Student Summary Report- Cluster View Instructions Getting Started. What you need… Student Summary Report downloaded as an excel doc, saved and open on your computer. Directions for accessing the Student Summary Report are located on the here . o Be sure to type in your district’s name and the cluster you’ll be working on. CTE Data- Cluster View worksheet downloaded from here and open on your computer. What to do… On your Student Summary Report, turn on filters, aka the ‘funnels’ we’ll use for funneling down to the specific data you’re looking for. 1. Highlight the row w/ headings 2. Click on the Data tab 3. Click on the Filter icon Filters are now on! Filter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants.

doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

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Page 1: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Student Summary Report- Cluster View Instructions

Getting Started. What you need…

Student Summary Report downloaded as an excel doc, saved and open on your computer. Directions for accessing the Student Summary Report are located on the here.

o Be sure to type in your district’s name and the cluster you’ll be working on. CTE Data- Cluster View worksheet downloaded from here and open on your computer.

What to do… On your Student Summary Report, turn

on filters, aka the ‘funnels’ we’ll use for funneling down to the specific data you’re looking for. 1. Highlight the row w/ headings2. Click on the Data tab3. Click on the Filter icon

Filters are now on!

Filter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for.

And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants.

Think of filtering data in this way, you’re basically asking excel, how many students are_____. Then, excel will sort and count how many student fit within the filters you pick/need. Here’s a quick video “Student Summary- Getting Started” if you’d like to watch how to do this.

Page 2: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Recording DataWhat to know…

Every time you filter or funnel your data in a new way, excel answer or respond with how many students fit in that filter. For example, if you ask or filter down to how many Ag Participants are there in my district, Excel responds by tell you, 22 students fit within that criteria.

Each time you filter data, Excel displays the number that fit that criteria in the bottom left hand corner of the Excel document.

As you filter the data, you may record your data on the CTE Data- Cluster View worksheet. Keep in mind, this data you’re working on right now will be specific to only the career cluster you’re looking at.

Recording Data- Participants in the Career Cluster. What to do…Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant Yes

Where to record…

Then, you’ll filter down to see how many of those participants fit within the different special population groups, racial/ethnic groups, etc.

Page 3: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

On the Excel document, you’ll find a Special Population section that uses abbreviations.

Dis- Students with DisabilitiesSP- Single Parenting/Pregnant StudentsFos- Students in Foster CareMil- Military Connected StudentsED- Economically Disadvantaged StudentsHom- Homeless StudentsMig- Migrant StudentsNT- Non Traditional Students (students in Career Clusters in which their gender comprises less than 25% of the workforce within that Career Cluster) EL- English Learners

***What to do…Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesDis Y

Record it here: Look at the bottom left corner of the excel document to find the number and enter it where the arrow points.

Then, switch Dis back to ‘Select All’ because you will now move on to a different special population group.

Page 4: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesSP Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter.

Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return SP to ‘Select All’.

Note…If you click the down arrow and the only option is ‘N’, that means that there are not students in that special population group so simply enter a zero.

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesFos Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return Fos to ‘Select All’.

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesMil Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return Mil to ‘Select All’.

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesED Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return ED to ‘Select All’.

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working On

Page 5: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Participant YesHom Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return Hom to ‘Select All’.

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesMig Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return Mig to ‘Select All’.

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesNT Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return NT to ‘Select All’.

Then, move on to the next special population group.

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant YesEL Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet. Then, return EL to ‘Select All’.

This concludes the Participant section of the cluster specific data. Next you’ll repeat the process to look at concentrators instead of participants.

What to do…

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnParticipant Select AllConcentrator Y

Page 6: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Record the total number of concentrators for the cluster here:

The Excel form will automatically calculate the percentages for you. Then, work your way down the special population groups the same way you did for participants. Go back to pg. 3, find the and, repeat the process but use the Column labeled Concentrator instead of Participant.

Congrats! You’ve finished page 1 of 2. Let’s move on to page 2.

CTE Performance Indicator DataOn page 2, you will record data specific to this single Career Cluster. The data will also be then, broken down by the subgroups similar to how you just completed the participant and concentrator work. The first indicator is Math Attainment.

Math AttainmentTells how many concentrators in this cluster earned a Level 3 or Level 4 on the Math Assessment.

What do to…Math Include. You asking the excel data file- how many students took the Math Assessment? Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesMath Level 1

Level 2Level 3Level 4

Again, look in the bottom left corner to find your answer- Record the number here-

Then, filter by subgroup again as you did on previous steps.

Page 7: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesMath Level 1

Level 2Level 3Level 4

Dis Y

Look at the bottom left corner to find the number of students that fit this filter. Record on the Cluster View worksheet under Math Include. Then, return Dis to ‘Select All’.

Then, work your way back down the special population groups, repeating the above section for each of the special population groups.

Now, you will ask your excel document how many of those students who took the Math Assessment, earned a Level 3 or Level 4 which is considered having met the Math Performance Indicator. Simply change your filters to: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesMath Level 3

Level 4

And, look in the bottom left for the number. Record the number here:

Then, repeat the process for the special population groups. It is likely that categories have no students that fit within those categories or parameters. That is ok, it simply reflects the make-up of your student population.

What to do…

Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesMath Level 3

Level 4Dis Y

When you are done, repeat the process for the ELA performance measure.

Page 8: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

ELA AttainmentTells how many concentrators in this cluster earned a Level 3 or Level 4 on the ELA assessment.

For the ELA Include: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesELA Level 1

Level 2Level 3Level 4

Then, narrow by special population as you move down the column. For the ELA Met: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesELA Level 3

Level 4Then narrow by special population group as you move down the column.

GraduationFor Grad Include: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesGrad Include Y

Then, narrow by special population as you move down the column.

For Grad Met: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesGrad Include YGrad Met Y

Then, narrow by special population as you move down the column.

Page 9: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Don’t forget to switch the special population column to ‘Select All’ before moving on to the next special population.

PlacementShow what students intend to do after exiting secondary education.

For Placement Include: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesExiter Y

Then, narrow by special population as you move down the column. For Placement Met: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesExiter YPlacement Entering 4 year postsecondary

Entering EmploymentEntering Less than 4 year postsecondaryEntering Military

Then, narrow by special population as you move down the column. Work Based Learning Indicator

Tells you the percentage of graduating concentrators who took a Work Based Learning or Capstone course for credit.

For WBL Include: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesGrad Met Y

Then, narrow by special population as you move down the column.

For WBL Met: Column Header What should be checked: Career Cluster Description The Cluster You’re Working OnConcentrator YesGrad Met YWBL Y

Then, narrow by special population as you move down the column. Here is an example of what a complete Cluster View worksheet may look like:

Page 10: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Then, be sure to save this document and title it with the Career Cluster it relates to!! Lastly, if you’d like to print the document or have it in a format that works better for commenting or notating, simply save the document as a PDF. Here is how to do that: Click on the File tab at the top of the page. Then, Click on Save As. Then, select PDF from the file type box:

And, it should print on two pages. Tips and Suggestions…

Download a fresh copy of the Cluster View Data Sheet for each Cluster. If you highlight and delete the data from one document and simply resave/redo for the

next cluster, you’ll throw out/delete the imbedded formulas which do the math for you.

Page 11: doe.sd.gov€¦ · Web viewFilter your data down to the specific career cluster you’re going to pull data for. And, then also filter the data down to only those who are Participants

Therefore, downloading a fresh copy of the Cluster View Data Sheet for each Cluster will allow you to keep the imbedded formulas and thus make life simper on yourself!