Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

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Page 1: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin
Page 2: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin
Page 3: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

Dear Family of Faith,

The preparation one gives to anything will many times determine the degree of fulfillment we receive from participating. In any sport or musical venture, the amount of practice one puts into preparation will determine the fulfillment of the desired outcome. The Christian life and our participation in our Sunday School Groups is no different.

We desire to make disciples who make other disciple makers here at First Baptist! We know that discipleship happens best in the context of relationship. We encourage you to be in community with others in your Sunday School Group. We also encourage you to daily spend time in God’s Word walking through the passages that you will be digging into Sunday with your Group. This personal study guide journal is a tool to guide your preparation time to that end. You will want to jot down your answers to the questions and exercises you find each day to prepare for the Sunday Group experience.

This quarter, we study together portions of the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. As we walk through God’s Word, we will discover that God’s presence is always with us, and that He is holy and He is our only deliverer. We will also see that God’s grace is sufficient and His providential love will redeem us. Don’t forget to use the journal to its fullest by reading the passages prescribed each day, journaling your answers to the questions, reflecting back over the week on Saturday, taking notes on Sunday in your Group, and then planning your application from all you’ve heard in the preceding week as you prepare for a new week on Sunday night. Also, we have the privilege of walking together with our entire family as all ages, elementary and older, are pursuing this study together.

As you can see, this quarter’s Personal Study Guide is a wonderful tool for you to use on your journey to know the Savior in a personal way. We look forward to hearing from you about all that God does in your life in the days ahead as we journey in His Word!

Serving Jesus with you,

Steve CliftonExecutive Pastor of Education


Page 4: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

Sunday Lesson Title Scripture

December 4 Commissioned Joshua 1:1-9December 11 Conquest Joshua 6:12-25December 18 Commitment Kept Joshua 10:6-14December 25 Savior Announced* Luke 1:26-38January 1 Settled Joshua 22:1-8January 8 Challenged Joshua 24:14-28January 15 Value All** Proverbs 24:10-12; Mark 10:46-49January 22 Rebellion’s Cycle Judges 2:11-19January 29 Willing Servants Judges 4:4-10, 12-16February 5 Timid Warrior Judges 6:11-16, 25-32February 12 Compromised Potential Judges 16:4-6, 13-20February 19 Faith Through Trials Ruth 1:6-18February 26 Redeemed and Secure Ruth 3:8-13; 4:13-17

*Christmas and evangelistic emphasis**Sanctity of Human Life emphasis

List of Lessons


Page 5: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

Week of November 28, 2016

Joshua 1:1-9

God’s unfailing presence leads us to be strong and courageous and to obey His commands.

This Week’s Memory Verse: No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will

not fail you or forsake you. Joshua 1:5 (NASB)





In this passage, the people of Israel are about to take hold of the land that God has given into their hands. Moses had led them for more than 40 years, and now it was Joshua’s turn. Can you imagine the courage Joshua would need to lead at this unique time in the history of God’s people? While Joshua had many reasons to be nervous and afraid, he had far greater reasons to take courage. The God who gave the promise of the land would be with Israel wherever they went. God gave Joshua three reasons to be of courage as he took the land —the guarantee that the battle had already been won, the dependability of God’s Word, and the promise to always be with them. Though our circumstances are drastically different than Joshua’s were those thousands of years ago, we still have these same promises. As we grow in our love for God and our depth of knowledge and love for His Word, we will follow Him with deeper and deeper levels of courage. God is good and gracious to us, and He will never leave us. When we enter the places He has called us to, we can obey Him with courage knowing that He is right there with us.

• What happened before Joshua took charge of Israel? What reason did he have to take courage?

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• Is there something God is asking you to do right now that you lack the courage to follow through on? How do we rely on His courage instead of our own?

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Ask the Lord to work through any losses you have experienced in order to refine your character and sharpen your obedience to His voice. Ask Him to speak to you in direct ways this week, so that you may obey and honor His call on your life!



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Joshua 1:10-18

God’s sovereignty is the foundation of our responsibility to obey.MAIN IDEA

We must balance our knowledge of God’s control over every situation with our instruction for obedience. God’s sovereignty was not negated when He instructed the Israelites to do the work of taking the land. Joshua reminded the Israelites of their part in God’s plan, “For within three days you are to cross this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you, to possess it” (v. 11). It is significant that the word “possess” is used twice in this verse—for although God had given them the land of Canaan, it was still their duty to take hold of it. It was still their duty to possess and grab hold of the gift. The word “possess” is counter-balanced with the word “give” two other times in the remainder of the passage. Just as salvation is a gift, it is not ours until we reach out our desperate hands and possess it. The “rest” which Joshua speaks of refers to settlement. We are able to rest—accept, settle, and enjoy—in the gifts of God when we are obedient to His call to receive them.

• What role did the Israelites have to play in receiving the gift of the land of Canaan? How does this speak to God’s character, that He wanted their involvement in taking hold of His gift?

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• Are you failing to grasp the truths found in God’s Word? Which promise of God are you failing to take hold of in order to live “settled?”

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Thank the Lord for inviting you to partake in His gifts. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the willpower to accept and take hold of God’s good promises.





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Fearing God is not always easy, but it is always right.MAIN IDEA

This is the essence of courage: choosing to fear God more than man. This is the case with Rahab the prostitute. All of her actions demonstrated faith in the God of Israel over culture, popular opinion, and even governmental authority. Her life demonstrated true courage and illustrated that fearing God is not always easy, but it is always right. Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. Rahab proclaimed who God is, what He has done, and His authority on behalf of His people. These are powerful statements coming from a foreigner! She declared that since the Lord God of Israel had done such mighty works, He must be the true God, Maker of heaven and earth. Like Rahab, Christians demonstrate courageous faith when they respond to challenging situations by expressing their trust in God.

• How did Rahab express her faith in the midst of difficult circumstances? ________________________________________________________


• What are some examples of practical ways we demonstrate our faith through actions that show our trust in God?


Ask God to give you the courage to trust in Him by surrendering your everyday comforts for His glory.


Joshua 2Wednesday



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May our memories bear witness to the goodness of God.


The miraculous crossing of the Jordan River by the Israelites was just that, as highlighted by the fact that it occurred during a time in which the river typically floods. Afterward, God instructed the Israelites to erect a monument to commemorate their crossing. It was built of twelve stones, representing the twelve tribes of Israel. The stones were taken from the river where the Levites bearing the ark had stood. The purpose of the monument was for the Israelite children to know the miracle that happened to their parents. When future generations asked, “What do these stones mean?” the monument served to remind them of the miraculous crossing. We must be intentional about remembering and sharing the great things God has done—may our memories bear witness to the goodness of God.

• What did God instruct the Israelites to do after crossing the Jordan River? Why?


• How do you regularly remind yourself of the Lord’s faithfulness? ________________________________________________________


Thank the Lord for some specific major events in your life where God has shown Himself to be great.


Joshua 3–4ThursdayDec.



Page 9: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

God requires commitment and obedience to His Word from His people.


We see God’s call to commitment and obedience powerfully illustrated in today’s passage, as God required His people to be circumcised before considering their settling in to the promised land complete. Circumcision in Israel involved cutting off the male foreskin in accordance with the instructions given to Abraham, as a sign of the covenant God had made with him and his descendants. But, as the author of Joshua explains, “All the people who were born in the wilderness along the way as they came out of Egypt had not been circumcised” (v. 5). Just as Joshua’s obedience was swift and decisive, so must ours be when God speaks to us through His Word. In verses 10-12 we see that God was calling them to obedience to prepare them for worship. He continued to provide for them even though the means of His provision changed.

• What reasons might Joshua and the male Israelites have had to not obey immediately?


• What are the means God provides for you? ________________________________________________________


Spend some time with the Lord, asking if there is anything He is calling you to do or any act of obedience that He is waiting for you to take. Obey, and trust that He’ll strengthen you to do it.


Joshua 5:1-12Fridaydec.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Commissioned from Joshua 1:1-9. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.




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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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That all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, so that you may fear the Lord your God forever. Joshua 4:24 (NASB)

Week of december 5, 2016

Joshua 5:13 – 6:11

God’s people act according to faith and not according to human reasoning.MAIN IDEA


God’s ways are not our ways, and this tests and increases our faith. All that stood in the way of Israel’s possession of their land—the land already promised to them—was the city of Jericho. The city was one of the oldest in the world; and, although it was not large, it was a formidable city with imposing walls that could not be scaled. These facts made the Lord’s strategy for taking Jericho all the more unusual. God’s idea of conquering Jericho looked different than the Israelites’. No general in his right mind would consider marching for six days around a city full of valiant warriors as an effective means of intimidating the enemy or preparing for battle, much less using trumpets and shouting. We often experience things in our lives in which we do not doubt what God wants us to do, but we do question how He wants us to do it.

• What’s the most unusual command God gave Joshua and the Israelites related to Jericho?


• Do you struggle more in trusting God with what you do, or how you do it? Explain.



Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you and convict you of anything you’re not being obedient to. Repent of disobedience.





Page 13: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

Joshua 6:12-25

God’s plans work perfectly when we obey.MAIN IDEA

After Jericho’s destruction, the city was placed under a ban (v. 17), meaning that the city was banned from Israelite possession because it was solely for the Lord. The gift of the promised land was not for Israel’s glory, but for God’s. The ban removed any economic motivation for the Israelites’ actions. Indeed, the entrance into the promised land was not an arbitrary conquest—it was a holy war because Israel fought solely by the Lord’s instructions. Israel received no economic benefits from Jericho’s demise. Furthermore, God placed Canaanite cities under the ban so that Israel would not fall victim to the sinful influence of their enemies: “But as for you, only keep yourselves from the things under the ban, so that you do not covet them” (v. 18a). Joshua’s instruction to abstain from Canaanite pleasures mirrors Deuteronomy 20:18, “So that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against the Lord your God.” The ways of the Canaanites would only bring hardship, pain, and even a “curse” upon the Israelites (v. 18). The ban showed that the grateful Israelites held nothing back in sacrificing to the Lord, and it reflected their commitment to remain in the Lord’s ways.

