE

Teachers & Program Adults $3.50 w/Carry-out $4.00

Non-Program Adults $4.50 w/Carry-out $5.00


Students EAT FREE

Teachers & Program Adults $3.00 w/Carry-out $3.50

Non-Program Adults $4.00 w/Carry-out $4.50

*Carry-out trays are an extra 50 cents**Meal prices subject to change with board approval.


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The following items are required for a student to complete the enrollment process at Southside High School:

1. Withdrawal form from last school, transcript, records, and/ or last report card2. Immunization form ( in Alabama, Blue Form)3. Certified copy of Birth Certificate4. Copy of Social Security card5. Completed Dallas County Zone Form signed by parent or legal guardian6. Two of the following items for address verification –

Copy of power bill Copy of telephone bill Copy of water bill Copy of gas bill Copy of driver’s license

** Southside High School participates in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act


According to Alabama Law (13-30-4), Code of Alabama), Dallas County Board of Education shall require each pupil who is otherwise entitled to admittance to present an Alabama Certificate of Immunization. Therefore, no student will be admitted to Southside High School without the certificate of immunization. The certificate may be obtained from the Dallas County Health Department or your personal physician.

State law requires that immunization records be kept current. The school notifies students of expired immunization certificates. If certificates are not renewed in a timely manner, students will not be allowed to attend school.


Each child enrolled in Alabama public school grades six through twelve shall have a Social Security Number and a valid Social Security Card to be presented to school officials at the time of registration for verification and return to the child, parent, and/or guardian.


Students requiring a change of address during the school year should notify the school immediately. You should put your information in writing and turn that information in to the registrar in the main office.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Dallas County Schools, with certain exceptions, obtain written consent prior to the disclosure of

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personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, Dallas County Schools may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised to the contrary in accordance with district procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Dallas County Schools to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include:

A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production; The annual yearbook; Honor roll or other recognition lists; Graduation programs; and Sports activity sheets, such as for football showing weight and height of team


Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEA) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories – names, addresses, and telephone listings – unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent.

If you do not want Southside High School to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the school in writing. Dallas County Schools has designated the following information as directory information:

Student’s name Participation in officially recognized activities and sports Address Telephone listing Weight and height of members of athletic teams Electronic mail address Photograph Degrees, honors, and awards received Date and place of birth Major field of study Dates of attendance Grade level The most recent educational agency or institution attended

A cumulative record shall be kept on each student enrolled in the system. Cumulative records shall be kept on forms approved by the State Department of Education. Student records will be maintained by the school and will be used in making appropriate educational decisions for the student. The school principal shall be responsible for developing a plan that will ensure that such records are kept up-to-date and accurate. All information regarding students and their families will be collected, maintained, and distributed under safeguards of privacy.

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The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:

1. The rights to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal [or appropriate school official] a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records will be inspected.

2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal [or appropriate official], clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as attorney, suitor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the school discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605.


All students are expected to be in attendance each day unless they are sick or in the case of a family emergency. In case of absences, a written note explaining the absence is required upon the student’s return to school. No more than three (3) parent/guardian written excuses will be accepted per semester. Excuses beyond that number will be considered unexcused.

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Failure to provide a written explanation not later than three (3) days from the date of the absence shall result in an unexcused absence. As explained in the Dallas County Board of Education’s Attendance Policy, too many unexcused absences can result in a student not being promoted to the next grade or not receiving course credit.

Excused AbsencesAbsences will be excused for the following reasons:

1. illness2. death or serious illness of an immediate family member 3. weather preventing attendance4. legal requirements, such as subpoena or other required court appearance 5. the prior permission given by a principal;6. legal quarantine.

Students granted excused absences are permitted to make up work, tests and other missed assignments and activities. It shall be the responsibility of the student (and his or her parents and/or guardians) to check with teachers to make up missed work. In all cases, students must make up missed work within five (5) days after a return from an excused absence.

Unexcused AbsencesAn absence which is not an excused absence is an unexcused absence. Days absent due to

suspension or unexcused. Students are allowed to make up work, tests, or other instructional activities missed due to unexcused absences. Principals shall avoid, if possible suspending students on days the student takes nine-week tests or semester exams. Where suspension during nine-week tests or semester exams cannot be avoided, the principal shall allow the student to make up missed tests or exams upon their return from suspension. In all cases, students must make up all missed assignments, tests, or exams within five (5) days after a return from an unexcused absence.

Students attending district school will possibly be denied promotion/credit for any grade, course, or subject in which he or she receives eleven (11) or more unexcused absences per semester or twenty-one (21) or more unexcused absences for the year.

No Participation List Students with excessive absences, tardies, suspensions from school, or behavior deemed inappropriate may be placed on the No Participation List, which will prevent them from attending field trips, special activities, or joining clubs or organizations. Students may be placed on this list for a semester or the entire school year.


Students may check out for two reasons: 1. ILLNESS2. EMERGENCY

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All check outs must be approved by the principal or assistant principal and all teachers scheduled for the remainder of the day. Slips must be returned to the office after approval. STUDENTS WHO CHECK OUT TO GO TO THE DENTIST OR DOCTOR MUST BRING BACK A STATEMENT FROM THE DOCTOR OR DENTIST IN ORDER TO HAVE AN EXCUSED CHECKOUT.

A check out will result in an absence in the missed classes. Students must be present in school 51% of the school day in order to be counted present in homeroom (See Absences). Failure to follow the check-out procedure could result in ISS or suspension.


The first bell rings at 7:40 A.M. The tardy bell rings at 7:45 A.M. Any student arriving to the classroom after 7:45 will be marked tardy. Students arriving after 7:55 A.M. must sign in at the main office before they will be admitted to class. Students will retrieve a check in pass from office personnel and will present that pass to the appropriate teacher. Not checking in correctly may result in unexcused absences and "0" on any work missed.

2014– 2015 Grading Periods/Attendance Months

1st Nine WeeksAugust 11, 2014 – October 10, 2014

Progress Reports September 10, 2014

Nine Weeks Exams October 9, 2014 October 10, 2014

Grades Posted by 8:00 AM October 14, 2014Report Cards Out October 16, 2014Incompletes Removed October 24, 2014

2nd Nine WeeksOctober 14, 2014 – December 19, 2014

Progress Reports November 13, 2014

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Nine Weeks Exams December 18, 2014 December 19, 2014

Grades Posted by 8:00 AM January 6, 2015Report Cards Out January 15, 2015Incompletes Removed January 23, 2015

3rd Nine WeeksJanuary 7, 2015 – March 11, 2015

Progress Reports February 6, 2015

Nine Weeks Exams March 10, 2015 March 11, 2015

Grades Posted by 8:00 AM March 16, 2015Report Cards Out March 19, 2015Incompletes Removed April 2, 2015

