Dundalk Ont Can

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  • 8/14/2019 Dundalk Ont Can



    MONEYANY,ONESIDENCESORMVILLAGELast week construction commenced on the University of Water-loos largest building project ,to date. The first phase of the ninemillio n dollar residence village is being constructed by Ball Brothersof Kitchener. This fist phase wil l provide housing for 468 studentsin September 1965 and when completed in 1967, the village willprovide housing for some 1200 students.

    Yes, the, new government loansmakes i t poss ible for anyone to bor-row money INTEREST FREE. How-ever, al though there is no academicrequire men t, there is a very import-ant requirement , and that is need.

    The v i l lage is a new concept in res idence hous ing. Each of the 26res idence houses wi l l be grouped ground tunnels to the dining hal ls .around a v i l lage square in which wi l l Students in each res idence group wi l lbe dining hal ls a nd a central k i tchen dine in their own din ing room.

    With the al locat ion .of funds tothis university it is certain that everystudent who needs the money wi l l geti t . Appl icat ion forms for these loansmay be obtained only f rom the regis t-rars office. Interviews wil l then be iarranged af ter the appl icant has re-gis tered.

    on the lower level , and smal l shops on The f i rst s tage of construct ion wi l lthe upper level . A v i l lage hal l and inc lude eight houses for men a nd twoother fac i l i t ies for s tudent govern- for women . In addi t ion, the f i rs t din-ment wi l l be prov ided within the v i l - ing hal l , the central k i tchen, a meet-lage complex. ing hal l , cof fee shop, dry c leaning, and

    mai l pick up s tat ion w i l l be bui l t . Presently, the registrars office hasbeen swamped with appl icat ions. Cer-tainly this is good, but the terms ofthese loans should be examined moreclosely. It is not necessary to pay themoney \ back whi le you are s t i l l inschool ; however, these are loans andmust be paid back.

    The bas ic uni t of the v i l lage is athree-story residence house. Eachhouse wi l l accommodate 45 to 46students. Each floo r of the typical re-s idence wi l l have twelve s ingle rooms,two double rooms, a smal l loung e,and a k i tchenet te. There wi l l be adon for each res idence to prov idecounsel ing and superv is ion.

    The cost of the first stage is esti-mated at $3,776,000 which w i l l bef inanced through a mortgage by theCentral Mortgage and Housing Cor-porat ion. Arrangements have beenmade by the Universi ty to f inancethe other stages of constructionthrough the same organizat ion. K-W Record On graduat ion, a person f inds him-

    sel f immersed in debt , He has accum-ulated most of these debts to f inancehis educat ion. But a few are qui teunnecessary, hav ing been obtainedonly to add f r i lls to his s tudent l i fe.

    The site of construction is at thecorner of Columb ia Road and theplanned extens ion of Westmount THEY QUIT ON (C)USix res idence houses wi l l make upa res idence group; two wi l l be for

    women and four for men. Each res i- Road. This locat ion wi l l prov ide adence group wi l l have a tutor. The l ink between the present and future

    TORONTO (CUP) Two Q uebec members would al low both Engl ishunivers i ties have withdrawn f rom theCanad ian Union of Students (CUS). and French-speaking s tudents to pur-res idences w i l l be connected by under- teaching and research centres. sue their separa te interests w ithout Therefore take heed, i f a loan is

    necessary to comp lete, con tinue, orbegin your universi ty educat ion, themone y is there for your tak ing.

    the formality of a rigid structuration.I f we remain in, CUS our pos i t ionwi l l be that of ei ther a suppressedmniori ty or a minori ty that defeatsthe majori ty wishes, he said./

    Sherbrooke and Montreal announc-ed their wi thdrawal the second dayof the 28th CUS congress at YorkUniversity. The University of Lava1wi l l present a mot ion to the congressthis week ask ing delegates to dissolveCUS and uni te in paral lel unions. Themot ion prov ides for a bureau ofCanadian Af fai rs to ensure practicalcooperat ion between paral lel unions.Spokesmen for the univers it ies ofMontreal and Sherbrooke told thecongress tha t the present form of theCUS does not sui t French-Canadianneeds.

    WHA twenty or less for inform al question-ing. This is espec ial ly t rue of the newH A P P E N

    course be ing offere d to first year en- gineers in Engineering Syn?.

