Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/ ⾳⾼测定 当探测到频闪条相近⾳时,与⽬标⾳⾼的差值会以赫兹 或⾳分为单位,显⽰在频闪条的右侧。通过Hz按钮来选 择显⽰形式。如果数值在选定的⽬标容许度范围内,频 闪条变为绿⾊ ⼩贴⼠:点击显⽰的差值,会使数值归零,同时调整⾳ 分设置 频闪条 显⽰为多个⽔平⾏,每⾏⽤于调节特定的频率(⾳⾼) 初始设置:基⾳(‘1x’ 基础频率)、⾼⼋度⾳(‘2x’)、 和复合五度⾳(‘3x’ 在⼀个⾼⼋度⾳上再加上⼀个五度 ⾳) 根据需要,可以编辑/改变频闪条设置 当设置的频率接近输⼊端探测到的⾳⾼时,会显⽰为竖直 条状 图形 竖条的对⽐度,表⽰信号的强度 竖条的移动,表⽰⾳⾼偏离 图形左移:输⼊⾳⽐⽬标⾳低 图形右移:输⼊⾳⽐⽬标⾳⾼ 竖条的清晰度,表⽰⾳的稳定度 ⾳⾼校准 点击频闪条的左侧,听到持续校准⾳ 再次点击变为响铃模式,可听到短暂的校准⾳ 第三次点击,关闭校准⾳ 点击其他频闪条,添加或删除它们的校准⾳ 如图所⽰,当显⽰器分辨率低于每秒40帧时会在这⾥显 ⽰。 尝试缩⼩Linotune的窗⼜⼤⼩,并关闭其它图形处理 软件 可以通过控制⾯板第⼆页进⾏⾮标准敏感度设置调整 指⽰灯说明 绿灯:表⽰输⼊⾳可识别、红灯:声⾳过⼤,超过限幅贴⼠:单击暂停频闪条显⽰ 当前使⽤的平均律,单击可查看或改变平均律⽂件 ⾳⾼表盘 设置当前⾳、⼋度⾳和转调。详见下⼀页 基⾳频率 即 ‘1x’ 频闪条要调到的⾳,单位赫兹。 数值设置步骤:平均律-⾳⾼表盘-⾳分设置-参考频率 ⼩贴⼠:单击此处,切换⾄背部控制⾯板 ⾳分设置 以⾳分为单位调整基础频率(⾳分表⽰⼀个平均律半⾳的 1/100) 参考频率 以赫兹为单位。西⽅⾳乐通常以A4为参考频率 ⼩贴⼠:右上⾓与左下⾓按钮分别为“增减按钮”;点击右 上增加,左下减少;按住不动,数值会滚动变化 控制按钮 雪花:禁⽌⾳分设置、参考频率或转调的变化 peak:显⽰频谱峰值 auto:⾳⾼探测,在探测声⾳时,设置⾳⾼表盘为最接近的⾳ ⾼(E0⾄E9) ⼩贴⼠:上⾯两个按钮,按⼀下闪频模式为单次探测,按两 下为持续探测模式 Hz:以赫兹的形式显⽰频谱条设置和⾳⾼差值,⽽不是显⽰ ⾳分、⾳名、或频率⽐例 map:每⼀个频谱条调节⾄平均律中最近⾳的频率 欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14版本 201810

欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14 2018 · ⼩贴⽰:根据额外需要,可使⽤已有scala格式⽂件作 为模板。⽂件可在scala⽂件夹中找到:在Windows操 作系统中,位于linotune⽂件夹;在Mac操作系统

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Page 1: 欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14 2018 · ⼩贴⽰:根据额外需要,可使⽤已有scala格式⽂件作 为模板。⽂件可在scala⽂件夹中找到:在Windows操 作系统中,位于linotune⽂件夹;在Mac操作系统

Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/



• 显⽰为多个⽔平⾏,每⾏⽤于调节特定的频率(⾳⾼)• 初始设置:基⾳(‘1x’ 基础频率)、⾼⼋度⾳(‘2x’)、

和复合五度⾳(‘3x’ 在⼀个⾼⼋度⾳上再加上⼀个五度⾳)

• 根据需要,可以编辑/改变频闪条设置• 当设置的频率接近输⼊端探测到的⾳⾼时,会显⽰为竖直

条状 图形• 竖条的对⽐度,表⽰信号的强度• 竖条的移动,表⽰⾳⾼偏离


• 竖条的清晰度,表⽰⾳的稳定度


• 点击频闪条的左侧,听到持续校准⾳• 再次点击变为响铃模式,可听到短暂的校准⾳• 第三次点击,关闭校准⾳• 点击其他频闪条,添加或删除它们的校准⾳

如图所⽰,当显⽰器分辨率低于每秒40帧时会在这⾥显⽰。 尝试缩⼩Linotune的窗⼜⼤⼩,并关闭其它图形处理软件





基⾳频率即 ‘1x’ 频闪条要调到的⾳,单位赫兹。数值设置步骤:平均律-⾳⾼表盘-⾳分设置-参考频率⼩贴⼠:单击此处,切换⾄背部控制⾯板









欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14版本 2018年10⽉

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Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/


