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eConnect to GreenLight Academic Locker District Information Technology

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Dallas County Community College District

District Information Technology



JULY 2019 Last Updated 7/8/2019

eConnect to GreenLight Academic Locker District Information Technology

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eConnect to GreenLight Academic Locker District Information Technology

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Table of Contents

About Greenlight Academic Locker .................................................... 4

What is a Blockchain? ......................................................................... 4

Which Blockchain does GreenLight use? ......................................................... 4

Is GreenLight a public Blockchain? ................................................................. 4

How does GreenLight benefit me? ..................................................... 4

What is my GreenLight Academic Locker?.............................................. 4

Do I need the GreenLight Academic Locker App? .................................... 4

What is your privacy policy and terms of use? ........................................ 4

Get access to GreenLight Academic Locker ........................................ 5

Start at the DCCCD Home Page ........................................................... 5

Navigate to eConnect from DCCCD Home Page ............................................... 6

Navigate to Current Credit Student Menu within eConnect ................................ 7

Transfer from eConnect to the GreenLight Site ................................ 13

Use My GreenLight Enrollment Code ................................................... 14

FERPA Release Authorization and Consent Form ............................. 16

Complete GreenLight Validation & Account Setup Process...................... 17

GreenLight Account Activation Requirement Process ...................................... 18

Login to GreenLight Academic Locker .............................................. 20

GreenLight Dashboard Homepage ...................................................... 20

Sharing Your Educational Accomplishments in GreenLight ..................... 21

How do I request a transcript from my college? ............................................. 21

Your Transcripts are now ready to View .............................................. 22

Viewing your Electronic Official Transcripts in GreenLight ...................... 24

Finishing and Logging Out of GreenLight Credential Site ........................ 27

DCCCD Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 .............. 28

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About Greenlight Academic Locker

What is a Blockchain?

A Blockchain is a database that allows data to be written and cannot be erased.

Using the Blockchain technology, GreenLight is able to instantly authenticate

and validate your transcript or other academic certifications when they are

shared with a third party.

Which Blockchain does GreenLight use?

GreenLight is built on IBM Hyper ledger Fabric Blockchain.

Is GreenLight a public Blockchain?

No, GreenLight is a private consortium Blockchain network consisting

of vetted employers and educational institutions.

How does GreenLight benefit me?

GreenLight is dedicated to helping students achieve their goals of going to college

and developing a successful career. GreenLight helps you get discovered by

educational institutions and employers. In addition, it makes it easy to send them

your academic accomplishments.

What is my GreenLight Academic Locker?

GreenLight Academic Locker is where all your DCCCD transcripts, badges,

and certificates are stored. Additionally, it is where you can organize and share

any of the certifications you have acquired throughout your DCCCD learning

history. Educational institutions, employers, certification providers, and other

validated third parties add your DCCCD academic certifications directly into

your academic locker if they are on the GreenLight network.

Do I need the GreenLight Academic Locker App?

The mobile app gives you instant access and the ability to share your DCCCD

academic record through your mobile device. You can access all the

functionality of your academic locker through a web browser or the mobile app.

What is your privacy policy and terms of use?

Access our privacy policy at https://GreenLightLocker.com/privacy

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Access our Terms of Use at GreenLightLocker.com/terms-of-use.

Get access to GreenLight Academic Locker

Start at the DCCCD Home Page

Navigate to eConnect, the student self-service system for DCCCD, from the

District’s Home Page:

STEP 1 Go to the DCCCD Home Page at: www.dcccd.edu.

STEP 2 CLICK on the eConnect Link in the top center of the DCCCD

Home Page.

NOTE: If you do not have an email address, or you did not already have an

established email at the time of your DCCCD enrollment, please contact

the Service Desk at one of the following suitable numbers:

972 669 – 6402 STUDENT, 972-669-6460 FACULTY, or 972-669-6477 EMPLOYEE

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Navigate to eConnect from DCCCD Home Page

STEP 3 From the eConnect Home Page, CLICK on the Current Credit

Student Menu.

Note: If you already know your eConnect USERNAME and PASSWORD, then

please proceed to STEP 9

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Navigate to Current Credit Student Menu within eConnect

STEP 4 In the Current Credit Student Menu, look in the second column

of the subcategories and locate the My eConnect Account.