• Why did God desire the city of Jericho to be placed under a “ban”? ________________________________________________________


• What area of your life is not under the total lordship of Christ? ________________________________________________________


Thank God for the blessings He has given you in your life. In gratitude, give back to Him an area where you are still gripping tightly—whether it is money, possessions, time, or relationships. Submit to Him and watch how His blessings increase.





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God disciplines His people for their protection, and not their destruction.


When Israel turned its attention toward Ai, Joshua sent scouts to survey the city. Filled with the ecstasy of their recent victory over Jericho, the scouts recommended Joshua not mobilize the entire army. A small raiding party would be sufficient to defeat such a small town. Heeding this advice, Joshua sent out a small contingent of men; but the citizens of Ai routed the Israelite raiding party, and Israel lost 36 men in the battle. This was shocking to Joshua and the Israelites, as they had every reason to believe that God would give them the victory. What purpose could this loss have served? Joshua did well to lead his grieving and confused people to God in prayer. He felt concern for God’s glory in both Israel’s victory at Jericho and Israel’s initial defeat at Ai. God soon revealed that Israel had sinned by seizing for themselves some of what He commanded to be set apart. The discipline was not for their destruction, but for their protection.

• What were the items that Achan took? What does this indicate about his act? What motivated Achan to steal these particular items?

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• Can you sympathize with Achan? What might the past few years of Achan’s life have been like?

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Reflect on Lamentations 3:22-23. Thank the Lord that He is the God of grace and He is the God of trying again. Repent—that is, turn away—from any remaining sin in your life. Rest in the arms of the God of forgiveness and new mercies! Know that His discipline is for your protection.


Joshua 7Wednesday



Page 15: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

God blesses our obedience.MAIN IDEA

Sin is wrong because it is disobedience to the Father. After ridding themselves of the spoils of Jericho, the Israelites were ready to trust in God more than in themselves. They set their hearts toward obedience to Him. We experience God’s blessings when we obey His voice: “God said to Joshua, ‘Don’t be timid and don’t so much as hesitate. Take all your soldiers with you and go back to Ai. I have turned the king of Ai over to you—his people, his city, and his land’” (v. 1). Obedience in and of itself is an act of faith. It takes trust in God to obey His word. Joshua relayed his confidence to his soldiers, “And you shall rise from your ambush and take possession of the city, for the Lord your God will deliver it into your hand. Then it will be when you have seized the city, that you shall set the city on fire. You shall do it according to the word of the Lord. See, I have commanded you” (vv. 7-8). Trust God and witness what victories He gives you in your life.

• What did God give the Israelites in Joshua 8? ________________________________________________________


• What steps could you take this week toward total obedience? ________________________________________________________


Ask God to help you as you commit your ways to Him in total obedience.


Joshua 8Thursdaydec.



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God’s commands are to be obeyed completely. When we don’t, we suffer consequences.


The entirety of the Israelites’ actions in this chapter can be summarized through verse 14. “So the men of Israel took some of their provisions, and did not ask for the counsel of the Lord.” When the Lord told the Israelites not to mess with foreign nations, and, in fact, to destroy all areas of Canaan, He said so for their own good. The consequences of meddling with the affairs of another nation could lead to adopting that foreign nation’s practices and pagan idolatry. Furthermore, God told the Israelites to conquer Canaan so that they could enjoy the promised land and His name would be glorified. The Lord’s Word is for our benefit. God’s commands are to be obeyed completely. When we don’t obey, we suffer consequences. The Israelites failed to ask the Lord if they could make an alliance with the Gibeonites. As it turned out, the Gibeonites were liars; they had claimed to be foreigners when, in reality, they were neighbors to the Israelites. The reason that the Gibeonites’ “white lie” was such a big deal was because God forbade Israel to make treaties with any neighbor. The Israelites found themselves in great difficulty, as they had just made a binding covenant with a nation whom their God had forbidden. When we stray from His Word, we invite trouble. The biggest lesson for Israel—and for us—is that we must always seek and follow God’s counsel.

• Why was it such a big deal that the Israelites made a treaty with the Gibeonites? What would be the potential consequences of such an alliance?


• Are you straying from God’s counsel? What are some tangible ways you can stay close to the Lord through relationship this week?


Reflect on Psalm 119:97. Thank God for His commands and that they are for your good and His glory. Repent from any rebellion in your heart to His will. Commit to stay close in relationship with Him this week.


Joshua 9Fridaydec.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Conquest from Joshua 6:12-25. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 19: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

Week of december 12, 2016

Joshua 10

God will deliver us from our enemies when we fully trust in Him.

Above all, be strong and very courageous to carefully observe the whole instruction My servant Moses commanded you. Do not turn from it to the

right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go. Joshua 1:7 (NASB)



This is the first mention of the city of Jerusalem in the Bible. For Joshua, it meant that this was an opportunity to meet the whole army of the Canaanites in a straight forward battle. The armies were assembling to attack Gibeon, the city that had made a treaty with the Israelites. But the Gibeonites deceived the Israelites, tricking them into making a covenant of peace with them. Though Joshua could have abandoned them, punishing them for their deception, he chose not to. He decided, no matter the cost, to keep the covenant he had made in God’s name. God stepped in to fight on behalf of His people in an incredible way. Joshua boldly prayed and God provided an incredible miracle for the people. The sun stopped in the sky so the battle could continue. Though the victory was given, it had to be taken hold of, and that’s just what the Israelites did. Like them, we know ultimately the victory has been given to us through Jesus. Even though the ultimate victory over sin and death has been won, we still have to take hold of the victory that God has given. When we do, we recognize that the battle truly does belong to the Lord.

• Why do you think God wanted to intervene in such a way that the victory could only be attributed to Him? How does this line up with the purposes of God we see throughout the book of Joshua?


• What battle are you facing in your life right now in which you need to take hold of the victory God has already given in Christ?



Re-commit your trust in the Lord. Ask Him to show you miraculous things by trusting Him and being obedient to your commitments.





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Joshua 11

God knows how to rescue the righteous and punish the wicked.MAIN IDEA

Joshua 11 describes Israel’s defeat of a northern coalition of kings. When an enormous army led by northern kings marched against the Israelites, Joshua did not hesitate to act under the Lord’s direction. “Joshua and all the people of war with him came upon them suddenly…and attacked them” (v. 7). Yet the many stories of battles and bloodshed are more than a mere memoir of the details of the Israelite conquest. They powerfully illustrate that God rescues those who are righteous and punishes those who are wicked. These battles foreshadow the ultimate point in history where God showed Himself to be both “just and the justifier of (those) who have faith in Jesus” (Romans 3:26). The work of Jesus on the cross is the ultimate proof that God knows how to rescue the righteous and punish the wicked.

• God calls us to a life of complete and total obedience, which is what Joshua modeled. What are some ways we obey God only partially? What are common excuses for doing so?


• At this time in your life, in what areas are you finding obedience difficult and why?


Thank God for being just and the justifier in Christ. Repent from a wavering and distrustful heart. Commit yourself to obedience to the Lord’s commands. Ask God to give you chances to obey Him this week and invite His strength to come upon you to help you fulfill His requests.





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God’s faithfulness reminds us to persevere. MAIN IDEA

The list of the kings and their lands is the raw evidence of the fulfilled promise God had for His people. “Now these are the kings” provides us with an exemplary list of people and their lands whom God allowed the Israelites to conquer. The first half of Joshua 12 (vv. 1-6) describes the kings and the lands “beyond the Jordan” that the Israelites had conquered under the leadership of Moses. Moses allocated these lands to Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh. The second half of this chapter (vv. 7-24) lists the 31 kings “Joshua and the sons of Israel defeated beyond the Jordan toward the west” (v. 7a). Behind each of these defeated kings stands the Lord who faithfully fought for His people. Indeed, the Lord proved faithful when He told Abram, “I will make you exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of you, and kings will come forth from you…I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God” (Genesis 17:6, 8). This long list of kings, therefore, is a stunning testimony of God’s covenantal faithfulness.

• Why was it important for the Israelites to remember the many kings they had defeated in their efforts to take the promised land?


• How might remembering God’s past faithfulness help us persevere in faith in the present?

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Praise God for His thankfulness. Thank Him for keeping His Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your faith and trust in Him.


aJoshua 12Wednesday



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Lack of complete obedience to God will bring a snare.MAIN IDEA

Joshua 13 describes the allotment of land that was given to each of the remaining tribes of Israel. However, these verses also mention that while Israel had driven out many of their enemies, “very much of the land remains to be possessed” (v. 1b). The eastern tribes had failed to drive out some of their enemies as God had commanded: “But the sons of Israel did not dispossess the Geshurites or the Maacathites; for Geshur and Maacath live among Israel until this day” (v. 13). This failure to drive out these tribes is significant. God’s concern in commanding the Israelites not to make a covenant with any of the pagan people who occupied the promised land (Exodus 23:32) had nothing to do with their ethnicity and everything to do with their false worship. God, in His providence, knew that if these pagans were allowed to live among the people of Israel, they would drive the Israelites to worship their false gods (Exodus 23:33). God’s command to the Israelites—to drive out the pagan tribes and to possess the land that was given to them—was only for their good. The land left to be possessed was waiting for the obedience of the Israelites to their God.

• Read Exodus 23:32-33 for further context. What does Israel’s failure to dispossess the Geshurites and the Maacathites have to do with obedience? Why did God call them to drive out these tribes?


• How have you seen a lack of obedience become a snare in your life? ________________________________________________________


Thank God that His commands are given not for insignificant reasons, but for our good. Trust Him that what He tells you to do is for your benefit.


Joshua 13Thursdaydec.



Page 23: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin

God keeps His Word and remembers the faithful.MAIN IDEA

Forty-five years have passed since Caleb went with Joshua and ten others to spy out the promised land. Caleb recounts the experience he had when they came back and reported the news of the giants: “Nevertheless my brethren who went up with me made the heart of the people melt with fear; but I followed the Lord my God fully” (v. 8). Caleb also recounts Moses’ commendation of Caleb’s faith that day saying, “Surely the land on which your foot has trodden will be an inheritance to you and to your children forever, because you have followed the Lord my God fully” (v. 9). Caleb tells the Israelites of his past experiences to explain how time has only strengthened his faith. Now, in the promised land, “I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me; as my strength was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in” (v. 11). Because of the natural progression of Caleb’s faith, he is able to take on the next task. His faith encourages his actions: “Now then, give me this hill country about which the Lord spoke on that day” (v. 12a).

