1 Franklin Congregational Church The Meetinghouse Crier February and March 2017 Church: 860-642-7887 Parsonage: 860-924-5321 A word from Pastor Ryan Be Renewed This Christmas I vividly remember the birth of our first daughter, Karis. Just a few days before, Ruth and I had gone on a spontaneous date for a quick bite of dinner and a dollar movie. We talked about how inside of the week, everything would change when Karis was born—and, did it ever change, for the better! Welcome to the Franklin Congregational Church and our newsletter – The Crier. Below are a list of services, classes and events for the month. Sunday Services: 10:00 am Morning Worship Small Group Bible study at the church: Thursday 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Check out our website at www.franklinchurchct .com and facebook at – https:// www.facebook.com/ groups/192526960435/ Meetings: Deacons – First Monday of the month at 1 pm Our Mission: “To be a catalyst for ongoing revival, to become disciples of Christ, and to make disciples of

Dec 11 Barb Update - Cure or Healing? Web viewShe then drew a large X over the word 'cure' and explained that paliative ... to jingle somebody’s bells. ... landed at Plymouth Rock

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Franklin Congregational Church

The Meetinghouse CrierFebruary and March 2017

Church: 860-642-7887Parsonage: 860-924-5321

A word from Pastor Ryan

Be Renewed This Christmas

I vividly remember the birth of our first daughter, Karis. Just a few days before, Ruth and I had gone on a spontaneous date for a quick bite of dinner and a dollar movie. We talked about how inside of the week, everything would change when Karis was born—and, did it ever change, for the better!

Of course we could not be quite as spontaneous as we once were, but with the new little girl, everything was different. We would sit and watch her sleep in her light up swing; watch her eyes change from steely blue to brown; chuckle as her hair grew out blonde, while leaving a black tip from when she was born; and, try to capture all the “firsts” as they happened.

Welcome to the Franklin Congregational Church and our newsletter – The Crier. Below are a list of services, classes and events for the month.

Sunday Services:

10:00 am Morning Worship

Small Group Bible study at the church: Thursday 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

Check out our website atwww.franklinchurchct.-comand facebook at –https://www.facebook.-com/groups/192526960435/

Meetings:Deacons – First Monday of the month at 1 pm

Our Mission:“To be a catalyst for on-going revival, to become disciples of Christ, and to make disciples of our town, our state, and the nations, by the power of the Holy Spirit“.

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When a couple has their first child, everything changes. It seems nothing is quite the same—sleep cycles, eating schedules, dates, clean spaces, budgets, etc. Everything gets shaken up a little, but with the shake-up comes a host full of smiles, laughs, tears, and hugs. As it is with any first baby born, how much more for the earth when the first-born Son of God came into the world.

With the advent of Emanuel (God with Us), there are so many changes in the world that we should notice. History was split in two, B.C./A.D.; a new way of salvation was made; a new King and Kingdom was initiated; a new power was brought into the world through the Holy Spirit; a whole new people group was born (the Church); and, the future of the world was forever changed.

Often we look at New Year’s for a new beginning—new resolutions, new diets, new plans, etc. But this Christmas, let’s look at the birth of Jesus as a whole new beginning and a new way for us to look at life. Of course, this must start with a person accepting Him as his/her Savior (the way to have all our sins removed) and Lord (the One to submit to in all things). But, it should not be a one time experience. Christians should experience the life in Jesus’ birth, and the life of the New Birth (accepting Jesus) on a daily basis. This should change our daily outlook on life and the way we live!

Because of Jesus birth, we should look on life with hope! It is easy to look around the world and see the destruction, the mess, and the evils of life; but, if we will change our outlook through Christ, we should look on the world with hope. Though the evils of life might come our way, as long as we stand with Christ, there is nothing that can take away our hope—both for this life and the life after. Our ultimate hope rests in the fact that, if we have dedicated our lives to Christ, we will always live with Him. Our eternal life, however, does not start when we take our last breath, but starts at the moment we take our first breath in Jesus. At the minute that we are “born again,” we begin to live eternally. Jesus came that we can have life and have it more abundantly (Jn. 10:10). Even though trials may come, like Pollyanna, we should see the positives that Christ can insert into each situation. Only Jesus can take every tragedy in life and turn it into a triumph. It’s our job to watch for His hand in every situation and give Him the glory when He brings hope.

