HL Hi.Life Magazine December 2009 | Issue 4 | jlabmag.com | $1.00 In the know 12 CHARITIES OF CHRISTMAS P.18

December 16

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The December 16, 2009 issue of the Hi-Life.

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HL Hi.LifeMagazineDecember 2009 | Issue 4 | jlabmag.com | $1.00 I n t h e k n o w

12 Charities of Christmas


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2 Hi.Life 12.092 Hi.Life 12.09

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In This IssueHi.Life | The Student Newspaper of Lee’s Summit High School

December 2009 / Vol. 91 / No. 4 / jlabmag.com

Departments6 NEWS







On the Cover1. Kenzi Jordan2. Allie Dean

3. Kendal Mercurio4. Charissa Buckner5. Ryan Hagedorn

6. Jordan Reed

Photo by Michael Bushur






18 | 12 CHRISTMAS CHARITIES Learn about what organizations around the world are doing this holiday season to help others. Find out different ways you can join in on the giving and impact other lives.

6 |CANDLELIGHTINGGet the inside scoop on the history of Candlelighting and learn how the ceremony became what it is today. Be apart of an LSHS long standing tradition.

17| TEACHERISMS “I tend to quote a lot of movies, like A LOT. If I get paid on the amount of times I quote Dumb and Dumber, I would be rich.”

20| GENNAIO BOUTIQUEGennaio has finely made and popular designer clothing, as well as some designers that are new to most of the community. Find out how all the of the patient waiting will be rewarded with the new boutique, Gennaio, meaning January in Italian.

23 | HOW TO JERK Many people look at jerkin’ as a hard dance, but it is truly simple. Jerkin’ is an exciting dance to express your personality in different moves. Learn how to master this California inspired dance.


Swimming it a great workout because you are engaging every muscle in your body. It is also mentally demanding, with every stroke you have to be aware of your body placement.”

Page 4: December 16

4 Hi.Life 12.09

HL| Hi.lifeeditors-in-chief | Michael Bushur & Taylor Rice

web editor-in-chief | Patrick Stoddart

managing editor | Tyler Fromson

photo editors | Taylor Rice & Michael Bushur

news editor | Mallory Brown

features editor | Tyler Fromson

entertainment editor | Abigail Jones

opinions editors | Max Belanger & Julia Duckworth

sports editors | Nate Day & Derek Brooks

fashion editor | Lindsey Bales

ad manager | Lacy Knipp

media convergence | Eric Fabi

page designers | Mary Armes, Alyssa Schierhoff

writers & photographers | Alisha Gillespie, Alyssa Schierhoff, Amy Notestein, Anna -Marie Gallo, Ben Quinnelly, Benjamin Sobek, Bianca Wang, Bradley Roberts, Brittany Webster, Brittni Keyhill, Burkett Powell, Chase Lindner, Colin Taylor, Edgar Enriquez, Ellen Spaar, Emily Dowdle, Erin Rottinghaus, Hayley Mershon, Haley Gillian, Haley Merriott, Hollyann Tiffany, Jessie Curtis, Jordan Buhr, Jordan Shawhan, Josh Byard, Julia Huisman, Kara Klein, Karlie Swan, Kassi Torrence, Kevin Adams, Kimberley Tabe, Kristina Hagan, Kristin Sands, Laina Gunsallus, Lily Schiffbauer, Lindsay Nelson, Luke Jarnevic, Marissa Raukar, Mallory Tackett, Ma’Ryah Cooper, Max Olson, Michael Holcomb, Michael Rellihan, Mikayla Frommer, Miranda Vaughn, Morgan Pena, Najee Sears, Nathan Baker, Nathan Williams, Nicole Kelleher, Patricia Sjuts, Pete White, Presley Lewis, Rebecca Wadle, Sarah Kensinger, Sia Nero, Sierra Lewis, Stephanie Rowden, Summer Richards, Taryn Hall, Taylor Dyer,Tyler Fromson, Tyler Wilmore

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Page 5: December 16


Letter from the Editors


Unless you stole this magazine, you are most likely aware that the Hi.Life now costs one dollar. After careful consideration, we have decided that this increase in price is necessary. For the past decade, the Hi.Life has cost fifty cents. Over

that span of time, the way in which this publication is produced has changed, resulting in higher production costs. The money that students pay for the Hi.Life accounts for a relatively low portion of our budget. Each copy costs almost five dollars to print, meaning that the greater number we sell, the more money we lose. The majority of that cost is ink, which is significantly more expensive than most people think. This year, we have made the editorial decision to increase the amount of color used throughout the Hi.Life in order to make it more visually appealing. By reducing our circulation by twenty percent an raising the price by fifty cents, we will be able to save several thousand dollars over the course of the year. If we did not make those changes, we would run out of money before the end of the year. That money saved will be allotted to purchase new cameras, software, and computers that will allow us to produce a higher-quality publication. The Hi.Life is unlike any other high school paper in Missouri. Many other schools’ publications are black and white and printed on newsprint by an external company. We print the Hi.Life ourselves with a professional digital press on high quality bond paper. We strive to produce a publication befitting of the students at Lee’s Summit High School, with relevant content and interesting design. We are confident that with these budgeting changes we will be able to continue to do that. Enjoy your Hi.Life, and have a merry Christmas.

Michael Bushur and Taylor Rice

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Page 6: December 16

6 Hi.Life 12.09

News NewsNews

NHS celebrates decades-old school traditon

Lighting of the


“Candlelighting is really about humanity. It’s not so much based on religion, but how we should treat each other.”

Fifty-four years ago, Lee’s Summit High School began practicing the now well-known tradition among students and teachers, Candlelighting. Though this tradition is well-known throughout Lee’s Summit, many do not know the history of how it became the event it is now. “We aren’t sure who started (Candlelighting) in it’s original form, but it started as a Christmas story ceremony,” NHS sponsor Cathy Sheridan said. Today, it is part of tradition for students to dress formally on the day of Candlelighting. Students take their last final that morning, and then end first semester with a silent candle lighting ceremony that introduces many major world religions. “In the 80’s, a parent sued the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) because of the religious content of the ceremony. Since then, Lee’s Summit High School has adapted Candlelighting at school to reflect multiple religions,” Club 121 sponsor Jessi Lueck said. Many surrounding schools have tried to imitate Candlelighting in admiration of this tradition, but few have been successful. “It was amazing. My first year here, I didn’t believe students would actually dress up and stay quiet from the time finals were over to until school was let out.” Sheridan said. “ It says a lot about the maturity of our students. I’m not sure if West has one, but North definitely does.” Even though Candlelighting has changed from celebrating one religion to celebrating many, an alternative Candlelighting,

celebrated off campus still keeps the original intent of the first candle lighting, to reflect on Jesus’ birth. “Since around ’92 there has been an alternative Candlelighting service. Anyone can go to it, they just have to have their parents call them out by December 16th,” Lueck said. Candlelighting used to be celebrated in two different locations, one of them was in the A gym. “Dr. Faulkenburry wanted it to be a unifying ceremony. Now it’s in the Field House,” Sheridan said. “Candlelighting is really about humanity. It’s not so much based on religion, but how we should treat each other. We are more alike than we are different. Joy, hope, understanding, equality and peace is what it really focuses on,” Sheridan said. Whether one chooses to attend Candlelighting in the field house or at Grace Church, one thing remains the same: it is a student led tradition that makes Lee’s Summit High School proud.

by Bianca Wang

Some holiday traditions are carved into the nation’s psyche, among them decorating

a Christmas tree, spending time with family, and waking up early Christmas morning

to find that Santa has left wonderful gifts. Then there are traditions that spring from an

indifference to all that, which is how Lee’s Summit High School found itself celebrating

Candlelighting every year before Winter Break.

photo by Bradley Roberts

Page 7: December 16


The One-Act Festival


The Plunge Worth Taking

Festival showcases all three Lee’s Summit Schools

A Lee’s Summit High School tradition in the making. January 2009 was the first year participating in the world-renowned event to help people with special needs to go to the Special Olympics. “It is worth it, going in just knowing you’re helping people,” junior Claire Bohlman said. Polar Bear Plunge is an event to give the money raised at the plunge to people who otherwise could not go to the Special Olympics. “It is really cool to see people from the our community come together,” Angela Cusimano said. For a high school student to spend 50 dollars to jump in a freezing lake may sound crazy, but junior Rebecca Renin thinks it is worth it. “It is a fun time to hang out with friends, the cold water does not even hit you when you run into the water. The hot tub after was my favorite part” junior Rebecca Renin said. Helping the community is a big part of Polar Bear Plunge. “It is cool to see everyone in our community come to gather,” senior Melanie Mcilroy said.What should I wear? “The less you where the better, so you can get warmer faster most people where shorts and a t-shirt,” Bohlam said.How long do you stay in the water? “How ever long you want. Most people run in and out,” Bohlman saidIs there an age limit? No younger than 10 years oldCost? 50 dollars to join the LSHS team. When? January 30, 2010 from about 12 p.m.- 4 p.m.Where? Lee’s Summit Longview Lake. Polar Bear Plunge is not just an event for crazy people to run into freezing water, but for a chance to help people with special needs go to the Special Olympics. It give teenagers and any one else a chance to do something fun and give back.

The lights come on, the music starts up, and the crew comes on stage setting up yet another show. That was the hustle and bustle on the fourth and fifth of this month in the performing arts center. Students from North, West, and Lee’s Summit all came together to showcase there talent in the yearly one-act festival. “The repertory classes all get together and perform there one-acts in a group showcase,” senior Jamie Schlotzhauer said. “It is really fun.” The one-act festival brings all three schools together, a rare situation that involves them all working together. They have to set up lights and sound in a short amount of time and for some in a new place. “It requires a lot of teamwork to get it all put together,” senior Josh Simmons said. This year the one-act festival was held in the performing arts center. This was a new environment for West and North kids to get used to because the set up of each school theater is dramatically different. This was also new for Lee’s Summit students because they had to put in more time to the festival. “The one-act festival was a lot of time commitment and we both spent and profited from it,” Schlotzhauer said. The one thing that sets the on-act festival apart from doing other shows is the fact that its a class. The students in the repertory class get graded on there show and it counts as part of there final so doing a great job is really important. “It kind of puts more pressure on you to do a good job, but in a way that is a good thing,” Simmons said. So the next time the lights come on the stage and the music starts up, just imagine how students from North, West, and Lee’s Summit all came together to act there best.

by Marissa Raukarby Brittni Keyhillphotos by Kassi Torrence


Senate freezes for Special Olympics

Take The Plunge. One way students at LSHS are getting ready for Polar Bear Plunge is by selling gold and white polar bears during lunch. This is to raise money for the event. “ It is worth it knowing you’re helping people,” junior Claire Bohlman

photo by Morgan Pena

Page 8: December 16

8 Hi.Life 12.09

To find hope when there seems to be none left. To see light when lost in the dark. To feel loved when thinking no one else cares. To write love on her arms.

“To Write Love On Her Arms is a great foundation because so many people have been affected by addiction and depression, and it is spreading awareness about things that people do not generally talk about,” freshman Mallory Murphy said. This organization has a vision to help, love, and support those who have any form of addiction, those who suffer from self-injury, or those who are suicidal. Their website, twloha.com, says this: “You were created to love and be loved. You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you’re part of a bigger story. You need to know that your life matters.” “An estimated 20 percent of teens will suffer from depression by the time they reach adulthood, and hopefully this concert will help spread awareness to that fact,” Murphy said.

Tiger Smart collects coats to the community warmFreeze Out>>

by Haylet Mershon

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, the holidays can be a time to reflect on all of the things that you have to be thankful for. It can also be a great opportunity to turn your attention to individuals and families who may, for one reason or another, not be as fortunate as you. Tiger Smart did just this by holding their third annual Freeze Out.

On Dec. 11, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the tiger head, all the members of Tiger Smart sat out in the cold in just jeans and long sleeve shirts. They were only allowed to wear clothing items or use blankets that people had donated. The members were given large cardboard boxes as well to make houses out of. “We pretended to be homeless for a few hours and collect clothes


for the less fortunate. We could only wear items donated to keep warm. We brought food and had a fun time with it,” junior Tiger Smart member Sara Borneman said. Former LSHS student Kyle Buthod heard of the Freeze Out and brought it to the sponsors of Tiger Smart three years ago. They liked the idea and began the necessary preparations to put on this event. “There aren’t a lot of preparations to make for this event. We find a place in need to take the donated items and make arrangements to drop it off. This year, the donations are going to Hillcrest Ministry, which is a transitional living place where people who have lost everything can go. There are seven apartment buildings full of people trying to get back on their feet. We also prepared a lock-in for the kids after the event,” Tiger Smart sponsor Officer J. Keck said. There was a sizable pile of donations at the tiger head, and Borneman believes the event is gaining more popularity as the years go on. “It feels good to participate in this event and do whatever I can to help the community,” said Borneman.