• 单击:按压及释放⿏标左键• 双击:快速点击2次• 按住:保持⿏标左键被按压住• h悬浮:将⿏标光标置于控制按钮上不动• 拉拽:按压住⿏标左键后,移动⿏标• 滚动:滚动⿏标滚轮(如果有的话)



• 使⽤左/右箭头键,来指⽰控制按钮• 使⽤上/下箭头键,来调整数值• 使⽤回车键,(在规定处)设置默认数值,可使



⾳阶调整 octave cents reference mode up down reset reset reset down 上调调式 上调⾳⾼ 上调⾳⾼ 上调⾳分 上调参考频率 peaks Hz

下调调式 下调⾳⾼ 下调⾳⾼ 下调⾳分 下调参考频率 auto map

• 在打开背部控制⾯板时,这些快捷操作仍然适⽤

• 对于德式键盘(QWERTZ)和法式(AZERTY)的键盘排列,仍然适⽤



the pitch dial ⾳阶:点击右上⾓和左下⾓可变更当前的⾳阶度数(0⾄9),同时显⽰的为⽬标⾳(明黄⾊)⼀个⼋度通常为双倍频率,但是可以通过⾳阶/平均律⽂件做不同的变更


• 点击表盘上的任意⾳在同⼀个⼋度内做变更

• 延表盘顺时针或逆时针,拉拽明黄⾊的⽬标⾳,可跨⼋度增加或减少来变更⽬标⾳


• 在⼀个条带或⾳上双击,可切换隐藏/启⽤⾳的功能• 拉拽条带,可以转调,变更⾳调模式隐藏的⾳将不能点击,并且⾳⾼探测器识别、升降⾳和键盘操作时,会跳过这个⾳。如图:轮盘显⽰为C⼤调模式;顺时针90度拉动轮盘,即转调为降E⼤调


Page 3: 欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14 2018 · ⼩贴⽰:根据额外需要,可使⽤已有scala格式⽂件作 为模板。⽂件可在scala⽂件夹中找到:在Windows操 作系统中,位于linotune⽂件夹;在Mac操作系统

Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/

🎵: 点击选择英式English、德式German、催眠曲solfege、印度斯坦sargam、拜占庭Byzantine、西⾥尔Cyrillic、俄罗斯、⽇本Japanese、或⼗⼆平均律⾳阶的数值(Numeric)默认⾳名平均律⽂件中的⾳名具有优先权;多于或少于⼗⼆个⾳的⾳阶采⽤数值默认⾳名


容许度:以⾳分形式表⽰⾳⾼的差值,在范围内频闪条呈绿⾊Any:总是(绿⾊) Off:总不是







频闪条设置• 通过两个“摇臂开关”在基础频率的基础上,对频闪

条所需的⾳频进⾏设置• 黄⾊的just按钮,⽤来选择半⾳还是⽐例的模

式,在两个模式之间进⾏转换• 给出已有设置的最简单频率⽐例,来转换⾄正确

声调• 摇臂开关可以决定⾜够接近的范围


频闪条编辑• 增加频闪条,点击⨁ 按钮• 点击现有频闪条的中间位置,可选定这个频闪


• 如果选择声波频谱功能,会在选定的频闪条上增长

• 删除频闪条,在选定后,点击⨂ 按钮⼩贴⼠:根据频率,在linotune中插⼊新的频闪条,但是可能会在编辑中过载。将编辑后的频闪条移⾄指定位置,则选定后双击⨂ 按钮

Page 4: 欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14 2018 · ⼩贴⽰:根据额外需要,可使⽤已有scala格式⽂件作 为模板。⽂件可在scala⽂件夹中找到:在Windows操 作系统中,位于linotune⽂件夹;在Mac操作系统

Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/





Scala⽂件格式具体规定请查看⽹址:http://www.huygens-fokker.org/scala/scl_format.html• Scala⽂件是⽂本⽂件,可⽤常规⽂本编辑器进⾏编辑;

⽂件后缀为.scl• 以‘!’开头的⾏为备注内容,可忽略• 第⼀个⾮备注的⾏是⾳阶描述• 下⼀个⾮备注的⾏,给出了使⽤⾳的总数量,每⾏⼀个• 给出的每⼀个⾳,与主⾳(第⼀个⾳)相关,或以频率

⽐例标⽰,或以⾳分标⽰• 主⾳的1/1(或0.0⾳分)并不是明确列⽰出来,⽽是以⾼


• 每⾏⾳值后⾯的其它内容可忽略(此部分是供linotune扩展使⽤的)


