{00077012.DOCX} DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS CAMP MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS I - Department of Athletics Policy Regarding Institutional Camps and Other Athletic Camps Held in UNC Athletics Facilities II - NCAA Rules and Regulations Governing Institutional and Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics III - Camps and Clinics NCAA Compliance Procedures Appendix A - Department of Athletics Facility Use Request Form Appendix B - Summer Camp Release and NCAA Compliance Attestation Appendix C - Emergency Information and Physician’s Permission for Camper Participation Appendix D - Camp and Clinic Checklist Appendix E - Camps/Clinics Employment List Appendix F – Camps/Clinics Participation List Appendix G - Institutional Camps/Clinics Employment Approval Form Appendix H - Men’s Basketball Camp Employment Appendix I - Post-Camp Financial Report Form Appendix J - Camps/Clinics Call and Email Log Appendix K - Non-Institutional and Privately Owned Camps/Clinics Coaches/Staff Employment Review Form Appendix L - Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employment Approval Form Appendix M - Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employer Verification Form

Department of Athletics Camp Manual · {00077012.DOCX} I. Department of Athletics Policy Regarding Institutional Camps and Other Athletic Camps Held in UNC Athletics Facilities A

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I - Department of Athletics Policy Regarding Institutional Camps and Other Athletic Camps Held in UNC

Athletics Facilities

II - NCAA Rules and Regulations Governing Institutional and Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics

III - Camps and Clinics NCAA Compliance Procedures

Appendix A - Department of Athletics Facility Use Request Form

Appendix B - Summer Camp Release and NCAA Compliance Attestation

Appendix C - Emergency Information and Physician’s Permission for Camper Participation

Appendix D - Camp and Clinic Checklist

Appendix E - Camps/Clinics Employment List

Appendix F – Camps/Clinics Participation List

Appendix G - Institutional Camps/Clinics Employment Approval Form

Appendix H - Men’s Basketball Camp Employment

Appendix I - Post-Camp Financial Report Form

Appendix J - Camps/Clinics Call and Email Log

Appendix K - Non-Institutional and Privately Owned Camps/Clinics Coaches/Staff Employment Review Form

Appendix L - Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employment Approval Form

Appendix M - Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employer Verification Form


I. Department of Athletics Policy Regarding Institutional Camps and Other Athletic Camps Held in

UNC Athletics Facilities

A. Purpose and Applicability 1. Athletic Camps provide benefits to many young people by inviting them to experience the

UNC campus environment and receive athletic instruction. The purpose of this Policy (Section I of the Department of Athletics Camp Manual) is to outline the minimum requirements of the Department of Athletics for any Athletic Camp which may take place on UNC’s campus as well as the Department’s requirements for any Camp which meets the definition of an “Institutional Camp” under NCAA Bylaw Though some components in this Section I may overlap with certain NCAA rules and regulations, most NCAA compliance provisions are addressed in Sections II and III of this Department of Athletics Camp Manual.

2. This Policy is intended to compliment University-wide policies and practices to help

foster a safe, compliant environment for Camps. Should any of the provisions of this Policy be construed to contradict the terms of any University-wide policy, mandate, or practice in any way, the terms of such University-wide standard shall govern.

3. The provisions of this Policy shall apply to each Camp at all times unless otherwise

specified, even when using venues not overseen or managed by the Department of Athletics (for example, Department of Exercise and Sport Science facilities).

4. Department of Athletics Kids’ Club activities shall not be considered Camps and,

therefore, shall not be subject to the requirements of this Policy. Other activities which are similar to the Kids’ Club and wish to use any UNC Athletics facility may request to be exempt from some or all of the provisions of this Policy. Any such exemptions must be granted in writing by the Associate Athletic Director for Compliance prior to commencement of the activity.

B. Definitions

For purposes of this Policy (Section I of the Camp Manual), the definitions below shall apply.

1. “ACC” shall mean the Atlantic Coast Conference. 2. “Camp” shall mean any activity which takes place in whole or in part in a UNC Athletics

facility or on UNC’s campus for the purpose of providing minors with supervised sport skill instruction or the development of athletic-related skills. This definition shall include similar activities that may be referred to as “clinics” and shall also include both Private Camps and Institutional Camps as defined below.

3. “Camp Director” shall mean an individual representing or coordinating correspondence

and logistical details on behalf of the Camp with the appropriate Department of Athletics employee(s). In some cases, the Camp Director may also be the Camp Owner.

4. “Camp Owner” shall mean the individual who owns and/or has ultimate oversight of the

Camp. In some cases, the Camp Owner may also be the Camp Director.

Name of Policy Department of Athletics Camp Manual

Policy Number 00077012Date Last Reviewed November 2017 Date of Next Review July 2018 Responsible for Review Executive Team Member with Oversight

of Risk Management and Associate Athletic Director for Compliance


5. “Camper” shall mean a participant and/or attendee of a Camp as herein defined. “Department of Athletics” shall mean the Department of Athletics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

6. “Institutional Camp” shall mean any Camp defined as such by NCAA Bylaw,

which states: “An institution’s sports camp or clinic shall be any camp or clinic that is owned or operated by a member institution’s athletic department, either on or off its campus, and in which prospective student-athletes participate.” (Institutional Camps taking place entirely off of UNC’s campus shall be subject to the requirements of this Policy to the extent UNC has the right to mandate their compliance with these terms, but in no case less than requiring full compliance with all elements of this Policy which involve matters governed by NCAA legislation.) In some cases, an Institutional Camp may also be a “Private Camp” as defined below.

7. “NCAA” shall mean the National Collegiate Athletic Association. 8. “Private Camp” shall mean any Camp which is organized by a separate individual or

entity unaffiliated with UNC and its Department of Athletics. In some cases, a Private Camp may also be an “Institutional Camp.” Camps run by UNC varsity coaches’ separate legal entities shall be considered Private Camps.

9. “UNC” and “University” as used throughout this Policy shall mean the University of

North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

C. Prior Department of Athletics and University Approvals 1. All Department of Athletics employees (including coaches), outside individuals and

entities, and any other person(s) or organization(s) wishing to conduct a Camp on UNC’s campus or an Institutional Camp off campus must first obtain prior written approval from both the Associate Athletic Director for NCAA Compliance and the applicable Department of Athletics staff member with oversight of any UNC Athletics facility to be used. The Department of Athletics Facility Use Request Form is included in Appendix A and should be used for such requests for Camps to be held on UNC’s campus. When applicable, the Camp Director should also obtain prior written approval from the University employee(s) with oversight of any other University facility to be used by the Camp.

2. To facilitate the Department of Athletics’ efforts to monitor and ensure compliance with

all applicable legislation, other units on UNC’s campus should notify the Department of Athletics if a Camp or other similar athletic-related activity is scheduled to take place in one of their facilities. For NCAA compliance purposes, other units on UNC’s campus should be particularly cognizant of any Camp or other activity which constitutes an Institutional Camp.

3. All Department of Athletics staff members should notify the Associate Athletic Director for

NCAA Compliance before working any athletic camp or skill instruction session not held on UNC’s campus.

D. Separate Legal Entity Status

1. Unless otherwise approved by the Director of Athletics or Associate Athletic Director for

Compliance, all coaches and other Department of Athletics employees wishing to conduct a Camp on UNC’s campus (for the financial benefit of any individual or entity other than UNC) must have established a separate legal entity (a private corporation, for example) to direct, control, and supervise all operations so the Camp is run as a Private Camp.


2. Except as set forth by the requirements of this Policy and other formally-established policies and practices for all programs with minors on the campus of UNC, no direction, control, supervision, responsibility, or liability for any Private Camp shall be assumed by UNC, its Department of Athletics, or any trustee, agent, or employee acting in an official capacity on the part of UNC and/or its Department of Athletics.

3. Each Private Camp must establish a separate mailing address for its related business and

shall, as a condition of use of any UNC facility, ensure that such Camp is conducted in a manner that does not transfer or place any liability to UNC or its Department of Athletics.

E. UNC Athletics Facility Reservation and Execution of Camp Contract

1. Each Private Camp shall be required to reserve any applicable UNC Athletics facility by

submitting the appropriate forms and following the protocols set forth in the Department of Athletics Facility Use Policy. In scheduling use of UNC Athletics facilities, priority for use will be given to internal activities, particularly academic activities that are intended for UNC students. Upon receiving the requisite approvals and reserving the applicable UNC Athletics facility, a Department of Athletics employee shall provide a standard written contract to the Camp Owner or their designee for signature by the proper representative thereof. Each Private Camp must execute this contract in a timely manner as required by the Department of Athletics, but in no case later than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the Camp’s activities. A copy of each signed contract shall then be retained by the Department of Athletics. Facilities not operated by the Department of Athletics may necessitate separate arrangements (including, for example, facilities operated by the Department of Exercise and Sports Science).

2. Each Camp shall be required to provide in advance to the Department of Athletics

Director of Camps a list of all Campers. The corresponding date(s) of Camp attendance for each Camper must also be listed, along with the name and contact information for each Camper’s parent or guardian. The Department of Athletics Director of Camps shall then provide this information to other appropriate individuals at the University to ensure proper units within the institution are prepared in the event an issue occurs.

3. The Department of Athletics shall establish a fee for use of any UNC Athletics facility for

a Camp. Such fees shall be determined in the sole discretion of UNC and/or its Department of Athletics and are subject to change at any time without notice. An invoice for such fee shall be sent to the Camp Owner or their designee from the Department of Athletics, with full payment thereof due no later than thirty (30) days after the Camp’s receipt of the corresponding invoice.

4. All direct and indirect charges incurred by UNC or its Department of Athletics as a result

of a Camp’s operation will be charged to the appropriate Camp, with payment for such charges due within thirty (30) days after the Camp’s receipt of an invoice for such charges.

