Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016

Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

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Page 1: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

Dr. Elena ChernenkoEditor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper

Nov 17th 2016

Page 2: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space?

� 3 teams: Pro, contra, Russian government

� Procedure details via email

Page 3: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Cyber security used to be a non issue for politicians

and diplomats just a few years ago

� Turning points: Estonia, Stuxnet, Anonymous,

Snowden, Democratic National Committee hack

� Global discussions on cyber today comparable to the

early 1960-s Non-Proliferation Treaty efforts?

Page 4: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Security of information networks of critical

infrastructure incl. nuclear power stations

� Link between cyber threats and counter-attack options

of countries incl. nuclear response

� Use of existing nuclear security infrastructure for

cooperation on cyber (Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers

of Russia and US)

� Initiatives to use cyber tools for non-proliferation


Page 5: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Trigger: relocation of the “Bronze Soldier of Tallinn”

� Attack: Ddos-attacks on websites of Estonian

parliament, ministries, banks and media + defacement

of party websites

� Damage: more psychological than financial

� Aggressor: “Nashi” Youth Organization?

� Effect: Drew attention to the potential of

cyber tools in conflicts between states

Page 6: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Trigger: conflict over the Iranian nuclear program

� Attack: malicious computer worm infiltrated into the

system operating centrifuges in the Natanz nuclear


� Damage: nuclear program slowed down by a year

(almost 1/5 of centrifuges ruined)

� Aggressor: US and Israel

� Effect: First real use of a cyber

weapon in a conflict between


Page 7: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Trigger: Pressure on Wikileaks from the US government (Amazon booted the platform from its servers, PayPal, MasterCard and Visa cut off service to the organization)

� Attack: largest worldwide coordinated Ddos

� Damage: websites of PayPal ($5,5 mln), Visa and Mastercard down for a few hours

� Aggressor: politically motivated computer users around the world

� Effect: Showed the potential of hacktivism. Loose and decentralized command – a weak point?

Page 8: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3
Page 9: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Edward Snowden is an American computer professional, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee and contractor for the US government who copied and leaked secret information from the National Security Agency (NSA). His disclosures revealed numerous global surveillance programs, many run by the NSA and the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance with the cooperation of telecommunication companies and European governments.

� Effect: exposed mass surveillance and cyber potential of the US government, Big Brother is real

Page 10: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� The NSA eavesdrops on the phone calls of world leaders

� The NSA intercepts deliveries

� The NSA can spy on PCs not connected to the Internet

� Phone companies must turn over bulk phone data

� The NSA hacked Yahoo and Google data centers

� The NSA collects email and IM contact lists

� The NSA knows how many pigs you've killed in Angry Birds

� The NSA engages in industrial espionage

� Tech companies cooperated with the NSA and then were

asked not to talk about it

Page 11: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Trigger: US elections

� Attack: email accounts of high ranking DNC staff

hacked, 20 000 emails leaked to Wikileaks

� Damage: reputational damage to DNC and Hillary

Clinton, people lost jobs

� Aggressor: US gov-t believes the attack was

orchestrated by Russian intelligence, Russia denies this

� Effect: Exposed the potential of hacking as a

political/geopolitical tool; deepened confrontation

between Moscow and Washington

Page 12: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Vladimir Putin, October 2016: “How can we avoid this sort

of thing (interference in political processes)? The only way

is to reach agreement and come up with some rules on

which we will have a common understanding and which

will be recognized at the government level and can be


� Barack Obama, September 2016: “Our goal is not to

suddenly, in the cyber arena, duplicate a cycle of escalation

that we saw when it comes to other arms races in the past.

Instead the goal is to start instituting norms so that

everyone [every state] is acting responsibly.”

Page 13: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

Cyber security vs. International information security

(protection of data and networks vs. control of content)

� Compromise: Security of the information and

communication technologies and of their USE

(first put on paper in the bilateral agreement between

Russia and the US in 2013)

Page 14: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Deepening Engagement through Senior-Level


The United States and the Russian Federation created a

new working group, under the auspices of the Bilateral

Presidential Commission, dedicated to assessing

emerging ICT threats and proposing concrete joint

measures to address them. (Stopped working because of

the conflict around Ukraine)

Page 15: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Links between Computer Emergency Response Teams

To facilitate the regular exchange of practical technical information on cybersecurity risks to critical systems, the US and Russia agreed on sharing of threat indicators

between CERTs, located in the US Department of Homeland Security, and its counterpart in Russia. On a continuing basis, these two authorities must exchange technical information about malware or other malicious indicators, appearing to originate from each other’s territory, to aid in proactive mitigation of threats.

Page 16: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Exchange of Notifications through the Nuclear Risk

Reduction Centers

The US and Russia recognize the need for secure and reliable lines of communication to make inquiries about cybersecurity incidents of national concern. They decided to use the longstanding Nuclear Risk Reduction Center links established in 1987 between the US and the Soviet Union to build confidence between the two nations through information exchange, employing their around-the-clock

staffing at the Department of State in Washington and the Ministry of Defense in Moscow.

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Page 18: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� White House-Kremlin Direct Communications Line

The Kremlin and the White House have authorized a

direct secure voice communications line between the

U.S. Cybersecurity Coordinator and the Russian Deputy

Secretary of the Security Council, should there be a need

to directly manage a crisis situation arising from an ICT

security incident.

Page 19: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� Warns against inflicting damage on each others’ critical infrastructure

� Prohibits knowingly allowing third party illegal cyber activity from a state’s territory

� Assumes a duty to assist in the investigation of cyber attacks and cybercrimes launched from a country’s territory

� Commitment to investigate thoroughly cyber attacks before pointing the finger

� Warns against compromising ICT products with exploits and backdoors (“harmful hidden functions”)

� Main weak point: voluntary non-binding norms

Page 20: Dr. Elena Chernenko Editor of the Foreign Desk of the ... · Editor of the Foreign Desk of the Kommersant newspaper Nov 17 th 2016. Topic: Is deterrence possible in cyber space? 3

� What about the attribution problem?

� Is a verification mechanism possible at all?

� Not enough political will until a catastrophe


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Thank you for your attention!

Dr. Elena Chernenko

[email protected]