Within that category, CLICK on the “Get My

Student/Employee/Retiree ID” link.

If you do not know your DCCCD student ID number (not your SSN), you will first

need to obtain that through the “Get My Student/Employee/Retiree ID” link.

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STEP 5 At the “Get My Employee/Student/Retiree ID” section, input

the required information in the three fields:

Last Name

Birth Date in MMDDYY format

SSN without using dashes

When finished, CLICK the Submit Button at the bottom center of the


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Next, you will receive the “My Employee/Student/Retiree ID: Results.”

Student/Employee ID: This will be in a seven numeric digit format (i.e. –


Online Services Sign-On ID – This will be in three alphabetic initials by four

numeric digit format (i.e. – abc1234)

STEP 6 CLICK on the Student Menu to return to the Current Credit

Student Menu. This is where you will locate the My eConnect

Account Subcategory.

STEP 7 CLICK on the “Add Me to the eConnect Registry” link within

that subcategory.

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STEP 8 Once you are in the “Add Me to the eConnect Registry,”

complete the following required information and then CLICK on

the Submit Button.

Last Name

Birth Date in the MMDDYY format

Email Address

Note: STUDENTS: the EMAIL ADDRESS requested is the one you


do not remember which EMAIL ADDRESS you input during that

process, then, go to your College Admissions Office within

DCCCD to obtain the EMAIL ADDRESS on file, before you can

proceed with the screen below.

EMPLOYEES: the EMAIL ADDRESS needed is the one that you

added when you completed your EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION. If

you do not remember which EMAIL ADDRESS you input during

that process, then contact your DCCCD LOCATION HUMAN


before you can proceed with the screen below

7-digit Employee/Student/Retiree ID

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STEP 9 Once you have been added to the eConnect Registry and you have

created a password (TWELVE-DIGIT MINIMUM…), then you are now

ready to obtain your unique enrollment code to then use once you

navigate to the following external site, which DCCCD has partnered

with GreenLight as a delivery service for your academic


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STEP 10 While still within eConnect, navigate to Credit Student Menu

and CLICK on “Get My GreenLight Enrollment Code” link.

From there, you will be taken to the eConnect Log in Screen

shown below.

Type in your STUDENT/EMPLOYEE/RETIREE ID, your newly


the SUBMIT Button. This will officially log you into the

eConnect Site.

STEP 11 Now that you are logged back into eConnect, the screen appears

with and your digital transcript enrollment code. This code is

needed to access and setup your GreenLight Account. Once set up,

you may then request your transcripts.

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STEP 12 Next, CLICK on the “Copy to Clipboard” link which will copy

your personalized digital transcript enrollment code to the virtual


STEP 13 Click on “Create Your GreenLight Credentials Profile”.

Note: This will take you to GreenLight

Transfer from eConnect to the GreenLight Site

STEP 14 Once on home page, select “Register”

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STEP 15 Click on the “how to” button to watch an amazing video.

STEP 16 Once done watching video, select “I’m a student’, enter

enrollment code (copied from clipboard),

Last Name

Birth Date in the MMDDYY format

Use My GreenLight Enrollment Code

STEP 17 You have now navigated to the GreenLight site. This is where you

will follow the steps below to validate, enroll, and activate your

GreenLight Account.

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STEP 18 Click “validate”

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FERPA Release Authorization and Consent Form

STEP 19 Through the validation process, you will be asked to complete the

FERPA Release Authorization and Consent Form. This allows

DCCCD or whomever to disclose student educational records.

This form is shown below:

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Complete GreenLight Validation & Account Setup Process

STEP 20 Once your account is validated and your enrollment code

is matched with your GreenLight Account, you will officially login to

this external site (which is GreenLight) to complete the STUDENT

REGISTRATION FORM to sign up with GreenLight.

You will be asked to fill out some details and create a USERNAME and PASSWORD. You

will need to have an EMAIL ADDRESS to complete registration. If you do not have one,

you can get a free EMAIL ADDRESS from Gmail or Yahoo.

TIP: To access your records at your fingertips, download the GreenLight Academic

Locker app from the iPhone App Store or Google Play.

