DoT Amendments Part 6

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~ 38.

L O R -({)'y.,p.~ 38.1 The LICENSEE on request, shall provide to the LICENSOR location

1 > e . , e , ' > f - detai ls of switching centres, transmission centres.' inCluding routing detai ls etc.



37. Right to inspect.

37 .1 The L lCENS OR or i ts author ized representa tive or M in is tr y o f I nfo rmat ion

& Broadcast ing ( for IPTV Service) or i ts authorized represE!l 'I ta li ve shall have

right 10 i nspec t Ihe s ites used f or ex tending t he Service and in parti cu lar bu t not

l imIted to, have fhe r ight ' to have access to leased l ines, junct ion, terminating

interfaces, hardware/software, memories of sernlconductor, magnetic and oe!ical

varietie,s, wiro;d Of wireless opt i9.,n, ~istr ibut !2D frames. and conduct the

pei'formance test including to enter Into ;alogue with the system through

InpuVout pu t . ev ices or erminals. The LICENSEE w il l provi de t he necessary

facil it ies for continuous monitor ing of the system, as requi red by the LICENSOR

or its authori zed representa tive( s). The i nspect ion wil l o rd inari ly be carr ied out

a ft er reasonable notice excep t in c ircumstances where g iv ing such a notice wil l

defeat the very purpose of the inspect ion.

37.2 Wherf:!ver considered appropriate LICENSOR or the Ministry of

Information & Broadcasti ng ( fo r IPTV Serv ice) may conduct any I nquir y ei ther

suo-mota or on complaint to determine whether there has been any breach in

compliance of terms & cond iti ons o f the L lCE:NCE by t he L ICENSEE and upon

such inqu ir y t he L ICENSEE sha ll extend a ll reasonable fa .c il itles wi thou t any


Location of Switches:

38.2 I n areas wh ich are sens iti ve f rom security poin t o f vi ew, as may be noti fied

from time to time by the LICENSOR, implementation of any install ation of the

equipment and execution of project shall be taken up only after the LICENSOR's

approval .

39, Confideo tia lity of in fo rmati on :

\ I - ~ 39.1 The LICENSEE shal l not employ bulk encrypti on equi pment i n its network .

~G t!~ Any encryption equ ipment connected t o the L ICENSEE's network fo r speci fic

~ ~ p I P l.A'-requiremenls h.as to have prior evaluation and approval of the LICENSOR or

~ t ~" 'il . 'l} officer speciaUy designated for the purpose. However, Any encryption

( '1 " '- > . .. s equipment connected to the LICENSEE' s network for specific requirements has

~ 0 10 have prior eval uation and approval of the LI CENSOR or officer special ly

.,r designated for the purpose. However. the LICENSEE shall have the


V er 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 8 38

J,lV I, .... -- _. _ , _. .. _

responsibil ity to ensure protect ion of privacy of communication and to ensure Ihat

unauthorised intercept ion of MESSAGE does not take place.

39.2 Subject to conditions contained in Ihese terms and conditions the

LICENSEE shall lake all necessary steps to safeguard the privacy' and

confi dent ia lit y o f any in fo rmati oo about a t hird part y and i ts busi ness to whom it

provides the SERVICE and f rom whom . ilhas acqui red such information by vir tue

o flhe SERVI CE provided and shal l use it s bes t endeavors to secure that:

a) No person acting on behalf of the LICENSEE or the LICENSEEdivulges or uses any such in fo rmati on exoept as may be necessary i n the

course of providing such SERVICE to the Thi rd Par ty; and

b) N o such person seeks such in fo rmation o ther than is necessary fo r Ihe

purpose of providing SERVICE to the Thi rd Par ty.

Provided the above para shal l not apply where:

a) The Information relates to a speci fi c par ty and that par ty has oonsented

in wri ting to such infonnation being divulged or used, and such information

is d ivu lged or used I naccordance with the te rms of t ha t consent; o r

_yv"".J b) The information is already open to the public and otherwise known.

o 39. 3 The LICENSEE sha ll t ake necessary s teps to ensure thai the L ICENSEE

and any person(s) acting on its behalf observe confidential ity of customerinformation.

