DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS … · DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS ... literature, (2) ... menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pe lajaran sekolah selain

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Leoni Afikawati

Student Number: 041214046





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Performed by Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston

Many nights we’ve prayed with no proof anyone could hear

In our hearts a hopeful song we barely understood

Now we are not afraid although we know there’s so much pain

We were moving mountains long before we knew we could

There can be miracles when you believe though hope is frail it’s hard to kill

Who knows what miracles you can achieve when you believe somehow you will

You will when you believe

In this time of fear when prayer so often proves in vain

Hope seemed like the summer birds too swiftly flown away

Yet now I’m standing here, my heart’s so full I can’t explain

Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say

They don’t always happen when you ask and it’s easy to give in to your fears

But when you’re blinded by your pain, can’t see your way clear through the rain

A small, but still, resilient voice says help is very near

I dedicated this thesis to Jesus Christ,

my beloved family, my truly best friend, and

those who keep supporting me



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Afikawati, Leoni. 2010. Designing a Set of English Reading Materials Using Content Based Instruction for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

As English becomes lingua franca among people of different nations, government of Education Ministry in Indonesia places English as one of the compulsory subjects at schools. To make English learning effective, some schools in Indonesia utilize English as lingua franca in delivering materials of some school subjects other than English subject. One of the schools is SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. This school policy requires teachers other than English teachers to develop their English proficiencies. Apparently, reading skill plays important role for the teachers who always need to keep up-to-date information in order to support their teaching task. The writer discovers that Biology teachers of the school need to establish their reading skill for there are a lot of English written works dealing with Biology and for accomplishing the demands as teachers in the school. Therefore, the research is aimed at developing a set of English reading materials which is appropriate for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Furthermore, the reading materials are expected to help them develop their English reading skills.

There were two problems formulated in the research. The problems were (1) How is a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta designed? and (2) What does the designed set of materials look like?.

To answer the first research problem, the writer employed some steps on Educational Research and Development (R & D) method which were completed with adapted steps from Yalden’s Model. The steps were (1) reviewing the literature, (2) conducting the needs survey, (3) describing the purposes, (4) developing the syllabus, (5) producing proto-syllabus, (6) producing pedagogical syllabus, (7) developing and implementing classroom procedures, (8) developing materials, (9) evaluating the designed materials, and (10) revising the designed materials.

In the research, the data was obtained through the needs survey. The results of the needs survey were the basis to develop the materials. Having completed with designing materials, the designed materials were evaluated by some English lecturers, an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, and the Biology teachers. The description of the evaluation was in percentages. In addition, the writer also used qualitative data analysis to describe the results of the evaluation. The data showed that the designed materials were acceptable and well-developed although there were some revisions needed. Some suggestions and evaluation of the designed materials were the basis for revising the designed materials.



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The presentation of the final version of the designed materials was the answer to the second research problem. The designed set of English reading materials consists of eight units, namely, Biology as Science, Reproduction, HIV-AIDS, Mercury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bio-technology, Natural Disaster, and Global Warming. Each unit of the designed materials contains of four sections. The sections are Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start, Grammar Battle, and Completing Mission.

Finally, the writer expects that the designed set of English reading materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta could give benefits for those who need it especially for English instructor and the learners (Biology teachers).



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Afikawati, Leoni. 2010. Designing a Set of English Reading Materials Using Content Based Instruction for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Dengan Bahasa Inggris digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar antar umat manusia dari berbagai negara, pemerintah yang berada di Departemen Pendidikan Indonesia menempatkan Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu mata pelajaran wajib di sekolah-sekolah. Agar pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris efektif, beberapa sekolah di Indonesia menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pelajaran sekolah selain dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu sendiri. Salah satu dari beberapa sekolah tersebut adalah SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Kebijakan sekolah ini mengharuskan guru-guru yang bukan guru Bahasa Inggris untuk mengembangkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka. Ternyata, kemampuan membaca berperan penting bagi guru-guru tersebut yang selalu memerlukan informasi yang up-to-date untuk mendukung tugas mengajar mereka. Penulis mendapati bahwa guru-guru Biologi di sekolah tersebut perlu mengembangkan kemampuan membaca karena banyak terdapat karya tulis dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan Biologi dan karena untuk memenuhi kewajiban mereka sebagai guru di sekolah tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan seperangkat materi membaca yang sesuai bagi guru-guru Biologi di SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Selanjutnya, materi membaca ini diharapkan dapat membantu mengembangkan kemampuan membaca Bahasa Inggris mereka.

Ada dua rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Rumusan masalah tersebut adalah (1) Bagaimana seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris untuk guru-guru Biologi di SMAN 3 Yogyakarta dirancang? dan (2) Bagaimana penyajian seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris yang telah tersusun?.

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama, penulis menggunakan beberapa langkah dalam metode Educational Research and Development (R & D) yang telah dilengkapi dengan langkah-langkah dari model Yalden yang telah disesuaikan. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah (1) meninjau pustaka, (2) melakukan survei kebutuhan, (3) menentukan tujuan, (4) mengembangkan silabus, (5) membuat proto-silabus, (6) membuat silabus pedagogik, (7) mengembangkan dan memasukkan prosedur kelas, (8) menyusun materi, (9) mengevaluasi materi, dan (10) memperbaiki materi.

Dalam penelitian ini, data diperoleh dari survei kebutuhan. Hasil dari survei kebutuhan merupakan dasar untuk menyusun materi. Setelah selesai, materi yang telah tersusun dievaluasi oleh beberapa dosen Bahasa Inggris, seorang guru Bahasa Inggris dari SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, dan guru-guru Biologi tersebut. Pemaparan evaluasi tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk prosentase. Sebagai tambahan, penulis juga menggunakan analisis data kualitatif untuk memaparkan



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hasil evaluasi. Data menunjukkan bahwa materi yang telah tersusun diterima dan tersusun dengan baik meskipun perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Beberapa saran dan evaluasi dari materi yang telah tersusun adalah dasar untuk memperbaiki materi.

Presentasi materi versi akhir merupakan jawaban dari rumusan masalah kedua. Seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris terdiri dari delapan unit, yaitu, Biology as Science, Reproduction, HIV-AIDS, Mercury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bio-technology, Natural Disaster, dan Global Warming. Tiap unit dari materi terdapat empat bagian. Bagian-bagian itu adalah Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start, Grammar Battle, dan Completing Mission.

Akhir kata, penulis berharap bahwa seperangkat materi membaca Bahasa Inggris untuk guru-guru Biologi SMAN 3 Yogyakarta dapat memberikan manfaat bagi mereka yang memerlukannya terutama bagi instruktur Bahasa Inggris dan pelajar (guru-guru Biologi).




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First of all, I would like to praise our Lord, Jesus Christ for all His

blessings, love and guidance in every single step I take. In particular, my

admiration is addressed for the strength He granted to me to accomplish my study

at Sanata Dharma University. Additionally, I would like to give my honor to the

greatest and holy woman in the universe, Mother Mary, for always being with

me during the saddest and happiest times in my great life.

Second, I would like to thank my inspiring parents, Bapak Petrus Silam

and Ibu Rini Sudarwati, for their endless supports, care and love in every second

of my life. For my beloved brother (Leona Pantamareta) and sisters (Leonanda

Nilam Putranti and Leonita Senwa Mayla), thanks for giving me little sunshine

in my days. For my truly best friend, Ana Humardhiana, thanks for always being

there for me, for bitter-sweet moments we share together, and for all the precious

things I owe that cannot be measured only by world’s things.

I dedicate my deepest gratitude to my sponsor, Dr. Retno Muljani,

M.Pd., for the guidance, advice, and corrections to improve my thesis, and for the

patience, care and encouragement to accomplish my thesis. I would also like to

thank to PBI’s teaching staff for educating me during my college years. For Mbak

Tari and Mbak Dani, thanks for providing me with amazing assistance in the

period of studying at PBI. For all the respondents of my research, thanks for the

help, willingness and cooperation to improve the designed materials.



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My special thanks go to all my friends in PBI especially those who are

from the year of 2004 that I cannot mention one by one, thanks for accompanying

me in the struggling times completing my study. For all my friends in Catholic

Community, thanks for the supports and all the things we laugh at together. I

would like to thank Mbak Reni, Mbak Kolifah, Yuli, Rita, Wahyu, Anton and

Lukas for being my sisters and brothers who guide me to be the more mature me

and for the good and bad times we share. My gratitude also goes to Ana’s family

who keep supporting me to accomplish my thesis soon. I would like also to say

thank you to Mas Nug for the help, willingness to understand me, and trying to

always be there for me. My very special thank goes Mas Prast for the ongoing

support and care, for all the times we had been together, and for colouring my life.

Last but not least, I would like to say thank you to everyone who helps me

throughout the great times in accomplishing my thesis.

Leoni Afikawati



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TITLE PAGE .......................................................................................................... .i

APPROVAL PAGES ............................................................................................. ii

DEDICATION PAGE........................................................................................... .iv

STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY .......................................................v

ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. viii

PUBLICATION PAGE............................................................................................x

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................... .xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xvii

LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................... xviii

LIST OF APPENDICES...................................................................................... xix


A. Research Background ......................................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................................5

C. Problem Limitation ...........................................................................................5

D. Research Objectives..........................................................................................6

F. Research Benefits ..............................................................................................7

G. Definition of Terms ..........................................................................................8



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A. Theoretical Descriptions .................................................................................10

1. Yalden’s Instructional Design ..................................................................10

2. Materials Development.............................................................................14

3. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ........................................................18

a. ESP Methodology ................................................................................19

b. Needs Analysis.....................................................................................21

4. Content Based Instruction (CBI) ..............................................................23

a. Objectives of CBI.................................................................................24

b. Characteristics of CBI..........................................................................24

c. Principles of CBI..................................................................................27

d. The Role of Learners and Teachers .....................................................27

5. Reading.....................................................................................................28

a. The Nature of Reading .........................................................................28

b. Reading in the Content Area................................................................29

c. Types of Reading Activity ...................................................................31

d. Reading Techniques.............................................................................33

6. Biology Subject at SMAN 3 Yogyakarta .................................................34

B. Theoretical Framework ...................................................................................36


A. Research Method ............................................................................................41

1. Research and Information Collecting .......................................................42



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2. Planning ....................................................................................................43

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product ................................................43

4. Preliminary Field Testing .........................................................................44

5. Main Product Revision .............................................................................44

B. Research Participants ......................................................................................47

D. Research Instruments ......................................................................................48

1. Questionnaire Sheet ..................................................................................48

2. Interview Guidelines.................................................................................49

E. Data Gathering Technique ..............................................................................49

F. Data Analysis Technique.................................................................................52

F. Research Procedure .........................................................................................53


A. The Steps in Designing the Materials ............................................................56

1. Reviewing the Literature ..........................................................................57

2. Conducting the Needs Survey ..................................................................57

3. Describing the Purposes ...........................................................................62

4. Developing the Syllabus ...........................................................................62

5. Producing Proto-Syllabus .........................................................................63

6. Producing Pedagogical Syllabus ..............................................................68

7. Developing and Implementing Classroom Procedures.............................69

8. Developing the Materials..........................................................................75

9. Evaluating the Designed Materials...........................................................76



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10. Revising the Designed Materials ............................................................85

B. The Presentation of the Designed Materials ...................................................86


A. Conclusions .............................................................................................93

B. Suggestions...............................................................................................94

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................96



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Table 2.1: Techniques and Examples of Plus Category............………………… 16

Table 2.2: Techniques and Examples of Minus Category ……………………… 17

Table 2.3: Techniques and Examples of Zero Category………………………… 17

Table 3.1: Specification of the Designed Materials…………………...…………46

Table 3.2: The Whole Process of Data Collection.................................................51

Table 4.1: Summary of the Learners’ Questionnaires…… ......………………… 58

Table 4.2: Summary of the Respondents’ Interviews…………………………… 59

Table 4.3: Summary of the English Teacher’s Interview……………………… . 61

Table 4.4: The Topics of the Designed Materials….…………………………… 64

Table 4.5: The Learning Materials of the Designed Materials……… .………… 64

Table 4.6: The Learning Indicators of the Designed Materials ………………… 66

Table 4.7: The Words in the Designed Materials .……………………………… 68

Table 4.8: Results of the Expert Validation ..…………………………………… 77

Table 4.9: Results of the Expert Validation in Percentages..…………………… 80

Table 4.10: The Strengths and the Weaknesses of the Designed Materials...........81

Table 4.11: Results of the Learners’ Evaluation………………………………… 83

Table 4.12: Results of the Learners’ Evaluation in Percentages………………… 83

Table 4.13: The Presentation of the Designed Materials….. …………………… 86



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Figure 2.1: Instructional Design by Yalden………...…………………………....13

Figure 2.2: The Steps of Designing Materials Adapted from Yalden’s Model.....40

Figure 3.1: The Writer’s R & D Adopted Cycle Completed with Yalden’s

Adapted Model ....................................................………………… 45



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Appendix 1: Letters of Permission............................................………………… 98

Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Needs Analysis..............……………………… 100

Appendix 3: Evaluation Questionnaire………… ...............................………… 103

Appendix 4: Questionnaire for Expert Validation ...............................................105

Appendix 5: Overview of the Designed Set of Materials………… ............……108

Appendix 6: Syllabus and Lesson Plans…… .........................………………… 111

Appendix 7: Presentation of the Designed Set of the Materials



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This chapter consists of six parts. They are the research background,

problem formulation, problem limitation, objectives of the research, research

benefits and definition of terms used in the research.

A. Research Background

English, todays, is not merely a language which is used by its native

speakers. It now widely spread around the world as a result of international trade,

travel, and industry (McKay, 2002: 18). English is essential for those who deal

with such international activities to share information, ideas, knowledge, and so

on. Since English becomes lingua franca to communicate among people of

different nations, people are required to be able to understand and use English as

an access to enter world communication.

Indonesia, as a developing country, needs not only natural resources but

also human resources which are important to maintain the elements of

development. Qualified human resources are needed to keep this country in

progress and to answer many problems that occur in this country. Beside

mastering their own specialities, they are demanded to be able to interact with

people from other countries. According to McKay (2002: 15-16),

“By the beginning of the nineteenth century Britain had become the world’s leading industrial and trading nation. Most of the innovations of the Industrial Revolution were of British origin, resulting in new terminology



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for technological and scientific advance. Hence, those who wanted to learn more about these innovations needed English both to understand the new terminology and talk to English speaking inventors and manufacturers.”

Thus, English has important role in this globalization era.

Because English is neither mother tongue nor lingua franca among

Indonesian, it needs to be learned and practiced. Moreover, Graddol (McKay,

2002: 18) notes “Today over 84 per cent of the internet servers are English

medium…. These figures clearly demonstrate that one needs to know English

today in order to access and contribute to both printed and electronic

information.” Considering the matter, both governmental and non-governmental

schools place English as a compulsory school subject. In addition, to improve

education quality, some schools in Indonesia have used English as a language to

convey information in certain school subjects other than English. The schools

attempt to apply an international standard of education so that the students and/or

the graduates can compete with others in the international level (Astika, 2009).

Moreover, some regulations have been made by government of Indonesia as the

foundations of the presence of SBI (Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) in Indonesia.

To achieve the purpose of SBI, as stated above, the schools conduct

bilingual classes for some school subjects. However, there are some problems that

occur in carrying out bilingual classes. According to Astika (2009), one of the

problems is the unprepared teachers to use English as the lingua franca in class.

Although the portion of using English in bilingual classes is not as much as in

English class, teachers of those subjects should learn English to avoid

misunderstanding under topics discussed and to cope with their profession’s


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demand. Thus, some schools which apply SBI conduct English courses for the

teachers to overcome the problem.

In recent days, the bilingual classes are still limited to some certain

subjects. Some of the subjects include Math, Physics and Biology. Here, the

writer focuses her research on English course for teachers of Biology. The writer

also perceives that Biology is chosen because it uses more verbal language than

other those subjects which mostly use numbers and there are always up-to-date

English written works related to it which can be obtained easily. As a matter of

fact, Biology teachers are still at the beginning level of English proficiency. Based

on the survey (Astika, 2009), 33.3% of bilingual teachers do not have ability to

communicate in English. Meanwhile, they are expected to be able to communicate

in English for their profession’s demand and improvement of education quality.

Therefore, they should be at least able to read and understand English texts since

there are many written works related to Biology that are offered. This is essential

for them to enrich their knowledge and to help them support their teaching tasks.

Furthermore, as bilingual teachers, they have a task to develop learning materials

in English. In developing the materials, teachers may modify the available books

written in English. Here, they will employ their reading skills in completing the

task. For these reasons, it is obvious that people use English not only for

communicative purposes but also for specific purposes in order to deepen their

knowledge in certain field and to accomplish their profession’s demand.

According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 19), “English for specific

purposes is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content


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and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning”. It means that the

topics and the kind of teaching learning process are based on the learner’s needs.

The need to learn English in specific purposes will appear when they find

difficulties in reading English texts. In this research, the texts are related to

Biology so that the English learning will be much meaningful to Biology teachers

as the learners. Regarding with the reason stated above, the writer attempts to

design a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers. Besides, there has

not been such material available yet.

In conclusion, the reasons of deciding to design a set of English reading

materials for Biology teachers are based on three considerations. First, the school

policy requires Biology teachers to also use English in class as a means of

communication. Second, many written works related to Biology which are

important to support teaching-learning process are written in English. Third, the

writer discovers that most Biology teachers are still at the beginning level of

English proficiency. Therefore, the materials are designed as a guideline to help

the learners understand English text.

By designing a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers, the

writer expects the materials will be helpful for them in order to comprehend many

written works in English and to increase their reading skill. Furthermore, they will

enrich their knowledge to support their teaching tasks in bilingual classes for the

development of education quality.


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B. Problem Formulation

In the research, there are two main problems that the writer is going to

solve. The two problems can be formulated as follows:

1. How is a set of English reading materials using Content Based Instruction

(CBI) for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta designed?

2. What does the designed set of English reading materials using Content

Based Instruction (CBI) for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta look


C. Problem Limitation

The research is limited to the discussion on designing a set of English

reading materials using CBI for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. As

stated in the research background, there are three main reasons why the writer

chooses Biology subject as her research object. First, only certain classes use

English as a lingua franca in class other than English. One of them is Biology.

Second, Biology uses more verbal language than the other two subjects mentioned

in the research background which have tendency to arithmetic. Last, there are a lot

of up-to-date written works related to Biology which can be obtained easily, and

the works are closely related to our daily life as human beings.

Apparently, the existence of schools which utilize English in teaching

learning processes of school subjects other than English subject has not widely

spread yet in Yogyakarta. For example, SMAN 3 Yogyakarta is one of some

schools which apply it. In an online article entitled Program Pembelajaran SMA


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Negeri 3 Yogyakarta states that the school starts to apply Kelas Rintisan SMA

Bertaraf Internasional (SBI) in the school year of 2006-2007. It also states that

only some school subjects such as Math, Physics, and Biology which have been

applied that program. Thus, it can be understood why the research is designed for

SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta.

Also, the research is concerned with the appropriate English reading

materials for Biology teachers. Reading materials play an important role toward

the comprehension of English texts. According to Hutchinson and Waters (1987:

107), “materials help to organize the teaching and learning process by providing a

path through the complex mass of the language to be learnt”. Since there is no

particular material yet for Biology teachers which can help them to learn how to

understand and comprehend English texts in their field, it is necessary to design

suitable materials which are focused on reading in order to answer the needs of

the Biology teachers.

D. Research Objectives

Considering the problems which have been stated in the problem

formulation, the research is conducted to achieve the following objectives:

1. to discover how a set of English reading materials using CBI for Biology

teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta is designed.

2. to present the designed set of English reading materials using CBI for

Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta.


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E. Research Benefits

The research is intended to give benefits to a particular scientific area,

especially English for Biology teachers. Therefore, the findings of the research are

expected to bring valuable contributions to:

1. Biology teachers

They are provided with a set of English reading materials that help them to

understand English texts in Biology field. Furthermore, it is expected that

they will be motivated in reading English texts that are useful to enrich their

knowledge dealing with their field.

2. English instructors

They are provided with a set of English reading materials which can be

utilized to teach an English course for Biology teachers.

3. Others who concern with the field

By reading a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers, people

can gain information from the texts while they improve their English reading


4. Future researchers

They can learn from the research how to design a set of English reading

materials for Biology teachers and later if they are willing to evaluate, re-

construct and re-design the materials for Biology teachers.


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F. Definition of Terms

There are five key terms which are used in the research, they are:

1. Design

Based on Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (1995: 314), design is “a

drawing or an outline from which something may be made”. Meanwhile, Trochim

(2006) states that “A design is used to structure the research, to show how all of

the major parts of the research project … work together to try to address the

central research questions.”. Here, design is a plan which is mentioned to facilitate

intended subject that is Biology teachers to help them in language learning


2. Reading materials

According to Wallace (1992:3), “reading is an awareness of the way in

which we use language”. Meanwhile, Nunan (1989:33) states that “reading is an

interactive process between what a reader already knows about a given topic or

subject and what the writer writes”. The writer concludes that reading is a skill to

obtain information and writer’s message from text with aid of the readers’

background knowledge and awareness of language use. Thus, reading materials

are materials to be used in language teaching activities in reading class in which

there are learning objectives, reading texts, learning activities, learning indicators,

and learning evaluation.

3. Content Based Instruction (CBI)

Content Based Instruction is “the integration of particular content with

language teaching aims” (Brinton, 1989:2). Its aim is not only for developing


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second language skills but also maintaining the learners’ knowledge of a

particular subject at once. Thus, knowledge of language and knowledge of subject

matter which is Biology in the research are developed simultaneously.

4. Biology Teachers

From an online Biology Dictionary (2007), Biology is defined as the

scientific study of the life; science that studies living world, living organisms and

the phenomena, and characteristics of life processes. Teachers are persons who

teach; especially those who teach in schools. It means that Biology teachers are a

group of persons or people who teach the scientific study dealing with living


5. SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta is one of senior high schools in Yogyakarta. Like

other senior high schools, this school also has aim which is to prepare the students

to continue their education to the higher level. The school is located at Jl. Yos

Sudarso no.7. To improve education quality, the school has implemented Kelas

Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional started at the school year of 2006-2007.


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There are two major sections that are going to be discussed in this chapter.

They are the theoretical descriptions which contain reviews on related theories to

answer the research problems and the theoretical framework which underlies the


A. Theoretical Descriptions

In this section, the writer elaborates five groups of theory and a description

which will be used to develop a set of English reading materials for Biology

teachers. Those are theory of instructional design, theory of materials

development, theory of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), theory of Content-

Based Instruction (CBI), theory of reading, and a description of Biology subject at

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta.

1. Yalden’s Instructional Design

In accomplishing the research, the writer applied Yalden’s instructional

design. As language is a means of communication, Yalden’s model is chosen for it

takes communicative needs of the learners into account and it is sufficiently

flexible providing that there is a recycling stage in the cycle. This model presents

structured stages consisting of specified tasks needed to do by the writer in

designing the materials. The stages refer to the stages of how to develop a



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language program in which there is a stage to develop syllabus. Since there is no

stage to develop materials clearly presented in Yalden’s model, the research needs

materials development theory to support this model which is presented in the next


The stages in a language program development proposed by Yalden (1987:

88-89) are as follows:

a. Needs survey

This step is aimed to collect information from the target learners which will

be used as a consideration for describing the learning purposes. Needs

survey can be carried out by distributing questionnaires and/or interviewing.

b. Description of purpose

Having conducted the needs survey, the writer’s task is to describe the

purpose of learning. Learning purposes will underlie the development of

syllabus and the content of designed materials.

c. Selection/development of syllabus type

This stage is the stage to produce a syllabus. According to Yalden (1987:85),

a syllabus is a stage at which specified content of language course is

organized. In developing a syllabus, the writer should consider the needs of

learners so that it can meet the learners’ goal. Thus, here, the writer

perceives that a syllabus is a guideline to develop a set of English teaching

learning materials aimed for Biology teachers.


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d. Production of a proto-syllabus

This stage is a step in which the content of syllabus is specified. It may

include general notions and specific topics, communicative functions,

discourse and rhetorical skills, variety of language, role-sets, and

communicative events, as well as grammar and lexis.

e. Production of a pedagogical syllabus

At this stage, the writer specifies words and phrases which are suitable to

support the language functions and the topics.

f. Development and implementation of classroom procedures

Teaching techniques and other elements, such as learning activities and time

allocations, are determined to be implemented in the classroom. The writer

perceives that it is sort of an outline of the syllabus realization in the


g. Evaluation

This stage is to evaluate the content of syllabus as well as the designed

materials. It is also to measure the suitability of the designed materials with

the learners.

h. Recycling stage

Recycling stage is the follow-up stage of evaluation. This stage is essential

to make the model flexible and dynamic. It is conducted after getting

feedback from evaluation stage. The recycling stage provides feedback to

the previous stages which need revision in order to meet the goals set.

Nevertheless, it does not shift the described purpose.


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The stages can be summarized in Figure 2.1.

Needs survey

Description of purpose

Selection/ development of syllabus type

Production of pedagogical syllabus

Production of a proto-syllabus

Development and implementation of classroom procedures


Fig. 2.1 Instructional Design by Yalden (1987:88)

To complete the third stage, which is selection of syllabus type, the writer

elaborates some syllabuses to be selected the appropriate one. Furthermore,

Yalden (1987:94) states that “the description of purpose will not automatically

yield a description of syllabus type”. Therefore, the writer should decide the

syllabus type which is going to be used as a guideline in developing materials.

Nunan (1988:27) states that there are two major types of syllabus; product-

oriented syllabuses and process-oriented syllabuses. Product syllabuses are

syllabuses which focus on the learners’ achievement. The syllabuses are:

a. Grammatical syllabus, which focuses on grammatical rules.

b. Functional-notional syllabus, which focuses on language functions and

language notions/meaning.

c. Analytic syllabus, in which linguistic matters are learned under related

situations, discussion topics, subject matters, etc.

