East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report AOC 21113 4 th August 2011

East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

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Page 1: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood, Inverness:

Excavation Data Structure Report

AOC 21113

4th August 2011

Page 2: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

© AOC Archaeology Group 2011


East Beechwood Farm, Inverness, Highland:

Excavation Data Structure Report

For: Turner & Townsend On Behalf of: Highlands & Islands Enterprise

National Grid Reference (NGR): NH 6903 4506

AOC Project No: AOC 21113

OASIS No: aocarcha1-88668

Prepared by: Rob Engl

Illustration by: Stefan Sagrott

Date of Fieldwork: 18

th April to 17

th June 2011

Date of Report: 4

th August 2011

Enquiries to: AOC Archaeology Group Edgefield Industrial Estate Edgefield Road Loanhead EH20 9SY Tel. 0131 440 3593 Fax. 0131 440 3422 e-mail. [email protected]

This document has been prepared in accordance with AOC standard operating procedures.

Author: Rob Engl Date: 4th August2011

Approved by: John Gooder Date: 4th August2011

Draft/Final Report Stage: Draft Date: 4th August2011

Page 3: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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List of illustrations ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 List of appendices ............................................................................................................................................................. 2 Abstract .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 4

1.1 Development Background .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Site Location ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Archaeological Background ................................................................................................................................ 4

2 OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 3 METHOD ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6 4. RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 5 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................................... 14 6 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 15 7 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 APPENDIX 1: Context Descriptions ............................................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX 2: Photographic Record .............................................................................................................................. 18 APPENDIX 3: Drawing Register ..................................................................................................................................... 95 APPENDIX 4: Finds Register ........................................................................................................................................ 104 APPENDIX 5: Sample Register ..................................................................................................................................... 105 APPENDIX 6: Discovery and Excavation in Scotland Report .................................................................................... 120

Page 4: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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List of illustrations

Figure 1: Site Location

Figure 2: Site Plan

Figure 3: Plan of Area A

Figure 4: Plan of Area B

Figure 5: Plan of Area F

Figure 6: Plan of Area G

Figure 7: Plan of Area H

Figure 8: Plan of Area L

Figure 9: Plan of Areas K & N

Figure 10: Plan of Area M

Figure 11: Plan of Areas O, P & Q

Figure 12: Plan of Areas R, S & T

Figure 13: Plan of Areas U & V

Figure 14: Plan of Area X

List of Plates

Plate 1: Aerial view of Area I

Plate 2: Aerial view of Structures 1, 2 & 3

Plate 3: Structure 1 (roundhouse) cutting Structure 4 (palisaded enclosure)

Plate 4: Aerial view of Structure 7

List of appendices

Appendix 1: Trench Descriptions

Appendix 2: Photographic Register

Appendix 3: Drawing Register

Appendix 4: Finds Register

Appendix 5: Sample Register

Appendix 6: Discovery and Excavation in Scotland Report

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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This report represents the interim results of an

archaeological excavation undertaken by AOC

Archaeology Group at East Beechwood Farm,

Inverness, Highland. The excavation was

commissioned by Highlands & Islands Enterprise.

The work was carried out between April and June

2011 and was conducted according to the terms of a

Written Scheme of Investigation (AOC 2010) which

was agreed by HCHET.

The excavation revealed numerous settlement

features of archaeological significance including

several Bronze Age / Iron Age roundhouse and

enclosure structures local across the development

area together with evidence of Neolithic settlement in

the northern part of the development area.

As required by Highland Council, a post-excavation

research design (PERD) specifying an appropriate

programme of post-excavation works (to be approved

by HCHET) will be prepared compliant with Scottish

Planning Policy (2010) and PAN 42 (1994). The post-

excavation analyses will then be undertaken

culminating in a final report fit for publication in an

academic journal.

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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1.1 Development Background

1.1.1 A programme of archaeological works was required by Turner & Townsend on behalf of

Highlands & Islands Enterprise with respect to a proposed mixed development at East

Beechwood, Inverness. The development area consists of a greenfield site covering

approximately 28 ha lying within the administrative area of Highland Council, which is advised on

archaeological matters by Highland Council Heritage Environment Team (HCHET). The scope

and scale of the archaeological works, in keeping with the policies outlined in Scottish Planning

Policy (February 2010) and Planning Advice Note 42 (1994), were determined by HCHET

(Specification dated 2nd

March 2010). This work was designed to excavate and record any

archaeological remains present within the development area.

1.1.2 A programme of historic building recording, a Level 2 historic building survey on Beechwood

Farm (NMRS NH64SE232), ran concurrently with the evaluation. This work was subject to a

separate report (AOC 2010a).

1.2 Site Location

1.2.1 The excavation areas lay within East Beechwood Farm, Inverness, Highland (centred NH 6903

4506; Figure 1). The A9 lies to the west of the development area with a railway to the north-east

and open ground to the south. The current land-use is a mixture of arable and silage fields

crossed by a burn running east to west across the development site.

1.3 Archaeological Background 1.3.1 The proposed development area has provided extensive evidence of prehistoric activities. Three

burnt mounds (MHG29238 & NMRS NH64NE 625) as well as cropmarks indicating pit circles

(MHG3683, Scheduled Ancient Monument 11535) and a ring-ditch (MHG3740, Scheduled

Ancient Monument 11535) have been identified within the proposed development area.

Additionally flakes and scrapers (MHG3674) have been recovered from within the developments

boundaries. A further set of cropmarks including a linear feature, a pit and a pit circle

(MHG3059) are located on the western boundary of the site (AOC 2008).

The extensiveness of the prehistoric settlement in the area is further indicated by identification

of several sites within the 500 metres of development area. These include seven ring ditches

(MHG24763, NMRS NH64NE40), ring groove roundhouses (NMRS NH64NE 15), an enclosure,

a pit alignment, Bronze Age cemetery and large sub-circular feature (NMRS NH64NE40), a

possible barrow and enclosure (NMRS NH74NW 112), a cairn (NMRS NH54NE 6), several

microliths and pits (NMRS NH64SE 246 & NMRS NH74NW 114) and flint scrapers and cores

(NMRS NH64SE 47 & NMRS NH64NE 106). Raigmore Cairn (NMRS NH64SE 47) was

originally located east of the proposed development area. Further hut circles may also have lain

just south-east of the proposed development area (NMRS NH74SW 12).

1.3.2 Cartographic evidence has indicated that the site has been in agricultural use throughout the

post-medieval and modern periods. A new farmhouse was constructed at Beechwood in 1904

and small settlement clusters in the surrounding area developed during the latter half of the 20th

century. Inverness has rapidly expanded east towards the site during the last 50 years (ibid).

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1.4 Prior evaluation works

1.4.1 2009 Evaluation trenching

In January 2009 an archaeological evaluation (the first stage of evaluation of the East

Beechwood development area) was undertaken on two land parcels lying to the north (NGR:

NH 6894 4538) and south-west (NGR: NH 6913 4463) of the current evaluation area. This work

revealed features of archaeological significance within the northern land parcel (the area to the

south-west proving archaeologically sterile) including several linear ditches of unknown date, a

large enclosure ditch and terminus of probable prehistoric date and a variety of pit and posthole

features. Artefacts recovered from the pit features included a single flint flake and prehistoric

pottery sherds including Neolithic Grooved Ware. A large quantity of impressed daub was

revealed within the ditch terminus (AOC 2009).

The 2009 evaluation indicated that significant archaeological features survived on higher ground

with the clusters of posthole features and ditch suggesting Late Bronze Age / Iron Age

settlement comprising a ditched enclosure and timber post-built structures. The presence of

Grooved Ware may denote on-site Neolithic activity dating to the end of the fourth Millennium

BC. Similar Neolithic activity has previously been recorded at the nearby site at Milton of Leys

(MacSween 2003). The presence of phased archaeology, as illustrated by the inter-cutting of

features, and the multi-period archaeological landscape in the immediate environs suggests the

evidence unearthed by the evaluation probably represents a palimpsest of superimposed

archaeological features from different periods.

1.4.2 2010 Geophysical Survey

A geophysical survey (3 ha of fluxgate gradiometry) of the development area undertaken in

August 2010 was heavily constrained by standing crops (ASDU 2010). The survey proved

inconclusive with a few very weak anomalies possibly reflecting the presence of shallow ditches.

Elsewhere more intense anomalies could suggest burnt materials. Crucially, the inability to carry

out the full 40% geophysical survey sample (8 ha) led to the requirement for an 8% sample

evaluation trenching sample rather than the original 5% sample deemed necessary in the

specification for the evaluation works prepared by HCHET.

1.4.3 2010 Evaluation trenching

The main phase of archaeological evaluation was undertaken in October 2010, and covered all

areas of the site not previously evaluated by the 2009 evaluation programme. This evaluation

indicated that significant archaeological features exist within parts of the development area. As

with the 2009 evaluation, clusters of posthole features are suggestive of Bronze Age / Iron Age

later prehistoric settlement comprising timber post-built structures (AOC 2010) and associated

Pits and industrial activity.


2.1 The objectives of the archaeological works were:

i. the identification, excavation, soil sampling and recording of all significant archaeological

features within the identified zone of archaeological importance;

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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ii. the retrieval of a representative artefact assemblage;

iii. upon conclusion of the excavation, prepare a post-excavation research design (PERD) to

be agreed with HCHET on behalf of Highland Council. This work will begin with an

assessment stage, to establish the potential of the materials (soil samples & all artefact

categories) recovered from the excavation. This assessment stage will be used to

determine the scope and appropriateness of the post-excavation analyses to be

employed to address issues arising from the excavation. The PERD will be pertinent to

the quantity, quality, character, date and condition of retrieved small finds and soil

samples when considered against the series of research questions raised by the

excavated features;

iv. the post-excavation analysis of recovered material;

v. publication of results of the excavations bringing the findings into the public and

academic domain;

3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas

(Figure 2). Each area was located at the locus of significant archaeological discovery as

determined by the evaluation (AOC 2010). The archaeological features within each area were

then subject to formal archaeological excavation and recording. Large scale excavation areas

were opened in six locations where concentrations of archaeological features were found in

adjacent evaluation trenches. In areas where evaluation trenching exposed a more generally

dispersed suite of features located within individual trenches a 20 m square (400 m2) excavation

box (17 in number and predominately in the eastern part of the development site) was centred

over these features.

4.2.2 Overburden was reduced by 360

O tracked mechanical excavator using a toothless ditching

bucket. All machine excavated ground reduction was supervised by a professional field

archaeologist. Following surface cleaning and identification of features the excavation process


the excavation of posthole, pit and structural elements comprising the removal of 100% of

archaeological sediment by hand;

large linear features were subject to excavation by hand sufficient (minimum 20%) to

characterize their significance, form, function, condition and date at the same time retrieving a

fully representative artefact/ecofact assemblage;

isolated, non-structural features were subject to a minimum of 50% hand excavation. If

artefactual material was present within a specific feature, the feature was 100% excavated by


Standard palaeoenvironmental samples (20 litres) were recovered from every significant

soil context. A routine soil sample (for soil chemistry) was retrieved from all significant sediment


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4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 The archaeological excavation was undertaken between 18th of April and 17

th June 2011 and

consisted of the topsoil stripping of 23 box areas based on the findings of two previous

evaluations (AOC 2009, 2010) (Figure 2). Overall, weather conditions were generally fair and

good archaeological visibility was present throughout the entire excavation. .A total of 12 post-

ring roundhouse structures as well as rectilinear post structures and a palisade were unearthed.

In addition numerous pit groupings and isolated pits and postholes were recorded. The finds

assemblage obtained comprises Later Neolithic and Iron Age ceramics, evidence of later

prehistoric metal-working in the form of metallic waste along with saddle-quern fragments and

other coarse stone artefacts. The following should be read in conjunction with the data

presented in Appendices 1-5, Figures 2-14 and Plates 1-3.

4.2 Area A

4.2.1 Introduction

Area A (Figure 3) contained several discrete groups of features including two four-poster

structures (Structures 14 and 15) and Structure 12. Elsewhere localised clusters of pits and

postholes, of greater or lesser densities, probably represent the remains of structural forms less

immediately recognisable in plan. This may be due either to their complexity or because they

represent a series of chronologically discrete features juxtaposed within a palimpsest.

4.2.2 Structure 12

Structure 12 was evident as a dense collection of small postholes and larger pit features forming

an oval ground plan measuring approximately 10 m north to south by 7 m east to west. Pit

Grouping 2 formed an arc to the south of Structure 12.

4.2.3 Structure 14

Structure 14 comprised an isolated four-poster structure consisting of postholes [3291], [3293],

[3295] and [3297]. Square on plan with approximately 3.2 m long sides, the steep sided

postholes were roughly 0.5 m to 0.6 m in diameter with the various fills containing packing


4.2.4 Structure 15

Structure 15 was a four-poster structure formed by postholes [3237], [3231], [3233] and [3235].

Square on plan with approximately 3.0 m long sides, the steep sided postholes were roughly 0.4

m diameter, and as with Structure 14, contained packing stones. A dense cluster of pits and

postholes (Pit Grouping 1) lay immediately to the south of Structure 15 (see below).

4.2.5 The Pit Groupings

Six discrete pit groupings lay within Area A. Pit Grouping 5 and 6 to the north were less dense

with proportionately more large pit features. Pit Grouping 3, like Pit Grouping 1 had greater

concentrations of features. As noted above there may be some relationship between Structure

12 and Pit Group 2 and similarly between Structure 15 and Pit Grouping 1. Pit Grouping 4 was

the smallest with only seven features, however features [3124], 3126], [3128] and [3130] and a

more diffuse spread of features to the south denote further less intense areas of activity.

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4.3 Area B

4.3.1 Four isolated pit features were recorded within Area B [2815], [2817], [2819] and {2821] (Figure

4). These features were all circular in shape and appeared truncated. All exhibited steeply

sloping sides and rounded bases with an average diameter of 0.50 m. No small finds were


4.4 Areas C, D & E

4.4.1 Neither features nor unstratified artefacts were revealed within these areas.

4.5 Area F

4.5.1 Introduction

Area F contained a substantial post-ring roundhouse structure (Structure 9) together with

several pit groupings.

4.5.2 Structure 9

This substantial structure had a post-ring some 9 m in diameter and was composed of twelve

large circular postholes [2247], [2249], [2277], [2294], [2296], [2298], [2300], [2330], [2348],

[2342], and [2341]. These features were on average 0.70 m in diameter with steep sides to

concave bases. Many of the features had obvious packing stones. A four post porch

arrangement [2314], [2316], [2322] and [2320] was situated to the south-east. These postholes

were of similar form to those of the post-ring. The porch was 4.5 m in length and 2.5 m in width.

A large pit/posthole [2318], 1 m in diameter, was situated at the north-east of the porch close to

Posthole [2320]. A supporting posthole, [2312], was placed to the immediate south of Posthole

[2314]. Nineteen circular postholes [2368], [2386], [2394], [2396], [2398], [2404], [2406], [2408],

[2421], [2346], [2400], [2392], [2348], [2376], [2384], [2385], [2384], [2338] and [2340] were

clustered within the north-east corner of the structure. These ranged from 0.30 m to 0.70 m in

diameter. Two other small Postholes [2310] and [2372] were within the structure.

4.5.3 Pit Groupings

Six metres to the northeast of Structure 9 lay six circular pits [2462], [2410], [2357], [2419],

[2355] and [2353]. These pits had an average diameter of 1 m and contained ceramic sherds of

later prehistoric date (Appendix 5).

A north-south linear spread of pits and postholes [2425], [2280], [2282], [2288], [2306], [2328],

[2334], [2336], [2350], [2361], [2332], [2308], [2326], [2363], [2412], [2414], [2367], [2369],

[2350] and [2365] was recorded towards the east of Area F,

A similar cluster of pits and postholes [2253], [2255], [2292], [2286], [2324], [2257], [2284],

[2259], [2261], [2263], [2265] and [2268] was located to the south of the excavated area.

A group of 7, more isolated, features was located running east-west to the south of Structure 9:

these comprised pits and postholes [2243], [2245], [2239], [2269], [2275] [2273] and [2271].

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4.6 Area G

4.6.1 Introduction

This area contained two post-ring roundhouses (Structures 7 & 8) each with simple porch

arrangements. In addition several isolated linear and pit features were recorded.

4.6.2 Structure 7

The roundhouse’s post-ring was 7.5 m in diameter and consisted of 11 circular postholes

regularly spaced at 1 m intervals [2133], [2170], [2164], [2160], [2155], [2163], [2172], [2129],

2141], [2176], [2137]. A simple two-post porch arrangement [2143] and [2174] was located on

the east of the roundhouse. The porch was approximately 2 m in length and the postholes were

some 2 m apart. Five internal features [2121], [2131], [2145], [2139] and [2135] were excavated

within the north-eastern portion of the structure.

4.6.3 Structure 8

The post-ring for this roundhouse was 9.7 min diameter and consisted of 9 surviving circular

postholes [2221], [2200], [2213], [2211], [2204], [2206], [2215], [2217] and [2209]. As with

Structure 7, a simple two-post porch arrangement [2227] and [2229] was located on the east of

the roundhouse. The porch was approximately 2.8 m in length and the postholes were roughly

2 m apart. Five small pit or posthole features, [2231]. 2225], [2223], [2219], and [2202] were

situated approximately 8 m to the north-east of the roundhouse.

4.6.4 Linears, pits & Postholes

Four linear features [2184], [2166], [2182] and [2168] were located to the east of Structure 7.

These ranged from 2.5 m to 7.5 m in length and had widths ranging from 0.40 m to 1.5 m. All

were roughly aligned north to south. A small number of scattered pits and postholes [2147],

[2149], [2151], [2153], [2123], [2125], [2127], [2180], [2194], [2192] were observed scattered

around the area of Structure 7. These ranged from 0.25 m to 0.70 m in diameter.

4.7 Area H

4.7.1 Introduction

This area contained two truncated roundhouses (Structures 5 & 6) together with numerous

isolated pit and posthole features.

4.7.2 Structure 5

The ring-ditch roundhouse possessed a post-ring roughly 6.5 m in diameter (Figure 7). Seven

postholes survived [2059], [2061], [2063], [2057], [2055], [2043], [2067] together with a

fragment of associated ring-ditch [2053] to the north. Three features lay within the interior of

Structure 5, pit [2069] and postholes [2047] and [2049]. Six small pits or postholes [2041],

[2077], [2039] ,[2035], [2037] and [2051, were situated to the east with large pit [2065] to the

west and further more distant pits [2029], [2031], [2027] and [2025] to the north.

4.7.3 Structure 6

This possible structure (Figure 7) was truncated by a water pipe (Pit [2019] also appeared

modern with a further modern intrusion to the south-east] and its form was not fully exposed.

Perhaps originally a roundhouse it survived as a series of post-holes [2001], [2003], [2005],

[2007], [2009], [2011], [2013], [2017], [2021], [2023], [2079] [2081], [2089] and [2083]. Posthole

[2091] lay within [2015] a large sub-rectangular pit, or possibly conjoined pits, located to the north.

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4.7.4 Pit and posthole features.

Roughly 20 m to the east of Structure 6 lay a dispersed suite of posthole and pit features:

[2215], [2111], [2113], [2109], [2099], [2095], [2093], [2107], [2073], [2097] [2071 and [2069].

4.8 Area I

4.8.1 Introduction

A total of 191 archaeological cut features were revealed through the stripping of Area I. Five

substantial structures were recorded within this area. These consisted of two large post-ring

roundhouses with porch arrangements (Structures 1 & 2), a ‘four poster’ (Structure 3) and a

timber palisade (Structure 4) . Within Structure 4 were numerous pits and postholes which may

form further structural elements. These ran into the northern edge of the excavation area. Area I

was separated from Area H by a tree-lined path. The features within Area H are almost certainly

a continuation of the features within Area I. In addition to the structures, numerous associated

pit/posthole groupings and isolated features were recorded.

4.8.2 Structure 1 (roundhouse)

This roundhouse survived as a post-ring of 14 large postholes [1177], [1185], [1205], [1207],

[1307], [1305], [1203], [1199], [1197], [1195], [1193], [1299], [1297] and [1293] placed

approximately 1.5 m apart. These were generally consistent in form with steeply sloping sides to

concave bases. Posthole [1199] appears to have been a replacement for Posthole [1203]. The

postholes had an average diameter of 0.60 m with large packing stones evident in many. A

porch arrangement of two similar uniform postholes [1107] and [1109] was lay 4 m to the north-

east of the post-ring. These two porch posts were set 2 m apart.

Within the post-ring were 10 features including four pits [1191], [1257], [1309] and [1295], a

large double posthole [1181-1219] with replacement scar and four smaller postholes {1303],

[1201], [1189], [1187]. These latter features were on average 0.30 m in diameter. Posthole

[1303] was situated close to the post-ring feature [1305] and may have acted as a supporting


Structure 1 appears to cut the Palisade (Structure 4). Though no surviving features directly

interact, it would seem that the post-ring feature [1299] and Pit [1295] have eradicated certain

palisade features creating a hiatus in Structure 4.

4.8.3 Structure 2 (post-ring roundhouse)

This roundhouse was situated to the southeast of the Palisade (Structure 4). It had a post-ring

diameter of 7 m and was composed of 13 large Postholes [1253], [1261], [1265], [1263], [1271],

[1273], [1275], [1277], [1279], [1245], [1247], [1249] and [1251] placed roughly 1.0 m apart.

These postholes were on average 0.70 m in diameter and had steep sides and concave bases.

Several possessed obvious post-pipes visible in section. A four-post porch arrangement [1315] -

[1317] & [1311] - [1313] extended 3.20 m to the east of the post-ring. The porch postholes were

paired 0.30 m apart and formed an entrance 2.0 m wide (Figure 8).

The internal features of Structure 2 were restricted to a single large Pit [1384] cut by the post-

ring posthole [1279]. Four small posthole features [1267], [1269], [1259] and [1327] were

evident. These small postholes averaged 0.25 m in diameter with an average depth of 0.20 m.

Posthole [1327] abuts the post-ring Posthole [1261] and is a probable support. Possibly a

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similar supporting post [1329] is situated to the exterior of the post-ring Posthole [1271]. A large

Pit [1243] also lay to the north post-ring.

4.8.4 Structure 3 (Four-Poster)

This square four-poster with 2.25 m sides was situated roughly 7 m to the immediate west of

Structure 2 (Figure 8). It comprised four postholes [1281], [1335], [1285] and [1283], each

approximately 0.5 m in diameter, situated 2 m apart (Figure 8).

4.8.5 Structure 4 (Palisade)

The Palisade consisted of 30 individual postholes [1137], [1173], [1291], [1171], [1169], [1167],

[1165], [1163], [1161], [1159], [1289], [1157], [1155], [1287], [1153], [1151], [1149], [1147],

[1145], [1143], [1141], [1121], [1123], [1125], [1127], [1129], [1131], [1133], [1319] and [1321]

The palisade arced south to west from the northern edge of the excavation area for a distance

of approximately 22 m. The postholes were fairly uniform in shape with an average diameter of

0.30 m. Structure 4 was truncated to the east by a roundhouse (Structure 1). A further gap of 2

m was observed between Postholes [1141] and [1121]. A second gap 1.50 m wide lay between

postholes [1133] and [1319]. Whether these gaps were intentional or the result of differential

preservation is unclear. Structure 4 fades towards the west. It would appear from Figures 7 & 8

that the palisade should appear within Area H; however, no trace of could be discerned.

4.8.6 Pits/Posts within Palisade (Structure 4)

Within the arc of the palisade were various pit and posthole features (Figure 8). These varied

greatly in size and shape, ranging from large circular pits such as feature [1121] which was 1 m

in diameter to small postholes such as [1133] only 0.20 m in diameter. Many of the postholes

especially towards the north-western edge of excavation were more substantial both in size and

depth, suggesting, perhaps the presence of significant structures. More work involving the

phasing and grouping of these features will be needed. Fragments of iron slag were recovered

from these features suggesting that metalworking may have been an activity related to at least

some of the structural elements within the Palisade.

4.8.7 Pit/Posthole Grouping

An extensive suite of pits or large postholes lay to the west of Structures 3 and 4 (Figure 8).

Their overall ground plan provides a range of possible structural forms, although none are

immediately unambiguous. The larger pits to the south-west probably denote activity areas

while the smaller, more tightly clustered, features in the north to the west of Structure 4, most

likely represent more structural remains requiring further interrogation during post-excavation


4.9 Area J

4.9.1 No further features were revealed beyond those investigated during the archaeological

evaluation (AOC 2010).

4.10 Area K

4.10.1 A total of 51 cut features were recorded within Area K (Figure 9). The features were tightly

clustered and probably represent the remains of several prehistoric structures. The most

recognisable patterning showed a partial post-ring roundhouse (Structure 17) approximately 7 m

in diameter. The eleven postholes [6051], [6077], [6045], [6043], [6069], [6041], [6035], [6015],

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[6025], [6031] and [6006] form a partial arc. The individual postholes were circular in plan and

had an average diameter of 0.40 m. Within this arc were a number of similar sized postholes

[6037], [6039], [6003], [6011], [6023], [6013], [6005], and [6007]. Three larger pit features

[6075], [6009] and [6079] were also located within the arc. The features located towards the

east of this structure tended to be slightly larger in plan, with the pits [6061], [6063], [6059],

[6083], [6085] having a diameter of 1 m. The oval pits [6053] and [6095] were larger still being 2

m in length with widths of 1.5 m and 0.7 m respectively.

4.11 Area L

4.11.1 No features were recorded within this area.

4.12 Area M

4.12.1 Introduction

Area M contained a post-built rectilinear structure (Structure 16) (Figure 10). In addition

numerous pits and postholes were spread across the area. These included a probable oven


4.12.2 Structure 16

This rectilinear structure comprised six sets of paired postholes [6217]-[6221], [6215]-[6223],

[6175]-[6225], [6173]-[6227/6196], [6194]-[6167/6229] & [6192]-[6161/6163] generally spaced

at roughly 2 m intervals. In addition single postholes [6219] and [6235] were located at either

end of the structure. The structure was 11 m in length and 3.5 m in wide. The postholes were

0.40 m in diameter.

4.12.3 Pits, Postholes & Oven

Small groupings of features were spread across the western portion of the area. These

consisted of circular and oval pits and postholes with the exception of the probable

oven/furnace [6157]. This feature was roughly pear-shaped measuring 1.84 m by 1.10 m by a

maximum of 0.41 m deep. Several individual burning episodes were evident.

4.13 Area N

4.13.1 A single truncated circular pit [6248] was recorded within Area N (Figure 9). This was 0.78 m in

diameter with a depth of only 0.09 m. The pit had moderately inward sloping sides to a concave


4.14 Area O

4.14.1 Four large circular pits [6107], [6109], [6111] and [6113] were excavated in Area O (Figure 11).

These ranged from 0.70 m to 1.50 m in diameter.

4.15 Area P

4.15.1 Two large, truncated circular pits were excavated within Area P. Pit [6242] was 1.20 m in

diameter and Pit [6244] 0.78 m in diameter (Figure 11). Both features were 0.15 m in depth and

had moderately inward sloping sides to a concave base.

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4.16 Area Q

4.16.1 Eight truncated pit/posthole features [6199], [6201], [6203], [6205], [6207], [6209], [6211] and

[6213] were located within Area Q (Figure 11). With the exception of Pit [6201] which was sub-

rectangular, the features were all circular or sub-circular in plan. The pits/postholes ranged in

diameter from 0.30 m to 1.20 m and had depths ranging from 0.06 m to 0.25 m. No structural

form was immediately apparent.

4.17 Area R

4.17.1 Area R contained six large oval pits [9001], [9003], [9005], [9011], [9015] and [9013] (Figure

12). In addition a right-angled linear cut feature [9007] was excavated. The oval pits ranged

between 0.54 m to 2.10 m in length with a width between 0.73 m and 1.64 m. The pits had

steep almost vertical sides and uneven, rounded bases. Many of the pit fills contained modern

ceramics and it is likely that the pits are of recent date. Linear [9007] was ‘L-shaped in plan with

vertically sloping sides and a rounded base and was cut by a modern drainage feature.

4.18 Area S

4.18.1 Three features were recorded within Area S (Figure 12). These consisted of two circular

postholes [9017] and [9021] and a large oval pit [9019]. The postholes were 0.36 m and 0.54 m

in diameter and had depths of 0.39 m and 0.22 m respectively. Both features had steeply

sloping sides and rounded bases. Pit [9019] was 2.39 m in length with a width of 0.70 m and a

depth of 0.23 m.

4.19 Area T

4.19.1 A single truncated Posthole [9026] was located within Area T (Figure 12). This was circular in

plan with a diameter of 0.38 m and a depth of 0.13 m.

4.20 Area U

4.20.1 Seven features were recorded within Area U. These consisted of the three oval pits [12000].

[12012] and [12004] and the three pit/postholes [12002], [2008] and [12006] (Figure 13). A

further feature had also been identified during the evaluation phase.

4.21 Area V

4.21.1 This area contained circular pit [12014] and the oval pit [12017] (Figure 13). The former feature

was 0.90 m in diameter and contained sherds of undecorated prehistoric ceramics (SF 36).

4.22 Area X

4.22.1 Introduction

Features revealed in Area X included two roundhouse structures (Structures 10 & 11) with

contiguous clusters of pits and postholes occupying the north-western part of the area (Figure


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4.22.2 Structure 10

This roundhouse was situated some 9 m to the south of the larger roundhouse (Structure 11). It

had a post-ring diameter of 7 m and was composed of 12 Postholes [2747], [2749], [2751],

[2608], [2786], [2788], [2790], [2792], [2674], [2672], [2684] and [2698] (Figure 14).

4.22.3 Structure 11

This poorly preserved large roundhouse had a diameter of approximately 13.20 m. An entrance

lay to the south-east. The entrance was formed by slots [2596] and [2660] which terminated in

outer double postholes {2654] and [2611/2594]. Remnants of a ring-groove survived locally to

either side of the entrance-way. An additional fragment of ring-groove survived to the north as

groove [2640]. A further section [2728] of groove lay to the north-west of the structure, but off

the line of the roundhouse. The interior of Structure 11 contains numerous postholes and pits in

the south and west, with differential preservation perhaps obscuring the original distribution of

the building’s timber up-rights. A large elongated pit [2638] was located in the east of the


4.22.4 Pits and Postholes

Loose groupings of pits and postholes lay between Structures 10 and 11 and to the south-west

of Structure 10. Further collection of pits and postholes was located to the east and south-east

of Structure 10 (Figure 14).

4.7 Small Finds

4.7.1 As with both evaluations small finds were relatively rare. Iron slag was recovered from several

contexts within Area I and, to a lesser extent, in Areas F and H. Prehistoric pottery sherds were

most commonly found within contexts in Areas A and F (see Appendix 4).


5.1 This excavation has added an important prehistoric settlement site to the archaeological record

of the Inverness area. Many of the roundhouse structures present are typical of later prehistoric

structures well documented across the northeast of Scotland and which are known to date over

a period from the Middle Bronze Age through to the Late Iron Age. The full relationship,

chronology and functionality of these features on an intra-site and, importantly, inter-site level

[particularly in respect to nearby Culduthel (Murray 2007)] is yet to be fully understood prior to

post-excavation analyses, although iron-working may be evidenced in Area I with slag

recovered from several contexts.

5.2 The 2009 evaluation (AOC 2009) recovered Grooved Ware from trenching within Area A. This

would infer on-site Neolithic activity dating to the end of the fourth Millennium BC based on

evidence from the nearby site at Milton of Leys (MacSween 2003). Further decorated pottery

was recovered by the excavation, notably in pit [3026/27] near Structure 12. The evaluation

report (AOC 2009, 11) commented on the inter-cutting of features and probable multi-phase

palimpsest of features being present in the north of the development area. Area A (Figure 3)

possessed several discrete clusters of features with this clustering in denser concentrations and

including larger numbers of minor feature forms (small postholes). The form, character and

distribution of perhaps most of the features with Area A (leaving aside Structures 14 & 15),

together with the, albeit slight, artefactual data denotes possibly an early period of occupation.

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Structures 14 and 15 (four-posters) in all probability relate to later prehistoric activity as broadly

evidenced in excavation areas to the south, however Structure 12 and some pit groupings

(notably Groupings 1 and 3) within Area A are reminiscent of ephemeral Neolithic settlement

activity. Recent research in Scotland has shown that the most frequently encountered form of

Neolithic settlement archaeology is characterised by scatters of slight pits/postholes often

without clear-cut architectural form (Alexander 2000, 65; Noble 2006, 59) and often postulated

to relate to short periods of occupation reflecting a degree of mobility (Atkinson 2002, 184;

Barclay et al 2002, 120). On other Neolithic sites this lack of obvious structural robustness is

juxtaposed with some perceptible architectural plan (rectilinear or circular) with, interestingly in

respect to Structures 14 and 15, associated four-poster structures being found at Beckton Farm,

Lockerbie (Pollard 1997). The rectilinear form (in differing sizes and functions) is widely attested

in the Neolithic (Noble 2006) and Structure 16 (in Area M) may well represent further Neolithic

activity outwith Area A.

6 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORKS 6.1 This DSR report is both preliminary and provisional, with many issues raised by the excavation

data still to be addressed. In ascertaining a fuller knowledge of the excavation results, a post-

excavation research design will be prepared for approval by the planning authority’s

archaeological advisor, HCHET. This will describe all necessary and appropriate assessment

processes and consequent post-excavation analyses together with publication proposals for the

final report. This report will integrate the stratigraphic, contextual and descriptive data from the

excavation with specialist post-excavation analyses covering dating, palaeoenvironmental and

economic issues, culminating in an article fit for academic publication.


Alexander, D 2000 Excavations of Neolithic pits, later prehistoric structures and a Roman

temporary camp along the line of the A96 Kintore and Blacburn bypass, Aberdeenshire. Proc

Soc Antiq Scot 130, 11-76.

Atkinson, JA 2002 Excavation of a Neolithic occupation site at Chapelfield Cowie, Stirling. Proc

Soc Antiq Scot 132, 139-92.

