Morehead, Kentucky May 3, 1976 The Board of Regents of Morehead State University met in the United Nations Room of the Adron Doran University Center on Monday, May 3, 1976, a t 2:00 p.m., (EDT). The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Mr. Lloyd Cassity, in the absence of the Chairman, Dr. W, H. Cartrnell. The invocation was given by Mr. Sherman Arnett, Assistant Director of Student Financial Aid. On roll call, the following members answered present: Mr. Lloyd Cassity Mr. Jerry F. Howell Mr. Sam F. Kibbey Mr. Cloyd D, McDowell Mr. B, F. Reed Mr. J. M. Richardson Dr. Charles Pelfrey Absent: Dr. W. H, Cartmell Mr, William E. Justice Miss Deborah Poore Also, present for the meeting were the President's wife, Mrs. Mignon Doran; the newly elected student member on the Board of Regents for the 1976-77 academic year, Mr. J e r r y Mayes, who will be sworn in at the next meeting of the Board; representatives of the news media; and certain members of the staff and student body at the university. Motion by Dr. Pelfrey that the reading of the minutes of the meeting held April 6, 1976, be dispensed with and that the minutes be approved since each member of the Board had received a copy by mail. President Doran presented his report to the Board of Regents for the period of April 6, 1976, to May 3, 1976, with certain recommendations:

Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

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Page 1: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Morehead, Kentucky May 3 , 1976

The Board o f Regents o f Morehead S t a t e Un ive r s i t y met i n t h e United Nat ions Room o f t h e Adron Doran U n i v e r s i t y Cen te r on Monday, May 3 , 1976, a t 2:00 p.m., (EDT).

The meet ing was c a l l e d t o o r d e r by t h e Vice Chairman, Mr. Lloyd C a s s i t y , i n t h e absence o f t h e Chairman, D r . W , H. Cartrnell .

The i n v o c a t i o n was given by M r . Sherman A r n e t t , A s s i s t a n t D i r e c t o r of S t u d e n t F i n a n c i a l Aid.

On r o l l c a l l , t h e fo l lowing members answered p re sen t :

Mr. Lloyd C a s s i t y M r . J e r r y F. Howell M r . Sam F. Kibbey M r . Cloyd D , McDowell Mr. B , F. Reed M r . J. M. Richardson D r . Cha r l e s P e l f r e y

Absent: D r . W. H, C a r t m e l l M r , Will iam E. J u s t i c e Miss Deborah Poore

Also, p r e s e n t f o r t h e meeting were t h e P r e s i d e n t ' s wi fe , Mrs. Mignon Doran; t h e newly e l e c t e d s t u d e n t member on t h e Board o f Regents f o r t h e 1976-77 academic y e a r , M r . J e r r y Mayes, who w i l l be sworn i n a t t h e n e x t meet ing o f t h e Board; r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f t h e news media; and c e r t a i n members o f t h e s t a f f and s t u d e n t body a t t h e u n i v e r s i t y .

Motion by D r . P e l f r e y t h a t t h e r ead ing o f t h e minutes of t h e meet ing he ld A p r i l 6, 1976, be dispensed w i t h and t h a t t h e minutes be approved s i n c e each member o f t h e Board had r ece ived a copy by mai l .

P r e s i d e n t Doran presen ted h i s r e p o r t t o t h e Board o f Regents f o r t h e p e r i o d of A p r i l 6, 1976, t o May 3, 1976, w i t h c e r t a i n recommendations:

Page 2: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Minutes o f May 3 , 1976, contTd. .

M O R E H E A D STATE UNIVERSITY Morehead, Kentucky

May 3 , 1976

Board o f Regents Morehead S t a t e Un ive r s i ty Morehead, Kentucky


I am s u b m i t t i n g my r e p o r t on t h e ope ra t ion o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y f o r t h e p e r i o d o f A p r i l 6, 1976, t o May 3 , 1976, w i t h c e r t a i n recommendations:


I recommend t h a t t h e Board approve t h e Pe r sonne l Changes a s sugges ted i n E x h i b i t I.


I recommend tha-t: t h e Board a m r o v e t h e - - - - - - - 1- I

awarding o f an Honorary Doctor o f Humanities d e g r e e t o M r . Lawrence E . Forgy, Jr. a t t h e 1976 Spr ing Commencement on Mav 7.


I recommend t h a t t h e Board approve t h e o r g a n i z a t i o n a l Char t f o r t h e Un ive r s i ty a s p re sen ted i n E x h i b i t 11.


I recommend t h a t t h e Board approve t h e f i r m o f Kel ley, Galloway and Company, Ashland, t o a u d i t t h e accounts of Morehead S t a t e University f o r the f i s c a l y e a r 1975-76 i n t h e amount of $15,000.

Page 3: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

I '

Minutes of May 3, 1976, cont'd .


I recommend t h a t t h e Board o f Regents approve naming; of t h e fo l lowing f a c i l i t i e s a s i n d i c a t e d :

L ib ra ry Tower - The J u l i a n Morton C a r r o l l L ib ra ry Tower

Ballroom i n Univers i ty Center - The Buford Cragor Room

L i t t l e Thea t re i n Combs Bui ld ing - The Samuel F. Kibbey Theat re

Track a t Jayne Stadium - The Alby L. Dawson Track


I recommend t h a t t h e Board approve t h e Personnel Ros te r f o r t h e 1976-77 f i s c a l y e a r ,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ End of President's Report Except for Following Exhibits----------------

Page 4: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

E x h i b i t I


A. Res igna t i ons

M r . John W a t t l e r , A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r o f Marketing, School o f Bus iness and Economics, e f f e c t i v e May 9, 1976, M r s . Audrey W a t t l e r , A s s i s t a n t P r o f e s s o r o f Home Economics, School of Appl ied Sc i ences and Technology, e f f e c t i v e May 9, 1976. Mr. Cormell R. Brooks, I n s t r u c t o r o f Sociology, School of S o c i a l Sc i ences , e f f e c t i v e May 9, 1976. M r . B i l l Ba ldr idge , A s s i s t a n t F o o t b a l l Coach and I n s t r u c t o r o f Hea l th , P h y s i c a l Educat ion and Recrea t ion , School o f Educat ion, e f f e c t i v e May 31, 1976. Mr. Wil l iam P. Wooten, D i r e c t o r o f Cooper Hal l , Bureau o f S tuden t A f f a i r s , e f f e c t i v e A p r i l 30, 1976. Mrs. P r i s c i l l a M. Cu l l i nane , S e c r e t a r y , School o f Bus iness and Economics, e f f e c t i v e May 30, 197 6. Mr. Rober t Fouch, Communication S e r v i c e s , D i v i s i o n o f I n s t i t u t i o n a l S e r v i c e s , e f f e c t i v e A p r i l 3 , 197 6. Mrs. Bette Arne t t , D i r e c t o r o f W a t e r f i e l d H a l l , Bureau o f S t u d e n t A f f a i r s , e f f e c t i v e May 15, 1976.

B . Appointments

1. M r . Thomas Rodgers, Assoc i a t e P r o f e s s o r o f Accounting, School o f Bus iness and Economics, a t a nine-month s a l a r y o f $17,500 beg inn ing August 2 3 , 1976.

2 . Mrs. Be t t y Wilson, A s s i s t a n t L i b r a r i a n , Johnson Camden L ib ra ry , a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $11,500 beg inn ing August 16, 1976.

3 . Mr. Bob L i t t l e , Herdsman, School o f Appl ied Sc i ences and Technology, a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $7,800 beg inn ing A p r i l 7 , 1976.

4. Mrs. Che r i e Ann Leasure, S e c r e t a r y , School o f Educat ion, a t a twelve-month s a l a r y of $4,576 beg inn ing A p r i l 12, 1976.

5. M r s . R i t a Leigh, S e c r e t a r y , School o f Applied Sc i ences and Technology, a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $4,576 beg inn ing A p r i l 12 , 1976.

Page 5: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Mrs. Evlynn H. Fugate, Typis t , Johnson Camden L ib ra ry , a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $4,576 beginni ng A p r i l 8, 1976. Mrs. L o r e t t a Gaye Ferguson, S e c r e t a r y , School o f Applied Sc i ences and Technology, a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $4,576 beg inn ing A p r i l 19, 1976. M i s s E leanor Huffrnan, Operat ions A s s i s t a n t - S e c r e t a r y , School o f Humanit ies, a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $4,576 beg inn ing A p r i l 26, 197 6. M r . J i m Wells, S t a f f Wr i t e r , D i v i s i o n o f P u b l i c In format ion , a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $600 f o r t h e month o f June 1976. Mrs. J e a n e t t e R. Weddington, Adron Doran U n i v e r s i t y Cente r Ca fe t r i a , a t a s a l a r y o f $2.20 p e r hour beg inn ing A p r i l 6, 1976. Mrs. E l i z a b e t h Buckler, Adron Doran U n i v e r s i t y Cen te r C a f e t e r i a , a t a s a l a r y o f $2.20 p e r hour beg inn ing A p r i l 6, 1976. Mrs. Judy Wilson, Adron Doran U n i v e r s i t y Cen te r C a f e t e r i a , a t a f s a l a r y o f $2.20 p e r hour beg inn ing A p r i l 23, 197 6. M r . James Thornsbury, Department o f Bu i ld ings and Grounds, a t a twelve-month s a l a r y o f $5,386 beg inn ing May 3, 1976.