5. Upon scheduling a Private Camp’s use of a UNC Athletics Facility, a non-refundable

deposit of $500 may be due to the Department of Athletics Business Office. If required, this payment shall be due within ten (10) days of such Camp’s receipt of the corresponding invoice from the Department of Athletics.

F. Accounting

1. The Department of Athletics reserves the right to collect any unpaid balances due prior to

the start of each Camp.


2. Each Camp Owner must assume complete responsibility for all aspects of accounting, taxes, and other fiscal matters related to the Camp’s operation.

3. Each Private Camp shall conduct a full financial audit at its conclusion. A representative

of each such Camp shall submit to the Department of Athletics a complete report and accounting of Camp operations no later than twenty (20) days after the conclusion of such Camp.

4. UNC and its Department of Athletics may conduct an audit and reserve the right to

inspect and copy any and all records, financial and otherwise, of all Camps held on the campus of UNC.

G. Advertising

1. Each Private Camp shall be solely responsible for its own marketing, promotion, and

advertising. No UNC funds or resources may be used to promote a Private Camp.

2. At least two weeks prior to executing any sponsorship, marketing, or advertising agreement, each Private Camp shall submit to UNC for its prior written approval any proposed commercial or noncommercial sponsorship of such Camp, any proposed commercial or noncommercial advertising of such Camp, and any related signage, written material(s), or other promotion of such Camp.

3. All Camp promotional documents must be reviewed and approved by the Department of

Athletics Compliance Office prior to distribution to ensure accurate representation of the Department of Athletics and the University as well as compliance with this Policy.

4. The University’s trademarks, logos, indicia, and other intellectual property may not be

used by any Private Camp in any promotional or advertising material, but a Private Camp may use an involved Coach’s name and/or his or her job title. University logos may be used only with prior University permission granted by the Director of Trademarks and Licensing.

5. All marketing, promotion, and advertising of any Private Camp hereunder shall include

language indicating that such Camp is a separate corporation/entity owned and operated by the Coach or other appropriate individual or entity, not by UNC or its Department of Athletics. Private Camp Directors and employees should take care not to create a belief that the Camp is owned, sponsored, or conducted by UNC or its Department of Athletics (beyond the Department’s permission to use the applicable UNC Athletics facility). UNC and Department of Athletics letterhead and/or stationery shall not be used for any Private Camp-related communication. Promotional material for Private Camps shall direct recipients to a separate Camp phone number, email address, mailing address, and/or web address.

6. To avoid causing large numbers of questions which may mistakenly be directed to UNC

and its Department of Athletics, Private Camp promotional materials are encouraged to include:

a. Dates of the Camp; b. Number of Sessions; c. Times of the Camp; d. Age Groups; e. Costs (including any required deposits); f. Equipment Needs; g. Tentative Daily Schedules; h. Registration Information;


i. Directions; j. The Camp Director’s Name and Telephone Number; and k. The Camp Mailing Address.

H. Mandatory Insurance

Private Camps are not provided insurance coverage by the University. Each Private Camp must obtain insurance naming the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and its Board of Trustees as “Additional Insured” parties. Proof of insurance must be furnished to the Department of Athletics at a time specified by the Department of Athletics, but in no case later than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the Private Camp’s activities. A copy of all insurance policies shall be maintained on file in the Department of Athletics Business Office. UNC reserves the right to review any such coverage and require changes to be made if such changes are deemed appropriate (in UNC’s sole discretion) for the protection of the University or any individual(s) associated therewith.

The following forms of insurance must be obtained by all Private Camps (with a Minimum Rating Requirement of A-):

1. General Liability Insurance (including both bodily injury and property damage); 2. Employer’s Liability Insurance; 3. Automobile Liability Insurance; 4. Workers’ Compensation Insurance; 5. Athletic Participant Accident Insurance; and 6. Sexual Abuse/Molestation Insurance.

I. Waivers

1. Each Private Camp must furnish to the Department prior to the commencement of Camp

activities a signed copy of the Department’s standard legal release and affirmation of NCAA Compliance (Appendix B) executed by each Camp participant (or, if the Camp participant is a minor, by the appropriate parent or legal guardian of the Camp participant).

2. Each Private Camp must also require the execution of its own legal release, which should include statements that adequately explain to parents and legal guardians the risks associated with each Camp-related activity. Such release must also include a statement that the Camp is a private and separate legal entity from UNC and its Department of Athletics. Other waiver statements can be used in addition to the aforementioned required statements and each Camp is advised to seek the advice of its own attorney in drafting such language.

J. Safety, Security, and Supervision

1. Each Private Camp shall be completely and solely responsible for supervision of all

involved Campers, employees, and operations at all times throughout the duration of such Camp. UNC and its Department of Athletics shall have no responsibilities or liabilities pertaining to supervision or ensuring the safety or security of Campers, employees, activities, or any other matters related in any way whatsoever to any such Camp.

2. Each Private Camp shall assume the responsibility of implementing, communicating, and ensuring abidance by appropriate safety measures, including those that should be coordinated directly with UNC Department of Housing and Residential Education officials. Camps are expected to provide adequate supervision and take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of all Campers at all times from the time Campers are dropped off to the time Campers are picked up, including (but not limited to) when


Campers are inside and outside UNC dormitories, dining halls, and other University and UNC Athletics facilities. Camp Directors should thoroughly train all staff members and ensure they understand and maintain compliance with the respective Camp’s policies and procedures.

In addition to other appropriate safety policies and practices, Camps are expected to, at a minimum: a. Develop and ensure compliance with appropriate protocols for handling illnesses

and injuries for individuals involved with the Camp.

b. Develop and ensure compliance with policies and procedures related to incident reporting and notification of appropriate individuals in the event of a perceived or actual threat to health, safety, or security. (In some cases, such instances may also trigger reporting requirements under the Department of Athletics “Up and Out” Incident Reporting Guidelines and other mandatory reporting regulations.)

c. Develop and ensure compliance with protocols designed to ensure the safety and security of Campers and their personal possessions in each facility which will be used by Campers (including any residence hall).

d. Develop and ensure compliance with procedures designed to effectively supervise and monitor Campers at all times during attendance at the Camp, including periods of transition from one location to another.

e. Develop and ensure compliance with procedures designed to prevent abuse of Campers from any Camp staff member or other Camper (including, but not limited to, bullying, hazing, or any other kind of verbal, sexual, or other physical abuse).

f. Develop and ensure compliance with procedures for the daily release of participants from the Camp to ensure that each Camper may only be released into the custody of a parent, legal guardian, or other adult individual specifically approved by the Camper’s parent or legal guardian to assume control of the Camper.

g. Alert the Department of Athletics Director of Camps prior to the beginning of each Private Camp regarding the Camp’s dates of operation and location(s). The Department of Athletics Director of Camps shall then provide this information to UNC’s Department of Public Safety. Should such Camp relocate or take place in a venue other than those which have been specifically predetermined and communicated, the UNC Department of Public Safety and Department of Athletics Director of Camps should be promptly notified by the Camp Owner, Camp Director, or their designee.

h. Determine the skill level of Camp participants and divide them appropriately such that Campers’ physical activities primarily involve peers of similar age, size, and skill level. (Camps are reminded, however, that determinations of participants’ skill levels may not involve questions directly pertaining to participants’ disabilities.)

i. Provide lifeguards for all activities involving or taking place in or around large amounts of water (swimming pools and lakes, for example).

j. Inspect all equipment to be used by the Camp to ensure its safety, durability, and


functionality prior to and throughout the operation of the Camp.

k. Inspect the grounds and other venues where the Camp will take place prior to and throughout the operation of the Camp to ensure adequate safety, durability, and functionality of such spaces.

l. Ensure Campers are not exposed to inclement conditions with the potential to

impact health, safety, or security.

m. Ensure Campers are provided adequate breaks to hydrate and physically recover as appropriate.

K. Inclement Weather

Each Camp is expected to make appropriate preparations to ensure the safety of all Campers and Camp staff in the event of inclement weather. These preparations shall include, but not be limited to, the Camp ensuring that weather conditions are monitored at all times and that adequate safe structures will be available and accessible in the event of inclement weather at any time during the operation of the Camp.

L. Applicable Rules and Regulations

All Camps are expected to be conducted in full compliance with applicable laws as well as all rules and regulations of the NCAA, ACC, UNC, Department of Athletics, and other relevant entities. Camp staff members are expected to be familiar with such rules. When uncertain about particular NCAA compliance rules or regulations, individuals should use the Department of Athletics Compliance Office as a resource.

M. Housing and Meal Plans

Each Camp shall be solely responsible for independently arranging for and contracting with providers of necessary accommodations for Campers and employees. For accommodations on UNC’s campus, the appropriate point of contact is UNC’s Department of Housing and Residential Education. Similarly, each Camp shall have the sole responsibility to contract and coordinate as needed with Carolina Dining Services and/or other food providers.

N. Physical Plant

1. Any and all construction, physical alteration(s), or repair(s) involving any UNC Athletics

facility or other University facility, grounds, and/or property must be performed as appropriate only by the UNC or Department of Athletics Facilities staff. All requests for such assistance must be made via work orders filed in accordance with UNC’s standard protocols. Each Camp is responsible for the payment of all charges incurred as a result of such services. Charges to any Private Camp must be paid directly by such Camp and will not be facilitated by the Department of Athletics.

2. Camps are expected to immediately disclose to the appropriate UNC staff member any damage to UNC Athletics facilities or any other UNC property or equipment. For purposes of this Section, all requisite disclosures should be made as appropriate to the Department of Athletics staff member with oversight of UNC Athletics facilities, the Department of Athletics staff member with oversight of Smith Center operations, or the UNC staff member with oversight of any other unit whose property or equipment was damaged by the Camp or anyone affiliated with the Camp.

O. Supplies and Equipment

The provision of all supplies and equipment shall be the sole responsibility of each individual Camp.