    With Engineering regis t ration on A great dea l of work has been doneSeptember lOth, and 1 th, the s leepy by the Engineering department to of -university Jurst into a vital an d bust- fer a better course to the students,l ing academic community . As of and by the Regis t rars of f ice to makeSeptember 15th, a total of 953 s tu- regis t rat ion as smooth as poss ible.dents had enrol led in the four years Bothshould be congratulated on theirof Engineering . Freshmen made up success.524 of this number. Total enrolmentis expected to be approx imately twen-ty percent greater than last year inwhich 481 students enro l led as f resh-men and 306 in al l senior years. WE WANT

    Earl ier Jean Bazin, pres ident of theCUS, said the s tatus the French uni-versities seek paralle ls the associatestate role advocated for Quebec bysome French-Canadian nat ional is ts .He said that al though French-Cana-dian s tudents feel CUS has not mettheir needs, there is no wide-spreadresentment in French Cana da againstCUS or i ts Engl ish-speak ing mem-bers,~ and an important reason for theResignat ions f rom the CUS do not wi thdrawal of the two univers it ies has

    have to be voted on by the congress, been the exc lus ion f rom CUS of theand are accepted automat ical ly . The Quebec c lass ical col leges. There arespokesman for Montreal said the 30,OO French-speaking s tudents in thewithd rawa l of the French-speaking provinces classical colleg e system.his annual increase in enrolment

    of twenty percent or greater is ex-pected to level o f f wi thin the nextyear or two to approx imately 600 newstudents each year.

    YOUI f you are one of the nouveau riche

    who feel i t his duty to donate someeffect to the University, Welcom e!The Board of Publ icat ions wants yourassistance. If you are a free spirit whowants to touch the power of the Uni-versity, to know the workings ofcampus pol i t ics , to gain ins ight intothe publ ishing t rade, you belong inour office.

    ,your mind is , What in the name of maining two, i t s The Coryphaeus cord on the phonograph or make theal l that \ is outrageous, is this Boa rd where alk the work is done. The work coffee.t h ing? - for The Comp endium is s imi lar but I f , on the other hand, you knowless rushed. \ I that your dest iny is in the edi torialThe Board o f Publ icat ions is a f ield, then come in and learn how tosemi-independent s tudent organizat ion turn the inane rambl ings of the re-that does i ts best to publ ish a year The actual work is interest ing and port ing s taf f into readable newsprint .book, The Comp endium; a newspaper, varied. If you dont think you can The layout staff has the respon sibilityThe Coryphaeus; a s tudent handbook wri te, it doesn t mat ter. Most people of seeing that the newspaper hasand a student directory. The last two don t think they can wri te. When you content and appearance worthy ofin the shadow of the enormity of the are fed up with wri t ing, you can come the name of the Univers i ty of Water-paper an d the yearbook, are relat ively in on prearranged evenings to do loo. Check the not ice sect ion of thisinsignifica nt due to the simplicity of some typing or to correct the atroci- tabloid for the t ime and place of ouractual produc tion skill. Of the re- bus spellin g, or to turn over the re- organizat ional meet ing.

    A spokesman for the Engineeringdepartment said that the whole En-gineering course has been revampedand updated. The lectures to 300 s tu-dents or more are s ti l l being used, butthey wi l l be supplemented to a greaterextent by tutorials, and problem c las-ses. These tutorial sessions will breakthe large c lasses into smal l groups of Probably , the quest ion foremost in

  • 8/14/2019 Dundalk Ont Can


    Editor: - - A. 0. Dick Features: - Art AndersonNews : - - Dick Grenkie Layout: - Mike EdwardsC.U.P.: - - Tom Rankin Advertising: Mrs. Y. StantonPubl ished by the undergradu&te s tudent body of the Univers ity ofWaterloo and i ts af f i l iated col leges under authorizat ion of StudentsCounci l . ,Let ters should be addressed to: the Edi tor, the Coryphaeus, Univer-sity of Waterloo. They must be s igned; names wi l l be wi thheld uponrequest.The opinion expressed herein represents the f reedom of expressionof a responsible autonomous soc iety .Subscript ions $3.50 Member: Canad ian Univers ity Press

    CANADA STUDENT LOAN PLANIn contrast to some other publ icat ions, we approve and

    support the dec is ion of Parl iament to prov ide federal loansto educat ion. With the increas ing rate of technological ad-vancement soc iety can i l l af ford to leave large segments ofi ts populat ion uneducated. On the one hand we need t rainedpeople to ass ist in the development and use of new machin-ary . On the other hand, the amount of leisure t im e avai l -able to an indiv idual increases every day. Should we askan indiv idual to spend his spare t ime s taring at a telev is ionscreen? We think not . Many act ive pursui ts are avai lable,but the indiv idual must have some training to enjoy manyof them.

