A data mining me thod for obtaining glo bal  power quality index Sara Nourollah Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan, Iran [email protected] Mehdi Moallem Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan, Iran [email protected]   Abstract -The new development in power system such as restructuring and competetive electricity market make power quality an important factor in competition. However, to find a measure for power quality evaluatio n is very difficult due to many indices involved in power quality standards. For this reason, obtaining a single quantitative index based on the standard measurements has been a new challenge in recent researches. Data mining methods are required for this purpose due to the large amount of data obtained from power quality measurements. In this paper, a data mining method is proposed to determine a global index for power quality. The continuous and discrete indices of power quality are considered and the Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI) is presented for each power quality index, based on the method of incorporation and normalization. The indices normalized and classified. The power quality level of each distribution site is determined by the Fast Independent Component Analysis (Fast-ICA) algorithm. The power quality measurements of 313 distribution sites in Iran are used to classify the indices for different type of loads in the distribution system.  Key Words-Power Quality, Data Mining, Fast-ICA, Classification. I. INTRODUCTION In the past two decades, the electric power quality has become very important for several reasons such as the increase nonlinear loads such as arc and power electronic loads, expansion of the sensitive loads such as computers and microprocessors, expansion of the interconnected power networks, renewing the structure in the electric industry and providing the competitive electric market. Power quality mainly includes voltage quality of supply and emission limit of the load currents. The former is to evaluate the effects of supply voltage on customers and loads, and the latter is to indicate the disturbances of load to the grid and other customers [1]. To adapt the request of market, such as complete assessing of power quality, amending the price of power and finally realizing ‘higher price for higher quality’, the traditional power quality evaluation could be more extensive in meaning, more integrated in framework and more realizable in characterization [1]. The disturbances of  power quality and their negative effects on the power system can be evaluated by the power quality indices. Many studies have been carried out to determine the  power quality disturbances and to introduce the effective indices for explaining their features. Some of these studies are as follows: Improved-ICA [2], Fuzzy Clustering Analysis [3], presenting a method  based on the s-transform [4], a method based on the fuzzy-wavelet transform [5], a method for obtaining a global index of discrete disturbances [6], introducing the new indices of power quality [7]. To study power quality of distribution sites needs to collect and assessment many different data, related to the types of power quality indices. The measured data are not in a suitable form to present the power quality condition of a site or a special area. Although considerable endeavors have been already performed to define the different kinds of power quality disturbances and their indices, it is less tried to determine a specific framework for determining a global power quality index. In this paper, a data mining method is proposed for defining the global power quality index. The continuous and discrete phenomena of power quality, indices and their limitations are firstly introduced. In  part 4, a normalization and incorporation method of recorded indices is presented to evaluate the annual index of each power quality indices. In part 5, the

Data Mining Method for Obtaining Power Quality Index

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  • A data mining method for obtaining global power quality index

    Sara Nourollah Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan, Iran

    [email protected]

    Mehdi Moallem Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan, Iran

    [email protected]

    Abstract-The new development in power system such as restructuring and competetive electricity market make power quality an important factor in competition. However, to find a measure for power quality evaluation is very difficult due to many indices involved in power quality standards. For this reason, obtaining a single quantitative index based on the standard measurements has been a new challenge in recent researches. Data mining methods are required for this purpose due to the large amount of data obtained from power quality measurements. In this paper, a data mining method is proposed to determine a global index for power quality. The continuous and discrete indices of power quality are considered and the Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI) is presented for each power quality index, based on the method of incorporation and normalization. The indices normalized and classified. The power quality level of each distribution site is determined by the Fast Independent Component Analysis (Fast-ICA) algorithm. The power quality measurements of 313 distribution sites in Iran are used to classify the indices for different type of loads in the distribution system.

    Key Words-Power Quality, Data Mining, Fast-ICA, Classification.

