Defense sentencing memo for Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane

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  • 8/7/2019 Defense sentencing memo for Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane







    V. SA-10-CR-194-XR





    I. Ahmed Dhakane in Somalia.

    Ahmed Dhakane was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, in December 1985. By the time he was

    six years old, Somalia had ceased to exist as a functioning country. In place of a government, there

    was brutal fighting between groups of clan-based warlords. The United Nations and the United

    States intervened. The fighting, killing, and disorder continued. The United States left. From 1991

    to 2004, the time that Dhakane was growing from a boy to a young man, Somalia lacked any

    semblance of a functioning government. Since 2004, there has been a nominal national government,

    a government aided for the last four years by peacekeeping forces belonging to the African Union

    Mission in Somalia, but the governments hold on the country remains tenuous and the situation for

    the people has grown grimmer.

    According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [t]he violence in south

    and central Somalia and the ensuing humanitarian crisis there show no signs of abating. In

    Mogadishu, fighting, terrorist attacks and indiscriminate shelling are causing death and destruction,

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    forcing hundreds of thousands of people to flee the city. According to Refugees International,1

    Somalia is the worlds worst humanitarian disaster. Nearly 700,000 Somalis have become2

    refugees. Another 1.5 million Somalis have been uprooted and are classified as internally displaced

    persons. At the end of 2009, Somalis constituted the third largest refugee group in the world, behind3

    Iraqis and Afghanis.4

    This is the world Ahmed Dhakane grew up in and eventually fled from. He and his family

    did what people in war-torn regions have always donethey tried to survive. Dhakane's father did

    not fare well. He had been an officer in the Somali military before the collapse and, deprived of rank

    and purpose, he sank into despair and drug abuse. He stayed steadfast, however, in his belief in

    secular rule for Somalia. For that, an Islamic court ordered him executed in 2006. (P.R. 25.)

    Dhakane's mother did what she could to make money. She sold Khat, a mild stimulant

    derived from a plant, and eventually fled Mogadishu. Dhakane believes that she is living in the

    Afgooye region, (P.R. 25), where several hundred thousand Somalis constitute the worlds largest

    encampment of internally displaced persons in the world.5

    1. 2011 UNHCR country operations profileSomalia,


    2. Refugees International, Somalia,


    3. See 2011 UNHCR country operations profileSomalia,


    4. See ^ 2009 Global Trends: Refugees, Asylum-seekers, Returnees, Internally Displaced and

    Stateless Persons. UNHCR. 15 June 2010. Retrieved 5

    August 2010.

    5. See Refugees International, Somalia,



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    Dhakane, as a teenager and young man, did what was necessary to survive Somalias fraught

    fragments. He found an entry level job with one of the countrys largest employers, al-Barakaat. The

    collapse of the Somali government had left the country without a central bank. That banks had

    disappeared did not mean that peoples need for money and foreign exchange had. Nor did it mean

    that refugees and expatriates fortunate enough to have reached safety in other countries had forgotten

    their families or ceased to send remittances home to try to keep them alive. It meant only that people

    had to improvise, and rely on another system. The system they turned to was al-Barakaat, an honor-

    system-based money remittance business founded in 1986 and run on centuries-old principles

    derived from Islamic law. The United Nations used al-Barakaat to transmit money in support of its6

    relief operations there. As the 9/11 commission found, al-Barakaat provided necessary services, and7

    although in the early fervor of the post-9/11 period it had been denounced as a terrorist organization,

    the 9/11 commission staff found that label unsubstantiated.Id.8

    Dhakane began his employment with al-Barakaat in 1998, pushing a broom. The young man

    was an honest and diligent employee, whose hard work and trustworthiness earned him promotions.

    Dhakane eventually became a Hawalandar, one of the persons in the company who handled

    6. See, e.g.,;;

    7. Terrorist Financing Monograph, Chapter 5, al-Barakaat Case Study, the Somali Community

    a n d a l - B a r a k a a t , a v a i l a b l e a t

    8. The 9/11 Commissions staff report is particularly significant. The Commission was a neutral,

    high-level effort to look at the events leading up to and of September 11, 2001. The Commission was

    not engaged in the often competitive enterprise of ferretting out crime.Johnson v. United States,

    333 U.S. 10, 14 (1948)


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    remittances and transactions for the business. The young man also began to study and, in 2002, he9

    converted to Christianity. (P.R. 28.)

    Dhakanes conversion deeply affected his life. Somalia's dissolution had many elements.

    Although many, if not most, of the warlords, were clan leaders interested in resources and power for

    their groups, some of the groups contending in the broken nation were Islamists. One of those10

    groups was AIAI, which sought in the 1990s to bring an Islamic state to Somalia, and agitated for11

    the return of the Ogaden region of Ethiopia to Somali control. AIAI also provided educational and

    social services, such as orphanages. AIAIs influence peaked in late 1990s; after that, different12

    members of the group focused on different agendas.Id. (citing U.S. Department of State report that

    by 2005, evidence that AIAI was a coherent entity was sparse and there was no information

    indicating the group supported attacks against the U.S. or its interests).