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Exhibit I1





Morehead State University Organization Chart

May 3,1976

Page 7: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Adron Doran

Troy Burgess

Carol Johnson


Morehead, Kentucky

For the period beginning July 1 , 1976, and ending June 30, 1977

President and Professor of Education

Secretary t o the President

Secretary t o the President and the Board of Regents

Page 8: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office of the Vice President

Russel 1 McCl ure (on leave)

Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Assistant Professor of Business

Connie Stacey Secretary


John Graham

Steve Schafer

Janet Glover

Larry Joe Planck

Larry Gene Caudill

Mary Latta Lee

Purchasi no_

Robert W. Stokes

William Ewers

Charlotte Dowdy

E l i zabeth Graham


Comptroll e r and Assistant Professor of Accounting and Treasurer to Board

Federal Programs Accountant and Instructor of Business Education

Accounting Clerk

Accou ntant


Federal Programs Coordinator

Director of Purchasing

Director of Food Services, Assistant to the President for Military Affairs, and Assistant Director of Purchasing

.Assistant Buyer

Clerk-Typi s t





Page 9: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Purchasing (Continued)

Jane Blocher

Martha Pol 1 i t t e

Office Services

Ival Bryant

Timothy Rhodes

Murvel Hall

Deborah DeHart

Rebecca Jarvis


Sharon Hi 1 ger

Mildred K. Caudill

Ramona Conn

Debbie Burnett


Virginia Caudill

Beverly Jo Brewer

De~artment o f Personnel

Clerk-Typi s t

Di rec tor of Office Servi ces

Head Cashier

Assistant Cashier

Cl erk-Typi s t




Cl erk-Typi s t

C1 erk-Typi s t

C1 erk-Typi s t

Director of Payroll s

Assi s t a n t Director of Payroll s





Pes i gned






Vinson Watts Director of Non-Academic Personnel and Assistant Professor of Business

Page 10: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Personnel (Continued)

Debra Workman Secretary


Mi 1 dred Tucker

Student Operator

Data Processing

William Mahaney

Sharon Barnett

Helen W . Anderson

Cl arence McCoy

Clifford Kemp

Leota Quisenberry

Franci s Moni z

- Cynthia Lendon

University Golf Course

Ed Bignon

Mark Wi 1 k i nson


Bi l l ie Greene

Centrex Operator

Di rector of Data Processing





Key Punch Supervisor

Key Punch Operator

Key Punch Operator

Managing Pro of the Golf Course Golf Coach

Assi s tant Professional

Assistant Professional

Grounds Superi ntendent


, 13,500

Res i gned



Page 11: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Uni versi t y Go1 f Course (Continued)

David Roe Greens Laborer

Vacancy Greens Laborer

Aus t in Roe Greens Laborer

George Wagoner Greens Laborer






Page 12: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office of the Vice President

Roger L. Wil son Vice President for Student Affairs and Associate Professor of Education

Doris Wells Secretary

Office of the Dean of Students - - - -

Buford Crager Dean of Students and Assistant Professor of Education

Anna Mae Riggle Associate Dean of Students

Mary K. Russell


Ronald L . Walke

Clyde James

Kenneth White

Carolyn L. Johnston

Conda Roseberry

Associate Dean of Students

Associate Dean of Students

Associate Dean of Students and Assistant Professor of Hi story

Associate Dean of Students

Director of Concessions and Special Services



Gayle Green Secretary

Office of the Director of Student Financial Aid ---

Elmer D . Anderson Director of Student Financial Aid and Assistant Professor of History




Page 13: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Off ice of the Director of Student Financial Aid (Continued)

Sherman Arnett

Charlotte Coll ins

Associate Director of Student Financial Aid and Assistant Professor of Education


Diana Cal dwell Secretary

Veterans's Affairs

Phi 1 Showal t e r

El v i ra Gregory

Coordinator of Veterans Is Affairs


Office of the Director of Student Housing

Larry Stephenson Associate Dean of Students, Director of Housing, and Assistant Professor of Accounting

James Morton Associate Director of Housing for Men

Madonna Huffman Associate Director of Housing for Women

Cheryl Nighswander Secretary

. Susan Salyers Secretary

Men ' s Residence Hal 1 Directors

Donald A. Dick Director of A1 umni Tower

Vacancy Director of Regents Hal 1

Jeffrey Mil kinson Director of Cartrnell Ha1 1

William P . Wooten Director of Cooper Hal 1

Vacancy Director of Cooper Hal 1

5,000 (10)

4,500 (10)


Resi gned

4,500 (10)

Page 14: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Men ' s Res i dence Hal 1 Di rectors (Conti nued)

Anthony Hines

Jerry Gore

Eddie Abshire

David Miller

Dan Collins

Director of Downing Hall

Director of Wilson Hall and Assistant to the Dean of Students

Assistant Director of A1 umni Tower

Assistant Director of Cartmell Hal 1

Director of Refrigerator Rental Program

Women ' s Residence Hal 1 Di rectors

Lucil l e Robertson Director of Fields Hal 1

Vacancy Director of Fields Hal 1

Be1 va Samrnons Director of Thompson Hal 1

Vacancy Director of Thompson Hall

R u t h Bryson Director of West Mignon Hal 1

Amy Givens Director of Mi gnon Hal 1

Vacancy Director of Mignon Hal 1

Irene Birchfield Director of Mignon Tower

Mary Josey Director of East Mignon Hal 1

Martha F. Welch Director of Nunn Hall

Bette Arnett Di rector of Waterf i el d Hal 1

Vacancy Director of Waterfield Hal 1

Gi 11 i an Cover Women's Residence Hal 1 Director on Rotation Basis

Pauletta Offutt Student Assistant i n Mignon Hall 8

Reti red


Res i gned



Reti red








3,000 (10)

Page 15: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Women ' s Residence Hal 1 Direc to r s (Continued)

Bonnie Bel le T r i s l e r Student A s s i s t a n t i n Water f ie ld Hall .

Vacancy Student A s s i s t a n t i n Waterf ield Hal 1

Mary Jane Sul l i van Student A s s i s t a n t i n Mignon Tower

Vacancy Student A s s i s t a n t i n Nunn Hal 1

Women Night Clerks

Deborah Roberts

Mimi Rindoks

Becky Dudui t

Debra Reed

Shei 1 a Rayburn

Joyce Ison


N e t t i e James

* Barbara Messer

Elaine Banks

Ronelle Conrad

Night Clerk i n F i e l d s Hall

Night Clerk i n Thompson Hall

Night Clerk i n Water f ie ld Hall

Night Clerk i n East Mignon Hall

Night Clerk i n Mignon Hall

Night Clerk i n Mignon Tower

Night Clerk i n Mignon Tower

Night Clerk i n West Mignon Hal 1

Night Clerk i n Nunn Hall

Rotat ing Night Clerk f o r Relief of Other Night Clerks

Rotat ing Night Clerk

Niaht Clerks i n Men's Residence Halls - - - - - - -- -

B i l l y D . McCracken Night Clerk i n A1 umni Tower

Resi gned

3,000 (10)

2,200 ( 9 ) 3,000 (10)

2,200 ( 9 ) 3,000 (10)

4,848 (10)

4,848 (10)

4,848 (10)


5,794 i

Resi gned




5,684 Resigned

Page 16: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Ni g h t Clerks in Men's Residence Hal 1s (Continued)

Vacancy Night Clerk i n Alumni Tower

Terrance W . King

David Baker

Bruce Ri ndoks

Buster Gay

Daetha Rankin

Night Clerk in Cartmell Hall

Night Clerk in Cooper Hall

Night Clerk i n Regents Hall

Night Clerk in Wilson Hall

Rotating N i g h t Clerk for R e l i e f of Other Night Clerks

Samuel Keith Anspaugh Rotating Night Clerk for Relief of Other Night Clerks

Securi t v and Traffic

Russell L . Kirk

E . J . Music

Gary G. Messer

John D . Barnett .

James D. Pelfrey

Eugene Morel and

Roger Hol brook

Michael D. Stevens

Arlie L . Gilkison

Paul Lee Burchett

Director of Security

Assistant Director of Security

Assi s t an t Director of Securi ty

Securi ty Off i cer

Securi ty Officer

Security Officer

Securi ty Officer

Securi ty Officer

Night Watchman

Night Watchman

Page 17: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Securi ty and Traffic (Continued).

John C. Osborne

Gary Lanham

Mary1 ene Fryman

Night Watchman

N i g h t Watchman

Traffic Clerk

Office of the Director of the Adron Doran University Center

Jack Henson

Mary Markides

Director of the Adron Doran University Center and Instructor of Business

Receptioni st-Secretary i n Uni versi ty Center

Marshal 1 McNeely Student Assistant i n University Center

Student Health Services

Wilma Caudi 11

Connie Robinson

Chris to1 McKee


Me1 anie Ke1 ly

E l len Ames

Carolyn Minion

Doris Dales



Director of Nursing Services

Nurse, R.N..

Nurse's Aide

Nurse's Aide & E.M.T.

Nurse, L.P.N.

Nurse, L .P .N.

Nurse's Aide

Nurse, R . N .

Nurse, R . N .

Nurse, R.N.

Page 18: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Student Health Services (Continued)

Vacancy Secretary

Lucy Conley Brown Housekeeper

Page 19: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office of the Dean

Bill B. Pierce

Ronda1 Hart

Linda W h i t t

Office of Admissions

Bi 11 Bradford

Bill Fair

A1 ene McGui re

Nancy Jones

Georgetta Caudi 1 1

Off ice of the Registrar

Jerry Frank1 in

Stephen A . Wright

Mary El la Wells

Catherine Back

Katherine McNeely

Dean of Institutional Services and Associate Professor of Education

Assistant Dean of Institutional Services and Associate Professor of Education


Director of Admissions

Assistant Director of Admissions




Registrar and Assistant Professor of Educati on

Associate Registrar and Instructor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Assistant Registrar



Page 20: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Off ice of the Registrar (continued)

Josephi ne To1 1 iver Records Cl erk

Norah F i g g Secretary

Louise Payne Transcript Cl erk

Regena Stone Microfilm Clerk

Office of School Relations

Charles Myers . Director of School Relations

John High Associate Director o f School Relations

Loi s McCracken Secretary


Reba Faye Ki dd



Office of Placement Services

Carol Holt Director of Placement Services

Ida Belle Dillon Secretary

Office of Alumni Relations

Don Young

Margaret Young

Director of Alumni Relations and Assistant Professor of Art

Assistant t o the Director of A1 umni Re1 a t i ons

Paul i ne Davis Secretary



Resi gned



Page 21: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Personal Development I n s t i t u t e

Mignon Doran

Carolyn F l a t t

Jenny Crager

Sibyl Kell e r

Jenny Maddox


Engi neeri ng Services - Les l i e Davis

Ray Roberts

James Cook

Maurice D. S t r o u t

Danny R a t l i f f

Ronnie Adkins

Bobby Ray Wilson

Communication Services

Michael Kel l e r

David S tega l l

Robert Fouch



Direc tor of t h e Personal Development I n s t i t u t e $14,000 ( 9 )