• What was the result of Caleb’s faithfulness to God? ________________________________________________________

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• Is your faith as strong as it once was? Have you allowed your faith to shrink and your fear to grow? Explain.

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Ask God to increase your faith in His power. Surrender your trust fully in the promises of God. Recall a time when God has kept His Word and been faithful to you.


Joshua 14Fridaydec.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Commitment Kept from Joshua 10:6-14. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of december 19, 2016

Luke 1:1-4

We can trust God’s Word.

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the

house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end. Luke 1:32-33 (NASB)



The reason for the account of the Gospel is given in verse 4: “So that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.” Luke was cautious and careful in crafting his Gospel account. Luke’s stated purpose in writing his Gospel was to provide historical certainty and theological clarity for Theophilus in regard to what he had been taught about Jesus. Luke’s account of Jesus’ life and ministry is a result of his having “investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus” (v. 3). We can trust in the Gospel of Luke because God inspired its writing as He inspired the writing of the other books of the Bible. As we read through Luke 1 this week, we can do so in assurance of its historical accuracy and theological clarity. As we read this week, remember Luke is inviting us to read carefully and think deeply about the coming of the Messiah.

• Why is it important that we know the exact truth of the Gospel stories and their implications for our lives (v. 4)?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• How does Luke’s drive for excellence in knowing and presenting the truth give you confidence in the accuracy of the Gospels?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Ask God to open your eyes to His truth as you read through the story of the announcement of our Savior’s birth.




emphasis on Christmas and evangelism


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Luke 1:5-25

God takes seriously our hearts of unbelief.MAIN IDEA

The story of Zacharias and Elizabeth is similar to that of Abraham and Sarah. Both couples conceived at an old age, and both births were announced through divine means. Also, both couples struggled with a form of disbelief at their announcement: “Zacharias said to the angel, ‘How will I know this for certain? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years’” (v. 18). Similarly, in Genesis, Sarah doubted God’s capabilities: “Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; Sarah was past childbearing. Sarah laughed to herself, saying, ‘After I have become old, shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?’” (Genesis 18:11-12). In both circumstances, Zacharias and Sarah are rebuked for their unbelief. The Lord Himself asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh…Is anything too difficult for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:13-14). And the angel rebuked Zacharias, “And behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time” (Luke 1:20). Zacharias’s ability to speak was taken from him, for he did not believe the words of the Lord. It is significant that Zacharias’s speech was revoked, which symbolizes the fact that he was not in control of the situation. God disciplines us when there is evidence of unbelief in our hearts.

• Describe a time when you struggled to believe the promises of God. ________________________________________________________


• What have you gained personally when you have chosen to believe God’s promises?


Read and pray through Mark 9:24. Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your faith and to help you overcome any unbelief you may be harboring. God is faithful to His Word.





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God’s plan for redemption was worked out in even the smallest details.


The amount of detail present in these verses is truly remarkable, and they powerfully demonstrate the sovereignty and providence of God in the smallest details of our lives. He who plans the end truly plans the means and leaves nothing to chance. At a specified time, by a specified angel, in a specific place, and through specific people, God was at work to redeem His people. On this side of the story, the attention to detail is comforting; but to Mary, it was all just a little too much to believe at first. Why, of all people and of all times and of all places, was God with her, and in what way was He with her? Yet she would soon come to appreciate and understand that God is at work in the smallest of details in our lives, whether we understand it at first or not.

• Why was Mary confused and troubled? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Have you ever questioned God’s power in the details of your life? How does this passage speak toward your doubt?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Praise God for His unrelenting attention to detail in your life. Pray that you would trust and obey as a result of His profound knowledge of all aspects of your life.


Luke 1:26-29Wednesday



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Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah who will reign forever.MAIN IDEA

Mary’s initial lack of understanding was no obstacle for Gabriel who quickly and concisely explained in what sense God’s favor was on her. She would be the one to give birth to the long-awaited Messiah who would reign forever. Verses 32-33 explain just how great this Messiah would be: “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” As Luke’s Gospel goes on to illustrate, Jesus would be great through His humility. He would be a fully obedient son, even to His death on the cross. He would reign as King of the universe through His death at the hands of earthly kings. He would sit on David’s throne by giving up earthly thrones for His heavenly one.

• What, if anything, is surprising or unusual to you about how Jesus would come?


• Think through what you know about Jesus’ earthly ministry. In what sense did His life and death reflect the greatness that Gabriel mentions?


Pray that you would understand more and more the greatness of Jesus as Messiah.


Luke 1:30-33Thursdaydec.



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God delights in doing the impossible to show forth His glory.MAIN IDEA

Let us never take for granted the miraculous birth of Jesus. Before the beginning of time, God planned to make a way for His children to be with Him. He parted seas (Joshua 3); He destroyed walls (Joshua 6); He raised the dead (1 Kings 17:17-24); He rained fire down on enemies (1 Kings 18); He opened the mouths of great fish (Jonah 2). Now He was to do a greater thing—open the womb of a virgin (Luke 1:30-38). Our Father planned for the King of kings to descend from His throne and be the Substitute for a people who did not even want or know their need for Him. The virgin birth is miraculous and it is also necessary. In order to be the perfect sacrifice for sin, Jesus had to be born of God, not of man.

• What specifics about Jesus’ future does the angel give to Mary? ________________________________________________________


• Does knowing about the God of miracles bear any real implications on your

everyday life? Explain. ________________________________________________________


Praise the Father that He did the impossible to save you.


Luke 1:34-38Fridaydec.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

We do not have Sunday School tomorrow, but will enjoy a family worship service at 10:30 AM. Pray and thank God for the gift of His son, Jesus.


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SERMON NOTES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of december 26, 2016

Joshua 15–19

The Lord is always faithful to us, and our response should be faithfulness to Him.

Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, to love the Lord your God and walk in all His

ways and keep His commandments and hold fast to Him and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul. Joshua 22:5 (NASB)



God kept His promise; it was up to the Israelites to take hold of the promised land. The failure of the Israelites to possess the land that God had provided for them was disobedience: “There remained among the sons of Israel seven tribes who had not divided their inheritance. So Joshua said to the sons of Israel, ‘How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?’” (Joshua 18:2-3). God had fulfilled His promise, evident through the availability of the land of Canaan that formerly belonged to the Israelites’ enemies. The Lord is always faithful to us, and He calls us to respond in obedience to His provisions for us.

• What did Joshua command the Israelites to do in Joshua 18? Why? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• What commands of God are you disobeying? Why? What do you believe that is contrary to the Word of God?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Thank the God of promises and of good gifts. Praise Him for His grace and mercy brought to you through Jesus Christ. Repent for any and all areas of disobedience in your life, and commit to follow His Word.





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Joshua 20

God is gracious and just. MAIN IDEA

God provides for His people when they make mistakes and need mercy in their lives. Joshua 20 lists six cities of refuge that God provided within the promised land. Their purpose was so that “the manslayer who kills any person unintentionally, without premeditation, may flee there, and they shall become your refuge from the avenger of blood” (v. 3). In other words, these cities were places of hiding that an Israelite could go if he mistakenly killed someone. These cities were needed throughout Israel to ensure that justice, not personal vengeance, was carried out. Although those who escaped there still faced trial, they were not brought under judgment immediately and could rest in safety from any who sought vengeance. This is not to say there would be no justice, but only that vengeance would be God’s, not that of men. God showed Himself to be both gracious and just in providing cities of refuge. He would do the same for all sinners in Jesus.

• What two functions did the cities of refuge serve within the promised land? How were the cities of refuge a mirror for the redemption and refuge that would later be found in Christ?


• What does the presence of the cities of refuge say about the character of God? How have you seen God’s mercy at work in your own life recently?


Thank Jesus that He took on the full wrath of God upon Himself on the cross, becoming your city of refuge. Run to Him and rest in that forgiveness of sins—that refuge—today.





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God makes provision for our worship.MAIN IDEA

The Levites were given a limited portion of land in order to focus their lives on worship. Forty-eight cities were designated at Shiloh as ones in which the Levites could live and graze their cattle nearby, but they were to have no other land portion (see Joshua 13:14, 33; 14:3; 18:7). The Levites were to be “salt and light” among their fellow Israelites, scattered as they were throughout the tribes. One function of the Levites was to be teachers of the law—they could better do this if they were not attached to one piece of land. The primary inheritance God gave to the Levites was the great privilege of leading His people in worship. Today, God is still making provision for His people to worship Him. In Ephesians 4:11, we see that God has provided others to lead us to worship and glorify Him.

• What was the Levites’ primary responsibility? ________________________________________________________


• What provisions has God made to aid you in worship? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Spend some time in silent prayer worshiping your Lord.


Joshua 21Wednesday



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Obedience always leads to blessing. MAIN IDEA

God rewards obedience. In Joshua 22:1-9, Joshua told the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manassah, “You have kept all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, and have listened to my voice in all that I commanded you” (v. 2). The obedience of these tribes of Israel to the voice of the Lord led to their blessing—their inheritance of the land and subsequent rest. This had to be an emotional moment. These were brothers in arms who had fought together for years and remained faithful to their mission. But now the job of taking the land seemed to be over. That doesn’t mean they didn’t make mistakes along the way. Along with the other tribes, they were defeated at the battle of Ai (Joshua 7), and they were deceived by the Gibeonites (Joshua 9). The general trajectory, though, had been one of commitment and obedience. Most importantly, their campaign was marked by perseverance. They had continued on until the end.

• What things, according to these verses, contributed to their reward? Why were those contributing factors?


• Are you obeying the Lord? If not, in which areas are you not submitting? ________________________________________________________


Ask the Lord to give you rest as He gives you peace and you obey His words.


Joshua 22:1-9Thursdaydec.



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Only when we remember God’s faithfulness will we persevere in obedience.


There was great concern among God’s people that the altar the sons of Reuben, the sons of Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh built was an idolatrous one. Yet the tribes in question responded passionately that they were innocent of any rebellion or breach of faith. The entire paragraph shows them to have been innocent of anything malicious: they never intended to use this altar for sacrifices to God Himself, let alone to other gods. Rather, they intended it only as a memorial or witness for their children (vv. 26-27). They desired to remember God’s faithfulness so that future generations could persevere in obedience. The altar was to affirm that Yahweh is God. It was a symbol of Israel’s national unity, and this symbol was to testify to Israel’s God.