    One of ten hears the argument that the s tudent shou ldearn enough money to support himsel f whi le get t ing hiseducat ion. The argument no longer holds. The cost ofeducat ion has increased together wi th an increase in theacademic load. These increases pract ically el iminate theidea of the sel f -made man who earned his way throughcol lege w ashing dishes. To the person who thinks i t is s t i l lposs ible, we extend the inv i tat ion and welcome them tot ry. No, Parl iam ent has taken s teps in the right d i rect ion.Now, i f only the Prov inc ial government would see the l ight .

    OUR NEW POLICYThe University of Waterloo is hope that the reader likes the change.young and- modern. To reflec t the As with every thing else that we do,moderni ty and youth of this ins t i tu- we wi l l welcome your comments andt ion The Coryphaeus has adopted a cri tic isms.new f lag and masthead. I t is our The edi tor.

    SUMMER TERM 1964Eng. IB

    First Class HonoursCammaert , AB, London, Ont . ;Cnossen, W, Chatham, Ont . ; Dennet t ,IG, King, On t.; Laursen, J, Ottawa,Ont . ; Ot ten, L, Paris , Ont . ; Pappin,GM, Pembroke, Ont . ; Saunders, GA,Brockville, Ont.Second Class Honours\ Adams, GR, Port Colborne,Ont . ; Ahlberg, NR, St . Catharines,Ont . ; Andrew RD, Sudbury, Ont . ;Bal tman, Z, Toronto 10, Ont . ; Brown,AD, Walkerton, Ont . ; Browne, JE,Smooth Rock Falls, Ont.; Charters,KA, Poin te Claire, PQ ; Cuthbert , DR,Toronto 9, Ont . ; Dalbergs, GJ, Ham-i l ton, Ont . ; Dav ison, WG, Ridgev i l le,Ont.; Dueck, G E, St. Cathar ines, Ont.;Fay, WL, Bres lau, Ont . ; Finnie, JR,St . Catharines, Ont . ; Graham, JD,Peterborough, Ont . ; Graves, AL,Markham, -dnt .; Guy, FA, Wood-ridge. Ont . : Hal l . DE, Ki tchener,0%; Ham& , KM ; Tecumseh, 0nt . iHancock, KH, Port Hope, Ont .; Haw-ley, GP, Chippawa , Ont . ; Henderson,PD, Atwood, Ont . ; Henrich, GR,Courtrig ht, O nt.; Hendrycks, NA,Sarnia, Ont . ; Hol let t , JD, Toronto 16,Ont . ; Hughes, LD, Pierrefonds, Que. ;Jones, JE, St. Marys, Ont.; Jones,RH, Scarborough, Ont . ; Kat , KC, St .Catharines, Ont . ; Knack, PA, Preston,Ont . ; Lauri la, WE, Timmins, Ont . ;Lee, JD, North Bay, Ont . ; Leblanc,AD, Timmins, Ont . ; Legros, AJ,North Bay. Ont . ; MacBain, NT,Klein burg , -6nt.; McCarthy, WJ, To-ronto. Ont . : McCutcheon, DR,Dow&view, Gri t .; McLaren, DP, In-gles ide, Ont .; Melrose, RG, Toronto,Ont . : Mi l ler, RWC, Sarn ia, Ont .; Mo-haupt , UH, Gal t , Ont . ; Moore; AC,Toronto 14, Ont . ; Newstead, WT,

    Paris , Ont . ; Part ington, LW, Coch-rane, Ont . ; P avone, I , St . Catharines,.t 2 The CORY PHAEU S