    Through his job at al-Barakaat , Dhakane knew people who were associated with AIAI. They

    struck him as strong individuals. (P.R. 29.) In fact, Dhakane learned the power of the Islamists first

    handhe was arrested in late 2002, imprisoned, and mistreated because of his Christian religion.

    See (P.R. 27). Dhakane obtained his release by pretending to abjure his religion, but he knew that

    his safety was increasingly tenuous. Young, hard-working, and tired of dodging dangers and trying

    9. In his sentencing memorandum, the prosecutor writes that Dhakane served as a hawaladar,

    or transferor of funds outside the normal banking system for al-Barakaat. Govt Memo at 3. There

    was no normal banking system in Somalia. The Somalia central bank failed in 1991 and was not

    reestablished until 2009.;


    11. References to AIAI connote Al-ittihad Al-Islami.

    12. See The Investigative Project on Terrorism,


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    to placate those who held temporary, but fierce, sway over the lives of persons like him, he wanted

    out of Somalia. In 2003, Dhakane left Somalia and never returned. He went first to study in

    Pakistan, at the Quaid-E-Awam University of Engineering Science and Technology. He later13

    studied and worked for a time in Maylasia. (P.R. 28.) By March 2006, Dhakane had made his way

    to Brazil.

    In June 2006, the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) gained control of Mogadishu. While some

    AIAI members had made their way into the ICU this was an indication of leadership regrouping

    rather than a continuation of the Ittihad organization, which, by that time, had become largely

    defunct. The ICUs rule was short-lived; Ethiopian forces entered Somalia and drove it from14

    power in December 2006. After the Ethiopian incursion, a strong anti-Ethiopian resistence15

    movement emerged led by Al-Shabaab.Id.. While [m]any Somalis joined [Al-Shabaab] in the fight

    against the Ethiopian forces . . . . [s]ome of these volunteers did not know or had only limited

    knowledge of the intent and objectives of Al-Shabaab.Id. Al-Shabaab was not active and did not

    control any territory in Somalia until 2007-2008.Id.

    By the time that the ICU gained and lost control of Mogadishu, and Al-Shabaab emerged as

    a resistance force in Somalia, Dhakane had already been long gone from Somalia. After making his

    way to South America in March of 2006, he eventually traveled through Central America to the

    13. By the end of 2003, the year Dhakane left for college, 402,000 people had left Somalia as

    r e f u g e e s . S e e 2 0 0 3 U N C H R 2 0 0 3 S t a t i s t i c a l Y e a r b o o k S o m a l i a ,

    14. See Somalias al-Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI; Islamic Union), at 3, available at http://www.ctc.

    15. See Ted Dagne, Somalia: Current Conditions and Prospects for a Lasting Peace, December

    16, 2010, available at


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    United States border at Brownsville, Texas. There, on March 28, 2008, he and his companion,

    L.O.A., presented themselves to U.S. Border Patrol agents and requested asylum, explaining that

    they feared persecution in Somalia.

    Dhakane filed an asylum application. On that application, he answered some questions

    untruthfully. That was wrong, and for that wrong he stands before the Court for sentencing. Dhakane

    also, in the course of his detention, made statements and claims that he hoped would keep him in the

    United States and out of Somalia. A desire to stay in the United States and away from Somalia, the

    country that had introduced him figuratively and literally to persons associated with Islamic factions

    and their vision for his home countrya vision incompatible with his Christianityis what led

    Dhakane to make false declarations and later to claim to have important knowledge of Islamic

    groups. Contrary to the Government's speculations and its unsupported guideline calculations, false

    declarations, not puffery and speculation, are what Dhakane should be sentenced for.

    II. The Law and the Evidence Support Sentencing Dhakane for His False Statement

    Offenses, Not for Speculative Terrorism Offenses.

    Dhakane pleaded guilty to two counts of making a false statement on an asylum application.

    He admitted that he had falsely stated his route of travel to the United States and that he had falsely

    stated that he was married to L.O.A. The correctly calculated guideline range for those offenses is

    8 to 14 months imprisonment. See Dhakane Objections to Presentence Report.

    The Government, in its sentencing memorandum, seeks to have Dhakane sentenced not for

    the proved false statements on the asylum application, but for unsubstantiated claims of terrorism

    and rape it lodges against Dhakane. The Governments memorandum, filed before the presentence

    report appears to have heavily influenced the report. The report recommends the adjustments the

    Government urges in its memorandum, in terms very similar to those used in the Governments


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    memorandum. Compare Govt Memo. 816 with Presentence Report 2224. The problem is that16

    the adjustments are legally incorrect and factually unsupported.

