from our files DUODENAL ULCER: DRUG TREATMENT OPTIONS Cimet idine Ci rnetidlle in the lrealnlen[ of dllOdmal VillaJobos. IJ . el aI. Journal of Internat ional Medical Researdl6 : 3S I 119781 A Oollblc·bh lld study o f cimelidine in Pi'lienu with dlMllknal or gast ric Illoer in GI'CII:C1C, Maoousos, O.N. et " , Journal or InlcmalioI'IaI Medical Research 6, 381 (19 11) TRaUYJenI of aeti vc d oodmalli loer wi1l>oral C'i metidine, a multioenter controlled endoscopic 1Ti.al . Por ro . G.B. etat. Di&eSOOn 17: 383 (1918) Effect orprolonged cimelidillli lherapy on g ..... t ric acid. secretion in man. Barbaat. G ,O. d: aI. GUI 19: r ' r (.97111 C imetil1ine in lilt trCillmenl of duodmill ulcer. A multicenter double-blind $too)'. BIRde r. HJ . et &1. Gast rocntero lOllY 14, no(19 781 Ci mecidinc Ire'llmeni of duodul ll lllcenllion . Hetzel. OJ . et aI. Ga.<;troc:rllcroiosy 74: 389 ( 19781 CoftlrOlled comparisoft of two dosqI: regimensor cirnetidine in ukz r . G illies., R ,R. et al . GastromlCfOlo&y 14, ) 96 11 911) lonI tenD cimctidlftl: in 1M duoQmal llkec d yspeps;.a. Gray,C.R. et a!. 74: )97 119111 Cimetidine in ee ltcilllnmtor ulo;cr. Win.nip. D.H. G.stroeDlerololY 74: 40 2 ( 1978) PR'YCnllOO by bedume cimetid inc of duodcn.1J-lIka" BlKkwood . W.5 , eta! 1 :6 26 119111 Prophy 1lo:tio:: e1Teaof cimetidine ind-.knal uJcer d_. G udrnand· Hoycr . E. et at. Briti1.h Medical Journal I: I09SU,nl Clonal and psU'Odoodcn.ol IOOfl'hololy in cimetidnle \Ralld Ni,erian pal imts w'ilbdUCllleMl ulca and anuocluodePilis.. PopooLa. A,O .eta! . Med g Journal I: 115119181 Maintel"WloCe or mniWo<! of dll(lllen2lu!Q,r "" ci rnelid;M:a doubl e -tllind (X) Mro lloed trial. Hetzel. D.l . eI aI. Gut 19: AU2 1 1911) Cimelidine mainlenance \Ratme n t. No nll f lCld. TC, et aI. Uncct 1: 1045 m781 Cimelidinc for recurrent ulcer after or p- ' lrCl:tomy: a ran do roised controlled trilll. K ennedy . T. et ai, Med ical 10 urna l J: [ 242 ([9 18j lrealment of duodenal ulcer wnh cimelidine. Wo rms ley. K.G. eI aI. Brilish Medical journal I:IlSl ( 19 711 ) [)uodmal ulcer therap y with cirnetidillC. Dobrilla. G . et al. Muncllener Medil ini.dJt: Wochenscttrifi 120, IJ9 ( 19 11) Mai nlmanOe ITeatmel'lto f doodmal um wlth eimetidiM . Rune. S.l . et aI. Med ical Jou rn al I: 16 19 (9 71) Maintenance treatmenl of dllOdc:naI uar wilh e,rnetid,llC. Sharpe. P,C . eI aI Med ICal Journal 2: S1119781 Mai nl1e nance treatmeDl of duodmalu klcr with eimt lid inc , O uk. C G_ et II BntM Medil:al Journal 2: 12l 119781 FirV reu\ u WIth Tapmel (CYmc:tidUle SK'" F) Ul p5lric and d uodcoW ulcu. Camb'elli. M. et al- MillefYll Meo.Joca 69: 2291 C 19 11 ) T IftJIIWllt or dlKldc:nalllk:ef w ilb ci mrtidiae _Gonwas. JJ. et aI. Sdl weizaiscbe MedizinisdJe Wodlc:!lIdtn fi 101: \011 (J 9 111 Qmel idine in the tftat ment of 6uodenal ukzl", P. et aI. [)wudoe Me<!i l inilll;heWochcnschrifi 10J , 1I6J IIna) lreat me lM of duode nal ub r witheimelidine.Cl ark. C .G . et II Medical JoumaI2: 4}j (J 9 781 Thee1Tecl of cimelldi nc on inpa tient' wilb dUolJd,enal ulcer , Dol le . W . et aI Acta G"", ro · Entefoloa-ica Bel, lCI 4 1; 414 ( 1911 1 Role or ci melid ine in relapse - or duodenal ul cen tIeaIed by a metidine . Eustace. I.E. et aI .lrish Xlumal of Moed ical Science 147: 212 119m MainlerwKlCtrmt mcn, of duodenal ulcer with cimetidine, Bur1and. W.L. et aI. Brilidt Medical Joornal 2: 4H ( 1911) Effect or cimetidine l.