flaabs:Journa, Ezlr kMarci28 ea before OIU.readerathe. follbwng ao sn anothierbrilliantrivc 'dy o ur for einmy'nearsaiztillO. We h ve to that-thj Iintelbigen.. .ye a.7t al;ibe seedhai-the ac oipi a oursEitia of Friday lag4, de the"Iew'Orluans Delta is false, it C>E ~tTSN W8r:B.r&EOF BUE- NA VISTA !'l GENERAL TAYLOR VICTORIOUS. loyrfoge our readers, the gloriousti ; ~ t fromtheueimy,. brought by the schooner 3Jttt'Bell. Our reporter left the vessel in the Sriver aid, amep to-town by'express with the -jg?'beWs ~The following account was pre : pared-forus by an officer of the army. It may e retied uon. iiheihalsoGen. Santa Anna's account - the battle, from, which it will be seen that z< ; iliar'eifered a defeat, thougb.he covers up strieat with a flourish of words. fofatlidum of the Battle of Buena Vista. .'pepared or the Editors of the Pica- .. a yune, b Lieut. J. J. C. Bibb, United States Army. E t',d: Dr. Turner, U. 8. A.. w ho arrived on the ,:-9th instant from,. Monterey, brought the 'glori ' i ' i ce, of another brilliant victory ican'army. a The scene of action edeili'itaBs:ai'%ista, thaciendaaboutsix miles 4*estn1 Saltillo.. The fighting commenced on C af'February and ended on the 23d. n ayetired to Agua Nueva, a distance j' ' texi les, lsvini_ four thousand killed and sec ilibniided'upo'n'tke-ield& Santa Anna's adiu- raiut-g@#ral and-many sother officers and men 1 are puisoners..-.The loss on our part was se- ' ndred killed and wounded. Santa An- r a s force amounted to at least fifteen thousand rien;t hat of Gen. Taylor to about five thou- l!"3?sand, almdt'eotirely volunteers. His army is ad iecomposed of Washington's. Bragg's and Thom. tteros, one seadron'of the lot and one S~ 2 .te Dragoons ihe. Arkansas and Ken- . 'tt. y ~ cavalry, a brigade of Illinois and one of Indiana volunteers, the 1st Mississippi and 2d Kentucky R.egineuts. and one company of ' i Teiasvoluteeis.= Dr. T.' brought a list of63 f ioersAilhd aid wounded. I left in such Thrtefphatlwas unable.to obtain a copy. Col. oru-gas ragimnent Ohio volunteers, having ereitfbreed by a command fror Monte- _ e' ireahed that place in safety. CurtisofOhio, with one company (Cap. i:ntr's) oftie 2d U. .8. .Dragoons, hiis own ent one of indiana volunteers, the Vir- giniReginiet, aud-i think some Texas ran- wgers in all' about 2,000 men, 4as about to leave nCamargo to attack Gen. Urrea, who is said to 'ie abdutthirty inilessouth oftht place with an n'rmybf from 4to 5,000 menprincipally rancho- roe' Re is believed totiave with him only 1,- 500 regular troops.. A great many if nor all of s these rancheros,as soon.as they hear of the dis- comfortnre'of Santa Anna's army, will dis. perse.adidtheig'llant dlonel will no doubt ob. tain the victpry. This news from above proves that the various reports which had before been " reeeixed of Gen.'Tylor's retreat upon Mon- jrqy,- andthe advanceof slarge iorpe to attack Srdhpts at Bra'zs' and at'tie'mouth of the ' Grande to be untrue. O th'derbnees at itb outh oE'ths river I know nothing, but ve been told 'that they are sufficient to make strong resistance. The. fortifications at the iazo, withtlie force of artillery and persons ':''in the' Qiartei-:fast&fs tempToy, which can be aedas5 gasrison is sufficient to drive back bu.command of ateast?,500 or 3.000 Mexicans. tvork, which may he technically termed a . ;eo nsrien'; etdloes llIhe Quqrternas. r'and'Coniiissay'sstoies:n'depot, . The - ejj moreddf harrels" of da ged Com- '":_:'es ith sandbags for t 'eaiari4 ski etesanid frone a ditch in frout thrown thehiarrelsifouinstbe exterior slope. ' r. armameperf the fort censists of four- ue' ;cesfqardlr-tuto twelve and .two six pon- s,,tbbets'vhcne the foot and of n rostfrires upnn the. e vel plain over blethe enemy would be coingelled to ad ~ame,,andabout 300 muskets to line the para- -Thii~was thrown up when an aittack was skpec''aited.. Nibthing having reached us ~~Gn. Thyjnt (or roany days. we believed at:~jn iirrounded, a'q was reported, und gave n oe,.dlegree of credit .to'the rumor of the ad viance ofa large force npen ont dliota. After S'aitisg.three offour days,Anzioualy 'expe'eting Sjj.he approachr of.ttlie ed,enhy, we re.ceived-the 'Ys glorious news uibove..ainderstood, of cdurse, ? . that the battles of Brafros Santiago wa's "no 2 go ;'b and when [ sailed, the, artillery of Fort Barnestjiaj a of mowing down the Mexi- - canis4va.'p'ealinag frth a salute in honor of.~ld "R~ough and Ready" and his gallanti lule army - ~at Buena Vista... Lst: of ~e ad Wondd.-The list of lld 'and ivounded waa forward~ed so us by a ~ ~riend'at the month of the Rio G'rande, on the se'chr. John Bell. 'It should have reached us M '~onday night, but.being'addressed throuigh the *Quartermaster's pepartnaent, it .only came tor - had the followiu morning.. Org:Toagr, h~le armny- just from-Gamar- ,,g;,fujimes the tollowing statement: Figliting comehced oapthe 22d arnd ended-oni the 23d. pvei Saot Anna retired withI the loss of tour s''~inandkilled and wounded. The sceong 'bf h~" ~t'~ctsn~as Buena Vista-a hacienda four diiles S west of'8altillog Santa. Anna's adjutant gen- , ithenma'ny..other officers and men are -~ ,pruie. "The express which brought the -news #d'ebypaymauter Butler froum Man- 1ti .t.terey and was-ninb days in gettine through to u S~ar.fen. Taylor's official Sospatch haR il;?. arowMonterey.--- .., aL of .O'inerkmed ,nd onded onde 224 andl-23d of. Februarj, 1847. Wedi .-Capt.G Linoln assistant adjutant 'w&' neral.- -. Womndd-Capt. Stein, 1st Dragoons, 2d oLiut, W. .A Frcnch, 3d artillery ; tst Lieut. P. O'Brien, 4th Artillery. iUed-list Lient RL S Moon;2dLe.T We1oisdd-Col.Jeff Davis; Captain J M ~-Shaue peiletits. A B Corwin, Posey and J P * ~tockt'n'. n t-4 ~'- Prst .Kesitckyg Cacalry. WoudiiiLlut.S A Redder. SeonmmKlenarucky Foot-Riles. -Killed-CokMc~ee; Lient. CoLH-Clay; a$'Capt. 0.W-Moore; Capt. i'-T Willis. .4i:Iondd-Lieuts. E 8Bai-bour, WVithos and ~' ~Nosier. -~ .mudiana Brigade. ker and Lient. Parr;-A o FJiiadd-Capts. Saundera and Oshord .Lieots. Carver,. Pennington, Morse, Lewis, '> ~Davis and Epperson. * .aea 'ment-Kiued&~Sa.F at. oded..-Major Gormnai nd 'Capti Slop .Iglinois Brigad.-1st Regiment. .~..jil~ad.Col. Harden, Capt. Zabruski, Lieni ~.2j~i~i~uids-Lieuts. J L McConnel and ii Vol ateers-2 mn. --adledkapt. Woodmnan, Lieuts. Brunton -Shtcher,-er'guson, Rollins, Bathson, Ather * ~sjeiggl-.G p inss Coffe and Baier,; Lis RPnogdtEfgleson Steele and West, Adjutan Corauefew oelAutw at~ackcdto 114 AE..,45sta/amsellAd LiLoohiard. .Wounded-Captain Connor,. *Wean'nex Sajita Anna's own acconnt of the actions of. Bueha Vista. as::translated for the Tampica Sentipel We have the original Spanish seccount in our possession.. C. Na a BUENA Vmsr4,.Feb. 23, 47.. Excellent Sir-Ater two days of nattle, to which the enemy, with a force of 8,000 to 9,0(Q0 men and 26 pices of artillery, lost five of his positions, 3 pieces of artillery, and'2 flags' I isave determined to go back to Agna Nueva to. provide myself with provisions, not having a.single biscuit or~a grain of rice left. Thanks to, the position ocupied by the enemy ; he has not. been completely beaten, but he left on the field about2.000 dead. Both armies have been cut to pieces,, but the trophies of war will give you an idea on which side has been the advan- tage. We have struggled with hunger and thirst during forty hours, and if we can pro- vide ourselves with provisions we will go agin to charge the enemy. The soldiers under my oinmmnd have idone their duty and covered tre honor of the Mekioin nation with glory. The enemy has seen that neither his advanta- geous position nor the broken nature of the ground, nor the rigor of the season (for it has been raining during the action) could prevent the terrible charge with the bayonet, which left him terrified. SANTA ANNA. FROM TAMPICO. In addition to the news which we give in another column of the battles at Buena Vista, we have gatheted from our soprces the following itema of information from Tampico. Our accounts from that port are brought by the brig Perfect, Capt. Gardner, and the brig Apalachicola, Capt. Sinith. The former sailed on the 11th n''t. and the latter on the 10th. - A d:el was fough't, .on the 6th inst. at Tampico, between Col. I)eRussy and Capt. Hunt, of the Louisiana Regiment. Capt. H. recei'yed a slight flesh wouud in the breast. The schooner Swan sailed on the 11th inst. from Tampico to Vera Cruz with despatches from Col. Gates to General Scott, giving the Mexicaa accounts of the battles of iuena Vista. The schr. Alert, as we learu. from Capt. Noyes, of the J. Bell was despitcbed frem the Braros on the 10th inst. with despatches for General Scott at Vera Cruz. The Tennessee cairalry, or rather what is left if this-fine body of men, emnbarked on the 9th inst. from Tampico for Vera Cruz. ,Tbey go as infantry, having been dismounted. Eight men from each com- pany were left'bebind to take care of the borses, who immediately organized them- selves into a mounted company to act in the defence of Ta'mpico,'and as scouting paittes. T wo otlce' were also left to superitttedd the 'dvemeetis of these men. We ad' a ihaort letter from Mr. Kendall.. received '6y !his arrival : Editorial Correspondence of the Picayune. TAMPICo, March 7, 1547. I sent of a package of letters and pa- pers by the Home; but as some other ves- sels may arrive in New Orleans ahead of her. I give you the suhi and snbstance of the dews. There ha' -been ajotbol' pronunciamenLo at the city of Mexico, headed by the cler- gy, as is said; and in *hicb they. were joined by the natin l.gujard. Geu. #i r-. ae -hare' beth~ fe' ri acal niover a(d oine. arias as en down.- Onm account has.it that Geht $a= lIs -is .tow President, and .that &nia An. na retains donaand of this -aring. This new revolu.ui iuis ieeni entirely blood- less,--. There is no mistake 't6:Gen. Tay'lor hase retired from Agua Nueva, and i~al len back tnwanrds alonterey. El Repu6- lican of tihe 25th ult. says, that Satuia An- na wviamkn forced mtarches after him, that lhe had thrown Minon and Terrejoin, with a heavy' force, between Gen. Tu'ylor and Monterey, with the intention of cut timeg hima sa and annihilating his army- adiflicuhijob tt adertake. All accounts agree that 6oth ariaies~have snlfered great. ly from the ekqessive cord weather aud the hevsnows .wilich ifa'e "fated. Yours, &c. G. W. K. FrPcm the Baltimore SuAn. . 28 DAYS-LATER FROM ENGIND. Arnest oftiAs Htbertio. Tne steamer H-ibernia was telegraphed at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 20th, as being in sight at Boston, and at about nine o'clock the same evening we comumenced receiving our despatches, shte havitig reached her wharf at about siz o'clock. Corn Markt.-There has been sotne revival inthe trade, with a considerable inquiry from exporters and on speculation, and the pirices general'y have been slightly in favor of holders. The tiarlot, however, closes quietly. ai.d no catnge can be made iu the quotations of last week.- At a public sale,. 60 hales common Sea ii- land were offered but otnly 20 sold, at 74d. to 10jd. There wvere taken by speculators, 6,600 American and omiper kinds; t o' export. 12.t,00 Aiinericin, 50 Egyptiuin, and is56 S'urat. The sales ofthi61lst *eek were2i5.140) bales. ?emtfrom Febra-trg 27 to Miarch 3 -The proce digs d urino thuisperiod have been rattler more active thas for somie time past. The sales were about -I,501iale, a portion of which was taken by speculators and expoiters. There is not thme least change-in prices since the 26th it. so that the quotations then current stand unaltered. Fair bowed Georgia Cotton 65-8 to 6(d ; Mobile 65 to -7d; New Orleans 7.jd. Cores Market.-'Phe corn trade has been in a very fluctuatitji condition during the month of February.. At. the time of the sailing of the Cambria, thieprtce of meal continued to give way, occasionally rapidly, until from the comn- mencoeeit of the reaction, the reduction a- mounted ahda~etlier to iroui 8s. to J0e. per t-r., and flour 7s.' to 83. per bari-el. 