定制⾳名 如果⾳值后⾯的字符以‘:’开头,linotune会将其视为⾳名,替换原默认⾳名(即背部控制⾯板的⾳符处标识)后缀可⽤于规定变⾳:其它字符c, ‘^c’表⽰为还原⾳

参考规定 如果⾳值或⾳名后为‘!!reference’,这个⾳则规定为参考频率• 最多只有⼀个⾳可能会这样标记• Linotune默认使⽤⾳10 (‘A’)作为12⾳⾳阶的参

考,否则为主⾳• ‘!!reference’是整数后的可选标记,来规定参

考⾳阶(默认⾳阶4)• ⽤来替换的可选标记为以Hz为单位的频率


!⾳阶⽂件举例! Golden Gate (just).scl⽤于Pantheon Steel "Halo" ⼿碟的六声⾳阶!� 此为备注9/8 :D� 规定的第⼀个⾳5/4 :E� 另⼀个⾳45/32 :F^#� 变⾳⾳名701.955 :G ⾳⾼也可以⾳分形式给出 15/8 :B�下⼀⾏固定以C3=131.2Hz作为参考频率 2/1 :C !!reference 3 131.2 (标记法相对于A4=440)


• 悬垂⿏标可查看任意点的频率(以基⾳的倍数显⽰)和相对的最⼤值振幅(以dB为单位)

• 需要重置最⼤振幅时,循环点击peaks按钮• 点击频闪条的中间位置,可以增加频谱值

Page 5: 欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14 2018 · ⼩贴⽰:根据额外需要,可使⽤已有scala格式⽂件作 为模板。⽂件可在scala⽂件夹中找到:在Windows操 作系统中,位于linotune⽂件夹;在Mac操作系统

Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/

这些频率⽐例通常⽤于纯⾳。它们会以复杂形式结合在⼀起:例如,复合五度⾳(⼋度加五度)是2/1 x 3/2 = 3倍的基础频率。

常⽤纯⾳⽐例 转位



半⾳ ⾳程名称 频率⽐例

⾳分 备注 ⾳分 频率⽐例

⾳程名称 半⾳

0 基因 1/1 0.0 1200.0 2/1 ⼋度 12

1 ⼩⼆度 16/15 111.7 半⾳ 1088.3 15/8 ⼤七度 11

2 ⼤⼆度

10/9 182.4 ⼩⾳ 1017.6 9/5

⼩七度 109/8 203.9 ⼤⾳ 996.1 16/9

8/7 231.2 和谐七度 968.8 7/4

3 ⼩三度 6/5 315.6 884.4 5/3 ⼤六度 9

4 ⼤三度 5/4 386.3 813.7 8/5 ⼩六度 8

5 完全四度 4/3 498.0 702.0 3/2 完全五度 7

6 增四度

25/18 568.7 631.3 36/25

减五度 67/5 582.5 七调谐 617.5 10/7

45/32 590.2 609.8 64/45

17/12 603.0 ⼗七调谐 597.0 24/17

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linotune laser projection attachment By projecting the first up to 4 strobe bands anywhere you want, linotune’s unique laser attachment eliminates the distraction of constantly having to look up at a computer display, away from where the tuning actually takes place. This improves your concentrated focus on tuning, tightens the ear-eye-hand feedback loop, and prevents eye and neck aches after long tuning sessions.

Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/

status indicator:• slow, brief flashes: standby - powered but not

operating; very low wear & power consumption.• rapid blinking: spinning up - lasers may turn

on any moment. DO NOT LOOK INTO APERTURE.• on: lasers active. DO NOT LOOK INTO APERTURE.

powered and controlled via USBto use, simply connect laser attachment to com-puter running linotune with supplied USB cable.

holder comes with adapter rings to fit any standard audio, video, or photo tripod or stand

cable tie wrap prevents laser from being accidentally knocked out of its holder

lens hood guards against stray laser light

laser-drawn circles composed of 5, 7, 9, and 11 segments mirror linotune’s →strobe display:• counterclockwise rotation: input is flat• clockwise rotation: input is sharp





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in the boxThe laser attachment comes well-cushioned in a sturdy,waterproof & impact resistant transport case, along with:• a 6’ (180cm) USB cable for connection to the computer;• a clamp fitting US standard (⅝"-27 thread) mic stands;• adapter rings for ⅜"-16 thread (European audio) and ¼"-20 thread (photo/video) stands, tripods, arms, etc.