AOC 2008 East Beechwood, Inverness: Desk Based Assessment. Unpubl AOC Archaeology

client report.

AOC 2009 East Beechwood Farm, Inverness, Highland, Archaeological Evaluation, Phase 1,

Stage 1: Data Structure Report. Unpubl AOC Archaeology archive report

AOC 2010 East Beechwood, Inverness: Archaeological Evaluation (October 2010): Data

Structure Report. Unpubl AOC Archaeology archive report

AOC 2011 East Beechwood: Excavation Written Scheme of Investigation. Unpubl AOC

Archaeology project design.

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

© AOC Archaeology 2011 | PAGE 16 OF 120 | www.aocarchaeology.com

ASDU 2010 Beechwood Farm Inverness, Highland Region: Geophysical Survey. Unpubl

Archaeological Services Durham University Report 2462.

Barclay, GJ; Brophy, K & MacGregor, G 2002 Claish, Stirling: an Early Neolithic structure in its

context. Proc Soc Antiq Scot 132, 65-138.

Cressey, M & Strachan, R 2003 The excavation of two burnt mounds and a wooden trough near

Beechwood Farm, Inshes, Inverness, 199. Proc Soc Antiq Scot 1333, 2003, 191-203.

MacSween, A 2003 ‘Grooved Ware’ in Conolly, R & MacSween ‘A possible Neolithic settlement

at Milton of Leys, Inverness’. Proc Soc Antiq Scot 133, 41-43.

Murray, R 2007 Culduthel Farm Phase 7 & 8 Excavation. Discovery & Excavation in Scotland,

Vol 8, 114.

Noble , G 2006 Neolithic Scotland, Edinburgh.

Pollard, T 1997 Excavation of a Neolithic settlement and ritual complex at Beckton Farm,

Lockerbie, Dumfries & Galloway. Proc Soc Antiq Scot 127, 69-121.

Scottish Government 2010 Scottish Planning Policy, February 2010.

The Scottish Office Environment Department 1994. Archaeology - the Planning Process and

Scheduled Monument Procedures. Planning Advice Note PAN42. January 1994.

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100 km

100 miles

Land over 200m



Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey 1:50 000 scale map with the permission of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Officer. Crown Copyright.

AOC Archaeology Group, Edgefield Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian, EH20 9SYOS License No.: 100016114

Site Area

Figure 1: Location of the site at Beechwood, Inverness

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(c) AOC Archaeology 201

Figure 2: Site Plan Project No.:


Scale at A3: 1:2,695

0 40 80 120 160Meters I


Cartographic data derived from OS OpenData, Crown Copyright



Area B

Area F

Area W

Area E

Area O

Area Q

Area A

Area X

Area G

Area N

Area M

Area L

Area K

Area P

Area H

Area J

Area I

Area R

Area T

Area S

Area U

Area V

Area C

1Topsoil Strip Area

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Figure 3: Plan of Area A

0m 10m1m





[3028] [3036]






[3090] [3032]







[3106] [3108][3096][3099]










[3059] [3047]






[3077] [3154]






Structure 12




[3235]Structure 15


Pit Grouping 1








[3184] [3182]



















Structure 14











Pit Grouping 4

Pit Grouping 3

Pit Grouping 6

Pit Grouping 5






[3200] [3289]





[3207] [3204]



















Evaluation Trench2009

Daub in Situ

Pit Grouping 2

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Figure 4: Plan of Area B

0m 10m




[2819] [2821]


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0m 10m



Figure 5: Plan of Area F








[2462] [2355][2353]





[2247] [2314]






























Structure 9










[2261] [2263]




[2292] [2255]




















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0m 10m



Figure 6: Plan of Area G












Modern Features



Structure 8






Natural Hollow

Structure 7


[2123] [2125]




[2133] [2137]




[2145] [2131][2164]









[2184] Evaluation trench slot










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0m 10m



Figure 7: Plan of Area H

















Structure 5













Structure 6[2003][2001]














Modern Pit (evaluation)

Modern Water Pipe

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Figure 8: Plan of Area I














[1127] [1125]






[1151] [1153]

[1287] [1299]




Structure 4










[1125] [1131]


























[1175][1197] [1199]


Structure 1





















[1338] [1077]





[1069][1071] [1073]






[1023][1025] [1051]




[1033] [1049]























[1273] [1267]











Structure 2

Structure 3

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Figure 9: Plan of Areas K & N

0m 10m



Area K

Structure 17

[6021][6017] [6019]




















[6055] [6057]











[6087] [6099]






Area N


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Figure 10: Plan of Area M

0m 10m

























[6129]Animal Burrow










Modern Stone Filled Pit






[6157]Oven [6159]





Modern Cow Burial Structure 16

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0m 10m



Figure 11: Plans of Areas O, P & Q

Area O







Area P

Area Q








Evaluation Feature


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0m 10m



Figure 12: Plan of Areas R, S & T

Area S




Area R






Area T


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0m 10m



Figure 13: Plans of Areas U & V

Area V



Area U




[12006] [12008]



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Figure 14: Plan of Area X




















Structure 10



















Structure 11[2800]






































[2718] [2720]















0m 10m



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East Beechwood Farm, Inverness, Highland

Archaeological Excavation


Data Structure Report

Section 2: Appendices

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APPENDIX 1: Context Descriptions

Context Ar


Type Description

1003 I Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.65 m in

diameter. Depth 0.35 m. Filled by (1004). Truncated Posthole.

1004 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1003].

1007 I Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m in

diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Filled by (1008). Truncated posthole.

1008 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <2%. Fill of [1007].

1009 I Cut Double posthole (conjoined) steeply sloping sides to twin concave bases. Measured

1.08 m (NE-SW) x 0.58 (NW-SE). P/H 1 = 0.37 m deep. P/H 2 = 0.49 m deep. Filled by


1010 I Fill Mid dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [1009]

1011 I Cut Amorphous cut feature with gently sloping western edge and steep eastern side

leading onto rounded base. Dimensions; 0.78 m (N-S) by 0.55 m (E-W). Depth 0.28 m.

Filled by (1012). Pit

1012 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1011].

1013 I Cut Oval cut feature with gently sloping sides and. Flat base. Dimensions; 0.90 m (N-S) by

1.20 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1014).

1014 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <30 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1013].

1015 I Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to flat base. Measured 0.44 m (N-S) x 0.42 (E-W) x

0.13 m deep. Filled by [1016].

1016 I Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [1015]

1017 I Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to flat base. Measured 0.45 m (N-S) x 0.53

m (E-W) x 0.37 m deep. Filled by [1018].

1018 I Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [1017]

1019 I Cut Pit/posthole, oval, near vertical sides to flat base. Measured 0.83 m (N-S) x 0.64 m (E-

W) x 0.62 m deep. Filled by [1020].

1020 I Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [1019].

1021 I Cut Pit/posthole, oval, inward sloping sides to concave base. Measured 0.75 m (N-S) x

0.50 m (E-W) x 0.20 m deep. Filled by [1022].

1022 I Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [1021].

1023 I Cut Pit/posthole, sub-circular, gently inward sloping sides to concave base. Measured 0.35

m (N-S) x 0.40 m (E-W) x 0.11 m deep. Filled by [1024].

1024 I Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [1023].

1025 I Cut Pit/posthole, circular, gently inward sloping sides to concave base. Measured 0.40 m in

diameter x 0.13 m deep. Filled by [1026].

1026 I Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [1025].

1027 I Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.54 m

in diameter. Depth 0.23 m. Filled by (1028). Truncated Posthole.

1028 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1027].

1029 I Cut Oval cut feature with vertically sloping northern side and more gradual southern side.

Flat base. Dimensions; 0.46 m (N-S) by 0.62 m (E-W). Depth 0.51 m. Filled by (1030).

1030 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <3%.Some charcoal flecks. Fill of [1029].

1033 I Cut Circular cut feature with shallow gently sloping southern side and moderately sloping

northern side. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 m in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Filled by

(1034). Truncated Posthole.

1034 I Fill Pale brown sandy silt. Fill of [1033]

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1035 I Cut Sub-circular almost ‘figure of eight’ cut feature with steeply sloping southern side,

gradually sloping northern side and rounded base. Cut is stepped at 0.60 m from the

northern edge Dimensions; 1.00 m (N-S) by 0.80 m (E-W). Depth (max) 0.22 m. Filled

by (1036). Pit containing probable remains of cutting Posthole.

1036 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [1035].

1037 I Cut Circular cut feature with vertical sides. Flat base. Dimensions; 0.53 m in diameter.

Depth 0.29 m. Filled by (1038).Pit.

1038 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <2%. Some charcoal flecking. Fill of


1039 I Cut Oval cut feature with steep sloping northern side and stepped southern side. Flat base.

Dimensions; 0.51 m (N-S) by 0.82 m (E-W). Step at 0.20 m in depth. Base depth 0.34

m. Filled by (1040).

1040 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <3%.Some charcoal flecks and burnt bone

fragments. Fill of [1039].

1041 I Cut Posthole, sub-circular, irregular sides to concave base. Measured 0.47 m in diameter x

0.42 m deep. Filled by [1042].

1042 I Fill Dark grey sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [1041].

1043 I Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 1.01 m

(N-S) by 0.70 m (E-W). Depth 0.23 m. Filled by (1044). Pit

1044 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1043]

1046 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1045].

1047 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and broad flat base. Dimensions;

0.80 m (N-S) by 0.64 m (E-W). Depth 0.27 m. Filled by (1048). Probably cut by

Posthole [1045]. Pit

1048 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1047].

1049 I Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides. Flat base. Dimensions; 0.45 m in

diameter. Depth 0.08 m. Filled by (1050). Truncated Posthole.

1050 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1049].

1051 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and broad flat base.

Dimensions; 0.47 m (N-S) by 0.65 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1052).

1052 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1051].

1055 I Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.33 m

in diameter. Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1056). Truncated Posthole.

1056 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1055].

1057 I Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides. Broad flat base. Dimensions; 0.75 m in

diameter. Depth 0.27 m. Filled by (1058). Pit

1058 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1057].

1059 I Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides. Flat base. Dimensions; 0.40 m in

diameter. Depth 0.09 m. Filled by (1060). Truncated Posthole.

1060 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <10 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1059].

1061 I Cut Large oval cut feature with steep sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.26 m (N-

S) by 0.80 m (E-W). Depth 0.58 m. Filled by (1062). Pit within Palisade (Structure 4).

1062 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1061].

1063 I Cut Circular cut feature with shallow moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions;

0.29 m in diameter. Depth 0.04 m. Filled by (1164). Posthole within (Structure 4).

1064 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%.Fill of [1063].

1065 I Cut Circular cut feature with shallow moderately sloping sides and rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter. Depth 0.05 m. Filled by (1166). Posthole within

(Structure 4).

1066 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%.Fill of [1063].

1067 I Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and a flat base. Dimensions; 0.65 m in

diameter. Depth 0.28 m. Filled by (1068). Part of double Posthole with [1387].

1068 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1067].

1069 I Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and a flat base. Dimensions; 0.61 m in

diameter. Depth 0.51 m. Filled by (1070).

1070 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [1069].

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1073 I Cut Circular cut feature. Shallow with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.55 m

in diameter. Depth 0.30 m. Filled by (1174). Posthole within [1075] (Structure 4).

1074 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1073].

1075 I Cut Large oval cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 2.7 m (N-S) by

1.80 m (E-W). Depth 0.15 m. Filled by (1090). Encloses Posthole [1073]. Pit feature

within Palisade (Structure 4).

1076 I Fill Dark grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <15%.Fill of [1075].

1077 I Cut Circular cut feature. With steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter. Depth 0.41 m. Filled by (1178). Posthole

1078 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%.Fill of [1077].

1079 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and a flat base. Dimensions;

0.60 m (N-S) by 0.22 m (E-W). Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1080). Pit within Palisade

(Structure 4).

1080 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <15%.Fill of [1079].

1081 I Cut Circular cut feature. With steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m in

diameter. Depth 0.41 m. Filled by (1082). Posthole

1082 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1081].

1083 I Cut Shallow circular pit with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.39 m in

diameter. Depth 0.06 m. Filled by (1084). Pit within Palisade (Structure 4).

1084 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%.Fill of [1083].

1085 I Cut Oval pit with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.50 m (NE-SW) by 1.02

m (NW-SE). Depth 0.26 m. Filled by (1086). Pit within Palisade (Structure 4).

1086 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <50%.Some charcoal flecks. Fill of [1085].

1087 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and a flat base. Dimensions;

1.06 m (N-S) by 0.82 m (E-W). Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1088). Pit within Palisade

(Structure 4).

1088 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1087].

1089 I Cut Sub-circular shallow cut with gently sloping sides and broad rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.68 m (N-S) by 1.08 m (E-W). Depth 0.10 m. Filled by (1090). Pit feature

within Palisade (Structure 4).

1090 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1089].

1091 I Cut Circular cut feature. Shallow with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.39 m

in diameter. Depth 0.07 m. Filled by (1092). Truncated Posthole within Palisade

(Structure 4).

1092 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1091].

1093 I Cut Circular cut feature. Shallow with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.18 m in diameter. Depth 0.04 m. Filled by (1094). Truncated Posthole/Pit near [1095]

1094 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <50%.Fill of [1093].

1095 I Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.26 m

in diameter. Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1096). Truncated Posthole.

1096 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <60%.Fill of [1095].

1097 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and a flat base. Dimensions;

1.04 m (N-S) by 0.73 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1098). Pit within Palisade

(Structure 4).

1098 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1097].

1099 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and a flat base. Dimensions;

0.84 m (N-S) by 1.43 m (E-W). Depth 0.22 m. Filled by (1098). Pit within Palisade

(Structure 4).

1100 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1099].

1101 I Cut Circular cut feature. Shallow with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.19 m

in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Filled by (1102). Truncated Posthole within Palisade

(Structure 4).

1102 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1101].

1103 I Cut Oval cut feature with gently sloping sides and uneven base. Dimensions; 0.63 m (N-S)

by 0.50 m (E-W). Depth 0.12 m. Filled by (1104). Pit feature.

1104 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30%.Fill of [1103]. Contains SF5 (Slag)

1105 I Cut Circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.55 m in

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diameter. Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1106).

1106 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1105]. Contains Post-pad.

[SF 1] x five pieces of slag.

1107 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and a concave base. Dimensions;

0.60 m in diameter. Depth 0.55 m. Filled by (1108). Probable prehistoric posthole. Part

of Round-house Structure 1

1108 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30%. Fill of [1107]. Contains single large

packing stone.

1109 I Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and an concave base. Dimensions;

0.80 m in diameter. Depth 0.59 m. Filled by (1110). Probable prehistoric posthole. Part

of Round-house Structure 1

1110 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1107]. Contains several

large packing stones.

1111 I Cut Small circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and a rounded base. Dimensions;

0.17 m in diameter. Depth 0.08 m. Filled by (1112). Probable truncated posthole within

Palisade [Structure 4].

1112 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <60%. Fill of [1111].

1113 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and an irregular base. Dimensions;

0.78 m (N-S) by 0.53 m (E-W). Depth 0.55 m. Filled by (1114). Probable tree bowl.

1114 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%.Fill of [1113].

1115 I Cut Shallow circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and a flat base. Dimensions; 0.32

m in diameter. Depth 0.07 m. Filled by (1116). Probable truncated posthole within

Palisade [Structure 4].

1116 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <50%.Fill of [1115].

1117 I Cut Sub-circular shallow cut with gently sloping sides and broad rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.44 m (N-S) by 0.38 m (E-W). Depth 0.13 m. Filled by (1118). Pit feature

within Palisade (Structure 4).

1118 I Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%.Fill of [1117].

1119 Cut Sub-circular cut feature with sharply breaking slope and moderately sloping sides and

an irregular base. Dimensions; 0.55 m (N-S) by 0.50 m (E-W). Depth 0.13 m. Filled by

(1120). Truncated Pit or Posthole.

1120 Fill Medium grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%.Fill of [1119]. Contains single

piece of iron slag (SF 08).

1121 I Cut Large cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.02 m in

diameter. Depth 0.34 m. Large Posthole Palisade (Structure 4). Filled by [1121].

1122 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1121].

1123 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.68 m in diameter. Depth 0.22 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by (1124). Posthole within Palisade Structure


1124 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1123].

1125 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.36 m in diameter. Depth 0.23 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by (1126). Posthole within Palisade Structure


1126 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <15%. Fill of [1125].

1127 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.29 m in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by (1128). Posthole within Palisade Structure


1128 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1125].

1129 I Cut Oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides and uneven base. Dimensions; 0.84 m (N-

S) by 0.52 m (E-W). Depth 0.0.35 m. Filled by (1130). Pit

1130 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1135].

1131 I Cut Oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides and uneven base. Dimensions; 0.76 m (N-

S) by 0.48 m (E-W). Depth 0.27 m. Filled by (1132). Pit feature within Palisade

(Structure 4). Possible double Posthole.

1132 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1131].

1133 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.30 m in diameter. Depth 0.11 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1134). Truncated Posthole.

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1134 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [1133].

1135 I Cut Oval cut feature with moderately sloping sides and uneven base. Dimensions; 1.22 m

(N-S) by 0.60 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1136). Pit

1136 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1135].

1137 I Cut Small sub-circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.19 m (N/S) by 0.28 m (E/W). Depth 0.09

m. Moderately sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by (1138). Posthole within

Palisade Structure 4.

1138 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1137].

1143 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.23 m in diameter. Depth 0.13 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1144). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1144 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1143].

1145 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.31 m in diameter. Depth 0.17 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1146). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1146 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1143].

1147 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.28 m in diameter. Depth 0.15 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1148). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1148 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1147].

1149 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.27 m in diameter. Depth 0.20 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1150). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1150 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1149].

1151 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.27 m in diameter. Depth 0.14 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1152). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1152 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1151].

1153 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter. Depth 0.20 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1154). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1154 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1153].

1155 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.11 m in diameter. Depth 0.04 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1156). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1156 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1155].

1157 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1158). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1158 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1157].

1159 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.30 m in diameter. Depth 0.20 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1160). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1160 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1159].

1161 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.30 m in diameter. Depth 0.17 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1162). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1162 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1161].

1163 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.28 m in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1164). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1164 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1163].

1165 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.22 m in diameter. Depth 0.14 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1166). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1166 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1165].

1167 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.23 m in diameter. Depth 0.15 m. Steep sided

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with rounded base. Filled by (1168). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1168 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1167].

1169 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.22 m in diameter. Depth 0.13 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1170). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1170 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1169].

1171 I Cut Sub-circular feature. Dimensions; 0.46 m (N-S) by 0.35 m (E-W). Depth 0.23 m.

Vertical sides with rounded base. Slight tale to north created by insertion/removal of

Post. Part of Palisade Ring (Structure 4)

1172 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1171].

1173 I Cut ‘Figure of eight shaped cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.27 m (N-S) by 0.65 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Double Posthole. Filled by


1174 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1173].

1175 I Cut Small, shallow circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.48 m in diameter. Depth 0.23 m. Truncated posthole. Filled by [1176].

1176 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1175].

1177 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.50 m in diameter. Depth 0.40 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1178). Posthole of Round-house (Structure 1)

1178 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Contains several large packing

stones. Fill of [1177].

1179 I Cut Sub-circular feature. Dimensions; 0.55 m (N-S) by 0.40 m (E-W). Depth 0.10 m.

Vertical sides with rounded base. Eroded sides heavily disturbed by bioturbation. Filled

by (1180). Truncated Posthole.

1180 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1179]

1181 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.80 m in diameter. Depth 0.50 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1182). Cut by Posthole [1219]. Replacement Posthole of

Round-house (Structure 1)

1182 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1181].

1183 I Cut Small linear cut feature. Dimensions; 0.20 m (N-S) by 0.15 m (E-W). Depth 0.13 m.

Uneven sloping sides and rounded base. Cuts [1181] at north-west corner. Probable

scar for replacement of Posthole [1181].

1184 I Fill Mixed fill of medium brown sandy silt and sands and gravels.

1185 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.40 m in diameter. Depth 0.30 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1186). Posthole of Round-house (Structure 1)

1186 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1185].

1187 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.55 m in diameter. Depth 0.30 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1188). Posthole.

1188 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Also contains medium sized fire

cracked stone, possible packer. Fill of [1187].

1189 I Cut Sub-circular feature. Dimensions; 0.32 m (N-S) by 0.40 m (E-W). Depth 0.33 m.

Vertical sides with narrow rounded base. Filled by (1190). Posthole within north-

eastern interior of Round-house (Structure 1). Cut on south-eastern edge by Pit [1257]

1190 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1189].

1191 I Cut Oval cut with vertical southern side and gentle northern side. Broad flat base.

Dimensions; 1.05 m (N-S) by 0.74 m (E-W). Depth 0.28 m. Plan suggests double

Posthole within Roundhouse (Structure 1)

1192 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1191].

1193 I Cut Sub-circular feature. Dimensions; 0.51 m (N-S) by 0.55 m (E-W). Depth 0.41 m.

Vertical sides with flat base. Filled by (1194). Posthole.

1194 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [1193]. Contains burnt bone

fragments. Some bioturbation. Also contains three large packing stones.

1195 I Cut Large circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter. Depth 0.46 m. Steep sided

with flat base. Filled by (1194). Posthole.

1196 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1195]. Contains six large

packing stones.

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1197 i Cut Sub-circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.71 m (N-S) by 0.55 m (E-W). Depth 0.29 m.

Vertical sides with rounded base. Filled by (1198). Posthole.

1198 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1197]. Contains three large

packing stones.

1199 I Cut Shallow sub-circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and concave base.

Dimensions; 0.64 m (E-W) by 0.55 m (N-S). Depth 0.09 m. Filled by (1209). Probable

truncated prehistoric posthole. Part of round-house structure (?) .Possible replacement

post hole with [1203]

1200 I Fill Loose pale brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <0.40 m. Fill of [1199].

1201 I Cut Small shallow circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.28 m in diameter. Depth 0.29 m.

Depth 0.11 m. Steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Filled by (1202). Posthole.

1202 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Fill of [1201].

1203 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and broad flat base. Dimensions;

0.72 m (E-W) by 0.50 m (N-S). Depth 0.24 m. Filled by (1204). Probable prehistoric

posthole. Part of round-house structure (?). Possible replacement post of [1199].

1204 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1203].

1205 I Cut Large circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter. Depth 0.50 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1206). Posthole.

1206 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1205]. Contains several

packing stones. Posthole.

1207 I Cut Large circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.85 m in diameter. Depth 0.45 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1208). Posthole.

1208 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1205]. Contains several

packing stones.

1209 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.20 m in diameter. Depth 0.08 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1210). Truncated posthole.

1210 I Fill Medium yellow brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1209]. Contains

several packing stones.

1211 I Cut Irregular sub-circular cut feature within north section of Area I. Visible dimensions; 0.80

m (E-W) by 0.50 m (N-S). Depth 0.15 m. moderately sloping sides and irregular flat

base. Filled by (1212). Possible prehistoric pit.

1212 I Fill Dark brown clay silt with occasional charcoal fragments. Fill of [1211].

1215 I Cut Shallow circular cut feature. Moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.25 m in diameter. Depth 0.07 m. Filled by (1216). Probable truncated prehistoric

posthole. Part of Round-house Structure 1

1216 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1215].

1217 I Cut Shallow curvilinear slot feature with steeply sloping sides and an irregular flat base.

Dimensions; 1.23 m (N/S) by 0.20 m (E/W). Depth 0.10 m (max). Filled by (1218).

Truncated prehistoric pit.

1218 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <15%. Contained charcoal fragments

and burnt bone.

1219 I Cut Large sub-circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.80 m in diameter. Depth 0.50 m. Steep

sided with flat base. Filled by (1220).

1220 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1219]. Contained large flat


1221 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.24 m in diameter. Depth 0.07 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1222). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1222 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1221].

1223 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.16 m in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1224). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1224 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1223].

1225 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.24 m in diameter. Depth 0.10 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1226). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1226 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1225].

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1227 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter. Depth 0.18 m. Steep sided

with rounded base. Filled by (1228). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1228 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1227].

1229 Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.24 m in diameter. Depth 0.13 m. Steep sided

with flattish base. Filled by (1228). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1230 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1229].

1231 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.22 m in diameter. Depth 0.13 m. Steep sided

with flattish base. Filled by (1228). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1232 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1231].

1233 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.32 m in diameter. Depth 0.16 m. Steep sided

with flattish base. Filled by (1234). Truncated Posthole. Part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1234 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1233].

1237 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.24 m (N-S) by 0.35 m (E-W). Depth 0.20 m.

Vertical sides with rounded base. Filled by (1238). Posthole.

1238 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1237].

1239 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.24 m (N-S) by 0.35 m (E-W). Depth 0.20 m.

Gently sloping southern side, moderately sloping northern side with rounded base.

Filled by (1240). Posthole.

1240 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1239].

1241 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.46 m in diameter. Depth 0.23 m. Steep sided with

flattish base. Filled by (1242). Posthole.

1242 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Contains several packers. Fill of


1243 I Cut Oval cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.70 m

(N/S) by 1.00 m (E/W). Depth 0.33 m (max). Filled by (1244).

1244 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <25%. Fill of [1243].

1245 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.73 m in diameter. Depth 0.50 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1246). Posthole. Post-ring Roundhouse Structure 2

1246 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Charcoal fragments

present. Fill of [1245].

1247 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.65 m in diameter. Depth 0.50 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1248). Posthole. Post-ring Roundhouse Structure 2

1248 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Charcoal fragments

present. Fill of [1247].

1249 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.50 m in diameter. Depth 0.53 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1250). Posthole. Post-ring Roundhouse Structure 2

1250 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Charcoal fragments

present. Fill of [1249].

1251 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.70 m in diameter. Depth 0.40 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Replacement scar 0.20 m in length by 0.08 m in depth at south-west

edge. Filled by (1252). Posthole. Post-ring Roundhouse Structure 2

1252 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Charcoal fragments

present. Fill of [1251].

1253 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.70 m in diameter. Depth 0.47 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1254). Posthole. Entrance Roundhouse Structure 2

1254 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <50%. Contains charcoal

fragments. Fill of [1243].

1255 I Cut Linear cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.2.97 m

(N/S) by .040 m (E/W). Depth 0.14 m (max). Filled by (1256). Possible slot feature for

fence-line. Runs into [1372]

1256 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1255].

1257 I Cut Oval cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.83 m

(N/S) by 1.11 m (E/W). Depth 0.21 m (max). Filled by (1244). Cuts Posthole [1189]

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1258 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1257].

1259 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.30 m in diameter. Depth 0.08 m. Shallow

gently sloping sides with irregular base. Filled by (1260). Truncated Posthole. Within

interior of Structure 2.

1260 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1259].

1261 Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter. Depth 0.70 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1262). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323]. Adjoined by supporting Posthole [1327].

1262 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1261].

1263 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.70 m in diameter. Depth 0.53 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1264). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323].

1264 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30%. Fill of [1263].

1265 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter. Depth 0.55 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1266). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323].

1266 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30%. Fill of [1265].

1267 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.30 m in diameter. Depth 0.10 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Posthole within Structure 2. Adjacent to [1269]. Filled

by (1268).

1268 I Fill Pale brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1269].

1269 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Posthole within Structure 2. Adjacent to [1267]. Filled

by (1270).

1270 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1269].

1271 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter. Depth 0.70 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1272). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323]

1272 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30%. Contains charcoal fragments.

Fill of [1271].

1273 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.70 m in diameter. Depth 0.60 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1274). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323]

1274 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1273].

1275 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.47 m in diameter. Depth 0.50 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1276). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323] not paired.

1276 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1275].

1277 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.65 m in diameter. Depth 0.45 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1278). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323]

1278 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Some charcoal fragments. Fill of


1279 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.50 m in diameter. Depth 0.35 m. Steeply sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1280). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323]. Cuts Pit [1384]

1280 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1279].

1281 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping, irregular sides and concave base.

Dimensions; 0.50 m (W/E) by 0.55 m (N-S). Depth 0.46 m. Filled by (1282). Posthole

of Four Poster (Structure 3)

1282 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1281].

1283 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping, irregular sides and concave base.

Dimensions; 0.40 m (W/E) by 0.30 m (N-S). Depth 0.20 m. Filled by (1284). Posthole

of Four Poster (Structure 3)

1284 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1283].

1285 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping, sides and concave base. Dimensions;

0.46 m (W/E) by 0.50 m (N-S). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1286). Posthole of Four

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Poster (Structure 3)

1286 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1285].

1287 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.24 m in diameter. Depth 0.30 m. Steeply

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by [1288]. Posthole, part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1288 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [1287].

1289 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.24 m in diameter. Depth 0.16 m. Steeply

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by [1290]. Posthole, part of Palisade Ring

(Structure 4)

1290 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1289].

1291 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions;

0.67 m (NW/SE) by 0.42 m (NE-SW). Depth 0.21 m. Filled by (1292). Probable double

posthole. Part of Palisade Ring (Structure 4)

1292 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1291].

1293 I Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.55 m

in diameter. Depth 0.49 m.. Filled by (1294). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 1

1294 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1293]. Contains four large

packing stones.

1295 I Cut Irregular, oval cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.42

m (N/S) by 0.98 m (E-W). Depth 0.28 m. Filled by (1296). Pit within Roundhouse

Structure 1

1296 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1293].

1297 I Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.58 m

in diameter. Depth 0.42 m. Filled by (1298). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 1

1298 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Contains large packing stones. Fill

of [1297].

1299 I Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.46 m

in diameter. Depth 0.26 m. Filled by (1300). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 1

1300 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1299].

1303 I Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter. Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1303). Posthole within Roundhouse Structure 1

1304 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1303].

1305 I Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.54 m

in diameter. Depth 0.15 m. Filled by (1306). Posthole of Post-ring within Roundhouse

Structure 1

1306 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1305].

1307 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.83 m

(N/S) by 0.49 m (E-W). Depth 0.34 m. Filled by [1308]. Posthole of Post-ring within

Roundhouse Structure 1

1308 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Contains packing stones. Fill of


1309 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.71 m

(N/S) by 0.93 m (E-W). Depth 0.37 m. Filled by [1310]. Pit within Roundhouse

Structure 1

1310 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1309].

1311 I Cut Large circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.78 m (N/S) by 0.60 m (E-W). Depth 0.55 m. Filled by [1312]. Part of Porch

Roundhouse Structure 2 [1323]

1312 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1319]. Probable Post-pipe.

Fill paler towards edges.

1313 I Cut Large circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.80 m (N/S) by 0.75 m (E-W). Depth 0.68 m. Filled by [1314]. Part of Porch

Roundhouse Structure 2 [1323]

1314 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1319]. Probable Post-pipe.

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Fill paler towards edges.

1315 I Cut Large circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.60 m in diameter Depth 0.40 m. Filled by [1316]. Part of Porch Roundhouse

Structure 2 [1323]

1316 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1315]. Probable Post-pipe.

Fill paler towards edges.

1317 I Cut Large circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter. Depth 0.50 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Slight ‘bell shape’ profile. Filled by [1318]. Posthole,

Part of Porch Roundhouse Structure 2 [1323]

1318 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1317]. Probable Post-pipe.

Fill paler towards edges.

1319 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.23 m in diameter. Depth 0.07 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by [1320]. Truncated Posthole, possibly part of

Palisade Ring (Structure 4)

1320 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1319].

1321 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.19 m in diameter. Depth 0.08 m. Vertically

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by [1322]. Truncated Posthole, possibly part of

Palisade Ring (Structure 4)

1322 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1321].

1323 I Structur


Roundhouse consisting of circular Post-ring seven metres in diameter and four post

porch arrangement [1311-1317]. The Post-ring consists of contexts [1253-1261-1265-

1263-1271-1273-1275-1277-1279-1245-1247-1249-1251]. Four internal Postholes

were recorded [1327-1259-1267-1269], a pit [1243] and an external posthole were also

included in the structure.

1324 I Structur


Roundhouse Structure 1

1327 I Cut Small circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.30 m in diameter. Depth 0.12 m. Moderately

sloping sides with rounded base. Filled by [1328]. Truncated Posthole, possibly brace

for [1261].

1328 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1327].

1329 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.45 m in diameter. Depth 0.26 m. Steep sided with

rounded base. Filled by (1330). Posthole. Situated close to inner Post-ring of

Roundhouse Structure 2.

1330 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30%. Fill of [1329].

1331 I Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.45 m in diameter. Depth 0.22 m. Moderate sloping

sides with rounded base. Filled by (1332). Posthole. Situated close to inner Post-ring

of Roundhouse Structure 2.

1332 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30%. Fill of [1331].

1335 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.35 m

(W/E) by 0.50 m (N-S). Depth 0.55 m. Filled by (1336). Posthole of Four Poster

(Structure 3)

1336 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1235].

1337 I Structur


Four Poster Structure 3.

1338 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with irregular steeply sloping sides and irregular concave base.

Dimensions; 0.37 m (N/S) by 0.70 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1339). Truncated


1339 I Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40% and larger cobbles <10%. Fill

of [1338].

1340 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.76 m

(N/S) by 0.50 m (E-W). Depth 0.30 m. Filled by (1341). Pit/Posthole

1341 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40% and larger cobbles <5%. Fill of


1342 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.32 m (N/S) by 0.26 m (E-W). Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1341). Truncated Pit/Posthole

1343 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1340].

1344 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

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0.18 m (N/S) by 0.40 m (E-W). Depth 0.06 m. Filled by (1345). Truncated Pit/Posthole

1345 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40% and larger cobbles <5%. Fill of


1346 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.80 m (N/S) by 0.55 m (E-W). Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1347). Pit

1347 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40% and larger cobbles <5%. Fill of


1348 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.38 m in diameter. Depth 0.39 m. Steep sided with

narrow flat base. Filled by (1349). Posthole.

1349 I Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <30% Fill of [1348].

1350 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.55 m in diameter. Depth 0.41 m. Steep sided with

sloping base towards east. Filled by (1351). Pit.