39.4 The LICENSEE shall, prior to commencement of SERVICE, confirm In

writing to the LICENSOR that the LICENSEE has taken al l necessary steps to

ensure that it and its employees shall observe confidential ity of customer


40. Prohibition of certain Activities by the LICENSEE.

40.1 The LICENSEE shal l not engage on the strength of this LICENCE i~ t h eprovision of any other Service requiring separate licence as defined in this

Licence Agreement.

40.2 To remove any doubt, il is, hereby, clarified .that ,nothing contained in

condition in 'Para above shall preclude the LICENSEE 'from' engaging' in

advertising and promotional activit ies relating to any of the App!icaple _SY!:!IE'!ms.

40.3 The LlCE:NSEE shall take necessary measures to prevent objectionable,

obscene, unauthori zed or any ot her con tent , messages or communica tions

inf ringing copyr ight , intel lectual property etc., in any form, f rom being carried on

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h is network, cons is ten t wit h t he est ab lished laws of the country . Once spec if ic

instances of such infringement are reported to the LICENSEE by the

enforcement agencies, the LICENSEE shal l ensure that the carriage of such

material on his network is prevented immediately.

40.4 The LICENSEE Is obl iged to provide, without any delay, all the tracing

facilities 1 .0 trace nuisance, obnoxious or malicious calls, messages or

communications t ransported through his equipment and network, to authorized

off icers of Government of India including iPolice, Customs, Excise, Intel ligence

Depar tment off icers etc. when such information is requi red for investigations ordetection of crimes and inthe interest of nat ional secur ity. Any damages arising

on account of LICENSEE's failure in this regard shall be payable by the


40.5 In case any confidential information is divulged to the LICENSEE for

proper implementation of the Agreement, il shal l be b inding on the L ICENSEE

and Its employees and servants to maintain its secrecy and confidentiali ty.

41 . Securit y Cond iti ons:

41.1 The LI CENSEE shall prOVide necessary facilities depending upon the

specific situation at the relevant t ime to the Government to counteract espionage,

subversive act, sabotage or any other unlaw1ul activity,

\ . . -"..~ 41,2 The LICENSEE shall make available on demand to the person authorized

,..~"'-P >. ' oj by the L ICENSOR, fu ll access to the swi tching cent ers , t ransm issi on cente rs,

~c,.~""," routes etc. for technical scrutiny and for inspection, which can be visualr e . r ~ e P ' : . - t p inspection or an operational inspection.

~ 41.3 All foreign personnel likely to be deployed by the LICENSEE for

i nst al la ti on, opera ti on and mai ntenance of the L ICENSEE's network sha ll be

security cleared by the Government of India prior to their depl oyment. The

security clearance will be obtained from the Ministry of Home Affairs,

Government of India, who wil l fol low standard dri ll in the mat ter,

41.4 The LICENSEE sha ll ensure pro tec tion o f p ri vacy o f communication and

ensure that unauthorized intercept ion of messages does not ta~e place.

41.5 LICENSOR reserves the r ight to modify these condi tions or incorporate new

conditi ons cons idered necessary in the i nt erest o f nationa l securi ty and pub lic

interest or for proper provision of TELEGRAPH.

41.6 LICENSEE wil l ensure that the Telecommunication installat ion carried outby it should not become a safety hazard and is not in contravention of any

statute, rule or regulation and public policy.

V c r 2 0 1 00 1 2 8 40

"41.6AThe LICENSEE sha ll app ly to the L icensor f or securit y c learance , a long

wi th the deta il s o f the equi pment (s ) as wel l as deta il s o f equ ipment(s ) su~pl ier s

and manufacturers including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), before

placement of the final purchase order for procurement I up gradation of

equipment I sof tware for provisioning of telecommunications services, This shalf '

also include any such activity under Ihe licence by the franchisee, agents or

persons of that licensee. In case no response is received from the Licensor

wit hin t hi rt y w orking days, it sha ll be presumed t hat there i s no obj ec tion 1 0 the


41.7 In the interests of security, suitabl e monitoring equipment as may be

prescr ibed fo r each t ype of syst em used wil l be prov ided by. t he L lCENS.EE for

monitoring as and when required by [ICENSO~. The spaclflc orders or

directions from the Government, issued under such conditions, shall be


41,8 The preci se ~e linept ion of geograph ical borders taken by I he L ICENSEE

for the purpose of def ining service area across International borders, i f any, shall

have prior approval of the Government of India. The terrestrial boundaries of

India shall be as depicted lnthe maps issued by Survey of India.