    The application of the terrorism adjustment, alone, propels Mr. Dhakanes guideline range

    from a sentence within the time he has already served to a range in excess of the statutory maximum.

    See P.R. at 30 (proposing guideline sentence range of 324 to 405 months imprisonment). The

    adjustment does not, however, fit the facts of the caseneither of the two circumstances in which

    the adjustment is triggered exists in this case. Nor is a sentence of the length sought by the

    Government warranted on suppositions about what may have occurred in other countries at other

    times. The Governments assertions are based on speculation and on questionable sources, persons

    who had a strong motive to tell the government what they believed the government wanted to hear,

    in order to improve their chances of getting asylum. The desire to remain in this country is

    understandable; sentencing a defendant on the basis of questionable and unreliable evidence is not.

    It is within this context that the credibility of the Governments allegations must be assessed, and

    it is against this backdrop that Dhakanes culpability for making false declarations must be


    A. The Terrorism Adjustment Does Not Apply.

    The Government requests application of the terrorism adjustment in guideline 3A1.4(a).

    The Court should reject this request. In order for the terrorism adjustment to apply the Government

    must show either that Dhakanes offense involved a federal crime of terrorism or that the offense

    16. Because the presentence report makes the adjustment in the order in which they appear in the

    manual, the terrorism adjustment subsumes the victim-related adjustments and the report

    recommends a total offense level of 36. The Government erroneously added the victim-related

    adjustments on top of the terrorism adjustment, and thus ran the total offense level to 41.


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    was intended to promote such a crime. U.S.S.G 3A1.4(a);see also United States v. Awan, 607

    F.3d 306, 313 (2d Cir. 2010) (noting requirements of guideline). It can show neither. Nor can the

    Government force the facts of this case into a terrorism variance.

    1. The Government cannot meet the requirements of3A1.4.

    An offense involves a crime of terrorism only if it actually includes. . . a crime of

    terrorism as defined in 18 U.S.C. 2332b(g)(5), or if its relevant conduct includes such a crime.

    Awan, 607 F.3d at 31314; see also United States v. Stewart, 590 F.3d 93, 138 (2d Cir. 2009)

    (enhancement applicable under involved prong only if defendant himself had committed a federal

    crime of terrorism). The Government does not attempt to argue that Dhakanes false-statement

    offenses involved or their relevant conduct involved the commission of a federal crime of

    terrorism. See Govt Memo. 9 (proceeding straight to intent-to-promote prong).17

    17. A federal crime of terrorism is defined in 18 U.S.C. 2332b, as an offense that

    (A) is calculated to influence or affect the conduct of government by intimidation or

    coercion, or to retaliate against government conduct; and

    (B) is a violation of

    (I) section 32 (relating to destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities), 37

    (relating to violence at international airports), 81 (relating to arson within

    special maritime and territorial jurisdiction), 175 or 175b (relating to

    biological weapons), 229 (relating to chemical weapons), subsection (a), (b),

    (c), or (d) of section 351 (relating to congressional, cabinet, and Supreme

    Court assassination and kidnaping), 831 (relating to nuclear materials),

    842(m) or (n) (relating to plastic explosives), 844(f)(2) or (3) (relating to

    arson and bombing of Government property risking or causing death), 844(I)

    (relating to arson and bombing of property used in interstate commerce),

    930(c) (relating to killing or attempted killing during an attack on a Federal

    facility with a dangerous weapon), 956(a)(1) (relating to conspiracy to

    murder, kidnap, or maim persons abroad), 1030(a)(1) (relating to protection(continued...)


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    The Government bears the burden of proving that the terrorism adjustment is warranted.

    United States v. Rabanal, 508 F.3d 741 (5th Cir. 2007) (party seeking adjustment to sentence level

    bears burden). To justify the application of the intended to promote prong of 3A1.4, the

    17. (...continued)of computers), 1030(a)(5)(A)(I) resulting in damage as defined in

    1030(a)(5)(B)(ii) through (v) (relating to protection of computers), 1114

    (relating to killing or attempted killing of officers and employees of the

    United States), 1116 (relating to murder or manslaughter of foreign officials,

    official guests, or internationally protected persons), 1203 (relating to hostage

    taking), 1362 (relating to destruction of communication lines, stations, or

    systems), 1363 (relating to injury to buildings or property within special

    maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States), 1366(a) (relatingto destruction of an energy facility), 1751(a), (b), (c), or (d) (relating to