1351 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <60% Fill of [1350].

1352 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and irregular concave base.

Dimensions; 0.96 m (N/S) by 1.0 m (E-W). Depth 0.18 m. Filled by (1353). Truncated


1353 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1352]. Contains a thin lens

of charcoal 0.03 m thick and 0.30 m in length.

1354 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and irregular concave base.

Dimensions; 0.58 m (N/S) by 0.80 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (1355). Truncated


1355 I Fill Dark grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1354].

1356 I Cut Oval cut feature. Very shallow with gently sloping sides and irregular flat base.

Dimensions; 2.40 m (N/S) by 1.13 m (E/W). Depth 0.13 m (max). Filled by (1357).

Truncated Pit

1357 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1356].

1362 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and irregular concave base.

Dimensions; 0.34 m (NE/SW) by 0.34 m (SE-NW). Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (1363).

Truncated Posthole

1363 I Fill Dark grey sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [1362].

1364 I Cut Oval cut feature. Shallow with moderately sloping sides and rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.90 m (NW/SE) by 0.67 m (NE/SW). Depth 0.25 m (max). Filled by

(1365). Truncated Pit

1365 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1364].

1366 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.50 m in diameter. Depth 0.36 m. Steep sided with

narrow rounded base. Filled by (1367). Posthole.

1367 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1366].

1368 I Cut Probable oval cut feature running into western edge of excavation area. Very shallow

with moderately sloping sides and irregular flat base. Dimensions; 2.10 m (N/S) by

1.20 m (E/W). Depth 0.19 m (max). Filled by (1369). Truncated Pit

1369 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1368].

1370 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.45m in diameter. Depth 0.27 m. Steep sided with

narrow rounded base. Filled by (1371). Truncated Posthole.

1371 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1370].

1372 I Cut Irregular linear cut feature with oval terminus. Two slots cut through the feature. Slot 1

through terminus 0.92 m wide by 0.17 m in depth. Terminus has moderately sloping

sides and a flat, irregular base. Slot 2 cut through linear 0.40 m wide by

1373 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1372].

1374 I Cut Oval cut feature. Shallow with irregular moderately sloping sides and irregular flat

base. Dimensions; 1.54m (N/S) by 0.90 m (E/W). Depth 0.27 m (max). Filled by

(1375). Truncated Pit

1375 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1374].

1376 I Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.04

m (N/S) by 0.92 m (E-W). Depth 0.29 m. Filled by (1377) & (1391). Pit

1377 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Upper Fill of [1376].

1378 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.10 m in diameter. Depth 0.08 m. Steep sided with

narrow rounded base. Filled by (1379). Truncated Posthole.

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1379 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1378].

1380 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.18 m in diameter. Depth 0.09 m. Steep sided with

narrow rounded base. Filled by (1381). Truncated Posthole.

1381 I Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1380].

1382 I Cut Probable oval cut feature running into western edge of excavation area. Very shallow

with moderately sloping sides and irregular flat base. Dimensions; 1.30 m (N/S) by

0.80 m (E/W). Depth 0.24 m (max). Filled by (1383). Truncated Pit

1383 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Fill of [1382].

1384 I Cut Curvilinear cut with sharp steeply sloping sides and gently rounded base. Dimensions;

0.60 m (N/S) by 2.00 m (E/W). Depth 0.20 m (max). Filled by (1385). Pit for repair to

Post-ring within Roundhouse Structure 2 [1323]. Cut by Posthole [1279].

1385 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [1384].

1386 I Structur


Curvilinear arrangement of Postholes forming Palisade Structure 4. Relationship with

Roundhouse 1 unclear but most probably cuts this.

1387 I Cut Oval cut feature with vertical sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.47 m (N/S) by

0.36 m (E/W). Depth 0.44 m (max). Filled by (1388). Part of double Posthole with


1388 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Fill of [1387].

1389 I Cut Circular cut feature. Dimensions; 0.55 m in diameter. Depth 0.30 m. Steep sided with

narrow rounded base. Filled by (1390). Posthole.

1390 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [1389].

1391 I Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Contains charcoal fragments

<20%. Primary Fill of [1376]. Underlies (1377)

2001 H Cut Posthole, circular, steep break-of-slope to inward sloping sides to irregular base.

Measured 0.28 m (N-S) x 0.28 m (E-W) x 0.04 m deep. Filled by [2002]. Structure 6.

2002 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2001]

2003 H Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope to steep sides to flat base. Measured 0.31

m (N-S) x 0.27 m (E-W) x 0.04 m deep. Filled by [2004]. Structure 6.

2004 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2003]

2005 H Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope to gradually sloping sides to concave

base. Measured 0.28 m (N-S) x 0.38 m (E-W) x 0.12 m deep. Filled by [2006].

Structure 6.

2006 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2005]

2007 H Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope to vertical sides to concave base.

Measured 0.32 m (N-S) x 0.46 m (E-W) x 0.43 m deep. Filled by [2008]. Structure 6.

2008 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2007]. One large

packing stone on northern side of cut.

2009 H Cut Posthole (?), sub-circular, shallow, steep break-of-slope to irregular sides to irregular

base. Measured 0.42 m (N-S) x 0.28 m (E-W) x 0.04 m deep. Filled by [2010].

Structure 6.

2010 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2009].

2011 H Cut Posthole, sub-circular, shallow, steep break-of-slope to steep sides to irregular base.

Measured 0.20 m (SW-NE) x 0.28 m (E-W) x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [2012]. Structure


2012 H Fill Dark grey / brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2011].

2013 H Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.28

m in diameter by 0.06 m in depth. Filled by (2014). Posthole

2014 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2013]

2015 H Cut Large pit (possibly conjoined pits, sub-rectangular, inward sloping sides to double

concave base. Measured 2.70 m (N-S) x 4.10 m (E-W) x 0.38 m deep. Filled by

[2016]. Structure 6.

2016 Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized stone inclusions. Fill of


2017 Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope to steep sides to concave base. Measured

0.26 m (SW-NE) x 0.30 m x 0.12 m deep. Filled by [2018]. Structure 6.

2018 Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2017]

2019 Cut Modern pit, sub-rectangular, steep break-of-slope to steep sides in upper part

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becoming inward sloping with depth to concave base. Measured 0.88 m (N-S) x 1.37

m (E-W) x 0.75 m deep. Filled by [2020]. Structure 6 (?).

2020 Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small to medium-sized stone inclusions. Rare large

cobble and slate fragments. Fill of modern pit [2019]

2021 H Cut Sub-circular cut feature with vertical sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.38 m

(N-S) by 0.40 m (E-W). Depth 0.34 m. Filled by (2022). Posthole associated with

Roundhouse Structure 6.

2022 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Contains single packer. Fill of


2023 H Cut Pit, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope to inward sloping sides to concave base.

Measured 0.40 m (N-S) x 1.00 m x 0.29 m deep. Filled by [2024]. Structure 6.

2024 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2024]

2029 H Cut Oval cut feature with shallow sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.50 m (N-S) by

0.60 m (E-W). Depth 0.16 m. Filled by (2030). Pit

2030 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2071]

2031 H Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.90

m in diameter by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (2032). Pit

2032 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% heat shattered stones, lenses of ash and charcoal

flecks. Fill of [2031]

2033 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.33 m

in diameter by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (2034). Posthole associated with Roundhouse

Structure 5.

2034 H Fill Medium grey sandy silt with <30% gravel. Fill of [2033].

2035 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.24 m

in diameter by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (2035). Posthole associated with Roundhouse

Structure 5.

2036 H Fill Dark grey sandy silt with <10% gravel. Fill of [2035].

2037 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.33 m

in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (2038). Posthole associated with Roundhouse

Structure 5.

2038 H Fill Dark grey sandy silt with <10% gravel. Fill of [2037].

2041 Cut Pit/posthole, circular, with vertical E side, W side inward sloping. Diameter 0.3 m x

0.16 m deep. Filled by [2042]

2042 Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <15% small sub-rounded stones. Fill of [2041].

2043 Cut Pit/posthole, sub-circular, with sharp break-of-slope at top, sides vertical to flat base.

Diameter 0.3 m x 0.32 m deep. Filled by [2044]

2044 Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <20% small sub-rounded stones. Fill of [2043].

2047 Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping sides to rounded base. Diameter 0.25 m x 0.15 m

deep. Filled by [2048]

2048 Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <5% gravel. Rare charcoal fleck. Fill of [2047].

2049 Cut Posthole, sub- circular, inward sloping sides (less steep on W) to rounded base.

Measures 0.55 m (N-S) x 0.46 m (E-W) x 0.13 m deep. Filled by [2050]. Structure 5.

2050 Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <5% gravel. Rare charcoal fleck. Fill of [2049].

2051 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (2052). Truncated Posthole associated with

Roundhouse Structure 5.

2052 H Fill Medium grey sandy silt with <5% gravel. Fill of [2051].

2053 H Cut Curvilinear cut with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.94 m (N-S)

by 6.20 m (E-W). Depth 0.45 m. Filled by (2054). Ring-ditch associated with

Roundhouse Structure 5.

2054 H Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <15% small sub-rounded stones. Rare charcoal fleck. Fill of

ring-ditch [2049].

2057 H Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measures 0.22 m in

diameter. Filled by (2056). Truncated Posthole associated with Roundhouse Structure


2059 H Cut Posthole, circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measures 0.24 m diameter x 0.13 m

deep. Filled by [2060]. Structure 5.

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2060 H Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <10% gravel. Fill of [2059].

2061 H Cut Posthole, circular, shallow gently sloping sides to flat base. Measures 0.40 m diameter

x 0.07 m deep. Filled by [2062]. Structure 5.

2062 H Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <10% gravel. Fill of [2061].

2063 H Cut Posthole, sub-circular, vertical sides to rounded base. Measures 0.30 m (N-S) x 0.37

m (E-W) x 0.25 m deep. Filled by [2064]. Structure 5.

2064 H Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <10% gravel. Fill of [2063].

2067 H Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measures 0.16 m in

diameter. Filled by (2068). Truncated Posthole associated with Roundhouse Structure


2068 H Fill Mid grey sandy silt with <10% gravel. Fill of [2067].

2069 H Cut Oval cut feature with shallow sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.28 m (N-S) by

1.14 m (E-W). Depth 0.20 m. Filled by (2070). Pit

2070 H Fill Compact grey brown clay. Fill of [2069]

2071 H Cut Shallow kidney shaped cut feature with gradual sloping sides and flat base.

Dimensions; 2.70 m (N-S) by 1.40 m (E-W). Depth 0.45 m. Filled by (2072). Truncated


2072 H Fill Dark grey sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2071].

2073 Cut Pit, oval, steep sides to rounded base. Dimensions; 0.45 m (N-S) by 0.73 m (E-W) x

0.14 m deep. Filled by [2074]

2074 Fill Mid/dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded stones. Fill of [2073].

2077 H Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to narrow rounded base. Measures 0.30 m

(N-S) x 0.20 m (E-W) x 0.17 m deep. Filled by [2078]. Structure 5.

2078 H Fill Mid grey sandy silt with rare gravel. Fill of [2078].

2079 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.47 m in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2080). Pit.

2080 H Fill Dark grey sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments at base

of fill. SF 9 body sherd of prehistoric pottery. Fill of [2079]

2081 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.27 m

in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (2082). Posthole.

2082 H Fill Dark grey sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2081]

2083 H Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping sides to flat base. Measures 0.28 m diameter x 0.09

m deep. Filled by [2084].

2084 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with rare gravel. Fill of [2083].

2085 H Cut Cut for stone structure. Irregular shape measuring 1.53 m x 1.22 m x 0.21 m (max


2086 H Structur


Mid grey sand with charcoal, burnt bone and frequent ‘placed’ sub-angular and sub-

rounded stones probably forming a surface (for hearth (?). Possible posthole

immediately adjacent to SW

2087 H Cut Pit, circular, inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measures 0.61 m diameter x 0.32

m deep. Filled by [2088].

2088 H Fill Mid brown sandy matrix with 50% stone inclusions (mostly rounded), some heat-

fractured (up to 0.15 m in diameter). Charcoal apparent. Fill of [2087]. SF.10 (possible

polishing stone).

2089 H Cut Cut feature (sheep burial?), sub-circular, with sharp break-of-slope at top, steep sides

to irregular base. Measures 0.44 (N-S), 0.4 m (E-W) x 0.29 m deep. Filled by [2090].

Structure 6

2090 H Fill Dark brown sandy matrix with occasional stone inclusions. Sheep bones apparent. Fill

of [2089]

2091 H Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping sides to flat base. Measures 0.22 m diameter x 0.09

m deep. Filled by [2092].

2092 H Fill Dark brown sandy silt with sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of [2091}

2093 H Cut Posthole, oval, steep sides to rounded base. Measures 0.61 m (N-S) x 0.83 m (E-W) x

0.26 m deep.. Filled by [2094].

2094 H Fill Mid/dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2093]

2095 H Cut Pit, oval, shallow inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measures 0.37 m (N-S) x 0.50

m (E-W) x 0.04 m deep. Filled by [2096].

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2096 H Fill Mid/dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2095]

2097 H Cut Pit, oval, steep sides to rounded base. Measures 0.34 m (N-S) x 0.49 m (E-W) x 0.14

m deep. Filled by [2098].

2098 H Fill Mid/dark brown sandy silt with occasional small stone inclusions. Fill of [2097]

2099 H Cut Pit/posthole, sub-circular, inward sloping sides to concave base. Diameter 0.50 m x

0.18 m deep. Filled by [2100].

2100 H Fill Mid grey/ brown sandy silt with <10% small sub-angular and sub-rounded stone

inclusions. Fill of [2099]

2101 H Cut Elongated oval cut with stepped gently sloping south-western sides and moderately

sloping eastern side. Rounded base. Dimensions; 1.77 m (N-S) by 2.65 m (E-W).

Depth 0.26 m. Filled by (2102). Pit or possible erosion Scar associated with

Roundhouse Structure 6..

2102 H Fill Medium grey sandy silt with <30% gravel. Some charcoal flecks <2% Fill of [2101].

2103 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.34 m

in diameter by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (2104). Posthole.

2104 H Fill Medium grey sandy silt with <20% gravel. Fill of [2103].

2105 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.31 m

in diameter by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2106). Posthole.

2106 H Fill Medium grey sandy silt with <30% gravel. Fill of [2105].

2107 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and irregular base. Dimensions; 0.60 m

in diameter by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (2108). Pit/Posthole.

2108 H Fill Compact grey brown clay. Fill of [2107].

2109 H Cut Oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.77 m (N-S) by

0.63 m (E-W). Depth 0.27 m. Filled by (2110). Pit

2110 H Fill Compact grey brown clay with occasional charcoal flecks. Fill of [2109].

2111 H Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Slightly slanted.

Dimensions; 0.45 m in diameter by 0.31 m in depth. Filled by (2112). Posthole.

2112 H Fill Compact grey brown clay with occasional charcoal flecks. Fill of [2111].

2116 H Cut Oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.55 m (N-S) by

0.37 m (E-W). Depth 0.23 m. Filled by (2117). Pit

2117 H Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <15% gravel. Fill of [2116].

2118 H Cut Irregular oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.50 m (N-S) by 0.38 m (E-W). Depth 0.14 m. Filled by (2119). Truncated Pit

2119 H Fill Dark grey sandy silt with <0.15 % gravel. Fill of [2118]


2121 G Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m

in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (2122). Posthole in Roundhouse [2159].

Possibly associated with Posthole [2145].

2122 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2121]. Some charcoal

fragments present.

2123 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.23 m (N/S)

by 0.30 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2124). Posthole/Pit.

2124 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2123]. Some packers


2125 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.26 m (N/S)

by 0.36 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2126). Posthole/Pit.

2126 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2125].

2127 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.22 m (N/S)

by 0.40 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2128). Posthole/Pit.

2128 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2127].

2129 G Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.39 m in depth. Filled by (2130). Pit/Posthole.

2130 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2133]. Some charcoal

fragments present.

2131 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.57 m (N/S)

by 0.51 m (E/W) by 0.31 m in depth. Filled by (2132). Posthole/Pit.

2132 Dark brown sandy silt with <25% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2131].

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2133 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40 m (N/S)

by 0.43 m (E/W) by 0.29 m in depth. Filled by (2134). Posthole. Part of Round-house


2134 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2133].

2135 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.38 m (N/S)

by 0.42 m (E/W) by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (2136). Posthole/Pit. Part of interior

Round-house [2159]

2136 G Fill Pale grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2135].

2137 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.53 m (N/S)

by 0.44 m (E/W) by 0.34 m in depth. Filled by (2177). Posthole. Round-house [2159]

2138 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2137].

2139 G Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (2140). Pit/Posthole within Post-ring of

Round-house [2159].

2140 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2139].

2141 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.52 m (N/S)

by 0.46 m (E/W) by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (2177). Posthole. Part of Round-house


2142 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2141].

2143 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.39 m (N/S)

by 0.43 m (E/W) by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (2177). Posthole. Part of Porch entrance

Round-house [2159]

2144 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <50% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2143].

2145 G Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.45

m in diameter by 0.38 m in depth. Filled by (2146). Pit/Posthole.

2146 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2145]. Two large centrally

placed packers. Fill of [2145]. Some charcoal and burnt borne fragments.

2147 G Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40

m in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2148). Pit/Posthole.

2148 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <50% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2147].

2149 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.47 m (N/S) by

0.52 m (E/W) by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (2150). Truncated Pit.

2150 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2149].

2151 G Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.37

m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2152). Pit/Posthole.

2152 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <60% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2151].

2153 G Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80

m in diameter by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2154). Truncated pit heavily disturbed by

animal burrows.

2154 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <60% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2153].

2155 G Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40

m in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (2156).Posthole part of Post-ring

Roundhouse [2159].

2156 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2155].

2157 Cut Shallow circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

1.40 m in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (2158). Truncated refuse Pit.

2158 G Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with periwinkle and scallop shell throughout. Fill of


2159 G Structure Roundhouse comprising Post-ring of Postholes [2164, 2153, 2137, 2176, 2141, 2129,

2172, 2162, 2155 & 2160]. External Postholes [2143 & 2174] forming Porch Structure.

Internal Pits/Postholes [2135, 2139, 2121, 2131 & 2145].

2160 G Cut Circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.33 m in

diameter by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (2161).Posthole. Part of post-ring round-house


2161 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2160].

2162 G Cut Circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.34 m in

diameter by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (2163).Posthole. Part of post-ring round-house

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2163 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2162].

2164 G Cut Circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.31 m in

diameter by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (2165). Posthole. Part of post-ring round-house


2165 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2164].

2166 G Cut Linear cut feature with irregular, steeply sloping sides and irregular rounded base.

Dimensions; 8.0 m (N/S) by 0.60 m (E/W) by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (2167).

Possible boundary ditch running N/S. Part of Linear [2168].

2167 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <50 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2168]

2168 G Cut Linear cut feature with irregular, shallow sloping sides and irregular rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.70 m (N/S) by 1.35 m (E/W) by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (2169).

Possible boundary ditch located east of Linear [2166] running E/W.

2169 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <50 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2168]

2170 G Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40

m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2171). Posthole. Part of Post-ring Round-

house [2159]

2171 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2170]

2172 G Cut Circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.29 m in

diameter by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (2173). Posthole. Part of post-ring round-house


2173 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <8% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2172].

2174 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.37 m (N/S)

by 0.42 m (E/W) by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (2175). Posthole. Part of Post-ring

Round-house [2159]

2175 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2174]

2176 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.31 m (N/S)

by 0.41 m (E/W) by 0.37 m in depth. Filled by (2177). Posthole. Part of Post-ring

Round-house [2159]

2177 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2176].

2178 G Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.38 m in diameter by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2179). Truncated posthole

2179 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2178]

2180 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with gradually sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.24 m (N/S) by 0.38 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (2201). Truncated


2181 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Possible packer. Fill of [2186]

2182 G Cut Curvilinear aligned N/S with gradually sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

4.6 m (N/S) by 0.66 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (2183). Truncated Boundary


2183 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2182]

2184 G Cut Linear cut with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Aligned NE/SW. Dimensions;

8.0 m (SW/NE) by 0.71 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2183). Truncated

Boundary ditch.

2185 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2184]

2186 G Cut Circular cut feature with steep SE side and gradually sloping NW edge. Flat base.

Dimensions; 0.73 m in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (2187). Pit

2187 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2186]

2188 G Cut Circular cut feature with steep sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.96 m in diameter by

0.17 m in depth. Filled by (2188). Pit

2189 G Fill Grey brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Frequent burnt stones within

centre. Charcoal fragments. Fill of [2188]

2190 G Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.70

m in diameter by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (2191). Pit

2191 G Fill Grey brown sandy silt with <25 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2190]

2192 G Cut Linear cut aligned N/S with gradually sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

2.42 m (N/S) by 0.80 m (E/W) by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (2193). Elongated Pit.

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2193 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2186]

2194 G Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and irregular flat base. Dimensions; 0.60

m in diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (2195).

2195 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2194].

2196 G Cut Oval cut feature with steep sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.08 m (N/S) by 0.51 m

(E/W) by 0.67 m in depth. Filled by (2197). Pit

2197 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2196].

2198 G Cut Shallow circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

1.40 m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2199). Pit

2199 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10 % gravel inclusions. Contains shells <45%

periwinkle and scallop. Fill of [2198]

2200 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.83

m (N/S) by 0.69 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (2201). Truncated Posthole.

Part of Post-ring Round-house [2208]

2201 G Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2200].

2204 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.81

m (N/S) by 0.76 m (E/W) by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (2205). Truncated Posthole.

Part of Post-ring Round-house [2208]

2205 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2204]

2206 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.81

m (N/S) by 0.64 m (E/W) by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (2207). Truncated Posthole.

Part of Post-ring Round-house [2208]

2207 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Obvious signs of bioturbation.

Fill of [2206]

2208 G Structure Post-ring roundhouse structure

2209 G Cut Large circular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80

m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2210). Posthole of Post Ring Roundhouse


2210 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <30 % gravel inclusions with several probable packers.

Fill of [2209]

2211 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.82

m (N/S) by 0.54 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2212). Posthole. Part of Post-

ring Round-house [2208]

2212 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2211]

2213 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.46

m (N/S) by 0.69 m (E/W) by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (2114). Posthole. Part of Post-

ring Round-house [2208]

2214 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill of [2213]

2215 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.75

m (N/S) by 0.62 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2116). Posthole. Part of Post-

ring Round-house [2208]

2216 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <30 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2215]

2217 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.77 m

(N/S) by 0.69 m (E/W) by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (2118). Posthole. Part of Post-ring

Round-house [2208]

2218 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2217]

2219 G Cut Circular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter by 0.22 m. Disturbed on NE edge by burrow. Filled by (2220). Pit

2220 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2219]

2221 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.82

m (N/S) by 0.97 m (E/W) by 1.0 m in depth. Filled by (2222). Posthole/Pit.

2222 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2221]

2223 G Cut Circular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.47 m in

diameter by 0.22 m. Filled by (2224). Pit

2224 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2223]

2225 G Cut Circular cut with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.15 m in diameter by

0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2226). Stake-hole.

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2226 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2225]

2227 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with irregular moderately sloping sides and concave base.

Approx 0.90 m in diameter. Part of Post-ring round-house [2208] forming porch

entrance to the NE with [2229].

2228 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2208]

2229 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.79

m (N/S) by 0.72 m (E/W) by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (2230). Posthole. Part of Post-

ring Round-house [2208] forming porch entrance to the NE with [2227].

2230 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2229]

2231 G Cut Circular cut with gradually sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2232). Posthole

2232 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2231]

2233 G Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions;

0.74 m (N/S) by 0.65 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2234). Isolated Pit.

2234 G Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40 % gravel inclusions. Fill off [2229]

Area F

2235 F Cut Circular cut with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40m in

diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (2236). Posthole.

2236 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2235].

2237 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80 m

in diameter by 0.60 m in depth. Filled by (2138). Pit

2238 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2237]. Some organic lenses


2239 F Cut Oval cut with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions; 0.62 m

(N/S) by 1.04 m (E/W) by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (2240). Pit

2240 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2239]

2241 F Cut Oval cut with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.56 m (NW/SE) by

0.79 m (NE/SW) by 0.06 m in depth. Filled by (2242). Truncated Pit

2242 F Fill Very dark brown sandy silt with <2% gravel. Frequent fragments of charcoal <10%. Fill

of [2241].

2243 F Cut Oval cut with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.96 m (N/S) by

0.51 m (E/W) by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (2244). Truncated Pit adjacent to Posthole


2244 F Fill Very dark brown sandy silt with <2% gravel. Frequent fragments of charcoal <20%. Fill

of [2243].

2245 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.45 m in diameter by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (2246). Pit

2246 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2245]

2247 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m

in diameter by 0.40 m in depth. Filled by (2248). Posthole within Post-ring of


2248 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2247]

2249 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m

in diameter by 0.33 m in depth. Filled by (2250). Posthole within Post-ring of


2250 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2249]

2251 F Cut Large sub-circular pit with steeply sloping sides and a narrow flat base. ‘V’ shaped

profile. Dimensions; 1.78 m (N/S) by 1.14 m (E/W) by 0.57 m in depth. Filled by (2252).


2252 F Fill Dark brown, sandy silt mixed with lenses of ash and numerous fire-cracked stone

<20%. Fill of [2251].

2253 F Cut Circular cut feature with initial sharp vertical edge and then moderately sloping sides

and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by

(2254). Pit

2254 F Fill Dark brown, organic sandy silt mixed with lenses of paler brown sandy silt. Fill of

[2253]. Moderate amounts of charcoal throughout <5%.

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2255 F Cut Large circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.80 m in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (2156). Pit

2256 F Fill Dark brown, organic sandy silt. Fill towards southern end mixed with re-deposited sub-

soil. Fill of [2255]. Moderate amounts of charcoal throughout <5%.

2257 F Cut Large circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.90 m in diameter by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (2158). Pit

2258 F Fill Dark brown, sandy silt. Ashy with numerous small fire-cracked stones <20%. Fill of

[2257]. Small amounts of charcoal and burnt bone present.

2259 F Cut Oval cut with steep almost vertical sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.77 m (N/S) by

0.60 m (E/W) by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (2160)

2260 F Fill Pale grey brown sandy silt mixed with re-deposited sands and gravels <50%.

2261 F Cut Circular shallow cut with moderately sloping sides and gently rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.50 m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by [2262]. Truncated Pit.

2262 F Fill Pale grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravels. Fill of [2261].

2263 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply eastern side and a more gradually sloping western

side breaking onto a rounded base. Dimensions; 0.45 m in diameter by 0.30 m in

depth. Filled by (2164). Posthole.

2264 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2263].

2265 F Cut Circular shallow cut with moderately sloping sides and gently rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.36 m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth Filled by [2266]. Truncated


2266 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2265].

2267 F Cut Circular shallow cut with moderately sloping sides and gently rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.40 m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth Filled by [2268]. Truncated


2268 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2267].

2269 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.31 m

in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2270). Posthole.

2270 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt. Contains gravel <20%. Fill of [2269].

2271 F Cut Sub-circular pit with sharply breaking, steeply sloping southern side, and more

gradually sloping northern side and irregular rounded base. Dimensions; 0.65 m (N/S)

by 0.88 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2272). Industrial Pit

2272 F Fill Dark brown, sandy silt. Fill of [2271]. Small amounts of slag and burnt daub SF 014 &

015 present.

2273 F Cut Sub-circular pit with sharply breaking, steeply sloping sides, and rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.40 m (N/S) by 0.70 m (E/W) by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (2274).

Possible Hearth/Furnace.

2274 F Fill Dark brown, sandy silt. Ashy with slag present SF 013. Fill of [2273]

2275 F Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.38

m in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2276). Posthole.

2276 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt. Contains gravel <15%. Fill of [2275].

2277 F Cut Posthole, sub- circular, steep sides to concave base. Measured 0.47 m (N-S) x 0.44 m

(E-W) x 0.18 m deep. Filled by [2278].

2278 F Fill Mid brown silty sand with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions. Several larger stones may be ‘packers’ but are fairly small (0.15 m x 0.10 m x 0.05 m). Fill of [2277].

2279 F Structure Post-ring roundhouse with six post porch arrangement facing south-east. Comprised of

internal Post-ring [2277-2249-2247-2330-2300-2298-2296-2294-2310. Porch

arrangement [2314-2316-2320-2322] and 12 internal Pits/Postholes.

2280 F Cut

Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.65 m in diameter by 0.40 m in depth. Filled by (2281). Pit.

2281 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <15% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2280]. Pit

2282 F Cut

Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.78

m in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (2283). Small truncated Pit.

2283 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt. Contains charcoal fragments <2%. Fill of [2282]. SF 16

Ceramic Sherds.

2284 F Cut Circular cut feature with sharp steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

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0.45 m in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2285). Small truncated Pit.

2285 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2284].

2286 F Cut Circular cut feature with sharp vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.80 m in diameter by 0.47 m in depth. Filled by (2287). Pit

2287 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with large amounts of burnt organic material. Contains charcoal

fragments <2%. Fill of [2286]

2288 F Cut Circular cut feature with sharp vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.73

m in diameter by 0.44 m in depth. Filled by (2289). Pit

2289 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2288].

2290 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping northern and western edges and more gradual

eastern edge. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80m (N/S) by 0.90 m (E/W) by 0.33 m in

depth. Filled by (2291). Pit

2291 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions and small charcoal

fragments <2%.. Fill of [2290].

2292 F Cut Circular cut feature with initial sharp vertical break and then more gradually sloping

sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.95 m in diameter by 0.37 m in depth. Filled by

(2293). Pit

2293 F Fill Mottled dark brown sandy silt with burnt organic material, small charcoal fragments

and fire-cracked stone <10%. Fill of [2292].

2294 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.68m (N/S)

by 0.54 m (E/W) by 0.31 m in depth. Filled by (2295). Posthole

2295 F Fill Mottled dark brown sandy silt . Fill of [2293].

2296 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80m (N/S)

by 0.90 m (E/W) by 0.33 m in depth. Filled by (2295). Posthole

2297 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Fill of [2296].

2300 F Cut Shallow sub-circular cut with moderately sloping sides and irregular rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.36 m (N/S) by 0.42 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (2301).

Truncated by [2304]. Truncated Posthole.

2301 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Fill of [2300]

2302 F Cut Circular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m in

diameter by 0.16 m in depth Filled by (2303). Truncated Pit/Posthole.

2303 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2302]. Contains two

probable packing stones on northern edge.

2304 F Cut Linear cut with gently sloping sides and irregular base. Dimensions; 5.40 m (N/S) by

1.05 m (E/W) by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (2305). Contains Posthole [2300] part of

Post-ring for roundhouse (?). Erosion scar (?)

2305 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with infrequent charcoal fragments <1%. Fill of [2304]

2306 F Cut Oval cut with almost vertical sloping southern edge, moderately sloping northern edge

and irregular rounded base. Dimensions; 0.72 m (N/S) by 1.07 m (E/W) by 0.17 m in

depth. Filled by (2307). Pit

2307 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2306]. Contains ceramic

sherd SF 17.

2308 F Cut Oval cut with almost vertical sloping sides and irregular rounded base. Dimensions;

1.00m (N/S) by 0.80 m (E/W) by 0.43 m in depth. Filled by (2309). Pit

2309 F Fill Mottled medium brown sandy silt with lenses of burnt organic material, small charcoal

fragments <2%. Gravel inclusions <30%. Fill of [2308].

2310 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.58 m (N/S)

by 0.60 m (E/W) by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (2311). Posthole. Part of Post-ring

Structure [2279]

2311 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <40%. Contains several relatively small

packers. Fill of [2310].

2312 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.19 m (N/S)

by 0.25 m (E/W) by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (2313). Posthole. Part of Porch

arrangement of Post-ring Structure [2279] probably as repair or support for [2314]

2313 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2312].

2314 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.43 m (N/S)

by 0.51 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2315). Posthole. Part of Porch

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arrangement of Post-ring Structure [2279] has repair or support in [2312]

2315 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2314].

2316 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.41 m (N/S)

by 0.79 m (E/W) by 0.24 m in depth. Filled by (2316). Posthole. Part of Porch

arrangement of Post-ring Structure [2279]

2317 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2316].

2318 F Cut Sub-circular cut with moderately sloping sides. Rounded uneven base. Dimensions;

0.79 m (N/S) by 0.72 m (E/W) by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (2319). Pit. Lies across

Porch arrangement of Round-house [2279].Not likely to be contemporary.

2319 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2318].

2320 F Cut Sub-circular cut with moderately sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.39 m

(N/S) by 0.42 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2321). Posthole. Part of Porch

arrangement of Post-ring Structure [2279]

2321 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2320].

2322 F Cut Sub-circular cut with vertically sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.44 m (N/S)

by 0.22 m (E/W) by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (2321). Posthole. Part of Porch

arrangement of Post-ring Structure [2279]

2323 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2320].

2324 F Cut Irregular oval cut with almost vertical sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

1.00m (N/S) by 0.65 m (E/W) by 0.50 m in depth. Filled by (2325). Pit

2325 F Fill Mottled medium brown sandy silt with lenses of burnt organic material, small charcoal

fragments <2%, and pockets of re-deposited natural. Fill of [2324].

2326 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping western edge and more gradually sloping

eastern edge and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.90 m in diameter by 0.22 m in depth.

Filled by (2327). Pit

2327 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <2%, gravel inclusions <20%.

Fill of [2326].

2328 F Cut Irregular oval cut with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.45 (N/S)

by 0.90 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2329). Pit

2329 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <2%, gravel inclusions <30%.

Fill of [2328].

2330 F Cut Sub-circular cut with moderately sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m

(N/S) by 0.30 m (E/W) by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (2330). Posthole. Part of Post-ring

Structure [2279] interior post

2331 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Fill of [2330] with Packer stones.

2332 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.64 m

in diameter by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (2333). Pit

2333 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Possible charcoal fragments. Fill of [2332]

2334 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (2335). Truncated Pit/Posthole.

