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Did Judas Take Communion Before Betraying Jesus?

8 Signs You’ve Found The Woman You Should ake Your Wife !"oWe#ove$t%info&

' Fe( Say That )e Did But What Do the S*ri+tures ,eveal?

Did Judas Take Communion Before

Betraying Jesus?

8 Signs You’ve Found The Woman You

Should ake Your

Wife !"oWe#ove$t%info&

A Few Say That He Did But What Do the ScripturesReveal?

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The very short ans(er to this -uestion is no. Judas did not take *ommunion% But

some no( insist that he fully +artook% )o( may one em+loy S*ri+ture to demonstrate the

truth on this to others?

 There are a fe( things to take into a**ount here/

 Judas Went To The Chief Priests Before The Last Supper.

 Then one of the T(elve 0 the one *alled Judas $s*ariot 0(ent to the *hief +riests !atthe(


 Then Judas $s*ariot. one of the T(elve. (ent to the *hief +riests to 5etray Jesus to them%

!ark 34/36&%

 Judas son of James. and Judas $s*ariot. (ho 5e*ame a traitor% !#uke 2/32&%

 Then Satan entered Judas. *alled $s*ariot. one of the T(elve% 'nd Judas (ent to the *hief

+riests and the o7*ers of the tem+le guard and dis*ussed (ith them ho( he might 5etray

 Jesus% They (ere delighted and agreed to give him money% )e *onsented. and (at*hed for

an o++ortunity to hand Jesus over to them (hen no *ro(d (as +resent% !#uke 11/02&%

 John tells us more/

'fter he had said this. Jesus (as trou5led in s+irit and testi9ed. :;ery truly $ tell you. one of

you is going to 5etray me%: )is dis*i+les stared at one another. at a loss to kno( (hi*h of

them he meant% <ne of them. the dis*i+le (hom Jesus loved. (as re*lining ne=t to him%

Simon >eter motioned to this dis*i+le and said. :'sk him (hi*h one he means%: #eaning 5a*k

against Jesus. he asked him. :#ord. (ho is it?: Jesus ans(ered. :$t is the one to (hom $ (ill

give this +ie*e of 5read (hen $ have di++ed it in the dish%: Then. di++ing the +ie*e of 5read.

he gave it to Judas. the son of Simon $s*ariot% 's soon as Judas took the 5read. Satan

entered into him% So Jesus told him. :What you are a5out to do. do -ui*kly%: But no one at

the meal understood (hy Jesus said this to him% Sin*e Judas had *harge of the money. some

thought Jesus (as telling him to 5uy (hat (as needed for the festival. or to give something

to the +oor% !John 3/1301&%

So Judas. the treasurer. 5eing disa++ointed at the ointment not 5eing sold for money. sought

another (ay to satisfy his greed@ this ha++ened before the #ordAs Su++er inauguration of

)oly Communion had taken +la*e. although all had eaten some of the su++er 5y this +oint%

#uke +resents these things a little dierently/

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When the hour *ame. Jesus and his a+ostles re*lined at the ta5le% 'nd he said to them. :$

have eagerly desired to eat this >assover (ith you 5efore $ suer% For $ tell you. $ (ill not eat

it again until it 9nds ful9llment in the kingdom of "od%: 'fter taking the *u+. he gave thanks

and said. :Take this and divide it among you% For $ tell you $ (ill not drink again from the fruit

of the vine until the kingdom of "od *omes%: !#uke 11/34038&%

#et us 5e *lear that it is not dis+uted this (as the #ast Su++er>assover or that Judas at least

+artly +artook of it% The statement a5out not drinking the fruit of the vine in this >assover

se-uen*e. until it 5e ful9lled in the kingdom of "od. is also found in the #ordAs Su++er

se-uen*e in atthe( 12/1 and ark 34/1%

Eo( (e must go a little further in #uke 11/

'nd he took 5read. gave thanks and 5roke it. and gave it to them. saying. :This is my 5ody

given for you@ do this in remem5ran*e of me%: $n the same (ay. after the su++er he took the

*u+. saying. :This *u+ is the ne( *ovenant in my 5lood. (hi*h is +oured out for you% But the

hand of him (ho is going to 5etray me is (ith mine on the ta5le% The Son of an (ill go as ithas 5een de*reed% But (oe to that man (ho 5etrays him: They 5egan to -uestion among

themselves (hi*h of them it might 5e (ho (ould do this% !#uke 11/301&%

Luke Tends to List Events y Su!ect" Rather Than in Ti#e $rder%

In Luke's gospel, several incidents are recounted according to subject matter rather than

being presented in the order in which they actually occurred. This is *lear in the narrative ofthe 5a+tism of Christ% #uke mentions the story of John the Ba+tist. his sermons. his

+rea*hing for re+entan*e 5y 5a+tism. and his 5a+tiGing of the multitude in the Jordan ,iver%

)e then mentions that Hing )erod arrested John the Ba+tist and shut him u+ in +rison.