Though there is nothing more personal than hope for each person in his/her everyday life, hope is not just reserved for our personal lives and experiences. We should have hope for society as well. Jesus came to bring a new way of life, and this should translate into new life in our town, state, country, and world. It is far too easy to watch the news and let our worldview be formed by current events rather than by the Word of God. Our faith should rest in what the Word says rather than what the world says. The Word claims that, with the birth of Jesus, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased (Lk 2:14).” Inherent in this promise is that those who follow after God—the only way to do that is by following His Son—will have peace! Furthermore, His peace will extend over the whole earth:

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;And the government will rest on His shoulders;And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace,On the throne of David and over his kingdom,To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousnessFrom then on and forevermore. Is. 9:6-7.

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Therefore, we should expect His righteous reign to extend through more and more people submitting to His Lordship and His peace to spread throughout the world.

Our hope for our own lives and our hope for the world rests solely in Him. It is easy to say that, and to acknowledge that it is probably true, but it is another thing to live that way! The greatest battlefield in the world is between the ears! We must learn to live by faith, knowing that the Word is absolutely true in what it says and that it has the full power of God behind it to accomplish all that it says. When we begin to live this way, believing that every word in the Bible is absolutely true, and still valid for us today, then we will walk with hope and see Jesus do great things for each of us personally and for our society at large.

So, let us celebrate a renewal this Christmas: a renewal of our hope that Christ will bring His salvation, peace, and prosperity to each of us individually and to all those in His Kingdom. Let us fix our minds on Him, not on this world. Let the birth of the Only Son of God bring about a change in our lives each and every day throughout the year.

From our family to yours,Have a Wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

Pastor Ryan

Rev. Ryan Duck, M.Div., Th.M.Pastor, Franklin Congregational Church

A Word from your Deacons:

Deacons’ Corner

This Fall we had our first Fall BBQ in a number of years, and it was tremendously successful. Thanks once again to all who helped with pies, sides, kitchen/serving, and cooking and slicing the chickens. I believe that a good time was had by all—all the patrons and all the servers!

On the horizon:

• We are continuing our Bible Study on “Caring Evangelism” meets on Thursday nights at 7. Come learn to live a life of evangelism with ease and freedom.

• Our annual Candlelight service will be December 18th @ 7pm. This year, with special thanks to Marilyn, we have added

some pageantry in our normal service. We’ll have a reception following, so please be prepared to bring some yummy goodies.

• Our Annual Meeting is currently scheduled for January 15th with a pot-luck lunch! So please make plans to be there.

For the Deacons,Pastor Ryan

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Dec 11 Barb Update - Cure or Healing?

Journal entry by Brian Doyle — 12/11/2016Dec 11 Barb Update - Cure or Healing?

Last week as we waited in the GI Clinic at the Moffitt Cancer Center for Barb's doctor appointment before her chemo treatment, I walked over to the other side of the clinic and peeked in at the small exam room where we sat in August on our first visit. Multiple friends had urged us to consider the two hour trip to Moffitt to meet with and get expert counsel to complement what we were learning about Barb's cancer. 

It was in that exam room almost four months ago that a couple different people met with us including the Section Head of Oncology.  She was gracious and kind and down to business. At one point, she gently took the journal that Barb was using to take notes and drew an illustration with two arrows. One arrow pointed to 'cure'. The other arrow pointed to 'paliative care'. She then drew a large X over the word 'cure' and explained that paliative care was our only option and that this could happen at Moffitt or back in our local area.

Neither Barb or myself even knew what paliative care was except that is wasn't cure. 

I remember that I needed to briefly excuse myself and walk out through the waiting area into the hallway and just whisper a silent plea to God. Help me! Help me shepherd my sweet wife through this. Help us know how to share this with our children. 