    I. INTRODUCTION In the past two decades, the electric power quality

    has become very important for several reasons such as the increase nonlinear loads such as arc and power electronic loads, expansion of the sensitive loads such as computers and microprocessors, expansion of the interconnected power networks, renewing the structure in the electric industry and providing the competitive electric market. Power quality mainly includes voltage quality of supply and emission limit of the load currents. The former is to evaluate the effects of supply voltage on customers and loads, and the latter is to indicate the disturbances of load to the

    grid and other customers [1]. To adapt the request of market, such as complete assessing of power quality, amending the price of power and finally realizing higher price for higher quality, the traditional power quality evaluation could be more extensive in meaning, more integrated in framework and more realizable in characterization [1]. The disturbances of power quality and their negative effects on the power system can be evaluated by the power quality indices. Many studies have been carried out to determine the power quality disturbances and to introduce the effective indices for explaining their features. Some of these studies are as follows: Improved-ICA [2], Fuzzy Clustering Analysis [3], presenting a method based on the s-transform [4], a method based on the fuzzy-wavelet transform [5], a method for obtaining a global index of discrete disturbances [6], introducing the new indices of power quality [7].

    To study power quality of distribution sites needs to collect and assessment many different data, related to the types of power quality indices. The measured data are not in a suitable form to present the power quality condition of a site or a special area. Although considerable endeavors have been already performed to define the different kinds of power quality disturbances and their indices, it is less tried to determine a specific framework for determining a global power quality index.

    In this paper, a data mining method is proposed for defining the global power quality index. The continuous and discrete phenomena of power quality, indices and their limitations are firstly introduced. In part 4, a normalization and incorporation method of recorded indices is presented to evaluate the annual index of each power quality indices. In part 5, the

  • power quality indices are linearly classified from the best to worst levels. In part 6, the FAST-ICA algorithm and its application are described in order to determine a global power quality index for each distribution site is discussed. In part VII, the power quality of a real distribution system is evaluated by the measured data of 313 sites, based on the type of load.


    After measuring single indices of power quality for obtaining two global indices of power quality, there are five step which should be followed:

    1. Introduce continuous and discrete phenomena of power quality and their limitations.

    2. Normalize and incorporate recorded indices to evaluate the annual index of each power quality indices.

    3. Classify the power quality indices linearly from the best to worst levels.

    4. Implement the Fast-ICA algorithm in order to determine weight matrix (w) and then distance index for each distribution site.

    5. Evaluate two global indices for six type of loads.


    Since years ago, some of the measurable parameters have been accepted as the power quality phenomena. These parameters determine the power quality level in the monitoring point. The national and international standards define limitations for these parameters. The power quality phenomena are divided to two continuous and discrete groups. Some of the most important phenomena are shown in Fig. 1 [8].

    For any continuous power quality phenomena, an index is presented in various standards that their recommended limits according to Iran Power Industry Standards-Power Quality (IPIS) for 20 KV are presented in Table I.

    Fig. 1 Power quality phenomena and their classification

  • TABLE I. Recommended limits of continuous disturbances according to IPIS for 20 KV

    V_div% Pf THDv% THDi% I_unbal% V_unbal% F_div Plt Pst Index

    5 0.9 5 5 8 2 0.6 0.7 0.9 Limit

    In general, there are few methods for defining the discrete power quality indices and no international standard has been still presented. Some of these methods provide a count of event frequency and duration, the undelivered energy during events or the cost and severity of the disturbances.

    One of the most common methods of evaluating the discrete power quality phenomena is using voltage tolerance curves that are plots of equipment maximum acceptable voltage deviation versus time duration for acceptable operation. The most famous of these curves are Computer and Business Equipment Manufactors Association (CBEMA) and Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC) curves. In [9], the RPM index is presented, based on the CBMA graph. In [9] deficiencies of RPM index are mentioned and better method of least squares was applied to the log plot of CBEMA/ITIC curves. According to this method, an index named Contour Number (CN) in equation (1) is calculated for each point of the graph in Fig. 2.





    ,where VCBMA/ITIC is calculated based on equation (2), (3), (4):




    tV SagCBEMA (2)




    tV SwellCBEMA (3)




    ttV transOsITIC (4)

    For any discrete phenomenon, permissible limits of CN index based on recorded data in 9 European countries and method given in [9] are presented in Table II. In this method, the indices are generated by the number of events in each region of CBEMA curve using UNIPEDE DISDIP survey results and Electric Power Research Institute DPQ project data and weighting them in each region [9].

    TABLE II. permitted limits of CN

    CN_Os.transient CN_swell CN_sag Index

    1 5 4 Limit

    Fig. 2 CBEMA and ITIC curve fittings for different discrete disturbance types (i.e., voltage sags, swells, and transients) [9].