5e*ause John had re5uked him for his marriage to )erodias. his 5rother >hili+As (ife% $t is

(ell kno(n. as mentioned in the gos+els. that Christ (as 5a+tiGed 5y John in the Jordan

5efore he (as shut u+ in +rison. and 5efore JohnAs martyrdom (hi*h follo(ed his

im+risonment% )o(ever. #uke. after mentioning the im+risonment of John. *ontinues saying.

:When all the +eo+le (ere 5a+tiGed. it *ame to +ass that Jesus also (as 5a+tiGed@ and (hile

)e +rayed. the heaven (as o+ened% 'nd the )oly S+irit des*ended in 5odily form like a dove

u+on )im%: !#uke /13011&%

$t is evident that Saint #uke (anted it to 5e understood that Jesus (as 5a+tiGed in the

+resen*e of the multitude. (ho (ere 5a+tiGed 5y John 5efore JohnAs im+risonment% )o(ever.

he mentions this in*ident (hen he started s+eaking a5out the ministry of the #ord Jesus

Christ% The ministry of Christ follo(ed )is 5a+tism and )is going out into the (ilderness to

5e tem+ted 5y the devil% Before this. the +hysi*ian #uke retold the story of John the Ba+tist.

in*luding (hat )erod had done to him% So. he +lainly adhered to the su5Ie*t matter rather

than to the se-uential order of the events% $n other (ords. #uke tends to narrate a (hole

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su5Ie*t 5efore shifting on to another% This is not unusual. and does not *ontradi*t the

a**ounts of 5i5li*al events +resented 5y the other evangelists@ this is sim+ly #ukeAs manner

of (riting% The same a++lies to #ukeAs narrative of the #ast Su++er% )e mentions the 5etrayal

of Judas after he had (ritten of the events relating to 5oth the Je(ish >assover and the

#ordAs Su++er% 's a *onse-uen*e. some 5elieve that Judas (as +resent during the institution

of the u*harist@ 5ut the gos+el of #uke does not mention that Judas +arti*i+ated in the#ordAs Su++er. or that he (as +resent% >utting all of the "os+el a**ounts together. Judas (as

+lainly not +resent (hen eu*harist*ommunion (as inaugurated !from its foundation in the

>assover. of *ourse&% <nly the #ukan a**ount. then. is o+en to a dierent reading 5ut

understanding #ukeAs (riting style hel+s us to understand 5etter%

<kay. 5a*k to the #ordAs Su++er/

Eo(. the very ne=t thing that ha++ens after the dividing of the *u+ among them is the

5reaking of 5read and distri5uting it to the dis*i+les% By the (ay. Adividing of the *u+A (ould

sim+ly mean that a large *u+ or *hali*e *ontained all the (ine (hi*h (as divided into

smaller drinking vessels*hali*es for ea*h dis*i+le% $t is here that some 5elieve that (ith JudasA hand on the ta5le. he must have fully +artaken of the 9rst *ommunion. 5ut (e must

look *loser%

But there is an admitted di7*ulty. here. in the fa*t that JudasA hand (as +lainly on the ta5le

at the +oint at (hi*h Jesus e=+lains (hat the 5read is !)is 5ody given for them& and (hat

the *u+ is !the 5lood of the ne( *ovenanttestament&%

But (e should *arefully note that Jesus has not. at this +oint. yet told the dis*i+les to eat the

5read or drink the *u+@ Jesus only distri5utes it and makes it ready to 5e +artaken%

So #uke here seems to oer a summariGed vie(. 5ased on various to+i*s. rather than a

detailed +oint05y0+oint stri*t time0se-uen*e a**ount% $f (e only had #uke (e might (ell

5elieve that it (as after inauguration of *ommunion that Judas left@ (e Iust have tounderstand the (ay that #uke (rites. +la*ing a lo(er +riority on the time se-uen*e of

events@ then (e must look at the other "os+el a**ounts%

'fter the foot (ashing. they *ome 5a*k to the ta5le for the so+ di++ing and fello(shi+ and

also for the *omment that one is to 5etray Jesus. (ho is the one (ho di++ed the so+ (ith the

#ord Jesus% $ndi*ations are that it (as at this +oint that Jesus tells Judas that it is indeed

 Judas (ho is the traitor and that (hat Judas is a5out to do. he should do -ui*kly%

What is a &Sop&?