'It might be that this declhne under the actiaal positiun 'of supply and demand, was too rapid, or'corn- metnced too early ; or that the nature of the die- cussionsint Parliament renewed the confiden e of holders, and warned the fears of buiyers. Towards thie closeoof last month renewed con- fidece was observable, and buyers again came forth froqd reland in -qnsequence.. . Since the upward rmove saian commenced, tis'e hla bedn anad'vande on whiat of from 4 to dper 7dibs. aitd in80'eritof 3s 6d per bbl. Oats and oatmeal rematin stcei, it don't bell ft-eely. Jddin corn hasgf late givpih way'fro'ti V'shilling tojisahilling pe ibs. and beans 2ii to 3.- per quarter. 'our last mar-ket, tue prices imying wv6u'e for genergl runs of Amer- icqn maea,11s to '12. pei'70lbs.T~Fot American Flour~hweet, 39s' to 42s; sour, 35&6d to 30s 6d per barral. Indian corn, WVhite' 69s. ta7ds. andyetlow 72.. :U 73s. per 4801bs. Egyptian beans 44s. to 50s.rper quarter. .Irish oats 5. 4d.tofiu.8d per4 45be. As to stock, *e nmaks no comment. No du- ties are now payabre, 116 that they 'are teot'so welt ascertained, but as far as regards dettand, theiast-mkrket. blosed'steady, although''with less biuoyancy than might htevd been eipectedl Various. reasons and ipnions are afloat s to capf prcure-dring the present season of famin and distress,.basedoa the most recent ,intelli .gsice.froiAmersca ...'. We believe that there 1i good cause~tix pct that from theoperiing of the lasieight'o .ten:days, the receipt ofcora, flour, &c. will bi .light, and this added to the continuance of con uidarable exports -to, Ireland, has caused .the narket-to have a very firm aspect, and price have since returned as regards wheat anli~pr Indias corn is still continuing in-greet reqiuisi tion, and demands the bgb price of69s to '2s' 'per quarter for white. Other kinds ofeoin are cheaper. United States and China.- Mr. Eiei-et American Commissioner at China, hat been received'with much pomp and cere- mony by Ki-lug, the laiperial Com-nis. sioner, Mr. Cushing's old friend, andlhi partaken of a grand banquei; speciaill -.pepared ini.'hia honor, by that Cbinegi Highr Functio'ary. During .the dinner; Mr. Everett gave the bealthof.the Empe- ror of China, "with all the honors." and Mr. Imperial Commissioner Ki-Ing gave that of the President of the United States. The best feelings are manifested-by -Ki- Ing and all other officials towards: the Americans. Diplomatic relations bet ween -the United States and the Celestial Empire being thus formally opened, Mr. Everett and his suite took their departure Trom China on board the Vincennes-whether to return thie Unitdd States or hot, our ad'vices-kive u's no jufortnation,. 'reland.-The Distress.-,From Ireland the accounts of'the ravages of famine and fever is King's County. Tippera'ry, Cork, Kerry, Mayo, Sligo, Waterford, and other counties, are ctost heart-rending. The unfortunate peasantry are dying of. star- a'tion by hundreds, - From the Abbeville Banner. IsTE or Loans, Feb. 26,1847. The troops on this Island are embarking preparatory to their advance to Vern Crz.- Five companies of our Regiment are now on board the ship Alhambra, and the remaining five will embark to-morrow on board the Ore- gon. In twelve hours we can reach the Island of San jAnton Lizardo, which is only a few miles south of Vera Cruz. It is now reduced to a certainty, that'we are to have warm times about that same place Vera Cruz In less than two weeks that town' and castle is to be ears, or we are to fall in the attempt which *e make to gain it. We are to attack the, city under Gen. Scott. and Gen. Worth is to lead the-Re- giment on the right. The Palmetto Regiment .s to occupy the post on the. left, and is to storm a battery which will bear upon us. The fight will he opened by the Artillery, the Infantry sustaining them. The kght be. fore Vera Cruz will be the !most impiortait of the whole campaign. You will hardly imagine what my feelings are... Here I am, in four or five days to act a part in a most blody battle, and sti I seld.,n think of what the consequen- ces may be. .1 partake of the jidif'erence, around me-:-] lng to join in.the mncllee. and to end the war. You have no idea what kind-of place the camp is. It does seem to me one. week asa soldier will take from's man every bestsge of feeling, and will render him indiffer- ent not only to others but to .himself. Tokday I witneissed one.of the most ,itpo- sing scene I haver evgr seen iny where. .It was the New York'-Regimpnt swearing to pro- tect their flag: "When the Reginientleft New Y'rk,,they .erE praseited with tieo flags' 'ore .ithe ai-nWfNe-kYork thi other: ith ya raded n i ie ia til centre. "The' officers asseambled rouxmfthenun agrop, and raised their hands and took a sol- emn oath, -never to desert -those flags The scenle was both solemn and imposing., The s~ldiers sanocfioned the actfi of their officers, by theirliiuzzas... The New York R-giment is a Gine onec-he officers are. poor. 'Col. Burnet's wife is now with him here and expects to ne4 company him ,throughout the war. She wyas nut on the parade' gronund to-day. Her little daughter, about ten years old, is (vith her.- There is a wotnan for you... Amid all the gaity and life ofcamnp,.we hate often solemn visitations... ' Itardly a. day has elapsed since our arrival here, -hut the m'nfiled drum in some part of the Island. has not warn-. ed us that the saldier must die! !event 4ren-not onthe battle field. WVe have buried two from our lReginment, one yesterday frm the Fair- 6eld company, the other one rrom the Sump- ter company. Poor fellows,.th~eir bones will test its a tenely sp'ot, but it little disturbs them now. rotthe .4bbevile Banner. REEN WOOD, -S. C.. -Thursday, March II, 1842. The Board of Trustees' of .ihe Green - wood pi1ale and Female Acadetnies.under ttie control of the Baptist dbnsmination, in presenting this their first quart-erly' ;eidrt take great y leasure in expressing, their entire apiprobation ofrihe performs~uce of the purpils in each department. They attended at the Male .school. itn A. M., and had an opportunity of witness. ing the exercises of neaerily l the classes in that depsi-tment, whch in the opinion of the Board were highly ergditable both to the pupils .themuselves and to their in: structor, Mr. Williaim. L. Harris, whose character ab a gentleman, and -qualifiea- lion as a teacher cannot be questioned. Mr. Ilarris has, under. his charge at this time, 22 Students, and fronm his earniest desire to advance tiis pupils is the various branches of their respective studies, anid render satisfaction to the patrons of the school, the Board feel satisfied that those who have placed their souts under his care will be pleased with the improvemnent which they will have made at the term!- nation of the Scholastic year, jIn the (if'ernoon the' Board mer at the Ferale Seminary, and vei-4 higtily enter- tained tvith the performance of the young Ladies. This depar-tment is under the care .;of Professor R. Hi. Niebolis' and Lady.. -The Literary attainments of this gentlemian, and his long experience in the instruction ofyouthi in various Seminaries of learcing'eminemtly qualify him for thuc important trust comimitted tio hi'm, dnd the performance-tf hds pupils f'urnislies abun- dast evidence of. the' attention irhich het devotemo theth,-the-Board feel that at is ane to this gentleman to express their eatil-e congdence in him, and, tongi-atulatplbEsk'. selves and their friends on their good fn" tune in securing the service* ofso accoin- plished a gentleman, aathacausghbS Sch61 lar, and so tompetent an instructor at this early .stage of their.'Instituion.-T-her'e are 35. pupils- in this deparien, nsearij one'half of w'hdin dre reebiting'irnstructi'en on the Piano Futt from' Mrs. -Nicholhrs Lady euiihengy'N qalified to ids'tructim that brnha ela~h-te importaal branches of l'emal'edslaito Thei Bdard' wbuddihi taeuisefvihd this -occasion to lonforin tifiestafr'eird thogldet OS (ealetMfbci general, t e itisrare to meet with ad op pprt = ,le for givigatiprougi s and iau hi' at wio" am it od 1B 2d quarter of the Ist .Ses- s on tp e sthe first Monday is April os n it a8 fullfnd ligliie 8-jier mnth '.I{ Ai-,_ om gon.-I learn by Tele- graph ha arvis, bearer of a requisi. tionCirom i.Curtis for' 50:000 volun- teers, a v iii Wis)iigton this evening. his ahinetare.said to be in elEv News, . 7Tke ete.rer.vry Omorqus i Pari'' sirzeBd great power. Marshall Soulkpe :sat ha Council of Ministers, Bion .t L icld roles the Exchange, M ;Cdemot isone of the matd powerful 'eaders'o e .-bar, Achille Fould 'is the mirror o& ishjoo and oracles at.tlp ,Jockey Club yTp. cmposes. exquisite music -in sbor Lors isjustly styled the lert- salmotf inaeleeait centurf. hTheb nht was so dark on the q thalt. hatiastearnboatsi hailt6'I persons ou theshore to know where t 'were. and one-o'r the packets, be~'Siftsre, ran inta a tree and lost both he( chamgy.>e. OBITUARY. Died District, on Thursday 25th inst., Dr. Au ttb' IV. Bart, in the thirty-ninth year of his ag* The vi ni understanding of tlib deceased 'we eculti, by a regiular .edocation in his profep'sgi id by .his.skill,-courtesy and-geue ral intlhgence,.he acqu red the confidence .f his nuidro ' patients. .'To his rofesaipral merit, he ded piobity public spirit,,liberality and kindness, which rendered hiria,'estimable as a citizen, end particglarly.egndeared hiui te his more ttntmate associates. In his social re- lations. hedischairged his duties faithfully; and especiali asa master, was provident; kind and indulga iBlessed with-health, an affectionate family..and.a prosperonus estate, a -long career of usefulness And happiness seemed before hi-n,; bit fie was suddenly cut off from these adva-htsgeseby the hand of violence. On'o of his ownsalaves ruthlessly murdered him. A wife, two yo.ng children,.and many relatives and frier dsdeplore his untimely loss. Died'on is18th Feb:uary,-at the residence ofJames Cafeld, Claiborne parish. La., Joan Cetnkrii Senr:, late of this District, aged ahout 78jdrs. I* O friebds -o Major-A BRA HAAM JONES9'?annoceiii'as a candidatefr 'the Legislattire,-to fill the. vacancy occa- sioimd' by the death 'of 'James S. Pope, e~'iends Of WESLY BODIE, an- tioundeo hias a acndidate.for the office of Shiefi 'atip isigelection. -eb .. . tf 5. T1olowing gentlemen are announced b1ythai da ji~eandidates= forithe Office of Tax Colleidr. at the :ensdiing election.:. S lUN4JObMQUATTLEBUM, OR,43EBRJ. 'HEPPAR D, E45MRR - V ta. iSMG.1SCU l'''TW J : . ^ 'Muj. BARS1-AL I-. SM ITI LJEV L R..WILSON.. - OJ7 The following gentlemen are annonna.ed by..their fiends as ,candidates' for the office of Ordlinry, atil te ennirit eleciio:1. Col. JOH-N Ht1L, ".- Capt. , L. COLEM'AN.- IMPOkWANT!:-ASTHMA CURE:D'!! *,. PureAsi, io, Mlay 18. 1841. Dr. D. Jayne;-Dear Sir-Doctor H-elmeck has usep soime:eight ot ten bottle' of your Ex- PECToaaN-r, and .baa found decid~d benefit.- His health is better than-for several years past. and his appearance indicates decided, iniprove. msent in~ hqafth'. His confidence in your med- icinjhas indueed him t6 recommend it to his friehdetand we are "informed that. many- of them have been cured, and others greatly re- lieved. ,. .-: Po-ris &.GIcaHAMt. .W.?-rzuO WI, N,. Y., Oct. 20, 1841. Dr, D.Jayne-:-Dear Str.gYour Hair Tonic is an excellent articl~e. .Many respectable per. sons also of'er their 'certificates in faivorof your Expectorant. 1 believe your modicinie's are the best preparations that have ever been oliered to the public. for.the aelief of the aillicted, and for the cnre of ihe diseases for which they were intended.