• When finally given a chance to explain themselves, what reasons did the tribes give for building this altar (vv. 21-29)? How was it to be a positive, and not a negative, influence?


________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• The altar was given the name “A Witness between Us That the Lord Is God.” What are some of the things that take place at our church or in your family to serve as a witness that the Lord is God?



Thank God for the stories in Scripture that help us better understand who He is and how He wants us to relate to Him. Pray that your group and our church would be a place where people can witness the love of Christ in action.


Joshua 22:10-34Fridaydec.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Settled from Joshua 22:1-8. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Matthew 6:1-4

Week of january 2, 2017

Joshua 23:1-11

Knowing that God is both a fighter and a giver of rest, His children can have full confidence in His character in order to carry out His will.

If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served which were

beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 (NASB)



God is both a God of rest and a God of action. This harmonious duality is found in Joshua 23:1-11. “The Lord had given rest to Israel from all their enemies on every side” (v. 1a). While Israel rested, God was fighting for them. Joshua reminded the Israelites of the nature of the God they served: “And you have seen all that the Lord your God has done…for the Lord your God is He who has been fighting for you” (v. 3). Joshua confirmed that God’s nature is one of protection and strength. Some portions of the land of Canaan “remain[ed] as an inheritance for your [Israel’s] tribes…The Lord your God, He will thrust them out before you and drive them from before you; and you will possess their land, just as the Lord your God promised you” (vv. 4-5). With full confidence in the character of God, His children can carry out His will. Indeed, it is with His abilities, and not our own, that we can face our enemies. His strength, His patience, His kindness—these are not things we conjure up but are gifts from God Himself. The power of God as a fighter enabled the Israelites to “be very firm, then, to keep and do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, so that you may not turn aside from it to the right hand or to the left” (v. 6). God’s going to battle for us enables us to rest within His presence.

• So far, what had the Lord done for the Israelites? _____________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

• If we know God is all-powerful and will equip us to obey His commands, why do we doubt? What are some root causes of doubting the character of God?



Praise the God who fights for you! Rest is a form of trust in His character; therefore, rest in His ability to fight your battles for you.





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Joshua 23:12-16

God’s discipline is not always pleasant, but it is always good.MAIN IDEA

God is not a dictator who prohibits sin for the fun of it—our Father is much kinder than that. Sin leads to death. Anytime the Father asks us to avoid something, it is because He has His glory and our good in mind. Such was the case in Joshua 23:12-16. The Lord prohibited the Israelites from intermarrying with the pagan peoples of the surrounding Canaanite nations because He knew their hearts would become ensnared by the sins of these nations. It was the entrapment of these foreign nations that would suffocate the Israelites: “but they will be a snare and a trap to you, and a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good land which the Lord your God has given you” (v. 13b). Joshua reassures us that God’s words are “good words” (v. 14) and that He had blessed His people with “good land” (v. 15)—this inherent goodness of the Lord results in a fiery punishment to those who choose to forego His goodness. Those who disobey God’s words suffer consequences. God knows our propensity to become ensnared by our sinful hearts.

• What did God command the Israelites not to do? Why? ________________________________________________________


• Do you believe God only prevents you from fun or do you trust that His commands are actually for your benefit? What can you do this week to reorient any skewed thinking about God and choose to trust Him?


Praise God that it is His kindness that protects us from sin. He wouldn’t be a good Father if He didn’t warn us before a fall.





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There is great benefit in remembering all that God has done for us.MAIN IDEA

Joshua 24:1-13 serves as a review of all the blessings that God had lavished on His people, from the promises He made and fulfilled with Abraham (Genesis 12:6-7; 15:16), to the exodus out of Egypt (Exodus 14–15). The major part of the review of the past in verses 2-13 focuses on what God had done for those present with Joshua at Shechem. This shows that God did not just make Himself known in ages past; He also worked mightily and graciously for the people being addressed. The impact of God’s words was greater because of this focus on them. Christians today are still part of that great spiritual heritage (see Romans 11:11-24; Hebrews 11). The third phase of God’s gracious acts for His people involved His work on their behalf before they crossed the Jordan River. The fourth and final phase of God’s gracious acts concerned His interventions and His blessings in the land of Canaan, that is, the activities covered in the Book of Joshua.

• What is significant about the Israelites gathering at Shechem? ________________________________________________________


• Why is it important to remember the Lord’s past faithfulness? What can you do to remind yourself of God’s goodness in your life?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

List people and things for which you are grateful. Thank God for His continual faithfulness in your life even when times are hard. Ask God to help you put your confidence in Him.


Joshua 24:1-13Wednesday



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The great conundrum about serving God is that, because of who He is and who we are, we can’t serve Him as He deserves. Because He is holy and jealous, God deserves more than our best moral life. Because we are prideful and selfish, we can’t measure up to His standards. Joshua is very blunt about this reality in verse 19: “You will not be able to worship Yahweh, because He is a holy God. He is a jealous God; He will not remove your transgressions and sins.” But as verse 20 explains, what Joshua said about God’s not forgiving His people was not an absolute, timeless statement, but that His forgiveness depended on whether or not His people forsook Him in favor of foreign gods: “If you abandon the Lord and worship foreign gods, He will turn against you, harm you, and completely destroy you, after He has been good to you.” The people’s resolve in verses 21-24 is admirable. The holiness God requires can only be accomplished as God does a work in our hearts through Christ.

• Why do you think Joshua questioned the commitment of the Israelites? How might his questioning have encouraged them in their pursuit of God?


• Why does God require an absolute commitment, and not just a hasty or arbitrary one? What “foreign gods” do you need to get rid of to completely follow God?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Ask God to give you the courage and faith necessary to serve and worship Him exclusively, resting in the grace of God in Christ that empowers you to do so.


Joshua 24:14-28

God calls us to offer Him an undivided heart.MAIN IDEA




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God keeps His promises and blesses our obedience.MAIN IDEA

The Book of Joshua ends with three heroes of faith buried in the promised land. Joshua died at the age of 110 years and received his inheritance as a reward for his courage at Kadesh-barnea (Numbers 13–14). Under his leadership Israel served the Lord obediently. Joseph also believed God would lead His people into the promised land. His bones were buried in Canaan as he requested in faith (Genesis 50:25-26). Unlike Aaron, who died in the wilderness (Numbers 20:28), his son Eleazar entered the promised land and was buried there. These three burials were three seals attesting to God’s fulfillment of His promises to the fathers. This peaceful ending to the book gives little hint of the troubles that were to come shortly to the land in the Book of Judges. The point here is that Joshua’s and the people’s obedience was rewarded, and Yahweh is a God who keeps His promises.

• What do the burials of these three men signify in the grand scheme of God’s work in the lives of the Israelites?


• Looking back on your life, what are the major milestones that clearly demonstrate God’s faithfulness to you and His rewards for your obedience?


Pray that you would continue to be obedient in the midst God’s faithfulness and experience the blessing of His rewards in your life as a result.


Joshua 24:29-33Fridayjan.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Challenged from Joshua 24:14-28. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of january 9, 2017

Proverbs 24:10-12

God is just, and God’s children stand for justice.

If you are slack in the day of distress, Your strength is limited. Proverbs 24:10 (NASB)



Edmund Burke once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Biblical evidence supports this in Proverbs 24:10, “If you are slack in the day of distress, Your strength is limited.” To do nothing is literally to go slack, or to be lazy; with laziness comes a loss of strength. In order to avoid losing strength, then, you must act— “Deliver those who are being taken away to death” (v. 11a). The “death” mentioned in verse 11 could refer to a literal death or a person’s stumbling toward disaster by his or her poor decisions. Either way, it is our job as God’s children to act on behalf of our brothers and sisters. Inactivity is complicity, while activity leads to renewed strength. God will provide you with a supernatural strength to defend His causes.

• What is the author of Proverbs calling us to do? Why are we without excuse, according to verse 12?



• Think of someone you know who needs help. How can you act on his or her behalf today?



Ask the Lord to strengthen you as you defend the cause of the helpless.




emphasis on Sanctity of Human Life This Week


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Psalm 82:1-4

Any injustice in our world is a reflection of its temporary rulers—not our good God.MAIN IDEA

If we ever doubt the goodness of God, it is because we are associating His character with the actions of ungodly leaders. Psalm 82:1 features God’s appearance before a congregation—a group of judges and rulers that He appointed on earth. Verses 2-4 are His monologue, His rebuke, to the leaders who act unjustly and trample on those whom He loves. The Lord asks, “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked?” (v. 2). God’s formal indictment against earthly officials calls them to “vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked” (vv. 3-4). The actions God demands of His rulers align with His character and the way He rules the world. If we are experiencing injustice, we can be assured that it is not unseen by the Father of justice. Any injustice in our world is a reflection of its temporary rulers—not our good God. May we adopt the same spirit of love that our Father has for the weak, fatherless, and destitute.

• Who is speaking in this psalm? Why is this fact significant given the psalm’s context?


• How does this psalm provide you with hope for what eternity with the Father will be like?


Praise God for being a God of justice. Ask for forgiveness for any time you have believed that He doesn’t care or that He isn’t good. Rest assured that He loves you and has righteous anger when you are suffering injustices, and ask Him to help you adopt His spirit of love for those who are weak and oppressed.





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Our faith must be placed in Jesus as we respond to His call, regardless of discouragement that may come from others.


Don’t allow the sighs of scoffers to inhibit your adoration of Jesus. The key to understanding the healing of the blind man Bartimaeus is his firm grip on the lordship of the Son of God despite the outcries of his critics. Bartimaeus pursued Jesus and called for mercy (v. 47). Yet these humble calls to the Lord were scrutinized, “Many were sternly telling him to be quiet” (v. 48a). Yet, take note of the persistence of this desperate man— “but he kept crying out all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (v. 48b). Already humbled because of his blindness, Bartimaeus was further humiliated for his trust in Jesus. And yet it is those who are blind to the opinions of others and solely focused on the opinion of God who are rewarded. The man’s faith was not placed in the opinion of others; it was on the personhood of Jesus: “Throwing aside his cloak, he jumped up and came to Jesus” (v. 50). Although he was physically blind, he could spiritually see. Bartimaeus’s trust in Jesus brought him to a place of healing and salvation in Jesus.