2335 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2338]

2336 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.81 m in

diameter by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (2337). Truncated Pit.

2337 F Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt. <50% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2336]

2338 F Cut Circular cut with moderately sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.15 m (N/S)

in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (2339). Part of Post-ring Structure [2279]

interior Posthole within [2341]

2339 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Fill of [2338]

2340 F Cut Oval cut with sharply defined moderately sloping sides and irregular rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.90 (N/S) by 1.15 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Contains Posthole [2238].

Filled by (2341). Pit

2341 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt < 40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2340]

2342 F Cut Circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.57 m (N/S) in

diameter by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (2343). Part of Post-ring Structure [2279] interior


2343 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt < 40% gravel inclusions. Contains several large packers. Fill of


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2344 F Cut Circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.52 m in diameter

by 0.41 m in depth. Filled by (2345). Part of Post-ring Structure [2279]. Posthole

2345 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt < 40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2344]

2346 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Flat base. Dimensions; 0.76 m (N/S) by

0.80 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2347). Pit/Posthole

2347 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt < 40% gravel inclusions. Contains large sandstone packer. Fill

of [2346]

2348 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m (N/S)

by 0.47 m (E/W) by 0.35 m in depth. Filled by (2349). Pit/Posthole. Part of Structure


2349 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt < 20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2348]

2350 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.41 m

in diameter by 0.38 m in depth. Filled by (2351-52). Truncated Pit.

2351 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <30%, gravel inclusions <20%.

Fill of [2350]. Upper fill 0.27 m in thickness.

2352 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <2%, gravel inclusions <20%.

Fill of [2350]. Lower fill 0.24 m in thickness.

2353 F Cut Oval cut with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60

(N/S) by 0.80 m (E/W) by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (2354). Pit

2354 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <2%, gravel inclusions <2%.

Fill of [2353]. Ceramic sherds SF 18.

2355 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.90 m (N/S)

by 0.80 m (E/W) by 0.40 m in depth. Filled by (2356). Pit

2356 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Fill of [2355] with fire-cracked stone <5% and burnt organic

material containing charcoal fragments <2%. SF 19 Ceramic sherd.

2357 F Cut Oval cut with steeply sloping sides and gently rounded base. Dimensions; 0.65 (N/S)

by 0.80 m (E/W) by 0.40 m in depth. Filled by (2358). Pit

2358 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt. Fill of [2358]

2359 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (2360). Truncated Posthole/Pit.

2360 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <2%, gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2359].

2361 F Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.37

m in diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (2362). Truncated Posthole.

2362 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2361]

2363 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.30 m in

diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (2364). Truncated Posthole.

2364 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2363]

2365 F Cut Oval cut with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 (N/S)

by 0.22 m (E/W) by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (2366). Pit

2366 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2365]

2367 F Cut Oval cut with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 (N/S)

by 0.22 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (2368). Pit

2368 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2367]

2369 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.75 m

in diameter by 0.38 m in depth. Filled by (2370-71). Pit

2370 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2369]. Upper Fill overlying


2371 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% charcoal, gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2369].

Lower Fill underlying (2370)

2372 F Cut Circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.28 m in diameter

by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2373). Part of Post-ring Structure [2279]. Posthole

2373 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt < 20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2372]

2376 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.63 m

in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (2377). Posthole/Pit. Part of Structure [2279].

2377 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [2376].

2378 F Cut Circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.39 m in diameter

by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2379). Part of Post-ring Structure [2279]. Posthole

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2379 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [2378].

2380 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.43 m (N/S)

by 0.33 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (2381). Posthole. Part of Structure


2381 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2380].

2382 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.47 m

in diameter by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (2383). Posthole.

2383 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [2382].

2384 F Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.29 m

in diameter by 0.07 m in depth. Filled by (2385). Posthole.

2385 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2384].

2386 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (2387). Posthole. Part of Structure [2279].

2387 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [2386].

2388 F Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measures 0.24 m (N-S) x 0.30 m

(E-W) x 0.1 m deep. Filled by [2387].

2389 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [2388].

2392 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40 m

in diameter by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (2393). Posthole. Part of Structure [2279].

2393 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <20%. Fill of [2392].

2394 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.33 m (N/S)

by 0.21 m (E/W) by 0.06 m in depth. Filled by (2395). Posthole. Part of Structure


2395 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <5%. Fill of [2394].

2396 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.51 m (N/S)

by 0.46 m (E/W) by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (2397). Posthole. Part of Structure


2397 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with some sand lensing and gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of


2398 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40 m (N/S)

by 0.37 m (E/W) by 0.29 m in depth. Filled by (2399). Posthole. Part of Structure


2399 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Fill of [2398].

2400 F Cut Oval cut with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.49 (N/S) by 0.25

m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (2401). Posthole truncated by burrowing on

western edge.

2401 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with gravel inclusions <10%. Contains several packers. Fill of


2404 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.24 m (N/S)

by 0.36 m (E/W) by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (2405). Posthole. Part of Structure


2405 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2358]

2406 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m (N/S)

by 0.41 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (2407). Posthole. Part of Structure


2407 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2406]

2408 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m (N/S)

by 0.23 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2409). Posthole. Part of Structure


2409 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2408]

2410 F Cut Oval cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80 (N/S) by

0.95 m (E/W) by 0.40 m in depth. Filled by (2411). Pit

2411 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <2%, gravel inclusions <5%.

Fill of [2410].

2412 F Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.70 m in diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (2411). Pit

2413 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2412]

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2414 F Cut Oval cut with gently sloping eastern side and steeply sloping western side and rounded

base. Dimensions; 0.95 (N/S) by 0.75 m (E/W) by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (2415). Pit

2415 F Fill Light brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <5%, gravel inclusions <10%. Fill

of [2414].

2416 F Cut Oval cut with moderately sloping sides and irregular rounded base. Dimensions; 2.18

(N/S) by 1.25 m (E/W) by 0.60 m in depth. Filled by (2417-2418). Pit

2417 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <2% charcoal, gravel inclusions <20%. Upper Fill of [2416].

2418 F Fill Dark brown organic sandy silt with <20% charcoal, gravel inclusions <5%. Lower Fill of


2419 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping edges and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m

in diameter by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (2420). Pit

2420 F Fill Light brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <5%, gravel inclusions <10%. Fill

of [2419].

2421 F Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m (N/S)

by 0.28 m (E/W) by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (2422). Posthole. Part of Structure


2422 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2421]

2423 F Cut Oval cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.70 (N/S) by

0.51 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (2424). Pit

2424 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions with charcoal flecks <1%. Fill of [2423]

2425 F Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.51 m in diameter by 0.46 m in depth. Filled by (2426). Posthole

2426 F Fill Dark brown sandy silt <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [2408] contains several packers.

2462 F Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping western edge and more gradually sloping

eastern edge and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m in diameter by 0.32 m in depth.

Filled by (2363). Pit

2463 F Fill Medium brown sandy silt with small charcoal fragments <2%, gravel inclusions <10%.

Fill of [2362]. SF 20


2500 X Cut Pit/Posthole, irregular spread on plan, gently inward sloping sides steepening into

posthole. Measured 1.27 m x 0.82 x 0.27 m deep. Filled by [2501].

2501 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional large sub-rounded stone (packer?) inclusions.

Fill of [2500]

2502 X Cut Pit, sub-circular, vertical sides, flat base. Diameter 1.35 m depth 0.45 m. Filled by


2503 X Fill Dark grey / brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2502]

2504 X Cut Posthole, circular, steeply inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measured 0.63 m x

0.60 x 0.34 m deep. Filled by [2505].

2505 Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional large sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions (packers). Fill of [2504]

2506 X Cut Pit/posthole, sub-circular, steeply inward sloping sides to concave base. Measured

0.90 m x 0.85 x 0.35 m deep. Filled by [2507].

2507 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Rare larger stones (probably packers) (packers). Fill of [2506]

2508 X Cut Posthole, irregular on plan (damaged/), Diameter 0.70 m by 0.34 m deep. Filled by


2509 X Fill Brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Rare larger stones (probably packers) (packers). Fill of [2508]

2510 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, near vertical sides, flat base. Diameter 0.75 m. Filled by [2511].

2511 X Fill Dark grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-rounded angular

stone inclusions (probable packers). Depth 0.03 m, fill of [2510].

2512 X Cut Posthole, irregular on plan (narrow shallow spur/spread to north). On surface

measures 1.50 m x 0.52 m x 026 m deep) - actual posthole about 0.5 m diameter.

Filled by [2513].

2513 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with peaty lenses and small sub-rounded stone inclusions.

Probably disturbed. Fill of [2512]

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2514 X Cut Posthole, circular, steeply inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measured 0.72 m x

0.77 x 0.38 m deep. Filled by [2515].

2515 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional large sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions (packers). Fill of [2514]

2516 X Cut Posthole, circular, steeply inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measured 0.86 m x

0.84 x 0.33 m deep. Filled by [2517].

2517 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2516]

2518 X Cut Pit, sub-circular, near vertical sides to 0.4 m depth changing to steeply sloped to

concave base. Measured 1.75 m diameter, 1.0 m deep. Filled by [2519], [2520},

[2521], [2522], [2523], [2524], 2525]and [2526]

2519 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small and medium rounded and sub-rounded stone

inclusions. Upper fill of [2518], lies above [2520] and [2522]. Depth 0.45 m, fill of


2520 X Fill Light brown sandy silt with abundant small to medium rounded to sub-angular stones

and occasional charcoal fleck inclusions. Below [2519], above [2521], Fill of [2518]

2521 X Fill Mid yellow sandy silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-rounded angular

stone inclusions. Below [2520], above [2522].

Depth 0.09 m, fill of [2518]

2522 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-rounded stone

inclusions. Above [2523], below [2521]. Depth 0.2 m, fill of [2518]

2523 X Fill Mid brown silt with abundant small to large rounded and angular stone and frequent

charcoal fleck inclusions. Above [2524 and [2526], below [2522]. Depth 0.3 m, fill of


2524 X Fill Mid yellow sandy silt with frequent small rounded to sub-angular stones and charcoal

fleck inclusions. Above [2525], below [2523]. Depth 0.09 m, Fill of [2518].

2525 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded and sub-angular stones

and occasional charcoal fleck inclusions. Below [2524]. Depth 0.08 m, Fill of [2518]

2526 X Fill Mid grey clay silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-angular stones. Below

[2523]. Depth 0.17, fill of [2518[.

2527 X Cut Posthole, circular, gradual steeply inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measured

0.50 m diameter x 0.15 m deep. Filled by [2528].

2528 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2527]

2529 X Cut Posthole, oval, steeply inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measured 0.35 m x 0.25

x 0.15 m deep. Filled by [2530].

2530 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2529]

2531 X Structure Umbrella fieldwork context for Structure 11

2532 X Cut Pit, sub-circular, steep sides, concave base. Diameter 0.9 m, depth 0.18 m, filled by


2533 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions. Depth 0.18 m, fill of [2532}

2534 X Cut Post hole, steep angled sides, flat base. Diameter 0.72 m, depth 0.22 m. Filled by

[2536] Part of Structure 11.

2535 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2536 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, flat base. Diameter 0.63 m, depth 0.05 m. Filled by [2536], part

of Structure 11.

2537 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill


2538 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, gently sloping sides, irregular base. Diameter 0.75 m, depth

0.14 m. Filled by [2539], part of Structure 11

2539 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2540 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, steep sides, irregular base. Diameter 0.33 m, depth 0.1 m.

Filled by [2541], part of Structure 11

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2541 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2542 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, steep curved sides irregular base. Diameter 0.65 m, depth 0.2

m. Filled by [2543], part of Structure 11.

2543 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2544 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, steep sides, concave base. Diameter 0.35 m, depth, 0.22 m.

Filled by [2545], part of Structure 11.

2545 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2546 X Cut Pit/post hole, sub-circular, gently curved sides, irregular base, Diameter 0.6 m, depth

0.08 m. Filled by [2547].

2547 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions and patches of charcoal flecks. Fill of [2546]

2548 X Cut Pit, sub-circular, gently sloping sides, concave base. Diameter 0.75 m, depth 0.09 m.

Filled by [2549]

2549 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions and patches of charcoal flecks. Fill of [2548]

2550 X Cut Post hole, circular, gently sloping sides, concave base. Diameter 0.35 m, depth 0.06

m. Filled by [2551].

2551 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions and patches of charcoal flecks. Fill of [2550]

2552 X Cut Post hole, Circular, steeply curved sides, concave base. Diameter 0.5 m, depth 0.21

m. filled by [2553].

2553 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2554 X Cut Post hole, Circular, steeply curved sides, concave base. Diameter 0.4 m, depth 0.17

m. Filled by [2555], part of Structure 11.

2555 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2556 X Cut Post hole, Circular, steeply curved sides, concave base. Diameter 0.35 m, depth 0.11

m. Filled by 11, part of Structure 11.

2557 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional rounded to sub-rounded stone inclusions. Fill of


2558 X Cut Post hole, circular, steep sides concave base. Diameter 0.3 m, depth 0.1 m. Filled by


2559 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with occasional small to large sized rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions and abundant charcoal flecking. Fill of [2558]

2560 X Cut Posthole, oval, steeply inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measured 0.35 m x 0.42

x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [2530]. Structure 11

2561 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2560]

2562 X Cut Pit, irregular oval, gently sloping sides to irregular, though generally concave base.

Filled by [2563 & [2564].

2563 X Fill Mid grey / brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Upper fill of pit [2562] overlies fill [2564]

2564 X Fill Light grey sandy silt with abundant small to medium rounded and sub-rounded stone

inclusions. Depth 0.10. Lower fill of pit [2562] underlies fill [2564]

2565 X Cut Posthole, circular, steeply inward sloping sides to rounded base. Measured 0.70 m x

0.68 x 0.27 m deep. Filled by [2566]. Structure 11

2566 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2565]

2567 X Cut Post hole, sub circular, near vertical sides, slightly concave base. Filled by [2568].

Measures 0.5 m (N-S), 0.35 m (E-W) depth 0.28 m.

2568 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Depth 0.28 m, fill of [2567].

2569 X Cut Pit/posthole, oval, steeply inward sloping sides to flat base. Measured 0.75m x 0.45 x

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0.15 m deep. Filled by [2570]. Structure 11

2570 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2569]

2571 X Cut Post hole, circular, gently sloping sides, concave base. Filled by [2572].

Measures 0.2 m diameter, 0.06 m deep.

2572 X Fill Mid brown silty sand with frequent small to medium rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Depth 0.06 m, fill of [2571].

2573 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, gently sloping sides, concave base. Filled by [2574]

Diameter 0.4 m depth 0.12 m.

2574 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small to medium rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Depth 0.12 m, Fill of [2573].

2575 X Cut Posthole, circular, steeply inward sloping sides to flat base. Measured 0.25m diameter

x 0.08 m deep. Conjoined with larger feature [2577]. Filled by [2576]. Structure 11

2576 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2575]

2577 X Cut Pit/posthole, circular, steeply inward sloping sides to flat base. Measured 0.96 m x

0.90 m x 0.18 m deep. Conjoined with features [2575] and [2569]. Cut by sub-

rectangular pit [2569] and possibly posthole [2575]. Filled by [2578].

2578 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2577]

2579 X Cut Posthole, oval, steep inward sloping sides to bowl base. Measured 0.90 m x 0.80 m x

0.26 m deep. Filled by [2580]. Structure 11

2580 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2579]

2581 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, gently sloping sides, concave base. Filled by [2582]. Measured

0.5 m 0.38 m x 0.04m m.

2582 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with occasional small to medium rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2581]. Depth 0.04 m.

2583 X Cut Pit, Sub-circular, gently sloping sides and concave base. Filled by [2584] and 2585].

Diameter 0.8 m, depth 0.15 m.

2584 X Fill Mid grey brown silty sand. Above [2583]. Upper fill of [2583]. Depth 0.1 m.

2585 X Fill Mid yellow brown sand with occasional small to medium rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions. Below [2584]. Lower fill of [2583], depth 0.12 m.

2586 X Cut Posthole, oval, steep inward sloping sides to concave base. Measured 0.30 m x 0.24

m x 0.09 m deep. Filled by [2587]. Structure 11

2587 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2586]

2588 X Cut Posthole, circular, steep inward sloping sides to concave base. Diameter 0.25 m x 0.12

m deep. Filled by [2589]. Structure 11

2589 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2588]

2590 X Cut Gully, aligned NW-SE, steeply angled sides, flat base. 1.15 m long x 0.8 m deep. Filled

by [2591], part of Structure 11

2591 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent very small sub rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2590]

2592 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, gently sloping sides and concave base. Diameter 0.5 m, depth

0.08 m. Filled by [2593]

2593 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with occasional small to medium rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions and frequent charcoal flecks. Fill of [2592]

2594 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, steeply curved sides and concave base. Diameter 0.64 m,

depth 0.29 m. Filled by [2595], part of Structure 11, conjoined with [2611]

2595 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with many small and medium sub-rounded to sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2594]

2596 X Cut Gully, aligned N-SW, steeply angled sides and concaved base. Measures 4.0 m x 0.3

m x 0.14 m. Filled by [2597], part of Structure 11.

2597 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent very small sub rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2596].

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2598 X Cut Post hole/gully terminus, steep inward sloping sides, flat base. Diameter 0.28 m, depth

0.12 m. Filled by [2599], part of Structure 11.

2599 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2598].

2600 X Cut Post hole, circular, near vertical sides, concave base. Diameter 0.7 m, depth 0.28 m.

Filled by [2601]

2601 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2600]

2602 X Cut Post hole, circular, near vertical sides and concave base. Diameter 0.8 m, depth 0.4 m.

Filled by [2603] and [2604], part of Structure 11.

2603 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with many small to medium sized sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Above [2604]. Depth xx. Upper fill of [2602]

2604 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Below [2603]. Depth xx. Lower fill of [2602].

2605 X Cut Gully, aligned NE-SW, near vertical sides, flat base. Measures 0.4 m x 0.2 m x 0.02 m.

Filled by [2606], part of Structure 11, same as [2594].

2606 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [2606].

2607 X Cut Post hole, circular, inward sloping sides and flat base. Diameter 0.6 m, depth 0.13 m.

Filled by [2608]

2608 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small to medium sized rounded to sub-angular

stone inclusions. Fill of [2607]

2609 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, near vertical sides and concave base. Diameter 0.8 m. Filled

by [2610].

2610 X Fill Mid grey brown silt with frequent small to medium sized rounded to sub-angular

stones. Fill of [2609]

2611 X Cut Post hole, sub-circular, near vertical sides with concave base. Diameter 0.60 m, depth

0.26 m. Filled by [2612] and conjoined with [2594], part of Structure 11

2612 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt containing one large packing stone and many small sub-rounded

and sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2611].

2613 X Cut Post hole, circular, near vertical sides and rounded base. Diameter 0.38 m, depth 0.22

m. Filled by [2614] part of Structure 11

2614 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt containing one large packing stone and many small sub-rounded

and sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2614].

2615 X Cut Post hole, circular with tail toward south. Steep inwardly sloping sides and rounded

base. Diameter 0.25 m (tail 0.15 m N-S), depth 0.08 m. Filled by [2616].

2616 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt in post hole (Tail more peaty) with occasional small sub-rounded

to sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2615]

2617 X Cut Pit, circular, near vertical sides and rounded base. Diameter 1.7 m, depth 1.3 m. Filled

by [2618], [2619] and [2620].

2618 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded stone inclusions and charcoal

flecks. Above [2619]. Depth 0.46 m. Fill of [2617].

2619 X Fill Black sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded stone inclusions. Depth 0.21 m.

Above [2620] and fill of [2617]

2620 X Fill Mid brown silty sand with moderately frequent small to medium sized sub-rounded

stone inclusions. Depth 0.17 m. Below [2619] and fill of [2617]

2622 X Cut Post hole, circular, inwardly sloping sides rounded base. Diameter 0.27 m, depth 0.1

m. Filled by [2623], part of Structure 11.

2623 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent inclusions of small sub-rounded and sub-angular

stones. Fill of [2622].

2624 X Cut Post hole, circular with tail to east. Near vertical sides and rounded base. Diameter

0.62 m, depth 0.35 m. Filled by [2625], part of structure 11.

2625 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent large sub-rounded stone post packers and small

sub-angular inclusions. Fill of [2624].

2626 X Cut Post hole, circular, steep inwardly sloping sides and concave base. Diameter 1.2 m,

depth 0.76 m. Filled by [2627] and [2635].

2627 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with occasional inclusions of small sub-rounded and sub-angular

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stones. Overlies 2635], thickness 0.52 m. Upper fill of [2626].

2628 X Cut Pit/post hole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top, concave sides & base. Diameter

0.34 m, depth 0.10 m. Filled by [2629].

2629 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with occasional inclusions of small sub-rounded and sub-angular

stones. Fill of [2628].

2630 X Cut Pit/post hole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top, concave sides & base. Diameter

0.34 m, depth 0.11 m. Filled by [2631].

2631 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with occasional inclusions of small sub-rounded and sub-angular

stones. Fill of [2630].

2632 X Cut Pit, large sub-oval on plan, gently inward sloping sides to stepped concave base.

Measures 2.56 m x 1.57 m x 0.41 m deep. Filled by [2633] & [2634]. Burning evident

on natural subsoil at base of cut.

2633 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Charcoal flecks & burnt bone. Upper fill of [2632]. Overlies fill [2634].

2634 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Charcoal patches & burnt bone. Lower fill of [2632]. Underlies fill [2633].

Burning evident on natural subsoil at base of cut [2632].

2635 X Fill Mid brown / grey sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Max thickness 0.42 m. Lower fill of [2626]. Underlies fill [2627],

2636 X Cut Pit, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top, steep sides to flat base. Diameter 0.68 m,

depth 0.16 m. Filled by [2637].

2637 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with occasional inclusions of small sub-rounded and sub-angular

stones. Occasional larger ‘packer’ stones. Fill of [2636].

2638 X Cut Fragment of ring-groove cut. Lies close to [2640]. Measures 0.85 m long x 0.28 m wide

x 0.14 m deep. Inward sloping sides to concave base. Filled by [2639]. Structure 11.

2639 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2638]

2640 X Cut Fragment of ring-groove cut. Lies close to [2638]. Measures 0.50 m long x 0.23 m wide

x 0.05 m deep. Inward sloping sides to concave base. Filled by [2641]. Structure 11.

2641 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2640]

2642 X Cut Pit, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to near vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.95 m x 0.90 m x 0.25 m deep. Filled by [2643] & [2644].

2643 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Occasional charcoal flecks. Upper fill of [2642]. Overlies fill [2644].

2644 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Occasional charcoal flecks. Lower fill of [2642]. Underlies fill [2643].

2645 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to steep sides to concave base.

Measures 0.80 m x 0.70 m x 0.15 m deep. Filled by [2646] .

2646 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [2645].

2647 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to steep sides to concave base.

Measures 0.80 m x 0.75 m x 0.25 m deep. Filled by [2648] & [2649].

2648 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Occasional charcoal flecks. Upper fill of [2647]. Overlies fill [2649].

2649 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Occasional charcoal flecks. Lower fill of [2647] forming peripheral 0.10 m

thick ‘halo’ around upper fill [2648].

2650 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.55 m x 0.35 m x 0.35 m deep. Some bioturbation evident. Filled by [2651].

2651 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Rare charcoal fleck. Fill of [2650]. Some bioturbation evident.

2652 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.40 m diameter x 0.30 m deep. Filled by [2653].

2653 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Rare larger, probably ‘packer’ stones. Fill of [2652].

2654 X Cut Possible double posthole at entrance to roundhouse. Irregular oval, curving stepped

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sides to double concave base. Measures 1.22 m x 0.54 m x 0.28 m deep. Filled by

[2655]. Structure 11

2655 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Quern fragments recovered from ‘eastern’ posthole element. Fill of [2654].

2656 X Cut E-W slot connecting [2658] to 2654] at entrance to roundhouse. Profile - inward sloping

sides to narrow concave base. Filled by [2657].

2657 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of slot [2656].

2658 X Cut Posthole at entrance to roundhouse, oval, gently sloping sides to concave base.

Measures 0.58 m x 0.52 m x 0.16 m deep. Filled by [2659]. Structure 11

2659 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2658].

2660 X Cut SE-NW ring-groove slot at north of entrance. Profile - steep inward sloping sides to flat

base (0.32 m wide by 0.09 m deep) Filled by [2661]. Structure 11

2661 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of slot [2660].

2662 X Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to concave sides & base. Measures 0.87

m diameter x 0.39 m deep. Filled by [2663]. Cuts [2664/5].

2663 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with frequent medium-sized and small sub-rounded and sub-

angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2662].

2664 X Cut Posthole/pit heavily bioturbated (originally circular?) and cut by posthole [2662] on

west side. Sharp break-of-slope at top on surviving side to concave base. Filled by


2665 X Fill Mid grey / brown sandy silt with rare small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2664]. Cut by [2662].

2666 X Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.49 m diameter x 0.31 m deep. Filled by [2667].

2667 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with very frequent medium-sized and larger sub-rounded and sub-

angular ‘packer’ stone inclusions. Fill of [2666].

2668 X Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to near vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.42 m diameter x 0.17 m deep. Filled by [2669].

2669 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone (inc

sandstone fragments) inclusions. Fill of [2668].

2670 X Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to near vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.45 m diameter x 0.60 m deep. Filled by [2671].

2671 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2670].

2672 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to near vertical sides to concave

base. Measures 0.35 m diameter x 0.17 m deep. Filled by [2673].

2673 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Rare charcoal fleck. Fill of [2672].

2674 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.35 m diameter x 0.25 m deep. Filled by [2675].

2675 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [2674].

2676 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to steeply sloping sides to concave

base. Measures 0.20 m diameter x 0.06 m deep. Filled by [2677].

2677 X Fill Dark grey /brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2676].

2678 X Cut Pit/posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to concave sides & base. Measures

0.50 m diameter x 0.34 m deep. Filled by [2679] & [2680]. Some bioturbation on west

side of feature.

2679 X Fill Mid grey sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Upper fill of [2678]. Overlies fill [2680].

2680 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Lower fill of [2678]. Underlies [2679].

2681 X Cut Posthole, near circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to inward sloping sides to concave

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base. Measures 1.01 m x 1.03 m by 0.38 m deep. Filled by [2682]. Part Structure


2682 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Upper fill of [2681]. Overlies fill [2683].

2683 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Lower fill of [2681]. Underlies fill [2682].

2684 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to near vertical sides to concave

base. Measures 0.40 m diameter x 0.25 m deep. Filled by [2685].

2685 X Fill Dark grey /brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Frequent larger ‘packer’ stones. Charcoal staining evident. Fill of [2684].

2686 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to near vertical sides to flat base.

Measures 0.63 m x 0.53 m x 0.26 m deep. Filled by [2687]. Part Structure [2531].

2687 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Occasional large rounded stone. Fill of [2686].

2688 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to inward sloping sides to concave

base. Measures 0.28 m x 0.22 m x 0.10 m deep. Filled by [2689]. Part Structure


2689 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2688].

2690 X Cut Irregular feature - part of ring-groove. Curving, sharp break-of-slope at top to inward

sloping sides to concave profile. Measures 0.97 m long x 0.37 m wide. Filled by [2691].

Probably part of ring-groove of Structure [2531].

2691 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with rare small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [2620].

2692 X Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to inward sloping sides to concave base.

Measures 0.20 m in diameter 0.10 m deep. Filled by [2693].

2693 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with rare gravel. Fill of [2692].

2694 X Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to steep inward sloping sides to pointed

base. Measures 0.51 m in diameter 0.48 m deep. Filled by [2695].

2695 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with rare gravel. Frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded

stone inclusions (larger stones possibly ‘packers’). Fill of [2694].

2696 X Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to near vertical sides to concave base.

Measures 0.30 m in diameter 0.20 m deep. Filled by [2697].

2697 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions Fill of [2696].

2698 X Cut Posthole (heavily truncated), circular, sharp break-of-slope at top to steeply inward

sloping side to concave base. Measures 0.25 m in diameter 0.05 m deep. Filled by


2699 X Fill Light grey sandy silt with frequent small to medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions Fill of [2698].

2700 X Cut Possible double posthole, irregular oval, curving stepped sided to double concave

base. Measures 1.00 m x 0.64 m x 0.39 m deep. Filled by [2701]. Structure 11

2701 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Quern fragments recovered from ‘eastern’ posthole element. Fill of [2700].

2702 X Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping sides to concave base. Measures 0.24 m diameter x

0.12 m deep. Filled by [2703]. Structure 11

2703 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2702].

2704 X Cut Posthole, circular, gently inward sloping sides to concave base. Measures 0.35 m

diameter x 0.16 m deep. Filled by [2705]. Structure 11

2705 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2704].

2706 X Cut Spread or shallow pit. Irregular on plan. Steep short sides to flat base. Measures 2.10

m x 1.42 m x 0.11 m deep. Filled by [2707]. Structure 11(?)]. Cut by postholes [2708] &


2707 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2706]. Cut by postholes [2708] & [2710].

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2708 X Cut Posthole, oval, inward sloping sides to concave base. Measures 0.29 m x 0.19 m x

0.13 m deep. Filled by [2709]. Cuts [2706/7]. Structure 11

2709 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2708].

2710 X Cut Posthole, circular, steep inward sloping sides to concave base. Measures 0.39 m

diameter x 0.27 m deep. Filled by [2711]. Cuts [2706/7]. Structure 11

2711 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2710].

2712 X Cut Posthole, oval, steep inward sloping sides to concave base. Located in centre of

spread [2706/7]. Measures 0.50 m x 0.48 m x 0.29 m deep. Filled by [2713]. Structure


2713 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Rare larger stones (packers?). Fill of [2712].

2714 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep inward sloping sides to concave base. Measures 0.30 m

in diameter x 0.13 m deep. Filled by [2715]. Structure 11

2715 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-

angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2714].

2716 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.40 m in

diameter x 0.17 m deep. Filled by [2717].

2717 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-

angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2716].

2718 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.55 m in

diameter x 0.25 m deep. Filled by [2719].

2719 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Larger stones are probably ‘packers’. Fill of [2718].

2720 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.35 m in

diameter x 0.20 m deep. Filled by [2721].

2721 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Fill of [2720].

2722 X Cut Posthole, circular, steep sides to concave base. Measures 0.25 m in diameter x 0.07 m

deep. Filled by [2723].

2723 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Fill of [2722].

2724 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.95 m in diameter x

0.35 m deep. Filled by [2725]. Some disturbance by animal burrowing on east and SE


2725 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Largest stones probably ‘packers’. Fill of [2724.].

2726 X Cut Posthole, circular, steep sides to concave base. Measures 0.35 m in diameter x 0.10 m

deep. Filled by [2727].

2727 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2726].

2728 X Cut Curvilinear - ring-groove slot for Structure [2531]. Part of western side of ring-groove,

Inward sloping sides to step at 0.29 m deep. Cut by [2732]. Measures 0.35 m in

diameter x 0.10 m deep. Filled by [2729] & [2730].

2729 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Upper fill of [2728]. Overlies [2730]. Cut by [2732].

2730 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Lower Fill of [2728]. Underlies [2729].

2731 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, inward sloping sides to concave base. Filled by [2732]. Cuts

[2729] which in turn cuts [2754]. Part of Structure 11.

2732 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Largest stones probably ‘packers’. Fill of [2724.].

2733 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep shallow sides to flat base. Filled by [2734]. Part of

Structure [2531].

2734 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [2733.].

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2735 X Cut Posthole, circular, irregular stepped profile to concave base. Diameter 0.65 m x 0.15 m

deep. Filled by [2736]. Structure 11

2736 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2735]

2737 X Cut Posthole, circular, gently inward sloping side to flat base. Diameter 0.44 m x 0.0.08 m

deep. Filled by [2738]. Structure 11

2738 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2737]

2739 X Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping side to concave base. Diameter 0.15 m x 0.0.05 m

deep. Filled by [2740]. Structure 11

2740 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2739]

2741 X Cut Posthole, oval, inward sloping side to concave base. Measures 0.24 m x 0.18 m x 0.08

m deep. Filled by [2742]. Structure 11

2742 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2741]

2743 X Cut Posthole, oval, inward sloping side to concave base. Measures 0.21 m x 0.15 m x 0.09

m deep. Filled by [2744]. Structure 11

2744 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2743]

2745 X Cut Posthole, oval, inward sloping side to concave base. Measures 0.21 m x 0.16 m x 0.05

m deep. Filled by [2746]. Structure 11

2746 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2745]

2747 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to concave base. Measures 0.21 m x 0.80 m x 0.40

m deep. Filled by [2748].

2748 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Largest stones probably ‘packers’. Fill of [2747]

2749 X Cut Posthole, circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.40 m in diameter x

0.22 m deep. Filled by [2750].

2750 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Fill of [2749]

2751 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.40 m in

diameter x 0.30 m deep. Filled by [2752].

2752 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Largest stones probably ‘packers’. Fill of [2751]

2753 X Cut Section of ring-groove slot for Structure [2531]. Approx 0.6 m long x 0.45 m wide x

0.28 m deep. U-shaped profile. Lies within curvilinear [2728]. Filled by [2757]. Cuts


2754 X Fill Re-deposited material overlying fill [2756] and lying along the western edge of [2728].

Essentially curvilinear [2728] backfill subsequently cut by [2753].

2755 X Cut Possible posthole (0.36 m diameter x 0.02 m deep) under [2754]. Filled by [2756].

2756 X Fill Possible posthole fill. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-

angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2755].

2757 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2753].

2760 X Fill Posthole, oval, steep sides to flat base. Measures 0.72 m x 0.55 m x 0.28 m deep.

Filled by [2761]. Cuts or is cut by [2762].

2761 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-

angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2760].

2762 X Cut Posthole, oval, steep sides to concave base. Measures 0.22 m in diameter 0.20 m

deep. Filled by [2763]. Part of Structure [2531].

2763 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2762].