P. Staffing

1. Each Private Camp shall be responsible for hiring all staff members for such Camp. Private Camps should execute written agreements outlining responsibilities and salaries for each Camp staff member.

2. Each Private Camp shall provide to the Department of Athletics Director of Camps,

Associate Athletic Director for Compliance, and Department of Athletics Office of Human Resources a complete list of all staff who will work the Camp, along with the date(s) each such individual will work the Camp. Such list shall also include any Department of Athletics staff members who are anticipated to perform any work directly or indirectly in support of the Camp, along with the corresponding dates of such anticipated work. Each such list shall be reviewed in advance of the Camp by the Department of Athletics Compliance Office and Department of Athletics Office of Human Resources.

3. Any Department of Athletics employee wishing to work a Private Camp must take coded leave for the regular UNC business hours spent working for such Camp. The Department of Athletics Office of Human Resources shall periodically verify that all Department of Athletics employees who have worked Private Camps have recorded leave appropriately.

4. Department of Athletics employees also employed by a Camp must submit all necessary external professional activities for pay forms and are required to add any Camp employment to their outside income agreement with the Department of Athletics. The Department of Athletics Compliance Office shall periodically verify that all Department of Athletics employees who have worked Private Camps have completed such outside income agreements as appropriate.

5. All Private Camp employees shall be under the sole control and supervision of such Camp during their tenure as an employee of such Camp. Private Camps are solely responsible for all employment expenses and taxes for all Camp employees and UNC and its Department of Athletics shall assume no obligations or liabilities whatsoever pertaining thereto.

6. Camps are expected to complete requisite background checks on all Camp staff in accordance with UNC’s institutional requirements for programs with minors on campus.

7. Each Camp employee who will be operating a motor vehicle in fulfillment of their duties for the Camp must possess a valid driver’s license for operation of the vehicle(s) used.

Q. Orientation

Each Private Camp should devote adequate time to the orientation of both Campers and staff. (For example, all Campers and staff should be provided instruction regarding facilities, emergency procedures, University policies, incident reporting requirements, bullying prevention, safety precautions, and various other Camp rules and regulations.)

R. Transportation

Private Camps are expected to establish, review, and maintain compliance with appropriate safety protocols regarding travel and transportation of Campers, Camp staff, and equipment. Under no circumstances may vehicles owned by UNC or its Department of Athletics be used for any Private Camp-related purposes (including, but not limited to, the transportation of Campers or Camp staff).


S. Sports Medicine Provisions for Private Camps

1. General Responsibility for Arrangement of Medical Providers

UNC Sports Medicine does not routinely provide medical care for Camps. Prior to the beginning of each Camp, the applicable Camp Owner shall be responsible for ensuring arrangements are made for medical providers for the Camp. 2. Appropriate Staffing

Each Camp should consider the number of Campers involved and staff any venue used by the Camp with an appropriate number of athletic training personnel. A minimum of one licensed/certified athletic trainer should be available per venue in use by the Camp. UNC Sports Medicine recommends that the ratio of Campers to licensed/certified athletic trainer should be no greater than 100:1. While undergraduate student athletic trainers can assist in providing coverage, no such individual should ever be the sole medical coverage available at a given venue.

3. Camp Staff Responsibilities

All Camp staff, including athletic trainers, should review the emergency action plan for each venue utilized and should plan for emergency care as well as routine situations which may occur during the operation of the Camp. Camp staff and residence hall personnel must clearly understand common medical situations that may take place during Camp and the responsibilities of providing care with which each individual may be tasked. Camp staff assigned medical responsibilities should have such duties documented in their corresponding job descriptions and must possess the appropriate qualifications (for example, CPR certification, first aid certification, NATA certification, and/or applicable State of North Carolina certifications). Non-licensed individuals are allowed to provide first aid ONLY, assuming that they are certified in first aid. (These individuals should therefore be referred to as “first aid providers” and should not be referred to as “athletic trainers.”)

4. Sports Medicine Equipment and Supplies

Sports medicine equipment and supplies should be purchased in advance from sources external to UNC by each Private Camp. The value of any additional supplies from UNC Sports Medicine used by the Camp must be reimbursed to the University by the Camp.

5. Use of UNC Sports Medicine Athletic Trainers

UNC Sports Medicine athletic trainers and graduate student athletic trainers may be available to hire for Private Camp coverage. Each such individual will negotiate the responsibilities and compensation for their respective services directly with the Camp. These arrangements will apply only to the employment of the particular individual involved and shall not obligate other Sports Medicine personnel or any facilities for the care of Campers, Camp staff, or any other individual affiliated with a Camp. The recommended minimum wage for each licensed/certified athletic trainer is $25-$30 per hour. The recommended minimum wage for each athletic training student is $15 per hour. Should the Camp require an athletic trainer to stay in the dorm instead of simply being on-call, the recommended minimum compensation for each such individual is between $25 and $50 per night. Sports Medicine staff members employed by a Private Camp are expected to take coded leave as appropriate for regular University working hours spent working for the Private Camp.

6. Use of UNC Sports Medicine Physicians

UNC Sports Medicine physicians may be consulted for care, provided that normal patient


protocols are used. Visits should be scheduled during normal office hours, as there is no obligation for a UNC Sports Medicine physician to be available after regular work hours. Customary charges will be rendered for any care provided and normal UNC Sports Medicine billing procedures will be followed. UNC Sports Medicine accepts Blue Cross and Blue Shield insurance. All other insurers are currently out of network. Therefore, Campers who are insured by Blue Cross and Blue Shield may be referred to Sports Medicine for evaluation of an injury or illness. The Camp’s athletic trainer should contact the clinic first to check for availability. All other Campers will be referred to other local medical care providers. Private Camp materials should make clear to parents and legal guardians that any such costs incurred are the responsibility of the Camper or the Camper’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

7. Medically-Related Components of Camp Applications

Private Camp applications should include, among other things: medical clearance for participation in Camp activities, insurance information (including the primary insurance carrier for each Camper and copies of each Camper’s insurance card, which should be kept on file with the Camp’s athletic trainer), and parental consent authorizing the Camp Director to seek medical assistance for the Camper in the event of an emergency when the Camp is unable to contact or consult with the Camper’s parents or guardians.

T. Agents, Advisors, Other Professional Representatives, and Representatives Thereof

1. Camps are expected to immediately disclose to the Associate Athletic Director for

Compliance the presence of any sports agent, advisor, other professional representative, or representative thereof. This expectation must be communicated to all Camp staff. Any disclosure hereunder shall be made in writing to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office by the appropriate Camp staff member within twenty-four hours after each such occurrence.

2. Sports agents, advisors, other professional representatives, and representatives thereof

(excluding coaches and athletes who are clients) shall not be permitted to work or volunteer for any Camp.

U. Monitoring

1. At the conclusion of each month, the Department of Athletics Director of Camps shall

compile a summary of all Camps which took place in UNC Athletics facilities during such month. This documentation shall be provided to the Department of Athletics Executive Staff member(s) with oversight of Facilities, the Associate Athletic Director for Compliance, and the Director of Athletics.

2. The Department of Athletics Director of Camps may conduct periodic and random checks

of Camps throughout the year to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Camp Manual and that information has been properly disclosed. Any potential issues or discrepancies shall be promptly reported to the Department of Athletics Executive Staff Member with oversight of Facilities and the Associate Athletic Director for Compliance.


Some of the language in Sections II and III of this Camp Manual, below, has been incorporated directly from the NCAA Manual. To ensure consistency in application, therefore, the terms defined in Section I, above, shall only apply to the Department of Athletics Policy Regarding Institutional Camps and Other Athletic Camps Held in UNC Athletics Facilities (which comprises Section I of this Camp Manual). The definitions in Section I shall not apply to Section II or Section III, below. II. NCAA Rules and Regulations Governing Institutional and Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics

A. Institutional Camps and Clinics

Institutions may conduct sports camps or instructional clinics in order to promote either: (1) skill and knowledge in a particular sport; or (2) general athletic skill and knowledge not specific to any particular sport. All institutional camps and clinics must be open to the general public (except for restrictions in age, gender, grade level or number of participants). The permissible focus or purpose of the camp or clinic must be to:

1. Place special emphasis on a particular sport or sports and provide specialized instruction,

practice, or competition;

2. Involve activities designed to improve overall skills and general knowledge in the sport; or

3. Offer a diversified experience without emphasis on instruction, practice or competition in any particular sport.

B. Recruiting Activities at Institutional Camps and Clinics

UNC staff members employed at any camp or clinic (for example, a counselor or director) are prohibited from recruiting any prospective student-athlete from the time the individual reports to the camp or clinic through the conclusion of all camp or clinic activities. This prohibition includes extending verbal or written offers of financial aid to any prospect during his or her attendance at the camp or clinic. In sports other than Women’s Basketball, a coach may arrange and conduct a campus tour during the camp or clinic, provided the format has been approved by the University’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions. In Women’s Basketball, a UNC coach may engage in recruiting activities during a camp or clinic. In sports other than Lacrosse, it is permissible for a UNC coach to engage in recruiting conversations with participating prospective student-athletes during the institution’s camps or clinics. Further, an institutional camp or clinic is not considered an athletics competition or event. Therefore, official or unofficial visits may occur on an institution's campus on the day of an institutional camp or clinic before the camp or clinic begins.

C. Scheduling of Institutional Camps and Clinics

1. FOOTBALL: An institution's Football camp or clinic may only be conducted during 10

days in the months of June and July or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (for example, May 28 through June 3) and shall be conducted on the institution's campus. The dates of the 10-day period must be on file in the office of the athletics director.

2. BASKETBALL: An institution's Basketball camp or clinic may be conducted only during the months of June, July and August, or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (for example, May 28 through June 3). The camp or clinic must be conducted on the institution’s campus or within a 100-mile radius of the campus.