    Presidential and Presidential staff assassination and kidnaping), 1992

    (relating to wrecking trains), 1993 (relating to terrorist attacks and other acts

    of violence against mass transportation systems), 2155 (relating to destruction

    of national defense materials, premises, or utilities), 2280 (relating to

    violence against maritime navigation), 2281 (relating to violence against

    maritime fixed platforms), 2332 (relating to certain homicides and other

    violence against United States nationals occurring outside of the United

    States), 2332a (relating to use of weapons of mass destruction), 2332b

    (relating to acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries), 2339 (relatingto harboring terrorists), 2339A (relating to providing material support to

    terrorists), 2339B (relating to providing material support to terrorist

    organizations), or 2340A (relating to torture) of this title;

    (ii) section 236 (relating to sabotage of nuclear facilities or fuel) of

    the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2284); or

    (iii) section 46502 (relating to aircraft piracy), the second sentence of

    section 46504 (relating to assault on a flight crew with a dangerous

    weapon), section 46505(b)(3) or (c) (relating to explosive or incendi-ary devices, or endangerment of human life by means of weapons, on

    aircraft), section 46506 if homicide or attempted homicide is involved

    (relating to application of certain criminal laws to acts on aircraft), or

    section 60123 (b) (relating to destruction of interstate gas or hazard-

    ous liquid pipeline facility) of title 49.


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    Government must show that the Dhakane had as one purpose of his substantive count of conviction

    or his relevant conduct the intent to promote a federal crime of terrorism. United States v. Graham,

    275 F.3d 490, 516 (6th Cir. 2001);see also United States v. Mandhai, 375 F.3d 1243, 1248 (11th

    Cir. 2004) (the promote language in 3A1.4 enhancement applies if [the defendant's] purpose is

    to promote a terrorism crime); United States v. Arnaout, 431 F.3d 994, 1001 (7th Cir. 2005)

    ([T]errorism enhancement is applicable . . . where the district court finds that the purpose or intent

    of the defendant's substantive offense of conviction or relevant conduct was to promote a federal

    crime of terrorism as defined by 2332b(g)(5)(B).). The Government fails to do so.

    The Government acknowledges, as it must, that Dhakane committed his false statement

    offenses in an effort to obtain asylum in this country. Govt Memo. 10. It nonetheless asks the Court

    to conclude that Dhakane committed his offenses with the requisite intent to promote a crime of

    terrorism. However, the Government not only fails to identify a specific crime of terrorism that

    Dhakanes offense was intended to promote, it appears to agree that Dhakane knew of no particular

    plans on the part of any individual to commit such crime: it offers only the speculation that if a series

    of ifs happened, then something else might happen. Govt Memo. 1011. This cannot satisfy its

    burden of showing an actual crime that the false statements were intended to promote or an actual

    investigation that was affected. Indeed, the Government admitted when this case was brought that

    there was no apparent terrorist plot identified found during the two-year (2008 to 2010)

    investigation of Dhakanes case. See San Antonio Express News, Somali Man Accused of Smuggling

    East Africans through Texas, March 6, 2010, Gui l lermo Contreras ,

    793518.php. Nothing in its sentencing memorandum shows that any terrorism crime to promote has


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    been found since the indictment was returned. The failure to identify a particular crime of terrorism

    that the false statements were intended to promote renders the Governments position legally

    untenable. See SeeGraham, 275 F.3d at 517 (in applying terrorism adjustment, the district court is

    required to identify which enumerated Federal crime of terrorism the defendant intended to

    promote, and ensure that the elements of 2332b(g)(5)(A) are satisfied) ; also see United States18

    v. Benkahla, 530 F.3d 300, 305 (4th Cir. 2008) (applying 3A1.4 where defendants false statements

    to grand jury actually obstructed investigation of offenses).

    In lieu of identifying a specific crime of terrorism that Dhakanes false statement offenses

    were intended to promote, the Government suggests that the terrorism adjustment might be justified

    on a theory that law enforcement authorities are constantly trying to investigate, detect, and prevent

    the infiltration of potentially violent jihadists, [thus] the Defendants lies hid critical information

    from the United States authorities regarding his successful smuggling activities[.] Govt Memo. 11.

    The most critical problem with this theory is that the Government fails to identify an actual

    investigation that Dhakanes false statements might have intended to obstruct. Applying a huge

    guideline increase on a theory that the Government is always looking even when it doesnt know it

    is looking or for what it is looking, offends notions of fairness and allows sentencing based on post-

    hoc speculation and rationalization.

    18. The Government appears to believe that Graham is helpful to it, though it does not explain

    why. Govt Memo. 910. In Graham, the court found the adjustment applicable to defendants 371

    conspiracy offense based on the conclusion that Graham and his co-conspirators had conspired toobtain machine guns, to murder federal officers, to influence and intimidate federal officers in the

    performance of their duties, and to attack property in interstate commerce. Dhakane was not charged

    with conspiracy. Nor has the Government shown any uncharged conspiracy. The Government merely

    offers a speculative chain of what ifs that have nothing to do with the object of Dhakanes

    substantive false-statement offenses.


