Demonomics- The Role of Satan in the End of Days By Pastor Gary Boyd What role does Satan and his host of demonic forces have in this world? This is a question mankind has long struggled to understand. At one time, the devil was blamed as the cause of nearly every form of

Demonomics: the role of Satan in the end of days

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Does the liberal media play apart in the evil that persists in world today? How does Satan control our culture in these last days? What is Israel's role? What is Obama's role? Read on......

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Demonomics- The Role of Satan in the End of Days

By Pastor Gary Boyd

What role does Satan and his host of demonic forces have in this world? This is a question mankind has long struggled to understand. At one time, the devil was blamed as the cause of nearly every form of adversity. Today, his role has largely been excluded from modern day problems because there is no belief in him.

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The Bible is very clear that Satan is "god" of planet Earth. Paul warned in 2nd Corinthians 4:4:

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."

In Matthew 4:8-9, Satan told Jesus he was the power behind every world government:

"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."

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The rise of Adolf Hitler is one the greatest examples of the devil's ability to control events. In 1919, no one would have guessed that this restless drifter who fancied himself an artist would someday threaten to take over the world while murdering the masses. As stunning as Hitler's ascendance to power was, the preservation of his life was the true sign that the hand of Satan was upon him as it is believed he was demon possessed. At least 42 attempts were made to take his life, and all failed in preposterous ways. He was a forerunner of the Anti-Christ whose demonic spirit was in the world at that time. The

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spirit of Anti-Christ has risen its ugly head again today in our age with the world again turning on the Jewish people.

As we draw closer to the Tribulation hour, Satan's influence in this world will only grow stronger. I think we are already at a point where numerous situations can only be explained by factoring in the devil's control and involvement. It is often said the supernatural often defies logic, a secular minded person must think our world is going mad. I've coined the term demonomics to categorize these oddities and compiled them into the following list:

The Liberal Control of Most Media Outlets

Over 90 percent of all radio, newspaper, TV and film organizations are under the control of people with a radical

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liberal mindset. With 60 percent of the population identifying themselves as conservative, one would think that it would be impossible for liberals to have more than half of the media market. This imbalance exists because Satan has control of a cabal of willing servants to guide and direct the moral standards of society. The Bohemian Grove Society comes to mind. Check out this you tube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2E_HP97Rzc

I firmly believe the liberal media has been his most effective venue for corrupting the nations.

The Liberal Media Doesn’t Care About Money or Ratings

The ultimate goal of any corporation is to make money. Any CEO that doesn’t grow his firm’s earnings is likely to be fired by his shareholders. Media organizations profit by attracting in the largest audience possible. Amazingly, the heads of many outlets have little concern that their liberal ideology alienates a large portion of the population.

Back in the early nineties, the Cable News Network had a monopoly on 24 hour news. When Fox News came along in 1996, CNN did nothing to stop this conservative-leading rival from stealing most of its viewers. In fact, CNN went deeper in

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Liberalism; removing any show or reporter that was not in lockstep with the leftist agenda. Today it is known as the Clinton network because of all the favorable newscast on this corrupt pair.

Islam Peaceful Religion

The king of all demononics has to be the positive image that Islam is able to maintain despite a long list of evil deeds committed by Muslims and Muhammad who the media has labeled a religion of peace. When 3000 people were murdered in the name of Allah on 9/11, the followers of that faith suffered no lasting stigma. It was labeled a religion of peace. The strongest defender of Islam is the liberal media. You would have to come up with some very twisted logic to explain why the press would stand up for a faith that is tramples on first

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amendment freedoms, treats women like property, allows husbands to stone their wives on mere accusations, savagely beheads its enemies, and executes homosexuals on a regular basis by throwing them off buildings to their death.

The Hatred of the Jews and Israel

The demonomics with the longest history is the unnatural hatred of the Jewish people. Satan is inspiring more genocidal attacks against Israel; lately Hamas has been launching rockets into Israel, sending suicide bombers into populated zones, and stabbing Israeli soldiers at checkpoints. It will be only a matter of time before Israel retaliates.

After the holocaust, the world promised that it would not allow the Jews to suffer persecution. Unfortunately, these old lessons are being forgotten as a new bias against Israel and all Jews is sweeping over the world. Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it.

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America the Evil Empire

The United State is the greatest nation in history. It saved the world from tyranny three times: World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. When America wasn't combating despotic nations, it used its vast power to create world stability. Lately, history is being rewritten to portray the US as the global oppressor. We are reminded by a complicit media that many of the Founding Fathers were slave owners. It is argued that the U.S. needs to step back and let the United Nations take over, who does not favor Israel at all, and Obama says he wants to front.