3. ALL OTHER SPORTS: Camps and clinics may be conducted at any time during the year except during a dead period.

D. Attendance and Fee Restrictions

1. Camps must be open to any and all entrants, limited only by age, gender, grade level or

number of participants. Camp or clinic advertisements geared to a particular audience (an elite camp, for example) are permissible only if the advertisement or promotion indicates that the camp or clinic is open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender).

2. Any institutional staff member (for example, a countable coach, volunteer coach, administrative assistant, or non-coaching staff member with sport-specific responsibilities) may make telephone calls to an individual (or his or her parents, guardians or coaches) only if the call is solely related to institutional camp and clinic logistical issues. Examples of logistical issues regarding camps and clinics include, but are not limited to:

a. Incomplete, insufficient or illegible payment information; b. Incomplete or unsigned paperwork or forms; c. Questions regarding accommodations; d. Questions regarding required vs. optional items to bring to camp; e. Questions regarding transportation or meal options at camp; or f. Medical questions.

Since these calls are not intended to be for recruiting purposes they are not subject to the restrictions of telephone calls but should be logged on the camp and clinic call log. Accordingly, these calls may not include any recruiting conversation or solicitation of particular individuals to attend the institution's camp or clinic. If a call includes any recruiting conversation or solicitation of particular individuals to attend, then the legislated telephone call restrictions apply, including the restrictions on who is permitted to make and receive telephone calls.

3. No free or reduced admissions are allowed for prospects that are high school, prep school,

or two-year college athletics award winners or who are being recruited by UNC. For purposes of this rule in sports other than Men’s Basketball, high school includes the ninth grade, regardless of whether the ninth grade is part of a junior high school system.

4. In Men’s Basketball, “prospects” shall include any individual who has started classes for the seventh grade. A prospect is considered recruited if any of the following conditions have occurred:

a. The prospect’s attendance at any UNC camp or clinic has been solicited by the

institution (or a representative of the institution’s athletics interests – “booster”);

b. The institution has provided any recruiting materials to the prospect;

c. An institutional coaching staff member has had any recruiting contact, including in-person or electronic contact (for example, phone calls, a video conference, or electronic correspondence), with the prospect (including contact initiated by the prospect);

d. The prospect has received a verbal offer of athletically-related financial aid from the institution; or

e. The prospect has verbally committed to attend the institution.


5. Any free or reduced admission given to an individual who is not prospect age and does not meet the criteria for receiving a discount instantly becomes a prospect, regardless if he or she has entered into the ninth grade (seventh grade for Men’s Basketball).

6. A booster may not pay a prospect’s expenses to attend the camp.

7. It is permissible for an outside organization that is not associated with UNC to provide a free or reduced admission to underprivileged children to attend a UNC camp, provided the organization is associated with an amateur sports organization.

8. It is permissible for a corporate sponsor of a camp to provide free admission to the camp to individuals who are not high school or junior college athletics awards winners, nor have been recruited by the institution, provided such an opportunity is available to any individual on a need basis.

9. Institutional camps may provide group discounts, provided they are available on an equal basis with documented standards to all who wish to take advantage of them.

10. Institutions may provide free admission to the children of athletics department staff members.

11. The cost of the camp must cover the cost of any items (for example, food, awards, apparel, or a DVD) provided to the participants.

E. Transportation for Campers - Institutional Camps and Clinics

1. It is permissible to provide transportation to campers only if transportation is made

available to all participants on an equal basis. It would be permissible to include transportation from the airport to campus under the camp fee, as long as all campers were given the option to accept such transportation. It would not be permissible to offer transportation exclusively to select campers.

2. It is not permissible for a third party to pay for a prospect to attend summer camp. However, it would be permissible for a sports team to pay for transportation if it was a team camp, and the prospect was representing the club in team competition during the camp.

F. Athletic Timing/Testing Activities

The NCAA regulates athletic timing/testing activities for all sports. A member institution or conference may not host, sponsor or conduct a tryout camp, clinic, group workout or combine (for example, a combination of athletics skill tests or activities) devoted to agility, flexibility, speed or strength tests for prospective student-athletes at any location.

1. Institutional camps and clinics may not include activities devoted to measuring agility,

flexibility, speed or strength for the purpose of evaluating prospective student-athletes. However, such activities may occur if performed in an instructional context.

2. It is not permissible for an institution's coach to engage in testing activities that go beyond the appropriate instructional context. Further, results of testing activities may not be recorded or retained for purposes of evaluating the abilities of prospects.

3. Videotaping of prospects at camp is permitted if the video is used directly in an instructional context. It is also permissible to record prospective student-athletes' participation in a camp or clinic for instructional purposes and to make the video available to the prospective student-athletes, provided the cost of producing and


distributing the video is included in the cost to attend the camp or clinic or the prospective student-athlete is charged an additional fee to cover the cost of producing and providing the video.

4. Under no circumstances would it be permissible to film any camp activities that are not reviewed and critiqued individually with campers who appear on the video. It would not be permissible to use such film for evaluation purposes or to retain any film of campers after the conclusion of camp.

G. Educational Session – Institutional Camps and Clinics

An institution's Basketball and Football sports camp or clinic must include an educational session presented in-person or in a video format detailing NCAA initial-eligibility standards and regulations related to gambling, agents and drug use to all camp and clinic participants.

H. Promotions and Advertisements for Institutional Camps and Clinics

1. Advertisements

a. Camp or clinic advertisements may appear in UNC Athletics publications (such

as game programs). Camp and clinic advertisements may not appear in high- school or two-year college game programs. Camp and clinic advertisements may appear in recruiting publications or newsletters, but only if the publication includes a camp directory and only if the advertisement meets the following requirements:

i. The size and format of all the camp and clinic advertisements must be

identical and the size may not exceed one-half page;

ii. The camp directory must include multiple listings of summer camps on each page (i.e., at least two summer-camp advertisements of the same size must appear on each page).

b. Camp and clinic advertisements may appear on a recruiting publication website,

provided the website’s camp directory includes multiple listings of summer camps and clinics and the size and format of all the advertisements are identical. The half-page size restriction applicable to advertisements in print publications is not applicable to website advertisements. It is not permissible to make camp or clinic brochures available at high school athletic competitions, even if no fee is paid for the opportunity to place the materials in the venue. Furthermore, advertisements for summer camps may not appear on a billboard or banner located at a high school stadium or competition.

c. An institution may advertise or promote an institutional camp or clinic (elite camps or rising star camps, for example) in any way, provided any camp or clinic advertisement or promotion (for example, a camp brochure, website, newspaper or magazine advertisement) stipulates that the camp or clinic is open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender).

2. Brochures

Brochures are restricted to a single two-sided sheet, not to exceed 17” x22” when opened in full. There are no restrictions on the content or design of the brochure, and camp brochures may be mailed or emailed to a prospective student-athlete prior to September 1 of the prospect’s junior year in high school, provided no recruiting language is used.


3. Current Student-Athletes

An institutional or privately owned camp may use the name, picture and institutional affiliation of a current student-athlete with eligibility remaining in the sport only in the camp counselor section, and it must identify the student-athlete as a staff member. A student-athlete's name or picture may not be used in any other way to directly advertise or promote the camp.

I. Employment at Institutional Camps and Clinics

1. Prospective Student-Athletes

An institution, members of its staff or its boosters may not employ a prospect who is an athletics award winner or any individual being recruited by the institution. However, an institution may employ a prospective student-athlete in a camp or clinic, provided he or she has signed a National Letter of Intent or the institution's written offer of admission and/or financial aid or the institution has received his or her financial deposit in response to its offer of admission. Compensation may be paid only for work actually performed and at a rate commensurate with the going rate in the locality for similar services. Such compensation may not include any remuneration for value or utility that the student-athlete may have for the employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following that he or she has obtained because of athletics ability. A prospective student-athlete who only lectures or demonstrates at a camp or clinic may not receive compensation for his or her appearance at the camp or clinic.

2. UNC Department of Athletics Staff

Department of Athletics staff members, except as noted below, may be involved (as employees or guest speakers) in institutional sports camps or clinics, provided the camp or clinic operates in accordance with restrictions applicable to institutional camps.

a. Baseball - An institution's coach or non-coaching staff member with

responsibilities specific to Baseball may serve in any capacity (for example, as a counselor, guest lecturer, or consultant) in a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with restrictions applicable to an institutional camp or clinic (for example, it is open to any and all entrants and provides no free or reduced admission to or employment of athletics award winners). However, during a quiet period, an institution's coach or non-coaching staff member with responsibilities specific to Baseball may be employed (either on a salaried or a volunteer basis) only at his or her institution's camps or clinics that occur on his or her institution's campus or at a facility regularly used by the institution for practice or competition.

b. Basketball - An institution's coach or non-coaching staff member with

responsibilities specific to Basketball may be employed only at his or her institution's camps or clinics.

c. Football - An institution's coach or non-coaching staff member with responsibilities specific to Football may be employed (either on a salaried or volunteer basis) in any capacity (for example, as a counselor, guest lecturer, or consultant) in a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic at any location, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with restrictions applicable to an institutional camp or clinic (for example, it is open to any and all entrants and provides no free or reduced admission to or employment of athletics award winners).

d. Women’s Volleyball - It is not permissible for a Women's Volleyball coach or

non-coaching staff member with responsibilities specific to Women's Volleyball


to be employed (either salaried or volunteer) in an institutional camp or clinic or a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic that is conducted off the institution's campus during a quiet period.