I n s t r u c t o r 11,000 ( 9 )

I n s t r u c t o r (Hal f- t ime) 5,000 (9 )

Secre tary 8,000

Graduate A s s i s t a n t 2,200 (9)

Graduate A s s i s t a n t

Direc tor of Engineering Services

Chief Engineer of WMKY

Chief Engineer of Televis ion


Televis ion Engineer

El ec t ron i c Technician

Elec t ronic Technician

Direc tor of Communications Services

Communications, Maintenance

Communications, Maintenance

Communications, Maintenance

$15,500 ( 9 )

12,500 ( 9 )

5,750 (9 )



2,400 ( 9 )





Page 22: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Media Services

William Rosenberg

Daniel A1 ford

Karen Sue Riffe


Director of Media Services and Assistant Professor of Education Media

Student Assistant in Graphics

Secretary, Engineering Services and Media Services

Page 23: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office of the Director

Keith Kappes

Barbara Davis

Office of News Scwices

Fred Hens1 ey

James Wells

Gary Grider

Director o f Pub1 i c Information and Instructor of Journalism


Director of News Services and Instructor o f Radio-Television

Staff Writer

Radio-Tel evision Assistant (Part-time)

Vacancy Secretary

George Burgess Director o f Photographic Services and Assistant Professor o f Journal ism

Gerald Moore Staff Photographer (Part-time)

Office o f Printing Services

Martin Huffman Director of Printing Services and Instructor of Journal i sin

Jack Rohr Assistant Director of Printing Services

Gene Stapperfenne

G . L . Nipper


Printer (Part-time)

Mary 3ragg University Editor

Shirley Rohr Editorial Assistant

Page 24: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office of Printing Services (Continued)

Bonnie Burns Editorial Assistant

Steve Ford Editorial Assistant (Part-time)

Page 25: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office of the Vice President

Morris Norfleet

Carole Morella

Charles Hicks

Scott Davi dson

Linda Duvall

Sharon Ratcl i f f

Carol Barker

Ellen Templeman

Cindy Trent

Frank1 in H . Hammond, J r .


Vice President for Research and Devel opment and Professor of Education

Administrative Assistant t o the Vice President for Research :and Development and Assistant Professor of Business

Director of Institutional Research and Professor of Education

Programmer Operator

Computer Programmer



Composer Opera t o r


Graduate Assistant

Graduate Assistant


2,400 ( 9 )

Page 26: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department o f M i 1 i t a ry Science

Vicki Lynn Keith Secretary

Page 27: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss



Office of the Dean

Charl es Derrickson

Department of Agricul ture

G . Douglas Minion

Joe Bendixen

Samuel Grant

Harrel 1 Jones

James Martin

Charl es Mattingly

William T. McAtee

E l i zabeth Jane McBride

Frank Pinkerton

Robert Wolfe


Dean of the School of Applied Sciences and Technology and Professor o f Agriculture $27,000

Head of the Department of Agriculture and Professor of Agriculture

Associate Professor of Agri cul ture

Assistant Professor of Veterinary Technol ogy

Instructor of Horsemanship, Manager of University Stables and Trainer

Associate Professor of Agriculture

Assistant Professor of Agri cu1 ture

Associate Professor of Veterinary Technol ogy

Assistant Instructor of Horsemanship

Associate Professor of Agriculture

Assi s tant Professor of Agri cul ture

Associate Professor of Veterinary Technol ogy

Linda Fowler Laboratory Technician in V e t e r i nary Techno1 ogy

Page 28: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Universi ty Farm

Edman McBrayer

Stanley Allen

Kenneth Arnett

Cl inton Barnette

Farm Manager

Equi ne Stab1 e Manager

Farm Technician

Farm Laborer

Tommy Cooper Farm Laborer

William Graham Herdsman

Robert F. L i t t l e Herdsman

Norman Williams Hor t i cu l tu re Technician

Department of Indus t r i a l Education and Technology

J e r r y Shuck Head of the Department of Indus t r i a l Education and Technology and Associate Professor of Indus t r i a l Education

Theodore E . B l a i r Ass is tant Professor of Radiologic Technology 16,275

Robert Hayes Ins t ruc to r of Indus t r i a l Education 12,500 ( 9 )

Dennis Karwatka Ass i s t an t Professor of Indust r ia l Education 13,000 ( 9 )

Abner Lester Ass is tant Professor of Construction Technology 12,000 ( 9 )

Wayne Morel 1 a

J e f f e r y R . !lurphy

Assis tant Professor o f Indus t r i a l Education


Ass i s t an t Ins t ruc to r of Indus t r i a l Education 8,500 ( 9 )







Res i gned



Terminated (One year con t rac t )

Page 29: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of I n d u s t r i a l Education and Technology (Continued)

Edward Nass A s s i s t a n t Professor of I n d u s t r i a l Education

Meade Roberts A s s i s t a n t Professor of Indus t r i a1 Education

Norman Roberts Professor of I n d u s t r i a l Education

John Seaman Associa te Professor of Construct ion Technology

B. M . Channappa S e t t y A s s i s t a n t Professor of I n d u s t r i a l Education

Vacancy A s s i s t a n t Professor of I n d u s t r i a l Education

Ronald Tucker Associate Professor of I n d u s t r i a l Education

Pepper Tyree A s s i s t a n t Professor o f We1 ding

Or r i s Watson

Minton W h i t t

Associa te Professor of Mining Technology

A s s i s t a n t Professor of I n d u s t r i a l Education

Vacancy Assi s t a n t Professor of Radiologic Techno1 ogy

Vacancy A s s i s t a n t Professor o f E lec t ron ic s Techno1 ogy

Department of Home Economics

Char lo t t e Bennett Acting Head o f t h e Department of Home Economics and Associa te Professor o f Home Economics

Pa t ty Rai Smith

Nancy Graham

Acting Head of t h e Department of Home Economics and A s s i s t a n t Professor of Home Economics

Di rec to r of I n s t i t u t i o n a l Foods Laboratory and I n s t r u c t o r o f Home Economics

15,000 ( 9 )

12,200 ( 9 )

17,747 ( 9 )



13,900 (9 )

10,000 ( 9 )


$16,050 ( 9 )

16,050 ( 9 )

20,500 ( 9 )

Resi gned


12,500 ( 9 )

Page 30: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Home Economics (Continued)

Linda Krute Instructor of Home Economics

Floy Patton Assistant Professor of Home Economics

Marcia Shields Instructor of Home Economics

Caro 1 yn Tayl or Instructor of Home Economics (Part-time) (Palmer House)

Francine Ward Instructor of Home Economics

Audrey Wattler Assistant Professor of Home Economics

Vacancy Assistant Professor of Home Economics

Francine Janousek Assistant Professor of Home Economics

Vacancy Assistant Professor o f Home Economics

Vacancy Instructor of Home Economics

Department of Nursing and A1 1 ied Health

Jane Ray

Janice Brumagen . Ethel Castle

Head of the Department of Nursing and Allied Health and Associate Professor of Nursing

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Instructor of Nursing

Diane Childs Assistant Instructor of Nursing (Part-time)

Pamela Labiosa Instructor of Nursing

Lynn Marcy Lear Instructor of Nursing

Marilyn Maud Assistant Professor of Nursing

5,865 ( 9 )

12,250 ( 9 )

Res i gned

12,600 ( 9 )


14,000 ( 9 )

11,600 ( 9 )

Page 31: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Nursing and Al l i ed Health (Continued)

Betty Nordholm A s s i s t a n t Professor of Nursing

Bet ty Por t e r A s s i s t a n t Professor o f Nursing

Carol Beth Pull iam I n s t r u c t o r of Nursing

Paul i n e Ramey A s s i s t a n t Professor of Nursing

Linda Sa lye r I n s t r u c t o r o f Nursing

Vacancy I n s t r u c t o r of Nursing

El i zabeth Tapp


S e c r e t a r i e s

A s s i s t a n t Professor o f Nursing

I n s t r u c t o r o f Nursing

Off ice of t h e Dean

Linda Brown

Helen Hays

Sec re t a ry

Sec re t a ry

Department of Agr i cu l tu re

Angel a Benson Sec re t a ry

Pamel a Sa l y e r Sec re t a ry

Department o f I n d u s t r i a l Education and Technology

Beverly Ann Davis Sec re t a ry

Lore t ta Ferguson Sec re t a ry


13,500 ( 9 )

13,500 ( 9 )

10,600 ( 9 )

12,000 ( 9 )

Resi gned

12,000 ( 9 )

12,000 ( 9 )

12,000 ( 9 )

Page 32: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


De~artment of Home Economics

Patr ic ia Brown Secretary

Department of Nursing and Allied Health

Deborah Bent1 ey Secretary (One year appoi ntment )

Rita Leiqh Secretary

Inst i tut ional Food Laboratory -

Monie L . Collins

Betty Johnson

Georgene Stamper

Food Production Supervisor

Foods Laboratory He1 per

Foods Laboratory He1 per

Page 33: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss



Office of the Dean

Richard Baxter Dean of the School of Business and Economics and Professor of Business

Department of Accounting

Robert Hansen Head of the Department of Accounting and Professor of Accounting

Roger Hamood Assistant Professor of Accounting

Christopher Kitchen

Gary Saunders

Thomas Rogers

Thomas Stambaugh


Assistant Professor of Accounting

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Assistant Professor of Accounting

Department of Business Administration .