• What about Bartimaeus’s attitude toward Jesus made his situation different from some of the other healings you have read about in the New Testament?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Are you letting other people’s opinions stop you from unabashedly worshiping Christ? Explain.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Ask the Holy Spirit for courage to worship Jesus in blind trust.


Mark 10:46-52Wednesday



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The crowning point of all creation was when God created man. The act of creating man is repeated three times in verse 27—this suggests the level of importance God placed on His making both male and female. In the Bible, three is the representative number for completeness—this echoes the fact that the Triune God (“let Us make man”) created male and female (v. 26). At his making, man took on God’s image and likeness (vv. 26-27). Though mortal, man innately reflects the divine, more so than any other creature. Some interpreters suggest that “image” refers to the ability to reason, with “likeness” referring to the spiritual dimension. In both respects, God distinguished man from the animals. The fact that man is distinguished in his ability to reason and to encounter the spiritual speaks to God’s desire for a relationship with mankind. What a glorious thing to realize that, of all created beings, God chose us to reflect His image. Our response to this great truth should be to value human life above all of creation.

• What does it say about God that mankind is the only aspect of creation that takes on His likeness?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• What does our likeness to our Creator entail about our relationship to Him?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise the Creator of all things. Thank Him for creating you. Celebrate the fact that He distinguished us to be His image bearers and relationship carriers.


Genesis 1:26-28

Mankind alone was created to be a reflection of God’s image in the world.





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When we put on Jesus Christ, we love one another, which is the fulfillment of the law.MAIN IDEA

As believers, we are to seek God’s glory in all things. God is love, and our obligation as followers of Jesus is that of love. All other biblical commands are outpourings of the primary direction to love one another. Indeed, “If there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, ‘you shall love your neighbor as yourself ’” (v. 9b). The commandments of God demonstrate the nature of His love for us. His laws provide us with protection and safety; in these there is freedom. Love is every possible fulfillment of the law, because in Christ we are given access to His characteristics—“it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). We can love perfectly because Christ has loved us perfectly. When we take on the nature of Christ, we therefore take on the very nature of love.

• How is love the fulfillment of all other biblical commands? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Are you loving others well this week? If not, what do you need to do to

grow closer to Christ in order to love other believers better? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Read 2 Peter 1:4 along with Romans 13:8. Thank Jesus for the love that He has lavished on you and, therefore, the ability He has imparted upon you to love others.


Romans 13:8-14Fridayjan.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Value All from Proverbs 24:10-12 and Mark 10:46-49. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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VALUE ALLSundayjan.


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of January 16, 2017

Judges 1:1 – 2:5

God’s commands are always for our good, and disobedience always brings consequences.

When the Lord raised up judges for them, the Lord was with the judge and delivered them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the

Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who oppressed and afflicted them. Judges 2:18 (NASB)



God’s love envelops every rule He has placed in this earthly order so that we might be protected. Disobedience to God’s commands was a pattern of the Israelites, for they did not trust in the Lord to protect them from the enemies whom they were instructed to kill. Their obedience was partial obedience: “They did not drive them out completely” (v. 28). The Lord commanded the Israelites to drive out the Canaanites so that the Canaanite pagan worship practices would not distract, and thus harm, the Israelites. An angel rebuked Israel on behalf of the Lord, “But you have not obeyed Me. . . . ‘I will not drive them out before you; but they will become as thorns in your sides and their gods will be a snare to you’” (vv. 2b-3). The very thing that the Israelites had longed for would be the very thing that provided them with the most pain. Therefore, God’s rebuke was to protect them from any further harm that idol worship could cause His people. God’s commands are shelters of His love and protection.

• How did the Israelites disobey the Lord’s commands? What was the reasoning behind God’s commands?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life are you compromising obedience to the Lord? How does this demonstrate your lack of trust in Him?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Pray through Psalm 119:159: “Consider how I love Your precepts; Revive me, O Lord, according to Your lovingkindness.”





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Judges 2:6 – 3:6

Although He will never give up on us, God will give us up to our desires if we refuse to listen to Him.MAIN IDEA

When we ignore the Lord’s calls, our hearts grow hardened. It was after tragedy—the death of their leader Joshua and the elders who served with him—that Israel turned to their former ways. Israel disobeyed the law of the Lord by worshiping false idols: “Then the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served the Baals, and they forsook the Lord, the God of their fathers” (vv. 11-12a). The act of forsaking is the act of abandoning; the Israelites abandoned God for a corporal deity whom they believed could provide them with comfort and prosperity. The gods they worshiped, Baal and Asheroth, were gods of rain and fertility; the Israelites’ worship of these idols reveals their lack of trust in God’s ability to sustain them after Joshua’s and the elders’ passings. Their lack of trust led them to punishment—God did not give up on them, but He certainly gave them up to their own ways. The Lord punished the Israelites as “He gave them into the hands of plunderers who plundered them; and He sold them into the hands of their enemies” (v. 14). Sometimes God pursues us through discipline, which is a demonstration of His loving patience.

• Did God give up on the Israelites? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


• What tragedies or disappointments are you facing now which tempt you to turn to old sinful habits? What can you do to prevent those from taking root in your heart and life?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


Thank the Lord, who is so loving that He desires your devotion. Ask Him to soften your heart toward His will, which is good, pleasing, and perfectly loving.





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God is always ready to respond to our cry for help.MAIN IDEA

God did not abandon His wandering children, though He allowed them to wander. Although “the sons of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, and forgot the Lord their God and served the Baals and the Asheroth” (v. 7), the Lord did not forget His sons and daughters. He was in “the room next door” so He could hear their cries. “When the sons of Israel cried to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the sons of Israel to deliver them” (v. 9a). The Lord waited until the hearts of His people were ready to call for Him before He supplied a way to deliver them. God showed grace to Israel by providing them with a judge, Othniel, the son of Kenaz. He equipped Othniel to defeat His children’s enemies, “The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he judged Israel. When he went out to war, the Lord gave Cushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand, so that he prevailed over Cushan-rishathaim. Then the land had rest forty years” (vv. 10-11a). The Lord always provides deliverance when we cry out to Him.

• How does this passage demonstrate God’s mercy? How does it display His grace? What’s the difference between the two?


• From what particular sin or pain do you need relief? ________________________________________________________


Think about the areas where you need relief and cry out to the Lord.


Judges 3:7-11Wednesday



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Our God is a God of details—even His methods of deliverance display careful choice. Israel repeated the mistake of turning away from the Lord and worshiping idols. When Israel cried out to the Lord, again God provided them with a deliverer. The chosen deliverer Ehud was left-handed, which, in this context, suggests that left-handedness may have been viewed as a defect; Israel’s second deliverer lacked the perfect appearance of the first. The details of Ehud’s deliverance of Israel are extensive. He adopted a different approach to delivering Israel, assassinating the oppressor through deceit rather than engaging in straightforward battle. For that task, he made a short sword—two cubits—and hid it on his right thigh (v. 16). God gave Ehud the opportunity to overcome his enemy, the king. We can trust that God will always provide what we need to defeat our enemies.

• What does this story tell you about God? ________________________________________________________


• What details of your life are you not entrusting to God’s care? How will you lay down your life and trust Him with the details?


Praise God for being a God who doesn’t just defeat our enemies, but who defeats them well. Thank Him that He is a God of details, and entrust Him with the specificities of your life.


Judges 3:12-30

God orchestrates every detail of our deliverance when we return to Him.





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God never allows His people to continue in rebellion but disciplines us to draw us back to Himself.


We rejoice in the discipline of our Father because His kindness draws us back to Himself. After being rescued by the judge Ehud, Israel forgot the kindness of the Lord and “again did evil in the sight of the Lord, after Ehud died” (v. 1). Note that this is the second time after a leader has died that the Israelites pursue evil. We must be wary of any loss in our lives, lest we fill it with something other than God. The Israelite’s pursuit of evil again led to the discipline of the Lord: “The Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor” (v. 2a). Their punishment was severe and continued for twenty years (v. 3). Israel once again faced the natural consequences of their disobedience. Israel’s failure to complete the occupation of the land once again also came back to haunt them. The ideas of failing to drive out the Canaanites from the promised land and worshipping idols are deeply interconnected. Because of His love, the Lord brought about punishment so that His people would return to Him in trust.

• What evil did the Israelites commit (v. 1)? Why were they punished? ________________________________________________________


________________________________________________________ • When you are being disciplined, do you tend to trust the One holding the

rod or is your natural tendency to resist or resent Him? ________________________________________________________


Ask the Lord to work in your heart and to discipline any thought, word, or deed that does not align with His will.


Judges 3:31 – 4:3Fridayjan.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Rebellion’s Cycle from Judges 2:11-19. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of january 23, 2017

Judges 4:1-10

True leaders trust in God’s sovereignty as they are faithful to obey His voice.

Hear, O kings; give ear, O rulers! I—to the Lord, I will sing, I will sing praise to the Lord, the God of Israel. Judges 5:3 (NASB)



Deborah was a judge appointed by God to listen for the Lord’s direction and to share His words with the people of Israel. As God’s appointed representative, Deborah summoned Barak to take the lead in the fighting. She also gave him the Lord’s specific plan of battle. She instructed him to deploy 10,000 men of Naphtali and Zebulun on Mount Tabor. Because she was keen to the voice of the Lord, God granted Deborah the assurance that Israel would conquer her enemies. Deborah’s faithfulness to the voice of God enabled her to lead the Israelites into victory against their enemies.

• How has God been faithful to Israel thus far in Judges? How did Deborah actively demonstrate her trust in God’s sovereignty?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


• What are you holding back from entrusting to God? In what ways can you listen for God’s voice this week so that you can better trust Him?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


Spend a few minutes in silence before the Lord. Practice listening for His voice. Then, thank the Lord that He is faithful to listen to you when you call upon Him.





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Judges 4:11-24

God is able to incorporate the free activities of human beings into His plan for His own glory and their salvation.