-ealmenl in duode nal ulcer and the evenllL<ll OU lcome after cessalion of trel lmc:nl. Oronr,eld . M,W . el aI. G UI 19, 0 156-2.7 03/ 80 / 0906-00 19 $00.50 / 0 C ADIS Pre .. A99 111971l l bcnpy lAd Ioq 1enIt prophylal. Q; 0( ulcIA duakni -:111 cirnetidine. Weber. K.B, et aI. Zeitschrifi fur GaslroenlaOJoaie 16, 69 7 (1918) Cimetidinc in dlort ,u m medical\Ralmt nt of dtKllknal uIoer - mul tia nm endoscopic c:k:HJbIe _bliDd Mudy on 164 pallents. Albano . 0, et aI. Italian Journal of G"suoc ntero!ol r 10: 247 ( 1978) C imetid' lIe f or psulc and duodenal MJ .5. American Jou rnal of Medicine 65: as s(\97 11 Cimetfdine f or d oodenalllk:er. Lart«I 2: 1217119711 Do you Ibink. the ese of 1(1 be" lkl; isive progress in th e the rap y o f d uoden al ulcer! Have yt>\Iobserved complications and side e ffects ? Bancl heime r . H . et ai, Die MediziniscM Welt 19; 1953 0978 1 I.o nil lerm trealment with cimelidine. Mekc1. R.C.P.M. South African Med icaJ JOllm ai R 10 89 1191 8 1 Cimeli dine in active duodenal ulcer, Fi, uet'Oll.RB et at. Current Therapeutic ReseardI2 5: 16(19 191 blocker cimrtidinc in African patients .... ith duodenal uloefalion - . prdiminar) communicar ioG. W zo;u nna . J ,B. EasI A frican Medical Jou rnal 56 , 4 2 ( 19 79 ) Cimelidinc in !be \Ralmenl of !be .-ric Mod duodeaal ulcer . G ns.. 101 .D. et 1lI . RcYM Espanola de l .a Enrermeciadel Del Aparau:t ()i&e:slivo 55, SS (1979) Comparisoa of two doses or cime tidinc and pllcetlO in lhe treal.l2lent of duodenal uker: a m ult ic:enl.re trial , Gill 20 : 61 ( 1979) Cimetidi ne forduc.:k-nal ub r. Morpn. A .G . et aI Lanoet l: .... 119 791 Cimer.idillC for duodenal ubr. Reed. P,I. Lancet I, .... 119 19 ) Therapy o f d l.lOduW and prepylor ic ulcen with elmetidine. Hentschel. E. et aI. WieDer K1ill ifdlc Wodterudl riA 9 1: S)C 19191 Ci mel idi rae for duodenal \I1cer. G ilsanl.. V. et aI. UnoeI I: l SI (19 19) C imet idine and ulcer. Baron . J.H. et aI. BJilish Medical Journal I: 16 9 (/9 791 Cimetidi1leIrlllllmcnl of duodenal uleer resi!Ull t to anLaCid lherapy. Massarral. S, er u . Leber Magen Darm 9, 20 1191 9) Do llb le· bJind co mpa rison o f ci met idine an d placebo in the merrne nance of hea h nl of chronic duodenal ulceralion. Bardhan. K O, erai, GUI 20: 1S8 (19 79 ) Ci met idine in the treat menl of ec nve duodenal ulcer: double-blind st udy. UbillUl. R. C um: nt Th cn. peutic ReKlI't:h 2S: 24J ( 19191 The,rcannenlof uncomplicatod d uode nal uloel1llion by c imclidine, Gislon. J. d aI. La Revue de Med icine 10: Jd ( 19 79 ) Ci mel idine in the treatment o( active duodenal ub r COtUrolled trial , BarU.iu . M. Cl. aI. Jo urnal or 1M Kuw " il Medical Auocwion I J , 21 119191 Cimelidine for chronic ulcemion -dlort lerm c1illical trial. CheIVlI1l. P. et aI. Journal or Malaysia JJ : 21411979) Cimetidine and duodenal uker. Peo:k'n . Cl. ai , BrilM Medical Jou rnal 1: 61109191 Cimelidine and duodenal uIoer. Drury. V.W .M. Cl. aI. 8ritisb Med ic:al Journal I: 7S5U 9791 O I1lic:al and of cimelicll ne ill duodenal ulcer patieats.. Rune. S J. d ai , kJurtt.ll ofGz<uoenterology 14, 4S9tl9191 P.-enlion of duode nal ulcer recurrence with eimetidme. SonnenbelJ. A. et aI. De utselle Med il rniscl'le Woch emdl rift lOot , 72S(1979) Lon, term cimetidine in dllOdenal ulcer disease. Hansky. J. e. aI. Di_ andSciences 24, " 6S ( 1919) Control led lrial of mainlCT1-iU\CC etmetid,ne tralmenl ;n healed duodenal ulcer: stton and long lemI effects. Dronfldd . MS. et aI. Gm 20:S26 (1919) 1.4.11\1 term eff ects and after effecls of cimelidine ill d uode nal ulcer patients . Saler1l . M. et aI. !lalian Journal o f G lSl lW lIlero l os y II : 49 ( 19 79) Preven tion or duodenal ulrer relapse by cimelidine. Ik lzt:l. D. et al. Medical Joumal of 2, 88 (19 791 Preven tion of duodenal relapoe by c;melidille. Wyndllam . . \J. Med ical lNPHAAMA 6 &, p 1980 19