<kay. it is time to de9ne e=a*tly (hat a Aso+A is/

 This refers to something (hi*h is di++ed+ut into a sau*e. +aste or li-uid% Today in the KH (e

have Adi+sA (hi*h might 5e a sort of sau*e. salad dressing. or +ossi5ly humus% ' +ie*e of

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5read. or may5e *ris+5read. or a *ra*ker. is di++ed into su*h a mi=ture. this sometimes

serves as an a++etiGer 5efore a full meal is served. though it sometimes may o**ur after a

main meal% Whatever is di++ed into the mi=ture is the Aso+%A $n the *ase of Judas. if this (as

5read or unleavened 5read. his di++ing of this o5viously did not *onstitute the *eremonial

Ataking of 5readA (hi*h only o**urred mu*h later%

 Judas leaves immediately after receiving and dipping the sop, the prelude to the partaking

of the ceremonial Lord's supper that was already prepared and set in front of the disciples

ready to be partaken.

'lacin( )udas At The Last Supper*

When evening *ame. Jesus arrived (ith the T(elve% While they (ere re*lining at the ta5leeating. he said. :Truly $ tell you. one of you (ill 5etray me 0 one (ho is eating (ith me%: They

(ere saddened. and one 5y one they said to him. :Surely you donAt mean me?: :$t is one of

the T(elve.: he re+lied. :one (ho di+s 5read into the 5o(l (ith me% The Son of an (ill go

 Iust as it is (ritten a5out him% But (oe to that man (ho 5etrays the Son of an $t (ould 5e

5etter for him if he had not 5een 5orn%: While they (ere eating. Jesus took 5read. and (hen

he had given thanks. he 5roke it and gave it to his dis*i+les. saying. :Take it@ this is my

5ody%: Then he took a *u+. and (hen he had given thanks. he gave it to them. and they all

drank from it% :This is my 5lood of the *ovenant. (hi*h is +oured out for many.: he said to

them% :Truly $ tell you. $ (ill not drink again from the fruit of the vine until that day (hen $

drink it ne( in the kingdom of "od%: When they had sung a hymn. they (ent out to the

ount of <lives% !ark 34/3L012&%

 To summariGe. (e *an +la*e Judas at the >assover. and at the ta5le. and at his di++ing of the

so+% But we should note that sopdipping is not part of the Lord's !upper"#ommunion$ But

we cannot place Judas as eating or drinking the communion elements. $t (as after

the meal. and the foot (ashing. that Jesus instituted the #ordAs Su++er@ Judas (as no longer

there 5y then% The remainder of the a+ostles listened to some more +rea*hing from Jesus

and then sung a hymn and (ent to the ount of <lives%

Fully 5a*king u+ the e=+lanation (hi*h (e are develo+ing. John states the follo(ing/

 The evening meal (as in +rogress. and the devil had already +rom+ted Judas. the son ofSimon $s*ariot. to 5etray Jesus% Jesus kne( that the Father had +ut all things under his

+o(er. and that he had *ome from "od and (as returning to "od@ so he got u+ from the

meal. took o his outer *lothing. and (ra++ed a to(el around his (aist% 'fter that. he +oured

(ater into a 5asin and 5egan to (ash his dis*i+lesA feet. drying them (ith the to(el that (as

(ra++ed around him% )e *ame to Simon >eter. (ho said to him. :#ord. are you going to (ash

my feet?: Jesus re+lied. :You do not realiGe no( (hat $ am doing. 5ut later you (ill

understand%: :Eo.: said >eter. :you shall never (ash my feet%: Jesus ans(ered. :Knless $

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(ash you. you have no +art (ith me%: :Then. #ord.: Simon >eter re+lied. :not Iust my feet

5ut my hands and my head as (ell: Jesus ans(ered. :Those (ho have had a 5ath need only

to (ash their feet@ their (hole 5ody is *lean% 'nd you are *lean. though not every one of

you%: For he kne( (ho (as going to 5etray him. and that (as (hy he said not every one

(as *lean% When he had 9nished (ashing their feet. he +ut on his *lothes and returned to

his +la*e% :Do you understand (hat $ have done for you?: he asked them% :You *all meATea*herA and A#ord.A and rightly so. for that is (hat $ am% Eo( that $. your #ord and Tea*her.

have (ashed your feet. you also should (ash one anotherAs feet% $ have set you an e=am+le

that you should do as $ have done for you% ;ery truly $ tell you. no servant is greater than his

master. nor is a messenger greater than the one (ho sent him% Eo( that you kno( these

things. you (ill 5e 5lessed if you do them% :$ am not referring to all of you@ $ kno( those $

have *hosen% But this is to ful9ll this +assage of S*ri+ture/ A)e (ho shared my 5read has

turned against me%A :$ am telling you no( 5efore it ha++ens. so that (hen it does ha++en

you (ill 5elieve that $ am (ho $ am% ;ery truly $ tell you. (hoever a**e+ts anyone $ send

a**e+ts me@ and (hoever a**e+ts me a**e+ts the one (ho sent me%: 'fter he had said this.