Process-oriented syllabuses (Nunan, 1988:40-60) view that the learners’

achievement depends on the learning process. Therefore, the syllabuses focus on

how the learners learn. The syllabuses are presented on the following page.


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a. Procedural syllabus, in which learning tasks and activities should represent

the use of language rather than language exercises.

b. Task-based syllabus, in which the selection of tasks and activities is

considering the subject matter, the goal, and the context.

c. Content syllabus, in which the language learning can be developed through

a subject matter.

d. Natural approach, in which the central point of this syllabus is


From the elaborations of some syllabuses above, the writer would like to

choose the content-based syllabus which is properly applied in a course of English

for Specific Purposes like in the research for it establishes the language learning

within subject matter. Since it views language learning can be established within a

specific subject area, the language knowledge and other knowledge are developed

simultaneously. Therefore, the writer perceives that the learning would be

efficient for the learners (Biology teachers) can obtain both knowledge of

language and knowledge of Biological matters employed as supporting

information to carry out their bilingual classes. Hence, for Biology teachers, the

topics of learning should be in Biological area (e.g. health, diseases, global

warming, etc.).

2. Materials Development

As stated previously, Yalden’s model needs materials development theory

in order the writer is capable to develop the materials. Consequently, in this part,


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the writer discusses a model for developing materials. Hutchinson and Waters

(1987:107) state that “a material model must be clear and systematic, but flexible

enough to allow for creativity and variety.” According to Moore as cited by

Robinson (1991:61), “procedural guide to producing a unit … is not to provide a

recipe for materials production but to set out some of the procedures which team

preparation helped to make explicit.” Therefore, Hutchinson and Waters present a

model which can be an outline in designing materials. Nonetheless, as stated by

Moore, it does not mean that the designed materials cannot be modified.

The Hutchinson and Waters’ model consists of four elements (Hutchinson

and Waters, 1987:108-109). The elements are:

a. Input

Input is given for the learners to recall the learners’ background knowledge

or existing information related to the content of material. Input is essential

to introduce the content. It may be by reading a text, listening to an audio

cassette, answering questions, etc.

b. Content focus

Here, the writer focuses the materials on the specific skill which is to be

taught (listening, speaking, reading, or writing). The learning will be more

effective when the content is related to daily lives.

c. Language focus

In language focus, learners are given opportunity to study language by

identifying words (nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc.), analyzing parts of a text, etc.


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d. Task

Task is a necessary part of every learning activity. Task makes learners

practice and use their knowledge both of language and content. It is also

employed to measure learners’ understanding.

The four elements proposed by Hutchinson and Waters are utilized as a

basis to develop the learning activities in the materials. As they function as a

basis, the writer may modify and/or complete it with other learning activities

models such as types of reading activity proposed by Wallace and five stages of

teaching reading suggested by Cushenbery which both of them are discussed

under theory of reading in this chapter. Thus, the learning activities of the

materials should offer those four elements elaborated above.

In developing materials, the writer does materials adaptation as well.

Materials adaptation is used to make the materials suitable for specific learners,

teachers or situations (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:11). To adapt the materials,

Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004:15-16) present the techniques for materials

adaptation which are divided into three main categories in terms of quantity: Plus

(+), Minus (-), or Zero (0). The categories are described below.

a. Plus Category

Table 2.1 Techniques and Examples of Plus Category in Materials Adaptation (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16)

Techniques Examples

Addition Teachers may add different texts and/or activities.

Expansion Teachers may expand texts and activities by increasing the

length, difficulty, depth, etc.


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b. Minus Category

Table 2.2 Techniques and Examples of Minus Category in Materials Adaptation (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16)

Techniques Examples

Deletion Teachers may delete some texts and/or activities altogether.

Subtraction Teachers may decrease the number of sentences in a text or

part of an activity.

Reduction Teachers may reduce texts and activities by decreasing the

length, difficulty, depth, etc.

c. Zero Category

Table 2.3 Techniques and Examples of Zero Category in Materials Adaptation (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16)

Techniques Examples

Modification Teachers may make changes to instructions.

Replacement Teachers may swap one activity with another.

Reorganization Teachers may change the position of texts and


Resequencing Teachers may change the sequence of the activities.

Conversion Teachers may change the genre of a text (from narrative to

poem), or move the content from one medium to another

(e.g. from print to a web page).

To make the materials suitable for the learners, the writer does some of

Tomlinson and Masuhara’s techniques. The techniques which are going to be

carried out to make some changes in the materials include addition (Plus

Category), reduction (Minus Category), and reorganization (Zero Category).

Here, addition is accomplished to add some learning activities. Reduction is to


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reduce the length, the difficulty, and the depth of reading texts. Meanwhile,

reorganization is done to change the position and illustrations of the texts.

3. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

The research, “Designing a Set of English Reading Materials for Biology

Teachers”, is closely relating to ESP since it is intended for the specific learners

which are Biology teachers. Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 16) state that ESP can

be classified based on the general nature of the learners’ purpose (English for

Academic Purposes/EAP and English for Occupational Purposes/EOP) and the

learners’ specialism (English for Science and Technology/EST, English for

Business and Economics/EBE, and English for Social Sciences/ESS).

Based on the learners’ purpose, the research can be categorized as EAP

because the designed materials are going to be used for educational development.

Nonetheless, since the research is for the learners who are willing to maintain

their profession’s demand, it can also be categorized as EOP. Based on the

learners’ specialism, the research is classified into EST for it is dealing with

Biology field. Therefore, the research is under ESP theory.

Additionally, in Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A multi-

disciplinary approach, Strevens as cited by Johns and Dudley-Evans (2006:3)

states that there are four absolute characteristics and two variable characteristics

that define English language teaching to be considered as ESP. The four absolute

characteristics are presented on the following page.


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a. The English language teaching is designed to meet learners’ specific needs.

In the research, the designed materials are designed based on the

specification of Biology teachers’ needs.

b. The content of English language teaching only relates to a particular

discipline, occupation, and activity. In this case, the research relates to

Biology and Biology teachers as the learners.

c. The English language teaching centers on language that is appropriate to

support those two previous characteristics.

d. The ESP language teaching differs from ‘General English’ language

teaching. It is shown in methodology.

The two variable characteristics are:

a. ESP may be focused only on one skill. In the research, the designed

materials are focused on reading skill, and

b. Methodology used in ESP may not only use provided teaching

methodologies. Teacher may create or combine them.

a. ESP Methodology

In developing a set of materials which is under ESP umbrella, the writer

needs to concern ESP methodology. It is important for the writer to understand the

methodology used in ESP. As stated in the absolute characteristic of ESP, ESP

methodology differs from methodology used in General Purpose English (Johns

and Dudley-Evans, 2006:3). Moreover, according to Hutchinson and Waters

(1987: 19), “ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to


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content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning”. Since it aims

to meet the needs of particular learners, the learning methodology and the content

of the designed materials are based on the areas of the particular study.

Furthermore, according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987:128-130), there

are several basic principles of language learning which underlie language learning

methodology. First principle which underlies the designed materials of the

research is that the second language learning is a developmental process. It means

the product of learning depends on the learning process. The writer notices that

the good-ordered process of learning refers to the well-developed learning

activities. Yet, the learners’ background knowledge also determines the result of

learning for it helps in the process of understanding. Learners who have enough

knowledge of learning content will be at ease in the learning process, and the

result of learning will be optimal. Thus, activating learners’ background

knowledge is an essential pre-activity (e.g. by predicting, answering questions).

Second principle is that the language learning is not just a matter of

linguistic knowledge. Language as a means of communication has a role to

convey information. It means that language will be meaningful when it is used in

the real situation/context. Therefore, the language learning should unite the

linguistic matters and the context so that the learning will be valuable for the

learners. It means that the designed materials should bring information or new

knowledge for the learners beside linguistic knowledge. In the research, the

context refers to the subject specialism that is Biological context.


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Third principle is that the learning is an emotional experience. This

principle considers that the learners are human beings. Every human being is

always influenced emotionally. Hence, the designed materials should be

developed interestingly so that it can motivate the learners to learn. One way is by

varying the learning activities (e.g. having discussion, playing games, doing

crosswords, etc.)

In addition to the materials development, Robinson (1991:54) states that “a

key concept within the communicative approach, and one felt to be particularly

relevant for ESP, is that of authenticity.” Authenticity, here, refers to the use of

authentic materials which is “the use of print, audio, video and pictorial material

originally produced for a purpose other than the teaching of language” (Robinson,

1991:54). Kennedy and Bolitho (1991:48), in accordance with authenticity, state

that “the crucial element is that it aims to convey information and ideas rather

than the use of language.” Since the research is to develop a set of reading

materials, the writer utilizes authentic texts in her designed materials. The use of

authentic texts is caused of the use of simplified texts (texts which are aimed to

the language learning) in classroom will be different with the texts which are

faced in real world (Kennedy and Bolitho, 1991:48).

b. Needs Analysis

To determine the content of the designed materials, we need to have needs

analysis. Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 53) said that “any course should be based

on an analysis of learner’s need”, even if it is for General English. Johns and


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Dudley-Evans (2006: 122) also state that “needs analysis is the corner stone of

ESP and leads to a very focused course.” Thus, needs analysis is an important step

before establishing the designed materials.

To avoid misunderstanding of what is meant by needs, Robinson (1991:7-

8) states that there are some definitions of needs. The definitions are presented


1) Needs refers to the learning objectives or what the learners have to be able

to do at the end of language course.

2) Needs is the demand of what the learners to be able to do from the

language course.

3) Needs means the learning process or what the learners need to do in

acquiring language.

4) Needs refers to the personal wants or what the learners’ purposes in taking

the language course.

5) Needs is as learners’ lacks or what the learners do not know or cannot do

in English.

In addition, Hutchinson and Waters (1987: 54) state that basically there are

two kinds of needs. Those are target needs (i.e. what the learner needs to do in the

target situation) and learning needs (i.e. what the learner needs to do in order to

learn). To help gathering such information, Hutchinson and Waters provide a

framework of information to an analysis of target needs. The framework contains

a list of questions about the reason why the language is needed, in what way the

language will be used, of what the content areas be, about who will use the


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language, about the situation where and when the language will be used

(Hutchinson and Waters, 1987: 59-60).

The target situation analysis can determine the destination. It can guide the

writer by giving general direction but it is not reliable indicator of what is needed

or useful in the ESP learning situation. Therefore, from the starting point that is

analysis of target needs, the writer needs to have learning needs which covers the

conditions of the learning situation, the learners’ knowledge, skills and strategies,

and the learners’ motivation. In order to analyze the learning needs, Hutchinson

and Waters outline a framework which also consists of some questions. They are

about the reason why the learners are taking the course, about how the learners

learn, about the available resources, about the specification of the learners, about

the situation where and when the course will take place (Hutchinson and Waters,

1987: 62-63).

4. Content-Based Instruction (CBI)

One of the four absolute characteristics which differentiate ESP to General

English Purpose is shown by language teaching methodology. Some important

principles of the methodology have been discussed in the ESP Methodology. One

of approaches in language teaching which is going to be implemented by the

writer to develop a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers is CBI.


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a. Objectives of CBI

As stated in Content-Based Second Language Instruction (Brinton, 1989:

2) that “…content-based instruction as the integration of particular content with

language-teaching aims”, its aim is not only for developing second language skills

but also maintaining the learners’ knowledge of a particular subject at once.

Moreover, Brinton (1989: 2) clearly states that “The focus for students is on

acquiring information via the second language and, in the process, developing

their academic language skills.” Larsen-Freeman (2000:137) also states that “the

special contribution of content-based instruction is that it integrates the learning of

language with the learning of some other content, often academic subject matter.”

Thus, knowledge of language and knowledge of subject matter which is Biology

in the research are developed simultaneously.

b. Characteristics of CBI

Since the purpose of CBI is to integrate the content of a particular subject

area and the second language teaching, Brinton (1989: 5) states that the teaching

learning activities will be in the scope of the subject area and the second language

as a means of communication. Accordingly, there are three teaching models of

CBI presented in Content-Based Second Language Instruction (Brinton, 1989:

14). Those three models are as follows:

1) Theme-Based Language Instruction/Topic-Based Language Instruction

The model is constructed around topics or themes. In accordance with the

research, there is one main topic (e.g. Biology) which is specified into some


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specific topics (e.g. reproduction, global warming, etc.). It means that the

language mastery is developed within the topics. Nevertheless, the model

focuses the learning on the language mastery. Thus, the language elements

(e.g. vocabulary, grammar) are selected from the texts under the topics.

2) Sheltered Content Instruction

Unlike the theme-based language instruction, this model focuses the learning

on the content mastery. Thus, here, language is seemingly functioned only as

a medium. It happens in an immersion class in which students study subject

matter (e.g. Mathematics, Science, etc.) in second language.

3) Adjunct Language Instruction

This model is not only developing the language mastery but also the content

mastery. Therefore, it is difficult to be implemented in low level of language


From the three teaching models above, theme-based instruction model is

considered appropriate to be implemented to the research since the model focuses

on the language learning, in which the language learning is the objective of the

research. This model brings about three advantages (Brinton, 1989:31) which are:

1) presenting different skills in one topical context (e.g. reading and writing,

listening and speaking),

2) stimulating the interest of the varied learners (e.g. learners who have

different level of proficiency, learners who come from different background

of education), and


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3) giving access in the second language which is relevant to the learners (e.g.

the use of authentic texts which are appropriate for the learners).

According to Mohan as cited by Khranke (1987:72), “Content-based

instruction does not guarantee successful communicative ability, especially

productive ability unless extensive productive activities are included as part of the

overall instructional experience.” Consequently, there should be enough portion of

learning activities in the designed materials which are expected to meet the

learning goal. Furthermore, there are three cores activities and a supplementary

activity in the theme-based instruction model suggested by Brinton (1989:31-32).

Those activities are presented below:

1) activating the learners’ background knowledge and presenting vocabularies

relating to the topic

2) leading main activities (reading, listening, etc.) to a discussion or other

learning tasks

3) making summarization of what being learnt

4) working on vocabulary, relevant grammar items, more main activities

(supplementary activities)

In accordance with the syllabus choosing, topic syllabus is recommended

to be used in this teaching model. Richards and Rodgers (2003:216) state that the

teaching model “refers to a language course in which the syllabus is organized

around themes or topics.…” Thus, the writer selects themes or topics or content

syllabus to be established in the research. This supports the selection of syllabus

in the previous discussion.


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c. Principles of CBI

According to Brinton (1989:3-4), there are five considerations in

integrating language teaching and the content of specific area. The principles are:

1) It is believed that language forms and functions which are presented

systematically will be suitable with the learners.

2) To make language learning more effective, any other informational materials

which are relevant and interesting are needed to establish learners’


3) Prior knowledge and experience of the learners are very essential to be

recalled before they continue to the next step of learning.

4) Language should be learned in context so that it can be meaningful.

Subsequently, the focus is on the language use instead of the language


5) Language is easier to be acquired in context.

d. The Role of Learners and Teachers

In CBI, learners (Biology teachers) are expected to be independent

learners. It means learners are active to seek out their own learning ways in order

to gain knowledge. Learners also take part in selection of topics and activities.

While, the teachers (course instructors) have role as the learners’ needs analysts.

The teachers also select and adapt authentic materials, plan lesson materials to

keep in context, and create learner-centered classrooms.


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5. Reading

a. The Nature of Reading

According to Wallace (1992:3), “reading is an awareness of the way in

which we use language”. We use language for some purposes and the language

we use will be meaningful if it is used in context. Reading activity, as well as

language, is depending on the purposes. Wallace states (1992:6-7) that there are

three reasons why people do reading. In other words, there are three kinds of

reading purpose. Those are reading for survival, reading for learning, and reading

for pleasure. The purpose of reading is very important for it has something to do

with learners’ motivation. Regarding with the importance, Wallace also states that

“…effective reading means a flexible and appropriate response to the material in

hand, and this is always guided by the reader’s purpose…”

Meanwhile, Nunan (1989:33) states that “reading is an interactive process

between what a reader already knows about a given topic or subject and what the

writer writes”. Here, he highlights a relationship between readers’ background

knowledge and the text. Background knowledge of the learners determines the

success of comprehending a text. Moreover, Nunan also discovered that

background knowledge is a more important factor in reading than grammatical


Thus, the writer makes a conclusion that reading is an activity of

processing what the writer writes with aid of the readers’ background knowledge

and awareness of language use to get the writer’s message and it always

accompanies with the readers’ purpose.


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b. Reading in the Content Area

It is important to concern about reading in the content area since the

research deals with Biology. Like other general reading, reading in the content

area is expected to result in readers’ comprehension. According to Cushenbery

(1985: 9-10), there are four basic levels of comprehension skills which are needed

to be emphasized in reading. Those are:

1) Literal reading level

The level requires readers to remember details, note main ideas, follow

direction, and discover cause and effect relationships stated in text.

2) Interpretive level

In this level, readers are expected to discover the author’s purpose, detect

moods, draw conclusion, find main ideas, and find cause and effect

relationship if they are not directly stated in text.

3) Critical reading level

At the third level, readers are expected to determine if a statement is a fact or

opinion and make an assessment of the accuracy of text.

4) Creative reading level

This level demands reader to solve problems, make value judgments, and

draw conclusion from what is read.

Beside those comprehension levels that learners need to develop in

reading, reading is a process. Therefore, the following principles will help the

learners to obtain the product of reading that is comprehension (Cushenbery,

1985: 58-61). The principles are described on the following page.


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1) Comprehension can be gained through various kinds of reading skill such as

reading for finding main idea, summarizing, reading for details, etc.

2) Kinds of instruction should represent reading skill to be mastered.

3) Learners know their purpose of reading and learning tasks should develop

various kinds of comprehension skill.

4) Reading materials should be well-selected so that they will be at the

learners’ level. If reading materials are at lower or higher level, the learners

will not challenge to read them.

5) Teacher should follow the five-step approach in teaching reading in the

content area. The approach is to activate background knowledge, to establish

reading purpose, and to develop reading skill. Those five stages are as


a) Readiness Stage

In this step, learners’ background knowledge relating to the topic is

activated. It can be conducted by asking questions, giving hints, etc.

b) Question or Purpose Stage

Reading purpose should be established based on four basic levels of

comprehension which are literal, interpretive, critical, and creative.

c) Silent Reading Stage

Having completed with question or purpose stage, learners are to read

silently other reading texts which are suitable with their level of



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d) Discussion Stage

The discussion should take place soon after silent reading stage. This

stage makes use the skills obtained in the second stage.

e) Culminating Activity Stage

Learners are encouraged to see the relationship which exists between the

topic discussed and previous discussion topics, for example by making

summary, by giving opinion, etc.

6) Since comprehension is the product of reading, tasks which need

comprehension skill should be developed and be given intensively.

7) Reading techniques are needed to establish comprehension effectively.

c. Types of Reading Activity

Generally, there are three main types of reading activity which may be

used by the writer in developing her reading materials. The types are pre-reading

activities, while-reading activities, and post-reading activities. Brief explanations

of those three types are presented below (Wallace, 1992:114-122).

1) Pre-reading activities

Pre-reading activities can be conducted in three ways. The first one is

learners provide their own questions, statements, or hypothesis. This is

aimed at motivating learners to further reading, activating learners’

background knowledge, and presenting particular discourse will be dealing

with. Second one is by giving cross-cultural pre-reading tasks. This kind of

task invites learners to compare the characteristics of their own culture and


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the target culture. The third one is by giving pre-reading tasks which

challenge conventional outcomes. Such tasks will encourage learners to

discuss and draw some opinions in accordance with the content of reading


2) While-reading activities

While-reading activities include offering learners alternative readings of a

text, identifying parallel discourses, and analyzing linguistic choices.

Offering learners alternative readings of a text means learners are offered

more than one way of reading a text. It will be dealing with reading

techniques. Next, a text may have more than one discourse. Therefore, it will

be interesting to compare those discourses in parallel way for it helps

learners to get mental image and understanding. Identifying parallel

discourse will not be completely successful without knowing linguistic

choices made by the writer. The linguistic choices determine the discourses

which unfold in text. To understand linguistic choices written in text, readers

should analyze them to avoid misinterpretation.

3) Post-reading activities

After while-reading activities, post-reading activities should be conducted to

achieve a purpose that is heightening readers’ awareness of the topic being

learnt. The activities may be giving tasks that follow the reading or

providing other texts which have the same topic but different discourse.


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d. Reading Techniques

Learners are encouraged to employ reading techniques in order to have

effective and efficient reading which requires certain kinds of comprehension

skill. The techniques are offering a range of reading activities instead of requiring

the learners to master them. According to Cushenbery (1985: 87-91), there are

four general reading techniques:

1) Detailed Reading

This technique requires readers to “examine each word and try to remember

minute facts in order to solve a problem or conduct an experiment”

(Cushenbery, 1985: 87). It is usually used when the learners are assigned to

make summary; to remember a sequence of events; to read maps, graphs, or

charts; to locate and comprehend important details; and to compare or

evaluate the relevancy of the materials.

2) Average Rate

This requires readers to pay attention to key words and important phrases,

the nature of subtopics presented, and the summary or topic sentences

written at the beginning or end of the texts. The technique is used to grasp

the significance of the writer’s point of view which is written on the texts, to

find the answer to a specific questions, etc.

3) Skimming

Skimming is “the quick type of reading that is done to get the general gist of

the material” (Cushenbery, 1985: 88). It involves fast reading since it is only

intended to get the essence of the text. This technique does not consume


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much time and energy. Hill believes that “it is valuable in study situations as

a preliminary or pre-organizational first reading or as a review after more

thorough study has been made” (Cushenbery, 1985: 90).

4) Scanning

This technique is much faster than skimming. The purpose of scanning is to

focus on particular numbers, words, or phrases in text. It should be used only

when to answer questions which demand information explicitly stated in


5. Biology Subject at SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

Biology is the science of life that is a branch of knowledge which deals

with living matter, as it is distinct from non-living matter. Johnson et al. state in a

book entitled Biology: an Introduction (1984: xxvi) that Biology is a natural

science. In this case, the word “science” implies a means for obtaining knowledge.

Biology as one of branches of Science is being taught at school to provide

learning experiences to understand the nature of life and the living process. Thus,

a Biology teacher is not only as a source of information but also a facilitator to

help the students to develop the competence such as to think analytically to solve

problems dealing with Biology.

Considering their roles as bilingual teachers and learners in the research,

the writer notices that Biology teachers need to develop their knowledge in

subject matter by obtaining more up-to-date information. The up-to-date

information can be obtained easily from literary works, such as books, magazines,


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newspapers, online articles, journals, etc. As a result, reading skill is necessary for

them to comprehend the texts especially those which are written in English for

English is neither the mother tongue nor the lingua franca among those Biology

teachers. As a matter of fact, Biology teachers at SMAN 3 Yogyakarta must

handle bilingual classes in the school. The teaching tasks in which English

becomes a means of communication in class encourage the Biology teachers to

study English. One of their tasks is to develop Biology materials in English. It

requires the Biology teachers to modify and/or make summarization from

available Biology books in English as well. To complete the task, English reading

skill is necessary for them to be mastered. Although the school conducts English

course periodically, it seems that the English learning is not effective for their

further duties as Biology teachers. Therefore, the language learning should be


In order to make the language learning in the research effective for

Biology teachers, the writer focuses the materials on reading. Furthermore, she

also considers the topics stated in KTSP of senior high school in selecting the

topics of the designed materials. The scope of Biology which is stated in KTSP


a. The nature of Biology, biological diversity and living things categorization,

relationship among ecosystem components, material and energy changing,

and the human role in ecosystem balance.


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b. Cellular organization, tissue structure, structure and function of organs in

plants; animals and humans, and the application of Biology in science

context, environment, technology and society.

c. Process which happens in plants, metabolism process, heredity, evolution,

biotechnology, and the implication to science, environment, technology, and


B. Theoretical Framework

In the research, the writer adapts Yalden’s instructional design (1987:88).

The model is used to provide a framework for designing English reading materials

for Biology teachers. Additionally, the writer considers some related theories

which support in developing the materials. Those are principles of language

learning (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:128-130), principles of language teaching

(Brinton, 1989:31-32), principles of obtaining comprehension (Cushenbery,

1985:58-61), materials design model (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:108-109),

materials adaptation (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16), framework of target

needs and learning needs (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987:59-63), learning activities

in theme-based teaching model (Brinton, 1989:31-32), reading activities (Wallace,

1992:114-122), and reading techniques (Cushenberry, 1985:87-91). The steps to

design a set of English reading materials for Biology teachers which are adapted

from Yalden’s model are described on the following page.


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1. Conducting the needs survey

In conducting the needs survey, the writer uses questionnaires and interviews

to gather data from respondents who are Biology teachers and an English

teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. The collected data is to discover the target

needs and the learning needs. The results of the analyses help the writer

formulating the learning purposes and selecting the appropriate materials in

designing the materials.

2. Describing the purpose

In order to meet the learners’ needs, in describing the learning purposes, the

writer should look closely to the factors which are generated from the needs

analysis. The purposes help the writer to decide what kind of syllabus will be

used as well as its content.

3. Developing the syllabus

Since the writer underlies the research on the Brinton’s theme-based teaching

model, the syllabus is organized based on themes or topics (Richards and

Rodgers, 2003:216). Considering the described purposes and along with the

principle that language is easier and more meaningful to be acquired in

context (Brinton, 1989:3-4), the writer chooses content/topic syllabus type

proposed by Nunan (1988:27).

4. Producing proto-syllabus

The writer specifies the content of syllabus such as selection of the topics and

the language features. The topics are selected based on the learners’ needs

obtained from the needs analysis. The topic selection is also considering


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KTSP. However, other linguistic components are the writer’s decision which

is agreed to the target learners’ needs.