- Yo'it Expectorint I thrink will soon be ex- clnsively popular. Yotms,'&c. ADRIAL ELY. R.'S.O05ERTS is lr. D. Jaynie's only Agent a Edgefield C. H.. GRIICE RIES. BROWN SUGAft, Loaf do Crunhcdd - -Paaverized do :s CJarided.. do - Sutgag Hloge MOLASSES, New Orleans 'do. West'India '. do &c CQFf'l!!E, RIC E, VINEGAR,&c For sale low, for caih, by J. A. WILETA318. marchi31 '. tf 10 Exzeeuigros' &ale. uY an Order from John Hill, Esq., Ordi jnary of Edgefield District, I shall pro ceed to sell at the late'residence of Peter Ouiz, deceased,-on Tuesday the 20th day of April iiext,.the-following personal property on a cre ditntilthe.hpcebei next, 'l Maie andcedit. 2 Mules TPttation Wagdn, Blacksmith's Tools, Corn and -Fodder. Lard atd' Bacon, Haonseb'did and Kiteben Furniture, and quntiy o CotHogs-&c-. :. 'Moa,.h qsam:e time, aitthe real estate of said eceasaed, consisting of, foa hundred pud 'sixteen acres of land upon.,Little Stephen'a Creek,.adjoiping lands of Mr.;Toigkmns, (fdit merly~WeaveT's, Jacob Odtig und others, lying on tho.sbouh. sad .of the-Uong- Cane road. Th~etsh 6.tl i da good dwelling and -ie' cegry'ota; hosies.TUpo1 .the.al;estateds aredit.-f'ope'nsd ta feasswiltbe given, the gar~sersy vig note' with approved ecurity and a mortgage of tne prpmises.y -;e DAVID OUT2.'- - Ezecufler tith e mil annesd. hil 3t 10 LORDON IEfIEN1FRATIV'C.RfA. 0.gr-adually .dark'emnig - Hair, ,ani pmgut..ffoa~fjlig . .or turnirlj gre' I t.-rengtlienr eaHqi!,' and : 1i co cabtb~ iStir 'rodnpes a beautifi gosa *tli' t~ -nnfdrep'-aparent, It- aile -tebestdurlidgltfide messtence..Prici 50 i! Wa6t.MM RBRS Selling off at G.ot A MN !v4rt pn e'' pie tib n rb wir dojimenc'69pd cosu ose iffat co ; lot one-m'onthoy' 'Neo, Eztenst,-and Splendid Stock of D.DICY GOO 1 0S; Boots and Shoes, Hfrdware, Hats, Tiu Ware Books aid Stationery, Crockery, Glassware Garden Seeds, and Fancy Goods.. His - STOCK OF DRUQS, th' ldgestrin- this section of the District, and F.PsM11 V OR OCE IE , of which his supply.willb'.constantly kept up, will also be sold at unusnelht lba prices, but these two last articles will not be sold a s cot,thon'h a very heavy reduction will be mrade in "prices, which will be permanently made in Drugs, so that his Drig department will he cheaper than in any retail establishment in the country. Tile inducement is great and real. Persons wishing supplies will do well to avail themselves of this oppbrtunity, and apply soon, if they wish a selection. At the espiridg of a ronth, ord pri lies will inevisably be resumed. - 4. S. ROBERTS. march 1 , .... f 10. :The.Stockis geheraln-nd admirably assorted. Orders prom the. country, nccozilpaiied by re- mittances,. promptly attended to, same as if parties were on the spot. HOTEL FOR SA8ID. T HE pndersigned, being desitons ofelmang- ing his residence, offers for sale his bmae ii'the Village of Edgefield. So. Ca., well known is.the PLANTERs'- HOTEL, with all the Fprniture and . other necessary appendages. Extensive.additions;.have receutly been made to the House, and funaiahed thrionghout,.which makes it one ofthe most desirab liu scts for an Hotel, in the up country. Attached to the :horse, are all the neces~siry nut knirdiigs, in- cluding .a Bur Room. and Ten Pin' Alley, to- gether wiih fifteen (16) acres orland, in the highest titale of cultivation. The Hlouse is pleasantly. lucatedn the south side of the Pub- lie Square. convenient .t~ the Court House and the business.part of the village. Toaq approved purchaser,. W terms will be made easy and accomodinating, ..For further jarticulars enini-e on tihe prem- -ises. L" U ;.GOODMAN. march 31 ,tf 10 The Abbeville Banner Greenville Mn-u tainseer. Hamburg Journal. and Aagnata Con- stitutioonlist...will please ineirt'the above four times, and forward their aceuants to S C. H. G. ROBERTS' WOlRM TEA. H1S excellept apad-infl.llihle preparation {. is rocimnmended to the public. The sighs of Worms and fetid breath. swelled stomach, very itle,'ordoo great'appetite; nnusen. head. gebe, awection of the brain, vomitini,. tickling find irrititon'abont the dose; dietrbed-sleep, fits and cosivulsive twitchings, sliiny'adtl disor- .dered state oflhe bowels auw. fever.'..Parents would do. well to bear.in, mipd, that, the remedy can be had for these dj.ngerous complaints. when proceeding fro Worms, for J21 cents only. ' R. S. ROBER'S. marphy -.. if .10 Read Quarters. Ordersio. 2 j. l4isao.-e g sa .s. Marcha 15 T HF followineg liegiimess will parade for - ieview anid Drill at the tines herein sta. The 13th Regimnent of Ifanry and Upper Sqqnadrosit gf the 4.ths .*Ieimeisnt. ef Cav'tdry, (thes Charlestoni Liehi Dr~sguoos egcepted,) at WValterboro',-'on Wednesday the 12th of 1)Iay next... The 12th Regimesit of infanotry. and tie low. ir Squadron of the 4th Re'giment df Cavalry. near Coosawhatchsie, 6is Saturdsiy, tim 15th of~ May next. The 43d Regiment of Infantry, at Begn- fprd's Bridge, on. Tuesd~ny.theo .dtirof May iextU Thie lith.Reginmient of Infantry, at Ashley-s, on Thsursday, the 20th May r'ext. The 3d legimnent of Civalry, at Hlolman's, on Satrday,22d o',Mauy nexit. : The 14.ih Regimenit ofInfanstry.nt Orange' hur-t on Tnesday. the25fth of May n'ext. The 15ith Regtmenit'ofsnlantty, at Williasm- son's, ont Friday..thse.2dthiof M'iay next The coisttssioned n'pd nion-cosnmissioned oflicer' will assernble nit their respective hiegi- metital i'arade'Grssison the day previous to Review,-for Drill ut.sd ltustruictiomn. T~he Miior d~enesraul will, wt his staff, tat end the Reviewvs..nnsd the cossnanding officers of Brisanife-: will,-with their staff, attend ins their resiective comusnandss. , G'n Q~sattlehnm assd Cosl. Feder are charg- ed with the extenisioni of thi- order to th.air Bri- By order of the Comimander-in chief. J. W. CANT'EY, A djt. &r Ins. Gcdl. march 31 -.-9t 10 TU OTHE FAI~ILES$!- ..If any doulst .the afiderfst powers of SDR. CULLENSIND1AN V GBTABLE PANA CEA,'-,we invije them nto cnll nppon Mr. Isasac Breuk's. ir:,. Jefferson strsiet, fourth dons west of S-hnyllyillI Sixth-~street, Ibelow -Loenus!. and learus from his own ipsofoono oh the moss asnishing cires .ref(rofnla qrver performned son a humsan be.ing-Nqr~call hit the reidencii of his father, Eleventh and'Vine streets.- -Sold by :. JOS- TI. RO0WAND. ,376 Market street. Philadelphia. R. S. ROBERTS,.Agest, Edgefie.ld C. H Sonth Carolina. match 31 3t 10 STATE OF SOUTH CA ROLINA - DGhi VELD DI'ST'RfCT. -' JN TmHE.'Cct'RT OP, OR D'NART. B3Y JolIN- li!LL, Esq.;rdiuny. of Edgefield District : a.ha~ BGaulden-hqjh ppplied tome for Letters of Admitistratjon, on all god singular ihe goodasand chattes, rights and credits ol Chavtdohnson, late.of the District Afore, said, de'ceased. .' *..-.- --.Tiee;'therefore to cite end adm'on-- ish all apid singular. the kind-red aiid eredk itfors of tisi said doe'eeded, to bs and appear before me,-aI otty negt Ordinary'a di~turt tJr the said 'Distirict, io.1 hoktien at Ed'ge, field .Cowt .Hlotpp,j oa.th 1.9s10 day of April 'next, fD Ahow cauiser if any,.'why the said ddalinistration should not be ~Ginveti und'er my hand and seal, this the 26th' day 'p1 Mirch, in .the. year of our Lortd one thousand eight budidre'd 'and ftrty-seven, and in the.71st yeandf Ajer can Iadepeqdence.g. JOHN HIL, O. E C R.t USPENCR J'.4 Armn ax aEZO PitLi "AND Rfl OaATsv5 Br r Yom . SB " ra Kershatow tr4t S C.. Jae 5th,3846. -r ,F In Jannry, 4844. from wet and exposure took a severe' coldwarh'csutdid'itaihi p 'ever .accompanied. wsth a'severe cough.'and ,: painful headache. Thene continted to incres - in severity -for .about two weeks. so:much so that my friends. cnpaidered me, and I. myself believed I[was in a very critical and dangerous V state.' At the end ,f this time l:.septZand-pro- cred two Boxes of."Spencer's'Pilli" and the first day of their use. I began to.experience re- lie, and before tlsad taken'one-boi, my fever *-. das gone; Cough had ceased, and Aeadaehe eiitirely ered-1 -wam oonae .an oe. I then said andstill believe. that bythe blessing of Godi they were'the meani ofs.aving y life In.Iooking over the, directionsafterwards, saw they were recnimrended-fdr the cuse of Dysoepaia, with which my. eldest daughter hl: beau afflicted for a longtime. --I recommended & hei to male trial of them- and. she did so; and by a continned use of the 'Pill alone was'per. fectly and I thinuk permanently ced. - ,WM.'MiARSHATL For sale by J. D. TIBBETTS. M1arch'3i .10 Im Edge6ald C. H. Tax CoEecto#' 1otce, "" r WILL attend at the t e iwstd'placeshere- ipafier specified: to -collect the General, Poo'r-and Road Tax, for the year 1846. On Meiday, 22nd March, at Sheppard's, Tuesil.df.. - 23rd . ' Dnntnn'st. " Wetlnesday, 24th " Liberty Hil " Thursday,y 25th ' Freefand-s, I Wida , &6d Patks'- Saturday, 27t, " I' Red HilIr - " t1puday, 29th " Collier's. - Wightman a aTuesday, 0t' " S.H- " Wednesday, 21st ' Geige's,- Thursday, 1st April, " Hanburni, " Friday, 2nd "- " Beneitsiand Saturday 3rd " Powel's, : " Monday, 5th " " E.Ct.House ' Tuesday, 6th " Pine House, Welussday, 7th " " Randall's, "" ;Tiyarsday, .-th ". ,. Kreps' :.- SFriday, 9th '- "Rid-a. Saterday, 10th J Kn Jhn- " Monday, 12th. ,.' " Soiyly'b, - . Tdnsday, 13th ., " Allen's, *" Wednesday, J4th Mt.Willing, '. Thnrsday, 15th " Norriq', -*,-= - Fridaiy, 16th Rinehart'i - Saturday, 17jh .' ,. Perrf a "' Spudny,' 19th " '" Rich'dsons .-- - -Nt Cul.Towles' Taciday, .- eth " residence. SDo-d. Wednesday, 21st " plantation, Thursday, 22nd ' " Moore's. " Friday. 23rd o ' Shaterfel4 Satuirday, 24th ":' ' Dora's. Monday niid Tuesday the 3rd and 4th days of Mayait Edgefield Cotrt House aflerwheh, my books will'close for the present year. % 4-.=:" .J. QUATTLEBUM, T. G. E. D. march 10 t ' , 4t 7 "'': + PIT'S'Y GU Lt" ESid pase from the.hTTY GULP IULI4S, for sale by " - - - '1' L KERd6BRADFORD. -''MaabnrC rThle'"sedr4 idi %#1131 - forinerly of Richlapd W.bC t';no r r ofClaibornia connt,. isiiiippvwhi wraiitni his 'eeds FRESH anti GENUINE. and who --- is desirons to hnav ithe-character-of his see'da tested b he piantMh isf:onth:Carolina 'nd Georgia, -as lie idtendk making~annual ship-' ments firsal'e in the muajkets.y..- -Hmbrg,.aach 22;. , $t 9 T.~ H ESubscriber -is receiving and openiga Ua compjete assortment of. DRY.GOODS; GROCE.RIES A ND, HIARLDWARE, HATS &-SHOES, which he drill sell as lew s they 'an lie bought fr Cash. .i. A.: ViLLIAM.S. march24 - J .I BLACl :'Hri CRAPIt eND ., ,. PRINTED.MU INS. - ~ -- A NEWnd-enmpletesupply et seasonable......... A DRY GQOD,' miehumidig the above, For sale by R. S. ROBERTS. imatci-24' - 'if 9 TABLE.;SALTI'1N .i;3OES'. for sale by Rt. S. [Rupf RTS. unrchtJ 24, -' DA HLIA ROOTS & FLdWER SEE.DS. (l.R SALEit25 centia pa.eI,and'F-ow- Fer Seeds at-GA centsia'paper, Lucerne Grass Seed'at 50) cents a pound. by L t S. ROBERTS. *marckh24 . , .tfi. 9 CHEESEMAN'S.KA AtAN.BALSAM. MAI5L &ubply of this ce1dbrated article, forsale by .~ R. S. ROBERTSe marcltS4- .. f 9 LA NDETH's j'RP.H GARDEN SEEDS.- r3VO papers for finieen.cenis,.:warranted gfeni-ne. aJso a.COR4N SHELLER, a capital Machine, for salely- .y iiil2 IL S. ROBERTS. rEGHORLN Briid, striiw nid: Iace :BDN. .ANEVS, for sale) by R1. S. ROBERTS. -PANAMA &-LEGHQRN.HA'TS d1ENTLEM EN!S4'anama and-- Leahorn - --HATSises Bay'stnd Chilren'.eal- uieto Hats'for sale by '- -- -ac 2- .;. R. ii..,RQQB.TS. .mrc 2 ,, -- - .4t .9. to oUSRSRE WARD~ RANA1VgY from the'sobidcib-dr .o1' the 11th inst.,.p Nejro' *oinas MILLY. Said negro'is.aliouidhrty- three yddai of geand haiug lately betonged-to E. Atcherson.of'the !ark .*. Corner. is probiably in-dimal-vjeinity. .Th above--scejird wNil be paid to- -Store Blouse to Let.- 1H E otrg- EBonse -at'Monit Willing, lately - cupilby Lekstaiel &Bohri f fered for renht for the pf-esentjyear.. , 'Mount .Willing isaa*ell known and desira- ble stand fotga Couptry Store,-anti worthy of- the attention otfMerehantaasjsaiso aeords the .- pivlege of a PostOiice.3ji -. Fe, parlicidars apj o the~nbier e t ouIqntWilbuinge ')ithcti -

Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C.) 1847-03-31 … · 2017. 12. 16. · J L McConnel and ii Volateers-2 mn.--adledkapt. Woodmnan, Lieuts. Brunton-Shtcher,-er'guson,

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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C.) 1847-03-31 … · 2017. 12. 16. · J L McConnel and ii Volateers-2 mn.--adledkapt. Woodmnan, Lieuts. Brunton-Shtcher,-er'guson,

flaabs:Journa, EzlrkMarci28ea before OIU.readerathe. follbwng aosnanothierbrilliantrivc'dy o ur for

einmy'nearsaiztillO. We h veto that-thjIintelbigen.. .ye

a.7t al;ibe seedhai-the ac oipia oursEitia of Friday lag4, de

the"Iew'Orluans Delta is false, it


GENERAL TAYLOR VICTORIOUS.loyrfoge our readers, the gloriousti

; ~ tfromtheueimy,. brought by the schooner3Jttt'Bell. Our reporter left the vessel in the

Sriver aid, amep to-town by'express with the-jg?'beWs ~The following account was pre:pared-forus by an officer ofthe army. It maye retied uon.

iiheihalsoGen. Santa Anna's account- the battle, from, which it will be seen that

z< ; iliar'eifered a defeat, thougb.he covers upstrieat with a flourish of words.fofatlidum of the Battle ofBuena Vista.

