Department of Small Business Presentation Mojalefa Mohoto 012 394 1619

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Vision To drive a new era of development, growth and productivity through entrepreneurship and enterprise development. 3

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Department of Small Business Presentation Mojalefa Mohoto The department will focus on enhanced support to Small Business and Cooperatives development with an emphasis on programmes to advance entrepreneurship amongst the marginalised groups to effectively contribute to job creation and economic growth. Mandate Vision To drive a new era of development, growth and productivity through entrepreneurship and enterprise development. 3 Mission 4 To enhance the development and growth of small businesses and cooperatives through the promotion of entrepreneurship and enterprise development Strategic Objectives To facilitate the development and growth of small businesses and co-operatives to contribute to inclusive economic growth and job creation To facilitate the transformation of the economy through entrepreneurship and innovation promotion To advocate for small business and co-operatives conducive regulatory environment that enables investment, trade and enterprise development in an equitable and sustainable manner. Encourage partnerships with other spheres of government as well as the private sector to ensure mutual cooperation that will benefit small businesses and co-operatives 5 Key Focus Areas Other areas of commitment Leveraging on Available resources Signing of Transversal Agreements Contribution to other National department Cluster commitments i.e. Rural development Using the existing Capacity of agencies Provincial enterprise development initiatives Leverage on other prorammes and initiatives: -Gauteng Township economy - Transversal agreement with DPE - Transversal agreement with Energy - Transversal Agreement with Human Settlement Special Focus on Informal Sector Support to Informal Sector NIBUS Adopted by the department Informal Trade Upliftment programme ITUP Development and implementation of informal sector support instruments Provision of appropriate financial incentives in partnership with municipalities to unlock shared infrastructure The SEIF Guidelines signed off by Minister Online application form refined and completed Application form sent to targeted pilot municipal sites and distributed to provincial and other targeted municipalities. 10 Special Focus to Township economy 11 Support for Township Economies Profiling and mapping of township economic activities The profiling has begun and this work is part of work of the steering committee on township economies established on 18 September Determine the effectiveness of existing initiatives in support of township businesses The outcomes of the profiling will determine the effectiveness of the existing initiatives including highlighting any gaps or blockages identified. Identify measures to attract new businesses to locate in townships The report on this will be compiled following completion of activity one and two above. Thank you