5. Producing pedagogical syllabus

Here, the writer selects words and phrases which are appropriate to put into

each topic.

6. Developing and implementing classroom procedures

In this step, the writer develops the teaching learning activities as well as the

exercises which will meet the learners’ objectives. In developing the activities,

the writer takes some activities in theme-based teaching model (Brinton,

1989:31-32) and some reading techniques (Cushenberry, 1985: 87-91)

7. Developing the materials (addition)

This step is an additional step since the step is not presented clearly in

Yalden’s model. In developing the materials, the writer applies materials

design model from Hutchinson and Waters as the basis (1987:108-109).

Nonetheless, the model is combined with reading activities proposed by

Wallace (1992:114-122) and five-step approach in teaching reading in the

content area (Cushenbery, 1985: 58-61). The writer also adapts the materials

by applying a principle of Plus Category (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:15-

16) which is called addition. The writer adds some exercises and activities to

the materials which are suitable for the learners. Beside the principle, the

writer applies a principle of Minus Category (Tomlinson and Masuhara,

2004:15-16) which is reduction. The writer reduces the length, the difficulty,

and the depth of the reading texts in order to obtain the appropriate reading


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texts for the learners. In addition, the writer also applies a principle of Zero

Category named reorganization (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:15-16).

Here, the writer attempts to change the positions of texts and illustrations so

that they will be more interesting.

8. Evaluating

This step is conducted to gain feedback from evaluators towards the designed

materials. Besides, the writer also conducts expert validation that is to validate

the designed materials. To evaluate and validate the designed materials, the

writer also distributes questionnaires and conducts interviews needed.

9. Revising

After getting feedback, it is the writer task to revise and to improve the

designed materials and/or any steps which need revision and improvement

without changing the described learning purposes. This step is in line with the

recycling stage of Yalden’s model.

The steps of designing a set of English reading materials for Biology

teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta which will be matched with the steps in research

procedure of Research and Development (R & D) study in the following chapter

can be described on the following page.


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Conducting the needs survey

Describing the purpose

Developing the materials (addition)



Developing and implementing classroom procedures

Developing the syllabus

Producing proto-syllabus

Producing pedagogical syllabus

: feedback line : continuing to

Fig. 2.2 The Steps of Designing Materials Adapted from Yalden’s Model


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In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss the methodology which

was used in the research. The methodology consists of seven points of discussion.

They are the research method, research participants, research instruments, data

gathering techniques, data analysis techniques, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

To answer the questions stated in the problem formulation in Chapter I,

the writer conducted educational research and development (R & D) study.

According to Borgh and Gall (1983:771), the R & D study is established due to

the failure that occurs in basic and applied research studies. The problem which

arose in the previous research studies was that the findings eventually did not

work with the educational practice. Therefore, the R & D study is not only going

to be employed to discover what kind of reading materials which are suitable,

interesting, and encouraging the learners to read but also to provide applicable

designed materials to be used in a language course. Here, the writer should

consider teaching learning procedures and processes as well as the products.

Moreover, Borgh and Gall (1983:772) states that R & D “is a process used to

develop and validate educational products”.

To achieve the goal, in designing the English reading materials for

Biology teachers, the writer followed the steps in the R and D study. The steps



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were research and information collecting, planning, developing preliminary form

of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing,

operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, and

dissemination and implementation (Borgh and Gall, 1983:775). Because of the

limitation of time, money, and capacity, the writer conducted only the first five

steps out of the ten steps in R & D cycle. Basically, those steps could be classified

into three major parts: the empirical research, designing materials, and the field-

test-revise cycle. The first two steps were considered as empirical research, the

third step was designing materials, and the rests were included in the field-test-

revise cycle. Therefore, the five steps which were carried out by the writer had

already covered the whole steps. Those five steps are elaborated below.

1. Research and Information Collecting

Research and information collecting was conducted to obtain necessary

data for developing the designed materials. In this step, the writer reviewed the

underlying theories. The underlying theories included theory of Yalden’s

Instructional Design, theory of materials development, theory of English for

Specific Purposes, theory of Content Based Instruction, theory of reading, and a

description of Biology subject at SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Besides, as stated in the

theoretical framework adapted from Yalden’s Model, the writer also needed to

know the target needs and learning needs of the learners. Learning needs was

needed to be obtained since the learners still learnt English through an English

course conducted in their workplace. Thus, needs analysis was conducted to know

the learners’ characteristics. The information was collected by distributing


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questionnaires to the Biology teachers and interviewing them and an English

teacher as well.

2. Planning

Planning was crucial to the materials development. This step was to

accomplish the second stage, which was describing the purpose, and third stage of

Yalden’s adapted model, which was developing the syllabus. The planning

included describing the learning purposes and appropriate syllabus functioned as

the foundation of the designed materials. Here, the writer set the general purpose

of learning (standard of competence). After the general purpose of learning was

set, the writer specified it into some learning purposes (basic competences). Then,

the writer selected the syllabus which was appropriate for the learners. The

syllabus selection was considering the learning purposes which are generated

from the needs analysis.

3. Developing Preliminary Form of Product

This step was the realization of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh stage of

Yalden’s adapted model. The stages were producing proto-syllabus, producing

pedagogical syllabus, developing and implementing classroom procedures, and

developing the materials. Thus, in this step, the writer selected several topics

under Biology matter. From the topics, the writer collected some authentic reading

texts which were suitable for the learners and related to the topics. The texts were

gathered from on-line sources and magazines.

In developing the preliminary form of product, the writer adapted the

authentic reading texts by applying the principle of Plus Category, Minus


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Category, and Zero Category (Tomlinson and Masuhara, 2004:16). After having

the appropriate texts, the writer selected the subject contents. Then, the writer

developed the learning activities which enabled the learners to achieve the

learning purposes.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

The preliminary field testing as the fourth step of R & D cycle involved

testing designed materials to respondents, collecting data for the designed

materials’ evaluation from respondents, and analyzing the data. This step was

equal to the eighth stage of Yalden’s adapted model namely evaluating. In this

step, the writer evaluated the preliminary designed materials. After evaluating

them, the writer obtained feedback of the whole designed materials from the

learners by distributing evaluation questionnaires and conducting interviews. The

feedback was utilized to revise the designed materials. Here, the writer conducted

not only field testing but also expert validation. According the Educational

Seminar held by the Department of National Education in 2008, expert validation

was an attempt of getting evaluation from those who are expert in designing

materials. In the research, the expert validation was conducted by distributing

questionnaires and interviewing an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta and

some lecturers of English Education Study Program as the experts.

5. Main product revision

The step was about making revision to the designed materials based on the

preliminary field testing result. This step revealed the ninth stage of Yalden’s


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adapted model, which was revising. After gaining feedback both from evaluation

and expert validation, the writer made final product of the designed materials.

Following chart is the summary of the five steps of the R & D cycle which

were completed with stages in the Yalden’s adapted model.

R & D Steps Stages in Yalden’s Adapted Model

Research and information collecting Conducting the needs survey


Developing and implementing classroom procedures

Describing the purpose

Developing preliminary form of product

Developing the syllabus

Producing pedagogical syllabus

Main product revision

Evaluating Preliminary field testing

Producing proto-syllabus


Developing the materials

Fig. 3.1 The Writer’s R & D Adopted Cycle Completed with Yalden’s Adapted


According the Educational Seminar held by the Department of National

Education in 2008, a research and development should include a specification of

product. The specification is detailed features of product which were used to


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distinguish the product with other products. The specification of the result of the

product was presented on Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Specification of a Set of English Reading Materials for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

Product Specification

Name A Set of English Reading Materials for Biology Teachers

of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

Purpose Developing and improving learners’ (Biology teachers’)

English reading skill in Biology area.

User Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

Language skill Reading



Content-Based Instruction

Syllabus Type Topic based syllabus

Time allocations Eight units in 16 x 90’ total meetings

Type of product Printed materials

The use of materials Materials used in an English Course for Biology

Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

Strategies Individual work, group work

Activities Answering comprehension questions, matching words

with their meanings, matching words with the described

pictures, discussion, problem solving, doing crosswords,

stating true or false, choosing right answers, filling in the

blanks, stating opinions, writing comments, completing

tables, finding synonyms, presenting result of discussion.

Media Texts, pictures, worksheets, newspapers

Evaluation tools Written assignment, presentation


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B. Research Participants

There were two steps in the research which employed research participants

in obtaining data for answering research problems. The first step was research and

information collecting step. In the step, research participants were needed in

accomplishing needs analysis. The participants were three Biology teachers of

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. They were chosen because of their needs to communicate

in English for accomplishing their profession’s demand and improvement of

education quality. The writer distributed the needs questionnaire sheets and

conducted interviews which were aimed to discover the target needs and the

learning needs. The research was held in school where they worked, that was in

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. In addition, the writer interviewed an English teacher of the

school to gain some information in accordance with the needs and the

characteristics of the Biology teachers.

The second step was field-test-revised cycle which was meant to evaluate

the designed materials. In this part, the writer conducted preliminary field testing

in which it also needed research participants to evaluate the designed materials.

Thus, the respondents were three Biology teachers as well. Here, the writer also

distributed evaluation questionnaires and conducted interview. The purpose of the

research was to obtain feedback about the designed materials in order to improve

the designed materials. The feedback would be the consideration for revising the

designed materials. Besides, the writer conducted expert validation. The

participants were an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta and two English

lecturers from English Education Department of Sanata Dharma University. The


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reason why they were chosen as the participants for expert validation of the

designed materials because they had a lot of experiences in English teaching

learning processes and accustomed to the materials development. Expert

validation was conducted by distributing questionnaires and interviewing them.

C. Research Instruments

The writer used questionnaires and interview as the main instruments both

in research and information collecting and preliminary field testing.

1. Questionnaire Sheet

According to Ary et al. (1979: 175) a questionnaire is divided into two

types: structured or closed form and unstructured or open form. A structured or

closed form contains the questions and alternative answers. This is used to ease

the respondents in answering the questions because they only choose the available

options. Meanwhile, the unstructured or open form is used to obtain more

information from the respondents. Thus, it does not include suggested answers.

In conducting the research, the writer combined both types of

questionnaire forms since the closed form was not enough to collect necessary

information from the respondents. The information needed to be collected was

about their interest in English, the needs of English dealing with the learners’

occupation as teachers in school which applied Kelas Rintisan SMA Bertaraf

Internasional, and their English skills which were needed to be developed. Those

were intended to the research and information collecting. Meanwhile, the


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questions for the preliminary field testing involved in how the designed materials

would work and the validity of the designed materials.

2. Interview Guidelines

Seliger and Shabomy (1989: 166) say that interview is conducted to

collect information by actually talking to the participants. As well as the

questionnaire, interview is divided into two types: structured and unstructured

form. Structured interview presents the questions with its alternative response

options. On the other hand, unstructured interview is more flexible since the

respondents have wide opportunity to express their feelings, views, and

experiences on English learning.

Here, the writer used unstructured interview to obtain information about

the characteristics and the needs of Biology teachers, and to gain information from

participants for the designed materials improvement. Beside those purposes, the

unstructured interview was also used to gain information in case their answers of

the questionnaires needed further explanation. Furthermore, interview also had the

same role in conducting preliminary field testing.

D. Data Gathering Technique

Based on the two research problems which were formulated in chapter I,

the writer had to collect necessary data to answer the research problems. First, the

writer conducted the research and information collecting. In carrying it out, the

writer tried to read and comprehend some related literature. The literature was

some theories and a description related to the designing a set of English reading


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materials for Biology teachers. The results of the literature review would not be

beneficial without matching it with the learners’ needs. Therefore, the writer

conducted needs analysis as the second step of the data gathering techniques.

There were two kinds of instrument used in the needs analysis. They were

questionnaires and interviews. The writer used semi-structured questionnaires.

The questionnaires which were developed to the needs analysis were distributed to

Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. After collecting the data, the writer also

did interviews with them since it needed further information. In addition, the

writer also conducted interview with an English teacher of the school in purpose

of gaining information both about the learners and the expected materials.

Next, the writer developed the materials based on the data from the needs

analysis and the literature review. Then, the third step of the data gathering

techniques was to test the designed materials. As well as the needs analysis, this

step used semi-structured questionnaires and unstructured interviews. Those were

aimed to evaluate the designed materials. They were distributed to Biology

teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Further phase was to gather data from expert

validation. In expert validation, the writer also distributed questionnaires and did

interviews in order to obtain the feedback. Those were meant for an English

teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta and two English lecturers of English Education

Department of Sanata Dharma University. After data were collected, the writer

analyzed them before revising the designed materials. The whole process of the

data collection is presented on Table 3.2.


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Table 3.2 The Whole Process of Data Collection

Stage Instruments Respondents Data gathered Research Problem


Review of Literature

Theories of instructional design model, materials development, English for Specific Purposes, Content-Based

Instruction, and reading. A description of Biology subject at

SMAN 3Yogyakarta.

1 May 2008

– June 2008

Questionnaires and Interview

Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

Learners’ characteristics, learning activities and topics they are interested to,

1 June 2008

Research and

information collecting

Interview An English teacher of SMAN

3 Yogyakarta Learners’ characteristics, suggested

topics and learning activities 1 June 2008

Questionnaires and Interview

(Materials Evaluation)

Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta Evaluation on the designed materials 2

August - September

2009 Preliminary field testing Questionnaires

and Interview (Expert


An English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta and English lecturers of Sanata Dharma


Evaluation on the designed materials 2 August -

September 2009


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E. Data Analysis Technique

To analyze the data gathered, the writer used percentages. The use of

percentages is clearer and easier for people to interpret the data since the analysis

is aimed at presenting the findings to others. According to Ary, et al. (2002:125),

“The percentages are calculated by dividing the total number in one category by

the total number in all categories and multiplying the result by 100”. The formula

used to calculate the percentage is presented below.




where X : the number in one category

X’ : the total number in all categories

P : number of percentage

Before designing the materials, the writer conducted research and

information collecting which consisted of review of literature and needs analysis.

While the findings of the literature review were presented in chapter II, the

findings of the needs analysis were presented in chapter IV. There were two ways

of obtaining the needs: distributing questionnaires and interviewing. The data

from questionnaires were analyzed using percentages in order to describe the

results of the learners’ answers. The questionnaires were also analyzed through

qualitative data analysis since some of the answers could not be measured by

numbers and they needed to be interpreted.

From the results of the needs analysis and literature review, the writer

described what the learners expected to learn and determined what learning

contents which were appropriate for the learners. Furthermore, the writer designed


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the materials. After designing the materials, the writer conducted preliminary field

testing. There were also two ways of obtaining the data: distributing

questionnaires and interviewing. The data were analyzed through percentages and

qualitative data analysis.

F. Research Procedure

In order to answer the questions of the research, the writer took seven

steps which were based on R & D cycle. Those steps were:

1. Conducting literature review

Regarding with the educational issue stated in the research background, the

writer formulated two research problems. She reviewed related references

which would be underlying theories to answer those problems.

2. Conducting observation/needs analysis

In developing materials, it was not enough conducting the literature review

only. Considering that the designed materials should be useable and

appropriate with the target learners, the writer conducted needs analysis to

discover the learners’ needs. There were two instruments to be used, namely

questionnaires and interview. The questionnaires were distributed to Biology

teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. To complete the data, the writer also

conducted interviews with them and the English teacher of the school.


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3. Planning to develop the materials

After data gathered and analyzed, the writer made a plan on designing

materials. The planning involved stating the learning goal, deciding the

appropriate syllabus, selecting topics, selecting reading texts, specifying

learning objectives, specifying subject contents, and developing learning

activities and exercises.

4. Developing the materials

The next step after planning was developing materials. A well prepared

planning would make the materials easier to be designed. The designed

materials should be developed based on the learning needs.

5. Evaluating the designed materials

To evaluate the designed materials, the writer distributed the evaluation

questionnaires and conducted interviews to Biology teachers of SMAN 3

Yogyakarta. The writer also conducted expert validation that was by

distributing questionnaires and interviewing the English teacher of SMAN 3

Yogyakarta and the English lecturers of English Education Department of

Sanata Dharma University.

6. Analyzing evaluation data

The evaluation information which was collected should be analyzed. The data

was analyzed using percentages. It was aimed to measure the validity of the

designed materials. Additionally, the writer also used qualitative data analysis.

The results of the analysis were to be consideration in revising the designed



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7. Revising the designed materials

The last step was to revise the designed materials. The designed materials

were revised based on the evaluation data. The revision was done so that the

designed materials would be applicable in class.


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This chapter is aimed to answer two research problems formulated in

chapter one. The problems are to discover how a set of English reading materials

for Biology teachers is designed and what the designed materials look like. Hence,

this chapter consists of two parts. They are the steps in designing a set of English

reading materials using Content Based Instruction for Biology teachers of SMAN

3 Yogyakarta and the presentation of the designed materials.

A. The Steps in Designing a Set of English Reading Materials for Biology

Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

This part presents the enlightenment of the steps in designing the

materials. The steps, as elaborated in chapter three, are the adaptation of R & D

steps (Borgh and Gall, 1985:772) which were completed with Yalden’s adapted

model. There were ten steps in designing a set of English reading materials for

Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, namely, Reviewing the Literature,

Conducting the Needs Survey, Describing the Purposes, Developing the Syllabus,

Producing Proto-Syllabus, Producing Pedagogical Syllabus, Developing and

Implementing Classroom Procedures, Developing the Materials, Evaluating the

Designed Materials, and Revising the Designed Materials. The elaboration of the

ten steps is presented on the following page.



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1. Reviewing the Literature

The literature review was included in the first step of R & D cycle which is

Research and Information Collecting. And, it completed Yalden’s adapted model

since this step had not been presented clearly on the model. It was conducted to

obtain related theories in which they were utilized as the basis to develop the

designed materials.

The writer conducted literature review by studying five groups of theory

related to the research such as theories of Yalden Instructional Design, materials

development, English for Specific Purposes, Content-Based Instruction, and

reading. Additionally, the writer also elaborated a description of Biology Subject

at SMAN 3 Yogyakarta for the research was aimed for Biology teachers of

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. The results of the literature review were presented in

chapter two.

2. Conducting the Needs Survey

This step was conducted to obtain the learners’ needs in order the

materials would be suitable and applicable for the learners. It was essential step

especially for English for specific purposes like in the research. There were two

kinds of needs to be obtained, namely, target needs and learning needs.

To obtain information about the needs, the writer distributed

questionnaires and interviewed the target learners of the research which were

Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. The questionnaires were distributed in

June 2008 to three Biology teachers since there were only three teachers who


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handled Biology subject in the school. The distributed questionnaires were semi-

structured questionnaires, meaning that there were closed questionnaires and open

questionnaires in the questionnaires distributed. Additionally, the questionnaires

were developed in Indonesian in order to avoid misunderstanding of the target

learners. The writer received the same numbers of questionnaires in June 2008.

The questionnaires were analyzed using percentages. The results of the

questionnaires are presented on Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Summary of the Learners’ Questionnaires

No Statements Responses Percentages1. English is very important for

a Biology teacher to support the teaching task in the bilingual class.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Doubtful d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

66.6 % 33.3%

0 0 0

2. The skill of reading English texts is important to help understanding Biology books written in English.

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Doubtful d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

100% 0 0 0 0

3. The difficulty in reading English texts.

a. Grammar b. Vocabulary

66.6% 100%

4. Besides reading, the skills that needed to be developed.

a. Listening b. Speaking c. Writing

33.3% 66.6% 66.6%

5. Activities that learners liked in learning English.

a. Lecturing b. Question and answer c. Homework d. Self-learning e. Group work f. Game g. Role play h. Presentation i. Outdoor activities j. Class discussion

33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 66.6% 66.6% 66.6% 100% 66.6% 100%


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No Statements Responses Percentagesk. Other 0

6. Topics that the learners liked to read.

a. Cell b. DNA c. Mutation d. Disease e. Ecology f. Global warming g. Bio-technology

33.3% 33.3% 66.6% 66.6% 66.6% 100% 66.6%

7. Factors that supported to learn English.

a. English course b. Internet c. Other teachers

100% 66.6% 100%

Furthermore, the writer conducted interviews with the learners to obtain

further information related to the English learning. The interviews were

unstructured interviews which were held on the same day when the writer got the

questionnaires back. The results of the interviews were summarized in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Summary of the Respondents’ Interviews

No. Topics Results 1. Learners’

characteristics Learners (Biology teachers) had tasks to handle bilingual

classes in their workplace. The tasks demanded the Biology

teachers to be able to communicate in English. One of their

tasks was to develop a Biology module in English which

was aimed for their students. The module was developed

by summarizing Biology books written in English.

2. Experience in

English classes Learners had an English course conducted by the institution

where they worked. The course was held twice a week.

Because of the limitation of time and money, the course

could not be held in every semester. The learners of the

course were varied. It means the learners were not only

Biology teachers but also other teachers who handled

bilingual classes in the school. Most of the activities were


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No. Topics Results presenting the lesson of the subject matter in English. The

rests were focused on the grammar and the pronunciation.

3. Difficulty found in

English classes Learners were having difficulty mostly in grammar and

vocabulary used in English texts. To overcome the

difficulties, they usually looked up dictionary and/or asked

other teachers. Providentially, they were assisted by an

English teacher who officially had duty to guide them.

 From the results of the questionnaires and the interviews, the writer

concluded that English learning was very important to be conducted in SMAN 3

Yogyakarta especially for the Biology teachers. The existence of English

materials for particular study was expected to accomplish the demand of the

school’s education policy. The respondents were having difficulties in grammar

and vocabulary when reading English texts. Beside reading, most of the learners

needed to develop other skills such as speaking and writing. There were many

learning activities that could motivate the learners to learn. The activities were

group work, games, presentation, outdoor activities, and class discussion. There

were also some topics considered interesting for them. The topics were mutation,

disease, global warming, ecology, and bio-technology.

In collecting data, before designing the materials, the writer also

interviewed an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. It utilized unstructured

interview. The interview was conducted in June 2008. The results of the interview

are presented on Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Summary of the English Teacher’s Interview


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No. Statement Results 1. Learners’

characteristics Learners are basically able to get the gist of English reading texts. Nevertheless, they needed to improve their grammar skill and enrich their vocabulary, especially words which were commonly used in Biology texts written in English.

2. Response to the research

The research was needed to be conducted since the English teacher herself also had expectation to develop an English module for Biology teachers.

3. Suggestions for reading materials

It would be better if the reading texts were neither too simple nor too difficult. The texts should also be interesting and medium in length so that the learners would not be burdened or unchallenging in reading the texts.

Grammar comprehension and vocabulary check were supposed to be selected from the texts.

The learning tasks were expected to be various and simple, for example by avoiding making conclusion.

There were some points that could be drawn from the results of the

interview. The points were:

1) The reading texts should be interesting.

2) The reading texts should be challenging meaning the texts were neither too

easy nor too difficult for the learners.

3) The learning activities should be simple and various.

3. Describing the Purposes

After accomplishing the needs survey, the writer described some learning

purposes to be achieved by the learners. Based on the results of the needs survey,

the writer generated the general purpose of learning for reading classes in an

English course for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. The general purpose


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or the standard of competence of the designed materials was to enable the learners

understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the

vocabulary used in the passages.

Furthermore, the writer specified the standard of competence into three

basic competences. The basic competences were as follows:

1) Learners are able to get the general idea of the reading texts.

2) Learners are able to get the specific information of the reading texts.

3) Learners are able to get the meanings of the words used in the reading


4. Developing the Syllabus

After the learning purposes were described, the writer selected the

syllabus. The syllabus was topic-based syllabus. The syllabus consisted of the

general description of the course, the standard competence, the basic

competences, the topics, the learning indicators, the learning materials, the

learning activities, the time allotment, and the sources of the materials. The

development of those elements of syllabus was elaborated in the next stages.

In addition to the syllabus selection, since the writer used content-based

instruction which was particularly theme-based language instruction as the

learning methodology in the course, it was appropriate to use topic-based

syllabus. The theme-based language instruction presumed that the topic syllabus

was appropriate to be used in this language instruction (Richards and Rodgers,


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2003:216). As stated in the standard of competence in which the reading passages

were in Biology context, the main topic of the designed materials was Biology.

5. Producing Proto-Syllabus

This step was the step to specify the contents of syllabus. This stage

included the specification of the topics, the selection of the learning materials, and

the specification of the learning purposes.

a. The Specification of the Topics

The writer specified the main topic of the designed materials. Since the

main topic was Biology, the writer listed topics related to Biology that would be

presented in each unit of the designed materials. There were two considerations in

choosing the topics. First, the writer considered the topics stated in KTSP for

Biology subject of senior high school. The consideration was that the learning

content under topics discussed would give additional information to what the

learners (Biology teachers) were going to teach to their students. Second, the

writer considered the topics which were interesting for the learners based on the

results of the needs analysis. Thus, there were eight topics selected in the research.

The topics were presented on Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 The Topics of the Designed Materials

Unit Topics

1 Biology as Science

2 Reproduction


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4 Mercury

5 Alzheimer’s Disease

6 Bio-technology

7 Natural Disaster

8 Global Warming

b. The Selection of the Learning Materials

In selecting the learning materials, the writer collected authentic texts from

various source in the internet and magazines. The texts were selected based on the

topics which were chosen before. The lists of the learning materials in each unit

are presented on Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 The Learning Materials of the Designed Materials

No Topics Learning Materials

1. Biology as

Science • Short texts “What Is Biology?” and “Characteristics of

Living Things”

• Language focus: Verb (main and helping verbs)

2. Reproduction • Short texts “Reproduction” and “Sudden Infant Death


• Language focus: Adverb

3. HIV-AIDS • Short texts “HIV Isolate from Kenya Provides Clues for

Vaccine Design” and “The AIDS Fight: Looking Ahead

to 2010”

• Language focus: Noun (countable and uncountable


4. Mercury • Short texts “What Is Mercury?” and “What Happens to

Mercury When It Enters the Environment?”