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Cultural Suicide Is a Good Thing

One of the key factors that made America a superpower is its history of being a "nation of immigrants." People came here with their skills and ambition and created wealth. Today, we are being overrun by people who do not share the American dream, do not want to assimilate, want to instigate Sharia law, and plan attacks on our population centers from their Mosques.

The people who promote open borders are giddy about the destruction of our culture. Letting drug dealers come across our borders, sanctuary cities to exist to unload their killer poisons, and putting illegal immigrants in the voting booths is leading to the ruination of our country.

The media reports it is wonderful that in 20-30 years whites will be a minority. As we continue to import the culture of the Third World with their various diseases, drug dealing gangs; while the press totally ignores the hellish crime wave that comes with it.

Death Penalty

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The liberal media is very organized in its opposition to law enforcement. Whenever someone is released from jail for a crime that he or she allegedly didn't commit, the press automatically sets aside all other news to cover the "wonderful" news. When someone is put to death, the press talks about how sad it is that the appeal process ran out. Anti-death penalty groups have managed to convince most state lawmakers that all forms of execution present an unconstitutional risk of causing severe pain.

I think the reason why Satan is so active in combating the death penalty is because he wants criminals to survive as long as possible because he knows this liberal society may let this evil loose again on society just as Obama is doing now. Jesus said the devil was a "murderer from the beginning" (John 8:44). He may think that if he can find pardons for his earthly minions, maybe somehow the same twisted logic can be applied to him.

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Climate Change

One of the silliest demonomics is the issue of climate change. What started out as a concern over the impact of the burning of fossil fuel has turned into a cult of earth worship. That is worshipping the creation instead of the creator. We have reached the point where anyone who dares to question climate change is automatically labeled a religious zealot. The promoters of this movement fail to realize their own fanaticism. When their global warming conferences kept getting cancelled because of winter blizzards, all they did was switch the name to climate change.

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Climate change is one of the biggest frauds on the planet. It was created to collect taxes from everyone on the planet to fight climate change; reality is they want to use this money to fund the New World Order.

Gold Is Evil

The business news world has always had a bias against any type of precious metal investment. Financial reports will say that gold is a favorite of “Doomsday Preppers” (CNBC). Or its simply “A pet rock” (Wall Street Journal). I remember one time when reporter, Simon Hobbs, verbally attacked professional money manager, Bill Fleckenstein, for having told people to buy gold.

Hobbs claimed that Fleckenstein had betrayed his clients trust. Gold, like all other investments, is subject to the ups and downs of the market. There is no logical reason for this loathing of gold. Even when a guest on CNBC recommends a stock that has gone to zero, their bad investment advice is rarely brought up.

Gold is hated because it is an asset that cannot be directly tracked by the global banking system. Because the 666 mark

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will be most likely electronic funds, the devil wants everyone to stay locked within fiat money, paper money that has no value.

Obama Can Do No Wrong

There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama is the worst president in American History. Among a long list of failings, he has more than doubled the national debt, he has damaged our relationship with Israel, his bumbling administration has allowed advanced military equipment to fall into the hands of terrorists, he is in the process of starting race riots with Ferguson Mo. and Baltimore as perfect examples, he has been impotent in preventing China from stealing the personal data on over 20 million U.S. citizens, and complicit with letting sanctuary cities exist.

The liberal media present Obama as a man incapable of error. They dismiss his failings as insignificant. If there is blame, it is the result of someone else’s errors. His cult of infallibility came into full bloom when he was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize—the first time the award was given before anything had been achieved by the laureate being honored. Time is running out, but I have to wonder if something will soon happen that will

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finally convince the Nobel committee to ask for their million dollar prize money back.

Minority Crime Doesn’t Happen (Wink-Wink)

It is no secret that many of our Urban centers of American cities have become hellholes of violent crime. Like clockwork, on every holiday weekend, the morgues of Chicago, Illinois fill up with the bodies of the city’s youth. There have been 800 hundred shooting so far this year and it is only May. This endless river of blood flow fails to make the evening news for one simple reason—the perpetrators and victims of crime are predominantly minorities. White on black crime is breaking news, but black on black crime is a non-event just like it does not even exist. I had to buy a book on the knockout game being played by ghetto rats to even know what it was. What does that tell you?

The press ignores non-white violence because they think it would be racist to show people of color killing each other. This mindset is as crazy as a hospital deciding not to tell any of its minority patients that they have a life-threatening disease. By covering-up the violence, the liberal media have become part of the problem.

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The intensity of what I have just described is disturbing to say the least. But the good news is this: Everything I have listed here points to the soon return of our Lord and Savior.

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"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28). These happenings are only birth pangs for the worst is yet to follow. Wars and rumors of war is now coming to pass and the world scene will only continue to deteriorate. Keep your eye on Israel for that is the apple of God’s eye. Israel is his and will never be destroyed or conquered again. Maranatha………...