Getting Started Editing CAD Geodata in TNTmips ® and TNTeditE D I T C A D

Editing CAD Geodata - HESC servizi per il territorio

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Page 1: Editing CAD Geodata - HESC servizi per il territorio

Getting Started

Editing CADGeodata



and TNTedit™



Page 2: Editing CAD Geodata - HESC servizi per il territorio

page 2

Editing CAD Geodata

Before Getting StartedThis booklet introduces techniques for creating, altering, and updating CADgeospatial objects in the powerful Spatial Data Editor in TNTmips® and TNTedit™.CAD objects that you make or import contain point, line, shape, and polygonelements in one or more drawing layers. Each element has associated attributesand can be connected with complex databases. The exercises in this bookletintroduce you to the basic editing tools for CAD elements. The Spatial DataEditor also has tools for editing your vector, raster, database, and TIN geodata.

Prerequisite Skills This booklet assumes that you have completed the exercisesin Getting Started: Displaying Geospatial Data and Getting Started: Navigat-ing. Those exercises introduce essential skills and basic techniques that are notcovered again here. Please consult those booklets and the TNT Reference Manualfor any review you need. Getting Started: Editing Vector Geodata is recom-mended, since many vector editing operations are essentially the same.

Sample Data The exercises presented in this booklet use sample data that isdistributed with the TNT products. If you do not have access to a TNT productsCD, you can download the data from MicroImages’ web site. In particular, thisbooklet uses objects in the EDITCAD Project File in the EDITCAD data collection.Make a read-write copy of that file on your hard drive; you may encounter prob-lems if you work directly with the sample data on the CD-ROM.

More Documentation This booklet is intended only as an introduction to CADediting in the Spatial Data Editor. Consult the TNT Reference Manual, whichincludes over 200 pages on the Spatial Data Editor, for more information.

TNTmips and TNTlite™ TNTmips comes in two versions: the professional ver-sion and the free TNTlite version. If you did not purchase the professional ver-sion (which requires a software license key), TNTmips operates in TNTlite mode,which limits object size, and enables data sharing only with other copies of TNTlite.The Spatial Data Editor in TNTmips is also distributed as TNTedit. It is notavailable in TNTview or TNTatlas. All the exercises can be completed in TNTliteusing the sample geodata provided.

Keith Ghormley, 13 March 2000

It may be difficult to identify the important points in some illustrations withouta color copy of this booklet. You can print or read this booklet in color fromMicroImages’ web site. The web site is also your source for the newestGetting Started booklets on other topics. You can download an installationguide, sample data, and the latest version of TNTlite:


Page 3: Editing CAD Geodata - HESC servizi per il territorio

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Editing CAD Geodata

Editing CAD GeodataThe TNT Spatial Data Editor ( Edit / Spatial Data)offers a flexible, editing environment that can be usedfor simple one-object tasks or complex multi-layer,multi-object manipulations. You can have a singleobject in one layer, or a combination of read-onlyreference layers with other editable layers. You canhave multiple types of objects open at the same time,stacked in any front-to-back order.

Editing operations apply to the currently “active”layer. As you switch from layer to layer, the edit-ing tools automatically change according to the datatype of the active layer (raster, vector, CAD, or TIN).

You may see editing tools like those in TNT in othersoftware products, but the important advantage of

The exercises on pages 4 -12 show how to create ageoreferenced CAD objectthat contains line elementstraced from an airphoto in areference layer. Pages 13-17introduce techniques forcreating non-georeferencedCAD objects for mapannotation layers. Page 18reviews the Copy and Moveoperations, and page 19surveys features of theEditor that are not intro-duced in this booklet.