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CimetidineCi rnetidllle in the lrealnlen[ of dllOdmalU~I"l , VillaJobos. IJ. el aI. Journal

of International Medical Researdl6: 3S I 119781A Oollblc·bh lld study o f cimelidine in Pi'lienu with d lMllknal o r gastric Illoer

in GI'CII:C1C, Maoousos, O.N. et " , Journal or InlcmalioI'IaI MedicalResearch 6, 381 (19 11)

TRaUYJenI of aeti vc d oodmalliloer wi1l>oral C'imetidine, a mul tioenter

control led endoscopic 1Ti.al . Por ro. G.B. etat. Di&eSOOn 17: 383 (1918)

Effectorprolonged cimelidillli lherapy on g.....t ric acid. secretion in man.Barbaat. G ,O. d: aI. GUI 19: r' r ( .97111

Cimetil1ine in lilt trCillmenl of duodmill ulcer. A multicenter double-blind$too)' . BIRde r . HJ . et &1.Gastrocntero lOllY 14, no(19 781

Ci mecidinc Ire'llmeni o f duodulll lllcenllion . Hetzel. OJ. et aI.Ga.<;troc:rllcroiosy 74: 389(19781

CoftlrOlled comparisoftof two dosqI: regimensor cirnetidine in d~

ukz r . G illies.,R ,R. et al . GastromlCfOlo&y 14, ) 96 11911)

lonI tenD cimctidlftl: in 1M~ol'~ d uoQmal llkec d yspeps;.a.

