Eating Disorde rs Josh Y. Windy Z. Alicia V. Pao V.

Eating Disorders Josh Y. Windy Z. Alicia V. Pao V

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Page 1: Eating Disorders Josh Y. Windy Z. Alicia V. Pao V

Eating Disorders

Josh Y.

Windy Z.

Alicia V.

Pao V.

Page 2: Eating Disorders Josh Y. Windy Z. Alicia V. Pao V


The purpose of this presentation is to answer these questions:

What is an eating disorder

What causes individuals to abuse there bodies in such a way?

What can be done to avoid eating disorders?

Page 3: Eating Disorders Josh Y. Windy Z. Alicia V. Pao V

There are basically three different types of eating disorders:

Bulimia nervosa: the diet-binge-purge disorder

Person binge eats. Feels out of control while eating.

Vomits, misuses laxatives, exercises, or fasts to get rid of the calories. Diets when not bingeing. Becomes hungry and binges again. Believes self-worth requires being thin.

May shoplift, be promiscuous, and abuse alcohol, drugs, and credit cards. Weight may be normal or near normal unless anorexia is also present.

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The Diet Binge Cycle

Diet: Sound procedure

Or Prison?

Self-abusive remarks:Helpful or Harmful?

Binge:Lack of willpower

Or Appropriate rebellion?

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Anorexia nervosa: the relentless pursuit of thinness Person refuses to maintain normal body weight

for age and height. Weighs 85% or less than what is expected for age and height. In women, menstrual periods stop. In men

levels of sex hormones fall. Young girls do not begin to menstruate at the appropriate age. Person denies the dangers of low weight. Is terrified of becoming fat. Is terrified of gaining weight even though s/he is

markedly underweight.

Reports feeling fat even when very thin.

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A study found that woman overstimate the size of their body hips by 16% and their waist by 25%.

In a Glamour servey, 61% of respondents said they were ashamed of their hips, 64% of respondents said they were ashamed of their stomachs and 72% were ashamed of their thighs.

30% of woman chose an ideal body shape that is 20% underweight and an additional 44% chose an ideal body shape 10% underweight.

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One out of four men and one out of four women are on a diet at any given time.

Two out of five women and one out of five men would trade three to five years of their life to achieve their weight goals.

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Anorexia Athletica: sometimes called compulsive exercising or activity anorexia

The person repeatedly exercises beyond the requirements for good health.

May be a fanatic about weight and diet. Steals time to exercise from work, school, and relationships. Focuses on challenge. Forgets that physical

activity can be fun

Defines self-worth in terms of performance

Is rarely or never satisfied with athletic achievements.

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So what can be done about this painful disorder? There are many programs and groups that will help out there.

Ways to get started.

1. Check with your family physician.

2. Contact your local hospital. Eating disorder programs and services may be available through psychiatry

3. Contact student health services at your college. Some colleges participate in eating disorders screening programs.

4. Inquire at local therapy institutes and counseling centers.

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Real Story:Hi, I'm Krista

 I was 16 and had been battling anorexia for forever. I really want to get better, but it seemed impossible. I don't want to share everything about my ED, but I just wanted to share one thing. I know everyone knows how dangerous it is, but I just want to share my story of what happened to me. I'm 5'10. My lowest weight was 56,when I was 56, I had heart failure and almost died. I spent time in a hospital, being fed by tubes. I had something called Tri-Gemini. It basically means your heart freaks I’ve almost died twice. I know my story isn’t very bad or scary or anything, but my best friend DID die from anorexia two years ago. I don’t know but that scares me. I’ve been in the hospital 17 months total.

PLEASE don’t do this to yourself. It’s not worth it. I know nothing will change what you want to do, but please try to get help.


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“Information About Eating Disorders” Home page.

Harvard Eating Disorder Center. 13 May 1997 www.hedc.org/info.html.

“Anorexia Nervosa and Related and Related Eating Disorders” www.anred.com

 Neuman, Patricia, and Patricia Halverson. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. New York, 1983. Whitaker, Leighton, and William Davis. The Bulimic College Student: Evaluation, Treatment and Prevention. New York 1989

Kennell, Angela. Personal interview. 26 Nov. 2001.

 Kauffmen, Lavern. Personal interview. 26 Nov. 2001

 “Anorexia Nervosa: Judy’s Story” Angel Fire. June 1998. www.angelfire.com

Page 16: Eating Disorders Josh Y. Windy Z. Alicia V. Pao V

The Diet Binge Cycle

A. Binge

B. Diets

C. Self-Abusive Remarks




BingeSelf-Abusive Remarks