Diocese of Syracuse

Diocese of Syracuse 650,000 Total Population 350,000 Catholics 168 parishes 264 offices ( including schools) Employs 3,000 people Catholic Charities

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Page 1: Diocese of Syracuse 650,000 Total Population 350,000 Catholics 168 parishes 264 offices ( including schools) Employs 3,000 people Catholic Charities

Diocese of Syracuse

Page 2: Diocese of Syracuse 650,000 Total Population 350,000 Catholics 168 parishes 264 offices ( including schools) Employs 3,000 people Catholic Charities

• 650,000 Total Population• 350,000 Catholics• 168 parishes• 264 offices ( including

schools)• Employs 3,000 people• Catholic Charities

employs 1200 of these

Page 3: Diocese of Syracuse 650,000 Total Population 350,000 Catholics 168 parishes 264 offices ( including schools) Employs 3,000 people Catholic Charities

Our Catholic Charities System

• Administrative Office that is the core of a decentralized system

• Is the critical link between Catholic Charities and Office of the Bishop

• Governed by Corporate Trustees

• Each of the six Areas has their own Board of Directors for local governance

Page 4: Diocese of Syracuse 650,000 Total Population 350,000 Catholics 168 parishes 264 offices ( including schools) Employs 3,000 people Catholic Charities

Strengths and Limitations of Decentralized System

Strengths• Immediate response to

local needs• Relationships with local

funders and providers• Local volunteer

governance• Presence and reputation in

local communities• Leadership• Limited bureaucracy

Limitations• Duplication of efforts• Communication• Funding• Lack of a shared vision • Planning, i. e., succession,

strategic • Disconnection

Page 5: Diocese of Syracuse 650,000 Total Population 350,000 Catholics 168 parishes 264 offices ( including schools) Employs 3,000 people Catholic Charities

Intended Action Project Outcomes

1. Re-affirm or revamp organizational mission (last reviewed in 1995).

2. Create the vision for a deliberate values rich ‘mission to service,’ organizational culture.

3. Increase organizational alignment by determining super ordinate goals (1-3) that will become the overarching guide for future projects and decision-making both at local and diocesan-wide levels.

4. Implement the portfolio process as a tool for unified organizational planning and decision-making.

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Murphy’s Law… (or Expected the Unexpected)

• National Disaster: The Flood of June 2006

• Resignation of Diocesan Director

• Retirement of Bishop in 2007

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Our Actual Action Project:Dreaming the Possible Dreaming the Possible


•Staff Convening

•Board Convening

•Designing Future Plans (next steps)

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Appreciative Inquiry

Ap-pre’ci-ate, v

Valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us; affirming past and present strengths, successes, and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems

To increase in value, e.g. the economy has appreciated in value.


The act of exploration and discovery.

To ask questions; to be open to seeing new potentials and possibilities.

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Comparing Approaches

Problem-Solving (medical diagnosis approach)

• Identify the Problem• (“symptoms”)

• Determine the Cause• (diagnosis)

• Propose a Solution• (prescription)

• Implement It• (treatment)

Appreciative Inquiry(life-centered approach)

• Identify What Gives Life• (Discover the best of ‘what


• Imagine Ways to Enhance Life

• (Dream ‘what could be’)

• Co-Create the Idea• (Design ‘what should be’)

• Empower Innovation• (Do – create ‘what will be)

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The Four Ds

• Discovery

• Dream

• Design

• Destiny (or Delivery)

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Experience of Wholeness

• Greater purpose

• Sense of connectedness

• Us/Them becomes We

• What is common becomes apparent

• Inspires highly committed actions on behalf of the whole

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Diocesan Collaboration Group

• Staff driven group• Explore ways to:

– Work together– Increase Effectiveness– Build on Strength– Share best practices and exceptional

operations– Support one another

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“No Agency Is An Island ~ Thinking In Bridges”

June 19, 2006

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Structure of the Day

• Set up Island sculptures as an archipelago metaphor

• Present results of four work groups

• Listening Circles:– What does it look like when we are at our best– How do we get there?