4th Nine WeeksMarch 12, 2015 – May 21, 2015

Progress Reports April 17, 2015

Nine Weeks Exams Seniors:May 18, 2015 May 19, 2015

Grades 7-11:May 20, 2015 May 21, 2015

Senior Grades Posted by 8:00 AM May 20, 20157-11 Grades Posted by 8:00 AM May 22, 2015Report Cards Out May 28, 2015

Attendance Months

Month Start Date Ending Date Report Due Date

1 August 11, 2014 September 8, 2014 September 11, 2014

2 September 9, 2014 October 6, 2014 October 9, 2014

3 October 7, 3024 November 4, 2014 November 7, 2014

4 November 5, 2014 December 10, 2014 December 15, 2014

5 December 11, 2014 January 26, 2015 January 30, 2015

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6 January 27, 2015 February 24, 2015 March 2, 2015

7 February 25, 2015 March 31, 2015 April 7, 2015

8 April 1, 2015 April 28, 2015 May 6, 2015

9 April 29, 2015 May 21, 2015 May 22, 2015

Note that all attendance months are 20 days each until the 9th month which has 17. The state requires that we set up our attendance months in 20 day increments until the last month which will have the leftover days.


All rules and sanctions are determined by the Dallas County Board of Education. Please refer to the Dallas County Code of Conduct for more information.


ISS is a structured disciplinary action in which a student is isolated or removed from regular classroom activities but is not dismissed from the school setting. The principal or his/her designated person(s) has the authority to assign students to in-school detention for reasonable and specified period of time. The objectives of ISS are to:

To reduce the number of out-of-school suspensions by providing an alternative program. This does not rule out the possibility of out-of-school suspension if the situation warrants.

To provide a setting within the school in which the student may continue his or her academic work.

To assist the faculty in working with students with inappropriate behavior.

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Operating Procedures: Each student is responsible for bringing his/her own books, paper, pencils, etc. Students must work on assignments made by classroom teachers Students may not talk, get out of their seats, or otherwise communicate with

any other student without permission from the ISS Supervisor. All students will report promptly to the ISS room immediately after reporting

to homeroom. Students will eat lunch at a time designated for students in ISS.

Suspension Suspension is defined as the temporary removal of a student from school for a violation of school policies, rules, regulations, or for interfering with the orderly operations of the school. Students shall be advised of the charges against them and be given an opportunity to present their explanation of the situation before action is taken.

The absence is unexcused. A student being suspended will be informed of the reason for suspension and the

number of suspension days. An attempt to contact the custodial parent or legal guardian of the suspension will be made by phone by the principal or his/her designee. A disciplinary action form will be given to the student/parent.

The custodial parent or legal guardian is required to confer with the principal before the student is readmitted to school.

Students suspended are not allowed to participate in or attend any school-related activities until the suspension period is over.

Alternative School Placement Students, who commit a Class III or Class IV violation, as defined by the Code of Conduct, may be referred to the Dallas County Alternative Program by the school administrator. Alternative School placements are used in place of long term suspensions and/or expulsion. Students who are assigned tothe Alternative School may not attend any school related functions while enrolled. Transportation to the Alternative School is provided at the expense of the student and/or the family.

Expulsion Expulsion is denial of school attendance by the Board of Education and is for the duration of the regular school year. Upon the receipt of the principal’s recommendation, the Superintendent shall schedule an administrative hearing. In the event expulsion is recommended, the custodial parent or legal guardian will be notified by registered mail prior to action by the Dallas County Board of Education.

Juvenile Court Referral Students may be referred to Juvenile Court for attendance or behavior related problems. Once a student is referred, the Court will take such action as it deems appropriate. Student referral will be in the form of a complaint or petition. Students who are 18 years of age cannot

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be classified as juveniles, and, therefore, any court action will be through adult court.

BUS RULES AND REGULATIONS(Established by the Dallas County Board of Education)

Safe transportation is the responsibility of school officials, parents, and students. The authority of school officials extends to and includes transportation of students. All students are expected to conduct themselves as good citizens and abide by the following:

1. Do not stand or play in a public road while waiting for your bus.2. Be sure the bus is completely stopped before you board or get off the bus.3. Keep head, arms, and hands inside the bus at all times.4. Never use the emergency door except in case of an emergency.5. Participate in no activity that may divert your driver’s attention from driving.6. Always remain in your seat until time to leave the bus.7. In an emergency, remain in your seat until the driver tells you otherwise.8. Assist the driver in assuring the safety and comfort of small children.9. When getting off the bus, be sure the driver can see you at all times.10. Never eat or drink on the bus.11. Absolute quiet is necessary at main intersections and railroad crossings.12. Be at your designated stop on time.13. The bus driver is in complete authority; extend to him/her your support and cooperation.14. Always show courtesy and respect for the rights of others.15. Do not deface or damage the bus in any manner; assist in keeping it clean.16. Vulgar language, profanity, or loud noise is prohibited.17. Never throw any object in the bus or from the bus.18. Students are expected to ride their assigned bus and board or get off at their designated

stop, except by permission from the principal or designee.19. Any activity that is not conducive to good conduct will not be allowed. Students

unwilling to conduct themselves as good citizens may forfeit the right to ride a school bus.

20. When a student is assigned to the Alternative Learning Center (ALC), that student is also suspended from the bus until the completion of their ALC assignment.


Students shall not be allowed to park vehicles on campus until such time that the “Acknowledgement Concerning Use of Student Parking Lots” form shall be properly completed and returned to the school. This form* will be maintained on file at the school. Students who are properly licensed, can show proof of insurance coverage, and have purchased a Parking Permit ($15.00) may bring their vehicles to school provided they drive safely and park in the designated area. School officials may search selected vehicles while on school property when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the vehicle contains articles that may endanger other

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individuals or that are contrary to law or regulations of the Dallas County Board of Education. The school is not responsible for items stolen or for damage to vehicles.

Rules for Student Drivers:1. Driving to school is a privilege that may be suspended or revoked at any time by a school

administrator.2. Students must maintain valid insurance, tag/registration, and driver’s license. Failure to

do so nullifies driving privileges.3. Students should immediately, in writing, notify administrators of any changes to their

vehicle information.4. The fee for a parking decal is non-refundable and is not discounted or prorated for any

reason.5. Parking permits MUST be readily visible; hanging decals should be on the rearview

mirror of the vehicle.6. Upon arrival on campus, park in the assigned space and immediately exit your vehicle.

Illegally parked vehicles may be suspended or towed.7. Students are not to exceed the 5 MPH campus speed limit, drive recklessly, loiter in or

around vehicles before, during, or after school, leave campus without permission, drive against or among bus traffic, transport themselves or other students off campus during school hours without school and/or parent permission, or violate any other school rules.

8. Students are requested to lower the volume of their sound systems as they enter the parking area.

9. Students are not permitted to go to their or other students’ vehicles during the school day, including lunch and break, except with the express permission of a school administrator.

