www.theicor.org 866.SOLVE21 (765.8321) DRI International Qualifying Exam Review Course Offered by ICOR as part of the Business Continuity Management Professional Development Program Get Certified in Business Continuity! The DRI International Qualifying Exam Review Course was developed by BCS, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in providing business continuity, disaster recovery, and crisis management training and consulting. BCS www.businesscontinuitysvcs.com ICOR COURSES CS lL BCM 3030

DRI International The DRI International Qualifying Exam ... · The DRI International Qualifying Exam Review Course was ... To prepare the learner for the DRII Qualifying Exam

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Qualifying Exam Review Course

Offered by ICOR as part of theBusiness Continuity Management

Professional DevelopmentProgram

Get Certified in Business Continuity!

The DRI International Qualifying Exam Review Course was developed by BCS, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in providing business continuity, disaster recovery, and crisis management training and consulting.










For more information about ICOR’s courses, go to www.theicor.org/courseware.html or call 866.SOLVE21 (765.8321)

Course ObjectiveTo prepare the learner for the DRII Qualifying Exam.

Course Outline and Methodology:• The course contains ten lessons - one lesson covering each Professional Practice. • Each lesson contains review questions that the learner will complete in a variety of game activities.• At the conclusion of the course, the learner will take a practice exam.

Delivery Structure The DRII Qualifying Exam Review course is available in three different delivery structures:• An elearning course• An instructor-led 2-day course• A workbook self-study course

Choose the course delivery structure that best meets your needs!

Course MaterialsParticipant GuideProfessional Practices for Business Continuity Planners

Course Description:The DRII Qualifying Exam Review course prepares business continuity personnel to take the DRI Qualifying Exam. Whether taken as an instructor led course, an elearning course, or as a self-study workbook course, the DRII Qualifying Exam Review course is the best exam prep course on the market.

The DRII Qualifying Exam Review Course is NOT intended to teachlearners how to become business continuity planners – its sole intention is to prepare learners for the DRI Qualifying Exam.

The DRI International Qualifying Exam Review Course was developed by Business Continuity Services, Inc. (BCS). BCS developed DRII’s BCLE Business Continuity Management courses and provided the Lead Instructor to DRII from 2002-2006.

AudienceIt is intended for participants who have experience in business continuity planning and who are interested in becoming certified by DRI International as business continuity professionals. This course is being offered by The International Consortium for Organizational Resilience as the credentialing and certifying organization.

Attendees receive 1.4 CEUs of education credit by ICOR in the discipline of Business Continuity Management. These CEU credits can also be used toward certification by ICOR.

DRII Qualifying Exam Review Course

All course participants who pass the DRI Qualifying Exam and be-come certified as a CBCP by DRI International automatically fulfill the requirements for certification as an ICOR Certified Organizational Resilience Specialist (CORS) in the discipline of Business Continuity Management.

Get two certifications for the price of one!*This course does not include the DRII Qualifying Exam. The exam is available only through DRI International.