    Ont. ; Peters , AK, H annon, Ont . ;Petersen, GT, Timmins, Ont . ; Phi l -l ion, RS, St . Catharines, Ont . ; Plom-ske, TI, Waterloo, Ont.; Pollock, JB,Brant ford, Ont . ; Pote, PJ, Ki tchener,C); : . ; Reynolds, RI , Niagara Fal : ,* Rombeek, H, Sarnia,Schgfele, .;DK, Cooksv il le, Ont . ;Simon , T, Scarboro, Ont . ; Smith, PN,Niagara Fal ls . Ont . : Smith, HD, To-rang 16, Ont . ; Speirar+ BC ; Scarboro,Ont . ; Sprenger, GS, Wrl lowdale, Ont . ;Stephens, D, Stouf fv i l le, Ont . ; Tay lor,T, Brampton, Ont . ; Thomas, JP, To-ronto 12, Ont.; Trost, D, Down sview,Ont.; Tucker, GB, Dee p River, On t.;Turvey, LD, Exeter, Ont.; Tyrie, DH ,Kitchener, Ont . ; Vatcher, A, Keno-gami, Que. ; Walton, JR, Wi l lowdale,Ont . ; Walton, R E, Niagara Fal ls ,Ont.; Whan , JW, Scarbo rough, Ont.;Whit f ield, BJ, Peterborough, Ont . ;Zebarth, JA, White Lake, Ont .

    Third Class HonoursAckroyd, RF, Malto n, Ont.;Admas, JG, Scarborough, Ont . ; An-drews, GD, Chatham, Ont . ; Baetz ,CD, Neustadt , Ont . ; Bal l , JE; Noble-ton, Ont.; Banks, PR, Scarboro, Ont.;Bible, JO, Palgrave, Ont . ; Bret t , LR,Creem ore, Ont.; Brierley, JW, Toron-to 15, Ont . ; Brown , GH, Downsview,Ont.; Brown, RT, Hanover, Ont . ;Bul l , DA, Rexdale, Ont . ; Cameron,RA, Fergus, Ont. ; Chisholm, RR,Oakville, Ont.; Clark, GW, Ridge way,Ont . ; Cousineau, JT, Ori l l ia, Ont . ;Curtis, JE, Islington , Ont.; Czarnowa s,MZT, T oronto 9, Ont.; Daskewich,JL, Toronto 2B, Ont . : Duf f , GM,Cornwal l , Ont . ; Dupont , RC, Is l ing:ton. Ont . : El l is . WA. Ha mil ton, Ont . ;Faulds, GPB, Kingsmi l l , Ont . ; Fenton;VA, Scarborough, Ont . ; Gi l l , EE,Putnam, Ont . ; Graham, IMH , Bramp-ton, Ont . ; Green, JT, Claremont ,Ont.; Hanley, GJ, North Bay, Ont.;Hardman, JR, Downsview, Ont . ; Hig-

    ginson, JR, Burl ington, Ont . ; Hi l l ,KD. Grimsbv. Ont . : Hodowansk i , VR,Oshawa, Ontario ; Hoekstra, H, *Oril-l ia, Ont . ; Huber, - EW, Guelph, Ont . ;Hunt . JE, Toronto 18. Ont . : I rwin,T, Port Robin son, Ont:; Jenkins, JB,Oran geville, Ont.; Johnson, GM, Scar-borough, Ont . : Johnston, WA, Ridge-way, ant . ; Lagasse, JN, Val ley f ield,PO: Lannham, JV. St . Catharines,Ont . ; Lees, JL, Walford Stat ion; Ma&Kinnon, EE, Paris , Ont .; Mahoney,MJ. Scarborough, Ont . : Mars i l lo, F,Niagara Fal ls , - dnt . ; &Queen RJ;Ti l lsonbura. Ont . : McRae, HG,Brampton,-Ont . ; McRae, RC, I Brampiton, Ont.; Mi l ton, WL, Melv i l le,Saskatchewan; Neufeld, G, Virgi l ,Ont . ; Newton, TT, Is l ington, Ont . ;Nixon, RD, Toronto, Ont . ; Reinhardt ,HA, Ki tchener, Ont . ; Sauve, J , Mon-t real 3, Que. ; Savage, RW, StoneyCreek, Ont . ; Schredl , WH Vienna 14,Austria; S iegris t , EG, Oxenden, Ont . ;Sobczuk, RC, Ki tchener, Ont . ; Somer-v i l le, GS, St . Thomas, Ont . ; Steer,JE, Hi l lsburgh, Ont . ; St ir l ing, JM,St . Thomas, Ont . ; Tamblyn, CR, Or-ono, Ont . ; Thew, DJW, Toronto,Ont . ; Van Der Meulen , N, Brant ford,Ont . ; Van Kats, NAM, Chesterv i l le,0nt . i Venhuizen, YM, Scarborough,Ont . : Vincent . JH, Cornwal l , Ont . ;Waters, MA,. Peterborough, _ Ont . )Walsh, MJ, Stratford, Ont.; Wiancko,PRT, Don Mi l ls , Ont .; Wi lson, BD,King Kirk land, Ont . ; Wi lson, CB,Barrie, Ont . ; Wi lson, SG, Oi l Springs,Ont.; Wood, D F, St. Marys, Ont.;Wormald, CT, St . Catharines, Ont .Eng. 2B