Eugene Martin Head of the Department of Business Administration and Professor of Business

Gary Broc kway Associate Professor of Business Administrat

Vacancy Associate Professor of Business Administrat

Ying I. Chien Associate Professor of Business Administrat

A1 ex Conyers Associate Professor of Business Administrat

Edward Flynn Assistant Professor of Business Administration 15,048 (9) 28


15,300 (9)

16,100 (9)

Resi gned

17,500 (9)

15,100 (9)

16,000 (9)


Resi gned

16,000 (9)

17,400 (9)

18,500 (9)

15,500 (9)

Page 34: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department o f Business Admini s t r a t i o n (Continued) 1975-76

David Kephart A s s i s t a n t Professor of Business Administration $13,650 (9)

Buddy Salyer I n s t r u c t o r of Business (Par t - t ime) 5,000 ( 9 )

John Watt ler Ass i s t an t Professor of Business Admini s t r a t i o n 15,800 ( 9 )

Vacancy Ass i s t an t Professor of Business Administration

Charles West Associate Professor of Business Admini s t r a t i o n 17,780 ( 9 )

William Whitaker, I11 Associate Professor of Business Administration 16,500 ( 9 )

Vacancy Ass i s t an t Professor of Business Administration

Vacancy I n s t r u c t o r of Business Administration

Department of Business Education

George Montgomery Head of t h e Department of Business Education and Professor of Business Education

Anna Burford Ass i s t an t Professor of Business Education

Ernest Hi nson Associate Professor of Business Education

Sue Luckey

He1 en Northcutt

Associate Porfessor of Business Education

Ass i s t an t Professor of Business Education

Gail Ousley A s s i s t a n t Professor of Business Education

)ii 1 dred Q u i n n Associate Professor of Business Education

Do1 o res Roberson I n s t r u c t o r of Busi ness Education

James Smil ey Associate Professor of Business Education


816,009 ( 9 )

5,500 ( 9 )

Resi gned

17,200 ( 9 )

19,292 ( 9 )

18,500 ( 9 )

16,500 ( 9 )

13,500 ( 9 )

Leave 14,100 ( 9 )

11,600 ( 9 ) Separated (One year contrac.

Page 35: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


De~artment of Economics

Thomas Morrison

F. Thomas Ayers


Robert Camp


Joe Copeland

Louis Magda

Head of the Department of Economics and Professor of Economics

Ass is tant Professor of Economics

Ass is tant Professor of Economics

Associate Professor of Economics

Associate Professor of Economics

Assi s t a n t Professor of Economi cs

Professor of Economics

Secre ta r i es

Office of the Dean

Barbara Romeieh

Pri s c i 11 a Cul l inane


Secre tary



Department of Accounting

Elizabeth Brockway Secre tary

Vacancy Secre tary

Department of Business Administration

Vicki Boggs Secre tary



16,500 ( 9 )


16,500 ( 9 )

17,600 ( 9 )

19,000 ( 9 )


Res i gned


Res i gned


Page 36: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department o f Business Educat ion -

Susan Lundy Sec re ta r y

V i c k i S ta ten Sec re ta r y (Pa r t - t ime ) 2,631 (1/2 voc. funds)

Department o f Economics

Nancy Brown Sec re ta r y

Page 37: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss



Office of the Dean

James H. Powel 1

John Payne

Dean of the School of Education and Professor of Education

Director of Professional Laboratory Experiences and Professor of Education

Department of Elementary and Early Chi ldhood Education

Mary Northcutt

Kathl een Barr

Leonard Burkett

Dorothy Con1 ey

Coletta Grindstaff

William Hampton

. Noah Logan

Cecil Roby

Layla Sabie

John Stanley

Kel ly Thompson

Patricia Watts

Head of the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education and Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education (Part-time)

Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Director of the Reading Center and Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Page 38: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Admi ni s t ra t ion , Supervision, and Secondary Education

Robert Needham

Russel 1 Bowen

Harry G i 1 bert

Lawrence Griesinger

Elaine Kirk

Mi chael McCord

Don Miller

Edward Mi 1 1 e r

Billy Moore

Ottis Murphy

Ben Patton

Randal 1 We1 1 s

. Clark Wotherspoon

Head of the Department of Administration, Supervision, and Secondary Education and Professor of Education

Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Associate Professor o f Education

Associate Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education

Professor of Education

Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education

Professor of Education

Department of Psychology and Special Education

Vacancy Head of the Department of Psychology and Special Education

Daniel Berch Assistant Professor of Education

M. Adele Berrian Professor of Psychology

Page 39: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Psychol ogy and Speci a1 Education (Conti nued)

Alan Childs Assistant Professor of Psychology

Bradley Cl ough Professor of Psycho1 ogy ,

Carol Georges Assistant Professor of Education

James Gotsick Associate Professor of Psychology

Anna Lee Hicks Assistant Professor of Psychology

Robert Monahan Assistant Professor of Education

Francis Osborne Associate Professor of Psychology

George Tapp Associate Professor of Psychology

Vacancy Assi s tant Professor of Psycho1 ogy (Part- time)

Department of Adult, Counseling, and Higher Education

Harold Rose

James Bolen

Paul Ford Davis

George Eys t e r

Head of the Department of Adult, Counseling, and Higher Education and Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Education and Community School Re1 ations Consul tant

Char1 es Martin Professor of Education

Robert Peters Associate Professor of Education

Linda Rat1 i f f Assistant Professor of Education


14,000 ( 9 )

18,211 ( 9 )

15,665 ( 9 )

Page 40: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Adult, Counsel ing, and Higher Education (Continued)

Dan Thomas Associate Professor of Education

William ldei kel

Hazel Whi taker

Ass i s t an t Professor of Education

Director of Testing and Associate Professor of Education Retired

Steve Taylor Director of Test ing Center and Associate Professor of Education

Vacancy Associate Professor of Education

Vacancy Assis tant Professor of Education

Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Earl Bentley Head of the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Steve Hami 1 ton Head Baseball Coach and Ins t ruc to r of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation 6,000 ( 4 ) 18,500 (11)

Bi 1 1 Bal dri dge . Ass i s tan t Football Coach and I n s t r u c t o r of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

David Beaver Associate Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Laradean Brown Ass i s t an t Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

W . Michael Brown Associate Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Page 41: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (Continued)

Rex Chaney

A. L . Dawson

Roy Lucas

Bi l l Glaser

Edward Lucke

Sue Lucke

William Mack

Dona1 d McLeary

- John Jennings

Rafford Mu1 1 ins

El izabeth Nesbi tt

Howard Nesbi t t

Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Head Track and Cross Country Coach and Assis tant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Assis tant Football Coach and Ins t ruc to r of Health , Physical Education, and Recreation

Assis tant Football Coach and Assis tant Ins t ruc to r of Health, Physical Fducation, and Recreation

Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Assis tant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Assis tant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Assis tant Football Coach and Assis tant Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Assis tant Football Coach and Assis tant Ins t ruc to r of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Head Ath le t i c Trainer and Ins t ruc to r of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Assis tant Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

18,500 (11)

Res i gned

Res i gned

Page 42: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation (Continued)

Gretta Osborne Ass i s t an t Professor of Health, Physi cal Education, and Recreation $14,800 ( 9 )

15,500 ( 9 )

18,000 ( 9 )

16,300 (11)

20,000 ( 9 )

19,300 (11)

18,200 ( 9 )


19,800 ( 9 )

12,900 (9 )

13,500 (10)


James Osborne Assis tant Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Paul Raines Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

James Russel 1 Ass i s t an t Basketball Coach and Ins t ruc to r of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Mohammed Sabie Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

George Sadler Head Tennis Coach and Associate Professor o f Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Harry Sweeney Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Roy Terry tiead Football Coach and Associate Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Char1 e s Thompson . Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Ike Unseld Ass i s t an t Basketball Coach and Ins t ruc to r of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Steve Wal t e r s Ass i s t an t Football Coach and Assis tant I n s t r u c t o r of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Steve Ward Ass i s t an t Football Coach and I n s t r u c t o r of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Page 43: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation , (Continued)

Richard Rachel

Robert Wells

Ass is tant Football Coach and I n s t r u c t o r of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Director of Intramural Programs and Assis tant Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Vacancy Coach of Women ' s Bas ketbal 1

Larry Wilson Manager of Bowl i n g A1 1 ey and Ass i s t an t Professor of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

Department of Library Science and Ins t ruct ional Media

Norman Tant Head of the Department of Library Science and Ins t ruc t iona l Media and Professor of Education

Opal LeMaster Ass i s t an t Professor of Education

Clarica Williams Associate Professor of Library Science

Steve Young I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Universi ty Brecki nridge School

Frank Burns

Elizabeth Anderson

Shir ley Bla i r

Randal 1 C1 ark


Director , Universi ty Breckinridge School and Ass i s t an t Professor of Education

Ass i s t an t Professor of Education

I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Assi s t a n t I n s t r u c t o r of Education (Part- t ime)

Ass i s t an t Ins t ruc to r of Education (Par t - time)



12,634 ( 9 )

16,063 ( 9 )


14,000 ( 9 ) I

Reti red

11,Zr)O ( 9 )


5,300 ( 9 )

Page 44: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Univers i ty Breckinridge School (Continued)

Me11 Co l l in s A s s i s t a n t Professor of Education

Kathryn Crusie I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Larry Dales A s s i s t a n t Professor of Education

Thomas Daugherty I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Dienzel Denni s A s s i s t a n t Professor o f Education

Joy Dennis I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Gre t t a Duncan A s s i s t a n t Professor of Education

Barbara G i 1 1 ey L ib ra r i an and I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Char lo t t e G i l l urn I n s t r u c t o r o f Education

Karen Hammons I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Col eene Hampton I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Terry Hoffman I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Bernice Howel 1 I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Lois Huang A s s i s t a n t Professor of Education

Bernice Jackson A s s i s t a n t Professor o f Education

Mary Jordan I n s t r u c t o r of Education

J e s s i e Mangrum I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Hazel Martin I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Dreama P r i c e A s s i s t a n t I n s t r u c t o r of Education

Roy Lee Pyle A s s i s t a n t I n s t r u c t o r o f Education (Pa r t - t ime)


11,700 ( 9 )

12,000 ( 9 )

11,600 ( 9 )

11,500 ( 9 )

12,000 ( 9 )

11,500 ( 9 )

12,000 ( 9 )

14,500 ( 9 )

12,600 ( 9 )

11,200 ( 9 )

11,800 ( 9 )

10,500 (9 )


Page 45: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


University Breckinri dge School (Continued)


James Reeder

El i zabeth Sad1 e r

Joyce Saxon

Assistant Inst ructor of Education (Part-time)