    During a year, a distribution site is frequently studied and its power quality indices are calculated and recorded. The recorded data are not in a suitable form to show the power quality status of site. Therefore, it requires to present a method for this problem. The following method is based on the normalization and incorporation procedure of recorded indices during a year.

  • A. Normalization

    In order to normalize, each recorded index is divided to its permitted amount. For example, the permitted amount of Pst index is 0.9. If the recorded value for the Pst index is 0.8, its normalized value will be 0.89. So, the final indices obtained by normalizing, have a simple feature that their permitted value is 1.

    B. Incorporation

    For incorporation procedure, the recorded and normalized indices of each index during a year are incorporated in a way that a suitable annual standard is obtained for each index. Generally, the average or maximum value is used for incorporation. But it is shown that these standards are not suitable, and a better standard is presented. There is a need for a single number, which we call the Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI), to summarise the overall level of PQ disturbances. The maximum and average method and proposed method are compared in Table III. The presented values in the table consist of the measured samples of an index for 3 distribution sites. The Power Quality Index(PQI) average equals the average value and the PQImaximum equals the maximum value in the annual recorded value of index. As it is presented in table 3, the recorded values of site 1 are all in their permitted limits and there is no problem with the power quality. Nevertheless, the PQIaverage value of site 1 is more than site 3, while one of the recorded value of site 3 is more than the permitted limit. Therefore, the average value is not a suitable standard for incorporation. In addition, the PQImaximum value of site 2 and site 3 are equal, while three recorded value of site 2 are more than the permitted limits, and site 3 has only an unpermitted value and it is in a better status. So, the maximum value is also not a suitable standard for incorporation. In this paper, it is suggested that the UPQI value is applied for incorporation. This index is computed according to the following instructions:

    1) If all the recorded value are less than 1, the UPQI value equals the maximum of recorded values which indicates the greatest probability of its effect on the power system,s customers.

    2) If some of the recorded values are more than 1, the UPQI value equals the addition of 1 with average of trepass values that the trepass values is index value minus 1. If an index is less than 1, the trepass value is zero.

    As it is shown in Table III, UPQI value of site 2 is less than site 3 and UPQI value of site 3 is less than site 1 that its reliability is accordant with intuition.

    TABLE III. Comparing of average, maximum and proposed methods.

    3 2 1 Site


    0.5 1.2 0.8 First sample

    0.1 0.6 0.7 Second sample

    0.4 1.4 0.8 Third sample

    1.4 1.4 0.8 Fourth sample

    0.6 1.1 0.8 PQIavarage

    1.4 1.4 0.8 PQImaximum

    1.1 1.4 0.8 UPQI


    After computing the UPQI indices for each power quality index and distribution site, the recorded data are reduced by classifying them in their permitted and unpermitted area in order to change the data into a set of coherent and useful data. The procedure is that the power quality indices are linearly classified according to their maximum of permitted level. The permitted maximum of each phenomenon is in class 3. The classes 1, 2 and 3 are the permitted areas and the classes 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the unpermitted areas of power quality phenomena. When the classification level becomes closer from class 1 to class 7, the quality level of phenomena is reduced. In Table IV, numbering the classes is presented based on their quality expression. Now this question is put forward that in which level of power quality, a distribution site with the various power quality indices is classified. In the next section, the ICA algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. Table V shows the classification levels of the normalized power quality

  • indices. This classification is performed by studying and examining more than a hundred of measured points in Iran.

    TABLE IV. Numbering the classes based on their quality expression.

    Excellent Class 1 Very good Class 2

    Good Class 3 Medium Class 4

    Bad Class 5 Very bad Class 6

    Terrible Class 7


    The ICA algorithm is a known method for finding the hidden structure of data. In linear position, the ICA model is as below:

    wsx =


    where x is the data matrix and w is the hidden structure of data. There are various methods for computing the matrix w such as FAST-ICA algorithm which estimates the matrix w by the following equations:

    (6) { } { }wxwgExwgxEw TT ).().(. ( ) ( ) 3343 ,4

    1 yygyyg == (7)

    The steps of implementing the FAST-ICA algorithm are as follows:

    1. The x data are transformed such that they have

    zero mean and preprocessed by whitening .

    2. An initial unit norm vector w is chosen randomly.

    3. The functions g, g are calculated according to

    equations (7).