Gray,C.R. et a!.Gawom~y 74: )97 119111Cimetidine in ee ltcilllnmtor~ ulo;cr. Win.nip. D.H .

G.stroeDlerololY 74: 40 2 ( 1978)PR'YCnllOO by bedume cimetid inc ofduodcn.1J-lIka" rd~. BlKkwood . W.5 ,

eta!~ 1:626 119111Prophy1lo:tio:: e1Teaof cimetidine ind-.knal uJcerd_. Gudrnand·Hoycr.

E. et at. Briti1.h Medical Journal I: I09SU,nlClonal~ and psU'Odoodcn.olD>~ IOOfl'hololy in cimetidnle

\Ralld Ni,erian palimts w'ilbdUCllleMl ulca and an uocluodePilis..

PopooLa. A,O.eta!.N~ Med g Journal I : 11511 9181

Maintel"WloCe or mniWo<! of dll(lllen2lu!Q,r "" ci rnelid;M: a double-tllind(X)Mro lloed trial. Hetzel. D.l . eI aI. Gu t 19: AU2 11911)

Cimelidine mainlenance \Ratme n t. No nll f lCld . TC,et aI. Uncct 1: 1045

m781C imelidinc for recurrent ulcer afte r v~gOlomy o r p-' lrCl:tomy: a ran do roised

con tro lled trilll. Kennedy . T. et ai, 8ri li~h Medical 10 urna l J: [ 242 ([9 18j

Main~""nce lrealment ofd uodenal ulcer wnh cimelidi ne. Wo rmsley. K.G . eI

aI. Brilish Medical journal I : I lS l ( 19 711 )[)uodmal ulcer therap y withcirnetidillC. Dobrilla. G . et al. Munc llener

Medil ini.dJt: W ochenscttrifi 120, IJ9 ( 1911)

MainlmanOe ITeatmel'lto f doodmal um wlth e imetidiM . Rune . S.l . et aI .

Brit~ Medical Jou rnal I : 16 19 (9 71)Maintenance treat menl of dllOdc:naI uar wilh e,rnetid,llC. Sharpe. P,C . eI aI

Brn~ MedICal Jo urnal 2: S1119781Mainl1e nance treatmeDl ofduodmalu klcr with e imtlid inc , O uk. C G_et II

BntM Medil:al Journal 2: 12 l 119781

FirV reu\u WIth Tapmel (CYmc:tidUle SK'" F) Ul p5lric and d uodcoW ulcu.Camb'elli. M. et al- MillefYll Meo.Joca 69: 2291 C1911 )

T IftJIIWllt or dlKldc:nalllk:ef wilb cimrtidiae _Gonwas. J J . et aI.Sdl weizaiscbe Medizi nisdJe Wodlc:!lIdtn fi 101 : \011 (J 9111

Qmelidine in the tftatment of6uodenal ukzl",~. P. et aI. [)wudoe

Me<!il in illl;heW ochcnschrifi 10 J , 1I6J IIna)~lImte_ lreat melM of duode nal ub r with e imelidine. Cl ark. C .G . et II

Bnl~ MedicalJoumaI2: 4}j (J 9781Thee1Tecl of cimelldi nc on inpa tient' wilb dUolJd,enal ulcer , Dol le . W . et aI

Acta G"",ro · Entefoloa-ica Bel, lCI4 1; 414 ( 1911 1Role orcimelid ine in relapse - P"'~enlion o r duodenal u lcen tIeaIed by

a metidine . Eustace. I.E. et aI.lrish Xlumal o f Moed ical Science 147: 212

119mMainlerwKlCtrmtmcn, of duodenal ulcer with cimet idine, Bur1and. W .L. et aI.