Assistant Professor of Education

Assi s t an t Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

Sue Wells Assi s t a n t Professor of Education

Secretari es

Office of the Dean

Barbara Adkins

Susan Bridges

Darl ene Payne

Departmental Secretar ies

Lena Adkins 0

Bonnie Bailey


Dana Sue Brammer

Ann Davidson

Alice Dickinson

Carol McDani el




Secretary, Secondary Education 4,576

Secretary, Elementary Education 4,576

Secretary, Hi gher Education (One year appointment)

Secretary, Instructional Media 4,680

Secretary, Psycho1 ogy 4,576

Secretary, Professional Laboratory Experiences 4,576

Secretary, Secondary Education 4,1388

Page 46: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Departmental Secretaries (Continued)

Deborah McLaughl i n Secretary, Psycho1 ogy

Wilma Neeley Secretary, Higher Education

Carol Webster Secretary, Testing

Mary Baker

Janie Sluss

E q u i pmen t Room

Mescal Gray

Manford Ross

Secretary, Department Head - Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Secretary, Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation



University Breckinridge School

Linda Weaver Secretary

. University Breckinridge School Cafeteria

Virginia Sloan Cafetaria Manager

Gertrude Hal 1 Cafeteria He1 per

Beulah Hite Cafeteria He1 per

Page 47: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss



Office of the Dean

J . E . Duncan

Department of Art

Bill Booth

Doug1 as Adams

Louise Booth

Billy Bryant

Ryan Howard

Roger Jones

Jose Maortua

Gene Pyle

Joe Sartor

Maurice Strider

Division of Communications

Jack Wilson

W . David Brown

Dean of the School of Humanities and Professor of Music

Head of the Department of Art and Professor of Art

Associate Professor o f Art

Instructor of Art (Part-time)

Associate Professor of Art

Associate Professor of Art

Associate Professor of Art

Associate Professor of Art

Assistant Professor of Art

Assistant Professor of Art

Associate Professor of Art

Chairman of the Division of Communications and Professor of Speech

Associate Professor of Journal i sm

Page 48: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Division of Communications (Continued)

George Coul t e r

Joyce Crouch

Harlen Hamm

George Harper

Gene Murray

Don Hol loway


Rona 1 d Hughes

Richard Kunkel

William Layne

Varvin Phil1 i p s

James Q u i senberry

Tom S c o t t

Frederick Voigt

Paul Whaley

Don Russell

Associate Professor of Speech and Debate Coach

I n s t r u c t o r of Speech

Ass i s t an t Professor of Speech

Ass i s t an t Professor of Journalism

Ass i s t an t Professor of Journalism

Associate Professor of Radio-Tel evi s ion

Associate Professor of Radio-Television

Ass i s t an t Professor of Radio-Tel evi s ion

I n s t r u c t o r of Radio-Television

Associate Professor of Theatre

Associate Professor of Theatre and Speech

Associate Professor of Speech

I n s t r u c t o r of Speech

Professor of Speech

I n s t r u c t o r of Theatre

I n s t r u c t o r of Speech

Department of Languages and L i t e r a t u r e ,

Robert Char1 e s Head of t h e Department of Languages and L i t e r a t u r e and Professor of E n g l ~ s h

$15,000 ( 9 )

10,000 (9)

13,500 (9)

13,635 (9)



$16,200 (9 )

11,800 (9)

14,850 (9)


14,000 (9 )

Resi gned

16,r)OO ( 9 )


13,650 ( 9 )

17,500 ( 9 )

16,800 (9)

17,500 ( 9 )

11,500 (9 )

20,500 (9 )

13,000 ( 9 )

11,500 ( 9 )

Page 49: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Languages and Literature (Continued)

Lewis Barnes Professor of English

R u t h Barnes

Haze1 Cal houn

Gl enna Campbell

Joyce Chaney

Betty Clarke

Dona1 d Cunni ngham

Vito DeCaria

C . Ronald Dobler

Marc Glasser

Bernard Hami 1 ton

Francis Helphinstine

Ina Lowe

George Mays

Edward Morrow

Olga Mourino

Mary Netherton

Rose Or1 ich

Essie Payne

Professor of Engl ish

Assistant Professor of English

Assistant Professor of English

Assistant Professor of Engl ish

Assistant Professor of English

Associate Professor of English

Professor of French

Associate Professor of English

Associate Professor of English

Assistant Professor of German

Assistant Professor of English

Assistant Professor of English

Assistant Professor of English

Assistant Professor of English

Professor of Spanish

Assistant Professor of French

Associate Professor of English

Assistant Professor of English

Page 50: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Languages and Literature (Continued)

Char1 es Pel frey Professor of Engl ish

Glenn Rogers Associate Professor of English

Judy Rogers Associate Professor of English

Adolfo Ruiz Associate Professor of Spanish

M . K. Thomas Professor of Engl ish

Emma Troxel Assi s tant Professor of Engl ish

Victor Venettozzi Associate Professor of English

Denartment of Music

E . Glenn Ful bright

Walter Barr

Anne Beane

James Beane

Leo Blair

Suanne Blair

Will iam Bigham

James Bragg

Joe Figg

Russel 1 Fl ippin

Head of the Department of Music and Professor of Music

Associate Professor of Music

Instructor of Music (Part-time)

Associate Professor of Music

Assistant Professor of Music

Assistant Professor of Music (Part-time)

Professor of Music

Associate Professor of Music

Assistant Professor of Music.

Assistant Professor of Music

$23,610 (9)

16,900 (9)

16,900 ( 9 )


20,000 (9)

15,200 ( 9 )

18,350 (9)

Page 51: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Music (Continued)

Helen Ful b r i g h t P ro fe s so r o f Music

Chri s t o p h e r Gal 1 a h e r Assoc i a t e P ro fe s so r o f Music

Pam Hakl

Kather ine Hawki ns

Robert Hawki ns

Keith Huffman

Robert Jorgensen

Larry Keenan

Char les Lee

Ea r l e Louder

I n s t r u c t o r of Music

A s s i s t a n t t o the D i r e c t o r o f Daniel Boone F o r e s t Music Camp

Di rec to r o f Bands, D i r ec to r of Daniel Boone F o r e s t Music Camp and P ro fe s so r o f Music

Assoc i a t e P ro fe s so r o f Music

I n s t r u c t o r o f Music (One y e a r appointment)

Assoc i a t e P ro fe s so r of Music

A s s i s t a n t t o the Di rec to r o f Bands and A s s i s t a n t P ro fe s so r of Music

Assoc ia te P ro fe s so r of Music

Freder ick Muel 1 e r P ro fe s so r o f Music

Eugene Morden A s s i s t a n t P ro fe s so r o f Music

Karl Payne A s s i s t a n t P ro fe s so r of Music

JoAnn Keenan I n s t r u c t o r of Music (Pa r t - t ime)

Robert Pri t cha rd I n s t r u c t o r o f Music

Robert Schietroma A s s i s t a n t P ro fe s so r of Music

V i 01 e t Severy A s s i s t a n t P ro fe s so r of Music

Luc re t i a S t e t l e r A s s i s t a n t P ro fe s so r o f Music

John S t e t l e r Assoc i a t e P ro fe s so r o f Music



17,837 ( 9 )

12,335 ( 9 )

13,462 ( 9 )


16,600 ( 9 )


16,400 ( 9 )


16,300 ( 9 )

19,000 ( 9 )

13,700 ( 9 )

14,750 ( 9 )

4,000 ( 9 )

12,850 ( 9 )

16,000 ( 9 )

Re t i r ed

14,100 ( 9 )

18,000 ( 9 )

Page 52: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Music (Continued)

Ri chard Thi er Associate Professor of Music

Vasi 1 e Venettozzi Assistant Professor of Music .'

Vacancy Assistant Instructor of Guitar

Department of Philosophy

Frank1 in Mangrum Head of the Department of Philosophy and Professor of Phi 1 osophy

Betty Gurley Associate Professor of Philosophy

George Luckey Associate Professor of Philoso~hy

Center for Tel ecommunications

Joe Misiewicz


. Russell Dean

Producer of Telecommunications, Associate Professor of Radio-Television, and Coordi nator of Radi o-Tel evi si on

Producer of Telecommunications, Associate Professor of Radio-Television, and Coordinator of Radio-Tel evision

Assistant Producer of Television and Instructor of Radio-Television

John Hami l ton Instructor of Radio-Tel evisi on

Vacancy Instructor of Radio-Tel evision

John Martin Production Assistant of Television (One year appointment)

Resi gned




Res i gned

2,400 (9) Vacancy Student Assistant

Page 53: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Center for Telecommunications (Continued)



Larry Netherton


Ron Smith

Margaret Kenner


Myron Doan

Secretar ies

Office of the Dean

Marcia Brown


Department of Art

Brenda Whitt

Student Assistant

Student Assistant

General Manager of WMKY and Assistant Professor o f Radio-Televi s i on

Director of News and Public Affairs

Traff ic Manager

Traf f ic Manager

Director o f Music Production




Division o f Communications

Nancy Hites Secretary





Page 54: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Di v i s i on of Languages and L i t e ra ture

Kathryn Perrine Secretary

Department of Music

Judi t h B l evi ns Secretary

Vivian Fannin Secretary

Center for Tel ecommunications

Betty Hall Secretary

Wanda Jones

El eanor Huffman


Secretary, WMKY

Page 55: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss



Office of the Dean

Char1 e s Payne Dean of the School of Sciences and Mathematics and Professor of Chemistry

Department of Bioiogical Sciences

David Brumagen Head of the Department of Biological Sciences and Professor of Biology

Woodrow Barber Associate Professor of Biology

Vacancy Assis tant Professor of Biology

Fred Busroe Assis tant Professor of Biology

Gerald DeMoss Associate Professor of Biology

Richard Eversol e Assis tant Professor of Biology

Margaret Heasl i p Professor of Biology

Allen Lake Associate Professor of Biology

Leslie Meade .

Ted Pass

Madison Pryor

David Saxon

Howard Se t se r

James Spears

Assis tant Professor of Biology

Associate Professor of Biol ogy

Professor of Biol ogy

Associate Professor of Biology

Associate Professor of Biology

Associate Professor of Biology

13,617 (9 )

14,966 ( 9 )

13,075 ( 9 )

22,485 (9 )

18,490 ( 9 )


Page 56: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Center for Environmental Studies.

Jerry Howell Director of the Center for Environmental Studies and Professor of Biology

Department of Mathematical Sciences.