.'pepared orthe Editors of the Pica-

.. a yune,b

Lieut. J. J. C. Bibb,United States Army.

E t',d: Dr. Turner, U. 8. A.. w ho arrived on the,:-9th instant from,. Monterey, brought the 'glori

' i'i ce, of another brilliant victory

ican'army.a The scene ofaction

edeili'itaBs:ai'%ista, thaciendaaboutsix miles4*estn1 Saltillo.. The fighting commenced on

C af'February and ended on the 23d.n ayetired to Agua Nueva, a distancej' 'texi les, lsvini_ four thousand killed and

sec ilibniided'upo'n'tke-ield& Santa Anna's adiu-raiut-g@#ral and-many sother officers and men

1 are puisoners..-.The loss on our part was se-'ndred killed and wounded. Santa An-

ra s force amounted to at least fifteen thousand

rien;t hat of Gen. Taylor to about five thou-l!"3?sand, almdt'eotirely volunteers. His army is

adiecomposed ofWashington's. Bragg's and Thom.tteros, one seadron'of the lot and one

S~ 2.te Dragoons ihe. Arkansas and Ken-. 'tt. y~ cavalry, a brigade of Illinois and one of

Indiana volunteers, the 1st Mississippi and 2dKentucky R.egineuts. and one company of

' iTeiasvoluteeis.= Dr. T.' brought a list of63f ioersAilhd aid wounded. I left in such

Thrtefphatlwasunable.to obtain a copy. Col.oru-gas ragimnent Ohio volunteers, havingereitfbreed by a command fror Monte-

_e' ireahed that place in safety.

CurtisofOhio, with one company (Cap.i:ntr's) oftie 2d U. .8..Dragoons, hiis own

ent one of indiana volunteers, the Vir-giniReginiet, aud-i think some Texas ran-

wgers in all' about 2,000 men, 4as about to leavenCamargo to attack Gen. Urrea, who is said to'ie abdutthirty inilessouth oftht place with an

n'rmybf from 4to 5,000 menprincipally rancho-roe' Re is believed totiave with him only 1,-500 regular troops.. A great many if nor all of

s these rancheros,as soon.as they hear of the dis-comfortnre'of Santa Anna's army, will dis.perse.adidtheig'llant dlonel will no doubt ob.tain the victpry. This news from above provesthat the various reports which had before been

" reeeixed of Gen.'Tylor's retreat upon Mon-jrqy,-andthe advanceof slarge iorpe to attackSrdhpts at Bra'zs' and at'tie'mouth of the

' Grande to be untrue. O th'derbneesatitb outh oE'ths river I know nothing, but

ve been told 'that they are sufficient to makestrong resistance. The. fortifications at theiazo, withtlie force of artillery and persons

':''in the' Qiartei-:fast&fs tempToy, which can beaedas5 gasrison is sufficient to drive back

bu.command ofateast?,500 or 3.000 Mexicans.tvork, which may he technically termed a

.;eo nsrien'; etdloes llIhe Quqrternas.r'and'Coniiissay'sstoies:n'depot,. The-

ejj moreddf harrels"of da ged Com-'":_:'es ith sandbags for t 'eaiari4

ski etesanid frone a ditch in frout thrownthehiarrelsifouinstbe exterior slope.

' r. armameperf the fort censists of four- ue';cesfqardlr-tuto twelve and .two six pon-s,,tbbets'vhcne the foot and ofn rostfrires upnn the. e vel plain over

blethe enemy would be coingelled to ad~ame,,andabout 300 muskets to line the para-

-Thii~was thrown up when an aittack wasskpec''aited.. Nibthing having reached us

~~Gn.Thyjnt (or roany days. we believedat:~jn iirrounded, a'q was reported, und gave

noe,.dlegree of credit .to'the rumor of the advianceofa large force npen ont dliota. After

S'aitisg.threeoffour days,Anzioualy 'expe'etingSjj.he approachr of.ttlie ed,enhy, we re.ceived-the'Ys glorious news uibove..ainderstood, of cdurse,

? . that the battles of Brafros Santiago wa's "no2 go ;'b and when [sailed, the, artillery of Fort

Barnestjiaj a of mowing down the Mexi-- canis4va.'p'ealinagfrth a salute in honor of.~ld

"R~ough and Ready" and his gallanti lule army- ~at Buena Vista...

Lst: of ~e ad Wondd.-The list oflld 'and ivounded waa forward~ed so us by a

~ ~riend'at the month of the Rio G'rande, on these'chr. John Bell. 'It should have reached usM'~onday night, but.being'addressed throuigh the*Quartermaster's pepartnaent, it .only came tor

- had the followiu morning..Org:Toagr, h~le armny- just from-Gamar-

,,g;,fujimes the tollowing statement: Figlitingcomehced oapthe 22d arnd ended-oni the 23d.pvei Saot Anna retired withI the loss of tour

s''~inandkilled and wounded. The sceong 'bfh~"~t'~ctsn~as Buena Vista-a hacienda four diilesS west of'8altillog Santa. Anna's adjutant gen-

, ithenma'ny..other officers and men are

-~,pruie. "The express which brought the-news #d'ebypaymauter Butler froum Man-

1ti.t.terey and was-ninb days in gettine through touS~ar.fen. Taylor's official Sospatch haR

il;?. arowMonterey.---..,aLof .O'inerkmed ,nd onded onde 224

andl-23d of. Februarj, 1847.

Wedi .-Capt.G Linoln assistant adjutant'w&' neral.-

-. Womndd-Capt. Stein, 1st Dragoons, 2doLiut, W. .A Frcnch, 3d artillery ; tst Lieut.P. O'Brien, 4th Artillery.

iUed-list Lient RL S Moon;2dLe.T

We1oisdd-Col.Jeff Davis; Captain J M~-Shauepeiletits. A B Corwin, Posey and J P* ~tockt'n'.

n t-4~'- Prst .Kesitckyg Cacalry.WoudiiiLlut.S A Redder.

SeonmmKlenarucky Foot-Riles.-Killed-CokMc~ee; Lient. CoLH-Clay;

a$'Capt. 0.W-Moore; Capt. i'-T Willis..4i:Iondd-Lieuts. E 8Bai-bour, WVithos and

~'~Nosier. -~

.mudiana Brigade.

ker and Lient. Parr;-AoFJiiadd-Capts. Saundera and Oshord

.Lieots. Carver,. Pennington, Morse, Lewis,'>~Davis and Epperson.

*.aea 'ment-Kiued&~Sa.F at.oded..-Major Gormnai nd 'Capti Slop.Iglinois Brigad.-1st Regiment.

.~..jil~ad.Col. Harden, Capt. Zabruski, Lieni

~.2j~i~i~uids-Lieuts. J L McConnel and ii

Volateers-2 mn.

--adledkapt. Woodmnan, Lieuts. Brunton-Shtcher,-er'guson, Rollins, Bathson, Ather

* ~sjeiggl-.G p inss Coffe and Baier,; LisRPnogdtEfgleson Steele and West, Adjutan

Corauefew oelAutw at~ackcdto 114

AE..,45sta/amsellAd LiLoohiard.

.Wounded-Captain Connor,.*Wean'nex Sajita Anna's own acconnt of theactions of. Bueha Vista. as::translated for theTampica Sentipel We have the originalSpanish seccount in our possession..

C . Na a BUENA Vmsr4,.Feb. 23, 47..Excellent Sir-Ater two days of nattle, to

which the enemy, with a force of 8,000 to9,0(Q0 men and 26 pices of artillery, lost five ofhis positions, 3 pieces of artillery, and'2 flags'I isave determined to go back to Agna Nuevato. provide myself with provisions, not havinga.single biscuit or~a grain of rice left. Thanksto, the position ocupied by the enemy ; he hasnot. been completely beaten, but he left on thefield about2.000 dead. Both armies have beencut to pieces,, but the trophies of war will giveyou an idea on which side has been the advan-tage. We have struggled with hunger andthirst during forty hours, and if we can pro-vide ourselves with provisions we will go aginto charge the enemy. The soldiers under myoinmmnd have idone their duty and coveredtre honor of the Mekioin nation with glory.The enemy has seen that neither his advanta-geous position nor the broken nature of theground, nor the rigor of the season (for it hasbeen raining during the action) could preventthe terrible charge with the bayonet, which lefthim terrified. SANTA ANNA.

FROM TAMPICO.In addition to the news which we give

in another column of the battles at BuenaVista, we have gatheted from our soprcesthe following itema of information fromTampico.Our accounts from that port are brought

by the brig Perfect, Capt. Gardner, andthe brig Apalachicola, Capt. Sinith. Theformer sailed on the 11th n''t. and thelatter on the 10th. -

A d:el was fough't, .on the 6th inst. atTampico, between Col. I)eRussy andCapt. Hunt, of the Louisiana Regiment.Capt. H. recei'yed a slight flesh wouud inthe breast.The schooner Swan sailed on the 11th

inst. from Tampico to Vera Cruz withdespatches from Col. Gates to GeneralScott, giving the Mexicaa accounts of thebattles of iuena Vista. The schr. Alert,as we learu. from Capt. Noyes, of the J.Bell was despitcbed frem the Braros onthe 10th inst. with despatches for GeneralScott at Vera Cruz.The Tennessee cairalry, or rather what

is left if this-fine body of men, emnbarkedon the 9th inst. from Tampico for VeraCruz. ,Tbey go as infantry, having beendismounted. Eight men from each com-

pany were left'bebind to take care of theborses, who immediately organized them-selves into a mounted company to act inthe defence of Ta'mpico,'and as scoutingpaittes. Two otlce' were also left to

superitttedd the 'dvemeetis of these men.We ad' a ihaort letter from Mr. Kendall..

received '6y !his arrival :Editorial Correspondence of the Picayune.

