Robert Gründemann & Sjiera de Vries 5th european conference on promoting workplace health, Linz, June 19-20 2006 Dutch grant scheme for age management at the workplace

Dutch grant scheme for age management at the workplace

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Dutch grant scheme for age management at the workplace. Robert Gründemann & Sjiera de Vries 5th european conference on promoting workplace health, Linz, June 19-20 2006. Structure of the presentation. Facts and figures of the Netherlands and EU Age management policies of the Dutch government - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Dutch grant scheme for age management at the workplace

Robert Gründemann & Sjiera de Vries5th european conference on promoting workplace health, Linz, June 19-20 2006

Dutch grant scheme for age management at the workplace

Page 2: Dutch grant scheme for age management at the workplace


Structure of the presentation

• Facts and figures of the Netherlands and EU

• Age management policies of the Dutch government

• Temporary encouragement scheme for age management

• Conclusions

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Facts & Figures the Netherlands

• Number of older workers increased between 1993 and 2003 from 345.000 to 709.000 (source: OESO)

• Retirement age rose from 59,5 yrs to 62,2 yrs (source: OESO)

• Labour participation older workers (55-64 yrs):• 24% in 1993 (source: OESO)• 39% in 2003 (source: OESO)• 45% in 2005 (source: European Commission)

• Lisboa goal NL: 40% in 2007 and 45% in 2010

• In the Netherlands labour participation of older workers has risen more quickly than in other EU-countries

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Facts & Figures EU

• Average EU labour participation older workers (55-64 yrs) is 41% (source: European Commission)

• Belgium: 30,0%• Italy: 30,5%• France: 37,3%• Germany: 41,8% • Netherlands: 45,2%• UK: 56,2%• Sweden: 69,1% (highest in the EU)

• Lisboa goal EU: 45% in 2007 and 50% in 2010

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Forecast the Netherlands (source Eurostat 2005)

• Labour population (18-64 yrs) will decline from 8,3 mio in 2005 to 7 mio in 2040

• Number of people of 65+ yrs will increase from 2 mio in 2005 to 4 mio in 2040

• In 2005: 22 elderly (65+) for each 100 workers (18-64 yrs)

• In 2040: 44 elderly (65+) for each 100 workers (18-64 yrs)

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Grey pressure in the Netherlands number of people older than 65 years divided by the labour population


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Labour population the Netherlands

CBS, 2005CWI - ‘Arbeidsmarkt journaal’ February 2006

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Policies on Age by the Dutch government

• Reintroduction obligation to apply for jobs >57,5 yrs• Abolition WAO premium employers for employees >55 yrs• Introduction law against age discrimination • Abolition tax advantages VUT and pre-pensions • Introduction life-course arrangements • Grant scheme Ministry Social Affairs

Objectives of the government:• Quicker increase of older people active at labourmarket • Broader (financial) basis for social security, health care and old

age pensions

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Encouragement scheme for age management at the workplace (1)

• Four year programma (2004 – 2007)

• Objective: prevention of early retirement of older employees

• Themes:

• image building of older employees (2005)

• motivation, involvement, competences and health (2006)

• Target groups:

• employers with a minimum of 30 employees

• SME’s: sector or branch of industry organisation

• Available: 21 Million Euro’s for age management projects

• Maximum of € 40.000 per project

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Encouragement scheme (2)

• 6 application rounds/number of projects: about 550

• First round (Dec. 2004/Jan. 2005): 197 applications / 48 granted

• Second round (summer 2005): 505 applications / 120 granted

• Third round (Jan. 2006/March 2006): 421 applications / ? granted

• Fourth round (planned for July/August 2006)

• Total budget 2004/2005: 4,4 million Euro’s

• Available budget 2006: 7,1 million Euro’s

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Encouragement scheme (3)

• Results of the 1ste application round

by company size:• 30-49 employees 9%• 50-249 employees 36%• 250-999 employees 19%• 1.000 or more employees 30%• unknown 6%

by sector:

• services 77%• trade 6%• production 15%• unknown 2%

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Encouragement scheme (4)

• Many companies are starters in the field of age management

• Number of employees (45-54 years) among granted organisations is 10%

higher compared to other Dutch organisations

• frequent mentioned problems:• reduced capability• more knowledge about age issues• awareness and making it a subject for discussion

• frequent mentioned solutions:• improving availability• improving health• improving organisation of work

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Conclusions related to the encouragement scheme

• Stimulus for age management activities at the workplace

• Benefits: many examples of good practices; many tools for age management

• A lot of flexibility for companies to fill in their own projects

• Demotivation among companies whose projects were not granted

• No selection of projects on quality

• Implementation of projects difficult for companies (no experience)

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Conclusions related to the national situation

• Dutch government placed the topic of older workers at the agenda

• Significant increase of labour participation of older workers

• Increase of age management activities by employers

• Change in attitude towards older people and work not sufficient

• Many workers still want to stop work before pension age

• Large numbers of workers still retire from work before age of 65 years

• Companies not keen enough to keep older workers active at the workplace