Concept Of Akhlak Of Islam Generally human can be separated from knowledge field and thought, and also faith and belief, but strictly Akhlak is the one that can not be put aside as a normal human being. This is due, every single action that has been carried out by a person is will be responsible by them or surrounding absolutely. If the action is good then will be the respond and will be continued as a good action, as the bad action will be prohibited. Islam cover from all aspects which are, Aqidah and Syariat which paly major role of the soul of Akhlak itself. Islam without Akhlak would be like a tree without leaf or we can say like a body without roh. Definition Akhlak Of Islam Akhlak comes from the Arabic word ‘khluq’ which means

Definition Akhlak of Islam

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Concept Of Akhlak Of Islam

Generally human can be separated from knowledge field and thought, and also faith and

belief, but strictly Akhlak is the one that can not be put aside as a normal human being.

This is due, every single action that has been carried out by a person is will be

responsible by them or surrounding absolutely. If the action is good then will be the

respond and will be continued as a good action, as the bad action will be prohibited.

Islam cover from all aspects which are, Aqidah and Syariat which paly major

role of the soul of Akhlak itself. Islam without Akhlak would be like a tree without leaf or

we can say like a body without roh.

Definition Akhlak Of Islam

Akhlak comes from the Arabic word ‘khluq’ which means behaviour, temperament or

action. This can be elaborate through the words from Aisyah which related to prophet

Muhammad Akhlak which means, ‘ His Action or Akhlak of prophet is like an Al-

Quraan’. These statement explains all prophet Muhammad belief, confidence, faith, and

all his action based on Al-Quraan absolutely. In Al-Quraan also mentioned about Akhlak

which is ‘khluq’ (QS.Al-Qalam :(4))

�ك� �ن �ع�ل�ى� و�إ خ�ل�ق ل (٤) م م م م م م م م م م م م م م ع�ظ�يم

Definition: And lo! thou art of a tremendous nature.

‘Khulq’ can be simply said that any human action which could differentiate between good

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and bad one. Any good action will be welcome and pleasured as much as they continued

doing that the bad action will be stop and should be terminated.

Technically regarding Imam Al-Ghazali, Akhlak is one character that buried into

someone’s soul with it, and the emerging actions without any difficulty and you do not

have to think nor worry about the actions that carried out by someone. According to Ibnu

Maskaweh, Akhlak is the condition of someones’s soul which lead the outcome action by

someone without think it first.

The word ‘character’ meanwhile etymology comes from Yunani which is

‘charassein’ means to engrave. Engrave can be explain as an art, painting and gouge.

Regarding Kamus Bahasa Indonesia, ‘karakter’ gives meaning as any nature, behavior

and soul action which makes someone different from others.

Good Akhlak Comes From ‘Good Soul’

There are many foundation in order to shape a good soul to comes out a very good action

in physically. There are :

1. The power of ‘knowledge’

In order to achieve a good muslim and mukmin, we have to rearrange and make

our knowledge more in comfort zone. As example, a good knowledge, is where there

can split between good and bad one. They can differentiate which one is the truth and

liar in words, action and know which one is right and wrong in actions. When the

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stage of knowledge is already achieve the highest level that wanted, it will receive

the ‘hikmah’ which mention by Allah, (QS, Al-Baqarah : 269)

�ؤت�ى�� ح�ڪم�ة������ ؤ�ي ؤ�ؤ�ل اء� م�ن ٱ �ش� �ؤت��� و�م�ن ي ح�ڪم�ة������ ؤ�ي ؤ�ؤ�ل ؤ� ٱ ق� �ى� ق �وت أ %خ�ير%ا�� �ا ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير%ير ر ث�ي ق�ا ق� �ر� ق� �ذ�ڪ ي

�ال� * إ �وا و*ل� �ب������ أ �ـ ب ل

� أ ؤ�ؤ�ل ٱ

Definition: He give wisdom unto whom He will, and he unto whom

wisdom is given, he truly hath received abundant good. But none

remember except men of understanding.

2. The power of Anger

When there is hikmah deep down inside, the anger can be easily control

whenever its up and down. If someone can handle their anger so they will be labeled

as a very good person and brave, meanwhile for those who can not control their

anger can be labeled as a disturber and weak.

3. The power of Syahwat