2764 X Cut Posthole, oval, steep inward sloping sides to flat base. Measures 0.48 m x 0.35 m x

0.16 m deep. Filled by [2765]. Part of Structure [2531].

2765 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

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inclusions. Fill of [2764].

2766 X Cut Posthole, circular, shallow. Measures 0.20 m in diameter x 0.08 m deep. Filled by


2767 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2766]. Part of Structure [2531].

2768 X Cut Posthole, circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.27 m in diameter x

0.20 m deep. Filled by [2769].

2769 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2768]. Part of Structure [2531].

2770 X Cut Posthole (possible double) oval, stepped profile. Measures 0.40 m x 0.23 m x between

0.06 m and 0.10 m deep (different levels of ‘step’). Filled by [2771]. Part of Structure


2771 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2770].

2772 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to flat base. Measures 0.40 m x 0.36 m x

0.09 m deep. Filled by [2773]. Part of Structure [2531].

2773 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2772]. Part of Structure [2531].

2774 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.28 m x 0.27 m

x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [2775]. Part of Structure [2531].

2775 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2774].

2776 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.42 m x 0.37 m

x 0.22 m deep. Filled by [2777]. Part of Structure [2531].

2777 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2776].

2778 X Cut Posthole, circular, inward sloping sides to concave base. Measures 0.34 m in diameter

x 0.13 m deep. Filled by [2779]. Part of Structure [2531].

2779 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2778].

2780 X Cut Posthole, circular, steep sides to flat base. Measures 0.25 m in diameter x 0.07 m

deep. Filled by [2781]. Part of Structure [2531].

2781 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2780].

2782 X Cut Posthole, sub- circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.45 m x 0.40 m

x 0.30 m deep. Filled by [2783].

2783 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Largest stones probably ‘packers’. Fill of [2782].

2784 X Cut Posthole, circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.80 m in diameter x

0.43 m deep. Filled by [2785].

2785 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Largest stones probably ‘packers’. Post-pipe defined by gap between

packing stones seen in section. Fill of [2784].

2786 X Cut Posthole, sub- circular, near vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.50 m x 0.40 m

x 0.20 m deep. Filled by [2787]. Disturbed on south side.

2787 X Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with frequent small to large sub-rounded and sub-angular

stone inclusions. Fill of [2786].

2788 X Cut Posthole, circular, vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.30 m in diameter x 0.20

m deep. Filled by [2789].

2789 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [2788].

2790 X Cut Posthole, circular, steep sides to concave base. Measures 0.35 m in diameter x 0.09 m

deep. Filled by [2791].

2791 X Fill Dark grey sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [2790].

2792 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to concave base. Measures 0.45 m x 0.35 m x 0.10

m deep. Filled by [2793]. Erosion/disturbance on south edge.

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2793 X Fill Mid grey brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2792].

2794 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to flat base. Measures 1.06 m x 0.93 m x 0.38 m

deep. Filled by [2795]. Part of Structure [2531].

2795 X Fill Mid grey brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Large sub-rounded and sub-angular ‘packing’ stones present. Fill of [2794].

2796 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to concave base. Measures 0.79 m x 0.64 m x 0.35

m deep. Filled by [2797]. Part of Structure [2531].

2797 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-

angular stone inclusions. Rare black ‘peaty’ lenses within fill. Fill of [2796].

2798 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to flat base. Measures 1.09 m x 0.80 m x 0.32 m

deep. Filled by [2799] & [2806]. Part of Structure [2531].

2799 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Upper fill of [2798]. Overlies [2806].

2800 X Cut Posthole, circular, vertical sides to concave base. Measures 0.23 m in diameter x 0.14

m deep. Filled by [2801].

2801 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2800].

2802 X Cut Posthole, sub-circular, inward sloping sides with tail to north. Measures 0.30 m in

diameter x 0.12 m deep. Filled by [2803].

2803 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2802].

2804 X Erosion


Possible erosion scar to NW of entrance to Structure [2531]. Curvilinear measuring

3.30 m long x 1.25 m wide by 0.08 m deep. Respects line of surviving ring-groove.

Filled by [2805].

2805 X Fill Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2804].

2806 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Basal fill of [2798]. Underlies [2799].

2809 X Cut On fully excavating slot [2596] it was discovered that it was actually 4 discrete,

conjoined sub-features. Cut [2809] in effect is a cut within cut [2596]. Measures 0.37 m

x 0.36 m x 0.09 m deep. Filled by [2810]. Part of Structure 11.

2810 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2809].

2811 X Cut On fully excavating slot [2596] it was discovered that it was actually 4 discrete,

conjoined sub-features. Cut [2811] in effect is a cut within cut [2596]. Measures 0.64 m

x 0.38 m x 0.37 m deep. Filled by [2812]. Part of Structure 11..

2812 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2811].

2813 X Cut On fully excavating slot [2596] it was discovered that it was actually 4 discrete,

conjoined sub-features. Cut [2813] in effect is a cut within cut [2596]. Measures 0.62 m

x 0.36 m x 0.18 m deep. Filled by [2814]. Part of Structure [2531].

2814 X Fill Mid brown sandy silt with frequent small sub-rounded and sub-angular stone

inclusions. Fill of [2813].


2815 B Cut Posthole, circular, steeply inward sloping sides to concave base. Measured 0.60 m in

diameter x 0.12 m deep. Filled by [2816].

2816 B Fill Mid grey sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2815]

2817 B Cut Posthole, circular, steeply sloping sides to concave base. Measured 0.60 m in

diameter x 0.13 m deep. Filled by [2818].

2818 B Fill Mid grey sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2817]

2819 B Cut Posthole, circular, steeply sloping sides(less steeply on east side) to concave base.

Measured 0.40 m in diameter x 0.08 m deep. Filled by [2820].

2820 B Fill Mid grey sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2819]

2821 B Cut Posthole, circular, steeply sloping sides(less steeply on east side) to concave base.

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Measured 0.50 m in diameter x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [2822].

2822 B Fill Mid grey sandy silt with frequent small and medium-sized sub-rounded and sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [2821].


3000 A Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3001). Posthole

3001 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3000].

3002 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.45 m

in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3003). Posthole within Roundhouse Structure


3003 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3002].

3004 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 m

in diameter by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (3005). Posthole within Roundhouse Structure


3005 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3004].

3006 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.38 m

in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3007). Posthole within Roundhouse Structure


3007 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3006].

3008 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.60 m (N/S) by 0.62 m (E/W) by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (3009). Posthole

3009 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Large packer. Fill of [3008].

3010 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.23 m in diameter by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (3011). Posthole

3011 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3010].

3012 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.39 m (N/S) by 0.30 m (E/W) by 0.24 m in depth. Filled by (3013). Posthole

3013 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3012].

3014 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.20 m (N/S) by 0.26 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3015). Posthole

3015 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Single packer. Fill of [3014].

3016 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.98 m (N/S) by 0.80 m (E/W) by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (3017). Pit

3017 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Charcoal flecking present. Heat

cracked stones. Fill of [3016].

3018 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.40 m in

diameter by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (3019). Pit/ Posthole

3019 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3018].

3020 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.26 m

in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3021). Truncated Posthole

3021 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3020].

3022 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (3023). Truncated Posthole

3023 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3022].

3024 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.70 m in

diameter by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (3025). Pit

3025 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Charcoal flecking present. Fill of


3026 A Cut Sub-rectilinear cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

1.00 m (N/S) by 1.75 m (E/W) by 0.40 m in depth. Filled by (3027). Pit

3027 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Grooved Ware ceramic shards

within south-east corner. Fill of [3026].

3028 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.10 m

(N/S) by 0.65 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3029). Pit

3029 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains fire cracked stones and

charcoal fragments. Fill of [3028]

3030 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.73

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m in diameter by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (3031). Pit

3031 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions and lenses of sand. Fill of [3030].

3032 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m

in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3033). Posthole.

3033 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3032]

3034 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40 m

in diameter by 0.05 m in depth. Filled by (3035). Truncated Posthole.

3035 A Fill Pale brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3034].

3036 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.24 m

in diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3037). Truncated Posthole.

3037 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3036]

3038 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.22 m

in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3037). Truncated Posthole.

3039 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3038]

3040 A Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.70 m in

diameter by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (3041). Pit.

3041 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3042]

3042 A Cut Large circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.10

m in diameter by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (3043). Pit.

3043 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Occasional charcoal fragments.

Fill of [3042]

3044 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping western side, moderately sloping eastern

side and flat base. Dimensions; 1.10 m in diameter by 0.28 m in depth. Filled by (3045-

3046). Pit

3045 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <50% gravel inclusions. Primary Fill of [3044]

3046 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains ash and burnt bone

fragments. Some charcoal fragments. Fill of [3079]. Contains Pottery Fragments [SF


3047 A Cut Oval cut feature with gently sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions; 2.20

m (N/S) by 1.20 m (E/W) by 0.35 m in depth. Filled by (3048). Pit

3048 A Fill Mottled Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains ash. Some

charcoal fragments. Fill of [3047].

3049 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 1.00

m in diameter by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (3050). Pit

3050 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains ash and fire cracked

stones. Fill of [3049].

3051 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m

in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3052). Posthole.

3052 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3051]

3053 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.55 m (N/S) by 0.47 m (E/W) by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3054). Pit

3054 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Some charcoal fragments. Fill of


3055 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.47 m in

diameter by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (3056). Pit/Posthole

3056 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3055].

3057 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m

in diameter by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (3058). Pit/Posthole

3058 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3057].

3059 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.85 m (N/S) by 0.60 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3060). Pit

3060 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions.. Some charcoal fragments. Fill of

[3059]. Contains Pottery Fragments [SF 29]

3061 A Cut Large oval cut with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.90 m (N/S)

by 0.30 m (E/W) by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (3062). Pit

3062 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Some charcoal fragments. Fill of


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3065 A Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.30 m (N/S) by 0.40 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3066). Truncated


3066 A Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3065].

3067 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (3068). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3068 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3067].

3069 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30

m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3070). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3070 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3069].

3071 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30

m in diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (3072). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3072 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3071].

3073 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30

m in diameter by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3074). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3074 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3073].

3075 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m

in diameter by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (3076). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3076 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3075].

3079 A Cut Sub-rectangular cut within [3046]. Vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions;

0.25m (N/S) by 0.30 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3046).

3080 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30

m in diameter by 0.24 m in depth. Filled by (3081). Posthole

3081 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3080].

3082 A Cut Elongated oval cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

1.78 m (N/S) by 0.68 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (3083). Pit/Gully perhaps

contemporary with Features [3086-3088-3110-3108-3106]

3083 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3082].

3084 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30

m in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (3085). Posthole

3085 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3084].

3086 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.80 m (N/S) by 0.65 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3087). Truncated Pit

3087 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3086].

3088 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

1.10 m (N/S) by 0.75 m (E/W) by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (3089). Truncated Pit

3089 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Contains occasional charcoal

fragments. Fill of [3088].

3090 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m

in diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3091). Truncated Posthole

3091 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3090].

3092 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.18 m

in diameter by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (3093). Truncated Posthole

3093 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3092].

3094 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.24 m

in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3095). Truncated Posthole

3095 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3094].

3096 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.35 m in

diameter by 0.03 m in depth. Filled by (3097). Truncated Posthole

3097 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3096].

3098 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.42 m

in diameter by 0.28 m in depth. Filled by (3099). Posthole

3099 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments.

Fill of [3098].

3100 A Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3101). Posthole

3101 A Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments.

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Fill of [3100].

3102 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.30 m in

diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (3081). Posthole

3103 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3102].

3104 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.38 m (N/S) by 0.28 m (E/W) by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3105).


3105 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3104].

3106 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.26 m in

diameter by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (3107). Posthole

3107 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3106].

3108 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.40 m (N/S) by 0.30 m (E/W) by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3109).


3109 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3108].

3110 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.30 m in

diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (3111). Posthole

3111 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3108].

3114 A Cut Linear cut with irregular sides and base. Dimensions; 2.66 m (N/S) by 0.75 m max

(E/W). Max depth 0.19 m. Filled by (3115). Truncated Field Boundary

3115 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3114].

3116 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.30 m in

diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (3111). Posthole

3117 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3116].

3118 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.25 m (N/S) by 0.20 m (E/W) by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (3119).

Truncated Posthole.

3119 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3118].

3120 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.20 m

in diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3121). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3121 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3120].

3122 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (3123). Posthole

3123 A Fill Dark grey brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3122].

3124 A Spread Irregular curvilinear cut with irregular sloping sides and base. Dimensions; 0.42 m

(N/S) by 0.20 m (E/W). Max depth 0.04 m. Filled by (3125).

3125 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments. Fill of


3126 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.34 m (N/S) by 0.40 m (E/W) by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (3127).


3127 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3126].

3128 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.30 m (N/S) by 0.28 m (E/W) by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (3129). Posthole.

3129 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3128].

3130 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m

in diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3131). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3131 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3130].

3132 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.25 m

in diameter by 0.06 m in depth. Filled by (3133). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3133 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3132].

3134 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50

m in diameter by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (3135). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3135 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3134].

3136 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30

m in diameter by 0.19 m in depth. Filled by (3137). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3137 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3136].

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3138 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

(N/S) by 0.38 m (E/W) by 0.29 m in depth. Filled by (3139). Posthole.

3139 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3138].

3140 A Sub-circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.43

m (N/S) by 0.54 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3141). Pit/Posthole.

3141 A Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Charcoal flecks. Fill of [3140].

3142 A Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.30 m in

diameter by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (3143). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3143 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3142].

3144 A Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.40 m in

diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3135). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3145 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments. Fill of


3146 A Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.27 m in

diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3147). Posthole

3147 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments. Fill of


3148 A Cut Irregular oval cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.87

(N/S) by 1.0 m (E/W) by 0.57 m depth. Filled by (3149). Pit

3149 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Some sand lensing. Frequent

charcoal fragments. Fill of [3148].

3150 A Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40m in

diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3151). Pit

3151 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3150].

3152 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.60m in

diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (3153). Pit

3153 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions, burnt stone and lenses of clay. Fill

of [3152].

3156 A Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80 m

in diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3157). Truncated Pit

3157 A Fill Medium brown mixed deposit of sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3156].

3158 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.70 m

in diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3159). Truncated Pit

3159 A Fill Medium brown mixed deposit of sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3158].

3160 A Spread Pale brown mixed deposit of sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Dimensions; 2.00

m (N/S) by 1.45 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Spread

3161 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.35 m in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (3162). Posthole

3162 A Fill Dark grey brown mixed sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Contains several

packers. Fill of [3158].

3163 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3164). Posthole

3164 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3163].

3165 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3164). Posthole

3166 A Cut Oval cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.60 m (N/S) by 0.50 m (E/W) by 0.09 m. Filled by (3167). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3167 A Fill Dark grey brown mixed sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal

flecks. Fill of [3166].

3168 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m

in diameter by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (3169). Posthole.

3169 A Fill Dark grey brown mixed sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal

flecks and burnt bone. Fill of [3168].

3170 A Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m in

diameter by 0.130 m in depth. Filled by (3171). Truncated Pit/Posthole.

3171 A Fill Medium brown mixed deposit of sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Charcoal

fragments <5% Fill of [3170].

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3172 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m

in diameter by 0.130 m in depth. Filled by (3173). Truncated Pit/Posthole.

3173 A Medium brown mixed deposit of sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Charcoal

fragments <5% Fill of [3172].

3174 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m

in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3175). Truncated Pit/Posthole.

3175 A Fill Medium brown mixed deposit of sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3174].

3176 A Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (3177). Truncated Pit/Posthole.

3177 A Fill Medium brown mixed deposit of sandy silt and re-deposited natural with <10% gravel

inclusions. Fill of [3176].

3178 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.70

m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3179). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3179 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. contains several large packers Fill of


3185 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3186). Truncated Pit/Posthole

3186 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3185].

3188 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.77 m (N/S) by 0.62 m (E/W) by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (3289).


3189 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3188].

3190 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.61

m (N/S) by 0.45 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3291). Truncated Pit

3191 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with lenses of burnt organic material. <10% gravel inclusions.

Fill of [3190].

3192 A Cut Irregular sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.51 m (N/S) by 0.52 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3193).


3193 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with lenses of sand and clay, burnt organic material. <10%

gravel inclusions. Fill of [3192].

3194 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.64 m in

diameter by 0.05 m in depth. Filled by (3195). Truncated Pit

3195 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with numerous sub-rounded cobbles. <10% gravel inclusions.

Fill of [3194].

3196 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow vertical sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.60

m in diameter by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (3197). Truncated Pit

3197 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with lenses of sand and clay, burnt organic material. Some

charcoal fragments present <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3192].

3198 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and flat, irregular base. Dimensions;

0.70 m in diameter by 0.07 m in depth. Filled by (3199). Truncated Pit

3199 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with lenses of sand and, burnt organic material. <10% gravel

inclusions. Fill of [3198].

3200 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow vertical sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.30 m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3201). Truncated Posthole

3201 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10%. Fill of [3198].

3202 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (3203). Truncated Posthole

3203 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10%. Fill of [3204].

3204 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 m

in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (3205-3206). Posthole

3205 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with large fragments of charcoal <10%. Fill of [3204].

3206 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10%. Fill of [3204].

3207 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 2.2

m (N/S) by 1.6 m (E/W) by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by 0.08 m depth (3208)

3208 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains modern glass. Fill of


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3209 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.20 m in

diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3210). Truncated Pit

3210 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions.. Fill of [3209].

3211 A Cut Large oval cut with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 4.55 m (N/S) by

3.20 m (E/W) by 1.35 m in depth. Filled by (3212-3213-3214) & re-deposited sands

(3278/79-3277). Feature re-cut by [3288]. Contained metal object and quantities of

burnt daub. Quarry Pit for sand extraction.

3212 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Max depth 0.86 m. Contains

quantities of burnt daub and metal object. Tertiary Fill of [3288].

3213 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. 4.1 m (N/S) by 1.65 m (E/W).

Max depth 0.45 m. Underlies [3212]. Secondary Fill of [3288].

3214 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions & frequent charcoal

fragments. Primary fill of [3288].

3216 A Structure Four Poster Structure 15 consisting of the Postholes [3291-3293-3295-3297]

3217 A Structure Four Poster Structure 14 consisting of the Postholes [3291-3293-3295-3297]

3218 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow ‘V’ shaped base.

Dimensions; 1.10 m (N/S) by 1.20 m (E/W) by 0.40 m in depth. Filled by (3208). Pit

3219 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments. Fill of


3220 A Sub-rectangular cut feature with shallow gently sloping sides and flat base.

Dimensions; 1.62 m (N/S) by 2.65 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3221).

Truncated Pit

3221 A Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. bioturbated. Fill of [3220].

3222 A Sub-circular cut feature with shallow steeply sloping sides and narrow flat base.

Dimensions; 0.82 m (N/S) by 0.91 m (E/W) by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (3223). Pit

3223 A Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions.. Fill of [3222].

3224 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.52

m in diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3227-3228). Truncated Posthole. Cuts

Posthole [3226]

3225 A Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions.. Fill of [3224].

3226 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m

in diameter by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (3227-3228). Posthole. Cut by Posthole


3227 A Fill Pale brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions, 0.11 m in thickness. Several

packers present Upper Fill of [3226].

3228 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with burnt organic material 0.08 m in thickness. Frequent

charcoal inclusions. <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3226].

3229 A Sub-rectangular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and flat irregular base.

Dimensions; 1.31 m (N/S) by 0.79 m (E/W) by 0.05 m in depth. Filled by (3230).

Truncated Pit

3230 A Dark brown sandy silt with burnt organic material. <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of


3231 A Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.40 m in diameter by 0.24 m in depth. Filled by (3232). Posthole Four Poster

Structure 15

3232 A Pale brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions contains several large packers. Fill of


3233 A Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.40 m in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (3238). Posthole Four Poster

Structure 15

3234 A Pale brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. contains several large packers. Fill

of [3233].

3235 A Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.40 m in diameter by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (3236). Posthole Four Poster

Structure 15

3236 A Pale brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions contains several large packers. Fill of


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3237 A Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.40 m in diameter by 0.35 m in depth. Filled by (3238). Posthole Four Poster

Structure 15

3238 A Pale brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions contains several large packers. Fill of


3239 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.40 m in diameter by 0.33 m in depth. Filled by (3244). Posthole

3240 A Fill Pale brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions contains two large packers. Fill of


3241 A Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.25 m in

diameter by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (3242). Truncated Posthole

3242 A Dark brown sandy silt with burnt organic material. <2% gravel inclusions. Contains

charcoal flecks. Fill of [3229].

3243 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.25 m in

diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3244). Truncated Posthole

3244 A Fill Pale brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3243].

3245 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.25 m in

diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (3246). Truncated Posthole

3247 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (3248). Posthole

3248 A Fill Medium grey brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Contains several large

packers. Fill of [3247].

3249 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow rounded base.

Dimensions; 0.25 m in diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (3250).


3250 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Charcoal flecks present. Fill of


3251 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.30 m (N/S) by 0.21 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3252)

3252 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3251].

3253 A Cut Linear cut with shallow steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.75 m (N/S)

by 1.62 m (E/W) by 0.05 m in depth. Filled by (3252). Truncated Pit/Field boundary

3254 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3253].

3255 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.35 m in diameter by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (3256). Posthole

3256 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3253].

3257 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.75 m

in diameter by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (3258). Posthole/Pit

3258 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Charcoal fragments present. Fill of


3259 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.45 m in

diameter by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (3260). Posthole

3260 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <2% gravel inclusions. Several large packers present. Fill of


3261 A Spread Sub-rectangular spread of very dark brown sandy soil. Measured 2.60 m x 1.40 m by

up 0.10 m deep. Spread occupies natural hollow.

3262 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.22 m in diameter by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (3263). Posthole

3263 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3262].

3264 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.47 m (N/S) by 0.35 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3265). Posthole

3265 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Bioturbated. Fill of [3264].

3266 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.50 m (N/S) by 0.57 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (3267). Posthole

3267 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Bioturbated. Fill of [3266].

3268 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40

m (N/S) by 0.27 m (E/W) by 0.06 m in depth. Filled by (3269). Posthole

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3269 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Possible packers present. Fill of


3270 A Cut Oval cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.59 m (N/S)

by 0.85 m (E/W) by 0.06 m in depth. Filled by (3271). Pit

3271 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with burnt organic material and burnt stones. <20% gravel

inclusions. Fill of [3226].

3272 A Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.40

m in diameter by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (3273). Posthole

3273 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with. <20% gravel inclusions. Bioturbated. Fill of [3272].

3274 A Cut Circular cut feature with shallow sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.18 m

in diameter by 0.05 m in depth. Filled by (3275). Truncated Posthole

3275 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with. <20% gravel inclusions. Bioturbated. Fill of [3274].

3277 A Fill Loose, pale sand 0.52 in depth the result of slumping at east side of Pit [3211].

Underlies [3212]. Seals [3213-3214].

3278 A Fill Loose, pale sand 0.40 in depth containing a single well de-fined lens of charcoal. The

result of slumping at S side of Pit [3211]. Same as [3278]. Cut by re-cut [3288].

Underlies [3213] and partially [3214].

3279 A Loose, pale sand 0.40 in depth containing a single well de-fined lens of charcoal. The

result of slumping at NW side of Pit [3211]. Same as [3279]. Cut by re-cut [3288].

Underlies [3213] and partially [3214].

3280 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.69 m (N/S) by 0.52 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3281). Posthole.

3281 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Contains single large packer. Fill of


3282 A Cut Irregular cut feature with gently sloping western side and stepped eastern side.

Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m (N/S) by 0.75 m (E/W) by 0.08 m in depth. Filled

by (3283). Pit

3283 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Contains single large packer. Fill of


3284 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.30 m (N/S) by 0.39 m (E/W) by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (3285). Truncated


3285 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3284].

3286 A Cut Modern Pit filled by (3287)

3287 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3286].

3288 A Cut Re-cut within Pit [3211] Filled by [3214-3213-3212-3277]. Cuts [3278-3279]

3289 A Cut Irregular ‘figure of eight’ shaped cut probably forming two conjoining Postholes.

Relationship unclear. Dimensions; 0.55 – 0.70 m (N/S) by 0.82 m (E/W) by 0.55 m in

depth. Filled by (3290). Double Posthole.

3290 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions admixed with burnt organic material

and charcoal fragments. Infrequent lenses of sand towards base. Bioturbation evident.

Fill of [3289].

3291 A Cut Circular cut feature with vertically sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.55 m

in diameter by 0.37 m in depth. Filled by (3292). Posthole. Part of Four Poster

Structure 14 [3217]

3292 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains single large packer. Fill of


3293 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.73 m (N/S) by 0.64 m (E/W) by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (3294). Posthole. Part of

Four Poster Structure 14 [3217]

3294 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains several packers. Fill of


3295 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m

in diameter by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (3296). Posthole. Part of Four Poster

Structure 14 [3217]

3296 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains several packers. Fill of


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3297 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.61 m (N/S) by 0.47 m (E/W) by 0.24 m in depth. Filled by (3298). Posthole. Part of

Four Poster Structure 14 [3217]

3298 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains several packers. Fill of


3299 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and narrow rounded base. Dimensions;

0.30 m in diameter by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (3300). Posthole.

3300 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains packer. Fill of [3299].

3301 A Cut Irregular cut feature with moderately sloping sides. Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.95

m (N/S) by 0.59 m (E/W) by 0.16 m in depth. Filled by (3302). Possibly conjoined

Postholes affected by Bioturbation.

3302 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions admixed with burnt organic material

and charcoal fragments. Infrequent lenses of sand towards base. Bioturbation evident.

Fill of [3301].

3303 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with diffuse edges and steeply sloping sides and rounded

base. Dimensions; 1.12 m (N/S) by 0.75 m (E/W) by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (330).


3304 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions admixed with frequent burnt

cobbles and lenses of burnt organic material and numerous charcoal fragments.

Bioturbation evident. Fill of [3303].

3305 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.30 m (N/S) by 0.37 m (E/W) by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3306). Posthole.

3306 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Bioturbation evident. Fill of [3305].

3307 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (3308). Posthole.

3308 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Bioturbation evident. Fill of [3307].

3309 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.35 m (N/S) by 0.45 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (3310). Posthole.

3310 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Bioturbation evident. Fill of [3309].

3311 A Cut Irregular oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides. Flat base. Dimensions; 0.60 m

(N/S) by 0.83 m (E/W) by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (3312). Pit

3312 A Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Bioturbation evident. Some

charcoal fragments. Fill of [3311].

3313 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.27 m

in diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (3314). Posthole. Timber Hall Structure 15


3314 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3313].

3315 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 m

in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3316). Posthole. Timber Hall Structure 15


3316 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3315].

3317 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 m

in diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (3318). Posthole. Timber Hall Structure 15


3318 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Single packer. Fill of [3317].

3319 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.44 m

in diameter by 0.35 m in depth. Filled by (3320). Posthole. Timber Hall Structure 15


3320 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3319].

3321 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.36 m

in diameter by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (3322). Posthole. Timber Hall Structure 15


3322 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3321].

3323 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.57 m (N/S) by 0.36 m (E/W) by 0.35 m in depth. Filled by (3324). Posthole. Timber

Hall Structure 15 [3337]

3324 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Single packer. Fill of [3323].

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3325 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 m

in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (3326). Posthole. Timber Hall Structure 15


3326 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3325].

3327 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.18 m (N/S) by 0.24 m (E/W) by 0.03 m in depth. Filled by (3328). Posthole. Timber

Hall Structure 15 [3337]

3328 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3327].

3329 A Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.24 m

in diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (3330). Posthole. Timber Hall Structure 15


3330 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3327].

3331 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.40 m (N/S) by 0.33 m (E/W) by 0.26m in depth. Filled by (3332). Posthole. Timber

Hall Structure 15 [3337]

3332 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Four packers. Fill of [3333].

3333 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.37 m (N/S) by 0.26 m (E/W) by 0.23m in depth. Filled by (3334). Posthole. Timber

Hall Structure 15 [3337]

3334 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3333].

3335 A Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.40 m (N/S) by 0.30 m (E/W) by 0.08m in depth. Filled by (3336). Posthole. Timber

Hall Structure 15 [3337]

3336 A Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% gravel inclusions. Fill of [3335].

3337 A Structure Rectilinear Structure 12 m (N/S) by 3.5 m (E/W) comprising paired Postholes [3315-

3313], [3317-3319], [3323-3321], [3325-3331]. Postholes [3335] and [3333] to the

northern end of the Structure are also probably integral. Postholes [3327] & [3329] are

out-lying and may be part of the Structure.

6000 K Structure Umbrella context for roundhouse structure

Post-ring: (10 postholes) [6057], [6077], [6045], [6059], [6041], [6035], [6105], [6031],

[6019], [6013]

Possible entrance to SE: [6047], [6071] [

Possible entrance to E: [6081], [6067], [6087], [6093]

Internal features: [6003], [6005], [6007], [6009], [6011], [6023], [6025], [6035], [6037],

[6075], [6079]

6001 K Cut Pit, long axis N-S, measures 0.39 m x 0.48 m by 0.13 m deep. Filled by [6002].

6002 K Fill Fill of pit [6001]. Grey/brown sand with <20% small rounded stone inclusions. One

prehistoric ceramic rim sherd recovered (Small Find 35).

6003 K Cut Pit, long axis N-S, measures 0.57 m x 0.46 m by 0.13 m deep. Filled by [6004]. Steep

sides to rounded base.

6004 K Fill Fill of pit [6003]. Grey/brown sand with <20% small rounded stone inclusions.

6005 K Cut Pit, long axis N-S, measures 0.45 m x 0.23 m by 0.16 m deep. Filled by [6006]. Vertical

sides to narrow rounded base.

6006 K Fill Fill of pit [6005]. Grey/brown sand with <5% small rounded stone inclusions.

6007 K Cut Pit, long axis N-S, measures 0.63 m x 0.37 m by 0.17 m deep. Filled by [6008]. Steep

sides to rounded base.

6008 K Fill Fill of pit [6007]. Grey/brown sand with <20 small rounded stone inclusions.

6009 K Cut Pit, long axis N-S, measures 1.08 m x 0.40 m by 0.22 m deep. Filled by [6010]. Steep

sides to rounded base.

6010 K Fill Fill of pit [6009]. Grey/brown sand with <20 small rounded stone inclusions.

6011 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base.

Measured 0.18 m diameter (0.14 m at base). Filled by [6012].

6012 K Fill Fill of pit [6011]. Dark brown sandy silt. Rare charcoal. Frequent small stones.

6013 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base.

Measured 0.32 m diameter (0.15 m at base). Filled by [6012].

6014 K Fill Fill of pit [6013]. Dark brown sandy silt. Rare charcoal. Possible small packing stones

around sides of cut [6013].

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6015 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base.

Measured 0.32 m diameter (0.10 m at base). Filled by [6014].

6016 K Fill Fill of pit [6015]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stones.

6017 K Cut Pit, elongated, aligned E-W, gradual break-of-slope at top, gradual sloping sides to

concave base. Measured 1.33 m x 0.61 m x 0.20 m deep. Filled by [6018].

6018 K Fill Fill of pit [6017]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stones, occasional burnt

stone and charcoal flecking.

6019 K Cut Posthole, circular, steep break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base. Measured

0.3 m diameter (0.15 at base). Filled by [6020].

6020 K Fill Fill of posthole [6019]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stones, occasional

charcoal flecking.

6021 K Cut Posthole, circular, steep sides to flat base. Measured 0.47 m (N-S) x 0.3 m x 0.08

deep.0.3 m diameter (0.15 at base). Filled by [6022].

6022 K Fill Fill of posthole [6021]. Dark brown sandy silt with <5% gravels - different from adjacent

fills of roundhouse structure [6000].

6023 K Cut Posthole, steep sides to rounded. Measured 0.72 m (N-S) x 0.39 m x 0.24 deep. Filled

by [6024].

6024 K Fill Fill of posthole [6023]. Mid brown sandy silt with <20% small stone inclusions..

6025 K Cut Posthole, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.36 m (N-S) x 0.30 m x 0.13 deep.

Filled by [6026].

6026 K Fill Fill of posthole [6025]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small stone inclusions..

6027 K Cut Oval pit, measured 0.74 m (N-S) x 0.42 m x 0.14 deep. Moderately sloping sides to

narrow rounded base. Filled by [6028].

6028 K Fill Fill of pit [6027]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small rounded stone inclusions..

6029 K Cut Posthole, oval, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.34 m (NW-SE) x 0.18 m x

0.08 deep. Filled by [6030].

6030 K Fill Fill of posthole [6029]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small stone inclusions.

6031 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, gradual break-of-slope at top with gradual sloping sides to

concave base. Measured 0.34 m diameter by 0.09 m deep. Filled by [6032].

6032 K Fill Fill of posthole [6031]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stone inclusions.

6033 K Cut Pit, elongated ovoid, aligned NE-SW, sharp break-of-slope at top, gradual sloping

sides to irregular base. Measured 1.26 m x 0.50 m x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [6034].

6034 K Fill Fill of pit [6033]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stones.

6035 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep break-of-slope at top with steep sides to concave base.

Measured 0.28 m diameter by 0.17 m deep. Filled by [6036].

6036 K Fill Fill of posthole [6035]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stone inclusions.

6037 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, gradual break-of-slope at top with gradually sloping sides to

concave base. Measured 0.28 m diameter by 0.04 m deep. Filled by [6038].

6038 K Fill Fill of posthole [6037]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stone inclusions.

6039 K Cut Posthole, circular, gradual break-of-slope at top with gradually sloping sides to

concave base. Measured 0.38 m diameter by 0.08 m deep. Filled by [6040].

6040 K Fill Fill of posthole [6039]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stone inclusions and

larger medium-sized (packing?) stones.

6041 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, near vertical sides to rounded base. Measured 0.27 (N-S) x 0.31 (E-

W) x 0.15 m deep. Filled by [6042].