Whenever you switch to aneditable CAD layer, the CADTools palette opens. Likewiseif you switch to an editable ras-ter layer, the Raster Tools pal-ette opens. Of course if youswitch to a reference layer(one that is not open for edit-ing), the editor offers no toolpalettes.

the TNT Spatial Data Editor is the way you can editmultiple geospatially related objects of differenttypes easily and intuitively. You can concurrentlyedit project materials of all types while TNT auto-matically retains and reconciles their map registra-tions. This means that all the new objects you cre-ate can automatically derive their map registrationfrom other layers, so all of your project materialshave a correct geospatial relationship.

The editor handles multipleraster, vector, CAD, and TINobjects concurrently.

The georeferencecontrol in each object isautomatically recon-ciled to relate itcorrectly to thegeoreference in theother layers.

As you switchbetween layers, theeditor automatically

opens theappropriate tool

palette for the datatype of the current


Page 4: Editing CAD Geodata - HESC servizi per il territorio

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Editing CAD Geodata

Add Reference Object

Click Add Layer to add areference layer. Select thePINELAKE raster object in theEDITCAD sample Project File.

Your first task is to create a new CAD object thatcontains georeferenced road line elements. Youwill use a reference layer that contains a georefer-enced airphoto that shows a new housing subdivi-sion, and you will trace over the streets with theTNT editing tools.

Launch the TNT Spatial Data Editor by selectingEdit / Spatial Data from the mainTNTmips menu. TNT opens theSpatial Data Editor window.Most menus and icon buttonsin this window are the same asthose you are already familiarwith in the Display / Spatial Dataprocess.

First, add the reference layer. Click on the AddReference Layer icon button, and use the standardTNT Select Object process to choose the PINELAKE

raster object from theEDITCAD Project File in theEDITCAD sample data.

The Spatial Data EditorView window shows thePINELAKE reference layer andoffers the same displaycontrols as the viewwindow in the familiarDisplay / Spatial Dataprocess.

The Spatial Data Editor isthe easiest way to updatevector or CAD maps fromrecent airphotos that showrecent construction or othernew features.

The PINELAKE raster objectis part of an airphoto thatshows new subdivisionstreet features.

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Editing CAD Geodata

Create a CAD Object

The New Object Valueswindow opens when youclick Create New Object

STEPS� click Create New

Object and selectCAD from the drop downmenu

� click [Name] in the NewObject Values windowand name the new CADobject STREETS

� verify that the georefer-ence selected is thePINELAKE raster

� click [OK] to completethe new object setup

Click the Create New Object iconbutton and select CAD from thedrop down menu. TNT adds anew CAD object to the layer listin the Spatial Data Editor win-dow and opens a New ObjectValues window.

Use the New Object Values win-dow to tell the Editor how your newCAD object relates spatially to thePINELAKE reference layer. The firstpanel lists your choices for georefer-ence, and by default, the selectionhighlight is on the Pine Lake georef-erence Choosing that item means thatyour new CAD object will have thesame spatial extents, orientation, andmap registration as the PINELAKE ref-erence layer. This is one of the im-portant benefits of using a referencelayer when you create new spatial ob-jects: your new object can take its map control auto-matically from existing georeference, and thus it willautomatically relate correctly to all of your othergeoreferenced project materials.

When you are finished, click the OK button at thebottom of the window. The editor copies the PINELAKE

georeference control to your new CAD object, andopens the CAD Tools window (described on the nextpage).

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Editing CAD Geodata

Select Line Tool

STEPS� click the Add Line

tool icon� in the Line / Polygon

Edit Controlswindow, click the Stretchmode icon button

� click [Edit Style] and usethe standard styleselection process tochoose solid red lines,at least 2 pixels wide

Whenever an editable CAD object such as yourSTREETS object is selected in the layer list, the editoropens the CAD Tools window. The CAD Toolswindow presents a selection of tools for creating

and editing elements in a CADobject. The large tool button onthe left opens the Edit Elementtool window (discussed later inthis booklet) which is used tomodify existing elements. Since

you want to add new line elements, click the AddLine icon button in the top row.