Borneman said students take for granted how at the end of the night they can go home and have a roof over their heads and a warm bed. “I’m glad it was only for a few hours,” Borneman said. “It really wasn’t fun and it was very uncomfortable.” Keck believes that it is good for the students to focus on the community and making a difference in people’s lives. “It is good for students to participate because it is good when kids realize that the world goes beyond LSHS, and someone’s social status doesn’t make them less of a human,” Keck said. Next year when the Freeze Out comes around again, students are encouraged to bring any old clothes they have that they don’t need anymore. It doesn’t have to be just winter clothes; anything is accepted because the clothes and blankets will be given out free to people all year round.

Love is the MovementGroup brings hope to those who believe they have none>>

Freeze Out. Students at LSHS participated in an event called Freeze Out. This was to help people who are in need of warm winter clothing. “It makes me happy to participate in this even because I’m helping people less fortunate than me,” sophomore Will Lukowski said.

Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers. Think about it being a friend. Think about it being a family member. Think about it being too late. “By having this concert, we hope to bring to people’s attention the importance of loving those who need love, and hopefully those who need this love will realize that they are not alone,” Murphy said. This organization has a vision that says: everyone can relate to pain and lives with questions that get them stuck in moments. They need to know they’re not alone in times they feel stuck. On Feb. 13, 2010, a To Write Love On Her Arms benefit concert will be held. Live music and public speakers will be there to help shed light on these issues. “Our band is called In Progress, and we will be playing four or five songs at the concert,” sophomore Chad Andrew said. Andrew is the vocals for this metal band that will be playing to show their support of the organization.

“I like how this organization tries to help people with drug addictions because I have cousins who have had drug addictions so I can relate,” Andrew said, “I’m going to buy a t-shirt to wear on stage while we play. I’ll be inviting a lot of people I know, and I’ll be talking about these issues.” To Write Love On Her Arms is growing more as each day goes by. More people are becoming aware of these problems plaguing our world, but it is not enough. Set aside the pride and carelessness that roam these hallways, and begin to love. This is an attempt to prove that those who believe suicide prevention does not exist are wrong. This is people saying that love can change a life. This is the world flooding darkness with light. Rescue is possible. Love is the movement.

photo by Morgan Pena

by Taylor Dyerphoto by Stephanie Rowden

Page 9: December 16


“We started out with about 75 animations

and only 75,000 lights,” Michaele Newman said.

“Now there are over 300,000 lights that make up 175 animations,” Newman


Over 200,000 people have already visited Christmas in the Park in the short month it

has been open.

Christmas in the ParkAnnual display lights up local campground

In the holiday seasons, budgets become tight from buying Christmas presents to providing a big meal for the family, but spending quality time together does not always break the bank. Christmas in the Park is a fun way to spend

time with the family while enjoying the beautiful lights. Out of all of the holiday’s attractions in Kansas City, Christmas in the Park has been rated one of the city’s best of all. Back in the September of 1988, the Jackson County Department of Parks and Recreation was challenged to design, create, and construct a winter wonderland that would benefit both the community and local charities. After only a few months, the staff had sufficiently crafted an illuminated masterpiece that had exceeded all expectations out of the Longview Lake Campground. On Thursday Nov. 27, the project was completed, and Christmas in the Park was born. The following evening, a line of cars, stretching far from the gate, awaited the grand opening. “We wanted to make something that was exciting for the whole family. It’s fun to have a magical ride and be with your family too,” Director of Parks and Recreation Michele Newman said. When Christmas in the Park was first opened, it had barely any lights or animations at all. Over the years, many more glowing designs have been added to the colorful collection of lights. “We started out with about 75 animations and only 75,000 lights, but now there are over 300,000 lights that make up 175 animations,” Newman said. As early on February, throughout the department, representatives come together and discuss what ideas

they have for the years new display. After the designs for the new display are completed, the Longview Maintenance and Operation staff begin to build the animation. “The Longview staff is a very artistic group, they design, form, bend, weld, place, and secure each display for its best viewing,” Newman said. This year’s newest attraction is a 30 foot tall, multi colored ferris wheel placed near the entrance of the park has joined

the collection of the many dazzling displays that make up this glittering w o n d e r l a n d . The planning for Christmas in the Park doesn’t end there. Throughout the year, some committee

members are always thinking and creating the how-to for the year’s Christmas in the Park The always prudent set-up crew must begin to make preparations and set up all of the animations that make up Christmas in the Park long before its opening each year. This must be done before the opening night on Thanksgiving Eve to make sure that the operation runs smoothly each night through New Year’s Eve. The park will continue to be open through any weather; rain, sleet, snow, or hail while ablaze with light each night. It is definitely one of the biggest reasons for the season and the team makes sure that it is put on every year for most Kansas City citizens to enjoy. The park is also a great benefit to many of the cities local charities. “While there is no charge for this drive-thru event, donations are accepted with a portion of the proceeds being divided among 37 local charities this year thanks

to the generosity of our community,” Newman said. Money is definitely a key factor in the running of this annual event. Each year, the Department of Parks and Recreation must budget just so that the lights of Christmas in the Park are on each night for the month that it shines for. Keeping the park’s brilliance alight is electricity. Without all of the electricity that the park requires, then there would be no wonderland, it would be more of a wasteland, but that is not the case. All the animations are plugged in through about 700-800 power cords that trail back to various outlets throughout the compound. Over 200,000 people visit Christmas in the Park in the month that it is open. From all of the visitors that attend, a total of over half-a-million dollars are donated to the park at the end of the enchanting ride through the mystical wonderland of the Kansas City Christmas season.


by Kevin Adamsphotos by Colin Taylor

Taking a family of four to dinner, $50. Going to the movies, $9 per person. Snacks, $20 for everyone. Christmas in the Park, priceless.

Page 10: December 16

10 Hi.Life 12.09

Each day is different. Being introduced to new students, a new subject, and a different classroom everyday is exciting for Ted Maxwell. Standing in front of a class of 30 students, Maxwell has no idea what to expect from the students once they realize they will have a substitute teacher. As class begins he relaxes in the familiar environment.

“I went to Central Missouri State University and I majored in communications with a minor in coaching,” said substitute teacher Ted Maxwell. Maxwell decided he wanted to be more ivolved in the school environment. “I have been subbing about two years,” Maxwell said. Before Maxwell subbed, he coached at LSHS. “I was coaching first, and I’m actually pursuing to get certified here. This is kind of just a transistional move. It’s just something I can do to get into the school every day so I can see how it is and get a feel of the classroom setting here,” said Maxwell. Maxwell has had an opportunity to teach a variety of classes. “It’s something different everyday. It’s not the same class. The kids are different. It kind of keeps it fresh. Just different subjects and what-not,” Maxwell said. Maxwell relates well to most of the students. “I think it’s because of my being so young. I kind of realize what the

kids are going through in high school. I relate well with the kids, especially at Lee’s Summit. I know most of the kids because I coach too,” Maxwell. said Maxwell understands how the students might react to having a sub. “When I was in high school, I understood that when you have a sub, it’s kind of like a free day,” Maxwell said. While Maxwell has been subbing he has encountered some very scary

situations. “I was subbing at Lee’s Summit North when all of the power went out. Having everything lock up on me, and the windows shutting was pretty scary. I’ve broken up a couple of fights,” said Maxwell. He has also encountered some extremely unusual incidents. “I had a young man. We were playing kickball in gym class and this young man was in between first and second base and they were on a rundown trying to tag him out. This kid pulled down his pants and mooned this kid backwards, so he wouldn’t be out and they wouldn’t touch him out. That was probably the wierdest thing that happened,” Maxwell said. Maxwell doesn’t want students to feel uncomfortable since he is not their regular teacher. “I want students to see me as a caring, trustworthy,

friend,” said maxwell. So next time there is a substitute teacher, remember they want to be treated just as a regular teacher would be treated.

“When I was in high school, I understood that when you have a sub, it’s kind of like a free day.”

Teacher Profile

Ted Maxwell talks about his career as a substitute teacher and a coach at Lee’s Summit High School

Magnificent Maxwell The Coaching Sub photo by Colin Taylor

by Kara Klein

Page 11: December 16


The Top 10 Events for BreakOver break, it is hard to find things to do when it is cold and snowing, but there is always something to do somewhere around the Kansas City metro. Here is a sampling of events that can fill the schedule of Christmas break.by Mikayla Frommer


Orchestra The Trans-Siberian Orchestra came together in 1996. It was formed by Paul O’ Neill. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra will be coming to Kansas City on Dec. 23. The tickets cost 25 and 57 dollars. If you want more ticket information you can go to trans-siberian.com or ticketmaster.com

The Kansas City Ballet’s Nutcracker Brightly colored costumes and

dancing is what expected to be at the Kansas City Ballet’s yearly Nutcracker. The ballet is accompanied by Tchaikovsky’s music that goes along with the amazing scenery and captivating choreography. The show runs from Dec. 16-27 except for Dec. 25. For more information on tickets, show times, and the plot of the show go to http://www.kcballet.org/performancestickets/nutcracker.html

Christmas Day Movies There are three movies to be released on Christmas day. It’s Complicated, Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakuel, and Sherlock Holmes are the movies to be released. The action packed Sherlock Holmes, singing filled Alivin and the Chipmunks, and the romance engulfed It’s Complicated are sure to make your holidays bright and cheery.

School Sporting Events

Girls Swimming and Diving City Championships will be going on Dec. 30. On Jan. 4 there is a boy’s basketball. They will be playing Belton. It’s a junior varsity and varsity game. Then on Jan.8 there will be a girl’s basketball game. It’s a junior varsity and varsity game and they will be playing Parkway South.

Last Day To

Register For Legacy 5K The Legacy annual 5K run/walk is happening on Jan. 9. The cost is 25 dollars each or 18 dollars for anyone 13 or under. The last day to register is Jan. 3.

Christmas In the Park The annual Christmas In the Park is back this year. With three hundred thousand light. Christmas In the Park is a free event, but donations are welcome. It started on Nov. 25 and goes to Dec. 31.

Andy Warhol Portfolios:

Life and Legends This event is for anyone who loves art. This exhibit will have over 70 pieces of Warhol’s art. This exhibit started on Dec. 10 and goes to Jan. 10. The admission prices for adults 13 and up is 12 dollars, children three though 12 and eight dollars, and children two and under are free. A group of 15 or more will be eight dollars per person.

City Lights The downtown

Marriott will be covered in 30 thousand light bulbs with over 16.7 million colors. The Marriott will isn’t the only building to be seen lit up in decorative Christmas lights. The Marriott will be lit up till early January. This is also the start of The Salvation Army’s Annual Christmas Campaign.

Chocolate: The Exhibition This one event for someone with a sweet tooth. This exhibition will tell you the story of chocolate. The hours for Tuesday through Saturday are nine-thirty AM to five-thirty

PM and the hours for Sunday are noon to five-thirty PM. The ticket prices for adults (13 and up) are nine dollars and 50 cents. The child (3 to 12) price is seven dollars and a adult group rate is seven dollars. For more information go to http://www.chocolate.unionstation.org/exhibit.html.


The beloved Christmas movie has been made into a musical. Right now the show is doing it’s pre-Broadway run at the Kansas City Repertory Theater. The show runs untill Jan. 3. and the price for a single student is 20 dollars. If you want more information you can go to http://www.kcrep.org/our_season/2009-2010/A-Christmas-Story/The-Musical/

Photo by Colin Taylor


A Christmas Story: The Musical

Page 12: December 16

12 Hi.Life 12.09

HMH Autosport

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Page 13: December 16


Teacher explains how books are selected for English classes As students work through the school year, books are brought into the curriculum of every English class. Whether students enjoy the books or not, they still have to read them and some may question why they are subjected to such reading. English teacher Kelli Wilson helps to settle the confusion. “Our novels are chosen through a district curriculum committee. Our chair person will put together a group of English teachers from the three high schools and they will choose or make changes if necessary,” Wilson said. As the committee is assembled to discuss the upcoming year’s curriculum, this will not be the only meeting. “We can have a meeting anytime throughout the year. Once a year is when changes will be made,” Wilson said. Changes may be made every now and then, but the books never seem to change. With all respect to the committee, students may not always like the books that are chosen. If such a concern is brought to attention then how do the same books keep finding their way into the curriculum each year? “Currently we have a majority of fiction books. We are trying to incorporate more non-fiction books as the needs of the students are changing. It just kind of depends on the course, the type of student, and how the curriculum is written,” Wilson said.

Who Chooses Books?

3 smartTHINGSABOUTCell PhoneEtiquette

1 Hello?...Hello?...

Do not talk too loudly. Everyone around you should not be able to hear your conversation. Do not rudely interrupt a conversation with the person right in front of you by answering a call or a text. Whether it is at school or while on a date, it is extremely impolite.