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    A second problem with the Governments theory is that it simply does not make sense. Why

    would Dhakane have walked up to the port of entry and turned himself in as an asylum seeker if his

    goal were to conceal the presence in the United States of the men he supposedly helped get here?

    Surely, that goal would have been best accomplished if Dhakane had remained in Central or South

    America. And it would have been better accomplished if Dhakane, rather than walking up to

    immigration officials, had himself sneaked into the United States at a place other than a checkpoint,

    something many other people do. The Governments theory is illogical; illogical theories cannot

    provide a reliable basis on which to make a sentence adjustment.19

    A third second problem with the Governments theory is that the questions that Dhakane

    answered falsely had nothing to do with his alleged smuggling activities and thus could not have

    been intended to obstruct discovery of the activitieseven if the Government could show, which

    it cannot, that the smuggling was intended to promote a crime of terrorism. A fourth problem with20

    the Governments theory is that it has simply found no terrorism-related activity to prosecute: the

    case agents report recommended an indictment for false statements with no mention of even a

    possible terrorism prosecution. Three years after Dhakane turned himself in, the Government can

    point to no terrorism-related plot. There isnt one, and there never was. The Government can only

    speculate that maybe the Somalis whom Dhakane supposedly helped get to the United States might

    still be AIAI members who, if called upon, might answer, and who, if they answered, might be

    19. It makes far more sense that Dhakane walked up to the immigration agents to seek asylum

    and respite from the hardships he had known for most of his life, hardships that had increased when

    he decided to become a Christian in 2002.

    20. It seems more likely that, like the nearly 700,000 Somalians who have become refugees, the

    men who have supposedly come to the United States came to get away from the horror and constant

    fear of the twenty-year conflict in their homeland.


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    persuaded to do some unspecified something. Govt Memo. 1011. This speculation does not show

    a crime of terrorisman offense calculated to influence, affect, or retaliate against the government

    by specific acts listed in 2332b. It shows the adjustment the Government seeks is not warranted.

    The Court should therefore reject the Governments attempt to use the guidelines to accuse

    Dhakane of something that neither investigators nor prosecutors were willing to ask the grand jury

    to do, even under the minimal probable cause standard that applies to Government requests to the

    grand jury.21

    2. The Government overstates the evidence.

    The Governments 240-month sentence request rests on misunderstandings of the facts.

    Because of these distortions, the Governments arguments lack force. The Court should therefore

    reject not only the Governments request to apply the terrorism adjustment, but its request for an

    upward variance on terrorism grounds under the sentencing factors in 18 U.S.C. 3553(a). Govt

    Memo. 1112.

    a. Dhakanes al-Barakaat employment. Dhakane explained in his statements to the

    Government that he worked for al-Barakaat, a money-remittance company in Somalia. The

    21. If the Governments assertions as to Dhakanes purported smuggling of the men were

    accurate, they would, at most, support a finding that Dhakane may have acted recklessly or

    negligently about whether his conduct contributed to an inchoate, or more accurately theoretical,

    threat. This would be insufficient to support a finding that Dhakane intended to promote such a crime

    by his actions. It is instructive that the sentencing guideline that applies in an alien smuggling case,

    2L1.1, does not contain a cross-reference to the terrorism adjustment even when the defendantknowingly smuggles in an individual who would be deemed inadmissible due to his association with

    terrorist groups. Instead, there is a specific adjustment that calls for a base offense level of 25 when

    the smuggled alien has terrorist ties. See U.S.S.G. 2L1.1(a)(1). With a base offense level of 25,

    Dhakanes calculated range would be 57 to 71 months imprisonment, below the sentence requested

    by the Government.


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    Government has attempted to build a damning case against Dhakane based, in part, on his connection

    to that enterprise. It claims that al-Barakaat was outside normal channels. Govt Memo. 3. This

    claim is simply wrong. After Somalias banking system collapsed, al-Barakaat was the normal

    channel. It was an economic engine and a large employer of Somalis. It was the channel used by the

    United Nations. See nn. 69,supra. The idea that working for al-Barakaat was evidence of terrorism

    is insupportable. There is no reason to believe that a person, by virtue of his mere employment at al-

    Barakaat, was involved in unlawful activities. To automatically assign terroristic motives to an

    employee of al-Barakaat would be like concluding that an employee of the Bank of America was a

    drug dealer because someone later found to be a drug dealer had opened and used an account at the


    The weakness of the Governments al-Barakaat claims is further shown by its statement that

    [a]fter 9/11, the Defendant stated that the Somalis structured their money transfers to be $3,500 or

    less to avoid detection by the US government. Govt Memo. 3. That Dhakane noted a change after

    the U.S. came out against al-Barakaat shows that he, as an employee, made an observation, not that

    he was a terrorist. His observation suggests only that the United Statess suspicions made the Somali

    people understandably wary.