• Language focus: Adjective


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No Topics Learning Materials

5. Alzheimer’s

Disease • Short text about “Alzheimer’s Disease”

• Language focus: Coordinating Conjunction

6. Bio-technology • Short texts “How nanotech can meet the poor’s water

needs?” and “Nanoparticles killed women, study


• Language focus: Subordinating Conjunction

7. Natural Disaster • Short texts “Florida’s Coast: What’s At Stake” and

“Wildfire’s on the Rise with Global Warming”

• Language focus: Simple Present Tense

8. Global Warming • Short texts “The Greenhouse Effect” and “Save Energy

and Money at Home”

• Language focus: Simple Past Tense

c. The Specification of the Learning Purposes

After selecting the topics and the learning materials, the writer specified

the learning purposes (basic competences). The specification was aimed to make

the learning purposes measureable. The specific learning purposes were called

learning indicators. The learning indicators of each topic are presented on Table


Table 4.6 The Learning Indicators of the Designed Materials

Unit Topics Learning Indicators 1. Biology as

Science Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text


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Unit Topics Learning Indicators

• use some words related to the text • identify verbs used in the text • list important points from a text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way

2. Reproduction Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • match some words in the text with their meanings • use some words related to the text • identify adverbs used in the text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way

3. HIV-AIDS Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • use some words related to the text • identify nouns used in sentences • list important points from a text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way

4. Mercury Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • find the meanings of words used in the text • match some words in the text with their synonyms • identify adjectives used in the text • use appropriate adjectives in sentences • express their ideas related to the topic in written way

5. Alzheimer’s Disease

Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • find the meanings of some words used in the text


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Unit Topics Learning Indicators

• use some words related to the text • identify coordinating conjunctions used in the text • use coordinating conjunctions • list important points of a text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way

6. Bio-technology

Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • find the meanings of some words used in the text • use some words related to the text in sentences • identify complex sentences used in the text • use subordinating conjunctions in sentences • list important points of a text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way

7. Natural disaster

Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • match some words in the text with their meanings • find the synonyms of some words in the text • use some words to make sentences • identify simple present tense sentences used in the text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way

8. Global Warming

Learners are able to: • answer questions about specific details and inferences

of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • identify simple past tense sentences used in the text • change simple present tense sentences into simple past

tense sentences • find the meanings of some words used in the text • use some words related to the text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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6. Producing Pedagogical Syllabus

In this step, the writer listed words to be emphasized in the designed

materials. The words were selected from the reading texts of each unit. The

selection was also considering the chosen language features. The words in each

unit are listed in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7 The Words in the Designed Materials

No Topics Words

1. Biology as


tissue, organism, scientific, core, adapt, chemistry, cell

division, principle

2. Reproduction reproduction, offspring, sexual, asexual, disorder,

diagnosis, nerve, mature, embryo

3. HIV-AIDS vaccine, inactivated, antiretroviral, treatment, resistance,


4. Mercury vapors, hazardous, solid, contaminated, evaporate,

compound, odorless

5. Alzheimer’s


brain tissue, brain alterations, suggestive, hereditary,


6. Bio-technology nanoparticles, nanofiltration, nanotechnology, eliminate,

sustainable, controllable

7. Natural Disaster storm, hurricane, weather, vulnerable, coast, at stake,

gulf, severe

8. Global Warming habitable, decompose, significant, emission, climate

change, pollutant

7. Developing and Implementing Classroom Procedures


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Having completed with the previous steps, the writer developed the

learning activities. Besides, the writer also determined the time allotment of the

learning course taken in each unit of the designed materials.

a. Learning Activities

The learning activities were developed by considering some principles of

English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Content-Based Instruction (CBI), and

precisely the principles of reading. In this stage, the appropriate learning activities

were established to achieve the learning purposes. Since the writer applied CBI as

the learning method, the designed materials emphasized the language learning

through the content. It meant that the learning was not only to gain linguistic

knowledge but also to gain other information from the texts presented in the

designed materials. Therefore, the learners would obtain other knowledge while

learning English. Considering that the learners were Biology teachers, the writer

implemented theme-based teaching model of CBI in which the general theme was

Biology. Thus, the learning was in the context of Biology matters. This revealed

the principle of ESP that was language learning was not just a matter of linguistic

knowledge and in line with the principle of CBI that was language was easier to

be acquired in context.

Corresponding to one of the principles of ESP that the learning was an

emotional experience, the designed materials presented various learning activities

in order to encourage the learners to learn. Since the product of reading was

comprehension (Cushenberry, 1985:58-61), the learning activities were

established to obtain the comprehension. Thus, the writer took some of the


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learning activities from the four basic levels of comprehension skills: literal

reading level, interpretive level, critical reading level, and creative reading level

(Cushenberry, 1985:9-10). The learning activities were remembering details,

identifying main ideas, discovering cause and effect relationships of the text,

discovering author’s purpose, drawing conclusion, and summarizing. In addition,

the selection of the topics was involving the learners. It meant that the learners

selected some topics which were interesting for them. The interesting topics

would also motivate the learners to learn. The selected topics were presented in

the previous discussion.

As a result, the writer tried to develop the learning activities systematically

based on the principles above and the subject contents that were discussed

previously. According to Wallace (1992:114-122), there were three main learning

activities, namely, pre-reading activities, while-reading activities, and post-

reading activities. Meanwhile, Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108-109) also stated

that the learning activities consisted of four elements. They are input, content

focus, language focus, and task. The writer combined those two models for they

could complete one to another. In details, the learning activities of the designed

materials were described below.

1) Bring It To Mind

According to Cushenbery (1985:58-61), there were five stages to teach

reading in the content area. The first stage was readiness stage which referred to

this section in the designed materials. This section was equal to pre-reading

activity proposed by Wallace (1992:114-122) which was aimed at activating the


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learners’ background knowledge and equal to input proposed by Hutchinson and

Waters (1987:108-109) as well.

To achieve the purpose of the stage which was to prepare the learners

before continuing to the next step of learning, the writer developed questions

related to the learners’ experiences and the content of the reading texts. Moreover,

Nunan (1989:33) stated that reading was an interactive process between learners’

background knowledge and the given texts. In the designed materials, some open-

ended questions about given topics were asked to the learners in order to recall

their existed knowledge.

2) Let’s Start!

Having acquainted with the given topics, this section led the learners to the

main learning activity which was reading. The learners were provided with a

reading text in each unit. The reading texts in the designed materials referred to

the adapted authentic texts which were taken from many authentic sources such as

internet and magazines.

After completing the reading section, the writer developed reading

exercises. Since reading was expected to build learners’ comprehension, the writer

developed the exercises which could enable the learners establish their

comprehension skill. As stated in the previous discussion that the development

was based on the four basic levels of comprehension skill proposed by

Cushenbery (1985:9-10), the writer selected some of the learning activities which


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were appropriate for the learners to develop their comprehension skill. The

learning activities were remembering details, identifying main ideas, discovering

cause and effect relationships of the text, discovering author’s purpose, drawing

conclusion, and summarizing.

To maintain the learners’ interest, the exercises might be different in each

unit as long as they were aimed for comprehension. The reading exercises in the

designed materials were presented below.

• Answering questions about specific details

• Stating whether some statements were true or false

• Finding main idea of a paragraph or a whole text

• Finding the meaning of words used in the text and making sentences

using those words

• Matching some words used in the text with the meanings

• Finding synonyms and antonyms of some words in a text

• Matching some words with the synonyms

• Completing table with some important points of a text

• Listing some important points of a text

• Giving comments to a text

• Relating a text to real life


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It was required that the learners used reading techniques. According to

Cushenbery (1985:87-91), there were four basic reading techniques, namely

detailed reading, average rate, skimming, and scanning. The techniques were

utilized when they met the appropriate tasks. By practicing a lot, the learners

would be accustomed to utilizing the techniques. Here, the learners would do the

exercises in a pair or in a group.

In this section, there was a sub-section named challenge yourself. In

challenge yourself, the learners were demanded to relate the given texts to their

own lives. The tasks were open-ended questions which gained the learners’

opinion, their attitude towards problems, their analytical thinking in discovering

the cause and effect of something. Thus, the learning would be worthy not only

for the learners’ reading comprehension but also for their real lives. Beside

challenge yourself, there was also a sub-section which examined the learners’

understanding about some words used in the given texts. The vocabulary

understanding was purposely placed after the reading texts in order the learners

could guess the meanings by reading the texts.

The learning activities represented the second stage of teaching reading,

namely question or purpose stage. It was shown by the questions that were

developed based on Cushenbery’s four basic levels of comprehension (1985:58-


3) Grammar Battle


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The section was aimed at giving the learners opportunity to work with the

language. It provided the learners with the theory of English structures. Its

purpose was to help the learners constructing good-ordered sentences and/or texts

in the future. This section was equal to the language focus proposed by

Hutchinson and Waters (1987:108-109).

4) Completing Mission

Here, the learners were also presented with a reading text. It functioned as

the reinforcement in establishing comprehension skill. Here, the learners

demanded to do the exercises individually. And, it was expected for the learners

when answering questions they constructed the sentences correctly since they had

learned English structure in the previous section. This section referred to the post-

reading activities suggested by Wallace (1992:114-122) which had purpose to

enhance the learners’ awareness of the given topic.

b. Time Allotment

There were sixteen meetings to complete eight topics of the designed

materials. Each topic was utilized for two meetings. The contact hours for each

meeting were 90 minutes.

8. Developing the Materials

In addition to the combination of materials design models, the writer also

utilized Tomlinson and Masuhara’s materials adaptation (2004:15-16). One of the

techniques of Plus Category called addition was employed here. The writer added


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some activities, some exercises and some pictures to facilitate the learners with

interesting materials which could help them developing their reading skills. The

writer also utilized one of the techniques of Minus Category called reduction.

Here, the writer reduced the length, the depth and the difficulty of the reading

texts. This was carried out to obtain the appropriate reading materials for the

learners. Additionally, the writer employed one of the techniques of Zero

Category which was reorganization. This technique was to make the designed

materials more interesting by changing the positions of texts and illustrations.

The writer developed the materials based on the plans which had been

organized into a syllabus. Although the writer focused the designed materials on

reading skill, she integrated the reading skill with writing and speaking skill. It

emphasized on the learners’ responses towards the given topics and the language

use as well.

9. Evaluating the Designed Materials

After finishing the process of developing materials, the writer conducted

the evaluation step. This step was to evaluate the designed materials so that it

could be measured whether the designed materials were applicable and

appropriate for the learners which were Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

or not. The writer evaluated her materials by conducting expert validation and

learners’ evaluation.

a. Expert Validation


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The writer distributed the designed materials to some respondents who

were considered as experts in the designing English materials. The respondents

consisted of two lecturers of English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma

University and an English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. In conducting expert

validation, the writer distributed the evaluation questionnaires and interviewed

the respondents as well. The evaluation questionnaires contained open-ended

questions, while the interviews were unstructured interviews. The interviews

were conducted when the writer needed more information related to the questions

in the evaluation questionnaires. The questions were about the contents, the

learning activities, and the arrangement of the designed materials. Besides, the

respondents were also asked to give their opinions, the strengths and the

weaknesses of the designed materials. The results of the expert validation both

from evaluation questionnaires and interviews were presented on the following



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Table 4.8 Results of the Expert Validation


No Aspects The English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

The lecturers of English Education Study Program

of Sanata Dharma University

1 Contents

a. Topics The topics were well-selected.

The topics were various and interesting

The topics were appropriate for the learners’ needs.

• The topics were well-selected.

• The topics were various and interesting.

• The topics were suitable for the learners who studied English in the content area.

b. Texts The texts were little bit long, but they were appropriate for the learners.

The contents of the reading texts were challenging for the learners to understand.

The texts were sufficiently interesting and authentic.

The vocabulary used in the texts was neither too difficult nor too easy for the learners.

The use of grammar in the texts was not really easy to understand.

• The texts were suitable for the learners.

• The texts were sufficiently challenging for the learners.

• The texts were interesting and authentic.

• The reading texts were not too easy to understand.

c. Illustration The illustration was interesting and colourful.

The illustration was interesting, but the writer needed to avoid the use of unnecessary pictures.

d. Reading skills and the components developed

The materials as a whole could help the learners developing the learners’ reading skills

The designed materials were able to develop the learners’ reading skills if the learners read the texts carefully and studied the vocabulary and the contents.


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No Aspects The English teacher of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta

The lecturers of English Education Study Program

of Sanata Dharma University

2 Learning Activities

The learning activities were various and interesting enough.

The learning activities were well-established and enabled the learners to achieve the learning goal.

The activities were little bit hard for the learners.

• The learning activities were various and interesting enough.

• The learning activities were not really well-established since the learning activities related to comprehension were not well-developed.

• The activities were easy to understand.

3 Arrangement

a. Topics The topics were well-arranged.

The topics were well-arranged.

b. Learning Activities

The arrangement of the learning activities was good, but the aim of each activity needed to be stated clearly.

It was better to rearrange the learning activities from easy to more difficult ones.

a. Layout The layout of the materials was good enough.

The layout of the designed materials was interesting enough, but it was better not to use many different font types and size.


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From the results of the expert validation, all respondents agreed that the

designed materials were well-established to help the learners developing their

reading skills. The materials were appropriate for the learners and could motivate

the learners to learn in the various activities. Nonetheless, the respondents gave

some suggestions for the improvement of the designed materials. The suggestions

were presented below:

1) The topics

The topics in the designed materials were well-selected and well-arranged.

Nevertheless, the writer should select topics which were familiar to the


2) The texts

There was one respondent who suggested the writer to choose the shorter,

simpler and more interesting texts to be utilized in the designed materials.

3) The activities

One respondent suggested that the learning activities should be started from

the easiest activity. Besides, she also suggested the writer to create pair or

group activities and to make reading games. There was also one respondent

suggested the writer to give more exercises to develop comprehension. In

addition, another respondent suggested the writer to check the use of

grammar in the designed materials and the instruction of each activity

should be clearer.


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4) The arrangement

The topics and the learning activities should be arranged from the simplest

ones to the more complex ones.

5) The layout

The respondents suggested the writer not to use too many different font

types and size. Meanwhile, one of the respondents also suggested avoiding

the use of unnecessary pictures.

6) Other suggestion

One of the respondents suggested revising the learning indicators for some

of them referred to the process not the product of learning.

The respondents’ opinion of the expert validation could be illustrated in

Table 4.9.

Table 4.9 Results of the Expert Validation in Percentages

No. Questions Responses Percentages 1. Are the topics selected properly? a. Yes

b. Not sure c. No

100% 0 0

2. Are the topics well-arranged? a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

66.6% 33.3%

0 3. Are the learning goals well-formulated

and suitable with the target learners? a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

66.6% 33.3%

0 4. Are the learning indicators also well-

formulated to meet the goals-set? a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

33.3% 33.3% 33.3%

5. Are the learning activities interesting and a. Yes 100%


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No. Questions Responses Percentages varied? b. Not sure

c. No 0 0

6. Are the learning activities well-established in accordance with the learning goal?

a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

66.6% 0

33.3% 7. Are the learning activities easy to

understand? a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

66.6% 0

33.3% 8. Are the reading texts easy to understand? a. Yes

b. Not sure c. No

33.3% 33.3% 33.3%

9. Are the reading texts suitable with the target learners?

a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

100% 0 0

10. How is the layout of the materials? a. Good b. Not too bad c. Bad

66.6% 33.3%

0 11. Are the materials as a whole suitable with

the learners? a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

100% 0 0

12. Are the materials interesting and well-elaborated?

a. Yes b. Not sure c. No

100% 0 0

Meanwhile, the strengths and the weaknesses of the designed materials

were presented on Table 4.10.

Table 4.10 The Strengths and the Weaknesses of the Designed Materials

The Strengths The Weaknesses

1. The topics were relevant and up-to-


2. The designed materials had varied

learning activities.

1. The designed materials had poor

grammar especially in the reading

comprehension session.

2. The designed materials did not focus

on developing comprehension skill.


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The Strengths The Weaknesses

3. The designed materials were

developed based on the needs

analysis and the language learning


From the results of the expert validation, it could be concluded that the

designed materials were applicable and appropriate to be used. Nevertheless, the

writer needed to revise the designed materials as suggested by the evaluators.

b. Learners’ Evaluation

The learners’ evaluation was conducted as a substitution for materials try

out. The writer was not able to conduct materials try out because of the limitation

of time. This was conducted to get feedback from the learners. Therefore, the

writer distributed the designed materials and the evaluation questionnaires to the

three Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. The questionnaires contained

semi-structured questions. Like in the expert validation, the writer also conducted

the unstructured interviews to gain more information about the learners’

responses. They were asked to give their responses and suggestions about the

designed materials. The results of the learners’ evaluation were presented on

Table 4.11.


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Table 4.11 Results of the Learners’ Evaluation

No Aspects Responses

1 Topics The respondents agreed that the topics were interesting enough.

The topics such as HIV-AIDS, Mercury and Global Warming were interesting for the learners because those kinds of topics were always actual in society.

2 Learning Activities

The learning activities were varied and were interesting for there was ‘materials-crossing’.

The learning activities such as doing crosswords and having discussion were interesting and were able to motivate the learners to learn.

3 Reading Texts

The reading texts were interesting enough. However in the topic Biology as Science, it would be better to utilize the reading texts which were about the application ones.

The reading texts were neither too easy nor too difficult to understand.

4 Layout The layout of the designed materials was interesting especially the illustrations such as the cell structure in the reading texts.

5 Materials as a whole

The designed materials were interesting enough.

The designed materials were also easy enough to understand.

The respondents’ opinion of the learners’ evaluation could be illustrated in

the Table 4.12.

Table 4.12 Results of the Learners’ Evaluation in Percentages

No. Questions Responses Percentages

1. Are the topics interesting? a. Yes

b. No



2. Are the learning activities interesting and varied?

a. Yes

b. No



3. Are the reading texts interesting and easy to a. Yes 66.6%


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No. Questions Responses Percentages

understand? b. No 33.3%

4. Are the materials as a whole easy to understand? a. Yes

b. No



5. Are the materials as a whole interesting? a. Yes

b. No



6. Is the layout of the designed materials interesting?

a. Yes

b. No



In summary, the learners liked the designed materials since the topics and

the learning activities were interesting. The learners were interested in words-

game like crosswords for it could enable them understand the meanings in

convenience way. They also liked the discussion activity for it could enable them

share their understanding of the learning content. Furthermore, they gave some

comments and suggestions related to the designed materials. The comments and

suggestions were as follows:

1) The unity of the designed English reading materials which raised Biology

topics was interesting because they were related to the daily life.

2) The writer should create the learning activities which could develop the

learners’ creativity. For example, in the topic Reproduction, the learners

were presented with texts about technology of reproduction.

3) The writer should give more pair work or discussion activities.

10. Revising the Designed Materials


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In this step, the writer revised the designed materials based on the results

of the expert validation and the learners’ evaluation. The revision was to improve

the designed materials. The revision included following aspects.

a. The topics

There was no changing in the selection and the arrangement of the topics. The

topics were already familiar to the learners.

b. The reading texts

The writer re-adapted the reading texts by decreasing the length of the texts

without changing the contents. Since the adapted text entitled “Sudden Infant

Death Syndrome” was still too long, the writer adapted the text again to make

it shorter by deleting some unnecessary sentences.

c. The learning activities

The writer added some learning activities so that the learners’ comprehension

would be achieved. As suggested by some evaluators, the writer developed

more learning activities by adding some comprehension questions and other

learning tasks. The writer also made them simpler and rechecked the

grammar. Besides, the writer re-arranged the sequence of the learning

activities as well. The activities were arranged from simple ones to difficult

ones. Furthermore, the instructions were re-checked in order to be clearer.


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d. The layout

The writer reduced the use of unnecessary pictures. Additionally, the writer

reduced the use of the varied font types and sizes in the designed materials.

e. Other revision

The writer rewrote the learning indicators in order that the learning indicators

could reflect the product of learning. The previous learning indicators referred

to the learning processes. Therefore, the writer rewrote the indicators so that

they referred to the expecting attainment of learning.

B. The Presentation of the Designed Materials

This section was to answer the second research problem which was what

the designed set of materials look like. The materials consisted of eight units.

There were four main sections in each unit, namely Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start!,

Grammar Battle, and Completing Mission. The presentation of the designed

materials is described in Table 4.13.

Table 4.13 The Presentation of the Designed Materials

Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

1 Biology as Science

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the

- Short text “What Is Biology?” and “Characteris-tics of Living Things”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Verbs (main

A. Bring It To Mind Answering guiding questions

B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Stating whether

statements are true or false

- Challenge Yourself: Answering


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Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

communica-tive purpose of the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify verbs used in the text

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

verbs and helping verbs)

questions - Naming pictures C. Grammar Battle - Studying verbs

(main verbs and helping verbs)

- Finding verbs in sentences

- Classifying the verbs into main verb or helping verb

- Underlining verbs used in the text

D. Completing Mission - Reading another

text - Choosing the right

answer - Answering

questions - Filling in the

blanks - Finding an article

in the newspaper and listing the important points

- Giving suggestions and/or comments

2 Repro-duction

Learners are able to: • answer questions

about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• use some words

- Short text “Reproduction” and “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Adverbs (adverbs end in -ly and adverbs with no particular form)

A. Bring It To Mind Answering questions

B. Let’s Start - Reading a text - Choosing the right

answer in pair - Challenge

Yourself: Answering question

- Matching words with the related words, in pair

C. Grammar Battle - Studying adverbs - Changing

adjectives into adverbs - Making sentences

using adverbs


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Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

related to the text

• identify adverbs used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

D. Completing Mission - Reading another

text - Stating whether

statements true or false - Answering

questions - Filling in the

blanks - Giving suggestions


Learners are able to: • answer questions

about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify nouns used in sentences

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

- Short text “HIV Isolate from Kenya Provides Clues for Vaccine Design” and “The AIDS Fight: Looking Ahead to 2010”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Nouns (countable nouns and uncountable nouns)

A. Bring It To Mind Answering questions B. Let’s Start - Reading a text - Answering

questions in group - Challenge

Yourself: Making a list - Finding words in

text to complete sentences C. Grammar Battle - Studying nouns

(countable and uncountable nouns)

- Deciding the countable and/or uncountable nouns used in sentences

- Completing table with nouns used in text

D. Completing Mission - Reading another

text - Completing table

with the important points in text

- Answering questions

- Filling crosswords - Finding an article

in the newspapers or magazines

- Listing important points from the article

- Giving comments related to the article


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Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

4 Mercury Learners are able to: • answer questions

about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of words used in the text

• match some words in the text with their synonyms

• identify adjectives used in the text

• use appropriate adjectives in sentences

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

- Short text “What Is Mercury?” and “What Happens to Mercury When It Enters the Environment?”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Adjectives

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Completing table

in pair - Challenge

Yourself: Answering question

- Finding meanings of words

C. Grammar Battle - Studying

adjectives - Filling in blanks - Finding adjectives

in text and the meanings D. Completing Mission - Reading another

text - Stating whether

statements are true or false

- Answering questions

- Matching words with the synonyms

- Finding an article in the newspaper

- Discussing with friends

- Giving comments 5 Alzheime

r’s Disease

Learners are able to: • answer questions

about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the

- Short text “Alzheimer’s Disease”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Coordinating conjunctions

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering

questions in pair - Presenting the

results in front of the class

- Challenge Yourself: Answering question

- Classifying words into noun, verb,


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Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify coordinating conjunctions used in the text

• use coordinating conjunctions

• list important points of a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

adjective, or adverb C. Grammar Battle - Studying

coordinating conjunctions

- Underlining coordinating conjunctions used in text

- Making sentences using coordinating conjunctions

D. Completing Mission - Reading text - Answering

questions - Listing important

points of the text - Finding meanings

of words - Making compound

sentences using the words

- Finding an article in the newspaper

- Giving comments 6 Bio-


Learners are able to: • answer questions

about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text in sentences

• identify complex

- Short texts “How Nanotech Can Meet the Poor’s Water Needs” and Nanoparticles Killed Women, Study Claims”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Subordinating conjunctions

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering

questions in a group - Challenge

Yourself: Answering question

- Discussing the meanings of words

C. Grammar Battle - Studying

subordinating conjunctions

- Finding complex sentences in text

- Breaking the sentences down into dependent clauses and independent clauses


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Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

sentences used in the text

• use subordinating conjunctions in sentences

• list important points of a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

- Joining simple sentences into complex sentences

D. Completing Mission - Reading another

text - Stating whether

statements are true or false

- Answering questions

- Filling in the blanks with words in the text

- Finding an article in the newspaper

- Listing important points of the article

- Drawing conclusion

- Giving comments 7 Natural

Disaster Learners are able to: • answer questions

about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• find the synonyms of some words in the text

• use some words to make sentences

• identify simple

- Short text “Florida’s Coast: What’s at Stake” and “Wildfire’s on the Rise with Global Warming”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Simple present tense

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering

questions in pair - Presenting the

results in front of the class

- Challenge Yourself: Answering question

- Matching words with the meanings

C. Grammar Battle - Studying simple

present tense - Underlining simple

present tense sentences in the text

- Making simple present tense sentences

D. Completing Mission - Reading another



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Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

present tense sentences used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

- Finding main ideas - Answering

questions - Finding synonyms

of words in text - Making simple

present tense sentences using the words

- Finding a news article in newspapers or magazines

- Discussing with friends

- Giving comments 8 Global

Warming Learners are able to: • answer questions

about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify simple past tense sentences used in the text

• change simple present tense sentences into simple past tense sentences

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

- Short text “The Greenhouse Effect” and “Save Energy and Money at Home”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Simple past tense

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering

questions in a group - Challenge

Yourself: Answering question

- Filling crosswords C. Grammar Battle - Studying simple

past tense - Underlining simple

past tense sentences in the text

- Finding simple present tense sentences in the text

- Changing the simple present tense sentences into simple past tense sentences

D. Completing Mission - Reading another

text - Answering

questions - Completing table - Finding difficult

word in text and the meanings in the


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Unit Topic Learning Indicators

Learning Materials

Learning Activities

dictionary - Making simple

past tense sentences using the words

- Discussing the answer of a question with friends

- Presenting in front of the class


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This chapter consists of two sections. The first section is to present the

conclusions of the research, and the second section is to give some suggestions for

English instructors and further researchers.