3. Student-Athletes

A student-athlete may be employed by an institutional sports camp or clinic. A student-athlete who is employed in any sports camp or clinic must meet the following requirements:

a. The student-athlete must perform duties that are of a general supervisory nature

in addition to any coaching or officiating assignments. It is not permissible for student-athletes with remaining eligibility to be employed only to provide demonstrations.

b. Compensation provided to the student-athlete shall be commensurate with the going rate for camp or clinic counselors of like teaching ability and camp or clinic experience and may not be paid on the basis of the value that the student- athlete may have for the employer because of the athletics reputation or fame the student-athlete has achieved. It is not permissible to establish varying levels of compensation for a student-athlete employed in a sports camp or clinic based on the level of athletics skills of the student-athlete.

c. A student-athlete who only lectures or demonstrates at a camp may not receive

compensation for his or her appearance at the camp.

d. Payment for travel expenses may be provided to student-athletes only if payment of such expenses is provided to all camp employees. Actual transportation from a coach may be provided to a student-athlete only if travel expenses are paid for all camp employees.

e. In the event that all employees receive travel expenses, a cash advance based on anticipated camp or clinic earnings may be provided to a student-athlete as long as such benefit is available to all camp employees. The advance may not exceed the estimated actual and necessary travel expenses for the student-athlete to attend the camp or clinic.

f. Compensation paid to a student-athlete must come from the camp’s general account and not from a coach’s personal account.

g. It is permissible to assemble members of an institution’s athletics team with remaining eligibility for demonstration purposes in conjunction with a sports camp or clinic that occurs outside the playing season in the student-athletes’ sport only if the demonstration is included within the weekly hour limitations outside of the playing season and meets the limitations set forth in the skill instruction legislation.

4. High School, Prep School or Junior College Coaches

High school, prep school and junior college coaches may be employed at an institutional camp, provided compensation received is commensurate with the going rate for camp counselors of like teaching ability and experience. The coach may not be paid on the basis of the value he or she may have due to the coach’s reputation or contact with prospects. It is not permissible to compensate or reimburse a high school, prep school or junior college coach based on the number of campers the coach sends to the camp. UNC coaches who wish to employ high school, prep school or junior college coaches in institutional camps and clinics must provide the Department of Athletics Compliance Office with the camp or clinic dates and the names of the coaches.


5. Individual Associated with a Recruited Prospective Student-Athlete –Basketball and Football

a. In Basketball and Football, an institution or staff member shall not employ

(either on a volunteer or paid basis) an individual associated with a recruited prospective student-athlete at the institution's camp or clinic. An individual associated with a prospective student-athlete is any person who maintains (or directs others to maintain) contact with the prospective student-athlete, the prospective student-athlete's relatives or legal guardians, or coaches at any point during the prospective student-athlete's participation in Basketball or Football, and whose contact is directly or indirectly related to either the prospective student-athlete's athletic skills and abilities or the prospective student-athlete's recruitment by or enrollment in an NCAA institution. This definition includes, but is not limited to: parents, legal guardians, handlers, personal trainers and coaches.

b. If a prospective student-athlete meets the definition of a recruited prospective student-athlete, the institution or Basketball or Football staff member is not permitted to employ any individual meeting the definition of an individual associated with that specific prospective student-athlete at the institution's or Basketball or Football staff member's camp or clinic. The prohibition on camp employment applies only to employing individuals associated with recruited prospective student-athletes at Basketball or Football camps or clinics. Therefore, it is permissible to hire an individual associated with a prospective student-athlete to work camp if that individual associated with a prospective student-athlete has no association with a prospective student-athlete that the institution is recruiting or has recruited.

6. If a former UNC student-athlete meets the definition of an individual associated with a

recruited prospective student-athlete, it would not be permissible for the former student- athlete to be employed by the institution or a member of the Basketball or Football staff.

J. Additional Restrictions - Men’s Basketball

Prior to the start of all institutional Men’s Basketball camps, certain information should be reviewed to determine if any disparities exist between camps. Such information includes, but is not limited to: lodging, meals, transportation, advertising, budget, awards, mementos, gear, registration procedures, employment structure, media and referees.

K. UNC Coaches’ Clinics

The following provisions apply to coaches’ clinics conducted by UNC Department of Athletics staff:

1. It is not permissible to provide, give away or sell any gifts or memorabilia at a discounted

price (for example, coaches’ clinic mugs, UNC hats, T-shirts, golf balls, etc.) to coaches’ clinic attendees.

2. It is not permissible to conduct any raffles or auctions during an institutional coaches’ clinic for items provided by outside vendors or apparel manufacturers (Nike, for example) or for items provided by UNC, even if the cost of the raffle or auction prizes is included in the clinic admission fees.

3. It is not permissible to offer merchandise discounts (discounts on Nike apparel, for example) to the coaches’ clinic attendees.

4. It is not permissible for a prospective student-athlete to serve as a demonstrator at an


institutional coaches’ clinic. (Note: If a coach attends an outside, non-institutional coaches’ clinic that uses prospective student-athletes as demonstrators, the coach must count it as an evaluation.)

L. Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics

A non-institutional (privately owned) sports camp or clinic is owned or operated by an individual or organization not affiliated with the member institution’s Department of Athletics. Department of Athletics coaches and staff are responsible for completing required forms and ensuring that all required documentation is submitted to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office and other appropriate units of the Department of Athletics.

1. Employment – Department of Athletics Coaches and Staff Members

a. Sports other than Football, Basketball, Softball, and Women’s Volleyball –

Department of Athletics personnel may serve in any capacity (for example, as a counselor, guest lecturer, o r consultant) in a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with restrictions applicable to institutional camps (for example, it is open to any and all entrants and provides no free or reduced admission to or employment of athletics award winners). Participation in such camps or clinics is not subject to a location restriction.

b. Football – It is permissible for a Football coach or non-coaching staff member with Football-specific responsibilities to be employed (either on a salaried or volunteer basis) in any capacity (for example, as a counselor, guest lecturer, or consultant) in a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic at any location, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with restrictions applicable to institutional camps (for example, it is open to any and all entrants and provides no free or reduced admission to or employment of athletics award winners). However, employment in such camps and/or clinics is limited to two periods of 15 consecutive days in the months of June and July or any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) that includes days of those months (for example, May 28 through June 3). The dates of the two 15-day periods must be on file in the office of the Director of Athletics and Department of Athletics Compliance Office.

c. Basketball – It is not permissible for a Basketball coach or non-coaching staff member with responsibilities only in Basketball (for example, a Director of Basketball Operations) to be employed at other institutional camps and/or clinics or at non- institutional, privately owned camps and/or clinics. It is permissible for managers who are full-time students and have responsibilities specific to Basketball to be employed at institutional or non-institutional camps or clinics other than their own institution’s camps or clinics.

d. Softball - An institution's coach or non-coaching staff member with

responsibilities specific to Softball may be employed (either on a salaried or a volunteer basis) in any capacity (for example, as a counselor, guest lecturer, or consultant) in a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with restrictions applicable to an institutional camp or clinic (for example, it is open to any and all entrants and provides no free or reduced admission to or employment of athletics award winners). Employment in such a camp or clinic is limited to periods when evaluation at non-scholastic practice or competition activities is permissible. During periods in which it is not permissible to evaluate at non-scholastic practice or competition activities, an institution's coach or non-coaching staff


member with responsibilities specific to Softball may be employed (either on a salaried or volunteer basis) only at institutional (his or her own or another institution's) camps or clinics that occur on any institution's campus or at a facility regularly used by the institution for practice or competition.

e. Women’s Volleyball – It is permissible for a Women’s Volleyball coach or non-

coaching staff member with responsibilities only in Women’s Volleyball (for example, a Director of Volleyball Operations) to be employed at other institutional camps and/or clinics or at non-institutional, privately owned camps and/or clinics, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with restrictions applicable to institutional camps (for example, it is open to any and all entrants and provides no free or reduced admission to or employment of athletics award winners). However, it is not permissible for a Women’s Volleyball coach or non-coaching staff member with responsibilities only in Women’s Volleyball to be employed (either on a salaried or a volunteer basis) at other institutional camps and/or clinics or at non- institutional, privately owned camps and/or clinics that are conducted off the institution’s campus during a quiet period.

2. Exception

There is one exception to the non-institutional camp or clinic employment legislation for all sports, including Football and Men’s and Women’s Basketball). An institution's Department of Athletics personnel may serve in any capacity at a non-institutional camp or clinic conducted under the following conditions (and with the approval of the Compliance Office):

a. The camp or clinic is designed to develop fundamental skills in a sport (rather

than refine the abilities of skilled participants in the sport);

b. The camp or clinic is open to the general public (except for restrictions in age or number of participants);

c. The camp or clinic is conducted primarily for educational purposes and does not

include material benefits for the participants (for example, any awards, prizes, merchandise, o r g i f t s );

d. Participants do not receive a recruiting presentation; and

e. All participants reside in the state in which the camp and/or clinic is located or within 100 miles of the camp and/or clinic.

3. Employment – Student-Athletes

Student-athletes may be employed in a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with all NCAA rules applicable to Division I institutional camps and clinics. In addition, it is not permissible for a student-athlete to receive compensation for employment at a professional team’s youth camp during the summer, but it is permissible to work on a volunteer basis.

M. Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics Conducted on UNC’s Campus

The following rules and regulations apply to a non-institutional camp or clinic conducted on UNC’s campus:

1. A coach may evaluate at non-institutional instructional camps that do not include agility,

flexibility, speed or strength testing (combine activities, for example).


2. Non-institutional camps and/or clinics may be hosted or conducted on a member institution's campus, provided no combine activities occur.

3. An institution or conference may not host, sponsor or conduct any portion of an event that also includes agility, flexibility, speed or strength tests for prospective student-athletes conducted at a separate location in any sport.

4. In sports other than Football, a member institution's staff members may only attend a camp that conducts combine activities sponsored by an outside organization if the event occurs off the institution's campus and is open to all institutions.

5. In Football, an institution may not host, sponsor or conduct a non-scholastic Football practice or competition (seven-on-seven events, for example) in which Football prospects participate on its campus or at an off-campus facility regularly used by the institution for practice and/or competition.