The Editor opens a Line / Polygon Edit Controlswindow. The Add End operation is the default se-lection. In the Add End operation, each time youclick the mouse, the editor extends the active lineelement by adding a new segment at the end of theexisting line.

The Add Start operation is used to extend an exist-ing line by adding vertices to its beginning.

Two drawing modes are offered: Draw and Stretch.The Stretch mode lets you seeyour new line segment and dragthe position of its endpoint beforeyou place it. For tracing opera-tions, this ability to move a seg-ment as you draw to align with thereference image underneath is veryhelpful.

Since your new CAD objecthas no existing elements,the Edit Elements button isinactive

Select the stretchdrawing mode.

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Editing CAD Geodata

Add Line ElementYou are now ready to begin tracing road features,creating new line elements as you work.

You may wish to zoom in to enlarge the northwestcorner of the airphoto as illustrated. With the AddLine tool active, each time you click the mouse, theeditor adds a vertex to the line element. Your firstclick defines the starting point of the line, so choosethe place where the main road that runs north andsouth along the west edge goes off the top of thereference airphoto. Then move the cursor down ashort distance and click on one of the light streetpixels.

The editor draws a prototype segment that joins yourfirst two click points. Click again, a little fartheralong the street feature to add another segment.Since you are in stretch mode, you can drag out elas-tic segments by dragging each new vertex to just theright spot. The proto-type line does not showin the red line style weselected as long as theline remains a prototype.

As you draw, yourprototype line elementshows in a prototypehighlight color (green inthe illustration)

STEPS� zoom in on a

selected portion ofthe reference image

� click the left mousebutton to set the initialend point of a roadfeature you have chosento trace

� click the left mousebutton to extend the linefeature as you trace theroad across thereference image

first click

second click

third click

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Editing CAD Geodata

Accept Line ElementsTrace the prototype street feature south to thesouthern edge of the airphoto. If you made mis-takes and want to start over, cancel the prototypeline by pressing the Clear button in the Edit Con-trols window. Otherwise, click the right mouse but-ton when you finish a line to accept it. The editorredraws the new line element in the selected linestyle. (A later exercise describes techniques ofdeleting or reshaping a line after it has been added.)

Add a second line element by tracing another streetfeature. Recall that In CAD topology, elementsmay overlap one another in separate drawing lay-ers. As you add line elements therefore, overlap-ping lines do not automatically intersect as theywould in a vector object, and lines that almost meetare likewise not automatically snapped together.If you want to create a network of lines that formsa closed system of intersecting elements, create

a vector object, not a CADobject. (Refer to GettingStarted: Editing Geospa-tial Vectors.)

At any time, you can zoomin to work at a higher mag-nification, and if you arezoomed in, use the scrollbars to continue workingon a line that goes off theedge of the window. Allof the standard displaytools are available in theView window.

Add line elements forstreet features across theentire map.

STEPS� add vertices and extend

your first prototype linefeature to the edge ofthe image

� click the right mousebutton to accept the line

� start another lineelement and trace itacross the image

� use the pan and zoomtools in the view windowto adjust your viewposition as you work

� add line elements for allthe road features in theimage

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Editing CAD Geodata

Save Your WorkEnable automatic remindersin Setup / Preferences / Save

As every experienced computer user knows, youshould save your work frequently. No matter whatkind of software you are using, froma simple word processor to the mostsophisticated scientific and engineer-ing application, the best advice is“Save Early, and Save Often.”

Select Save from the File menu in theSpatial Data Editor window. Use thestandard Select Object process tocreate a new object. Name the new CAD objectSTREETS and save it in the EDITCAD Project File.

After the new CAD object has been saved, you willcontinue to edit it. Every so often, select Save fromthe File menu to update your changes. You can havethe Spatial Data Editor remind you to save your workperiodically by selecting Setup / Preferences andturning on the Enable Save Object Timer in the Savetab.