A. Conclusions

The research is aimed at designing and presenting a set of English reading

materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. To accomplish the

purpose, the writer formulated two research problems. They were how a set of the

English reading materials for Biology teachers was designed and what the

designed set of materials looked like.

To answer the first research problem, the writer carried out nine steps to

follow in the research. The nine steps were conducting the needs survey,

describing the purpose, developing the syllabus, producing proto-syllabus,

producing pedagogical syllabus, developing and implementing classroom

procedures, developing materials, evaluating the designed materials, and revising

the designed materials.

Having designed the materials, the writer requested an English teacher of

SMAN 3 Yogyakarta and two lecturers of English Education Study Program to

evaluate the materials. Besides, the writer also requested three Biology teachers to

give feedback and suggestions to the materials. The results of the evaluation



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conducted to both the English educators and the learners of the research were

analyzed and then described in percentages. In addition, the writer also used

qualitative data analysis. The results showed that the designed materials were

applicable and appropriate to be used though there were some revisions needed.

The feedback and the suggestions obtained from the evaluation were utilized to

revise the designed materials.

The revised version of the designed materials was the answer for the

second question, which was what the designed set of materials looked like. The

designed set of materials consisted of eight units. They were Biology as Science,

Reproduction, HIV-AIDS, Mercury, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bio-technology, Natural

Disaster, and Global Warming. Each unit of the designed materials consisted of

four main sections namely Bring It To Mind, Let’s Start!, Grammar Battle, and

Completing Mission.

B. Suggestions

After conducting the research, the writer would like to give some

suggestions for English instructors and further researchers who are interested to

do such research.

1. Suggestions for English Instructors

There are three points that need to be considered by the English instructors

of Biology teachers. First, the instructors should understand the background

knowledge of the learners so that he/she can manage the class well. Second, the

instructors should utilize learning materials which are specified for Biology



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teachers in order the learning will be more valuable. Last, the instructors should

create enjoyable learning by giving the learners various learning activities.

2. Suggestions for Further Researchers

There are two points that the writer highlights for the further researchers.

First, it is necessary for the further researchers to develop the integrated design

materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta. Second, the future

researchers may expand the research to other specific subjects which need such

designed materials.



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Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A. 1979. Introduction to Research in Education.

New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., Razavieh, A. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education.

Belmont: Wadsworth Thomson Learning. Astika, G. 2009. Model Kelas Bilingual di Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional: Sebuah

Pemikiran Konseptual, (http://gurupembaharu.com/sekolah_bertaraf_internasional/pengelolaan_sbi/model-kelas-bilingual-di-sekolah-bertaraf-internasional-sebuah-pemikiran-konseptual/, accessed on 14 December, 2009).

Borg, W. R., Gall, M. D. 1983. Educational Research: An Introduction. London:

Longman. Brinton, D. 1989. Content-Based Second Language Instruction. New York:

Newbrury House Publishers. Cushenberry, D. 1985. Improving Reading Skills in the Content Area. Illinois:

Charles C. Thomas Publisher. Dudley-Evans, T., St. John, M. J. 2006. Developments in English for Specific

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Hutchinson, T., Waters, A. 1987. English for Specific Purposes: A Learning Centered

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University Press. Johnson, K. D., Rayle, D. L., Wedberg, H. L. 1984. Biology: an Introduction. Menlo

Park: The Benjamin /Cummings Publ. Kennedy, C., Bolitho, R. 1991. English for Specific Purposes. London &

Basingstoke: Macmillan Press Ltd. Krahnke, K. 1987. Approaches to Syllabus Design for Foreign Language Teaching.

New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.


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Larsen-Freeman, D. 2000. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

McKay, S. L. 2002. Teaching English as an International Language: Rethinking

Goals and Approaches. New York: Oxford University Press. Nunan, D. 1988. Syllabus Design. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nunan, D. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Glasgow:

Cambridge University Press. Richards, J. C., Rodgers, T. S. 2003. Approaches and Methods in Language

Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Robinson, P. C. 1991. ESP Today: A Practitioner’s Guide. Hertfordshire: Prentice

Hall International. Seliger, H. W., Shohamy, E. 1989. Second Language Research Methods. Oxford:

Oxford University Press. Tomlinson, B., Masuhara, H. 2004. Developing Language Course Materials.

Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. Trochim, W. M. K. 2006. Web Center for Social Research Methods,

(http://www.socialresearch methods.net/kb/design.php, accessed on 13 January, 2010)

Unknown. 2007. Biologi, (http://www.biology.online.org/dictionary/Biology,

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Letters of Permission


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Questionnaire for Needs Analysis


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KUESIONER UNTUK GURU-GURU BIOLOGI Identitas Nama : ______________________ Umur : ______________________ Pendidikan : ______________________ Pengalaman mengajar : ___________ tahun Pernah mengikuti kursus/pelatihan Bahasa Inggris: Belum Pernah Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c, dan seterusnya di setiap pernyataan sebagai jawaban yang mewakili pendapat Anda! Untuk no 4-10, jawaban boleh lebih dari satu. 1. Bahasa Inggris sangat penting dalam menunjang karir Anda sebagai guru

Biologi di kelas yang notabene mengimplementasikan Kelas Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional.

a. sangat tidak setuju b. tidak setuju c. ragu-ragu

d. setuju e. sangat setuju

2. Kemampuan membaca teks berbahasa Inggris membantu Anda dalam

pemahaman buku-buku yang berhubungan dengan Biologi yang berbahasa Inggris juga.

a. sangat tidak setuju b. tidak setuju c. ragu-ragu

d. setuju e. sangat setuju

3. Kemampuan memahami teks berbahasa Inggris penting.

a. sangat tidak setuju b. tidak setuju c. ragu-ragu

d. setuju e. sangat setuju

4. Kesulitan yang dihadapi dalam membaca teks berbahasa Inggris adalah dalam

hal: a. tata bahasa (grammar) b. kosakata (vocabulary)

5. Teks bacaan yang menarik adalah teks bacaan yang: a. menyangkut Biologi b. tidak menyangkut Biologi


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6. Selain membaca (reading), ketrampilan apa yang Anda sukai dalam Bahasa Inggris:

a. mendengarkan (listening) b. berbicara (speaking) c. menulis (writing)

7. Selain membaca (reading), ketrampilan apa yang penting dalam mendukung karir Anda saat ini:

a. mendengarkan (listening) b. berbicara (speaking) c. menulis (writing)

8. Selain membaca (reading), ketrampilan apa yang sulit Anda kembangkan: a. mendengarkan (listening) b. berbicara (speaking) c. menulis (writing)

9. Menurut pengalaman Anda, metode belajar Bahasa Inggris yang penting adalah:

a. Ceramah b. Tanya jawab c. Tugas rumah d. Belajar sendiri e. Kerja kelompok f. Games

g. Role play h. Presentasi i. Belajar di luar kelas j. Diskusi kelas k. (lain-lain, sebutkan!)


10. Menurut pengalaman Anda, metode belajar Bahasa Inggris yang Anda sukai atau menarik bagi Anda adalah: a. Ceramah b. Tanya jawab c. Tugas rumah d. Belajar sendiri e. Kerja kelompok f. Games

g. Role play h. Presentasi i. Belajar di luar kelas j. Diskusi kelas k. (lain-lain, sebutkan!)



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Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini! 1. Topik –topik bacaan apa yang menurut Anda penting dalam kaitannya dengan

pekerjaan yang Anda tekuni sekarang ini? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Topik –topik bacaan apa yang menurut Anda sulit dipelajari dan dipahami dalam kaitannya dengan pekerjaan yang Anda tekuni sekarang ini? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Topik –topik bacaan apa yang menurut Anda menarik? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Fasilitas apa yang mendukung pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di tempat kerja Anda saat ini? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Terima Kasih


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Evaluation Questionnaire


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Identitas :

Nama : ____________________________

Umur : ________ tahun

Pendidikan : ____________________________

Pengalaman mengajar : ________ tahun

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dan berikan alasannya!

1. Apakah topik-topik dalam materi menarik?


2. Topik-topik apa yang menarik bagi Anda? Sebutkan alasannya!


3. Topik-topik apa yang menurut Anda membosankan? Mengapa?


4. Apakah kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran sudah menarik dan bervariasi?



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5. Kegiatan-kegiatan pembelajaran apa yang menarik dan memotivasi Anda untuk belajar? Mengapa?


6. Apakah teks-teks bacaan menarik dan mudah dipahami? Jelaskan!


7. Apakah materi secara keseluruhan mudah dipahami?


8. Apakah materi secara keseluruhan menarik?


9. Apakah tampilan materi menarik?


10. Berikan komentar dan saran Anda terhadap materi tersebut!





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Questionnaire for Expert Validation


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Identity :

Name : ____________________________

Age : ________ years

Education background: ____________________________

Teaching experience : ________ years

Answer following questions! Give further explanation in every Y/N questions!

Topics :

1. Are the topics selected properly?


2. Are the topics well-arranged?


Learning Objectives :

1. Are the learning goals well-formulated and suitable with the target learners?


2. Are the learning indicators also well-formulated to meet the goals-set?


Learning Activities :

1. Are the learning activities interesting and varied?



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2. Are the learning activities well-established in accordance with the learning goal?


3. How is the arrangement of the learning activities?


4. Are the learning activities easy to understand?


5. What are your comments and suggestions dealing with the learning activities?


Reading texts :

1. Are the reading texts easy to understand?


2. Are the reading texts suitable with the target learners?


3. Are the reading texts sufficiently authentic?


4. Are the reading texts sufficiently challenging for the learners?



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5. What are your comments or suggestions towards the reading texts?


Layout :

1. How is the layout of the materials?


2. What are your comments and suggestions towards the layout?


Materials as a whole :

1. How is the materials’ clarity?


2. Are the materials sufficiently relevant?


3. Are the materials suitable with the learners?


4. Can the materials help the learners to develop their reading ability?



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5. What is/are the strength/s of the materials?


6. What is/are the weakness/es of the materials?


7. Are the materials interesting and well-elaborated?


8. What are your comments and suggestions towards the materials?


~ Thank You ~


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Overview of the Designed Set of



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This study is entitled “Designing a Set of English Reading Materials Using

Content Based Instruction for Biology Teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta”. This

study is aimed at providing Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta with

English reading materials that could help them to learn and develop their reading


A. Background

Recently, many schools in Indonesia have utilized English as lingua franca

to deliver materials in some school subjects other than English. However, in

Yogyakarta, schools which apply the policy have not widely spread yet. One of

schools which have applied the policy is SMAN 3Yogyakarta. The school started

employing the policy in the school year of 2006-2007. This school policy

requires teachers who are responsible for teaching the subjects to master English

proficiencies. Apparently, the subjects are still limited to certain subjects, such as

Biology, Math and Physics. From those three subjects, Biology is considered

using more verbal language than those two others so that it has wide range of

language that could be explored. Besides, there are a lot of up-to-date written

works related to Biology. Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta, based on the

needs analysis, have a task to provide their students a Biology module written in

English. In developing the module, they employ literary works of Biology which

are also in English as their references. To accomplish the task, it would not be

easy for them without mastering reading skill. In addition, reading skill is needed


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for they could easily discover English written works dealing with Biology from

many authentic sources such as magazines, journals, newspapers, and online

sources. Those written works would be useful as their supporting references, and

could broaden their knowledge as well. Therefore, reading skill plays important

role for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta.

The research attempts to help them to cope with their problems in reading

Biology materials written in English. The purpose of the research is to present a

set of English reading materials which could enable them to comprehend English

reading texts.

The research employs Content Based Instruction (CBI). CBI is suitable to

be implemented in the research since Biology teachers would not only develop

their reading skills but also develop their knowledge in Biology matter. Thus, the

learning would be more valuable and efficient.

B. Purpose

The purpose of the design is to provide Biology teachers of SMAN 3

Yogyakarta with English reading materials which hopefully could help them to

learn and develop their reading skill. Furthermore, the materials which are

designed specifically under Biology matter could maximize the learners’

learning. It is expected that the learners not only develop their knowledge of

English but also develop their knowledge of Biology.

C. Content

The designed materials consist of eight topics under Biology umbrella

which are also presented on eight units. The selection of the topics is based on the

results of needs analysis and the consideration of KTSP. Each unit consists of

four main sections, namely, Bring It to Mind, Let’s Start!, Grammar Battle, and

Completing Mission. The sections contain of some activities which are generated

from the combination of Hutchinson and Waters’ materials model and Wallace’s

model. The elaboration of the sections is presented on the following page.


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1. Bring It to Mind

The aim of this section is to recall background knowledge of the learners by

asking them some questions related to the topic which is going to be

discussed. It helps the learners to present pictures in their mind of what they

are going to learn.

2. Let’s Start!

In this section, the learners are led to the main activity which is reading. The

learners are presented with the reading text and some exercises related to the

text such as answering questions, stating whether some statements are true

or false, completing table, or choosing the right answer. The exercises

would be different in one unit to another. The difference in each unit is

aimed at presenting varied learning activities so that the learners could avoid

getting boredom.

There is a sub-section namely challenge yourself. It contains of some

questions or tasks which demand the learners to relate the text to their daily

lives. Additionally, there is also a sub-section which explores some words

used in the text. The learning activities of this section are directed to pair

and/or group activities except in the challenge yourself sub section.

3. Grammar Battle

This section gives opportunities to the learners to explore the language. The

learners are provided with brief explanation of structure or sentence

component being taught. There are also some exercises to measure the

learners’ understanding and to establish their knowledge of language.

4. Completing Mission

The section is the reinforcement section. Here, the learners are presented

with another reading text which is followed by some reading exercises. The

reading exercises are aimed at the learners’ comprehension. Furthermore,


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the learners are given tasks which hopefully could enable them to discover

the relationship between what they have learnt and the real life. In this

section, the learners are demanded to accomplish the activities individually.


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Syllabus and Lesson Plans


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Standard of Competence: Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

1. Biology as Science

Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text

- get the specific information of reading text

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text

- Short text “What Is Biology?” and “Characteristics of Living Things”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Verbs (main verbs and helping verbs)

A. Bring It To Mind Answering guiding questions

B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Stating whether

statements are true or false

- Challenge Yourself: Answering questions

- Naming pictures C. Grammar Battle - Studying verbs (main

verbs and helping verbs)

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

- Finding verbs in sentences

- Classifying the verbs into main verb or helping verb

- Underlining verbs used in the text

D. Completing Mission - Reading another text - Choosing the right

answer - Answering questions - Filling in the blanks - Finding an article in

the newspaper and listing the important points

- Giving suggestions and/or comments

words related to the text

• identify verbs used in the text

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

2 Repro- duction

Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text.

- get the specific information of reading text.

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text.

- Short text “Reproduction” and “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Adverbs (adverbs end in -ly and adverbs with no particular form)

A. Bring It To Mind Answering questions

B. Let’s Start - Reading a text - Choosing the right

answer in pair - Challenge Yourself:

Answering question - Matching words with

the related words, in pair

C. Grammar Battle - Studying adverbs - Changing adjectives

into adverbs - Making sentences

using adverbs D. Completing Mission - Reading another text - Stating whether

statements true or false

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• use some words related to the text

• identify

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5th– 11th 2008 Vol 388


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

- Answering questions - Filling in the blanks - Giving suggestions

adverbs used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

3 HIV-

AIDS Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text

- get the specific information of reading text

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text

- Short text “HIV Isolate from Kenya Provides Clues for Vaccine Design” and “The AIDS Fight: Looking Ahead to 2010”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Nouns (countable nouns and

A. Bring It To Mind Answering questions.

B. Let’s Start - Reading a text - Answering questions

in group - Challenge Yourself:

Making a list - Finding words in text

to complete sentences C. Grammar Battle - Studying nouns

(countable and uncountable nouns)

- Deciding the

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some

2x90’ www.Biology NewsNet.com



Page 144: DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS … · DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS ... literature, (2) ... menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pe lajaran sekolah selain

Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

uncountable nouns)

countable and/or uncountable nouns used in sentences

- Completing table with nouns used in text

D. Completing Mission - Reading another text - Completing table with

the important points in text

- Answering questions - Filling crosswords - Finding an article in

the newspapers or magazines

- Listing important points from the article

- Giving comments related to the article

words related to the text

• identify nouns used in sentences

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


Page 145: DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS … · DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS ... literature, (2) ... menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pe lajaran sekolah selain

Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

4 Mercury Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text

- get the specific information of reading text

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text

- Short text “What Is Mercury?” and “What Happens to Mercury When It Enters the Environment?”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Adjectives

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question

B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Completing table in

pair - Challenge Yourself:

Answering question - Finding meanings of

words C. Grammar Battle - Studying adjectives - Filling in blanks - Finding adjectives in

text and the meanings D. Completing Mission - Reading another text - Stating whether

statements are true or false

- Answering questions - Matching words with

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of words used in the text

• match some words in the text with their synonyms

2x90’ www.atsdr.cdc.gov


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

the synonyms - Finding an article in

the newspaper - Discussing with

friends - Giving comments

• identify adjectives used in the text

• use appropriate adjectives in sentences

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way

5 Alzheimer’s Disease

Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text

- get the specific information of reading text

- Short text “Alzheimer’s Disease”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Coordinating conjunctions

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question

B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering questions

in pair - Presenting the results

in front of the class - Challenge Yourself:

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea

2x90’ www.genetichealth.com


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text

Answering question - Classifying words

into noun, verb, adjective, or adverb

C. Grammar Battle - Studying coordinating

conjunctions - Underlining

coordinating conjunctions used in text

- Making sentences using coordinating conjunctions

D. Completing Mission - Reading text - Answering questions - Listing important

points of the text - Finding meanings of

words - Making compound

of the text • identify the

communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify coordinating conjunctions used in the text

• use coordinating conjunctions

• list important


Page 148: DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS … · DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS ... literature, (2) ... menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pe lajaran sekolah selain

Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

sentences using the words

- Finding an article in the newspaper

- Giving comments

points of a text • express their

ideas related to the topic in written way

6 Bio-technology

Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text

- get the specific information of reading text

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text

- Short texts “How Nanotech Can Meet the Poor’s Water Needs” and Nanoparticles Killed Women, Study Claims”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Subordinating conjunctions

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question

B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering questions

in a group - Challenge Yourself:

Answering question - Discussing the

meanings of words C. Grammar Battle - Studying

subordinating conjunctions

- Finding complex sentences in text

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of

2x90’ www.scidev.net


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

- Breaking the sentences down into dependent clauses and independent clauses

- Joining simple sentences into complex sentences

D. Completing Mission - Reading another text - Stating whether

statements are true or false

- Answering questions - Filling in the blanks

with words in the text - Finding an article in

the newspaper - Listing important

points of the article - Drawing conclusion - Giving comments

some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text in sentences

• identify complex sentences used in the text

• use subordinating conjunctions in sentences

• list important points of a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


Page 150: DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS … · DESIGNING A SET OF ENGLISH READING MATERIALS ... literature, (2) ... menyampaikan materi di beberapa mata pe lajaran sekolah selain

Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

7 Natural Disaster

Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text

- get the specific information of reading text

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text

- Short text “Florida’s Coast: What’s at Stake” and “Wildfire’s on the Rise with Global Warming”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Simple present tense

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question

B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering questions

in pair - Presenting the results

in front of the class - Challenge Yourself:

Answering question - Matching words with

the meanings C. Grammar Battle - Studying simple

present tense - Underlining simple

present tense sentences in the text

- Making simple present tense sentences

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• find the synonyms of some words in the text

2x90’ http://www.edf.org


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

D. Completing Mission - Reading another text - Finding main ideas - Answering questions - Finding synonyms of

words in text - Making simple

present tense sentences using the words

- Finding a news article in newspapers or magazines

- Discussing with friends

- Giving comments

• use some words to make sentences

• identify simple present tense sentences used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

8 Global Warming

Learners are able to: - get the

general idea of reading text

- get the specific information of reading text

- get the meanings of words used in the reading text

- Short text “The Greenhouse Effect” and “Save Energy and Money at Home”

- Vocabulary related to the texts

- Simple past tense

A. Bring It To Mind Answering question

B. Let’s Start! - Reading a text - Answering questions

in a group - Challenge Yourself:

Answering question - Filling crosswords C. Grammar Battle - Studying simple past

tense - Underlining simple

past tense sentences in the text

- Finding simple present tense sentences in the text

- Changing the simple present tense sentences into simple past tense sentences

Learners are able to: • answer

questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• identify simple past tense sentences used in the text

• change simple present tense sentences into simple past

2x90’ www.edf.org


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Unit Topic Basic Competence

Learning Materials

Learning Activities Learning Indicators Time Sources

D. Completing Mission - Reading another text - Answering questions - Completing table - Finding difficult word

in text and the meanings in the dictionary

- Making simple past tense sentences using the words

- Discussing the answer of a question with friends

- Presenting in front of the class

tense sentences

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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Unit 1 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Biology as Science

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify verbs used in the text

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions related to the topic



2. Main activities • Learners read text “What Is Biology?” silently and one

of them read it aloud. • Learners, in pair, state whether some statements related

to the text are true or false. • Learners discuss the answers with the whole class

members. • Each learner answers the questions in sub-section

Challenge Yourself in a piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.

• In pair, learners name some pictures related to the text. • Learners do class discussion to get the correct answers. • Learners are explained about “verbs”. • Learners identify verbs used in some sentences orally. • Each learner identifies verbs used in the text orally.





5’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 10’

3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read text “Biological

Sciences” at home. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References




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Unit 1 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Biology as Science

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify verbs used in the text

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions about what they learnt

in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again text “Biological Sciences” silently. • Learners choose the right answer individually. • Learners answer comprehension questions of the text

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners fill in the blanks with the correct words

individually. • Learners are distributed some newspapers and/or

magazines in English. • Each learner finds an article related to Biology

Development. • Learners read the articles they found. • Each learner makes a list of important points of what

they read. • Learners present the results in front of the class.

5’ 5’ 15’

10’ 10’



10’ 10’


3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to write their suggestions or

comments after reading some texts in a piece of paper and submit it in the next meeting.

• Learners together with the instructor make summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References




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Unit 2 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Reproduction

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• use some words related to the text

• identify adverbs used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions related to the topic



2. Main activities • Learners read text “Reproduction” silently and one of

them read it aloud. • Learners, in pair, choose the right answer. • Learners discuss the answers with the whole class

members. • Each learner answers the questions in sub-section

Challenge Yourself in a piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.

• In pair, learners match words in column A with the related words in column B.

• Learners exchange and discuss their answers with their friends’.

• Learners are explained about “adverb”. • Learners change the adjectives into adverbs in some

sentences in written way. • Learners make sentences using some words individually

in a piece of paper and submit it to the teacher.


10’ 5’




10’ 5’


3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read text “Sudden Infant Death

Syndrome” at home. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper,

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References

www.livescience.com & The Economist July 5th– 11th 2008 Vol 388


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Unit 2 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Reproduction

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• use some words related to the text

• identify adverbs used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions about what they learnt

in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again text “Sudden Infant Death

Syndrome” aloud in turn. • Learners state whether some statements are true or false

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners write the answers of comprehension questions

of the text individually. • Learners present their results. • Learners fill in the blanks with the provided words

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners write some suggestions related to SIDS

problem in a piece of paper individually and submit it to the instructor.



5’ 15’

10’ 10’

5’ 10’

3. Post-activities. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.


F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper,

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References


The Economist July 5th– 11th 2008 Vol 388


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Unit 3 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : HIV-AIDS

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify nouns used in sentences

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions related to the topic



2. Main activities • Learners read text “HIV Isolate from Kenya Provides

Clues for Vaccine Design” silently and one of them read it aloud.

• Learners, in a group of three, answer comprehension questions of the text.

• Learners discuss the answers with the whole class members.

• Each learner does task in Challenge Yourself and present the results in front of the class.

• In group of three, learners find words in the text to complete sentences.

• Learners do class discussion to get the correct answers. • Learners are explained about “noun”. • Learners underline nouns used in sentences in pair, then,

decide whether the nouns are countable or uncountable. • Learners complete a table with nouns used in the text

individually and compare it to other friends.






5’ 10’ 5’


3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read text “The AIDS Fight:

Looking Ahead to 2010” at home. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Materials

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References

www.BiologyNewsNet.com & www.nature.com 


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Unit 3 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : HIV-AIDS

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify nouns used in sentences

• list important points from a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions about what they learnt

in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again text “The AIDS Fight: Looking

Ahead to 2010” silently. • Learners complete a table individually. • Learners read the results aloud. • Learners answer comprehension questions of the text

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners do crosswords. • Learners get the correct answers of the crosswords. • Learners are distributed some newspapers and/or

magazines in English. • Each learner finds an article related to AIDS. • Learners read the articles they found. • Each learner makes a list of important points of what

they read. • Learners present the results in front of the class.


5’ 10’ 15’

10’ 5’ 5’ 2’

3’ 10’ 10’


3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to write their suggestions or

comments after reading some texts in a piece of paper and submit it in the next meeting.

• Learners together with the instructor make summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Materials

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References

www.BiologyNewsNet.com & www.nature.com


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Unit 4 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Mercury

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of words used in the text

• match some words in the text with their synonyms

• identify adjectives used in the text

• use appropriate adjectives in sentences

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners are asked about some questions related to the

topic orally.