6042 K Fill Fill of pit [6041]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small rounded stone inclusions..

6043 K Cut Pit, oval, vertical sides to flat base. Measured 0.64 (N-S) x 0.36 (E-W) x 0.07 m deep.

Filled by [6044].

6044 K Fill Fill of pit [6043]. Dark brown sandy silt with <40% small rounded stone inclusions.

6045 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.38 diameter x 0.21 m deep.

Filled by [6046].

6046 K Fill Fill of pit [6045]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions. Two

obvious packing stones.

6047 K Cut Posthole, circular, vertical sides to rounded base. Measured 0.40 m diameter by 0.25

m deep. Filled by [6048]. Along with [6071] this forms the most likely entrance to

Structure [6000], although see alternative [6067]/[6081].

6048 K Fill Fill of posthole [6047]. Dark brown sandy silt with 10% small rounded stone inclusions.

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6049 K Cut Possible posthole, irregular on plan, steep sides to rounded/uneven base. Measured

0.38 m (N-S) x 0.25 (E-W). Filled by [6050].

6050 K Fill Fill of posthole [6049]. Dark brown sandy silt with 5% small rounded stone inclusions.

6051 K Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top with gradually sloping sides to concave

base. Measured 0.28 m diameter by 0.08 m deep. Filled by [6052].

6052 K Fill Fill of posthole [6051]. Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small rounded stone


6053 K Cut Pit, elongated ovoid, aligned NE-SW, gradual break-of-slope at top, gradual sloping

sides to flattish base. Measured 1.60 m x 0.71 m x 0.27 m deep. Filled by [6054].

6054 K Fill Fill of pit [6053]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small stones.

6055 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top with gradually sloping sides to

concave base. Measured 0.24 m diameter by 0.18 m deep. Filled by [6056].

6056 K Fill Fill of posthole [6055]. Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small rounded stone


6057 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top with steep sloping sides to concave

base. Measured 0.31 m diameter by 0.14 m deep. Filled by [6058].

6058 K Fill Fill of posthole [6057]. Dark brown sandy silt with frequent small rounded stone


6059 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top with steeply sloping sides to flat/concave

base. Measured 0.55 m diameter by 0.18 m deep. Filled by [6060].

6060 K Fill Fill of pit [6059]. Dark brown sandy silt with occasional small rounded stone inclusions.

6061 K Cut Pit, oval, moderately sloping sides to rounded base. Measured 0.81 (N-S) x 0.72 (E-W)

x 0.16 m deep. Filled by [6062].

6062 K Fill Fill of pit [6061]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

6063 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, shallow uneven base. Measured 0.95 (N-S) x 0.86 (E-W) x 0.06 m

deep. Filled by [6064].

6064 K Fill Fill of pit [6063]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small rounded stone inclusions.

6065 K Cut Pit, oval, steep sides to flat base. Measured 0.74 m (N-S) x 0.97 m (E-W) x 0.21 m

deep. Filled by [6066].

6066 K Fill Fill of pit [6065]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

6067 K Cut Posthole, circular, near vertical sides to rounded base. Measured 0.37 m diameter x

0.14 m deep. Filled by [6068].

6068 K Fill Fill of posthole [6067]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


6069 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.38 (N-S) x 0.41 m (E-

W) x 0.13 m deep. Filled by [6070].

6070 K Fill Fill of posthole [6069]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


6071 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.50 (N-S) x 0.46 m (E-

W) x 0.19 m deep. Filled by [6072].

6072 K Fill Fill of posthole [6071]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone

inclusions. Two packing stones present.

6073 K Cut Posthole, oval, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.20 m (N-S) x 0.37 m (E-W) x

0.17 m deep. Filled by [6074].

6074 K Fill Fill of posthole [6073]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


6075 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 1.05 m (N-S) x 1.10 m (E-W)

x 0.23 m deep. Filled by [6076].

6076 K Fill Fill of pit [6075]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

6077 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.30 m (N-S) x 0.27 m

(E-W) x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [6078].

6078 K Fill Fill of posthole [6077]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


6079 K Cut Pit, elongated, shallow sides to flat/uneven base. Measured 0.37 m (N-S) x 073 m (E-

W) x 0.03 m deep. Filled by [6080].

6080 K Fill Fill of posthole [6079]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


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6081 K Cut Posthole, circular, sharp break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base. Measured

0.30 m (N-S) x 0.29m (E-W) x 0.29 m deep. Filled by [6082].

6082 K Fill Fill of posthole [6081]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


6083 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, sharp break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base. Measured

0.85 m (N-S) x 0.80m (E-W) x 0.37 m deep. Filled by [6084].

6084 K Fill Fill of pit [6083]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

Cobble packers present.

6085 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, gradual break-of-slope at top, gradually sloping sides to flat base.

Measured 0.86 m (N-S) x 0.94m (E-W) x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [6086].

6086 K Fill Fill of pit [6085]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

6087 K Cut Posthole, circular, steep break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base. Measured

0.31 m diameter x 0.14 m deep. Filled by [6088].

6088 K Fill Fill of posthole [6087]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


6089 K Cut Posthole, circular, steep break-of-slope at top, steep sides to concave base. Measured

0.37 m x 0.41 m x 0.27 m deep. Filled by [6090].

6090 K Fill Fill of posthole [6089]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


6091 K Cut Pit, oval, near vertical sides to flat base. Measured 0.83 m (N-S) x 0.42m (E-W) x 0.28

m deep. Filled by [6092].

6092 K Fill Fill of pit [6091]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

6093 K Cut Posthole, circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.38 m diameter x 0.18 m

deep. Filled by [6094].

6094 K Fill Fill of posthole [6093]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone

inclusions. Three packing stones present.

6095 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, shallow. Measured 1.56 m (N-S) x 1.95m (E-W) x 0.12 m deep. Filled

by [6096].

6096 K Fill Fill of pit [6095]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small rounded stone inclusions.

6097 K Cut Pit, ovoid, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.70 (NW-SE) x 0.48m (NW-SE) x

0.17 m deep. Filled by [6098].

6098 K Fill Fill of pit [6097]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

6099 K Cut Pit, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.56 (N-S) x 0.43m (E-W) x

0.15 m deep. Filled by [6100].

6100 K Fill Fill of pit [6099]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone inclusions.

6101 K Cut Pit, circular, steep sides to flat/uneven base. Measured 0.67 m diameter x 0.09 m

deep. Filled by [6102].

6102 K Fill Fill of pit [6101]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small rounded stone inclusions.

6103 K Cut Pit, sub-rectangular, vertical (but shallow) sides to flat base. Measured 0.65 m (NW-

SE) x 0.40 m (NE-SW) x 0.04 m deep. Filled by [6102]. Possible modern feature.

6104 K Fill Fill of pit [6101]. Dark brown sandy silt with <20% small rounded stone inclusions.

6105 K Cut Posthole, sub-circular, steep sides to rounded base. Measured 0.28 m (N-S) x 0.25 m

(E-W) x 0.09 m deep. Filled by [6104].

6106 K Fill Fill of posthole [6105]. Dark brown sandy silt with <10% small rounded stone


Area O

6107 O Cut Pit, circular, gently sloping sides to concave base, Diameter 0.70 m, depth 0.17 m.

Sides and base show sides of reddening (heat-affected). Filled by [6108].

6108 O Fill Light brown sand/silt .Occasional charcoal near base. Occasional small sub-rounded

to sub-angular stone inclusions. Fill of [6107]

6109 O Cut Pit, circular, gently sloping sides to flat base, Diameter 0.95 m, depth 0.27 m. Filled by


6110 O Fill Light brown sand/silt . Occasional small sub-rounded to sub-angular stone inclusions.

Fill of [6109]

6111 O Cut Pit, circular, gently sloping sides (steeper near top) to flat base, Diameter 1.20 m,

depth 0.35 m. Filled by [6112].

6112 O Fill Light brown sand/silt. Occasional small sub-rounded to sub-angular stone inclusions.

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Fill of [6111].

6113 O Cut Pit, sub-rectangular, base slopes from south to north. Measures 0.80 m x 0.50 m x

0.20 m deep. Filled by [6114].

6114 O Fill Light brown sand/silt. Occasional small sub-rounded to sub-angular stone inclusions.

Occasional charcoal flecks. Fill of [6113].

Area M, N, P & Q

6115 M Cut Large oval cut feature with gently sloping sides and gently rounded base. Dimensions;

2.55 m (N/S) by 3.03 m (E/W) by 0.49 m in depth. Filled by (6116). Pit.

6116 M Fill Loose dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill contains numerous large

sub-angular and sub-rounded stones. Contains charcoal lens 0.05 m thick along base.

Fill of [6115].

6117 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50

m in diameter by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (6118). Truncated Pit/Posthole.

6118 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6117].

6119 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.66 m (N/S) by 0.59 m (E/W) by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (6120). Pit.

6120 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6119].

6121 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 1.11 m (N/S)

by 0.95 m (E/W) by 0.44 m in depth. Filled by (6122). Posthole/Pit.

6122 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6121].

6123 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.83 m (N/S)

by 0.77 m (E/W) by 0.37 m in depth. Filled by (6124). Pit.

6124 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6123].

6125 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m (N/S)

by 0.67 m (E/W) by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (6126). Pit.

6126 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6125].

6127 M Cut Oval cut feature with moderately sloping sides and gently rounded base. Dimensions;

0.31 m (N/S) by 0.48 m (E/W) by 0.05 m in depth. Filled by (6128). Pit.

6128 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6127].

6131 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.68 m (N/S)

by 0.75 m (E/W) by 0.23 m in depth. Filled by (6132). Pit.

6132 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6127].

6133 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.47 m (N/S)

by 0.61 m (E/W) by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (6134). Pit.

6134 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6133].

6135 M Cut Curvilinear cut feature with moderately sloping sides and narrow ‘V’ profiled rounded

base. Dimensions; 0.53 m (N/S) by 1.84 m (E/W) by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (6136).


6136 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6135].

6137 M Cut Oval cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.74 m

(N/S) by 0.56 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (6138). Pit.

6138 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6135].

6139 M Cut Oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.63 m

(N/S) by 0.46 m (E/W) by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (6140). Pit.

6140 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains small lenses of mottled

orange sand and charcoal fragments. Fill of [6139].

6141 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 1.08 m (N/S)

by 1.28 m (E/W) by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (6142). Pit.

6142 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains small lenses of charcoal

fragments. Fill of [6141].

6143 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.74 m (N/S)

by 0.62 m (E/W) by 0.21 m in depth. Filled by (6144). Pit.

6144 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6143].

6145 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Appears northern edge

has slumped. Dimensions; 1.15 m (N/S) by 1.08 m (E/W) by 0.43 m in depth. Filled by

(6146). Pit.

6146 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6145].

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6147 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.63

m (N/S) by 0.68 m (E/W) by 0.07 m in depth. Filled by (6148). Pit.

6148 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6147].

6149 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.83 m (N/S)

by 0.76 m (E/W) by 0.24 m in depth. Filled by (6150). Posthole possibly associated

with [6151].

6150 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6149].

6151 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.49 m (N/S)

by 0.63 m (E/W) by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (6152). Posthole possibly associated

with [6149].

6152 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6149].

6153 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.68 m (N/S)

by 0.58 m (E/W) by 0.26 m in depth. Filled by (6154). Posthole. Forms right angle with

Postholes [6186] & [6188].

6154 M Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6153].

6155 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.67

m (N/S) by 0.74 m (E/W) by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (6156). Isolated Pit.

6156 M Fill

6157 M Cut Sub-rectilinear cut with steeply sloping northern edge and gradually sloping southern

edge. Concave base. Dimensions; 1.84 m (N/S) by 1.10 m (E/W) by 0.41 m max

depth. Filled by (6158). Hearth/Oven.

6158 M Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <50% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6157]. Contains lenses of

burnt orange sand, ash and burnt organic material, suggestive of multiple episodes of


6159 M Cut Irregular cut with steeply sloping irregular sloping sides & concave base. Dimensions;

0.39 m (NE/SW) by 0.50 m (SE/NW) by 0.15 m max depth. Filled by (6160). Pit

6160 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <50% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6159].

6161 M Cut Shallow sub-rectangular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base.

Dimensions; 1.78 m (NE/SW) by 0.93 m (SE/NW) by 0.15 m max depth. Filled by

(6162). Pit within Structure [6241].

6162 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6161].

6163 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.38 m (N/S)

by 0.35 m (E/W) by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (6164). Paired with [6192]. Posthole

within Structure [6241].

6164 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6163].

6165 M Cut Oval cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.73 m

(N/S) by 0.98 m (E/W) by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (6166).Pit within Structure [6241].

6166 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6165].

6167 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.47 m (N/S)

by 0.42 m (E/W) by 0.18 m in depth. Filled by (6168). Posthole

6168 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6167].

6169 M Cut Oval cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 2.20 m

(N/S) by 1.22 m (E/W) by 0.36 m in depth. Filled by (6170) & (6198). Pit.

6170 M Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Upper fill of [6169].

6173 M Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.35 m

in diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (6118). Truncated Posthole. Paired with

[6196]. Structure [6241].

6174 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6173].

6175 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.28 m (NE/SW) by 0.44 m (SE/NW) by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (6176). Posthole of

Structure [6241] paired with Posthole [6226].

6176 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6175].

6177 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.82

m (N/S) by 0.77 m (SE/NW) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (6178). Pit within Structure


6178 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6177].

6179 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with gently sloping southern side and vertical northern side.

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Rounded base. Dimensions; 0.89 m (N/S) by 1.20 m (E/W) by 0.17 m in depth. Filled

by (6180). Pit within Structure [6241]

6180 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6179].

6181 M Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.77 m in

diameter by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (6182). Pit.

6182 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6181].

6186 M Cut Oval cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.63 m (N/S) by 0.32

m (E/W) by 0.31 m in depth. Filled by (6187). Forms right angle with Postholes [6153]

& [6188]. Posthole/Pit.

6187 M Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <30% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6186].

6188 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.68 m (N/S)

by 0.63 m (E/W) by 0.30 m in depth. Filled by (6189). Posthole. Forms right angle with

Postholes [6186] & [6153].

6189 M Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6188].

6190 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.28 m (N/S)

by 0.23 m (E/W) by 0.06 m in depth. Filled by (6191). Posthole within Structure [6241].

6191 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6190].

6196 M Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.43 m in

diameter by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (6197). Posthole of Structure [6241]. Cuts Pit

[6227]. Paired with Posthole [6173].

6197 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6196].

6198 M Fill Pale brown sandy silt with <40% gravel inclusions. Lower fill of [6169].

6199 Q Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.20 m in

diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (6200). Pit.

6200 Q Fill Grey brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6199].

6201 Q Cut Shallow sub-rectangular cut. Dimensions; 1.20 m (N/S) by 0.80 m (E/W) by 0.12 m in

depth. Filled by (6202).

6202 Q Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6201].

6203 Q Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.40 m in

diameter by 0.14 m in depth. Filled by (6204). Pit. Excavated in Evaluation of 2010.

6204 Q Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6203].

6205 Q Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60m (N/S)

by 0.70 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (6206). Pit.

6206 Q Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains small fragments of

charcoal. Fill of [6205].

6207 Q Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping eastern side, steeply sloping northern side and

rounded base. Dimensions; 0.90 m in diameter by 0.27 m in depth. Filled by (6208).


6208 Q Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6207].

6209 Q Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steep sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.80m (N/S)

by 0.60 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (6210). Pit.

6210 Q Fill Light brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6209].

6211 Q Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.40 m

in diameter by 0.25 m in depth. Filled by (6212). Pit.

6212 Q Fill Light brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6211].

6213 Q Cut Circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.30 m

in diameter by 0.07 m in depth. Filled by (6214). Pit.

6214 Q Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains small fragments of

charcoal. Fill of [6213].

6215 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.35

m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (6216). Posthole within Structure [6241].

Paired opposite Posthole [6223].

6216 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6215].

6217 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.58

m in diameter by 0.20 m in depth. Filled by (6218). Posthole within Structure [6241].

Paired opposite Posthole [6221].

6218 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6217].

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6219 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.43

m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (6220). Posthole within Structure [6241] at

western end of Structure.

6220 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6219].

6221 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.58

m in diameter by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (6222). Posthole within Structure [6241]

Paired opposite Posthole [6217].

6222 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6221].

6223 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.38

m in diameter by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (6224). Posthole within Structure [6241]

Paired opposite Posthole [6215].

6224 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6223].

6225 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.48

m in diameter by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (6226). Posthole within Structure [6241]

Paired opposite Posthole [6175].

6226 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6225].

6227 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.48

m in diameter by 0.17 m in depth. Filled by (6226). Pit within Structure [6241] cut by

Posthole [6196].

6228 M Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6229].

6229 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.36 m (N/S) by 0.46 m (E/W) by 0.10 m in depth. Filled by (6230). Posthole/Pit.

6230 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6229].

6231 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.21

m in diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (6232). Posthole

6232 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6231].

6233 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.24

m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (6234). Posthole

6234 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6233].

6235 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.64

m (N/S) by 0.56 m (E/W) by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (6236). Pit.

6336 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6235].

6237 M Cut Circular cut feature with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.80 m in

diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (6238).Pit. Within Structure [6241] abuts Pit


6238 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6237].

6239 M Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.40

m in diameter by 0.12 m in depth. Filled by (6240). Posthole

6240 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6238].

6241 M Structure Rectangular Structure composed of five sets of parallel Postholes [6217]/[6221],

[6215]/[6223], [6175]/[6226], [6173]/[6196-6227], [6192]/[6163]. Single Postholes were

present at either end [6219] & [6190]. Seven internal Pits were excavated [6179],

[6237], [6177], [6165], [6161] & [6235].

6242 P Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 1.20

m in diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (6241). Pit

6243 P Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Contains charcoal fragments. Fill of


6244 P Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.78

m in diameter by 0.15 m in depth. Filled by (6245). Pit

6245 P Fill Pale brown sandy silt with <10% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6244].

6246 M Cut Sub-circular cut feature with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions;

0.26 m (N/S) by 0.52 m (E/W) by 0.04 m in depth. Filled by (6247). Posthole

6247 M Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6246]. Single packer


6248 N Cut Circular cut feature with moderately sloping sides and concave base. Dimensions; 0.78

m in diameter by 0.09 m in depth. Filled by (6249). Pit

6249 N Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <20% gravel inclusions. Fill of [6248].

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Areas R, S & T

9001 R Cut Oval cut with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1. 45 m (N/S) by 0.73 m

(E/W). Depth 0.20 m. Filled by (9002). Adjacent to [9003] Modern Pit

9002 R Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <70% stone inclusions. Loose and containing modern

ceramics. Fill of [9001].

9003 R Cut Oval cut with steeply sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1. 24 m (N/S) by 0.73 m

(E/W). Depth 0.17 m. Filled by (9004). Adjacent to [9001] Modern Pit

9004 R Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <70% stone inclusions. Loose and containing modern

ceramics. Fill of [9003].

9005 R Cut Irregular oval cut with steeply sloping sides and uneven rounded base. Dimensions; 0.

54 m (N/S) by 0.96 m (E/W). Depth 0.21 m. Filled by (9006). Isolated Pit.

9006 R Fill Loose medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [9005].

9007 R Cut ‘L’ shaped Linear cut with steep sides and rounded base. Cut by Modern Field Drain to

west. Dimensions; 1. 36m (E/W) by 0.62 m (N/S). Depth 0.20 m. Filled by (9008).

Modern Feature.

9008 R Fill Loose medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [9005].

9011 R Cut Large sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides and uneven rounded base.

Dimensions; 1. 97 m (N/S) by 1.64 m (E/W). Depth 0.55 m. Filled by (9012). Isolated


9012 R Fill Loose medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [9011].

9013 R Cut Large oval cut with steeply sloping sides and uneven rounded base. Dimensions; 2.1

m (N/S) by 0.91 m (E/W). Depth 0.48 m. Filled by (9014). Modern Pit.

9014 R Fill Loose medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Contains slate and

modern ceramics. Fill of [9013].

9015 R Cut Large oval cut with steeply sloping sides and uneven rounded base. Dimensions; 2.92

m (N/S) by 0.73 m (E/W). Depth 0.11 m. Filled by (9016). Modern Pit.

9016 R Fill Loose medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Contains modern

ceramics. Fill of [9015].

9017 S Cut Circular cut with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.36 m in

diameter by 0.39 m in depth. Filled by (9018). Posthole.

9018 S Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [9017]

9019 S Cut Large oval cut with steeply sloping sides and uneven rounded base. Dimensions; 2.39

m (N/S) by 0.70 m (E/W). Depth 0.23 m. Filled by (9020) & (9023). Pit.

9020 S Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <70% stone inclusions. Upper fill of [9019]. Overlies (9023).

9021 S Cut Circular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter by 0.22 m in depth. Filled by (9022). Posthole.

9022 S Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40% stone inclusions. Fill of [9021]

9023 S Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <40% stone inclusions. Primary fill of [9019]. Underlies


9026 T Cut Circular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.38 m in

diameter by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (9027). Truncated Posthole.

9027 T Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [9021]

Areas U & V

12000 U Cut Shallow circular cut with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.55 m in

diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (12001). Truncated Pit.

12001 U Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <20% stone inclusions. Fill of [12000].

12002 U Cut Shallow circular cut with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.50 m in

diameter by 0.05 m in depth. Filled by (12003). Truncated Pit.

12003 U Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Frequent charcoal fragments. Fill of


12004 U Cut Sub-rectangular cut with moderately sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.

90m (N/S) by 0.55 m (E/W). Depth 0.20 m. Filled by (12005). Pit

12005 U Fill Grey brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [12004].

12006 U Cut Shallow circular cut with gently sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 0.80 m in

diameter by 0.11 m in depth. Filled by (12007). Truncated Pit.

12007 U Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions.. Fill of [12006].

12008 U Cut Shallow circular cut with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m in

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diameter by 0.07 m in depth. Filled by (12009). Truncated Pit.

12009 U Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <5% stone inclusions. Fill of [12008].

12010 U Cut Shallow circular cut with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.60 m in

diameter by 0.08 m in depth. Filled by (12011). Truncated Pit.

12011 U Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [12010].

12012 U Cut Shallow circular cut with gently sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.70 m in

diameter by 0.13 m in depth. Filled by (12013). Truncated Pit

12013 U Fill Medium brown sandy silt with <10% stone inclusions. Fill of [12013].

12014 V Cut Sub-circular cut with steeply sloping sides and rounded base. Dimensions; 0.77m

(N/S) by 0.84 m (E/W). Depth 0.32 m. Filled by (12015). Fire-pit.

12015 V Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% stone inclusions. Frequent charcoal fragments.

Overlies Fill (12016). Fill of Fire-pit [12014].

12016 V Fill Black sandy silt composed of burnt organic remains, charcoal and frequent stone

inclusions. Contains Prehistoric ceramic sherds . Primary fill of [12014].

12017 V Cut Small Linear cut feature running north-east to south-west. Heavily truncated with

moderately sloping sides and flat base. Dimensions; 1.4m (NE/SW) by 0.46 m

(SE/NW). Depth 0.11 m (max). Filled by (12018). Truncated Boundary Ditch or Drain.

12018 V Fill Dark brown sandy silt with <40% stone inclusions. Fill of [12017]

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APPENDIX 2: Photographic Record

B/W & Digital Film 1

Frame Field/Area Description From

0-2 I Registration shot

3-4 I East-facing section Posthole [1109] E

5-6 I North-facing section Posthole [1107] N

7-8 I North facing section Posthole [1175] N

9-10 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1107] N

11-12 I East-facing section Posthole [1215] E

13-14 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1109] E

15-16 I East-facing sections Postholes [1199] & [1203] E

17-18 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1175] N

19-20 I West-facing section Posthole [1211] W

21-22 I Curvilinear Feature [1217] SE

23-24 I North facing section Curvilinear Feature [1217] N

25-26 I Post-excavation shot Postholes [1199] & [1203] E

27-28 I Nos. not used

29-30 I Post-excavation shot Curvilinear Feature [1217] SE

31-32 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1211] SE

33-34 I South-facing section Posthole [1209] S

35-36 I East-facing section Posthole [1195] E

B/W & Digital Film 2

Frame Trench/Area Description From

1-2 I Registration shot

3-4 I East-facing section Posthole [1197] E

5-6 I North-facing section Posthole [1193] N

7-8 I East-facing section Posthole [1201] E

9-10 I North-facing section Posthole [1207] N

11-12 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1193] N

13-14 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1195] N

15-16 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1197] N

17-18 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1201] N

19-20 I North facing section through Postholes [1181 & 1219] N

21-22 I Un-excavated features [2203] – [2205] SW

23-24 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1207] N

25-26 I South-east facing section [1205] SE

27-28 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1205] SE

29-30 I South-east facing sections Postholes [1189 & 1257] SE

31-32 I South-east facing sections Postholes [1191] SE

33-34 I South facing section Posthole [1187] S

35-36 I West facing section Posthole [1185] W

37-38 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1185] W

B/W & Digital Film 3

Frame Frame Frame Frame

1-2 I Registration shot

3-4 I West-facing section Posthole [1179] W

5-6 I South facing sections Palisade Postholes [1143 & 1145] S

7-8 I South facing sections Palisade Postholes [1147 & 1149] S

9-10 I South facing sections Palisade Postholes [1151 & 1153] S

11-12 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1179] W

13-14 I East-facing section Posthole [1177] E

15-16 I Post-excavation shot Palisade Postholes [1219, 1181,

1183 & 1187]


17-18 I Post-excavation shot Palisade Postholes [1221, 1223 &



19-20 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1177] E

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21-22 I East-facing section Palisade Posthole [1287] E

23-24 I East-facing section Palisade Postholes [1155 & 1157] E

25-26 I East-facing section Palisade Postholes [1289 & 1159] E

27-28 I East-facing section Palisade Postholes [1161 & 1163] E

29-30 I East-facing section Palisade Postholes [1165, 1167 &

1169 ]


31-32 I East-facing section Palisade Postholes [1171 & 1291] E

33-34 I East-facing section Postholes [1137] E

B/W & Digital Film 4

Frame Trench/Area Description From

1-2 I Registration shot

3-4 I Registration shot

5-6 I South facing section Postholes [1319 & 1320] S

7-8 I East facing section Posthole [1293] E

9-10 I North facing section Posthole [1297] N

11-12 I East facing section Posthole [1299] E

13-14 I North facing section Posthole [1295] N

15-16 I East facing section Postholes [1303 & 1305] E

17-18 I South facing section Posthole [1307] S

19 -20 I East facing section Posthole [1309] E

21-22 I North-east facing section Posthole [1135] NE

23-24 I North facing section Posthole [1133] N

25 I Not used Void

26-28 I North-east facing section Posthole [1129] NE

29-30 I South-west facing section Posthole [1173] SW

31-32 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1173] SW

33-34 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1135] NE

35-36 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1133] N

B/W & Digital Film 5

Frame Trench/Area Description From

1-2 Registration shots

3-4 I Post-excavation shot of Pit/Posthole [1129] NE

5-6 I West-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1087] W

7-8 I East-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1085] E

9-10 I East-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1083] E

11-12 I West-facing section through Pit [1115] W

13-14 I East-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1117] E

15-16 I South-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1113] S

17-18 I East-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1089] E

19-20 I North-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1097] N

21-22 I East-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1099] E

23-24 I East-acing section through Pit/Posthole [1101] E

25-26 I North-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1091] N

27-28 I West-facing section through Pit [1111] W

29-30 I North-east facing section through Pit/Posthole [1121] NE

31-32 I North-east facing section through Pit/Posthole [1121] NE

33-34 I South-facing section through Pit/Posthole [1125-27] S

35-36 I North-east facing section through Pit/Posthole [1131] NE

B/W & Digital Film 6

Frame Trench/Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2-3 I South-facing section through Pit [1075] S

4-5 I South-facing section through Posthole [1073] S

6-7 I South-facing section through Posthole [1079] S

8-9 I South-facing section through Pit [1105] showing post-pad S

10-11 I Post-excavation shot of Pit [1105] showing post-pad in situ S

12-13 I East-facing sections through Postholes [1163] & [1165] E

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14-15 I North-facing section through Posthole [1161] N

16-17 I South-facing section through Posthole [1281] S

18-19 I North-east facing section through Posthole [1283] NE

20-21 I South-facing section through Posthole [1281] S

22-23 I South-facing section through Posthole [1335] S

24-25 I Post-excavation shots of [1121] & [1123] NE

26-27 I Post-excavation shots of [1125] & [1127] S

28-29 I Post-excavation shot of [1131] NE

30-31 I North-west section through Pit [1103] NW

32-33 I East-facing section [1372] E

34-35 I North-east section through Linear [Slot 1] [1255] NE

36 I North-west section through Linear [Slot 2] [1255] NW

B/W & Digital Film 7

Frame Trench/Area Description From

1-2 Registration shot E

3-4 I East-acing section [1057] E

5-6 I East-facing section [1055] E

7-8 I East-facing section [1069] E

9-10 I East-facing section [1081] E

11-12 I East-facing section [1077] E

13-14 I East-facing section [1241] E

15-16 I East-facing section [1239] E

17-18 I East-facing section [1237] E

19-20 I East-facing section [1055] E

21-22 I East-facing section [1053] E

23-24 I South-facing section [1068] & [1387] S

25-26 I Post-excavation shot of [1281] Structure 3 S

27-28 I Post-excavation shot of [1335] Structure 3 S

29-30 I Post-excavation shot of [1289] Structure 3 S

31-32 I Post-excavation shot of [1283] Structure 3 S

33-34 I Post-excavation shot of Structure 3 (Four Poster) [1281],

[1283], [1289] & [1335]


B/W & Digital Film 8

Frame Trench/Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 I Post-excavation shot of [1281] & [1283] Structure 3 S

3 I South-facing section [1350] S

4 I North-east facing sections [1389] & [[1370] NE

5 I East facing section [1366] E

6 I South-facing section [1338] S

7 I South-facing section [1340] S

8 I North-west facing section [1348] NW

9 I South-facing section [1342] S

10 I South-facing section [1344] S

11 I East-facing section [1059] E

12 I East-facing section [1049] E

13 I East-facing sections [1045] & [1047 E

14 I South-facing section [1346] S

15 I North-facing section [1368] N

16 I North-west facing section [1013] NW

17 I South-east facing section [1356] SE

18 I East-facing section [1003] E

19 I East-facing section [1033] E

20 I East-facing section [1027] E

21 I North-facing section [1035] N

22 I North-facing sections [1007] & [1029] N

23 I North-east facing section [1374] NE

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 9

B/W & Digital Film 10

24 I East-facing section [1352] E

25 I South-facing section [1376] S

26 I East-facing section [1354] E

27 I North-east facing section [1365] NE

28 I North-east facing section [1362] NE

29 I North-facing section [1382] N

30 I South-west facing section [1380] SW

31 I East-facing section [1378] E

32 I North-facing section [1119] N

Frame Trench/Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 I North facing sections [1023] & [1025] N

3 I South-east facing section [1009] S

4 I East-facing section [1015] NE

5 I East-facing section [1017] E

6 I East-facing section [1019] S

7 I South-facing section [1021] S

8 I South-facing sections [1031], [1037] & [1039] NW

9 I South-facing sections [1031], [1037] & [1039] S

10 I North-east facing section [1051] S

11 I South facing section [1043] E

12 I West-facing section [1041] E

13 H West- north-west [2053] E

14 H West-facing section [2029] S

15 H West-facing section [2031] N

16-19 G Modern Linear features cutting top-soil NW

20 H North-west facing section [2069] SE

21 H East-facing section Slot 1 [2015] E

22 H West-facing section Slot 2 [2015] E

23 H North-facing section [2021] E

24 H North-east facing section [2011] N

25 H North-east facing section [2013] N

26 H East-facing section [2003] NE

27 H East-facing section [2001] E

28 H East-facing section [2009] S

29 H East-facing section [2007] E

30 H East-facing section [2005] NE

31 H North-facing section [2019] NE

32 H North-east facing section [2017] N

33 H North-facing section [2059] N

34 H North-east facing section [2043] NE

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 N/A Not used

3 H Post-excavation shot [2015] N

4 H Post-excavation shot [2085] N

5 H West-facing section [2089] W

6 H North-facing section [2023] N

7-8 H East-facing sections [2079] [2081] & [2083] E

9 H South-facing section [2091] S

10 H West-facing sections Postholes [2035], [2037] W

11 H North-facing sections Postholes [2039], [2077] N

12 H North-east facing sections Postholes [2047], [2049] NE

13 H North-east facing sections Postholes [2055], [2057] NE

14 H South-facing sections Postholes [2061], [2063] S

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B/W & Digital Film 11

15 H North-facing section [2051] N

16 H North-facing section [2033] N

17 H North-west facing section [2099] NW

18 H Post-excavation shot [2015] & [2091] S

19-20 H North-facing section Pit [2089] N

21 H North-West facing section through Pits [2093] & [2095] NW

22 H North-West facing section through Pits [2073] & [2097] NW

23 H South-east facing section [2071] SE

24 H Post-excavation shot [2101] SE

25 H Post-excavation shot [2035] & [2037] W

26 H Post-excavation shot [2039] & [2077] NW

27 H West-facing Pit [2070] W

28 H Post-excavation shot [2015] SE

29 H North-west facing section Posthole [2103] NW

30 H Post-excavation shot [2007] N

31 H Post-excavation shot [2005] N

32 H Post-excavation shot [2023] N

33 H Post-excavation shot [2001] N

34 H Post-excavation shots Postholes [2011] & [2013] SE

35 H Post-excavation shot [2021] N

36 H Post-excavation shot [2017] N

37 H Post-excavation shots Postholes [2081] & [2079] NW

38 H Post-excavation shot [2089] N

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 H North-west facing section Posthole [2105] NW

