District Solicitation for HSIP Funding Greater Minnesota, 2021 through 2024 September 2019

District Solicitation for HSIP Funding...District Solicitation for HSIP Funds 8 Proactive/Systemic Project Selection Reactive Project Selection Selection Target Cost effective, i.e

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Page 1: District Solicitation for HSIP Funding...District Solicitation for HSIP Funds 8 Proactive/Systemic Project Selection Reactive Project Selection Selection Target Cost effective, i.e

District Solicitation for HSIP Funding

Greater Minnesota, 2021 through 2024

September 2019

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Table of Contents

District Solicitation for HSIP Funding ..........................................................................................................................1

Funds Available .......................................................................................................................................................3

Submittal Instructions ............................................................................................................................................3

Contacts ..............................................................................................................................................................3

Timeline ..................................................................................................................................................................4

Project Selection .....................................................................................................................................................5

Background .......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Eligibility .............................................................................................................................................................5

Scoring ................................................................................................................................................................5

A. Screening Criteria ...........................................................................................................................................7

B. Coverage .........................................................................................................................................................7

C. Expected Impact .............................................................................................................................................7

D. Planning ..........................................................................................................................................................8

E. Alignment With Program Goals ......................................................................................................................8

Appendix A – Resources .........................................................................................................................................9

Appendix B – Sample Benefit-Cost Calculations ................................................................................................. 11

Appendix C – Recommended Service Life Tables ................................................................................................ 12

Appendix D – Proactive/Systemic Project Application Instructions .................................................................... 14

Appendix E – Reactive Project Application Instructions ..................................................................................... 15

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Funds Available

The Office of Traffic Engineering is soliciting for both HSIP and Section 164 funding for SFY 2021 through 2024.

See tables below for approximate HSIP funds available by district; Section 164 funds total approximately $5

million annually.

Applications for projects are strongly encouraged as additional safety funds may become available.

OTE strongly encourages submitting more projects than the minimum targets listed as savings can provide more

dollars for quality projects. If funds are left unallocated in the first two years of the STIP after this solicitation,

those funds may go to a project that can be delivered in the necessary timeframe.

District 2021 2022 2023 2024

1 0 0 0 1,300,000

2 0 0 700,000 700,000

3 0 0 525,000 2,300,000

4 0 0 1,700,000 1,700,000

6 312,000 0 1,440,000 1,440,000

7 0 600,000 1,200,000 1,200,000

8 20,000 0 1,100,000 1,100,000

Total 332,500 600,000 6,665,000 9,740,000

Submittal Instructions

An electronic version of the application can be found at www.mndot.gov/trafficeng/safety/hsip.html.

Email application packets (preferably PDF) to [email protected] by November 27, 2019.

Applications submitted by November 8 can opt for an initial review and recommendation; please specify in your

electronic application.


Eric DeVoe

(651) 234-7016 | [email protected]

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Timeframe Action

September Solicitation will be sent out to all eligible agencies by early September.

September – November

Each eligible agency selects projects and compiles an application packet based on the criteria guidelines. Districts are encouraged to document initial screening of which projects are submitted for transparency and annual reporting on project selection.

November 8 Applications submitted by November 8 can opt for an initial review and recommendations; please note this with application.

November 27 Applications should be submitted to OTE by November 27.

December – January

A Selection Committee will review each application for compliance with HSIP criteria guidelines and scoring. A preliminary list of prioritized projects will be developed.

January – February

Preliminary list of selected projects is reviewed by MPOs where applicable.

February (end)

Notification is sent to applicants and respective planning offices announcing selected projects.

March Selected projects enter the STIP review and publication process.

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Project Selection

MnDOT Policy OP016

The Minnesota Department of Transportation will use an objective and transparent process to select

construction projects on the state highway system to be included in the Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP)

and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

MnDOT will document and make publicly available for each selection process or program:

The criteria and process for assigning a numeric score and selecting projects

The list of candidate projects considered

The scores assigned to projects and reasoning behind selection decisions not included in the score

For more information on MnDOT Project Selection Policy, see www.mndot.gov/policy/operations/op016.html


The Highway Safety Improvement Plan (HSIP) selection committee will evaluate each application, prioritize and

determine the best funding source for each. Independent of the source from which funding will be secured;

certain requirements must be met to receive funding.

1. Application must be received on or before November 27, 2019.

2. Application materials must be complete: scoring metrics not provided will be considered null.

3. Safety countermeasures must have a documented fatal and serious injury crash reduction.

Those strategies included in a District Safety Plan can reference the plan. Strategies not included in a

District Safety Plan should document a crash modification factor (see CMF Clearinghouse in resources).

Selection Committee

Applications will be reviewed by a five member selection committee composed of:

State Safety Engineer

District Traffic Engineer

Assistant District Engineer

District Planner

District Planner

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“Two types of projects are candidates for HSIP funding: (1) reactive or sustained crash locations, and (2)

systemic, risk-based projects. Sustained crash locations are areas where, statistically, there are higher number of

crashes associated with a particular location when compared to other similar locations throughout the state.