2. Main activities • Learners are to read text “What Is Mercury?” silently and

one of them read it aloud. • Learners, in pair, complete a table as a summarization of

the text. • Learners discuss the answers with the whole class

members. • Each learner is to answer the questions in sub-section

Challenge Yourself in a piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.

• In pair, learners find the meanings of some words used in the text.

• Learners do class discussion to get the correct answers. • Learners are explained about “adjective”. • Learners fill in the blanks with provided words orally. • Each learner writes five adjectives used in the text and

the meanings in a piece of paper, and submits it to the instructor.






10’ 10’ 5’ 10’

3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read text “What Happens to

Mercury When It Enters the Environment?” at home. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 4 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Mercury

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of words used in the text

• match some words in the text with their synonyms

• identify adjectives used in the text

• use appropriate adjectives in sentences

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions about what they learnt

in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again text “What Happens to Mercury

When It Enters the Environment” silently. • Learners state whether some statements are true or false,

individually. • Learners answer comprehension questions of the text

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners match some words with their synonyms,

individually. • Learners are distributed some newspapers and/or

magazines in English. • Each learner finds an article related to Biology

Development. • Learners read the articles they found. • Learners discuss the articles in groups. • Learners present the results of their discussions orally




10’ 10’



10’ 10’ 10’

3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to write their suggestions or

comments after reading some texts in a piece of paper and submit it in the next meeting.

• Learners together with the instructor make summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 5 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Alzheimer’s Disease

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify coordinating conjunctions used in the text

• use coordinating conjunctions

• list important points of a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners are asked about some questions related to the

topic orally.


2. Main activities • Learners read text “Alzheimer’s Disease” silently and

one of them read it aloud. • Learners, in pair, answer comprehension questions of the

text. • Learners present the results in front of the class. • Each learner is to answer the questions in sub-section

Challenge Yourself in a piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.

• In pair, learners classify words into their classification. • Learners do class discussion to get the correct answers. • Learners are explained about “coordinating conjunction”. • Learners underline coordinating conjunctions used in the

text individually. • Learners exchange the results with their friends’. • Each learner makes sentences using coordinating

conjunctions in a piece of paper and submits it to the instructor.



10’ 10’

10’ 5’ 5’ 5’

5’ 10’

3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read another part of text

“Alzheimer’s Disease” at home. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 5 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Alzheimer’s Disease

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• identify coordinating conjunctions used in the text

• use coordinating conjunctions

• list important points of a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions about what they learnt

in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again another part of text “Alzheimer’s

Disease” silently. • Learners answer comprehension questions of the text

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners list some important points of the text. • Learners fill in the blanks with the correct words

individually. • Learners are distributed some newspapers and/or

magazines in English. • Each learner finds an article related to Biology

Development. • Learners read the articles they found. • Each learner makes a list of important points of what

they read. • Learners present the results in front of the class.



15’ 10’ 10’



10’ 10’


3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to write their suggestions or

comments after reading some texts in a piece of paper and submit it in the next meeting.

• Learners together with the instructor make summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 6 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Bio-technology

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text in sentences

• identify complex sentences used in the text

• use subordinating conjunctions in sentences

• list important points of a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions related to the topic



2. Main activities • Learners read text “How Nanotech Can Meet the Poor’s

Water Needs” silently. • Learners, in a group of three, answers comprehension

questions of the text. • Learners together with the instructor discuss the correct

answers. • Each learner answer the questions in sub-section

Challenge Yourself in a piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.

• Learners discuss the meanings of some words with friends and submit the results to the instructor.

• Learners are explained about “subordinating conjunctions”.

• Learners identify complex sentences in the text and analyze them.

• Learners join two sentences into a complex sentence. • Learners submit the results of those two previous









10’ 2’

3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read text “Nanoparticles

Killed Women, Study Claims” at home. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 6 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Bio-technology

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text in sentences

• identify complex sentences used in the text

• use subordinating conjunctions in sentences

• list important points of a text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions about what they learnt

in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again text “Nanoparticles Killed Women,

Study Claims” silently. • Learners state whether some statements are or false

orally. • Learners answer comprehension questions of the text

individually. • Learners fill in the blanks with the correct words

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners are distributed some newspapers and/or

magazines in English. • Each learner finds an article related to Biology

Development. • Learners read the articles they found. • Each learner makes a list of important points of what

they read. • Learners present the results in front of the class.





10’ 2’


10’ 10’


3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to write the conclusion and theirs

comments after reading some texts in a piece of paper and submit it in the next meeting.

• Learners together with the instructor make summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 7 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Natural Disaster

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• find the synonyms of some words in the text

• use some words to make sentences

• identify simple present tense sentences used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions related to the topic

orally. 5’

2. Main activities • Learners read text “Florida’s Coast: What’s at Stake!”

silently and one of them read it aloud. • Learners, in pair, answer comprehension questions of the

text. • Learners present the results in front of the class. • Each learner answers the questions in sub-section

Challenge Yourself in a piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.

• Learners match words with the meanings. • Learners discuss the answers with friends. • Learners are explained about “simple present tense”. • Learners underline simple present tense sentences in the

text. • Learners discuss the correct answers together. • Each learner makes simple present tense sentences,

writes them in a piece of paper, and submits it to the instructor.



5’ 10’

5’ 10’ 5’ 5’

10’ 10’

3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read text “Biological

Sciences” at home. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 7 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Natural Disaster

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify the communicative purpose of the text

• match some words in the text with their meanings

• find the synonyms of some words in the text

• use some words to make sentences

• identify simple present tense sentences used in the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time

Allotment 1. Pre-activities

• Learners answer some questions about what they learnt in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again text “Wildfires on the Rise with

Global Warming” silently. • Learners find main idea of each paragraph individually. • Learners answer comprehension questions of the text

individually. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners find synonyms of words and make simple

present sentences with the words. • Learners are distributed some newspapers and/or

magazines in English. • Each learner finds an article related to natural disaster in

Indonesia. • Learners read the articles they found. • Learners discuss the articles with friends. • Learners present the results in front of the class.


5’ 15’

10’ 10’



10’ 10’ 10’

3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to write their suggestions or

comments of the texts they found in a piece of paper and submit it in the next meeting.

• Learners together with the instructor make summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, newspaper, magazine

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 8 (1)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Global Warming

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify simple past tense sentences used in the text

• change simple present tense sentences into simple past tense sentences

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions related to the topic



2. Main activities • Learners read text “The Greenhouse Effect” silently. • Learners answer comprehension questions in group of

three. • Learners discuss the answers with the whole class

members. • Each learner answers the questions in sub-section

Challenge Yourself in a piece of paper and submit it to the instructor.

• In pair, learners do crosswords and do class discussion to get the correct answers.

• Learners are explained about “simple past tense”. • Learners underline simple past tense sentences in the text

do whole class discussion in getting the correct answers. • Learners, in pair, find five simple present tense sentences

in the text and change them into simple past tense sentences. Then, submit the results to the instructor.






10’ 10’


3. Post-activities • Learners are given task to read text “Save Energy and

Money at Home”. • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.



F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References



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Unit 8 (2)

A. Lesson Identity

Language skill : Reading

Time Allotment : 1 x 90’

Topic : Global Warming

B. Standard of Competence

Learners are able to understand the meaning of the reading passages in Biology context and master the vocabulary used in the passages.

C. Basic Competences

Learners are able to:

• get the general idea of reading text

• get the specific information of reading text

• get the meanings of words used in the reading text

D. Learning Indicators

Learners are able to:

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text

• identify simple past tense sentences used in the text

• change simple present tense sentences into simple past tense sentences

• find the meanings of some words used in the text

• use some words related to the text

• express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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E. Learning Activities

Activities Time Allotment

1. Pre-activities • Learners answer some questions about what they learnt

in the previous meeting.


2. Main activities • Learners read again text “Save Energy and Money at

Home” silently. • Learners answer comprehension questions of the text

individually. • Learners complete a table. • Learners correct the answers together. • Learners find difficult words in text and find the

meanings in the dictionary. • Learners make simple past tense sentences using the

words. • Learners, in group, discuss the answers of some

questions related to global warming. • Learners present the results in front of the class.



10’ 10’



10’ 15’

3. Post-activities • Learners together with the instructor make

summarization of what they have learnt.


F. Learning Media

English reading materials for Biology teachers, whiteboard, board marker, a piece of paper, dictionary

G. Evaluation

Learner’s participation in class, written assignment

H. References





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Presentation of the Designed Set of



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Presented and prepared by

Leoni Afikawati


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The set of English reading materials for Biology teachers of SMAN 3 Yogyakarta is aimed at helping

the Biology teachers to learn and developing their reading skill. It is also expected that the learners not only

develop their knowledge of English but also develop their knowledge of Biology.


The English reading materials consist of eight units. Each unit consists of four main sections which

are described below.

1. Bring It to Mind

The aim of this section is to recall background knowledge of the learners by asking them some

questions related to the topic which is going to be discussed. It helps the learners to present pictures

in their mind of what they are going to learn.

2. Let’s Start!

In this section, the learners are led to the main activity which is reading. The learners are presented

with the reading text and some exercises related to the text. The activities are varied so that the

learners could avoid getting boredom. There is a sub-section namely challenge yourself. It contains of

some questions or tasks which demand the learners to relate the text to their daily lives. Additionally,

there is also a sub-section which explores some words used in the text.

3. Grammar Battle

This section gives opportunities to the learners to explore the language.

4. Completing Mission

Here, the learners are presented with another reading text which is followed by some reading

exercises. Furthermore, the learners are given tasks which hopefully could enable them to discover

the relationship between what they have learnt and the real life. This section is aimed at the learners’




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Table of Contents

Cover page ……………………………………………………………………………………. i

Aim ……………………………………………………………………………………………... ii

Content ………………………………………………………………………………………… ii

Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………….… iii

Unit 1 Biology as Science ………………………………………………………………….. 1

Unit 2 Reproduction ……………………………………………………………………….… 8

Unit 3 HIV-AIDS …………………………………………………………………………..…. 16

Unit 4 Mercury ………………………………………………………………………………. 24

Unit 5 Alzheimer’s Disease ……………………………………………………………..…. 33

Unit 6 Bio-technology ……………………………………………………………………… 40

Unit 7 Natural Disaster …………………………………………………………………..…. 48

Unit 8 Global Warming ………………………………………………………………….… 55



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Achievement indicators:

Learners are able to... • answer questions about specific details and

inferences of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text

• use some words related to the tex

t • identify verbs used in the text • list important points from a text • express their ideas related to the topic in written



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Bring It to Mind . Answer the questions below based on your understanding!

1. What do you know about Science? 2. How many branches does the Science have? 3. Is Biology one of the branches? 4. What makes Biology different from other branches of

Science? 5. In your opinion, why should we study Biology?

Let’s Start! . 1. Read the text carefully to do the exercises!

Biology is the study of living things. It encompasses the

cellular basis of living things, the energy metabolism that underlies the activities of life, and the genetic bases for inheritance in organisms. Biology also includes the study of evolutionary relationships among organisms and the diversity of life on earth. It considers the biology of microorganisms, plants, and animals, and it brings together the structural and functional relationships that underlie their day-to-day activities. Biology draws on the sciences of chemistry and physics for its foundations and applies the laws of these disciplines to living things.

Many sub disciplines and special areas of biology exist, which can be conveniently divided into practical and theoretical categories. Types of practical biology include plant breeding, wildlife management, medical science, and crop production. Theoretical biology encompasses such disciplines as physiology (the study of the function of living things), biochemistry (the study of the chemistry of organisms), taxonomy (classification), ecology (the study of populations and their environments), and microbiology (the study of microscopic organisms).

Sources: http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/CliffsReviewTopic/Introduction-to-


English for Biology Teachers


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2. State whether the statements in the table are true or false by writing T or F!

Statements T/F 1. Biology examines the nature of life. 2. Biology covers the study of living things, relationship among them,

and their classification. 3. Biology is the foundation principle of Physics. 4. Theoretical Biology includes plant breeding, wildlife management,

medical science, and crop production. 5. There is only one sub-discipline of Biology.

… …

… …

3. Challenge yourself!

Answer these following questions based on your understanding!

1. Do you think that the development of Biology has positive effects in life? In what ways?

2. Are there any negative effects caused by biology development? If yes, what are they?

English for Biology Teachers






4. Name the following pictures with the provided words!

…………………… ………………… ……………….

…………………… ………………………..


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English for Biology Teachers

Grammar Battle .1. Pay attention to the explanation below.

Verb is classified into two. They are helping verb and main verb. Helping verb is a verb that has no meaning on its own. We usually use helping

verb with main verb. It ‘helps’ the main verb. Main verb is a verb that has meaning on its own. It tells something.

Look at this table below!



Main verb

a. Biology

b. Biology

c. Living things

d. Students

e. Teacher

f. She












the study of living things.

the study of evolutionary

relationships among organisms.

in the world.

Biology in class now.

to his students clearly.

the research carelessly.

2. Find the verbs in these sentences! State whether it is helping verb or

main verb! a. The researchers will publish the result in the next issue of the journal.

b. Lab attendants set up equipment.

c. Scientists have discovered traces of ice on the surface of Mars.

d. Groups of professors teach courses.

e. Teaching assistants assign readings.

3. Underline the verbs used in text “What is Biology?” above!


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Completing Mission . 1. Read reading passage below carefully!

Biological Sciences

Biology (from Greek: βίος, bio, "life"; and λόγος, logos, "speech" lit. "to talk about life"), also referred to as the biological sciences, is the scientific study of life. Biology examines the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution of living things. It classifies and describes organisms, their functions, how species come into existence, and the interactions they have with each other and with the natural environment. Four unifying principles form the foundation of modern biology: • Cell theory

All living organisms are made of at least one cell, the basic unit of function in all organisms. In addition, the core mechanisms and chemistry of all cells in all organisms are similar, and cells emerge only from preexisting cells that multiply through cell division.

• Evolution Through natural selection and genetic drift, a population's inherited traits change from generation to generation.

• Gene theory A living organism's traits are encoded in DNA, the fundamental component of genes. In addition, traits are passed on from one generation to the next by way of these genes. All information flows from the genotype to the phenotype, the observable physical or biochemical characteristics of the organism. Although the phenotype expressed by the gene may adapt to the environment of the organism, that information is not transferred back to the genes. Only through the process of evolution do genes change in response to the environment.

• Homeostasis The physiological processes allow an organism to maintain its internal environment notwithstanding its external environment.

Biology as a separate science was developed in the nineteenth century, as scientists

discovered that organisms shared fundamental characteristics. Biology is now a standard subject of instruction at schools and universities around the world, and over a million papers are published annually in a wide array of biology and medicine journals.

Most biological sciences are specialized disciplines. Traditionally, they are grouped by the type of organism being studied: botany, the study of plants; zoology, the study of animals; and microbiology, the study of microorganisms. The fields within biology are further divided based on the scale at which organisms are studied and the methods used to study them: biochemistry examines the fundamental chemistry of life; molecular biology studies the complex interactions of systems of biological molecules; cellular biology examines the basic building block of all life, the cell; physiology examines the physical and chemical functions of the tissues and organ systems of an organism; and ecology examines how various organisms and their environment interrelate.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology

English for Biology Teachers


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2. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1. Biology is a study which examines following things except … a. growth of animals b. structure of plants c. origin of human being d. structure of acid

2. How many principles/theories which underlie modern biology are in the text? a. four b. three c. five d. six

3. Which statement that is not true about cell? a. Cells multiply through cell division. b. None of living organisms contains of cells. c. The core mechanisms of all cells in all organisms are similar. d. Cells come from previous cells.

4. Before divided based on the scale of organisms and the methods used to study them, biological sciences are divided into …

a. botany, zoology, microbiology b. biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology c. ecology, physiology, cellular biology d. zoology, ecology, physiology

5. A study that examines the relation between organisms and their environment is … a. physiology b. ecology c. biology d. science

3. Write down the answers of these questions based on the text!

1. Where does the word “Biology” come from? 2. What is Biology? 3. Mention the four unifying principles that form the foundation of modern

technology! Give brief explanation in each point? 4. When was Biology developed? 5. What is the Biology position in the world today? 6. Traditionally, they are grouped by… (last paragraph).

What does “they” refer to? 7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? 8. What is the purpose of the text? 9. Find five verbs in the text above, then, make a sentence each!

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4. Fill in the blanks with the provided words!

1. ... is a process of increasing in size and changing physically of living organisms. 2. The researchers have done a … study to prove their hypothesis. 3. Cell is the most essential … of a living thing. 4. There are four fundamental … which underlie modern Biology. 5. Biochemistry is a branch of Biology which studies the … of life. 6. The number of cells increases through …. 7. Living things can survive if they can … with their environment. 8. A … contains of many certain cells.

scientific principles growth

chemistry core adapt tissue cell


5. Find and read any articles about Biology development in the newspaper, then, list some important points from the article!

6. After you read two or more articles, state your suggestions or comments about it in the provided space below!

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Achievement indicators: Learners are able to…

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • match some words in the text with their

meanings • use some words related to the text • identify adverbs used in the text • express their ideas related to the topic in written



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Bring It to Mind . Answer these questions based on your understanding!

1. How many numbers of Indonesian people were in 1900 and 2000?

2. Is there a big difference between those two years? 3. Why is there an increasing in number of population?

Let’s Start! . 1. Read the text carefully to comprehend what reproduction is!

Reproduction is the biological process by which existing organisms

create new individual organisms. Every existing plant, animal or other living organism is the result of biological reproduction, and all living things reproduce in some way. The many known methods of reproduction are generally placed into one of two classifications, sexual and asexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction, which includes human sexual reproduction and most other animal reproduction, requires the participation of two individuals of the opposite sex. During sexual reproduction, an embryo is formed when an egg carried by the female is fertilized by the male (as during human reproduction).

The division of a bacterial cell into two daughter cells is an example of asexual reproduction. Typically, more complex organisms practice sexual reproduction, while single-celled and other less complex organisms practice asexual reproduction. Most plants also have the ability to reproduce utilizing asexual reproduction.

Organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction generally produce significantly more offspring than animals and other organisms that reproduce by way of sexual reproduction. However, since it relies on self-mutation, organisms created through asexual reproduction are far more susceptible to disease and other genetic disorders. Sexual reproduction, on the other hand, produces offspring with much greater genetic variation and a much smaller vulnerability to disease.

Sources: http://www.livescience.com

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2. Choose the right answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d! Work in pair!

1. To perpetuate a species, living thing undergoes ….

a. production b. pregnancy c. reproduction d. cell division

2. Living organisms, generally, reproduce in … ways.

a. some b. many c. one d. two

3. Offspring production which requires two organisms of the opposite sex is called ….

a. sexual reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. cell division d. nonsexual reproduction

4. Cell division which occurs to bacteria includes …

a. sexual reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. fertilization d. bisexual reproduction

English for Biology Teachers

5. Which type of reproduction produces greater genetic variation of offspring?

a. sexual reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. cell division d. biological reproduction

6. However, since it relies on… (last paragraph). What does “it” refer to?

a. reproduction b. asexual reproduction c. sexual reproduction d. offspring

7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction

b. the division of reproduction

c. the meaning of reproduction

d. the classification of reproduction

8. The function of the text is… a. To give information about

sexual reproduction b. To explain about asexual

reproduction c. To inform about offspring d. To give enlightenment

about reproduction


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3. Challenge yourself! Answer these following questions based on your understanding! There are many cases in our surrounding showing that reproduction often fails. What are the causes of the failure?

4. In pair, match the words in column A with the related words in column B!










1. Reproduction

2. asexual

3. sexual

4. cell division

5. opposite sex

6. offspring

7. embryo

8. disorders

a. male and female

b. an unborn or un-hatched offspring

c. descendant

d. the process of giving offspring

e. involving two different gender

f. the process of splitting cell

g. disruption

h. without sexual feelings or associations

Grammar Battle .1. Pay attention to the following sentences.

Methods of reproduction are generally classified into two classifications. Organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction produce significantly more offspring. Words generally and significantly are called adverbs. An adverb has function to modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

Modify verbs John speaks loudly.

He never smokes. Modify adjectives

She is really beautiful. Modify other adverbs

He drives incredibly slowly. Modify a whole sentence

Obviously, I can do that. Modify a prepositional phrase

It’s immediately inside the door. English for Biology Teachers


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There are two forms of adverb: • Adverbs end in –ly.

We form such adverbs by adding – ly to the adjective. Examples: softly, loudly, strongly, interestingly.

Note: Not all words end in –ly are adverbs. For example, ‘friendly’ is an adjective.

• Adverbs with no particular form Examples: well, fast, very, never, always, often, still.

2. Change the adjectives (words in italic) into adverbs in the following

sentences! a. That was a quick move. She moved ….

b. The noise of marching band was very loud. The marching band players played their stuff


c. They were slow runners. They ran ….

d. She is a careful researcher. She does experiments ….

e. We have made an interesting performance. We have performed ….

3. Make a sentence of each following adverb!

1. always _____________________________________________________________________

2. badly _____________________________________________________________________

3. never _____________________________________________________________________

4. usually _____________________________________________________________________

5. strongly ___________________________________________________________________

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Completing Mission . 1. Read another text about reproduction below to do the exercises that

follow! Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

A chance observation may help explain why some babies die unexpectedly.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the biggest killer of babies over one month old in the rich world (many things kill babies who are younger than this). What SIDS actually is, though, is a mystery. By definition, the child is dead when the diagnosis is made. Some of the nerve cells of SIDS victims’ brainstems often look strange. The cells in question regulate basic bodily functions, including breathing and body temperature, and in SIDS babies they are more numerous and less mature than they are in babies who have died of other causes.

These cells communicate using a messenger molecule called serotonin. That gives researchers a way in, and Enrica Audero and her colleagues at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Monterotondo, Italy, have now opened it. It was at the point they realized they might have stumbled upon an animal model of SIDS.

Their original experiment used a genetic switch to regulate production of a particular receptor molecule for serotonin. To make their SIDS model they tweaked this switch so that it came on when the mice were three weeks old (mice are born prematurely, relative to people, so that corresponds roughly with the moment of human birth) and then looked to see what would happen. At the moment, nobody knows if SIDS babies die of brachycardia or hypothermia or both. That sex bias is absent in the mice. Moreover, the changes seen in mouse brains are not exactly the same as those observed in SIDS babies, in whom the serotonin receptor in question, known as 1A, is, if anything, underactive. And a study published earlier this year, by Megan Morley of Rush University in Chicago, found no evidence of an association between abnormalities in the gene for the 1A receptor and a baby’s risk of SIDS.

As regards the brain changes, a model is only a model- and in this case an accidental one. Dr. Audero’s experiment did not manipulate the receptor gene directly but, rather, manipulated its activity using the switch. This experiment does, however, suggest that genetics alone may explain some cases of SIDS. In the past, explanations have concentrated

on environmental factors such as the smoking habits of the parents, bacterial infection and (most famously) a baby’s sleeping position. Dr Audero’s results suggest that some upset of the serotonin system may be a necessary, but not always sufficient, part of the pattern that leads to SIDS.

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Adapted from: The Economist July 5th – 11th 2008 Vol 388 Number 8587 p. 84-86

2. State whether the following statements are true or false by writing T or F in the provided space!

Statements T/F 1. The strange brainstems of the nerve cells in SIDS babies are

immature. 2. The animal model of SIDS was a mouse. 3. There can be proven that SIDS relates to the abnormalities in

the gene for the 1A receptor. 4. Dr. Audero’s experiment manipulated the activity of the

receptor gene. 5. SIDS may be caused by environmental factors.

… …

3. Answer these following questions briefly based on the text in written way! 1. What does SIDS stand for? 2. Why did the writer write that it is still a mystery of what SIDS actually is? 3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? 4. What is serotonin? 5. The word “it” in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to … 6. Who did the experiment to figure out what causes SIDS are? 7. Did the experiment succeed? 8. What are Dr. Audero’s suggestions related toSIDS? 9. Can you find any adverbs in the text? If any, mention them! 10. What is the purpose of the text?

3. Fill in the blanks with the provided words!

1. They make a … to identify the nature of the strange disease. 2. … is a bundle of fibres in the body that transmits impulses of

sensation between the brain and other parts of the body. 3. Government … people of Indonesia based on constitutions. 4. We need to have a … research before we publish its result. 5. She … it from where it was attached. 6. To … has the same meaning with to make progress.

tweaked come on regulates nerve mature diagnosis

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4. After you read two articles about reproduction, what is government supposed to do dealing with SIDS problem which increases lately?

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Achievement indicators: Learners are able to…

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • use some words related to the text • identify nouns used in sentences • list important points from a text • express their ideas related to the topic in written




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                English for Biology Teachers

Bring It to Mind . Answer the questions below based on your understanding!

1. What is AIDS? 2. What is HIV? 3. What do you think about those who are

infected the virus? 4. How can the virus spread widely? 5. How do you treat those infected people?

Let’s Start! .

1. Now, read article below to do the exercises that follow!

HIV Isolate from Kenya Provides Clues for Vaccine Design

Published on January 3, 2008 05:06 PM Two simple changes in its outer

envelope protein could render the AIDS virus vulnerable to attack by the immune system, according to research from Kenya and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center published in PLoS Medicine.

The results could provide

important clues for designing an effective AIDS vaccine, which is badly needed to decrease the number of new HIV infections, now estimated at about 2.5 million per year worldwide.

Although most people infected with HIV produce antibodies against the virus within several weeks following infection, these antibodies rarely prevent the infection from progressing to symptomatic AIDS.

While studying a group of women at risk of HIV in Mombasa, Julie Overbaugh and colleagues noticed that one woman carried an AIDS virus that was



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easily inactivated by antibodies. They initially described this case in 2007 in the Journal AIDS.

Analyzing this woman’s virus, they found that it contains mutations in four amino acids in the envelope protein, two of which, when introduced into unrelated strains of HIV in the laboratory, conferred sensitivity to inactivation by a number of antibodies produced in people infected with HIV.