10. Habitual tardiness, absenteeism, or discipline referrals may result in suspension of campus driving privileges.

11. Student drivers shall leave campus immediately upon dismissal. Drivers must exit the front of the school via U.S. Highway 80. Upon withdrawal, expulsion, or transfer from SHS, the parking decal must be returned to the school office.

Students may temporarily or permanently lose their driving privileges due to failure tofollow school procedures.


Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not a right. The school retains the authority to conduct routine patrols of student parking lots and inspection of exteriors of student vehicles on school property. The interior of student vehicles may be inspected whenever school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe that illegal, unauthorized, and/or contraband materials are contained inside. Such patrols and inspections may be conducted without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.


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In order to minimize distractions, academic dishonesty, and theft, the cell phone policy will be enforced. Cell phones cannot be visible and must be off at all times. For additional information, refer to Dallas County Discipline Handbook for Violations & Sanctions.


A student is not permitted to leave the school campus during regular school hours except in accordance with the following:

1. A student's parent or guardian may come to the school in person and check his or her child out of school. A student may not be checked out of school by persons other than his or her parent or guardian or someone specifically designated by the student's parent or guardian.

2. A student may bring a written note signed by the student's parent or guardian and upon approval of the local school principal, or designee, may be permitted to leave the school campus. All notes will be verified by phone by office personnel prior to the dismissal of a student. All written parental requests shall remain on file in the principal's office for the remainder of the school year.

3. In emergency situations the local school principal or his or her designee may permit a student to leave the school campus based on a telephone request from the student's parent or guardian. In such instances, the principal or designee shall attempt to re-contact the student's parent or guardian by telephone to confirm the request. Any student violating this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action.


Students shall be treated with fairness in all discipline matters and shall be accorded procedural due process when the discipline measures of corporal punishment, short and long-term suspension, or expulsion are applied. Before being punished for violation of a board policy or local school rule or regulation, the local school principal or designee shall ensure that students are afforded due process. In cases where a student is not promoted or fails to receive credit due to excessive unexcused absences, the parent/guardian may file with the Superintendent a written request for review of the conditions surrounding the student’s non-promotion/non-credit. An adverse decision from the Superintendent may be appealed to the Board.

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A standardized dress code of Dallas County Schools has been adopted to assure that all students are provided safe and appropriate educational opportunities which are free from unnecessary disruptions and or outside influences and to instill in students the need to dress appropriately and have respect for each other and authority. The way a person dresses reflects the way he or she thinks. We want to prepare students for the world of work, and we believe a neat professional appearance is a good habit to develop. A well groomed student should come to school with an attitude that prepares him or her for neat conscientious work. His or her attire should give him or her respect for self, fellow students, and teachers. This dress code will be strictly enforced. Students who have questionable or inappropriate dress will not be allowed to attend class. Students must be in the school’s uniform at all times. The Uniform Policy/Dress Code will be as the following: Boys/Girls shirts must be white, black, and gray Polo-type with a maximum of three buttons. (Special Notes) Small logo or emblem permitted. The school colors will be reflected in the dress code; however, red and blue color combinations are not permitted. White only undershirts/camisoles and no tight fitting or revealing shirts are permitted. No sleeveless tops or oversized shirts are permitted.

Boys/Girls pants must be Black, khaki, and white may be worn to meet dress code requirements. (Special Notes) No capris, shorts can only be worn by the boys (Special Notes) Black or Khaki. Absolutely no sagging pants will be tolerated. Pants must be worn at the waist with a belt. Shirts are not to be bloused over after being tucked in. No over-sized pants or tight-fitting pants are permitted.

Boys/Girls Belts must be Black or brown (No excessively long belts are permitted. No exceptions!)

Uniform Skirts will be permitted for girls and must be worn knee-length or longer. Tight-fitting skirts are not allowed.

Boys/Girls shoes must be Black, white, or brown (Special Notes) No sliders, flip-flops, or house shoes will be allowed. Absolutely, no red or blues color combinations are permitted. Socks must be white, black, or gray no exceptions!

Boys/Girls Jackets, Coats, and Hoodies must be Brown, black, or gray (Special Notes) Small logo or emblem permitted. No over-sized logos or emblems allowed.


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A standardized dress code of Dallas County Schools has been adopted to assure that all students are provided safe and appropriate educational opportunities which are free from unnecessary disruptions and or outside influences and to instill in students the need to dress appropriately and have respect for each other and authority. The way a person dresses reflects the way he or she thinks. We want to prepare students for the world of work, and we believe a neat professional appearance is a good habit to develop. A well groomed student should come to school with an attitude that prepares him or her for neat conscientious work. His or her attire should give him or her respect for self, fellow students, and teachers. This dress code will be strictly enforced. Students who have questionable or inappropriate dress will not be allowed to attend class. Students must be in the school’s uniform at all times. Jewelry worn by girls must be small earrings. Small black, white, or silver necklaces will be allowed. (Special Notes) No oversized jewelry is permitted and absolutely no bracelets allowed. Boys: No earrings

Hats are not permitted. No exceptions! Girls hair accessories (headbands, clips, bands etc.) must be black or white only (Special Notes) No hair wraps permitted.Boys hair accessories (Not permitted)

Boys/Girls must not ware bizarre colors (purple, green, blue, red, pink, orange, etc.) (Special Notes) Hair must be clean and well – groomed)

Athletic Attire (Not permitted) (Special Notes) Worn only if students are athletes and coach instructed to be worn on game day.

Book Bags must be see through black mesh or see through plastic (No Exception!)


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Section 36-19-4 Code of Alabama, 1975, as amended, requires school officials to conduct at least one (1) fire drill each month. In addition, the State Board of Education policy adopted October 1, 1975 directs schools to institute a program of disaster preparedness. Therefore, during the first week of school, all students are instructed on the proper procedures for fire, tornado, and bomb threats. Drills will be held at intervals during the school year to develop the best technique for quick evacuation of individual rooms. All evacuation procedures are posted immediately inside each room.


Fire and Bomb ThreatSignal: 3 short bells will ring to evacuate in case of fire or bomb

Procedure: 1. Stop all work immediately.2. Teacher signals for departure. Students leave in a single file line. Teacher brings roll

book.3. Leave building by the nearest exit.4. Windows and doors closed and all lights out5. Proceed a safe distance from the building.6. Pupils remain in line until all clear signal is given to return.7. Pupils must move quickly and orderly at all times.8. Return to room in same manner and through same exit as departure.

***Making a bomb threat in Alabama is a felony.Tornado ThreatSignal: 1 long bell will ring

Procedure: 1. Stop all work immediately.2. Teacher signals for departure. Students leave in a single file line. Teacher brings roll

book.3. Teacher will be the last to exit class.4. Students are quickly marched to designated area.5. Students are to bring book to place over head.6. Students should assume a crouched position

*** Do not block a doorway or opening

Under a tornado warning, students shall not be released via regular transportation plans, except that students may be released during a tornado warning to respective parent/guardian if parent/guardian comes to the school and assumes custody of the child.