41,9 (i) Licensee shall ensu re that the Base Stations, Cell Sites or Radio

Tra.nsmiti.ers, as the case may be , to p rov ide mobi le t elephone serv ices near

In te rnat iona l Border o f I nd ia, wherever loca ted and establ ished shal l be as fa r

away from such border as f eas ib le and such Base Sta tions, Ce ll Sit es or R ad io

Transmitters shall work In such a fashion Ihat radio slgnal(s), emanatingt heref rom, fade out when nearing or about to cross in ternat iona l b o rd e r a n dbecome unusabl e within a reasonable distance across such border. For this

purpose, suitable technical infrastructure shalll;>e installed by the Licensee.

41.9 ( ii ) Notwi thstanding any thing in condi tion 41.9(i ), in the areas fal ling within

10 Kms of Line of Control(LOC), Line of Actual Control (LAC) ant i International

Border between Akhnoor in J&K and Pathankot and other areas as may be

notified from t ime to t ime by the Licensor, installat ion of Base Stations, Cel l S ites

or Radio transmitters or any concerned equipment and execution of the

concerned project by the licensee shal l be taken up onl y after prior approval

f rom local Army authorl t. ies about speci fi c locat ion of BTS with prior int imat ion 10

the L icensor and concerned VTM Cell in addi ti on to requis it e c learances. The

Licensor, i ts authorized representat ive(s) as well as Army authori ties shall have

powers to inspect such BTS{s) an d the Licensee shall facil itate Inspect ion of the

BTS as per requisi tion f rom such authori ties. Dur ing emergency, if so desi red by

the licensor and I or Army, the Licensee shal l shut down such BTS(s) underintimation to the licensor/concerned VTM Cell. The order for shutt ing down such

BTS(s) by Army must be signed by aUeast Commanding Officer of local Army


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ay be carr ied out by the Licensor or Itsauthorize represena Ives IArmy and lor security agencies in order to ensurecompliance of the above"condltlons by Llcenseeis), In case, any yiolaliQn ,isdetected" stern actions~~11e taken according to theterms andconditionsof theLicenseAgreement , lnc ludlnqimpos it ionof finan-c ia lpenalty. " ,

41.10 The designated person of the Centrall State Government as conveyed tothe Licensor from time to time In addit ion to the Licensor or i ts nominee shallhave the right to monitor the telecommunication traffic in ever i Msci

Exchange/MGC/MGor any other technically feasible point in ihe network set upby the LICENSEE. The LICENSEE should make arrangement for monitoringsimultaneous cal ls by Government secur ity ~g-encies. The hardware atLICENSEE's end and software requi red for monitor ing of call s shall beengineered, provided/installedand maintained by the LICENSEE at LICENSEE'scost, However, the respective Government Instrumentality shall bear thecost ofuser end hardwareand leasedline circuits from the MSC/ Exchange/MGC/M,Qtothemonitoringcentresto be located as per theirchoice intheir premises-or-inthepremises of the LICENSEE. In case the security agencies intend to locate theequipment at LICENSEE's premises for facilitating monitoring, the LICENSEEshould extend all suppor t In Ihis regard including Space and Entry of theauthorized security personnel. The Inteliac-e requirements as well'as featuresand faci li ti es as defined by the LIcensor should be implemented by theLICENSEE for both data and speech, Presently" the LICENSEE should ensuresuitable redundancy in the complete chain of Monitoring equipment for troublefree operations of monitoring of at least210 s,imultaneouscalls for seven security /

agencies." 'Along withthe monitoredcall follo>,(lngrecords.shouldbe made available:

(i) Called/callingp'artymobile! PSTNnumbers.(ii) Time/dateand duration of interception.(iii) Locat ion of target subscr ibers. For the present , Cell 10 should be

provided for location of the target subscriber, However, Ucensor mayissue directionsfrom time to lime on the precision of location, based ontechnological developments and integration of Global POSitioningSystem(GPS) whichshallbe binding on the LICENSEE.