In John's account of the Life of Jesus in the 5th chapter, he shares the story of an encounter Jesus had with a man who had been an invalid for many years. This man would lay near a pool of water known to help people get better. John writes that 'Jesus saw him laying there and asked him, Do you want to be healed?' It seems such an obvious question - but note he did not ask him, 'Do you want to be cured?' Webster defines cure as a 'complete or permanent relief from a disease'. The man was likely near the pool with the hope of being cured. For Barb, being cured was not a pathway that an honest medical professional could advise for a stage 4 cancer patient. 

But Jesus instead asked the man, 'Do you want to be healed?' Healing means being restored and made whole. In Barb's case, healing requires Almighty God's direct intervention - but really, isn't that true for all of us?. Whether it is stage 4 cancer or something completely different - I know I covet God's direct intervention. I would prefer healing over being cured. 

This past week you prayed specifically for healing from the headaches and stomach problems. Thank you! God heard your request, intervened and healed Barb from both headache and stomach/intestinal problems. The intestinal is still a common concern so we will keep that on our list as we head to a full day of treatment tomorrow, Monday the 12th.  Please join us in prayer: 

AM Prayer:1. Pause and give praise to God that He is Jehovah Rapha - the Lord Your Healer2. Thank God for Barb's great progress and pray for complete healing. .  

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3. Specifically pray in faith for Barb's treatment tomorrow and for continued healing from intestinal side effects.   PM Prayer: 1. Thank God for giving me grace to shepherd my wife through these days and how we are growing in our faith.  2. Continue to ask God to creatively supply these next three weeks all the financial needs of the ISI ministry. .

3. Hold Barb's arms up by praying for her nutrition disciplines and for her daily detox regimen and yes - for complete healing!

With much love and gratitude,  Brian, Barb, Jessica, Mike, Matt, Tim and Susie 

Please continue to pray for this wonderful woman of God and her family.

Christmas in the Lone Star state

Christmas in the Lone Star state has no greater defender than Attorney General Ken Paxton. So when he read my column about a middle school in Killeen that tried to censor the true meaning of Christmas, he decided it was time to jingle somebody’s bells.A staffer at Patterson Middle School was told she had to remove a poster depicting a scene from the cherished holiday classic, “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”The door-length poster featured Linus, a scrawny tree and that beautiful recitation of the true meaning of Christmas.“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior which is Christ the Lord. That’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown,” Linus said.Dedra Shannon’s poster was well-received among the staff and students – but a few days later she was told by the principal that she should either have to remove the religious references or remove the entire poster.Linus could stay but the Baby Jesus had to go. “She said my poster is an issue of separation of church and state,” Ms. Shannon told me. “She said the poster had to come down because it might

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offend kids from other religions or those who do not have a religion.”Ms. Shannon refused to compromise her religious beliefs and ultimately removed the poster.“I wasn’t going to leave Linus and the Christmas tree without having the dialogue. That’s the whole point of why it was put up.”The incident proves that public school tolerance can only be achieved by being intolerant towards Christians.But it turns out the principal may have inadvertently broken the 2013 “Merry Christmas” law. That law stipulates no school official in Texas can silence a Biblical reference to Christmas.“I am proud to have voted for the Merry Christmas law in 2013, when I was a member of the legislature,” Paxton said. “We passed that law precisely because of this type of discrimination against people of faith.”Paxton minced no words in describing what happened in that hallway at Patterson Middle School.“This is an attack on religious liberty and a violation of the First Amendment and state law,” he said. “I am calling on the school board of the Killeen ISD to immediately reverse their unlawful decision.”For the past several days I’ve been reaching out to the school district – but so far the superintendent has not returned my messages.The school board has a long history of standing up for religious liberty.Terry Delano, president of the school district’s board of trustees, told me they voted to change the name of “Winter Break” to “Christmas Break.” And last year they defied the Freedom From Religion Foundation’s demand to cease praying before meetings.The school district also ignored the Department of Education’s demand that they open all bathrooms to the opposite gender.“These strong stances for Christianity and morality often go unreported and unnoticed, but they represent important victories in a time when

our culture seems to be rotting in a cesspool,” Mr. Delano wrote to me.It sounds as if the good people of Killeen are being well-served by the school board and I’m certain they will resolve this incident at the middle school – whether it was intentional or a misunderstanding.Either way, Attorney General Paxton dropped a great big Yuletide truth bomb on the Killeen Independent School District: Don’t mess with Texas and don’t mess with Christmas. Otherwise, you might just find your tinsel in a twist.