Although the victory was promised and although he was given the right tools to fulfill the promise of God, Barak was hesitant to fight the battle against Sisera. Whether it was fear or disobedience, Barak teetered on the line of faithfulness. Yet Deborah urged Barak, “Arise! For this is the day in which the Lord has given Sisera into your hands; behold, the Lord has gone out before you” (v. 14a). Barak did not experience the Lord’s victory until he acted on the Lord’s promise. And when he did rise and win, the Scriptures are clear to give credit for the victory to the Lord— “The Lord routed Sisera and all his chariots and all his army with the edge of the sword before Barak; and Sisera alighted from his chariot and fled away on foot” (v. 15). God worked through the obedience of Barak—that of arising—to guarantee victory for His people. We also must do our part in arising.

• Why was Barak hesitant to fight Sisera? What part did Deborah play in rousing up the soldiers?


• How has your life shown your obedience to God in His Word? ________________________________________________________


Ask the Lord in His loving-kindness to rouse you up for every spiritual battle. Turn over your free will into His hands so that victory will be won and His glory will be displayed.





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God Almighty is worthy of our worship.MAIN IDEA

When God intervenes decisively in the lives of His people, their response is to sing His praises. The Lord delivered the Israelites, under the leadership of Deborah and Barak, from their enemies. Immediately, the Scriptures say, “On that day” (v. 1), Deborah and Barak began to sing. Their song included, “Hear, O kings; give ear, O rulers! I—to the Lord, I will sing, I will sing praise to the Lord, the God of Israel” (v. 3). Deborah and Barak together led the people in a song of celebration and thanksgiving that focused on the Lord as the central character, while not ignoring the heroism of the human participants. They sang, “My heart goes out to the commanders of Israel, the volunteers among the people; bless the Lord!” (v. 9). By immediately praising God for their victory, Deborah and Barak affirmed God as the Israelites’ Lord and Rescuer.

• What attributes of the Lord did Deborah and Barak praise? ________________________________________________________


• Are your praises to the Lord based on His character or on your circumstances? Explain.



Begin today’s prayer time with worship. Tell God why you love Him and list specific attributes. Then ask the Lord to steady your gaze on Him, so that your worship would not be circumstantial but would be unchanging like the character of your Lord.


Judges 5:1-9Wednesday



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God’s actions affirm His character—they are always consistent with each other. The victory that the Lord gave Israel was characteristic of His goodness. Such a victory affirmed God’s promise that He would give His people the land of Canaan. In verses 9-11, the praise addresses the rich Canaanite merchants. These men were summoned to join the ordinary Israelites in celebrating the righteous acts of the Lord, acts where the victory over Sisera vindicated the Lord’s power and validated Israel as His chosen people. When we recall all that the Lord has done in our lives, we are quicker to trust Him. Deborah and Barak’s praise inspired perseverance. “The torrent of Kishon swept them away, the ancient torrent, the torrent Kishon. O my soul, march on with strength” (v. 21).

• What acts of God’s past faithfulness do Deborah and Barak recall in this passage?


• What are some things God has done in your life for which you can praise Him?


Thank the Lord for giving you victory over the greatest enemy (1 Corinthians 15:57). Praise Him for other areas of victory in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the endurance to live faithfully for your Lord.


Judges 5:10-23

Recognizing God’s past faithfulness leads us into a deeper endurance. MAIN IDEA




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Obedience to the Lord leads to rest, and disobedience leads to death.


There are direct consequences related to our obedience and disobedience, as is illustrated by the account of Jael and Sisera. At this point in her song, Deborah shifts her attention from the public spectacle of armies battling in the Jezreel Valley to the private encounter between two individuals, Jael and Sisera. Yet she shifts quickly from this graphic account to one of a mother’s longing for her son at war. These varying personal experiences have a theological meaning found in verse 31: “Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord; But let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might.” Enemies of God—those who disobey—do not find rest in Him. It is those who acknowledge and worship Him with their obedience who ultimately find peace and rest.

• What is the warning that God is giving in these verses? In what areas of your life is God calling you to obedience?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Ultimately, what has God done to give us peace with Him? In what sense did

God’s people long for this act? In what sense was it an act of justice? See Romans 3:21-26.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Spend time in prayer, giving thanks to God for giving you peace with Him through the life and death of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 6:1-4Judges 5:24-31Fridayjan.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Willing Servants from Judges 4:4-10, 12-16. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of January 30, 2017

Judges 6

God’s presence and provision are sufficient for any task we undertake.

But the Lord said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat Midian as one man.” Judges 6:16 (NASB)



God is the only one to whom we can turn when we need help. Gideon, the so-called “timid warrior,” learned this firsthand in today’s passage. The Midianites, along with other eastern peoples, had oppressed Israel for seven years. The Lord came to Gideon and challenged him to lead Israel like a “mighty warrior.” Gideon passed his first test of faith by tearing down the altar of Baal that belonged to his father. The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he prepared for battle against the Midianites. By setting out a fleece of wool, he devised a test to learn that God was with him. Essentially, Gideon came to understand that as long as God was with him, whatever He provided was what was needed.

• What reasons did Gideon have to be afraid and possibly doubt? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• What reasons do you currently have to fear and doubt God? How does Gideon’s experience speak into your own?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Give thanks to God in prayer, for in Him we have all we need. His presence and provision are enough. He who has conquered sin has conquered all.





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Judges 7

God brings victory despite our resources or reasoning.MAIN IDEA

God is most glorified when we have nothing to offer Him—then He uses what little we have to bring about our victory and to reveal His strength in our weakness. The Israelites were outnumbered. The Midianites numbered about 135,000 men (Judges 8:10), while the Israelite army consisted of 32,000 (Judges 7:3). Yet God wanted to show Himself faithful by further reducing His people’s odds. Sometimes when we think we’re being reduced to bare bones, God is using what little resources we have to show up in an extraordinary way. Note that the Lord used minute, physical means in order to reduce the army—first by allowing men who were afraid to fight an “honorable discharge,” then by whittling out those who drank from the stream in a particular way. “The people who are with you are too many for Me to give Midian into their hands, for Israel would become boastful, saying, ‘My own power has delivered me’” (v. 2). Although Gideon was scared, the Lord comforted His servant through a prophetic dream that predicted Israel’s victory. “When Gideon heard the account of the dream and its interpretation, he bowed in worship” (v. 15a). Here Gideon demonstrates what the Lord is after: our hearts of worship. The reduction of the army brought about God’s glory—“A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!” (v. 20b). And indeed, God’s sword won.

• What was the reasoning behind the Lord reducing the Israelite army? By what means did He use to accomplish this?


• Do you ever feel like you have nothing to offer God? Does victory seem far-fetched to you? If so, how can you turn those feelings into worship, trust, and adoration to your great Provider?


Ask the Lord to humble you. Invite Him to whittle your means so you can trust in His resources. Praise Him for always coming through for you.





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We must not take God for granted. Past victories do not guarantee future successes. MAIN IDEA

Beware of celebrating the past with disregard for the future. In Judges 8, Israel had cause to rejoice. In chapter 7, the Lord supernaturally equipped the outnumbered Israelites to defeat the Midianites: “So Midian was subdued before the sons of Israel, and they did not lift up their heads anymore. And the land was undisturbed for forty years in the days of Gideon” (v. 28). The Israelites experienced an incredible victory and a peace from war, both blessings granted by an all-loving, ever-giving Father. Yet their peace gave way to apathy and forgetfulness. “Then it came about, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the sons of Israel again played the harlot with the Baals, and made Baal-berith their god. Thus the sons of Israel did not remember the Lord their God, who had delivered them from the hands of all their enemies on every side” (vv. 33-34). May we always remember who our protector is and may we always be on our guard. Our enemy doesn’t attack when we are ready in our mindset to fight. He attacks when we least expect it.

• What happened immediately after the Israelites’ victory? ________________________________________________________


• Are you experiencing a reprieve from spiritual warfare? How can you use this time of peace and celebration to ready yourself for the next battle?



Thank the Father for every victory He has granted you in Christ Jesus. Tell Him that He’s the Giver of every good gift. Dwell on Him and how He would have you prepare your mind for the next storm that comes your way.


Judges 8Wednesday



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At the root of all selfish ambition is a lack of trust in the Lord’s provision. After Gideon’s death, Abimelech, Gideon’s son, acquired the throne through selfish and manipulative means. Abimelech moved to Shechem, the home of his mother, to carve out his own kingdom. His strategy was carefully planned. He reminded the leaders of Shechem of his royal heritage by stating his name meant “my father is king.” He persuaded the leaders to give him and his brothers 70 pieces of silver. Abimelech used his portion to kill off his siblings (vv. 4-5). He then enlisted his relatives to secure the support of the Shechemite aristocracy. Abimelech’s forceful taking of the throne not only divided his family, but also illustrated his disregard for the Lord’s sovereignty. According to Psalm 75:7, God is who brings one down and exalts another. Indeed, Abimelech did not care what leader God planned for Israel. Abimelech’s selfish ambition gave him a one-track mind and made him ignorant of those around him. Abimelech’s actions revealed his heart—one that wasn’t after the Lord’s.

• By what different means did Abimelech acquire the throne? ________________________________________________________


• In what area of your life do you tend to be selfish? How can you give that area over to God this week and trust Him to provide for you?


Thank the Lord for every blessing in your life. Surrender any areas that you seek after in your own strength, by your own means. Ask Him to provide for you. Invite Him to replace your selfishness and manipulation with His grace and provision.


Judges 9:1 – 10:5

To follow the Lord is to reject selfish ambition.MAIN IDEA




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God’s Word is the source of truth. Any idea, thought, or opinion that contradicts His Word is a lie that may lead to destructive acts.


Like much of the book of Judges, the story of Jephthah is replete with examples of rebellion, consequences, forgiveness and redemption. At the heart of all rebellion is the failure to recognize God’s Word as the source of truth. Any idea, thought, or opinion that contradicts His Word is a lie that leads to destructive behavior. Israel’s repeated choice to cry out to other gods during good times and bad—to look to other gods as a source of truth—nearly destroyed them as a people, and would have had God not “become weary of Israel’s misery” (Judges 10:16). Jephthah’s leadership, though far from flawless, does illustrate that a commitment to God’s Word as truth protects us from unnecessary destruction.