(iv)Telephone numbers if any cali-forwarding feature has been invoked by

target subscriber.(v) Data records forevenfailed call attempts.(vi)CDR (Call DataRecord) of Roaming Subscriber.

The LICENSEE shall be required to provide the cal l data records of all thespeci fied cal ls handled by the system at speci fied per iodici ty, as and When

requiredby the securityagencies,

41.11 The Government through appropriate notIfication may debar usage ofmobile terminals In certain areas in Hiecountry, The LICENSEE shall denyservice'in areas speclfled by designated authority immediately and in any case

V er 2 01 00 1 28

within six hours on request. The LICENSEE shall also provide the facilay tocarry outsurveillance of MobileTerminal activity within a specified area,

41,12 The LICENSEE shall not employ bulk encryption in i ts network. Anyencryption equipment connected to the LICENSEE's network for speci ficrequirements has to have prior evaluation and approval of the LICENSOR orof fi cer specia lly ' designated for - the purpose. The LICENSEE shall beresponsible for ensuring privacy of communication on its network and also toensurethai unauthorizedinterception of message does nottake place,

41.13 LICENSOR shall have th e right to take over the SERVICE.,equipmenlandnetworksof the LICENSEE(either in partor inwhole of the service area) in caseany direclions are issued in the public interestby the Government of India intheevent of a National emergency / war or low . Intensltyconfl ict or any othereventuali ty. Any speci fic orders or directions from the Government of Indiaissued under such conditions shall be applicable to the LICENSEE and shall bestrictlycomplied with.

41.14 The complete list of subscr ibers shall be made available by theX LICENSEE on their websi te (having password cootrol led,access), so that

v" t(; authorizeq IntelligenceAge.nciesare' able 10 obtainthe subscriber list at any time:rs s:...... N 7 as pe r their convenience with the help of the password. The l ist should be~ ' - 0 k < - - updated on regular basis. Hard copy as andwhen required by security agencies

~6' U v 'd ,. ~ shall also be..furnished. The LICENSEE shall ensure adequate verification of~ S ~ 'O each and.every customer before enrolling him as a subscriber; instructions

w- .' ~ '" issued by the l lcenso.r in this ragard from time to trme shall be scrupulously.J ' Ib - 1( 1 fol lowed.· The 81M Card used in the User terminal or hand-held subscriber

eta @ t.J . . I > , ,>~ !ermjn~1(where. SIM card is not us.ed) shall be registered. against each" " $ > "",,~Y.fl ' " subscriber for hls bonafide' use. The LICENSEE shall make It clear to the

r Y ' ~ " " " Q subscriberthat the SIM card used in the user terminal registered against him ist Z e Y ' _ J o r non-transferable and that he alone will be responsible for proper and bonafide

~ J ~,£I pP personaluse of theservice.

/ ' f , < : t i . J i f ' 41.15 A formal would beprescribed by the LICENSORto delineate thedetails of.J C information required before enrol ling a customer as a subscriber. A photo¥' identificationof subscribersshall be pre-requisite beforeproviding the service, '•.

41.16 The Licensor Of its representaUve(s)will have an access to the D~ta.baserelating to the subscrtbersof the LICENSEE, The LJCENSEE~hallal~oupdatethe list of his subscribers and make available the same to the Licensor at sJchintervals as may be prescribed, The LICENSEE shall make available, at any

pre.scribedinslant, to the Licensor or its authorized representative detaits of thesubscribers usingthe service,

41.17 The UCENSEE shall maintain all commercialrecords with regard to thecommunicationsexchanged on the network. Such records shall be archived for

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a t 'Ie ast o ne y ea r fo r s cru tin y b y t he lic en so r fo r s ec urit y r ea so ns a nd m ay b e

d e st ro y e d t he re af te r u n le ss d ir ec te d o t he rw is e b y t he l ic en s o r.

41,,18 Ca ll in g L in e I de n t: if ic at io n ( CL I) s ha ll b e p ro v id e d. Th e ne two r k s h ould

a ls o s up po r t M a li ci o us C a ll i de n ti fi ca ti o n a n d CAMA .