Sustained crash locations greatly exceed statewide averages and can be determined by using a critical crash rate

to establish if a location has a sustained crash problem. Systemic projects tend to apply known risk factors to

address high frequency but very low density crashes. These projects deploy cost-effective strategies across many

miles of roadway to be effective.”

Traffic Engineering Manual, 11-7.01.01

Projects will be scored based on five criteria that capture the intent of HSIP; however, the measures and

thresholds between proactive and reactive projects will be separated. Thus, in the final scores reactive and

proactive projects can be scored on an even footing to how well the project meets the intent of HSIP.

NOTE: Scores will be derived from information provided by you the applicant with minimal supplemental

information as requested by the Selection Committee. If a necessary field is missing or incomplete, it will not

be possible to receive points for this criteria.

Weighting Scoring Criteria

20 A. Screening Criteria

20 B. Coverage

30 C. Expected Impact

10 D. Planning

20 E. Alignment with Program Goals

100 Total Points

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A. Screening Criteria

Proactive/Systemic Project Selection Reactive Project Selection

Selection Target

Location(s) have characteristics of a sustained K+A crash site, i.e. identified via risk based safety analysis focusing on K+A crashes.

Location(s) have a sustained K+A crash history.

Relevant Criteria

Method of site selection. K+A Critical Rate (FAR Index)*, K+A Crash Rate (FAR)

* A critical index will be optional in this solicitation. There are not currently established statewide comparison

groups. Any reported indices must match the published numbers from the 2015 Toolkit: manual calculations will

not be considered appropriate for this solicitation.

B. Coverage

Proactive/Systemic Project Selection Reactive Project Selection

Selection Target

Wide deployment, systemic approach. Wide deployment, systemic approach.

Relevant Criteria

Number of miles or sites treated. Number of miles or sites treated.

C. Expected Impact

Proactive projects are developed at sites that do not have a crash history but have the characteristics associated

with fatal and serious injury crashes. In the District Safety Plan, thresholds based on the number of risk factors

are established for each District to denote “High” and “Low” risk sites. Expected number of crashes at these sites

are derived from similar sites statewide in five categories: (1) rural segments, (2) rural intersections, (3) urban

segments, (4) urban intersections, and (5) curves. The metric calculates an expected present value of reductions

in fatal and serious injury crashes—comparable to a reactive B-C ratio.

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Proactive/Systemic Project Selection Reactive Project Selection

Selection Target

Cost effective, i.e. estimated B/C > 1.00 Cost effective, i.e. B/C > 1.00

Relevant Criteria

Benefit-cost ratio derived from DSP using: CRF, Service Life, High/Low Risk status.

Benefit-cost ratio provided by applicant.

D. Planning

Proactive/Systemic Project Selection Reactive Project Selection

Selection Target

Project identified in a planning document, preference given for safety plans.

Project identified in a planning document, preference given for safety plans.

Relevant Criteria

What plan(s) support this project? What plan(s) support this project?

E. Alignment With Program Goals

Proactive/Systemic Project Selection Reactive Project Selection

Selection Target

Meets the spirit of HSIP in reducing fatalities and serious injuries.

Meets the spirit of HSIP in reducing fatalities and serious injuries.

Relevant Criteria

Assigned by Selection Committee. Assigned by Selection Committee.

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Appendix A – Resources

Annual HSIP Report

FHWA maintains annual reports on the Highway Safety Improvement Program within each state. These reports

highlight successes and challenges in administering the program and meeting performance measures.


Benefit/Cost Ratio

To facilitate the calculation of a benefit/cost ratio, OTE has provided a worksheet available online at

www.mndot.gov/trafficeng/safety/hsip.html. This worksheet is required for reactive project applications.

NOTE: The benefit/cost worksheet has been updated in September 2019 to reflect changes in the crash data

fields. See Appendix B or contact Eric DeVoe with any questions.

Crash Costs

Crash costs are maintained by MnDOT Office of Transportation System Management (OTSM) online at “Benefit-

Cost Analysis for Transportation Projects,” Appendix A: www.mndot.gov/planning/program/appendix_a.html

NOTE: for the purposes of this solicitation, the cost of a fatal crash will be equal to double that of a serious

injury (A) crash and not the value published online.

Crash Data

Five years of crash data is appropriate: 2014-2018. Crash data may be sources from Oracle BI, CrashMART, or

other extracts; please specify the source of the data.

NOTE: Remember that after 2016, the fields and codes for crash data are not identical. If you are unsure,

double-check against a data dictionary for the correct codes.

Crash Modification Factor (CMF)

Crash Modification Factors, i.e. recommended percent change in crashes, should be referenced from FHWA’s

CMF Clearinghouse: www.cmfclearinghouse.org. If multiple CMFs are provided, please provide a brief

one to three sentence explanation of how the CMF provided was selected.

Critical Crash Rate

A detailed explanation of how to calculate the critical rate, critical index, and other screening metrics is available

in the TEM, “Chapter 11 – Traffic Safety” (page 9). www.mndot.gov/trafficeng/publ/tem/2015/chapter11.pdf

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Minnesota Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP), 2014

See “Appendix A: Focus Area Fact Sheets” (page 39) for a statewide summary of focus area trends and crash

characteristics. See “Appendix C: Detailed Crash Data and Methodology for Analysis” (page 136) for focus area

definitions and codes using crash data prior to 2016.