    In a Terrorist Financing Staff Monograph put out by the National Commission on Terrorist

    Attacks Upon the United States, al-Barakaat was demystified:

    [Al-Barakaat was set up because] Somalia simply had no other banking system and

    no central bank by which foreign exchange of funds could be made. . . . At the time

    of the terrorist attacks [of September 11, 2001], al-Barakaat was considered the

    largest money remittance system operating in Somalia; in addition to being used by

    a significant number of Somalis who had fled the anarchy in their home country, it

    was the primary means that the United Nations used to transmit money in support of

    its relief operations there[.]


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    Terrorist Financing Monograph, Chapter 5, al-Barakaat Case Study, the Somali Community and

    al-Barakaat, available at

    The staff monograph goes on to detail an extensive, multi-year, multi-agency investigation of al-

    Barakaat and concludes notwithstanding the unprecedented cooperation by the UAE, significant

    FBI interviews of the principal players involved in al-Barakaat (including its founder), and complete

    and unfettered access to al-Barakaats financial records, the FBI could not substantiate any links

    between al-Barakaat and terrorism. As the foregoing makes clear, it is unfounded to conclude that22

    Dhakanes work with al-Barakaat implicates him in any terrorist plots or other criminal wrongdoing.

    b. The Government misreads of the significance of Dhakanes association with AIAI

    Supporters. The Government asserts that Dhakane was a member or associated with AIAI. In fact,

    Dhakane did not tell the Government that he was a member of AIAI or that he was associated with

    that group. Dhakane told the Government that he had knowledge of and involvement with people

    associated with AIAI. Dhakane offered to help the Government by providing information about AIAI

    and related organizations, as well as people associated, or at least associated at one time, with AIAI

    both in Somalia and in the United States. The Government now attempts to use this information to

    show that Dhakane intended to promote terrorism.

    In order to avoid the constitutional infirmity of sentencing Dhakane based on speculation and

    prejudice, it is important to place in context any implications that may properly be drawn from

    22. It is true, as the Government says, that al-Barakaat was placed on a terrorist group list afterthe tragic events of September 11, 2001. Being placed on a list may denominate a group as terrorist-

    related, but it cannot in fact make a group terrorist-related, as the 9/11 Commissions staff report

    demonstrates. A court in sentencing must act carefully and on reliable evidence, unlike law

    enforcement groups which may issue warnings or form suspicions on considerably less information

    than is expected in a court of law.


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    Dhakanes involvement with individuals connected to AIAI or the related Islamic Courts Union

    (ICU) in Somalia. The reality is far more ambiguous than the Government would have the Court


    In a series of Congressional reports made between 2001, when AIAI was placed on the

    terrorist list, and 2010, Ted Dagne, an expert with the Congressional Research Service, warned

    against oversimplification of the AIAI presence in Somalia, calling the reality of the situation

    complex, and noting that AIAI is a genuine social movement and has different factions which

    operate[] differently in different parts of Somalia. 23

    In his 2006 report to Congress, Dagne explained that a Somalis support of AIAI and the

    ICU may be more of a reflection of the realities in Somalia than an indication that the individual

    aligned himself with any Jihadist or extremist ideals. Dagne explained:

    The recent fighting in Mogadishu between Islamic Courts Union (ICU) forces and

    the now defunct Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism

    (ARPCT), reportedly formed in February 2006, . . . represents an important shift in

    the balance of power in Mogadishu. The so-called Alliance was the creation of

    well-known warlords in Mogadishu who have been the main source of instability and

    violence in Somalia. . . . . The forces of the Islamic Courts Union expanded areas

    under their control after the defeat of the warlords in Mogadishu. . . , for the first

    time in years, Mogadishu appears relatively peaceful and the Islamic Courts

    Union seems to have the support of the population in areas it controls. . . . The

    label of some Somali groups as terrorists or extremists may have led some in Somalia

    to reach the conclusion that they are being labeled because of their religion. Somalis

    are Muslims and secular. No Somali extremist or fundamentalist group has succeeded

    in dominating the political scene since independence. The desperation and anger

    23. News Analysis, U.S. Returning to nightmare Called Somailia, Simon Reeves, Dec. 16, 2001,

    available at


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    in Somalia may be so entrenched that many Somalis are likely to support and

    fight for any group that aims or claims to fight for peace and stability. 24

    Finally, in Dagnes 2010 update of the Somali situation, he advised Congress that Somalia

    remains in a state of anarchy, despite a peace agreement reached in 2004 that led to the formation

    of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Ethiopias intervention in December 2006 to

    install the TFG in power by ousting the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), a group that took power

    in Mogadishu in June2006, made Somalia more unstable than it was during the six months the

    ICU was in power. More than 22,000 people were reportedly killed during the Ethiopian

    occupation. 25

    While AIAI and the Islamic Courts Union undoubtedly contain extremist elements, it also

    appears that a Somali may have been supportive of the ICU not because of an alignment with the

    Jihadist or extremist ideals of the ICU, but because of the practical realities of the political situation,

    and the relative calm and stability in Mogadishu when the ICU was in power as compared to the

    violence and instability experienced when rival warlords were vying for control.