• What challenges to truth as revealed by God did Jephthah face from other nations? How successful was he in combatting lies?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Our world is awash with beliefs that contradict the truth of God. Which are

most prevalent in your life now? How are you combatting them? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Pray that you would love the Lord God with all your mind, and give yourself to the truth His Word contains.


Matthew 6:1-4Judges 10:6 – 12:15Fridayfeb.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Timid Warrior from Judges 6:11-16, 25-32. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of February 6, 2017

Judges 13

Our pride will lead us away from repentance and calling out to God for deliverance.

In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes. Judges 17:6 (NASB)



At the root of all fleshly actions is pride, and our pride mocks repentance. Continuing in their cycle of apostasy, “The sons of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord” (v. 1). The Israelites’ rebellion led to their captivity by the Philistines, who were constantly seeking to expand their territory into the foothills of Israel. And although captive, there is no recording of the Israelites’ repentance. But God in His mercy made a way to rescue Israel by meeting the needs of a barren couple. It should be noted that Manoah’s name means “rest,” which is what Israel lacked. Manoah and his wife’s barrenness echoed the pitiful state of Israel as a whole. The baby that she would bear would begin to save Israel from the power of the Philistines: “For the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines” (v. 5b). Out of grace the Lord provided a deliverer. How much easier would Israel’s journey have been had their pride not prevented their repentance and their wandering hearts not led them to disobedience?

• What does the account about Manoah and his wife reveal about God’s character?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• What is the significance of repentance if we’ve already been saved? How does pride prevent repentance?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise the Lord for the times He has shown grace to you when you least deserved it. Repent from any wandering desires or thoughts in your heart that contradict God’s character and will for your life. Give over any pride to Him.





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Judges 14

Our pride limits our obedience to God’s commands. MAIN IDEA

We must be careful not to think we are holy or gifted enough to handle a situation that is not of the Lord, lest we fall into sin. Our pride justifies our flirting with evil; such was the case for Samson. Deemed from birth to be a Nazirite, Samson had an enormous call upon his life: “For the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines” (Judges 13:5b). Part of Samson’s call was to avoid wine and unclean animals. In every aspect Samson was destined for holiness; yet his pride enabled him to flirt with the world—beginning in the lusting after a Philistine woman. What Samson saw, he wanted and demanded (v. 2b). His pride demanded his fleshly desires be met. Although his father questioned Samson’s intentions, Samson insisted. The very call he had on his life, to deliver the Israelites from the Philistines, was tested when he lusted after a Philistine woman. Note that this was Samson’s first act of disobedience, which made it all the easier for him to compromise and eat honey from the carcass of a lion (vv. 8-9). One justification, led by pride, led to more compromises. Pride and disobedience go hand in hand. Before we know it, our pride will limit our obedience to God’s commands—our ultimate call in life.

• How did Samson’s demand for a Philistine wife demonstrate his pride? How did one sin lead to another in this passage?


• Where is pride evident in your life? What compromises are you justifying? ________________________________________________________


Repent from any pride that is in your heart, and repent of any sins that your pride has justified you to commit. Rededicate your heart toward obedience to God and His good, perfect will.





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While the degree of our faith in God is constantly changing, He never changes.MAIN IDEA

God’s faithfulness is not dependent upon our actions. Samson’s prideful decision to marry a Philistine woman and then, when she was mistakenly given to his friend, to burn the Philistines’ crops by setting foxes’ tails on fire, are actions that do not represent a steadfast trust in the Lord’s will. Samson “struck them [the Philistines] ruthlessly with a great slaughter; and he went down and lived in the cleft of the rock of Etam” (v. 8). In the cleft of the rock, the Israelites captured Samson and handed him over to the Philistines. Yet despite Samson’s disobedience of marrying a foreigner and murdering the Philistines out of rage, God faithfully met Samson in the cleft of the rock: “And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily so that the ropes that were on his arms were as flax that is burned with fire, and his bonds dropped from his hands” (v. 14b). God strengthened Samson to escape his ropes, and the Lord then provided “a fresh jawbone of a donkey, so [Samson] reached out and took it and killed a thousand men with it” (v. 15). God’s plans, rooted in His faithfulness, are always sufficient to rescue us. Indeed, while the degree of our faith in God is constantly changing, He never changes.

• How did the Lord prove Himself faithful to Samson? ________________________________________________________



• What are some ways that God has rescued you from an unhealthy situation when you didn’t necessarily “deserve” rescuing? In what way is God’s faithfulness independent of our merit?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise the Lord for His faithful character despite your faithlessness. Then pray Psalm 18:19 in your heart to Him. “He brought me forth also into a broad place; He rescued me, because He delighted in me.”


Judges 15Wednesday



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The lust of our eyes has a profound ability to overcome our godly principles. We must be careful not to begin the flirtation with danger. Samson’s pride fueled his lustful eyes. The very dangers Samson flirted with became his greatest downfall. After Samson had an affair with a prostitute, he fell in love with Delilah (v. 4). Delilah was a foreigner, and “the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, ‘Entice him, and see where his great strength lies and how we may overpower him that we may bind him to afflict him’” (v. 5a). As an enemy of Samson’s own people, Delilah begged Samson to reveal the source of his strength. By the fourth attempt at persuasion, Samson gave in and intimated with Delilah the crux of his power (vv. 15-17). Had Samson operated on godly principles and not flirted with the enemy of the Israelites, his hair would never have been cut and his strength would have been preserved. Samson’s flesh trumped his principles, and he paid the ultimate price for it.

• What was Samson’s first mistake in this passage? How did his actions ignore the call of God upon His life?


• Why is it important to recognize the destructive domino effect of sin? ________________________________________________________


Flee from any flirtation you are having right now with evil. Rely on the principles the Lord has set before you, and run. Ask the Lord to forgive you for when you’ve given in to temptation, and invite the Holy Spirit to give you the discipline and strength to make the escape.


Judges 16

We must operate upon godly principle rather than our own selfish desires and depraved human nature.





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Our sin is never merely personal; it always impacts others.


Sin inherently bleeds into every aspect of your life. Judges 17–21 reveals three deadly sins that the sons of Israel repeatedly fell into—theft, idolatry, and sexual immorality. The spread of sin began with one drop of Micah’s covetousness, who stole his mother’s silver. At the silver’s return, Micah’s mother consecrated the silver to the Lord to be made into a carved image (17:1-6). Micah’s sin led to the sin of his mother. Furthermore, Micah consecrated a young Levite to be his priest. Micah’s relationship with the Levite reveals his dependence upon him to right his relationship with God, another form of idolatry: “Then Micah said, ‘Now I know that the Lord will prosper me, seeing I have a Levite as priest’” (17:13). When the Danites obtained Micah’s idols, they, too, “set up for themselves Micah’s graven image which he had made, all the time that the house of God was at Shiloh” (18:31). Another Levite’s affair with a prostitute marks the continual sexual immorality that the Levites committed. Such sexual immorality set the stage for the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Your sin has far greater consequences than you can initially see.

• What were some of the sins that the Israelites committed? How did one sin lead to another in this passage?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• What sin are you battling right now that is affecting those around you?

How can you make it right with God and establish a peaceful and obedient community within the body of believers?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Repent from any unconfessed sins in your heart—whether in the form of thoughts, words, or actions. Then pray for those closest to you. If needed, ask for forgiveness from those who have been affected by your sin.


Matthew 6:1-4Judges 17–21Fridayfeb.10


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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Compromised Potential from Judges 16:4-6, 13-20. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of February 13, 2017

Ruth 1:1-7

God is present and active in our difficult circumstances.

But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my

people, and your God, my God.” Ruth 1:16 (NASB)



In the midst of tragedy our hearts can rejoice—if only we pay attention to where the Lord is at work. Sorrow befell Naomi when her husband, Elimelech, and their sons died. In the midst of a famine, Naomi was without food or family. Yet God met Naomi and her daughters-in-law in the midst of tragedy. Naomi’s actions to move back to Bethlehem were the direct result of divine intervention, “for she had heard in the land of Moab that the Lord had visited His people in giving them food” (v. 6b). Indeed, the Lord initiated a way out for Naomi and made provision for her to return to Bethlehem. The Lord steers and guides us to places we wouldn’t expect.

• What does this passage, specifically verse 6, reveal about the character of God? How was He good to His people in the midst of a trying circumstance?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


• Are you looking for where the Lord is at work in your life? If not, how can you be more mindful of His leading amidst trials?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


Rejoice that the Lord will always provide for you, no matter how barren your circumstances. Praise Him for being bigger than your circumstances. Thank Him for His provision in your life thus far, especially through His Son Jesus. Tell the Lord how much you trust Him, and begin to live your life out of such trust and obedience.





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Ruth 1:8-22

God calls us to faithfully love and serve the people He has placed in our lives. MAIN IDEA

Our level of faithfulness to the Lord and to those around us amidst difficult circumstances reveals our trust in God’s sovereignty. While she moved back to Bethlehem, Naomi told her daughters-in-law to return to their homelands, places of ultimate safety and comfort. To return to their homelands would have given Ruth and Orpah opportunities to remarry. To move to Bethlehem would have essentially been a marital death sentence to the widows and would have also resulted in their destitution: “Would you therefore refrain from marrying? No, my daughters; for it is harder for me than for you” (v. 13). Yet Ruth’s faithfulness to the Lord and to those she loved trumped her desire for comfort, safety, and marriage. Ruth stayed with Naomi: “And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law, but Ruth clung to her” (v. 14b, italics added). Ruth’s faithfulness led to single-minded devotion, “For where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God” (v. 16b). May our trust in God and our faithfulness to those we love trump our desire for comfort and move us to service.

• What do Ruth’s actions say about her character? Where do you see God working through Ruth’s faithfulness to her mother-in-law Naomi?


• Are you at a crossroads between fear of future circumstances and faithfulness to loved ones? What will you do this week to choose the latter?


Thank the Lord that He is the ultimate example of faithfulness. Ask that His steadfast faithfulness to you would motivate you to live a life of love and service for others.