The researchers propose that these mutations cause a change in the overall structure of the envelope protein that result in exposure to the immune system of regions that are normally hidden. If further research confirms this idea, vaccines containing envelope proteins that include these mutations might be able to stimulate an antibody response that would protect against infection with HIV.

Source: www.BiologyNewsNet.com

2. After reading the article above, make a group of three then answer the following questions! 1. Where was the research conducted?

2. How many numbers of people are infected with HIV today?

3. What things do the HIV infected body in some people produce?

4. What did Julie Overbaugh and her colleagues find while they were doing research

in Mombasa? Describe what they found!

5. “Analyzing this woman’s virus, they found that it …”

What does “they” refer to?

6. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

7. What does the text tell you about?

3. Challenge yourself

Make a list of the causes of how HIV infecting people!

4. In pair, find words in the text above to complete sentences below!

1. The virus is …, so you do not need to worry.

2. To … means to extract something in a pure form.

3. … is an antigenic preparation used to stimulate the production of antibodies and

provide immunity against a disease.

4. She was a … person, so she decided to end her life.

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                English for Biology Teachers

Grammar Battle . 1. Pay attention to the sentence below.

The results could provide important clues for designing an effective AIDS vaccine.

The highlighted words in the sentence above are called nouns. Nouns are words used to

name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Nouns can be countable and


A countable noun is a noun with singular or plural form, and it names anything we can

count. Example:

We painted the table red and the chairs blue.

Since he inherited his aunt’s library, Jeremy spends every weekend indexing his books.

An uncountable noun is a noun that does not have plural form, and it names

something we cannot count. An uncountable noun always takes singular verb in a sentence.


Oxygen is essential to human life.

We decided to sell furniture we have.

2. Underline the nouns in the sentence! Decide whether the nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (UC)!

1. The birds are flying high to the blue sky.

2. Her hair is black and long.

3. There is a river near this village and the water flows rapidly.

4. The catastrophe occurs because the virus spreads fast.

3. Complete the table below by finding the nouns in the above reading text. Then, compare it to your friend’s!

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

1. ……………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………

5. ……………………………………………………

1. ……………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………

3. ……………………………………………………

4. ……………………………………………………

5. ……………………………………………………



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Completing Mission . 1. Read the reading passage below to do the exercises that follow!

Published online 8 August 2008 | Nature | doi:10.1038/454812a   

The AIDS Fight: Looking Ahead to 2010

Erika Check Hayden As this month’s International AIDS Conference in Mexico City ends, Erika Check

Hayden asks leaders of the HIV community what they expect to see on the agenda when the conference reconvenes in Vienna in 2010 — the year by which the world has agreed to provide universal access to HIV treatment.

                English for Biology Teachers

Julio Montaner President, International AIDS Society, 2008–10 We want to make 2010 an accountability conference, so that we have a

clear idea of which promises have been made, kept and broken in the roll-out of antiretroviral therapy. And there will be more focus on eastern Europe, where the epidemic is a catastrophe brewing. The issue of intravenous drug users is going to become dominant. Also, the distance between what we know works and what we’re actually doing needs to be closed, or the epidemic will become totally out of control.

Michel Kazatchkine Executive director, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

I expect more progress from the science of treatment, with more powerful combination treatments and ways of selecting combinations of antiretrovirals to provide long-term suppression of the virus and avoid resistance. I expect a lot more information on how antiretroviral therapy can help with prevention. And I’m looking for what percentage of countries will have reached universal coverage in treatment; I’m quite hopeful for a number of middle-income countries in western Africa and Latin America.

Peter Piot Executive directo s Programme on HIV/AIDS

attention will be paid to the e should have results of the big

e prophylaxis [PrEP]. I hope we rstanding of protective immunity on resistance to antiretrovirals. e on linking up countries’ health

systems to AIDS activities.

r, Joint United Nation

I think even more‘how’ of prevention. Wstudies of pre-exposurwill have a better undeand more information And there will be mor



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2. Complete the table below base

                English for Biology Teachers


Tachi Yamada President, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Global Health Program

I hope we will have thought through how to deal with drug resistance and the need to go to second-line treatments. In prevention, I would like to see that we’ve started on the roll-out of circumcision, and have doubled the prevention of mother-to-child transmission. I’d like to know whether the addition of antiretrovirals to microbicide treatment will make a difference. And I’d like a plan to address multiple concurrent partners in high-prevalence countries.


 Source: http://www.nature.c

d on the text!

Name Impor f the tant points o

Position Organization interviews





Peter Piot



Write the answers of t3. hese following questions based on the article above! Do it by yourself!

e HIV community?

4. id he say that they wanted to make an

1. Who reports the interviews with some leaders of th

2. How many interviewees are there? Who are they?

3. What were they talking about in the interviews?

Who is Julio Montaner? Why d

accountability conference in 2010?

5. What did Mitchel Kazatchkine expect in fighting AIDS?



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6. What did Peter Piot and Tachi Yamadha say about prevention?

in 2010 will be workable?

10. T rds taken from t he t whether they are n




4. ill crossword below with appropriate words you found in the text!


7. What is the main point of the interviews?

8. Do you think that the conference

9. What is the purpose of the text?

hese are wo ext. Identify ouns or verbs!









                English for Biology Teachers




Across: 1. notice 4. a drug against of RNA


5. meeting 6 medication




Down: ibility 1. respons

2. surrender (antonym) 3. plague




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4 Find an article about AIDS and make a list of important points of the article! Then, write your comments about it! 



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Achievement indicators:

Learners are able to… • answer questions about specific details and

inferences of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • find the meanings of words used in the text • match some words in the text with their

synonyms • identify adjectives used in the text • use appropriate adjectives in sentences

express their ideas related to the topic in written way


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English for Biology Teachers

Bring It to Mind . Answer the questions below based on your understanding! In the late of year 2008, we were surprised by news about some cosmetics which contain a kind of harmful substance namely mercury. Do you know what mercury is? And what effects does it bring to our environment?

Let’s Start! . 1. Now read the text carefully to find out what mercury really is!

What Is Mercury?

Mercury occurs naturally in the environment and exists in several forms. These forms can be organized under three headings: metallic mercury (also known as elemental mercury), inorganic mercury, and organic mercury. Metallic mercury is a shiny, silver-white metal that is a liquid at room temperature. Metallic mercury is the elemental or pure form of mercury (i.e., it is not combined with other elements). Metallic mercury metal is the familiar liquid metal used in thermometers and some electrical switches. At room temperature, some of the metallic mercury will evaporate and form mercury vapors. Mercury vapors are colorless and odorless. The higher the temperature, the more vapors will be released from liquid metallic mercury. Some people who have breathed mercury vapors report a metallic taste in their mouths. Metallic mercury has been found at 714 hazardous waste sites nationwide.

Inorganic mercury compounds occur when mercury combines with elements such as chlorine, sulfur, or oxygen. These mercury compounds are also called mercury salts. Most inorganic mercury compounds are white powders or crystals, except for mercuric sulfide (also known as cinnabar) which is red and turns black after exposure to light.

When mercury combines with carbon, the compounds formed are called "organic" mercury compounds or organomercurials. There is a potentially large number of organic mercury compounds; however, by far the most common organic mercury compound in the environment is methylmercury (also known as monomethylmercury). In the past, an organic mercury compound called phenylmercury was used in some commercial products. Another organic mercury compound called dimethylmercury is also used in small amounts as a reference standard for some chemical tests. Dimethylmercury is the only organic mercury compound that has been identified at hazardous waste sites. It was only found in extremely small amounts at two hazardous waste sites nationwide, but it is very harmful to people and animals. Like the inorganic mercury compounds, both methylmercury and phenylmercury exist as "salts" (for example, methylmercuric chloride or phenylmercuric acetate). When pure, most forms of methylmercury and phenylmercury are white crystalline solids. Dimethylmercury, however, is a colorless liquid.


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English for Biology Teachers

Several forms of mercury occur naturally in the environment. The most common natural forms of mercury found in the environment are metallic mercury, mercuric sulfide (cinnabar ore), mercuric chloride, and methylmercury. Some microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) and natural processes can change the mercury in the environment from one form to another. The most common organic mercury compound that microorganisms and natural processes generate from other forms is methylmercury. Methylmercury is of particular concern because it can build up in certain edible freshwater and saltwater fish and marine mammals to levels that are many times greater than levels in the surrounding water.

Mercury is mined as cinnabar ore, which contains mercuric sulfide. The metallic form is refined from mercuric sulfide ore by heating the ore to temperatures above 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This vaporizes the mercury in the ore, and the vapors are then captured and cooled to form the liquid metal mercury. There are many different uses for liquid metallic mercury. It is used in producing of chlorine gas and caustic soda, and in extracting gold from ore or articles that contain gold. It is also used in thermometers, barometers, batteries, and electrical switches. Silver-colored dental fillings typically contain about 50% metallic mercury. Metallic mercury is still used in some herbal or religious remedies in Latin America and Asia, and in rituals or spiritual practices in some Latin American and Caribbean religions such as Voodoo, Santeria, and Espiritismo. These uses may pose a health risk from exposure to mercury both for the user and for others who may be exposed to mercury vapors in contaminated air.

Some inorganic mercury compounds are used as fungicides. Inorganic salts of mercury, including ammoniated mercuric chloride and mercuric iodide, have been used in skin-lightening creams. Mercuric chloride is a topical antiseptic or disinfectant agent. In the past, mercurous chloride was widely used in medicinal products including laxatives, worming medications, and teething powders. It has since been replaced by safer and more effective agents. Other chemicals containing mercury are still used as antibacterials. These products include mercurochrome (contains a small amount of mercury, 2%), and thimerosal and phenylmercuric nitrate, which are used in small amounts as preservatives in some prescription and over-the-counter medicines. Mercuric sulfide and mercuric oxide may be used to color paints, and mercuric sulfide is one of the red coloring agents used in tattoo dyes.

Methylmercury is produced primarily by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) in the environment, rather than by human activity. Until the 1970s, methylmercury and ethylmercury compounds were used to protect seed grains from fungal infections. Once the adverse health effects of methylmercury were known, the use of methymercury and ethylmercury as fungicides was banned. Up until 1991, phenylmercuric compounds were used as antifungal agents in both interior and exterior paints, but this use was also banned because mercury vapors were released from these paints.

Source: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/phs46.html


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2. Mercury is defined into three kinds of mercury. Complete the table below as a summary of the text! Work in pair!

Kinds of Mercury

Characteristics How it occurs Example of the

compounds Usage




3. Challenge yourself! Answer these following questions based on your understanding! 1. What do you think about the use of mercury in cosmetics and other products which

we always consume everyday? 2. What are the risks of using those products? 3. What should people do to avoid the use of contaminated cosmetics?

4. Find the meaning of the following words which are written in the bold type! You may consult your dictionary! 1. Mercury occurs naturally in the environment... (par.1) 2. At room temperature, some of the metallic mercury will evaporate and form

mercury vapors. (par. 1) 3. Mercury vapors are colorless and odorless. (par. 1) 4. Dimethylmercury is the only organic mercury compound that has been identified

at hazardous waste sites. (par. 3) 5. Methylmercury is of particular concern because it can build up in certain edible

freshwater and saltwater fish and… (par. 4) 6. The metallic form is refined from mercuric sulfide ore by heating... (par. 5) 7. It is used in producing of chlorine gas and caustic soda, and in extracting gold from

ore or articles that contain gold. (par. 5)

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English for Biology Teachers

Grammar Battle .1. Pay attention to these sentences below.

Dimethyl mercury is a colorless liquid. That patient gets intensive treatment. Metallic mercury is a shiny, silver-white metal…

Adjectives function as words to tell us more about nouns. Adjectives can be used before

nouns like in the above examples. But, adjectives may also be used after certain verbs which

are called linking verbs. The examples are:

The disease is dangerous. Her face looks pale. The issue sounds suspicious.

2. Fill in the blank of the following sentences with the provided words!







a. Those students are … in handling that big event.

b. The village is contaminated with … waste of the factory.

c. She looks … in that dress.

d. Amoeba is not … to see with bare eyes only.

e. His idea sounds … .

f. The scene is too … to do without supervision.

3. Find five adjectives in the above text, then, find the meaning in your dictionary! No Words Meanings







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Completing Mission .

1. Following text is the continuation of the previous text. Now, read the following text to find out more about mercury!

What Happens to Mercury When It Enters the Environment?

Mercury is a naturally occurring metal found throughout the environment. Mercury enters the environment as the result of the normal breakdown of minerals in rocks and soil from exposure to wind and water, and from volcanic activity. Mercury releases from natural sources have remained relatively constant in recent history, resulting in a steady rise in environmental mercury. Human activities since the start of the industrial age (e.g., mining, burning of fossil fuels) have resulted in additional release of mercury to the environment. Estimates of the total annual mercury releases that result from human activities range from one-third to two-thirds of the total mercury releases. A major uncertainty in these estimates is the amount of mercury that is released from water and soils that were previously contaminated by human activities as opposed to new natural releases. The levels of mercury in the atmosphere (i.e., the air you breathe in the general environment) are very, very low and do not pose a health risk; however, the steady release of mercury has resulted in current levels that are three to six times higher than the estimated levels in the preindustrial era atmosphere.

Approximately 80% of the mercury released from human activities is elemental mercury released to the air, primarily from fossil fuel combustion, mining, and smelting, and from solid waste incineration. About 15% of the total is released to the soil from fertilizers, fungicides, and municipal solid waste (for example, from waste that contains discarded batteries, electrical switches, or thermometers). An additional 5% is released from industrial wastewater to water in the environment.

With the exception of mercury ore deposits, the amount of mercury that naturally exists in any one place is usually very low. In contrast, the amount of mercury that may be found in soil at a particular hazardous waste site because of human activity can be high (over 200,000 times natural levels). The mercury in air, water, and soil at hazardous waste sites may come from both natural sources and human activity.

Most of the mercury found in the environment is in the form of metallic mercury and inorganic mercury compounds. Metallic and inorganic mercury enters the air from mining deposits of ores that contain mercury, from the emissions of coal-fired power plants, from burning municipal and medical waste, from the production of cement, and from uncontrolled releases in factories that use mercury. Metallic mercury is a liquid at room temperature, but some of the metal will evaporate into the air and can be carried long distances. In air, the mercury vapor can be changed into other forms of mercury, and can be further transported to water or soil in rain or snow. Inorganic mercury may also enter water or soil from the weathering of rocks that contain mercury, from factories or water treatment facilities that release water contaminated with mercury, and from incineration of municipal garbage that contains mercury (for example, in thermometers, electrical switches, fluorescent light bulbs, or batteries that have been thrown away). Inorganic or organic compounds of mercury may be released to the water or soil if mercury-containing fungicides are used.

Microorganisms (bacteria, phytoplankton in the ocean, and fungi) convert inorganic mercury to methylmercury. Methylmercury released from microorganisms can enter the water or soil and remain there for a long time, particularly if the methylmercury

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English for Biology Teachers

becomes attached to small particles in the soil or water. Mercury usually stays on the surface of sediments or soil and does not move through the soil to underground water. If mercury enters the water in any form, it is likely to settle to the bottom where it can remain for a long time.

Mercury can enter and accumulate in the food chain. The form of mercury that accumulates in the food chain is methylmercury. Inorganic mercury does not accumulate up the food chain to any extent. When small fish eat the methylmercury in food, it goes into their tissues. When larger fish eat smaller fish or other organisms that contain methylmercury, most of the methylmercury originally present in the small fish will then be stored in the bodies of the larger fish. As a result, the larger and older fish living in contaminated waters build up the highest amounts of methylmercury in their bodies. Saltwater fish (especially sharks and swordfish) that live a long time and can grow to a very large size tend to have the highest levels of mercury in their bodies. Plants (such as corn, wheat, and peas) have very low levels of mercury, even if grown in soils containing mercury at significantly higher than background levels. Mushrooms, however, can accumulate high levels if grown in contaminated soils.

Source: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/phs46.html

2. State whether the following statements are true or false by writing T or F in the provided space! Do it by yourself! No Statements T/F 1. People purposively compound mercury. 2. The level of mercury in atmosphere was very low, so it barely

gives risk to people.

3. The mercury in air, water, and soil comes from natural resources.

4. The mercury can enter air, water, and soil only. 5. We may find high-level mercury in mushrooms.

3. For your comprehension, answer the questions below! Write on a piece of paper! 1. How does mercury enter our environment?

2. When do human activities increase the amount of mercury in the environment?

3. Complete the table below!

Amount of mercury in

the environment

80% 15% 5%




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4. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

5. Our environment can be easily contaminated with mercury. Complete the table

below to see how the substance can enter our environment!

Kinds of

mercury Air Water Soil Food chain

6. When a small fish eat the methilmercury in food, it goes into their tissues. (last


What does “it” refer to?

7. What is the purpose of the text?

8. Underline the adjectives used in the text!

4. Match the underlined words below with the synonyms in the box! One number may have more than one answer.

1. Mercury enters the environment as the result of the normal breakdown of minerals

in rocks and soil from exposure to wind and water, and from volcanic activity.

(par. 1)

2. Human activities since the start of the industrial age have resulted in additional

release of mercury to the environment. (par. 1)

3. Estimates of the total annual mercury releases that result from human activities

range from one-third to two-thirds of the total mercury releases. (par. 1)

4. The levels of mercury in the atmosphere are very, very low and do not pose a

health risk; however, the steady release of mercury has resulted in current levels

that are three to six times higher than the estimated levels in the preindustrial era

atmosphere. (par. 1)

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5. Approximately 80% of the mercury released from human activities is elemental

mercury released to the air, primarily from fossil fuel combustion, mining, and

smelting, and from solid waste incineration. (par.2)

6. About 15% of the total is released to the soil from fertilizers, fungicides, and

municipal solid waste. (par. 2)

7. With the exception of mercury ore deposits, the amount of mercury that naturally

exists in any one place is usually very low. (par. 3)

8. As a result, the larger and older fish living in contaminated waters build up the

highest amounts of methylmercury in their bodies. (par. 6)

impure yearly polluted natural firm common supplementary essential fundamental little recent hard

5. Find a news article in magazines or newspapers which talk about cases caused by mercury. Discuss with your partner how and why it happens! Write your comments in the following blank space!

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Achievement indicators: Learners are able to...

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • find the meanings of some words used in the text • use some words related to the text


• identify coordinating conjunctions    used in the text • use coordinating conjunctions • list important points of a text

express their ideas related to the topic in written way



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                English for Biology Teachers

Bring It to Mind . Answer these questions based on your understanding!

1. How many kinds of diseases are there that you know? What are they? 2. How can a person get diseases? 3. How can we prevent from getting illnesses? 4. Have you ever heard Alzheimer’s disease? If yes, what is it?

Let’s Start! . 1. Read the text carefully to know what Alzheimer’s disease is!

Alzheimer's Disease

By Michele Simon, JD, MPH Reviewed by


Robin Bennett, MS, CGC Last updated April 12, 2001

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brain and results in disorientation, with impaired memory, thinking, and judgement. People with Alzheimers also undergo changes in their behavior. This combination of symptoms is also called dementia.

About four million Americans have Alzheimer's disease, with men and women affected almost equally. Most people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease are older than age 65 and the risk increases with age. However, it can also occur in people as young as in their 30s. One in ten people over age 65 and nearly half of those over age 85 have Alzheimer's disease. In a national survey, 19 million Americans said they had a family member with Alzheimer's disease.

The only established risk factors for Alzheimer's are older age, family history of dementia, and inheriting mutations in certain genes. In most cases, Alzheimer's disease isn't caused by any one factor. Instead, it is usually a result of genes and environmental factors that researchers have not yet identified.

Contrary to what many people believe, memory loss, confusion, and disorientation are not part of the normal aging process. The trick is to be able to distinguish normal, everyday forgetfulness from a disease process that could be Alzheimer's disease. Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can include:

• Gradual memory loss • Decline in ability to perform routine tasks • Disorientation • Difficulty in learning • Loss in language skills • Impairment of judgment • Personality changes



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Alzheimer's disease begins slowly. The first symptoms may only be mild forgetfulness. As the disease progresses, symptoms become more noticeable. For example, someone with Alzheimer's may forget how to do simple tasks, such as brushing their teeth or combing their hair. They no longer think clearly and begin to have problems speaking, reading, or writing. People with Alzheimer's can also experience drastic changes in personality, mood, or behavior. They can also become extremely confused, suspicious, fearful, or quite passive. Eventually, people with Alzheimer's disease become completely incapable of caring for themselves.

Adapted from: http://www.genetichealth.com/ALZ_What_Is_Alzheimers_Disease.shtml

2. In pair, answer these following questions based on the text! Present the

results in front of the class! 1. What is Alzheimer’s disease? 2. What is dementia? 3. Who are easy to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease? 4. What factors can increase the risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease? 5. How do we distinguish Alzheimer’s disease from normal everyday forgetfulness? 6. What are Alzheimer’s disease symptoms? 7. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? 8. What does the writer want to tell us about?

3. Challenge yourself! Answer these following questions based on your understanding! 1. In your opinion, why is the disease called as Alzheimer’s disease? 2. Can we treat the Alzheimer’s disease? If yes, what treatment will it be?

                English for Biology Teachers

4. Classify these following words into the column where they belong to!

progressive degenerative disorder disorientation impaired judgment dementia affected early member inheriting mutation gen

distinguish decline impairment symptom mild noticeable drastic extremely confused suspicious fearful eventually incapable



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                English for Biology Teachers

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

Grammar Battle . 1. Pay attention to the following explanation!

Conjunctions are words used as joiners. There are actually different kinds of conjunctions. In this part, we will learn about coordinating conjunctions. Examples of coordinating conjunctions are:

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so Those words join equals one to another such as

Words to words Most children like cookies and milk.

Phrases to phrases The gold is hidden at the beach and by the lakeside.

Clauses to clauses What you say and what you do are two different things.


A coordinating conjunction joining two independent clauses creates a compound sentence. Examples: Tom ate all the peanuts, so Phil ate the cookies. I don’t care for the beach, but I enjoy a good vacation in the mountains.

2. Underline the coordinating conjunctions used in text “Alzhheimer’s


3. Make a sentence of each following coordinating conjunction with your own words!

1. and 2. but 3. or

4. for 5. so



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Completing Mission . 1. The text below is the continuation of the previous text. Read it carefully

to do the exercises that follow!

Symptoms for Alzheimer's disease can also be caused by other conditions, some of which are treatable. These include thyroid gland problems, drug reactions, and severe depression. No single test exists to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, but a series of tests can rule out other illnesses and help doctors make their diagnosis. However, the only way to conclusively diagnose Alzheimer's disease is by examining the brain tissue after death for the brain alterations that are the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease.

A doctor will conduct a comprehensive evaluation that will likely include:

• Complete health history • Physical examination • Neurological and mental assessments • Blood and urine analysis • EKG and chest x-rays

Also, keeping a written diary of symptoms and behaviors over time will help your health care providers understand your disease (or the disease of a loved-one). Your doctor may order additional tests such as computerized tomography (CT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to diagnose other possible disorders. In addition, some medical centers are beginning to offer genetic testing to individuals with a family history that is suggestive of hereditary Alzheimer's.

In people with Alzheimer's disease, changes to nerve fibers accumulate in the brain. These changes reduce the number and effectiveness of nerve cell connections. Short-term memory is affected first, followed by those sections of the brain that control other intellectual and physical functions. The rate of progression in Alzheimer's disease varies with each individual. Some people become rapidly worse, while others remain stable for a long time. Traditionally, researchers believed that people survived an average of 8 years after being diagnosed with Alzheimer's, but a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the average survival was only about 3.5 years. However, some people have been known to live as long as 20 years after diagosis. When death does come, it usually results from a related infection, such as pneumonia.

Although there is no cure available for Alzheimer's disease, certain interventions and medication can help treat the symptoms of the disease.

Two FDA-approved drugs used to treat Alzheimer's disease are tacrine and donepezil. Both of these drugs help maintain levels of the brain chemical acetylcholine, which is produced at much lower levels in people with Alzheimer's disease. They work by suppressing the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the brain. However, they don't work for everyone and they do have significant side effects. Additional promising drugs are being developed, some of which may be available within the next few years.

Also, some medications may help control behavioral problems associated with Alzheimer's disease, such as insomnia, agitation, anxiety, and depression. Proper nutrition, exercise, and stimulating social activities are all important. People with Alzheimer's disease should be in a familiar environment that includes daily routines, maintains links with the                 English for Biology Teachers  


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outside world, and encourages communication. Effective management of Alzheimer's disease also includes education, counseling, and support for caregivers and other family members.

Adapted from: http://www.genetichealth.com/


2. Answer these following questions briefly!

1. How is the Alzheimer’s disease diagnosed?

2. What things are included to a comprehensive evaluation?

3. Your doctor may order…(par. 3)

What does “your” refer to?

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

5. Fill in the boxes showing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease!

6. Can someone recover from Alzheimer’s disease? Explain!

7. What are tacrine and donepezil and how do they work?

8. Make a list the treatments for people with Alzheimer’s disease!

9. What does the writer want to tell us about?

10. Underline the compound sentences used in the text!

                English for Biology Teachers

3. Fill in the following table with some important points that you found in each paragraph of the text!

Paragraph List of important points








Changes to nerve fiber in the brain



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4. Find the meanings of the following words, then, make compound sentences using the words!

1. brain tissue

2. brain alterations

3. suggestive

4. hereditary

5. medication

5. Find an article about a person who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease! Then, write your comments about it in the space below!


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               Achievement indicators:

Learners are able to... • answer questions about specific details and

inferences of the text • find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • find the meanings of some words used in the text


• use some words related to the text    

in sentences • identify complex sentences used in the text • use subordinating conjunctions in sentences • list important points of a text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way



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                English for Biology Teachers

Bring It to Mind . Answer the questions below based on your understanding! 1. What is on your mind when you hear ‘bio-technology’? 2. Can you mention the examples of bio-technology? If yes, what are they? 3. Have you ever heard about nanotechnology? What is nanotechnology? 4. What are the advantages of the use of nanotechnology?