STEPS� select File / Save from

the menu� use the standard File /

Object selectiontechniques to create aSTREETS object in theEDITCAD Project File

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Editing CAD Geodata

Select an Element for Editing

The Element Select windowprovides tools for editingexisting elements.

STEPS� click the Edit Elements icon

button in the CAD Toolspalette

� click Edit Element� select a line element� right click to open the selected

element for editing

After you accept a line, the Edi-tor draws it in the currently se-lected line style. You can extendit or change its shape with theedit tools.

Select the Edit Elements tool inthe Vector Tools window. Theeditor opens an Element Selec-tion window. This window pro-vides many editing controls,only a few of which are dis-cussed in this booklet. As thewindow name implies, editingoperations involve two steps:first, element selection, and sec-ond, element editing. Elementselection can be complex,involving operations that are ap-

plied to multiple elements that are selected in a num-ber of ways. (The Reference Manual treats multipleelement selection and editing.) In our simple ex-ample, you will select just one line element.

Click the Edit Element operation in the Element Se-lection window. Left click on one of the STREETS line

elements to select it. The editor dis-plays selected lines in a special high-light color. Click the right mouse but-ton to open the selected element forediting.

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Editing CAD Geodata

Insert, Delete and Drag VerticesWhen a single line is selected, you can acti-vate it for editing by clicking the right mousebutton. The editor removes the line high-light, makes the line element active, andopens the Line / Polygon Edit Controls win-dow (which was introduced on page 6).

You can reshape a line by inserting, delet-ing, or dragging vertices. To follow the ex-ample on this page, find a place where the streetelement you traced does not accurately follow thereference feature. Where the line element “cutscorners” on a curve, you will use the insert vertextool to correct it.

Practice using the three primary editing operations:Insert, Delete, and Drag. Zoom in on a line seg-ment, perhaps choosing a segment that strays fromits reference street feature. Activate the segment,and open the Line / Polygon Edit Controls window.

Select the Insert, Drag, and Delete tools in turn andpractice changing the shape of the line.

When you select a line for editing, it’scolor changes to show it is active. Youmay wish to zoom in so you can seethe underlying feature in the referenceimage. Use the editing tools to correctthe line wherever it does not conformits shape to the reference feature.




STEPS� select a line element and

right click to open it forediting

� practice using the insert,delete, and drag tools

� click the right mousebutton to save your edits

Single clicks work withInsert and Delete. The Dragoperation requires you topress and hold the mousebutton.

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Editing CAD Geodata

STEPS� Click the Add Text

icon button� Type in the label text

illustrated in the TextEdit Controls window

� position and size thetext tool crosshair andbox

� click [Add] to completethe label

� click the RemoveLayer icon button toclear the Editor for thenext exercise

Add Text

Use the text tool to add anannotation that identifies theelementary school in thenortheast corner of the PINELAKE

raster object.

A text element in a CAD object has position andstyle information much like a point element has.Just as you can change the drawing style and posi-tion of a point element, so you can change the font,text, size, and color of a label.

To add a label element to the STREETS object, selectthe text tool. When the text tool is active, your leftmouse button moves the text tool crosshair and theText Edit Controls window opens. As you type inthe label text in the Text Edit Controls window, thelabel text appears in outline at the text tool crosshair.To make the label larger or smaller, just resize thetext tool box.

You can change the font style and color in the TextEdit Controls window. (The prototype label con-

tinues to display in outlineuntil you finish it.)

When you click [Add] orthe right mouse button tofinish the label, the editordisplays it in the selectedstyle.

Type in the label text in the TextEdit Controls window. You canalso choose font, typeface,color, and size.

Page 13: Editing CAD Geodata - HESC servizi per il territorio

page 13

Editing CAD Geodata

Geometric Shapes

The NORTH raster object is ascanned reference imagethat you can use to trace aCAD object.

Select the EDITCAD / NORTH

raster object as a tracingreference and create a newCAD object for a map northarrow.

