Every weekday we have three hours of Chinese cla to wake up very early, the classes are always very i Every week we have classes and Chinese Table. This is get tired, Chinese Table is a time for you to relax whiling Regular cla which invo cultures and means to be Our class is really interesting, the topics ranging from Chinese college students attitude towards sex to whether we should give money to beggars. Knox, Ida Palm reading wi such as features o What is a normal class day like? ass, and then an additional one-on-one class with an assig interesting, and I think the teaching style is very effective. What is a normal week like? s not an easy program: you have new classes to prepare and ho g practicing Chinese with the teachers, classmates and Chinese hollywood ass activities were also really fun, two of olved representing different American d discussing the finer points of what it e a tiger mother. Webb, Alexander This is our class we express our op learned that day. I has a different opi ith Mou Laoshi during ‘One-on-one’ Class. Besides we talk ab of Chinese culture, issues of modern Chinese societies and how g gned teacher. Although we have . Mock, Melanie omework to write every day. If you Language Buddies. Berry,David Activity Class . During this class, pinions related to the topic we I love this class because everyone inion! Youn, Eugine bout all sorts of things in Chinese, globalization has influenced us. Austin, Eni

draft part one

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about classes

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Page 1: draft part one

������������ �� ��������������������� �� !"���Every weekday we have three hours of Chinese class, and then an additional one

to wake up very early, the classes are always very interesting, and I think the teaching style is very effective.#�$ ���%��� �&%��'(%��)*+��'(,%��)*+#��)*-./0�� �Every week we have classes and Chinese Table. This is not an easy

get tired, Chinese Table is a time for you to relax whiling practicing Chinese with the teachers, classmates and Chinese Lang

�����12345��6789 ��:;Regular class activities were also really fun, two of

which involved representing different American

cultures and discussing the finer points of what it

means to be a


Our class is really interesting, the topics ranging

from Chinese college students P attitude towards sex to whether we should give money to beggars. QRS

Knox, Ida

T�L�U� �V�67�3WX+Palm reading with Mou Laoshi during

such as features of Chinese culture, issues of

What is a normal class day like? ����YZ[45\]^_��L��+`���"�����ab�cd<�L����ef%gh+

class, and then an additional one-on-one class with an assigned teacher. Although we have

to wake up very early, the classes are always very interesting, and I think the teaching style is very effective.

What is a normal week like? ijklm �n�oD�bp+��"qr� �3s�� �-.��� ��� ���J67t�u+nB���'(vweek we have classes and Chinese Table. This is not an easy program: you have new classes to prepare and homework to write every

get tired, Chinese Table is a time for you to relax whiling practicing Chinese with the teachers, classmates and Chinese Lang

�\]wxq�%=>�cd �yzF5{|}J~�J���+�9 ���8{|}J�Thollywood

U�� �&%�;�T��U������z_+

Regular class activities were also really fun, two of

which involved representing different American

cultures and discussing the finer points of what it

means to be a �tiger mother. � ��� Webb, Alexander

�����Tcd���3�+����:;�%=>This is our class �we express our opinions related to the topic we

learned that day. I love this class because everyone

has a different opinion!

����3WX �����A�����M��Kc%�������:���B��C+�J�������{�Palm reading with Mou Laoshi during ‘One-on-one’ Class. Besides we talk about all sorts of things in Chinese,

such as features of Chinese culture, issues of modern Chinese societies and how globalization has influenced us.

�Y� �����������+one class with an assigned teacher. Although we have

to wake up very early, the classes are always very interesting, and I think the teaching style is very effective.  ¡Mock, Melanie &%¢£��+8�i�¤��v��u�¥ �¦v��u§u+

: you have new classes to prepare and homework to write every day. If you

get tired, Chinese Table is a time for you to relax whiling practicing Chinese with the teachers, classmates and Chinese Language Buddies. ¨�© Berry,David

d�U��Tcd�Uª��«�����¬­%��B�3� ��>+ �Activity Class �. During this class, we express our opinions related to the topic we

learned that day. I love this class because everyone

has a different opinion! ®¯° Youn, Eugine

�+±}J.� ��²E����E�³C ���45­:; �

esides we talk about all sorts of things in Chinese,

and how globalization has influenced us. ´µ¶ Austin, Eni

Page 2: draft part one

���\] ���·¸¹º»¼ ���½¥K¾�qcd+����cd���ª��¿ÀÁ��¿��ÃÄ&%¿��bp:;�A�C+

In class we start with a dictation, learn new vocab and grammar, and

then practice what we just learned in various games and activities. I

have learned how to use Chinese to present and discuss many important

topics. ÅÆÇ

nÈ��É��/0� �r��A �%\]���Ê1+-����<�lmË5ÌÍ�K+

Having the same three-hour class every morning can be really boring, but the

teachers managed to keep the classes interesting. Since there are only six to ten

students in one class, each student has a lot of chances to speak in class. Every day

we had a different activity class, so that kept us engaged also. The classes were

quite demanding, but it was also fun.

Sharing experiences

and souvenirs with

classmates after

returning from


Why so focused?

Preparing for the first

Chinese debate~

Open a school in

Virginia? We’ve got

great ideas~


I believe studying the differences between written and spoken

Chinese is one of the language’s most interesting aspects. Studying

Chinese slang was also particularly interesting. I

continue using the slang when I get back to America.

�Ð� �à���Âá+��EË5In class we start with a dictation, learn new vocab and grammar, and

then practice what we just learned in various games and activities. I

have learned how to use Chinese to present and discuss many important Ç Rowe, Stephen

�ab¦�â �ã.äåyhour class every morning can be really boring, but the

teachers managed to keep the classes interesting. Since there are only six to ten

h student has a lot of chances to speak in class. Every day

we had a different activity class, so that kept us engaged also. The classes were æçè Choi,Ja Young

�����s��+n�oDé.ê��1E¼Every day students are in for new experiences.

This program has helped me dramatically increase

both my Chinese speaking and writing capabilities.

Óë��¥��à%=>��ìÛ¦íx%=>+±}JîÕ� �I believe studying the differences between written and spoken

s most interesting aspects. Studying

Chinese slang was also particularly interesting. I’ll definitely

continue using the slang when I get back to America. ïðñ Herr, Patrick

�wò,��ã%��­���éó�����ef �&%Î�$¼¹º ��#-.¼�A+

Every day students are in for new experiences.

This program has helped me dramatically increase

ese speaking and writing capabilities.

�ôõ Anthony, Erik

See who is the most

talented Chinese

teacher of “Viriceconsin


Daily cultural

presentations by



cowboys? That’s super
