Dominating The Internet!” Dominating the Internet “Two Insider Business Secrets to Make Your Business Explode!” by Bryan A. Jones Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.com a B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

Dominating The Internet

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“Dominating The Internet!”

Dominating the Internet“Two Insider Business Secrets to

Make Your Business Explode!”

by Bryan A. Jones

Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

“Dominating The Internet!”

Welcome friend!

Thanks for requesting this amazing yet simple report on how to explode your business. It lets me know you are anxious to learn simple, easy-to-follow advice on creating a successful income from the Internet.

Just to share a little about me before we move on, my name is Bryan Jones and I am the author of this report. I have been in business for a long time and I have learned a few things along the way, both good and bad. I have found out what doesn't work, but more importantly I found out what DOES work, and you can learn from my successes!

One of the promises I made to myself is that when I found a legitimate system or program or business model that was making me money, I would share it with everyone I know so they could make money, too.


Because I know how it feels to be broke and homeless (with a family in tow) and it’s a very painful feeling. As they say, "I have been there, done that and I have a T-shirt to show for it." (And may I add...)

"I don't want to EVER go back!" One of the distinctives about my life is that I have a beautiful, can't-live-without-her wife and 11 children. Yes, I said 11 fire-breathing, blow-your-house-down... (no, I'm just kidding! They're all good children, but believe me they are NORMAL kids, too! :-) They are a lot of work.

Anyway, one of the reasons I share this is because if I can become a success online with a wife and 11 children, so can you! As you can imagine, having a wife, 11 children and now 6 grandchildren, can take up a lot of time and energy (and money!)

But even with all of this responsibility, I have managed to become a success online. So regardless of your situation, whether you have financial problems, health problems, family problems or whatever, you have to stop using these as excuses to keep you from succeeding.

If you commit yourself, you will succeed!

In this report I'm going to share with you two secrets that are not really secrets at all. They are just obvious, out-in-the-open business practices that most new Internet marketers don't see or appreciate the value in them. Therefore they are "hidden" in plain site.

If you plan on making money for the long term, then please pay attention to what I'm about to share in this short report. These are timeless truths for every person doing business on the Internet.

Like so many, I didn't realize how valuable these truths were until I actually put them into practice myself. My monthly income multiplied 2500%! That's why I'm sharing them with you now.

Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

“Dominating The Internet!”

The Two Business "Secrets" Explained -

The first "secret" business practice is,

"You need your OWN website." I'm not talking about an affiliate site given to you by a company to market their products. That is still THEIR site, not yours. You need your OWN site.

Just to give you an example of what I mean, take a look at my website, http://www.AskBryanJones.com.

You may ask, “Why do I need my OWN website?”

Because a website can bring you more leads, clients and potential life-time customers. Your web site should not be a “resume” or “brochure” type website, telling your visitors about “who we are and what we do.” This won’t get the job done.

To be successful and win at this game, there are three critical elements YOUR website should have.


Number One: Your website MUST answer these two questions for your visitor: 1. What does this service professional do?

2. How is this going to BENEFIT/HELP me?

If your home page doesn't immediately interest your visitor and tap into THEIR needs within those first critical 3- 5 seconds...they'll click away, and you'll lose them, most likely forever.

Ever heard of the "radio" station WII-FM? It's the "station" that all of your potential customers listen to. What does WII-FM stand for?

What's In It - For Me? WII-FM.If you can answer the question "What's in it for me?" for your potential customers, then you are moving towards a strong, financially prosperous future - guaranteed!

Number Two: Your Website must "capture" visitors! Obtaining your visitor's email address and other contact information prevents one-time visits and allows you multiple opportunities to convert them to customers. If you offer visitors the opportunity to "opt-in" to receive free, value-added information (such as a special report or e-course and some other gift), and you provide truly useful information to them on a regular basis, in return you'll earn trust and build relationships with these folks. This greatly increases the chances that these very same visitors will buy from you over time. To see a very powerful sample squeeze page go here, Click Here

Make sure you come back after looking at the page!

Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

“Dominating The Internet!”

You have probably heard it preached from every corner of the Internet - "The money is in the list! The money is in the list!" This statement is 1000% true! And you better believe it! This is why you need a "capture" page to get your potential customer's name and email address so you can keep in touch with them on a regular basis. This is the lifeblood of your online financial future. There are two excellent services I recommend to create your capture page. They are: 1. Instant Squeeze Page Generator (my favorite!) 2. My Free Website Builder (my favorite, too! OK, I have two favorites. Don’t shoot me. J)

In addition, you also need a good autoresponder/mailing list service. This service allows you to send multiple emails to everyone who signs up on your lead capture page. You can use it to send out a short email course or send out a regular newsletter or to notify your subscribers of products or services you may offer. I personally use and highly recommend Aweber. It has some awesome, easy to use features that will make keeping in touch with your subscribers a breeze. To get unlimited autoresponders, go to Aweber - The Best Autoresponder System On the Internet

Number Three: Your website must motivate your visitor to take action.

To do this successfully, the focus of the content on your site needs to change from being all about you, your company and your services, to being all about the needs of the visitor, their biggest problems and how you can help them solve those problems.