2Drive now, talk later. Do not text or call while driving, simply because it is against the law if the driver is under the age of 21. Passengers in the car may also feel unsafe because they are risking their life to ride with an careless driver.

3Do not use texting in case of emergency. Not everyone uses texting on a regular basis or checks their phone every two seconds, so in this case it is important to make a call. Do not use it as a means of avoidance. There are particular times when face-to-face communication should overcome the use of texting. Texting should never be used as a mask.

Safety first!

OMG! No way!


by Joshua Byard by Sia Nero

photo by Kassi Torrence

Many may think the committee has done little to change book reviews but they seem to be headed in the right direction. As is understandable, most students might wonder why the books are even chosen. “Novels are major units in our curriculum. Most courses do two to three novels a semester so our curriculum is then written around the novels,” Wilson said. Novels are indeed important to teaching students not only reading skills and how to analyze text, but without them, English teachers might be hard pressed to teach us something new throughout the year. Not only are the novels being changed but so is the IB English curriculum. “In a couple of years a change will take place but [they] are very minimal and nothing should directly affect the students. We won’t be changing any of the novels or any of the requirements,” Wilson said. Though the changes may be small, the committee seems to be doing a great job at making curriculums better than they are. Students might wonder why they do not get to choose. “In each of the English courses we do have an independent reading unit, so students are allowed to choose at least one of the books,” Wilson said. Boring books seem less frightening in the calm manner of which Wilson addresses them. Still, students should at least be involved to input their thoughts.

Page 14: December 16

14 Hi.Life 12.09


Different Policies at

LSHS doesn’t allow confiscation for a reason, and a very good reason it is. A good reason that has been reported to lessen the tension of the learning environment. “The reason that we don’t confiscate cell phones is that it has the potential of setting up really nasty situations between kids and teachers. Where a teacher says give me your cell phone and some kids, most kids, are gonna be compliant with that and give it to them. But there are some kids who say there is no way I’m giving you my cell phone. It’s my cell phone, I bought it, you’re gonna lose it, I’m not giving it to you.” Assistant principle, Jamie Argotsinger said. This makes a lot of sense. In middle school there were many instances where a student’s cell phone would be confiscated, which they would not be happy about. Stories have been told where the student gets so upset that they call the teacher a name and stomp away, usually slamming the door on the way out. This causes a lot of stress in the class room, and a lot of times has caused parents to become upset with either the teacher’s or their own child’s behavior. “Another piece of that would be a teacher takes the cell phone, and puts it on their desk, is up moving around the class teaching and some kid comes up and takes the cell phone. And now we’re responsible for replacing that cell phone” Argotsinger said. Though this might not happen as much as a student getting upset, it is still a big issue when

dealing with confiscated cell phones. It is a problem for the school because they would most likely have to replace the cell phones. It is also a problem for the student because someone else will have their phone, which contains a lot of personal information. While anti-confiscating rules can ease tension in the class room and keep student information private, it might lack in keeping students from actually using their phones. Besides the threat of a detention, another good cell phone policy is in use by a communication arts teacher, Gaye Sharp. “I have a parking lot for cell phones. It’s a row of bags that have numbers on them, and each student picked out which number they wanna park their cell phone in and got a lettered card with that same number on that.” Sharp said.The students put their number and type of cell phone on the card, so if the phone ever got taken from the parking lot, Sharp could call the phone and reclaim it. If the phone ever goes off in the parking lot, she would remind the student to turn off their phone. The only time someone would get in trouble is if they forgot to put their phone in the parking garage and were caught with it during class. Then they would be written up, but Sharp says so far she hasn’t had to write anyone up for cell phone use because they all remember to put it away. “I think the students would pay a lot more attention if we did this in other classes. It costs maybe ten bucks to buy the bags and have them up. And some time to fill out the cards so they feel like their phone is protected, that it’s identified and everything. Since not being able to confiscate cell phones in class may cause the usage to increase since the punishment is less severe, maybe teachers should be coming up with creative ideas like Mrs. Sharp’s to stop cell phones from becoming a distraction in class. It’s good that the staff at LSHS respects students enough not to embarrass them by taking away their phone or allowing the possibility for personal information to be stolen and given out, can it be said that students give that respect back in turn. The respect to pay attention in class and keep their personal lives out of their educational ones. While not being able to confiscate cell phones conditions teachers to value student’s lives, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to use the parking garage in every class room to condition the students to value the teacher’s lives.

A lot of students have been in the situation where their cell phone has gone off in class. It’s embarrassing and frightening to wonder how

the teacher will react. The punishment can range from an evil teacher glare or a detention. But one thing they can be sure of is that their cell phone won’t be confiscated. Only at Lee’s Summit High School is this the case, for West and North teachers will usually take the phone.

Cell Phone Parking. Communication arts teacher Gaye Sharp keeps cell phones in these “parking spots” during class.

radarwhat’s on the

this month

Every small child this Christmas is not dreaming of sugar plums or candy canes.

The toy on their mind is an animal. This animal can never die. It will never have an “accident” in the house. And the best part is that he or she gets to control it with a remote. The hit new toy, Zhu Zhu pet, was the hottest gift on Black Friday, the most chaotic shopping day of the year. Frantic mothers rushed to the nearest Wal-Mart, only to discover the shelves were empty. Not only was it the most hunted gift, but it was also one of the fastest selling. The little hamsters, created by a St. Louis-based company named Cepia, have the ability to make cute noises, scurry around on their little feet, and can even drive their own hamster-sized car. With names like Mr. Squiggles and Num Nums, kids can hardly resist the instant attraction of these electronic creatures. Another selling point is that they are extremely cheap. They cost less than ten dollars! However, they are selling for way more online, since it has become the only place to get a hold of one. A toy that appeals to both little kids and their parents’ budgets has, no doubt, shown how abundance of holiday gifts can withstand the dreaded recession. One question remains: how far does your Zhu Zhu Zhu-oom?

by Mallory Tackett

by Tyler Fromson

photo by Nicole Kelleher


Page 15: December 16


Instead the district saved $828,940, and the total energy savings money to date is $1,152,303,” Steagall said. Clearly, going green can make a difference not only for the environment, but in the long run it saves money as well. The Lee‘s Summit School District has worked very hard to try to conserve energy, and waste less. These examples of how the district goes green are just a few cases of the many things that they do.

Recycling bins, paper restrictions, tests transforming from written to Scantron and then to CPS: these are all ways the Lee’s

Summit School district has “gone green“. This process of “going green“ comes at a price. Sometimes being environmentally friendly is not an easy task in a shaky economy. One of the big problems with the environment is the landfills that people fill with garbage. “The Lee”s Summit School district has been able to cut the waste by 80 percent,” Energy Services Manager Rick Steagall said. Steagall‘s job is to try and find ways to conserve energy and to carry out projects that contribute to that cause. Steagall explained that the district is following Deffenbaugh‘s waste plan, which has caused the decrease in trash. “Recently at Lee‘s Summit High School, the lights in the gym have been replaced with light bulbs that are brighter, and use less wattage than the old ones did,” Steagall said. Steagall explained that since these new bulbs save so much energy, in the near future they will be replacing the lights in the band room and in the PAC. “Instead of using T12 lightbulbs we have switched to T8‘s and T5‘s which use less energy,“ Steagall said. Another up and coming change is adapting the green cleaning policies district wide. “We just spoke with the school board about a green cleaning water apparatus that is used to sterilize,“Steagall said. The cleaning device is called the Activeion. The science behind the Activieon is a water cell that applies a small electrical charge to tap water, then the charged water goes through an ion exchange membrane that creates an oxygen filled mixture of positive and negative nano-bubbles. The charged water attracts dirt from its surface making it easy to wipe it away. This idea of using Activeion eliminates the use of chemicals, and all it requires is the purchase of the sprayer and tap water. “We had a performance contract in 2008 that guaranteed a savings of $568,611.

It’s Easy Being GreenRecycled Digits

by Edgar Enriquez

by Kristin Sands

Lee’s Summit High School and R-7 school district strive to create eco-friendly plan

photos by Brittany Webster

Plastic only!

It’s the clear choice

Show Tiger Pride!

10,000 Tons of recycling needed to provide up to 36 jobs.

2.5 millionNumber of plastic bottles used by Americans each hour.

Three Hours of TV that can be powered by one recycled aluminum can.

45 percentAmount of paper Americans use each year that is later recycled.

500,000 Number of trees that could be saved if every person recycled the newspaper.

60 daysLength of time it takes for one aluminum can to be recycled and put back on shelves.

70 gallons Amount of water the average American uses each day.

80 percentAmount of trash that is recyclable, but...

only 28 percentof that trash actually gets recycled.

It’s easy as 1-2-3, but some of these numbers may surprise...

Page 16: December 16

16 Hi.Life 12.0916 Hi.Life 12.09



Must List :Winter Driving NecessitiesIn order to always be prepared for winter, there are several objects a driver should have in their car at all times during the winter season.By Ellen Spaar

1If a car breaks down or

gets a flat tire while on the road when it is cold outside, then the driver can use these items to keep warm while fixing the problem. A hat, scarf, and gloves are always a good idea to keep handy so that you will be sure to stay warm in extreme situations.


If a car breaks down or gets a flat tire while on the road when it is cold outside, then the driver can use these items to keep warm while fixing the problem. A hat, scarf, and gloves are always a good idea to keep handy so that you will be sure to stay warm in extreme situations.

If you are in a situation where you have to wait in your car for a tow truck or a ride home, having a blanket with you would be very helpful so that you can stay warm while you wait.



3 4 5 6 Most do not park their cars in a garage overnight, so their car will be covered in snow and ice every morning. Also, if it snows during the school day, your car will surely be snow-covered. An ice scraper is great to scrape the ice off a windshield so that you can see easily while


Ice Scraper

If your car needs to be jump started, instead of getting out the cables, get this handy starter that can be used inside your car! All you have to do is stick it in the place where you would put your phone charger, and follow the directions, and it will jump start your car from the inside.

Emergency Jump Starter

When driving over icy driveways, roads, or parking lots, having kitty litter in your car can help to drive over the ice spots by giving your tires

traction on the ice.

Kitty Litter

If your car breaks down and unluckily your cell phone is dead, having a phone charger in your car is a must-have so that you can call for help in tough


Cell Phone Charger


Hats, Gloves,

and Scarfs

Bottle of Anti-Freeze

Photos by Serria Lewis

Page 17: December 16


TeacherismsWhat They

Have to Say...

O’Keefe“Infotainment”: something that mixes entertainment and information.

Hawkins“If I got paid on the amount of times I quote Dumb and Dumber, I would be rich.”

MunceNonsense phrases, such as “That was fantasmagorical!” and “Get to a chocolately charamely ‘ooh.’”

by Rebecca Wadlephotos by Anna Gallo

Winter Guard

Cierra Marcum takes a deep breath. It is nothing but her, the flag, and her team. There is no marching

band. No football field. They stand alone. Marcum, freshman, is on the LSHS Winterguard team, and the season has only just begun. “Winterguard is just guard, not with the band. It’s our time to shine. We can go out there, and be our best, by ourselves,” she said. The team relentlessly gear up for their competitions, which they have twice a month beginning in January. “At rehearsals, we take out this big piece of white tarp which we call ‘the floor’,” Marcum said. “Winterguard is usually indoors, rather than a field.” These things separate Winterguard from Colorguard, which is during the football season. “Colorguard is with the band, and it’s fun, but it’s different on the field. We’re usually a lot more nervous. If the band gets in our way, we’re told to hit them with our flags, and we’d prefer not to,” Marcum said. The team typically performs with flags, but there are times where they do routines with rifles. “Weapon in general is really important. We have to perform with them for a certain amount of time. In my opinion, weapon is better. It’s empowering. Flags are pretty, but guns are intense. The rifles help

our confidence, and to the judges, that’s really important,” Marcum explained. With all the heavy flags and rifles, there are bound to be some incidents; however, mishaps on the the floor make for some pretty interesting stories. “Our our flags we have rubber stoppers at the ends, so the thing isn’t just metal. At the Diary Queen social earlier this year, we were doing drop spins, and my rubber stopper flew off at a cop car. It’s pretty ironic, because my nickname in guard is ‘The Assassin’,” Marcum said. Other instances include a girl on guard performing with a broken ankle at one competition, and at another ice cream social, a photographer was hit with a flag. Despite everything , the girls on guard love what they do. “Guard is like art. You’re using only your body, and a flag to create art for your viewers,” Marcum said with enthusiasm. Not only is Marcum passionate about the activity, she is passionate about the friends she as made on the team. “We’re all really close like a family, and it’s just a lot of fun,” she said. “The night before a competition, we have ‘The Chair.’ It’s an ugly chair with tiger print. It’s given to a guard member to give to another member before competition, and we teepee their house,” Marcum reveals. “I have it this time around.” So, who will the Assassin strike? It is only a matter of time until their first competition.