STEPS� click the Add Layer

icon button andselect EDITCAD / NORTH

� click the CreateNew Object buttonand select CAD

CAD objects are unique in that they support geo-metric descriptions of elements. Whereas line andpolygon elements in a vector object are always com-posed of discrete line segments connecting a seriesof vertices, elements in a CAD object can be de-fined geometrically. Thus a circle in a vector ob-ject is really a polygon consisting of many shortline segments that appear to describe a circle. Butin a CAD object, a circle can be defined by a centerpoint and radius.

Thus CAD objects are especially suited to certainkinds of drawing layers, such as logos, legends, andother cartographic elements. For this exercise, openthe NORTH raster object in the EDITCAD Project Fileas a reference layer. Use this scanned north arrowas a tracing reference to create a CAD north arrowwhich will be available for use with various maplayouts.

Click the Create New Ob-ject icon button and selectCAD from its drop downmenu. The NewCAD ob-ject will hold your trace ofthe north arrow.

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Editing CAD Geodata

Draw reference linesthat intersect in themiddle of the graphic,and then add thesmall center circle.Nudge the prototypecircle with the arrowkeys on thekeyboard.

STEPS� select the Add Line

tool and draw N-Sand E-W reference axes

� select the AddCircle tool and drawthe small circle in themiddle

� use the arrow keys tonudge the circle’s centerto the intersection of thereference axes

� when the circle is sizedand positioned correctly,click the right mousebutton to accept it

Base Lines and CirclesYou will draw the components of the newNORTHARROW CAD object in several layers. Sincethe geometry of the reference image is slightlyskewed, you will get irregular results if you traceit exactly. Therefore, instead of trying to createan exact trace, we will use the CAD drawing toolsand some simple drafting techniques to createregular geometric figures that approximate thereference image.

First, draw two reference lines for the N-S and E-Waxes. Adjust their position so they intersect in thecenter of the image, even though the ends do notline up with the cardinal circles of the referenceimage.

Next, draw the small circle at the center of the im-age. The Editor’s circle tool draws from the centerpoint outwards. When the circle is still in proto-type form, you can drag it and nudge its positionwith the arrow keys on your keyboard so that thecircle’s crosshair lines up with the intersection ofthe reference lines. For now, leave the circle with a

white line style and nosolid fill. After all theshapes have been cre-ated, you can order theirdrawing layers and as-sign fill and stroke color.

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Editing CAD Geodata

The diamond and arrow shapes of the reference im-age could be created in several ways. The CADeditor offers a number of flexible shape drawingtools. For this exercise, we will simply trace themwith the polygon tool.

Select the polygon tool and trace the pinwheel dia-mond at the center. Put enough vertices along theoutline to represent the curved edge. Since theshape is irregular with respect to your referenceaxes, decide how you want to treat the irregularity.In the illustration, the point at each corner of theshape touches a reference line, and the curve pullsback slightly before crossing the line on its way tothe next corner. Draw the polygon and then selectit for editing to adjust its symmetry and balance.

When you are satisfied with the small diamond atthe center, use the polygon tool to draw each of theother shapes including the large red star and itsdouble arrow. Use the circle tool for the large blackcircle, and each of the cardinal circles. Use the TextTool for the N, S, E, and W text labels, using a fontsimilar the one in the ref-erence image, or anyTrueType font you have.

In order to provide bal-ance and symmetry, youmay wish to add tempo-rary lines, rectangles,circles, and other shapesfor alignment and propor-tion. Feel free to departfrom the reference image,and experiment with thechord, arc, and wedgeshapes to create designsof your own.

Drawing Other Shapes

STEPS� select the Add

Polygon tool andtrace the small centraldiamond

� click the right mousebutton to accept thepolygon

� select the polygon forediting according to thetechniques described onpages 10- 11

� add polygons, circles,and text for each of theother components

Remember to File / Saveyour work. Give the newCAD object a name likeNORTHARROW and put it in theEDITCAD Project File.