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A transfer option school (TOS) in the State of Alabama is one in which for three (3) consecutive years the school has expelled one percent (1%) of the student population or five (5) students (whichever is greater) for violent criminal offenses on school property during school hours or committed at school-sponsored activities. The words “transfer option school” shall mean a “persistently dangerous school” as those words are used in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110, Title IX, homicide; robbery; assault in the first and/or second degree; sexual battery (including rape) as these offenses are defined in the Criminal Code of Alabama; and use of a handgun, firearm component, explosive, knife, and other “unknown weapons”.


The mission of the guidance department is to offer effective guidance to all students in the areas of academic advising, career/college planning, and personal/social counseling through both group and individual contacts. Students and parents are encouraged to visit the Guidance Counselor, as needed. All students must bring a pass to the counselor's office from class.


All students must register in the spring for the coming year. When school begins, class changes may be made only where space is available and when a strong reason is stated. Usually the first few days of school are devoted to transferring students; however, no class changes will be made after 3 days of school, unless requested by teacher and approved by an administrator.

1. All schedule changes must be made in the first 3 days of school.2. No special education schedule can be changed without an I.E.P. meeting.3. All other schedule changes must be done on the recommendation of the receiving teacher,

counselor, or administrator.4. Any student who fails 1 or more classes is encouraged to enroll in summer school.

There is no guarantee that students who fail courses will be scheduled to repeat such courses the following year.


90-100=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D 59 or below=F

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AVERAGING GRADESNine weeks average: Class average = 80% Nine-week test = 20%

Semester average:Final averages are determined by adding the 2 nine week averages together and dividing by 2.


Students in grades eleven (11) and twelve (12) may exempt end-of-course examinations. Any student who has skipped either a class period or a school day, been suspended or placed in In-School Suspension (ISS), or been assigned to the Dallas County Alternative School will forfeit the opportunity to exempt any final examination regardless of grade average. Three tardies to class will forfeit exemption status in that class, which is applied to the exemption policy based on the following criteria:

An “A” average with no more than 2 absences

Please note: School authorized field trips and college days (with proper documentation) do not count as absences towards exemptions.


To calculate your grade point average, first use the following scale (A= 4, B= 3, C= 2, and D= 1) to assign quality points to the grades received. Next, add up the quality points and divide by the number of classes taken. The answer you get is your grade point average (GPA). Additional Quality Points may be awarded for completion of Advance Placement (AP) and Honors courses as approved by the superintendent. Extra Quality Points for AP courses shall include an additional 1.25 extra Quality Point per approved course. Extra Quality Points for Honors Courses shall include an additional 1.0 Quality Point per approved course.

Each year the Superintendent shall implement a procedure for determining final grade point averages and the cut-off date for determining class rankings. This same procedure will be used to determine valedictorian, salutatorian and other class rankings.

GRADE REPORTINGProgress Reports Progress reports to parents/students are issued mid-way during each grading period throughout the school year. These reports provide a current average in each subject. The reports are to be reviewed and signed by the parent and returned. Parents are encouraged to request a

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Progress Report for any particular class at any time by contacting the school office.Report Cards Report cards are issued four times each year. They coincide with the end of each grading period. The dates can be found with the school calendar located in this handbook.


Students attending summer school at schools other than Southside High School must first secure permission from the principal. This is to ensure that the student is enrolled in the correct classes and that credit can be given for the classes taken.


In order to earn an Alabama High School Diploma, students must successfully complete the AHSGE and earn the requirements for the Alabama High School Diploma or the Alabama High School Diploma with Advanced Academic Endorsement. Students in Dallas County must meet the following requirements:


Approved 2/22/10 21

In the Dallas County Schools, students entering 9th-grade in the school year 2009-2010 (class of 2013) will automatically be enrolled to pursue the Alabama High School Diploma with the Advanced Academic Endorsement (FIRST CHOICE). Students who choose to opt out of this diploma endorsement may do so at the end of any semester in any grade as long as the student and his/her parent(s) agree.

In order to earn an Alabama High School Diploma, student must successfully complete the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) and earn the requirements for one of the Diploma options listed below.

In the Dallas County Schools, students entering 9th-grade in the school year 2009-2010 (class of 2013) will automatically be enrolled to pursue the Alabama High School Diploma with the Advanced Academic Endorsement (FIRST CHOICE). Students who choose to opt out of this diploma endorsement may do so at the end of any semester in any grade as long as the student and his/her parent(s) agree.

In order to earn an Alabama High School Diploma, student must successfully complete the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) and earn the requirements for one of the Diploma options listed below.

Class of 2013 and Thereafter

DIPLOMA OPTION 1: The ALABAMA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA (AHSD) Pass all required coursework (Total credits required: 28)

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An online course or experience Pass 5/5 parts of the AHSGE


Pass all required coursework, including Algebra II w/Trigonometry (Total credits required for graduation: 28) Two credits in the same foreign language An online course or online experience Pass 5/5 parts of the AHSGE (Graduating class of 2013).

Advanced Career and Technical (CTE) Endorsement

Pass all required coursework, including Algebra II w/Trigonometry (Total credits required for graduation: 28) An online course or online experience Pass three career and technical (CTE) courses (or two CTE courses and another course related to student’s career choice) Pass 5/5 parts of the AHSGE.

Career and Technical (CTE) Endorsement Pass all required coursework (Total credits required for graduation: 28) An online course or online experience Pass three career and technical (CTE) courses Pass 5/5 parts of the AHSGE

Credit Based Endorsement Pass all required coursework (Total credits required for graduation: 28) An online course or online experience Pass 3/5 parts of the AHSGE, including Reading and Mathematics Beginning with the 9th-grade class of 2009-2010, students must take and pass at least one CTE course prior to graduation. Refer to

Alabama Administrative Code rule 290-3-1-.02(8)(g)(4) for students with disabilities.

This high school diploma endorsement is only available to seniors who have completed all of their required coursework and passed three out of five subject-area tests of the AHSGE, including Reading and Mathematics, and who have taken the AHSGE through the spring of their senior year.


The ALABAMA OCCUPATIONAL DIPLOMA (AOD) may be acquired through the general education curriculum or an alternative that is aligned with the Alabama courses of study. Non-degreed certification programs and some community colleges recognize the AOD. Students must also complete an online course or experience.

PROMOTION POLICY:Seven (7) credits must be earned in order to advance from a 9th to 10th grade homeroom.

Fourteen (14) credits must be earned in order to advance from a 10th to 11th-grade homeroom.

Twenty (20) credits must be earned in order to advance from an 11th to 12th-grade homeroom.

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GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: Students graduating beginning in 2010 are required to complete Algebra II or Algebra II w/Trigonometry as one of their math requirements (excluding students on the AOD). Students may not receive credit for both of these courses (Ala. Admin. Code)

All Students graduating beginning in 2011 are required to earn 28 total credits in order to meet course requirements for graduation.