Please take a turn at cleaning the church; if

we all work together the task will not fall

on just a few people.

Many Hands Make Light Work and more fellowship with friends.

A story by Dr. James Dobson

My mother lost her beloved husband, and I lost my father, on December 4th, 1977. On that Sunday afternoon, my mom and dad attended a birthday party for his sister. He held a baby

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briefly and then was asked to pray for the meal. Those were his last words, as he leaned gently into my mother’s arms and onto the floor. Though this godly man never breathed again, my cousin said that after about five minutes of CPR, my dad smiled a broad grin and was gone. What did he see on that afternoon? Who was there to meet him? I’m confident that he was greeted by the Lord Jesus Christ, whose birthday we are celebrating during this Christmas season. My dad had served Him with a willing heart since yielding to a call to preach 42 years earlier. It was a lifelong commitment.As for my mother, she suffered the same loneliness that we read about in the story I have shared. She came to see us in California that Christmas, and we all grieved together. The empty chair at the dinner table was almost unbearable, especially for the lady whose love for her husband was profound.

But in keeping with our story, my father left a gift for my mother. It was given not after his death, but before. He had left a little toy terrier named Benji, who became her companion and source of comfort during the stark winter months in Olathe, Kansas. This little dog worshipped his master. On that fateful morning, he saw my mom and dad leave in the car, but only one of them came back. He was perplexed by my dad’s sudden disappearance. For months, he stood at the top of the stairs with his ears erect as the sun was going down each afternoon. He was looking down at the garage door, hoping it would open and his master would return. Benji and my mother grieved together and found solace in each other’s company.

Several months later, I went to Olathe to help pack my dad’s clothes and dispose of his belongings. Some of them brought tears to my eyes, including a shotgun he used when we hunted quail together. I put a suitcase on the bed and began arranging folded coats and sweaters in it. Then I realized I was being watched intently by a concerned little dog. Benji then jumped up on the bed and walked slowly over to the case. He stepped into it and sniffed each item of clothing, and then he curled down on top of them and lay down his head.

I said, “I know, Benji, I miss him too.”

Eleven years later, my mother slipped out of this life and into the next, where she was also met by her Savior. I believe she is with my dad now, and they will celebrate together for eternity.I thank God again at this Christmas time for the tiny Baby who was born in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago. Because of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection, those of us who have given our hearts to Him and received His forgiveness for sins will never be separated from godly loved ones again. There will be no more tears, sadness, sickness, sorrow or death. This promise is what we are celebrating this Yuletide season.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace...” (Isaiah 9:6 NIV)

It is my prayer that you and your family know this Prince of Peace and anticipate His return. We also hope you are having a warm and meaningful holiday season together. So from all of us at Family Talk, we say in one voice, “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.”  

P.S. To those who are able, please remember to help this ministry financially here at the   end of the year. We have struggled somewhat this year but many of you have been generous to us. We thank you so much. You can reach us by logging onto our website at drjamesdobson.org, or by calling us at 877.732.6825. Our mailing address is: Family Talk, 540 Elkton Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.

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December 7 – National Pearl Harbor Remebrance Day

National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day is a day to remember and honor all those who died as a result of their service at Pearl Harbor. December 7, 1941 is the date America was attacked marking the day America entered into WWII.  It is a tradition to fly the U.S. Flag at half-staff until sunset. December 17 – Wright Brothers DayWright Brothers Day commemorates the first flight by Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17, 1903.December 18 – Candle light service at the FCC at 7 pm with reception afterwards.December 22 – National Regifting DayNational Regifting Day is a day to celebrate regifting. We all do it, so let's bring regifting out of the closet! "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.... Regift!"

December 21 – Forefathers' DayForefathers' Day celebrates the day the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620. First Day of Winter 

December 24 – Hanukkah beginsJewish holiday that lasts through Jan. 1.