    Chemic a lFirst Class Honours

    Bert ran, DR, Fort Erie, Ont . ;Oshinowo, 0, Nigeria; Rosehart , R,Tillsonb urg, Ont.; Westlake, JF, St.Catharines, Ont .Second Class HonoursCat inia, PJ, Newmarket , Ont . ;Hicks, JW, Ridg eville , Ont.; Jenkins,RG, Bancroft, Ont.; Kerr, DF, Inger-sol l , Ont . ; Marc inkow, HB, FortWi l l iam, Ont . ; *McPhee, GA, Ki t -chener, Ont .; Sieminowski , A. ; Pres-ton, Ont . ; Smith, WH, Toronto 9,Ont.; Tufford, JE, Waterloo , Ont.Third Class Honours*Bel l , %W, D ownsview Ont . ;

    *Fadare, 0, Ibadan Nigeria; *MC-Lean, JT, Port Credi t , Ont .

    Civ i lFirst Class HonoursSparrow, EG , Wi l lowdale,Ont .Second Class Honours

    *Sweeney, NR , Wi l lowdale,Ont . ,IThird Class Honours *Anderson, JC, South Porcu-pine, Ont. ; Cane, DD, Newmarket ,Ont . ; *Eng el , ,P, Waterloo, Ont . ; Ford,FC, Wal lacetown, Ont . ; *Gayton, RG,Winnipeg, Manitoba; Grik is , A, To-ronto 3, Ont . ; Henderson, RJ, OwenSound, Ont . ; Heri ty , JF, Waterloo,Ont . ; Hi l l , G, St . Clair Beach, Ont . ;Marshal l , MG, Markham, Ont . ;*Morphet , MS, Prescott , Ont . ; Weic-kert, HO, Kitchener, Ont.Elect rical

    First Class HonoursCole, WA, Thamesford, Ont . ;Lef fen, DJ, Scarborough, Ont . ; Ren-wick, WL, Fort Frances, Ont.; Schae-fer, BM, Teeswater, Ont.; Schlotz-.hauer, KG, Strat ford, Ont .Second Class HonoursAugustus , JH, Whitby, Ont.;Beaul ieu , R, Strick land, Ont . ; Doran,WM, Southa mpton, Ont . ; Fischer,FN, Dundalk, Ont.; Forbes, WJ, FortWi l l iam, O nt . ; *Girdwood, MH,Guelph, Ont . ; Groat , DR, Guelph,Ont . ; Hogg, WH, Norwich, Ont . ;Holden, RR , Woodbridge, Ont . ;Rosch, R, Komo ka, Ont.; Schultz,BS, Hamil ton, Ont . ; Stal lworthy, RP,Toronto 13, Ont . ; Stanat , WA, Ay l-mer, Ont. ; Walker, JE, Canf ield, Ont .Third Class Honours*Baker, JA , Moscow, Ont.;Boote, FC, Kapuskas ing, Ont . ; *Dar-gent , RJ, Montreal , 25 Que. ; Dennis ,MC, Ki tchener, Ont . ; Kidd, GE,Richmond Hi l l , Ont . ; Kleiss , HJ, Wa-terloo, Ont . ; *Lange, GA, Trenton,Ont . ; *Lutz , MN, Fonthi l l , Ont . ; Mar-tin, RJ, Cooksville, Ont.; *Moritz,BA, Ki tchener, Ont . ; *Ruminsky, AS,Toronto 3, Ont . ; Shynal , RM , St .Catharin es, Ont.; *Zakis, AM, Toron-to 10, Ont .