Remember, WII-FM.

Incorporate these THREE things, and you'll soon see your website churning out more leads that turn into sales!

Scroll down for more…

Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

“Dominating The Internet!”

The second "secret" business practice is (and this is my favorite subject),

"You must know WHERE to get quality, targeted traffic to build your potential customer base."

In other words, this means you must discover good advertising resources in order to find your potential customers and for your potential customers to find you. Right?

How do you think I found you? ☺

You have probably heard the phrase,

"If you give a man a fish you can feed him for a day,

But if you show him HOW to fish, you can feed him for a lifetime!"

I whole-heartedly agree with this statement. That's really one of the reasons why you and I have met. It is my goal to teach you how to "fish" - so to speak.

But I would like to add just a little addition to that wonderful phrase and it is this:

"If you show the man WHERE to fish you can feed him forever!"

What do I mean when I say "...WHERE to fish?"

Well, to continue with our analogy, it's great to know HOW to fish but if you don't know WHERE the fish are biting, simply knowing HOW will not get the job done.

What's that have to do with us?

Well, everyone knows that advertising is the lifeblood of any business, whether offline or online, small business or large. It's how you make money.

Advertising is like fishing and buyers are the fish. Someone could give you a buyer and you would make some money - for the day. Someone could teach you how to write ads or even give you an excellent ad they wrote (a lot of affiliate programs come with pre-made ads) and then they tell you to promote (or fish.) Sounds great, right?


Here's the REAL question - WHERE do you "fish" and WHERE do you advertise once you have this great ad?!

Most people don't know where to advertise to get their customer list started. Getting a steady stream of traffic is one of the MOST important tasks for every marketer.

During my years of experience in online marketing, I've lost hundreds of dollars in "experimenting" with various traffic and advertising resources. (I've also gained a TON of dough... I should admit, with sources that actually WORKED! J )

Unless you "test" you don't know whether a particular traffic resource is worth the time and money you invest. If you'd like to check what worked and what didn't, you don't need to "test" on your own anymore.

Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

“Dominating The Internet!”

One amazing service that has removed all of the guesswork in knowing where to advertise is

Traffic Testers. They have documented more than 170 places of traffic and advertising sources.

They even tell you how they tested, the price they paid, how many visitors they got, how many sales they made and so on.

Your membership will provide you with access to information on the following types of sources:

- Pay Per Click - Targeted Traffic - Classifieds (Free & Paid) - Traffic Exchanges - Email Marketing - Purchased Leads - Solo Ads - Banner Advertising - Text Link Advertising - Guaranteed Signups - Directory Submission Software/Services - Search Engine Submission Software/Services - Blasters - Safelists - Ezine Advertising - ... (plus much more)

And, here's the best part...

Each and every month, you also get a detailed report of 10 brand new traffic resources! So grab your membership. It's a great site that can save you tons of time, effort and advertising dollars.

Traffic Testers

Here is another advertising resource recommendation:

Click Here => Traffic Resources That Really Work!

Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

“Dominating The Internet!”

Last but not least, we want to add the icing on the cake to make this all work.

If you plan on making a success of having people join you through your favorite program or any other product you sell, then you need to follow this last point to the tee. This will help you make sales and put more money in your pocket for months to come.

Here is the principle - "You must GIVE something of value to your potential customer for your customer to purchase from you."

Please don't EVER forget this! This is one of those "commandments" (so to speak) of Internet marketing and of life. If you GIVE something of value, people WILL buy from you.

For example, when I first advertised one of my first profitable businesses, one of my GIFTS to my potential customers was the ability to advertise to a list of 130,000 people for free. It's one of the reasons why the majority of people joined the business through me. I was GIVING something that my potential customers considered valuable.

Now listen, it's not all that important whether "I" consider it valuable or not (eventhough "advertising" is ALWAYS valuable to me.) It's more important that what I'm giving is valuable to my potential customers. So if you can afford to give something of value away, then do it in order to get the sale!

That's the strategy! Give and it shall be given!

Now you may be asking, "What can I give away that's valuable to give someone an incentive to purchase a product or program from me?"

It's this free report you’re reading right now! This free, extremely valuable report can be a strong incentive for others to purchase from you because you are GIVING them valuable information.

Your strategy is to use this free report as an incentive for people to purchase from you. This is the GIFT you will be giving for all of your paying customers.


So let's summarize everything we've said:

1. You need your OWN website that has the ability to capture the name and email addresses of those who visit your site.

2. You need to advertise using "tried and tested" sources so you don't waste your advertising dollars. Then drive those visitors to your website BEFORE sending them to your product page.

3. Give away something of value to your potential customers so they will have an incentive to purchase from you.

That's the system! Very easy, but very POWERFUL!

Enjoy your new found success!

Bryan A. Jones, aka The Honest Businessman

P.S. I know these practices may sound too simple but this is what the successful have mastered as a foundation for their business. If you want to truly succeed, then follow my advice.

Don’t forget to share this report with as many people as you know!

Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication

“Dominating The Internet!”

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“Dominating The Internet!”

© Copyright 2009 B. Austin Jones and Associates

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Copyright 2009 AskBryanJones.coma B. Austin Jones and Associates Publication