41,19 Th e L ICENSEE s ha ll e n su re I imp lement the f o ll o wi ng : .

41.19 (i) U tm o st vig ila nc e sh ou ld b e e xe rcis ed in p ro vid in g b ulk te le ph on e

c on ne ct io ns fo r a ,sin gle u se " a s w ell a s f o r a sip gle lo ca to n. P ro ~ is io n o f 1 0 o rm o re co nn ec tc ns m ay b e taken a s b ul k c o nn ec ti on s f or t hi s p ur po se . S pe cia l

verif ication 01b o n af id e s ho u ld b e ea rr le d au ,! f o r p ro v id in g s uc h b ul k c o nn e ct io n s.

I nf o rma ti o n a bo u t b ul k ccnnecrrcna shall be f o rwarded 10 r es pe ct iv e ( VTM ) Ce ll

o f D oT , ,b DG (S ec urit y) D oT and an y o ther o fficer autho rized by Licen so r

f ," ?~ t im e t o t im e a s w e ll a s a ll S ec ur it y A ge nc ie s o n m o nt hl y b as is .

41,19 ( .i i) T he c al l d e ta il r ec o rd s f or o u tg o in g' c al ls m a de b y custornere s ho u ld b e

a n al yz ed f o r I he subscribers ma kin g la rg e o f 01.11g o ing ca ll s da y ,a ndJ li g ht and 10

t he v ar io u s t ele ph o ne n um be rs . N o rm al ly , n o i nc 9m in gc al l is o b se rv ed in s uc h

ca se s. T his c an b e d on e, b y ru nn in g s pe cia l pr ogr am ' fo r' t his p illp os e~ th es er vi ce p ro v id e r s .h o ul 'd d e vi se a pp ro p ri at e f ra ud ma na gemen la n d p re ve n ti o n

p ro g r, am .mea n d f ix I hr es ho l 'd l ev el s o f a ve ra ge p er d a y' u sa ge Inminut e s' o f the

t el ep ho n e c o n ne ct io n ; a ll t el ep ho n e c o nn e ct io nS "" "c ro s si ng I he t hr es ho l d o f u sa ge

sho uld be checked fo r bo nafid e use. A reco rd o f check m ust be m ain tainedw hich m ay be verified by Licen so r an y tim e. T fle lisU details~ o f suspecied

subscribers sho uld be in fo rm ed to the respective (VTM) Cell o f Do T,0 0G (5ecurity ) D oT an d an y o ther o fficer autho rized by Licen so r fro m tim et o t im e .

4 1 .1 9 ( ii i) Ac t iv e s u pp o r ! mu s t b e e xt en d' ed b y t he s er vi ce p ro vi de rn 10 th erespective VTM celts o f .Do T fo r delectio n o f such clandestine, I lliegal

t el ec omm un ic at io n s f ac il it ie s. F o r I his 'p ur po s e, n am e s o f t he N o da l o ff ic er s' &

alternate Nodal, O fficers in respect o f each licensed service area as

comrnunicated 1 0 t he I nt el li ge n ce Ag en c ie s f o r m o n it o ri ng o f te lecommunlcatlons

sh ou ld als o b e fo rw ard ed t o re sp ec tiv e V TM e el! o f D oT , D 'O G(S ec urit y) .D oTan d A ccess S ervices C ell o f D oT . T he V TM C ell o f D oT w ill co ntact the N od al

Off icer I lternate N o da l o ff ic er , a nd t il l t he l im e s uc h n omi na ti on is r ec ei ve d o r i n

case o f n on -availability o f such O fficer, the V TM C ell w ill co ntact the C hief

E x ec ut iv e O f fi ce r o f t he l ic en s ee , f o r s uc h s up po r t I coord lna t lon

4 1 .1 9 ,( iv ) C a ll in g L in e I de nt if ic at io n ( C LI ) s ha ll n ev er b e t amp er ed a s t he s ame i s

a ls o r eq ui re d f or s ec ur it y p ur po s es a nd a ny v io la li on o f t hi s a m ou nt s t o b re ac h o fs ec ur it y, C LI R es tr ic ti on s ho ul d n .o l b e n ~ al ll l. p ro vi de d t o t he c us to m er s, D ue