English and mathematics courses must be taken in sequence.

Students may take any course in the curriculum for which they meet the prerequisites.

Electives may vary due to available personnel.

Effective for students entering the ninth grade in the 2009-2010 school year, students will be required to complete one online/technology enhanced course or online experience prior to graduation. Exceptions through Individualized Education Plans will be allowed.

REQUIRED COURSEWORKClass of 2011 and 2012




With Advanced Academic Endorsement

Graduation RequirementsFor

Career and Technical Center Students

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ENGLISH (4 credits)English 9English 10English 11English 12

MATHEMATICS (4 credits)Algebra IGeometry Algebra II or Algebra II w/Trigonometry*1 math elective

SCIENCE (4 credits)BiologyPhysical Science*2 science electives

SOCIAL STUDIES (4 credits)World History & Geography Since 1500U. S. History & Geography: Beginnings to 1877U. S. History & Geography: 1877 to presentAmerican Government (12/ credit)Principles of Economics (1/2 credit)

Required Elective(s):Life PE (1 credit)Health Education (1/2 credit)Arts Education (1/2 credit)Computer Applications (1/2 credit)Electives (9 ½ credits)


ENGLISH (4 credits)English 9English 10English 11English 12

MATHEMATICS (4 credits)Algebra IGeometry Algebra II w/ TrigonometryPre-Calculus

SCIENCE (4 credits)Biology Zoology or other advanced scienceChemistryPhysics

SOCIAL STUDIES (4 credits)World History & Geography Since 1500U. S. History & Geography: Beginnings to 1877U. S. History & Geography: 1877 to presentAmerican Government (12/ credit)Principles of Economics (1/2 credit)

Required Elective(s):Life PE (1 credit)Health Education (1/2 credit)Arts Education (1/2 credit)Computer Applications (1/2 credit)Foreign Language (2 credits)Electives (7½ credits)TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED = 28

ENGLISH (4 credits)English 9English 10English 11English 12

MATHEMATICS (4 credits)Algebra IGeometry Algebra II or Algebra II w/Trigonometry* 1 math elective

SCIENCE (4 credits)BiologyPhysical Science*2 science electives

SOCIAL STUDIES (4 credits)World History & Geography Since 1500U. S. History & Geography: Beginnings to 1877U. S. History & Geography: 1877 to presentAmerican Government (12/ credit)Principles of Economics (1/2 credit)

Required Elective(s):Life PE (1 credit)Health Education (1/2 credit)Arts Education (1/2 credit)Computer Applications (1/2 credit)Electives (9½ credits)

TOTAL CREDITS REQUIRED = 28(2-year program at the Career and Technical Center)

REQUIRED COURSEWORKClass of 2013 and Thereafter




Advanced Academic Endorsement(FIRST CHOICE)

ENGLISH (4 credits)English 9English 10

ENGLISH (4 credits)English 9English 10

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English 11English 12

MATHEMATICS (4 credits)Algebra IGeometry Algebra II or Algebra II w/ Trigonometry*1 more elective

SCIENCE (4 credits)Biology Physical Science *2 science electives

SOCIAL STUDIES (4 credits)World History & Geography Since 1500U. S. History & Geography: Beginnings to 1877U. S. History & Geography: 1877 to presentAmerican Government (12/ credit)Principles of Economics (1/2 credit)

Required Elective(s):Life PE (1 credit)Health Education (1/2 credit)Arts Education (1/2 credit)Computer Applications (1/2 credit)Electives (9 ½ credits)


English 11English 12

MATHEMATICS (4 credits)Algebra IGeometry Algebra II w/ TrigonometryPre-Calculus or other advanced math elective

SCIENCE (4 credits)Biology Zoology or other advanced science electiveChemistryPhysics

SOCIAL STUDIES (4 credits)World History & Geography Since 1500U. S. History & Geography: Beginnings to 1877U. S. History & Geography: 1877 to presentAmerican Government (12/ credit)Principles of Economics (1/2 credit)

Required Elective(s):Life PE (1 credit)Health Education (1/2 credit)Arts Education (1/2 credit)Computer Applications (1/2 credit)Foreign language (2 credits)Electives (7 ½ credits)


REQUIRED COURSEWORKClass of 2013 and Thereafter (continued)



EndorsementENGLISH (4 credits)English 9English 10English 11English 12

MATHEMATICS (4 credits)

ENGLISH (4 credits)English 9English 10English 11English 12

MATHEMATICS (4 credits)

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Algebra IGeometry Algebra II or Algebra II w/ Trigonometry*1 math elective

SCIENCE (4 credits)Biology Physical Science*2 science electives

SOCIAL STUDIES (4 credits)World History & Geography Since 1500U. S. History & Geography: Beginnings to 1877U. S. History & Geography: 1877 to presentAmerican Government (12/ credit)Principles of Economics (1/2 credit)

Required Elective(s):Life PE (1 credit)Health Education (1/2 credit)Arts Education (1/2 credit)Computer Applications (1/2 credit)Career and Technical electives (3 credits)Electives (6 ½ credits)


Algebra IGeometry Algebra II w/ TrigonometryPre-Calculus or other advanced math elective

SCIENCE (4 credits)Biology Zoology or other advanced science electiveChemistryPhysics

SOCIAL STUDIES (4 credits)World History & Geography Since 1500U. S. History & Geography: Beginnings to 1877U. S. History & Geography: 1877 to presentAmerican Government (12/ credit)Principles of Economics (1/2 credit)

Required Elective(s):Life PE (1 credit)Health Education (1/2 credit)Arts Education (1/2 credit)Computer Applications (1/2 credit)Career and Technical electives (3 credits)Electives (6 ½ credits)



Course and assessment requirements specified below must be satisfied in order to earn the Alabama Occupational Diploma (AOD).


ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS 4 Four credits to include the equivalent of:

English I English II English III English IV

MATHEMATICS 4 Four credits to include the equivalent of:

Math I Math II Math III Math IV



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Four credits to include the equivalent of: Science I Science II Science III Science IV


SOCIAL STUDIES 4 Four credits to include the equivalent of:

Social Studies I Social Studies II Social Studies III Social Studies IV


Career and Technical Education 2Coordinated Studies or Transitional Services 1Cooperative Career and Technical Education 1Health Education ½ Life PE 1Arts Education ½ Electives 6TOTAL CREDITS 28

All AOD credits shall comply with the current curriculum guides designated for AOD implementation. The LEA may add additional credits or requirements.

ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTSTake the required statewide assessment for graduation at least once (during the spring of the eleventh-grade year).