 Jesus (as trou5led in s+irit and testi9ed. :;ery truly $ tell you. one of you is going to 5etray

me%: )is dis*i+les stared at one another. at a loss to kno( (hi*h of them he meant% <ne ofthem. the dis*i+le (hom Jesus loved. (as re*lining ne=t to him% Simon >eter motioned to this

dis*i+le and said. :'sk him (hi*h one he means%: #eaning 5a*k against Jesus. he asked him.

:#ord. (ho is it?: Jesus ans(ered. :$t is the one to (hom $ (ill give this +ie*e of 5read (hen $

have di++ed it in the dish%: Then. di++ing the +ie*e of 5read. he gave it to Judas. the son of

Simon $s*ariot% 's soon as Judas took the 5read. Satan entered into him% So Jesus told him.

:What you are a5out to do. do -ui*kly%: But no one at the meal understood (hy Jesus said

this to him% Sin*e Judas had *harge of the money. some thought Jesus (as telling him to 5uy

(hat (as needed for the festival. or to give something to the +oor% 's soon as Judas had

taken the 5read. he (ent out% 'nd it (as night% When he (as gone. Jesus said. :Eo( the Son

of an is glori9ed and "od is glori9ed in him%: !John 3/103&%

$t a++ears that The Book of John gives all the se-uen*e. in*luding the foot (ashing that the

other "os+els do not give !(ith the e=*e+tion of the a**ount of the #ordAs su++er. (hi*h is

instituted after Judas is gone out. after re*eiving the Aso+A&% 'lso. Judas (ould *learly not

have heard JesusA e=+ounding of the truth of the "os+el 5et(een John 3/3 and John 38/3%

 Then Jesus +rays in the garden. (hile his dis*i+les sle+t% 't this Iun*ture. Judas guides the

#ordAs enemies to Jesus%

So all the indi*ations are that Judas (as initially +resent at the #ast Su++er and did eat at

least the 9rst +art of the meal. if not most of the meal. 5ut after 5reads (ere di++ed into

Adi+s.A or sau*es. Judas immediately left% Judas (as *learly not +resent as the full meaning of

the Ee( TestamentEe( Covenant (as e=+ounded 5y Jesus%

Final Se+uence o, Events

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So (e may arrive at a se-uen*e of events of that fateful evening/

3% Judas (ent to the Chief +riests to 5etray Jesus for money !att% 12/34@ ark 34/36@ #uke


1% The dis*i+les all ate at least the initial +art of the >assover Su++er !ark 34/3L@ #uke

11/34&%% 'fter the intial +art of the >assover Su++er (as ended. the devil +uts it in JudasA heart to

5etray Jesus@ Jesus (ashes all their feet !John 3/1033&%

4% They (ere told that they (ere not all *lean. a *lear referen*e to Judas% !John 3/33&%

% 'll. or a fe( of them. sat 5a*k do(n at the ta5le to di+ so+s% !John 3/31. 18&%

2% The dis*i+les are then told that one of them (ould 5etray Jesus% !John 3/13&%

L% They ask. in*luding Judas. :$s it $?: and (ho it (as% !att% 12/1@ John 3/1101&%

8% They are told that the one that di+s his Aso+A (ith Jesus (ould 5e )is 5etrayer% !John

3/12@ ark 34/38016&%

% Judas is told that he is the one and given the Aso+%A !John 3/1L. 6&%

36% 'fter 5eing given the so+. Judas $D$'T#Y goes out from them and goes to the *hief

+riests% !John 3/6&%33% Jesus institutes the #ordAs Su++erChristian Communion (ith the eleven% !att% 12/12@

ark 34/1101@ #uke 11/3016&% Judas is no longer +resent%

31% Jesus =+ounds u+on the meaning of )is life and the "os+el !John 3/3 to John 38/3&%

3% The eleven sing a )ymn !ark 34/42&%

34% The eleven go out to the ount of <lives and the "arden of "ethsemane !John 38/3@

#uke 11/&%

3% Judas takes JesusA enemies to )im. 5etraying him (ith a kiss !att% 12/4L@ ark 34/4@

#uke 11/4L. 48@ '*ts 3/32@ John 38/10&%

32% Judas re+ents and hangs himself !att% 1L/@ '*ts 3/1&%


 Judas (as indeed +resent at the #ast Su++er. 5ut Judas was not present at the full revelation

of its meaning% )e heard that there (ould 5e *eremonial 5read and (ine. +ro5a5ly sa(

it. but never actually partook of that bread and wine as a religious e%pression of faith in

 Jesus because he had already left before that stage was reached. In short, it seems clear

that Judas had no part in the &rst ever #hristian communion service.

Robin A. Brace. November 30th, 2011.