3 H West facing section Pit [2109] W

4 H West facing section Posthole [2111] W

5 H West facing section Pit [2107] W

6 H West facing section Pit [2069] W

7 H North-west facing section Pit [2116] NW

8 H North-west facing section Pit [2118] NW

9 G South-west facing section [2123] SW

10 G South-west facing section [2125] SW

11 G South-west facing section [2127] SW

12 G West facing section Posthole [2121] W

13 G South-east facing section Pit [2147] SE

14 G South-east facing section Pit [2149] SE

15 G South-west facing section Pit [2151] SW

16 G South-east facing section Pit [2153] SE

17 G West facing section Posthole [2155] W

18 G South facing section [2131] & [2145] S

19 G South facing section Posthole [2129] S

20 G West facing section Posthole [2160] W

21 G West facing section Posthole [2164] W

22 G South facing section Posthole [2162] S

23 G East facing section Posthole [2133] E

24 G East facing section Posthole [2135] E

25 G East facing section Posthole [2137] E

26 G East facing section Posthole [2139] E

27 G East facing section Posthole [2141] E

28 G East facing section Posthole [2143] E

29 G Overview [2166] & [2168] S

30 G Conjunction of features [2166] & [2168] S

31 G Shell within [2166] S

32 G Feature [2166] S

Page 96: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 12

B/W & Digital Film 13

33 G Linear [2168] SE

34 G East facing section [2174] E

35 G West facing section Posthole [2170] W

36 G South-east facing section Pit [2178] SE

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 G North-west facing section through Posthole [2180] NW

3 G South-east facing section through Posthole [2172] SE

4 G North-facing section through Posthole [2176] N

5 G Linear [2182] S

6 G Linear [2182] N

7 G South-west facing section through Linear [2184] SW

8 G General shot Linear [2184] SW

9 G North-east facing section through Pit [2186] NE

10-11 G General shots of Round-house Structure [2159] N

12 G Post-excavation shot [2170] W

13 G Post-excavation shot [2133] W

14 G Post-excavation shot [2137] W

15 G Post-excavation shot [2176] W

16 G Post-excavation shot [2141] W

17 G Post-excavation shot [2129] W

18 G Post-excavation shot [2172] W

19 G Post-excavation shot [2163] W

20 G Post-excavation shot [2155] W

21 G Post-excavation shot [2160] W

22 G Post-excavation shot [2164] W

23 G Post-excavation shot [2135] W

24 G Post-excavation shot [2139] W

25 G Post-excavation shot [2121] W

26 G Post-excavation shot [2145] W

27 G Post-excavation shot [2131] W

28 G Post-excavation shot [2143] W

29 G Post-excavation shot [2174] W

30 G East-facing section through Pit [2188] E

31 G East-facing section through Pit [2190] E

32 G North-facing section [2196] N

33 G East-facing section through Pit [2194] E

34 G Shot of Linear [2192] S

35 G Shot of Linear [2192] N

36 G West facing section through Pit [2198] W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 G South-facing section through Pit/Posthole [2200] S

3 G North-west facing section through Posthole [2202] NW

4 G North-west facing section through Posthole [2219] NW

5 G South facing section through Posthole [2221] S

6 G North-west facing section through Posthole [2223] NW

7 G North-west facing section through Posthole [2209] NW

8 G South-facing section through Posthole [2213] S

9 G South-facing section through Posthole [2215] S

10 G South-facing section through Posthole [2217] S

11 G Post-excavation shot [2209] W

12 G South-facing section through Posthole [2204] S

13 G South-facing section through Posthole [2206] S

14 G South-facing section through Posthole [2211] S

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 14

B/W & Digital Film 15

15 G Post-excavation shot [2200] S

16 G Post-excavation shot [2221] S

17 G North-west facing section through Posthole [2225] NW

18 G South-facing section [2231] S

19 G South-facing section [2233] S

20 G Working shot Structure [2208] SE

21 F South-facing section through Posthole [2235] S

22 F West-facing section through Pit [2237] W

23 F West-facing section through Pit [2235] W

24 F South-west facing section through Posthole [2265] SW

25 F West facing section through Pit [2271] W

26 F South facing section through Pit/Posthole [2275] S

27 F West-facing section through Pit [2273] W

28 F West-facing section through Pit [2273] W

29 F South-facing section through Pit [2280] S

30 F North-facing section through Pit [2282] N

31 F North-facing section through Pit [2253] N

32 F West-facing section through Pit [2255] W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 F North-facing section Pit [2257] N

3 F North-west facing section Pit [2259] NW

4 F North-facing section through Posthole [2263] & Pit [2261] N

5 F North-west facing section through Pit [2265] NW

6 F North-facing section through Pit [2267] N

7 F North-east facing section through Pit [2341] NE

8 F North-facing section through Pit [2246] N

9 F East-facing section through Pit [2249] E

10 F Post-ex shots [2271] & [2273] W

11 F East-facing section through Pit [2277] E

12 F West-facing section through Pit [2284] W

13 F Wes-facing section through Pit [2286] W

14 F South-west facing section through Pit [2288] SW

15 F North-facing section through Pit [2290] N

16 F East-facing section through Pit [2292] E

17 F South-east facing section through Pit [2294] SE

18 F West-facing section [2296] W

19 F East-facing section through Pit [2298] E

20 F South-east facing section through Posthole [2300] SE

21 F North-east facing section through Posthole [2302] NE

22 F South-east facing section through Linear [2304] SE

23 F East-facing section through Linear [2304] E

24 F Overview of Linear [2304] E

25 F West-facing section through Pit [2306] W

26 F East-facing section through Pit [2308] E

27 F East-facing section through Pit [2324] E

28 F North-east facing section through Pit [2326] NE

29 F South-east facing section through Pit [2328] SE

30 F East-facing section through Pit [2330] E

31 F South-east facing section through Pit [2334] SE

32 F East-facing section through Pit [2310] E

33 F East-facing section through Pit [2312] & [2314] E

34 F East-facing section through Pit [2316] E

35 F East-facing section through Pit [2318] E

Frame Area Description From

Page 98: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 16

1 Registration shot

2 F East-facing section [2320] E

3 F East-facing section [2322] E

4 F South-facing section through Posthole [2236] & Pit [2240] S

5 F South-facing section through Pit [2342] S

6 F South-east facing section through Posthole [2344] SE

7 F South-east facing section through Pit [2346] SE

8 F South-facing section through Posthole [2348] S

9 F North-facing section through Pit [2353] N

10 F East-facing section through Pit [2355] E

11 F North-facing section through Pit [2358] N

12 F South-facing section through Pit [2336] S

13 F South-east facing section through Pit [2359] SE

14 F South-facing section through Pit [2350] S

15 F South-facing section through Pit [2361] S

16 F South-east facing section through Pit [2363] SE

17 F South-facing section through Pit [2365] S

18 F South-west facing section [2367] SW

19 F South-facing section through Pit [2369] S

20 F North-west facing section through Pit [2332] NW

21 F East facing section through Posthole [2404] & [2406] E

22 F North facing section through Posthole [2408] N

23 F East facing section through Pit [2462] E

24 F North-facing section through Pit [2410] N

25 F East-facing section through Pit [2412] E

26 F North-facing section through Pit [2414] N

27 F East-facing section through Pit [2416] & [2418] W

28 F South-facing section through [2276], [2380] & [2382] S

29 F East-facing sections through [2386] & [2388] E

30 F East-facing section through Pit [2419] E

31 F South-west facing section through Pit [2423] SW

32 F East-facing section through Posthole [2396] E

33 F North-facing section through Posthole [2398] N

34 F North-west facing section through Posthole [2421] NW

35 F West facing section through Posthole [2400] W

36 F North-facing section through Posthole [2310] N

37 F South-west facing section through Posthole [2425] SW

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 F East-facing section [2372] E

3 F North-facing section [2378] N

4 F North-facing section [2380] N

5 F North-facing section [2392] N

6 F North-facing section [2394] N

7 A Registration Shot

8 A West-facing section [3000] W

9 A North-facing section [3002] N

10 A North-facing section [3004] N

11 A North-facing section [3006] N

12 A North-facing section [3008] N

13 A West-facing section [3010] W

14 A South-facing section [3012] S

15 A North-facing section [3018] N

16 A North-facing section [3020] N

17 A North-facing section [3022] N

18 A West-facing section [3024] W

Page 99: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 17

B/W & Digital Film 18

19 A Working shot showing ceramic sherds S

20 A West-facing section [3028] W

21 A North-facing section [3030] N

22 A East-facing section [3040] N

23 A Post-excavation shot [3026] E

24 A North-facing section [3032] N

25 A North-east facing section [3034] NE

26 A North-facing section [3036] N

27 A South-facing profile [3038] S

28 A North-facing section [3044] N

29 A West-facing section [3042] W

30 A West-facing section [3047] W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 A West-facing section [3047] W

3 A Registration shot

4 A South-facing section [3049] & [3051] S

5 A Post-excavation shot [3044] & [3046] N

6 A North-facing section [3059] N

7 A West-facing section [3055] W

8 A West-facing section [3057] W

9 A Post-excavation shot [3061] S

10 A North-facing section [3063] N

11 A West-facing section [3065] W

12 A South-facing section [3067] S

13 A West-facing section [3069] W

14 A West-facing section [3071] W

15 A West-facing section [3073] W

16 A South-facing section [3075] S

17 A North-facing section [3080] N

18 A North-facing section [3102] N

19 A Linear [3114] N

20 A Linear [3114] S

21 A North-facing section [3124] N

22 A North-east facing section [3126] NE

23 A East-facing section [3128] E

24 A East-facing section [3130] E

25 A South-east facing section [3082] SE

26 A North-east facing section [3084] NE

27 A North-west facing section [3086] NW

28 A East-facing section [3088] E

29 A North-west facing section [3096] NW

30 A South-facing sections [3100], [3104], [3098] S

31 A South-facing sections [3118], [3120] S

32 A North-facing section [3122] N

33 A East-facing section [3132] E

34 A East-facing section [3134] E

35 A East-facing section [3136] E

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 A North-facing section [3138] N

3 A East-facing section [3140] E

4 A West-facing section [3142] W

5 A South-west facing section [3144] & [3146] SW

6 A South-facing section [3148] S

Page 100: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 19

B/W & Digital Film 20

7 A West-facing section [3150] W

8 A North-facing section [3152] N

9 A South-facing section [3112] S

10 A North-facing section [3186] N

11 A South-facing section [3198] S

12 A East-facing section [3196] E

13 A East-facing section [3194] E

14 A East-facing section [3192] E

15 A South-facing section [3188] S

16 A North-facing section [3190] N

17 A Overview Pit Grouping [3188-3196] S

18 A Overview Pit Grouping [3188-3196] N

19 A East-facing section [3200] & [3202] E

20 A South-facing section [3204] S

21 A East-facing section [3207] E

22 A West-facing section [3209] W

23 A West-facing section [3211] W

24 A North-facing section [3211] N

25 A General shot [3211] W

26 A General shot [3211] NW

27 A West-facing section [3218] W

28 A South-facing section [3218] S

29 A North-east facing section [3218] NE

30 A Post-excavation [3218] S

31 A East-facing section [3224] E

32 A North-east facing section [3226] NE

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 A West-facing section [3065] W

3 A North-facing section [3167] N

4 A West-facing section [3073] W

5 A West-facing section [3069] W

6 A South-facing section [3071] & [3075] S

7 A West-facing section [3077] W

8 A South-facing section [3170] & [3172] S

9 A East-facing section [3174] & [3176] E

10 A North-east facing section [3178] NE

11 A East-facing section [3180] E

12 A North-facing section [3182] N

13 A North-facing section [3184] N

14 A North-facing section [3163] N

15 A North-facing section [3165] N

16 A South-east facing section [3166] SE

17 A West-facing section [3168] W

18 A West-facing section [3160] W

19 A North-facing section [3156] N

20 A West-facing section [3158] W

21 A West-facing section [3161] W

22 A East-facing section [3229] E

23 A North-facing section [3253] N

24 A North-facing section [3251] N

25 A South-facing section [3255] S

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 A South-facing section [3261] S

Page 101: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 21

3 A South-facing section S

4 A South-facing section S

5 A South-east facing section SE

6 A South-facing section S

7 A South-facing section S

8 A South-facing section S

9 A East-facing section [3211] E

10 A South-facing section [3211] S

11 A General shot showing daub NW

12 A North facing section [3259] N

13 A West facing section [3247] W

14 A North-east facing section [3241] &[3239] NE

15 A North-facing section [3243] & [3245] N

16 A North-facing section [3133] N

17 A North-facing section [3131] N

18 A North-facing section [3137] N

19 A North-facing section [3135] N

20 A South-facing section [3280] S

21 A South-facing section [3282] S

22 A South-facing section [3286] S

23 A South-facing section [3284] S

24 A North-facing section [3289] N

25 A North-facing section [3299] N

26 A West-facing section [3301] W

27 A North-facing section [3291] N

28 A North-facing section [3293] N

29 A North-facing section [3295] N

30 A South-facing section [3297] S

31 A South-facing section [3305] S

32 A West-facing section [3305] W

33 A East-facing section [3309] E

34 A West-facing section [3307] W

35 A West-facing section [3311] W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 A Post-ex shot [3291] W

3 A Post-ex shot [3293] N

4 A Post-ex shot [3295] N

5 A Post-ex shot [3297] N

6 A East-facing section [3313] E

7 A East-facing section [3315] E

8 A East-facing section [3317] E

9 A East-facing section [3319] E

10 A North-facing section [3321] N

11 A East-facing section [3323] E

12 A East-facing section [3325] E

13 A West-facing section [3327] W

14 A North-west facing section [3329] NW

15 A North- facing section [3331] N

16 A West-facing section [3333] W

17 A West-facing section [3335] W

18 A South-facing section [3274] S

19 K East-facing section through [6001] E

20 K West-facing section through [6003] W

21 K South-facing section [6005] S

22 K North-facing section [6007] N

Page 102: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 22

B/W & Digital Film 23

23 K North-east facing section [6009] NE

24 K South-west facing section [6071] SW

25 K North-facing section through [6073] NW

26 K North-west facing section [6075] NW

27 K West-facing section through [6077] W

28 K North-facing section through [6079] S

29 K South-facing section [6021] S

30 K South-facing section [6023] S

31 K North-facing section [6025] N

32 K North-facing section through [6027] N

33 K North-facing section through [6029] N

34 K North-facing section through [6031] N

35 K South-east facing section [6033] SE

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 K East facing section [6035] E

3 K South-east facing section [6037] SE

4 K North-west facing section [6039] NW

5 K East-facing section [6041] E

6 K South-facing section [6043] S

7 K South-facing section [6045] S

8 K North-facing section [6047] N

9 K South-west facing section [6049] SW

10 K West-facing section [6051] W

11 K South-east facing section [6053] SE

12 K South-west facing section [6055] SW

13 K South-facing section [6057] S

14 K South-west facing section [6059] SW

15 K South-facing section [6061] S

16 K South-facing section [6063] S

17 K East-facing section [6065] E

18 K East-facing section [6067] E

19 K East-facing section through [6069] E

20 K North-facing section through [6071] N

21 K East-facing section [6073] E

22 K East-facing section [6075] E

23 K South-west facing section [6077] SW

24 K South facing section [6079] S

25 K East-facing section [6081] E

26 K East-facing section [6083] E

27 K East-facing section [6085] E

28 K East-facing section [6087] E

29 K East-facing section [6089] E

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 K South-east facing section [6091] SE

3 K East-facing section [6093] E

4 K South-east facing section [6095] SE

5 K South-west facing section [6097] SW

6 K East-facing section [6099] E

7 K East-facing section [6101] E

8 K South-east facing section [6103] SE

9 K East-facing section [6106] E

10 K Post-excavation shot [6087] E

11 K Post-excavation shot [6093] E

Page 103: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 24

B/W & Digital Film 25

12 K Post-excavation shot [6081] W

13 K Post-excavation shot [6067] W

14 K Post-excavation shot [6041] W

15 K Post-excavation shot [6035] W

16 K Post-excavation shot [6105] W

17 K Post-excavation shot [6027] W

18 K Post-excavation shot [6029] W

19 K Post-excavation shot [6031] W

20 K Post-excavation shot [6023] W

21 K Post-excavation shot [6025] W

22 K Post-excavation shot [6007] W

23 K Post-excavation shot [6019] W

24 K Post-excavation shot [6013] W

25 K Post-excavation shot [6015] W

26 K Post-excavation shot [6009] W

27 K Post-excavation shot [6011] W

28 K Post-excavation shot [6003] W

29 K Post-excavation shot [6005] W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 K Post-excavation shot [6037] & [6039] W

3 K Post-excavation shot [6069] W

4 K Post-excavation shot [6071] W

5 K Post-excavation shot [6043] W

6 K Post-excavation shot [6047] W

7 K Post-excavation shot [6045] W

8 K Post-excavation shot [6079] W

9 K Post-excavation shot [6077] W

10 K Post-excavation shot [6051] W

11 K Post-excavation shot [6075] W

12 K General shot ST [6000] N

13 K General shot ST [6000] S

14 K General shot ST [6000] E

15 K General shot ST [6000] W

16-29 K General shots Area K W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 O North-east facing section [6107] NE

3 O South-east facing section [6109] SE

4 O South-east facing section [6111] SE

5 O West-facing section [6113] W

6 M North-facing section [6169] N

7 M West-facing section through Hearth [6157] W

8 M West-facing section through Hearth [6157] W

9 M North-facing section [6186] N

10 M South-facing section [6153] S

11 M West-facing section [6188] W

12 M West-facing section [6155] W

13 M West-facing section [6190] W

14 M North- facing section [6163] N

15 M North-facing section [6167] N

16 M South-west facing section [6161] SW

17 M North-east facing section [6161] NE

18 M North-facing section [6165] N

19 M North-facing section [6173] N

Page 104: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 26

B/W & Digital Film 27

20 Q South-facing section [6199] S

21 Q South-facing section [6201] S

22 Q North-facing section [6203] N

23 Q South-facing section [6153] S

24 Q South-facing section [6205] S

25 Q South-facing section [6207] S

26 Q South-facing section [6209] S

27 Q South-facing section [6211] S

28 M North-facing section [6115] N

29 M West-facing sections [6149] & [6157] W

30 M East-facing section [6131] E

31 M West-facing section [6133] W

32 M North-facing section [6135] N

33 M East-facing section [6137] E

34 M West-facing section [6139] W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 M South-facing section [6121] S

3 M South-facing section [6117] S

4 M West-facing section [6147] W

5 M West-facing section [6145] W

6 M East-facing section [6127] E

7 M East-facing section [6125] E

8 M East-facing section [6123] E

9 M West-facing section [6143] W

10 P South-facing section [6242] S

11 P South-facing section [6244] S

12 M North-west facing section [6246] NW

13 M West-facing section [6233] W

14 M West-facing section [6231] W

15 M North-facing section [6125] N

16 M North-facing section [6177] N

17 M North-west facing section [6175] NW

18 M North-facing section [6173] N

19 M West-facing section [6194] W

20 M South-east facing section [6192] SE

21 M North-west facing section [6190] NW

22 M North-west facing section [6163] NW

23 M South-west facing section [6161] SW

24 M North-east facing section [6161] NE

25 M North-facing section [6167] – [6229] S

26 M North-east facing section [6165] S

27 M North-west facing section [6196] NW

28 M South-west facing section [6227] SW

29 M South-east facing section [6215] SE

30 M South-east facing section [6237] SE

31 M North-east facing section [6217] NE

32 M North-facing section [6114] N

33 M East facing section [6181] E

34 M West-facing section [6239] W

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 M North-west facing section [6159] NW

3-4-5 M Posthole group [6190-6186] NW

6 M East-facing section [6248] E

Page 105: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 28

B/W & Digital Film 29

7 R North-facing section [9001] N

8 R West-facing section [9003] W

9 R North-east facing section [9005] NE

10 R South-west facing section [9007] SW

11 R North-facing section [9009] N

12 R South-facing section [9011] S

13 R South-facing section [9013] S

14 S North-facing section [9017] N

15 S South-facing section [9019] S

16 S North-west facing section [9021] NW

17 S North-west facing section [9021] NW

18 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] N

19 M Post excavation shot [6221] in Structure [6241] W

20 M Post excavation shot [6179] in Structure [6241] SE

21 M Post excavation shot [6223] in Structure [6241] NW

22 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] NW

23 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] SW

24 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] NE

25 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] S

26 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] S

27 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] NW

28 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] SW

29 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] SE

30 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] SE

31 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] NE

32 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] N

33 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] E

34 M Post excavation shot [6219] in Structure [6241] W

35 M General view Structure [6241] E

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 R South-facing section [9015] S

3 U West-facing section [12000] W

4 U North-east facing section [12002] NE

5 U North-east facing section [12004] NE

6 U North-east facing section [12006] NE

7 U North-east facing section [12008] NE

8 U North-east facing section [12010] NE

9 U North-east facing section [12012] NE

10 T North-east facing section [9024] NE

11 T West-facing section [9026] W

12 T South-facing section [9028] S

13 V East-facing section [12014] E

14 V South-east facing section [12017] SE

15 V Post-excavation shot [12014] E

Frame Area Description From

1-2 Registration shot

3-4 X South-facing section [2500] S

5 X South-facing section [2502] S

6 X South-facing section [2504] S

7 X South-facing section [2506] S

8 X North-facing section [2508] N

9 X South-facing section [2510] S

10 X West-facing section [2512] W

11 X South-facing section [2514] S

Page 106: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 30

12 X South-facing section [2516] S

13 X South-facing section [2518] S

14 X East-facing section [2527] E

15 X South-facing section [2529] S

16 X Roundhouse entrance [2531] NE

17 X East facing section [2534] E

18 X South-facing section [2532] S

19 X East-facing section [2536] E

20 X South-facing section [2546] S

21 X South-east facing section [2538] SE

22 X South-east facing section [2540] SE

23 X South-east facing section [2542] SE

24 X South-facing section [2544] S

25 X South-facing section [2548] S

26 X South-facing section [2550] S

27 X North-facing section [2552-2554] N

28 X North-facing section [2556] N

29 X South-facing section [2558] S

30 X South-facing section [2560] S

31 X South-facing section [2562] S

32 X South-facing section [2565] S

33 X South-facing section [2567] S

34 X South-west facing section [2569] SW

35 X South-facing section [2571] S

36 X South-facing section [2573] S

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 X North-facing section [2575-2577] N

3 X South-facing section [2579] S

4 X South-facing section [2581] S

5 X South-facing section [2583] S

6 X West-facing section [2586-2588] W

7 X West-facing section [2590] W

8 X South-facing section [2592] S

9 X East-facing section [2594] E

10 X West-facing section [2596-2598] W

11 X East-facing section [2598] E

12 X South-facing section [2600] S

13 X East-facing section [2602] E

14 X South-west facing section [2605] SW

15 X South-west facing section [2596] SW

16 X South facing section [2607] S

17 X South facing section [2609] S

18 X East-facing section [2611] E

19 X South-facing section [2613] S

20 X West-facing section [2615] W

21 X South-west facing section [2617] SW

22 X Burnt wood within Pit [2617] NE

23 X Burnt wood within Pit [2617] NE

24 X West-facing section [2622] W

25 X South facing section [2624] showing packers S

26 X South-facing section [2624] S

27 X South-west facing section [2628] SW

28 X South-west facing section [2630] SW

29 X South-west facing section [2632] SW

30 X North-west facing section [2626] NW

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B/W & Digital Film 31

B/W & Digital Film 32

31 X South-west facing section [2632] SW

32 X North-west facing section [2638] NW

33 X South-east facing section [2640] SE

34 X South-facing section [2636] S

35 X South-facing section [2642] S

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 X South-facing section [2645] S

3 X South-facing section [2647] S

4 X South-facing section [2650] S

5 X South-facing section [2652] S

6 X East-facing section [2654] E

7 X West-facing section [2656] Slot 1 W

8 X East-facing section [2656] Slot 2 E

9 X South-facing section [2658] S

10 X North-facing section [2660] N

11 X South-west facing section [2662-2664] SW

12 X West-facing section [2666] W

13 X South-west facing section [2668] SW

14 X South-west facing section [2670] SW

15 X South facing section [2672] S

16 X South-facing section [2674] S

17 X North-facing section [2678] N

18 X South-east facing section [2681] SE

19 X South-facing section [2676] S

20 X South-facing section [2684] S

21 X South-west facing section [2686] SW

22 X South-west facing section [2688] SW

23 X North-west facing section [2690] NW

24 X South-west facing section [2692] SW

25 X North-west facing section [2694] NW

26 X South-facing section [2696] S

27 X South-facing section [2698] S

28 X North-facing section [2700-13] N

29 X North-facing section [2700] N

30 X North-facing section [2702] N

31 X North-facing section [2704] N

32 X North-west facing section [2708-10] NW

33 X North-facing section [2712-2706] Slot 2 N

34 X South-facing section [2714] S

35 X South-facing section [2716] S

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 X South-facing section [2718-2720] S

3 X South-facing section [2722-2724] S

4 X South-facing section [2726] S

5 X North-facing section [2728] Slot 1 N

6 X South-facing section [2728] Slot 2 S

7 X North-west facing section [2728-30] NW

8 X North-east facing section [2728] Slot 5 NE

9 X North facing section [2728] Slot 3 N

10 X South-facing section [2728] Slot 4 S

11 X General shot [2728] N

12 X General shot [2733-2735] N

13 X North-facing section [2733-2735] N

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 36

14 X North-east facing section [2733-2735] NE

15 X North facing section [2739-2745] N

16 X North-east facing section [2743] NE

17 X North-facing section [2745] N

18 X South-facing section [2647-2749] S

19 X South-facing section [2751] S

20 X In plan [2755] W

21 X Conjoined Postholes [2760-2762-2764] SW

22 X West-facing sections [2764-2778] W

23 X West-facing sections [2772-2780] W

24 X South-facing section [2794] S

25 X South-facing section [2686] S

26 X South-facing section [2688] S

27 X South-facing section [2690] S

28 X South-facing section [2692] S

29 X South-east facing section [2782] SE

30 X West-facing section [2796] W

31 X West-facing section [2798] W

32 X North-west facing section [2804] Erosion Scar Slot 1 NW

33 X South-east facing section [2804] Erosion Scar Slot 2 SE

34 X South-east facing section [2784] SE

35 X West-facing section [2800] W

36 X East-facing section [2802] E

Frame Area Description From

1 Registration shot

2 X North-east facing section [2809] Slot. Roundhouse

Structure [2531]


3 X Working shot showing ‘dumbbell entrance’ Roundhouse

Structure [2531]


4 X Entrance Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-excavation



5 X Entrance Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-excavation



6 X Entrance Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-excavation



7 X Entrance Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-excavation



8 X General shot Roundhouse Structure [2531] SW

9 X Post-excavation shot [2728] Roundhouse Structure [2531] N

10 X General shot Roundhouse Structure [2531] N

11 X General shot Roundhouse Structure [2531] NW

12 X Postholes central area Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-

excavation shot


13 X Postholes central area Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-

excavation shot


14 X Postholes central area Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-

excavation shot


15 X Postholes southern area Roundhouse Structure [2531]

Post-excavation shot


16 X Postholes eastern area Roundhouse Structure [2531]

Post-excavation shot


17 X Postholes central area Roundhouse Structure [2531] Post-

excavation shot


18 X Erosion scar [2804] within Roundhouse Structure [2531]

Post-excavation shot


19 X Slot [2638] with entrance behind Roundhouse Structure NE

Page 109: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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B/W & Digital Film 37

1-2 Registration shots

3-4 I North-facing section Posthole [1313] N

5-6 I North-facing section Posthole [1311] N

7-8 I South-facing section Posthole [1317] S

9-10 I South-facing section Posthole [1315] S

11-12 I West-facing section Posthole [1253] W

13-14 I North-facing section Posthole [1261 & 1327] N

15-16 I North-facing section Posthole [1265] N

17-18 I North-facing section Posthole [1263] N

19-20 I North-east facing section Posthole [1271] NE

21-22 I North-east facing section Posthole [1273] NE

23-24 I South-east facing section Posthole [1275] SE

25-26 I East-facing section Posthole [1277] E

27-28 I West-facing section Posthole [1279 & 1384] W

29-30 I South-facing section Posthole [1245] S

31-32 I South-facing section Posthole [1247] S

33-34 I South-west facing section Posthole [1249] SW

35-36 I West-facing section Posthole [1251] W

B/W & Digital Film 38

1 Registration shots

2 I Post-excavation shot of Four Poster. Postholes

[1311,1313, 1315 & 1317]


3 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1313] N

4 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1311] N

5 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1315] S

6 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1317] S

7 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1253] W

8 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1327 & 1261] NW

9 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1265] N

10 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1263] N

11 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1271] N

12 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1273] N

13 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1275] N

14 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1277] N

15 I Post-excavation shot Postholes [1279 & 1384] W

16 I Post-excavation shot Pit [1243] SE


20 X Postholes south-east of Roundhouse Structure [2531]

Post-excavation shot


21 X Postholes south-east of Roundhouse Structure [2531]

Post-excavation shot


22 X Post-excavation shot [2790] SE

23 X Post-excavation shot [2510-2506] SW

24 X Post-excavation shot [2504] Pit cluster NE

25 X Post-excavation shot [2527] Pit cluster N

26 X Post-excavation shot [2600] S

27 X Post-excavation shot [2583] N

28 X Post-excavation shot [2502-2558-2507] E

29 X Post-excavation shot [2684] Roundhouse Structure ?



30 B South-facing section [2815] S

31 B South-facing section [2817] S

32 B South-facing section [2819] S

33 B South-facing section [2821] S

Frame Area Description From

Frame Area Description From

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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17 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1245] NE

18 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1247] N

19 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1249] NE

20 I Post-excavation shot Posthole [1251] NW

21 I North-east facing section Posthole [1259] NE

22 I East-facing section Posthole [1229] E

23 I East-facing section Posthole [1331] E

24-29 I Post-excavation Structure 2 E

30-32 I Working shots Area I E

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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APPENDIX 3: Drawing Register

Drawing No. Area Feature Number Description Scale

Areas A, F. G & H

1 H 2053 West facing section through Ring-ditch 1:10

2 H 2063 North-west facing section through Posthole 1:10

3 H 2059 North-facing section 1:10

4 H 2021 East-facing section 1:10

5 H 2013 North-east facing section 1:10

6 H 2011 North-east facing section 1:10

7 H 2003 East-facing section 1:10

8 H 2001 East-facing section 1:10

9 H 2009 East-facing section 1:10

10 H 2007 East-facing section 1:10

11 H 2005 East-facing section 1:10

12 H 2019 North-facing section 1:10

13 H 2017 North-east facing section 1:10

14 H 2043 North-east facing section 1:10

15 H 2041 North-facing section 1:10

16 H 2079 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

17 H 2081 East-facing section through Posthole 1:10

18 H 2083 North-east facing section through Posthole 1:10

19 H Various Plan of Area H Sheet 1 1:50

20 H Various Plan of Area H Sheet 2 1:50

21 H Various Plan of Area H Sheet 3 1:50

22 H 2015 East-facing section [2015] 1:20

23 H 2015 West-facing section [2015] 1:20

24 H 2015 Overlay plan [2015] 1:50

25 H 2023 West-facing section 1:10

26 H 2089 West-facing section 1:10

27 H 2091 South-facing section 1:10

28 H 2099 North-west facing section 1:10

29 H 2039 North-facing section 1:10

30 H 2077 North-facing section 1:10

31 H 2033 North-west facing section through Posthole 1:10

32 H 2035/2037 South-west facing section through Posthole 1:10

33 H 2051 North-west facing section through Posthole 1:10

34 H 2049 North-east facing section through Posthole 1:10

35 H 2047 North-facing section through Posthole 1:10

36 H 2067 South-east facing section through Posthole 1:10

37 H 2055 North-east facing section through Posthole 1:10

38 H 2057 North-east facing section through Posthole 1:10

39 H 2063 East facing section through Posthole 1:10

40 H 2061 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

41 H 2059 North-facing section through Posthole 1:10

42 H 2087 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

43 H 2101 South-east facing section through Pit 1:10

44 H 2070 West facing box section through Pit 1:10

45 H 2103 North-west facing section through Pit 1:10

46 H 2105 North-west facing section through Pit/Posthole 1:10

47 H 2116 North-west facing section through Pit 1:10

48 H 2118 North-west facing section 1:10

49 G 2123 South-west facing section 1:10

50 G 2125 South-west facing section 1:10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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51 G 2127 South-west facing section 1:10

52 G 2121 West-facing section through Posthole 1:10

53 G 2147 South-east facing section 1:10

54 G 2149 South-east facing section 1:10

55 G 2151 South-west facing section 1:10

56 G 2153 South-east facing section 1:10

57 G 2129 South-east facing section 1:10

58 G 2131/2145 South-facing section 1:10

59 G 2155 West-facing section 1:10

60 G 2160 West-facing section 1:10

61 G 2170 West-facing section 1:10

62 G 2178 South-east facing section 1:10

63 G 2133 East-facing section 1:10

64 G 2135 East-facing section 1:10

65 G 2137 East-facing section 1:10

66 G 2139 East-facing section 1:10

67 G 2141 East-facing section 1:10

68 G 2143 East-facing section 1:10

69 G 2174 East-facing section 1:10

70 G 2166 South-facing section (A) 1:10

71 G 2168 East-facing section (B) 1:10

72 G 2166 South-facing section (C) 1:10

73 G 2168 West-facing section (D) 1:10

74 G 2180 West-facing section 1:10

75 G 2182 South-facing section through Linear 1:10

76 G 2184 South-west facing section through Linear 1:10

77 G 2186 North-west facing section through Pit 1:10

78 G 2188 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

79 G 2190 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

80 G 2158 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

81 G 2192 East-facing section through Linear 1:10

82 G 2194 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

83 G 2200 South-facing section through Linear 1:10

84 G 2202 North-west section through Posthole 1:10

85 G Various Plan of Area G Sheet 1 1:50

86 G Various Plan of Area G Sheet 2 1:50

87 G Various Plan of Area G Sheet 3 1:50

88 G 2219 North-west section through Posthole 1:10

89 G 2223 North-west section through Pit 1:10

90 G 2209 West facing section through Pit 1:10

91 G 2213 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

92 G 2215 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

93 G 2217 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

94 G 2221 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

95 G 2204 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

96 G 2206 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

97 G 2211 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

98 G 2225 North-west section through Posthole 1:10

99 G 2231 North-west section through Pit 1:10

100 G 2233 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

101 G 2227 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

102 G 2229 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

103 F 2235 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

104 F 2237 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

105 F 2238 North-west section through Pit 1:10

106 F 2269 South-west section through Posthole 1:10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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107 F 2271 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