Alabama High School Diploma with Advanced Academic Endorsement


Alabama High School Diploma


Alabama High School Diploma with Career

Technical Endorsement


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Alabama High School Diploma with Credit-Based Endorsement

3/5 (Reading, Math, 1 Additional Section)

Alabama Occupational Diploma

See Previous Page


Intervention 7:45 – 8:15

First Block 8:20 – 9:50

Second Block 9:55 – 11:25

Third Block 11:30 – 1:25

Fourth Block 1:30 – 3:00


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Vocational School Lunch wave 11:15 - 11:401st Lunch wave 11:40 - 12:052nd Lunch wave 12:15 – 12:403rd Lunch wave 12:50 - 1:15ISS Lunch wave 1:15 – 1:40

Please note:

Subject to cancellation as determined by administration. This schedule is subject to change.

Southside Faculty/StaffAllison, Wayne

Andrews, NicholasBarge, BarbaraBothwell, JasonBrown, Cedric

Brown, LacreshiaBrown, Patricia

Cambridge, Dr. ChinoClark, GladysClay, Idette

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Cleveland, ValneciaCook, LindaCox, Ebony

Cureton, FarrahDeJarnette, AngelDunklin, Marquita

Flowers, DanielHaith, Anita

Harbison, CaneishaHatcher, Marilyn

Henry, Samantha TaylorHobbs, Elois

Jackson, Jr. , ClarenceJones, HenriettaMartin, Karen

McIntyre, MichaelMedina, Alex

Milhouse, VictorMinor, Lois

Moorer, TimothyMorrison, RandleO’Neal, TimothyPeasant, AnnettePerkins, Annie

Provitt, KimberlyPryor, Janika

Richardson, EllaRubin, ClariceRuiz, Stephen

Rutledge, Ethel DozierSavage, Kimerly

Smith, ClodisSmiley, ElizabethSolomon, Brittany

Solomon, JohnTaylor, SamanthaTolbert, Marvin

Tyus, AnnieWalker, Jr. , Michael

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Webb, Dr. JeffreyWhite, Lawanda

Williams, AntonetteWilloughby, Luvernia

Wilson, HermanWilson, Rosie

Wright, ChristopherWyatt, Linda

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Dallas County School System Calendar2014-2015

1st Term Professional Institute

Professional Development DaysStudents Off

Thursday- August 7

Monday-August 4, Wednesday- August 6, Friday- August 8

School Starts Monday, August 11Off (Labor Day) Monday, September 1Professional Development DayStudents Off

Monday, October 13

Off (Veterans Day) Tuesday, November 11Off (Thanksgiving) Monday, November 24– Friday, November 28Last day before Christmas Friday, December 19

2nd TermTeacher Work DayStudents Off

Monday – January 5, Tuesday- January 6, 2015

School Starts Wednesday, January 7, 2015Off (MLK Day) Monday, January 19, 2015Professional Development Students Off

Monday- February 16, 2015

Off (Spring Break) Monday, March 23– Friday, March 27, 2015Student’s Last Day Thursday, May 21, 2015Teacher’s Last Day Friday, May 22, 2015

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Grading Periods1st Semester ( 87 days ) August 11– December 19, 20142nd Semester ( 90 days ) January 7 – May 21, 2015

9 Week Schedule1st Nine Weeks Aug. 11 – Oct. 10 44 days2nd. Nine Weeks Oct. 14 – Dec. 19 43 days3rd. Nine Weeks Jan. 7 – Mar. 11 45 days4th. Nine Weeks Mar. 12 – May 21 45 days

Teacher Work DaysMonday- Aug. 4 through Friday – Aug. 8, 2014 5 daysMonday – Oct. 13, 2014 1 dayMonday – Jan. 5 through Tuesday- Jan. 6, 2015 2 daysMonday – Feb. 16, 2015 1 dayFriday – May 22, 2015 1 day

Policies for School Handbooks

1. Student Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Policy

2. Head Lice (Pediculosis) “No Nit” Policy

a. Information Guide for Head Lice (Pediculosis) “No Nit” Policy

3. Anti-Harassment Policy

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Approved 7/26/10Dallas County Schools

Student Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Policy

Dallas County School System shall strive to protect the health and safety of children and youth in our care, as well as their families, our employees, and the general public. Staff members shall cooperate with public health authorities to promote this goal. The presence of a person living with HIV infection or diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) poses no significant risk to others in the school, daycare, or athletic settings when current guidelines are followed.

A. StudentsA student with HIV infection has the same right to attend school and receive services as any other student, and will be subject to the same rules and policies. HIV infection shall not factor into decisions concerning class assignments, privileges or participation in any school sponsored activity.

School authorities shall determine the educational placement of a student known to be infected with HIV on a case-by-case basis by following established policies and procedures for students with chronic health problems or students with disabilities. Decision makers must consult with the student’s physician, parent/guardian; respect the student’s family privacy; and reassess the placement if there is a change in the student’s need for accommodations or services. School staff members will always strive to maintain a respectful school climate and not allow physical or verbal harassment of any individual or group by another individual or group.

B. PrivacyPupils are not required to disclose HIV infection status to anyone in the education system. HIV antibody testing is not required for any purpose. No information regarding a person’s HIV status shall be divulged to any individual or organization without a court order or the informed written, signed, and dated consent of the person with HIV infection; or the parent/guardian of a legal minor. The written consent shall specify the name of the recipient of the information and the purpose for disclosure.

All health records, notes, and other documents that reference a person’s HIV status shall be kept lock and key. Access is limited to those named in written permission from the person, parent/guardian and to emergency medical personnel. Information regarding HIV status will not be added to a student’s permanent educational or health record without written consent.

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C. Related ServicesStudent’s shall have access to voluntary, confidential, age and developmentally appropriate counseling about matters related to HIV infection through the assigned nurse to a particular school.

School administrators shall maintain a confidential linkage and referral mechanisms to facilitate voluntary student access to appropriate HIV counseling and testing programs, and to other HIV related services as needed.

Public information about resources in the community shall be kept available for voluntary student use.

D. HIV and AthleticsThe privilege of participating in physical education classes, athletic programs, competitive sports, and recess is not conditional on a person’s HIV status. School authorities will make reasonable accommodations to allow student’s living with HIV infection to participate in school-sponsored physical activities. All employees must consistently adhere to infection control guidelines in locker rooms and all play and athletic settings. Rulebooks will reflect these guidelines. First aid kits must be on hand at every athletic event. All physical education teachers and athletic program staff will complete an approved first aid and injury prevention course that includes implementation of infection control guidelines. Student orientation about safety on the playing field will include guidelines for avoiding HIV infection.

E. HIV Prevention EducationThe goals of HIV prevention education are to promote healthful living and discourage the behaviors that put people at risk of acquiring HIV. The educational program will:

Be taught at every level, Kindergarten through grade twelve. Use methods demonstrated by sound research to be effective. Be consistent with community standards. Follow content guidelines prepared by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC). Be appropriate to student’s developmental levels, behaviors, and cultural background. Build knowledge and skills from year to year. Stress the benefits of abstinence from sexual activity, alcohol, and other drug use. Include accurate information on reducing risk of HIV infection. Address student’s own concerns. Include means for evaluation. Be an integral part of a coordinated school health program. Be taught by well-prepared instructors with adequate support. Involve parents and families as partners in education.