Ve ri fi c at i on fQ r t h e re as on o f d emand ir fg I he C lI RI T iu sl be d o n e ' b ef o re prevision

o f t he f ac il it y. I t s na il b e t il e r es po rl si bi li iy '" ;o f t he s er vic e p ro v id er t o w o rk o u l

a p pr op ri a te g u ide li nes f o b e ., ro l lowed .£ l t he ir s ~ ff m embe rs t o ' p re ve n t m i su se ' o f

Ve r 2 0 JOO I 2. S 44

th is facility . T he subscribers havin .g C UR sho uld be lis ted in a. passw ordp ro t ec te d w eb si te w it h t he ir c om p le te a dd re ss a nd d et .a .il s s o t ha t a ut ho ri ze d

G ov ern me nt ,a ge nd ie sc an vie w o r d ow nlo ad fo r d et ec tio n a nd in ve st ig at io n o fm isu se . H ow eve r, C liR m ust n ot be p ro vid ed in c as e o f ,b ulk c on ne ct io ns, c all

c e n tr e s, t e lema rk e ti ng s e rv i ce s ,

41,19(V) B u.lk u ser s p re mis es sh ou ld be in sp ec te d b y Ih e s erv ic e p ro vid ers at

r eg ul ar i nt er va ls f o r s -a tj ~ fy in g th ems el ve s a bo u t b o na fi de u se o f s uc h f ac il it ie s· . A

r ec or d o f s uc h i ns pe ct io n s ho ul d b e m ai nt ai ne d a nd p re se rv ed f or m in im u m o n e

yea r, f o r i nsp e ct i on I v er if ic at io n b y t he l ic enS in g a ut ho r it y o r a d e si gn at ed o f fi ce ro f t h e au th o r it y .

4 1.1 9( vi) L ea se d c irc u I ts sh ou ld als o b e c he cke d fO f t he ir b on afid e u se a nd 10

detect a ny m is use .

T he L IC EN SEE s ha ll a ls o e ns ur e c om p lia nc e o f t he f ol lo w in g c o nd it io n s:

(i) T Il e C h ie f O f fi ce r i n c ha rg e o f t ec hn ic al n e tw o rk operations a nd t he C hie fS ecurity O fficer sho uld 'be a resid en t.ln dian clt lzen , ' I

• ~ 1 I

(ii) D elails o f in frastruclurel netw ork diagram (technical details o f the

n et wo rk) c ou ld b e p ro vid ed o n a n ee d ba sis o nly to l el e com equipmen t

su pp lie rs fm an ufa ct ure rs a nd t he a ffilia !e fp are nt s~ o f Ih e 'liC l:ln se e

company . CJear-ancefrom ·the licenso r (Departm ent o f

T ele co m mu nica tio ns , G o ve rn me nt o f In dia ) w o uld b e re qu ire d if s uc hInforma t ion is 10 b e p r o vid ed t o a ny bo d y else,

(iii) Fo r security reaso ns, do mestic traffic o f such I;1ntilies as m ay be

ident lf iedf speCi fied p y t he l ic en so r s ha ll n o t b e h au le df rC lu le d l o· an y.p la ce o u ts id e I nd ia .

Th e lic en see c om pa ny sh all lak e a ae qu a~ a nd t im ely m ea sur es 10

e n~ ure Ih at t he in fo r~ at io n !r ~n s~ cle d )h rO Uflh ~a n etW ofk l'y the"s ub sc ri be rs i s s e c ur e a n d p ro t ec te d ,

T he o ff ic er s/o ff ic ia ls o f I he l ic en se e c o mp an ie s d ea li ng w it h t he l aw fu l

i n te r ce p ti on o f messages will b~ eresident Ind ian cit izens. . ..