TAMPICo, March 7, 1547.I sent of a package of letters and pa-

pers by the Home; but as some other ves-

sels may arrive in New Orleans ahead ofher. I give you the suhi and snbstance ofthe dews.There ha' -been ajotbol'pronunciamenLo

at the city of Mexico, headed by the cler-gy, as is said; and in *hicb they. were

joined by the natin l.gujard. Geu. #i r-.ae -hare' beth~fe' ri acal

niover a(d oine. arias as endown.- Onm account has.it that Geht $a=lIs -is .tow President, and.that &nia An.na retains donaand of this -aring. Thisnew revolu.ui iuis ieeni entirely blood-less,--.There is no mistake 't6:Gen. Tay'lor

hase retired from Agua Nueva, and i~allen back tnwanrds alonterey. El Repu6-lican of tihe 25th ult. says, that Satuia An-na wviamkn forced mtarches after him,that lhe had thrown Minon and Terrejoin,with a heavy' force, between Gen. Tu'ylorand Monterey, with the intention of cuttimeg hima sa and annihilating his army-adiflicuhijob tt adertake. All accountsagree that 6oth ariaies~have snlfered great.ly from the ekqessive cord weather aud the

hevsnows .wilich ifa'e "fated.Yours, &c. G. W. K.

FrPcm the Baltimore SuAn. .

28 DAYS-LATER FROM ENGIND.Arnest oftiAs Htbertio.

Tne steamer H-ibernia was telegraphed at4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 20th, as beingin sight at Boston, and at about nine o'clockthe same evening we comumenced receivingour despatches, shte havitig reached her wharfat about siz o'clock.Corn Markt.-There has been sotne revival

inthe trade, with a considerable inquiry fromexporters and on speculation, and the piricesgeneral'y have been slightly in favor of holders.The tiarlot, however, closes quietly. ai.d nocatnge can be made iu the quotations of lastweek.-At a public sale,. 60 hales common Sea ii-

land were offered but otnly 20 sold, at74d. to10jd. There wvere taken by speculators, 6,600American and omiper kinds;t o' export. 12.t,00Aiinericin, 50 Egyptiuin, and is56 S'urat. Thesales ofthi61lst *eek were2i5.140) bales.

?emtfrom Febra-trg 27 to Miarch 3 -Theproce digs durino thuisperiod have been rattlermore active thas for somie time past. The saleswere about -I,501iale, a portion of whichwas taken by speculators and expoiters. Thereis not thme least change-in prices since the 26th

it. so that the quotations then current standunaltered. Fair bowed Georgia Cotton 65-8to 6(d ; Mobile 65 to -7d; New Orleans 7.jd.

Cores Market.-'Phe corn trade has been in avery fluctuatitji condition during the month ofFebruary.. At. the time of the sailing of theCambria, thieprtce of meal continued to giveway, occasionally rapidly, until from the comn-mencoeeit of the reaction, the reduction a-mounted ahda~etlier to iroui 8s. to J0e. per t-r.,and flour 7s.' to 83. per bari-el. 'It might bethat this declhne under the actiaal positiun 'ofsupply and demand, was too rapid, or'corn-metnced too early ; or that the nature of the die-cussionsint Parliament renewed the confiden eof holders, and warned the fears of buiyers.Towards thie closeoof last month renewed con-fidece was observable, and buyers again cameforth froqd reland in -qnsequence.. .

Since the upward rmove saian commenced,tis'e hla bedn anad'vande on whiat of from 4to dper 7dibs. aitd in80'eritof 3s 6d per bbl.Oats and oatmeal rematin stcei, it don't bellft-eely. Jddin corn hasgf late givpih way'fro'tiV'shilling tojisahilling pe ibs. and beans 2iito 3.- per quarter. 'our last mar-ket, tueprices imying wv6u'e for genergl runs of Amer-icqn maea,11s to '12. pei'70lbs.T~Fot AmericanFlour~hweet, 39s' to 42s; sour, 35&6d to 30s6d per barral. Indian corn, WVhite' 69s. ta7ds.andyetlow 72.. :U 73s. per 4801bs. Egyptianbeans 44s. to 50s.rper quarter. .Irish oats 5.4d.tofiu.8d per445be.As to stock, *e nmaks no comment. No du-

ties are now payabre, 116 that they 'are teot'sowelt ascertained, but as far as regards dettand,theiast-mkrket. blosed'steady, although''withless biuoyancy than might htevd been eipectedlVarious. reasons and ipnions are afloat s to

capfprcure-dring the present season of faminand distress,.basedoa the most recent ,intelli.gsice.froiAmersca ...'.We believe that there 1i good cause~tix

pct that from theoperiing of the lasieight'o.ten:days, the receipt ofcora, flour, &c. will bi.light, and this added to the continuance of conuidarable exports -to, Ireland, has caused .thenarket-to have a very firm aspect, and pricehave since returned as regards wheat anli~prIndias corn is still continuing in-greet reqiuisition, and demands the bgb price of69s to '2s''per quarter for white. Other kinds ofeoin arecheaper.

United States and China.- Mr. Eiei-etAmerican Commissioner at China, hatbeen received'with much pomp and cere-mony by Ki-lug, the laiperial Com-nis.sioner, Mr. Cushing's old friend, andlhipartaken of a grand banquei; speciaill-.pepared ini.'hia honor, by that CbinegiHighr Functio'ary. During .the dinner;Mr. Everett gave the bealthof.the Empe-ror of China, "with all the honors." andMr. Imperial Commissioner Ki-Ing gavethat of the President of the United States.The best feelings are manifested-by -Ki-Ing and all other officials towards: theAmericans.

Diplomatic relations between -the UnitedStates and the Celestial Empire beingthus formally opened, Mr. Everett and hissuite took their departure Trom China onboard the Vincennes-whether to returnthie Unitdd States or hot, our ad'vices-kiveu's no jufortnation,.'reland.-The Distress.-,From Irelandthe accounts of'the ravages of famine andfever is King's County. Tippera'ry, Cork,Kerry, Mayo, Sligo, Waterford, and othercounties, are ctost heart-rending. Theunfortunate peasantry are dying of. star-a'tion by hundreds, -

From the Abbeville Banner.IsTE or Loans, Feb. 26,1847.

The troops on this Island are embarkingpreparatory to their advance to Vern Crz.-Five companies ofour Regiment are now onboard the ship Alhambra, and the remainingfive will embark to-morrow on board the Ore-gon. In twelve hours we can reach the Islandof San jAnton Lizardo, which is only a fewmiles south of Vera Cruz. It is now reducedto a certainty, that'we are to have warm timesabout that same place Vera Cruz In less thantwo weeks that town' and castle is to be ears,or we are to fall in the attempt which *e maketo gain it. We are to attack the, city underGen. Scott. and Gen. Worth is to lead the-Re-giment on the right. The Palmetto Regiment.s to occupy the post on the. left, and is tostorm a battery which will bear upon us.The fight will he opened by the Artillery,

the Infantry sustaining them. The kght be.fore Vera Cruz will be the !most impiortait ofthe whole campaign. You will hardly imaginewhat my feelings are... Here I am, in four orfive days to act a part in a most blody battle,and sti I seld.,n think of what the consequen-ces may be. .1 partake of the jidif'erence,around me-:-] lng to join in.the mncllee. and toend the war. You have no idea what kind-ofplace the camp is. It does seem to me one.week asa soldier will take from's man everybestsge of feeling, and will render him indiffer-ent not only to others but to .himself.Tokday I witneissed one.of the most ,itpo-

sing scene I haver evgr seen iny where. .Itwas the New York'-Regimpnt swearing to pro-tect their flag: "When the Reginientleft NewY'rk,,they .erE praseited with tieo flags''ore.ithe ai-nWfNe-kYork thi other: ith

ya raded ni ie ia tilcentre. "The' officers asseambled rouxmfthenunagrop, and raised their hands and took a sol-emn oath, -never to desert -those flags Thescenle was both solemn and imposing., Thes~ldiers sanocfioned the actfi of their officers, bytheirliiuzzas... The New York R-giment is aGine onec-he officers are. poor. 'Col. Burnet'swife is now with him here and expects to ne4company him ,throughout the war. She wyasnut on the parade' gronund to-day. Her littledaughter, about ten years old, is (vith her.-There is a wotnan for you...Amid all the gaity and life ofcamnp,.we hate

often solemn visitations... ' Itardly a. day haselapsed since our arrival here, -hut the m'nfileddrum in some part of the Island. has not warn-.ed us that the saldier must die!!event 4ren-notonthe battle field. WVe have buried two fromour lReginment, one yesterday frm the Fair-6eld company, the other one rrom the Sump-ter company. Poor fellows,.th~eir bones willtest its a tenely sp'ot, but it little disturbs themnow.

rotthe .4bbevile Banner.REENWOOD, -S. C..