Parents and guardians will have convenient opportunities to preview all HIV prevention curricula and materials. School staff members shall assist parents or guardians who ask for help in discussing HIV infection with their children. If a parent or guardian submits a written request to the principal that a child not participate in a specific prevention topic, and assures that the topic will be discussed at home or elsewhere, the child shall be excused without penalty. In

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classroom sessions, all materials and resources should be researched based on age and grade level appropriateness according to the Alabama Health Education course of study. F. Staff DevelopmentAll school staff members will participate in a planned HIV education program that conveys factual and current information; provides guidance on infection control procedures; informs about current law and state, district, and school policies concerning HIV; assists staff to maintain productive parent and community relations. Certain employees will also receive additional specialized training as appropriate to their positions and responsibilities.

G. Infection ControlAll employees are required to consistently follow infection control guidelines in all settings and at all times, including playgrounds and school buses. Schools will operate according to the standards put forth by the U.S .Occupational Health and Safety Administration for the prevention of blood borne infections. Equipment and supplies needed to apply the infection control guidelines will be maintained and kept reasonably accessible.

A school staff member is expected to alert the person responsible for health and safety issues of a student’s health condition or behavior presents a reasonable risk of transmitting an infection.

Note: If a situation occurs at school in which a person might have been exposed to an infectious agent, such as an instance of blood-to-blood contact, school authorities shall counsel that person (or, if a minor, alert a parent or guardian) to seek appropriate medical evaluation. Infection Control guidelines should be posted in the school. (See attachment)

H. General ProvisionsOn an annual basis, school administrators will notify students, their family members, and school personnel about current policies concerning HIV infection, and provide convenient opportunities to discuss them. Parents/guardians will be required to sign documentation to acknowledge receipt of the policy or material.

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Dallas County School SystemHead Lice (Pediculosis) “No Nit” Policy


The Dallas County School System has adopted a “no nit” Policy. A “no nit” policy requires: (1) removal of lice eggs (nits) after treatment and (2) exclusion of children until nits have been removed. Further, this policy was determined to be the best option for the Dallas County School System because it helps to: (1) encourage parents to screen their children at home; (2) eliminate diagnostic confusion; (3) prevent transmission and reinfestation: (4) reduce the need for additional treatment. Effective control of pediculosis in the school setting enables students to remain in school and improves the potential for successful learning.

Pediculosis capitis, also called pediculosis or head lice, is a common problem for children and their families. The head louse is a wingless insect that lives on the human scalp and lays eggs (nits) in the hair. It cannot hop or fly, but crawls rapidly. Because the head louse is very difficult to see, it is usually diagnosed by the presence of nits. It is transmitted by personal physical contact or common use of combs, brushes, or headgear.

An enormous amount of time, energy, and money is involved in the treatment of pediculosis by schools and families. If children are not treated and/or their home and school environment are not properly cleaned, they will likely become reinfested. Most children identified with pediculosis can be treated that day and return to school the following day. Usually no more than three days should be required for effective treatment.

The following guidelines will be used to implement a prevention and control program for effective control of pediculosis in the Dallas County School System:

1. The System Nurse will coordinate in-service training for teachers and other school personnel regarding proper screening, classroom prevention, and control techniques at the beginning of each school year and as needed throughout the year. In-service training will address, at a minimum, the following:

a. Confidentiality.b. Identification of pediculosis and nits.c. Respect for sensitivity of students and families regarding pediculosis.d. Precautions regarding self-contamination and cross-contamination.e. Treatment options.f. Precautions and myths regarding treatment.g. Resources for treatment.h. Reassessment and readmission requirements.i. Environmental safeguards for classrooms.j. Importance of educating students about pediculosis.

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2. All schools that have experienced pediculosis outbreaks during the school year will implement a consistent screening program. Outbreaks occur most often in young children, but can occur in any age group.

3. Notify the child’s teachers, bus drivers, etc., as appropriate.

4. Students identified with pediculosis should be sent to the office or health room while respecting the student’s confidentiality. Thus, bringing the student to the office or health room should be as inconspicuous as possible. Students with pediculosis should be separated from other students while waiting to go home. Extreme care and attention should be given to avoid embarrassment to any student, particularly if there is a delay in parents picking up the child. Again, the confidentiality of all children identified with pediculosis should be a major consideration.

5. Ask parents to come to the school to take the child home. This meeting provides an opportunity to talk with the parent about treatment procedures as well as to confirm the presence of infestation. Notification should be in a private setting to protect confidentiality.

a. Provide parents with a letter stating that pediculosis was found and provide written and verbal instructions for treatment and home cleanup that address the three steps in the control of pediculosis.

Treating with a pediculicide product. Removing the nits. Cleaning the home/car environment.

b. Teach parents how to screen for pediculosis.

c. Advise parents to notify the parents of neighboring children or frequent visitors to their home or other activity sites (sports, gymnastics, etc.) of the possibility of pediculosis infestation.

Requirement for Readmittance to School

The procedures to recheck and readmit children sent home with pediculosis in the office or health room after they have been treated are as follows:

a. Rechecks should be done in a private setting and in the presence of the parent.

b. One or two teachers and/or school nurse should be permanently designated to recheck children before class, rather than be assigned hall or bus duty.

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c. These teachers should be trained not only to recognize pediculosis infestation, but also to provide additional education to parents in a non-threatening manner, when children are not clear of pediculosis on recheck.

d. The student must have been treated with a pediculicide and be free of nits and lice before being readmitted to school. If only a few nits are present in the hair, the parent and/or teacher can remove the nits, discard in a plastic bag, and the child can return to class. Parents should be reminded that many of the pediculicide products require a second treatment. The teacher or nurse should encourage and answer any questions regarding the second treatment or home cleanup during the recheck visit.

e. No more than three consecutive absences should be considered excused due to Pediculosis. After three consecutive days, absences should be considered unexcused.

f. A special Return To Class Form will be given to the student if their recheck shows no lice or nits. This form alerts the classroom teacher that the recheck was done and was clear.

Dallas County School SystemInformation Guide for Head Lice (Pediculosis) “No Nit” Policy

The purpose of this document is to provide basic information about head lice and to assist principals in enforcing the regulations for communicable disease control to insure uniformity in procedure system wide.GUIDELINES:

A. What are head lice?

Head lice are tiny grey or brown insects about the size of a sesame seed that live in human hair and must feed on human blood to survive.

They lay tiny white oval eggs about the size of a knot in a thread called nits. The nits glue to each strand of hair close to the scalp.

Nits are most often found in the hair behind the ears and at the back of the head and neck.

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B. How do you get head lice?

Occurs most often with elementary children.

Children get lice from other children through head to head contact,

Sharing combs, hats, school lockers, or coats with a louse infested child.

You can’t spread NITS….only LIVE LICE.