    Mechanical .First Class HonoursAndres, WJ, Waterlo o, Ont.;Armstrong, BD, Richmond, Que. ;Bet ts , KH, Fingal , Ont .Second Class HonoursI

    Dickie, DJ, Lucknow, Ont.;Dufour, RN, Jonquiere, PQ .; Hannah,

    CD, Kitchene r, Ont.; Heissler, G,Frankford, Ont.: Hon g:. HH. Chats-worth, Ont.; James, -EC, Stratford,Ont.; Johnson, ID, Sillery, Que.; Mac-Kay, DR, St . Catharines, Ont . ; Mar-t in, EL, Bade n, Ont . ; Reid. DB, To-ronto 9, Ont . ; Som odi, CA, Windsor,Ont.Third Class HonoursEmrich, J , Waterloo, Ont . ;*Gal lagher, A, Wel land, Ont . ; Hea-cock, DW, Levack, Ont.; Johnson,

    GS, Beachburg, Ont . ; Laoye, 0, Iba-dan, Nigeria; Layode, F, Ibadan, Ni-geria; Mi l ler, WE, Stouf fv i l le, Ont . ;Ramshaw, JC, Mi l ton, Ont . ; Reb-stock, JE, Crystal Beach , Ont.; Trem-blay, PHJ, Midland , Ont . ; Wi l lms, E ,St . Catharines, Ont .Eng. 3A

    Chemic a lFirst Class HonoursMuel ler, GS, Waterloo, Ont .Second Class HonoursAndersen, JM, Brampton,Ont . : Bocchinfuso. P, Thorold. Ont . :Gunn, HW, Fergus, bnt . ; Margari t is ;A, Waterloo , Ont.; Rupke, JW, Ket-tleby, Ont.; Stewart, JH, Port Credit,Ont .Third Class HonoursBeal ly , JD, Toronto 3, Ont . ;*Beecro ft, JE, Fergus, O nt.; Boyko,

    EW, Beamsvi l le, Ont . ; *Fernandes,CS, Water loo, Ont.; Kovacs, JA, FortErie, Ont . ; *Menheere, WC, Dubl in,Ont .Civ i l

    First Class HonoursKouwen , N, Hamil ton, Ont .Second Class HonoursBrown, DG, Toronto 12, Ont . ;El l is , DL, Is l ington, Ont . ; Erwin, EH,Toronto 12, Ont.; Hossack, WJ,Woodstock, Ont.; Lackie, JW, Bres-lau, Ont . ; Nwachuku, C, Akwete Aba,Nigeria; Piper, PA, London, Ont . ;Sass, DG, Paris , Ont . ; Thompson, RL,Grimsby, Ont.; Wong , JK, Toronto2B, Ont .Third Class Honours*Cannon , BFC, Mi l ton, Ont . ;Casonato, G, Wel land, Ont . ; *Hard-ing WM, Bal t imore, Ont . ; Hudson,RA, St . Catharines, Ont . ; *Mog an,

    MW, Rexdale, Ont . Cont . on Page 3

  • 8/14/2019 Dundalk Ont Can


    / I

    GET+ YOUR; bItlENTThe orientat ion commit tee of Student s Counci l has planned a comprehen- 1

    s ive programme. This programme is des igned to welcome f reshmen and orientthem to services availa ble and to extracurricular activities. Inf harmon y with thebelie f that academ cis and extracurricular-activities can exist side by side, theprogra mme includes lectures, social activities, and a charity drive as we ll asathletic events. / i,I1 This orientat ion programme replaces the ini t iat ion period of prev iousyears. The committee felt that a chang e in tit le was necessary to reflect thechange in the purpose of the programme. According to the commit tee, orienta-t ion is intended to prov ide f reshmen with informat ion about the Universi ty

    , -and to prov ide organized soc ial act ivi t ies during his f i rst week on campus.

    0 0AND OTHERSThe Phys ical ~ nd Heal th Educat ion that s tudents do not emole ip any \Department of fers to any s tudent en- program unless they are able to at -rol led at the Univers ity of Waterloo tend the majori ty of the ins t ructionalor any of the federated or a f f i l iated periods. Classes wi l l be held on Tues- 7h Ahw SAM \col leges, sk i l l ins t ruct ion in indiv idual day evenings so as not to interfere , .and dual act iv it ies inc luding swim- , , wi th any academic periods and s tu- During the summer man y new,ming, archery , gol f , badminton, ten; dents may regis ter for any one or changes occurred at Seagram Stadiumnis , weight t raining and isometrics . more of the sk i l l programs of fered. both in the s taf f and in the fac i l i ties . CAMPUS _ CLUBBED CANADA , TO- DEATH 1