Use the polygon tool totrace the diamond shape inthe middle of the image.

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Editing CAD Geodata

After you have created each of the graphic elements,it remains to set their fill color and order their draw-ing layers. Click the Edit Elements button in theCAD Tools window to open the Element Selectionwindow. Select the Edit Element tool in the Ele-ment Selection window and click on one of thegraphic elements to select it. Right-click the se-lected element to open the Line / Polygon EditControls window, and click [Edit Style] to open thePolygon Style Editor window. For each of theshapes in the northarrow object, choose None forBorder Type, and Solid for the Fill Type.

When you have finished changing the border andfill styles, click [OK] to close the Polygon StyleEditor window, and then click [Save] to close theLine / Polygon Edit Controls window. When theEditor redraws the polygon elements, they will dis-play in the selected styles.

Apply Fill and Line StylesSTEPS� click Edit

Elements in theCAD tool palette

� click EditElement

� select one of the polygonshapes in the Viewwindow

� right-click to open theLine / Polygon EditControls window

� click [Edit Style]� in the Polygon Style

Editor window, chooseNone for Border Type,pick a fill color, andchoose Solid for Fill Type

� click [OK] and then[Save]

This complete version of the northarrow is provided for reference andcomparison in the EDITCAD Project Fileas the NORTHARROW2 CAD object.

choose Fill Type:Solid, and pick acolor

choose BorderType: None

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Editing CAD Geodata

Select the Order operation, To Front or To Back, and click [Active] to applyit to the highlighted element.

Change Layer OrderUnlike raster, vector, or TIN objects, CAD objectssupport the idea of layers within the object topol-ogy. You can draw CAD elements “on top of” otherCAD elements, and move elements forward andbackward in the drawing layers. Use the layer con-trols to put the components of the NORTHARROW CADobject in the correct drawing order.

Select the Order tool in the Operation panel. Thenselect the large circle in the View window. Sendthe circle to the back of the drawing order by se-lecting To Back in the Order Method option but-ton, and clicking [Active].

Select each element in turn and move it to the frontor back of the drawing order until all the elementsare sequenced correctly. If an element is hiddenbehind another, the element on top is always se-lected first. But if you click again in the same place,the editor selects the next element down in the draw-ing order at the click point.

STEPS� select the Order tool

in the operationpanel

� select the largebackground circle in theview window

� select To Back in theOrder Method optionbutton

� click [Active] to apply theoperation

� select each componentin turn and bring itforward or backward untilthe drawing sequence iscorrect

� click Unselect All toturn off selectionhighlights and view theassigned drawing colors

Whenever several elements overlap (as theydo in this sample CAD object), the one youwant to select may be hidden behind a largerobject on top of it. When you make aselection click, the topmost element isselected first. If you click a second time inthe same place, the editor selects the nextobject down in the drawing order. Thisdiamond shape was selected by a secondclick in the middle of the large black circle,which was on top.

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page 18

Editing CAD Geodata

Copy and Move Operations

Drag the copy box to the destinationand click the right mouse button toplace the copy.

STEPS� clear the layer list of

any object fromprevious exercises

� click the Create NewObject button andselect CAD

� click Add RegularPolygon and draw anelement for practice

� click EditElements in thetool palette

� click the Copyicon button in theOperations panel

� select the element youdrew and click the rightmouse button

� drag the copy box to anew location and clickthe right mouse button

� switch to the movetool and practice thesame steps

The originalelement, selectedfor copying

Click the rightmouse button to seethe copy box aroundthe selected element

Copy and Move operations are slightly differentthan those you may be familiar with from simpledraw and paint programs. The Object Editor usesa copy box to identify the elements that will be cop-ied or moved. You drag the copy box to the targetposition and click the right mouse button to com-plete the operation.

Clear the layer list in the TNTmips Object Editorwindow. Click the Create New Object icon buttonand select CAD from its drop down menu. Choosethe Add Regular Polygon tool from the CAD Toolspalette and draw an element such as the triangleillustrated below. (Click the right mouse button toplace the element.)