-Thursday, March II, 1842.The Board of Trustees' of .ihe Green -

wood pi1ale and Female Acadetnies.underttie control of the Baptist dbnsmination, inpresenting this their first quart-erly' ;eidrttake great yleasure in expressing, theirentire apiprobation ofrihe performs~uce ofthe purpils in each department.They attended at the Male .school. itn

A. M., and had an opportunity of witness.ing the exercises of neaerily l the classesin that depsi-tment, whch in the opinionof the Board were highly ergditable bothto the pupils .themuselves and to their in:structor, Mr. Williaim. L. Harris, whosecharacter ab a gentleman, and -qualifiea-lion as a teacher cannot be questioned.Mr. Ilarris has, under. his charge at thistime, 22 Students, and fronm his earniestdesire to advance tiis pupils is the variousbranches of their respective studies, anidrender satisfaction to the patrons of theschool, the Board feel satisfied that thosewho have placed their souts under his carewill be pleased with the improvemnentwhich they will have made at the term!-nation of the Scholastic year,jIn the (if'ernoon the' Board mer at the

Ferale Seminary, and vei-4 higtilyenter-tained tvith the performance of the youngLadies. This depar-tment is under thecare .;of Professor R. Hi. Niebolis' andLady.. -The Literary attainments of thisgentlemian, and his long experience in theinstruction ofyouthi in various Seminariesof learcing'eminemtly qualify him for thucimportant trust comimitted tio hi'm, dnd theperformance-tf hds pupils f'urnislies abun-dast evidence of. the' attention irhich hetdevotemo theth,-the-Board feel thatat isaneto this gentleman to express their eatil-econgdence in him, and, tongi-atulatplbEsk'.selves and their friends on their good fn"tune in securing the service* ofso accoin-plished a gentleman, aathacausghbSSch61lar, and so tompetent an instructor at thisearly .stage of their.'Instituion.-T-her'eare 35. pupils- in this deparien, nsearijone'half of w'hdin dre reebiting'irnstructi'enon the Piano Futt from' Mrs. -NicholhrsLady euiihengy'Nqalified to ids'tructimthat brnha ela~h-te importaalbranches of l'emal'edslaito

Thei Bdard' wbuddihi taeuisefvihdthis -occasion to lonforin tifiestafr'eird

thogldet OS(ealetMfbci

general, t eitisrare to meet with ad oppprt = ,le for givigatiprougi

s and iau hi' atwio" am it od

1B 2d quarter of the Ist .Ses-s on tp e sthe first Monday is April

os nit a8fullfnd ligliie 8-jiermnth'.I{ Ai-,_

om gon.-I learn by Tele-graph ha arvis, bearer of a requisi.tionCirom i.Curtis for' 50:000 volun-teers, a v iii Wis)iigton this evening.

his ahinetare.said to be inelEv News,.

7Tke ete.rer.vry Omorqus iPari'' sirzeBd great power. MarshallSoulkpe :sat ha Council of Ministers,Bion.tL icld roles the Exchange,M ;Cdemot isone of the matd powerful'eaders'o e.-bar, Achille Fould 'is themirror o& ishjoo and oracles at.tlp ,JockeyClub yTp.cmposes. exquisite music-in sbor Lors isjustly styled the lert-salmotf inaeleeait centurf.

hThebnht was so dark onthe q thalt. hatiastearnboatsihailt6'I persons ou theshore to knowwhere t 'were. and one-o'r the packets,be~'Siftsre, ran inta a tree and lost bothhe( chamgy.>e.

OBITUARY.Died District, on Thursday 25th inst.,

Dr. Au ttb'IV. Bart, in the thirty-ninth yearof his ag*The vi ni understanding of tlib deceased

'we eculti, by a regiular .edocation in hisprofep'sgiid by .his.skill,-courtesy and-geueral intlhgence,.he acqu red the confidence .fhis nuidro ' patients. .'To his rofesaipralmerit, he ded piobity public spirit,,liberalityand kindness, which rendered hiria,'estimableas a citizen,end particglarly.egndeared hiui tehis more ttntmate associates. In his social re-lations. hedischairged his duties faithfully; andespecialiasa master, was provident; kind andindulgaiBlessed with-health, an affectionatefamily..and.a prosperonus estate, a -long careerof usefulness And happiness seemed beforehi-n,; bit fie was suddenly cut off from theseadva-htsgeseby the hand of violence. On'o ofhis ownsalaves ruthlessly murdered him. Awife, two yo.ng children,.and many relativesand frier dsdeplore his untimely loss.

Died'on is18th Feb:uary,-at the residenceofJames Cafeld, Claiborne parish. La., JoanCetnkrii Senr:, late of this District, agedahout 78jdrs.

I*O friebds -o Major-ABRAHAAMJONES9'?annoceiii'as a candidatefr'the Legislattire,-to fill the. vacancy occa-sioimd' by the death 'of 'James S. Pope,

e~'iends OfWESLY BODIE, an-tioundeo hias a acndidate.for the office ofShiefi 'atip isigelection.-eb .. . tf 5.

T1olowing gentlemen are announcedb1ythai daji~eandidates= forithe Office ofTax Colleidr. at the :ensdiing election.:.SlUN4JObMQUATTLEBUM,


Vta. iSMG.1SCU l'''TW J : .^


OJ7 The following gentlemen are annonna.edby..their fiends as ,candidates' for the office ofOrdlinry, atilte ennirit eleciio:1.

Col. JOH-N Ht1L, ".-

Capt. , L. COLEM'AN.-

IMPOkWANT!:-ASTHMA CURE:D'!!*,. PureAsi, io, Mlay 18. 1841.

Dr. D. Jayne;-Dear Sir-Doctor H-elmeckhas usep soime:eightot ten bottle' of your Ex-PECToaaN-r, and .baa found decid~d benefit.-His health is better than-for several years past.and his appearance indicates decided, iniprove.msent in~ hqafth'. His confidence in your med-icinjhas indueed him t6 recommend it to hisfriehdetand we are "informed that. many- ofthem have been cured, and others greatly re-lieved. ,. .-: Po-ris &.GIcaHAMt.

.W.?-rzuO WI, N,. Y., Oct. 20, 1841.Dr, D.Jayne-:-Dear Str.gYour Hair Tonic

is an excellent articl~e. .Many respectable per.sons also of'er their 'certificates in faivorof yourExpectorant. 1 believe your modicinie's are thebest preparations that have ever been olieredto the public. for.the aelief of the aillicted, andfor the cnre of ihe diseases for which they wereintended.-

Yo'it ExpectorintI thrink will soon be ex-clnsively popular. Yotms,'&c.

ADRIAL ELY.R.'S.O05ERTS is lr. D. Jaynie's only

Agent a Edgefield C. H..


Loaf doCrunhcdd -

-Paaverized do :sCJarided.. do -

Sutgag Hloge MOLASSES,New Orleans 'do.West'India '. do &cCQFf'l!!E, RICE, VINEGAR,&cFor sale low, for caih, by

J. A. WILETA318.marchi31 '. tf 10

Exzeeuigros' &ale.uY an Order from John Hill, Esq., Ordijnary of Edgefield District, I shall pro

ceed to sell at the late'residence of Peter Ouiz,deceased,-on Tuesday the 20th day of Apriliiext,.the-following personal property on a creditntilthe.hpcebei next,

'l Maie andcedit. 2 Mules TPttation Wagdn,Blacksmith's Tools, Corn and -Fodder. Lardatd' Bacon, Haonseb'did and Kiteben Furniture,

andquntiy o CotHogs-&c-. :.'Moa,.hqsam:e time, aitthe real estate ofsaid eceasaed, consisting of, foa hundred pud'sixteen acres of land upon.,Little Stephen'aCreek,.adjoiping lands of Mr.;Toigkmns, (fditmerly~WeaveT's, Jacob Odtig und others, lyingon tho.sbouh. sad .of the-Uong- Cane road.Th~etsh 6.tl i da good dwelling and -ie'cegry'ota; hosies.TUpo1 .the.al;estatedsaredit.-f'ope'nsd ta feasswiltbe given, thegar~sersy vig note' with approved ecurityand a mortgage oftne prpmises.y

-;e DAVID OUT2.'-- Ezecufler tith e mil annesd.hil 3t 10

LORDON IEfIEN1FRATIV'C.RfA.0.gr-adually .dark'emnig - Hair, ,anipmgut..ffoa~fjlig . .or turnirlj

gre' I t.-rengtlienr eaHqi!,' and : 1ico cabtb~iStir 'rodnpes a beautifi gosa*tli' t~ -nnfdrep'-aparent, It-

aile -tebestdurlidgltfide messtence..Prici

50i!Wa6t.MM RBRS

Selling offat G.ot

A MN!v4rtpn e'' pie tib nrb wir

dojimenc'69pd cosu ose iffat co ; lotone-m'onthoy'

'Neo, Eztenst,-and Splendid Stock ofD.DICY GOO 10S;

Boots and Shoes, Hfrdware, Hats, Tiu WareBooks aid Stationery, Crockery, GlasswareGarden Seeds, and Fancy Goods.. His

- STOCK OF DRUQS,th' ldgestrin- this section of the District, andF.PsM11 V OROCE IE ,of which his supply.willb'.constantly kept up,will also be sold at unusnelht lba prices, but thesetwo last articles will not be sold a scot,thon'h avery heavy reduction will be mrade in "prices,which will be permanently made in Drugs, sothat his Drig department will he cheaper thanin any retail establishment in the country. Tileinducement is great and real. Persons wishingsupplies will do well to avail themselves of thisoppbrtunity, and apply soon, if they wish aselection. At the espiridg of a ronth, ord prilies will inevisably be resumed. -

4. S. ROBERTS.march 1 , .... f 10.:The.Stockis geheraln-nd admirably assorted.

Orders prom the. country, nccozilpaiied by re-mittances,. promptly attended to, same as ifparties were on the spot.HOTEL FOR SA8ID.

THE pndersigned, being desitons ofelmang-ing his residence, offers for sale his bmae

ii'the Village ofEdgefield. So. Ca., well knownis.the PLANTERs'- HOTEL, with all theFprniture and . other necessary appendages.Extensive.additions;.have receutly been madeto the House, and funaiahed thrionghout,.whichmakes it one ofthe most desirabliuscts for anHotel, in the up country. Attached to the:horse, are all the neces~siry nut knirdiigs, in-cluding .a Bur Room. and Ten Pin' Alley, to-gether wiih fifteen (16) acres orland, in thehighest titale of cultivation. The Hlouse ispleasantly. lucatedn the south side of the Pub-lie Square. convenient .t~ the Court Houseand the business.part ofthe village.Toaq approved purchaser,. W terms will be

made easy and accomodinating,..For further jarticulars enini-e on tihe prem-

-ises. L"U ;.GOODMAN.march 31 ,tf 10The Abbeville Banner Greenville Mn-u

tainseer. Hamburg Journal. and Aagnata Con-stitutioonlist...will please ineirt'the above fourtimes, and forward their aceuants to

S C. H. G.

ROBERTS' WOlRM TEA.H1S excellept apad-infl.llihle preparation

{. is rocimnmended to the public. The sighsof Worms and fetid breath. swelled stomach,very itle,'ordoo great'appetite; nnusen. head.gebe, awection of the brain, vomitini,. ticklingfind irrititon'abont the dose; dietrbed-sleep,fits and cosivulsive twitchings, sliiny'adtl disor-.dered state oflhe bowels auw. fever.'..Parentswould do. well to bear.in, mipd, that, the remedycan be had for these dj.ngerous complaints.when proceeding fro Worms, for J21 centsonly. ' R. S. ROBER'S.marphy-.. if .10

Read Quarters.