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Four Work Groups




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Listening Circles ~ a type of generative dialogue ~

– Share genuinely and listen respectfully– Fully attend and listen to one person at a time– Speak from the heart– Expect that ideas build upon each other even if

you don't see a logical link.– Ask questions from a genuine place of "not

knowing" – Recognize that each of us is an authority about

our own thoughts, feelings and experiences

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When We Are at Our Best

• Financial Stability in all programs• Staff longevity• Livable Wage• Natural areas of sharing, working

together internally/externally• Pooling talents and strengths to get

more $$• More, more, more $$• Making CC visible through PR all

year• Strength of Onondaga• Sound Christian-based values• Staff Development – branch out and

work together. Getting to know our services throughout the diocese

• Continual growth; staying on top of mission

• See ourselves as ONE diocese• Keep up connectedness: Family• Greater understanding of other

programs• Support from E.D.s to share

information• Program collaboration with

technology• Staff sharing across counties and

offer services across counties• Have staff from similar services

meet: prioritize• Share fundraising ideas and share/do• Share forums/PDF files

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…at Our Best, con’t.

• Directory of all programs/same format

• Have grant writers share information

• Diocesan-wide training, e. g. computers

• Newsletter on website• Same mission• Direct services workers should

share ideas/have input• Passion/dedication• Caring support for staff• Cultural sensitivity training,

especially on Poverty

• Similar mission• Seamless services for clients• Diverse workforce at all levels• Single PR campaign; recognizable• Steady stream of donors and

limitless resources• Educate and network bother inter-

and intra-agency• Flexibility of all staff• Individuality of area agencies• Focus on mission• Opportunities to be creative•  

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Board ConveningSeptember 29, 2006

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Celebrating What is Right

“Finally, brothers and sisters,

whatever is true, whatever is honorable

whatever is just, whatever is pure

whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious

if there is any excellence and

if there is anything worthy of praise,

think about these things.

Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.” ~ Phillippians 4: 8-9

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• Acknowledge all that you have to work with.

• Broaden your definition of winning.

• Look for ways to work cooperatively with others.


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• Focus on opportunity,

rather than scarcity.

• Find what’s working.

• Keep looking for the

next possible answer.


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Appreciative Inquiry: What do we Dream for Catholic Charities?

Facilitated by Rick Krivanka, Director of Pastoral Life, Diocese

of Cleveland

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Structure of the Day

Discovery: – 1:1 Interviews, 50 minutes each way– Share interview highlights in small groups– From highlights, identify the Positive Core of

Catholic Charities– Report to large group– Prioritize

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Page 26: Diocese of Syracuse 650,000 Total Population 350,000 Catholics 168 parishes 264 offices ( including schools) Employs 3,000 people Catholic Charities

The Positive Core of Catholic Charities

• Importance of telling our story

• Value and dignity of each person

• Responsive to needs• Serving all people

• Catholic roots and identity

• Commitment of staff and Commitment to staff

• Innovation and collaboration

• Common bonds that connect us

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• Reflection and guided imagery

• Share Dreams in Table groups

• Creatively present Dreams

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Dream Phase

We build the future by carrying We build the future by carrying forward forward

our visionour vision

and building upon and building upon

the best of our past.the best of our past.

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Possibilities for Dialogue and Design: • Use technology to connect us in positive ways,

save money and improve services• Explore alternative private sector funding streams• Empowerment of people: staff and those we serve• Deepen community connectedness with other

agencies• Become stronger advocate for the poor ~

Transform social priorities• Develop ways to nourish the positive core in our

Catholic Charities culture

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Where do we go from here?

The Design Phase

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Immediate Considerations

• New Bishop

• New Diocesan Director

• Two new Executive Directors

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Action Project Follow-Up Steps

• Bring together the work from the June Convening and the September Board Retreat

• Engage Facilitator to assist board and staff in developing a Design based on the Dreams

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Considerations in Co-Creating the Design

• How to sustain the best of what is

• New and better ways to do what is already being done

• Areas where new forms of innovation and cooperation could be initiated

• Be Open to New opportunities