Brilidt Medical Joornal 2: 4H (1911)Effect or m~inlenance cimetid ine l.-ealmenl in duode nal ulcer and the evenllL<ll

OU lcome after cessalion of trellmc:nl. Oronr,eld . M,W . el aI. G UI 19,

0 156-2.703/ 80 / 0906-0019 $00.50 / 0 C ADIS Pre..

A99 111971ll bcnpy lAd Ioq 1enIt prophylal. Q; 0( ulcIA duakni -:111 ci rnetidine. Weber.

K.B, et aI . Zeitschrifi fur GaslroenlaOJoaie 16, 69 7 (1918)

Cimetidinc in dlort ,u m medical\Ralmtnt of ~i~e dtKllknal uIoer ­mul tianm endoscopic c:k:HJbIe _bliDd Mudy on 164 pallents. Albano . 0 , et

aI . Italian Journal o f G"suoc ntero!olr 10: 247 ( 1978)C imetid'lIe for psulc and duodenal ul«~~,man. MJ .5. American

Jou rnal of Medicine 65: as s(\97 11Cimetfdine for doodenalllk:er. Lart«I 2: 121 7 119711Do you Ibink. the ese of H~block inll .nl5 rr.mel ) 1(1 be" lkl; isive progress

in the the rapy of d uoden al ulcer! Have yt>\I o bserved complications and

side effects ? Bancl heime r . H. et ai, Die MediziniscM Wel t 19 ; 1953

09781I.o nil ler m trealment with cimelidi ne. Mekc1. R.C.P.M. South Afr ican

MedicaJ JOllm ai R 1089 1191 81Cimelidine in active duodenal ulce r, Fi, uet'Oll. R B et at.Current Therapeutic

ReseardI25: 16(19191Hislamine .2.~ blocker cimrtidinc in African patients ....ith duodenal

uloefalion - . prdiminar) communicar ioG. W zo;u nna . J ,B. EasI African

Medical Jou rnal 56 , 42 ( 19 79 )Cimelidinc in !be \Ralmenl of !be .-ric Mod duodeaal ulcer . Gns.. 101 .D. et 1lI .

RcYM Espanola de l.a Enrermeciadel Del Aparau:t ()i&e:slivo 55, SS

(1979)Comparisoa of two doses or cime tidinc and pllcetlO in lhe treal.l2lentof

duodenal uker: a multic:enl.re trial , Gill 20: 61 ( 1979)

Cimetidi ne forduc.:k-nal ub r . Morpn. A .G . et aI Lanoet l: .... 119791

Cimer.idillC for duodenal ubr. Reed. P,I. Lancet I, .... 11919 )Therapy of d l.lOduW and prepyloric ulcen with e lmet idine. Hentschel . E. et

aI. WieDer K1illifdlc Wodterudl riA 9 1: S)C 19191Ci mel idirae for d uodenal \I1cer. Gilsanl.. V. et aI. UnoeI I : l SI (19 19)

C imetidine andd~ ulcer. Baron. J .H . et aI. BJilish Medical Journal I :16 9 (/9791

Cimetidi1leIrlllllmcnl o f duodenal uleer resi!Ull t to anLaCid lherapy. Massarral.