Traffic Engineering Manual (TEM)


Traffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook, 2015


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Appendix B – Sample Benefit-Cost Calculations

In the interest of standardizing the computations, please enter information into Section A through Section E.

Note that Section D is optional: you may consider a second crash modification factor if relevant to the project.

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Appendix C – Recommended Service Life Tables

The countermeasures below provide a sampling of values for benefit-cost analysis; the list should NOT be

considered exhaustive of all safety countermeasures eligible for HSIP funding.

Intersection and Traffic Control

Service Life Description

20 Construct turning lanes

20 Provide traffic channelization

20 Improve sight distance

10 Install traffic signs

2 Install pavement marking

10 Install delineators

20 Install illumination

20 Upgrade traffic signals

20 Install new traffic signals

5 Retime coordinated system

20 Construct roundabout

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

Service Life Description

20 Construct sidewalk

30 Construct pedestrian and bicycle overpass/underpass

10 Install fencing or pedestrian barrier

20 Construct bikeway

Roadway and Roadside

Service Life Description

20 Widen travel way (no lanes added)

20 Add lane(s) to travel way

20 Construct median for traffic separation

20 Widen or improve shoulder

20 Realign roadway (except at railroads)

10 Overlay for skid treatment

10 Groove pavement for skid treatment

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Service Life Description

10 Install breakaway sign supports

10 Install breakaway utility poles

20 Relocate utility poles

10 Install guardrail end treatment

10 Upgrade guardrail

20 Upgrade or install concrete median barrier

10 Upgrade or install high tension cable median barrier

10 Install impact attenuators

20 Flatten or re-grade side slopes

10 Install bridge approach guardrail transition

20 Remove obstacles

7 Install edge treatments

7 Install centerline rumble strips


Service Life Description

20 Widen or modify bridge for safety

30 Replace bridge for safety

30 Construct new bridge for safety

20 Replace/improve minor structure for safety

20 Upgrade bridge rail

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Appendix D – Proactive/Systemic Project Application Instructions

A project should be submitted as either a Proactive/Systemic or Reactive project.

Project Name

Provide a brief description of the project.


Provide a list of the routes and description of general project limits. Specify within which MnDOT district(s) and

MPO, if any, the project falls. Specify “Yes” or “No” if the application is for a joint project with a local agency.

Requested Year

Check the preferred funding year(s).

Estimated Costs

Provide the estimated costs by funding source. Requested federal funds are “HSIP”; there is a 10% match

necessary for HSIP funds. If submitting a joint project, provide the local agency amount (federal + local match).


This space is provided to list any planning document(s) that identifies this project. Please specify whether the

plan is specifically focused on traffic safety with “Yes” or “No.” If the recommendation from the plan differs from

the proposed project, please include.

Screening Criteria

Briefly describe any analysis performed that identified the location(s) as at risk for fatal and serious injury

crashes. For example, if a project is identified in a District Safety Plan, it is sufficient to state “District Safety

Plan.” If star risks from a Safety Plan are applied to a site that was not initially included in the plan, you might

write “District Safety Plan stars applied to site not initially included.”

Safety Impact

An estimated benefit-cost ratio will be derived based on similar sites from District Safety Plans. Provide the

number of miles, intersections, or curves for each section. Where the number of sites is greater than zero, list

the treatment(s), expected service life, and CMF. If it is necessary to estimate a CMF, please note that in the

notes section. Where the number of sites is zero, no additional information is needed.

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Appendix E – Reactive Project Application Instructions

A project should be submitted as either a Proactive/Systemic or Reactive project.

Project Name

Provide a brief description of the project.


Provide a list of the routes and description of general project limits. Specify within which MnDOT district(s) and

MPO, if any, the project falls. Specify “Yes” or “No” if the application is for a joint project with a local agency.

Requested Year

Check the preferred funding year(s).

Estimated Costs

Provide the estimated costs by funding source. Requested federal funds are “HSIP”; there is a 10% match

necessary for HSIP funds. If submitting a joint project, provide the local agency amount (federal + local match).


This space is provided to list any planning document(s) that identifies this project. Please specify whether the

plan is specifically focused on traffic safety with “Yes” or “No.” If the recommendation from the plan differs from

the proposed project, please include.

Safety Impact

Provide an estimate of the number of miles, intersections, and curves addressed in this project. Use the HSIP

Benefit-Cost Ratio Calculator worksheet to calculate a B/C ratio; list the calculated value here.

Screening Criteria

Reactive projects should be at sustained fatal and serious injury crash locations. Please provide the list of sites

and the respective fatal and serious injury crash rate (FAR) and critical rate comparison* (FAR Index). If in

addresses multiple sustained crash locations it is logical to add sites that do not exceed the critical rate, this will

not automatically disqualify the project; please note this in the additional notes section.

* A critical index will be optional in this solicitation. There are not currently established statewide comparison

groups. Any reported indices must match the published numbers from the 2015 Toolkit: manual calculations will

not be considered appropriate for this solicitation.