Let’s Start! . 1. Read the text carefully to find out what nanotechnology is!


David Dickson

Nanotechnology holds huge potential for supplying clean water to the world's poor, but many challenges must be overcome to realize it.

When the economist Fritz Schumacher coined the phrase "small is beautiful" more than 30 years ago, he was hoping to promote "intermediate technologies" that focus on local techniques, knowledge and materials, rather than high-tech solutions to problems facing the world's poor.

But more recently, the phrase has taken on a different meaning as scientists and engineers develop nanotechnology — processes to control matter at an atomic or molecular level — and show that this field, too, can promote sustainable development.

Nowhere is the promise of nanotechnology stronger than in water treatment. Nanofiltration techniques and nanoparticles can reduce or eliminate contaminants in water and could help deliver a key Millennium Development Goal — halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water by the year 2015.

The challenges are many, and not just technical. Some relate to health and safety, and the need for appropriate regulations to defend both. And some are more political, for example the need to make basic technologies both accessible to and controllable by the communities that need them most. Like any new technology, community acceptance is essential if nanotechnology is to effectively work in villages across the developing world, where water problems are often the most acute.

But there are many reasons to be optimistic that we can overcome these challenges and, by doing so, that nanotechnology can pioneer a new paradigm for applying modern technology to development needs. Its current applications show how modern science and technology can be successfully blended with concern for human and environmental health on the one hand, and a commitment to community engagement in technological innovation on the other.

They also demonstrate what can be achieved when researchers — and businesses — not only work to get their products out of developed country laboratories and into local developing world settings, but also collaborate with stakeholders in the developing world itself.

Adapted from http://www.scidev.net/en/new-technologies/editorials/how-nanotech-can-meet-the-poor-s-water-needs.html



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2. After reading the text, answer the questions below for your comprehension! Work in a group of three!

1. Who was Fritz Schumacher?

2. What did he expect from his phrase ‘small is beautiful’?

3. How did today’s scientists and engineers perceive the Schumacher’s phrase?

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

5. What are the challenges that occur caused by nanotechnology?

6. How do some people react to the challenges?

7. What are the benefits of applying nanotechnology?

8. In your opinion, does nanotechnology give more benefits to people rather than the

bad effects? Why?

9. What is the main idea of the text?

10. What is the function of the sentence written in italic at the beginning of the

reading passage?

3. Challenge yourself! Answer these following questions based on your understanding orally! 1. In your opinion, what probably makes water problems occurred in our community? 2. How will you overcome the water problems and prevent from the running out of

clean water in the next couple of years? 3. Do you think that nanotechnology gives bad effects to our environment? Explain!

4. Discuss with your friend, what are the meanings of the following words?

Write the results in a piece of paper! 1. Nanoparticles

2. Nanofiltration

3. Nanotechnology

4. Eliminate

5. Contaminants

6. Sustainable

7. Controllable

8. Accessible

9. Paradigm

10. Collaborate

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                English for Biology Teachers

Grammar Battle .1. Pay attention to the explanation below!

After you have learned about coordinating conjunctions in the previous unit, you will learn about subordinating conjunctions. There are numbers of words used as subordinating conjunctions. Some of them are:

Functions Subordinating conjunctions to express time after, before, since, until, when, while, as to express cause because, since, as

to express condition if, unless to express contrast although, even though, though

to express purpose in order to, so that to express identification that, when, where, which, who

Subordinating conjunctions also join two clauses together, but in doing so, they make one clause dependent (subordinate) upon the other. The sentence, then, is called complex sentence. Examples: It is raining.

Both are independent clauses, simple sentences  

We have an umbrella.

Add ‘because’ to It is raining. because it is raining

this is no longer an independent clause or sentence

Put the two clauses together Because it is raining, we have an umbrella. or We have an umbrella because it is raining. When the economist Fritz schumaher coined the phrase ‘small is beautiful’ more than dependent clause 30 years ago, he was hoping to promote ‘intermediate technologies’ that … (par 1) independent clause



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2. Find the complex sentences in the text above, then, break them down into the dependent clauses and independent clauses! Write them in the provided space below! Work in pair!

1. Sentence : _______________________________________________________

Dependent clause : __________________________________________________

Independent clause : __________________________________________________

2. Sentence : ________________________________________________________

Dependent clause : __________________________________________________

Independent clause : __________________________________________________

3. Sentence : ________________________________________________________

Dependent clause : __________________________________________________

Independent clause : __________________________________________________

4. Sentence : ________________________________________________________

Dependent clause : __________________________________________________

Independent clause : __________________________________________________

5. Sentence : ________________________________________________________

Dependent clause : __________________________________________________

Independent clause : __________________________________________________

3. Join these following sentences into complex sentences using subordinating conjunctions! Write in a piece of paper! Do it by yourself!

1. a. You go to the dentist for an appointment b. You brush your teeth.

2. a. The doctor examined the patient in her office. b. The doctor sent the patient to the hospital for more tests.

3. a. Nanoparticles may contaminate the environment. b. Nanoparticles may be inhaled by human beings.

4. a. Alex was reading a murder mystery b. Sam was watching a murder mystery on television

5. a. Nanotech is beneficial for human development. b. Nanotech gives bad effects for human health.

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                English for Biology Teachers

Completing Mission . 1. Read another reading passage about Nanotechnology below carefully!


Nanoparticles Killed Women, Study Claims       

Nanoparticles have been blamed for two deaths at a Chinese factory, in a report that claims to be the first to document human disease caused by the particles.

The study — published in the European Respiratory Journal — describes

seven women who fell ill after working in a printing factory in China, two of whom later died. All had symptoms indicating that their immune systems could not remove foreign objects from their lungs and had large amounts of fluid in the lung linings.

The study, which has fuelled debate over the health risks of nanotechnology, says the women inhaled fumes generated by heating polystyrene boards covered with a plastic paste to high temperatures. Their workroom had no functioning ventilation system and they wore face masks only occasionally.

Particles of around 30 nanometres in size were found in the women's lungs and also in the plastic paste and a broken ventilation shaft in the workroom.

"It is obvious the disease is not due to microparticles or vapours because the pulmonary epithelial cells are full of nanoparticles," says Yuguo Song, lead author and clinical toxicologist at the Beijing Chaoyang Hospital.

But while some say the symptoms are "similar" to those observed in animals exposed to nanoparticles, others doubt nanoparticles' role.

Anthony Seaton, emeritus professor in environmental and occupational medicine at the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, says the study doesn't conclusively show that the cause was nanoparticles. Instead he describes the case as an example of a "total failure in health and safety procedures".





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2. After reading the text, state whether the statements were true or false by writing T or F in the provided space! 1. The victims of the accident were nine persons. (…)

2. Two men of the victims died. (…)

3. The death was certainly caused by nanoparticles. (…)

4. Those women always wore face masks when they were working. (…)

5. Yuguo Song argued that the death did not have relationship with nanoparticles.


3. Answer these following questions based on the text literally!

1. Where did the case happen?

2. What did the European Respiratory Journal say about the death?

3. All had symptoms indicating that their immune system… (par.1)

What does ‘their’ refer to?

4. How did the study explain about the accident?

5. What were the evidences found in the victims’ bodies?

6. Who is Yuguo Song? What did he say about the death?

7. Who is Anthony Seaton? What did he say related to the study?

8. Why did Anthony Seaton say that the case as an example of a ‘total failure in

health and safety procedures’?

9. What is the main idea of the text?

10. What is the purpose of the text?

4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words used in text ‘Nanoparticles killed women, study claims’! 1. They _________ nanoparticles as the death’s cause. 2. Everybody has _____________ to naturally resist from getting illness in their

bodies. 3. The _____________ of his body is broken for he is a bad smoker. 4. We should get some medication quickly when we realize the _____________ of the

diseases. 5. When it is in the air, the _____________ of particles may be inhaled by human


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5. Find and read any articles about nanotechnology in the newspaper, then, list some important points from the article!

6. After you read two or more articles, draw a conclusion from what you have read! You may state your comments about it in the following space!


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Achievement indicators: Learners are able to…

• answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

• find main idea of the text • identify the communicative purpose of the text • match some words in the text with their meanings • find the synonyms of some words in the text • use some words to make sentences • identify simple present tense sentences used in the

text • express their ideas related to the topic in written way



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Bring It to Mind . Answer the questions below!

In the past decades, there have been many natural disasters occur in either outside or inside our country. Did you have any experience in suffering from such disasters? How did you feel at the time? In your opinion, what are things which potentially cause the disasters?

Let’s Start! . 1. Read the following text carefully to do the next exercises!

Florida's Coast: What's at Stake!

Posted: 29-May-2007; Updated: 05-Sep-2007 If you live in Florida, you live near the ocean — no point in the state is more than 80 miles away from either the Atlantic Ocean or the Gulf of Mexico. More than three quarters of the state's population — over 13 million people — live in coastal counties. Coastal communities have grown by nearly 6.3 percent since 1999 and nearly 32 percent since 1990, one of the highest rates of growth in the country. Floridians are acutely aware of the threats tropical storms and hurricanes pose.

Most of the state's major economic centers — Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa-St. Petersburg — lie on the coast. The Florida Keys, the Dry Tortugas and the Everglades are a handful of the many natural resources important to the state's tourist industry. Beach tourism brought in $41.6 billion in 2000 and supported 442,000 jobs. For example, the coral reefs of the Keys generate over $1 billion in tourism dollars each year. Activities such as reef diving are at risk, since coral reefs are vulnerable to both damage from storms and excessively warm water caused by global warming. The most hurricane-battered coast As an arm of land separating the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, Florida receives more than its share of severe weather. Since the 1970s, Florida has been hit by more tropical storms and hurricanes than any other state. Since 1990, Florida has been hit directly by 22 tropical storms and hurricanes. In 1992, Hurricane Andrew hit Dade County with Category 4 force, generating 17-foot storm surges. The storm system killed 23 people. Property damage in the state of Florida from



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Andrew was estimated at $25.5 billion, and the marine ecosystem, including the natural reefs of the upper Keys and along the eastern coast, was also heavily damaged.

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The year 2004 was particularly active for storms and hurricanes in Florida. Tropical Storm Bonnie and Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne all struck the Florida coast between August and September of that year. In total, 45 people were killed and estimated damages across the southeastern United States totaled over $21.1 billion. More destructive storms are projected because of global warming Recent studies show that hurricanes are becoming more powerful—for example, there are twice as many Category 4 and 5 hurricanes today than there were 35 years ago. This trend is expected to continue as global warming gets worse. For coastal residents, another alarming consequence of global warming is sea level rise, which will affect storm surges. These powerful, fast-moving walls of water often accompany tropical storms and hurricanes, and can devastate coastal communities, taking lives and destroying property. Higher sea levels will mean higher storm surges that reach further inland. Many Floridians are still rebuilding their homes and lives after past years' storms. The devastation of more intense tropical storms and hurricanes on Florida could be tremendous.

Source: http://www.edf.org

2. Answer these following questions based on the text above in pair!

Present your results in front of the class! 1. Is there a point in the state of Florida that is 90 miles away from Gulf of Mexico? 2. How high is the growth of population in Florida? 3. What is the role of Miami and Tampa in Florida? 4. How many tropical storms and hurricanes are there that have been hit Florida

since 1990? 5. Describe Hurricane Andrew that hit Dade County in 1992! 6. How many tropical storms and hurricanes are there stated in the text? What are

they? 7. What do the recent studies show related to the storms and hurricanes? 8. Do you agree with the result of the study? Why? 9. “Many Floridians are still rebuilding their homes…”

What does ‘their’ refer to? 10. What is the purpose of the text?



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3. Challenge yourself! Answer the questions below! What will you do if such natural disasters happen in your country? Write your own experience in giving a hand to the victims of natural disasters, if any!

4. Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B! Discuss the answers with your friends!

A B … … … … … … … … … …

1. at stake 2. storm 3. coast 4. hurricane 5. vulnerable 6. gulf 7. severe 8. weather 9. surges 10. tremendous

a. a sudden powerful forward or upward movement

b. intense, very great (of something bad) c. at risk d. a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with

strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow

e. exposed to being attacked or harmed f. a storm with a violent wind g. the part of the land adjoining or near the sea h. very great in amount, scale or intensity i. the state of the atmosphere at a place and

time as regards temperature, wind, rain, etc. j. a deep bay of the sea almost surrounded by


Grammar Battle .1. Pay attention to the sentence below!

More than three quarters of the state's population live in coastal counties. S V Adv.

The above sentence uses simple present tense. We use simple present tense when we talk about habit, general truth, and something happened in present moment. The rule is:

S + V s/es + …

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Now, pay attention to these examples:

Hurricane Andrew hits most part of the country. S V O

The use of energy, e.g. electricity and fuel, increases the level of global warming. S V O

The sun shines brightly. S V Adv

He usually does some physical exercises in that gym. S V O Adv

2. Underline sentences which use simple present tense in the text above!

3. Make simple present tense sentences using these following words!

a. storm b. hurricane c. weather d. wildfire e. global warming

Completing Mission . 1. Read another text about natural disaster below! Wildfires on the Rise with Global Warming People's homes and America's natural resources at risk

Posted: 11-Jul-2007; Updated: 20-Jul-2007

As the climate warms, hot, dry summers are creating tinderbox conditions ideal for wildfires. For a time, many scientists believed that the alarming increase in U.S. wildfires was caused by poor forest management practices. But now the groundbreaking research by Dr. Westerling and colleagues at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, points to global warming as the principle driver.

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Extended warm seasons and milder winters also fuel the fire literally. Not only does this combination translate into longer fire seasons; it also promotes outbreaks of tree-eating beetles. These insects add large amounts of dead, dry wood that help fuel forest fires. The confluence of heat, drought and pests has made wildfires increasingly destructive in recent decades. Because milder winters have allowed beetles to survive in regions where they could not previously, northern regions are among the places hit particularly hard by wildfires. Alaska, northern Canada, Scandinavia, and Siberia are susceptible to fires in the summertime — especially during warm, dry years. Huge tracts of Arctic spruce and pine forest in these areas have gone up in smoke. "Since 1986," Steven W. Running reported in Science magazine in August 2006, "longer, warmer summers have resulted in a fourfold increase of major [U.S.] wildfires and a sixfold increase in the area of forest burned, compared to the period from 1970 to 1986." He noted a similar increase in wildfires in Canada for the seven decades since 1920. Here are just a few staggering statistics associated with recent wildfires. • Lives - In October 2003, the Cedar wildfire caused 15 deaths in California. In March 2006, 11

Texans lost their lives to the East Amarillo Complex wildfires. • Property – In June 2002, the Rodeo-Chediski wildfire destroyed 426 structures in Arizona; the

same month, Colorado’s Hayman fire took out 600 structures. California’s Cedar fire burned down 2,400 structures. The East Amarillo Complex wildfire destroyed 907,245 acres and 80 structures in Texas.

• Natural resources - In June 2002, the Hayman wildfire burned 136,000 acres of land; the Rodeo-Chediski fire charred 462,000 acres.

The increase in major fires is taking its toll on the United States. In addition to the loss of life and property destruction, wildfires: • destroy one of our nation’s most treasured resource -- our forests, • put public health at risk through worsening air quality. Fires produce smoke, noxious gases, and

tiny soot particles. The smoke can be transported hundreds or even thousands of miles to urban centers, exposing millions of people to wildfire fumes.

Source: http://www.edf.org

2. Find in which paragraph the following main ideas belong to!

Main Ideas Paragraph Some northern regions of America hit particularly hard by wildfires.

The destruction is caused by wildfires. The increasing of wildfires an America. Staggering statistics related to the recent wildfires. The destruction of wildfires is increased by the heat, drought, and pests.

A research conducted by Dr. Westerling points to global warming as the cause of the wildfires.

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3. For your comprehension, answer the questions below!

1. Who is Dr. Westerling? What did he find associated with his research? 2. “Not only does this combination translate into longer fire season, it also promotes

outbreaks of tree-eating beetles.” (par.2) What does ‘it’ refer to?

3. How many causes of wildfires are there mentioned in the text? What are they? 4. In paragraph 3, there is a statement “ … these areas have gone up in smoke?”.

What does it mean 5. What did Steven W. Running say about the wildfires? 6. What effects does the wildfire bring? 7. What is the general idea of the text above? 8. What is the purpose of the text? 9. Give your suggestions to prevent the wildfires! 10. Underline the simple present tense sentences in the text, then, analyze them!

3. Find words in the text that have close meanings with the words below! After that, make a simple present tense sentence of each word below!

1. Vulnerable 2. Surprising 3. Tax 4. Smoke 5. Innovative

4. Find a news article in newspapers or magazines which is talking about natural disaster in Indonesia! Discuss with your friends and write your comments about the news in the following blank space!


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Achievement indicators: Learners are able to…

answer questions about specific details and inferences of the text

find main idea of the text identify communicative purpose of the text identify simple past tense sentences used in the text change simple present tense sentences into simple

past tense sentences find the meanings of some words used in the text use some words related to the text express their ideas related to the topic in written




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Bring It to Mind . Answer the questions below! After we read some articles about natural disasters in the previous unit, in your opinion, what is the relationship between natural disaster and global warming? What causes does the global warming emerge?

Let’s Start! . 1. Read the text carefully!

The Greenhouse Effect The atmosphere has a natural supply of "greenhouse gases." They capture heat and keep the surface of the Earth warm enough for us to live on. Without the greenhouse effect, the planet would be an uninhabitable, frozen wasteland. Before the Industrial Revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere was in a rough balance with what could be stored on Earth. Natural emissions of heat-trapping gases matched what could be absorbed in natural sinks. For example, plants take in CO2 when they grow in spring and summer, and release it back to the atmosphere when they decay and die in fall and winter.

Industry took off in the mid-1700s, and people started emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases. Fossil fuels were burned more and more to run our cars, trucks, factories, planes and power plants, adding to the natural supply of greenhouse gases. The gases—which can stay in the atmosphere for at least fifty years and up to centuries—are building up beyond the Earth's capacity to remove them and, in effect, creating an extra-thick heat blanket around the Earth. The result is that the globe has heated up by about one degree Fahrenheit over the past century—and it has heated up more intensely over the past two decades. If one degree doesn't sound like a lot, consider this: the difference in global average temperatures between modern times and the last ice age—when much of Canada and the northern U.S. were covered with thick ice sheets—was only about 9 degrees Fahrenheit. So in fact one degree is very significant—especially since the unnatural warming will continue as long as we keep putting extra greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.



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Already, people have increased the amount of CO2, the chief global warming pollutant, in the atmosphere to 31 percent above pre-industrial levels. There is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than at any time in the last 650,000 years. Studies of the Earth’s climate history show that even small changes in CO2 levels generally have come with significant shifts in the global average temperature. Scientists expect that, in the absence of effective policies to reduce greenhouse gas pollution, the global average temperature will increase another 2.0 degrees Fahrenheit to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100. Even if the temperature change is at the small end of the predictions, the alterations to the climate are expected to be serious: more intense storms, more pronounced droughts, coastal areas more severely eroded by rising seas. At the high end of the predictions, the world could face abrupt, catastrophic and irreversible consequences. Scientists are no longer debating the basic facts of climate change. In February 2007, the thousands of scientific experts collectively known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that there is greater than 90 percent likelihood that people are causing global warming. (IPCC, 2007) These latest findings amplify what other highly respected science organizations say: In a joint statement with 10 other National Academies of Science, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences said: "The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action. It is vital that all nations identify cost-effective steps that they can take now, to contribute to substantial and long-term reduction in net global greenhouse gas emissions."—Joint Statement of Science Academies: Global Response to Climate Change, 2005 The American Geophysical Union, a respected organization comprising over 41,000 Earth and space scientists, wrote in its position on climate change that "natural influences cannot explain the rapid increase in global near-surface temperatures observed during the second half of the 20th century.”

Source: http://www.edf.org/article.cfm?contentid=6452 2. Write the answers of these following questions in a group of three!

1. What is/are the function/s of greenhouse gases? 2. How was the state of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere before industrial

revolution? 3. What happened to the greenhouse gases in the mid-1700s? Explain! 4. “So, in fact one degree is significant…” (par. 5)

Why is one degree significant? What does it mean? 5. What do the studies of climate history show? 6. What will happen if the condition of the greenhouse which was started in the mid-

1700s continues? 7. What does IPCC stand for? What does it say relating to global warming? 8. What are the latest findings related to the climate change?

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9. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? 10. What is the purpose of the text?

3. Challenge yourself! Answer the following question!

In your opinion, what should human beings do concerning with global warming?

4. Fill in the following crosswords! Discuss your results with your friends’!

                English for Biology Teachers

Across: 1. main 2. mass 5. habitable

(antonym) 11. decompose

Down: 1. get 2. important 3. produce 4. add (antonym) 6. gradual (antonym)

1   2


4 5 6




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Grammar Battle .1. Pay attention to these sentences below.

People started emitting large amounts of greenhouse gases. S V O

The above sentence is called simple past tense sentence. Simple past tense is used when we talk about event in the past and past habit. The rule is:

The difference between simple present tense and simple past tense is lying on verbs used in sentences.

S + V2 + …

See the examples below! I study everyday. simple present tense

She studied last night. simple past tense We go to Parangtritis beach. simple present tense

They went to the cinema last night. simple past tense

I am able to do the homework. simple present tense He was able to do break-dance. Simple past tense  

2. Underline simple past tense sentences in text entitled “The Greenhouse Effect”!

3. Find five simple present tense sentences in the text and change them into simple past tense sentences!



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Completing Mission .

1. Read another kind of reading passage below!

Save Energy and Money at Home The energy we use at home accounts for about a fifth of U.S. global warming pollution. That means making smart choices at home matters. Heating and cooling This is a top home energy user, with the average household producing about four tons of heat-trapping pollution a year. It is heavily influenced by weather. For example, a relatively cold 1996 led to an increase in heat-trapping emissions compared to the previous year. But the next year, a warmer winter helped emissions dip bit. Warmer summers increase greenhouse gas pollution, too, from heavy air conditioning use. Despite the relative warm or coolness of the season, the U.S. emits a harmful amount of global warming pollution. Even as the weather varies, your choices can help spew less global warming pollution. In summer, keep shades drawn to keep the cool in. In winter, open shades to let the sunlight to help warm rooms. In winter, keep your thermostat cooler at night or when the house is empty. Install a programmable thermostat to heat and cool rooms only when necessary. Plant trees around your house to cut cooling costs in summer. Insulate your walls and ceilings. Install a light-colored or reflective roof. Appliances After heating, refrigerators and freezers are generally the home's next two big energy eaters. Other appliances follow closely. Together, these items account for nearly eight tons of heat-trapping emissions per household per year. Upgrade to Energy Star products. Not all appliances are equal. Whether you're in the market for a new fridge, toaster or air conditioner, look for Energy Star choices, which offer the best energy savings. Size counts. When in the market for an appliance, make sure you buy what suits your needs. Items too large or too small waste electricity and your money. Unplug. Your electric meter is often adding up kilowatt hours when you don’t think you’re using an appliance. Unplug toasters and cell phone and other chargers when they’re not in use. Don't use air fresheners that have to be plugged in. Use power strips. Cable boxes and video game boxes, and to a lesser extent TVs and VCRs, use almost as much energy when they're off as when they're on. Make it easy to turn them all the way off—plug them into a power strip and turn off the whole strip. Lighting Lighting accounts for about 21 percent of commercial energy consumption and about 12 percent of home energy consumption. In terms of heat-trapping pollution, that means the lights in the average household produce just over a ton of carbon dioxide each year. Here are a few steps to lower those numbers.

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Use energy-efficient lights. Changing just one 75-watt bulb to a compact fluorescent light cuts roughly 1,300 pounds of global warming pollution. They also last up to 15 times as long and save you money. Turn off lights. A good chunk of lighting expenses is from rooms that stay unnecessarily lit. Use natural light. Open shades and use sunlight to help light rooms. Install motion-sensors so that lights automatically turn on when someone is in the room and turn off when empty. Green Energy Does your electric company sell energy from renewable sources, like wind and solar? More than forty states in the U.S. now offer cleaner energy. Other energy efficient choices for your home Use the energy saver cycle on your dishwasher and only run it when full. Wash clothes in warm or cold water, not hot. Turn down your water heater to 120°Fahrenheit. Clean or replace the air filter on your air conditioner. Install low-flow shower heads to use less hot water. Caulk and weatherstrip around doors and windows. Ask your utility company for a free home energy audit. Choose food thoughtfully Raising meat contributes more global warming emissions than raising crops. Cutting back on meat even once a week can make a difference.

Source: http://www.edf.org/article.cfm?contentID=6559

2. For your comprehension, answer these questions below!

1. What does the text tell you about? 2. Where did the research of the article probably take place? 3. How many important factors to decrease global warming emission are there in the

text? What are they? 4. What is the top of American homes’ tool which produces most heat trapping

emission? 5. What can we do with other appliances and lighting in order to save the energy? 6. What does “cleaner energy” mean? 7. Explain using your own words what is meant by ‘choose food thoughtfully’! 8. What is the purpose of the text? 9. What will you do to save the energy at your home? 10. Find five simple present tense sentences in the text, then, change them into simple

past tense sentences!

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4. Complete the table below as a summary of the text! Points Main ideas

Heating and cooling Appliances Lighting Green Energy Other energy efficient for your home

Choose food thoughtfully

5. Find ten difficult words in the text, then, find the meanings in the dictionary! After that, make a simple past tense sentence for each word!

6. Discuss with your friends, what have people around you done to prevent from the worse global warming? Are there any other things that we can do to save the world? If yes, what are they? Write your discussion’s result in provided space. Then, present the result in front of the class!


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