Dont Say a Word - Representations

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  • 7/29/2019 Dont Say a Word - Representations


    Dont Say a Word Representations



    The main character in the film is Dr. Conrad who

    is a successful psychiatrist, husband and father.

    His physical appearance shows him to be fit,

    strong and healthy which is a typical stereotype

    of any protagonist. His gender is of course male which again reinforces the

    typical stereotype of men being the central and dominant role of the film.

    When revealed through a close up; we are able to see his wrinkles and grey

    hairs, thus allowing us to infer after his slightly older age. This would

    therefore challenge the stereotype of the main character being of young age

    as it would consequently weaken his character.


    The old age of the Doctor is contrasted against the

    antagonist who is both the jewel thief and the

    kidnapper. The close up here reveals his younger age

    which is the typical representation of the

    conventional villain. This would serve the director as

    it makes Dr. Conrad seem more vulnerable against his rival and thusevoking sympathy from the audience. The antagonist here is again a

    healthy male figure and of a British nationality; which reinforces the

    stereotypes of a generic villain.

    Mrs Conrad

    Women are often represented as the victim who

    is both vulnerable and hopeless. Gary Fleder

    does little to challenge this as he not onlyportrays the mother as emotionally weak but

    also physically incapable. She is shown to be in bed having her breakfast

    bought to her with her leg wrapped up in a cast. Her vulnerable state would

    elevate Dr. Conrads superiority and help draw sympathy from the

    audience. She is first shown wearing a red pyjamas revealing her arms and

    chest; this if course links in to the idea of women being represented as

    sexual objects and is further reinforced by her vulnerable state and

    physical attractiveness.

  • 7/29/2019 Dont Say a Word - Representations


    Dont Say a Word Representations


    Jessie Conrad

    The daughter of Dr. Conrad is taken very early on

    in the trailer. The audience have very little time to

    accustom to her but the time that we are given is

    significantly effective. We first see her being

    carried by her father to bed and then again as she

    is about to sleep. From her physical appearance and the discussions we

    overhear, the audience are soon to become attached to her cute and

    innocent character. She is shown to be very young which emphasises her

    vulnerability and thus falls in with the typical stereotype of children being

    weak and endangered.

    Elisabeth Burrows

    Throughout the trailer she is represented as

    mentally disturbed and the audience are unable

    to engage with her character. This feeling is

    shared by Dr. Conrad who desperately tries to

    break through her silence. Her discouraging physical state, unnatural body

    posture and almost haunting voice help to reveal her mental disorder andso strengthens the realism of her unfortunate condition.