    The pu&ose of the program is to Carl Totzke con tinues as Director of-s t imulate interest and develop! att i - A complete t ime-table of act iv it iesof fered and regis t ration forms are Athlet ics. Ran Pugl iese becomestudes and skills in iactivities that a dults avai lable at the Phvs ical Edu cat ion Chairman of the new Department of REPRIEVEDan carry on throug hout th eir life- ,eof f ice, Seagram Stadium. Phys ical E ducat ion. Pat Galassol isTORONTO (CUP) A n act of fai th

    has saved Campus Canada, a two-year-old nat ional s tudent magazine,f rom infant mortal i ty . D etermined tosalvage the magazine, delegates tothe 28th Congress of the CanadianUnion of ,Students at York Universi tyvoted to cont inue publ icat ion of themagazine this year despi te heavy f in-ancia l losses;-For two years, the Uni-versi ty of Bri t ish Columbia AlmaMater Soc iety has edi ted the maga-z ine and subs idized i ts losses CampusCanada is sold at 3% on CUS mem-ber campuses across the country.

    The 64-65 term has begun on thecampus of the University of Waterlo o.Fathers and mothers have been f i l l ingf reshmen and seniors about the Dosand Don% of universi ty . Wel l , hereis somesound adv ice. There are manyc lubs on campus at the present t ime;many m ore wi l l be s tart ing. Al l ofthese clubs are very interesting andof fer a n educat ion in their f ield. Buttoo of ten, a person involves himsel fwi th too many of these organizat ions,and his academic s tanding s l ips .Somet imes this s l ip is fatal and hef inds that he has fai led his year. Clubsare enjoyable and informat ive; but. don not let these f lubs take over&n- school l i fe. j

    The Congress passed a mot ion ac-cept ing an of fer by UIBC to cont inueedi t ing and subs idiz ing the magazine,-and urging campus CUS commit teesto establish vigorous sales campa igns.Roger McAfee, pres ident of the UBCAlma Mater Soc iety- told the Con- .gress, The Campus Canada problem Do Youis not f inanc ial . .The real problem isthat too many local comm it tees won tget off their pratts and sell it. Stu-dents can t buy the magazine i f they

    Know ,\

    t ime. I t is hoped that through the de-velopment of enjoyment and prof i - the track coach and Don Hayes iswith thelhockey stars. Wally Dela hey

    wi l l be direct ing int ramural act iv it iesfor the men w e Ruth Hodg kinsonibrings the women into bat t le. Of

    don t know i t ex ists , he added.The mot ion ren ewing UBCs ma n-date to publ ish the magazine cal led

    What is Happening

    ciency in the skills offere d, a standardof phys ical f i tness may be maintained,necessary for a healthy, norm al life . The f%. footbal l g ame is

    tomorrow, Sat., Sept . 19. Ryer-j At tendance at the ins t ruct ional per-iods is voluntary and no credit isgiven towards the student s degreework. i t is recommended however,

    soq takes on our Warriors at 1 , course Do n (B rownie ) Brown is theSeagram stadium. The intra- I stadium mmager mural gol f tournament s tarts - .Monday, Sept . 28, and thetrack mee t follows on the sixthof -October. We h ave lost twovaluable members of our War-rior teams; Jim Harm , (Foot-bal l ), who went to ,McMasterand Jerry Raphae l , (Basketball ),who went to Toronto.

    New gym equipment has arrived,the weight t raining room has beenenlarged, and new aspha l t runwaysare on the f ield leading to the sandpits. Bu t take a look for yourself,take a walk around Seagrams ,andjoin the SPORTS PROGRAM forthis year.



    for measures to reduce costs and seekstated the magazine should at temptto be a revue of pol i t ical and soc ialadvert is ing revenue. In addi t ion, i t

    thought ref lec t ing the interests andconcerns of as wide a group of , Cana-dian s tudents as poss ible.

    Enginkering ResultsCo& f rom Page Two

    \n dampus? I \ \

    / The ~ /\University

    WATCH THIS SP ACE . . .1 OR FILL IT. . I Train ing for the October Intercol-legiate Track and Field Meets . has

    begun under the direct ion of CoachPat Galasso. Workouts ,are daily from4:30 to 6:JO at Seagrams S tadium.The frrst meet is on October 2 atMcMaster and Coach Galasso iscount ing on a s t rong team this year.Everyone is inv i ted to come out andtrain whether he has had past t rackand f ield experience or not .


    TORONTO (CUP) On the eve of a heri tage which is bas ical ly French,the 205th anniversary of the bat t le of Bri t ish, and to an increas ing extentthe Plains of Abraham the dean of American and European.York Universitys Atkinson Colle ge, ,cal led on Canadians to work together We are supporters of the struggleas a nat ion and res is t the tendency for equal i ty for a l l men everywhere,towards re gional a nd cul tural spl i ts . members of a nat ion w hich is growingin internat ional esteem. Our leaders

    Electrical) First Class HonoursCambridge, EL, Kapuskas ing,Ont.: Stoffer. CD. Port Elrrin. Ont.