6. In Basketball and Football, use of institutional facilities for non-institutional camps or

clinics that include prospect-aged participants is limited to June and July.

7. In Football, it is not permissible for coaches to attend any portion of a scholastic or non- scholastic event that includes activities devoted to agility, flexibility, speed or strength tests for prospective student-athletes, regardless of whether or not the coach observes the portion of the event devoted to such activities.


III. Camps and Clinics NCAA Compliance Procedures

A. Institutional Camps and Clinics

Department of Athletics coaches and staff are responsible for following the Camp and Clinic Checklist (Appendix D) and ensuring that all required documentation is submitted to the Compliance Office and the Department of Athletics. The Camp Checklist lists all documentation to be submitted and the deadlines for submission.

1. Approval of Attendance and Fee Restrictions – Institutional Camps and Clinics

a. Each coach or camp director must document in writing the policies and

procedures for adjusted and/or reduced camp fees at the respective camp.

i. Qualification for adjusted and/or reduced camp fees must be available to all campers and groups and not just select campers or groups.

ii. Qualification for adjusted and/or reduced camp fees must be based on objective and not subjective criteria.

b. Each coach or camp director must complete a Free or Reduced Admissions List

and submit it to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office ONE WEEK prior to the start of the camp or clinic.

2. Approval of Athletic Timing/Testing Activities

a. Athletic timing/testing activities must be approved by the Department of

Athletics Compliance Office TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the start of the camp or clinic. Camp administrators must provide the Department of Athletics Compliance Office written justification for the timing/testing activities and detailed descriptions of how the testing will be incorporated into the instructional activities for the campers.

b. Filming/videotaping activities must be approved by the Department of Athletics Compliance Office TWO WEEKS PRIOR to the start of the camp or clinic. Camp administrators must provide the Department of Athletics Compliance Office written justification for the filming/videotaping activities and detailed descriptions of how the videos will be incorporated into the instructional activities for the campers.

3. Approval of Advertisements and Brochures

a. Coaches and/or camp directors may not place any advertisement in recruiting

publications or on any website without the Department of Athletics Compliance Office reviewing and approving the layout plan to ensure that the advertisement meets NCAA criteria prior to publication, airing or posting. All camp advertisements or brochures must be approved by the Department of Athletics Compliance Office pursuant to the aforementioned requirement TWO WEEKS PRIOR to publication or broadcast.

b. To facilitate the approval process, the applicable camp director or coach should submit the advertisement or brochure to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office THREE WEEKS PRIOR to its desired publication or broadcast.

c. The Department of Athletics Compliance Office will review the advertisement


or brochure to ensure that it meets recruiting material restrictions. The Department of Athletics Compliance Office will either approve or reject the brochure or advertisement.

i. If approved, the reviewing Compliance Office staff member will initial

and date the item.

ii. If denied, the Compliance Office staff member will highlight the problem area(s), add comments with the date of review and the Compliance Office staff member’s initials, and photocopy the item and return it to the coach or camp director. The coach or camp director must then make the necessary change(s) and resubmit the item to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office for approval (using the same process).

d. Once approved, the Department of Athletics Compliance Office will retain a

copy of the item to keep on file.

4. Approval of Student-Athlete Employment at Camps and Clinics

All coaches must obtain an Employment List (Appendix F). The Employment List must include the following information:

a. Dates of the camp or clinic; b. Names of all student-athletes who will work at the camp or clinic; c. Each student-athlete’s institution; d. Rate of pay for each student-athlete; and e. Duties to be performed by each student-athlete.

i. The Employment List must be completed, signed by the coach or camp

director, and returned to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office ONE WEEK prior to the start of the camp or clinic.

ii. The coach or camp director must complete the Institutional Camps/Clinics Employment Approval Form (Appendix H) for all UNC student-athletes working at the camp or clinic. The form must be completed, signed by the student-athlete, and returned to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office ONE WEEK prior to the start of the camp or clinic.

5. Approval for Employment of High School, Prep School or Junior College Coaches at

Camps and Clinics

a. Each coach or camp director wishing to employ any high school, prep school, or junior college coach must provide written documentation on the compensation scale used by the camp or clinic to the Athletics Compliance Office.

b. The coach or camp director must then complete the Employment List and submit it to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office one week prior to the start of the camp or clinic.

c. In Men’s Basketball, each camp or clinic staff member must complete the Individuals Associated with a Recruited Prospect camp staff acknowledgement form (Appendix I) prior to the start of the camp or clinic and submit it to the Athletics Compliance Office.


6. Post-Camp Documentation

Each coach or camp director must provide the Department of Athletics Compliance Office a complete list of all participants, copies of all paychecks, a completed Post-Camp Financial Report Form (Appendix J) and a complete Camps/Clinics Call and Email Log (Appendix K) no less than ONE WEEK AFTER the end of the camp or clinic.

B. Non-Institutional and Private Camps and Clinics

1. Approval of a Department of Athletics Staff Member’s Employment at Non-Institutional

Camps and Clinics

a. To secure approval for employment at a non-institutional camp or clinic, the coach or staff member must first obtain the UNC Non-Institutional and Privately Owned Camps/Clinics Coaches/Staff Employment Review Form (Appendix L) from the Department of Athletics Compliance Office.

b. The coach or staff member must then provide the form to the camp director.

c. The camp director must check all of the numbered items that apply to the camp.

d. The name of the camp or clinic, location, dates, signature of the camp director, and contact information must also be included.

The completed form must be submitted to the Athletics Compliance Office for review. A Compliance Office staff member will review the information on the form to ensure the camp or clinic adheres to NCAA rules. The Compliance Office staff member may also contact the camp director with follow-up questions if necessary. If approved, the Compliance Office staff member will confirm the approval in writing. The Compliance Office staff member will also provide a photocopy of the form to the coach or staff member. If the camp or clinic does not comply with NCAA rules, the Compliance Office staff member will confirm such non-compliance in writing. The Compliance Office staff member will also provide a photocopy of the form to the coach or staff member.

2. Approval of a Student-Athlete’s Employment at Non-Institutional Camps and Clinics

A student-athlete must complete the procedures below prior to employment in any non- institutional camp or clinic.

a. The student-athlete must first submit a Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics

Employment Approval Form (Appendix M) to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office prior to beginning employment at a non-institutional camp or clinic.

b. If approved, the Compliance Office staff member will confirm the approval in writing. The Compliance Office staff member will also provide a photocopy of the form to the student-athlete and applicable head coach.

c. If the camp or clinic does not comply with NCAA rules, the Compliance Office staff member will confirm such non-compliance in writing. The Compliance Office staff member will also provide a photocopy of the form to the student- athlete and applicable head coach.

d. The Department of Athletics Compliance Office shall send the Non-Institutional

Camps/Clinics Employer Verification Form (Appendix N) to a random sample of non-institutional camp and clinic employers identified above.


e. Upon return of the Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employer Verification Form, the Department of Athletics Compliance Office shall review all information recorded to identify and address any item that appears to be contrary to NCAA, ACC or institutional rules and regulations.

f. All Non-Institutional Camp Employment Approval Forms and Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employer Verification Forms shall be filed in the appropriate student-athlete’s ACS file upon completion and return to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office.


Jaci Field, Department of Athletics Director of Camps [email protected] 919-612-7239

Marielle vanGelder, Associate Athletic Director for Compliance [email protected] 919-962-7853

Mike Bunting, Associate Athletic Director for Facilities [email protected] 919-219-6556

Angie Bitting, Director of the Dean E. Smith Center [email protected] 919-962-7777

UNC Department of Public Safety 9-1-1 in Emergency Situations; 919-962-8100 in Non-Emergency Situations

UNC Department of Housing and Residential Education 919-962-5401

Carolina Dining Services 919-962-2211


IV. Appendix A - Department of Athletics Facility Use Request Form

All UNC Department of Athletics events have scheduling priority. All other events are scheduled on a first-come, first-served

basis. Special arrangements (including, but not limited to, table and chair set-up) must be coordinated with the appropriate

Facility Manager at least one week prior to the event. It is the responsibility of the individual or organization reserving the

Facility to ensure that all set-up arrangements are made. Reservations must be made in advance by completing this form and

sending it to the appropriate individual in the Department of Athletics. The Facilities staff member will then send the completed

form to the Compliance Office for their review.


Today’s date:


Facility Requesting:

Phone #:



Name of Event:

Date of Event:

Brief Description:

Time of Event:

Approximate Number of People Projected to Attend:

Number of Minors (Non-UNC Students Under Age 18) Involved:

Will any NCAA Prospects be Involved? (Please note that in sports other than Men’s Basketball, a “Prospect”

is defined as any individual enrolled in grade 9 or above. In Men’s Basketball, a Prospect is any individual

enrolled in grade 7 or above.) YES NO

If So, How Many?

Please List All Involved Current or Former UNC Student-Athletes:

Please List All UNC Staff Members Who Will be Involved:

Will Any of the Following Be Involved? (Please Circle): Javelin Hammer Shot Discuss

**Please attach a list of every individual who will be working the event (paid or volunteer). **Please attach a list of every agent, financial advisor, professional representative, or other individual in the business of representing athletes (or any individual affiliated therewith) who you anticipate will be in attendance or involved in any way with the use of the Facility. **Please attach a list of every current or former professional or college athlete who you anticipate will be in attendance at the event. For UNC varsity team use only: Will any funds/proceeds from this Facility use be routed anywhere or used by any individual or entity besides the Department of Athletics, individual sport program, or sport program’s special account?

YES NO If so, please specify:

Approvals Compliance (Required for All Bookings Except Official UNC Varsity Team Activities):

Booking Agent: Building Manager:


V. Appendix B - Summer Camp Release and NCAA Compliance Attestation

For Participation in Activity in University Department of Athletics Facilities For the purposes of this document, herein after referred to as “Release,” the party intending to participate (or his or her parent or guardian) in the activity in University facilities shall hereafter be referred to as “Participant.” The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and its trustees, officers, employees and agents, acting within the course and scope of their duties, shall hereafter be referred to as “University.” The activity in the University facilities that the Participant will participate in shall hereafter be referred to as the “Activity.”