S, er u . Leber Magen Darm 9, 20 1191 9)

Do llb le·bJind co mpa rison of cimet idine an d placebo in the merrnenance ofhea hnl o f chronic duode nal u lceralion. Bard han. K O, erai, GUI 20: 1S8

(19 79)

Ci met idine in the treat menl of ec nve duode nal ulcer : ~ do uble-blind st udy.UbillUl. R. Cum:nt Th cn. peutic ReKlI't:h 2S:24J ( 19191

The, rcannenl o f uncomplicatod d uodenal uloel1llion by cimclidine, Gislon. J .

d aI. La Revue de Medicine 10: J d ( 1979 )

Ci mel idine in the treat ment o( act ive duodenal ub rdi~-double -tll ind

COtUrolled trial , BarU.iu . M . Cl. aI. Jo urnal o r 1M Kuw "il MedicalAuocwion I J , 21 119191

Ci mel idine for chronicd~ ulcemion -dlort lerm c1illical trial.CheIVlI1l. P. et aI. ~ted lCa1 Journal or Malaysia JJ : 21411979)

Cimetidine and duodenal uker. Peo:k'n . ~ , R , Cl. ai , BrilM Medical Jou rnal 1:61109191

C imelidine and d uodenal uIoer. Drury. V.W .M. Cl. aI. 8ritisb Med ic:al JournalI : 7S5U 9791

O I1lic:al and~ello:;li~c:nessof cimelicll ne ill d uodenal ulcer

patieats.. Rune. SJ. d ai , Sctndilll~ian kJurtt.ll ofGz<uoenterology 14,

4S9tl9191P.-enlion of duode nal ulcer recurrence with e imetidme . SonnenbelJ. A . et

aI . De utselle Med ilrniscl'le Woch emdlrift lOot , 72S (197 9)

Lon, term cimetidine in d llOdenal ulcer d isease. Hansky. J. e. aI. D;8esti~e

Di_andSciences 24, " 6S ( 1919 )

Control led lrial of mainlCT1-iU\CC etmetid,ne tralmen l ;n healed duodenal ulcer :

sttonand long lemI effects. Dronfldd. MS. et aI. Gm 20: S26 ( 1919 )

1.4.11\1 term effects and after effecls of cimelidine ill d uode nal ulcer patients .Saler1l. M.et aI. !lalian Journal o f GlSl lW lIlero losy II : 49 ( 19 79)

Preven tion o r duodenal u lrer re lapse by cimelidine. Ik lzt:l. D. et al . Medical

Jo umal of A ustral i~ 2, 88 ( 19 791

Preven tion of duodenal u~r relapoe by c;melidille. Wyndllam . .\J . Med ical

lNPHAAMA 6 &, p 1980 19


Journal of AllStralia 2:SS t 1919)

EfflC&Cy on low dosqe maintena.nce cimetidine lherapy in doodenal ulcer .Wallen.. J.P . et M. lrish JoumaIof MN iclII Scienot 14&: 29l( 19191

Initial and mai ntalallCe uw.meol of duodmal ulea" with tirnctidiM .

f~. w'J.f . et aI. 0fup.1If>der EI;JlCrimmLal andOinical Re5eardlS, 1011 197 91

Cimetidme and sorcerY!?fduodenalllkeT. RovaU. V. a aI . ()rup underEJperimenlaland O il'li<:al R_rch S, 117 11979)

Anl~ G-ed15 IJId [).Cdls aftet cimetidi llt in dllOdenal uIcu. I..oInbardo. L

et aI. ltiliall JouruIofGasuoenlelololJ I I: 133( 1979)

f'ropIlyIWs.of duodenal uk:u~-elTeasand folkJw -upollon&

fG1JI tRallIIellI with cimcti:l.iDcD SIleta. M. Clal . 11aIGa .lournil ofGawoeIlICl'Olot:Y 11, I J8 (1979)

M~~ lrutmenl of duoo:.klW uloer ~lienlJ ...ilh . sin,gle be4time do5eof o metid' De, Bersud. A. CI aI. Scandinavian Journal of G astroenlef'ololY14.&27(1 979)

Intermilteot lrc:ilmentol" duodo:nal ulor:r ...itll cimet idlllc . Bardham. K.D. GUI

200-'90$(1919)L..on, Ieml prophylactic tftaImenl with a mel idinc: in duode nal u.ken00n.