    Events Ccilendar-Second .Clas i Honour; **Brooks, DS, Brant ford, 0nt . iCarmichael , BC,~ North Bay, , Ont . ; Wi// Td A&*Dawson, AE, . Lacol le, PQ; Edwards,KL, Brant ford. Ont . : Holmes, RA, Waterloo, Ont . ; Loader, AR, Mon-t real , Que. ; McGee, WL, Waterloo,

    Ont . ; _ Rymer, TC, St . Catharines,Ont . ; Schmah, HJ, Gal t , Ont . ; Smye, Available bfAl l of las t years team wi l l be re-

    turning: Tex Houston who won theindoor shot put at Maple Leaf Gar-dens last January with a toss of 45,Randy Lev in, polevaul t , J im Parkerin the % mi le, Ross Prent ice in the1% mi le, and Ade Peters in the mi le.

    JD, Hamil ton, Ont .Third Class Hpnours*Ditschun, L, Rodney, Ont .Dranf ield, MT, Vi l le St . Michel , PQ;*Quick, HI , Saul t Ste. Marie, Ont . ;The Booksfore. .

    RidoutcPW, West Hi l l , Ont . ; Woods,LM, Toronto 4, Ont .Mechanical,

    First Class Honours

    have been and are -numbered amongn a keynote address to the 28thCongress of the Canadian Union of the great defenders of the f reedomStuden ts (CUS) at York University, and extens ion of opportuni ty for in- Saturday (Sept. 12), Dr. McCorm ick dividuals.Smyth stressed the necessity for co-operat ion in common object ives. We Urging nat ional uni ty he said Can-cannot do wi thout our fel low Cana-dians, he said.

    ada has a his tory of compromise, andshe must con tinue to effect compro-mises to maintain her s tatus as anat ion.

    Amon g the many new prospects on,campus there are three notables: Lau-rie Bridger (Gordon Graydon, PortCredi t ) who was thi rd in the OFSAAintermediate y2 mi le; Bob Finlay(Gordon Graydon) who was on theOFSA A cross) country c hamp ionshipteam and runs the mi le in the low4:20s ; and Mike Mi l l ig an (Brant ford),who won the Eastern Ca nadian Jun-ior Shot-Put whi le set t ing a Canadianrecord of 46 7 wi th the 16 poundshot. - \ ,

    Whi le i t may seem on the surfacethat few things are distinctly Cana-dian, I feel that as a nat ion we have, many indiv idua l characteristics, hesaid.

    We emphasize federal responsibi l i -ties rather than local rights. W e have

    Pacey, WC, Bancroft, Ont.Second - class -Honours -Al l ison, D P, Ki tchener, Ont . ;Babbs, GA, Peterborough, Ont . ;Blake, HO, Happy V al ley , Labrador;Cofe ll, JF, Ingerso ll, Ont.; Collin s,JH, Oakville Ont.; Ha&l, JF, Scar-borough, O nt . ; MacGregor, WR, Hi l -l ier, Ont. ; Pool , H, Chatham, Ont . ;Riddel l , A E, Sudbury, Ont . ; Stodul-ski, RJ, Toron to 3, Ont.; Tsuji, JK,Ham ilton, Ont.hZavitz, GD, CrystalBeach, Ont .Third Class HonoursBoyd, DC, Mount Elgin, Ont . ;Weames, BG, Strat ford, Ont . , 1

    We have a heri tage of l iberal de-mocracy Andy we must be wi l l ing tocont inue to develop our intel lec tualand tolerant qual i t ies i f we are to becapable of rapid adjustment to chang-ing circumstances.

    WANT ADS, Want ads wi l l be accepted ona cash only bas is : the price wi l lbe 5Oc for the first 15 wordsaizd .5Oc a word thereaf ter perissue.ST&JXON-WAGON required.Contact Pigg ins - PsychologyDept .

    Friday September 18 1964 3


    ~ ~~~i Overheard at the newspaper of f ice:I don t know about you, but I mgo ing home .

    ITS FUN GoodnightMoral : Some stay long& than others .

    1 \I\

    L , 1

  • 8/14/2019 Dundalk Ont Can