Click the Edit Elements icon in the tool palette toopen the Element Selection window. Click the Copyicon in the Operation panel and select the elementyou drew in the View window. Right click to acti-vate the copy box, drag the copy box, and right clickto place the copy.

The Move operation works the same way. Selectthe move operation, select the element, right clickto activate the move box, drag the box, and rightclick to complete the move. Note: you can resizeand rotate the box in move and copy operations tochange the aspect and orientation of the element.

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Editing CAD Geodata

Working With BlocksThe Spatial Data Editor supports the block datastructure in CAD objects. A block is a “super ele-ment” composed of one or more individual elements.For example, the “NorthArrow” block on this pageis composed of several polygon, text, and shapeelements. Once you have created a block, you canuse it again and again without recreating it eachtime. Blocks are efficient data elements, since theblock definition is recorded only once and that defi-nition is referenced for each instance of that block.

To create a block, create a new CAD object, com-pose the block with the elements you want, andsave the object. For example, the “NorthArrow”block on this page was created and saved in theexercises on pages 13-17 of this booklet.

Complex relations canbe defined to associateCAD elements with databasetables. Refer to GettingStarted: Editing GeospatialVectors, Getting Started:Managing Databases, andthe TNTmips referencemanual for more information.

The editorprovides Arc,Arc Chord, and Arc Wedgetools. They work just like thecircle and rectangle tools:you drag out a prototypeshape, adjust its size andposition, and click the rightmouse button to place it.

The CoordinateGeometry (COGO)process includes COGOfunctions used in profes-sional surveying and civilengineering applications. AGetting Started booklet(planned) will be devoted tothe use of COGO in theObject Editor.

Click Add BlockInsert to open the

Move Box Edit Controlswindow. Then drag andresize the placement box.

Where Next?

Click EditBlock to openthe BlockSelectionwindow.

Click Add to bring inan existing CADobject or block.

Click Add to complete theoperation and place theselected block into theCAD object.

The NORTHARROW CAD objectcan be inserted as a block.

Page 20: Editing CAD Geodata - HESC servizi per il territorio

Advanced Software for Geospatial AnalysisEDIT


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MicroImages, Inc. publishes a complete line of professional software foradvanced geospatial data visualization, analysis, and publishing. Contact usor visit our web site for detailed product information.

TNTmips TNTmips is a professional system for fully integrated GIS,image analysis, CAD, TIN, desktop cartography, and geospatial data-base management.

TNTedit TNTedit provides interactive tools to create, georeference,and edit vector, image, CAD, TIN, and relational database project ma-terials. TNTedit can access geospatial data in a wide variety of com-mercial and public formats.

TNTview TNTview has all the same powerful display features forcomplex visualization and interpretation of geospatial materials asTNTmips. TNTview is perfect for those who need flexible access tothe TNT project materials but do not need the technical processing andpreparation features of TNTmips.

TNTatlas TNTatlas lets you publish and distribute your spatial projectmaterials on CD-ROM at low cost. TNTatlas CDs contain multipleversions of the TNTatlas software so that a single CD can be used onany popular computing platform.

TNTserver TNTserver lets you publish TNTatlases on the Internet oron your intranet. Navigate through massive geodata atlases with yourweb browser by using the free, open-source TNTclient Java applet (orany custom applet you create) to communicate with TNTserver.

TNTlite TNTlite is a free version of TNTmips, TNTedit, andTNTview for students and professionals with small projects. You candownload TNTlite for your computer (about 100MB) from MicroImages’web site, or you can order TNTlite on CD-ROM with the current set ofGetting Started tutorial booklets (shipping and reproduction chargesapply).

email: [email protected]: www.microimages.com

11th Floor – Sharp Tower206 South 13th StreetLincoln, Nebraska 68508-2010 USA