The Department of ECE conducted a two days workshop on “real time signal and image processing using XILINX FPGA”on 3rd and 4th July 2015. ECE News & Events November 2015 Our Vision: Progress through the growing knowledge of Electronics and Communication technology. Our Mission: To emerge as a world class center of learning, research and development, integrating with the latest trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering for the service of humanity. From Principal's Desk . . . Dr Sudha Balagopalan From HoD's Desk . . . Dr S.Swapna Kumar It gives immense pleasure that department Electronics & Communication Engineering is releasing second volume of “EnCirclE” newsletter. For the last one year the department contributed different workshops, conferences / seminars, student's achievement in academic, placement and extra- curricular activities that immensely added values to the department performance. This also results in good academic results and placement records. In this occasion wishing all teachers, technical staff, students, colleagues, and alumni, to work together to take our department to the next level! Finally, convey our sincere thanks to the management for their continuous support and appreciation. DEPARTMENT ACTIVITIES The Department of ECE hosted an International Workshop conducted by Technophilia Systems in association with Robotics and Computer Applications, Institute of USA on 'Android Application Development' on 6th and 7th February 2015. The Department of ECE conducted a two days workshop on PCB and Arduino at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology on 9th and 14th January 2015. STAFF PARTICIPATION 1. Mr Shiju Aravindakshan M. handled a technical session on 'Signal Transforms' in the faculty development program on 'Signal Processing for Biomedical Applications', organized by Department of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation, MESCE held at MES college of Engineering, Kuttippuram from 16th to 20th November 2015. 2. Mr Ramesh C R, Asst. Professor Department of ECE published two new books as per the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Syllabus . Another edition of technical magazine “EnCirclE” by the Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering is an occasion to celebrate-with ideas, to rethink and continue through the path we have cleared in our “Progress Through Education” .When we look around us we see a strong role emerging for the Electronic engineers in the social scenario .An example glaring by absence is our concern with E- Waste Management. In this connection our NSS volontiers and leadership deserve special mention for their initiative of seperating out healthy subcircuits and components from the thrown away or discarded electronic equipments. I wish this endeavour will snow ball into a movement with model for all engineering colleges to emulate. Similarly I wish that the technical magazine “EnCirclE”will be a model for all departments to emulate. Appreciation to the staff and students working for the magazine.

ECE News & Events - Vidya Academy of Science & …vidyaacademy.ac.in/admin/upload/pdf/1167115881c2.pdfECE News & Events November 2015 Our Vision: Progress through the growing knowledge

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Page 1: ECE News & Events - Vidya Academy of Science & …vidyaacademy.ac.in/admin/upload/pdf/1167115881c2.pdfECE News & Events November 2015 Our Vision: Progress through the growing knowledge

The Department of ECE conducted a two days workshop on “real time signal and image processing using XILINX FPGA”on 3rd and 4th July 2015.

ECE News & Events November 2015

Our Vision:Progress through the growing knowledge of Electronics and Communication technology.

Our Mission:To emerge as a world class center of learning, research and development, integrating with the

latest trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering for the service of humanity.

From Principal's Desk . . .

Dr Sudha Balagopalan

From HoD's Desk . . .

Dr S.Swapna Kumar

It gives immense pleasure that

d e p a r t m e n t E l e c t r o n i c s &

Communication Engineering is

releasing second volume of “EnCirclE” newsletter. For

the last one year the department contributed different

workshops, conferences / seminars, student's

achievement in academic, placement and extra-

curricular activities that immensely added values to the

department performance. This also results in good

academic results and placement records. In this

occasion wishing all teachers, technical staff, students,

colleagues, and alumni, to work together to take our

department to the next level! Finally, convey our sincere

thanks to the management for their continuous support

and appreciation.


The Department of ECE hosted an International Workshop conducted by Technophilia Systems in association with Robotics and Computer Applications, Institute of USA on 'Android Application Development' on 6th and 7th February 2015.