T he m ajo rit y D ire clo cs o n t he B oa rd o f th e lice ns ee c om pa ny s ha ll b eIn dia n cit izen s. '



T he p os it io ns o f t he C ha irm .a n, M an ag in g D ire ct or, C hie f E xe cu tiv e

O ffic er (O EO ) a nd /o r C hie f F in an cia l O ffic er (C FO ), if h eld b y fo re Ig n

na t iona l s, wou ld r e qu ir e 10 b es ec ur it y v ei le d . byM i n is tr y o f H ome A ff ai rs

( MH A) . S ec ur it y v et tin g s ha ll b e r eq ui re d p er io d ic al ly o n y ea rl y b as is : I n

case so methin g' ad verse is fo un d d urin§" the' security vett in g, thed ir ec ti o n o f MHA s ha ll b e b .l nd in g o n t he H c en s ee .

( vi ii ) T il e L ic en se e s ha ll n o t t ra ns fe r the f o ll o wi ng t o a n y p er so n /p la ce o u ts id elndla.- -


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v« 20100128

(a ) A ny a cco lln lln gin fo rm alio n re la tin g 10 s ub sc ri be r ( ex ce pt f or

i nt ema ti o na l r o am i ng fb il li ng ) ( N o te .: i t d o e s n o t r es tr ic t a s ta tu to r .i ly

r e qu ir e d d i sc lo s u re o f f ina ncia l nature) ;.an d

( b) U se r i nf or ma tio n ( ex ce pt p er ta in in g to ' f o re ig n s ub sc ri be rs u si ng

tndlan O p er at o r' s n e tw o r k w h il e r o am i ng ),

T he Lic en se e m us t p ro vid e t ra ce ab le id en tit y o f t h(9 ir s ub sc rib ers .

H o we ve r, in c as e o f p ro v id in g s er vic e to ' r o am i ng s ub sc ri be r o f f o re ig n

C om pa nie s, t he In dia n C em pa ny sh all en deavo ur t o o btain tr ace ab le '

i de nt it y o f r ea m in g s ub sc rib er s f ro m t he f or ei gn c o rn pa ny a s a p ar t o f i tsro am ing a greement. .

O n request o f the licenso r o r any o ther agen cy D utho rized by th e

li ce ns or , t he L ic en se e s ha ll b e a bl e t o p ro v id e t he g eo g ra ph ic al l oc at io n

o f a ny s ubs c ri be r (BTS l oc at io n ) a t a g iv en p o in t o f I r me .

T he R em ote A ccess (RA) to Netw ork. wo uld be pro vided o nly 1 '0

a pp ro v ed l o ca ti o n( s) a br o ad t hr o ug h a pp ro v ed . Io c at l< ,m ( s)I n I nd ia . T h e

apprevaI fo r lo catio n(s) w ould be given by the Licen so r (DO'!") in

c o n su lt at io n w it h t he Se cu ri ty A g en c ie s.

Under no c l roums tances , Sh ou ld a nyRA t o t h e s l. i" p p[ ie rS fmanU fa c lu r er s

a n d a ff il ia te (s ) b ~ en a b, I e.d t o a ,c oes s L aw f,ullntereeptton System(LIS),.Lawful tnteroeptlcn M o n it o rl ng (L lM ) , C a ll conleD!S o f t he t ra ff lc a na a ny

such s en si ti ve s ec te r/ da ta . w hic h t he l ic en so r m a y n o ti fy f ro m 't im e · t o

t ime .

T he J ice ns ee co m pa ny is n ol a llo we d 1 0 u se r em o t e a cc es s f ac il it y formoni tor ing of co ntent.. ,.

Suitable tecM ical evice be m ade availableat ..In .d ian e nd t Q . . th e

d esign sted secur! age.n cy llicen so r in w hich a .m irro r im age o f the

r em o t e a cc es s i nf o rm ~ t io n i s a va il ab le o n l in e f o r n io n jl Qn n g p "q lO s es '

C o mp le te a ud it t ra il o f t he re mo te a cc es sa ct ivilie s p ert ain in g t o t he

n etw ork o perated in In dia sho uld be m ain tain ed fo r a perio d o f s ix

months and p ro vid ed o n re qu es t 1 0 t he lice ns or o r a ny o th er ag en cy

Dulhoi' ized by t h e l ic e ns o r .

Th e ucensee s haUensure t h ai ne ces sar y . p r o1 ,( is . ionh a rdwa re i s o f twa re)

is av aila ble in t he ir e qu ip me nt fo r d oin g;t .h e La wfu l in te rce pt io n a nd

moni tor ing from a centralized lo catio n~ .