Gl enn Johnston

I. Leon Burton

Lake Cooper

Ben Flora

Johnnie Fryman

Char1 es Hammons

Charles Jones

Robert tindahl

Nell Mahaney

James Mann

Dixie Moore

Henry Muse

Gordon Nolen

Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences and Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Department of Physical Sciences

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

John Philley Head of the Department of Physical Sciences and Professor of Geosciences

Page 57: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of Physical Sciences (Continued)

Russel 1 Brengelman

James Chap1 in

David Cutts

Jules DuBar

David Hyl bert

Charl es Jenkins

Lamar Payne

Toney Phill ips

Verne Simon

Charl es Whidden

Department of Science Education

Professor of Physics

Associate Professor of Geosciences

Associate Professor of Physics

Professor of Geosciences

Associate Professor of Geosciences

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Professor of Chemistry

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Professor of Chemistry

Professor of Physics

William Falls Head of the Department of Science Education and Professor of Sciences

Maurice Esham Associate Professor of Science

Ron Fie1

Victor Ramey


O f f i c e o f the Dean ----

Bea Faf 1 s

Associate Professor of Sc

Assistant Professor of Sc

Secretary t o the Dean


i ence

Page 58: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office of the Dean (Continued)

Beverly Dawn Barker Secretary, Environmental Science Center

Regina Kissick Secretary, Physi cal Sci ences

Joyce Meredith Secretary, Science Education

Vicki Stevens

Mary Jane S t r u n k

Secretary, Mathematical Sciences

Secretary, Biological Sciences

Page 59: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss



Off ice of the Dean

Roscoe P lay fo r th


Department of Geography

Gary Cox

Roland Burns

William Clark

Robert Goul d

Dona1 d Martin

James Robinson

Department of History

Donald F l a t t

John Hanrahan

Edmund Hicks

Charles Hol t

Vic tor Howard

Broadus Jackson

Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Professor of Sociology

Dean of t h e School of Social Sciences

Head of the Department of Geography and Professor o f Geography

Associate Professor of Geography

Professor of Geography

Professor of Geography

Associa te Professor of Geography

A s s i s t a n t Professor o f Geography

Head of t h e Department of His tory and Professor of Hi s t o r y

Professor o f His tory

P ro fes so r of His tory

Associa te Professor o f His tory

Professor o f H i s t o r y

Professor of His tory


Reti red

22,847 2.4,r)OO

15,312 (9 ) 16,883 ( 9 )

18,502 ( 9 ) 19,700 ( 9 )

18,581 ( 9 ) 19,500 ( 9 )

15,997 ( 9 ) Deceased

Page 60: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department of History (Continued)

John Kleber Professor of Hi story

Perry LeRoy Professor of Hi story

Paul Rand01 p h Professor of Hi story

Stuart Sprague Professor of Hi story

De~artment of Polit ical Science

Jack Bizzel

Lindsey Back

Kenneth Hoffman

William Huang

George Young

Department of Sociology

A1 ban Wheel e r .

Cormel 1 Brooks

Hwa-Boa Chang

Hubert Crawf ord

Lola Crosthwaite

Gary Frazier

Dong I . K i m

Head of the Department of Polit ical Science and Professor of Pol i t ica l Science

Assistant Professor of Pol i t ica l Science

Associate Professor of Polit ical Science

Professor of Pol i t ica l Science

Associate Professor of Pol i t i cal Science

Head of the Department of Sociology and Professor of Sociology

Instructor of Sociology

Associate Professor of Sociology

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Assi s tant Professor of Sociol ogy

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Instructor of Sociology (one year appointment)



Page 61: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Department o f Soci ology (Continued) 1975-76

John Oakley A s s i s t a n t Professor of Sociology 14,709 (9)

Margaret Pat ton Associa te Professor of Soci 01 ogy 15,451 ( 9 )

Ri chard Reser Professor of Soci 01 ogy 19,788 (9 )

Vacancy A s s i s t a n t Professor of Sociology

Loren William Richter A s s i s t a n t P ro fes so r of Sociology and Coordinator of Social Work and Correc t ions Program 15,500 ( 9 )

Mont Whitson Professor o f Soci 01 ogy 18,775 (9 )

Patsy Whi t son

S e c r e t a r i e s

Assi s t a n t Professor o f Sociology 12,500 (9 )

Of f i ce of the Dean

Virg in ia Lynn Gil l iam

Ki t t y Hol brook


P h y l l i s Hammonds

Sec re t a ry

Sec re t a ry t o the Dean

Sec re t a ry

Page 62: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Office o f the Director

Garland Moran

John A1 len

Brenda Flege

Debbie Whal ey

Bas ketbal 1

Jack Schalow

Rhonda Nooe


Wayne Chapman

Pamela Patrick .

Director of Athletics and Associate Professor of Heal t h , Physical Education, and Recreation

Assistant Director of Athletics and Assistant Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation

Secretary t o t he Director of Athletics and Bookkeeper

Secretary, Athletics Office

Head Basketball Coach


Head Football Coach


Page 63: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Johnson Camden L i brary

Jack E l l i s

Faye Belcher

Director of Librar ies and Professor of L i brary Sci ence

Associate Director of Librar ies and Associate Professor of Library Science

Mary Arnett Assis tant Librarian

Carrie Back Assi s t a n t Librarian

LeMerle Bentley Assi s t a n t Librarian

Roberta Bla i r Assis tant Librarian

Anna Dale Rowen Assis tant Librarian

Betty Cal ve r t Para-Professional Librarian

Margaret 9avi s Assi s t a n t Librarian

Albert Evans Assis tant Librarian and Ins t ruc to r of Library Science

Cynthia Full e r Assis tant Librarian (nine-month appointment)

. Juanita Ha11 Assis tant Librarian and Assis tant Professor of Library Science

Myrtl e Jackson Assis tant Librarian (Part- t ime)

Michael Ki l l ian

Claude Meade

Betty Morrison

Assis tant Librarian and Assis tant Professor of Library Science

Dial Access Center Coordinator

Assi s t a n t Librarian



Page 64: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Si bbie Playforth

Betty Wilson

Els ie Pri tchard

Virginia Randolph

Mil dred Stanley

Margaret Stone

Molly Templeton

LaJean Wi ggi ns

Lela Rose Nil son

Secretar i es - Helen Will iams

Linda Alford

R u t h Crisp

Fern Hargett

Betty Hurley

Evlynn H . Fugate

Brenda Jones

Glenda Keith

Assi s t a n t Librarian

Assis tant Librarian

Assis tant Librarian

Assis tant Librarian and Ins t ruc to r of Library Science

Assis tant Librarian

Assis tant Librarian

Assis tant Librarian

Assis tant Librarian

Assis tant Librarian

Secretary t o the Director





Typi s t



Maternity Leave Without Pay

Reti red






Resi gned

Page 65: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Linda Lowe

Rhonda McCl urg

Carol Nutter

Charlotte Rice

Kathy Trent Riddle

Jeanne Smith

Linda Watson

Deborah Yaden










Page 66: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Maintenance Superintendent's Office

Glen Boodry Director o f Physical Plant

Vacancy Director of Maintenance Services

Ethel Forman Secretary

Vacancy Secretary

Patsy Stephens

Betty Gambill


Fant Herri ngton

Betty Gambill

Roscoe El dri cige

Goebel r"4anni ng

A . C . Jacobs




Storeroom Cl erk

Storeroom Cl erk

Storeroom Clerk He1 per

Carpenter Supervisor


J i nimy De ttar t Carpenter

James F. Maggard Locksmi t h

F . G . McClurg Carpenter

El wood Tackett Carpenter

Kenneth Det!art Carpenter

Vacancy Carpenter

Clifford Cassity Carpenter



Resi gned






7 ,OQO








Resi gned



Page 67: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


James V . Thompson

Paul Black

Wayne Lawson

Curtis Lyons

Kenneth Riddle

David Ray Planck

Kenneth Porter

Home ~ a y Adkins

Chester R. Boyd

Roy U. Boyd

Nel son Caudi 11

Cyril C . Conn

Carl Courtney

Robert Cunni ngham

Homer Davis

Raymond Fuoss

Kenneth Baker

Ora V . Caudill

Vernon King

Kenneth R . Porter







Mechanical and Electrical Supervisor

Equipment Operator

Bus Driver


Pl umber

Heating and Air Conditioning


PI umber





Mechanic and Bus Driver

Heating and Air Conditioning


Page 68: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Maurice P. Rrot5.m

Freeman Hamilton

Robert L . Scruggs

James Gri zzel 1

Leroy Caudill


Russel 1 Howard


Robert Blair


Eula P e t i t t

Irene Thornsherry

Leona Cunningham

Ini t a Sparkman

Oval Royse

Lester Riddle

Rodney R . Porter


James Bowl i ng

Don Wlnkleinan

Heati ng and Air Conditioning

Heating and Air Conditioning

Electrician Consul tant




Electr ician 's Helper

Electrician ' s He1 per

Janitor Foreman

Re1 ief Jani t ress

Relief Jani tress

Re1 ief Jani t ress

Re1 ief Jani t ress

Re1 i ef Jani t ress

Jani tor , Night Supervisor

Jani tor , Scrub Team

Janitor , Scrub Team

Janitor , Scrub Team

Janitor , Scrub Team

Janitor , Scrub Team

Resi gned














Page 69: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Louie Mol brook

James Thornsberry


Sherman Murphy

Herman Butts

Earl Cundiff


Ralph Watkins

Everett Adkins

Bi l ly Bowling

Wendel 1 Howard

Curt Ful t z

Roger Johnson '

Foley North

William Huie

James R . Madden

Paul White

Roger Hi 1 derbrand

Frederick Davi s

Jan i tor , Scrub Team

Jani tor , Scrub Team

Jani tor , Scrub Team





Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Power Plant

Director of General Services



Resi gned


Re t i red






Page 70: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Billy Goodan

Bill Catron

Larry G . Cundiff

Windel 1 Cornett

Jesse N . Caudill

James Dyer

Char1 i e Gray

Emerson Kidd

Verl Stamper

William A . Johnson

James Ison

Clyde Ray Mabry

ROY Clayton Lowe

Cl ifford Rader Hal 1 7

Willis Glover


Dorothy McCl urg

Woodrow Hal 1

General Services

General Services

General Services

General Services

General Services

General Services

General Services

General Services

General Services

General Services/Bus Driver

Warehouse and Del i veries

General Services

General Services


Jani tor

Jani t ress

Jani tor

Page 71: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Frank C . Button Auditorium and Gymnasium