As weather gets colder, Color Guard moves their performances indoors.

by Haley Gillilan

The sound of giggles are echoing from English teacher Jack O’Keefe’s

classroom. Students are laughing at yet another quirky comment O’Keefe is famous for. As a new teacher at LSHS, O’Keefe wants to be respected, but liked too. “I like Mr. O’Keefe because he is funny and makes work, homework, and class fun. He even came up with a theme song for our ‘Grammar World Series’ games. He tends to act like us,” junior Dylan George said. O’Keefe loves to make the classroom as much fun as possible. Songs aren’t the only thing that he makes up. Coming up with new words is something O’Keefe is getting extremely good at. “If it is fun and interesting in class then it mixes entertainment and information and becomes ‘infotainment,” O’Keefe said. Even though O’Keefe is a newer face around LSHS, students have really grown to love him and the quirky things that come out of his mouth. There are

also still plenty of older faces around LSHS that everyone recognizes and loves. Choir director Chris Munce is no exception to this. Munce is another teacher that says quirky things so often, that he even gets quoted on Facebook. “I put quotes from Mr. Munce on my Facebook because they are completely random and only something he would say,” junior Becca Allinder said. Even though Munce’s quotes show up on Facebook, he is still one of the most hardworking teachers at LSHS. Having fun is a priority, but only after all of the tedious work is over. “I think kids put up with all of the hard work and stress I put them through because they do have fun in my class, and they know I care about them. It’s easy to work really hard when your recharge your batteries with laughter,” Munce said. Students really do learn better from fun teachers and senior April Keel completely agrees. “Teachers that are funny tend to

keep your attention longer because it is a lot more interesting to listen to them,” Keel said. Math teacher Paul Hawkins is another teacher that students constantly talk about every year. Hawkins tends to tell students how it really is, yet does not take much seriously. “I tend to quote a lot of movies, like A LOT! If I got paid on the amount of times I quote Dumb and Dumber I would be rich,” Hawkins said. Yes, teaching is a very serious thing, but it is good to know that there are funny teachers out there who love to make students laugh. So whether or not O’Keefe, Munce and Hawkins are the most favored teachers, they will be sure to keep the laughter in their classrooms flowing and huge smiles on their students faces with the simple quirky things that slip out of their mouths.

Several faculty members are easily recognized by their witty remarks.

Page 18: December 16

18 Hi.Life 12.09

There are numerous ways that students, parents, and teachers can help this season. Donating to charities can help people who are homeless, being abused, have a disability or an illness, or are in desperate need of food.

1 Christmas in the Park is something huge that everyone can help out with. It’s something enjoyable to do during the season, and it can help with charities. The donations made at the end of the show will be given to 40 different charities around the Kansas City area.

2 A lot of people will be shopping this month and a big place to shop is Macy’s. Every store has a giant mailbox that is being filled with Dear Santa letters. For every letter put into the mailbox, Macy’s will donate a dollar to the Make a Wish Foundation. So while shopping, spend two minutes to fill out a letter and help kids’ dreams come true.

3 Malls around the area like Independence Center, Zona Rosa,

Deck the halls with boughs of holly

fa la la la la la la la la. Singing

Christmas carols around a warm

cozy fire is something families

enjoy doing this time of year. However, while families

are feasting on a big roasted ham, there are others who

are less fortunate, wishing they could too. Helping out

families or individuals who are in need this Christmas

will make people’s hearts a whole lot warmer.

12 Charities of Christmas

Page 19: December 16


Oak Park, and Metro North are setting up angel trees for the holidays. Each shopping center will have angel trees with tags on them representing a child in need. A shopper can choose a tag on a tree and buy that gift on the tag for that child. Once they have bought that gift, they can bring it back and put it under the tree. The Salvation Army picks up all of the gifts and distributes them on Christmas Eve.

4 The Salvation Army is a big charity that most people are familiar with. Always seeing the sweet old men ringing the bell for it, you can’t help but give them some spare change for a candy cane.

5 Been worrying about missing the Toys for Tots “Fill the Bus” project? All Walgreens, QuikTrips, Toys R’ Us, and Babies R’ Us have a place where toys can be dropped off that are still in pretty good shape. The Marine Corps have been doing Toys for Tots for many and greatly appreciate each donation made.

6 Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) is a good charity to help children that have been abused. The bikers help the child who has been abused feel less scared. These bikers stand on some street corners around the kansas City area holding buckets for donations that drivers want to give.

7 A fun thing students and their families could do to help out with different charities is to decorate an unused shoebox. Put cute pictures or fancy glitter on it and put some nice gifts inside that kids would like. This will fund the Operation Christmas Child in Overland Park, Kansas, as well as others in different states.

8 A well-known organization is the Hope House. The Hope House is a shelter for women and children who are suffering from abuse. In September, there were 109 women and 85 children in the house, along with 435 hotline calls. There are two locations in Independence and Lee’s Summit. Donation and used clothes are always welcome.

9 All around Lee’s Summit there are drop boxes for non-perishable food. Harvesters collects food year round to give to the less fortunate. It only takes a couple dollars worth of canned goods to help out a family this season.

10 The holidays can be a lot less merry without a place to celebrate them. Some residents of Kansas City live on the streets because they have nowhere else to go. The City Union Mission gives a home for the ones who really need it most. To find out how to help out visit their website at www.cumission.org.

11 In downtown Lee’s Summit, there is a building at 108 4th Street called the Lee’s Summit Social Services. They collect food and clothing to help out families and individuals in our service area. So while shopping downtown, stop by and see if there is anything they are in desperate need of.

12 One of the most fun things to do to help out a charity is the Polar Bear Plunge. Buy a polar bear at lunch to hang up around the school or pay $50 to jump into Longview Lake and get a free t-shirt. One of the best things about it is doing it with your friends. Information is located at the end of the English hallway in the A building.

When sitting by a warm fire this Christmas season, think about the ones who are in need of help. The ones who don’t have a house with presents under the Christmas tree. Christmas is about giving, and everyone should give a little something to the ones who need it most.

by Summer Richards

Page 20: December 16

20 Hi.Life 12.09

WHAT SHOULD THE GENNAIO WOMAN EX-PECT TO SEE COMING IN TO YOUR BOU-TIQUE?“Someone who likes fashion and follows the trends and keeps up on the fun styles. Will find womens contemporary fashions, a lot of fun jeans and tops, lot of jewelry, cute hand bags, not a lot of business attire, mostly fun daily wear.”

HOW ARE THE BRANDS PICKED?“It depends, I do all the buying for the store every-thing in the store I have hand picked. Some of the brands, I go to the market and like, some of them are brands like Miss Me that a lot of other places have but everyone wants those jeans so its hard not to sell them. So they are just brands that I truly like and have found and ones that you have to carry to get people in the store.”

WHATS THE PRICE RANGE ON THE CLOTHING?“For a boutique the prices are fairly reasonable com-



CLOCKWISE FROM ABOVE: overview of purses; wall display of Miss0Me Denim; table of accessories; Cari January herself.

>>ALL OF THE EMPTY STORE FRONTS at the new Summit Fair shopping center are coming to an end. We have waiting so anxiously for new shops to fill in the shopping complex. Finally we can dip in to a well estab-lished and extremely well-priced boutique. Gennaio created and owned by

Cari January it has been up and running in Raymore for about three and a half years. Gennaio has finely made and popular designer clothing, as well as some designers that are new to most of the Lee’s Summit community. Find out how all of the patient waiting will be rewarded with the new boutique, Gennaio,

meaning January in Italian.

pared with other boutiques. Tops range from $29-39 on average, jeans run $95-150.”

DO YOU HAVE A FA-VORITE DESIGNER?“It varies year to year, right now I’m a big fan of William Rast’s jeans, Justin Timberlake’s denim brand. They run a little higher, more like $165-220. They are my absolute favorite jeans I’ve ever worn.”

WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO BE A BOUTIQUE OWNER; HAS THIS BEEN SOMETHING YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO?“No, I’ve always wanted my own business. I’ve always had a love for fashion, even as a younger girl, so pick-ing a boutique was not a difficult thing for me. But I did research other business before opening a boutique.”

IT IS YOUR BOUTIQUE NOT A FRANCHISE, RIGHT?“Nope, It’s mine. I own it buy myself. I started it from scratch, I’ve never even worked a day of retail in

my life.”

ALONG WITH MISS ME WHAT OTHER FAMIL-IAR BRANDS THAT YOU CARRY?“Most of the denim lines are main stream like Big Star, Mack Denim, Miss Me, William Rast. A lot of the clothing are unique designer or off brands”

DO YOU FIND THAT YOUR BOUTIQUE STANDS OUT FROM OTHER BOUTIQUES?“I think so, I try to make it stand out from others. The prices are dramatically lower. On tops or dresses I only get four to six of that one item. Once it’s gone it’s gone. I try and keep a good price point that everyone can afford.”

by Lily Schiffbauer

Page 21: December 16



MASSIVE HARDWARE and body jewerly have been making a bold comeback over the past few seasons (Givenchy Fall ‘09, Gucci, etc ) and is seen everywhere. The fashion forcast seems to be clear that this trend is here to stay; this includes chain body harnesses, ring-bracelt linking jewerly, and embellished head sraves. With performing this easy DIY of the body-chain jewerly, even one who does not want to spend an extreme amount on this piece. Trying out this trendy, affordable DIY will vamp any outfit. By Lindsey Bales

Heavy Thinking







Measure the length of half-way down back to half-way down front. Connect both ends with a clasp.

Cut four sepreate pieces of chain that contunies down to waist from the ending pieces of the chain from step 1. Connect one chain to the front and one to the back.

Take the four strands of chain and connect them to a clasp that connects the back pieces. Connect two strands of chain on each side of the clasp.

What You’ll Need

• 7 feet of chain link

• 1 connecting clasp

• 6 closures

• 1 Ruler


Page 22: December 16

22 Hi.Life 12.09

Dear Tiger “Cheetah” Woods,Haha, Cheetah. Get it? Okay basically I have nothing nice to say to you. I’m just completely dumbfounded by your shady actions and your half-hearted apologies. I am angered every single time you ask the public for “privacy” during this “difficult time” because I just don’t see how having an affair with fourteen different women is such a difficult thing to go through. Do you want us to feel bad for you? You poor man! How hard must life be for you? You’ve been married to Elin Nordegren, a former model, for five years, and you have two beautiful children – both under the age of three. Oh, and you’re a superstar athlete and worth over $100 million. You poor, poor man! Seriously?! I don’t get it when celebrities act like the general public is so out of line when they want to know what happened. I don’t get why you act all offended when people don’t give you the “privacy” that you so OBVIOUSLY deserve. I just don’t get it! I’m fairly sure that you were aware of the fact that you’re famous.. You should know better! I’m not saying that others who aren’t famous shouldn’t be caught… but when you’re a high profile athlete, it should just be a given that you don’t have over a dozen affairs in the course of five years. Right? And it’s not like this is just going to go away. Your children, who probably can’t even form sentences properly, yet, will someday find out about this and you’ll have to explain yourself all over to them. To be honest, I hope your indefinite leave becomes a permanent hiatus. Take your money, fix what you can, and take care of your children. Get your priorities straight. PS: You suck.

by Jessie Curtis

G o s s i p C o l u m n

The crazy things people would do... but if you were put to the test what would you rather do?Would you rather...A: lick a man’s sweating armpit after he has worked outB: suck on a sumo wrestlers big toeWould you rather...A: lose all your hairB: lose your teeth, fingernails, and toenails“I’d rather lose all of my hair,” Pete White, from the Hi-Life staff, said. Would you rather...A: wake up to find yourself in the scariest horror movie you’ve ever seenB: wake up to find you’re reliving the scariest moment of your life“I would rather wake up in a scary movie. I love scary movies,” Tyler Fromson said.Would you rather...A: lose your sense of hearingB: lose your sense of tasteWould you rather...A: bungee jump off a buildingB: sky dive out of a planeWould you rather...A: listen to the Barney song for three days

straightB: sit in a five hour lecture without breaksWould you rather...A: fall down a flight of stairs in front of your crushB: get caught picking your nose in front of the whole class“I would rather fall down a flight of stairs in front of my crush,” Kim Tabe said.Would you rather...A: lick the entire floor of a dirty restuarantB: lick someone’s puke“I would lick someone’s puke if the dirty restaurant were large,” Michael Busher said.Would you rather...A: go out with someone you love, but everyone hatesB: go out with someone you hate, but everyone loves“I would rather be with someone I love, but everyone hates,” Patrick Stoddart said.

by Ma’ Ryah Cooper

by Jessie Curtisphoto by

Would You Rather

Go to jlabmag.com to choose what you would rather do and see what others chose.

