D&D Frost Prince 2 1

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  • 7/26/2019 D&D Frost Prince 2 1


    Gelus: Hello. Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Gelus, and were a

    traveling improv group. Here, let me give you a demonstration. My men shall play a

    group of drunken sailors, and youre a bunch of baby seals. Aaaand, go.

    !ome murdering happens"

    Gelus: Aaand, scene.

    Mayor Moori: #hat do you want from us$ #hy are you slaughtering our people$

    Gelus: #ellll, % was &ust in the area and % thought this would be a delightful place for

    a summer home' #hat the f((k do you think %m here for$

    Mayor Moori: )ur trees$

    Gelus: *ivalis, two or three more.

    *ivalis: +wo or three more$

    Gelus: +wo or three more.

    More murdering happens"

    Gelus: ery good *ivalis. !ee$ #hy cant you be more like him, Algor$

    Algor: !orry -oss.

    Gelus: *ow, then, all kidding aside #heres the !hard$

    Mayor Moori: #e dont have it.

    Gelus: /ou know, %d be inclined to believe you if the last village mayor didnt say

    the e0act same thing 1ntil we killed everyone and tortured the information out of

    him, of course. %ts the darndest thing, too /oure beginning to remind me a lot of


    Mayor Moori: 2lease. 3o not be upset.

    Gelus: )hhh, % dont get upset. % have people to do that for me. Algor$

    Algor: #ith gusto.

  • 7/26/2019 D&D Frost Prince 2 1


    #arrior: !top right there4

    Gelus: )h, look, more baby seals.

    #arrior: #ere here to stop this senseless slaughter of our people.

    Gelus: *inety'two

    #arrior: +his has gone on for too long. And now, youre going to pay.

    Gelus: +hree hundred and 5fty'5ve

    #arrior: #e are #e #hat are you$

    Gelus: *o, go on, continue, dont mind me.

    #arrior: And #e are the ones who will stop you.

    Gelus: )oh, wow, four hundred and nineteen.

    #arrior: And... #hat the Hell are you doing$

    Gelus: )h, sorry, its a little hobby of mine. % hear these heroic speeches so wearily

    often, so %ve started keeping a mental list of how many times %ve hear certain


    #arrior: /ou /ou insane bastard.

    Gelus: )ne hundred and ninety.

    #arrior: /eah$ #ell, uh, were going to 6((7 /)18 6A94

    Gelus: )h'oh, my4 ....twelve.

    #arrior: Hrrrh4

    Gelus: *ivalis, give the command4

    *ivalis: Algor, give the command4

    Algor: Get ;em.

    a few minutes pass"

    *ivalis: !ir, they seem to be stronger than we thought.

  • 7/26/2019 D&D Frost Prince 2 1


    Gelus: )h, how cute.

    screams from Gelus

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    *ivalis: As could %, >ord Gelus.

    Mayor Moori: 6ine. Here. +ake the !hard4 And leave us be.

    Gelus: )h, &ust one more ?uestion. 9ould you point us in the direction of the ne0t

    village$ /ou seem to have destroyed out Artifact.

    Mayor Moori: +hat wasnt part of our deal4

    Gelus: Annnd 5ve hundred4 Algor, show them what theyve won4

    9hild murder happens"

    Mayor Moori: /ou /ou killed my son4

    Algor: /eah, sorry about that. How ;bout % do you a favor$ Mooris +urn" +here. *ow


    wont miss him.

    Gelus: )h, and while youre at it, could you deal with the rest$

    Algor: % really do love kids. +hey dont leave much of a mess.

    Adventurers are dragged away by wi@ard"

  • 7/26/2019 D&D Frost Prince 2 1


    +enor: %

  • 7/26/2019 D&D Frost Prince 2 1


    +enor: 2ansy4

    *ivalis: #ha''$ (they collide( +enor4 How dare you ram into me while %m thinking

    about >ord Gelus and my thong4

    +enor: /eah, &ust going to ignore that one entirely.

    *ivalis: -ut it is a good thing % found you, +enor. *ow are you going to come ?uietly,

    or do % have to make you scream$

    +enor: )h, you mean like Algor$

    *ivalis: )h please. *ever send a woman to do a mans &ob.


    +enor: 6acedown with another man pounding your ass4 %s it #ednesday already


    *ivalis: ery cute, +enor. -ut you have no idea what youre getting into.

    +enor: Ha4 /ou have got to be kidding me4 % may have lost to those fools, but since %

    got here, %ve done nothing but slaughter you cretins4 6irst ui, then Algor. %m two

    for three, and %m back on top.

    *ivalis: #ell, +enor, % hope youve en&oyed being on top because %m about to put

    you back on the bottom, where you belong. /ou see, %ve been hiding another side

    of myself.

    +enor: #here, in the closet$

    *ivalis: *ow prepare yourself...for the beast within4 % should warn you though this

    form is entirely di=erent from me in every way. (transforms(

    *ivalis monster: %MMA 8A2 /)1, -%+9H4

    +enor: +o be perfectly honest, youre not that di=erent, youre &ust a lot less subtle

    about it )H M/ G)34

    (*ivalis grabs and starts headbutting +enor knocking him unconcious, nter


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    (!econd ncounter(

    *ivalis: !) we meet again +enor.

    +enor: )h % thought % smelt body glitter.

    *ivalis: Are you going to come along peacefully$ or am % going to have to give youanother pounding$

    +enor: )ne time youve defeated me *ivalis, and thats one time too many4

    *ivalis: *othings changed, +enor. +he last time we fought you were barely alive

    when % left your body.

    +enor: +hat reminds me. 3id you do anything to me while % was unconscious$

    *ivalis: 3'did % what$

    +enor: 3id you do anything to me while % was unconscious$

    *ivalis: #hat$ *o4 God no4

    +enor: )h thank God, % &Iwait, what do you mean by that$ Am % not good enough for


    *ivalis: All right, +enor, %m going to be totally honest with you. +his is sounding

    really gay.

    +enor: #hat, % #hat are you

    *ivalis: *ot that theres anything wrong with that4

    +enor: Just Just transform, damn you.

    *ivalis: /ouve made a huge mistake +enor4 *ow prepare to die4


    +enor: #hat was that, % couldnt hear you over that hole % made in your stomach4

    *ivalis: -ut +enor, please, &ust give me a chance. #e could work together4

    +enor: /eah, yeah, %ve heard that bit already. *ow let me put this in a way youllunderstand: %m about to blow my load all over your insides.