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The Lord graciously rewards those who faithfully serve Him.MAIN IDEA

When we are most tempted to despair, we should serve. Living in a foreign land without a husband, Ruth had every earthly reason to despair of her current circumstances. Yet Ruth did not complain—she worked: “So she departed and went and gleaned in the field after the reapers” (v. 3a). Unconditional service marked the heart of Ruth, and the Lord rewarded her for it. Someone noticed Ruth’s work, “Then Boaz said to his servant who was in charge of the reapers, ‘Whose young woman is this?’” (v. 5). The Lord met Ruth in the field by allowing Boaz, a man of great character, to bless Ruth’s work by giving her extra grain, water, and safety from harm. Boaz explained his kindness, “May the Lord reward your work, and your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge” (v. 12). God rewarded Ruth for her faithfulness, for it was Ruth’s heart of service that distinguished her in Boaz’s eyes. Indeed, when we go into our fields—when we blindly and obediently follow the Lord—nothing goes unnoticed in His eyes.

• How did the Lord bless Naomi? In what ways is Boaz a reflection of the kindness of the Lord?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• Are you tempted to despair over your current circumstances? If so, what are your “fields”? Where can you go and faithfully serve your Lord?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Thank God that His eyes are always on you and that He is the God of great blessings. Praise Him that He is faithful to reward those who love Him and serve in His kingdom.


Ruth 2:1-13Wednesday



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Our faith is reflected in the small things—the little acts of kindness that no one notices, the minutes of service we give at the end of the day, and the extra miles we travel when no one is around. Boaz’s faith was illustrated in the little acts he performed for Ruth, whom he noticed for her faithfulness to her family. Indeed, “littleness” characterized Boaz’s kindness, as he let Ruth gather the extra bundles of grain in the field: Boaz told his men, “Pull out for her some grain from the bundles and leave it that she may glean, and do not rebuke her” (v. 16, italics added). Those small bundles amounted to 26 quarts of barley (v. 17). Boaz’s kindness toward Ruth was indicative of God’s grace and mercy extended to those who are less than worthy.

• How do we witness the Lord’s provision for Ruth through the acts of Boaz? ________________________________________________________


• In what ways have you seen God’s grace and mercy extended to you? ________________________________________________________


Thank the Lord for being the Great Provider and that He multiplies whatever resources we give over to Him in worship. Give over control of your possessions to the Lord, and allow Him to develop in you a heart of generosity.


Ruth 2:14-23

Small acts of kindness can be the biggest testaments to your faith.




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God is faithful to richly reward even the smallest acts of faithfulness.


Faith always involves risk. To risk everything—not only your reputation, but also your safety—in order to live a life of faithfulness and obedience is something that the Lord is faithful to reward. The context behind Ruth’s risk is important to understand in order to fully appreciate her act of faith—which, at first glance, seems small. In a time where women were mistreated and abused regularly and frequently, Ruth’s agreement to go to the threshing floor where Boaz was winnowing barley was a small act that required a lot of faith. At this time it was extremely dangerous for women to be walking across town, dressed up, and at night, as it made them susceptible to harassment from unwanted suitors. Yet Naomi urged Ruth to meet Boaz to make it clear that she was ready to be remarried. Note the obedience and simplicity behind Ruth’s response: “All that you say I will do” (v. 5).

• What was risky about Ruth’s meeting Boaz? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• What small acts of obedience can you begin to take this week in

vulnerability to the Lord? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a heart of bravery and obedience to do whatever it is the Lord asks of you, big or small.


Matthew 6:1-4Ruth 3:1-5Fridayfeb.



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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Tomorrow our lesson is Faith Through Trials from Ruth 1:6-18. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


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SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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Week of February 20, 2017

Ruth 3:1-13

We communicate our trust in God when we act in obedience to Him.

Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, “May he be blessed of the Lord who has not withdrawn his kindness to the living and to the dead.” Again Naomi said to her,

“The man is our relative, he is one of our closest relatives.” Ruth 2:20 (NASB)



The greatest act of obedience requires the most trust. Obedience takes you out of a place of control and into the realm of faith and trust in the living God. The outstanding nature of Ruth’s act is rooted in her obedience to the wisdom of her mother-in-law and the promptings of God: “So she went down to the threshing floor and did according to all that her mother-in-law had commanded her” (v. 6, italics added). Ruth’s obedience to make herself available to Boaz for marriage, and therefore to request his role as kinsman redeemer, took faith in the goodness of God. Indeed, God doesn’t call us to obedience without also promising His presence and His blessing: “Then [Boaz] said, ‘May you be blessed of the Lord, my daughter. You have shown your last kindness to be better than the first…Now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you ask’” (vv. 10-11a). The blessings of the Father come when we trust Him at His Word and obey in accordance.

• What does this passage say about the character of God? What does this passage say about His desire for our obedience?



• How is obedience rooted in faith and trust? In what areas of your life do you need to trust and obey the commands of the Lord?



Thank the Father for His good character, which rewards those who earnestly seek Him and obey His will.




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Ruth 3:14-18

Trust in God’s providence requires great patience.MAIN IDEA

Often when we get ourselves to the point of obedience, we are then taken to the place of waiting; we must be patient until we heed the next call from our Lord. Boaz told Ruth in verse 13 to “remain.” Although Boaz was a near relative of Naomi, there was another who had a prior claim to act as kinsman redeemer for Ruth. Ruth had to remain in the uncertainty: “If he will redeem you, good; let him redeem you. But if he does not wish to redeem you, then I will redeem you” (v. 13a, italics added). Imagine the agony of remaining where you are until you are called toward the next step. Ruth had to wait for the providence of the Lord throughout the night: “So she lay at his feet until morning” (v. 14a). Even the specific gift Boaz gave Ruth implied waiting—the six measures of barley symbolized her need for patience, for the number six is representative of incompleteness. Ruth had to wait until God could bring her redemption into completion.

• How did God bless Ruth’s patience? ________________________________________________________


• Are you entering a season of waiting on the Lord? How can you glorify God in your waiting? How can you demonstrate your trust in Him through your patience?


Ask the Lord to give you the strength to wait on Him. Invite Him to cultivate patience in your heart of obedience.





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The fulfillment of God’s promises results in worship and obedience in our lives.MAIN IDEA

In His kindness, the Lord divinely orchestrates events in their rightful order, in their rightful time—such providence results in our worship. The relative closest to Ruth and most eligible to serve as her kinsman redeemer rejected Ruth, so as to preserve his own inheritance (v. 6). It is interesting to note that although he was at first eager to buy the land of Elimelech, at hearing he would have to marry Ruth, a Moabitess, he refused. Indeed, God divinely worked out a way for Ruth and Boaz to marry. Boaz bought Ruth for himself as a wife and thus preserved her family line’s land and bought her a rich inheritance. By removing his sandal, Boaz made a public commitment to redeem Naomi’s property, marry Ruth, and perpetuate the names of Elimelech and Mahlon. The faithfulness of God prompts us to worship in trust and surrender.

• How does God’s orchestration of events in this passage reflect His faithfulness?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• When are you most tempted to doubt God’s providence? What are some past circumstances of His faithfulness of which you can remind yourself the next time your trust wavers?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Praise the Lord for His providence. Ask Him to grow in you a heart of trust in His character and obedience to His Word.


Ruth 4:1-12Wednesday



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Just when we think all hope is lost, the God of our past, present, and future comes through. Once a widow who lost both husband and inheritance, the Lord redeemed Ruth’s life and rewarded her for her faithfulness. The Lord also “enabled her to conceive” (v. 13b). For 10 years in Moab, Ruth had been unable to bear a son. Yet through the Lord’s direct intervention, Ruth immediately conceived and bore a son for Boaz: “Then the women said to Naomi, ‘Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel’” (v. 14). The child would be “a restorer of life and a sustainer of [Naomi’s] old age” (v. 15a). Ruth’s son would be her family’s redeemer who could provide for the family’s needs, particularly for Naomi in her old age. God’s blessings are a reminder of His goodness, and they give us hope in the midst of our pain.

• How did the birth of Ruth’s son serve as a form of God’s redemption of Ruth and her family?


• From what past has God redeemed you? In what ways are you living your life in gratitude and worship toward Him?


Thank God that He is the source of all healing in our lives. Thank Him for His lordship and His divine orchestration of events that work towards His glory and our good.


Ruth 4:13-15

God redeems our past and our pain.MAIN IDEA



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God uses your acts of obedience to stretch far beyond your immediate line of influence.


When you obey His voice, God always goes beyond what you ask or imagine. It wasn’t enough that God redeemed Ruth’s past, blessed her with Boaz, and renewed her inheritance. It wasn’t enough that God enabled Ruth to conceive with Boaz after years of infertility, blessing the couple with a son who would in turn bless Ruth’s mother-in-law Naomi. The son that Ruth conceived would be the grandfather of David, and thus in direct lineage with Christ Himself (v. 17). It is doubtful Ruth and Boaz imagined that their acts of obedience would stretch past their own influence—that Ruth’s faithfulness to her family or Boaz’s generosity in the field would come back hundredfold in the way that it did. Indeed, those who are obedient to the voice of God do not question, “What’s in it for me?” Nor do they have intentions of becoming a great name. The truly obedient are truly the most humble.

• What was the name of Ruth and Boaz’s son? What was significant about their son’s lineage? How does it point to the faithfulness and goodness of God?

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

• How can you alter your direction and take steps of obedience toward God

this week? ________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Thank God that He blesses your faithfulness and that His blessings bring people back to Himself and give Him glory. Invite Him to help you take steps of obedience to His voice today.


Matthew 6:1-4Ruth 4:16-22Fridayfeb.24


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As you reflect through this week’s quiet time, choose one verse/passage you read that particularly stood out to you:

• Why was this verse/passage so meaningful to you? ________________________________________________________

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• In what areas of your life do these truths apply? ________________________________________________________

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• In what ways do you plan to put the truths you’ve observed this week into practice?

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Tomorrow our lesson is Redeemed and Secure from Ruth 3:8-13; 4:13-17. Review these verses to prepare your heart and pray for your teacher.

Share your memory verse with someone today.


Page 95: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin


SUNDAY SCHOOL GROUP NOTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

List 2-3 ways you plan to respond to the truths you have learned this week:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Page 96: Dear Family of Faith, · Dear Family of Faith, ... Rahab’s statement of faith in verses 9a and 11b is a concise summary of the entire Old Testament message of faith. ... foreskin