[ ]Is your vernacular: (a) Too raw? (b) Quite pleasant. (c) Fresh and fly.Your socks are: (a) Black and calf length worn with sandals (b) Fuzzy with cartoons on them (c) Non-existentYou hang around____on weekends: (a) CoMo! (b) The library (c) A coffeehouse You frequently say: (a) Too legit to quit!

(b) You’ve probably never heard of them (band) (c) Let’s go see that new Cameron Diaz movie!What’s on your Tivo: (a) The Ultimate Fighter finale (b) The science channel line up (c) GleeIn your free time you: (a) Game (b) Blog (c) Read

For each “a” add two pointsFor each “b” add 1 pointFor each “c” subtract 1 point

9-12 Points“Too Raw”You’re too raw. You’re too legit to quit. You’ve got game and you go all the way. Congrats.

5-9 Points“Eh”You’re completely average. You’re too legit to postpone things. You go half of the way but stop due to technical difficulties.

-6 - 5 Points“Scrub”Well. Sorry about that. Go read some books, Scrub.

Yo, Bro!Some may know what a “Bro” looks like and have wondered if they are one themselves. Now it is possible to see if they are with this quick quiz.

So Bro. Junior Brayden Sterrett shows off his bro shoes.

by Emily Dowdlephoto by Laina Gunsallus

Page 23: December 16


Do what ever you feel that you think will fit in with your style of Jerkin’.

You step in a backward motion and replace the foot in front of the other. Place your foot behind your

knee cap, drop to the ground and spin back up.

How To: JERK

Tight jeans, geeky glasses, flannel shirts, and mohawks...sounds like a jerk to me! The dance, Jerkin’, started in California and has swept

the nation with its fresh moves and simple step back motion leaving everyone wanting to learn how to do it. Jerkin’ contains five moves: The reject, the jerk, pen drop, dipping, and just making it your own. Along with the creative dance, it has also brought a new fashion style with many teens now dressing in skinny jeans with flannel shirts and other things. The New Boyz brought Jerkin’ to the world with their hit single “You’re a Jerk” becoming the first jerk crew to rap and dance at the same time and successfully do it. Jerk crews like the Power Rangers, Action Figures, and Jinc keep the jerk movement going by uploading several jerkin’ videos

on YouTube frequently, but the Power Rangers are the most popular and successful group. Jerkin’ sophomore, John Downton, had this to say about the Jerkin’: “I like Jerkin’ because it is a way to express myself. I am a hyper person and Jerkin’ helps deal with it, Jerkin’ is just fun to do. I like Jerkin’ because of the footwork and how they dress. It definitely influenced what I wear now.”

Many people look at jerkin’ as a hard dance but “It’s a simple dance, you just have to add your own style to make it better,” said Downton.

Jerkin’ is an exciting dance to express your personality in different moves, and a freestyle dance where you can make it your own.

Jerkin’ is a habit...

Step 1: jerkin is the reject

Step 2: free-styling free-styling

Step 3: the pen drop

A movie comes out and it rocks. As a big hit, it becomes the favorite of many. Due to the rave reviews, a sequel is announced. Everyone is excited until information is leaked revealing the recasting of a main character. Batman. The Mummy. Harry Potter. The Terminator. These titles should ring a bell in the movie gallery of one’s mind. However, they are not being mentioned here based on their popularity. They have made it into this article because they have all suffered a similar tragedy:

Re-casting. Batman Begins: the first movie of a new Batman saga. In this, Katie Holmes played Batman’s love interest, Rachel. The movie was a hit. You called it, there is a sequel! The Dark Knight is still being raved about two years after its release; the reason being Heath Ledger’s stunning performance as the Joker. The downfall of the movie equals Maggie Gyllenhaal taking over the role of Rachel. Fail. Over and over, people said that

Movie Malfunctions

Gyllenhaal was not even the same. Science teacher Luke McKenny gave his own, unique analogy of this opinion. “Both Rachels are equally as bad. I mean, it’s like being fed snickerdoodle or oatmeal-raisin cookies when what you really want is chocolate chip,” McKenny said. He also threw in the fact that up until the most recent movies, there was a different actor playing Batman: Michael Keaton to Val Kilmer to George Clooney and now Christian Bale. Next on the list is The Mummy. Oh, The Mummy. Again, it was the lead actress who was defaced. Rachel Weisz, who played Evelyn in the first two movies, was replaced by Maria Bello. Even more of a fail than the Rachel-switch. “Yeah, it was pretty lame. They do not even look alike,” sophomore Dustin Richardson said, comparing Weisz and Bello, “With that big of a difference, I would have just said that the guy re-married or something.” That makes so much more sense. Anyone who would go to see the third addition of a movie is going to realize that the wife is different. No one would mind a little tweak in the story as much as the annoyance of trying to pass off a

new actor as the same character. There was clearly a reason that Arnold Schwarzenegger had the line “I’ll be back” in THe Terminator. IN the three additions to the original, there was a different guy portraying John Connor in each. First, as a teen, was Edward Furlong. Then, at age twenty-something, was Nick Stahl. And most recently, as an adult, was Christian Bale. There is one case, however, where a different actor actually succeeded in living up to the previous role. After a terrible accident, Christopher Reeve--who played Superman, was paralyzed. With four Superman movies already released in his image, not much more was expected. But, in 2006, another was rumored. It was to be called Superman Returns. Brandon Routh was practically the spitting image of Reeve. Not only did Routh have the appearance nailed solid, but he did a superb job in portraying the role. While there may be those select few times where re-casting has been successful, in every other case it seems to receive a negative response from audiences. Sorry Hollywood, but it seems some movie-goers are a bit tougher to please. by Lindsay Nelson

by Najee Searsphotos by Bradley Roberts

Movie Madness. Having a sequel to a great movie should not mean changing actors, that just confused people. “Yeah, it was pretty lame. They don’t even look alike,” sophomore Dustin Richardson said, comparing Weisz and Bello. Next time you notice your favorite movie has changed actors, just know, you are not the only one.

Some movie sequels do not quite cut it...

Page 24: December 16

24 Hi.Life 12.09


Junior Becca Allinder is like a lot of students: she goes through the day lugging her backpack from class to class. Her backpack contains everything she needs for that day at school, because, like many students, she does not have time to go to her locker during the day. Not only does she carry school essentials in her brown Hollister shoulder bag, but she also carries some interesting items that may set her apart from other students. “My favorite item I carry is my iPod, because i get a lot of use out of it during the day. I have variety of music I listen to including some of our choir music. I enjoy listening to it-it helps me through the day, and I get to listen to it so much that almost every day I drain the battery,” Allinder said. Among all the things Allinder carries, she considers her cell phone one of the most important ones. Allinder uses it to contact her dad for rides if she needs them and to stay in contact so she knows what is going on. “Every morning since it has gotten cold out, I bring a thermos full of steamy, warm, dark

chocolate, hot coco that normally lasts until about second hour. Most people, like the people on guard, think it is good. There are only a few people who do not like it,” Allinder said. Allinder also has a variety of scares she wears to school to keep her warm, but then carries around in her bag the rest of the day. Sometimes Allinder carries

eye drops with her incase she needs them, but she always has a brush at hand for when her hair or bangs get a little static or messy. Also, Allinder has her vapor inhaler at hand incase she needs help breathing, sometimes due to allergies. “I normally have a different book every week that people see me reading. Right now I

am reading Of Mice and Men for school, so I have to put my individual book aside until we are done reading this one. Sometimes i read in the hallway, which can prove a challenge when there are a lot of people,” Allinder said. Allinder admits she has some trouble finding papers because she has so much stuff in her backpack, and that she gets stuff from classes mixed up. Allinder said she tries to stay organized, but it does not really work. She always has extra pencils as well, because she loses so many and wears the easers down on others. Allinder’s choir folder is included as one of the things she has in her bag for classes, along with many other folders and papers for all her classes. All the items can add up. “I think my backpack weighs abou 20 pounds on average, it can get kind of heavy sometimes. My arms get sore or start hurting some days,” Allinder said. Next time Allinder is walking down the hall reading a book it will not be a surprises, and what is in her bag will no longer be a mystery.

Discover what unique items one student carries with them in their backback, and compare them to your own...

What Phrases Mean by Kim Tabe

Many kids feel that their parents are ‘too old’ or ‘out of style to try to maintain their ‘hip’ status. It can be quite scary hearing your parents say words like ‘bling-bling’ and ‘tight’ or hearing them rap the latest Lil Wayne song, or singing from the latest Green Day album. But believe it or not, some of the things that older people used say are repeated today, of course only in a different way. Here are some words/sayings that both the old and the young have in common:


“Willy Gee Wonkers.”

“Candles cost more than a cake.”

“A bunch of hogwash.”

“Shiver me timbers.”

‘That’s like taking dirty children in a house with white carpet.”

“Tickle me pink.”

“Ponder before you open your traphole.”




“Oh my goodness.”

“That’s too expensive.”

“Complete nonsense.”

“Oh, you really scare me.”

“That makes no sense.”

“That made me laugh.”

“Think before you speak.”


Tennis Shoes

Students should rethink before calling their parents ‘old’ or ‘out of style’ because it’s clear that the younger generation and their generation are quite similar in so many different ways. So, before saying, “Mom/Dad, who says that anymore?” Just simply reread this article.

by Sarah Kensingerphotos by Brittany Webster

“I normally have a different book every week that people see me


Unique Bags. With all the school books we are required to carry it is hard to put your own unique style in your bag. “I normally have a different book every week that people see me reading. Right now I am reading Of Mice and Men for school,” Rebecca Allinder said. Everyone has something different in their bag.

“I actually do not like soda that much- I prefer to dink tea. This just happened to be in my bag. Random things like to find their way into it.”

“I take my Sounds of Summit folder home around concerts to work on memorization, especially since I do not take any lessons.”

“In Honors English, we just got done reading “Of Mice and Men”. It was kind of slow at the beginning, but the twist in the last chapter really shopcked me. I am glad that I read it.

Page 25: December 16


by Kim Tabe

Cathy Sheridan discusses her favorite books and influential literature.

Top 5 Books Just Out Jams

Secret songs today that will be top hits tomorrow.

by Emily Dowdlephoto by Taylor Rice

by Burkett Powell

{ } “Let Down” by Dead By Sunrise

“Say Yes” by Snow Patrol

“Spotlight”by Gucci Mane (feat. Usher)

“Pronto”by Snoop Dogg(feat. Soulja Boy)

“Hurricane”by Thirty Seconds to Mars (feat. Kanye West)

“Crawl”by Chris Brown

Alternative Jam

Chill Jam

Dance Jam

Rock Jam

R&B Jam

Pop Jam

Rap Jam

“Marching On (Timbo Version)” by Timbaland (feat. One Republic)


3 4 5

Unbearable Book“Moby Dick, I’m kind of ashamed to say it. I never really gave it a chance, and it deserves a lot better chance that I gave it,” Sheridan said.

What makes a good book“I really like character driven stories where you really feel like you get to know the characters. I like when the characters stay with me and I just find myself thinking about them. IOverall, I just appreciate good, interesting writing,” Sheridan said.

Least favorite curriculum book“I like them all. Some are harder to teach though, like Huck Finn. It’s a great book, a classic, but it is just not fun to teach, students don’t appreciate it like I want them to and it’s frustrating to teach something students don’t understand or want to,” Sheridan said.

Favorite childhood book“I’ve always really enjoyed the Beverly Cleary books- Ramona Quimby, Henry Huggins. I like

them because they are really imaginative and fun, and also, the authors have other books so that kids can read other books that are similar to the ones they already love. And Judy Blume, just because she is so relevant to readers,” Sheridan said.

Favorite curriculum book“It’s hard to choose. to Kill a Mocking bird is one of my favorites, and The Great Gatsby. I’ve really enjoyed The Road because I’ve read it just as a reader and now I’m reading it as a teacher. When you read something as a teacher, you have your teacher hat on. You look at things differently and you think about it a lot more,” Sheridan said.

Most influential book“It would have to be the first book I really noticed stylistically, The Great Gatsby. With The Great Gatsby, I like the story but I really admire him (F. Scott Fitzgerald) as a writer, and it made me think how I could use it to instill good writing in students,” Sheridan said.


Rsponsibly Reading. English teacher Mrs. Sheridan is an avid reader.

Page 26: December 16

26 Hi.Life 12.0926 Hi.Life 12.09

Ahappen to us. And he probably didn’t text his bestie Mother Nature to send us a big one for New Orleans. It’s more than likely that it wouldn’t matter who was president at

the time, they would have been blamed too. Everybody loves a scapegoat. What did matter, though, were Bush’s reactions. The worst thing that a president can do is start something and never finish it. And now we reach the end of the decade. So, what do you think? Have there been any accomplishments that deserve recognition? Of course there have been. Although it may not seem like it, it would be completely ignorant to say that the past ten years were a complete failure. But people’s spirits are now beginning to lift, at least for the democrats. In addition to welcoming the new decade, we have welcomed a new president into our lives. The new decade will surely

Staff Ed and Letters

The Letter

Dear Editors, One of the things that bothers me the most about teachers is that they lecture us on deadlines for papers but then they don’t have our papers graded until a month after we turn them in. What is worse than having to wait to know your grade on something that you might have done bad on. Especially before finals teachers will assign us all of these assignments then won’t grade them until the semester is over. If we don’t know our current grade before finals, how can we know what or how much we need to study. Students are suppose to know what they need to improve on, how can we do that if we never get our papers back?