Robert Nickel 1 Janitor

Ishmael Howard Janitor

William Jesse Baird Music Hall

Ivan Branham Janitor

Phill ip Sturgill Janitor

Ernie Ginter Janitor

Johnson Camden Library

Joe Curtis Janitor

Evon Winkleman Jani t r e s s

Phill ip Sturgill Janitor

John Conley Janitor

President's Home

Nellie Carr


Warren C. Lappin Hal 1

Norman Howard

Gera 1 di ne Jacobs

Houston Wilson

V i rgi 1 Howard



Jan i to r

Jani t ress

Jani tor

Jani tor





Page 72: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Warren C. Lappin Hall (Continued)

James R. Thornsberry Jani t o r

Vacancy J a n i t o r

Universi ty Breckinridge School

Louie Holbrook J a n i t o r

Wanda Brown

Wayne Roe

Senff Natatori um

Jani tress

J a n i t o r

James Markwell J a n i t o r

Carl Cooper J a n i t o r

Lawrence Wetherby Gymnasium and Robert G . Lauqhlin Health Building

Kenneth Kidd J a n i t o r

Vacancy J a n i t o r

DorothyHoward Jani tress

Robert Catron J a n i t o r

Harry McCl urg Jani t o r

Clyde Caudill J a n i t o r

A1 1 i e Young Hal 1 , Fie1 ds Hal 1, and Thompson Hal 1 --Ground Floors

Mary Stacy Jani tress




Resi gned






Page 73: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Bert Combs Building

Cha 1 mer Sheppard

Juanita McCl u r g

Gi l l i sp ie Litton

Darrell DeHart

Chalmer L i t ton

Lloyd Cassity Building - Homer Thurman

Yvonne Stevens

Jerry Howell - Cloyd McDowel

Oll ie Mabry

Cl i s t a Adkins

Jan i tor

Jani t r e s s

Jan i tor

Jan i tor

Jan i tor

Jan i tor

Jani t r e s s

1 Administration Building

Jan i tor

Jan i tor

Naomi Claypool - Thomas Young Art B u i l d i n g

Willie Webb Jan i tor

Henry Hamm Jani tor

Lyman V. Ginger Hall

Faye McCl eese Jani t r e s s

Eula P e t t i t Jani t r e s s

Jimmy Adams Jan i tor

Page 74: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Lvman V . Ginser Hall IContinued)

Luther McClain J a n i t o r

Vacancy J a n i t o r

Lloyd Kinder J a n i t o r

Clarence McKi 11 i p Jani t o r

Adron Doran Univers i ty Center - In i t a Sparkman

Wanda King

Ruby Stamper

Woodrow Brown

Paul Wells

Roger Ful t z

Jani tress

Jani t r e s s

Jani t ress

J a n i t o r

J a n i t o r

J a n i t o r

Char1 e s M . Derrickson Agr icul tura l Complex

Ronal d Nor kman Farm Mechanic

Bovd F. Reed Hall

Rodney R. P o r t e r

Hortense Fanni n

P h i l l i p Smith

B i l l Wilson

J a n i t o r

Jani tress

J a n i t o r

J a n i t o r


Transfer red










Res i gned

Page 75: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Allie Young Hall

Ruby Kinder Jani t ress

Mrs. William J , Fields Hall

Ilene Cox Jani t ress

3 . H . Thompson Hall - -

Chrystal Cundi f f Jani t ress

Jesse T . Mays Hall

Char1 i e Ri ggs

Harry Lee Waterfield Ma1 1

Beulah Whitt

Rosie Ferguson

- Yignon Hall

Betty D. Caudill

Regents Hal 1

Ray Ferguson

West Mi gnon Hal 1

Thelma Oney


Jani t r e s s

Jani t r e s s

Jani t ress


Jani t ress

Page 76: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Roser L . Wilson Hall

Wal t e r Mi 1 son

Luther McClain

East Mignon Hall

Sarah Mabry

John Sherman Cooper Hall

Robert Decker

Mignon Tower

Stel la Conn

Eulene Dyer

A1 umni Tower - Otha Cundiff

Odell Estepp

Tal madge Catron


George D . Downing Hal 1

James Bowling

Vernon Stamper



Jani t ress

Jani tor

Jani t ress

Jani t ress

Jani to r


Jani tor

Jani t ress

Jani to r



Resi gned



Page 77: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Mrs. Beul a C . Nunn Hal 1

Verna E l d r i dge

Jean Pa t r i ck

Leona Cunningham

Wi 11 iam H . Cartmell Hal 1

John McIlvain

Clayton Bond

Bernard Whi tt

Sherman Brown


Jani tress

Jani tress

Jani tress

J a n i t o r

J a n i t o r

J a n i t o r

J a n i t o r

Page 78: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Uni vers i t v Store

John Collis

Wi 11 i am Sharp

Ronald D . Jones

June Jamison

Betty Watkins

Darla Beck


Evelyn Stewart

Rachael Ful bri ght

Letha McDaniel

Pam Halbleib

University Post Office

Wesley Sage


Manager o f Uni versi t y Store

Book Manager and Instructor of Accounting

Supplies Manager





Cas hi e r


Special t i e s Clerk

Cl erk




Res i gned






Page 79: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Jean We1 1 s

Cora Click

Nola Flanery

Virg ie Lewis

Anna J . Jones

I rene Marshal 1

Opal Adkins

Marie Fuoss

Dorothy Gray


Nora Sloan

Dorothy Davi s


Minnie Layne


Reva Stamper



Marie Gulley

Di rec to r








Vegetabl es


Vegetabl es

Sal ads


Sa lads

Sal ads




P a s t r i e s

Hourly 1975-76-

$1 1,000

Hourly 1976-77

Res i gned




Page 80: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss



Maxine James

Louveni a W i 1 son

Anna Skaggs


Troy Thornsberry

Johnie Flanery

Anna Lee Morrison

Jean Barker

Edith Reeder


R u t h Branham

Rita Cornett

Nellie Williams

Mary Hood

A1 pha Johnson

Norma J . Porter

Rosa Porter

Donna Ratney












General Laborer

General Laborer

Genera1 Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer

Hourly 1975-76,

Hourly 1976-77

Resi gned

2 . 6 5 -


Page 81: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Dora Ison

Shirley Wills





Evelyn Arnburgey

Wanda Cox

Sylvia Brown

Deloris Mays

Glatis Moorehouse

Judy Kidd

Ethel Warren . Beulah Lewis


Brenda Songer

General Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer

General Laborer



Gri l l

Gri 11

Gril l

Gri l l

Gri l l

Gri l l

Gril l


Hourly 1975-76

Hourly 1976-77

Page 82: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss


Bernard Ewers

Florence Keeton


Frances K. DeHart

Leora Hood

Maxi ne G i 1 ki son

Shi r1 ey Cornett

Beulah Davis

Michael Kash


Ceci 1 Cornett

Yvonne F u l t z

Oma Netherly .

Brenda Rowe Kash






Vegetabl es

Sal ads



Stock Clerk

General Laborer

General Laborer


General Laborer

General Laborer

Secretary - Cashier

General Laborer

General Laborer

Hourly 1975-76

Hourly 1976-77

$1 2,000
















Page 83: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Minutes o f May 3 , 1 9 7 6 , contrd

Motion by M r . Howell t h a t t h e Personnel Changes be Exh ib i t I. Motion was seconded by D r . Pe l f rey and

approved a s presented i n unanimously approved.

Motion by Mr. Humanities de ment on May 7

Reed t h a t t h e Board approve g r an t i ng gree t o M r . Lawrence E. Forgy, Jr. a t . Motion was seconded by Mr. McDowell and unanimously approved.

an Honorary Doctor o f the 197 6 Spr ing Commence-

Motion by M r . Howell t h a t t h e Board approve t h e Organizat ion Char t f o r Morehead S t a t e Univers i ty a s presented i n Exhib i t 11. Motion was seconded by M r . Kibbey and unanimously approved.

Motion by M r . Richardson t h a t t h e Board approve t h e g r a n t i n g o f a pe r sona l s e r v i c e c o n t r a c t t o t h e f i r m of Kelley, Galloway and Company, Ashland, t o a u d i t t h e accounts of Morehead S t a t e Univers i ty f o r t h e 1975-76 f i s c a l yea r i n t h e amount of $15.000. M r . Reed seconded t h e motion and t h e motion was adopted by t h e f o l l o k n g r o l l c a l l vote:

M r . Cass i ty Aye M r . Howell Aye M r . Kibbey Aye Mr. McDowell Aye M r . Reed Aye M r . Richardson Aye D r . Pe l f rey Aye

Nays : None

Motion by Mr. McDowell t h a t t h e Board approve t h e naming o f t h e fo l lowing campus f a c i l i t i e s a s ind ica ted :

L ib ra ry Tower - The J u l i a n Morton C a r r o l l Library Tower

L i t t l e Theat re - The Samuel F. Kibbey Thea t re

Ballroom - The Buford Crager Room

Track - The A l b y L. Dawson Track

Motion was seconded bv M r . Richardson and unanimously approved.

Motion bv M r . Howell t h a t t h e Board approve t h e Personnel Roster f o r the 1976-77 f i s c a l year beginning Ju ly 1, 1976 , and e rd ing June 30, 1977. Motion was seconded by D r . Pe l f rey and unanimously approved.

A t t h i s po in t , P r e s iden t and Mrs. Doran moved t o the podium and D r . Doran read t h e fo l lowing s ta tement :

Page 84: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Minutes of May 3, 1976 , c o n t T d


May 3 , 1976

I s a i d t o you on A p r i l 6 t h a t I had "promises t o keepTT and t h a t I had

"miles t o govT b e f o r e I made and announced my d e c i s i o n r ega rd ing r e t i r e m e n t

from t h e presidency o f Morehead S t a t e Univers i ty . I d i d n o t enumerate

those promises nor i n d i c a t e t h e number o f mi les remaining f o r me t o go t o

f u l f i l l t h e s e promises.