    Dhakane, like most expatriate Somalis, has a perspective on the political crisis in Somalia,

    including the factions vying for power and the threats that may be posed by these various factions.

    His offer to work with the Government should be viewed as an attempt on his part to offer assistance

    in parsing through some of these ambiguities, and his statements made to the authorities about the

    2 4 . T e d D a g n e R e p o r t t o C o n g r e ss , A v a i l a b l e a t


    2c3c7b66.pdf. (Emphasis added).

    2 5 .


    2c3c7b66.pdf. (Emphasis added).


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    people he encountered on his journey to America should be viewed in this context as well. While

    Dhakane may have had a unique understanding of the desperation of those people he met as he made

    his way to this country, he knew of no terrorist plots or any people who came to this country with

    any calculation to influence or affect the conduct of [our] government by intimidation or coercion,

    or to retaliate against government conduct. See 18 U.S.C. 2332b. He knew only people who, at

    one point or another in Somalia had been connected with AIAI. He attempted to use that26

    knowledge, as a means of getting to stay in the United States after it was clear his asylum application

    was not going to succeed.

    III. Dhakanes Sentence Should Not Be Increased Based on Speculations About the Natureof the Relationship Between L.O.A. and Dhakane.

    Dhakane has objected to the Governments suggestion, which was incorporated into the PSR,

    that a 5-level increase under guideline 3A1.1 be given based on the assertion that L.O.A. qualifies

    as a hate-crime victim and a vulnerable victim of the offense. (See Gov. Memo 13). Section

    3A1.1(a) provides for a 3-level increase when the court at sentencing determines beyond a

    reasonable doubt that the defendant intentionally selected any victim . . . as the object of the offense

    of conviction because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity,

    gender, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation. Section 3A1.1(b) provides for a 2-level

    increase and when the chosen victim is a "vulnerable victim." The application of these adjustments

    is inappropriate for several reasons.

    First, it is inaccurate to classify L.O.A. as a hate-victim of the false statement offenses to

    which Dhakane pleaded guilty. By its terms, the hate-crime adjustment in 3A1.1(a) applies only if

    26. Dhakane may also have exaggerated his own status to fellow detainees, a not uncommon

    event in jails, where status can confer protection.


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    the victim is a direct victim of the offense of conviction. See 3A1.1(a) (applies if defendant

    selected any victim . . . as the object of the offense of conviction) (emphasis added)). The United

    States and its Immigration agency are the victims of the false statement offense. L.O.A. was not even

    an indirect victim of the false statement offense; she certainly was not a direct victim of the false

    statement offense.

    Second, L.O.A. may not properly be considered a hate-crime victim as contemplated by

    guideline 3A1.1(a). In none of Dhakane's dealings with L.O.A. did he target her based on her

    national origin, ethnicity, gender, or any of the other listed conditions. The adjustment is intended

    to be applied in a "hate-crime" where the crime victim was chosen and the crime was, itself,

    motivated by racial, ethnic, or gender hatred. Such was not the case in this false-statement

    prosecution. The Court cannot find beyond a reasonable doubt that L.O.A. was selected by Dhakane

    based on these factors so that he could make a false statement on an immigration form months after

    entering the United States.

    The 3A1.1 "vulnerable victim" adjustment is also inappropriate. The conduct to which

    L.O.A. was allegedly subjected may not properly be considered relevant conduct to the false

    statement offenses. This conduct purportedly occurred outside the United States, and it was remote

    in time to when the false statements were made. In fact, Dhakane remained in immigration detention

    for 6 months prior to completing the asylum application in which he falsely claimed to be married

    to L.O.A. Any alleged mistreatment of L.O.A.even if it is found to be factually related to the

    offenses of convictionis still not relevant conduct because it did not occur[ ] during the

    commission of the offense of conviction, in preparation for the offense, or in an attempt to avoid

    detection for the offense of conviction. U.S.S.G. 1.B1.3(a)(1); also see, e.g., United States v. Tai,


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    994 F.2d 1204, 1213 (7th Cir. 1993) (actions taken in preparation for offense of conviction must be

    distinguished from actions that are merely factually related to offense of conviction); also see United

    States v. Ritsema, 31 F.3d 559, 567 (7th Cir. 1994) (temporal dimension of relevant conduct could

    not reasonably have been intended as sweeping tool to gather in all of otherwise unrelated criminality

    of defendant). The alleged mistreatment of L.O.A. was not relevant conduct.