Description of Activity: SUMMER CAMP (Include description, name, and date)

1. Release, Waiver of Liability, and Assumption of Risk: In consideration of the opportunity afforded Participant to participate in the Activity in the University’s facilities, Participant hereby releases and forever discharges the University from any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, which arise or may hereafter arise from or in connection with the Activity. Participant understands that this Release discharges the University from any liability or claim that Participant may have against the University with respect to any bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, property loss, or property damage that may result from participation in the Activity. Participant understands and acknowledges that potential risks to health and personal property may be associated with participation in the Activity, and Participant voluntarily assumes those risks.

2. Medical Treatment and Preexisting Medical Conditions: Participant hereby releases and forever discharges the University from any liabilities, claims, costs and damages that arise or may hereafter arise on account of any first aid, medical treatment, or service rendered to Participant in connection with the Activity. Participant will take for herself or himself any appropriate precautions or medications to treat and/or reduce the likelihood of exacerbating any pre-existing health conditions, or insect, food or medication allergies. Participant also hereby gives permission for the staff of the Activity to seek during the period of the Activity appropriate medical attention for the Participant in the event of accident, injury, or illness. Participant will be responsible for any and all costs of medical attention and treatment, except for that covered by the Activity’s excess medical coverage policy

3. NCAA Compliance: By signing below, Participant acknowledges that they have not knowingly participated in or become aware of any violation(s) of NCAA rules involving the University or individuals affiliated with or acting on behalf of the University. Participant’s signature below also indicates Participant’s agreement to immediately disclose to the Department of Athletics Compliance Office any NCAA rules violation(s) of which Participant becomes aware.

4. Other: This Release shall be binding and legally enforceable against Participant and Participant’s heirs, executors, administrators, and legal representatives. This Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. In the event that any clause or provision of this Release shall be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such clause or provision shall not otherwise affect the remaining provisions of this Release.

5. No University Sponsorship: By signing below, Participant hereby acknowledges and understands that the Activity is a privately run sports camp, and is not operated by or through The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Activity is neither sponsored, controlled, nor supervised by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill but rather is under the sole sponsorship, control, and supervision of the Camp Director.


Name of Participant (Or Parent or Guardian if Participant is Under 18)

Signature of Participant (Or Parent or Guardian Date if Participant is Under 18)

• Individuals (including former UNC student-athletes) who are employed as or serve as liaisons between agents, runners, or financial advisors, or whose employment is in any way related to representation of players, are not permitted to use UNC Athletics Facilities. Recruiting on behalf of or for any agent, advisor, or other professional representative outside the presence of the Department of Athletics Compliance Office in accordance with the Department of Athletics Agent and Advisor Program is strictly prohibited.

• Individuals (including former UNC student-athletes) may not provide material benefits of any kind (e.g., meals, lodging, transportation, clothing, jewelry, training expenses, etc.) directly to any current student-athlete, even former teammates, without the prior express written approval of the UNC Compliance staff.

• Should an individual wish to provide any benefits to any current UNC student-athlete, he/she must, in advance, request permission from the UNC Compliance staff.

• All Facility Users are expected to comply with all NCAA rules and Department of Athletics policies at all times. Should an individual ever have a question about any NCAA rule(s), they are expected to contact the Department of Athletics Compliance Office immediately. All Facility Users are expected to promptly notify the Department of Athletics Compliance Office should they become aware of any suspected violation of any law, NCAA rule, UNC or Department of Athletics policy, or any other regulation or legislation.


Name of Participant or Guardian Signature of Participant or Guardian Date


VI. Appendix C - Emergency Information and Physician’s Permission for Camper Participation

To be Completed by Camper or Camper’s Parent/Guardian:

Camper Name:

Camper Age:

Camper’s Grade:

Camper’s Home Phone:

Camper’s Cell Phone:

Camper’s Email Address:

Home Address:

Home City, State, and Zip:

Emergency Contact Name: Relationship:

Emergency Contact Cell Phone and Email:

Insurance Company Name:

Policy Holder Name: Policy Number:

**Please attach a photocopy of the front and back of your insurance card.

To be Completed by Camper’s Primary Physician:

Date of Last Physical Examination for this Patient:

Concerns about This Patient’s Health of which the Camp should be Mindful:

Do you have any reservations about allowing this Camper to participate in this athletic camp on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, understanding that this camp may include vigorous physical activity?


By signing below, you hereby declare this Patient fit for participation in this Camp.

Physician Name:

Physician Office Phone Number:

Physician Signature:



VII. Appendix D - Camp and Clinic Checklist

Completed Item Submit To Due Date Camp Dates Fall Within NCAA Rules for

Camps/Clinics Athletic Compliance Office Prior to Establishing Camp/Clinic

Dates Camp Brochure Athletic Compliance Office Two Weeks Prior to Publication All Camp Advertisements Athletic Compliance Office Two Weeks Prior to Publication Camp Activities Itinerary

• Athletic Timing/Testing Activities • Filming/Videotaping Activities • Other

Athletic Compliance Office Two Weeks Prior to Start of Camp

Camp Medical Providers Athletic Compliance Office One Week Prior to Start of Camp Employment List

• List ALL employees, camp supporters, and date(s) worked

Director of Camps, Athletic Compliance Office, Department of Athletics Office of Human Resources

One Week Prior to Start of Camp

S-A Employment Agreement(s) Athletic Compliance Office One Week Prior to Start of Camp Free or Reduced Admission List Athletic Compliance Office One Week Prior to Start of Camp List of Participants and Camper Information Athletic Compliance Office Within One Week After Camp Copies of Paychecks Athletic Compliance Office Within One Week After Camp Camp Call Log Athletic Compliance Office Within One Week After Camp Reduced Admissions Verification Athletic Compliance Office Within One Week After Camp Camp/Clinic Financial Analysis Athletic Compliance Office Within One Month After Camp Recorded Leave Department of Athletics Office of Human Resources Verified Periodically After Camp’s

Conclusion Outside Athletically Related Income Form Athletic Compliance Office Submitted Annually (Projections and

Actuals) Director of Camps Monthly Camp Summary Department of Athletics Executive Staff member(s)

with oversight of Facilities, the Athletic Compliance Office, and the Director of Athletics

Every Month

Director of Camps Camp Manual Compliance Department of Athletics Executive Staff member(s) with oversight of Facilities and the Athletic Compliance Office




Sport: ___________________________


Camp Director Signature Date

Compliance Office Signature Date

* Compensation must be commensurate with the going rate for camp counselors of similar experience, and the student-athlete may notbe paid based on his/her athletics reputation or fame as a student-athlete. A student-athlete who only lectures or demonstrates may notbe paid for his/her appearance at the camp. ** The student-athlete must perform duties that are of a general supervisory character in addition to any coaching or officiatingassignments.

Camp Director Name


VIII. Appendix E - Camps/Clinics Employment List Name of Camp/Clinic:__________________________ Date(s) of Camp/Clinic:

Name of Employee Title Employer/Institution Pay Scale (indicate hourly, weekly, flat rate)

Duties Performed Dates Worked



IX. Appendix F – Camps/Clinics Participation List Name of Camp: _______________________ Date(s) of Camp: _______________________

FirstName LastName


DateofBirth ContactName Relationship PhoneorEmail








X. Appendix G - Institutional Camps/Clinics Employment Approval Form

In accordance with NCAA Bylaw, a student-athlete may be employed at any sports camp or clinic, provided compensation is provided only for work actually performed and at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locality for similar services. A student-athlete who only lectures or demonstrates at a camp/clinic may not receive compensation for his or her appearance.

The Student-Athlete Employment Approval Form MUST be completed by all UNC student-athletes who plan to be employed at an institutional sports camp or clinic.

Student-Athlete’s Name Sport

Name of Institutional Camp/Clinic Location of Camp/Clinic

Name of Camp Director/Contact Contact Telephone Number Contact Email Address

Duties and responsibilities of the Student-Athlete

Camp/Clinic Start Date: Camp/Clinic Start Time:

Camp/Clinic End Date: Camp/Clinic End Time:

Will you receive travel expenses or will you be provided with transportation for this camp/clinic? YES NO

Will you be provided with meals for this camp/clinic? YES NO

Will you be provided with lodging for this camp/clinic? YES NO

Who, if anyone, assisted you in arranging this position?

My signature below certifies that the information I have provided above to the UNC Athletic Compliance Office is true and accurate.

Student-Athlete Signature Date

Camp Director Signature Date

Athletic Compliance Signature Date



XI. Appendix H - Men’s Basketball Camp Employment

Individuals Associated with a Recruited Prospect

A. NCAA rules prohibit an institution from employing (on a volunteer or paid basis) an individual associated with a recruited Men’s Basketball prospective student-athlete (grades 7-12) at the institution’s camps or clinics.

B. Definition of a “recruited” prospective student-athlete (prospect) - a Men’s Basketball prospect (grades 7-12)

is considered to be recruited if any of the following have occurred:

1. Prospect made an official (paid) visit to the University of North Carolina;

2. Prospect’s attendance at the Roy Williams Carolina Basketball Camp which has been solicited by the University of North Carolina’s Men’s Basketball staff or a University of North Carolina booster;

3. The University of North Carolina Men’s Basketball program has provided recruiting materials (for example,

e-mails and letters) to the prospect (or an individual associated with the prospect) designed to solicit the prospect’s enrollment at the University of North Carolina;

4. A University of North Carolina coach or staff member has had an arranged, in-person, off-campus

encounter with the prospect or the prospect’s parents, relatives or legal guardians;

5. The University of North Carolina has initiated or arranged a telephone contact with the prospect, the prospect’s relatives or legal guardians, on more than one occasion for the purpose of recruitment;

6. Prospect has received a verbal or written offer of athletics aid from the University of North Carolina;

7. Prospect has verbally committed to attend the University of North Carolina;

8. An institutional coaching staff member has had any recruiting contact [including in-person or electronic

contact (for example, telephone calls, a video conference, electronic correspondence, etc.)] with the prospective student-athlete (including contact initiated by the prospective student-athlete).