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GreenLight Account Activation Requirement Process

STEP 21 Once you have completed the student registration

section, CLICK the agreement to terms, and then CLICK the Green

Sign Up Button to finalize that process.

Once you are complete with this process and your registration was successfully setup,

you must navigate to your email address, that you included in the student registration

form, to then CLICK on the ACCOUNT ACTIVATION LINK. This is a required set within this


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Finally, verify your email address by clicking on the activation email you receive from

GreenLight screen above.

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Login to GreenLight Academic Locker

STEP 22 Once you have activated your GreenLight Account, you will

receive a pop-up message notifying you that your account activation

was successful.

STEP 23 Login to the GreenLight website once you receive the

activation success message as seen below.

GreenLight Dashboard Homepage

STEP 24 Navigate to the GreenLight website and type in your

newly created username and password. Once logged in, you will be

in the Dashboard Homepage as shown below.

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Sharing Your Educational Accomplishments in GreenLight

How do I request a transcript from my college?

For Example, if you are a student at one of the colleges of DCCCD, your

Academic Locker will look like this:

Log in to the GreenLight Academic Locker. Click “My Credentials” and

“Existing Credentials” to get to the transcripts tab. SELECT the DCCCD

College you are requesting your transcript from and click “Request” as

shown in the above image.

The status will change to “Transcript Request Pending.”

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NOTE: It could take up to an hour during peak times for your transcript to process

and become available in your Academic Locker. You can check the status of

the request by clicking “Track Transcript Status.”

When your transcript is ready, the status will change to “Transcript

Available.” If your transcript does not reflect recent changes, you may

request it again or contact the Registrar’s office.

Your Transcripts are now ready to View

Once your transcripts are ready to view within GreenLight Academic Locker, you

will receive an email from them as shown below.

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Viewing your Electronic Official Transcripts in GreenLight

Once your transcripts have been pulled from the GreenLight database, (you may

have waited to receive confirmation email), login to GreenLight Academic Locker

and locate your transcripts to view, share, and/or download as shown in image


When you want to view your electronic official transcripts before you share them,

CLICK on the View Transcript Icon and then your transcripts will appear on another

page within GreenLight as shown below.

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How do I share (send) my transcript with an employer, college or university?

Click the share icon and choose whether you are sharing with an “Academic

Institution” or an “Employer/Others.” Select the college you received the

transcript from and enter the recipient information.

If you are sending a transcript to an educational institution for admissions, and you

have already applied, enter the application number in the “Reference ID” field.

Similarly, if you are sending your resume as part of a job application, enter your

application number in the “Reference ID” field.

When the form is complete, review and agree to the terms of use and click “Share.”

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It is recommended that you explore and complete the following areas within the

GreenLight website:

STEP 1 Complete a profile

STEP 2 Request your transcript

STEP 3 View your transcript

STEP 4 Share your transcript, either to your own email

You are now ready to use the GreenLight external site. Please follow the directions

on the webpage to complete the registration process with this transcript vendor in

order to receive your academic transcript. You may be asked to obtain and submit

your academic transcripts when transferring to another higher education institution

to continue your education. In addition, your academic transcripts may be needed

when you are applying for a new job.

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Finishing and Logging Out of GreenLight Credential Site

To log out of the GreenLight website, CLICK on the Dashboard button on the

upper left top green bar shown below. Once you are at the GreenLight Dashboard

Homepage, the log out button is in the upper right button of the top green bar.

Click on the button and you will immediately log out and return to the GreenLight

Locker Home page as reference.

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DCCCD Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the College

may release information classified as "directory information" to the general public

without the written consent of the student. Directory information includes: (1)

student name, (2) student address, (3) telephone number, (4) date and place of

birth, (5) weight and height of members of athletic teams, (6) participation in

officially recognized activities and sports (7) dates of attendance, (8) educational

institution most recently attended and, (9) other similar information, including major

field of study and degrees and awards received.

A student may request that all or any part of the directory information be withheld

from the public by giving written notice to the Registrar's Office during the first 12

class days of a fall or spring semester or the first four class days of a summer session.

If no request is filed, directory information is released upon written inquiry. No

telephone inquiries are acknowledged; all requests must be made in person. No

transcript or academic record is released without written consent from the student,

except as specified by law.

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