The Department of ECE conducted a two days workshop on PCB and Arduino at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology on 9th and 14th January 2015.

STAFF PARTICIPATION1. Mr Shiju Aravindakshan M. handled a technical session on

'Signal Transforms' in the faculty development program on'Signal Processing for Biomedical Applications', organized byDepartment of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation,MESCE held at MES college of Engineering, Kuttippuram from16th to 20th November 2015.

2. Mr Ramesh C R, Asst. Professor Department of ECE publishedtwo new books as per the APJ Abdul Kalam TechnologicalUniversity Syllabus .

Another edition of technical

m a ga z i n e “ E n C i rc l E ” b y t h e

Department of Electronics And

Communication Engineering is an

occasion to celebrate-with ideas, to rethink and

continue through the path we have cleared in our

“Progress Through Education” .When we look around us

we see a strong role emerging for the Electronic

engineers in the social scenario .An example glaring by

absence is our concern with E- Waste Management. In

this connection our NSS volontiers and leadership

deserve special mention for their initiative of seperating

out healthy subcircuits and components from the

thrown away or discarded electronic equipments. I wish

this endeavour will snow ball into a movement with

model for all engineering colleges to emulate. Similarly I

wish that the technical magazine “EnCirclE”will be a

model for all departments to emulate. Appreciation to

the staff and students working for the magazine.

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November 2015Encircle ECE News & Events



Releasing of Text Book on “Introduction to Electronics & Communication Engineering” as per the APJAKTU Syllabus co-authored by Mr. Muhammed Riyas A M (Asst. Professor, MCET, Pathanamthitta) & Mr. Ramesh C R (Asst. Professor, ECED, VAST, Thrissur)

International Conferences

1. Mr Rakesh V.S. presented a paper titiled “Real-TimeAnalysis of a Multi-Server Multi-Client Architecturefor Network Control Systems” in the InternationalC o n fe re n c e o n Tre n d s i n Re s e a rc h , E n g g . &D e ve l o p m e nta l S c i e n c e s ( T R E n D S ' 1 5 ) h e l d a tSahrdaya College of Engg. & Technology, Kodakara,Thrissur during June 5-6, 2015.

2. Dr S. Swapna Kumar presented a paper titi led" G D F EC P ro to co l fo r H ete ro ge n e o u s W i re l e s sS e n s o r N e t w o r k " i n t h e S p r i n g e r l i n k o fC o m p u tat i o n a l I n te l l i ge n c e i n D ata M i n i n g -V o l u m e 1 , S m a r t I n n o v a t i o n , S y s t e m s a n dTechnologies, Volume 31, 2015, pp 345-354 in theI n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n C o m p u t a t i o n a lIntelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM-2014) on 20th- 21st Dec 2014.D r S . S w a p n a K u m a r. p r e s e n t e d a p a p e rt i t i l e d “ E n e r g y e f f i c i e n t d a t a a g g r e g a t i o n o fh e t e r o g e n e o u s n e t w o r k u s i n g M e t a h e u r i s t i capproach" in Recent Trends in Sensor Research &Technology, Vo l 1 , No. 1 for the conferenceorganized by DRDO sponsored t i t led Nat ionalConference on Wireless Communications & SensorNetworks (NCWCSN – 2014) in KL Univers i ty,Vaddeswaram on 7th March 2014.

3. Mrs Sumayya P. A presented a paper titiled“VANETb a s e d Ve h i c l e Tra c k i n g M o d u l e fo r S afe a n dEf f i c i e nt Ro a d Tra n s p o r tat i o n Syste m ”, i n t h eI nte r n at i o n a l C o nfe re n c e o n i n fo r m at i o n a n dCommunication Technologies, 2014

4. Mrs Sarika K. T presented a paper titiled on “AChannel Coder Design for a Novel High SpeedCommunication System”in IEEE Xplore as part ofInternational Conference in july 2015.