    Because, L.O.A. was not a victim of the offense conduct or any relevant conduct, it is

    improper to assess the victim-related adjustment. See Ritsema, 31 F.3d at 567 (where district court

    may not count obstruction of justice conduct as relevant conduct to offense of conviction, it is

    improper to apply vulnerable victim adjustment based on vulnerability of obstruction of justice


    The requested victim-related adjustments are inappropriate not just for the legal bases stated,

    but more importantly because they grossly distort the relationship between Dhakane and L.O.A.

    L.O.A., since coming to the United States and requesting asylum has made allegations against

    Dhakane. The Government thinks the allegations warrant an upward departure. They do not. The

    allegations are serious, but unsupported by anything except themselves. Such allegations do not

    become true and inherently credible merely by being included in a presentence report.

    Dhakane has forcefully and sadly denied allegations. Dhakane was not legally married to

    L.O.A., and he lied when he stated otherwise on his asylum application. Nonetheless, Dhakane, a

    Christian Somali, and L.O.A., a Muslim woman, had a genuine relationship; he loved her and he

    loves their son, and he, at one time, did consider L.O.A. to be his spouse. It is anticipated that the

    evidence adduced at the sentencing hearing will bear this out. For instance, the Governments

    assertion that L.O.A. was extremely fearful of Dhakane and that [b]ecause her child is a product


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    of rape, she is constantly reminded of both the defendants crimes against her are called into

    question by the fact that, even after Dhakane was locked away in a detention facility, months after

    the couple ceased to have direct contact, L.O.A. maintained a relationship with Dhakane through

    telephonic communication. She gave him updates on their son, with photographs bearing captions

    reading I love you daddy. At the very least, it is anticipated that the evidence will show that there27

    is another side to the story than the one presented in the PSR. In the gestures and communications

    of parents about their son, there may be more truth than in broken affairs or in asylum applications

    of people seeking to remain in a long-dreamed of peaceful country and avoiding a return to a ravaged

    and violent country. For these reasons, Dhakane asks that the Court reject the Governments28

    request for a sentence increase based on any alleged mistreatment of L.O.A.

    IV. The Two Counts to which Dhakane Pleaded Guilty Are Not Subject to Multiple


    The Government had suggested that a ten-year sentence was available on each count of

    conviction, for a total of twenty years maximum possible sentence. Dhakane had argued that the29

    maximum possible sentence is ten yearss imprisonment. The false statements that Dhakane pleaded

    guilty to making were made on a single immigration document. The fourth paragraph of Title 18

    U.S.C. 1546 penalizes knowingly subscribing as true any false statement with respect to a

    material fact in any application [etc] required by the immigration laws. Dhakane, as he admitted,

    27. A copy of excerpts from these recorded phone conversations and the referenced photograph

    are attached to this memorandum.

    28. P.R. 17 (L.O.A. says everyone thinks America is the best place to be); P.R. 22 (L.O.A. says

    I dont want my son to go to Somalia).

    29. Paragraph 69 of the PSR also suggested that a ten-year sentence is available on each count

    of conviction.


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    made two false statements on the asylum form that he submitted. He can be convicted of two counts,

    but, because Congress did not make it clear that multiple false statements on a single submitted

    immigration form may be multiply punished, he can be punished only once. United States v. Sahley,

    526 F.2d 913, 918 (5th Cir. 1976) (vacating two sentences because only a single sentence was

    permitted for three false statements on single loan application); See Dhakane Objections to

    Presentence Report. In the addendum to the presentence report, received today, April 20, 2011, the

    Government and the probation officer agreed that the maximum sentence was ten years

    imprisonment. P.R. Add. Although Dhakane agrees that a sentence of ten years imprisonment is the

    most that can be imposed for the reasons set out in his objection, he believes, that, for the reasons

    given in this memorandum, a sentence of ten yearss imprisonment is not warranted by the facts of

    this false statement case.


    For the reasons stated above, and in the objections to the presentence report, counsel requests

    a sentence within the guideline range of 8 to 14 months imprisonment.

    Respectfully submitted.HENRY J.BEMPORAD

    Federal Public Defender


    Assistant Federal Public Defender

    Western District of Texas

    727 E. Durango Blvd., B207San Antonio, Texas 782061278

    (210) 472-6700Fax: (210) 4724454

    State Bar Number: 20581850

    Attorney for Defendant


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    I hereby certify that on the 21st day of April, 2011, I electronically filed the foregoing

    Sentencing Memorandum using the CM/ECF system which will send notification of such filing to

    the following:

    Mark RoombergAssistant United States Attorney

    Western District of Texas

    601 N.W. Loop 410, Suite 600

    San Antonio, Texas 78216


    Attorney for Defendant


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