December 25 - ChristmasChristmas is celebrated by millions of people all over the world. For Christians, Christmas is a celebration of

the birth of Jesus Christ and is observed on December 25th or among Eastern Orthodox, January 6th. In 1870, the U.S. Congress made it a federal holiday making it a secular celebration that many non-practicing Christians celebrate as a family holiday. It is a holiday that is based on traditions, for Christians many traditions are faith based while others have their own traditions. Though many people celebrate Christmas in different ways, Christmas is a universal holiday with many universal traditions that brings people and families together in the spirit of giving and spending time with the ones they love.

December 26 - Boxing DayBoxing Day is celebrated December 26 the day after Christmas Day in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. It was traditionally a day to give a box to those who have worked hard for you throughout the year. Many churches or businesses placed boxes for coins to be placed for year end gifts. Many countries now have Boxing Week to sell excess Christmas inventory at reduced prices.

December 31 – New Year's Eve and New Year's Day

New Year's Eve is celebrated December 31st, the last day of the Gregorian calendar year. New Year's Eve is celebrated around the world with fireworks, parties, and the traditional midnight countdown to bring in the New Year. New Year's Day is the first day of the Gregorian calendar year. It is a day of parades, sporting events and new years resolutions.

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January 1 – New Years Day!

January 15 – Our Annual Meeting is currently scheduled for January 15th with a pot-luck lunch! So please make plans to be there.

The cartoon this month, reminds us that Jesus has a plan for our salvation and our good health!

This house is a house of Prayer The Deacons have a daily “Prayer Min-istry.” Each day of the week, one deacon is scheduled to be in the sanctuary for one hour of prayer.

If you would like to join us please call one of us and we will arrange for a time to meet at the church and pray together.

Irene Morgan 642-7036 Ray Morin 642-6404Margaret Ayer 642-4318 David Ayer 642-4351Marilyn Briggs 884-8340 Bob Wheeler 642-7668

"Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces."  S.D. Gordo

Another OptionREADJohn 8:1-11

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They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” (v.7).The film Bridge of Spies tells the true story of a lawyer who was selected by his government to defend an arrested foreign spy. As the lawyer strived for a fair trial, he found himself caught in a moral quandary. With both countries standing on the brink of nuclear war, his government wasn’t interested in a rigorous defense. They simply wanted the spy convicted and sent to the electric chair.When the jury found the man guilty, the attorney looked for another option. Against popular opinion, he convinced the judge to waive the death penalty and to sentence his client to 30 years imprisonment. He argued that the spy might become a valuable bargaining chip if one of their country’s spies was captured.There’s a story in John’s gospel account about an incident where the religious leaders brought to Jesus a woman who had been caught in adultery (John 8:1-4). They reminded Him, “The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” (v.5).The men were looking to trap Jesus in a corner. If He told them to let her go free, He would have ignored the law. If, however, He told them to put her to death, He would have undermined His message of forgiveness and also usurped Roman law—Rome alone could execute someone (18:31).The trap may have appeared to be working, until Jesus answered, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” (v.7).Brilliant! Are you in a situation where you feel trapped and out of options? Think it through, pray, and gain godly counsel from others. None of us can think on our feet like Jesus, but maybe there’s another way forward—a surprising option you haven’t discovered that honors the values of God and His kingdom. —Jeff OlsonMORERead 1 Corinthians 10:13 and consider how God can provide a way out of the challenges you face.NEXT

What wisdom from Scripture can help you in a dilemma? How can you pursue an option that will honor God and be the best for all concerned?

What Is Idolatry?By Billy Graham   Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father . . . —Matthew 10:33

What is idolatry? Idolatry is anything that comes between us and God. Joshua told his people that their nation would be destroyed if they persisted in idolatry, and their souls would suffer eternal death. He said, “You must make your decision today. You must decide whether you want to serve the idols of this life, or the living God.” “Choose you this day,” said Joshua, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” What about you? Are you taking your stand with Joshua? No matter what the cost? I am asking you to choose this day whom you will serve. Our families cannot choose Christ for us. Our friends cannot do it. God is a great God, but even God can’t make the decision for us. He can help, but only we can decide. We have to make our own choice.Prayer for the day - Lord Jesus Christ, take away the idols in my life so that, completely undivided, I may serve You, my Savior.

May God Bless you, your family, our church, and our country during this wonderful season of Winter and may you have a blessed Christmas and New Year with your family!