5. Ms Sruthi M. presented a paper t it i led“Imagedenois ing with t rue p ixe l presence detect ionprocedure” andpublished in IEEE Xplore as part ofI nte r n at i o n a l C o n fe re n c e o n D ata S c i e n c e &Engineering (ICDSE) organized by Cochin Universityof Science and Technology, pages: 215- 218, 26-28August 2014. (Ref: DOI 10.1109/ICDSE.2014.6974640.

6. Dr S. Swapna Kumar presented a paper titi led"IMSE: Intelligent Multimedia Search Engine" inthe ROCKS' 15 in International Conference onEmerg ing Trends in Sc ient i f i c Comput ing andSecurity Systems (ICETSCSS – 2015) on 27th March 2015.

7. Mr Ramesh C. R.presented a paper titiled “BrainC o m p u t e r I n t e r fa c e b a s e d A s s i s t i v e D e v i c e ”,p r e s e n t e d f o r N a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o ncommunication,informatics and computing, 2015.


1. Mr Rakesh V.S . part ic ipated in the Hands-onworkshop on “IoT” (Internet of Things) using IntelGalileo conducted by NIT Calicut & NIELET Calicutin association with Intel Higher Education, India atNIELET Calicut on 17th to 18th September 2015.

2. Mrs Sumayya P A,MrVarun Kesav M N, Mrs Sleebi KD have attended the 3 day short term trainingprogramme on eysight ADS and EMPro,organizedb y t h e d e p a r t m e n t o f E l e c t r o n i c s , C o c h i nUniversity of Science and technology,sponsored byIEEE APS Kerala chaptor during 28-30 October 2015.

International Journals

1. Mr Ramesh C. R. published a paper titiled “OnlineH o m e A u t o m a t i o n & M o n i t o r i n g S y s t e m ”,International Journal of Advanced Technology inEngineering and Science, Volume -2, Issue -12,December 2014

2. M r s S a r i k a P. C . p u b l i s h e d a p a p e r t i t i l e d“Performance Opt imizat ion of Forward AwareFa c to r - E n e rg y B a l a n c e d Ro u t i n g P ro to co l i nW i r e l e s s S e n s o r N e t w o r k s ”, I O S R J o u r n a l o fElectronics and Communication Engineering, ISSN-2278-2834, Vol. 9, Issue 6, Nov- Dec 2014, pp. 51-57.

3. Dr S. Swapna Kumar published a paper tit i led“Energy balanced routing method for wirelesssensor networks” published in the TechS Vidya e-Journal of Research, ISSN 2322 - 0791, Vol. 3 (2014- 1 5 ) p p .14-27 in 2015.

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November 2015 Encircle ECE News & Events 3

1. The IETE, Institutional Students' Forum (ISF) VASTUnit has celebrated its 5th Foundation Day in asplendid & colorful manner.


The website was launched by Dr T.K. Mani, Principal, KMEA Engineering College and the another venture of ISF Unit of publishing half yearly Newsletter “HIGHLIGHTS” was release by Dr M.V. Rajesh, Hon. Secretary, IETE Kochi Chapter & Principal, ISSAT and handed over the first copy to Dr Sudha Balagopalan, Principal, VAST.

Awarding of Appreciation Award to the IETE ISF VAST Unit from the IETE Kochi Section for the unit's Best Performance.

QuEST Global company has recently conducted an National event - Ingenium 2015 to find out the talented B-Tech final year students all over India. Sharoukh Akbar of (S7 ECE B )is one of the Champion Ambassadors of QuEST Global.

2. Sharoukh Akbar ( S6 ECE B), Amal P Steephan( S6 ECE B), Geo Joy(S4 ECE B) and Bose Boban(S4 ECE B) had participated in the Zonal Round of Indo US Robo League held at National Institute of Technology Calicut on 1st November 2014 and won third prize and qualified for the National Round of Indo-US Robo League 2015.

Paper Presentations

ECE S5-A batch students participated in TATHVA '15, the annual Technical programme conducted by NIT Calicut from 30th October 2015 to 1st November 2015.