Biinchiporro . G . et aI . ltalian JournalofGulroc:n~rology I I : 181 (19191

Cimelidine in the trealment of duod ellal ulcer. Gill . G .V. Mediclll Journal of

limbia 12, 148 (1919)Cime lidine treatmenl of recur rent ulcer . ller vqotomy. Th omsen. F. el aI.

Acla Chi rurgica Scandina via. 146: 15 (1980)Frt:quent:y of relapses in duodmal ulDerpat ients m.ued w ith cimetidine

du n.,. symptoll1i1ic: periods. Ru ne. S.l. etal . Scandinavian Journal ofGD1menlero!os y IS, 8S (1980)

Relipse rate ofduodenal ulcer . flel'Q:SWllion o( 1ona ler m d metidine

\funnen l, a double·blind COfllroiled Rudy . Korman . M.G. et al. Dipslive[hsea,.~ and St:iaK:e:S 2S: as (1980)

R«urrma of duodenal ulc:crpain ar Iel" IrW.IllerIl wilh cimetidine for four andei&hc wee"" RUM. 5.1. et aI. Gut 21, lSI ( 1910)

n.e inn_ ofcimetidine on \be.-:id~rcfl~ in duodmaI

uk:wJ*icms.. Wailin.LScuidi...viallJoumalof~IS,

lSlCl9801umetidll>e ueatmenl for lhc ~cntioll of All:u mnce of duode nal uloct : an

intemaiionalcol1abonlive5l00y . Bttr\aIlll. W.LClAI. P~u.ue

Medical Journal S6: I7lCl9S01Prnmtion by cimet idine of dlKldcnll ubi" rdapses: multio::enlef' COrllroi lod

trial . B.der. J..P. etal. Gastromlerolocie Oiniquea BiDIogiquc: 4, 188


Ci mcl idine in W ive dllOde~ ulcer. Mazure . P.". a aI. Current TherapeuticRae&n:tl 21, 60111980)

1l>e value of \he lll:'" ima"prclalioQ of the imulilllc:ol in pndiaiq duodenal

uk:er rdIpse aftcr-tR:itmeIlIt "' ith cimctidine. M. ybluy. N .IC.et al. BriIishJournal ol'Sur~ry61: ns 119101

Is duodenal~r rco;urrmc:e more oommrlll aller cimetidine treatmenl!Gastrocnterolol:r 11: II Sl l19l0J

1l>e IonIIerm tftaI menlofduoclerla uker (D U) ", illl cimctid.ine: inlerm,ne nlor contin llOllS lhcrapy_Heud. D.J. a aI. AllWalian and Ne", ZealandJoumaI ol'ModicQle IQ; J64(19801

IllUrIni_ \I'eaIIIIellIof cluodcnal ulDer with cimetM:line. Bardlwl.. K_D.Ilrilisb MedicalJoumaI 281, 2OU9l0t

Pir.nzepinePirmupint ill the trealrl>elltofKtiYeduodenal um : prtiimirlaJ)' results.

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Pirenupine in the treatment o( dUodenai ulcer. O'!mperio, N. et aI.Sallld inavian Jou rnal of Gaslroenlm:ltocr \ 4 , 4\ (SuPJlI. S7. 1919)

A double·bl iDd, short-term clinical trial ( f pin: lIl.qline in duodenal uloer .

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TrithtozineSbor'I and klfIC tenD efJeas 0( nhioZine in tn:airDtDI of duodmal. uIca".


EfTect of trilhiDzine OG !ImIm pAn. k¥cb ud duode:Dallllcer. Cbcti. R. d d.Current Thaapeutic:Researtb 26, 62 (19791

TratlI'Ieol 0( ltuodoenaI yl<;cn ",ith trit llioti ne: ruults of a multioentric

lXlftU'OIkd p l.lClr . CorinaJ6a:i. R. CIaI. CurTaIl~tic RcseardI 27:

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to be continued