Allison Cook

He Said, She Said

<<Have an issue? Email it to [email protected] and you too could be published in the Hi.Life>>

by Max Belanger & Julia Duckworth


Letters and

He Said, She Said

be a new age of success for the United States. Though some argue such idiocies as President Obama being a communist who will only bring the United States down to ruins, he is obviously doing something right since he won the Nobel Piece Prize. And he should win it. Okay, so he hasn’t accomplished much yet, but it’s only his first year in office. He cannot change the country in seven days; he’s not God, you know. What he has done, though, is instill hope in the American people. For the past five years, Americans have been so depressed because of the war, unemployment, the economy, etcetera, etcetera. Finally, people are beginning to see the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Finally, people are beginning to tell that change is coming for the good. This is the reason he was awarded the Prize. We’ve been through a lot in the past decade, and we’re bound to go through a lot more. But one thing is for sure: to get through it all, we have to be united. If we aren’t, we will never accomplish anything.

s December 31 approaches, we reach the end of

the first full decade of our lives. In this time, a lot has happened to our country. Our country has been devastated by terrorist attacks, natural disasters, unemployment, and George Bush. In times of hardships it is easy to be blinded from the accomplishments that our country has made. But have we as a nation really accomplished anything of value in the past ten years?

When thinking about accomplishments of the twenty-first century, there are several that cannot be ignored. We’ve accomplished a war in the Middle East, we’ve managed to become a joke to other nations, and we’ve reached an even larger national debt. Most of the credit for these accomplishments should definitely be given to former president George Double-yuh Bush. Thanks to his administration, we have reached the predicaments that we are currently in. Stand up, President, take a bow. Now, it is definitely fair to say that President Bush did not call al-Qaeda Headquarters and ask for nineteen of their finest men. Nobody could have predicted that this would

The Decade in Review

“...have we as a nation really accomlished

anything of value in the past ten years?”

Page 27: December 16


M.O.S.Do you think buying cheap and low quality materials is beneficial in the long run?

“Yes, because it saves the school money. The more money the school saves, the more money the school will have to buy other things. If we have low quality sup-plies, it is more likely to break, but it is cheaper,” said freshman Mayte Olvera.

Staff Editorial

Lee’s Summit High School is a school that many teenagers would be thankful and eager to attend. We have a library of function-ing computers, laptops for each teacher, Smart Boards in most classrooms, televisions hanging not only in classrooms but the

hallway as well, and an entire lab of Macintosh computers. When in-spected a bit closer, however, it is obvious that the quality of these items differ. The school, in an attempt to save money, sometimes purchases the cheaper version of a certain computer, television, etc. When examined closer, there are both pros and cons to this decision. While the decision to purchase a cheap item over an expensive item seem to make sense in the short run, some may argue that the cheap ver-sion will not run as efficiently, or last as long as it would have had it been of higher quality. For instance, many of the library computers and the laptops that are issued to each teacher seem to be outdated. Teachers and students become frustrated easily as the computers lag and freeze. Some may agree with the argument that the cheap items are not as efficient, and they are the cause of much annoyance among student and staff, but others may not. The library computers and laptops are some-thing we are lucky to have, and buying all high-quality items would sim-ply not make sense. It would be extremely costly, and the school could use the money toward a more productive cause. The laptops and comput-ers, even the outdated ones, are still excellent resources. It is obvious that the school has done an excellent job of supplying the students and faculty with the technology that they need. While the quality of the technology may differ somewhat, it is important not to take granted what we as students have been given. Many schools do not have the ability to give such resources to their students as we have been given, and regardless of the quality of these items, we should be thankful for them - not critical.

by Amy Notesteinphotos by Laina Gunsallusillustration by Bianca Wang



“No, because if the school buys sup-plies that will last longer, then stu-dents can use them for a longer period of time. I wish our school would buy nicer computers instead of the ones we have now because the computers always seem to mess up when I’m working on them,” said sophomore Josh Norris.


“No, because the school is just going to have to replace computers and supplies eventually anyway. So they might as well invest in better quality items to start with,” said junior Cassandra Gillespie.


“No, because if we make a lot of money from fundraising and athletic events, then we should get everything that we can with the amount of money we have. If we had nicer computers, then we could actually get work done and not have to save the work for home,” said senior Richard Chungong.


“No, it is like anything; better quality means it will last longer. So, in the long run, it will probably save the school more money,” said art teacher Mr. Williams.


Page 28: December 16

28 Hi.Life 12.09

T he end is near!’ Such a phrase tends to conjure up images of scenes from 28 Days Later and The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Throughout the ages, humans have always been fascinated with the apocalypse and the predictions on how the world will end. Theories on how Armageddon will occur range from biblical signs that God will send, to the possibility that we will cause our own demise through a nuclear war of massive proportions. The question of whether or not the world will end is not a question of if to anyone but rather a question of when. People are preoccupied with cataclysmic events. Everyone has a tendency to be drawn to unfortunate happenings that occur in their lives. For example, some people who are driving tend to slow down to look at a car wreck before passing by. The problem that comes from this situation is when people use the apocalypse to excuse their own lack of care. The apocalypse is the perfect excuse not to look to the future and care about the world that we will leave to our posterity, because, quite frankly, there’s point of caring for the world if it’s going to be destroyed anyways. It can be used to excuse someone for being plain rude, because there is no reason for someone to be nice when the world is one step away from the end. In short, people lose interest in the future when they believe that the world is coming to the end. There have been many incidents in the past century when cults and fanatics have taken the end of the world into their own hands. One instance of this extremism can be seen in the mass suicide of the Heaven’s Gate Cult in 1997. The cult was sure that the end of the world was imminent and that a spaceship had come to take them off the planet. In order to join the spaceship, the members of the cult drank a deadly cocktail of drugs that sent them into their final sleep. Such a radical act is not common, but it does stress the fact that the obsession to meet the end of the world can have almost no limit. It is complete nonsense to think that the world is ending any time soon. If someone believes otherwise, all he or she has to do is check out NASA’s article about the proof that debunks all apocalyptic theories. However, perhaps there is a small amount of truth behind what the apocalypse junkies of the world have to say. Maybe the apocalypse is right around the corner, and we are about to face a holocaust of epic proportions. Even if this was remotely true, the fact of the matter remains that people should not be willing to give up on living life for the benefit of tomorrow. To quit trying to push for a better future, or even to simply decide not to attempt to survive, is downright foolish.

Big Brother Is Watching

No Need For Doom

You are being watched. To some, these words are bitter and difficult to swallow; however, for some, it is possible to find

comfort and security in what they could view as a guardian angel’s protection. The placement of security cameras in our school would be beneficial in case of theft or other such crimes in that they would allow for evidence in the case. However, these cameras could also potentially be viewed as a threat to personal privacy within the school. Schools should never invade the privacy of their students.Some would say that is much too expensive anyways, between the setup and maintenance. In addition, some students would not feel at all comfortable with the idea that they could potentially be monitored by people higher-up that they neither know nor yet trust. It could also easily invade legal privacy rights, only leading to hassle and paperwork for the school district. However, schools should never ignore the safety of their students. It is an unspoken law that directly under the ideas of education and collegiate preparation, security is the second priority of schools. Firstly, simply the presence of security cameras would be a disincentive for crimes such as theft, violence, and vandalism; as they would provide evidence that would be otherwise unavailable. Likewise, the installation of security cameras would be the installation of security in the community that it affects, including protective, persnickety parents of the schools’ students, as well as in most of the students themselves. No longer could a camera be stolen from a gym locker, nor could a twenty dollar bill be stolen from the purse left in a classroom during lunch. There would be corroboration in accusing possible thieves. There would be sanctuary and trust in the school, which has been a goal since its establishment. The question of installing cameras is a question of comfort. It is a question of which “schools-should-never” is more greatly feared than the other: the one of security or the one of privacy.

Students debate the need for security cameras.

Why do people ponder the apocalypse so much?

Ben Sobekg Nathan Bakerg

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Page 29: December 16


Sports Injuries

In this modern age of sports, players have to overcome more challenges than before. Take for example, having to dodge a head butt to the stomach even when the ball is half way down the field or being yanked to the ground by your hair while trying to get possession of the ball. “Players are usually brutal to show their dominance over their opponents. It could be started by rivalry or just because someone has a short temper and a certain player ticks them off,” physical trainer James Oyler said. Slide tackling, body checks, and an elbow to the ribs, are all simple things that could make a player hold a grudge against someone and take their sweet revenge out on the field. Obviously, brutality is more common in physical contact sports, like football, soccer and wrestling, than any other sports. Though, in some form, brutality manages to sneak its way into every sport. “Brutality is always happening, eve though sometimes we can’t see it. When players are in a tackle, they could be deliberately poking or punching them. Then, there is verbal brutality that not many people catch besides that athlete it’s meant for,” Oyler said. Even though both men’s and women’s sports have brutality in them, they show it in two completely different ways. Girls, powered by emotion and adrenaline, take out their opponents with the consuming thought of revenge showed openly to everyone. With guys, though they show more power than the girls, it is harder to tell if they did it out of revenge or just purely a trick to get ahead of their opponents. “Girls tend to hold more grudges than guys because girls usually take things to a personal level. Though, sometimes, with both genders, brutality coming from the other team will make an athlete want to play better and smarter than the other team, making them the bigger player. It all depends on how a player reacts to brutality,” physical trainer Angela Oswald said. Reacting poorly, though, can cause major consequences. It could vary from minor injuries, like a sprained ankle, to a tibia-fibula fracture, or getting penalties piled up against the team, ranging from a red card to a 15 yard penalty. If the coaches catch one of their athletes playing too harshly, then they have the option to bench them indefinitely if they want to. “I will always agree with my players unless they made a horrible mistake. We train them to work hard but not in a cruel way; we don’t condone bad play,” head soccer coach David Wiebenga said. Brutality has proved to us that it will never disappear completely from sports, especially from the contact ones. When a player goes on the field with the thought of intentionally hurting someone, that is when players have taken brutality too far. As long as athletes remember to keep a cool head and stay reasonably calm, brutality may not altogether disappear, but it could be controlled to where there aren’t players cussing their lungs out or deliberately kicking their opponent when they are on the ground.

When sports become more aggressive, the players become more vicious by Erin Rottinghaus

Too Brutal?

School sports can take a major impactby Jordan Buhr School sports are notorious for injuries. They can happen to anyone, some more than others. Even to some of the school’s most gifted athletes can suffer from injuries. High school athletes are accountable for around two million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits, and 300,000 hospitalizations. Some of the most common injuries can often turn into the most serious, Things like stress fractures, sprained ankles, bone cists, and broken bones. These Lee’s Summit High School students would know up close and personal. For senior Craig Shrankler, it was a different case.“Well, i’ve had a sprained ankle, i’ve had stress fractures in my shins, and i’ve had a torn ligament in my knee” Shrankler says while telling us about his experiences with injuries. Participating in cross country has lead Craig to be on crutches already this year from the torn ligament in his knee. The number of knee injuries has skyrocketed from what doctors once only saw in only adults. Since the demand for students to play sports has become increasingly demanding, so had the number of knee injuries. Junior girls soccer player Alex Hutchison has run into a few problems with soccer, she has rolled her ankle in the off-season and her freshman year she bruised her tibia bone. She was out for a couple of weeks with her bruised tibia but soon recovered. It is hard for Alex to sit out and watch as her team continues to play. “It’s so boring and you wish you could be in the game doing something. Like when you see other people dong things and you wish you could be in the play doing that with them and scoring and winning for your team but you just can’t” Hutchison said. After a few months of bike riding, and strengthening in physical therapy Alex was able to get back to the soccer field and join everyone else. Sophomore Tyler smith has experienced this several times. “I’ve broken my foot twice, and sprained my ankle and all of them happened during basketball from falling” Smith said. After having to sit out for the entire season of basketball Smith tells us about how he feels left out from the team when having to watch the games. When spraining a ankle it is more than likely for it to happen again. Even when the sprained ankle has healed the balance can still remain impaired - which can increase the risk of future injury. Luckily Tyler hasn’t had to experience this. After talking to one of our own school trainers Mr. Oyler tells us about how to help prevent injuries on and off the field “Having good strength, and hitting the weight room. If you are weak and your opponent is stronger and your always getting bounced around there is a good chance you will get injured there. The second thing is to have good flexibility. If things start to bed in the wrong direction the muscles need to be able to stretch and if you can’t that’s when you can pull those muscles and tare them. Other ways to prevent it is sports specific training. If you don’t know the typical moves and how to do things like your suppose to footwork wise then you get yourself in a bad situation and are more likely to get injured.” Oyler said. When playing sports year round athletes are very likely to suffer from a injury . The body need resting time which helps prevent injuries from happening. Also when playing different types of sports that work different muscles in the body can be a big prevention. So next time you decide to join multiple sports be sure to think twice before taking the risk!