    4. The w is updated according to equation (6).

    5. The w is again normalized to have unit norm.

    6. The steps 3, 4, 5 are repeated until the convergence.

    For example, in order to use the ICA algorithm for determining the quality level of 10 measured sites in the 20KV distribution system of Isfahan province, the data matrix x is presented as blow. By implementing the FAST-ICA algorithm, the matrix w is computed in dimensions 112. With

    TABLE V. Classifying the limit of changes of 12 power quality phenomena.

    Class 7 Class 6 Class 5 Class 4 Class 3 Class 2 Class 1

    9 7 5 3 1 0.66 0.33 V_dev

    5 4 3 2 1 0.66 0.33 THDv

    7.5 4.75 3.5 2.25 1 0.66 0.33 THDi

    5 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.66 0.33 V_unbal

    7.5 4.75 3.5 2.25 1 0.66 0.33 I_unbal

    5 1.5 1.33 1.16 1 0.66 0.33 F_dev

    10 4 3 2 1 0.66 0.33 Pf

    5.55 2 1.66 1.33 1 0.66 0.33 Pst

    5.72 2.29 1.86 1.43 1 0.66 0.33 Plt

    10 3.4 2.6 1.8 1 0.66 0.33 CN_Swell 10 4 3 2 1 0.66 0.33 CN_Sag 10 4 3 2 1 0.66 0.33 CN_Trans

  • =

    0.100.0110.0 00.90.0100.550.750.700.500.572.555.500.440.34.00 00.700.400.475.475.450. 00.500.300.350.350.300. 00.300.

    0.66 0.660.66 0.660.660.660.660.660.660.660.660.660.330.330.33 0.330.330.330.330.330.330.330.3333.00.140.560.04 1.50.610.431.000.410.250.530.821.


    using these weighting coefficients, the close degree of any class or site of matrix X can be calculated, according to the Euclidean space distance method. First, the virtual optimal and worst points of indicators are obtained as:

    { }{ }

















    Then, the Euclidean distance of samples are calculated by best point (d+) and the worst point (d-) based on equation (9):



















    where m=12 and i=1,2,,17. Finally, close degree (Ci) is obtained as:




    ii dd



    If Ci is closer to zero, the position of that point is better. The indices C1 to C10 are related to 10 measured site and C11 to C17 are related to 7 defined classes. For each site, the Ci is calculated and set in a class that its Ci is closer to. Therefore, all the measured sites are qualitatively classified.


    In this section, the power quality status is examined for each type of loads in a real distribution system. Here, the measured data of 313 distribution sites are evaluated in 4 provinces Isfahan, Qazvin, Khuzestan and Kurdistan. The measured sites are divided in to 6 groups as follows:

    Group 1: metallic and casting industry.

    Group 2: textile industry.

    Group 3: nutritional and chemical industry.

    Group 4: nonmetallic and stonework industry.

    Group 5: residential, public and hospital.

    Group 6: mixed load.

    In Table VI, the number of points, related to each type of load is shown.

  • TABLE VI. Number of measured points related to each type of load.

    Number of measured points Type of load 73 metallic and casting industry 17 textile industry 31 nutritional and chemical industry 65 nonmetallic and stonework industry 47 residential, public and hospital 81 mixed load

    There are two global indices defined with names of Supply side Power Performance Index (SPPI) and Load side Power Performance Index (LPPI). SPPI shows effect of six voltage power quality indices and LPPI shows effect of three current power quality indices. In each class, The redundancy percentage of twelve indices is calculated for different load types. For instance, the bar graph of redundancy percentage for metallic and casting industry, related to three current indices are shown in Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3 The bar graph of redundancy percentage for metallic and casting industry, related to three current indices.

    In each class, the redundancy percentage of global power quality indices is calculated for different load types. According to results, the class related to the greatest redundancy percentage for each type of loads, are presented in Table VII.

    TABLE VII. The class related to the greatest redundancy percentage for each type of loads

    Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 SPPI 3 2 2 2 3 2 LPPI 4 3 3 4 3 3


    In this paper, a method is presented to obtain two power quality global indices for the recorded data. In

    this method, the recorded data were normalized, incorporated and classified. Then, the power quality level of several distribution sites was evaluated, based on the type of load and position in the distribution system.In the view point of the type of loads, it can be noted that the nonmetallic and stonework industry has the best level according to the global power quality index In all types of loads, four index have the best quality with compared to other indices: voltage unbalance, total harmonic distortion, voltage swell and transients.


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