Head lice DO NOT spread disease.

Any child can get head lice. It doesn’t matter where they live, or go to school.

C. How do you get rid of head lice?

If evidence of nits or lice is found, brothers and sisters should also be checked. Parents of those children found with lice are notified and asked to pick up their children and treat them. A letter stating that head lice were discovered should be given to the parent.

Parents may obtain non-prescription medication from their pharmacist or obtain a prescription from their family physician. FOLLOW DIRECTIONS ON THE PACKAGE COMPLETELY.

When evidence of head lice is found, all students in those classrooms shall be screened. If no additional cases are found, screening may be discontinued. However, if further cases are identified their contacts must also be screened.

Treat your home at the same time you treat your child.

Do the following:

Soak combs and brushes in some of the lice shampoo for 1 hour; or in very hot water for 5-10 minutes.

Wash sheets, blankets and other bedding in the hottest setting of water in the washing machine.

Dry clean non-washable items; or seal these items in a plastic bag for 1-2 weeks.

Vacuum furniture, carpets and mattresses thoroughly.

Treat hair for a second time after 7 days (or follow the manufacturer of the lice treatment’s instructions) to make sure that you kill any lice that may have hatched from nits that might have been missed during the combing, before they lay eggs.


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Students who return to school without appropriate treatment will be sent home with a second letter of explanation. No more than 3 consecutive days absence should be considered excused when absence is due to head lice. After 3 consecutive days, absences should be considered unexcused.

School nurses and each school principal should have a plan implemented to screen, prevent and control head lice.

All teachers should be made aware of these guidelines.

Questions concerning the above listed guidelines should be addressed to the school nurse, principal and attendance officer.

Dallas County School SystemAnti-Harassment Policy

Approved 2/22/2010

Section 1. Harassment, Violence, and Threats of Violence ProhibitedNo student shall engage in or be

subjected to harassment, violence, threats of violence, or intimidation by any other student that is based on any of the specific characteristics that have been identified by the Board in this policy. Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary sanction.

Section 2. Definitions(a) The term “Harassment” as used in this policy means a continuous pattern of intentional

behavior that takes place on school property, on a school bus, or at a school sponsored function including, but not limited to written, electronic, verbal, or physical acts that are reasonably perceived as being motivated by any characteristic of a student, or by the association of a student with an individual who has a particular characteristic, if the characteristic falls into one of the categories of personal characteristics set forth in Section 3(b) below. To constitute harassment, a pattern of behavior may do any of the following:

Place a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or damage to his or her property;

Have the effect of substantially interfering with the educational performance, opportunities, or benefits of a student;

Have the effect of substantially disrupting or interfering with the orderly operation of the school;

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Have the effect of creating a hostile environment in the school, on school property, on a school bus, or at a school sponsored function;

Have the effect of being sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student;

(b) The term “violence” as used in this policy means the infliction of physical force by a student with the intent to cause injury to another student or damage to the property of another student.

(c) The term “threat of violence” as used in this policy means an expression of intention to inflict injury or damage that is made by a student and directed to another student.

(d) The term “intimidation” as used in this policy means a threat or other action that is intended to cause fear or apprehension in a student, especially for the purpose of coercing or deterring the student from participating in or taking advantage of any school program, benefit, activity, or opportunity for which the student is or would be eligible.

(e) The term “student” as used in this policy means a student who is enrolled in the Dallas County School System.

Section 3. Description of Behavior Expected of Students(a) Students are expected to treat other students with courtesy, respect, and dignity, and

comply with the Dallas County School System Discipline Plan for Safe Schools. Students are expected and required to:

Comply with the requirements of law, policy, regulations, and rules prohibiting harassment, violence, or intimidations;

Refrain from inflicting or threatening to inflict violence, injury, or damage to the person or property of another student;

Refrain from placing another student in fear of being subjected to violence, injury, or damage when such actions or threats are reasonably perceived as being motivated by any personal characteristic of the student that is identified in this policy.

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(b) Violence, threats of violence, harassment, and intimidation are prohibited and will be subject to disciplinary consequences and sanctions if the perpetrator of such action is found to have based the prohibited action on one or more of the following personal characteristics of the victim of such conduct:

The student’s race

The student’s sex

The student’s religion

The student’s national origin or

The student’s disability

Section 4. Consequences for ViolationsA series of graduated consequences for

any violation of this policy will be those outlined in the Dallas County School System Discipline Plan for Safe Schools or any rule or standard adopted under the authority of this policy.

Section 5. Reporting, Investigation, and Complaint Resolution Procedures(a) Complaints alleging violations of this policy must be made on Board approved complaint

forms available at the principal and/or counselor’s office. The complaint must be signed by the student alleging the violation or by the student’s parent or legal guardian and delivered to the principal or the principal’s designee either by mail or personal delivery. At the request of the complaining student or the student’s parent or legal guardian, incidental or minor violations of the policy may be presented and resolved informally.

(b) Upon receipt of the complaint, the principal or the principal’s designee will, in their sole discretion, determine if the complaint alleges a serious violation of this policy. If the principal or the principal’s designee determines that the complaint alleges a serious violation, the principal or the principal’s designee will undertake an investigation of the complaint. The investigation will entail the gathering of relevant facts and evidence, and will be conducted in a reasonably prompt time period taking into account the circumstances of the complaint. If the investigation establishes a violation, appropriate disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on the offending student(s). Other measures that are reasonably calculated to prevent a recurrence of the violation(s) may also be imposed by the principal or the school system.

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(c) Acts of reprisal or retaliation against any student who has reported a violation of this policy or sought relief provided by this policy are prohibited, and are themselves in violation of this policy. Any confirmed acts of reprisal or retaliation will be subject to disciplinary sanctions that may include any sanction, penalty, or consequence that is available to school officials under the Dallas County School System Discipline Plan for Safe Schools. A student who deliberately, recklessly, and falsely accuses another student of a violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the Dallas County School System Discipline Plan for Safe Schools.

(d) The complaint form developed to report violations of this will include a provision for reporting a threat of suicide by a student. If a threat of suicide is reported, the principal or the principal’s designee will inform the student’s parent or guardian of the report.

Section 6. Promulgation of Policy and Related Procedures, Rules and FormsThis policy and any procedures, rules,

and forms developed and approved to implement the policy will be published, disseminated, and made available to students, parents and legal guardians, and employees by such means and methods of the Dallas County School System Discipline Plan for Safe Schools and customarily used for such purposes, including publication on the Dallas County School System’s Web site.

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Parents/Guardians and students are expected to read and familiarize themselves with the Southside High School Student Handbook. This document is annually updated. The provisions in the handbook are designed to provide parents and students with information and direction as it relates to the rules, policies, and procedures of the school. The contents of the handbook may be changed as necessary at the school’s discretion and, if changed, written notification of such changes will be provided to parents and students.

Student Signature: ___________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________________


Homeroom Teacher: _________________________________________________