Brutality. Athletes come back to their sport before they are ready. Girls basketball is just one sport that can be brutal.by Seirra Lewis

by Laina Gunsallus

Page 30: December 16

30 Hi.Life 12.09

Bowls to Watch for

Ten powerhouse teams will end their season looking for BCS glory

Champs Sports Bowl

Miami vs. Wisconsin7:00 p.m., Dec.29, 2009

ESPNOrlando, Florida

Prediction: Miami

Capital One Bowl

Penn State vs.LSU12:00 p.m., Jan. 1, 2010

ABCOrlando, Florida

Prediction: Penn State

Chik-Fil-A Bowl

Virginia Tech vs. Tennessee 8:30 p.m., Dec. 31, 2009

ESPNAtlanta, Georgia

Prediction: Virginia Tech

AT&T Cotton Bowl

OKST vs. Ole MIss1:00 p.m., Jan. 2, 2009

FoxArlington Texas

Prediction: Ole Miss

Florida’s 22-game winning streak came to a screeching halt in the SEC champion-ship game Saturday thanks to a 32-13 loss to Alabama. It was Urban Meyer’s most lopsided loss at Florida since his first sea-son in Gainesville in 2005. His most dif-ficult task may be getting this team back up for a game that won’t determine the national championship, especially with so many juniors who could end up turn-ing pro. There’s also the uncertain status of star defensive end Carlos Dunlap, who was suspended for the SEC championship game after being arrested last week on DUI charges.

Prediction: Cincinnati

Sugar Bowl

Florida vs. Cincinnati 7:30 p.m., Jan. 1, 2010New Orleans, Louisiana



Ohio State, which will be making its first Rose Bowl appearance since its 1997 win over Arizona State, is 7-0 all-time against the Ducks, but the teams haven’t met since 1987. Oregon last played in the Grand-daddy in 1995, when it lost to Penn State. Although the Ducks’ spread-option against the Buckeyes’ stout front seven will get top billing on the marquee, Oregon’s defense isn’t so bad -- the Ducks surrendered 329 yards per game, which ranks 32nd in the country -- and the Buckeyes run the ball well (199 yards per game).

Prediction: Oregon

Rose Bowl

Ohio State vs. Oregon3:30 p.m., Jan. 1, 2010

ABCPasadena, California


Orange Bowl

Georgia Tech vs. Iowa7:00 p.m., Jan 5, 2010

Miami, FloridaFox


On paper, it’s a very intriguing matchup. Georgia Tech has the No. 2 rushing of-fense in the country, and the No. 11 scor-ing offense at 35.31 points per game. Iowa is 10th in the country in scoring defense at 15.5 points per game. Hawkeyes fans had to sweat it out Sunday night and hope bowl selection committees prioritized what had happened on the field ahead of outside factors in their final decisions. Be-cause between the lines, Iowa was a heck of a football team this fall. And it gets one final chance to silence its critics against ACC champion Georgia Tech in the Fe-dEx Orange Bowl.

Prediction: Georgia Tech

Bowl Championship Series

The 2009 college football season comes to an end with a plethora of in-

triguing bowl games. Although many teams; most notably the Cincinnati Bearcats, TCU Horned Frogs, and the Boise State Broncos have a bone to pick with the BCS. The con-troversial system has produced another great lineup of BCS contests this year. The Heisman race has come down to the two frontrunners of Toby Gerhart and Mark Ingram. Texas was able to sneak out of the Big 12 title game with a victory, while Alabama rolled over Florida. This could possibly be the year a play-off can legitimately be argued for this year.

National Championship

Texas vs. Alabama3:30 p.m., Jan 1, 2010

ABCPasadena, California


The Longhorns streaked to their first Big 12 title since 2005 thanks to an offense keyed by McCoy’s passing talents and a deep collection of receivers. It will be a challenge for them to make yardage against an Alabama defense that led the nation in pass efficiency defense and scoring defense and ranks second in rushing defense and total defense. In order to be successful in the title game, the Longhorns will have to show improvement over their struggling performance in the Big 12 title game.

Prediction: Texas

TCU is the only team in the country that ranks in the top four in total defense and total offense. The Horned Frogs have the best defense in the country, led by defensive end Jerry Hughes and linebacker Daryl Washington. The defense allows just 23.25 yards per game and is especially tough against the pass. The Horned Frogs offense averages 40.67 points per game and 469.08 yards per game, which both rank No. 4 in the country. Boise State has the nation’s top scoring defense with 44.15 yards per game and its offensive line allows .38 sacks per game. The Broncos rank second in passing efficiency and are No. 2 in turnover margin.

Prediction: TCU

Fiesta Bowl

TCU vs. Boise State7:00 p.m., Jan. 4, 2010

Glendale, ArizonaFOX



National ChampionshipTexas: 24Alabama: 20

Fiesta BowlTCU: 31Boise State: 28

Sugar BowlFlorida: 31Cincinnati: 35

Orange BowlGeorgia Tech: 27Iowa: 10

Rose BowlOhio State: 21Oregon: 27

by Max Olson and Michael Rellihan

Page 31: December 16


Bowls to Watch for

Ten powerhouse teams will end their season looking for BCS glory

Champs Sports Bowl

Miami vs. Wisconsin7:00 p.m., Dec.29, 2009

ESPNOrlando, Florida

Prediction: Miami

Capital One Bowl

Penn State vs.LSU12:00 p.m., Jan. 1, 2010

ABCOrlando, Florida

Prediction: Penn State

Chik-Fil-A Bowl

Virginia Tech vs. Tennessee 8:30 p.m., Dec. 31, 2009

ESPNAtlanta, Georgia

Prediction: Virginia Tech

AT&T Cotton Bowl

OKST vs. Ole MIss1:00 p.m., Jan. 2, 2009

FoxArlington Texas

Prediction: Ole Miss

Florida’s 22-game winning streak came to a screeching halt in the SEC champion-ship game Saturday thanks to a 32-13 loss to Alabama. It was Urban Meyer’s most lopsided loss at Florida since his first sea-son in Gainesville in 2005. His most dif-ficult task may be getting this team back up for a game that won’t determine the national championship, especially with so many juniors who could end up turn-ing pro. There’s also the uncertain status of star defensive end Carlos Dunlap, who was suspended for the SEC championship game after being arrested last week on DUI charges.

Prediction: Cincinnati

Sugar Bowl

Florida vs. Cincinnati 7:30 p.m., Jan. 1, 2010New Orleans, Louisiana



Ohio State, which will be making its first Rose Bowl appearance since its 1997 win over Arizona State, is 7-0 all-time against the Ducks, but the teams haven’t met since 1987. Oregon last played in the Grand-daddy in 1995, when it lost to Penn State. Although the Ducks’ spread-option against the Buckeyes’ stout front seven will get top billing on the marquee, Oregon’s defense isn’t so bad -- the Ducks surrendered 329 yards per game, which ranks 32nd in the country -- and the Buckeyes run the ball well (199 yards per game).

Prediction: Oregon

Rose Bowl

Ohio State vs. Oregon3:30 p.m., Jan. 1, 2010

ABCPasadena, California


Orange Bowl

Georgia Tech vs. Iowa7:00 p.m., Jan 5, 2010

Miami, FloridaFox


On paper, it’s a very intriguing matchup. Georgia Tech has the No. 2 rushing of-fense in the country, and the No. 11 scor-ing offense at 35.31 points per game. Iowa is 10th in the country in scoring defense at 15.5 points per game. Hawkeyes fans had to sweat it out Sunday night and hope bowl selection committees prioritized what had happened on the field ahead of outside factors in their final decisions. Be-cause between the lines, Iowa was a heck of a football team this fall. And it gets one final chance to silence its critics against ACC champion Georgia Tech in the Fe-dEx Orange Bowl.

Prediction: Georgia Tech

Bowl Championship Series

The 2009 college football season comes to an end with a plethora of in-

triguing bowl games. Although many teams; most notably the Cincinnati Bearcats, TCU Horned Frogs, and the Boise State Broncos have a bone to pick with the BCS. The con-troversial system has produced another great lineup of BCS contests this year. The Heisman race has come down to the two frontrunners of Toby Gerhart and Mark Ingram. Texas was able to sneak out of the Big 12 title game with a victory, while Alabama rolled over Florida. This could possibly be the year a play-off can legitimately be argued for this year.

National Championship

Texas vs. Alabama3:30 p.m., Jan 1, 2010

ABCPasadena, California


The Longhorns streaked to their first Big 12 title since 2005 thanks to an offense keyed by McCoy’s passing talents and a deep collection of receivers. It will be a challenge for them to make yardage against an Alabama defense that led the nation in pass efficiency defense and scoring defense and ranks second in rushing defense and total defense. In order to be successful in the title game, the Longhorns will have to show improvement over their struggling performance in the Big 12 title game.

Prediction: Texas

TCU is the only team in the country that ranks in the top four in total defense and total offense. The Horned Frogs have the best defense in the country, led by defensive end Jerry Hughes and linebacker Daryl Washington. The defense allows just 23.25 yards per game and is especially tough against the pass. The Horned Frogs offense averages 40.67 points per game and 469.08 yards per game, which both rank No. 4 in the country. Boise State has the nation’s top scoring defense with 44.15 yards per game and its offensive line allows .38 sacks per game. The Broncos rank second in passing efficiency and are No. 2 in turnover margin.

Prediction: TCU

Fiesta Bowl

TCU vs. Boise State7:00 p.m., Jan. 4, 2010

Glendale, ArizonaFOX


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32 Hi.Life 12.09

On a New Turf. Artificial turf has been around for years, and is a new growing fad.Our Distirict Sprots Administrator, Darwin Rold, is looking into this for our own district. “ This is has been the first time artificle turf has been brought to the school borad. The turf is being purposed for the stadiums at all three high schools.” said Rold.

Out With the Old, In With the NewCleaning the confusion about LSHS receiving artificial turf.

With the current field at LSHS being worn down every season, athletes are calling for improvements on the

field. The best way to accomplish this is to add artificial turf not only to LSHS but to LSN and LSW as well. “For the high schools to get turf, voters need to pass the bond in April,” said LSHS Activities/Athletics Director, Dan Schnell. “The issue is on R-7’s no tax increase $16 million bond. There are many steps that need to be taken for our schools to receive turf. The board has to approve it and it needs to be passed by the voters.” Other issues on the bond are a new gymnasium at Bernard Campbell, track resurfacing at all three middle schools and tennis

court renovations at all three high schools just to name a few. “The fields will not be used just for football,” said Schnell. “It can be used for many other things including other sports like soccer and Pop Warner football. It can also be used for marching bands, drumlines, cheerleaders, flag and dance teams. The community could also use the new facility.” However, there will be limitations for the field. People who use the field will not be allowed to chew gum or eat sunflower seeds. Also, no one could have metal items such as hair clips. These things would be safety hazards when a player slides across the surface. “There is only one concern with the new

artificial turf,” said Schnell. “It is pricy. It would cost about $2.8 million.’ If and when the bond passes, construction will start in April or May. Many factors go into how fast the turf will be done, such as how fast the old field can be taken out, and looking at all possibilities of other artificial turf. R-7 wants our fields to be the newest and safest. “With our new artificial turf in place, we’ll be on the same level as Blue Springs and Blue Springs South,” said Schnell. The best solution to fix the current problem with our worn down fields is to insert artificial turf next year. R-7 is doing their best to help with the situation and with the help of voters we will have a brand new field to brag about next year.