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Page 7: 欢迎使⽤ linotune 1.14 2018 · ⼩贴⽰:根据额外需要,可使⽤已有scala格式⽂件作 为模板。⽂件可在scala⽂件夹中找到:在Windows操 作系统中,位于linotune⽂件夹;在Mac操作系统

Copyright © 2011-2018 linotune. All rights reserved. https://linotune.com/

laser driver installationtip: the laser attachment is “plug & play” - the following instructions are only in case that fails.Windows: should automatically detect it and download and install the appropriate drivers (“Linotune Laser Attachment”, then “USB Serial Port”). If this does not succeed, you can manually download and install the correct driver for your computer from http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm.Mac: no driver required. However, if a VCP (“virtual COM port”) driver is installed on your Mac, it will prevent operation of the laser attachment by linotune. When this conflict is detected, linotune will pop up an alert and offer to disable the offending driver (Administrator password required). Your choices:• No: leaves the VCP driver in place, but the laser attachment will not run.• Temporarily: disables the driver temporarily; must be repeated each time the laser is plugged in.• Yes: disables the VCP driver permanently; other software on your computer that relies on this driver (e.g., Arduino) may no longer work. Driver can be re-enabled again by (OS X 10.9+) rebooting the computer; (OS X 10.5-10.8) launching the Terminal application, entering the command sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/FTDIUSBSerialDriver.kext and an Administrator password.

brightness adjustmentLasers are initially set to low brightness for safetyreasons. Brightness & contrast can be adjusted inthe window brought up by the →info button on the →rear panel controls. This also shows the device’s production number and current motor speed (which reflects USB power supply quality).Maximum brightness is limited by safety regulations. If you find the circles not bright enough, try• reducing the amount of incoming ambient light, especially bright daylight;• reducing the projection distance to make the laser circles smaller and brighter;• using a flat (matte) red, yellow, or white projection surface to improve visibility.

handling & careplease follow these instructions in order to preserve your warranty:• always use the supplied transport case for protection when not in use.• take special care while mounting, unmounting, or otherwise handling the device.• contains sensitive mechanical, optical, and electronic components - do not subject to water, condensation, impact, vibrations, or temperatures over 50°C (120°F).• gently clean the laser aperture with a lens cleaning cloth or brush when needed; the casing can be wiped clean with a damp, non-abrasive cloth and mild soap.• do not open as that ruins the optical alignment. no user serviceable parts inside.tip: avoid unplugging the USB cable while laser is operating - the sudden loss ofpower stresses the mechanical components. if possible, terminate linotune first,then wait a few seconds for the motor to spin down, then unplug the USB cable.Lasers may briefly shut off when mechanically disturbed - this is a normal safetyprecaution when the motor has temporarily left its tightly controlled speed range.Poor USB power supply, possibly due to an overly long cable, may lead to motorspeeds less than 50 cycles per second (cps), or - in extreme cases - the devicegetting stuck in the spin-up phase, with the status indicator blinking rapidly. Tryconnecting the laser attachment through a good quality powered USB hub.

laser specification


avelengthtotal pow

eraccessible em



< 20mW

< 1mW

(IEC 60825-1)

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End-User License Agreement for LinotuneIMPORTANT: please read the terms and conditions of this license agreement carefully before using this program.

Linotune's End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Linotune for the Linotune software product(s) identified above which may include associated software components, media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. This license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the program between you and Linotune, (referred to as "licenser"), and it supersedes any prior proposal, representation, or understanding between the parties. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.

1. GRANT OF LICENSEThe SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as follows:(a) Installation and Use. Linotune grants you the right to install and use copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your computer running a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT was designed.(b) Backup Copies. You may also make copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as may be necessary for backup and archival purposes.

2. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS(a) Maintenance of Copyright Notices. You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on any and all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.(b) Distribution. You may not distribute registered copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to third parties. Evaluation versions available for download from Linotune's websites may be freely distributed.(c) Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.(d) Rental. You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.(e) Support Services. Linotune may provide you with support services related to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT ("Support Services"). Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support Services shall be considered part of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA.(f) Compliance with Applicable Laws. You must comply with all applicable laws regarding use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.

3. TERMINATIONWithout prejudice to any other rights, Linotune may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in your possession.

4. COPYRIGHTAll title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any copies thereof are owned by Linotune or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Linotune.

5. NO WARRANTIESLinotune expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is provided 'As Is' without any express or implied warranty of any kind, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, or fitness of a particular purpose. Linotune does not warrant or assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. Linotune makes no warranties respecting any harm that may be caused by the transmission of a computer virus, worm, time bomb, logic bomb, or other such computer program. Linotune further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to Authorized Users or to any third party.

6. LIMITATION OF LIABILITYIn no event shall Linotune be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information) rising out of 'Authorized Users' use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, even if Linotune has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will Linotune be liable for loss of data or for indirect, special, incidental, consequential (including lost profit), or other damages based in contract, tort or otherwise. Linotune shall have no liability with respect to the content of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or any part thereof, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, infringements of rights of publicity, privacy, trademark rights, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy, moral rights or the disclosure of confidential information.

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