C. A prospect retains recruited status with regard to the University of North Carolina until he enrolls at another NCAA

institution or has exhausted his eligibility at the University of North Carolina.

D. Given these regulations, the University of North Carolina requires that you disclose any association with any prospect who is being recruited or has been recruited by the University of North Carolina and still meets the definition of a recruited prospect. Examples of associations include, but are not limited to the following:

• Parent/Legal Guardian • Two-Year College Coach • High School or Middle School Boys

Basketball Coach • High School or Middle School Athletics

Director • Recruiting/Scouting Service Consultant

(Paid or Volunteer)

• Personal Trainer/Private Coach • Former Middle School, High School, or Two-Year

College Teammate • Non-Scholastic/AAU Coach • Family Spokesman, Advisor, Representative • Relative or Family Friend

Please check the appropriate statement: NO, I am NOT associated with any prospect(s) who is being recruited or was recruited by the University of North Carolina.

YES, I am associated with any prospect(s) who is being recruited or was recruited by the University of North Carolina and has eligibility remaining.


If yes, please provide 1) the name(s) of the recruited prospect(s) with whom you are associated; 2) your affiliation(s) with the prospect (see examples listed in item #4 above); 3) the length of relationship with the PSA; and 4) your place of employment:

By signing below, I affirm that I have read and I understand the definition of a recruited prospect and I have disclosed any association that I have with any recruited prospect of the University of North Carolina. Additionally, if any information changes after I submit this form to the University of North Carolina I am required to notify the Men’s Basketball staff and the Athletics Compliance Office. Failure to complete this form accurately and provide the University of North Carolina with up- to-date information could result in NCAA violations for the Men’s Basketball program and will result in my termination of employment in current and future Men’s Basketball summer camps.

Print Name Signature Date

Please return this form to: University of North Carolina Men’s Basketball Office Tel: (919) 962-1164

Note: Failure to complete this form and return it to the Men’s Basketball office will result in your termination of employment at any current or future University of North Carolina Men’s Basketball summer camps.

University of North Carolina Signatures

Men’s Basketball Head Coach Signature (or designee)

Men’s Basketball Recruiting Coordinator Signature

Men’s Basketball Camp Director Signature

This form should be returned to the Compliance Office upon completion



XII. Appendix I - Post-Camp Financial Report Form

The following form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the Athletics Compliance Office. The report must reflect combined revenues and expenditures from all sessions of camp. If necessary, please attach additional information to this form.

Name of Camp Director Camp/Clinic Name

REVENUES Total Camper Amount Paid by Session: Session 1 (Line A)

Session 2 (Line B)

Session 3 (Line C)

Session 4 (Line D)

Session 5 (Line E)

Total Camp Registration Fees (Line A + B + C + D + E)

Less Refunds

Total Tuition Revenue (Line 1)

Cash Donations/Sponsorships: Source Amount

Total Cash Donations/Sponsorships: (Line 2)

Gifts-In-Kind Received: Source Amount

Total Gifts-In-Kind: (Line 3)

Concessions: Total Concessions: (Line 4)

TOTAL REVENUE: (Line 5) (Add Lines 1, 2 and 4)

Gifts-In-Kind (Line 3) should not be included in this total.


EXPENSES Employee Salaries: Session 1 (Line A)

Session 2 (Line B)

Session 3 (Line C)

Session 4 (Line D)

Session 5 (Line E)

Total Employee Salaries (Line 6)

Other Expenses: Total Housing Expenses

(Line 7)

Total Meal Expenses (Line 8)

Total Insurance Expenses (Line 9)

Total Facility Expenses (i.e., rent, maintenance etc.) (Line 10)

Total Equipment Expenses (rental or purchase) (Line 11)

Total Printing Expenses (Line 12)

Total Transportation Expenses (Line 13)

Total Merchandise Expenses (i.e., t-shirts, camp store items etc.) (Line 14)

Internet Fees (i.e., cost for credit card charges) (Line 15)

Total Postage Expenses (Line 16)

Total Web Page Fees (Line 17)

Total Bank Fees (i.e., returned checks) (Line 18)

Other: (Line 19)

Other: (Line 20)

Other: (Line 21)


Other: (Line 22)



(Line 23)

TOTAL EXPENSES: (Line 24) (Add Lines 6 through 23)






XIII. Appendix J - Camps/Clinics Call and Email Log

Sport: Camp:

Please note: Telephone calls and emails may only be placed to a prospect or PSA’s parents/legal guardians for the purpose of resolving camp logistical issues and may not be made for recruiting purposes or to solicit an invite to the camp.

Date Call Placed By Telephone

Number/Email Address

Call Completed (Y/N)

Reason for Call



XIV. Appendix K - Non-Institutional and Privately Owned Camps/Clinics Coaches/Staff Employment Review Form

Athletics Department staff may be employed in any capacity (for example, as a counselor, guest lecturer, or consultant) in a non-institutional, privately owned camp or clinic, provided the camp or clinic is operated in accordance with all restrictions applicable to Division I institutional camps and clinics. These restrictions include, but are not limited to the following:

Camp or Clinic Restrictions (to be completed by the Camp Director – please check all that apply)

A. The camp or clinic is open to any and all entrants (limited only by number and age). The camp or clinic may not

select participants on an invitation-only basis or reserve sports for specific prospects. B. The camp or clinic is not established, sponsored or conducted by an individual or organization that provides

recruiting or scouting services concerning prospects. C. The camp or clinic does not employ (even on a voluntary basis) or give free or reduced admission privileges to any

high school, preparatory school or two year college athletics award winners or UNC recruits. D. The purpose of the camp or clinic is designed to improve overall skills through specialized instruction and it not a

tryout camp devoted primarily to agility, flexibility, speed and strength tests. E. The camp or clinic does not permit or arrange for a prospect or student-athlete to operate a concession stand for the

purpose of selling items related to or associated with the camp or clinic. F. There will be no recruitment activities (for example, recruitment presentations, highlight videos, or posters). G. The cost of awards received from the camp or clinic are included in the admission fees charged to the participants of

the camp or clinic. H. A booster representing UNC’s athletics interests is not paying any prospect’s expenses to attend the sports camp or

clinic. I. Coaches Clinic: High School prospects (individuals who have started 9th grade) will not serve as demonstrators at

the clinic.

We wish to employ the following University of North Carolina Department of Athletics staff member(s):

I understand the NCAA regulations set forth above regarding the restrictions in place for Non-Institutional Privately Owned Camps/Clinics. My signature certifies that the camp/clinic named below is operated in accordance with NCAA Bylaw, as described above.

Name of Camp/Clinic Location Dates of Camp/Clinic

Camp/Clinic Email Address Phone Number Fax Number

Camp Director Name Camp Director Signature Date

For Compliance Office Use Only: Camp Meets NCAA Standards Camp Does Not Meet NCAA Standards



XV. Appendix L - Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employment Approval Form

In accordance with NCAA Bylaw, a student-athlete may be employed at any sports camp or clinic, provided compensation is provided only for work actually performed and at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locality for similar services. A student-athlete who only lectures or demonstrates at a camp/clinic may not receive compensation for his or her appearance.

The Student-Athlete Employment Approval Form MUST be completed by all UNC student-athletes who plan to be employed at an non-institutional sports camp or clinic.

Student-Athlete’s Name Sport

Name of Non-Institutional Camp/Clinic Location of Camp/Clinic

Name of Camp Director/Contact Contact Telephone Number Contact Email Address

Duties and responsibilities of the Student-Athlete

Camp/Clinic Start Date: Camp/Clinic Start Time: Camp/Clinic End Date: _ Camp/Clinic End Time:

Will you receive travel expenses or will you be provided with transportation for this camp/clinic? YES NO

Will you be provided with meals for this camp/clinic? YES NO

Will you be provided with lodging for this camp/clinic? YES NO

Who, if anyone, assisted you in arranging this position?

My signature below certifies that the information I have provided above to the UNC Athletic Compliance Office is true and accurate.

Student-Athlete Signature Date

Athletic Compliance Signature Date



XVI. Appendix M - Non-Institutional Camps/Clinics Employer Verification Form

In accordance with NCAA Bylaw, a student-athlete may be employed at any sports camp or clinic, provided compensation is provided only for work actually performed and at a rate commensurate with the going rate in that locality for similar services. A student-athlete who only lectures or demonstrates at a camp/clinic may not receive compensation for his or her appearance.

Student-Athlete’s Name Sport

Name of Non-Institutional Camp/Clinic Location of Camp/Clinic Camp/Clinic Dates

Name of Camp Director/Contact Contact Telephone Number Contact Email Address

Duties and responsibilities of the Student-Athlete

Did any other UNC student-athletes working at the camp/clinic? Yes No

If yes, please indicate the name(s) of the other individual(s):

Did all camp/clinic employees receive any travel expenses? Yes No

If yes, please indicate the expenses (for example, mileage or airfare):

Were all camp/clinic employees provided with meals? Yes No

If yes, please indicate how meals were provided (for example, actual meals or per diem):

Were all camp/clinic employees provided with lodging? Yes No

If yes, please indicate where employees were housed:

Did this student-athlete receive a stipend/salary for working at the camp/clinic? Yes No

If yes, please indicate how much the student-athlete was compensated:

Who, if anyone, assisted you in arranging this position?

My signature below certifies that the information I have provided above to the UNC Athletic Compliance Office is true and accurate.

Employer Signature Date