Ordersio. 2 j.l4isao.-e g sa .s. Marcha 15T HF followineg liegiimess will parade for

-ieview anid Drill at the tines herein sta.

The 13th Regimnent of Ifanry and UpperSqqnadrosit gf the 4.ths .*Ieimeisnt. ef Cav'tdry,(thes Charlestoni Liehi Dr~sguoos egcepted,) atWValterboro',-'on Wednesday the 12th of 1)Iaynext...The 12th Regimesit of infanotry. and tie low.

ir Squadron of the 4th Re'giment df Cavalry.near Coosawhatchsie, 6is Saturdsiy, tim 15th of~May next.The 43d Regiment of Infantry, at Begn-

fprd's Bridge, on. Tuesd~ny.theo .dtirof MayiextUThie lith.Reginmient of Infantry, at Ashley-s,

on Thsursday, the 20th May r'ext.The 3d legimnent of Civalry, at Hlolman's,

on Satrday,22d o',Mauy nexit. :The 14.ih Regimenit ofInfanstry.nt Orange'

hur-t on Tnesday. the25fth of May n'ext.The 15ith Regtmenit'ofsnlantty, at Williasm-

son's, ont Friday..thse.2dthiof M'iay nextThe coisttssioned n'pd nion-cosnmissioned

oflicer' will assernble nit their respective hiegi-metital i'arade'Grssison the day previous toReview,-for Drill ut.sd ltustruictiomn.T~he Miior d~enesraul will, wt his staff, tat

end the Reviewvs..nnsd the cossnanding officersof Brisanife-: will,-with their staff, attend ins theirresiective comusnandss. ,

G'n Q~sattlehnm assd Cosl. Feder are charg-ed with the extenisioni of thi- order to th.air Bri-

By order of the Comimander-in chief.J. W. CANT'EY, Adjt. &r Ins. Gcdl.

march 31 -.-9t 10

TUOTHE FAI~ILES$!-..If any doulst .the afiderfst powers of

SDR. CULLENSIND1ANV GBTABLEPANA CEA,'-,we invije themnto cnll nppon Mr.Isasac Breuk's. ir:,. Jefferson strsiet, fourth donswest of S-hnyllyillI Sixth-~street, Ibelow -Loenus!.and learus from his own ipsofoono oh the mossasnishing cires .ref(rofnla qrver performnedson a humsan be.ing-Nqr~call hit the reidencii ofhis father, Eleventh and'Vine streets.- -Soldby :. JOS- TI. RO0WAND.

,376 Market street. Philadelphia.R. S. ROBERTS,.Agest, Edgefie.ld C. H

Sonth Carolina.match 31 3t 10



B3Y JolIN- li!LL, Esq.;rdiuny. ofEdgefield District : a.ha~

BGaulden-hqjh ppplied tome for Lettersof Admitistratjon, on all god singular ihegoodasand chattes, rights and credits olChavtdohnson, late.of the District Afore,said, de'ceased. .' *..-.-

--.Tiee;'therefore to cite end adm'on--ish all apid singular. the kind-red aiid eredkitfors of tisi said doe'eeded, to bs and appearbefore me,-aI otty negt Ordinary'a di~turttJr the said 'Distirict, io.1 hoktien at Ed'ge,field .Cowt .Hlotpp,j oa.th1.9s10 day ofApril 'next, fD Ahow cauiser if any,.'whythe said ddalinistration should not be

~Ginveti und'er my hand and seal, this the26th' day 'p1 Mirch, in .the. year of ourLortd one thousand eight budidre'd 'andftrty-seven, and in the.71st yeandfAjercan Iadepeqdence.g.JOHN HIL, O. E



Armn axaEZO PitLi"AND Rfl OaATsv5 Br r Yom. SB "ra

Kershatow tr4tS C..Jae 5th,3846. -r ,FIn Jannry, 4844. from wet and exposure

took a severe' coldwarh'csutdid'itaihi p'ever.accompanied. wsth a'severe cough.'and ,:

painful headache. Thene continted to incres -

in severity -for .about two weeks. so:much sothat my friends. cnpaidered me, and I. myselfbelieved I[was in a very critical and dangerous Vstate.' At the end ,f this time l:.septZand-pro-cred two Boxes of."Spencer's'Pilli" and thefirstday of their use. I began to.experience re-lie, and before tlsad taken'one-boi, my fever *-.

das gone; Cough had ceased, and Aeadaeheeiitirely ered-1 -wam oonae .an oe.I then said andstill believe. that bythe blessingof Godi they were'the meani ofs.aving y lifeIn.Iooking over the, directionsafterwards,saw they were recnimrended-fdr the cuse ofDysoepaia, with which my.eldest daughter hl:beau afflicted for a longtime. --I recommended &hei to male trial of them- and. she did so; andby a continned use of the 'Pill alone was'per.fectly and I thinuk permanently ced.-

,WM.'MiARSHATLFor sale by J. D. TIBBETTS.M1arch'3i .10 Im Edge6ald C. H.

Tax CoEecto#' 1otce, "" rWILL attend at the t eiwstd'placeshere-ipafier specified: to -collect the General,

Poo'r-and Road Tax, for the year 1846.On Meiday, 22nd March, at Sheppard's,

Tuesil.df.. - 23rd . ' Dnntnn'st." Wetlnesday, 24th " Liberty Hil" Thursday,y 25th ' Freefand-s,IWida , &6d Patks'-

Saturday, 27t, " I' Red HilIr -

" t1puday, 29th " Collier's.- Wightman aaTuesday, 0t' "S.H-

" Wednesday, 21st' Geige's,-Thursday, 1st April, " Hanburni,

" Friday, 2nd "- " BeneitsiandSaturday 3rd " Powel's, :

" Monday, 5th " " E.Ct.House' Tuesday, 6th " Pine House,

Welussday, 7th " " Randall's,"" ;Tiyarsday, .-th ". ,. Kreps' :.-

SFriday, 9th '- "Rid-a.

Saterday, 10th J KnJhn-" Monday, 12th. ,.' " Soiyly'b, -

. Tdnsday, 13th ., " Allen's,*" Wednesday, J4th Mt.Willing,'. Thnrsday, 15th " Norriq', -*,-= -

Fridaiy, 16th Rinehart'i -

Saturday, 17jh .' ,. Perrf a"' Spudny,' 19th " '" Rich'dsons

.-- -

-Nt Cul.Towles'Taciday, .- eth " residence.

SDo-d.Wednesday, 21st " plantation,Thursday, 22nd ' " Moore's.

" Friday.23rd o

' Shaterfel4Satuirday, 24th ":' ' Dora's.Monday niid Tuesday the 3rd and 4th days

of Mayait Edgefield Cotrt House aflerwheh,my books will'close for the present year. % 4-.=:"

.J. QUATTLEBUM, T. G. E. D.march 10 t ', 4t 7 "'':+ PIT'S'Y GULt"

ESid pase from the.hTTY GULPIULI4S, for sale by "



'1' L KERd6BRADFORD.-''MaabnrC

rThle'"sedr4 idi %#1131-forinerly of Richlapd W.bCt';no r rofClaibornia connt,. isiiiippvwhi wraiitnihis 'eeds FRESH anti GENUINE. and who ---is desirons to hnav ithe-character-of his see'datested b he piantMh isf:onth:Carolina 'ndGeorgia, -as lie idtendk making~annual ship-'ments firsal'e in the muajkets.y..--Hmbrg,.aach 22;. ,$t 9

T.~HESubscriber -is receiving and openigaUa compjete assortment of.DRY.GOODS; GROCE.RIES AND,HIARLDWARE, HATS &-SHOES,which he drill sell as lew s they 'an lie boughtfr Cash..i. A.: ViLLIAM.S.march24 - J.I

BLACl :'Hri CRAPIt eND .,

,. PRINTED.MU INS. - ~ --

A NEWnd-enmpletesupply et seasonable.........A DRY GQOD,'miehumidig the above,

For sale by R. S. ROBERTS.imatci-24' - 'if 9


for sale by Rt. S. [Rupf RTS.unrchtJ24, -'

DAHLIA ROOTS & FLdWER SEE.DS.(l.R SALEit25 centia pa.eI,and'F-ow-Fer Seeds at-GA centsia'paper,Lucerne Grass Seed'at 50) cents a pound.

by Lt S. ROBERTS.*marckh24 . , .tfi. 9

CHEESEMAN'S.KAAtAN.BALSAM.MAI5L &ubply of this ce1dbrated article,forsale by .~ R. S. ROBERTSe

marcltS4- .. f 9

LANDETH'sj'RP.H GARDEN SEEDS.-r3VO papers for finieen.cenis,.:warranted

gfeni-ne. aJso a.COR4N SHELLER, acapital Machine, for salely-.y

iiil2 IL S. ROBERTS.

rEGHORLN Briid, striiw nid: Iace :BDN..ANEVS, for sale)by


-PANAMA &-LEGHQRN.HA'TSd1ENTLEMEN!S4'anama and-- Leahorn

- --HATSises Bay'stnd Chilren'.eal-uieto Hats'for sale by '- --

-ac 2- .;. R. ii..,RQQB.TS..mrc2 ,, -- - .4t .9.tooUSRSREWARD~

RANA1VgY from the'sobidcib-dr.o1' the 11th inst.,.p Nejro' *oinasMILLY. Said negro'is.aliouidhrty-three yddai ofgeand haiug latelybetonged-to E. Atcherson.of'the !ark .*.

Corner. is probiably in-dimal-vjeinity..Th above--scejird wNil be paid to-

-Store Blouse to Let.-1HE otrg- EBonse -at'Monit Willing, lately

-cupilby Lekstaiel &Bohri ffered for renht for the pf-esentjyear.. ,

'Mount .Willing isaa*ell known and desira-ble stand fotga Couptry Store,-anti worthy of-the attention otfMerehantaasjsaiso aeords the .-

pivlege of a PostOiice.3ji -.

Fe, parlicidars apj o the~nbiere touIqntWilbuinge ')ithcti -