Amritha V & Jishnu K Unnikrishnan participated and SECURED FIRST PRIZE bagged 5000/- in paper presentation competition held at NITC on the topic “Minimization of Electricity Theft Using GSM Metering system”.

Aashna bhoomika & Archana M. participated & SECURED FIRST PRIZE bagged 5000/- in paper presentation competition held at NITC on the topic “Quantum Computing”.

4. Dr S. Swapna Kumar published a paper titiled "ASurvey on Standard Techniques for Mitigating theIntrusion Events in Mobile Adhoc Network" in theInternational Journal of Innovative Research inC o m p u t e r a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n E n g i n e e r i n g -Volume 3, Issue 4; ISSN(Online):2320-9801; ISSN(Print):2320-9798, pp 345-354, April 2015.

5. Mr Sojan Francis P. publ ished a paper t i t i led“ G e s t u r e C o n t r o l l e d R o b o t i c S y s t e m u s i n gMonochromatic Camera and Array of IR- Sensors”,I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l o f E n g i n e e r i n g a n dManagement Research, Volume-5, Issue - 3, June2015, pp. 147-152.

6. Mr Ramesh C. R published a paper titiled “SelfRegulated Solar Lighting System”, Internationaljournal of Engineering Research, Volume - 4, Issue-1, pp: 22-26, January 2015


A group of five students [Joel Jose, Kailash Menon, Joseph Winson, Athul Varkey & Harikirshna ] had registered forRC AIRCRAFT WORKSHOP which was conducted on 30th and 31st October. A group of five students [Jiji Sasidharan , Devaki Prabhakar , Gismi Subhashchandran , Rema C K & Lakshmi Priya ] had registered for CANSAT SATELLITE WORKSHOP which was conducted on 30th and 31st October.

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November 2015Encircle ECE News & Events4

D-Zone Arts Festival Achievements

1. S Kavitha(S7 ECE B) got second prize in tamil essay writing at DZone Arts festival 2015 held at Dr. John Mathayi Centre,Aranattukara, Thrissur on 14th February,2015.

2. Ms.Haritha V. of S4 ECE secured Gold medal in RamanNambiar Memorial-All kerala Akshara Sloka competition.

3. Mr.Sachin ( S4 ECE )secured 2nd Prize and bagged Rs.10000/-in ENIGMA unplugged music night Dyuthi'15 Bandcompetition held at GEC Thrissur as a part of their Technical Fest.

4. Vishnu k (S7 ECE B)and Sidin David (S7 ECE B)got first prize in”WAVE MANIA” Dyuthy 2015 conducted by GEC Thrissur as apart of their Technical Fest.

Calicut University Inter Collegiate Sports Tournament Achievement

1. Mr. Rishiraj Raghu, Amal P Stephen, Abi Mathew participatedin Interzone Badminton Competition and secued fourthplace.

2. Mr Mayur KS participated in interzone Table tennis competitionand qualified till 3rd round

Tech-Fest – VYVIDH 2015

Splendid art by using E-waste materials by the students of ECE Department was a great attraction during Vyvidh 2015.

1. Reshma N S (S6 ECE B) , Neeraja S (S6 ECE B) Vinny Ann Davis(S6 ECE B) and S Kavitha (S6 ECE B) got a cash prize of 2000Rsfor participating in the National level project Exhibition,Srishti -15 conducted in connection with 'THARANG' 15Technical fest organized by Jyothi Enginnering collge,Cheruthuruthy held on 28th March 2015.

2. Lakshmi C G participated in a paper presentation at Ahaliyacollege of engineering as part of Techfest organised by thecollege.

Onam Celebration

Department association conducted onam celebration on 21st August 2015 in a colourful manner.

Toppers of 2011 - 2015 Batch

Neethu Mohan(First)

Shalia P S(Second)

Rathna K K(Second)

Campus Placement

• TCS - 29• UST Global - 4• QUEST Global - 1

TOTAL PLACEMENT: 34 OUT OF 120 students(up to 7th semester)

Printed, Published, and Edited byMrs FETSY K FRANCIS