T he L ic en se e s ha ll fa m il ia ri ze f t ra in V 'i gi la nc e T ec hn ic al M o n it o rin g,

(VTM)f s ee n rily a ge n c y o ffic e [sl o f f lda I s in res pe cI o f re levan t

o p er at io n sl f ea tu re s o f t he ir s y st em s .

(xviii) It sh all be o pe n t o t he lice ns or 10 restrict th e L ic en se e C om pa ny f :r om

o p er a" ti ng :i n a n y s en si ti ve a re a f rom t he Na ti o na l S e cu ri fy a n gl e. · ~

( xi x) l no rd er 1 0m a in ta in t he p .r iv ac y o f v oi ce a nd d .a ta ,.m o n it o rin g s ha ll b e i na cc o ro a n ce w it h r ul es -i n I hi s r eg ar d u n de r I nd ia n i el eg ra ph A c I, 1885..

(xx) F o r m o n it o ri ng t ra ff ic , t he l ic en se e c om p an y s ha ll p ro vi de a cc es s o f t he ir

netwo rk.' and o ther facilit ies as w ell as to bo oks o f acco unts to thesecu ri ty agenc ies ,

42. A pp li ca tio n o f I nd ia n T e. le gr ap h A ct .

(ix) . 42.1 T he L IC EN SE E s ha ll a do pt a lJ m ea ns a nd fa cilit at e in e ve ry m an ne r t he

application ofthe ! nd i' an T e le gr ap h A c l, 1885 a n d I nd ia n W i re le ss T e le gr ap hy

A ct, 1933 as m odified o r replaced fro m tim e to lim e. The Service shall be

p ro v id ed in a cc or da nc e w it h t he p ro v is io n s o f In di an T ele gr ap h R ul es a s m o di fi eda nd am en de d fro m t im e t o t im e.

(x)42.2 A s p er I he p ro vi sio n of Section 5 o f I nd ia n T el eg ra ph A ct , t he L IC EN SEE

w il l p ro v id e n ec es sa ry f ac il it ie s t o t he d es ig na te d a ut ho ri ti es o f C en lr al /S ta te

G o ve rn me nt a s c o nv ey ed b y t he L ice ns or fro m t im e t o t im e fo r in te rce pt io n o f t he

me ss ag es p as si ng t hr o ug h i ts n e tw o rk .xi)

Section 5 ( .2 ) o f t he I nd ia n T el eg ra ph A ct 1885 r ea d s a s u nd e r:

(x iv)

·O n t he o ccu rre nc e o f a ny p ublic e me rg en cy o r in t he in le re st o f p ublic

safety , the C entral G overnm en t o r a S tate G ovem men t o r an y o fficer

s pe ci al ly a. ut ho ri ze d in t he ir b eh al f b y t he C en tr al G o ve rn m en t o r a S ta te

G o ve rn me nt m ay , if s at is fie d t ha t it Is n ece ss ar y o r e xp ed ie nt t o d o s o in

t he in te re st o f t he s ove re ig nly an d in te grit y o f In dia , t he s ecu rit y o f t he

S t at e, f r. ie n dl y r el at io n s W i th f o re ig n s ta te s o r p ub li c o r de r o r f o r p re ve n ti n. g

in citem en t to the co mm issio n o f an o ffen se fo r class o r m essages to o rfrom a ny p ers on o r c la ss o f p ers on s o r re la lin g t o a ny p ar tic ula r subject,

b ro u gh t f or t ra ns mi ss io n b y or t ra ns mi ll ed o r r ec ei ve d b y a ny t ele gr ap h,

shall n ot be tran sm itted o r shall be in tercepted o r d etain ed o r shall be

disclo sed to the G overnm ent m aking the o rder o r an o fficer thereo f

m e nt io n ed o n t he o rd er :(xv)


P ro vid ed thai press m essages in ten ded 1 0 be published in lndla o f

co rrespcnden ts accred ited to the C en tral G overn men t or a State

G o v er nme n t s ha ll n o ! b e i nt er ce pt ed o r d e ta in ed , unlesstheir transmission

h as b ee n p ro h ib it ed u nd e r t hi s s ub se ct io n .'



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