108 F 2273 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

109 F 2275 South-facing section through Pit/Posthole 1:10

110 F 2241 North-east section through Pit 1:10

111 F 2243 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

112 F 2245 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

113 F 2247 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

114 F 2249 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

115 F 2251 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

116 F 2280 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

117 F 2282 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

118 F 2286 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

119 F 2284 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

120 F 2277 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

121 F 2288 South-west section through Pit 1:10

122 F 2292 East facing section through Pit 1:10

123 F 2290 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

124 F 2294 South-east section through Posthole 1:10

125 F 2296 West-facing section through Posthole 1:10

126 F 2298 East-facing section through Posthole 1:10

127 F 2300 South-east section through Posthole 1:10

128 F 2302 North-east section through Posthole 1:10

129 F 2304 South-east section through Linear 1:10

130 F 2306 West-facing section through Linear 1:10

131 F 2304 South-east section through Linear 1:10

132 F 2308 East-section through Linear 1:10

133 F 2324 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

134 F 2326 North-east facing section through Pit 1:10

135 F 2328 South-east facing section through Pit 1:10

136 F 2330 South-east section facing through Posthole 1:10

137 F 2334 South-east facing section through Pit 1:10

138 F 2238 South-east faction section through Posthole 1:10

139 - - Number not used

140 F 2242 East-section through Posthole 1:10

141 F 2244 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

142 F 2246 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

143 F 2248 South-facing section through Posthole 1:10

144 F 2353 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

145 F 2355 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

146 Number not used

147 F 2357 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

148 F 2359 South-east facing section through Pit 1:10

149 F 2361 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

150 F 2363 South-east facing section through Pit 1:10

151 F 2365 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

152 F 2367 South-west facing section through Pit 1:10

153 F 2369 South-west facing section through Pit 1:10

154 F 2310 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

155 F 2312 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

156 F 2314 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

157 F 2316 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

158 F 2318 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

159 F 2320 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

160 F 2322 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

161 F 2402 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

162 F 2404 East-facing section through Posthole 1:10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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163 F 2406 East-facing section through Posthole 1:10

164 F 2408 North-east facing section through Posthole 1:10

165 F 2336 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

166 F 2350 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

167 F 2332 North-east facing section through Pit 1:10

168 F 2410 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

169 F 2462 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

170 F 2384 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

171 F 2382 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

172 F 2380 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

173 F 2376 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

174 F 2386 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

175 F 2388 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

176 F 2414 Wes-facing section through Pit 1:10

177 F 2412 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

178 F 2416 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

179 F 2419 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

180 F 2396 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

181 F 2398 North-facing section through Posthole 1:10

182 F 2400 West-facing section through Posthole 1:10

183 F 2421 North-west facing section through Posthole 1:10

184 F 2310 North facing section through Posthole 1:10

185 F 2423 South-west facing section through Pit 1:10

186 F 2372 East-facing section through Pit 1:10

187 F 2378 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

188 F 2392 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

189 F 2394 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

190 F 2425 South-west facing section through Posthole 1:10

191 A 3000 West-facing section through Pit 1:10

192 A 3008 North-facing section through Pit 1:10

Areas K, M, N, O, P & Q

1 K 6011 South-facing section [6011] 1:10

2 K 6013 North-facing section 1:10

3 K 6015 West-facing section 1:10

4 K 6017 West-facing section 1:10

5 K 6019 North-facing section 1:10

6 K 6031 North-facing section 1:10

7 K 6033 South-facing section 1:10

8 K 6035 East-facing section 1:10

9 K 6037 South-facing section 1:10

10 K 6039 West-facing section 1:10

11 K 6051 West-facing section 1:10

12 K 6053 South-facing section 1:10

13 K 6055 South-facing section 1:10

14 K 6057 South-facing section 1:10

15 K 6059 South-facing section 1:10

16 K 6081 East-facing section 1:10

17 K 6083 East-facing section 1:10

18 K 6085 East-facing section 1:10

19 K 6087 East-facing section 1:10

20 K 6089 East-facing section 1:10

21 K 6001 East-facing section 1:10

22 K 6003 West-facing section 1:10

23 K 6005 South-facing section 1:10

24 K 6007 North-facing section 1:10

25 K 6009 North-east facing section 1:10

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26 K 6021 South-facing section 1:10

27 K 6023 South-facing section 1:10

28 K 6025 North-facing section 1:10

29 K 6027 North-facing section 1:10

30 K 6029 North-facing section 1:10

31 K 6041 East-facing section 1:10

32 K 6043 South-facing section 1:10

33 K 6045 South-facing section 1:10

34 K 6047 North-facing section 1:10

35 K 6049 South-facing section 1:10

36 K 6061 South-facing section 1:10

37 K 6063 South-facing section 1:10

38 K 6065 East-facing section 1:10

39 K 6067 East-facing section 1:10

40 K 6069 East-facing section 1:10

41 K 6071 North-facing section 1:10

42 K 6073 East-facing section 1:10

43 K 6075 East-facing section 1:10

44 K 6077 South-facing section 1:10

45 K 6079 South-facing section 1:10

46 K 6091 South-east facing section 1:10

47 K 6093 East-facing section 1:10

48 K 6095 South-facing section 1:10

49 K 6097 South-west facing section 1:10

50 K 6099 East-facing section 1:10

51 K 6101 East-facing section 1:10

52 K 6103 South-east facing section 1:10

53 K 6105 East-facing section 1:10

54 O 6107 North-west facing section 1:10

55 O 6109 West-facing section 1:10

56 O 6111 South-west facing section 1:10

57 O 6113 West-facing section 1:10

58 M 6157 West-facing section through Hearth 1:10

59 M 6169 North-facing section 1:10

60 Q 6199 South-facing section 1:10

61 Q 6201 South-facing section 1:10

62 Q 6203 South-facing section 1:10

63 Q 6205 South-facing section 1:10

64 Q 6207 South-facing section 1:10

65 Q 6209 South-facing section 1:10

66 Q 6211 South-facing section 1:10

67 Q 6213 South-facing section 1:10

68 M 6115 North-facing section 1:10

69 M 6121 South- facing section 1:10

70 M 6117 South-facing section 1:10

71 M Various Plan Area M 1:50

72 K Various Plan Area K 1:50

73 P 6242 South-facing section 1:10

74 P 6244 South-facing section 1:10

75 N 6248 East-facing section 1:10

76 Q Various Plan Area Q 1:50

77 P Various Plan Area P 1:50

78 O Various Plan Area O 1:50

79 N Various Plan Area N 1:50

80 M 6119 West-facing section 1:10

81 M 6159 North-east facing section 1:10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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82 M 6239 West-facing section 1:10

83 M 6181 East-facing section 1:10

84 M 6233 West-facing section 1:10

85 M 6246 North-facing section 1:10

86 M 6231 North-facing section 1:10

87 M 6225 North-facing section 1:10

88 M 6223 North-west facing section 1:10

89 M 6179 East-facing section 1:10

90 M 6221 East-facing section 1:10

91 M 6219 East-facing section 1:10

92 M 6217 North-east facing section 1:10

93 M 6237 East-facing section 1:10

94 M 6215 East-facing section 1:10

95 M 6177 North-facing section 1:10

96 M 6175 North-west facing section 1:10

97 M 6235 West-facing section 1:10

98 M 6227 South-west facing section 1:10

99 M 6196 North-west facing section 1:10

100 M 6167 North-facing section 1:10

101 M 6229 North-facing section 1:10

Areas U & V 1 U 12000 West-facing section [12000] 1:10

2 U 12002 North-east facing section [12002] 1:10

3 U 12004 North-east facing section [12004] 1:10

4 U 12006 North-east facing section [12006] 1:10

5 U 12008 North-east facing section [12008] 1:10

6 U 12010 East-facing section [12010] 1:10

7 U 12012 West-facing section [12012] 1:10

8 V 12014 East-facing section [12014] 1:10

9 V 12017 South-west facing section [12017] Section A 1:10

10 V 12017 North-east facing section [12017] Section B 1:10

11 V Various Plan of Area U 1:50

12 V Various Plan of Area V 1:50

Areas B and X 1 X 2502 South-facing section through Pit 1:10

2 X 2502 Plan of Pit [2502] 1:20

3 X 2059 South-facing section 1:10

4 X 2510 South-facing section 1:10

5 X 2500 South-facing section 1:10

6 X 2504 South-facing section 1:10

7 X 2508 North-facing section 1:10

8 X 2512 West-facing section 1:10

9 X 2514 South-facing section 1:10

10 X 2516 South-facing section 1:10

11 X 2518 South-facing section 1:10

12 X 2527 East-facing section 1:10

13 X 2529 South-facing section 1:10

14 X 2532 South-facing section 1:10

15 X 2546 South-facing section 1:10

16 X 2534 East-facing section 1:10

17 X 2536 East-facing section 1:10

18 X 2538 South-east facing section 1:10

19 X 2540 South-east facing section 1:10

20 X 2542 South-east facing section 1:10

21 X 2544 South-facing section 1:10

22 X 2548 South-facing section 1:10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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23 X 2550 South-facing section 1:10

24 X 2552 North-facing section 1:10

25 X 2554 North-facing section 1:10

26 X 2556 North-facing section 1:10

27 X 2558 South-facing section 1:10

28 X 2562 South-facing section 1:10

29 X 2567 South-facing section 1:10

30 X 2571 South-facing section 1:10

31 X 2573 South-facing section 1:10

32 X 2581 South-facing section 1:10

33 X 2560 South-facing section 1:10

34 X 2565 South-facing section 1:10

35 X 2509 South-west facing section 1:10

36 X 2595-2577 North-facing section 1:10

37 X 2579 South-facing section 1:10

38 X 2583 South-facing section 1:10

39 X 2586 West-facing section 1:10

40 X 2542 South-facing section 1:10

41 X 2600 South-facing section 1:10

42 X 2607 South-facing section 1:10

43 X 2594 East-facing section 1:10

44 X 2590 West-facing section Slot 1 1:10

45 X 2590 East-facing section Slot 2 1:10

46 X 2598 West-facing section 1:10

47 X 2596 North- facing section 1:10

48 X 2596 South-west facing section 1:10

49 X 2602 South-east facing section 1:10

50 X 2605 South-west facing section 1:10

51 X 2609 South-facing section 1:10

52 X 2611 East-facing section 1:10

53 X 2617 South-west facing section 1:10

54 X 2613 South-facing section 1:10

55 X 2622 West-facing section 1:10

56 X 2624 South-facing section 1:10

57 X 2626 North-west facing section 1:10

58 X 2628 South-west facing section 1:10

59 X 2630 South-west facing section 1:10

60 X 2632 South-west facing section 1:10

61 X 2638 North-west facing section 1:10

62 X 2640 South-east facing section 1:10

63 X 2662 South-west facing section 1:10

64 X 2666 West-facing section 1:10

65 X 2668 South-west facing section 1:10

66 X 2670 South-west facing section 1:10

67 X 2645 South-facing section 1:10

68 X 2647 South-facing section 1:10

69 X 2650 South-facing section 1:10

70 X 2652 South-facing section 1:10

71 X 2642 South-facing section 1:10

72 X 2638 North-west facing section 1:10

73 X 2640 South-east facing section 1:10

74 X 2654 East-facing section 1:10

75 X 2656 West-facing section 1:10

76 X 2656 East-facing section 1:10

77 X 2658 South-facing section 1:10

78 X 2660 North-facing section 1:10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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79 X 2636 South-facing section 1:10

80 X 2678 North-facing section 1:10

81 X 2681 South-east facing section 1:10

82 X 2672 South-facing section 1:10

83 X 2674 South-facing section 1:10

84 X 2684 South-facing section 1:10

85 X 2676 South-facing section 1:10

86 X 2686 South-west facing section 1:10

87 X 2652 South-west facing section 1:10

88 X 2694 North-west facing section 1:10

89 X 2688 South-west facing section 1:10

90 X 2690 North-west facing section 1:10

91 X 2714 South-facing section 1:10

92 X 2716 South-facing section 1:10

93 X 2718 South-facing section 1:10

94 X 2720 South-facing section 1:10

95 X 2722 South-facing section 1:10

96 X 2726 South-facing section 1:10

97 X 2696 South-facing section 1:10

98 X 2698 South-facing section 1:10

99 X 2724 South-facing section 1:10

100 X 2749 South-facing section 1:10

101 X 2751 South-facing section 1:10

102 X 2747 South-facing section 1:10

103 X 2700 North-facing section 1:10

104 X 2702 North-facing section 1:10

105 X 2704 North-facing section 1:10

106 X 2706 North-west facing section Slot 1 1:10

107 X 2706 North-facing section Slot 2 1:10

108 X 2712 North-facing section 1:10

109 X 2728 North-facing section Slot 1 1:10

110 X 2728 South-facing section Slot 2 1:10

111 X 2728 North-facing section Slot 3 1:10

112 X 2728 South-facing section Slot 4 1:10

113 X 2728 North-facing section Slot 5 1:10

114 X 2733 North-facing section 1:10

115 X 2735 North-facing section 1:10

116 X 2737 North-facing section 1:10

117 X 2739 North-facing section 1:10

118 X 2741 North-facing section 1:10

119 X 2743 North-facing section 1:10

120 X 2745 North-facing section 1:10

121 X 2786 South-facing section 1:10

122 X 2788 South-facing section 1:10

123 X 2790 South-facing section 1:10 124 X 2792 South-facing section 1:10

125 X 2760 South-facing section 1:10

126 X 2762-2764 South-west facing section 1:10 127 X 2766 South-west facing section 1:10

128 X 2768 South-west facing section 1:10

129 X 2770 West-facing section 1:10 130 X 2772 West-acing section 1:10

131 X 2774-2776 South-west facing section 1:10

132 X 2778 South-west facing section 1:10 133 X 2780 South-west facing section 1:10

134 X 2794 South-facing section 1:10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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135 X 2796 South-west facing section 1:10 136 X 2798 South-west facing section 1:10

137 X 2804 North-west facing section 1:10

138 X 2804 South-east facing section 1:10 139 X 2800 West-facing section 1:10

140 X 2802 East-facing section 1:10

141 X 2782 South-east facing section 1:10 142 X 2784 South-east facing section 1:10

143 X 2809-2813 South-east facing section 1:10

144 B 2815 South-west facing section 1:10 145 B 2817 South-facing section 1:10

146 B 2819 South-facing section 1:10

147 B 2821 South-facing section 1:10 148 Number not used

149 X Various Plan of Area X showing roundhouse structures 1:50

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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APPENDIX 4: Finds Register



Area Context Description Material


1 I 1106 Slag x 5 ME

2 I 1076 Daub x 1 CBM

3 I 1076 Iron Slag ME

4 I 1262 Iron Slag ME

5 I 1104 Slag x 8 ME

6 I 1068 Slag x 2 ME

7 I 1032 Slag x 2 ME

8 I 1120 Nail head ME

9 H 2080 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

10 H 2088 Polished stone ST

11 H 2071 Iron slag ME

12 G U/S Copper Alloy ME

13 F 2274 Iron Slag ME

14 F 2272 Iron Slag ME

15 F 2272 Daub CBM

16 F 2283 Prehistoric ceramic sherds x 3 CE

17 F 2307 Ceramic sherd x 1 CE

18 F 2354 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

19 F 2356 Prehistoric ceramic sherd CE

20 F 2463 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

21 F 2354 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

22 F 2463 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

23 A 3027 Large decorated Prehistoric ceramic sherds x 2 CE

24 A 3027 Small decorated Prehistoric ceramic sherd CE

25 A 3027 Decorated Prehistoric ceramic sherds x 2 CE

26 A 3027 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

27 A 3009 Prehistoric ceramic sherds x 2 CE

28 Number not used -

29 A 3060 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

30 A U/S Flint Scraper ST

31 A 3219 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

32 A 3212 Iron object ME

33 A 3212 Bulk sample of burnt daub CBM

34 A 3286 Hammerstone ST

35 K 6002 Ceramic sherd CE

36 V 12016 Prehistoric ceramic sherds CE

37 X Saddle Quern ST

38 X Saddle Quern ST

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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APPENDIX 5: Sample Register

Area Context Sample Type Volume (Litres)

I 1002 SBS 20

I 1004 SBS 20

I 1008 SBS 10

I 1010 SBS 20

I 1012 SBS 20

I 1014 SBS 20

I 1016 SBS 10

I 1018 SBS 20

I 1020 SBS 20

I 1022 SBS 10

I 1024 SBS 10

I 1026 SBS 10

I 1028 SBS 20

I 1030 SBS 20

I 1032 SBS 20

I 1034 SBS 20

I 1036 SBS 20

I 1038 SBS 20

I 1040 SBS 20

I 1042 SBS 20

I 1044 SBS 20

I 1046 SBS 10

I 1048 SBS 20

I 1050 SBS 10

I 1052 SBS 10

I 1056 SBS 10

I 1058 SBS 20

I 1060 SBS 10

I 1062 SBS 20

I 1064 SBS 10

I 1066 SBS 10

I 1068 SBS 20

I 1070 SBS 20

I 1074 SBS 20

I 1078 SBS 20

I 1080 SBS 20

I 1082 SBS 20

I 1084 SBS 20

I 1086 SBS 20

I 1088 SBS 20

I 1090 SBS 20

I 1094 SBS 10

I 1096 SBS 10

I 1098 SBS 20

I 1092 SBS 10

I 1100 SBS 20

I 1102 SBS 20

I 1104 SBS 10

I 1106 SBS 20

I 1109 SBS 20

I 1112 SBS 20

I 1116 SBS 20

I 1118 SBS 20

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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I 1120 SBS 10

I 1122 SBS 20

I 1124 SBS 20

I 1126 SBS 10

I 1128 SBS 10

I 1130 SBS 20

I 1132 SBS 20

I 1134 SBS 10

I 1136 SBS 20

I 1138 SBS 10

I 1142 SBS 10

I 1144 SBS 10

I 1146 SBS 10

I 1148 SBS 10

I 1150 SBS 10

I 1152 SBS 10

I 1154 SBS 10

I 1156 SBS 10

I 1158 SBS 10

I 1160 SBS 10

I 1162 SBS 10

I 1164 SBS 10

I 1166 SBS 10

I 1168 SBS 10

I 1170 SBS 10

I 1172 SBS 10

I 1174 SBS 10

I 1176 SBS 20

I 1178 SBS 20

I 1180 SBS 10

I 1182 SBS 20

I 1186 SBS 20

I 1188 SBS 20

I 1190 SBS 20

I 1192 SBS 20

I 1194 SBS 20

I 1196 SBS 20

I 1198 SBS 20

I 1200 SBS 20

I 1202 SBS 20

I 1204 SBS 20

I 1206 SBS 20

I 1208 SBS 20

I 1210 SBS 20

I 1212 SBS 30

I 1216 SBS 10

I 1218 SBS 10

I 1220 SBS 20

I 1222 SBS 10

I 1224 SBS 10

I 1226 SBS 10

I 1228 SBS 10

I 1230 SBS 10

I 1232 SBS 10

I 1234 SBS 10

I 1238 SBS 10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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I 1240 SBS 10

I 1242 SBS 10

I 1244 SBS 20

I 1246 SBS 20

I 1248 SBS 20

I 1250 SBS 20

I 1252 SBS 20

I 1254 SBS 20

I 1256 SBS 20

I 1258 SBS 20

I 1260 SBS 10

I 1262 SBS 20

I 1264 SBS 20

I 1266 SBS 20

I 1268 SBS 10

I 1270 SBS 10

I 1272 SBS 20

I 1274 SBS 20

I 1276 SBS 20

I 1278 SBS 20

I 1280 SBS 10

I 1282 SBS 20

I 1284 SBS 10

I 1286 SBS 10

I 1288 SBS 10

I 1290 SBS 10

I 1292 SBS 10

I 1294 SBS 20

I 1296 SBS 20

I 1298 SBS 20

I 1300 SBS 20

I 1304 SBS 10

I 1306 SBS 20

I 1308 SBS 20

I 1310 SBS 20

I 1312 SBS 20

I 1314 SBS 20

I 1316 SBS 20

I 1318 SBS 20

I 1320 SBS 10

I 1322 SBS 10

I 1328 SBS 10

I 1330 SBS 10

I 1332 SBS 10

I 1336 SBS 20

I 1338 SBS 10

I 1341 SBS 20

I 1343 SBS 20

I 1345 SBS 20

I 1347 SBS 20

I 1351 SBS 20

I 1353 SBS 20

I 1355 SBS 20

I 1357 SBS 10

I 1362 SBS 10

I 1365 SBS 20

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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I 1367 SBS 20

I 1369 SBS 20

I 1371 SBS 20

I 1373 SBS 10

I 1375 SBS 20

I 1377 SBS 20

I 1381 SBS 10

I 1383 SBS 20

I 1388 SBS 20

I 1390 SBS 10

I 1391 SBS 10

H 2002 SBS 10

H 2004 SBS 10

H 2006 SBS 10

H 2008 SBS 20

H 2010 SBS 10

H 2012 SBS 10

H 2014 SBS 10

H 2016 SBS 20

H 2018 SBS 10

H 2020 SBS 20

H 2022 SBS 20

H 2024 SBS 10

H 2030 SBS 10

H 2032 SBS 30

H 2034 SBS 10

H 2036 SBS 10

H 2038 SBS 10

H 2040 SBS 10

H 2042 SBS 10

H 2044 SBS 10

H 2048 SBS 10

H 2050 SBS 10

H 2052 SBS 10

H 2054 SBS 20

H 2056 SBS 10

H 2058 SBS 10

H 2060 SBS 10

H 2062 SBS 10

H 2064 SBS 10

H 2068 SBS 10

H 2070 SBS 20

H 2071 SBS 20

H 2072 SBS 10

H 2074 SBS 20

H 2078 SBS 10

H 2080 SBS 10

H 2082 SBS 10

H 2084 SBS 10

H 2086 SBS 20

H 2088 SBS 20

H 2090 SBS 20

H 2092 SBS 10

H 2094 SBS 20

H 2096 SBS 10

H 2098 SBS 10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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H 2100 SBS 20

H 2102 SBS 20

H 2104 SBS 10

H 2106 SBS 10

H 2108 SBS 10

H 2110 SBS 20

H 2112 SBS 20

H 2117 SBS 20

H 2119 SBS 10

G 2122 SBS 20

G 2124 SBS 10

G 2126 SBS 10

G 2128 SBS 10

G 2130 SBS 20

G 2132 SBS 20

G 2134 SBS 10

G 2136 SBS 10

G 2138 SBS 20

G 2140 SBS 10

G 2142 SBS 20

G 2144 SBS 20

G 2146 SBS 20

G 2148 SBS 10

G 2150 SBS 10

G 2152 SBS 10

G 2154 SBS 20

G 2156 SBS 10

G 2161 SBS 10

G 2163 SBS 20

G 2165 SBS 20

G 2167 SBS 20

G 2169 SBS 20

G 2171 SBS 10

G 2173 SBS 10

G 2175 SBS 10

G 2177 SBS 20

G 2179 SBS 10

G 2181 SBS 10

G 2183 SBS 20

G 2185 SBS 20

G 2187 SBS 20

G 2189 SBS 20

G 2191 SBS 10

G 2193 SBS 20

G 2195 SBS 20

G 2197 SBS 20

G 2199 SBS 20

G 2201 SBS 20

G 2203 SBS 10

G 2205 SBS 20

G 2207 SBS 20

G 2210 SBS 20

G 2212 SBS 20

G 2214 SBS 10

G 2216 SBS 20

G 2218 SBS 20

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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G 2220 SBS 20

G 2222 SBS 20

G 2224 SBS 20

G 2226 SBS 10

G 2228 SBS 20

G 2230 SBS 20

G 2232 SBS 20

G 2234 SBS 20

F 2236 SBS 20

F 2238 SBS 20

2239 SBS 10

F 2240 SBS 20

F 2241 SBS 10

F 2242 SBS 10

F 2244 SBS 10

F 2246 SBS 10

F 2248 SBS 20

F 2250 SBS 20

F 2252 SBS 20

F 2254 SBS 20

F 2256 SBS 20

F 2258 SBS 20

F 2260 SBS 20

F 2262 SBS 10

F 2264 SBS 10

F 2266 SBS 10

F 2268 SBS 10

F 2270 SBS 10

F 2272 SBS 20

F 2274 SBS 20

F 2276 SBS 10

F 2278 SBS 20

F 2281 SBS 20

F 2283 SBS 20

F 2285 SBS 10

F 2287 SBS 20

F 2289 SBS 20

F 2291 SBS 20

F 2293 SBS 20

F 2295 SBS 20

F 2297 SBS 20

F 2299 SBS 20

F 2301 SBS 10

F 2303 SBS 10

F 2304 SBS 20

F 2307 SBS 20

F 2309 SBS 20

F 2311 SBS 10

F 2313 SBS 10

F 2315 SBS 10

F 2317 SBS 20

F 2319 SBS 20

F 2321 SBS 10

F 2323 SBS 10

F 2325 SBS 20

F 2327 SBS 20

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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F 2329 SBS 20

F 2333 SBS 20

F 2335 SBS 10

F 2331 SBS 20

F 2337 SBS 20

F 2343 SBS 20

F 2345 SBS 20

F 2347 SBS 20

F 2349 SBS 20

F 2351 SBS 10

F 2352 SBS 10

F 2354 SBS 20

F 2356 SBS 20

F 2358 SBS 20

F 2360 SBS 10

F 2362 SBS 10

F 2364 SBS 10

F 2366 SBS 10

F 2368 SBS 10

F 2370 SBS 10

F 2371 SBS 20

F 2373 SBS 10

F 2377 SBS 20

F 2379 SBS 10

F 2381 SBS 10

F 2383 SBS 10

F 2385 SBS 20

F 2387 SBS 10

F 2389 SBS 10

F 2393 SBS 10

F 2395 SBS 10

F 2397 SBS 10

F 2399 SBS 20

F 2401 SBS 10

F 2405 SBS 10

F 2407 SBS 10

F 2409 SBS 10

F 2411 SBS 20

F 2413 SBS 10

F 2415 SBS 20

F 2417 SBS 20

F 2418 SBS 10

F 2420 SBS 20

F 2422 SBS 10

F 2424 SBS 10

F 2426 SBS 20

F 2463 SBS 20

X 2501 SBS 20

X 2503 SBS 20

X 2505 SBS 20

X 2507 SBS 20

X 2509 SBS 20

X 2511 SBS 20

X 2513 SBS 20

X 2515 SBS 20

X 2517 SBS 20

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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X 2519 SBS 20

X 2520 SBS 20

X 2521 SBS 20

X 2522 SBS 20

X 2523 SBS 20

X 2524 SBS 20

X 2525 SBS 20

X 2526 SBS 10

X 2528 SBS 20

X 2530 SBS 10

X 2533 SBS 20

X 2547 SBS 10

X 2549 SBS 10

X 2551 SBS 10

X 2559 SBS 10

X 2563 SBS 20

X 2564 SBS 10

X 2568 SBS 20

X 2574 SBS 10

X 2582 SBS 10

X 2584 SBS 10

X 2585 SBS 20

X 2591 SBS 10

X 2593 SBS 10

X 2595 SBS 20

X 2597 SBS 20

X 2599 SBS 10

X 2601 SBS 20

X 2603 SBS 20

X 2604 SBS 20

X 2606 SBS 5

X 2610 SBS 20

X 2612 SBS 20

X 2614 SBS 10

X 2616 SBS 10

X 2618 SBS 20

X 2619 SBS 20

X 2619 Special - charcoal >5

X 2620 SBS 10

X 2623 SBS 10

X 2624 SBS 20

X 2627 SBS 20

X 2629 SBS 10

X 2631 SBS 10

X 2633 SBS 20

X 2634 SBS 20

X 2635 SBS 10

X 2637 SBS 10

X 2639 SBS 20

X 2641 SBS 10

X 2643 SBS 20

X 2644 SBS 20

X 2646 SBS 20

X 2648 SBS 20

X 2649 SBS 20

X 2651 SBS 20

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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X 2653 SBS 20

X 2655 SBS 20

X 2657 SBS 20

X 2659 SBS 20

X 2661 SBS 20

X 2663 SBS

X 2665 SBS 20

X 2667 SBS 10

X 2671 SBS 20

X 2673 SBS 10

X 2675 SBS

X 2677 SBS 10

X 2679 SBS 10

X 2680 SBS 10

X 2682 SBS 20

X 2683 SBS 20

X 2685 SBS 10

X 2687 SBS 20

X 2689 SBS 20

X 2691 SBS 20

X 2693 SBS 10

X 2695 SBS 20

X 2697 SBS 10

X 2699 SBS 10

X 2701 SBS 20

X 2703 SBS 20

X 2705 SBS 20

X 2707 SBS 20

X 2709 SBS 10

X 2711 SBS 10

X 2713 SBS 20

X 2715 SBS 10

X 2717 SBS 10

X 2719 SBS 20

X 2721 SBS 10

X 2723 SBS 10

X 2725 SBS 20

X 2727 SBS 10

X 2729 SBS 20

X 2730 SBS 20

X 2732 SBS 20

X 2734 SBS 10

X 2736 SBS 20

X 2738 SBS 10

X 2740 SBS

X 2742 SBS 10

X 2744 SBS 10

X 2746 SBS

X 2748 SBS 20

X 2750 SBS 10

X 2752 SBS 10

X 2754 SBS 20

X 2757 SBS 20

X 2761 SBS 20

X 2763 SBS 10

X 2765 SBS 10

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X 2767 SBS 10

X 2769 SBS 10

X 2771 SBS 10

X 2775 SBS 10

X 2777 SBS 10

X 2779 SBS 10

X 2781 SBS 10

X 2783 SBS 10

X 2785 SBS 20

X 2787 SBS 20

X 2789 SBS 10

X 2791 SBS 10

X 2793 SBS 10

X 2795 SBS 20

X 2797 SBS 20

X 2799 SBS 20

X 2801 SBS 10

X 2803 SBS 10

X 2804 SBS 10

X 2810 SBS 20

X 2812 SBS 10

X 2814 SBS 20

A 3001 SBS 10

A 3003 SBS 10

A 3005 SBS 10

A 3007 SBS 10

A 3009 SBS 20

A 3011 SBS 10

A 3013 SBS 10

A 3015 SBS 10

A 3017 SBS 20

A 3019 SBS 20

A 3021 SBS 10

A 3023 SBS 10

A 3025 SBS 20

A 3027 SBS 20

A 3029 SBS 10

A 3031 SBS 20

A 3033 SBS 10

A 3035 SBS 10

A 3037 SBS 10

A 3039 SBS 10

A 3041 SBS 20

A 3043 SBS 20

A 3045 SBS 20

A 3046 SBS 10

A 3048 SBS 20

A 3050 SBS 20

A 3052 SBS 10

A 3054 SBS 10

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A 3072 SBS 10

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A 3188 SBS 20

A 3191 SBS 10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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A 3304 SBS 20

A 3308 SBS 10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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K 6088 SBS 10

K 6090 SBS 10

K 6092 SBS 20

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Q 6200 SBS 20

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Q 6214 SBS 10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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M 6218 SBS 10

M 6220 SBS 10

M 6222 SBS 10

M 6224 SBS 10

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N 6249 SBS 10

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R 9016 SBS 10

S 9018 SBS 20

S 9022 SBS 20

T 9029 SBS 20

T 9027 SBS 20

T 9029 SBS 20

U 12001 SBS 10

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U 12005 SBS 20

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U 12011 SBS 10

U 12013 SBS 20

V 12015 SBS 10

V 12016 SBS 10

V 12018 SBS 10

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East Beechwood 2011 Excavation: Data Structure Report

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APPENDIX 6: Discovery and Excavation in Scotland Report

LOCAL AUTHORITY: Highland Council

PROJECT TITLE/SITE NAME Beechwood Farm Evaluation


PARISH: Inverness and Bona



TYPE(S) OF PROJECT: Archaeological Evaluation


SITE/MONUMENT TYPE(S): Roundhouses, palisaded enclosure, four-posters, Neolithic settlement

SIGNIFICANT FINDS: Prehistoric ceramics, slag, course stone

NGR (2 letters, 6 figures) NH 6903 4506

START DATE (this season) 18th April 2011

END DATE (this season) 17th June 2011

PREVIOUS WORK (incl. DES ref.)

Engl RP & Clements V 2009 DES; Engl RP 2010 DES

MAIN (NARRATIVE) DESCRIPTION: (May include information from other fields)

A programme of excavation was undertaken following evaluations in

2009 and 2010 and prior to a mixed use development at East

Beechwood Farm, Inverness.

The excavation revealed numerous settlement features of

archaeological significance including several later prehistoric

roundhouses, four-poster structures and a partially surviving palisaded

enclosure. The recovered artefact assemblage was slight but iron

working on the site may be evidenced by the presence of slag.

A disparate suite of features (clusters of pits and small postholes) in the

north of the development area together with the presence of Grooved

Ware evidence indicates prior Neolithic settlement in the northern part of

the development area.

PROPOSED FUTURE WORK: Post excavation analyses & publication



Highlands & Islands Enterprise


Edgefield Road Industrial Estate, Loanhead, Midlothian, EH20 9SY

EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

ARCHIVE LOCATION (intended/deposited)

Archive to be deposited in NMRS

Page 137: East Beechwood, Inverness: Excavation Data Structure Report · 3 METHOD 3.1 Topsoil was stripped to natural subsoil or first significant archaeological horizon, in 23 areas (Figure

AOC Archaeology Group, Edgefield Industrial Estate, Edgefield Road, Loanhead EH20 9SY

tel: 0131 440 3593 | fax: 0131 440 3422 | e-mail: [email protected]