I n f a c t , I r e a l l y thought e a r l i e r t h a t I might r e t i r e on my 65th

birthday--September 1, 1974. I had o r i g i n a l l y cons idered a t t h a t p o i n t i n

t ime t h a t I would have f u l f i l l e d my promises and t r a v e l e d t h e c h a r t e d miles .

However, s i t u a t i o n s a t t h e l o c a l , s t a t e and n a t i o n a l l e v e l s prompted me t o

r econs ide r and de lay my d e c i s i o n u n t i l t h i s d a t e and my r e q u e s t o f t h e

Board o f Regents t h a t I be placed on r e t i r emen t and emer i tus s t a t u s e f f e c t i v e

January 1, 1977.

The promise I made t o myself , t o Mignon, t o t h e Board and t o t h e f a c u l t y

and s t a f f was t o remain a s P res iden t of t h e Univers i ty only u n t i l i t s

d i r e c t i o n s were c l e a r ; i t s programs were v a l i d and comprehensive; i t s f a c u l t y

and s t a f f were adequate and competent; i t s s t u d e n t body was r e p r e s e n t a t i v e ;

i t s alumni were recognized; i t s phys ica l f a c i l i t i e s were second t o none; and

i t s s t a t u s and r e p u t a t i o n accepted a s one o f t h e ou t s t and ing u n i v e r s i t i e s i n

t h e Commonwealth, t h e r e g i o n and t h e na t ion . I brought a pe r sona l and pro-

f e s s i o n a l r e p u t a t i o n t o t h i s campus 22 yea r s ago, and I want t o l e a v e whi le I

and t h e Un ive r s i ty s t i l l s h a r e a r e p u t a t i o n of worth.

Page 85: Dr. W, Mr. Dr. W. Miss

Minutes of May 3 , 1976 , cont 'd

I have thought t h a t t o f u l f i l l t h e s e promises I ought t o remain long

enough t o lend my suppor t t o t h e e l e c t i o n of J u l i a n C a r r o l l a s Governor,

whose s t e r l i n g c h a r a c t e r , unquestioned i n t e g r i t y and keen i n s i g h t s would

r e s u l t i n t h e Univers i ty r e c e i v i n g e q u i t a b l e funding from t h e 1976 s e s s i o n

o f t h e General Assembly. Furthermore, I wanted t o s e e t h e p resen t members

o f t h e Board o f Regents reappointed and t o t ake t ime and oppor tuni ty t o

surround t h e presidency w i t h young, v i r i l e , competent and dedica ted

admin i s t r a to r s who would a s s u r e my successor t h a t provis ions have been

made t o guarantee q u a l i t y i n t h e Universi ty and t o c o n s t r u c t adequate

phys ica l f a c i l i t i e s f o r t h e coming biennium and t o s t r u c t u r e t h e Univers i ty

s o t h a t it can be k e p t f r e e from o u t s i d e p o l i t i c a l entanglements.

I s i n c e r e l y b e l i e v e t h a t 22 yea r s of time-miles have been enough f o r

me t o go a s P res iden t o f Morehead S t a t e Univers i ty t o prove t h a t I have kep t

my promises. I as su re you as members of t h e Board o f Regents t h a t t h e

Univers i ty i s i n t h e b e s t s t a t e of being i n i t s long and i l l u s t r i o u s h i s t o r y

d a t i n g back t o t h e September morning i n 1887 when young Frank Button and h i s

mother opened t h e doors o f t h e Morehead C h r i s t i a n Normal School i n which one

l i t t l e g i r l named Anna Page en ro l l ed .

If I have n o t exe rc i sed competent l eade r sh ip i n adminis te r ing t h e

a f f a i r s of t h e Unive r s i ty ; used wisdom and f o r e s i g h t i n developing and

implementing q u a l i t y programs; e s t ab l i shed acceptable r e l a t i o n s h i p s wi th

l o c a l , s t a t e and f e d e r a l governments; i d e n t i f i e d w i t h t h e c i t i z e n s and

agencies o f t h e reg ion; demonstrated sound procedures i n planning and

cons t ruc t ing an adequate phys ica l p l an t ; represented i n t e g r i t y and s t a b i l i t y

i n dea l ing w i t h t h e f a c u l t y and s t a f f ; and surrounded myself w i t h a group

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Minutes of May 3 , 197 6, c o n t T d

of t h e f i n e s t a d m i n i s t r a t o r s who can c a r r y on t h e t r a d i t i o n s and h e r i t a g e

of t h i s g r e a t Un ive r s i ty , t h e n it is t o o l a t e now f o r me t o beg in , and I

have spent over one h a l f of my p ro fes s iona l l i f e i n vain.

1 am n o t a s k i n g 7 t o b e r e l e a s e d from my c o n t r a c t , which has two more

yea r s t o r u n , because I f e e l t h a t my age has h a l t e d my pace, dimmed my eyes ,

no r stooped my form because I can s t i l l keep s t r i d e wi th t h e b e s t of them;

n e i t h e r do I concede a gene ra t ion gap e x i s t i n g between me and t h e f a c u l t y

and s t a f f ; nor between m e and t h e 7,300 s t u d e n t s en ro l l ed a t t h e Univers i ty .

Though I suspec t t h a t I am t h e o l d e s t p res iden t wi th t h e l o n g e s t pe r iod of

s e r v i c e of any p u b l i c u n i v e r s i t y c h i e f execut ive i n t h e na t ion .

I have worked ha rde r and accomplished more during t h e p a s t y e a r t h a n

i n many of my previous years . I t h i n k I could do a s much more and do it

a s we l l f o r t h e remaining y e a r s of my con t rac t . However, I f e e l t h a t

Mignon and I owe it t o our se lves and t o one another t o l e a v e t h e nex t

22 years o f our l i v e s f r e e r o f l a b o r , t o i l , s t r i fe , and stress. I have

seen u n i v e r s i t y p r e s i d e n t s remain i n o f f i c e t o o long f o r t h e w e l f a r e of

t h e u n i v e r s i t i e s and f o r t h e i r own phys ica l and emotional and mental

wel l-being. I do n o t want t o run t h i s r i s k by remaining u n t i l t h e

compulsory r e t i r emen t age o f 70 years .

I am, t h e r e f o r e , r e q u e s t i n g t h e Board of Regents t o approve my

r e t i r e m e n t , w i t h emeri tus s t a t u s , e f f e c t i v e January 1, 1977. This pe r iod

w i l l permit t h e Board ample t ime t o look wi th in and without t h e Unive r s i ty

f o r a replacement and t o e s t a b l i s h a v a l i d process by which va r ious f a c e t s

of t h e academic community may be involved i n t h e s e l e c t i o n of my successor .

I know t h i s w i l l be a new experience f o r a l l o f you because n e i t h e r of you

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Minutes of May 3, 1976 , c o n t T d

- has ever been involved i n t h e s e l e c t i o n process of a p r e s i d e n t f o r t h e

Univers i ty . I have f u l l confidence, however, t h a t you w i l l proceed w i t h

wisdom, judgment, c a u t i o n and i n t e g r i t y a s w e l l a s be a b l e t o r e s i s t t h o s e

s e l f i s h i n d i v i d u a l s and ves t ed i n t e r e s t s which would b e s e t you and d e t e r

your e f f o r t s . I have no d i s p o s i t i o n whatsoever t o name my successor .

This t a s k should remain w i t h t h e e n t i r e membership of t h e Board o f Regents.

I w i l l be a v a i l a b l e t o you f o r advice and c o n s u l t a t i o n only on i n v i t a t i o n

from you,

May t h e g r e a t God Almighty b l e s s each o f you and members o f your

f a m i l i e s i n your e f f o r t s i s t h e s i n c e r e prayer i n which Mignon j o i n s me,

and may He l ead you i n your commitment t o keep t h e Un ive r s i ty academically

sound and f r e e s o t h a t t h e f a c u l t y , s t a f f and s t u d e n t s may pursue t h e

necessary body o f knowledge and develop t h e necessary s k i l l s f o r product ive

c i t i z e n s h i p i n t h i s g r e a t democracy.

Thank You


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z 9 Minutes of May 3, 1976 , contTd.

Motion by M r . Howell t h a t t h e Board go i n t o Executive Session t o d i scuss matters r e l a t i n g t o t h e Pres ident ' s Statement pursuant t o KRS 61.810 (Subsection 6) . MP. Reed seconded t h e motion and t h e motion was adopted by the following r o l l c a l l vote:

M r . Cass i ty Aye M r . Howell Aye M r . Kibbey Aye M r . McDowell Aye M r . Reed Aye M r . Richardson Aye D r . Pel f rey Aye

Nays : None

Following t h i s d iscuss ion, t h e Board re turned t o open session.

m. Reed r e g r e t f u l l y moved t h a t t h e Board approve President Doranrs reques t to r e t i r e , w i th emeritus s t a t u s , e f f e c t i v e January 1, 1977. Motion was seconded by M r . McDowell and unanimously approved.

Mr. Richardson moved t h a t t h e Board a s a whole make up the s e l e c t i o n comnittee, with Mr. Cass i ty s e rv ing a s chairman, t o develop procedures and processes by which t h e new p re s iden t of t h e Univers i ty w i l l be se lec ted . Motion was seconded by M r . Howell and unanimously approved.

Motion by M r . Reed t h a t t h e Chairman c a l l a regula r meeting of t h e Board o: Regents f o r Monday, June 14, 1976, a t 2:00 p.m. (EDT) t o be followed by a meeting of t h e s e l e c t i o n committee. Motion was seconded by M r . McDowell and unanimously approved.

Motion by M r . McDowell t h a t t h e meeting adjourn. Motion was seconded by M r . Kibbey and unanimously ca r r i ed .

On Friday evening, May 7 , 1976, a t 6:30 o'clock, a s p e c i a l t r i b u t e dinner will be held i n recogni t ion of D r . and Mrs. DoranTs twenty-two years a s President and F i r s t Ladv of Morehead S t a t e University i n the Ballroom of the Adron Doran Universi ty Center .