Hebrews, Romans, John, and Vick

by Nathan Williamsphoto by Bradley Roberts

John 16:33 – “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world

you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” This is the latest bible verse to be featured on the eye black of Tim Tebow, University of Florida quarterback. He wore it in the SEC Championship Game. Tim Tebow has featured many bible verses on his eye black throughout his college career. One of the most popular being the verse he wore during last year’s BCS Championship- John 3:16. John 3:16 -“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have

everlasting life.” When Tim Tebow

wore this for the championship it

quickly became the most frequented search on Google, generating 94 million searches. In total, Tim Tebow has displayed a total of 15 bible verses on his eye black, including: Phil 4:13, John 3:16, Proverbs 3:5-6, Mark 8:36, Romans 8:28, Isaiah 40:31, Thessalonians 5:18, Psalms 23:1, Ephesians 4:32, Philippians 4:6-7, Colossians 3:23, Joshua 1:8-9, Romans 1:16, Hebrews 12:1-2, and John 16:33. However, the incident regarding Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor wearing ‘Vick’ on his eye black has caused some to question whether eye black messages should be allowed at all. Should one message be banned while another remains? It seems like a player endorsing a man who spent time in jail for dog fighting might not be good for the NCAA. On the other hand, you have a player who is gaining notoriety for his eye black messages and if anything is bringing

more attention to the NCAA. Some feel that eye black messages in general should not be allowed. Yet is there any harm in Tebow’s verses on his eye black? Tebow is a well known player and is highly regarded. He is known for his Christian values and his perfect off field behavior. Clearly, this guy’s eye black should not be an issue. Eye black should not be seen as an issue in the NCAA. Though I do not think it was a very good idea for Pryor to put ‘Mike Vick’ on his eye black, it really does not harm anyone. It is not as though Pryor has it ‘out for dogs’ just because he put that on his eye black. As long as the eye black does not have some sort of expletive in it, as long as it hurts no one. So from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21, Tim Tebow has a wide variety to choose from for the upcoming Sugar Bowl.

by Nate Day

Page 33: December 16


>>Flag Football and LSJBAThe next big sporting events

Pain, sweat, and tears. Three words that most students would not relate to the game of flag football or Lee’s Summit Junior Basketball Association. These games take hard work and dedication to come out as the best team and to earn the respect of other competitors.

Flag Football-

Flag football is the new popular sport of LSHS, with many students forming teams and getting ready for competition. There are three teams that are at the start of this hype: Team Smash Hard, BD Bandits, and Scoregasms, these three teams know the true passion of the game. “ I love the game, it is extremely fast paced and it is a great way to stay ready for the football season,” Team Smash Hard safety Mike Matthews said. The game of flag football and football are different because flag football is much more fast-paced. The game clocks does not ever stop and

Huddle up. High school students get ready to play flag footballLSJBA-

LSJBA has been a popular alternative for basketball players who got cut from the school team or just want to play the sport without all of the time commitments. There are three schools that feed into the league they are LSW, LSN, and LSHS. “I joined because I wanted to play with more of my friends other than kids at our school,” former LSHS basketball player Justin Weber said. In LSJBA there is something called the buddy system. In the buddy system you sign up with a friend and you are automatically to be on the team with that person. Along with the buddy system the draft is a little different than a normal draft would be. In the draft you can freeze up to a total of four kids. So with the freezes in the draft and the buddy system it keeps the three schools together to make dominant LSHS/LSW/LSN teams. Playing for LSJBA and for the school team are different in several ways. In LSJBA there is only one practice a week for one hour compared to practices everyday after school. There is only one game a week compared several on the various games and

the game is played in two 13 minute halves. The quarterback in flag football is unable to run past the line of scrimmage and must dodge the oncoming rushers, who star just seven yards away. “ When a rusher sprints in at me, I have to quickly look for an open receiver ad be ready to make a quick juke move to get out of the way,” Team Smash Hard q u a r t e r b a c k junior Jared Simmons said. There is also a lot of pride in the

flag football games all three LSHS teams take pride in beating the other Lee’s Summit teams. Each team works extremely hard to dominate the other teams. The three teams work extremely hard during practices every weekend to learn new plays and find defensive schemes to exploit the other team’s weakness.

“ We practice at least twice a week to prepare for the other teams, we look at our opponents defense and learn plays that will help our offense,” said junior Jeff Brake. After all the work and time put in by LSHS students some kids just want to play for fun. Flag football and LSJBA are the two best solutions for a student.

by Michael Rellihan and Luke Jarnevicphotos by Julllia Huisman

tournaments. LSJBA is laid back and less complicated than playing on a school team. “In LSJBA we run certain

plays at times in are games, but most of the time we free lance it; I can actually shoot as many three’s as I want and no one will get mad at me,” senior Zach Hudson said. LSJBA seems to be picking up some hype and gaining better talent every year. “The teams are not as good as high school teams, but I played with a lot of the kids on the LSJBA teams that were previously on high school teams years ago” Weber said. After all the work and time put in by LSHS students some kids just want to play for fun. Flag football and LSJBA are the two best solutions for a student.

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34 Hi.Life 12.09

competitive you almost see fights break out,” said Hashemi. Some would say that three on three is not any fun, but both Drape and Hashemi would disagree. They both claim that it can be just as fun as regulation soccer played at the high school, if not better. “I play three on three soccer because I love playing and it is my favorite sport,” said Hashemi. “Three on three is easier and simpler than normal soccer, plus we get to choose our team,” said Drape. Drape and Hashemi played on the same team for the Turkey Shoot 3v3 Tournament called “The Herbivores”. The full list of players from their team included: Drape, Hashemi, Jamie Shinabargar, Austin Zammar, Jake Ellis, Jordan Barber, Dalton MacDonald, and Martin Blahut. Now that the Turkey Shoot 3v3 Tournament is over, these students will keep practicing and looking out for another tournament or place to play games. So while the debate about which version of soccer is more fun goes on, Drape and Hashemi will continue to play three on three and tell others about their game.

written by Nathan Williams photo by Tyler Bailes

She feels the coolness of the water the second she dives into the pool. She starts out strong, she’s pacing herself. She begins to fall behind and she pushes harder with every muscle in her body. Her muscles ache, screaming

at her to stop. She won’t. She never will. Girls swimming is a very intense and demanding sport. Swimmers have two hours of practice after school as well as an hour of weights before school three days a week. “We burn about 2500 calories a practice and it works out your entire body,” senior Melanie McIlory said. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise because it requires every muscle in the body to pull through the resistance of the water.

“Swimming is a great workout because you are engaging every muscle in your body. It is also mentally demanding, with every stroke you have to be aware of your body placement,” junior Natalie Holder said. Though the practices are intense, the hard work pays off in the end. “After a really good practice it feels good to go home knowing you’ve accomplished something,” sophomore Lois Miller said. “Our coach expects us to do our best every minute of every practice, it feels like my legs are made of Jell-O after practice,” senior Pia Klepstad said. The whole swim team respects and looks up to Coach Holder. “Holder works us as hard as we can possibly handle. He is a good coach and always encourages us,” McIlroy said. “I love the family atmosphere that the team shares as well as the challenge of a hard workout from Coach Holder,” Miller said. The girls on the swim team spend a lot of time together and many close bonds form between them. “Everyone is supportive of each other and it is just a family environment,” McIlroy said. One thing many of the swimmers may wish they did not have to participate in is the swim diet. “The diet is really strict, no red meat, no fried food, no caffeine. I try to follow some of it, but it’s really hard,” Klepstad said. Some of the swimmers do not find the diet quite as difficult. “I never eat red meat or drink pop or energy drinks, the only change I have to make is asking for decaf when I go to Starbucks,” McIlroy said. It is hard to imagine going on a diet during the holidays when you are always so tempted with food. “The swim diet can be difficult through the holidays. The hardest thing to give up is chocolate,” N. Holder said. Her hand reaches out to touch the concrete edge of the pool. She made it. She looks around and sees that she is the first one. This incredible feeling is the reason why she works so hard all season.

3v3 Soccer. If you want to play an awesome sport in a climate-controlled room, indoor 3v3 soccer is the way to go. “For 3v3, there are no goalies and no offsides, and the goals are smaller,” said sophomore Luke Drape

Kicking IT

During the recent Thanksgiving break, several students from LSHS and the local area

spent their winter break away from the cold weather outside, and played in a special soccer tournament in the warmth of an indoor stadium. Two LSHS sophomores, Luke Drape and Shervin Hashemi, played in the annual Turkey Shoot 3v3 Tournament at the KC Sports Lodge, and although the game is much different from regulation soccer, they still take the games very seriously. The three on three version of soccer can be a fun change-up to regulation soccer. It is a fast paced game with more changes to the sport than just the number of players. “You can’t slide tackle, get in the goalie box, the field is smaller, and the games are also much shorter,” Said Hashemi. Drape mentioned, “For 3v3, there are no goalies and no offsides, and the goals are smaller.” Different style of play, same level of competition. Almost everyone playing three on three takes the game very seriously even if they are out there just to have fun with their friends. “My friends and I take the games very serious, we like to compete, and that’s why we win 90% of our games,” said Drape. “Yeah, the games get very intense, and sometimes they get so

Girls SwimingThe overbearing workouts and intense schedules of the girls swim team.

Students from LSHS and the local area spent their time to play in a special soccer tournament

What A Workout. Swimming is one of the hardest sports out there. There is so much physical activity involved. “We burn about 2500 calories a practice and it works out your entire body,” senior Melanie McIlroy said. Sounds like a great way to get active!

written by Jordan Shawhan

photo by Morgan Pena

Page 35: December 16


Eldrick “Tiger” Woods probably the most successful golfer in history, winner of the PGA tournament four times, and the first person to ever hold all four professional

major championships at the same time, but what makes me mad is that the event that he will be remembered for the most is that he cheated on his wife. In a note to his fans Woods said “ I have let my family down and i regret those transitions with all of my heart.” It is true that what happened cant easily be forgiven by his fans or his family, but what the media needs to do is leave him and his family alone and not be waiting for him around every corner, or reporting everything wether it is true or not. Woods is just one celebrity who has gone through this experience, and probably not the last, so what I think the media should do is leave them alone and if they want to talk a reporter thats different. There are probably many stories that reporters could be e covering, but instead they are following Woods and his family around waiting for the next scoop, and they will be doing so until something more eventful happens. Woods has given a confession and a profound apology lets just leave at that, the media has gotten the truth what more do they want. What reporters are doing is just going to make things a lot worse. Woods has had many accomplishments in his career, I do not think that this event is the one he should get the most attention for, or be remembered for.

written byDerek Brooks

Hole In One Tiger Woods going through the media parade.

Wrestlers and their crazy diets. Many wrestlers obsess over making weight. Some attempt making weight by drastic measures which are unsafe. “Staying hydrated and eating smaller portions of food, not cutting out complete meals is healthier and more responsible,” senior John Williams said.

Dangerous Diets

Do wrestlers go too far when

cutting weight?

His heart races to the sound of the timer ticking to the background of the screaming crowd. All he needs to do it hold on to his

final opponent. Tick, tock...13...12...11...The clock ticks down to the final seconds. The wrestler looks back at his last week of training to shed off that last pound. He thinks he won the match, and then he is thrown into the air. Startled, he finds himself face down onto the mat and sees his final opponent raise his hand into the air with a look of victory. Wrestlers train with passion and a lot of sweat and dedication. So what happens when sweat, passion and dedication turn into something dangerous? A lot of wrestlers work really hard to get to a certain weight to wrestle opponents in a certain weight class. To get to this point a lot of wrestlers barely eat or drink for days and run to sweat off weight. What is a healthier way this can be done? “ The wrestlers can only lose a certain percentage of their overall body weight before they get down before they get down to their certifies weight, having a proper diet and working out they are in no danger what so ever,” Coach Graham said.

However, some wrestlers cut weight in a safer and healthier ways, “staying hydrated and eating smaller portions of food, not cutting out complete meals is healthier and more responsible,” senior John Williams said. In college, weight cutting in wrestlers ha gone to an extreme in the past. In 1977, three college students dies from weight cutting. They all worked their bodies in overheated rooms and does of dehydration, which led to heart attacks and kidney failure. Following this, the National College Athletic Administration went to a point to stop dangerous ways of cutting weight. To stop this dangerous ways of cutting weight, the NCAA stopped training in rooms hotter than 80 degrees and intense water and food cutting from the wrestlers diets. The NCAA also requires at least five percent body fat. Wrestling is a hard sport; some say the hardest. It requires sweat and a lot of dedication. However, wrestlers need to become more cautious about cutting weight and how they do it.

written by Kristina Hagan photograph by Tyler

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Page 36: December 16

36 Hi.Life 12.09

What’s Going on at LSHS at 7:05 PM?Find out here.




4 5

by Taylor Rice

1) 7:05:08 PM: Freshman Danielle Roberts shoots a layup at the Freshman basketball game against St. Teresa’s. The girls worked hard and took a win for the Tiger’s. 2) 7:05:26 PM: Russ Pieken conducts the Symphony Orchestra as they play during the annual winter concert. Friends and family came to watch the band and orchestras perform pieces of music. 3) 7:05:39 PM: The choreographer for the winter guard teaches the girls a new move for a number they are preparing for competition. 4) 7:05:44 PM: Junior Lisa Weeda reads poetry she wrote at the Poetry Coffee House in the LMC. The library was packed with students who read poetry and ate snacks. 5) 7: 05: 51 PM: Senior Kim Smith examines art from the winter art show. Every year student’s work gets displayed in the Lecture Hall for anyone to come and see their hard work.

Four hours after school ends, the halls of Lee’s Summit High School are still crowded with people. On Thursday, January 10, students were filling up the Field House, the PAC, the library, the Lecture Hall and classrooms.